
DunkleMaterie #wingnut #racist deviantart.com

(submitter note: someone on dA named SugarMarshmallow mentions this fellow on a note involving our discussion on dA wingnuts and had to check it out… yeah… he’s out there… he has this quote “Make Europe Sane Again”… yes really… of course he mostly post imagines and I still have issues with embedding the imagine on this site but does have a description so I use that instead)

(Submitter note: a collage of various 4chan posts regarding Chaz, or the self-declared Capital Hill Autonomous Zone in Seattle by a bunch of anarchists)

Scource: https://www.deviantart.com/users/outgoing?https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1862213-capitol-hill-autonomous-zone

When I say "mild racism" I mean the use of slurs and words some people find offensive and hostile towards their own identity.
If you are an adult I encourage you to face reality regardless. ;)

So what do we have here now?
I had say, yes indeed, reality! =D

How could I miss this developments or not forsee them? Oh wait I did
( with others, in german "conspiracy tea'orist groups" ). ^^

These people just can't do shit.
Unable to create, they can only destroy.
Unable to live with others, only able to live through them.


EmperorN #conspiracy deviantart.com

It is amazing how the elite Jews control us with the confusions and mind fucks
You follow Communism yet you are against Israel
Here's the thing
The Jews invented Commuism
Israel was a real country it was a real land, but was conquered
Now the Jews left Israel and are fucking all of us because they can't go back and do their trickery in Israel where they trick God over and over again like the rats they are with very few of them being decent fucking people
and Now those of George Soros and Mark Zuckerberg continue to kill our race and our people with their bullshit, we must allow Israel to exist to send the Jews there, If Israel is not the Jewish homeland, how does the Jew even exist then?
Jews have comepletly different racial features than an Aryan that is why when reading the Caucasoid category of races which consist of Aryan, Semitic, and Hemitic we see the Semitic (Jew) is a completely different race than the Aryan (White)

LifeInJesus #fundie deviantart.com

They have to believe that we’re delusional,
So they can cling to their own delusions.
They have to believe that God isn’t real,
So they can justify living in sin.

They can’t admit that God created all this,
Rather they suppress the truth in unrighteousness.
They reason thus: if there is no Creator,
Then no one can tell us “go and sin no more.”

Yet their impenitent hearts are storing up
Wrath, wrath, more wrath: soon they will drink of this cup;
Unless they repent and acknowledge the Truth.
Acknowledge your Creator, old men and youth!

wolfblade111 #homophobia #racist deviantart.com

Anti Steven Universe Stamp
Liked this show at first, it seemed nice and cute buuuut then the SJW Propaganda started spewing forth from it and now I wash my hands of this "Cartoon".

When does the inclusion of nonwhite/LGBT+/Female characters become pandering and/or sjw propaganda?

When all the females are gay man haters. Granted The Gems ain't that, but eh, who cares.

Which begs the question. Why are you bothering asking me? Why should someone give a damn what someone else thinks? Or are you just hoping to start arguments that you want to win.

wwweamonreillydotcom #fundie #wingnut deviantart.com

There is a religion that is spreading so fast and so sneakily that it has almost achieved all its goals already and most people here haven’t even noticed. The carpet is about to be pulled out from under our feet. This religion’s members who have positions in very high and powerful places have done their job well. Soon every piece of our country will be affected by this religion. Our school children will be indoctrined in the dogma and most people in this country are already speaking in the language of this religion. Those who wish to spread this religion are the worst zealots of all. This religion is atheism.

Atheism is a religion. It is an anti-christ religion. Without Christ there would be no atheism. Those who would love to see this religion prosper often refer to our constitution that refers to ‘people being cherished of all religions and none’. It uses that statement continuously because it infers that atheism isn’t a religion itself. It puts atheism on a platform against ‘all the religions’. Another misnomer is ‘beliefs’. Atheists have ‘reason’ they tell us and people who know that God made us have ‘beliefs’. Atheists have ‘beliefs’ too. They believe that God doesn’t exist. Isn’t that a ‘belief’?? Also this cherishing people of all religions and none is rubbish. The atheist religion are the only cherished ones. All the others are bunched together and the atheists are given the high ground. Another misnomer is ‘secularism’. As atheism is an organised religion, with it’s own churches, websites, fanclubs, etc that tries to enforce its views, ways and dogma on everyone else in every way they can, secularism should be called what it really is –sectarianism.
In one minute I could name, off hand, at least a dozen Irish celebrities and politicians who have proclaimed themselves atheists. People in the print media, government, seanad, tv and radio who are so influential to our younger , impressionable generation. All of these scoff at Christians and think they are ‘cool’ by proclaiming themselves atheist. Could anyone name a dozen self-proclaimed militant Christians in one minute from those same powerful, influential fields?? Could anyone name more than two??

Instead of admiring the saints like we used to do in Ireland, we idolise z-list showbiz celebrities , sports people and talentless, empty people who are just famous for being famous. Being famous is the new religion here now. It was having money and property a few years back. Will we ever get back to admiring people who actually spent their lives giving to others and loving ourselves without always wanting to be someone else? Maybe. We can only live in hope amid the banal emptiness and despair. And people wonder why the young are taking their own lives??

Back to the non-atheist church. The abuse scandal was used, to full effect, to ridicule and silence the church forever after by the huge atheist organisation. This is despite the fact that less than 3% of priests actually carried out the vile abuse and there was no more abuse in Catholicism than there was in any other religion or ‘secular’ institution in the world. The systematic sectarian bigoted attacks against Catholics in particular and other Christian religions is now a fact of life every day we watch tv, listen to the radio or open a magazine or newspaper any day of the year. Go online and be horrified at the ignorance of the sectarian attacks on twitter, facebook and any of the boards. It’s become a fact of life for every religion except the atheist religion. Anything the people of the non atheist churches stand for MUST be ridiculed and the words and phrases ‘regressive’ ,‘the dark ages’, ‘medieval practices’, ‘the 1950’s’ and ‘John Charles McQuaid’ ‘child abuse’ and ‘magdalene laundries’ must be thrown into the discourse ad nauseum.
Today there is a several pronged attacked, by this atheist religion, on Ireland. Our Christian faith schools are going to be sacrificed for atheist schools to thrive instead. It doesn’t matter that the majority don’t want a change from the Christian Schools. The Atheist dictators will have their way anyway like they have done in most of Europe already. In the recent oireachtas hearings on abortion the atheists wanted abortion on demand into Ireland despite the will of the people and the advice of the psychiatrists and experts. Anyone willing to bet against them getting their way on this too??

All a bishop has to do is to express an opinion on something and we get the same shrill, squealing voices about ‘interfering’ and ‘dictating’ and more of the ‘1950’s’ and ‘John Charles McQuaid’ quotes. Please change the record, folks. The bishops have the same right to express an opinion as anyone else has.

After abortion has sneaked it’s way into Ireland for the first time ever, we will have gay marriage (despite many, many gay people being against it), euthanasia and after that anything and everything’s possible and likely and it will take place whether we want it or not.
Now after that food for thought (which will no doubt be ridiculed in the comments underneath this article if the newpaper has the courage to publish it in the first place) I will leave you with one more thought.
Say what you like about God but nobody was ever saved from a life of crime, drink, drugs, gambling, despair or depression by finding atheism.

Wolfblade111 #homophobia deviantart.com

Cldye with his two dads The dads called Howard and Harold and they are a homosexual couple

So long as they don't go shoving it down my throat I could careless.

However I am boycotting seeing the new Beauty and The Beast movie since it would seem that Gaston's sidekick is gay. (Shivers.) Figures Disney would do that shit. I heard tons of people are not gonna see it since it's pretty much forcing their ideals down our throats.

wolfblade111 #sexist deviantart.com

Anti Kathleen Kennedy Stamp

So I didn't see ANY stamps at all expressing hate towards Kathleen Kennedy...I decided to go and change that up a bit.

Now I'm not one of those people who wishes her bodily harm or want her to die or anything like that...but I wouldn't shed any tears if it did. XD

Whose Kathleen Kennedy you ask? Oh just the woman whose putting Star Wars into a deep, dark grave and is probably gonna be known as the woman who Killed Star Wars.

I could Rant on and on about this poor excuse for a human being but I ain't gonna bother, you can find PLENTY of hate on her on the internet. I just merely am providing the stamp for those who hate her.

Now I don't Hate the new Star Wars films, I ain't gonna watch em but I ain't gonna hate em completely, do they have problems...TONS! So much Waster Potential but it's Wasted on selling a Political Agenda that NO ONE CARES ABOUT!

I mean seriously, Star Wars or any sci-fi or fictional genre Should NOT Be USED to Sell a Fucking Agenda! You Ruin Everything about the franchise when ya do.

I Fear it's only going to spread and ruin everything except Anime. XD Let's face it, Anime is the one place that no SJW would dare to tread...at least I hope not.

Now I have hope that the return of Star Wars The Clone Wars will go over well but....I have my doubts and I ain't getting my hopes up that it'll be good.

Some folks will probably say that the new Star Wars films aren't that bad and that they are actually great and to that I have This to say.

You have a Lot to Learn. What do you have to Learn? It's not something that can really be Taught. It's just something you have to learn on yer own.

Good news is, well semi good news is that I heard that Disney may be cancelling Star Wars Episode 9 due to the severe backlash from Fans of Star Wars and hopefully they fire Kathleen Kennedy.

Funny enough, Kathleen has the Gull to Blame the Fans for Star Wars Sucking...Lady, YOU DIRECTED THE LAST TWO FILMS! IF ANYONE'S TO BLAME IT'S YOUR SJW ASS YA FUCKING CUNT!!!

Ahem...Pardon me, I lost my cool there for a second. XD

wolfblade111 #sexist deviantart.com

Carol Danvers vs Carol Manvers

There needs to be more fanart of The Original Marvel Heroes/Heroines beating the shit out of their now SJW Corrupted selves.

Buuuut that's about as likely as me liking Yaoi...so...actually the former is Definitely More Likely to happen than me liking Yaoi. XD LOL So there's hope. lol

Now don't get me wrong, I like the IDEA of Carol being Captain Marvel and what not...It's just the fact that it was goodish for like..the first couple dozen issues of her own comics where she was just went and died and were replaced with Carol Manvers...yeah it was an Idea that died to early thanks to Femnazi's and SJW's...So many Femnazi's and SJW's.

So yeah, this also speaks about how I feel the Captain Marvel film is gonna go...Not well. Infact I'm kinda hoping even though I KNOW it's not gonna happen that Thanos kills her.

Look at what you've done to me SJW Marvel, you've made me hope for the death of a Superheroine I had high hopes for before you do what you always do...Crush Em.

R.I.P Ms Marvel (Carol Danvers.) You were an awesome (Although sometimes a bitch but still likeable.) Heroine...Until SJW's went and fucked you up.

TheG-flash #sexist #racist deviantart.com

[ on the star wars movies with rey ]

A man created a great franchise with a trilogy and prequels, then a woman comes in and ruined it with it's feminist propaganda and identity politics and obviously shoved in a strong Mary Sue character because like what KK said, in her little brain she thinks girls aren't into Star Wars and they can't relate to Han and Luke because they are male which is absolute bullshit. There are many girls out there who loves Luke and Han not because they're male, its because they're great written well characters who have to go through challenges. But no under this SJW feminist garbage, we need more female representation and diversity. I don't have anything against woman creating things, but they have to understand the material and listen to fans to what they want to see, which is why Wonder Woman was such a good movie because Patty Jenkins stayed true to the source material and created a movie people want to see. But with KK and Ruin "Potato Head" Johnson they give a shit what the fans want or think, they basically give them the cold shoulder and blasted out if you don't like our stuff then you're a racist sexist misogynist homophobic xenophobic man-babies! These people are absolutely disgusting!

wolfblade111 #racist deviantart.com


[So if all lives matter gets hate because it sounds as though it includes
only 1 type of people and not everyone.

Does that mean black lives matter should be hated too? What about asian lives
Matter, hispanic lives matter, animal lives matter?]

Wolfblade111 #racist deviantart.com

[ in regards to the riots over George Floyd's murder ]

These Riots are Pathetic
If you haven't heard, MORE riots have started up due to Police killing a Man by the name of George Flyod and of course they say it was racist and are now Justifying their actions via Kidnapping People. Rioting, Destroying Public Property and Looting...some people just want excuses to tear the world apart. Even if it's something as trivial as this.

Racism is Trivial? In the grandscheme...Yes...Yes it is. But we're only human. We need excuses to kill each other. Not saying I don't care mind you but at this point...It's bothersome to even give a damn anymore about anything remotely connected to the rights of anybody regardless of race, gender, beliefs and so on.

EmpathicDesign #transphobia deviantart.com

Just.. Lol. At least for some of it.

Lesbian - Biological females with a romantic and sexual desire for other women. Valid.

Gay - Biological males with a romantic and sexual desire for other men. Valid.

Bisexual - Biological females or males with a romantic and sexual desire for other men and women. Valid.

Transgender - An ideology based on the self assertion of being the opposite sex. Not relevant to sexual orientation. Invalid.

Queer - Another term for homosexual. Used ambiguously rather than a direct claim of ones homosexuality. Valid.

Questioning - Self explanatory, but not a sexual preference. Invalid.

Two-Spirit - Culturally inappropriate and not even remotely relevant to sexual orientations. Invalid.

Intersex - A biological anomaly that covers a variety of physical sex disorders. Completely unrelated to sexual orientation. Invalid.

Asexual - The total lack of sexual desire. Not a sexual orientation. Invalid.

Did I miss any? :3


wolfblade111 #racist deviantart.com

Something Ironic I realized About The Riots.

Now what happened and what is happening is a Tragedy. But I gotta ask.Where the hell is this kind of Outrage and Disgust When an Innocent Child is Raped and Murdered?Where The Hell Are The Protests For The Innocent Men, Women and Children Killed by The Likes of MS13 and the like?

A Child dies. No one bats an eye.

A Man is Killed by Crooked Cops and Everyone looses Their Goddamn Minds.

People of All Race Die EVERY SINGLE FUCKING DAY OF EVERY FUCKING YEAR! and No One Does A Fucking Thing About It.

But One Man Dies thanks to a Cop who fucked up in handling the situation and The Whole Damn Country Goes Mad.

What The Fuck Kind of Moral Compass Does Humanity Have for This Shit? I'll Tell Ya What Kind. None .Just an Excuse to Riot against those who are supposed to protect us.So People will go out and attack every Cop they see.

But when a Family is Slaughtered by a Gang...nothing is done. Leave it To The Law.When The Law Mistreats The People. The People Mistreat The Law. Congratulations Humanity,You're Retarded.

Both Sides are Wrong and in The End. Humanity is One Fucked Up Piece of Shit.
If people want to go and kill each other over something as pointless as Racism but won't go out an exact this kind of violence on Gangs and The Like. Go Right Ahead. We're Good at One Thing. Being Fucked Up.
That's It. I'm Done. I'm Fucking Done.

wolfblade111 #racist #sexist #homophobia deviantart.com

They wanna do WHAT to Magneto and Prof X?!
[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvBwYvUT1fE]Marvel & Disney Looking For Black Professor X & Magneto - WHY?[/ur]

yeah sure, Turn Magneto into a black man, like that's any worse than when he was in a CONCENTRATION CAMP IN THE COMICS DURING WW2!!! JUST SHIT ALL OVER THAT TRAGEDY TO PUSH YOUR OWN AGENDA WHY DON'T YA!

Also..doesn't having Prof X as a Bald, Black Man in a Wheel Chair sound...I dunno, maybe a smidge offensive PLUS sound like they gave back Fury his eye and made him crippled?

At this point, I think Disney is trying to cause Social Unrest. No really, make your favorite white character into (Insert race here plus add in Changed Gender and sexuality) and you got the perfect stewing pot for people blaming other people existing for ruining the characters.

For Christ sake Disney COME UP WITH BETTER IDEAS OR BETTER YET...USE THE BLACK CHARACTERS YOU ALREADY HAVE!!! WHAT NEXT?! YOU GONNA MAKE WOLVERINE GAY TOO Oh yeah that outta go over Real well with The Fandom, for crying out loud, his alternate gay counterpart in the comics is pretty much forgotten at this point cause that was just a stupid idea.

And no offense Stan The Man, but your original idea for Wolverine to be Gay...I'm sorry but that was just a STUPID idea. You cannot have a burly wildman like Wolverine be gay but I'm sure (NOT counting YaoiFans cause FUCK THEM) everybody would be grossed out to high hell if there was a Make out scene between Logan and Sabretooth and yes, you're all welcome for That HORRIBLE mental image.

Now I'm not being Racist or Homophobic here, I wanna see black characters in comic book movies...But ONLY THE ORIGINAL ONES! Like Miles Morales, Blue Marvel, Night Thrasher or Icon from DC.

Gay Characters...I'm just not a fan of them so I couldn't give Two shits whether or not they showed up. But Gender/Race/Sexual Orientation swapping already established characters is BS.

For gods sake Disney...Get your fucking act together You Fucking Morons.

If you somehow agree with their choices...I think you need to have your brains checked out cause this is becoming a bigger and bigger pile of Shit by the fucking minute.

Okay Rant over, go back to your stations people.

Wolfblade111 #homophobia #conspiracy deviantart.com

[ on star vs the forces of evil showing gay kisses on screen ]


Aaaaand this is one of the reasons I stopped watching Disney. XP Before anyone attacks me I'd like to point out that while I'm not the biggest fan of LGBT's I'm all for their rights and what not but come on, this shouldn't be forced in front of smaller kids who don't know any better. Before we know it 6 year old will probably think it's okay to kiss their same sex class mate cause a cartoon said it was alright.

KEEP POLITICAL BULLSHIT OUTTA CARTOONS YA FUCKS!!! Leave that for shows targeted at teens and shit.

Sure but isn't Star vs forces of evil more like a older kids/teens show way?

No idea never seen it and have no plans to.

darkbulb121 #conspiracy deviantart.com

Mandated vaxxines...

Infect the Herd
Enforce the Cure

Covid19 is a vehicle to accelerate the push of: 5G, Mandated vaxxines, State Censoring of ALL INTERNET, increased surveillance on the citizen, social distancing, divide & conquer, throw the economy, the market, cryptos and even precious metal prices into instability.

The clearly manufactured nature of C19 continues to be obscured by the Mockingbird Media Disinfo Hydra.

If you want to know what C19 is really about, what it's designed purpose is??? Look long and hard at the agendas riding on it. In the long run will these changes, in part or in concert give us more or less freedom, privacy, choice, control over our own lives? Think these things through and see where they go. Increased control of government over citizen is the clear global agenda.

Shawntheimmortal942 #wingnut #racist deviantart.com

I remember seeing a pic of some white people being pretend enslaved by a black guy out of some white guilt BS and imo that shows the SJWs final destination, white SJWs want to be enslaved By minorities. No wonder SJWs are pushing being a cuck as “progressive”

It”s garbage. I heard disney was planning on buying twitter but somehow Disney didn’t do it XD Twitter is too woke for Disney.

There’s nothing to apologize for, even I thought Trump was gonna lose to Hilary hell I actually thought Trump did make fun of a mentally disabled reporter but then I saw this video

Shawntheimmortal942 #wingnut #racist #conspiracy deviantart.com

Yes! Yes! Yes! How much do any of you wanna bet that some woke dipshit celebrity will try to pay for both of their bail or start a fucking petition to free looters and killers? It wouldn’t surprise me if tomorrow I see an article or video where “Free David Dorn’s killer!” Or “Free all cop killers!” Fuck off.

R.I.P to David Dorn and any innocent people who were killed in the riots by these fucking animals. Where’s BLM when black cops are killed? Or supporting black people who don’t agree with BLM’s politics? It’s alllllllll for the agenda, it’s you‘re either with us or against us to them.

Shawntheimmortal942 #wingnut #racist #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=akllkJwcnGc So much for black lives matter, hm? So BLM decides Who’s black now? You all realize that you just proved Terry’s point, right? Who am I kidding? A ham sandwich has more self awareness than the flying checkmarks. Also what do you mean there’s “no such thing as black supremacy“? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_supremacy hell there are black people who want all white people to die...isn’t that black supremacy? How about the rwandan genocide?

OnlyTheGhosts #conspiracy deviantart.com

"the rape of Nanking" - Have you ever read what the people there said? Have you ever read the reports of the International Committee for the Nanking Safety Zone? If you haven't, then your entire basis for the claim of any massacres is the same Chinese Communist Party that keeps lying all the time, and more recently lied about the Wuhan Flu.

You're poorly informed. Likely been misinformed. You have never researched this subject for yourself.

DAK-Rommel #conspiracy #racist deviantart.com

And let me enphasize the quotation marks with this:

This so called "History" is nothing more than pseudo-scientifix non-sence. EVEN THE FRWAKING ANCEINT ALIENS GUYS SHOW MORE EVIDENCE THAN HOLOHOAX SURVIVORS! At least they TRY to make 'sence' out of the things they say by providing on-screen "facts".

But what do holocaust and Hitler documentaries do? Personally, i think that "Der Ewige Jude" was a 100 times better than "Hitler blood oath"

How can people be so stupid? Why do they WANT to listen thsese things? Why doesnt any one question these "documentaries", EVER!?
I mean, i havent even heard ONE bloody History Channel documentary where you can at least watch what Hitler is saying with subtitles! And when you do actually get a god damn translation it is just a small piece from which you can never understand too much things! And while Hitler is at the highligh of his speech and his voice goes louder, they take that part, they dont subtitle it and then they say shit like "Was the NSDAP a consiracy to create a new religion?"
And what do the people assume? That this what what Hitler is saying! THATS WHAT THEY ASSUME!

I urge every one who is reading this to see the documentary to at least 3 minutes in. That is ofc of of course if you want to get even more angry...

THis is thus far the worse "documentary" i have ever seen. And i have never seen a documentary on that bloody clown channel. There isnt a single doc. were the oh-ever-so-perfect-and-horrible holohoax is not mentioned. Even though there is absolutelly no evidence linking Hitler to it.

How can they do this without any one reacting? Why doesnt any one do anything about it?
Are we really that few? Are we really so outnumbered we cant do anything to stop this?

grazemasque #conspiracy deviantart.com

It seems to me The Hunger Games was written specifically to get those ideas into the minds of the sheeple, especially since the series has little else going for it. That's why the theme is so "in your face." You've got to love the way Snow has the moral obligation to exterminate an entire district if the residents protest too much.

But there are other movies that reveal various planned aspects of end time totalitarianism. The illuminati religion always "advertises" an action before committing it.

Brendan1903 #wingnut #conspiracy deviantart.com

How is Trump over reaching the system? Protests are good but riots make you look like a idiot. Watch Yuri Bezmenov and stop being a useful idiot.

Chabad Lubavitch and Russian UK government wants America to fall so it can build multi polar world order, which is why Putin was put into power. He is a front to keep people like you distracted from banks and Bolsheviks.

Wolfblade111 #racist #homophobia #sexist deviantart.com

Although I have recently heard for the latest issues of the Secret Empire comic that Steve Rogers will be coming back, no not the Hydra one. The REAL Steve Rogers aka Captain America. Good, maybe he can kill that SJW/Hydra piece of crap then.

Yes I do infact hate Captain Hydra, well not just him but the goddamn idiot SJW's in Marvel that made it happen in the first place. Figures they'd have no problem turning an America Superhero into a Nazi, SJW's are practically the Watered Down Versions of Nazis...for now anyway.

For those who don't know SJW stands for Social Justice Warrior...which they are none of, they are Not Social, they don't know what Justice is and if they are Warriors...then humanity really has wimped out.

Now before someone comes along and says some BS about how I must be against Diversity I'll have you know I Am Not against Diversity in Comics, I'm all for having Different Race /Homosexual/Whatever else kinda Diversity there is. But by basically having a Young Black Girl take up the mantle of Iron Heart and pretty much killing off the original Iron Man and turning a Symbol of America into a Nazi and not to mention adding in all kinds of SJW Propaganda is NOT Diversity, it's a little thing that I like to call. STUPIDITY!!!!

You want more Diverse Characters!?! Oh well I'm sorry we could just bring back all the other DIVERSE Characters we already have but nah we'll kill of a Famous White Superhero and have a Young (Insert Race & Gender Here.) Take they're place. Oh you want Mutants? Sorry fresh out here have some Inhumans they're just as cool but not really. What's that? You want Gay Characters? Well again we could just bring back some of the Gay Characters we already have but nah we'll turn an already straight character into a Gay One.


Oh and one other thing...QUITE BEING POLITICALLY CORRECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Warning Rage Levels Increased To Dangerous Levels Evacuate The Nearby Area!


RAGE Rage face emoticon Rage face emoticon Rage face emoticon Rage face emoticon

Error WOLFBLADE111.EXE has shut down due to increased Levels of Pure Rage, please allow cool-down of up too 1 Week Before Reactivation.

Deadpool: Damn, haven't seen him rage this much since he found out that DC got rid of The Superman and Wonder Woman pairing. XD Well ya know what that means, time to Cue The Outro!

Novuso #conspiracy deviantart.com

The good people of America, Left and Right, Democrat and Republican, White or of color, young and old, are witnessing the take-back of America from a large number of very powerful criminals who have been destroying society and the world for several decades, maybe longer.

This is the greatest story of our time. You have the choice of either scratching your head in confusion when seeing events unfold, or looking at the information provided by Q to understand the real story.

Don't be a sheep. They want you divided. They have been working to divide us forever. It's time to wake up and experience true freedom instead of the fake kind we have been living under. The good guys began the Q intelligence dissemination program to invoke an online grassroots movement that came to be called "The Great Awakening".

It started on underground internet channels, then moved to the mainstream. Q has been a fun distraction for those who follow world events and desire truth, but it is about to begin a much more important and necessary phase - keeping the public informed when the Deep State war breaks out onto the surface. By this, I mean high-profile arrests.

Yes folks. The criminals I am referring to are famous politicians, actors, singers, CEOs and celebrities. People who have earned our trust, respect and admiration. They have done very bad things that are all fully known and documented, and they will be severely punished.

Those of us who have followed Q since the beginning will be here to help you make sense of the coming events. We are among the first to realize that our petty partisan divisions are just trivial distractions, and we are all enslaved by a hidden enemy.

We realize that the problem was never Capitalism or Socialism, Democrat or Republican, black or white, Muslim or Christian. We know it was just very powerful criminals who had too much power and were crushing us under debt and asinine entertainment, Fellow slaves. It's time to buckle your seat belt, recognize your true enemy, and embrace a new future that we all owe to the brave patriots who risked their lives to achieve this victory against the greatest force of evil the world has ever seen.


Wolfblade111, ghostraptor1917, Dreddzilla,iamcheese22 #homophobia deviantart.com

[ on Lando being pansexual ]

SJW's Continue to Ruin Star Wars.


SJWS trying to force their politics in the things we love"

IAMCHEESE22:"And now I'm done. -_-"

Dreddzilla: "I'm so done with Star Wars!"

wolfblade111:"Same, until they get their acts together with it, I'm focusing on my own headcanon. XD"

TheNewDoge #conspiracy deviantart.com

The all American hero.

Have I got a story for you. Here is the story of an all American hero who saved the nation of America in its darkest hour…. Adolf Hitler. Let me explain. In about 1943 German biologists who were supposed to help the war effort were getting a bit uneasy. At this point Germany has three major super powers against it (Soviet Union, England, USA), Italy just had the shit kicked out of it in Africa and Il Duce’s not looking so good and they were rightfully getting a little worried. However these guys still had numerous caches of poison gas left over from WW1 that was just going to waste. Not only that but they were toying around of the possibility of also infusing bombs with various diseases such as anthrax, and typhoid. Their reasoning was that they could handle dealing with two superpowers but three was just too much. They wanted to use bioweapons and hazards to terrorize the American population and force America to pull out of the war entirely. One scientist put it, "America must be attacked simultaneously with various human and animal epidemic pathogens as well as plant pests."

So why wasn’t the U.S subjected to random gas attacks and bombs of disease? It was due in part to one hero. No, not some American commando sneaking into Germany and blowing shit up. It was this guy

Coincidentally he’s also a talented artist, writer, and politician.

Yep, in a stunning act of compassion Hitler refused to harm America. Let me explain. As most know Hitler himself was nearly blinded in WW1 by a poison gas attack. The attack that drove him to abhor war and chemical weapons. You see there were several times that Hitler could have at any given time in the war have used chemical and biological weapons against the allies, indeed it might have even won Germany the war. England even thought that Germany would do so and in 1940 started to give all citizens personal gas masks in case those evil Germans started raining the gas down. However in all these cases Hitler was the bigger man and refused to use these tactics.

His reasoning was that he had experienced the pain of the poison gas himself. He knew the horrors and pain it caused. From this he never wanted another human being, even if they were his enemies, to suffer the same fate and pain as he did. Back to our story at hand, when these scientists brought to the Fuhrer their plans he was Fuhrious (bad pun). You see earlier in the war the boss man issued an order that specifically stated “no bio weapons are to be used.” When these scientists ignored this order and invented these bombs anyway they thought they would still be put to use. Nuh-uh. He didn’t budge. More to the point these bombs were already made. It was not a if they could use them it was a when. Even when he basically had these WMDs ready he still hadn’t changed his mind and refused to go along with the project and had it dismantled.

He had the power to basically wipe a superpower of the Earth and refused. Compare this to one Winston Churchill. Churchill who also was planning on using bombs with anthrax except he was the one who came up with the idea himself and would have had no problem using it on Germans and innocent civilians. Churchill had several tests done on islands with these bombs and even considered using them on German cities. The reason he didn’t was that it was already 1944 and the Nazis were basically beaten. The Soviets were in Poland and American and English forces were marching through France. He felt there would be no need for it. It would be interesting to see what would have happened if Churchill got one of those bombs earlier in the war. Say 1940? The same thing could have been said by FDR who wanted to even drop a nuclear bomb on Berlin but he kicked the bucket before he got the chance.

ACEnBEAKY #conspiracy deviantart.com

This whole thing stinks of Globalist NWO activity mean't to divide and conquer us by destroying us as a nation.
Take this person's words into consideration:
"We’re being set up...
Interesting perspective from Kenn E Jamm: Staged Event?
These officers were involved with something, I’m not sure exactly what, but something is just not adding up.
I think there is at the very least the “possibility”, that this was a filmed public execution of a black man by a white cop, with the purpose of creating racial tensions and driving a wedge in the growing group of anti deep state sentiment from comon people, that have already been psychologically traumatized by Covid 19 fears.
Consider these points and contrast them to every other police brutality incident you've ever seen.
The filmed portion of the incident was about 10 minutes long. In that amount of time, three officers are holding one handcuffed man down. You only know that because of the pictures taken from across the street. WYou can't see the other two officers in the video because they are behind the vehicle. During 8 minutes of the entire video, the officer has his knee on George Floyd's neck, which is not taught or approved by any law enforcement agency.
Additionally, other than the Asian officer speaking occasionally to the crowd of bystanders, there is no communication from any of the officers to Mr. Floyd. No talking, no shouting. When have you ever seen a police brutality video without police shouting?
Additionally, the police had no goal. They weren't trying to subdue him for arrest, he was already handcuffed and all they needed to do was place him in the back of the car. There is no plausible explanation for taking him to the ground and having three men on top of a handcuffed man, a knee placed on his neck. Mr. Floyd presented no threat and was not resisting. The only goal that there appeared to be was exactly what happened: “To be filmed brutally killing a black man”.
Think about this, these officers did not care about being filmed, in fact the officer stared into the camera with soulless eyes and an emotionless face, reminiscent of an assassin, as he knowingly killed an American Citizen. None of the officers spoke among themselves nor did they speak to Mr. Floyd. They did not respond to his pleas for life. They just sat and kneeled on him until he was passed out and then waited an additional 4 minutes after Mr. Floyd lost consciousness to ensure that Mr. Floyd was dead and could not be revived.
The bystanders are verbally communicating to the officers, that he isn't breathing. Unlike any other similar incident, you never see the officers getting on police radios. You never see or hear them calling dispatch for backup. No other police units arrive on the scene and strangely enough, the crowd does not seem to grow either.
The scene does not end until an ambulance arrives and they unceremoniously flop him on a gurney. At no point does anyone in a uniform ever check his vitals. “As if they aren't remotely curious about the situation they are in”. Btw, who called the ambulance and for what reason? Because if the reason was that Mr. Floyd was having a medical issue, they wouldn't have still been crushing his neck.
Shortly after the video went viral, a fake Facebook page supposedly belonging to the officer at the center of the murder appears and pictures are uploaded that say "Stand your Ground" and "Trump 2020". A picture of the cop with a red ballcap that says "Make America White Again". A friends list populated with obvious sock accounts and people clearly not his friends. This is the same kind of fake Facebook stunt that happened with a group made to look like support for the men involved with the Ahmed Aubrey case.
Is it mere coincidence that this happens the week after “race” becomes a major political issue after the Biden "You ain't Black" gaffe, started to threaten the black vote the Democrats so desperately count on?
Is it mere coincidence that this happens right about the exact moment the COVID-19 fear campaign falls apart, and after it has psychologically traumatized the entire country and got everyone at each other's throats and suicide attempts are spiking?
FInally, this entire scene plays out with the cop car and license plate that says "POLICE". The plate was perfectly framed for maximum subliminal impact. This also means he was literally just 1 foot away from the back seat of the police car and these cops thought it was smarter to kill a black man on camera, than to pick him up and move him one foot into the back of the police car.
You can draw your own conclusions, but this appears to have all the earmarks of George Soros."

SilverStarApple #wingnut deviantart.com

Many celebrities were caught donating to "Minnesota Freedom Fund", a terrorist organization that funds terrorist organization Antifa to help them pay for corrupt lawyers, bail funds, and travel expenses.

These pieces of shit ARE the system, they ARE the corruption, and they are ALL GUILTY OF TREASON against humanity.

Nobody's stopping them because the right-wing/alt-right/humans who oppose slavery and pedophilia, whatever the fuck you want to call them... Nobody's stopping the pedoleft because nobody who opposes the pedoleft is violent enough to put the fear of God back into those rapists.

This is fucking infuriating. Cops have beaten white people to death before. But this victim was black, so the left should care, right? And the murderers were cops, who neither side likes. Except the left loves cops when they're doing things the left wants done, like censoring and arresting peaceful conservative protestors. But still, THIS time, the left hates cops for this week because THIS time, their incompetence/evil killed a Protected Pet and member of the Paid Voter Caste.

This should be something that unites everyone and makes everyone agree that changes need to be made to how cops operate. But no, communists are evil by nature and they don't see this as a problem to solve, they see this as an excuse to chimp out.

Let me get this straight, white people walking around with tiki torches equals a "violent group", but literal fucking anarcho-communists being bussed around to torch down black-people-owned businesses and housing for the homeless while locals loot TVs without looting bookstores for obvious reasons... All of this is supposedly "Just protesting"?

Am I having a fucking stroke?! Is this the planet the fucking Boomers and the even lower generation that came before them and taught them everything they know, the Boomer-Birthers, left behind for us?

You know what? I've had an idea for a new philosophy.

Ever heard of Humanism, the belief that "we are all human" and helping other humans regardless of race or creed is the ultimate moral good? (yeah, as if it's a morally good thing to help someone whose creed is "rape pillage burn and cry waycis at the whites we exploit". give me a fucking break)

Ever heard of Civic Nationalism, the idea that if a Swede and a Brit and his Labrador and a PedoMuslim all head to France, they magically become French people who are not only totally french, but no matter how they act their behaviour is also more french than anyone who complains about France being overrun and burned and raped by the non-french? (Yeah, being French means importing Islamists to rape your kids for you. That's what being a "Real french person" means. They knew what Muslims were for decades but the Yellow Vest protests started too late to save anyone.)

Tell me, what is "Humanity"? If we're talking about the flesh-and-blood creatures, it's just another type of living thing. If we're saying a heartless bastard lacks humanity and a kind person has humanity, then humanity is a set of ideals, not something you're inherently born with and can't lose/discard.

I've invented a new philosophy.

It's called Civic Humanism.

If you're a good person, if you're a human where it counts, then you're a human being and your human rights are sacred. Helping you is a morally good thing. And if you're a pedo lefty commie piece of shit, you aren't human at all. Prisons exist because we recognize that rapists and mass murderers shouldn't be free to roam the streets, but they're not doing their jobs right because rapists and mass murderers are roaming the streets right now. Those rapists... They sometimes call themselves Liberals, and sometimes they call themselves Communists, and sometimes they call themselves Leftists, and sometimes they call themselves Democrats, but they are criminals and their goal is to rape.

Rodegas #homophobia deviantart.com


Most straight parents don't even want their kids at all or love them. Same-sex parents actually LOVE their children.

No, thats not truth. Most parents love their children to some extend. This is just your cause because you are disgusting to people.

Emily is just brainwashed and confused captive, their sodomite "parents" should be immediately put to prison for this.

Your mother was irresponsible, but, sodomites are sick people they cannot be allowed near children. There are other alternatives.

Also, There are only 2 genders, Females have two of the same kind of sex chromosome (XX), and are called the homogametic sex. Males have two distinct sex chromosomes (XY), and are called the heterogametic sex.

Anything else is just disability/ mutation.

jiangweisen #wingnut #fundie deviantart.com

how can she be napoleon when I'M napoleon. seriously, where do they get off coming into the country illegally, criminally! & telling us that they are now america when they don't believe in the same principals that the country was founded on & they're not even wanted in the country by most people. you try that in china! try sneaking across their border & then marching in the streets saying you're china. ha. how absurd. certifiable insanity is part of mainstream media dialogue.

LaWalkiria #conspiracy #racist deviantart.com

On the left, "Neuschwanstein Schloss" by Adolf Hitler
On the right, "Gernika" by Pablo Picasso
Judge for yourselves.
Sadly, art isn't what it used to be, now it's a business and a cover for politics (Marxism especially).
Quality is not rewarded, but the ideology behind the 'art'. Picasso was a Comunist.

Jews are behind all this. If you don't believe it take a look at organizations such as the Bauhaus or the Frankfurt School. Both used culture as an excuse for spreading Marxist ideals among the people. Both were directed and financed by jews. Still not convinced? You need more examples of Marxist jews? Marx, Trotsky, Lenin, Stalin...
I'll make some posts about this

darkbulb121 #conspiracy #wingnut deviantart.com

When C19 hit I was scared too but I was far more in fear of what the virus brings than the bug it’s self. Time has exposed motive, manipulation and lies, lies, lies. Enough. One only has to look at the clear communist agendas being forwarded by C19 to evidence it’s true purpose.

A virus does not come on a 6' leash nor does it respect a strip of cloth across a sheeple's face. If flows around a plastic guard along with the air in which it is borne. How foolish can people be? We know we've been lied to. We have both WHO and CDC publicly admitting that their initial projections were way off the map.

Covid 19 is nothing more, nothing less than another boogyflu scare tactic to forward more communist agendas such as: containment and social control of the individual constituent, ever increasing surveillance of the innocent constituent in name of "terrorism", 5G proven carcinogenic emissions, cashless society controlled by the Global Government, mandated KNOWN DANGEROUS vaccines, ID2020 chemical ID (once it's in you can't get it out).

EmpathicDesign #homophobia #fundie deviantart.com

Of course homosexuality is the ultimate self lie.
Trying desperately to be the opposite sex, how unfortunate.
When a gay person "realises" they're gay, it's the same thing 'oh no, i am attracted the the same sex'. When a straight person comes in, it's 'i wonder if i will find the right person to love and marry in future'.
As an Australian who knows the gay pride march is the biggest waste of tax payers money, i have to say that watching people flaunt their bodies like prostitutes do on the Las Vegas Strip and claim the rally to be about love, ignoring all the hormones and intentions to spread STD's, it truly amuses me that people who embraced a lifestyle of a never-content place outside normal society would claim "Love" when the ultimate expression is sex. Perhaps i am mistaken, but it would be nice if people stopped accepting to be something they're not and just tried to be straight like the rest of humankind. Oh well, sleet with same gender, have sex with your mother, bang your dog, what's the diff right?. Actually.. what is the diff?. None really. There is no gain, no benefit of being gay, just.. .. Nothing. Try being straight, life will be easier by 300% i promise.
I'm not judging by the way, but homosexuals don't try to be straight, they give, quit. Prove me wrong?.
I'm not saying you are a bad person, i am saying you quit, and those that think this is a method to exploit church to gain more followers, well.. LOL, church will CURE you.
Would you hate a medicine if it could cure a disease just because it made you feel happy?.
Same diff.

Not judging, just telling the truth.

That is all.

menslady125 #fundie deviantart.com

(for information, she's talking about that baphomet statue at detroit.)

Something I found on Facebook. I've been hearing a lot about vandalizing and tearing down monuments and statues, and people are going WAAAAAAY overboard! I mean, vandalizing a statue of Abraham Lincoln, wanting to blow up Mount Rushmore...what is WITH you people?!

You wanna tear down a statue? HERE YA GO! Who the Hell thought it was a good idea to make a statue of Satan with kids?! I can't even begin to describe how DISGUSTING that is! Satan is the one who is responsible for all the evil that is poisoning the world today, and already he's chasing after our kids by using his pawns to teach them about evil things at an EARLY AGE!! He has NO business being exalted!

Now then...let the insults begin.

zuoki #conspiracy #racist deviantart.com

I am, but I don't speak or can read Japanese. because I grew up in a western country. And yes you can use them. Spread those words. The Chinese are lying and still lying to the world. The Japanese had all the right to liberate China and Asia from western imperialism. The Empire has the right to share their wealth and technology with the rest of Asia. In order to make Asia great agian with the Empire Of Japan at the helm. But nations refused and got crushed. China forms a problem. Without China there would be no North Korea.

There was no Nanking Massacre, there was no UNIT-program, there were no confort woman. The Imperial Japanese Army was a honorble army and liberated Asia from the western powers. The nationalist goverment used Nanking as a story to drag the US into the war, resulting that they cut of 90% of Japanese oil import. As a result the Empire Of Japan had no choice to attack Pearl Harbor/

The Chinese are a bunch of liars. They're rude, uncivil, poo and pee everywhere, have no manners and bully other nations in Asia.

You can blame the downfall of the Empire to China. You can blame Pearl Harbor to China. If it wasn't for the US then China would be in Japanese power. The Japanese are supreme over the Chinese and the Chinese are nothing but dogs who are willing to kill themselves.

Japan is the real victim of WWII, not China!

Even some people here on DA are spreading Chinese lies:

Shawntheimmortal942 #wingnut #racist deviantart.com

I fucking love this movie! 5/5! This is an amazing movie that everyone should see and fuck everyone who tried to kill this movie, I really hope they make a sequel or at least another stand alone DC film with the same atmosphere as Joker or at least add a very tense one. It’s really funny how ”The Clowns” are just ANTIFA and yet the left tried to destroy this movie because it’ll “incite violence“. All it takes is a white guy to breath and ANTIFA will cause a fucking riot, you motherfuckers hated this film because it showed the world what pieces of shit you are and how you tried to mask yourselves by saying you’re “anti fascists“ yet “punch Nazis” was a thing which pretty much is “punch anyone who doesn’t agree with me”. I’m glad this movie made over a billion dollars and I’m glad Joaquin Phoenix won the Emmy, it’s a shame that WB went on to make Birds of prey and Batwoman when they had couod‘ve made a sequel to Joker instead or another DC villain movie. Why? Is this some kind of masochist fetish WB has by making woke films that bomb? You saw how the woke crowd treated you, bitching on Twitter about someone shooting up the theater which got the police involved, the military getting involved, constantly begging hell the media was fucking jerking off at the thought that someone would get killed at screening of Joker and then acting disappointed when nothing happens. These bitches were right about one thing, there was a death when the movie was released and people saw it...and it was the left’s credibility!

EmpathicDesign #homophobia #wingnut deviantart.com

Wow, the typical leftist mindless outrage, but understandable. Moving on for you.

Sorry kiddo, but this is science, and the science that affirms homosexuality as being not a mental illness also affirms pedophilia as not being a mental illness and, to my delight, affirms many positions I have present in times past; such as

1. That naturalism is not affirmation i.e If homosexuality is normal because it is present in nature then so is cannibalism; all organizations support this. Affirmed.
1. Homosexual sexual relations are disorderly, and so homosexual sexual activity is a result of mental disorders.
That human bodily organs and fluids have a specific purpose and homosexual sexual relations do not adhere to their normal and orderly function.
The relevant organizations that affirm homosexuality as not being a mental illness also affirms that pedophilia, regardless of the depth of the perversion of the desires or how sadistic, is not a mental illness.

1. To date, all data pertaining to homosexuality being not a mental illness is antiquated, subjective, unreliable and anecdotal.

Your "Everything is an opinion, even science" excuses has no power here. :-)

Have a read, and then you may throw your computer at the wall and cry. ^^


They can, they can also be wrong or adhere to immoral standards, and people will call them out on that and they will lose business because of it. Get woke, get broke. Look what it did for STAR WARS. :-)

I feel that dropping a mic would be most appropriate.

OneForeverMore #psycho #conspiracy deviantart.com

Hamas are not terrorists. Do you know what terrorists even are? Why would you call Hamas terrorists when they're just trying to protect their people and get their rights back???
You didnt even bother answering my question, which proves that you know im right, and that you would obviously be doing the same as the Palestinians if Israelis were attacking you. Would that make you a terrorist, like you call the Hamas just for protecting themselves?? think about it please.
Hamas ignores ceasefires because they do not conform to what they WANT. Your worthless and weak president as you call him still helps Israelis in refilling all of their arms, I dont think I should be thankful for anything at all.

Shawntheimmortal942 #wingnut #conspiracy #sexist deviantart.com

Goddamn, Bill! You want Joe Biden to win so badly that you’ll tell a woman who accused Joe of sexually assaulting her...to shut the fuck up? Can Trump derangement be an official metal illness, please? This guy's children could be violently raped in front of him and he wouldn’t say shit if it was Joe or any democrat running against Trump or a republican. Quarantine must be really getting to Bill’s head because goddamn! Now I know he’s not gonna get cancelled because the far left don’t even believe their own “progressive” BS but now telling people who accuse his party’s candidate to shut the fuck up if they were sexually assaulted by Biden or any democrat? I know there’s always doubt, always believe in the facts and not just believe all women because yes...there are women that would lie about being raped. I love this new slogan for the left “Vote for Joe Biden and shut the fuck up if he sexually assaulted you!” Comes out smoooooooth...just remember to swallow!

JonathanWWFforlife #psycho #sexist deviantart.com

(submitter note: this guy is a child abuser that's getting assmad because his actions got called out by his victim)

She probably lied about getting raped just to get attention. You expect me to believe that an ugly 13-14 year old girl got raped by a group of guys? She looks so ugly and skinny, no boy or man will ever wants her. She probably say that just so she can get attention which is just straight up pathetic

Wolfblade111 #homophobia deviantart.com


Oof and it seems you are fucking homophobic with you're supporting male x female, fetishizing female x female but not ok with male x male. Typical.

Oof and how typical, calling out someone for liking two outta three things and then cutting and running (Aka Blocking before I could reply.)

Ya wanna know Why I don't ship anything MalexMale? It's because I am not...comfortable with it.

If a male character is gay in something, fine, so be it. I certainly don't have to give two shits about that character, I certainly don't have to make fan art of them. I sure as hell don't have to wave a flag around and scream for joy at the prospect of another gay character.

You wanna know WHY I'm Uncomfortable with malexmale? Because of the Fetishizing, ya know, like how people like me make girl x girl a fetish, yeah...GuyxGuy Fans do that on a MUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCH higher level.

If a guy is gay in real life, fine, whatever, I don't give two shits if you like guys/girls. If your a cool person. Your cool in my book, doesn't mean I'm gonna enjoy what you may or may not draw, but I'm fine with ya, your not gonna hear me saying anything negative.

But when it comes to Fictional characters, THAT! is where I have a problem.

I have seen so, so so so so so so so SOOOOOOO many guyxguy shippers who fetishize these pairings and characters and write these quite clearly, wet dream based fanfictions about these characters.

What's even more disturbing is that a lot of these ships involve characters...WHO AREN'T EVEN GAY!!! They take, Brother/Brother type friendships and twist and turn them into these sick, twisted, disturbing love stories that make Twilight look like the best romance novel of all time.


So you wanna know why I despise GuyxGuy ships, why I hate Yaoi shippers.

You can thank all the assholes who committed the acts I mentioned above for garnering my hatred.

Do I fetishize FemalexFemale pairings?

IAMCHEESE22 #wingnut deviantart.com

You didn't really read my comment then if that's all you took away from it.

My point is because Naughty Dog is currently trying to pander to SJWs, they're doing everything they can to make this game everything those people want and not what the fans want.

Evil white people? Check.

Evil white people are homophobic? Check.

Main character is a lesbian? Check.

Kill off straight white male protagonist using a transsexual character? Check.

And actually, you're helping prove my point. So many people think it's okay for white people to be the bad guys simply because if it's in the United States, they're the majority of the population, (which I do agree with as that makes logical sense.) but if white people are the protagonists, suddenly there's a problem. Suddenly, there isn't enough representation. Suddenly, you need a black character, or a gay character, or a woman, to even things out. But meanwhile, there can be billions of white people on the bad guy's side and no one bats an eye. Do you see what I'm saying here?

And you are right, there are plenty of white people who hate gays and lesbians to this very day within the US. I'm not denying that. But it annoys me that we're even having this discussion, when the game's setting is that of a post-apocalypse. Why do we need antagonists who focus on hating gays and minorities at all? Because it's the United States? Then why didn't we have that in the first game? Because people wanted to, I don't know, tell a story and develop characters, and not make some BS propaganda to pander to the lowest common denominator? How can I tell they're so low? Because they're begging people to play this game, after so many are cancelling their pre-orders from the leaks. If they had nothing to worry about, the fucking head of TLoU2 wouldn't have to had set up his phone to record himself saying "This game is great...it's unlike anything you've ever played...please buy it?" Now, why would they do that if they're so sure this game is going to be successful?

Also not sure how you misunderstood my point about Ellie being a lesbian.

I'm not calling Ellie "Ellie the Lesbian", I'm saying Naughty Dog is calling her that, because according to Naughty Dog, that's all that matters. Yes, we knew Ellie was gay from that DLC, but that didn't change the main plot of the game, or even the plot of the DLC. It was a moment of character growth, but it wasn't all about how she may or may not be gay. Now, that's all this game will be about. They don't want to tell an interesting story that relates to the fact they're living in a POST APOCALYPSE, all they're doing is saying "Gee, it sure sucks white people hate gays no matter WHAT is going on in the world."

EmpathicDesign #homophobia #fundie deviantart.com

And the fact it is considered not: Wrong.

The APA and the American Psychiatric Association are the organizations that "Affirmed" homosexuality as not being a mental illness using poor and contradictory methods to reach this conclusion, but they are wrong in their methodology. Examples:

"It should be noted that the American Psychiatric Association does not consider pedophilia in itself as a mental disorder either. After discussing the ways that a pedophile could disclose “intense sexual interest in children,” they write:

If individuals also complain that their sexual attractions or preferences for children are causing psychosocial difficulties, they may be diagnosed with pedophilic disorder. However, if they report an absence of feelings of guilt, shame, or anxiety about these impulses and are not functionally limited by their paraphilic impulses (according to self-report, objective assessment, or both), and their self-reported and legally recorded histories indicate that they have never acted on their impulses, then these individuals have a pedophilic sexual orientation but not pedophilic disorder. (American Psychiatric Association 2013, 698)"

"Again, sexual fantasies and “intense sexual attractions” occur in the form of thought, so a 54-year-old man who has “an intense sexual interest” in children thinks repetitively about children in order to stimulate himself to orgasm. That person's thoughts, according to the American Psychiatric Association, are not disordered."

"It is alarming that a sadistic or pedophilic fantasy could be considered not to meet the criteria for a mental disorder"

Now, the sexual content:

"The mental orderliness of a sexual behavior could be (at least in part) determined from the physical orderliness of the sexual behavior. So, in regard to men who have sex with men, the physical trauma caused by penile-anal intercourse is a physical disorder; penile-anal intercourse almost always results in a physically disordered state in the anorectal area (and possibly the penile area of the inserter as well):

The optimal state of health of the anus requires the integrity of the skin, which acts as the primary protection against invasive pathogens … Failure of the mucous complex to protect the rectum is seen in various diseases contracted through anal intercourse. The act of intercourse abrades the mucous lining and delivers pathogens directly to the crypt and columnar cells allowing for easy entry … The mechanics of anoreceptive intercourse, as compared to vaginal intercourse, almost demands denuding of the protecting cellular and mucous protection of the anus and rectum. (Whitlow et al. 2011, 295–6, emphasis added)

It seems that the information in the previous paragraph is established as a solid scientific fact; it seems that a researcher, practitioner, psychiatrist, or psychologist would have to be ignorant or negligent to deny that fact.

So, one sign or indicator of whether a sexual behavior is normal or disordered could be whether or not it physically harms one or both people. It seems to be clear that penile-anal intercourse is physically disordered and it causes physical harm as well. Since many men who have sex with men desire to perform those physically disordered actions, it seems to follow that the desire to engage in such actions is disordered. Since desires occur at the “mental” or “thought” level, it follows that such male homosexual desires are mentally disordered."

"Furthermore, the body has within it various types of fluids. Those fluids are “physical,” and they have proper physical functions (again, that is simply a reality of medicine or health—the fluids in the human body have proper functions). Saliva, plasma, interstitial fluids, and tears all have proper functions. For example, one proper function of plasma is to transport blood cells and nutrients to other parts of the body."

"Semen is a male bodily fluid, and hence (unless one arbitrarily applies one's own rules to the field of medicine) semen has a proper physical function (or multiple proper functions) as well. Semen typically has within it many cells, known as spermatozoa, and those cells have a proper location to be transported to—the cervical area of the woman. A physically ordered sexual act of a male, then, would be one in which the semen physically functions properly. Hence, another criteria for a normal or “ordered” sexual behavior is one in which the semen functions properly by delivering spermatozoa to the female's cervical area."

"One cannot conclude (with Alfred Kinsey) that a human behavior is normal simply because it is more common than previously assumed—otherwise all human behaviors, including serial killing, would have to be considered normal."

"One cannot conclude (with C.S. Ford and Frank A. Beach) that there is “nothing unnatural” about a behavior simply because it is observed in both humans and animals—otherwise cannibalism would have to be considered to be natural. Most importantly, One cannot conclude (with Evelyn Hooker, John C. Gonsiorek, the APA, the American Psychiatric Association, and others) that a mental condition is not disordered because it does not result in “maladjustment,” distress, or impairment in social functioning—otherwise, many mental disorders would have to be labeled erroneously as normal. The conclusions arrived at in the cited literature are not supported by the premises proposed to be scientific fact; the faulty works cannot be considered credible sources."

"It is always best to give others “the benefit of the doubt.” Maybe the APA and the American Psychiatric Association accidentally made catastrophic logical mistakes in the literature they cite as evidence supporting the claim that homosexuality (and other sexual deviances) is not a mental disorder; that scenario is quite possible. Still, one should not be naïve and ignore the potential for powerful organizations to perform advocacy science. There are major inconsistencies in logic as well as arbitrary applications of certain principles by those upheld as “authoritative” in identifying and diagnosing mental disorders. The present summary and analysis in this paper of the literature put forth as “rigorous” and “significant” empirical evidence uncovers major deficiencies—irrelevant, outdated, and absurd literature—and calls into question the credibility of the APA and the American Psychiatric Association's discussion and identification of sexual disorders. Indeed, suspect anecdotes and antiquated data have been used in the debates surrounding homosexuality, but the evidence shows that even the authoritative sources on mental disorders are guilty of those charges."

Homosexuality is a mental illness. Case closed.


Wolfblade111 #homophobia deviantart.com

Last of Us 2 VA Asks For Us to Be Open Minded.


Aaaaaaand yet in a Zombie Apocalypse they have a Christian Cult hell bent on killing any and all infidels when they should be more worried about Zombies...Ugh, I knew Ellie being a Lesbian in the first game would bite them in the ass in the next one. We just want a good game ya morons, not some propaganda about how White Men are all supposedly evil. Sheesh. Bunch of idiots.

Fuck you and fuck Naughty Dog. If this whole goddamn game is Ellie The Lesbian (since apparently that's all she is now! Not Ellie the hunter, Ellie the girl who took care of Joel, no no, she's a lesbian, that's all that matters about her character now.) fighting "evil skinheads", I pray to the powers that be, that this game gets shit on from every direction. If these leaks are true, this game is gonna suck.

Agreed bro, agreed. Should have just left it TLoU 1 and left it open ended. Leave what happens next up to the fans to decide. This was one of those games where they could have done that and it would have been perfectly fine. But of course they had to milk it dry and make a sequel with character developments, story and villains that feel as stale as cardboard.

If this game is as bad as it's sounding, then I too hope it gets absolutely destroyed by people who have brains because from the sounds of it, this sounds like another shitty excuse to try and shove progression down our throats when the only thing progressive about it is that it is progressive in destroying loved franchises.

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