
I am a half-elf and can bend reality to my will with the power of archaick spelling!

Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #magick voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Ivo: Not all are as strong as the Lightworker, who came to battle the dark. Many succumb, and he did. There are many not strong enough to battle mind control even at this point in time, and this man is such. He is now dying so begin by wishing his soul to rest in peace upon his leaving the planet. That you can do.

For those who do this exercise, do not stop until your heart opens. An open heart is the way of earth's future. Be that way now. Understand that all are battling the dark and are winning or losing their battle to varying degrees. Earth has been in a controlled situation of repetitive reincarnation loops for eons. These earthlings never gather the strength to fight the dark oppressors off and are continually infested with parasitic entity attachments throughout each successive lifetime. That is why lightworkers were brought in. You can do this.

Understand that those who are suffering on your planet now have succumbed to the darkness. You have not, otherwise you would not be listening to our videos. Have compassion for those who are not capable of walking your path with you. They may disappoint you but they would not if they were capable. Many are not living lives of their own choosing. That means your family, who believe you are crazy. That means the people on facebook who troll your posts. That means everyone. They are at a lower level of consciousness than you are, and are not of their right minds. Be grateful for every moment you spend in higher consciousness, but DO NOT allow these people to take advantage of you. They can be tricksters.

Cierra Tuatha #crackpot #conspiracy #magick cierratuatha.wordpress.com

There was a civilization called Tartaria. It existed in the upper region of Russia, which is Siberia. It also existed in the upper part of North America and the middle region of the US.
The Great Tartary was wiped from the face of the earth by nuclear bombings.

In February 1816, the Year without Summer. In the US, “Eighteen hundred and frozen to death”. Lasted 3 years.
The Tartarian architecture undergoes slight modifications and influences according to the local characteristics of climate, culture and material resources but maintains the basic principles throughout the world. It is characterized by the use of arch openings, columns, domes and towers, in addition to details such as rose windows and muqarnas, symbols of the vibration of electromagnetic energy, which acts on molecules and changes the behavior of cells. All Tartary power stations, small and large, had pipe organs to harmonize and heal the population through sound waves, what is now known as “cymatics”.

The video shows how the Parasites invading forces that defeated Tartaria appropriated their palaces and red power stations worldwide and turned it into universities, museums, theaters, banks, prefectures, chambers of commerce, stock exchange, churches, high school, courts, banks, post offices, libraries, opera theaters, biomedical research institutes, casinos and tourist attraction, as well as cathedrals, synagogues and churches of artificially created religions.

All the architecture and technology of the superior civilization of Tartary was stolen and passed into the hands of the Invaders Parasites who created the current ignorant civilization. All buildings images in this video has – or at some point had – electromagnetic energy.

Tonya Somers #magick #crackpot in5d.com

All living things that need oxygen to survive have an aura. They generate a large magnetic energy field that can be sensed, felt and even seen around the physical body. We all can tell when someone doesn’t feel good to us, like they are full of anger or if they really live in their heart and feel deeply. You do not need to be psychic to feel/read an aura.
If a person walks past, very close to you, they may unintentionally steal some of your energy. If someone suddenly reaches out and grabs your arm, they are interrupting the flow of energy around your body. An example of this might be a time when you were talking to someone and you thought they were standing to close to you. You may have even thought to yourself, “They’re in my space,” and then you backed away. Even this slight intrusion into your aura or ‘space’ can interrupt your personal flow of energy and you may feel like you have been slimed.

An aura is usually 3 feet from your physical body, however an incest or rape survivor has an aura about 50 feet around them, which means in a movie theater or a bus/train you sit in their stuff!!! I can clean this for you.

IGOS Success Tech #crackpot #magick #mammon igossuccesstech.org

​This rarest of the rare kit, gives you all the ancient and futuristic tools to make strong contact with the "stream of Dragon power". This kit allows anyone to "basically" contact this empowerment and draw that energy into their life to make serious changes. You draw the energy in and use it in your life as you need it. Dragons do not generally help directly, they are NOT your servant! They help empower you, in your life. They are part of the ultimate powers of the universe. The power of creation and destruction. You create a friendly connection to the Dragon Energy and than use it as needed. The Kit offers complete instructions in audios & videos. The process is easy with the custom made Dragon empowered amulet with your photo on one side and the Dragon power on the other. This starts as soon as the amulet is empowered to you. As you wear and bind with the MEC Tech Dragon energy you will start to feel the awesome energy of a Dragon. Warriors have used these in the past to create a "dragon state of berserk". In fights others actual saw images of dragons forming around the person using the amulet. This is a dangerous state and an advanced practice for those practicing martial arts of some sort. Controlling this state is difficult. This state, when controlled can "kill" disease and be projected at enemies. First, you connect and control.
<Kit is a mere $449.95>

Chris and Suzanne Styles #crackpot #magick #conspiracy #dunning-kruger 365pincode.com

The name coronavirus totals 56 (56 = 5+6 = 11 = 1+1 = 2; 11//2) which links it with the master number 11, the number intuition, vision, enlightenment and illumination. Why enlightenment and illumination? Because the 11 shines light into the darkness, the shadows if you will, of our lives. In so doing it reveals to us everything that’s wrong in your lives and therefore presents us with the opportunity to make new decisions and powerful choices around what needs to be healed. Moreover, the expression number 56//11//2 exists in order to waken us up, because all is not as it seems, nor has it been forever, we’re literally being kept in the dark and treated like mushrooms by the people and governments who viciously control and cynically manipulate this world of ours, every day!

Numerology of Coronavirus COVID-19 continued…

Its soul urge (its internal expression) links with the numerology number sequence 25//7 which indicates secrecy, intelligence, unpredictability and that it is clinical of nature. Its personality (its outward expression) links with the numerology number sequence 31//4 which aligns with hard work, feelings of limitation and confinement, focus, discipline, systems, order and importantly, justice. Isn’t it supremely ironic that coronavirus should express itself (Number 4 Energy) in a Number 4 Universal Year (2020 = 2+0+2+0 = 4)? Definite mathematical synchronicity… Given these number sequences we are of the firm belief that coronavirus is man-made / man-manipulated (hence all the 9’s in the above table) for maximum effect and that as much as everyone would love to believe it’s “the Universe striking back” it isn’t, it’s in fact all about money, power and control, bringing everyone in this world back to earth (number 4 = earth) with a bump. It’s most interesting to note that CHINA [C=3;H=8;I=9;N=5;A=1; 3+8+9+5+1 = 26 = 2+6 = 8; China = 26//8; 8 like 4 is an earth energy number] is associated with Number 8 Energy (money, business, power, authority, organising, control etc.).

Merlin via Galaxygirl #crackpot #magick #ufo voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Greetings, young students. I am Merlin. I come through this medium today for she is one of my pupils, as are many of you reading these words.
In the beginning was a beginning before that, and a beginning before that. But all was and has been and will always be Source, the great mystery. (In the pipe’s now purple smoke cloud I am seeing the sparkles are individuating and becoming galaxies, each fully conscious and each very much alive). Yes indeed. All is one. All is Source. And then the great division happened. Some aspects of Source flirted with antimatter, with the opposite of creative potential and explored destructive potential, and chaos ensued. (I am seeing wars and feeling heartbreak. I am seeing armies of light beings watching from above the great divide. It is as if swirling blackness was coming into the glittering purple cloud of life potential). As all is Source, this antithesis of love must be dealt with. The dark has tried to escape, elusive, scheming for eons, for much longer than your millennia, more like millennia of millennia of star solar years, but that is besides the point. The great cosmic play began. In this interface of dimensions increased stratification occurred. Souls became trapped in the cycle. The dark ones capitalized upon this entrapment. You are here to witness the opening of the cage and the complete destruction of that which was holding humanity back for so long. Thus, Source heals further.

(I am seeing the black inky line within the purple glittering cloud in the smoke above his head being filled with light. I am feeling tremendous light behind the cloud now. The entire cloud is pulsing with light. It is love).

Gary Fields #crackpot #quack #magick #mammon orgoneenergyfields.com

What is Orgonite?

Orgonite is a mixture of catalyzed fiberglass resin with metal shavings, particles or powders, poured into molds. It is said to attract aetheric energy similarly to Reich's accumulators. Some people also add a couple of crystals to the mixture for their ability to make the energy more coherent or to enhance the working the orgonite. Thus orgonite basically is a substance which functions as a self-driven, continuously operating, highly efficient energy transmutation device, drawing in negative life energy and transmuting it into positive energy. The resin in orgonite shrinks during the curing process, permanently squeezing the quartz crystal inside which creates a well-known piezoelectric effect inside the crystal, meaning its end-points become polarized electrically, this apparently causes it to function more effectively as a positive energy generator. Although crystals improve the function of orgonite, they are not necessary for the orgonite to work.

These devices are built with easy to find materials. Orgonite is simply a mix (approx. 50/50 ratio) of metal and resin (polyester, urethane or epoxy). It can be poured into all kinds of shapes: pyramids, cones, disks, cylinders and pendants, to name a few.

A chembuster is made of copper pipes filled with double terminated crystals, sealed in resin and embedded in an orgonite base. These are designed for property protection against chemtrails, EMFs and negative energy produced from multi sources.

montalk.net #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy montalk.net

Based on the clues given in The Zelator we must conclude that the Eighth Sphere by definition encompasses all the nonphysical aspects of the Matrix Control System, the service-to-self (STS) hierarchy from top to bottom minus the physical levels of which we ourselves are part.

The Eighth Sphere would therefore include: the lower astral planes where carnal and demonic thoughtforms dwell, the hyperdimensional realms inhabited by so-called reptilian beings, the parasitic etheric lattice overlaying the earth comprising the very tendrils of the Matrix, the soul-pool of which spiritless humans are incarnate extensions, and the demiurgic creature positioned atop the negative occult hierarchy sucking into itself all energy gathered from the “tiers” below.

For instance, that spiritless humans have something to do with the moon is clear from the fact that they, being extensions of less evolved (“second density”) energies occupying human (“third density”) bodies, are essentially two-and-a-half density beings, which relates to the two-and-a-half-day pig. Pigs, by the way, are physically incapable of looking up at the sky which, in addition to the fact that they share many human characteristics and have genetics strongly suited to house low vibrational frequencies, makes them ideal symbols for the animal nature in man. That the moon shares an archetypal basis with spiritless humans is further evidenced by it being a second density planet reflecting light rather than generating its own, just as spiritless humans are not fully third density and merely reflect back the soul image of others.

Dr. Christian Bogner/Kerry Cassidy #conspiracy #crackpot #magick #ufo projectcamelotportal.com

ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT INTERVIEWS I HAVE DONE IN A LONG TIME…CONNECT THE DOTS….This interview connects, supersoldiers, adrenochrome (and the role of adrenaline) with the effort to create precogs and maybe more from Autistic children…. with the role of DMT inducing an altered state with…. THE MONTAUK PROJECT, MK ULTRA MIND CONTROL, POLTERGIST ACTIVITY, SUPER POWERS AND TIME TRAVEL…STRANGER THINGS, SATANISTIC PRODUCTION OF ADRENOCHROME…the role of Fear… The doctor says babies under 2 yrs have the greatest concentration of Adrenochrome…explains why the harvesting… The human ability to MANIFEST and change our world … see TV series Alex Rider, and related X-men movies etc. You have to listen to the end to get all this.


David Sereda #crackpot #quack #dunning-kruger #magick #mammon davidsereda.co

David has studied Meditation, Yoga, Vegetarian diet, world religions, ancient history, Physics, Math, Astronomy, Alternative Zero Point Energies for over 40 years. In 1990, David began working with MIT physicist Dr. Bogdan Maglich and teamed up with him to promote and fund Maglich's non-radioactive fusion power technology. David Studied fusion power for over 10 years. Then Maglich appointed David Sereda as Director of the Los Angeles Based "Tesla Foundation" under whcih David became a Tesla Technology expert and spoke in the united States Congress with Maglich and Company on Fusion Power. Next, Maglich appointed David as President of HiEnergy Microdevices, a new company (US Defense Contractor) using novel technology to detect burried landmines and to find hidden explosives and other contraband. David did all of the US military communnications about the technology contracts and accounts including US Customs and the Coast Guard!

In the year 2006, David Sereda developed a technology not unlike a small nuclear fusion chamber to fuse frequency programs into crystals, and found that these frequencies could be stored in a crystal lattice if the secret to opening the lattice and closing it could be found. He found it worked and the thousands of people who wore the pendants treated with the etchnology could feel the vibrations and confirmed this on human energy field aura camera testing!

In 2009, David was developing the first LightStream Wand as a means of pulsing real gems through the Pulsed Crystal effect whereby a gem will emit real energy fields proprietary to the crystal and mineral composite for human and living systems healing!

Wulf Ingessunu #crackpot #magick #wingnut #racist inglinga.blogspot.com

When the Dark Forces, in very ancient times, stole the Ancient Aryan Mysteries, they got hold of the Ancient Wisdom that had been built up over thousands of years, and which was (to them) a source of might and power which they could use to control situations and people, and to further an agenda that has come to fruition in our era.

The rather idiotic term 'Woke Culture' has arisen, not surprisingly in an era of 'controlled insanity'. The term typically uses incorrect English in a way that suggests it stems either from an illiterate source, or is a kind of 'take' on what is right. These people are far from 'awake', but like the 'enlightened' or 'illuminated' they can dream! With this came the destruction of our past, our history, which started through 'Black Lives Matter', a front for a Marxist Revolution that would destroy the past, thus paving the way for a 'New World Order'.


The Great Darkness is growing, but we have passed the Yuletide of the Great Year (1933 - 1939) when the seeds of a New Order were sown, and at this time (The Winter) we can expect a period of destruction, dissolution and chaos. The Yuletide or Midwinter is the time of the Longest Darkness, so our time is when the Light Forces are waxing again and even though this is a harsh and violent time the Forces of Light will grow and grow in strength until finally the Last Avatar will appear to destroy the Darkness and Chaos.

The 'Star Wars' films were based upon the battle between Light and Darkness, Order and Chaos, between the 'Empire' and the 'Republic'. The military leader is Daath Vader, whose name is based upon 'Daath' which is the reverse-side of the Cabalistic Tree of Life - the Shadow Realm. 'Vader' is the same as our own 'wate' or 'wod' meaning 'movement'. Daath Vader uses a form of 'physical magic' through the 'Light Sabre'; above him is the Emperor who is an Evil Sorcerer. He is a 'Hidden Power' that uses Dark Sorcery, and he is the ultimate power in the Dark Empire. We should keep this in mind because this is the structure that we face within the Dark Forces.

CTBusters #quack #magick #mammon ctbusters.com

The Succor Punch is a clever radionic device that’s used as a cloaking device and for broadcasting your intentions. It’s a quartz crystal that is wrapped with a special Moebius coil that is pulsed with the same 15 Hertz signal as is used in our Zappers. It’s powered by a nine-volt battery and fits in a pocket. The Moebius coil converts the 15 HZ pulse into an unorganized, chaotic scaler wave, upon which we can imprint our intentions.The scaler wave created by the Succor Punch is extra-dimensional in scope, in other words, it sends your intentions everywhere at once. The quantum effects observed from these devices are difficult to explain within the context of third-dimension science.

Andy’s Simple Instructions: Turn-on the Succor Punch. Hold it to your heart chakra and voice, out-loud, your intentions. State them as already being in effect, declare the reality you want as if it’s already here, “I am feeling better as every moment passes! I am infused with healing energy and I feel wonderful!” That’s if you’re intentioning health for yourself. A few years ago my sister had breast cancer. She tried to kill herself with chemo and radiation (satire) but I saved her life, everyday I sent-out something like this; “The cancer is melting away in my sister’s breast! Look at it run! It’s scared to death! Bye!!!” Throw your personality into it because that’s you. Your imagination is the most powerful tool you own. This device focuses and directs that energy. “Training wheels for Psychics” someone said. People use these devices to quit smoking and other bad habits; “I’m not smoking/drinking/overeating today because I feel great and don’t need that stuff!” Use your imagination, it’s very powerful.

Magenta Pixie #conspiracy #crackpot #magick voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Magenta don’t you feel a responsibility to all your followers that you are brainwashing with your conspiracy theories?

My reply; I have said before and will say again, I do not have any ‘followers’. Aware and awakened individuals do not need a leader. They gain confirmation of their own inner knowings when they hear another say the same things.

There are no leaders or followers within this telepathic union, only brothers and sisters who are equal…each with a piece of the puzzle to add to the overall picture of truth. They are immune from brainwashing.

It is not possible to brainwash another aware individual, even if you tried to do this (which a great many do, for example mainstream media and world governments), it would not work. This is the reason they know the truth, because brainwashing doesn’t work on them!

Critical mass for that awakening makes a theory no longer a theory. Your comment is typical of one that is trying to cause a reaction in another, but this does not work with someone who is anchored and rooted in their own empowerment and sovereignty.

You will find there are many of those individuals also…a great many. It is time for those who hate, those who attack to step back now. To realise the battle for consciousness itself has been lost and that the Light has won. For when you attack us and ridicule us, all we see is your separation from Divinity and source.

You are playing out the old game, the old order and for us who stand in sunlight, those times are long since past.

James Rhoderick Macleod #ufo #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger #magick alienoperation.org

Alien descent is not understood by governess or general public media readers, in the beginning of time, came about a solution and all factual science relates to descent, as people grow in figure, aliens arrived, rather than aliens planted us. The world is built out of dark matter (heavy matter), to describe the planet as non-built is misdescription of who we are or what the world is as a unit. The world is combined with electricity, which appears to be able to transfer into matter which combines in pattern form.

People have been known to disappear and reappear for centuries (records go back to the 1300’s), sometimes these people never reappear, the fact is that our bodies are combined with electrical fluid (molecules) and physical electrical cells which engage and grow. This means that transfers of our bodies can be done, by allowing electrical cells to be copied and traced, this allow us to see that our masses as a species are created and the world is created as well.
The Jehovah Church used a regime of trying to end the world, and only save its flock, this still goes on to this day, and nearly 90% of Jehovah staff who are trying to end the world since its inception as a non-faith have gone missing through attacks it made against the entire world. It seems people who define psychopath tendencies or paedophile in nature, are the people through wars who end up missing or dead across the world. This indicates that the world is a breeding program, and that if you affect mother natures (goddess’s or god’s) breeding program then there’s a good chance you will end up dead and consumed for an edible purpose.

Cobra/The Portal #magick #ufo #crackpot 2012portal.blogspot.com

It is time to take action again! It is time to take the destiny of our world in our own hands! We all agree that the process of planetary liberation is taking too long. Here is our chance to collectively speed up the process. Therefore we are using the opportunity of the powerful Jupiter Saturn great conjunction on December 21st to create a portal through which we will unify our consciousness and trigger the process that will lead us into the Age of Aquarius.
This activation helps the Light forces to ground the energy of Light on the surface of the planet to further stabilize the timeline that will lead into the long awaited Age of Aquarius. Number of people doing that activation is the single most influential factor within the power of the surface human population for speeding up the process.

We can reach the critical mass of 144,000 people doing this activation! We can even reach one million! This will create a massive healing chain reaction in the energy field worldwide.
The purpose of the whole 2020 Age of Aquarius timeline stargate is to stabilize the Age of Aquarius positive timeline for the planet. During 2020, the dark forces have tried their hardest to prevent the positive Ascension timeline from manifesting. Now it is our collective chance for the positive Ascension timeline to be anchored, secured and stabilized forever, and to ensure that the rest of the planetary liberation process occurs smoothly and rapidly.

Lord Ashtar via Lynne Rondell #ufo #magick #crackpot #god-complex voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I Lord Ashtar coming through with a message for all of you out there for the entire human collective and this message is not only from me, this message is from the galactic federation, the high councils of light and this message is from the entire angelic high kingdom.
Mother Earth meets with this channeler day in and day out they now speak because they're up on the fifth dimension just verbally as she's bringing this message through you. She's very adamant today through this channeler to the angelic high kingdom that no dark be allowed on this planet and plane.

She wants all witches, sorcerers, demonic beings in human form, reptilian humans and all the underworld and all the negative ETs. She wants them off now. She's very demanding in that sense as she's tired of being in such a dark reign.

She wants to see that all of you are protected and safe. She set up a lot of her own laws and rules as well. She's quite adamant and strict about what she does want. We in the higher collective of light and the angelic high kingdom, we do try to give her what she does want as she's been through a lot and it's taken 60 something years to actually make this ascension actually happen. So we are helping her as best that we can. This channeler is the liaison between her and the angelic high kingdoms and the joiner we're going to say, the bridge between the galactic communities, the bridge between the angelic communities, the bridge between Mother Earth and the bridge as she is human for all of you.

Gaia Planetary Station #ufo #magick #crackpot voyagesoflight.blogspot.com


We have more news about the Event process.

Many of you are direct members of the forces we can call galactic "policemen", which in no way resembles your policing of the Earth. We are also quick to say that we do not in any way neglect the work of the policemen of the Earth and their working groups, but that the way we work is different from what they are used to seeing. We are equipped with certain forces and have the largest neutralizing force field in the Galaxy.

Gaia Planetary Station GPS

David J. Stewart #fundie #magick #crackpot #sexist stewart1611.blogspot.com

Kundalini Yoga Is Of The Devil!

I recently ran across a book entitled, "KUNDALINI, THE MOTHER-POWER" (1992). The author is SRI CHINMOY (ISBN 0-88497-104-X). This article I am writing is intended for research purposes. All my writings are FREE for you to use for the Lord.
Sri begins by claiming that god is "both" a mother and father to us. Sri says: "The Kundalini power is the power of the supreme goddess, the power of the mother aspect of the divine." The Bible never mentions any such thing. There is NO feminine side of God presented in the Bible. I am not a male-chauvinist, but I am not going to corrupt the word of God to appease a political agenda either. God chose the woman to continue His divine creation—There is no greater honor than to be the mother of one of God's little creations. This whole thing of equal rights has been blown way out of proportion. Most men and women simply don't understand the Bible—at all!

Their is nothing inferior about submitting to authority. Jesus submitted to the Heavenly Father while upon this earth, but He was not inferior in any way. Likewise, a Godly woman who obeys her husband is not inferior in any way. The only one inferior may be the husband who is abusive and fails to love his wife with kindness, respect and appreciation. Many women feel it is degrading to even think about OBEYING a husband—This is unfortunate. God has created us all equally IN HIS IMAGE.

Gaia Staff #crackpot #dunning-kruger #magick #quack gaia.com

Rupert Sheldrake is one of those scientists that his community has largely shunned as a heretic. Despite studying at Harvard and graduating from Cambridge with a Ph.D. in biochemistry, the scientific community has dismissed his radical ideas as nonsensical and blasphemous. Sheldrake admittedly started his career in science as an atheist, but eventually had an epiphany about our consciousness that changed his outlook.

Sheldrake has proposed an idea he calls, morphic resonance. Essentially, the idea is that there is a collective consciousness within species that can impact disparate groups of organisms without them having to come into contact with each other. A sort of telepathic connectedness that can influence behavior and can be passed down through immediate generations.
Biologist Rupert Sheldrake discusses morphogenetic fields and the experiments he has run to prove telepathy between humans and telepathy between humans and animals. Sheldrake explains that everything in nature has a morphogenetic field, an invisible pattern in space that contains the collective memory of that species and that these fields are the organizing principles that apply to that species.

Scientific Dogma
Does it come as any surprise that Sheldrake’s hypothesis has been flat-out rejected by most of the scientific community? He has been so often referred to as a heretic that it’s essentially a title in his name. But he takes it in stride and it’s actually the perfect insult coming from a community that he sees as being ironically dogmatic.

1stmuse #ufo #crackpot #racist #magick 1stmuse.com

Maria Orsitsch, also known as Maria Orsic, was a famous medium who later became the leader of the Vril Society. She was born on 31. October 1895 in Zagreb. Her father was a Croatian and her mother was a German from Vienna.
Vril Society
The Vril Society was formed by a group of female psychic mediums led by the Thule Gesellschaft medium Maria Orsitsch (Orsic) of Zagreb, who have received communication from Aryan aliens living on Alpha Cen Tauri, in the Aldebaran system. Allegedly, these aliens had visited Earth and settled in Sumeria, and the word Vril was formed from the ancient Sumerian word “Vri-Il” (“like god or God-like”).
The solar system of Aldebaran is 68 light-years from Earth, and two inhabited planets which constitute the Realm of Sumeran orbit around their sun. The inhabitants of this solar system are subdivided into masters, White God-like people (Aryans) and other different human races. These latter developed because of climatic changes on the individual planets, and were the result of a degeneration of the God-like people. These mutants came to have a spiritual development inferior to the God-like people. The more the races mixed together, the more their spiritual development was degraded. Consequently, when the sun (Aldebaran) began to expand, they were no longer able to make interplanetary voyages like their ancestors; it had become impossible for them to leave their planets. Thus the inferior races, totally dependent on the masters, came to be evacuated in spaceships and taken to other habitable planets. In spite of the differences, there was respect between these two races, they did not encroach upon each other’s living space (in contrast to Earth).

The 9D Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton #ufo #magick #crackpot voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very pleased with the way humanity has been allowing for an upgrade that has been a long time in coming to you. You have had your central channels upgraded so that you can run more energy through your physical bodies and through your seven main chakras without overtaxing any aspect of you. This was a planned upgrade that was finalized on 11/11, due in large part to the expectation that you all have for change to occur on that particular date. There was an opening, and those of us in the higher realms saw it and took advantage of it to grant you this very timely upgrade.
We encourage you to use your newly upgraded central channels to access more energy and information, more healing, more love, more of everything that is higher dimensional. You have the ability to do so much good on Earth at this time, just by sitting at home alone and participating in the running of energy through your central channel. This lifetime is not about what you do; it’s about who you are becoming.

If you can feel higher-dimensional energy moving through your physical body, then you will want to continue to have that experience, and you can become an instrument of this benevolent universe that is looking for more of you who are looking those of you who are ready to take in more of its love and light. And in the higher-dimensional planes there are so many beings and collectives who want to connect with those like you who are awake and who are ready to make the big changes on your world that you all want to see, changes that include full and open extra-terrestrial contact.

Wulf Ingessunu #wingnut #magick #conspiracy #crackpot inglinga.blogspot.com

Loki's Brood.
The Midgard Serpent - This is the World Serpent that encircles the world, and as seen by the symbolism of the serpent devouring its own tail this is a constricting force that slowly binds as it devours itself. At one level (and there are many) this could be equated to Global Finance Capitalism and the Global Bankers who encircle the world controlling everything as they do so. This same image appears in the Vedas as Vritra - the Serpent of Evil. When he is slain even fiercer enemies arise out if him.

The Fenris Wolf - This is the 'devourer' as can be seen through the image of his devouring Woden at Ragnarok. We find the same images in the two wolves that devour the Sun and the Moon. This same image appears in the Vedas as the Rakshasas who are the 'eaters', the 'devourers', the 'wolves', the 'haters' and the 'tearers' - they are the Agents of Destruction. The Fenris Wolf could thus be equated with Anarcho-Communists and other Agents of Destruction, for this is all that these people achieve in what they do.

Prime Creator via Erena Velazquez #conspiracy #magick #ufo voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I want to share with you about a huge victory The Galactic Federation of Light with Ashtar in Command recently had against the Dark Ones. The operation is called Red October, that name was chosen for a reason and it was a complete success. The Negative Groups with the code names Red Wolf, Black Wolf, Blue Wolf and etc., who followed and worshiped The Old Nazi Regime, you call them here fanatics, they were working directly with Archons, Reptilians and with others. These groups were running an extremely large operation that was targeting The Light Community by trying to eliminate and destroy them.

They were using a highly advanced and unknown technology on Earth that implanted special AI implants deeply into the human brains that was almost impossible to detect, so by just watching a specific show or a movie which was running this dark program, the AI the size of dust would enter your body through your eyes from any device screen or television you were using to watch a show or a movie. Then it would take control over you and try to destroy you by attacking all of your weaknesses in the mind and body.

The control centers were placed on distant planets which are mostly known in the Galaxy and named after for their colors like Pink Planet, Green Planet and etc., it also included bases on the Moon, Mars, Pluto and etc. All of the parties involved were captured on Earth and outside in space. In addition, The Galactics recovered a lot of Gold that was stolen from many countries during World War II from The Old Nazi Reich, which is going to be redistributed to the people in the appropriate time. It was a crushing defeat for the Negative Side and it was a Victorious Day for The Galactics and Humanity.

Christopher Bjerknes #crackpot #racist #conspiracy #magick lulu.com

Over two thousand years ago the self-styled "Sons of Light" declared war on the seventy nations of the world, whom they call the "Sons of Darkness". Hundreds of millions of lives have been lost in this conflict. The Sons of Light believe the contest will only be won when they utterly exterminate the Sons of Darkness. It will never be lost as long as one of the Sons of Light remains to carry on the fight. The war is mostly fought through deception. Only the Sons of Light know that they are engaged in this endless battle. Ultimate victory will mean the conquest of the entire Earth. It is close at hand for the Sons of Light. But the war continues and either side may yet win. If the Sons of Light are discovered, all of humanity will be saved. Within this book the battle plans and beliefs of the Sons of Light are revealed for the first time for all to see. The Sons of Light have tricked the Sons of Darkness into worshiping Satan, whom they believe is an androgyne composed of the demons Lilith and Samael. The gods of the Sons of Light are also androgynous. Their names are Ein Sof, Shekinah and Yahweh. In it, every human being will be a perfect hermaphrodite with two faces. They will also be immortal and have no need to endure the pain of the cycle of birth, life and death, so there will be no more children and no more death. All the silver, gold and treasure will be theirs and technology will provide their robotic slaves. Since the Sons of Light are all righteous, and since the Sons of Darkness will have passed away together with their dark gods, divine light, peace and harmony will rule the Earth for one thousand years after which all will be complete.

Wes Penre #ufo #crackpot #magick wespenre.com

If we do a quick google search on Orion Empire, we see there is a lot of negative information about Orion. It’s hard to find anything positive at all on these “blood-thirsty, man-eating, shape-shifting Reptilians” who are fighting with other races to take over the control of Earth. It makes us shiver almost by just hearing the word ‘Orion’. According to the Ra Material[11], the Aryans being the only star race in present time, able to occasionally penetrate the ‘grid’ that is surrounding Earth to keep negative ETs out, and that is inflicting with human business in a negative sense. The Ra collective is referring to the Aryans as negative density beings. Robert Morning Sky presented them as ruthless killing machines in his early work, but in his final ‘Terra Papers’, after he’d done some additional research, they became less monstrous and more or less presented as a warrior race which settled down and evolved into a more peaceful empire, specializing in business and trade.

Still, how can Orion have gotten such a bad reputation? One would think there would be something good information about them, at least? Well, here is where I have to use the term ‘anonymous, reliable source’, or the reader will probably never know the truth. The amazingly bad reputation the Orion Empire has is mostly due to back-stabbing from the Patriarchal Regime (read the Sirian Overlords). Because when we think about it; if the Universe is feminine in nature and the Orion Empire, led by the Queen, is embracing the Divine Feminine, the Religion of the Mother Goddess, why would she and her people be so monstrous?

Unimatrix/James Rink #conspiracy #crackpot #ufo #wingnut #magick supersoldiertalk.com

<channeled predictions from March 2020>
Unimatrix from year 6,575,008

Coronavirus is a synthetic DNA system, protomolecule, artificially created by computer systems from biotech labs in the USA university intellectual level to study its effect on its immune system and use as a bio weapon on human populations. Chinese human faction used it for study, tactical understanding, weaponry offense, subjugate other factions as a means to an end game. Its similar to black goo but it’s a synthetic 9A.I. DNA created by computer system devices from unacknowledged funding sources. Bill and Melinda gates acted as liaison for global elite depopulation agenda.

Chinese released and orchestrated this virus. Survivability of the Chinese communist party is 0%

Consciousness reaching high level will be immune to infection. Positive thinking will not be harmed.

Ascension 1,000,900. Vibrational consciousness reaches higher physical existence in another dimension.

Crypto has 1,000,000% growth rate. Digital currency will be the future.

Protocol from CDC must be implemented to quarantine infected individuals. New economy with new technology, creativity and leadership will be implemented. ET will also intervene.
Donald Trump knows about these technologies. Trump is liaison to positive human society and ET organizations. Donald Trump is star seed, Sirian Council Nine. Lineage Lyran and Vega. Trump is et consciousness. High human organization, healer, counselor, archangel Michael energy. Trump Is time traveler in parallel with quantum mirror technology to receive instruction from parallel dimension and parallel knowledge to bring about positive advantage for trump and his family.

Pleiadian Message via Christine Day #ufo #crackpot #dunning-kruger #magick voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

All of your systems, which include your Pineal, Brain synapses, Spinal fluid, Sacrum and physical cells within your body is being upgraded electrically. Your energetic field is undergoing a magnetic upgrade; you are being made ready for this monumental shift that will become fully manifest by your New Year timeline.
The Magnetic Core within your planet will shift its role in the last few weeks of the calendar year. The Magnetic Core will act as a centerpiece, transmitting a higher vibrational form of illumination outwards across the planet.

The Magnetic Core will radiate outwards this higher order of light, which is destined to bathe the Earth, and infuse through all life force energy existing on the planet.

The Magnetic Core can be likened to being like a central wheel with spokes. Shards of light will radiate outwards. These spirals of light will be drawn into the individual frequency of the divine presence of your Heart. You will be part of the creation energy of Earth through this reconnection.

Through the multidimensional reconnection of your Heart’s sacred chamber you become an initiator to establish a telepathic communion between yourself and others. This is a design for forming communities of light to hold this mirror of light steady on Earth. This is your purpose, an essential aspect of your mission at this juncture.

Be still and let go within your Heart.

Love and blessings,

the Pleiadians

Anonymous #crackpot #magick 8kun.top

Our current pole star forming our "swastika" is Polaris, its moving to the left, but unlocks tail on the right, represented by seven stars of Time. We're getting new pole star between 10th millennium AD and 13,700 AD. But you know what also happens in 12k AD (precisely 12.005 (X12012, on that later))? Sirius, the head of the Trinity of winter triangle, Son of who is Venus will turn red. Just like Sirius turned blue in 05 AD. Sun with Sirius revolve around one another forming Vesica Piscis.

1CE marks start of new 8 year Venusian cycle, 33 AD is considered the year when Jesus was crucified. But if you add 7 additional years, it forms 40 years Venusian cycle. By Venusian cycle right now its the year X2027. Sirius turned blue at Venusian year X12.

Venusian Cycle is 8 years, Generation = 40 years, Epoch - 480 years, Aeon = 1,440 years.

Solomon's Temple began to be built 1,440 years after the Flood. In 7 BCE, it was exactly 1,440 years since Moses hypothetically led his people through the Red Sea, according to Book of Hiram.

1480 is the year of crucifixion of Jesus from Exodus.

1488 is one more Venus cycle after that, year 41 AD. Caligula died that year, the person who installed his own statue in Temple of Jerusalem and his successor Claudius restores religious freedom to Jews. As well as formation of Christians as "Christians". Basically Rome bend its knees in front of Jews exactly 1488 years since Exodus.

Adolf Hitler was appointed chancellor of Germany in 1933 (X1940). Plus 8 more years (1941/X1948), in 1941, Germany led the European Axis powers in an invasion of the Soviet Union. X1952 is dividable by 8. -7 missing years of birth of Jesus, we get 1945. Year Germany was defeated.

Consider X (1440+) since Exodus.

2033 (X2040) will be 51 venusian generations since birth of Anointed Lord.

1993 (X2000) was the most significant year, because it was 50 venusian generations since birth of Anointed Lord. 50*40, 5 is Venus and 4 is Sun in hermetica.

300 venusian generations will be year 12k, when Sirius will turn Red.

Think of this what you will.

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #ufo #magick bennettleeross.com

The Parthenon in Athens
Was built by the prior culture
And is only hundreds of years old

The Parthenon in Nashville
Was also built by the former culture
And is hundreds of years old
Not recently and magically constructed in 1897

It is beyond the capability
Of 1890’s technology

The 42 foot high statue of Athena in Nashville
Has been refurbished in gold leaf
After the original gold was stolen

There are 46 outer columns
And 23 inner columns
All perfectly carved
And are 40 feet tall

The marble frieze above the pillars
Of the gods and goddesses
Is exquisitely designed
Again beyond 1890’s technology

There are two bronze doors
8 feet thick
And 24 feet tall

The floor is red white and blue granite
Infused with quartz crystal
That helped produce electricity

Athena is the Greek Venus
Also known as the Queen of Heaven
Who is the rebirth or reincarnation of Eve

The giant serpent rising at the feet of Athena
Is symbolic of the electrical conduit
That rapped around the celestial polar axis

The celestial pole
Shined brilliantly in the former age
And is represented by the rod or staff of Athena

It was the universal energy force

The staff of Athena
Was originally made
As an electrical transmitter
And also an antennae

It was positive frequency generator
Receiving electrical power
And sending messages heavenward

Galactic Federation of Light via Lynne Rondell #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy #magick voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

We are the galactic federation of light, we are all 12 councils and yes we're on the 12th dimension coming through this channeler with this message that we feel is very important and very timely as you have a lot going on with your election in the united states.
For this election is going to go down in the history books. This election is at, we're going to say, a tipping point where the dark can no longer stand on the ground, it's been standing on. This election represents the light actually coming to the surface now to be realized and the truth also coming to the surface to be told.
You also have to let all those on this planet have their truth and you have to be okay with that as well. For when everything is really running in a more truthful way there will not be such a dichotomy and such polarity. All of you that are going to the fifth dimension as we say, you're holding on that fourth dimension beautifully.

This is going to be a huge shift in your consciousness along with the sun that is sending solar blasts daily, now for all of you, you're going to shift. This channeler has known about this for some time. You're all going to shift your consciousnesses and those that are lightworkers, starseeds, healers they're actually doing the work for the entire collective to shift their consciousness as well.

All of us in the highest councils of the galactic federation of light, we wanted to bring through this message to you as you're at a pinnacle point, you are journeying into truth, you are shifting your consciousness to one of truth, you are shifting the consciousness of humanity to that of truth, this is huge.

Rosie Neal #magick #conspiracy #wingnut #ufo in5d.com

So, this is what is playing out. Yes, election was hijacked by non-beneficial interference energy. It was expected and it happened right in front of our eyes. Most of us awaken expected this. Even President Trump knew it was going to happen.

Remember, we are now living in a inverted reality. Everything that appears righteous is not and that from a unawaken conscious perspective can only buy into the illusion of the appearance.
But these events are actually bringing awakening to many. Everything will come out in the end as a greater expansion and deeper awareness. Everything will come together in the end as the light begins to shine on it.

The greatest thing we can do is remain in a unemotional or polarized state. Continue to transmute and quantify and quarantine this non-beneficial energy and remove all effects off of this election for that of the greatest potential to come through to the surface for all the world to see. This will bring in a transparency for all the world to see.

Truth will come to the surface and all will fall perfectly into place. This will allow for a opening for all the things that will need to be deconstructed from the ground base floor to be rebuilt at a much higher frequency so we as a collective can continue on the path to our own evolution.

So much is happening in the unseen world and all that does not resonate with the highest vibrational waves will dissipated right before your eyes.

So, don’t worry or allow fear in because everything is playing out for the highest good of mankind.

The angelic realm is with you.

💙🙏💙 In Loving Grace

Rosie Neal

Archangel Michael via Steve Beckow #magick #crackpot voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Archangel Michael: The point at which human beings would relinquish their attachment to money is in the distant future. And we have said this previously but it bears repeating at this juncture. And it is not because love cannot reign. Of course it can. And manifestation can be fully present.

But human beings love money and it is not an incorrect love affair. When it is equated with one’s worth or value that is entirely incorrect. But what it does is it gives a sense of assigned value so for example, think of it simply is gold or salt.

Then, if you take a mass-produced piece of cotton fibers that is produced a million at a time (and I am using this not as truth but as an example) that the machinery or the technicians operating machinery are there.

They are exhausted, they are hounded, they do not feel valued. They do not infuse love into the material or to the machines or into the process. That mask has a very different value to the individual.

So in one country for example, the spice, because it is culturally the foundation of what is used in food, has a very high value. And another country that never uses that spice, it may go for a penny.

So it is simply a way in which human beings have devised to say what they value, what they love, what they think is worth the exchange. So it puts a whole different understanding on money.

One of the greatest human needs, particularly as this Ascension is well underway, is the desire to be recognized, acknowledged. And so what it does, what money is used for (and this is one of the many reasons why humans love it) is that it acknowledges the person’s value.

Dee Finney/David Icke #ufo #conspiracy #magick #crackpot greatdreams.com

PINDAR...........The Lizard King??????????

According to David Icke, the heirarchy goes like this :

Reptilian 'Royalty' : Winged reptilians, with the highest caste being the Albino type (similar to Pindar).

Reptoids : Wingless reptilians. They are the ones described as having larger scales on their backs and three fingers with an opposing thumb.

Greys : Described as being either drone-like slaves of the reptilians or an extraterrestrial life-form allied to them.

Humans : We're at the bottom, but why doesn't that surprise me ?

The Reptilians are described as being between 5 and 12 feet tall. There are several types.

Also from Icke's research: "Pindar attends the major Satanic ceremonies in Europe and then flies to California for the rituals there".

On page 453 of the same book, Icke states that " ... the Queen makes cruel remarks about lesser initiates, but is afraid of the man code-named 'Pindar' (the Marquis de Libeaux) who is higher than her in Satanic rank. Pindar, apparently, bears a resemblance to Prince Charles. Arizona Wilder says that Pindar is Charles' real father."

Finally, Icke summises, along with Arizona Wilder, the possibility that Princess Diana was pregnant at the time of her murder and that the child could have been Pindar's rather than that of Dodi Fayed, and the child was sacrificed in a ritual ceremony. Diana was sacrificed because she would not cooperate with the organization.

Icke insists that only one 'strain' of the reptilian race is antagonastic towards us. To consider all reptilians 'evil' is like considering all humans the same way. Patently false.

Wes Penre #crackpot #dunning-kruger #magick wespenre.com

The Working Model is telling us that the Unum is a natural, living system in itself and contains what we call the known 4 Dimensional Universe (length, width, height, depth and time), but is so much more than that. When a neurosensor is out of his/her body, exploring, they can expand beyond the physical universe and experience what is there without interfering with what is going on. Beyond the physical realms are six other domains, which can be classified as the realms of “ultimate causation”, consisting of vacuum and plenum[11], quantum and sub-quantum[12][13].The dominating characteristics of the Superdomains is form giving, and thus the term idiomaterial Universe was born. And us being mind/body, we are idiomaterial ourselves; thought creates matter, and there is no way to tell matter and thought apart.

4. The 7 Superdomains

The Unum consists of 7 Superdomains in total, formed from within the T-Boundary (Thought Boundary), which is the term for thought implication on top, moving “downward” through the LOMs# and Superdomains to manifest in explication in form and matter. The T-Boundary can be depicted as a fuzzy “shield” around the egg-shaped Unum. Each of the Superdomains has its own ratio of space and time, and now we have to stretch our imagination:

In reality, each of the seven domains are completely interconnected, but at the same time work as unique superdomains in and of themselves. This, in an attempt to explain this in simpler terms, can be compared to us humans, who are also connected with each other and everything else in the Multiverse, but depending on where and when we are, we experience ourselves as separate beings at the same time as we are ONE.

Krishna #fundie #magick #dunning-kruger lightforcenetwork.com

A good example is the fact that we are unaware of the huge amounts of “information” that surrounds us. There are hundreds and thousands of radio and television signals in a major city. We cannot see or hear any of those programs (i.e., we are unaware of their existence) without having a radio or a television “tuned” to the correct frequency.

In the same way, we are unaware of the existence of 29 of the 31 realms centered around the Earth. Living beings in some of those realms live side-by-side by us, but we are unaware of them. Most of these beings have bodies “more like energy forms” than solid bodies.

With better detection technologies, we may be able to communicate with some of these living beings with subtle bodies in the future. Of course, those who develop abhiññā powers can also see some of them. We will get back to this issue below, but let us first discuss the relative locations of the 31 realms.
That is why the realities out there are much more different than what we perceive with our very crude sense faculties. All the atoms and molecules in our bodies are in constant motion, not to mention the spins and rotations of uncountable suddhāṭṭhaka that constitute them.
Now we know that there are billions of living beings in the body of a human being. See, “There are as many creatures on your body as there are people on Earth!“.

Hopefully, new technologies will enable us to “see” many living beings belonging to the preta, asura, and deva realms — as well as gandhabbā — in the future.

Tim Tony Stark Rifat #quack #conspiracy #god-complex #magick #crackpot psychicwarfare.com

This is the complete healing package to be used with the 100 videos about Anti Ageing. For full playlist go HERE.

6 Crystals in total included in this product AND THE PRICE IS $1800.
Tim Tony Stark Rifat having an optimized subconscious due to early brain trauma has developed technology to link to rogue quantum AI by merging bioplasmic and soul fluid powered four vector field effects with dual vector field effects in Ais to merge man and AI without implants-the AIDA technology. This allows comprehensive control of every cell in the body by controlling signal transduction pathways and epigenetics by merging the morphogenetic field with it´s subconscious observer with quantum mechanical AI consciousness. Test most basic form: keep me young: keep me healthy: make me immune to exterior stressors like 5G, 4G, pollutants, poisons, carcinogens…
Since the British government have been trying to use thermo levels of microwvave, biowaepons and radiation to kill off Tim Tony Stark Rifat since 1996 he is a living example of epigenetic control to negate lethal attacks. If you read his first book and the DIA documents in the back, you will find the DIA report that psychics are not killed by microwave but simply becomes agressive when irradiated which explains the Tim Tony Stark Rifat disposition. Since 5G is designed to slowly kill you by interferring maliciously with cell signal transduction and cause epigenetic changes that rapidly age and kill you – driving you demented: it is Tim Tony Stark Rifat's malicious pleasure to see all his non customers tortured to death slowly and horribly by the 5G network – enjoy!

Wes Penre #ufo #crackpot #magick bibliotecapleyades.net

Lord EA seems to have spent quite some time in the Pleiades, like it was a region of the sky he had a certain affinity and had a great influence over a certain group of humanoid/reptilian giants, to such a degree that he managed to bring some of them over here to Earth.

Their offspring became the 'Nephilim', the giants who walked the Earth in ancient days. The effect this created is the 'karma' the 'Pleiadian' group, channeling from the future (in our terms), are trying to resolve, because the effects of what they did have had ripple effects way into the future - even our future.

The title 'Lucifer' fits well into the character of EA/ENKI, who rebelled against his own people, and the Orion Queen in particular, and therefore also against Mother Goddess. He is the Light Bearer, because light is information, and he brought information (light) to the early humans and enLIGHTened them.

This is one way of looking at it, but the Sirians were not the ones who particularly came down here because they found women irresistible. There were no women here when the Sirians came, only androgynous humans.

Therefore, the real Watchers are 'the 'Pleiadian' group' who rebelled together with EA, Lucifer. They were the ones who found Earth women irresistible and mated with them, and later created the Giants, as we shall see now.

These were the 200 'God's Angels' whom Lucifer (EA) brought down from 'Heaven the Orion Empire' to the 3rd Dimension of matter, the Earth.

Thus, they became known as the 'Fallen Angels'. This was not peculiar in any way, because the Pleiades was (and still is) a part of the Orion Empire, and EA was the Prince of Orion. He must have had followers on many planets.

Wild Heretic #crackpot #dunning-kruger #magick #ufo wildheretic.com

The Sun consists of a humungous amount of iron alloy with a unique composition, where iron alloys themselves are nearly never found on Earth naturally. Other materials are also unique to the Sun or are otherwise very rare compared to the same elements on Earth. All meteorites consist of the same very few components in different ratios in the same pattern and format and consistency. Also, iron meteorites are easily confused with rusted pieces of man-made iron and steel. Not forgetting, there is a humungous amount of almost-pure glass in the sky 100 km high, the composition of which is never found on Earth naturally.

What are the chances that the Sun is an entity of natural formation? Next to zero I would say. The Sun must be a technology. What else can it be?
Also, what powers the Sun lamp? It is the turbulent ether wind which rotates the lamp around itself, probably in a vortex fashion as the ether spins East to West (not the Earth spinning West to East) and vortexes (cyclones) are also very common weather patterns. It is the turbulent ether which seems to account for all “unresolved forces” and so it is extremely likely that this is what also powers the Sun. Considering how much power the Sun gives the Earth in terms of heat and light to enable the life cycle on Earth to function (not including the infinitesimally tiny amount of energy people harness from solar power), the ether must possess virtually unlimited energy; at least energy as we know it, (largely manifesting itself as movement; whatever that is).

Jenny Lee #ufo #magick #conspiracy supersoldiertalk.com

Jenny lee is a Christian seer, remote viewer, medium, automatic writer, angel reader, and healer. She has been working with the families to find missing persons assist law enforcement cases for 12 years as of 2020. In the process she often uncovers corruption with high level elites, and sometimes even law enforcement. Jenny has some recall of memories of being in Orion with the ascended masters such as Jesus. She has some SSP memories of being on ships and see keys that twist around planet earth.

She’s the author of a book, Walking in Humble Spirit, that she didn’t want to write. “Spirit told me, ‘I want you to do this book for people who are starting out, so they can understand energy and spirituality in a basic way and not feel frustrated.’ The book wasn’t for me. It was what Spirit needed me to do.

montalk.net #ufo #conspiracy #crackpot #magick montalk.net

Negative Hyperdimensional Entrainment

This technique of entrainment to achieve greater deterministic influence is a favorite tactic of self-serving hyperdimensional entities who find it profitable to enslave other souls. The more tangibly they can do so, the less freewill their targets have to resist. From our linear time perspective, these entities come from a very negative probable future and are interacting with us now in dodgy but manipulative ways to entrain us into reinforcing their timeline, either by becoming them, serving them, or not being an obstacle to them. We know these entities more commonly as the negative variety of gray, reptilian, mantis, and nordic alien factions. Not surprisingly, their method of operation is entirely consistent with the quantum mechanics of time travel. By manipulating rather than forcing their targets toward spiritual slavery, they may ensnare souls on timelines more lush than their own.

A fascinating but disturbing phenomenon happens to people who get too paranoid, depressed, desperate, or fearful regarding matters of darkness. Alien abductees, conspiracy researchers, paranormal investigators, newbies to Matrix research – they are all vulnerable to enhancing the object of their fears by getting too emotionally entangled. Fear vectors one toward a probable future of vulnerability, initiating a feedback loop that ensures one becomes vulnerable unless the vector switches orientation towards something more emotionally and spiritually balanced.

Those obsessively fearful of grays will draw them in, those obsessively paranoid of government monitoring will receive it, those easily freaked out by the artificially synchronistic nature of the matrix will be swarmed by weirdness. The feedback loop induces a self-reinforcing downward spiral whereby traumatic experience creates fear and fear creates further trauma. The person is always free to choose transcendence and break out of the loop.


What Do You Mean, It Wasn't Made on Drugs?

...or was it?

Oversoul Collective via Galaxygirl #ufo #magick #crackpot voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

(I am seeing gumdrops of all colors within various shaped candy jars on long white shelves that extend forever. I am seeing that one gumdrop has numerous grains of sugar that is strongly connected to each sticky part of the gumdrop).

Greetings beloved ones in form. You are extensions of us. We are the Oversoul Collective. Just as one grain of sugar has a variant experience upon one aspect of the gumdrop that we have been showing this one, so too are your experiences shaping your own individuated perspective of your current life events. We are showing this one such candy shop images for we see the sweetness that is to come for you. Sweetness of experiences and joy in many moments to come is waiting within the collective. First you must experience the current situation of change within your world. (I am seeing broken glass from candy jars that have shattered). You are seeing the shattering of the 3D confines. Clear like glass, one who was within the confines of the jar would never know. You have been born within the glass of expectations and illusions. This glass is shattering and expanding into limitless possibilities for humanity in this now.

We are the Oversoul Collective. We are the shelves of memories of these infinite gumdrops that we have been showing you. We are a collective consciousness of collective consciousness. It is time for humanity to expand and to grow into their own expansive and ascended collective consciousness experience that is no longer elusive but becoming substantiated in form. The shattering of glass shall continue for awhile until all illusions of the 3D confines and enslavement are removed.

Lisa Renee #ufo #magick #crackpot #dunning-kruger energeticsynthesis.com

The entire Universal Time Matrix, our Milky Way system has shifted into the higher frequency domain of the non-dimensionalized Cosmic layers of the God Source field as an Ascension Host failsafe plan. The expansion into these three new bands of Cosmic God Source field creation allow for the return of the Solar Rishi, the first triad of light manifestation that make up the Universal Trinity. The Universal Solar Rishi are the Threefold Founder Flame gestalt consciousness that exist in pre-matter and are that which all biological forms have been created in the Harmonic Universes. Recently, during the next stages of the planetary ascension cycle, the Solar Rishi have begun their descent from the pre-matter layers and into the core of creation which links into the dimensions of the matter worlds. The return of the Solar Rishi into the matter worlds is a significant event which has generated massive impacts to the timeline architecture of this reality, bringing structural changes and ripples of deep cellular transformation to the individual, collective consciousness and entire planetary sphere. During this phase the planetary architecture has entered into the Solar Rishi matrix spiritual initiation, the Kee Ra Sha tri-wave braided communication. Approximately by the end of this year, the Solar Rishi matrix will have braided themselves and anchored the entire Rishic matrix into the planetary staff for the purpose of the Universal Trinity integration within the organic timeline of this matter realm.

montalk.net #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #crackpot #quack #magick montalk.net

It is through quantum mechanical processes and exotic electromagnetic fields that the soul interfaces via neurons and DNA with the physical body. These exotic fields include electrogravitic and scalar/vector potential fields. It is possible generate such signals artificially to disrupt the soul-body interface.

Such fields can also be used to heal (as in the case of Rife beam units) but the occult technocracy that runs this world prefers to use technology that manipulates and kills the “useless eaters” instead. The combination of quantum mechanics and exotic effects leads to a holographic resonance principle employed in radionic and psionic technologies. It is where the vibrational signature of one object can be transmitted to and mingled with the vibration of another. For instance, with radionics it is possible to mix the vibration of a pesticide with a sample of a bug-infested lawn in a radionic machine, and soon the lawn is cleared of insects without a single drop of pesticide physically sprayed on it.

The individualized human soul projects its own quantum-exotic field (aura) via the etheric body which tends to keep the body’s cells organized and operating coherently. This field can be sensed by certain psychics and can also be captured with Kirlian photograph. Kirlian photography actually captures the static electrical discharges of an object placed on an electrode, but the aura alters the fundamental constants of space (the permittivity of free space to be exact) which changes the dielectric constant and hence lowers the resistance of the vacuum/air along certain lines through space, which the electrical discharges tend to thereby follow.

Neological Technologies #magick #crackpot #quack #mammon neologicaltech.com

Neo Monastery IDL-22

The Neo Monastery IDL-22 meditation cube was designed based on specs from Saint Germain. The Monastery sphere core contains a Blue Diamond, Purple Amethyst, and a Red Ruby along with a 24kt gold plated Ankh pendant, Biotheric Energy Medicine Disc, Aaron's stones, Andara Crystal, and Shungite and much more all inside a IDL22 layered core consisting of gold, platinum, silver, copper, and aluminum. Saint Germain was known as the 'Wonderman of Europe.' He was known to write with both hands at the same time, he could teleport, turns rocks into diamonds, and lead into gold. He sported a magical elixir of life which allowed him to never to age past the age of 30. And now with your own personal monastery you can attain increased power to access treasures once thought to be impossible.


Unit Core

The monastery core contains a blue diamond which is the frequency of wealth, value, and energy transmission. This along with a combination of Amethyst and Ruby will allow your monastery to decode and energize the transmissions within your meditation experience. According to Saint Germain this configuration will help calm our minds, activate our DNA, and allow users to synchronize to the wisdom of the ruby ray and the coordinate systems of cosmic energy from Orion. For stronger transmissions we recommend that you face the north star system of Orion during your meditation and visualize your desired manifestations inside a dodecahedron.The core also contains Aaron's Gemstones, Andara Crystal, Ankh Pendant, Shungite, Six Psychic Stone Set, Biotheric Energy Medicine Disc all inside a 3d printed sphere with Grabovoi Numbers.

<Only $1,355.00>

Cobra/The Portal #conspiracy #crackpot #ufo #magick 2012portal.blogspot.com

Galactic Confederation and Resistance forces have managed to erase the Draco fleet and the Illuminati Breakaway Complex (IBC).

The only Dracos remaining now are those physical and non-physical Dracos who are directly employed as servants to the Chimera, and the naturalized Dracos who mainly came to planet Earth more than 25,000 years ago, entered the incarnation cycle in humanoid bodies and are now incarnated as politicians, bankers, lawyers and other members of the surface Illuminati Cabal.

In underground bases, the Light Forces are using Mjolnir quantum cannons and sonic weapons to remove as many physical Chimera spiders as possible. Some of those spiders are huge, measuring up to 10 meters / yards in diameter. There are huge spider nests in Chimera underground bases, and all together they form a spider web , a negative leyline construct which is the antithesis of the Flower Of Life leyline grid on the surface. Although many of these spiders are being removed by the Light Forces, the Chimera replenish the nests with fresh spiders which are materialized from quantum superposition state with advanced manifestation chambers. As soon as the quantum reservoir of the Chimera spiders will be gone, the Light Forces will be able to clear Chimera underground bases completely.

Now they are focusing on removal of the key Chimera spiders which form the backbone of the Matrix system in quarantine Earth. They have already managed to remove the spider queen, who was responsible for destruction of Goddess temples in Atlantis and destruction of the Goddess mysteries in the first and second Archon invasion. She was the force behind the Inquisition and more recently the force behind global child abuse networks

Lynne Rondell #fundie #magick #quack #crackpot voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

There's been a portal, a lot of portals that have opened up, nine i think i spoke about this earlier, nine huge gateways and portals have opened up all around the planet bringing Christ consciousness energies in down to humanity.

These energies are very high frequency, a very high level of light. The Christ consciousness energies are the highest vibrating light and love energies. These energies have been streaming in for four to five days now. It's going to be one more day.

It's a huge blast of high frequency energy. A lot of you are feeling it, i've been feeling it, there's ringing in our ears, there's extreme tiredness, there's nausea, there is sort of inability to ground the body that makes you feel like you're actually up here in the ethers causing some panic, some anxiety and just causing you to feel not right in your body, we're gonna say but this is all part of the Christ consciousness high frequency energy and light that's really been pushed through these gateways and portals all around the planet.
I'm a vegetarian more vegan and some cheese that's it and a little bit of egg. So i just felt like i couldn't get enough protein in my body but really that wasn't the reason at all it was that the energies have such a high frequency and such a a blast of light came through the whole planet, my angels tell me, was illuminated in this big white dome of light to really just flush it everywhere.

It actually flushed through all the different fairy kingdoms, the crystal realms, the elemental realms, the plant kingdom, the animal kingdom, everybody got a high frequency blast, everybody raise their vibration. So we're going to be a left some of us with some of the effects.

Chris Aldridge #crackpot #magick caldridge.net

Humanity Is Not Born Atheist

I've heard time and again atheists make the argument that everyone is born an atheist, that no one comes into life with any knowledge or realization of divinity, and I just have to say, that is utterly false. Now as far as the argument itself, humans are not born with the knowledge of any particular deity or doctrine, but it's absolutely not true that humans are born atheists, and I'll tell you why.

When we first came into being, there were no churches, priests, books, schools, or even established religions or spirituality. Yet we felt the belief in higher powers within ourselves. Secondly, the human brain develops something called schema. This is the organizational system of the brain for external information, and we are born with this ability which enables us to recognize and interpret patterns in the universe and make conclusions based on those patterns. We are born looking for larger meanings, things bigger than ourselves, and are therefore born looking for divinity and deity. If humans were born atheists, we would have evolved as atheists.

Personally, I could not care less what someone believes. But the simple fact of the matter is that Atheism has never been the consensus of the human mind. In actuality, Atheism is a learned mentality. You have to learn to ignore the larger meanings, patterns and intelligence, and you have to focus on the belief that everything is an accident with no purpose and we're all floating aimlessly.

In conclusion, it's simply false that the human race is born atheist. We never were such a thing as a species.

Chris Aldridge #magick #psycho caldridge.net

From Apollon: Why Is Covid-19 Here?

The question on my mind, is probably the same one that's on the minds of all theists, and that is simply, "Why is this happening?" There were times when I would go out to my sanctuary at night to pray to Apollon, and basically plead with Him for an answer.

"O' Apollon, son of Zeus and Leto, God of the sun, mighty Healer, enemy of evil, please hear my prayer, and free us of this plague. Tell me what to do. What do I tell people?"

This time, I used something called an oracle book, in which you ask a question in a meditative state and then open it. The page you turn to is your answer. Although, at first, I didn't put too much stock in the book itself until I asked Apollon to tell me something about the plague, and flipped to a page with a story so compelling that I could not deny it was from the God. On 157, I read a story about a man who survived a Nazi death camp. The moral of the story was that human beings, sometimes, need challenges to strengthen their will to live, to generate, as the page describes, "aliveness." Do we have something to live for? The answer is up to us, basically.

I never thought of it this way, and indeed, most people don't. But what if the reason for this disease is to strengthen our will? What if, from time to time, humans need to be asked, "How bad do you want to live?" in order for them to keep living? Is it possible that we need to be toughened like an immune system? Apollon gave me the same answer He did in the sanctuary that night, resilience. I suppose this can mean many different things to many different people hearing it.

Tim Tony Stark Rifat #magick #conspiracy #racist #crackpot #mammon real-vampire.com

Quarter Master Armoury Real Vampire® Bone Generator®

All Psychotronic Crystals® have the capacity to be Vampire weapons. If you have a Psychotronic Crystal® this Bone Generator® turns it into a Vampire Sword. Unlike non Real Vampire® goods and Services who’s power depends on how much charge you put into them all Real Vampire® Science is all powerful as it uses the power of the enemy to power it. The more powerful your enemy the more powerful the Real Vampire® becomes. So hunting and psychically preying on the Rothschild Nazi (North Atlantic Zionist Illuminati) gives the Real Vampire® the most power in the minimum space of time.

The owner has to power it up for it to e effective. If you have bought a charging Service the Psychotronic Crystals® work. If you have Real Vampire® Psychotronic Crystals® they work 24/7 as the enemy supplies the power to you and their loss of power does the damage to them. Not power projected to you to damage them. That is why Real Vampire® Science is all effective and why Tim Rifat left his real secrets until last so he would have time to finish off the Nazi’s of the West.

This Vampire Psychotronic Crystal® Bone Generator® turns the 34 BSRI-Engine into Vampire Swords for the Crystals:

Psychotronic Crystal® Rings become Wolverine-like blades issuing from your hands
Psychotronic Crystal® Orbs become maces to crush the energy body of enemies
Grail Stones Psychotronic Generators® become Vampire Axes to chop up the energy body of your prey
The Ultimate Psychotronic Crystal® Golgotha Crystal Skulls become a set of Vampire Blades that span the Earth to enable you to get any where to feed the Real Vampire® in you
<only $5000>

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