
Representative Jill Ford #fundie facebook.com

Yesterday, January 27, 2020, was a historic day for not only Governor Tate Reeves as he presented his State of the State address to the people of Mississippi - favorite line: “we’ve been singing the Blues long enough, it’s time to sing Gospel now - the Good News”.

It was also the day I filed my very first Bill. A Bill that will more than likely never see the light of day. But one the Lord planted in my heart years ago: To begin every morning with The Lord’s Prayer in every public school in Mississippi.

Can you only imagine what would begin to happen in the Spiritual Realm if the children would stand before Him lifting their heads in prayer asking Him to “lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil” - oh how we would see the atmosphere begin to change across Mississippi as depression and suicide would stop becoming the norm, we would watch as our children’s grades begin to rise, their hearts softened and their minds saturated with good thoughts and not thoughts of addictions. The Word says “the eyes of the Lord range to and fro searching for those hearts committed to Him” and I believe that His eyes would fall on our children every single morning as they continually sought him to “give them this day their daily bread ...” my heart melts just imagining it!

First step is requesting Congress to allow prayer back in school. Stranger things have happened: it got taken out by one hell-bent woman. Maybe, just maybe, this heaven-bent woman could have something to do with getting it put back in. I know there is a lot of editing to be done, but I just pray it will at least be taken seriously.

David Jones #sexist facebook.com


Tom DeWeese, Ken Johnson #conspiracy #wingnut facebook.com

Tom DeWeese: I’m in Richmond and have just received information from a very reliable source concerning Monday’s rally against the legislature’s gun grabs. Antifa have rented seven buses to bring in their thugs to cause trouble. The report says they will be wearing MAGA hats and wearing NRA garb. They will pretend to be pro gun people. Meanwhile others posing as democrats holding anti gun signs will stand on the side. The Antifa thugs, pretending to be pro gun , will attack the sign holders. Making it look like the pro gun people have started violence. This is the plan. If you are attending the rally be aware. Be very careful.

Ken Johnson: Its a trap people....the UN is massed to the south of Richmound and when violence starts the FBI INTENDS TO BOMB YOU ALL. then the UN will roll in and kill whoever is left....this is supppsed to show an example to everyone to surrender their guns as the UN begins house to house arrests and murders

Conservapedia #fundie facebook.com

A medical journal article published by the American Medical Association entitled Religious Commitment and Health Status indicates: "A large proportion of published empirical data suggest that religious commitment may play a beneficial role in preventing mental and physical illness, improving how people cope with mental and physical illness, and facilitating recovery from illness."

Does faith in God prevent mental illness in people?

Marci Warren facebook.com

I've got skin in this game! I'm scared breathless!
Stop cracking jokes already!
We're a country divided over Republican or Democrat and it's a freaking shame!
One life lost is too much! I'm not Trump's biggest supporter, but he made a move to take out a murdering terrorist. Terrorism is not ok, no matter what your platform! Don't shame our boys for answering their call simply because you don't agree with it. They've taken the issue away from our shores to keep their loved ones safe.
As a mother of an 82nd Airborne soldier, I've got so much at stake, more than most of you. I take offense to the jokes! Don't mock my Son while he puts his life on the line for you! And for those on the other side of things, how dare you shame our sons for protecting your miserable right to complain about your country! If you're so sorry that your country took a step to stop a terrorist (that had already murdered Americans) than why don't you go live the Iranian way?
We don't have to love our President, but we should stand behind him during this frightening time. Think of the picture we paint as a nation divided! We paint a picture of weak, foolish, ignorance and and fear. That's the story our enemies are reading, that's the story that'll spill blood on our soil.
Don't mess with my sons life! He's fighting for his family and brothers and I'll be darned if my fellow Americans make it all in vain.
If you can't be proud of our president at least be proud of our boys!
(Edited to add)
I am humbled by the overwhelmingly huge response my post has generated. Thousands praying......I feel our boys are safer tonight. I believe in the power of prayer. Thank you America for renewing this mother's faith in our citizens. God bless America and our troops! 💚 change your porch lights to green in support of our troops until they come home.

David Cole #fundie facebook.com

(=Regarding Polymorou Christians=)

David Cole: Being faithful to ones covenants is a core to sexual morality. Not matter how much bloggers like to squirm to justify their actions the definitions of immorality does not change.

Kathy Ruth: Where is the immorality ?

David Cole: Do you think it's moral to break ones covenants ?

DL Weiss: Yes David Cole, it is immoral to break ones promises, covenants, not keeping promises, be dishonest, be deceptive, etc. All that is immoral. But may I ask, di you read the article about Polymory ? Because no where in polymory is any of that allowed, or considered "okay" behaviour. Honesty, forthrightness, candidness, love -- these are the attributes to polymory, not what you have said. Either you do not understand the matter (which is still parr for the course, mostly), or you are deliberately misrepresenting polymory for your own reasons.

David Cole: Having more than one covenant partner is not covenant keeping.

Buttery Males Award

Christian Ricker #wingnut #racist facebook.com

By: Hyram F. Suddfluffel, PhD, (Political Science)
I have a degree in Political Science, and I am a card-carrying Libertarian. I've been studying politics and political history for the past 30 years. My specialty is U.S. Presidents. That said, I hope that the House of Representatives impeaches Trump. Let me tell you what will happen next!
1. The House can pass articles of impeachment over the objections of the Republicans and refer to the Senate for trial.
2. The Senate will conduct a trial. There will be a vote, and the Republicans will vote unanimously, along with a small number of Democrats, to not convict the President. Legally, it will all be over at that point.
3. However, during the trial, and this is what no one is thinking about right now, the President's attorneys will have the right to subpoena and
question ANYONE THEY WANT! That is different than the special counsel investigation, which was very one-sided. So, during the impeachment trial, we will be hearing testimony from James Comey, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Bruce Ohr, Glenn Simpson, Donna Brazille, Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, Christopher Steele, Hillary Clinton, John Brennan, James Clapper, and a whole host of other participants in this whole sordid affair and the ensuing coverup activities. A lot of dirt will be dug up; a lot of truth will be unveiled. Finger pointing will occur. Deals will start being made, and suddenly, a lot of democrats will start being charged and going to prison. All this, because, remember, the President's team will now, for the first time, have the RIGHT to question all of these people under oath – and they will turn on each other. That is already starting.
4. Lastly, one more thing will happen, the Senate will not convict the President. Nothing will happen to Trump. Most Americans are clueless about political processes, the law, and the Constitution. Most Americans believe that being impeached results in removal from office. They don't understand that phase 2 is a trial in and by the Senate, where he has zero chance of conviction. Remember, the Senate is controlled by Republicans; they will determine what testimony is allowed -- and *everything* will be allowed, including: DNC collusion with the Clinton campaign to fix the election in favor of Hillary, the creation of the Trump dossier, the cover up and destruction of emails that very likely included incriminating information. They will incriminate each other for lying to the FISA court, for spying and wiretapping the Trump campaign, and for colluding with foreign political actors, especially George Soros. After the Senate declines to convict the President, we will have an election, and Trump will win. It will be a backlash against democrat petulance, temper tantrums, hypocrisy and dishonesty. Even minorities will vote for Trump, because, for the first time, they will see that democrats have spent 2+ years focused on maintaining their own power, and not doing anything at all about black murders in Chicago, homelessness, opioids, and other important issues that are actually killing people. And, we will spend the following four years listening to politicians and pundits claim that the whole impeachment was rigged.
So let's move on to impeachment.

Jacquelyn Peterson #wingnut facebook.com

Open letter to Representative Nancy Pelosi:
Madame Speaker,
Congratulations!!!! Well Done!!!!
You have done something that men and women of the legislative branch feared to do since 1776. You have taken the impeachment procedure, a tool used to protect this Republic from a tyrannical leader, and politically weaponizing it to use against the opposing president, thus raising congress above the presidency to establish the very tyranny this tool was designed to protect.
With this next-level, dangerous precedent on a president for conducting his job, you have set up the ability of congress to require future presidents to approach congress on any and all decisions regardless of size or severity, to obtain permission to do their jobs or risk impeachment for crossing the opposing congress’ agenda.
Since the day after the 2016 election, you have screamed impeachment when your anti-American, criminal choice lost to the people’s choice, and you have spent nearly every waking moment screaming impeachment, whispered impeachment, breathed for an impeachment, to nullify the election process and to commit sedition to illegally remove a duly elected president. This is to the detriment of this nation and its lost economy, as you have been on a de facto strike for the last nearly 3 years, ignoring you own work, as you obsessed over removing a duly elected president, as you continue to embrace those seeking to destroy or hold ransom, the people of this great nation.
You, and those who control your strings, have delegitimized a standard procedure used by various presidents for decades to negotiate with other leaders, labeling it “quid pro quo” and calling it illegal, improper, and immoral. You accuse this president of a practice the previous vice-president publicly confessed to committing, though you label it a tame nonminer, rather than the actual term, extortion. Joe Biden publicly stated he gave a foreign government 6 hours to capitulate to his demands or risk a financial loss; they backed down, bow their heads, and acquiesced, doing his bidding to line their pockets with ill-gotten gains.
You have taken this constitutional public inquiry and morphed it into some ugly, evil, secret, anti-constitution, Russia-style process to deny due process, transparency, and accountability, leading into the 2020 election , under the ‘guise of constitution protection, national security, and safety of the Republic.
To those democrats who voted to proceed with this farce. Election 2020 will see a major shift of political seats not seen since the last impeachment, as many democrats in battleground or conservative states will see your seat changing red. Many of those first-time representatives will be a one-time venture, as the people will express their ire and outrage over this act of sedition, stealing their voting rights like you stole the 2016 democrat nomination.
So, to close madame Speaker, enjoy your ill-gotten gains, as this short-lived act of sedition will see you removed in next year’s election, returning the house, with the Senate and presidency, to the Republicans; the democrats watching from the sidelines, as the #KAG waves rolls across you like a tsunami, the likes not seen in 2016.
The 2nd Civil War Patriots

Franklin Graham #wingnut facebook.com

This is a sad day for America. Our politics in this country has hit a new low. Nancy Pelosi and her followers in Congress have weaponized the impeachment process. After two years of the Russia collusion hoax, now they’ve turned to this. In my opinion, asking another country to investigate corruption is a good thing—not a bad thing. This is just another attempt to tarnish and embarrass the President before the next election. We have so many problems in this nation that need to be addressed. Instead the Democrats are fixated on only one thing—removing President Donald J. Trump from office. Pray for President Trump today, for God to give him wisdom, protection, and guide each and every step he takes. I pray that he and Melania will sense the presence of the Lord through this unjust inquisition.

Rayburne Winsor #fundie facebook.com

Rayburne Winsor: First of all, you must distinguish between operational or experimental science, which can be observed, tested and repeated in a laboratory, from historical or Origins science which cannot. Even evolutionists admit hat. Neither biblical creation nor "goo-to-you, molecules to man" evolution can be proven. The Tree of life (GTE or Thesis of Common Ancestry) is just an unproven hypothesis at best. What evolutionists conveniently do is extrapolate "change in gene frequency over time" or "descent with modification" and rapid speciation (which creationists have always believed to be compatible with biblical creation) as evidence for vertical (primitive to complex) change that increases the genetic information content in the genome. It is not. All alleged "proofs" of "evolution in action" today do not show that functional new information is added to genes; rather, they involve sorting and/or loss of genetic information. Let us examine the fossil record. After, 150 years after Darwin and alleged millions of years of gradual evolution-by-creeps [too slow to see], evolution-by-peaks [too fast to see] and evolution-by-freaks (genetic mutations still harmful-produces nothing new by way of transmutations: snails remain snails, clams clams, trilobites trilobites, jellyfish jellyfish, birds birds, fish fish, apes apes, man man) , we have only a few highly disputed intermediate or so-called transitional fossils that could cover a billiard table and are highly disputed even among evolutionists themselves.

What scientists find in the fossil record are completely formed and intact fossils of all life-forms without a hint of evolutionary ancestors or "transitional" fossils in the geological strata beneath them (evidence for biblical creation). And what do we have in the so-called hierarchy of human evolutionary ancestors that you see neatly and orderly arranged in some museum? You have nothing more than illustrations and drawings like you see in textbooks, or plaster of Paris reconstructions of candidates (supposedly intermediate or transitional) out of the wild imagination of some artist paid to tell the evolutionary story? All you are seeing in museums are STORIES ABOUT EVIDENCE, not actual material evidence of bones and in-between stages of evolutionary development. Detailed analysis of a number of various "ape-man" candidates shows that they are either fully ape-like or fully human, not transitional or even mosaic. Australopithecines were not ancestral to modern man, and Lucy was a knuckle-walker . Homo habilis is a "taxonomic wastebin". Homo erectus was a variety of Homo sapiens (Humans), with overlapping cranial capacity and morphology and even seafaring ability. Homo erectus, including Java Man, was just a post-Babel variety of Homo sapiens (modern man), and had seafaring ability. Some of the ape-man candidates are based on very fragmentary remains such as Ardipithecus and Orrorin. Artists are told to make their drawings look "more transitional"; there is plenty of leeway since skin, hair, lips and noses are not fossilized.

David Murray: abiogenesis is not evolution, open a grade school level science book as you are not smarter than a fifth grader. Then learn how to use google
List of transitional fossils - Wikipedia

Rayburne Winsor This is not science; it is science fiction. You have nothing more than illustrations and drawings like you see in textbooks, or plaster of Paris reconstructions of candidates (supposedly intermediate or transitional) out of the wild imagination of some artist paid to tell the evolutionary story? All you are seeing in museums are STORIES ABOUT EVIDENCE, not actual material evidence of bones and in-between stages of evolutionary development. Detailed analysis of a number of various "ape-man" candidates shows that they are either fully ape-like or fully human, not transitional or even mosaic. Australopithecines were not ancestral to modern man, and Lucy was a knuckle-walker . Homo habilis is a "taxonomic wastebin". Homo erectus was a variety of Homo sapiens (Humans), with overlapping cranial capacity and morphology and even seafaring ability. Homo erectus, including Java Man, was just a post-Babel variety of Homo sapiens (modern man), and had seafaring ability. Some of the ape-man candidates are based on very fragmentary remains such as Ardipithecus and Orrorin. Artists are told to make their drawings look "more transitional"; there is plenty of leeway since skin, hair, lips and noses are not fossilized.


Rayburne Winsor: I have heard the same old crap during the last 40 years of discussing this topic with atheists, science students and skeptics. Most of which is highly speculative in nature and not surprisingly based on evolutionary assumptions and predictions (nothing ew). But what real evidence, if any, do they have. As I said, a few supposedly “transitional” fossils that even evolutionists highly dispute among themselves.
Charles Oxnard, formerly professor of Anatomy and biological Sciences at the University of Southern California and Professor of Human Anatomy and Human Biology , University of Western Australia, showed that the big toe of the famous “Lucy” stuck out as in chimpanzees.

Also, Dr. Fred Spoor, Professor of Evolutionary Anatomy at University College London, UK , and joint editor of the Journal of Human Evolution , performed CAT scans of australopithecine inner ear canals , the organs of posture and balance. This showed that they did not walk habitually upright (See Spoor, F, Wood, B., and Zonneveld, F., Implications of early hominid morphology for evolution of human bipedal locomotion, Nature 369 (6482):645-648, 1994). This is all contrary to Dawkins’ claim that Lucy “walked upright on her hind legs...on two feet which were pretty much like ours although its brain was the size of a chimpanzee. Indeed, evidence now suggests that Lucy had wrist-locking abilities “classic for knuckle walkers” which is hardly consistent with Dawkins claim that ucy walked upright like we do (Stokstad, E., Hominid ancestors may have knuckle walked, Science 287 (5461) :2131, 2000, citing the first author of Richmond, B. G. and Strait, D.S. , Evidence that humans evolved from a knuckle walking ancestor , Nature 404 (6776):382, 2000). Museums once featured Australopithecus africanus as an ancestor to humans---A. Africanus includes “Mrs Ples” (now thought to be small “Mrs Ples”) and the Taung child (Dawkins, The Greatest Show on Earth, p.189-193) . Donald Johanson , the discoverer of “Lucy” , places Australopithecus africanus in a side-branch not leading to man (Johanson, D. C. and White T.D. , A Systematic Assessment of Early African Hominids , Science 203:321-330, 1979) and many museums have now demoted this once certain human ancestor to a non-ancestor.

Time magazine reported on a specimen called Ardipithecus ramidus kadabba, dated between 5.6 and 5.8 million years old. Time claimed that this new specimen was already walking upright , at (what they claim was ) the dawn of evolution. But how clear is this really> Time reports the opinion of the discoverer of “Lucy”, Donald Johanson : “Beyond that, he’s dubious about categorizing the 5.2 million year old toe bone (Ardipithecus) with the rest of the fossils : not only is it separated in time by several hundred thousand years, but it was also found some 10 miles from the rest (Lemonick, M.D. and Dorfman, A., One Giant Step for Mankind, Time magazine cover story, 23 July 2001). Note that this toe was the major “evidence” for uprightness, yet, at being found 10 miles away , it boggles the mind how it could be regarded as part of the same specimen. As one researcher put it regarding the fossils and human evolution, “Fossils are fickle. Bones will sing any song you want to hear” ( Shreeve, J., Argument over a woman, Discover 11 (8):58, 1990).

When the various fossils are analyzed in depth, they turn out not to be transitional or even mosaic. That is my last comment. I don't really care what you come back with. You believe what you want. You seem to enjoy calling me dishonest and a liar, but David the truth is you would not know the truth if it was standing right in front of you. I will leave it to the readers to decide who is honest and truthful based on real evidence and scientific research, for which I gave clear references, mostly from evolutionary journals and publications, not straw dummy arguments without evidence to support it. Of course, I know you will deny that too as dishonest and a lie. Right?
Honestly, I don't feel sorry for guys like you who are brainwashed by the fairy tale for grown-ups (Evolution) but the truth is, as both you and I know, you do not want to know the truth, just promote your evolutionary faith that is nothing more than a philosophical justification for not wanting to believe unbelief in a Creator/God. It is not rocket science, David, as I hope and pray you find out before you exit this life on earth (and you will).

For example, Pakicetus (whale from Pakistan) was first drawn as an aquatic creature based on a few skull bones and teeth (Gingerich, P.D., et al., Science 220 (4595): 403-406, 22 April 1983). Its discoverer Philip Gingerich proclaimed it to be perfectly intermediate in time and in its morphology, a missing link between earlier land mammals and later, full-fledged whales (Gingerich , P.D., J. Geology. Educ 31:140-144, 1983. Since a few scraps of bone were interpreted in an evolutionary framework, it is not surprising that they were thought to be a “missing link”.

However, when the rest of the skeleton was found, it was realized to be a fast-running land creature (then drawn by the same artist as the diagram in Dawkins book (see Thewissen, J. G. M., et al., Skeletons of terrestial cetaceans and the relationship of whales to artiodactyls, Nature 413: 277-281, 20 Sept. 2001; and Pakicetus...eight years on. Illustration: Carl Buell www.neoucom.edu/Depts.Anat/Pakicetid.html ).

This is hardly the only example of evolutionists misleading the public , exaggerating the evidence from a few scraps of bone. The moral of the story, as one evolutionist put it, is:”Fossils are fickle. Bones will sing any song you want to hear (Shreeve, J. Argument over a woman, Discover 11 (8):58, 1990 (in reference to human evolution).

Rayburne Winsor #fundie facebook.com

Rayburne Winsor: Renown physicist Paul Davies, certainly no friend to Creationists or Christians in general, has pointed out that the living cell would be more meaningfully equated to an incredibly powerful supercomputer, in his own words, "an information processing and replicating system of astonishingly complexity." He stated: "DNA is not a special life-giving molecule, but a general databank that transmits its own information using a mathematical code. Most of the workings of the cell are best described, not in terms of material stuff--hardware--but as information, or software," which as a naturalistic origin-of-life perspective.."leaves us with a curious conundrum. How did nature fabricate the world's first digital information processor—the original living cell—from the blind chaos of blundering molecules ? How did molecular hardware get to write its own software?"

A recent New Scientist article stated: "There is no doubt that the common ancestor possessed DNA, RNA and proteins, a universal genetic code, ribosomes (the protein-building factories), ATP, and a proton-powered enzyme for making ATP. The detailed mechanisms for reading off DNA and converting genes into proteins were also in place. In short, then, the last common ancestor of all life looks pretty much like a modern cell".

My reply: And evolutionists claim there is no evidence to believe in a superintelligent, All-wise, All-knowing, All powerful , Creator-God. No wonder God's word states that the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God (1 Corinthians 3: 19). The problem is not evidence but, as one scientist said, they (evolutionists ) cannot allow God to get a foot in the door. Some educated people are ever learning but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth . God bless.

David Murray: Its called cell theory, its well explained, and you shouldn't talk about science when you dont know any

Rayburne Winsor
Rayburne Winsor David, stop acting like an idiot. That is how you come across to people reading this , because you don't have to be a scientist (are you one?) to understand what Paul Davies said above anymore than I have to be a mathematician to know that 2+2= 4. Honestly, I have heard all this crap before(nothing new) from atheists and Bible skeptics who think that the only avenue to determine truth is what can be understood by a naturalistic explanation. Naturalism does not explain the origin of life, the origin of sex, the origin of consciousness, the origin of love , the origin of morality . These may be "unsolved mysteries " to Richard Dawkins (who now knows better) but they are easily and most rationally and intelligently explained in God's Word.

David Murray: i dont care what atheists say, i care what science says and what DNA proves and what is a scientific theory you are ignorant of, cell theory
the origin of life is an ongoing study in several major universities and to try to talk about with no data in yet shows you are another idiot yelling at the wright brothers man will never fly
gods word says planets come before stars so its worth nothing to anyone with half a clue how the natural world works

Rayburne Winsor: But you do, right David. Typical proud, arrogant atheist response.
DNA, science and information theory (bio-informatics, the study of biological information) disproves "from the goo, through the zoo, to you, molecules to man" evolution. (see Gitt, W. ., 1997, In the Beginning was Information, CLV, Bielefeld, Germany and Truman, R. The problem of information for the theory of evolution: Has Dawkins really solved it? 1999; trueorigin.org/dawkinfo.asp).
- The Problem of Information -
- The Problem of Information -


Rayburne Winsor: Really? But you know better than God's Word (He is not one of little gods) . Right? God's Word has a name for you. Proverbs 14:1).

Sue Knight #fundie facebook.com

Sue Knight: Would Darwin accept his theory if he came back now?

David Murray: even nuts like ken ham accept that natural selection is glaringly obvious

Sue Knight: Yes, natural selection. But that is a different thing from evolution.
If we evolved,it could be a mechanism of Evolution. But did we? Surely we know so much now about the intricate complexity of even the "simplest" life form not to see the work of a grand Designer?

David Murray: Darwins theory is natural selection, a mechanism of evolution, evolution is about inheriting traits, natural selection is who lives to pass them on, thats evolution, its in grade school level science books.
if you think there is a grand designer worthy of worship, you need to visit some children's wards.

Sue Knight: And David that was always my problem - as a child I was taught that there is a God, and he is all good and all powerful. And yet the world is full of suffering - and nature is "red in tooth and claw with ravine".
And we are all brainwashed with the idea that Genesis is a "creation myth". So it wasn't till many years later that I sat down and read it, and began to understand.

David Murry: Genesis is a myth penned during the Babylonian exile.
It doesnt matter how many god stories people come up with, it has nothing to do with biological evolution.

Sue Knight: Hello David. and yet generation upon generation of faithful Jewish scribes carefully counted the generations down from Adam.
And the first chapter of Genesis ends this way:
"Then God said: “Here I have given to you every seed-bearing plant that is on the entire earth and every tree with seed-bearing fruit. Let them serve as food for you. And to every wild animal of the earth and to every flying creature of the heavens and to everything moving on the earth in which there is life, I have given all green vegetation for food.” And it was so.
After that God saw everything he had made, and look! it was very good..."
It was very good, it was perfect. And,whether you believe this or not, is this describing a Darwinian world, in which nature is "red in tooth and claw", a world full of the hunters and the hunted?
This was a paradise. The whole creation was at peace.Why isn't it now? Genesis does go straight on to explain.

Rayburne Winsor: Natural selection is not proof of goo-to-you evolution. The main objection to "goo-to-you evolution is not about whether changes occur through time, and neither is it about the size of the change (so use of micro or macro-evolution should be discouraged) It isn't even about whether natural selection happens . It does. The key issue is the type of change required to change microbes into men--the kind of change that requires changes that increase the functional genetic information content in the genome. All the alleged "proofs" of "evolution in action" to date do not show functional new information is added to genes. Rather they involve sorting and/or loss of information. Natural selection cannot create anything new; it only selects from what is available. Therefore, demonstrating that natural selection occurs does not prove that goo-to-you evolution occurs. It helps adaption to the environment by removing genes (of the unfit) from the population, but it cannot bring about the information-increasing change necessary for goo-to-you evolution to occur. And if anyone argues it does, he is lying to you. Don't for that crap. Dr. Felix-Konotey--Ahulu, a world authority on sickle cell anemia states: "Demonstrating natural selection does not demonstrate that "upward " evolution is a fact, yet many school children are taught this as "proof" of evolution. He pointed out that the sickle cell gene is still a defect , not an increase in complexity or an improvement in function which is being selected for. And he pointed out the unhappy downside , that "having more carriers of the sickle cell genes results in more people suffering from this terrible disease (Exposing Evolution's Icon: World leader on sickle cell anemia:" Nothing to do with evolution! " Jonathan Sarfati interviews Felic-Konotey-Ahulu, Creation 29 (1):16-19, 2006).

Sue Knight: And Rayburne, Genesis does explain the genetic damage that every one of us carries in various different ways. It tolls us that when our first parents made that fatal decision to cut themselves off from their Creator, their Source of life,they found they could not even keep themselves alive, let alone run this beautiful and complex planet.
We,, their damaged children, are still living with the chaos and suffering that decision caused. Our Creator, Jehovah, the God of Abraham, has let us live with this for a while. Only a few days in his eyes.
But he has not abandoned us to it. What is it we are praying for when we ask for God's Kingdom to come?

Rayburne Winsor #fundie facebook.com

Rayburne Winsor:The Bible does no need the deductions of scientists to explain the Big Bang. That is nonsense. The Bible declares this universe had a beginning (Genesis 1:1), and science confirms that, though the Big Bang is rift with problems. confirm the The Bible is not a science textbook, but it has nothing to fear from operational or experimental science that is confirming again and again its truth. One day, science will catch up with the Bible and scientists whose god is "goo-to-you evolution" will stand before the Creator/God they deny.

Yvonne Pelchat & Rayburne Winsor #fundie facebook.com

*Yvonne Pelchat Levene*: God and evolution can’t both be true. I believe in God. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. God said it and I believe it so that settles it.

*Brant Watson*: okay no nonsense for you then. Scientists simply do not need god’s intervention.

*Tomas Matiev*: Not correct. God basically is the "why", evolution is basically the "how".

*Yvonne Pelchat Levene*: true science agrees with the Bible. The Bible was not written to be a science book. If science doesn’t go along with what is in the Bible it’s not the Bible that is in error. The Bible is the why and how. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son.

*Rayburne Winsor*: That's right, Yvonne, God and evolution both can't be true. They are diametrically opposite. "Goo-to-you" evolution is development over eons of years, whereas Genesis 1 is special creation (Genesis 1) is supernatural creation by divine fiat (spoke Word of God) ex nihilo (out of nothing);

My Poem about Evolution.

Once upon a time certain chemicals interacted in a primordial goo,
as the result of a lightning strike just suddenly out of the blue.
Which miraculous spontaneous generation of life is supposed to explain the origin of evolution “from the goo, through the zoo, to you.”
No wonder why some scientists call this a curious conundrum,
and it has stirred up quite a sensation.

Since one must explain how nature fabricated the first digital information processor—the original living cell—which wrote its own software and self-reproduced,
though matter, energy and physical laws cannot create genetic information.
cientists now know the internal structure of a cell is far more complex than the infrastructure of a large city.
And because they reject any notion of an outside, super-intelligent Creator-Designer,
their molecules-to-man explanation is really to be pitied.

Now acclaimed atheist Richard Dawkins will grant you this much,
he believes the little green men did it.
He explains that aliens planted the seeds for original life,
and that we all had better get with it.
Well, that’s like saying that because people claim to have seen UFOs, they must be real or something.
The SETI project has tried to find signs of intelligent (extraterrestrial) life for years,
And they have come up with nothing.

Then, you have the fossil record that shows all life-forms appear abruptly and fully formed,
without evidence of evolutionary ancestors (transitional fossils) in the geological strata underneath.
All of which makes the creationists smile,
but the evolutionist squirm in his seat.

There are a few fossils highly disputed even among evolutionary scientists to be intermediate or “in transition.”
Like Archaeopteryx (“dino-bird”) alleged to be intermediate between reptiles and birds,
which bird experts like Paleo-ornithologist Alan Feduccia,
show is nothing more than science fiction.
Evolutionists would have us believe that some reptile running along the ground felt it needed faster locomotion.
So, it evolved feathers and took to the air,
And caused a “flying reptilian monster commotion.”

Yes, evolutionists cling to their “flying monster sensation,” though it is totally absurd.
Because Archaeopteryx possessed large wishbone, elliptical wings, perching feet, fully-formed feathers and unique avian lung design and inner ear--
--all features of a true bird.

Well, to move up the branches on the evolutionary tree is to go from one phyla or kind to a totally different kind.
And, despite the conspicuous absence of billions of transitional fossils in between,
most evolutionists still think their theory sublime.

Just believe in this fairy tale for grown-ups with all your mind,
and there will be no need for the princess to kiss the frog,
the frog will become the prince over eons of time.

No wonder kids today appear oftentimes bewildered and confused,
and set their hearts on things below, and not above.
They don’t know where they’re going because they don’t know where they came from,
nor do they know the God who has revealed Himself in Jesus Christ to be a God of love.

So, what can we do to reach this “lost” generation and be part of the solution.
We can teach our kids early in life that they were created in the image of God (Genesis 1:26-27),
not by a process of unplanned, mindless, accidental, naturalistic evolution.

We can let them see by our words and deeds that we have Christ in us, the hope of glory.
So, that we can be channels of God’s grace and love to tell salvation’s story.
That God so loved this ungodly world that He gave His only begotten Son to die for undeserving sinners, such as you and I,
and His invitation to partake of the water of life freely is for all who will receive Him as their Lord and Savior today (John 1:12-13);
it will be too late after we die. God bless.

Jesse Watters #wingnut facebook.com

They're trying to impeach him in secret. They don't want the people to see what they're doing and here's what I mean: witnesses are interviewed in secret, witnesses aren't allowed lawyers. Republicans can't subpoena any witness. It is only Democrats who can and the President can't cross examine or even have access to evidence. There is no due process.

Rod Pickens #fundie facebook.com

It blows my mind that CREATION isnt empathized in "churches"!

The facts of science can NEVER contradict the bible. Science is a pursuit of truth, the word of God is truth (John 17:7). Therefore, science can never contradict the bible, only validate it. Science fiction, however, contradicts what God's word teaches and always with the intent to deceive (Ephesians 4:14). There is a difference. We should ALWAYS believe the bible over any man made claim that contradicts what scripture teaches. For example, evolution (with the exception of micro evolution, which is merely a variation of kinds of animal and is clearly observed) IS NOT BIBLICAL. God did NOT use evolution to bring man about. Man was created on the 6th day, formed and shaped by God like an artist sculpting clay according to the accuracy of Hebrew text. God did it in less than 24 hours, probably in the evening. There is absolutely no room for any kind of evolutionary ideology in the bible. Entertaining such ideologies is DANGEROUS!! Earth was created in 6 literal days. Six 24 hour periods including evening and morning exactly like the bible teaches. We must love the truth more than anything else. If not, we are susceptible to error and deception (Revelation 12:9)

Here are some books you can use for study"
"In the Beginning" Walt Brown
"Bones of Contention" Marvin Lubenow
"The Young Earth" John Morris

Joseph Phillip Daniel Ministries #fundie facebook.com

The Trump curse
/Begins taking its effect on the political career of the Satanist, Nancy Pelosi/

The speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi defames our President Trump, bringing curses upon herself as the demons inside her lead her to falsely call him a racist on the House floor....

The curses began taking their effect on her political career as you moved powerfully, FATHER GOD, against the demons inside Pelosi through your servant, Rep. Doug Collins, who was the first person to call her out on the House floor in decades, going viral over the internet soon after and destroying her public image even more before the American public...

An Lê Quý #moonbat facebook.com

Andrew VanHauer This is when the liberalism in your brain start spilling all over the place. What is "freedom of movement"? Why is it awful that professionals be forced to go to the third world to serve the masses? Slavery is a mode of production with its own economic logic, you can't spam the word "slavery" to describe whatever you don't like, it's like when anarchists say Stalin is a "Red Fascist".

I'll give you an example: After reunification the Socialist Republic of Vietnam basically forced professionals to be relocated to areas where they are more needed, in service of the proletariat. Is the Communist Party of Vietnam practicing "slavery"?

An Lê Quý #racist #moonbat facebook.com

NOTE: amerikkkan refers to white settlers. I don't believe there are "African Americans", Black people are their own colonized nation.
People often ask me: "An Lê Quý, what will decolonization look like, are you gonna just deport all white people back to Europe?"
Well, I'd love to do that but unfortunately it's not logistically feasible. So what would decolonization actually look like? Well...If you want a serious answer, any decolonization process would fulfill a vital task of the bourgeois democratic revolution: land reform. All land will be confiscated from the white settler nation, the amerikan suburbia won't continue to exist as it is today (no, you don't get to keep your suburban homes, it's not "working class personal property"). amerikkkans will be forcibly relocated, their residence will be confined in certain northern states to make room for the republics of internal colonies that will inevitably de-link from the u.$ empire - the Black Nation, the Chicano Nation and of course, the First Nations.
Aside from that, one of the top priorities would be reparations. This can come from a couple of sources:
1) One might think that there aren't many "means of production" left in the u.$, so there won't actually be much to "seize". In actual fact, there is still a fair amount of infrastructure and technological equipment in the u.$ that the global proletariat can expropriate: medical equipment in hospitals, teaching equipment in schools which are taken for granted by amerikans but are actually rare in the third world (computers, projectors, lab equipment), automated manufacturing technologies, vehicles, advanced construction equipment that aren't available in the third world, tractors, chemical fertilizer, etc... You get the idea. All of this will of course be brought back to the oppressed nations to aid their process of development - which the u.$ has obstructed for so long.
2) Personnel. Scientists, engineers, programmers, doctors, skilled workers or even managers with organizational skill be forced to go to the third world - where they are desperately needed for industrialization. Ultimately, this must be done to reverse the decades of brain drain that the third world has suffered. This measure combined with the abolition of intellectual property rights mean that the imperialist monopoly on technology will finally be relinquished. For the first time in history, substantial technological transfer will be a reality.
3) Land reform necessarily implies that the the white settler nation will be excluded from the decision making process with regards to what will be done on the land. Buildings maybe demolished, new farms and factories maybe built as the global proletariat sees fit. The amerikkkan population will be put to work in these newly constructed facilities (as well as any industrial & agricultural facilities left in the u.$ that haven't disappeared due to outsourcing). They will produce goods which will be taken back to the oppressed nations as reparations. This is also done to rehabilitate (or if you want to be crude, "re-civilize") them as functioning members of a future socialist society.
Needless to say, the white settler nation will be stripped off of any political rights, at least in the early years of the proletarian dictatorship - which, in case my point isn't obvious to you by now, will come from the outside. amerikkkans will not be allowed to take part in any political life until the global proletariat finds that they have been sufficiently civilized. Of course, I'm not purely fantasizing about this. You don't even have to imagine, these measures were all used in East Germany during the Soviet occupation. The problem is, Germany isn't a settler colonial empire, amerikkkans are far more reactionary, their culture much more decadent and rotten, and there's no tradition of proletarian internationalist politics among them (for obvious reasons). They will resist these measures, far more than East German workers ever did, and thus the "re-civilizing" stage will be far longer.

The Fundamental Fundie #fundie #dunning-kruger facebook.com

Swing and a miss!

When it comes to accounting for logic, critical thinking, and reasoning, atheists/naturalists swing and miss every single time. Consciousness and self-awareness are immaterial, as are individual human thought and emotions like empathy and love.

God deniers claim that these things are all the products of chemical reactions, but if that were true, then there would be no distinct individual human thought nor would there be any distinct intrinsic human value. ...If love is just a chemical reaction, then the meaning and definition of love becomes redundant.

God deniers know God exists, but suppress that truth in unrighteousness. It's like being in a pool and holding down a large beach ball under the water. It takes a physical, and mental, effort to suppress God's truth.

Romans 1:19-23 19 For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. 20 For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse. 21 For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Claiming to be wise, they became fools, 23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man and birds and animals and creeping things.

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The Meme Policeman facebook.com

There are many memes floating around suggesting the Alabama abortion law (or sometimes abortion laws in general) are due to a bunch of men dictating and overriding the wishes of women. This is simply wrong and misleading.
-As the New York Times reported, opposition to abortion in Alabama is widespread across gender lines. “Opinion polling has repeatedly shown that a broad segment of Alabama voters, including a majority of women, generally oppose abortion rights, and for many of them, passage of the ban was a triumph.”
-They later add, “Although women hold only 22 of 140 seats in the Alabama legislature - one of the smallest percentages in the country - they also held important roles in the abortion debate in Montgomery, the capital. A woman, Representative Terri Collins, was the primary sponsor of the new law, and Gov. Kay Ivey, the second woman ever to lead Alabama, signed the ban, calling it “a powerful testament to Alabamians’ deeply held belief that every life is precious and that every life is a gift from God.””
-Looking at Pew polls on abortion, women are about as likely to be pro-life as men across Europe and America. In the US, 57% of men and 60% of women believe abortions should be legal in all or most cases. Meaning they are pro-life 43% and 40% respectively.
-Gender has a relatively poor correlation to one’s view on abortion. Factors like religious affiliation and political ideology are much more closely linked. As for race, there is some correlation with abortion, but contrary to this meme’s portrayal. Black and Hispanic Americans tend to be more pro-life than whites. Meaning the reason for the Alabama bill likely has to do with it being a conservative Republican state.

Jacob Pando #fundie facebook.com

A question for theists only, I have to point that out for the atheists who read like they do the Bible (joke), have you noticed how every so called ex-Christian or ex-Muslim Atheist, who comes to argue with us, comes from a highly emotional and immature state of mind? It's like atheists are easily triggered emotionally and such people are usually the mentally unstable, acting out their emotions in immature and inappropriate ways. It's an odd similarity I find amongst those who do not want to hear the truth and righteousness preached about in the Bible. Would you contribute this behaviour to demonic oppression? I kinda feel sorry for these people but at the same time, I don't. Not when they continually act out kind of like the troublesome child in the classroom.

The Real Truth Movement #fundie facebook.com

I want to thank you all who contributed and supported the campaign to bring awareness to Dr. Kent Hovind and Paul J. Hansen and their plight.
So many people brought their different talents and abilities to the table for this campaign.
You all know who you are as there are too many to name and I personally thank you for all your contributions.
Remember there are so many others we are unaware of are facing similar persecution because of their faith in God and his son Jesus Christ, keep them in your prayers.


Dakota Lawson #fundie facebook.com

(Context: Still going on about a gay couple in a popular kids cartoon called "The Loud House".)

Dylan Jones: Spare me the pretentious lecture. You can't prove God any more than I can prove the existence of aliens. No more of this. Thank you.

Dakota Lawson: Then, at least, be weary. Do not be lead away from the flock and into the wilderness. For there, the "wolf" waits for any, who believe they have no fear, to be lead into its teeth. I pray that you, one day, see what we see. Good day and God bless you.

Dylan Jones: Dakota Lawson that's the biggest crock of bull I've heard all day.

Dakota Lawson: Dylan Jones It's metaphorical.

Dylan Jones: A very pretentious metaphor.

Dakota Lawson: But it's truth. And you deny it with doubt and pride. Now THAT is pretentious, even for you. You deny everything just to avoid a form of conflict; but I don't have that fear. The LGBT lives in fear and blasphemy through selfishness and pride. Eventually, this "trend" will fade away like the rest of them. Like I said before: God bless you.

Dylan Jones: That's disgusting what you just said. And who gave you permission to impose your worship of an unproven God upon anybody here, most especially of LGBT individuals?

Dylan Jones: I don't think you realize the level of hate and prejudice in what you wrote. Some god you choose to follow kid. Shameful.

Dakota Lawson: Like Denver said: Good will be seen as Evil and Evil will be seen as Good. It is shown that you let Desire conquer Reason. And that is why the LGBT is one of the most politically dangerous community to the Christian faith.

Denver Billiot & Dakota Lawson #fundie facebook.com

(Context: A discussion on a gay couple featured in a popular cartoon aimed for kids)

Denver Billiot: Love The Sinner Hate The Sin

Alonso Lupercio: I’m gonna give you a pass, since you’re not like those other people who can’t support/respect what’s gonna be canon.

Dakota Lawson: I would also like to point out my disapproval with Denver Billiot. I'm not much of a fan of Luna and her relationship with Sam (nor am I a fan/supporter of the LGBT community in general), but I like the way that Luna puts herself last before others like Sam.

Dylan Jones: Guys. Show some respect.

Dylan Jones: Denver. Perhaps you'd like to speak up on the so-called sin in question here? Enlighten us.

Denver Billiot: Read the Bible it'll tell ya, God created marriage to be between one man and one woman

Dylan Jones: way wrong answer kid.

Dylan Jones: The bible has zero bearing on love. And it has no bearing here.

Denver Billiot: Is that so? Jesus died on the cross so that we could be free, that's not love!?

Dakota Lawson: Dylan Jones I'll try to answer why it's a "so-called sin." The LGBT is an invented community that goes back many millennia's. In the Bible that talks about Leviticus, God mentions that if any man sleeps with another man that isn't a woman, then he/they shall be put to death. "The blood will be on their own heads." This rule was made in the Old Testament. However, in the New Testament, Jesus came before a woman, who was being stoned to death for committing adultery, and told the people "Anyone who has not sinned, ever, in their lives, toss the first stone." None of the people threw their stones and walked away. Jesus said to the woman "Go and sin no more." When it comes to the LGBT, in today's time, they are a community that tries to find a solution to adapt to the world that has persecuted them just as people persecute Christians. However, the LGBT has no leadership nor any type of faith that would require them to be inspired to become lesbians, gay, bisexual, or transgender. When it comes to marriage, God, including Jesus, describes that marriage can only be between a man and a woman because it helps mankind prosper the world with their kin. Basically, marriage helps populate the Earth. As for the LGBT, they have no goal or inspiration to follow that purpose. They tend to follow their desires so that they can be protected from any form of persecution or violent actions that some supporters have been conflicted during their early lives. In short, the LGBT are "masking" or "hiding" themselves from the truth. The community tends to take advantage of political power so that their "invented traditions" would prosper over other's traditions and freedoms. If the community doesn't get what they want, then they will cause an uprising for "equal rights" and for "human rights." In conclusion, the LGBT is a community that lives in a spiritual lie other than living in the reality that they're supposed to. This is my answer at best. Sin is sin, and sin is power for the wicked and the abominable.

Dylan Jones: Guys I take serious issue with your prejudice here, let me tell you most of my folks read the bible and they're not saying the things the two of you have said. But you two represent exactly why I will never pick that thing up again. This kind of evangelist nonsense has no place here, take it away. Luckily nobody here is obligated to go along with what you say.

Denver Billiot: What they tell you is truth, they seek not to hurt you but to help you, they want what's best for you, it may sound crazy but trust me, Jesus won't lead you astray

Dylan Jones: Denver. Dakota. Learn some respect for your LGBT neighbors out there. You two got a lot of growing up yet to do. Sad that those kind of relationships make you feel somehow threatened.

Denver Billiot: I literally said I love them but not their conduct

Dylan Jones: Denver. I will not acknowledge what you cannot prove to me.

Denver Billiot: It's called having faith, we are not to live by sight but by faith,

Dylan Jones: Then no more talk of "sin" as far as that subject goes.

Dylan Jones: Faith, typical response.

Denver Billiot: It was said in Revelations that Good would be seen as Evil and Evil would be seen as Good, so I am not surprised of this

The Truth #fundie facebook.com

"The reaction you get from your friends and family when you tell them what the bible says instead of an opinion"

(=Image depicts a mortified looking man holdng a Bible to another - the other man is wearing a shirt depicting the Icththys symbol with legs and has their ears plugged saying "Okay, I'm ready"=)

The Truth #fundie facebook.com

Yes I'm a Christian.

No I don't hate gay people.

But homosexuality is a sin just like premarital sex is a sin and I love you enough to tell you.

No one who practices sin will enter Heaven.

Hate is allowing someone to walk into Hell without saying a thing.

The Truth #fundie facebook.com

SIN by any other name is still SIN

It is not an affair, it is ADULTERY

It is not premarital sex, it is FORNICATION

It is not homosexuality, it is SODOMY

It is not obsession, it is IDOLATRY

It is not fibbing, it is LYING

It is not abortion, it is MURDER

Don't whitewash sin, repent of it!

The Truth #fundie facebook.com

*Image depicts numerous people being thrown into a Hell as two people look on*

Person one: Do you think we should help them ?

Person two: No, it's not our problem. Besides they'll think we're judging them.

*Ezekial 3:18*

Gulag the Liberals #fundie facebook.com

About China
This is simple.
If the capitalist class answers to the government, and is beholden to them, the country is socialist because the state has control over them, ultimately. The state can tell the businesses what to do, but may choose not to unless the policies are beneficial to the state. regardles of if there is a form of capitalism allowed. State capitalism is run by the state, and the workers have a benefit access to Healthcare and housing and generally their quality of life tends to be better.
Under nazi rule, the workers were take advantage of, if you weren't leibensborn or German born, you had no rights, while China has 133 constitutionally protected minority classes
I f
T h e
C a p I a l i s t s
A n s w e r
T o
T h e
G o v e r n m e n t
The country is socialist.
Cuba ussr China, Venezuela
If the capitalists control the government
USA UK EU, they are capitalism based.
Being a capitalist means you own land or a business or a house. Living under capitalism doesn't make you a capitalist.
Also, imperialism is the highest stage of capitalism. Therefore

The Meme Policeman #fundie facebook.com

[Regarding a picture of a Women's March protestor carrying a sign saying "Please Note the Lack of Nazis at Our Marches"]

And now, presenting the Memey for “Most Ironic Meme”!
This popular meme took a different light when a recent bombshell report from Tablet Mag revealed that from the very beginning, several of the Women’s March lead organizers were anti-Semitic. In fact, from the very first meeting, anti-Jewish slurs and conspiracies were reportedly discussed, and became a sort of dark family secret that was hidden from the public.
As the movement progressed, meetings of leaders often became heated, as “you people” and “the Jews control all the money” style insults were hurled openly. Ties to the notoriously anti-Semitic Nation of Islam became apparent, as some leaders like Linda Sarsour attended their rallies and even hired NOI members as security detail. Eventually, most Jewish members left the group, and even notable celebrities like Alyssa Milano distanced themselves from the group over their ties to anti-Semitism.
Ironically, unbeknownst to its followers, some of the Women’s March leaders held views lurking beneath the surface about Jews that would be welcomed at a neo-Nazi meeting.
Source referenced:
For a complete list of the 2018 Memeys (updated in real time):

Lauren Chen, Atarian X, Orwell & Goode #racist facebook.com

In response to a Harvard Business Review article about firefighters being overwhelmingly white males and how that needs to change....

Orwell & Goode: The cult of diversity cares more about virtue signaling than people's lives.

Lauren Chen: Screw white men and their.... *Squints* Disproportionate likelihood to put their lives at risk in order to save others.

AtarianX: If any firefighters other than differently-abled gender queer polyamorous foxkin little people of color show up to put out my house fire, you can just let me burn.

beyond awake #conspiracy facebook.com

The Mr. Smith Effect
In the movie The Matrix Mr. Smith has the ability to enter any body, at anytime , and of course this often occurs when the matrix is threatened by Neo.
This scenario is a reflection of our real world.
For example, you're down at the coffee shop having a 2 hour conversation with a friend and everything is fine until you mention something like vaccines not being safe of effective. Now, watch what happens......up pops Mr. Smith, to replace the person you were having a conversation with, to attack you, because any ans all truths threaten the matrix. The matrix is programmed into most people in their youth and because of this "Mr. Smith programming" these people become guardians of the matrix, protectors of the code, police of the mind, enforcers of the brain washing.......which holds together our false concept of reality like super glue. Our handlers program most people to be like this, to attack anyone, at anytime, if another person in the matrix dare speak the truth and disrupt the code of slave control. These "Mr. Smith like citizens" sit there waiting for the people who speak against the matrix of control, the people who connect the dots or recognize the patterns in the slave code.......and then

The Meme Policeman #fundie facebook.com

The Other 98% posted a tweet from Harvey Bobrow about how Canada has had only 15 mass shootings since 1885 due to tougher gun laws, whereas the U.S. has at least one mass shooting per day.

This is just false.
-In a brief search, I found at least 28 incidents in Canada that would be considered mass shootings. All were since 1965.
-There doesn’t appear to be an outlet that tracks mass shootings in Canada, so there’s likely countless other incidents that would qualify, but haven’t been compiled. Remember, a mass shooting is generally defined as an incident where 4 or more people are hurt or killed by a firearm. Most mass shootings in the US involve zero or 1 death, so often aren’t widely reported or known.
-Thus, it takes a dedicated tracker to compile all the incidents. In the US, there’s gunviolencearchive.com which is where most outlets get their mass shooting statistics from.
-The vast majority of US mass shootings are gang related, and involve drive-by or similar style attacks. This is widely misunderstood, as people think of mass shootings as the much rarer events that garner media focus. Claiming the “one mass shooting a day” statistic capitalizes on this ignorance. Canada has far less gang violence, and consequently would be expected to have far less mass shootings.


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