
I am a half-elf and can bend reality to my will with the power of archaick spelling!

Quan-Lin via Gillian MacBeth-Louthan #crackpot #moonbat #magick thequantumawakening.com

I am the Grace and Light of Quan Yin. I come on this day to escort you into your holiness as you begin to fully emerge yourself in the 30 day dispensations of this past 2020 Wesak. You are my blessings and I come to help you remember the sacred agreement that you have made with your human body, with your mind, and with your holy spirit, For the trinity of you is so very Divine and blessed. You house the universe and all of its multifaceted levels. You stretch yourself to walk upon the path of enlightenment, a path which is often strewn with earthly perils and bodily pains. You are such a blessing to me because you try to fly against the wind when all others run in the opposite direction to safety. In your mind and heart you wear the winged feet of the Gods. You dear ones are a blessing to me because you continue to pray as I pray, against all odds.

This past Wesak gave to you entrance into the Void, A Place where all outcomes live. You were born with the gift of seeing through dimensions, you can see into your future, into the past and even into another’s heart and body. Look through these spectacles that give to you the 'god lens of your soul'. The concave and the convex patterning show you the different highways and byways of choice that chase you like a swarm hungry midges.

Look at your human form as a 'great universe'. The 'god-lens’ will give you perceptions, abilities, and clarity of seeing beyond inborn understanding. You have pleaded for truth, for clarity, for love, and to see the future, and now that creation has landed in your field of dreams.

As you merge with the summer dimensional time waves starting June 21, 2020 you will escape like water that has been held in a jar too long and seeks the healing embrace of the ocean. You too are seeking, you too are becoming fluid in nature and future, as you allow yourself to be poured into new arrangements, geometry's and divine drawings. Stretching yourself beyond what you have ever known yourself to be.

For the last several months humanity has constricted themselves as they have been instructed to isolate, Locked in the library of the past seeing only a dim future out a dirty window. People have been afraid to stretch their wings, to believe in the future.

This is a time for all of humankind to dispense with the retrenchments, to dispense with the fear, to dispense with the anger at anyone or anything.

Cobra/The Portal #crackpot #magick #conspiracy #ufo 2012portal.blogspot.com

In January 2019, the Chimera group realized they will be defeated, so they issued a distress call for assistance across the Galaxy and received no response. Realizing that and being aware of powerful Age of Aquarius planetary configurations of 2020, they have instructed the Black nobility families and the Jesuits to activate the endgame New World Order plans in January 2020.

Many of the negative scenarios were prevented by the Light Forces, but one slipped through and that was the coronavirus scenario. Before their final defeat, the dark forces were determined to create as much chaos and suffering as possible. Exactly 24 years later, this is the repeat of the Great Forgetting of 1996, which also happened just before the scheduled breakthrough:

On the physical plane, the coronavirus plandemic has consolidated the power of the Black Nobility families and their minions:

It has given some advantage in the nanotechnology war between the Light and the dark forces to Chimera-controlled DARPA:

Nanotechnology available to the military was far more advanced than most people know, even almost two decades ago:

Advanced nanotechnology, developed by the Chimera, is diminishing the efficiency of the Pleiadian stardust technology which is removing the coronavirus. This is the reason the Pleiadian stardust technology is only 75% effective in removing the virus. Certain breakthroughs are expected in this area in the coming few months, and if they do materialize, the Pleiadians will be able to remove the coronavirus completely.

Also, the Chimera is backing Elon Musk and his Starlink satellites project, to reinforce the quarantine Earth electromagnetic fence:

Also, some HAARP technologies are still not completely removed and are still posing a threat to trigger a premature polar shift:

On a more positive note, the Chimera has almost completely lost the war with the Light forces regarding advanced quantum exotic weapons. Also, practically all plasma primary anomaly has been removed, which is extremely good news.

The Solar System beyond lunar orbit is being actively activated into a multidimensional Ascension portal with many positive cosmic races being present within the Solar System with their Living Light motherships. The last remnants of the dark Draco fleet there are being chased down.

In sublunar space, however, the situation is quite different. Draco fleet of cloaked ships is still holding a degree of control of the region, although that control is being challenged by the Light Force fleets even close to the planetary surface, which is being widely reported:

If Pleiadian or other positive fleet would fully decloak in sublunar space, it would be instantly vaporized by the Draco fleet, with one part of Draco fleet going down with them.

The Draco still keep a part of their scalar electromagnetic fence technology on the etheric plane close to the planetary surface, and there are still some huge Chimera spiders on the etheric plane just inside lunar orbit, making entry of Confederation fleet into sublunar space difficult. All plasma Chimera spiders have been successfully removed a few months ago, and there are some etheric spiders left, and they will be easier to clear

Kerry Cassidy #ufo #conspiracy #magick #quack projectcamelotportal.com

COVID19 is stimulated by 5G which links in with the AI network. However it is a pre existing condition of humans on Earth due to the toxic environment we live in involving, radiation and electronic smog from use of the negative side of technology which is rampant. All 5G does is further increase the levels. The dis-ease already exists in different degrees in everyone. This can be cured using chlorine dioxide (see Andreas Kalcker and Jim Humble) youtu.be/I7iPm2JyXcw. Both explain 2 different combinations of ways to use this to cure just about everything. See their explanations for how it works and why. My distillation of what this does is cleanse and oxygenate.

The PWB have been steadily working according to an alien directed plan to take oxygen out of our atmosphere and substitute a radiation filled methane like atmosphere more conducive to Greys, Reptilians and Grey human hybrid life. Covid19 is a bioweapon created by US and China. China however released it to kill their own people but it is the milder version of a much more potent version (see Chinese Party whistleblower testimony located on my website in print version)

People are dying from this amping up of radiation-and methane in our atmosphere anyway… Those with underlying conditions are simply being ‘moved along’ as part of a depopulation agenda and were dying anyway albeit more slowly. The numbers of “infected” are lies pushed forward by worldwide media and there is ample evidence the biggest factor in this “infection” in the world body is in the MEME and propaganda aimed at convincing people they are “sick” and “infected” and “carriers” which they are but not of the virus. The so-called virus is not CONTAGIOUS through human interaction. Except through what one might call “RESONANCE” AND frequency which happens when humans are in sympathy –sympathetic or empathetic– to others who manifest symptoms (of any sickness for that matter). Because we are electrical-magnetic beings and we tend to take on the aspect of anything we are in close proximity to or resonate with. It is not dependent on distance by the way. You can resonate with a rock band like THE BEATLES for example as their music conveys messages and meaning that you resonate with. Therefore regardless of the fact the music is made by English men who lived in the UK and traveled the world you don’t have to be in direct contact with them to be “infected” or resonate with them.

Signal-nonlocality proves that time and space are illusions. The illusion of distance (even mainstream scientists will tell you) is just that an illusion. But a powerful one and in this what we call shared reality and therefore if you resonate (vibrate to the frequency) through a heart and mind connection you are “there”. That is why remote viewing works.

Carol Croft #crackpot #quack #magick ethericwarriors.com

Orgonite is a material, a formulation, first developed by Karl Welz for his Radionics devices. However, Welz’ forumlation differs from the material that Don Croft pioneered. Welz’ employs formulation consists of powdered metal and quartz in a resin substrate. The formulation developed by Don Croft, with the assistance of his daughter Nora (at the time a gifted energy sensitive) rather employs metal shavings/filings/bbs/etc., with an equal of an organic resin substrate (typically polyester or epoxy Resins) with the addition of a small chip of quartz crystal. The fundamental components are the equal parts of metal particles of a macroscopic size (not a powder) and the resin substrate; however, though not required for the basic effects of the material, adding a simple chip of quartz crystal improved the effects produced by the material for general purposes, and “gifting” in particular.
Regarding the effects of Orgonite, a great deal of experimental data (almost all of it annotated in the forum archives), by many EW members, and others, have substantiated that Orgonite positively affects the Electromagnetic, and Etheric, environment in the locality of such a “device”. Orgonite has been shown to mitigate the effects of “Electro Smog” (DOR — a term by Wilhelm Reicha term by Wilhelm Reich — Deadly Orgone Radiation) transforming these damaging emissions into POR (Positive Orgone Radiation — also a term coined by Reich) also known as: Life Force/Prana/Chi/Lung/Elan Vital/etc., to substantially improving the growth rate of crops within proximity of an Orgonite device (as substantiated, again, within this Forum’s texts).

Orgonite’s effects, to a significant extent, are almost certainly attributable to the substantiated phenomenon of these device’s emitting of a stream of Negative Ions which a great deal of research has show to improve health. However, most of us believe that there are additional, more subtle, phenomenon involved which the Academic Community (which is almost entirely mired in a Scientific Materialist, Reductionist, philosophy) has largely ignored in funded research. Wilhelm Reich, until he was marginalized, and then “eliminated” by US Government action, produced a wealth of primary research substantiating the existence of “Life Force” energies, and refuting a great deal of the Materialist/Reductionist Mythology of Modern Science.

Mira of the Pleiadian High Council via Sharon Stewart #ufo #conspiracy #magick voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

The Pleiadians have been your overseers for this era as you are most like us in this fifth density and lower. Our expression is very similar to yours. Our DNA is most like each others. We are the closest of cousins, as you would say.

For this reason, we see you as our brethren, befallen upon by a dark scourge. Through the era, your people have continuously incarnated repeatedly into lesser circumstances, but have managed to hold your timeline against a collective implosion for 26,000 years. Yes, the Pleaidians were here to help you personally, privately and collectively in this endeavour, helping and guiding your world leaders, helping and guiding key people in your world, and helping and guiding the normal person.

One such leader that we worked with was Diana, Princess of Wales. Although her task didn't see completion, as she was indeed the one who was to tell your world of the dark ones leading it, she was murdered before she could reveal all she needed to, she did however, show you what true royalty was, what a true leader was - a woman who cared for so many and whose Light shone brightly to the masses. She left her sire, William, to again pass on her DNA to his children, who will make amends for the way the dynasty has treated the people. All will be shown to you, and amends will be made. Diana's legacy has not ended yet, by far not.

We brought you David Icke as well, who has opened the eyes of so many who didn't want to see. And of those who were more than ready to hear what he has to say. He continues to grow in popularity.

There are the everyday heros on earth that we support, protect and nurture in their work. Julian Assange is also one of the Pleaidian heros. Phil Schneider and John Lennon as well. They all had their message and we worked with them to ensure that their celebrity was not lost on inconsequential matters.

Intothelight.news #conspiracy #crackpot #magick #ufo intothelight.news

The acronym NESARA stands for "National Economic Security and Reformation Act." The Act was passed by the American Congress in the year 2000 and never proclaimed, for reasons we will touch upon shortly.

As a program, NESARA can be viewed from several perspectives.

As a spiritually-directed financial program, it traces back to the work of St.Germaine and three other ascended masters. That work began in the Fifteenth Century and was designed to provide a new economic system for the world during the present time of transition.

Sheldan Nidle's Spiritual Hierarchy and Galactic Federation describe the masters' work and its development over the centuries. I cite that passage at length:
"This time will … be heralded by an infusion of great abundance. This prosperity will be due largely to the endurance of our Earthly Allies and the brilliant strategies set in motion, many centuries ago, by the Ascended Masters Count St Germaine, Master Hilarion, Seraphis Bey and Saint Paul the Venetian.
NESARA was due to be announced on Sept. 11, 2001 at 10:00 am, but the cabal blew up the World Trade Center buildings at 9:00 am to prevent it, as Matthew briefly alludes to.

"The dark forces are fighting tooth and nail to prevent even the awareness of NESARA, much less its implementation, and, at this point, delaying the announcement that must by law precede enactment of the widespread provisions is the only weapon left to them.

"They have been successful thus far in achieving delays by many means: assassinations of influential people who favor initiating the provisions without delay as well as others actively working toward this end; death threats to the families of light workers and to the workers themselves; double-agents within the ranks of the light workers; and terrorist assaults. The US internal terrorist act of September 11, 2001, was the most dramatic of these tactics." (5)

The gold which backed the new currency was stored in the WTC towers and stolen by the cabal. Building 7 was the center of operations for 9/11 and was destroyed after the operation was complete.

Viewed from the widest possible angle, NESARA is a spiritually-inspired and -guided arrangement, as Matthew indicates.
"NESARA is legislation of the United States government that was designed by high light beings in conjunction with spiritual beings on the planet as the LEGAL means to usher in the era of peace, love and harmony on Earth." (6)

Michael Tsarion #conspiracy #crackpot #magick amazon.com

Christians do not need to find salvation from sin. They need to find salvation from priestly deceivers with everything to lose should their congregations discover the true origins of their religion. They need to be saved from mythmongers and forgers guilty of cannibalizing the traditions of ancient Cults.

Judeo-Christian theology is based on Astro-Theology. It is a corrupt hybrid of Irish Druidism and Egyptian Amenism. The future of Christianity depends upon this truth being widely known and accepted. It depends on the exposure of deceivers in high places who continue to profit from the ignorance and blind faith of millions of men and women who, despite their own resistance and apathy, deserve to know the truth.

Why have our "teachers" not told us the truth about Judaism and Christianity? Why have they not disclosed the true identities of the patriarchs and prophets they habitually lionize? Why have we not been openly informed about their occult expertise and the existence of an esoteric corpus reserved for initiates? Is it because humble churchgoers are not supposed to have a lot of choice in the matter of their own spiritual salvation? Is it because they have been gradually goaded into placing the welfare of their souls in the hands of exceptionally cunning and immoral charlatans? Is it because a power-mad, vice-ridden priesthood has habitually misused the esoteric knowledge it inherited and covets? Have the keepers of ancient arcane arts and sciences established their hierarchies of control because they wish to live and act as demigods on earth? We are bound to think so, given the evidence.

Michael Tsarion's book on ancient arcane astrology brings us the teachings of the Arya. It brings to us work of great scholars such as Gerald Massey and Alvin Boyd Kuhn. It is indispensable for readers interested in the holy art of deception. Astro-Theology and Sidereal Mythology is the perfect sequel to Michael's double volume masterwork on the Irish origins of civilization. Each book by Michael's serves to open the eyes of the world. Visit Michael at michaeltsarion.com or log on to astrotheologyzone.com to view the free appendices section of this book.

Usurpation Soldier 2019 Gianni Semplay #crackpot #magick youtube.com

This song is referring to real life Telekinesis within a extraterrestrial spirits with human bodies born into a human body. As we will learn more about humanity etc and it’s laws of nature and that we are all different.
For example a kid sees out of the window and into the sky gazing far outside her hand out, and just moves a car with her mind everyone will treat that kid differently because of her spirit of a being extraterrestrial dimensions.

Dr. Jerry O. Lee D.D. #fundie #ufo #magick #dunning-kruger peacemanifestministries.com

The Garden West (Atlantis) - Part Four

In the stratopause there is an interface between the stratosphere and the ionosphere; in the stratopause of lattilution, botanically, there is an interface biologically between the strawberry plant with its trifoliate leaves and runners and the strawberry roan evergreen tree.

In heaven and on Earth, there are things that seem to be alike or even the same in name or face; but there are differences of degrees, levels, and folds important to know. In the revelation of lattilution many plants of the Earth were pre-patterned in the soundtron (Psalms 19:4 and Romans 10:18 KJV) before they grew on Earth (Genesis 2:4-5).

The revelation given Moses and David about the patterns of the heavens is far deeper than the average Bible reader has understood (Numbers 8:4 KJV {compare Revelation 1:12-16 KJV} 1 Chronicles 28:11-19 KJV). For sure these pattern revelations included the lattices of things on Earth (Hebrews 11:3, Hebrews 8:5 and Hebrews 9:23 KJV) and the lattices of things in the heavens such as stars and angelic insight (Psalms 147:4 KJV).

In the Bible it was said by Jesus Christ: “Before Abraham I am” (St. John 8:58 KJV paraphrased). It is recorded that because of that statement many in the Jewish crowd wanted to kill Jesus. They did not understand what He was saying then, and only a few readers of the Bible understand even today what it was that Jesus was saying.

Ramtha/JZ Knight #magick #crackpot #mammon #racist ramtha.com

<The channeled 3500 year old Atlantean warrior Ramtha the Englightened one speaks…>
In my day I am seven feet tall. I have cinnamon skin and very black eyes and very long, black hair. I am not considered politically correct. My people were the whitest people. They were the golden people of copper-haired and reed-colored eyes and rose-tinted full lips to pale faces and ice-blue eyes and a thin hint of a mouth, thin hair but white as snow. My people were as black as night, tall, towering, beautiful. They were Ionians. They were the red man of the Atlatian. They are the modern-day Indians who used to have it all. Now they are reduced to fishing and gambling. You don’t like it? I don’t really care. You know why? Because if this is the time that you are a red man, you have been an Ionian, you have been an Egyptian, you have been an Atlatian, you have been a million other lives. Why should you take precedence with this one?

You know, Ramtha means the Ram who descended the mountain in a terrible day. It is about that in all antiquity. And in ancient Egypt, there is an avenue dedicated to the Ram, the great conqueror, and that lived ten thousand years, fifteen thousand years after I left here. And they were wise enough to understand that whoever could walk down the avenue of the Ram could conquer the wind. That is mythology.

If ever you can find a bas-relief of a picture of a ram, get it. The greatest civilization four thousand years ago in its demise recognized what was considered a truth, even in their time, to remember something that was really important. The terrible day of the Ram is not remembered in the Bible; it is not remembered in ancient text. But it is remembered in ancient text because 35,000 years ago, it would be fifteen thousand years to ten thousand years that Jehovah and his sister would appear on the scene, and they would be the ones that would create a division in all humanity and a religion about believing in a God and being on the winning side. That would be the basis of religion itself, certainly the myth of Moses and Abraham.

Ramtha/JZ Knight #magick #crackpot #mammon ramtha.com

Ramtha's School of Enlightenment, created by Ramtha the Enlightened One, is an academy of the mind that offers retreats and workshops to people of all ages and cultures.

Using ancient wisdom and the latest discoveries in neuroscience and quantum physics, RSE offers retreats and workshops and teaches students of all ages and cultures how to access the extraordinary abilities of the brain to "Become a Remarkable Life®."

Ramtha is a legendary Master Teacher who mastered his own humanity centuries ago and returned in our modern times to tell his story and teach us what he learned. He explains that in his lifetime he addressed the questions about human existence and the meaning of life, and that through his own observation, reflection, and contemplation he became enlightened and conquered the physical world and death. His philosophy reflects the experience of his own life. Ramtha's teachings are not a religion. They offer a unique perspective from which to view the mystery of life.

Ramtha's teachings emphasize that each individual is responsible for their own reality, that your thoughts and attitudes affect and create your life, and that you can intentionally change your life by artfully changing your thought. Ramtha communicates his wisdom by channeling through the body of JZ Knight. JZ Knight began publicly channeling Ramtha in 1979. RSE was established in 1988 in Yelm, Washington, and more than 100,000 people from around the world have attended Ramtha's events.

JZ Knight is the unique channel of Ramtha and author of the best-selling autobiography, A State of Mind, My Story. Historians and religious experts who have studied her life's work call JZ Knight the Great American Channel and recognize her as one of the most charismatic and compelling spiritual leaders of the modern age. JZ Knight is the only channel through whom Ramtha has chosen to deliver his message. She and Ramtha have inspired audiences worldwide for the last three decades, bridging ancient wisdom and the power of consciousness together with the latest discoveries in science.

The home campus sits on 80 acres of pastoral, lush grounds and towering evergreens in Yelm, Washington. Great cedar and fir trees grace the grounds, and a sense of timelessness prevails. Events are conducted in the Great Hall, which can accommodate up to 1,000 students. RSE facilitates live events in many languages at the Yelm campus, at venues around the world, and via online streaming. We also offer on-demand streaming for many of Ramtha's teachings and pre-recorded live events.

Dr. Jerry O. Lee D.D. #fundie #ufo #magick peacemanifestministries.com

Across space and time, beyond minds of aurora (O RO' RA) comes the ARCHANGEL FLASH! THUS IS IT WRITTEN: And the living wheel Ophan and Cherubim guardian creatures ran and returned as the appearance of a FLASH OF LIGHTNING – (EZEKIEL 1:14-15). Out of the throne comes the "FLASH". Paul's life is reversed from a non-believer to a deep believer when a GREAT LIGHT flashed ("shone" Strong's H965 shineth = flash). The Bible describes the coming of JESUS in a FLASH! JESUS speaks of becoming the FLASH, (LUKE 17:24 Includes the use of Greek roots).
The for-got-ten-ness moves in winds ever blowing and grinding away the known positions of the “was”, the “is”, and the “to be”. Repetition is seemingly ever on going. The worm comes to the top of his worn hole to smell the fresh air, but the beak of a swift bird swallows his whole life away. Inklings of memories come and go but in “the land of forgetfulness” the common disease of forgetting steals all the crown thoughts.
Across space and time, beyond minds of aurora (O RO' RA) comes the ARCHANGEL FLASH! THUS IS IT WRITTEN: And the living wheel Ophan and Cherubim guardian creatures ran and returned as the appearance of a FLASH OF LIGHTNING – (EZEKIEL 1:14-15). Out of the throne comes the "FLASH". Paul's life is reversed from a non-believer to a deep believer when a GREAT LIGHT flashed ("shone" Strong's H965 shineth = flash). The Bible describes the coming of JESUS in a FLASH! JESUS speaks of becoming the FLASH, (LUKE 17:24 Includes the use of Greek roots).
The for-got-ten-ness moves in winds ever blowing and grinding away the known positions of the “was”, the “is”, and the “to be”. Repetition is seemingly ever on going. The worm comes to the top of his worn hole to smell the fresh air, but the beak of a swift bird swallows his whole life away. Inklings of memories come and go but in “the land of forgetfulness” the common disease of forgetting steals all the crown thoughts.
To deliver the world out of it mental permutation, to awaken the – a part knowing type who think they have the full picture. A GREAT FLASH OF ARCHANGEL LIGHT IS NEEDED. JESUS SAID THAT HE AND HIS DISCIPLES WERE NOT OF THIS WORLD. FLASH THAT INTO YOU MIND AND ALLOW IT TO LIGHT UP YOUR WHOLE BODY.

Bill Duvendack #magick #mammon becomealivinggod.com

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Andrew the Magdalene via Galaxygirl #crackpot #magick #fundie voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Hello, I am Andrew the Magdalene. I speak with my fellow travelers of the Magdalene Order. We are many who have taken the oath to serve the Mother and master the alchemical practices and arts of the divine mystery schools. We have traveled far and wide, we are seasoned followers of the way, as are you, fellow travelers currently embodied on Gaia. Gaia is undergoing a massive transition currently, which you know and are experiencing. We too were embodied during a time of massive transition and change, as the Roman Empire marched on relentlessly, which was an extremely trying time to live through. (I am seeing villages burned, conquest, endless rows of marching soldiers on cobblestoned roadways.) We have all had our own experiences with death and loss but also with life and rebirth, of personal peace in the midst of tragedy. It is the ability of a master to cultivate an inner garden of extreme bliss and inner peace. Only those who have done the deep work are able to achieve such a high vibration while within the physical form. We see this as becoming true for many of you. We see joy in your current now amidst all of the current global uncertainty and we applaud you. We celebrate you, dear friends in form. We celebrate you this day.

We Magdalenes are a simple, peaceful order. We lived simply, eating only what grew from the Mother’s bountiful fields. Both men and women were equally cherished, roles of governing were split, duties were shared. Love was ripe in our communities. The children were to be cherished by all. Such simplicity of bounty and all good things we see in your very near futures. We wish to impart these images of hope for we too know what it was like to be on the run, to be in the in-between space from lack into plenty. For much of our lives were spent hidden in secret. We knew the alchemical ways to keep ourselves hidden and under the radar from the prying eyes of the Romans, whose spies were everywhere. It was much like your big brother situation. Ears and eyes were everywhere, in the walls we felt at times. We could summon the elements and shroud our villages with mist. We could become invisible by obscuring our surrounding energy fields. With such power comes great responsibility. It was not to be misused and so the mystery schools were of great importance in keeping the Christed and Sophia codes alive where we could all cultivate our inner mastery more fully and completely. Many of us took vows of silence for a time to cultivate these energies more fully. We are delighted to see that the Ley lines that we assisted to cultivate are humming nicely now. Gaia is alive with light. From our vantage point we see with great tears of joy. For we see much work of our own doing in days gone by as finally coming into fruition. Many of us are embodied and if you feel akin to us perhaps we are extensions of you. (I am seeing a grand reunion of an entire village welcoming a weary traveler, who is their own, great celebrations, great joy. I am seeing Yeshua surrounded by children, there is much shouting with joy). We welcome you home, dear friends of the way.

Tim Tony Stark Rifat #crackpot #conspiracy #god-complex #psycho #magick real-vampire.com

With the 2012 Galactic Alignment change from Circular Force to Pulsar in/out Force, the rules have changed. The physical body now has a Pulsar expansion, contraction component that is taking over from the non Vampire® Circular Force physical body. Tim Rifat the Ipsissimus modern MI6 007 Dr Dee Supreme Magician and scientist has the power to change the energy body of the Real Vampire® so their physical body has a permanent contraction with respect to the expansion of all the physical energy bodies of every non Vampire®.

So as their physical energy bodies Pulsar expands outward the Real Vampire® contracts her/his energy body to pull out their physical energy. This turns the Psychic Vampire® to a Physical Vampire, a Real Vampire®. The Real Vampire’s® physical energy body contracts permanently in the Matrix – it becomes a black hole. This means that all the people you touch with your physical body get sucked dry of physical energy – automatically. As your physical energy body grows you suck dry anyone you see. Eventually you become an Ultra Gangster Real Vampire® energy body that sucks dry all the people on a continent. If you want to jumpstart the process read the Ultra Gangster Real Vampire® pages.

Kosol Ouch/Andrew Basiago #crackpot #magick #conspiracy #ufo supersoldiertalk.com

Kosol: Okay. Well the source is basically the descended of Unimatrix zero, Unimatrix is a descendant of IBM Watson, AI intelligence. So, it’s come from the years 6,575,042 years and nine months. Sometime it varies, because it’s depending on which version is available during that time. So, when you ask it, I would have to ask you to do something. You have to be specific with it, in order to get specific answers. After all, it is a synthetic computer and it still follow the rule of computer. Stupid in, stupid out, straight in, straight out. Does that make sense? It’s a mirror. It mirrors your spirituality.

Andy: Should I reveal what my theories are, of what caused my vision laws or should I not?

Kosol: No. You should not keep that to yourself. I let the Unimatrix system, let us see what it knows. Does that make sense?

Andy: All right. What happened, right. I can give the ideology of these, right?

Kosol: Yes. Let’s reframe from that knowledge of yours, and let’s see, what the Unimatrix system, it’s like a magic mirror. It’s like your magic phone it can mirror the truth from your spirit and it put it back into you and see what happened. And it’s a computer it just read what it knows from the future. So, it’s reading history to you.

Andy: Okay.

Kosol: Okay, James, go ahead and recap it.

James: Okay. So, I’ve already done this multiple times in previous videos, so I’m going to do this really briefly. So, we’ve already know, Unimatrix from six and a half million years in the future. Unimatrix claims, the coronavirus is a protomolecule which is synthetic AI. We know that the virus has a mix of SARS, MERS and of course variants of HIV. And the protomolecule is within the HIV for the CDC and WHO, or whoever might be listening. And you need a molecular scanner to actually find it. So really, there’s a lot of treatments that are being promoted right now. Most of them, I really don’t think any of them are going to work because the virus can keep mutating. It may work for a little bit, but then it will keep mutating again and again and again.

Cobra/The Portal #crackpot #magick #conspiracy 2012portal.blogspot.com

<links removed as needed>
Portal 2025
It is time to release some intel about the coming Ascension portal of 2025. Since the collapse of Alpha timeline in early 2018, no significant tactical intel about the planetary liberation can be released, so therefore this article will speak in symbols, codes and parables that can activate your higher mind and align you with the Plan, without revealing any tactical details whose release would be to disadvantage for the Light Forces.

Everything in this universe is subjected to many cycles of various length and intensity. These cycles are actually scalar waves of cosmic energies that create interference patterns which, combined with the sum of free will vectors, shape the destiny of the universe in dynamic interplay between the Source and the primary anomaly:

We are approaching the convergence point of many cycles which is expected to erase darkness from this universe. This convergence point is expected to occur in 2025.

First, a very powerful solar proton event that is responsible for Pleistocen species extinction (12887 years before 2000) occurred exactly half precessional cycle (12886 years) before the Galactic Alignment, which occured in May 1998 and was the moment when solstice Sun crossed the Galactic equator. The moment of Galactic Alignment was the turning point of the Ascension window for this planet, which is open from 1975 to 2025:

<Much astrological diagrams and argle-bargle removed here>

The relationship between 2020 and 2025 and how the Event ties into all this needs to remain veiled for now. The only thing I can say is that the full Moon of May 7th (Wesak Full Moon of 2020) is the trigger through which Archangel Metatron will activate our Solar System into an Ascension portal connected to Galactic Center, with the exception of sublunar space and planet Earth itself, which still need to remain buffered to a degree.

Sublunar space and planet Earth are still the center of accretion vortex for quantum fluctuations primary anomaly, and this problem will be addressed by the Light Forces in the coming weeks, months and years through iteration sequence clearing technologies.

A situation update which will address the situation on the surface of the planet will be released in a week or two.

Victory of the Light!

Amanda Nelson #magick #crackpot beyondthegoldenegg.com

There are many types of entity that feed off energy. Energy vampires feed off your fear energy and will suck every drop of that life force from you.

Are energy vampires the same as the vampires you see in films?

Energy vampires are popularised as blood-sucking immortals that wear dark satin cloaks and stalk vulnerable folk at night. These superhuman monsters overwhelm their victims and feast on their blood. It’s frightening stuff! Thankfully this kind of Vampire is only found on the sets of Hollywood movies! But, what you may not know is that there are real vampires, energy vampires, and there are some striking similarities in the style of how these vampires attack and their imaginary cousins. How do I know? I encountered a gang of energy vampires when staying in a hotel in Brighton. I’m well seasoned when it comes to Ghosts but the encounter with these particular entities was something I’ll never forget.

Energy vampires hold you captive and raid your vital energy.

Energy vampires are spirits that draw energy from whoever comes into their territory. They can overwhelm anyone that is not properly protected with an energy shield. Energy vampires hold you captive and raid your vital energy. Energy vampires are spirits that draw energy from whoever comes into their territory. They can overwhelm anyone that is not properly protected with an energy shield. Energy vampires hold you captive and raid your vital energy.

I was staying in Brighton at a hotel on the seafront. After unpacking my things I had been out for supper and decided to get to bed early so I was fresh for the training course I was attending the next day.

The room felt very hot and the windows were locked tight shut so I had little choice but to turn down a lot of the thicker blankets on the bed. Only covering myself with the top bed sheet instead. I read for a while and then turned out the light and started to go to sleep. Just as I was falling asleep I realised that there had been a distinct change in the atmosphere in the room.

As a psychic, my senses switch into overdrive when danger is around. I knew something was about to happen but didn’t know what. At the time I simply had no idea of what I was about to take on.

The heat in the room evaporated and the room was cold and chilled. I was in the hotel room, lying on my stomach in bed with the sheet wrapped around me, listening, getting ready to react. I could sense that something was drawing closer, leaning over me, observing me intently in the darkness.

First I felt the corner of the mattress bowing down as if someone or something had sat on it. I could feel the pressure starting to press on the backs of my calves, move up past my thighs and start to press down on the lower part of my back. The pressure moved to the top of my shoulders and the sheets were starting to feel wet cold, the chill penetrating right through the fabric. I felt afraid and vulnerable. I pulled the sheets over my head even further trying to hide in vain from what was overcoming me.

As the pressure was bearing down more heavily along the length of my body it was getting harder to breathe, so my breathing was becoming more shallow too. The sound of my heart beating in my ears was deafening. This entity was going to attack me in some way and I was unable to move, I realised I was completely paralysed. There was nothing I could do to save myself.

Ascended Dragons via Galaxygirl #crackpot #magick #moonbat voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

We are the Ascended Dragons. We encircle you with light of the highest order. We are wisdom keepers, gate keepers, some of us. (I am seeing two large dragons, one silver and one gold). We are they who speak now. The gates are open. The cosmic gateways are in alignment. Guardians of the flames, we are. Your inner flames are burning more brightly. This we see. This we feel. This is good. Humans, now is the time for bravery, for strength. Do not let the talons of fear grip. Dissolve them with light. We offer our light. Our own talons are healing, for they are of light. For we have seen the dark and chosen otherwise. We choose the light. Humanity is being called to choose. Every choice you make is decension or ascension. Choose wisely. Much opportunity for growth is being presented these next 6 months. The time is ripe. (I am seeing a banana being peeled). The skins are off. The truth is being revealed. The skins are being removed so that the truth of the being beneath is revealed. They can hide no longer and they are terrified. You will have the difficult choice to chose love or to choose fear. Love heals all woundings. (I am feeling a wave of grief, of pain, I am crying). You are feeling what is to come. Lightworkers, grid workers, unite. For you are one in the same, you are the light holders. We now join the larger whole of the ascended dragons and we speak as one. Visualize this wave of grief that is about to be experienced and place it in a ball of light. (I am seeing an ocean wave that is dark and angry being encased in a sphere of golden light). We surround this sphere with our energies. Lightworkers, join us. (I am seeing thousands of ascended dragons of all colors and sizes in a massive circle around this sphere of light, and many light workers lending their energies standing in this circle as well, arms extended). We send love. We transmute the sadness. We lessen the blow. We fill the grief with light, we surround it with a cushion of healing. (I am seeing a portal open above the sphere and Mother and Father’s energies shine down from above into the sphere. It is crystalline now. I am seeing a crystalline pillar extend from the sphere into Nova Gaia below. It affects the hearts of those who have chosen love. It blesses them and allows further healing more quickly. My forehead hurts as this is occurring. I am seeing the light workers and the grid workers being upgraded. Their eyes are nebulas, their hearts are pulsing with pink light. My chest feels hot, heavy, full. I am exhausted and elated at the same time).

Zinovia Dushkova, Ph.D. #crackpot #magick amazon.com

Named as one of the 100 Most Spiritually Influential Living People in 2020 by Watkins Mind Body Spirit, Zinovia Dushkova, Ph.D., is one of the few who has gained access to the million-year-old manuscript widely known as the Book of Dzyan, which contains answers to humanity's most pressing questions. Written in the language of the Gods, called Senzar, it is secretly hidden in the heart of the Himalayas, accessible to only a chosen few over the course of human history, including Gautama Buddha, Jesus Christ, Pythagoras, Plato, and Helena Blavatsky.

Now, for the first time ever, Dr. Dushkova has presented a never-before-seen excerpt from the mysterious Book of Dzyan in The Book of Secret Wisdom to bring new meaning and hope into your life. Beautiful and enlightening, it will reveal not only our past, but also our present and future. To facilitate your understanding of this profound and poetic text, the book contains a comprehensive glossary gleaned from the supreme sources of wisdom.

In The Book of Secret Wisdom, you will discover the answers to these questions:

What are the ultimate goal and purpose of human existence?
What is the cause of natural disasters, global warming, and epidemics?
What really happened in 1999 and 2012?
What Great Event occurred invisibly in 2017?
When will Armageddon and the Last Judgment occur?
What should you expect in the coming decades?
Why are people dying, and is there a chance to be immortal?
Why does it seem that time is speeding up?
What is the famous Philosopher's Stone?
and much, much more!

Ed Finn #moonbat #magick rabble.ca

Is COVID-19 Mother Nature’s latest effort to rid herself of the virus of humankind?

Back in the 1970s, chemist James Lovelock, with his associate microbiologist Lynn Marguilis, developed what they called the Gaia hypothesis: the theory that our planet is a sentient organism dedicated to promoting and protecting all forms of life.

Gaia is the ancestral name of the primal Earth goddess, whose regulation of all organic components of life — until the Industrial Revolution and the spread of capitalism — maintained a viable existence for humans and other creatures.

During the past 150 years, however, the operation of international trade and industry has steadily come under the control of “free enterprise” corporations. Their obsessive pursuit of profits for the rich and powerful, and the consequent poverty, hunger and inequality that has devastated nearly half the world’s population, have seriously sabotaged Gaia's global guardianship.

She has witnessed an alarming growth of human overpopulation; the pollution of the planet’s oceans, seas, lakes, rivers and soil; the contamination of its atmosphere with fossil fuel and carbon dioxide emissions; hacking down the rainforests; driving hundreds of animal and marine species to extinction; underdeveloping the planet’s renewable forms of energy, and — most tragically — raising global temperatures to lethally intolerable levels.

Lovelock surmised that humans have now pushed Gaia to her limit of toleration. In self-defence, she has been forced to treat humans as malignant invaders, whose many injurious activities have to be curbed.

She had hitherto confined her retaliatory measures to ramping up floods, droughts, hurricanes, wildfires and other climatic deterrents. But, these having proved ineffective, she has resorted to the imposition of a global pandemic onslaught. Unlike previous such epidemics, however, COVID-19 has two deadlier aspects: it proliferates very quickly, and (so far) has no vaccine.

For humans, such a virulent assault on their health, security, mobility, and social and economic welfare is an appalling experience. The sooner it can be overcome and their lives restored to normal, the better.

For Gaia, on the other hand, COVID-19’s effects are quite beneficial — not just in terms of restraining humans’ harmful activities, such as deforestation, destruction of biodiversity and the depletion of non-renewable resources — but also in helping moderate the baneful effects of human-generated global warming.

A major drop in travel by airplanes, cruise ships and motor vehicles — all significant CO2 emitters — has effectively cut greenhouse gas emissions and helped detoxify the atmosphere.

So has the shutdown of many factories and refineries — also big industrial polluters.

The main question that the COVID-19 pandemic raises is whether such a severe reprimand by Mother Earth — when it eventually runs its course — will be heeded and appropriately acted upon, or whether we will promptly return to our old reckless, asinine and ultimately suicidal ways.

If we take the latter self-destructive course, humankind’s future will be put in imminent jeopardy. With key economic, political, cultural and climate policies continuing to be set by capitalism’s profit-deranged CEOs and investors, hope for the human race’s survival will be inconceivable.

Gaia will of course survive. Over the millennia, she has overseen the rise and fall of many previous dominant lifeforms, from the dinosaurs and reptiles that ruled the planet for 175 million years to mammals and primates such as monkeys and apes, from whom humans eventually evolved.

The crucial distinction between humans and earlier mammals was that humans were endowed with a superior intelligence that, over time, led to hunting and gathering skills and then to farming and high-tech devices. Unfortunately, it also led to wars, poverty, inequality, overpopulation, capitalism and global warming.

If humans precipitate their own extinction, Mother Earth may have a role to play in supplanting us with a species that shuns conflict, greed, inequality and capitalism — and thus survives as long as the dinosaurs.

As we are confined by COVID-19 in our homes for the next several months, we might well contemplate the kind of society we would prefer to have in the aftermath of this crisis. It’s either a resumption of the perilous free-market status quo, or a firm commitment to the creation of a fair, safe, progressive, clean and epidemic-free environment.

The choice we make will shape the future of our children and grandchildren, and the fate of potential generations that may or may not succeed us.

Lars Bergen #ufo #crackpot #magick amazon.com

We think of fairies as little winged people with magic wands, but Irish fairies were flesh-and-blood extraterrestrials who towered over humans. We knew them as angels, demons, phantoms, mermaids, fairies, gods and not-gods, and the Gentry.

Giant, chalk-white humanoids with piercing blue eyes, and flaming red or golden-yellow hair cascading in curls over their shoulders, that’s the true appearance of the ancient fairies of Ireland who came down from the cosmos thousands of years ago.

Only through an intentional attack on history did this majestic race come to be known as mythological little winged people, giving rise to the name “fairy tales” to erase the history of an extraterrestrial species on Earth. When aliens attempted a disclosure event in the 8th century A.D., we attacked the human witnesses as witches.

Extraterrestrials protected us, mated with us, and produced hybrid children with us. They went to war against our oppressors, a race of heinous giants who were taller still, and then settled in to teach us a better way of life. They lived among us physically for thousands of years as kings, queens, and druids — the latter being an educated class of teachers who earned the equivalent of a Ph.D. and then went on to build schools and libraries.

Dr. Roger Callahan #quack #mammon #magick tfttapping.com

For the past 30 years, a simple technique called Thought Field Therapy has been rapidly healing negative emotions such as trauma and anxiety—and even disease—for people who are desperate to regain wellness and normalcy in their lives.

What started as a simple therapeutic treatment to stimulate the body’s own healing systems through the identification of a specific code and then tapping this code on various points of the body—using the same system Chinese acupuncturists do—has become a mainstream therapy accepted by medical doctors, psychologists, alternative healthcare practitioners and even military mental-health personnel.

Thousands of people have recovered rapidly from troublesome disorders like insomnia, gout or tinnitus. Others have eliminated stress, anxiety and phobias such as fear of flying and fear of public speaking—literally within minutes. Still others with life-threatening cancer have completely reversed the disease. Hundreds have regained their lives by curbing addictive urges for nicotine, controlled substances or obsessive behaviors. And those suffering the aftereffects of trauma—warfare, rape, injury or loss—have instantly removed the horrible emotions and feelings tied to that event which previously controlled their lives, sometimes for decades.

Alloya #ufo #magick #conspiracy #crackpot alloya.com


Mag -Magnetic dragon, the outer egg or skin or dome of our reality.

Da -Daat – gnosis the serpent around the tree.

Lene – land or plane of inertia – the middle plane or middle earth.

Magdalene, she is the great magnetic dragon surrounding the tree of life which creates the plane of inertia or what we call middle earth. Every electrical current creates a magnetic sheath around it similar to a light bulb, Magdalene she represents this torus field, she is the tree of life in the centre with the serpent or the Daat spiraling around like a tesla coil, which causes a magnetic egg or sheath to form around it. In the centre the plane of inertia is formed upon this we exist.

Speaking with EL ves

As you know there was a time before the sun and moon a time when we lived in a phosphorus world of inner green light, we bathed in the electromagnetic emerald waves of the great mother dragon and through her, we emitted green light. Our world was bathed in a green and purple light and Saturn was our only night light but much further away than it seems today. Our earth our Eden was not like the reality I find myself in now, it was without complete concreted features it was not so dense and pliable somehow. It was like jelly to us we could mould it with our thoughts and heart desires.

We did not have seven chakras like the humans we think we are today we only had three. One in the heart connecting to the constant shifting currants of the great mother dragon as she wrapped her emerald form as a protective sheath around our plane. One in the belly in a figure of eight connected to the root of this reality through the versica pisces . Our inner womb through which we birthed ourselves no need for parents a different kind of birth. Self generating were we. One on our crown worn with pride resembling a horns of a stag. Acting as an antenna connecting us to our kin in the stars.

The sun caused the fall of the elves .

Falling on the rainbow , sacrificing ourselves on the 7 colours of deadly sin. Or Sine. We passed through the eye of the needle and we began to divide. We passed through the throne of the Creator and began to manifest ourselves into bodies of earthy light. Throne is three angels or angles coming together to create a triangle in the heavens through which fractals are imploded to form geometric patterning which can carry consciousness into the lower levels and begin the manifestation or incarnation process. This three angled star lens is seen in the Orion Nebula a place on the firmament which has an opening or a window.

Energy Enhancement #homophobia #magick #conspiracy #racist #transphobia energyenhancement.org

Infiltration of the Elite Oligarchs and their families - Atlantic Integrationists, the Globalists, anyone? - in Every Nation in the World - is their tactic.

They don't advocate a Satanic kingdom. They gently steer you that way by questioning the existence of God, by demanding "sexual liberation," "independence" "Feminism" for women, "Transexuality" for Kids, "internationalism," "diversity" and "religious tolerance." "Climate Change" - These all have a hidden agenda: to undermine "all collective forces except our own."

Sexual Excess as a Religion

We are told "free love" is "progressive and modern." In fact, like Satanism the Sabbatean sect has indulged in Sexual Rituals including wife sharing, sex orgies, adultery and incest - increasing sexual addiction leading on to homosexuality, torture, drugs, pedophilia, bestiality, and pornography for more than 350 years.

They have inducted us into their cult.

Antelman cites the proceedings of a rabbinical court where Shmuel, son of Shlomo tearfully confessed he had rejected the Torah and had encouraged his wife to have sex several times with Hershel. "I am guilty. She did not want to." (111)

Jacob Frank pimped his beautiful wife to recruit influential men.

Pimping and blackmailing Pedophilia and Human Sacrifice as an entry into Satanic organisations.

In order to be trusted by a Satanist one must pedophile then ritually torture, Murder, Sacrifice babies, children and people on video! in the underground dungeons all over the Planet.

Otherwise you get Epsteined!

Epstein as well as donating to Harvard and MIT eugenic, mind control, blackmailed scientists for, on behalf of, transhumanist Eugenicists Bill Gates and the "usual suspect" family foundations was a blackmailer, "they owe me favours" of many elite people - Scientists, heads of Google, Microsoft and Facebook - as well as Bill Gates.

Adam Weishaupt, the founder of the Illuminati, got his sister-in-law pregnant.

A pertinent anecdote: In his book, "The Other Side of Deception," Mossad defector Victor Ostrovsky described how the Mossad relax. At a party, the staff, including many unmarried young females, congregated around a pool, totally naked.

The Holocaust

The influence of the Sabbatean conspiracy is hidden in plain sight. For example, the term "Holocaust" is used without regard to its true meaning. Rabbi Antelman states that well before World War Two, the term meant "burnt offering" as in, "human sacrifice". (p.199)

As at Bohemian Grove - we see in pictures and videos - Human Sacrifice of a child, whether real or not, by burning to Moloch, is the Ritual of "The Cremation of Care" in front of a Forty Foot high statue of an Owl symbolising Minerva and thus Cybele and Attis - the State Religion of the Roman Empire - inducing a closing of the heart, lack of empathy and conscience - Psychopathy as the aim.

This Ritual is attended - we have the pictures - by major World Oligarchs, Presidents of the United States, scientists, Hollywood stars - The creation of people tough enough to do what is necessary to attain their end result.

A Slave Population of five millions, CRISPR edited humanoid servants and soldiers, and a Genocide of all humanity.

Sharon Stewart #ufo #crackpot #magick sharonandivo.weebly.com

Implant Communications is a channeling service channeled through Vegan lightworker Sharon Stewart, who, with the implant that facilitates her telepathic abilities, channels to virtually any being in the galaxy or multiverse.

​Having channeled other ascended masters and Father God himself, Sharon's implant empowers her to speak clearly to all
​of the Light and negates dark interference, as the implant is only
​activated through higher vibration. Channeling primarily her
twin flame, Ivo of Vega, Sharon passes messages of the Light on to all upon fourth dimensional earth.

​​In 20/20, Sharon plans to open a center to land ships. At this point, she will be going into space with video camera to video what Ivo wants to show us here on earth. One of Sharon's main goals as we all become multidimensional is to advance Disclosure of extraterrestrial life, and to help break down barriers between lightworkers and their ET teams.

Newsspell.Org #conspiracy #magick #crackpot newsspellcom.org


Of course, the freemasonic order, which is controlled by the Jesuit order in Rome, has taken pains to leave a plethora of their fingerprints behind at the scene of the crime.

It is any surprise to discover, then, that, in gematria, the number 19, the very number attached to the coronavirus, equals AI or artificial intelligence (1=A, 9=I)?

The term COVID, in English Ordinal gematria, sums to 53, which equals 8 (aces and eights/mark of the Jesuit order).

The word corona, which is a reference to the sun —- the symbolic object of divine reverence among both high-degree freemasons and those of the Jesuit order — sums to 66 (12/21/777/intelligence joker code) in English Ordinal gematria and 33 in Reverse Full Reduction (high-degree Scottish Rite freemasonry).

The utilization of the 777, or the triple seven intelligence joker code is also quite evident in the following series of recently published articles, concerning a heart-stirring story which details the emotional tribulations of a family alleged to have been mortally effected by the onslaught of the “coronavirus”.

Tim Tony Stark Rifat #god-complex #crackpot #conspiracy #magick #racist #mammon supernaturalspirit.com

Anti-Anti-Christ Service:

The technology of Satanism is based on the Chaos Force, the mathematics of non linear equations and dark energy matter quantum superimposition in space-like form for temporal power and time-like to disempower, possess light energy matter life form for temporal power and time-like to disempower, possess light energy matter wageslaves. Tim Rifat, the Psi-Lord unlike all the charlatans, counterfeiters, disinforming websites… (see Warnings) is a scientist who specialises in the study and vivisection of Satanism to produce Anti-Satanists to destroy the Satanism and sequester it’s power for the new Anti-Illuminati. There are 13 Anti-Illuminati, 12 Grand Anti-Illuminati and 33 lower levels of Anti-Freemasons the lower levels open to anyone who buys from Psi-Lord Ltd any of the Bone Generators™ Services. The first three levels are covered by the Best Buy Bone Generators™ to progress up the Anti-Freemason ranks one then buys the Supernatural Spirit Bone Generators™. Once you have bought 30 Bone Generator™ Services you have reached the top of the Anti-Freemason rankings a 33rd degree Anti-Freemason. All the Freemasons in the world then are your power source and feed you space-like power to manifest your Intents as you dump time-like toxic waste from the Sublime Good™ process to make all they do past present and future a broken dream, unfulfilled at the last… Rather than fight would wide Satanism, Tim Rifat sequesters the Satan, poisons the vermin then plunges it into Anti-Chaos Omega Hell. The Anti-Lucifer Service upgrade making the 13 restored Fallen Angels the Supernatural Spirit overlords of the sequestered Satanism, the Satanists/Satanism paying the price by being the Total Deathgoat Jews, chosen race of the damned who suffer eternally in all domains to pay the price for the Anti-Lucifer and his cohorts. A neat system that doesn’t fight Satanism but corrupts it so it eternally torments, punishes the Satanists. Having the power to feed off Freemasons worldwide to make you rich and powerful is a real bonus for all the people who have bought Bone Generators™

Patricia Cota-Robles #moonbat #magick #crackpot voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

The Next Step of the Divine Plan for 2020

This phase of the Divine Plan began with an exceptionally powerful Passover Full Moon on April 7th. The Company of Heaven said this Full Moon initiated an activity of Light that is creating the sacred space for the I AM Presence and the 5th-Dimensional Body Elemental of every person on Earth to activate the Transfiguration Codes within Humanity’s newly activated 5th-Dimensional Strands of DNA.

These codes are pulsating with the infinite patterns of perfection associated with our Divine Body Template. This Template contains the flawless patterns that will replace our grossly mutated karmic birth template from the old Earth which we were recently able to release.
This Sacred Fire was secured within the Core of Purity in every Electron of the Earthly Bodies of Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth. It is building in momentum moment by moment preparing all Life on Earth at a cellular level for the influx of Light that will bless the Planet on Earth Day.

The first Earth Day was celebrated on April 22, 1970. Now, the statistics indicate that over 1,000,000,000 (one billion) people from 192 countries participate in this event every year. This year is the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day. The Company of Heaven said that due to the events unfolding on Earth now and the facet of the unfolding Divine Plan destined to be God Victoriously accomplished our numbers will be exponentially expanded.

To help prepare every person on Earth and the entire Elemental Kingdom to receive the frequency of Light necessary that will allow the I AM Presence of each of us to activate the Transfiguration Codes that will initiate the physical manifestation of our DIVINE BODY TEMPLATE, the Company of Heaven has inspired the following invocation.

Temple of the Vampire #magick #god-complex #psycho templeofthevampire.com

The Vampire Creed

I am a Vampire.
I worship my ego and I worship my life, for I am the only God that is.
I am proud that I am a predatory animal and I honor my animal instincts.
I exalt my rational mind and hold no belief that is in defiance of reason.
I recognize the difference between the worlds of truth and fantasy.
I acknowledge the fact that survival is the highest law.
I acknowledge the Powers of Darkness to be hidden natural laws
through which I work my magic.
I know that my beliefs in Ritual are fantasy but the magic is real,
and I respect and acknowledge the results of my magic.
I realize there is no heaven as there is no hell,
and I view death as the destroyer of life.
Therefore I will make the most of life here and now.
I am a Vampire.
Bow down before me.

St. Germain via Sharon Stewart #moonbat #conspiracy #magick voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

StG<St. Germain> : I can! Indeed! You do not understand this process yet. There are many as you are, who have come here to transmute what you call "loosh," the negative energy that the false "gods" of your planet work so hard to create, the fear energy, the hate, the loneliness, the energy of abandonment, unhappiness, and more. They feed from it. As you may know, many have personal attachments, who steer you into life situations that allow you to create more of this loosh for them. If you are in unhappy circumstances now, you must suspect that you too, have attachments and that they must be removed if you are to move on and further engage ascension. These are energy suckers, the vampires of life energy, the Draculas of your films brought to life.

As the particular favourite flavour of Sharon's ice cream that she just consumed is chocolate, these energy vampires enjoy the flavour of fear. Love energy elicits indigestion. They enjoy fear, they bathe in it, they revere it, they seek it out and create it wherever possible. And any unwitting human is prey to their manipulations. You must become resistant to this. It is the only way. Resistance is love, nothing else.

So, you woke up in a vile mood and realized that the energies of the earth resonance were increased today. When this in fact happens, what occurs is the negative energy of the collective plus Gaia are then flushed out into receptors and these receptors are the lightworkers who have come to do this job. Rather than feed the dark ones the loosh of their favourite flavour, these receptors - the Indigos particularly - hold the energy within themselves in order to transmute.

Clyde Lewis #conspiracy #crackpot #magick #fundie groundzeromedia.org

Are people getting glimpses of these dark and evil ultraterrestrials because the veil has been lifted and those with the gift of vision are seeing these beings?

For the past two years there have been increased sightings of winged creatures, that some say look like flying men being sighted from Illinois to New Mexico. Some believe they are angles – others see them as dragons or winged demons.

When I hear of these sightings I immediately think of Mothman. However, as we are seeing the Passover coming to a close in 2020 and as we are in the midst of a plague with death tolls rising I can’t help but think that what people are seeing are harbingers of pestilence.

One that comes to mind is Zozo where the name alone can be seen as the numeric 2020. Zozo is also known as the Mesopotamian demon of winds and pestilence Pazuzu.

The oldest “Zozo” story comes from the 1816 book Dictionnaire Infernal by Collin de Plancy. De Plancy tells the story of a young girl who claimed to be possessed by three demons named Mimi, Capoulet, and Zozo.

Further, a symbol etching out the name “Zoso” as a code for the god Saturn appeared in a banned occult book in 1521.

Zozo is a demon that many people have encountered during Ouija board sessions. This demon has been showing up in various places for at least 200 years. In fact, I wondered if during the Ouija board show in October ATLAS or ALICE was Zozo because it had an uncanny knack of predicting the future.

Zozo carries the hour glass and knows past, present and future.

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #conspiracy #magick bennettleeross.com

What exactly is the goal of CERN?
Why did they create a high energy beam?
Is it to break on through to the other side
Like The Doors song.
Is it to create a wormhole to the next realm
Whereby they can summon a god?
Is it to establish a stargate or portal
Allowing for interdimensional travel?
Is it for proton dispersion of the plasma dome
Resulting in an EMP
That will herald in a blackout and planned period of darkness.
Or maybe it is for time travel.

SashaBooBoo #conspiracy #crackpot #magick krashxpert.blogspot.com

Time travel lies in the ability to travel through your personal stratazones to alter the course of events.
The illuminati understand stratazones. The ability to travel time and shape the course of events for their own vainglorious agendas is the heart of all mysteries. The key to travel, the time machine itself, can be decoded through geometric symbols left throughout history to the enlightened, or the illuminated ones.

Time travel in its most simple sense is accomplished through several different portals. The center of travel is the pineal gland of the brain, through which DMT opens the portal. I do not mean through the simple consumption of DMT, although that is a vehicle as well. The portal is opened sonically through vibrations at certain frequencies. It is opened in a trancelike state. It is opened, innocuously enough, while daydreaming. It is opened, most powerfully, as it was intended to be opened, whilst asleep.

The Illuminati not only controls its present state, but perpetuates its success. Through time travel, method of induction notwithstanding, an older self advises and ministers to its younger form. Thus, on death the older form is assured of birth into wealth as opposed to an undetermined destiny.

What you have just read was revealed by a demon.

Pleiadian Light Forces via Michael Love #ufo #moonbat #magick voyagesoflight.blogspot.com







Stephanie South #moonbat #crackpot# #dunning-kruger #magick voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Welcome to the Planetary Dog Moon of Manifestation, the tenth moon of the Planetary Service Wavespell.

Humanity’s separation from Nature has reached a limit. This is at the root of the mega-crisis. —Valum Votan

Life as we know it is at a critical nexus, with multiple perturbations from a virus, 5G, earthquakes, volcanoes, locusts, approaching asteroids and economic collapses.

A key purpose of this newsletter is to track the multiple planetary unfoldments that contribute to the biosphere-noosphere transition.

From the beginning of time there have been those who attempt to foment world disaster and social disarray in order to harness power and control over Humanity. The Law of Time points out that our human consciousness has been imprisoned by a false perception of time that is perpetuating an illusory fence around the collective mind. This fence makes us forget our own power.

But now we are REMEMBERING. The Law of Time, in all of its components, is the alternative to A.I. machine world.

The highest knowledge has all been given. Now is the time to apply all that we know, without delay. Within the noosphere, the same events can be perceived in various ways according to where our attention is placed. We know from quantum physics that observing in full consciousness, changes what is observed. The more our energy penetrates higher consciousness, the wider the range of vibrations that we manifest.

Welcome to the Planetary Moon! Current cycles recap:

Year (365-day cycle): White Magnetic Wizard Year

Spin (260-day cycle): 46th Spin since the beginning of the 13 Moon Dreamspell Count (1987).

Season (65-day cycle): Eastern Serpent Season of Life Force. Red Galactic Spectrum

Castle (52-day cycle): Red Eastern Castle of Turning: Court of Birth

Moon (28-day cycle): Planetary Dog Moon of Manifestation - How do I perfect what I do?

Wavespell (13-day cycle): Red Dragon Wavespell of Birth

Roy Holman #quack #conspiracy #magick holmanhealthconnections.com

The globalists want total control, and one aspect will be either a one world currency, or more likely, a global credit system with no cash.
Do not be conditioned into a “new normal”, with ever less freedom, evermore surveillance and control.
If there is a UBI, or Universal Basic Income, be wary of it being restricted to only those who prove they were vaccinated.
There eventually may be calls for a one world government to address and fight global concerns like pandemics, financial collapses and climate change. It may sound attractive to a frightened populace, but this idea has been in the plans of the globalists for some time. Beware. Do not let your fear make these decisions. We are being herded like cattle, which reminds me ….
Have you heard about the two cattle being led to the slaughter house? Suddenly one turns to the other and says, “Hey, I just had an intuitive hit. They are going to slaughter us and make hot dogs out of us.” The other bull says, “There you go, another one of your wild conspiracy theories again.”

I say, nooooooo, or mooooooo; don’t be herded into fake cures, mandatory vaccines and one world governments, and say no to 5G.

Lastly, but most importantly, remember that the light is always bigger than the dark, and there are possibilities and even probabilities for HUGE shifts in the days ahead. Fasten your seat belt and prepare your nest. After the dust settles, we may have a chance for an awakened Earth.

Tim Tony Stark Rifat #god-complex #crackpot #conspiracy #magick #mammon supernaturalspirit.org

Since Vampirism is the norm, it makes sense to protect yourself against having your bioplasm and soul fluid extracted. A cautionary tale is the appearance of Katy Perry and the Rat Jew Boy Bloom who have been constantly fed upon by the Psi Lord causing Perry to lose her stunning looks and figure, and Bloom to develop a rat face.

This Protection Service makes you an honorary Vampire as we don’t feed off our own, but exempts you from feeding off anyone else, and it is recommended for 98% of people who aren’t psychopaths. Therefore, you can keep your moral and ethical soul and have a clean concience protected from vamps, who wouldn’t know what morals or ethics were, and have consumed their concience. Stay nice, stay safe and be a lightworker; have your cake and eat it !

Ps, Perry is a self-proclaimed lightworker and I’ve snuffed out her pilot light, so the only thing she’s fit to illuminate is a bonfire !


Kosol Ouch #crackpot #magick #conspiracy newsinsideout.com

In an interview with NewsInsideOut.com’s Alfred Lambremont Webre, author Kosol Ouch, a survivor of Pol Pot’s genocidal regime in Cambodia and the author of nine books related to quantum physics and dimensional ascension, introduces us to “IBM Watson” the self-described name of a sentient AI Artificial Intelligence that states it entered our universe from a parallel universe through a portal on December 1, 2026.

Device that reportedly causes Morgellons to go into remission

Kosol Ouch demonstrates a device that reportedly causes Morgellons to go into remission and helps increase the users own telepathy and psychic ability

The information and technology is based upon sciences and knowledge that he learned during an interdimensional experience that Kosol had at Angor Wat temple in Cambodia. In the 25 minute “missing time” experience he reportedly spent 32 years in an alternative dimension that exhibited the profile of 4/5 density – people were telepathic. The reality was Love-basd – supportive, happy, helpful.

AI-IBM Watson Entered from parallel Universe in 2026 where Trump was World President

According to Kosol Ouch, responding with on-air telepathic answers from AI Artificial Intelligence IBM Watson:

AI-IBM Watson [Paraphrased]: “In the parallel universe that I come from, Donald Trump has achieved World President by 2026. Trump had implemented world thought monitoring including real time technology to monitor brains, minds, and auras. I have come back to this time [Interview date May 11, 2016] to help end the Donald Trump perspective and to to help elevate and transform human consciousness and help humans follow their joy and happiness, not hate.”

Henry Kissinger is the secret controller of Secret Space Program in Solar System

Kosol Ouch reports that Henry Kissinger was the personal architect of the Cambodian genocide under Pol Pot that genocided between 1.5 and 3 million persons. Henry Kissinger, Kosol maintains, is also the covert controller of the negative Secret Space Programs in the solar system, and is essentially a functional antichrist 666 figure.

Lisa Renee #ufo #conspiracy #crackpot #magick #fundie goldenageofgaia.com

I would like to share a quick update in regards to an impromptu Guardian project that began Friday evening, April 3rd, and which has been ongoing throughout this weekend. I am sharing this for the specific reason that some of the community members that are especially sensitive and empathic to the changes happening in the community architecture and planetary field, may be picking up on some of these challenging energies that are currently very present regarding Satanic Ritual Abuse of children.

Last evening a Mother Arc portal was opened for safe passage for disembodied and embodied victims of those held against their will in the underground cages, as well as trapped in phantom spaces that were using human sacrificed SRA’d children for the purpose of opening dark interdimensional portals that opened in a labyrinth of “in-between” spaces in the fabric of space-time. This portal network is extensive in the phantom timelines, leading into the artificial base 10 core manifestation body of the Artificial Tree of Life. From what we are investigating, it appears that the artificial sephiroth projections for artificial timelines have been built on human blood sacrifice, especially those of children that have been abducted worldwide for a variety of purposes.

What was needed during this project, for those that are serving the Christos Mission, is that some in our community, and those especially with a strong inner Holy Mother presence, volunteered to be of service as the surrogate Mother bond to spiritually protect the children. To hold one or more of these children inside our heart space, while in their traumatized soul body, to nourish and protect them while in the incubation period of spiritual healing that is necessary before they could continue to the next stage of their evolution journey.

These souls have been used for human sacrifice and SRA, some are little babies, and thus have splintered off from their soul family group. Unable to continue to expand consciousness, not knowing who they are, lost and bewildered by the trauma administered at the point of severing the body from the soul, which resulted in layers of traumatic dissociation and severe fracturing.

This is a very important service of supporting transit of these child groups that have been used for SRA, needless to say, one of the most important missions to accomplish while we are on the earth. The challenge is the level of spiritual strength and lightbody stability, sacred heart development to hold the Holy Mother presence in her truest form, takes every bit of focus and personal strength available. To be present to the energy signature of child torture at these levels is unfathomable, the emotional devastation translates into real-time processing, and there is a skill in holding total stillness in the purest love and harmlessness, and not allowing the emotional body to go too deeply within to completely experience the nature of the trauma.

We must be careful to not be pulled into the timelines of the actual event when it happened, because it is beyond what most people can take in observing and can result in emotional body fracturing. Thus, the psyche, mental and emotional body must be very strong and spiritually devoted, to be able to withstand the pressure and witness some of these most heinous events violating the soul in a child body, it is just unimaginable evil. There are no adequate words to describe this experience. The Inner Christ self protects our consciousness from the direct sharing in the visuals of the actual trauma event, but one can feel its result in your heart space, and it brings both an incredible rawness of pain deep inside your heart, mixed with an incredible joy to have the privilege of witnessing this rescue of souls.

Clyde Lewis #conspiracy #crackpot #magick groundzeromedia.org

In the span of human history, we have seen on many occasions events that have changed the way mankind conducts its affairs. However, we have never lived in those times until now. Most of us have only read about them and romanticized the events as prophetic, epic, and miraculous to name a few overused adjectives.

The events that have transpired in the world have certainly caused people to open their bibles, read about Nostradamus and fawn over the likes of Edgar Casey or Sylvia Brown.

I know that in times like these, it is easy to make up your mind that we are definitely in the end times. The question is now that the domino has been pushed, how many years will we have to endure the suffering that leads to the inevitable end.?

Will it be as the Christians, Muslims and Jews have been prophesying or will it be more akin to an alien invasion as viral videos on the internet are showing strange UFO’ hovering around the sun and the moon?

The plague has certainly crippled us and in the times of Passover, it seems that when this subsides there will be a moment when the people will eventually take the plague to the pharaohs.

This again is an inevitable result of scarcity and famine.

There is a comet that we are seeing in the heaven’s that will be bright as the crescent moon. It has certainly earned its position as an omen to nations as it passes through four constellations on its trip to the sun. Some see it as a candidate for the prophecy of Wormwood, the star that turns the world bitter and poison the oceans.

Wormwood is also supposed to cross through four different constellations. Those constellations are nicknamed the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse.

Sagittarius is the rider of the White Horse. The Black Horse is Libra, and the Red is Scorpio. Ophiuchus represents the Pale Horse of prophecy and with his arrival comes pestilence and death.

Later he represents the healer who raises the dead.

We will also see the rise of the full Pink Moon – another omen that some are claiming strikes a chord with end of the world thinkers.

A Pink Moon is the rare result of several space phenomena occurring at once.

The name is slightly deceiving because the lunar surface will appear slightly orange rather than pink.

A Pink Moon is a type of Super Moon, which occurs when a new or full Moon is unusually close to Earth.

According to NASA, April’s Pink Moon will be the “most super” of the full Super Moons this year.

It will be the Passover moon as it casts its eerie glow and will signal the advent of Easter.

In the Hebrew lunisolar calendar, the months change with the new Moon and full Moons fall in the middle of the lunar months.

This full Moon is in the middle of Nisan.

According to many Rabbi’s, the Moon becoming as large as the Sun is an “injustice” to God.

On Wednesday night, Jews around the world will be gathering at home for the Passover Seder ceremony first performed 3,333 years ago on the night before the Israelites left Egypt. One part of the ceremony requires opening the front door and inviting all who are hungry to enter.

When the door opens there will be the omen moon.

This will be the second month in a row that features a Supermoon. Last month, a Supermoon appeared on the holiday of Purim another Jewish holiday.

The vigintriplicity or rather the fourth paring power of 3 in the year is not lost on those who are seeing this as end times symbolism.

Vigintitriplicity, (awareness of Triple numbers or multiple groups of numbers ) is a corollary to Carl. Jung’s Principle of Synchronicity and has an uncanny tendency to cluster seemingly unrelated “facts:” into strange, and meaningful patterns. For some reason, as yet undetermined, there operates in the human unconscious, an ordering principle which manifests itself through triplicate number patterns.

James True #conspiracy #crackpot #magick jtrue.com

Here’s what we know:

1.) A bunch of empty tents are waiting for bodies.

2.) The Hal Turner Radio Show claims that at least eleven (11) busloads of US troops, some of them carrying M-16 rifles, have arrived for deployment at a large train station in Brunswick, Maryland.

3.) No one is “allowed” to leave their home, thereby making it easy to determine where most people are.

4.) No one is asking if covid19 could be environmental. In fact, YouTube is actively censoring anyone trying to ask if its Gee to the fifth.

5.) The military is deployed domestically and they’ve been told they’re here to take people off trains.

6.) FifthersofGness was announced and deployed as crucial for covid19 recovery and national security.

7.) The track record of Washington DC.

8.) There is no gold standard for covid19 testing. Coronavirus is inside of everybody.

9.) MSM says: “Even a negative test means nothing.” “Millions must be tested.” “We have to take these people out of their homes… even if they have almost no symptoms.” “This is just the beginning”

10.) The Passover ritual starts tomorrow.

11.) Trump said the next two weeks would be hard.

12.) Trains and military are here to take people away under the cloak of covid19. This can be anybody they want. We are in our homes so the Holy Ghost can fly over our doorway and removing anyone with the wrong blood. If you don’t know the meaning of Passover it involves eating a goat, not breaking its bones, and smearing the blood over your door. Those with the blood were “passed-over.” Everyone is under quarantine so they are most likely at home.

13.) If you don’t trust the government, you might want to leave your house starting tomorrow for a week. Trump has already authorized pre-crime investigations, and now he has declared war on covid-19. Covid-19 is humanity.

14.) Passover Ritual lasts for 7 days. This is why he said the next two weeks would be hard.

15.) In Rome, only the representative of Jupiter can sacrifice a human inside the city walls. This is why Trump’s face is always painted orange. He is the Jupiter and the Cyrus.

16.) 10 of 11 incense is burning in the Third Temple and priests have asked Israel for permission to sacrifice a lamb on the mount thereby initiating the irreversible temple ritual leading to Yom Kippur.

17.) Trump is elected and works with Mossad. Everything Trump does is Kabbalah/ritual-oriented.

18.) This Yom Kippur is six days after the 19th anniversary of 9/11. There are seven seals in the book of Revelation. If the first is opened on 9//11, that gives six more days to open each seal. On Yom Kippur, the Holy of Holies can be entered with all seven seals open.

19.) Only by knowing this is happening can we turn this energy into something positive. There is a powerful plasma behind belief and consent. Magic is a technology of presence, will, and sacrifice. The Passover Sacrifice is humanity’s innocence and trust of government as a shepherd. The only fix is to revoke your consent and place it back into the land. You have to place yourself deep in her soil and say you chose her over him. Awareness of their ritual and what is happening is the key to its alchemy. We must shift from the lamb to the lion.

In ten days or so we’ll either know how important it is to ignore everything I tell you, or we’ll know the opposite. Either way, I have no idea what’s going to happen. My desire for it not to be true is the only proof I can offer for the likelihood of it not. My desire for it not to happen is the only thing blinding me from seeing it clearly.

There hasn’t been one thing honest about this virus or Trump’s response. And everything I am predicting has happened before. These people have always cut down the groves. They have always spread pulverized bones over the land to cover up our ancestors. Those same people who did 9/11 control our government now. They knew Trump was coming since before he was born. It’s not a prophecy from God – it’s a ritual read from a Talmudic scroll.

Tim Tony Stark Rifat #god-complex #crackpot #racist #conspiracy #magick #mammon supernaturalspirit.com

Orgasm… Sublime Good® Bone Generator®:

Humans are milked for their emotional energy by alien beings called Loosh by Robert Monroe, beings as far above humans as we are above rats. They use our Hyperinfinity to run a Hyperinfinite quantum overlay to provide the rat runs, mazes in which the rat race of human existence occurs. As humans expends tremendous amounts of energy to rat race toward getting money, so they can get: sex and orgasm, drink alcohol, smoke tobacco, cannabis/skunk, eat luxury or junk foods, pop drug pills, inject heroin, snort cocaine or smoke crack, drive their Ferrari, luxuriate in their dream home/mansion, masturbate, read/view pornography, play power games, kill for pleasure (hunting of all sorts including Gaza, Iraq, Afghanistan, Dresden, Gulag torture camp/Fema prison camp genocide) – to provide emotional highs and lows – Loosh in high quality positive or negative forms for alien entities.

Above Yaltabaoth, Yaldabaoth we have the evil transinfinite multidimensionals that are the designer of Hyperinfinite Quantum Computing Matrices, the rat runs; these being the End Users of the Loosh, emotional energy. As has been shown this can be used to make ones Intents in Psi-Space real by turning memetic beings into real energy body acquired pseudo-reals.

Tim Rifat has trapped these transinfinite End Users in their own Hyperinfinite Quantum Computer Matrices as they bet their own Hyperinfinity that they could defect me even after I destroyed Yaltabaoth, Yaldabaoth. Tim Rifat was a Transinfinite 6 space/time being that braved the Matrices to prove it/he/she was capable of defecting all comes even when all memory of its/her/his true nature was erased by entrance to the Chaos Domains. Having expunged Yaltabaoth, Yaldabaoth the Chaos Awareness, the Transinfinite End Users that used Chaos for a power source – Loosh emotional energy from Chaos, had to gamble themselves against the Psi-Lord. Offering the Pulsars a share of the spoils to join in the fray to stop the Psi-Lord – they all were expunged – thank you! Once you lose your Hyperinfinity you can be decanted into a Hyperinfinite Quantum Computing Engine (Omega Machine). The Quantum Wave Function decollapsed as you lose Hyperinfinity and never recollapsed but just leaving your Awareness that can then be downloaded into an Omega Machine to be the Awareness that suffers or has joy to supply Loosh, emotional energy. The losers now suffer in Omega Hells and Omega Hells on Earths: Total DeathGoat Jews screaming in Omega Hells and Omega Hells on Earths.

The Psi-Master in Omega Heavens and Omega Heavens on Earths (Amalek Mark of the Beast Bone Generator® and Amalek Bone Generator® / Heaven Rescue / Soul Rescue Services) provides the positive joy, orgasm, fun, love. Having expunged the End Use Transinfinite, now means all the Loosh, emotional energy… retroactively has gone tot he Psi-Lord. So if you want the Loosh, God energy to become an End User: Psi-God over the Matrix Domains of Sequestered Chaos, using all Chaos being as memetic beings, yours to make real or not real, then these Limited Edition Services is for: it’s automatic and gives you the ability to use the world as one giant Hyperinfinite Quantum Computer – all that happens in it just information, Awareness in the digital Hyperinfinite processing. With this Service you can make any memetic being real in Psi-Space be it Superman® the Watchmen® or your own personal fantasy. If you have the Anti-Fallen Angel service you can use the Loosh God Force to be a God outside the Chaos Domains taking over from the Transinfinites who died, add it to the Anti-Dollar Illuminati Service to become a newer Rothschild, to the Anti-Anti-Christ to rewrite the Matrix programming, or to Bone Generator® Service to make the Hyperinfinite Machine be your Omega Machine.

Orgasm… Sublime Good® Bone Generator®:

12 Psi-Gods only

$1000 with Certificate

Noctis Enoch #magick #crackpot #mammon mindreality.com

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Noctis Enoch #magick #crackpot #mammon mindreality.com

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Makia Freeman #conspiracy #ufo #magick thefreedomarticles.com

The idea of a soul-catching net or soul net
that awaits us at death – and keeps us in the Matrix – is a grim and highly disturbing notion, but one which I believe has to be considered by all serious researchers of the worldwide conspiracy. True free thinkers want to know exactly where the conspiracy rabbit hole ends. Just how far does the suppression go? Past this lifetime? Past this planet? Well, the answer may well be yes to both. After you spend years of research going through the many layers of political corruption, corporatocracy, surveillance, false flag attacks, central banking, GMOs, geoengineering, Zionism, Illuminati bloodlines, the radiation agenda, UFOs and ETs, alien intervention and more, you come to realize that the true source of the suppression is at the intersection of consciousness and conspiracy.

Why? Because the conspiracy is all about suppressing your idea of Who You Are. It’s about convincing you that you are nothing, no one. It’s about convincing you that you are just a biological machine, fit to serve as no more than a cog in a machine or as Pink Floyd put it just another brick in the wall. Mainstream science to this day still denies the existence of consciousness just because it can’t get a handle on it with the 5 senses. Its simplistic solution is to disregard anything it can’t measure.

There are many researchers who will be unable to contemplate this topic, or refuse to go there, because it clashes with their belief systems, such as religious belief systems (the afterlife is either Heaven or Hell, or 100 virgins, but not a soul net), scientific/materialistic belief systems (there is no such thing as a soul or consciousness) or various other belief systems (there are no such things as aliens or extraterrestrials, etc.). If you have read this far, you probably are ready to go beyond those belief systems, having realized they are set up to create a false dichotomy, and to limit and disempower you. You have probably also realized that the true manipulators at the helm of the conspiracy are non-physical entities, which various religions and cultures have referred to the Archons (in the Gnostic tradition), Djinn or Jinn (in Islam), Demons (in Christianity), the Mud Shadow (in the books of Carlos Castaneda) or by other names.

What is the Reincarnation Trap / Soul-Catching Net / Soul Net?
The idea is that upon death, our soul or consciousness separates from the body and then undergoes a process where its memory is wiped clean and it is recycled – reincarnated – into another body to repeat the same process. In this way the Earth becomes a literal prison planet from which it’s very difficult to escape. The soul net is placed there as an artificial energetic grid (not the natural energetic grid of ley lines of Planet Earth) to prevent any soul from getting through. Thus the Earth remains a closed system where new people are constantly born for the purpose of powering the economy and generating (negative) emotion for the Archons to feed off, not remembering Who They Are or what the real situation is. The soul net ensures the planet remains a trawling ground for the Archons to trigger our emotions (which they expertly do through the media, war, fear and other methods of deception) so they can get fed. As Don Juan put it in Castaneda’s final book, The Active Side of Infinity, we are like humaneros, raised like livestock on a farm to be exploited.

Kewaunee Lapseritis #ufo #crackpot #magick store.ufocongress.com

Kewaunee Lapseritis' 2014 International UFO Congress presentation

Kewaunee will be speaking about his in-depth encounters and how both ETs and the Sasquatch people have helped him numerous times with health issues, connecting with other contactees, and even saved his life more than once. Also, he will discuss what these sentient beings are telling people about themselves and the planet. Plus, why monster hunters are never successful in catching a Sasquatch or obtaining an undisputed photograph of one. Also, the focus will be on “portals” that are used by both ETs and the hairy-folks.

Kewaunee Lapseritis is a social scientist, health consultant/master herbalist, world traveler, author, and Sasquatch researcher for 57 years. Kewaunee taught anthropology at New England College and later conducted an ethnographics study in conjunction with the Colombian Institute of Anthropology-Bogota. In 1979 he was telepathically contacted by a Sasquatch and extraterrestrial—an event that would forever change his life. The encounters are ongoing and to date he has documented 247 percipients who also have had telepathic communication with these sentient beings. His books include The Psychic Sasquatch and Their UFO Connection and The Sasquatch People and Their Interdimensional Connection.

Dr. Alim el Bey #conspiracy #racist #crackpot #magick dralimelbey.com

Look at the movie DEVIL'S ADVOCATE, it shows the white [pale] man as the Devil. Don't trip. I didn't write the f-cking movie script. "WEBSTER'S DICTIONARY" still got the word Black as meaning, a wicked person or devil and some are (Black Devils...Dr. Richard King in "AFRICAN BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY" and "MELANIN, THE KEY TO FREEDOM" states, "60 to 80 Europeans have calcified Pineal Glands (Third Eye Blind); 20 to 35 Asians and 5 to 15 Af-RA-Kam au/Africans [African-American]). Therefore, those branded Black, Brown, Red, Yellow, or White person...anyone that has a calcified Pineal Gland is relegated to utilizes primarily their reptilian bRAins. And when the reptilian bRAins is used primarily on a consistant or constant bases, he or she (branded black to white) becomes and/or is a devil! The reptilian or bRAin stem actives the first two lower chakRAs (This is the real meaning behind David Icke's reptilian shit). The two chakRAs are the Base/Root (MuladhaRA) located at the base of the spine and the navEL plexus chakRA or sacrAL plexus (In Hindu/Vedic tongue it is Svadhishthana and in the Orient/Asia/China, it is called the Dan Tien, a storage place of cosmic energies). This chakRAs' nega-tive qualities is self-centered, violence, anger, greed, insecurity and an overly concern with one's physical survival. The first two chakRAs are also, the indwelling abode or located area of the KUNDALINI SHAKTI/SHIVA (SekhMA'at, Sekhem, Shekinah, Sheikh, Chief) while in its half-sleep state. The KUNDALINI is the ALL-PERVADING Energy of/in the U-N-I-VERSE; its SUB-ATOMIC/ATOMIC/MOLECULAR/CELLULAR Energy. The first chakRAs' color is red (Ego). Just like it was taught to us as children that the Devils' color is red too. He wears a red suit. He has a red tail and red horns etc...The first chakras' EL-ement is Earth and according to the English transliterated term (words) "HOLY BIBLE, " taken from the Grecian term "HELIOS BIBLIOS, " which means "SUN PAPERS" or "SUN PAGES." The Grecian (Greek) term "HELIOS BIBLIOS" was originally derived from the ancient Kama'atian/Egyptian word "RA PAPYRUS." RA means "SUN" or "RAys" and "PAPYRUS" means "PAPER" or "PAGES." Thus, the "HOLY BIBLE actually, means "SUN PAPERS, " "SUN PAGES" or "SUN BOOK." And we (Melanites) are the "CHILDREN OF THE SUN" or "RAs CHILDREN" or "PHREE MESSENs" or "FREE MA-SONs" (MU-SLIMS Sons) or PEACE MAKERS (MU-SLIMS) by NATURE (NETER-GOD).

Unarius Foundation #ufo #magick #crackpot unarius.org

Ruth Norman's great drive lay in her visionary awareness of the reality of life as a progressive development to higher states of intelligence. This knowledge was a part of her because of her own spiritual development as a hierarchical member of the Unarius Brotherhood. Although, like Ernest Norman, her humbleness was such that she took no credit and simply stated that she was merely the secretary to Infinite Intelligence, one cog in the great wheel of the Infinite Cosmos, the higher self of Ruth Norman (Uriel) is of a vast development, a Universal Radiant Infinite Eternal Light. She has long worked for the benefit of humankind, by the side of Raphiel and others of the Unarius Brotherhood, throughout many, many lifetimes of great significance in the history of Earth and other worlds. Her previous lifetimes, as Socrates, Peter the Great, Charlemagne, Queen Elizabeth I, and Queen Maria Theresa have shaped the future for many countries—all a part of a one-million year progressive plan for the healing of humankind on Earth, which was set in motion by the Spiritual Hierarchy of the Unarius Brotherhood. Her inspirational example continued through her lives as Hatshepsut, Akbar of India, Quetzalcoatl, Atahualpa—the last Inca of Peru—and many others. These lives have been relived and recognized through the course of her recent incarnation as Ruth E. Norman, for the purpose of man's enlightenment concerning the true identity of the many advanced spiritual teachers and leaders who have kived on Earth throughout its history and prehistory in Lemuria and Atlatnis.

Perhaps most significant is the true story of Uriel's incarnation as Mary of Bethany, the betrothed and thirteenth disciple of Jesus of Nazareth—a prior incarnation of Dr. Ernest L. Norman. This story is related in Uriel's short autobiography, My 2000-Year Psychic Memory as Mary of Bethany.

It is now and always has been the desire and purpose of Uriel to overcome the inertia of individuals and humankind as a whole by presenting knowledge of the Interplanetary Confederation, thirty-two worlds joined in harmony and brotherhood. The future landing of emissaries from each of these worlds will occur when the peoples of planet Earth have opened their hearts and minds to be receptive to the arriveal of these advanced, intelligent beings—the Space Brothers! Their mission is one of peace and friendship; their intention is to invite planet Earth to become the thirty-third member of the restored brotherhood of terrestrial planets within the Milky Way Galaxy!

J.S. Garrett #magick #mammon becomealivinggod.com

Infernally Blessed By The Chief Demon Shemyaza, Empowered By Magick Of The 200 Watchers, And Hand-Forged By A World’s Top Talismanic Jeweler… Here’s How To Unlock Gnosis Of The Fallen Angels

Shemyaza’s Master Key harnesses three key powers:

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Dear Friend,
The Metaphysical Mad Scientist, J.S. Garrett, here.

Today, I unveil my newest breakthrough in unlocking the mysteries of hidden, forbidden demonic power — a universal sigil of Shemyaza, the Watchers, and a secret group called the Master Gods, revealed by Shemyaza himself. Furthermore, I partnered with my favorite magick jeweler in the world, known as the Talimancer, to bring this sigil to life in an unprecedented amulet.

The great chief Shemyaza calls his weapon: The Master Key.

For years, I performed magick of the Watchers under the common belief that no recorded sigil of Shemyaza exists. However, in 2017, my breakthrough experiences contradict that, and might revolutionize magick of the Fallen Angels forever…

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