
I am a half-elf and can bend reality to my will with the power of archaick spelling!

Ellie Crystal #ufo #magick #crackpot #conspiracy crystalinks.com

The image on the right is Disputa (Glorification) of the Eucharist painted by Ventura Salimbeni in 1595 which hangs in Florence, Italy. We see the Holy Trinity, Jesus, God and a dove representing the Holy Ghost. Some alien conspiracy theorists believe the spherical object between them is the Sputnick satellite making Jesus an alien time traveler. The image of me on the left was taken in a church when I recorded a show about Nostradamus who lived in the 1500's.
The best present of all this Christmas would be the revelation of the alien-human hybrid experiment, replete with all sort of truths about the story of creation, the birth of Jesus, and best of all, the hologram. Is the truth that Jesus is/was an alien and the story of Christmas is another myth? We know the truth will be withheld until the end of the Illusion of Time. Little by little the "powers that be" - behind the scenes controlling events in the hologram - have slowly disseminated information about aliens into human consciousness to allow us to know that time is coming. Here's the latest intell but i'm still not impressed. I don't like busy work or inserts in the hologram to that end.

Heaven on Earth #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy sites.google.com

We are like moths, attracted to the Light
It is time to heal our wings and take flight, gain new height
Towards the Sirian Star Sign at the End of Time
Gathering thoughts in our mind to create a Nursery Rhyme
Reiki, tickey toc, the mouse ran up the clock
The clock struck 12:12 and the mouse ran down
Reiki, tickey toc...
From walk the talk to co-creating from inspired spark
Ignite your lanterns to distinguish the dark
Awaken your Third Eye Zodiac, then you will see that
Life is just a walk through the park
Create your world any way you like and light up the night
From the thoughts we write to the words we speak
Our Purpose in Life, this Vision We Seek
Understand the Divine Plan
You Hold your Destiny inside the Palm of your Hand
Rub your Genie Lamp
Enter into my Tent of Dreams
I AM the WISEST of the MONK-ey Clan of FOREVERLAND
Planting seeds, good thoughts, to manifest into your, Field of Dreams
River of Transcendence expanding into Subliminal Subconscious Streams
Unite with the Universal Consciousness, that Feeds
To fulfill all of Your
Emotional, Mental, Physical and Spiritual, Hunger Needs
Embrace your own Zen, my dear friend and create your own Heaven
Always be thankful and grateful, open the Heart Chakra, Learn to Feel
When creating your own Medicine Wheel of Zeal
Aquarian Atlantean Alien, 555 of the 11:11
Pleiadian Spiritual Ark-Ship Landin' that the Sea-Goat be Plannin'

Lord Ashtar via Lynne Rondell #crackpot #magick #conspiracy #ufo voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

You're going to be just fine, it is a rocky road right now as the third dimensional matrix and grid system is really breaking up and all these systems are coming at you like bullets, we're going to say, but we want to let you know all the help that you have above. I want to speak and tell you exactly what is coming through.

I can see from the higher dimensions you have literally thousands and thousands of beautiful councils of light that are sending their love that are helping you with different energies coming down. You have councils of light, all kinds of beautiful ET’s, you have the angelic high councils and you have the angelic high kingdom that are all sending down energies and light.

You have them sending in christ consciousness energy through different portals and gateways onto your planet. What your planet looks like from where i am, i'm on the 12th dimension right now, is just this huge dome of white light with a gold rim around the outside of it, it's beautiful.

If you could see what we see and if you could know that all the galactic high councils that are working with you, they get together every night, they discuss what is needed for humanity, they discuss what is needed for Mother Earth, they are in communication, you have more and more councils, star beings, star nations, galaxies that you have them from all over, some so far away coming to actually see that this ascension happens very quickly and that it is a beautiful process for all of you.

Master Kuthumi via Natalie Glasson #magick #crackpot #ufo voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Within Mother Earth’s energy and source there is a core vibration which you could label as a womb. It is a source of energy, almost like a sanctuary that holds the vibrations of the Creator. The three specific vibrations of the Creator held within the womb are the creativity or creation energy, the consciousness and divine union.

Within this source, which we will label the womb of Mother Earth you will discover the energies of balance and the divine union of the Creator. Some may label this as the masculine and feminine vibrations in harmony and oneness, others recognise that it is simply a balance. The balance of the Creator, where the entire universe is in harmony and working in oneness.

This is deeply important because it requires that all the Universe of the Creator recognise the presence of divine union within their being, they recognise their oneness with all beings, but also that there is a balance.

As Mother Earth is preparing to activate her womb, to begin to radiate and share this energy with all beings, I, Master Kuthumi might add that the same process may be occurring within your being.

In your own time I, Master Kuthumi, invite you to ask to connect with Mother Earth, asking to enter into her space of the womb, to experience the divine union, the creativity and the consciousness of Mother Earth. Breathe in the energies, take as long as you need to experience the power, the balance, and the truth.

Transportal Report #conspiracy #ufo #crackpot #wingnut #magick timetransportal.com

Various timelines with a variety of subjects are unfolding at this moment. Some timelines started decades ago.

A blueprint of a new world?

Where to begin? First of all there's the global corona pandemic, including the many theories surrounding it. Added to the whole are some earthquakes, volcanoes, internet-electricity outages and even the some unidentified flying objects. And then there's Q ...

Have you heard of Q? And the Q Anons ? There are different theories about the Q phenomena.

Q works with so called Q drops. Messages posted on an online bulletin board.
Q works like a puzzle. Codes, numbers and symbols that connect many dots. Because Q seem to have knowledge of future events, some people think Q is a time traveler.

Are they really a group of US intel and army personnel, including Generals, that want to remove the dark shadow government, the deep state also know as the Cabal? Or is it an advanced an very well planned psy-op for a new world order?

Is it really a huge military operation to free humanity? To liberate the thousands of children that have been abducted and kept secret by the Cabal?

One thing for sure: There's a holistic war going on. A war for your mind. An underground war. And on the surface it's mostly visible in the cyber battles of internet memes, bulletin boards and armies of digital soldiers.

Aseim #conspiracy #ufo #magick #wingnut voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Planet Earth and its human citizenry are currently under a gag-order, and a most literal one at that. Seen from up close, the gag order looks a helluva lot like a face mask -- designed to not only effortlessly constrict your breathing, but also to stifle your very voice. A compulsory gag order (with heavy fines and punishments for flouters) that demands, "Keep your mouth shut, or else…"

Look from a tad bit afar, and the gag order looks a helluva lot like a lockdown, and one of global proportions no less. A quarantine, that accurately resembles (and truthfully so reflects) the one that has been placed upon our very planet by wiser citizens of the cosmos, for well over numerous eons now thanks to our collective shenanigans.

If reading all of this makes your blood boil, then, dearest awakened members of the human populace, your time is well beyond ripe now to DISOBEY. To snatch the reins of your own destiny out of the very hands of the Reptiles and the Androids and the Satanists and the Archonics and the cannibals and the paedophiles and the corrupted and the demonic ones that so seek to enslave you beyond all end in here -- and to awaken to your infinite God power and potential from deep within instead. And to speak up and rebel against this tyranny, like there's no tomorrow. Because there sure won't be any if you so decide to keep quiet and stay shut -- much like willing sheep looking to be led by their "trusted and beloved masters" to the nearest available abattoir! The choice is yours.

Ishlana via Galaxygirl #ufo #magick #conspiracy #crackpot voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I Ishlana am a fierce warrior princess of the Feline Race. I honor the All with my service, just as you, human warrior of light are doing the same. We are not different. (I am seeing large feline paws with long black claws being lovingly held up to my human hand). Numerous raids have been occurring in the stealth of your night. It is when we fight best for the light illuminates the darkness and all plans are revealed. We are unafraid of all that the dark ones could try to send our way. We are stealthy. We stalk with precision. Our strike is clean and swift. The dark ones refer to us as the feline assassins. We serve the All in our service of removal of dark creatures that hide.
I Ishlana am from the Lyran society, an ancient and sacred place to me and to my people. Some of you are of royal blood of the stars. We navigate by the star maps and by the breath and heartbeat of Gaia. We can read her shifts in electrical fields and feel the presence of our enemy. We serve with our sacrifice, our loyalty to the light and to Mother Gaia. Our planets are sacred to us in our system. (I am seeing several planets of pristine beauty where beings live in harmony with nature. One planet is a brilliant blue, with many blue plants, similar to the Arcturian sky blue pumpkins I have seen before). Gaia must be protected. That is why we all came. (I am seeing purple grapes tightly packed on a healthy green vine. I am being shown that we are all like little grapes from various parts of the vineyard serving the whole, all connected yet from different vantage points of experience. I am seeing star systems are like these grapes and we came from everywhere to serve).

montalk.net #conspiracy #magick #racist #ufo montalk.net

The Ark <of The Covenant> Stone seemed to possess an intelligence, which in the Old Testament was named Yahweh or the Lord of Israel. This intelligence was a psychopathic parasite that was none other than the personified extension of the Corrupt Demiurge.

The same way the Grail Stone was a remote terminal for the Christ intelligence, the Ark Stone was one for the Corrupt Demiurge. How did this come about? It happened when the Mosaic priesthood in Egypt deployed the Ark Stone in an act of black magic to liberate themselves from the Egyptian power structure that had deposed Akhenaten and oppressed them. It was a pact made with a demonic force. It’s possible that the Great Pyramid, as described in the Biblical description of the events at Mount Sinai, functioned as a reprogramming device for the Stone, allowing a different intelligence to take possession of it.

While the Osarseph rebellion failed, their “Lord” guided them out of Egypt and established them in Canaan, birthing the nation of Israel. Thus a desperate act of black magic over three thousand years ago injected Israel into history and changed the course of the timeline. Judaism, Catholicism, Christianity, and Islam were among the consequences. How many wars have resulted from this, and how much closer are we to WWIII today because of it? History was altered in such a way that, today, we are far more vulnerable to global alien takeover than otherwise; hence through the Ark Stone, the Corrupt Demiurge found a deep inroad into the timeline by which the timeline could be bent toward fulfillment of its dark goals.

Alisheryia and Elthor via Galaxygirl #magick #ufo #crackpot voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I Alisheryia am speaking. Greetings, little human. We dragons have been working tirelessly for the ascension of Gaia and those upon her who choose it. (I am seeing dark bases being cleaned out deep within snow capped mountain peaks). We are working, clearing, cleaning, honing the energy streams and continually blessing Gaia with our light, as are you. Little one, you are not little, you are Source in form, a great mystery to one who has been dwelling in the underbelly of dimensions. Dimension walkers you are, you have been. And now you will be dimension climbers. We are dimension flyers. You will notice that your abilities will improve as you ascend and you will feel like you have never felt before, but of course, you are just remembering your home in the higher dimensional pathways of light.
We are Alisheryia and Elthor, divine in union and steadfast in our service to the light. The light has come. It is your home. It is your safety. Feel safe and protected. (They are covering me with their wings again). Feel our embrace. (I am crying). Little human, little human. You are so tremendously loved and appreciated. Peace little hatching. Your time to fly is at hand. Do not fear the precipice. Do not look down for looking down is looking back. There is no back for that is the old ways. There is only one and the future you will create as the founders of Nova Gaia, a land of infinite beauty balance and creativity. Fly strongly for the winds will be rough, but you are ready. You are chosen. You are LIGHT in form. This same light is within you, little one. Be of good courage. Dragons fly best in the wind. You are no different. Peace.

Maria DEVI CHRISTOS #god-complex #crackpot #conspiracy #magick usmalos.com

<Translated from Russian by Google>
The "Great White Brotherhood" of 1993 has never been a "religion" or a "sect". It was the Slavic Movement of White Messengers, who, in white clothes of renunciation of worldly vanity, on the streets and squares of all Slavic countries and the former USSR, carried the News of the Phenomenon of the Mother of the World , the Future Transformation, warning about the threat of chipization.

Today it is IzTaria. But slander against the Mother of the World and Her disciples continues to pour down to this day. Intimidation by the "terrible sect" - the "Great White Brotherhood", has become a profitable technique in the hands of those who are involved in the manipulation of public consciousness. For the dark ones are still in fear from Maria DEVI CHRISTOSand Her 90s White Movement. The Spiritual Leader of the Slavs in the Face of the Woman-Messiah Did not fit into the dark plan for the globalization of the world. And to this day, the main task of the dark servants of Set is to denigrate and hide from earthlings the Slavic Mother of the World - CHRIST-SOPHIA, whose Phenomenon at the end of the patriarchal era of Pisces was natural. To erase Her Luminous Image from the consciousness of the Russian narad, just as the Image of the Great Mother - RADANA, Ruska Sophia-Trinity, which was honored by our ancestors from the time of Hyperborea and Tartaria, was erased from the memory of the Slavs - this is their cherished dream, for they feel the dark ones will soon end, and their fear increases even more.

Mary Sue Award

Sean Bond #crackpot #ufo #magick #quack #mammon projectcamelotportal.com

Sean Bond, I am a Healer with a vast skill-set which includes: The ability to read DNA records and Spirit (Light Body) wisdom Accessing past life knowledge skill sets and dormant abilities Reiki Master Psionic Specialist Meditation Instructor Life Coach Problem solver and Spiritual Conduit for teaching others about multidimensional awareness and interaction with all their individual DNA technologies, higher functions and operation systems within anyone’s soul sparks/chards of their multidimensional self to help them manifest in the physical. I’m skilled at accessing the user manual for DNA technology of the body to track issues back to the point of origin, in order to resolve any problem happening to the body or may be accessed by organic, spiritual technology within each individual. I assist in creating operating systems to help individuals manifest dormant abilities that unlock their psychic potential and upgrade the body’s energy systems. <...> Skill-sets I teach: Telepathy Psychic Tracking Law of Attraction Manifesting Increase Consciousness Time Travel Remote Viewing Quantum Field Control Psionic Defense Psychic Surgery Reiki Energy Manipulation & Balancing Co-Creating & Manifestation Techniques Every one is born with a unique skillset of gifts just waiting to be unlocked. Sadly, most people go their entire lives with-out opening their own presents ie: Presence. Anybody in need of help and assistance, especially Targeted Individuals “I HAVE THE TOOLS TO HELP YOU “

Laura Knight-Jadczyk #crackpot #magick #conspiracy #mammon amazon.com

The Secret History of The World and How To Get Out Alive is the definitive book of the real answers where Truth is more fantastic than fiction. Laura Knight-Jadczyk, wife of internationally known theoretical physicist, Arkadiusz Jadczyk, an expert in hyperdimensional physics, draws on science and mysticism to pierce the veil of reality. Due to the many threats on her life from agents and agencies known and unknown, Laura left the United States to live in France, where she is worked closely with Patrick Riviere, student of Eugene Canseliet, the only disciple of the legendary alchemist Fulcanelli.

With sparkling humour and wisdom, she picks up where Fulcanelli left off, sharing over thirty years of research to reveal, for the first time, The Great Work and the esoteric Science of the Ancients in terms accessible to scholar and layperson alike.

Conspiracies have existed since the time of Cain and Abel. Facts of history have been altered to support the illusion. The question today is whether a sufficient number of people will see through the deceptions, thus creating a counter-force for positive change - the gold of humanity - during the upcoming times of Macro-Cosmic Quantum Shift. Laura argues convincingly, based on the revelations of the deepest of esoteric secrets, that the present is a time of potential transition, an extraordinary opportunity for individual and collective renewal: a quantum shift of awareness and perception which could see the birth of true creativity in the fields of science, art and spirituality. The Secret History of the World allows us to redefine our interpretation of the universe, history, and culture and to thereby navigate a path through this darkness.

Heather @Activation Vibration #ufo #magick #crackpot activationvibrations.com

Light Language is basically New Age speaking in tongues.>
Light Language is a channeled cosmic language that distributes sound and energy to convey messages- interpreted by the heart, and speaks familiarity to your soul rather than to your programmed hearing and brain. This allows you to consume information differently by expanding your senses.
There is no direct word for word translation for Light Language, it is a compilation of energy that is digested quantumly within. It is about how the transmission makes you feel- rather than how you "think" about the information or sound coming through.
The purpose of Light Language is to shift your energy to a higher octave. You can feel this when tuning in~ As your energy rises through your senses- your brain is triggered into a gamma state, where you become receptive and let go of control of your senses, therefore allowing your frequency to shift to expand your mental, emotional and spiritual capacity. This then allows you to tap into a realm of wisdom, healing, regeneration, and activation.
For those who are ready- Light Language helps to activate the dormant portions of your DNA- open your third eye, and remind you of your mission- purpose- power- true soul essence, and where you come from.

The Slavic Polytheist #magick slavicpolytheist.wordpress.com

So back in 2013, I was struggling really hard with imposter syndrome in regards to being a “real pagan”. I didn’t like the “fog” that being head blind kind of put me into. It was like I’m always surrounded by fog, cut off from signs, symbols and experiences that other people got. And got so easily! That was a lot of jealousy on my part back then, even though I also recognized that there are some benefits to not having to hear/communicate with gods and spirits all the time.

See, I’m still pretty much head blind. I can’t sense like 99% of shit going on around me. Still can’t sense my own energy or magic, not even after trying all sorts of mindfulness, focusing or meditative actions or tasks. They haven’t awoken my inner eye or inner ability to sense things. So, I’ve come to terms with the fact that I’m going to, nearly always, not sense gods, spirits, or anything going on around me. So, I still have to rely on divination (my go-to to check on what I think is going on with the metaphysical) to clear up, confirm or detail just what I am doing/sensing/whatever. I may never get to have that “god phone” I used to so desperately want. All in all, the last 7 years have taught me a lot about what you can do, even when you can’t just “ring up” a god and talk to them. I know sometimes it seems like if I had that “god phone” I would be in a better place. However, on the other hand, it is sometimes peaceful and quiet to not have to worry about the potential clamoring in my head at all times.

Demi Lovato #ufo #magick #conspiracy cosmopolitan.com

Demi Lovato Shares UFO Sightings on Instagram and Says She Contacted Aliens

Over the past couple months I have dug deep into the science of consciousness and experienced not only peace and serenity like I’ve never known but I also have witnessed the most incredibly profound sightings both in the sky as well as feet away from me. This planet is on a very negative path towards destruction but WE can change that together. If we were to get 1% of the population to meditate and make contact, we would force our governments to acknowledge the truth about extraterrestrial life among us and change our destructive habits destroying our planet. This is just some of the evidence from under the stars in the desert sky that can no longer be ignored and must be shared immediately 💞💫☄️ to make contact yourself you can download the CE5 app and it will teach you the protocols to connect to life form beyond our planet!! (Ps, if it doesn’t happen on the first try - keep trying - it took me several sessions to tap into a deep enough level of meditation to make contact!) Happy communicating

In a plot twist that not even whoever’s in charge of 2020 saw coming, Demi took to Instagram and shared several photos of what appear to be spaceships (???) "The photos in question were taken on a trip to Joshua Tee with some friends and Dr. Steven Greer, who is—according to his Instagram bio—"one of the world’s foremost authorities on the subject of UFOs, ET intelligence, and initiating peaceful contact with ET civilizations."

Asenath Mason #magick #mammon becomealivinggod.com

With Evocation of Lilith, you’re going to:

- Receive initiation with the Queen of Night
- Inflame your power to perform sex magic
- Experience lucid dreams & astral magic
- Safely establish contact for demonic possession
- Open a gate to the Lilith’s dark side of the moon

Evocation of Lilith - $999
You’re about to undergo initiation with the legendary seductress and mother of succubi and incubi, Lilith. Her Qliphothic realm hides on the dark side of the moon, and she plays a definitive role in Western sexual initiations.
She is a beautiful red-haired woman with milk white body as well as a decrepit crone with grey hair and wrinkled skin. She is a snake, spider, owl, lioness, and wolf. You can meet her in dark woods and caves, at burial places, in torture chambers, and in the alcove of fornication. She coils around the practitioner like a serpent, injecting her venom which dissolves the boundaries of reason and intoxicates the mind with rapture and lucid exaltation—hypnotic trance of pain and erotic ecstasy.

Let me perform an evocation of the Queen of Night to personally initiate you into Draconian sorcery where you can encounter the most forbidden areas of sex magic. As Dark Initiatrix, she provides an exhilarating and life-changing experience that no other demon or demoness ever can. This initiation opens you fully to perform the sex magic found in my new grimoire Rituals of Pleasure.

Delahnnovahh-Starr Livingstone #crackpot #magick #ufo #dunning-kruger designofcreation.com

Cubits are expandable into cubistic matrixes. Cubistic matrixes are the actual means by which cubits are used to blueprint and implement Creation. The working of Cubistic Matrixes is called 'Cubistics'. Cubistics is how Creation is being steadily expressed into existence and upheld.
The fact is that Cubistics is fractal. The fractal is universal. The fractal upholds every cubistic matrix in Creation and by the fractal every aspect in Creation is upheld within a cubistic matrix. Cubistics is the original archetypal fractal from which all other fractals derive. The same cubistic fractal serving to blueprint the inner workings of the atom frames the enormity of the Outer Creation. The microcosm is a perfect mirror of the macrocosm. Six sided snowflakes reflect the fractal at the molecular level of ordinary Matter Substance. Six sided images of light in a camera lens reflect it in the radiating levels of electromagnetic Matter Substance.

The original cubistic blueprints developed in the Melchizedek Worlds of the Magellanic Clouds a billion years ago in order to initiate an outer evolution on Earth's surface to raise its frequency back to crystalline, was fractal. Your scientists are just now starting to discover the presence of fractal geometry behind nearly every aspect of Earth's outer plane existence.
By this elegantly simple but infinitely powerful little principle of common logic, every different cubit and cubistic matrix in Creation is capable of expressing a completely different blueprint with completely differing resulting manifestations depending on where it is and what it will be doing in accordance with the plan. Both large and small, forever and without limit.

Cobra/The Portal #ufo #conspiracy #crackpot #magick 2012portal.blogspot.com

Galactic Confederation and Resistance forces are making good progress in eliminating the Draco fleet and the Illuminati Breakaway Complex (IBC). The vast majority of the Draco ships and also the majority of negative Secret Space Programs ships have been cleared already, with very few remaining in the Low Earth Orbit. Many of the Dracos are fleeing the Draco fleet and trying to hide in underground bases, where they are cleared anyway a few days later.

The Resistance is clearing the underground bases with full force, with Neu Berlin and most other Antarctic underground bases already liberated.

The Light Forces have also begun the full force operation of clearing the Chimera fleet that was until now hidden in quantum superposition state in sublunar space. They have already managed to clear the majority of Chimera forces from sublunar space and now most of the Chimera fleet is gathered in Low Earth Orbit. Draco military commanders are surrendering all their highly advanced technology to the Chimera forces just before they get cleared by the Galactic Confederation. Draco military high command is now in a state of panic, smelling defeat.

Chimera fleet is using the so called quantum black goo as their defense weapon against the progress of the Light Forces. Quantum black goo is simply compressed form of quantum primary anomaly that has been exposed to extreme entropy and is now being released by the Chimera in Low Earth Orbit and is being very effectively cleared by the Light Forces.

Alcazar #magick #dunning-kruger #crackpot voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

The Quantum Reality is the Real Reality

There is no rush. There is no goal to achieve. There is nowhere to get to because it is all here. But you don’t know that yet. It is all here because the Quantum Field in which everything is held is here. It is not in the physical realm. The physical is within the Quantum Field. The Quantum Field is within everything. As we have said before, it is in the gap between the electron and the center of the atom. It is within the center of the atom. It is within every breath that you breathe in and out. The Quantum Reality is the real reality. Your physical reality is an illusion. You have heard this before. And we have said that is the truth. But, until you know it as a truth, your physical reality is very real.

Nick Redfern #conspiracy #magick #dunning-kruger mysteriousuniverse.org

On a few occasions here I have referenced how, in the late 1960s, Loch Ness Monster seeker, Ted Holiday, found himself immersed in a very sinister situation; possible even a dangerous one.
As Holiday dug more and more into the story, he began to hear whispers of a full-blown secret cult in the area that was – allegedly, it must be stressed – engaged in rites and rituals of the sacrificial type. The mysterious group in question, Holiday believed, was said to worship Tiamat, a terrifying Babylonian snake-goddess, or sea-dragon, who was revered as much as she was feared – and chiefly because of her murderous, homicidal ways. She mated with Abzu, the god of freshwater, to create a number of supernatural offspring, all of dragon- and serpent-like appearance.

If, however, one knew the ways of the ancients, one could still call upon the power and essence of Tiamat – despite her death – as a means to achieve power, wealth, influence, and sex. Such rituals were definitively Faustian in nature, however (as they almost always are), and the conjurer had to take great heed when summoning the spirit-form of Tiamat, lest violent, deadly forces might be unleashed. It was highly possible, thought Holiday, that the monsters seen at Loch Ness were manifestations of Tiamat, in some latter day incarnation, and specifically provoked to manifest by that aforementioned cult.

Jesus channeled by Lea Chapin #ufo #magick #conspiracy #crackpot blissfulvisions.com

Jesus: Greetings, it is I, Christ. We stand with you today on the cusp of a new generation of time. The energy of the Photon Belt is shifting in your galaxy, and a major shift of transformational consciousness is now being imbued upon planet Earth. This is a wave of ascension energy that is now flooding your planet, and much that you understand in your Earthly realm, with all of the natural disasters that are occurring, and the Earth changes, will soon begin to subside.

Those who have awakened to what we call the 33.33% of energy that has affected and been imprinted within the energetic matrix of the human population will continue to transform their energies, and every soul on this planet is being affected by the energy of the Photon Belt, and is being affected by these frequencies of powerful transformation.
This is contributing to the chaos of those who are causing and affecting the world by their violent behavior. This is the increase in the active shooters in your United States of America. Those souls are being affected by these new light particles and they are not able to handle the energy that is being brought forth to them. It is creating a disturbance within their energy field, and they are not able to control their primal impulses, and are becoming erratic in their behavior.

Others who are able to hold the frequencies are transforming at a very rapid rate. Therefore, all of you are moving and shifting through the light particles rather quickly, and you are able to transform your lower dimensional frequencies into the higher light codes that are being infused, and have been infused for some time, since the energy was brought forth through the Great Pyramid of Giza in October 2018.

Victor #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #magick voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

You are the Anti-virus that will save this world. Because you have a SOUL. You are LIFE ITSELF!. YOU ARE AN INFINITE BEING.

You came into this matrix as the antidote to repair this matrix. YOU are the....."Anti-virus"....against the ..."MATRIX"......YOU ARE THE ONLY THING THAT CAN FIX IT!...this broken matrix that we are all in!

This Reality or this "World" ....is nothing like what we have been told to believe it is!. Everything we have been told is a lie, because we are living in a "artificial" ....MATRIX.....that is "Infected".... with a maligment self serving virus. This virus can control our emotions and feeds off negative energies like fear, anger, sadness. Basically....it "FEEDS"....from all of our experiences or .....our SOUL energies. We are like the battery of this Reality.

IN THIS MATRIX..... Something went horribly wrong! This situation, if not dismantled it can infect the whole the universe, if left

The present day ..."China VIRUS"......that has everyone wearing masks, is just another of that outward artificial creation of the hidden "INNER" controlling virus running this place. That main computer controlling ..... "VIRUS"...that has shut this outer world dwon with FEAR, is the.... (AI) computer. The actual "VIRUS" ....that has began to "FEED" on the SOUL energy of the trapped "LIVING" entities here, or the traped consciousness beings that came here for a purpose.

This Matric VIRUS..... is trying to entrain the conscious beings to be like the COMPUTER VIRUS WANTS THEM TO BE......in order to produce the most Fear energy for its False life.

Ascension Earth #ufo #conspiracy #crackpot #magick ascensionearth.com

3D Earth is in a huge mess... and has been this way for the last 12,500 years when the Galactic Federation installed the current Lunar Matrix that trapped the regressives on Earth. Prior to this event the Galactic Federation had been battling for thousands of Earth years (linear time confined to Earth consciousness) in and beyond our Solar System. This battle resulted in the destruction of life on the surface of Venus and Mars in addition, the total destruction of the planet called Taymat that some have called Meldak that is now our asteroid belt. The regressives had lured the Galactic Federation mainly the Pleiadean Defense Forces onto Taymat that was a water covered planet that would have made a perfect Headquarters and stronghold for the regressive reptilian races. The result of which the Pleiadeans detonated a nuclear device that destroyed Taymat.

Earths Gravity drew a deluge of water from Taymat onto the planet that has been referred to as The Great Flood. The regressive reptilians escaped to Earth loosing most of their technology. <...>

Meantime, the Lunar Frequency generator would prevent the reptilians escape. Up until this time Earth was lower 5D, however, once the frequency generators were powered up, Earth was locked down into a narrow frequency band the limits of which is the Van Allen Belt. The Dominant frequencies generated by the Lunar Matrix prevent Ascension back into the natural biological state of 5D. When the Lunar Matrix was installed there were many Lyrian descendants from both Atlantis and Lemeria that were also trapped on Earth inside the 3D Matrix, many of which now have reincarnated and are Starseeds.

Wes Penre/Leon Leo Zagami #conspiracy #ufo #magick #fundie humansarefree.com

Leo Lyon Zagami was allegedly a member of the Italian Illuminati, a 33rd degree freemason and a member of the infamous Freemasonic P2 Lodge – hence, a true insider.

He was considered a “prince”, prepared to take over the Italian branch after the older Italian Illuminati “king”, Licio Gelli.

According to Leo, he is of Illuminati aristocrat bloodline and therefore involved in the Illuminati Order since childhood.
I have had the privilege to communicate with Leo, and among other things I asked him what he knew about the UFO/alien phenomenon – a subject that is perhaps the most confusing one when it comes to the New World Order.

I may not agree with him on his religious belief, but I think that is beside the point. This is Leo’s view on the UFO/alien agenda:
This dark approach to the Royal Art of Alchemy is operated unfortunately by the Jesuits with the use of evil Jinns serving Satan himself the owner of Vatican HQ’s.
The jinn are real entities living on this earth which are normally invisible to us. The name comes from an Arabic word meaning “to hide or conceal”.

They don’t live in bottles or adhere to the fairy tales told about them. They can be deceptive and influential.

They are movers behind the UFO mystery as well as many other mysteries. Every culture shows the imprints of their influence in its religion and mythology.

Thas because the New World Order of the Nazi Jesuits and the Zionist conducted a deliderate UFO propaganda with the help of the usual evil Jinns in projects like MK-ULTRA so you could fall into this demonic trap and loose your faith (there are also good Jinns by the way).

Maureen Johnston #conspiracy #fundie #homophobia #magick henrymakow.com

The reason Sweden is exempt from lockdowns is that the population, by and large, have already agreed to be microchipped or is microchipped.

They have successfully engineered Sweden away from God.

When it comes to numbers of sexual partners, Sweden it is probably among the most promiscuous countries in the world. Having between 50-100 different sex partners in a life span, and even above 100 sex partners, is definitely not uncommon among Swedes. Even among females. Also, the number of latent bisexuals is very high. No one raises an eyebrow if you are lesbian.

Another important aspect to understand why there are no lockdowns in Sweden is that the technology of microchip implants is closely related to demonization -- i.e. having legions of demons.* The satanic NWO globalist governments can control a demonized population, that's why they want people to be demonized.

But there are many ways to skin a cat -- to get a human soul to legally accept legions of demons to host off their body-mind-spirit energy system (temple). For example, one must do some "spiritually illegal" practice or action that opens a spiritual portal (stargate) to allow demons to have a legal right to enter your temple, like being a whore or whoremonger.

Once a single demon gets in, he will begin to break your will from the inside and fight against your good (god- connection) nature to do more bad actions that will give another demon the legal right to enter your temple --then they continue to push you to do terribly evil things and then more demons come in until you are full of thousands of demons --hey you don't even need a microchip anymore --your soul is gone - you are reprobate.

Arcturian Collective via Aurora Ray #ufo #magick #crackpot voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

A galactic collective wish to speak with you regarding some upcoming upgrades to the collective DNA templating. We are a collective of Arcturian starbeings, part of the Galactic Federation of Light, in service to the transition of life forms on the planet to higher dimensional frequencies.

In 3 weeks (around mid October), there will be a cosmic event occurring that humanity must prepare for. Transition into 4th dimensional density is occurring and this will directly affect the stability of the planet. The {human} consciousness must be prepared to experience certain phenomenon that will seem unusual particularly in the sky. You must stay out of fear.

The ascension shift occurring on your planet is going to move into hyper speed or overdrive. The time is collapsing much faster towards the point of cosmic neutrality and the human beings must drastically address their alignment to integrate these frequencies. We come to give you notice/warning of preparation. For what is to come will shake to the core life as you know it. ‘
(Tatanka is shown many starships beginning to encircle the globe, manifesting/materializing out of nowhere. They’re parked and observing. Frequency of these crafts is interfacing with the frequencies of the earth. These ships are creating a buffering forcefield/network generated to dissipate any vibrational impact from what is approaching the earth.)
(Tatanka is shown, Gaia is tranditioning out of 3D into 4D where there are planets we don’t usually see in our sky, like Nibiru. Those other planets/asteroids are going to be influencing the earth , mostly energetically, as she transitions through this corridor. It is a rough ride to navigate for her).

Victor #crackpot #ufo #magick voyagesoflight.blogspot.com


What do you want? DO YOU KNOW?

Imagine a giant super (AI) master computer attached to the center of this earth? or Imagine a giant HEART OF LIGHT in the center of this earth, attached to a living entity called earth.....Which it is. Earth is a conscious being but we may not know it?.
Those that are old enough may remember a great old science fiction movie of the 1950's......It was called ...."FORBIDDEN PLANET".....what a great movie. Almost 70 years ago the world was told the secret of this planet. In that movie a supper advance race of people had created a Super Computer. A massive creation with (AI) like powers of manifestation.

The size of the computer in that movie spoke to the power of AI computing that exists now. But in 1950's just the idea of computers was new. They did not even exist for the average person until the 1980's or later. But that movie is what a 4D world is like.

What you think.... YOU MANIFEST. !.....In that movie the new space explorers landed and were being attacked by unknown forces. They did not know that the AI computer was WAITING TO MANIFEST. !........IT WAS WAITING FOR THEM!....So when the explorers MANIFESTED "unconscious fear thoughts".......they showed up. NO one understood it!

Until they realized HOW THIS NEW WORLD WORKED. What you thought just showed up!. SO BE IT!.... That is how a 4D world operates. That is how we operate now. We are the controllers of the Universe and the Universe is the computer waiting for us to manifest what we want.

Leo Lyon Zagami #conspiracy #crackpot #magick #mammon #dunning-kruger amazon.com

Confessions of an Illuminati, Volume II: The Time of Revelation and Tribulation Leading up to 2020 (Confessions of an Illuminati Series Book 2)

Leo Lyon Zagami continues his masterful thisis of his former life within the Illuminati, “confessing” both his own role, and by digging deeper to expose the players and their control grid. He outlines the Satanic infiltration of Freemasonry, pointing out the generational aspect of the bloodline families. This book also outlines the many ways of defending yourself psychically against black magicians, but also against the many sects operating within the Illuminati Network.

Fantasy Kitchen Sink Award

Sasquatch Elder Kamooh via SunBow TrueBrother #crackpot #magick #ufo blissfulvisions.com

Sasquatch Elder Kamooh: "Humanity was involved in three major intergalactic wars, in which my Sasquatch People, along with Star Elders, protected you and combated by your side. The first one began since your birth six million years ago, and lasted for two million years. It was an ongoing battle opposing the Star Council to reptilian factions cloning monsters.”

”The second cosmic war Humanity went through started three and a half million years ago and lasted one million years, involving again sensibly the same parties. Nuclear weapons were used and underground shelters became the safest refuges. The third interplanetary war Humanity experienced lasted for over half a million years, and ended one and a half million years ago. During that time, the Elves established in Hyperborea were also our allies and they defended you against orcs, dragons, giants and robots.”

”There was four major wars of the two empires that opposed Mu to Atlantis. The first one started around 850,000 years ago and lasted 100,000, after the dark fleets of the lower lords established military bases in Atlantis. Since flying dragons were bred and mounted in battle, it is called the war of the dragons."

”The second war of the two empires occurred 350,000 years ago and lasted 50,000 years. It was the war of the giants, in a time when many races of giants of all sizes, some carrying Human genetics and some not, ruled and competed over kingdoms, some in righteousness and some in evil ways. This is when cannibalism, necromancy, sorcery and wizardry spread among many Human tribes, provoking the first downfall of Lemuria. It is after this war that the Elves were ordered to leave Earth, because of their behaviors.”

Tim Tony Stark Rifat #magick #crackpot #racist #mammon supernaturalspirit.org

To take full advantage of sequestering everything thats Jewish including their God the eighth King of Edom the Psi-Lord has enabled people of any persuasion to become the Kings and Queens of Edom.

These Edomic Vampires get all the good things in life as they control the tunnels of Amalek behind the qlippothic tree of evil and their entire existence is pure sublime good. The Abraham ritual and good shepherd ritual explained in video number 21 give them all the riches of the world and raise their spiritual frequency to that of God beings and consign their victims to become wicker deathgoat Jews tortured for all eternity to suffer for the Edomic vampire sins: the Rothschild rabbi Illuminati secrets sequestered by the new régime of the Kings and Queens of Edom.

Entrance to universe b of sublime good Amalek, the archetypal dragon, is only enabled by this service not any of the other vampire services: the Amalek service allows you to spread Amalek death and destruction in the qlippothic realm, universe b of the tunnels of set, and universe a the Kabbalistic Jewish universe of Zion.

This service though allows you to live in the tunnels of Amalek ruling all of the Jewish universe by becoming the Jewish monster of the id Amalek which as in the forbidden planet film kills off the Jews (Krell) and takes over everything as the only survivor. This is documented in the Rabbi´s Kabbalah, see A.E. Waite´s Holy Kabbalah. Join the winning team become an Edomic King or Queen of Edom and rule the Zionist world as it´s Lord or Mistress. Enjoy ! $10000 Limited Edition

SunBow #crackpot #magick #conspiracy blissfulvisions.com

SunBow says the Sasquatch are emissaries between our 3D world and the Agarthan 5D civilizations in hollow earth. Their civilization has existed on Earth for millions of years. Their existence proves the existence of supernatural powers, extraterrestrial intelligences, human hybrids, and intra-terrestrial populations. This hidden knowledge, kept secret by the elite (Dark Cabal), is the reason why mainstream academics are not ready to change their debunked evolution theories, and adapt the Sasquatch knowledge to a wider and wiser perspective.

SunBôw began receiving and transcribing messages from a Sasquatch Elder named Kamooh in 2015 while living in British Columbia, Canada. These messages became the text for Book 1. SunBow began to transcribe new messages for Book 2 as given by Kamooh in October 2016. The Sasquatch Elder Kamooh and his people asked SunBow to disseminate their message to the world. The Sasquatch Elders want to talk with humanity about changing and transforming themselves in order to become co-creators of a peaceful and environmentally-friendly world for a healthier planet, physically and spiritually.

Our Star Elders (extraterrestrials/ETs) are an intergalactic alliance with several dozen cosmic races that are here observing us and assisting us through The Great Awakeing into Unity Consciousness (aka Ascension or The Great Shift). Some of them say that they genetically engineered the human race, according to the information received by SunBow from his channeled source Sasquatch Elder Kamooh.

Kat #conspiracy #wingnut #ufo #magick #mammon inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com

How thrilling / exciting / super fantastic is this?!?!?

POTUS, Q and the mighty Alliance are on it. We have NOTHING to worry about.

They have a Plan and it's genius—They've dismantled the most ungodly horrific greedy bloo_dth_irsty depr_aved ev_il vomitus corrupt bla_ckest of the deepest darkest swamp-empire that has ever existed in all Creation and that will never ever ever exist again.

So far the mighty Alliance have been Quantum brilliant Tesla-Towering Multi-Dimensional Chess Mastering and Precise Military Victorious and I trust their Plan.

It's ALL coming in the perfect/Divine time. No mistakes this time. No tragedies. No chance of the loss of a beloved POTUS. No more 9-11's. This time it's done and dusted.

The RV, GCR, QFS, QVS, NESARA, GESARA, Health, Happiness, Abundance, Joy, Celebration, Freedom, Immortality, Creativity, Innovation, Miracles, Marvels, thrilling Technology, Instant Healing Modalities, Free Energy, Hover cars, Space and Time Travel, 5D+ for Gaia, her Kingdoms, Humanity, Galaxy, Multi-verse, All.

The Divine restoration of all that was stolen and withheld and far more than that.

And... World Peace... Home by Christmas... thank you, POTUS.

With blessings unceasing - We are Goddess, Sovereign, Free,

xo, Kat

Mountains of Nova Gaia via Galaxygirl #magick #crackpot voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

We are the Mountains of Nova Gaia. Nothing can move us. Nothing can tunnel into us without our permission. Yet we offer our bodies to be the homes of many interplanetary dwellers with great love and joy. (I am seeing little gnomes in pointy red hats smiling and warming their hands by a fire in a deep cave. They are surrounded by glowing crystals of greens, blues and pinks). We wish to offer you our solitary, our strong support, our granite strength to you. Feel the pull of our realm to yours. Weave the light in between them. (I am seeing threads of glowing light being woven together from their realm to ours, like knitting together two halves of a sweater. The grandmothers are assisting). Feel the faith needed to accept these vibrations and claim them as your truth, if you choose. It will make the journey easier for you. (I am seeing rocky cliffs with a churning ocean below of gray water. They are showing me that this is the type of energy we are feeling now but this will transform into deep blue calm with peaceful cliffs full of birds in comparison).

We are the Mountains of Nova Gaia. We consist of many minerals that would seem rare and exotic to your realm. We are rich with all minerals. There is no wanting. (I am seeing glowing lines of gems of all colors within the mountains. The gnomes assist with their energetic balancing and harvesting. They harvest the gems in a renewable fashion which the gnomes oversee). All is plenty and we have the patient privilege of providing this to the Nova Gaians as they require. (I am seeing skiers on tops of snowy peaks and sunbathers at the mountain bases and beaches surrounding. There is much joy and relaxation here. It is an oasis of peace)

montalk.net #crackpot #magick #dunning-kruger #ufo montalk.net

My goal in this note is to interpret the Elder Futhark (old Norse rune alphabet, a.k.a. Viking alphabet) from the viewpoint that they are a collection of scientific diagrams pertaining to hyperdimensional physics and metaphysics.

The mythical origins of the Celts and Nordics suggests their ancestors were once a technologically advanced and partially fourth density (semi-4D) race who suffered a cataclysmic vibrational descent into 3D Earth, after which they became ever more divested of their supernatural powers by increasingly taking upon themselves the constraints of three dimensional space and linear time, whether through genetic intermixing with the indigenous population or through gradual acclimatization to the lower vibrational levels.

Now, according to rune mythology, in an act of self-sacrifice the god Odin hung himself upside down from the great tree Yggdrasil for nine days, during which the 24 runic symbols were revealed to him. Comparing this myth to other similar ones (see the book Hamlet’s Mill) makes it evident that the “world tree” is representative of our linear timeline with all its branches, i.e. the multiverse or fractal holographic matrix of spacetime.

When a higher being enters the lower realms and undergoes an act of suffering and sacrifice, that is crucifixion. Odin hanging from the tree, or Christ from the cross, is symbolic of hyper-dimensional consciousness entering and being crucified upon the cross of space-time. So this represents, at one level of interpretation, the semi-4D race falling into the darker 3D realms and being enchained by the constraints of space and time.

Clyde Lewis #conspiracy #magick #dunning-kruger #wingnut groundzeromedia.org

I want to share with you how politics and parapolitics differ. I have been told by many people that I make claims that I am not political and that I uses parapolitical talk as a cover for a political agenda. I often argue that when I speak of parapolitical activities, I see it as an exercise in ponerology, the science of evil and the demonological way in which politics are used as a form of magik with a K or alchemical ritual that mesmerizes people into acting a certain way, basically acting upon the wishes of the master magician or puppet master.

I want to illustrate tonight, how retro-causal magic works. It is a simple trick of using language as a virus.
Throw in some authoritarian charisma and a little retro-causal voodoo and you have a poor population being told that the future survival of their race depends on their adherence to authoritarian superiors guided by a synarch or unknown brotherhood.

The challenge is how to illustrate that the same type or retrocausal magik is being used in the United States?
They call it the New Normal or the Neo-Normal.

I believe that it will be a paraneonormal. A government that is a shadow if its former self, where the people no longer will be self-governed but forced into a peasant class and will be ruled accordingly.
It can be argued that retro causal magik is working in the present and that a Luciferian brotherhood is again working its magic to program us for the New Age of enlightenment, when in reality, it will be the acceptance of tyranny forcing everyone to give up.

Tom Horn and Cris Putnam #crackpot #magick bibliotecapleyades.net

The farm is actually called “Skinwalker Ranch” by local Indians who believe it lies in “the path of the skinwalker,” taking its name from the Native American legend. It was made famous during the ’90s and early 2000s when claims about the ranch first appeared in the Utah Deseret News and later in the Las Vegas Mercury during a series of riveting articles by journalist George Knapp.

It told of frightening events that had left the owners of the ranch befuddled and broke - from bizarre, bulletproof wolf-things to mutilated prize cattle and other instances in which animals and property simply disappeared or were obliterated overnight.
Yet of all the anomalous incidents at the ranch, there was one that took the prize.

Knapp tells what happened next:

Up in the tree branches, they could make out a huge set of yellowish, reptilian eyes. The head of this animal had to be three feet wide, they guessed. At the bottom of the tree was something else. Gorman described it as huge and hairy, with massively muscled front legs and a doglike head.

Gorman, who is a crack shot, fired at both figures from a distance of 40 yards. The creature on the ground seemed to vanish.

A professional tracker was brought in the next day to scour the area. Nothing.

But there was a physical clue left behind. At the bottom of the tree, they found and photographed a weird footprint, or rather, claw print. The print left in the snow was from something large. It had three digits with what they guessed were sharp claws on the end.

Later analysis and comparison of the print led them to find a chilling similarity - the print from the ranch closely resembled that of a velociraptor, an extinct dinosaur made famous in the Jurassic Park films.

Neggr #crackpot #fundie #magick #racist #sexist #wingnut incels.is

[Serious] Covid and Corprus are the same disease, a divine one. Hear me out.

Both start with a C. Coincidence? I think not, both are created in order to make us stronger and create a hivemind where Elliot Rodger (in TES 3 its the incel dagoth ur which gets cucked by azuras cuck nerevar). Corprus was created to drive out the mongrel races out of morrowind and to restore glory to resdayn, covid will be used to drive out the mongrel choids and foids to restore our holy earth and make it a place of no suffering and an utopia. Thats why normies and the governments are so afraid of it, thats why they desperately are trying to find a vaccine, but they wont, also as your vision clouds, as the darkness sets, fear not.

Know only our mercy and the radiance of our affection, which unbinds your bones to the earth before, and sets your final path to the music of your new eternity.
- Elliot Rodger

Cobra/The Portal #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #magick 2012portal.blogspot.com

<several links removed for space>

A Short Message to the Surface Population

Time frame between September 19th and October 4th was the moment of peak darkness for the surface of this planet. There were absolutely brutal attacks on many of the key Lightworkers and Ligthwarriors that sometimes led to physical consequences. On the global scale, there was also an outbreak of war between Azerbaijan and Armenia:

Situations are now slowly expected to improve, but there is a new peak of war in Low Earth Orbit that is expected to precipitate towards the surface of the planet on October 9th as increased violence among members of the surface population, and as violence from the Cabal towards the surface humanity.

Therefore the Light Forces are asking everybody who feels so guided to join the Flower of Life meditation at the exact moment of Mars Pluto square on October 9th at 1:09 pm UTC:

The dark forces appear to be far too successful in their plans for the second wave lockdowns, therefore the Light Forces are asking everybody who feels so guided to participate in daily meditation at 9:30 pm UTC to counteract these lockdowns:

A full situation update will be posted on this blog at some point after October 9th when situations are expected to improve and some intel can finally be released.

Victory of the Light!

Pasco Cruz #conspiracy #magick #fundie #wingnut fringeculture.home.blog

Kanye undergoes some of the most horrifying shape-shifting I’ve ever seen in the below video. He shape-shifts his ASS OFF during his Grey-Magick-heavy Sunday Service. He’s putting in straight work for the devil. The same way Yeezy also drops truth, mixed in with his blasphemies and baphomet gang signs. No one has ALL the answers, but instead everyone has a piece of the puzzle, but mixed in with bullshit so that no one can ever truly get a firm hold onto the TRUTH TRUTH.
Have you ever heard Q talk about Jesus? I think they’ve dropped his name ONCE and it was only because his name happened to appear within the context of a Bible quote they were referencing. (And NO, quoting from the Bible does not prove anything. In fact, the practitioners of “Grey Magick” use that tactic all the time to entrap luke-warm Christians. I believe that Q is in-fact imploring a type of Grey Magick and casting it’s spells upon its followers along with the implementation & utilization of certain aspects of “Chaos Magick”. That’s how Kek came to be).

So the fact that Q’s wildly popular catchphrase, “Where we go one, we go all” is the literal mantra of Lucifer and his legion of fallen angels, that alone should be enough for Anons at the very least to be prudent and initiate the emergency braking system, take a step back, and give another, more probing look at QAnon(the military & St. Germaine), the history & background of Big T, and more specifically, how he fits into the long term agenda of the Anti-Christ and the occult organizations that are controlled by him[the Anti-Christ]. Specifically the groups known as, the “Golden Dawn” and “Order of the Phoenix”/”Phoenix Order”. (The Beast vs The Harlot).

"Dog-Headed Alien People Exist"


QUESTION EVERYTHING? #ufo #crackpot #magick themacchoi.blogspot.com

The original Alien Dog-People of Ancient Egypt were known to be extremely spiritual, possessing supernatural powers. As mentioned before, they protected the people from evil spirits/aliens and also helped dead people move on to the afterlife.

Domesticated dogs as well as wolves, foxes, and the entire canine family are direct descendants of these Alien Dog-People. Is it any coincidence that dogs are known to be man's best friends, and are able to detect spirits? Nope!

Dog-Headed Alien People Exist

Dogs are man's best friends... just stay away from the vicious dog-headed alien people... they will literally try to eat you. There are however, benevolent alien dog-people out there; it is important to differentiate between them; In order to do this, we must raise our vibrations and re-connect with our spirituality!

Archangel Michael via Ronna Vezane #ufo #crackpot #magick voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

As the Light Cells of God Consciousness infiltrate deeper and deeper into the physical structure, the membranes of Light surrounding the DNA begin to dissolve. As part of this Sub-Universal experience, this was programmed into the Adam/Eve Kadmon Light Body blueprint so that the activation of the DNA strands would take place two at a time.

The DNA strands are attuned to the different dimensional levels. The two strands which are now available and active in the physical vessel are attuned to the First-, Second- and Third-Dimensional levels.

As we have told you before, as you sank into the density of the lower dimensions, two by two, your DNA strands were encased in membranes of Light and placed in reserve until the time you were ready to begin your journey back into the higher dimensions of Light.

For clarity and to help you understand the sequence of Higher Self/OverSoul integration, let us assign numbers to each Facet of your Higher Self. You were born with a Facet of your God Self enclosed within a Sphere of Light, which was stored within your Sacred Heart.

Encoded within your DNA, your auric field and the White Fire Memory Seed Atoms throughout your body were the frequencies you were to experience in the beginning stages of your life. Your number One Soul Self, which we will call your OverSoul, took up residency within your Soul Star, the Eighth Chakra, at the time of your birth.

Lisa Renee #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy #magick energeticsynthesis.com

On the earth, we have penetrated through another portion of memory layer that moves past our Solar System records and into the Universal Gateways which is connecting into the next layer of the quarantine field called the Wall in Time. During this phase, the planetary architecture is undergoing massive changes which integrate the next harmonic layers of non-dimensionalized God Forces from the Cosmic God Worlds, which has also penetrated through and beyond the Wall in Time and into Universal Shadow and phantom bodies. This phase has begun the dismantling, routing and transiting of vast quantities of Universal Shadow bodies which contain the historical records of many wars of the Christos Human holocaust, and the anti-christos conflict in which our species suffered the fall. A huge war broke out over this First Root Race Seeding on 7D Future Earth Gaia, and this event is called the Electric Wars. The return of the Amethyst Order has been impacting the Violet Ray current and related fields connected to Gaian histories, which has purged out shadow bodies containing the crucifixion implants and painful cellular memories from these war timelines. The Electric Wars is a timeline which holds a major causal trigger event memory when artificial intelligence was in its earlier stages, used as psychotronic warfare against the earth population. From this point in time, AI technology was set into motion from higher dimensions of control to gradually pull the earth down into Inorganic Black Holes. Much of the Electric Wars was fought with AI machines being programmed from remote satellites or NAA ships cloaked inside phantom black holes.

Jean Sheehan #ufo #magick #crackpot millenniumeducation.com

Light language is information that contains the codes of creation. The language of light is a sacred geometry produced by vibration. Light Language is a powerful sacred gift that gives purposeful expression of love from Creator.

Light language allows us to pick up information from realms beyond what is commonly accessed. Therefore, it is a beneficial ascension tool that allows us to interact with our guidance team, nature, animals, and one another on a deep soul level.
We are multidimensional beings with many levels/layers of soul awareness; however, the body has been functioning with only a small amount of the soul in operation in this 3rd dimension. This transformation requires a rewiring and reprogramming of the DNA that will result in a molecular reconstruction of the body. Light language is a vibrational tool to help us do this. Light language works on quantum levels of the soul.
These unknown tongues are languages we may have spoken in ancient times or past lives – perhaps on Earth, or other in dimensions. Many are galactic tongues used to communicate with our star family, spirit guides, and multidimensional soul aspects. Some are the languages of nature spirits. Light language speaks to the molecular, cellular, and energetic levels to heal the body, mind, and emotions.

The language of light can be spoken, sung, danced, written, gestured (intuitive sign language) or expressed through other artistic manners. The gestures of light language look like an intuitive sign language. They are positions that hold frequencies of light that are able to shift or realign energetic imprints that have been causing mental or emotional suffering.

Anonymous Coward 78856509 #crackpot #magick godlikeproductions.com

Telepathy is the oldest thing ever

its in fish

its in microbes

its in everything

goes way back

swimmin around eachother, acting in unison and being aware of their surroundings

but yo

get this

im like selectively deaf and all my stuff doesnt always line up

i can speak but not hear your voices for the most part...

it exists in all of us is what im trying to say and in a way would be more shocking for it not to be real given the amount of time it has been accepted by not a mindset but a species as a whole...

The Stargate Experience Academy/Alcazar #ufo #magick #quack thestargateexperienceacademy.com

We Invite You To Join Us!

Gathering daily in love, in hope, in creativity, and in communion.

Our intention with this series is to:

Create an oasis of Oneness to assist each one of us in lifting above the mass unconscious

Share Alcazar’s understandings of the current planetary situation

Forge pathways out of our limitations and into freedom

Consciously align with our highest potentials everyday

Relax - Rejuvenate - Invigorate

Beloved Ones, We Greet Thee, ‘tis Alcazar,

An oasis is a place that the weary traveler looks forward to achieving - a place to relax, a place to rejuvenate, recharge before moving on.

And so, we wish to create an oasis of Stargate energetics, an oasis of understanding and support, an oasis which allows you to relax in these troubling times, an oasis to rejuvenate your energy and to excite you about creating a whole new level of your personal future...

To excite you, to remind you that you are not alone, that you are traveling with thousands of people around the world, holding energetic hands together.

Gathering everyday in love, in hope, in creativity and a communion, which is creating a stronger and stronger Stargate Global Community Morphic Field - an energetic source that you can call upon at any moment, anytime, to invigorate you, to energize you.

We invite you to bring your energy, your support, your creativity, your contribution to this Stargate Global Family as you move together in a beautiful level of harmony, intention and creativity, as you support each other on your path into freedom.

Come, Join Us!

Conspiracy Theories Archives #ufo #magick #crackpot conspiracytheoriesarchives.com

The latest additions to the "PSS Alliance" would be a 6-9th Density Group of Beings, which no one had met before, called Blue Avians and belonging to the so-called "Sphere Alliance": a peaceful group of beings who brought assistance mainly in the form of a Message and that they would create an "Energetic Blockade" around the Earth and our entire solar system.

The Blue Avians, who, since 2015, would have chosen Goode as interlocutor, entrusting him with a role of popularizer and communicating with him through the Entities "Raw-Tear-Eir"and "Ka Aree" from the inner Earth civilization known as the Anshar, are part of the Sphere Beings Alliance together with the “Orb Beings”, the “Golden Triangle-Headed Beings” and two others who have not revealed themselves to us yet.
The Blue Avians refer to Corey as “Ra-Hanush-Eir” – a derivative of a Hebrew word which is synonymous with “Enoch” and roughly translates to “Messenger".

They are described as eight-foot tall creatures, very similar to man as regards the torso, arms, hands and feet but would otherwise have traits in common with the birds, including a short but very soft and flexible beak and the color plumage between blue and indigo. They would have no wings and would use sign language and telepathy to communicate.
The Orb Beings have been visiting many tens of thousands of people in the form of “Blue/Indigo Balls of Light” while others have been visited by the Blue Avians and given a “Greeting Phrase” to know one another by.

Shaman Nakida #magick #conspiracy #wingnut lightforcenetwork.com

Black Magic is based on a manichean view of the world, where the black magicians assume the role of Good, White, etc., whereas anything that stands up against their aims is considered as Evil, Black, etc. In this manichean cosmic struggle, everyone is forced to take one of two sides. This is the quintessence of political polarization. Of course, among black magicians themselves, factions that compete for power will each claim to be White, whereas the opposite faction is Black, or at least manipulated by evil forces, or allied to them, or at best "objectively allied" to them. In democracies, this competition for the claim of being good against evil takes paradoxal form, as the political life is polarized into two poles (left and right), each identified by its radicals, but at the same time, each competing for the marginal voters around the median opinion, far from the professed radical ideals used for intellectual justification of the parties. People in democracies are thus led to constantly choose between the "Lesser of two evils," away from either of the two main branches of Black Magic ideals. Democrats are both aware of this limitation of democracy as the means to advance their Black Magic ideals, and at the same time, fanatically attached to democracy as part of the consensual doctrine accepted by the two main branches of democratic Black Magic.

Prime Creator via Erena Velazquez #ufo #conspiracy #god-complex #magick voyagesoflight.blogspot.com


I am Prime Creator,

You call me different names your Father, Creator, Source and your God. I am here today to deliver this message to humanity, that we The Galactic Federation with Ashtar in Command and me as Prime Creator, we are starting The Final Phase of Ascension on Earth.

Our crew, all of the fleet and ships are ready to finish this mission, which was started a long time ago. We are prepared to complete this project and move on to a new one, so we are looking forward to that. Our ground crew here on Mother Earth are going to for fulfill their missions, this why they came here.

We are also expecting that the Alliance is going to announce The New Republic called Nesara and a new financial system will be ready to launch, which we call Quantum Financial System and the currency is going to be backed up by gold. You have heard about all of this for a long time now in many different sources. Now, it’s time to carry out all of these tasks and proceed to The Final Phase of our Project Planet Earth called Ascension.
I, Prime Creator, bringing to your attention that the Ground Crew needs to start working on your assignments. Please, let’s finally bring liberation, freedom, light, love, peace and wealth to this world. We don’t want that the funds would be stolen by the negative souls, so the Quantum Financial System is going to prevent that from happening.

Humanity can’t afford to anymore to wait for the redistribution of wealth, they need now all the help they can possibly get and as soon as possible. I am bringing to your attention Alliance who have control over the prosperity, let’s start sharing the funds with the human beings, there is too much suffering on Mother Earth.

Makia Freeman #ufo #conspiracy #magick thefreedomarticles.com

Hyper-dimensional entities
have been recognized, discussed and warned about for literally millennia throughout the history of humanity. Naturally, there are many people who scoff at the very idea of such beings, believing them to be fictitious inventions of the human mind. However, the fact that so many cultures, traditions, religions and spiritualties have discussed the nature of these creatures, using different terms but essentially describing the same thing, gives credence to the idea that they exist. We have been cautioned for millennia that humanity is under psychic attack by a group of energetic, discarnate beings that seed thoughts of judgement, separation, anxiety, anger and fear in order to generate loosh (negative emotional energy) that they siphon off as food. In searching for what force is really behind the construction of the New World Order and the grander conspiracy, one is bound to investigate these hyper-dimensional entities, who may be the original handlers, puppet masters and mind control perpetrators manipulating the whole of mankind.

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