
"enter-TAIN-ment" #fundie godlikeproductions.com

EVERYTHING you see on TV and the Internet is designed to lead you away from God

Music is hypnotic and helps you lower your defenses so Demons can do their thing with you.

Perverse and Blasphemous images on the TV and internet are designed to corrupt your mind and heart.

Diversity is designed to put together what God has divided at the Tower of Babel.

Prayer in the Name of the Son of God, Yeshua/Jesus is the only defense you have. USE IT.

Anonymous Coward 79336168 #quack #dunning-kruger #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Only a fake mask can protect you from a fake pandemic

The pandemic is fake. Yes, people are getting viral infections (although none of the testing is legitimate because none of them can truly identify the specific infection.)

People are dying from non viral causes. What does that mean? Dehydrating diarrhea and vomiting are not caused by chest colds! Nor is dizziness, fainting or skin rashes.

It's time to recognise the real disease It's EMF Disease. NO MASK will stop EMF disease!

EMF Disease is caused by PULSED waves that come from such things as cell towers, Smart 'Beaters, microwave ovens and WiFi.

It doesn't matter if the wave is ionizing or not when it is PULSED. PULSED waves get you like an alarm clock that won't shut off or dripping water. Bit by bit, it drives your DNA nuts and slows down your cilia.

Wake up! Notice if when you're at WalMart or Target if physical symptoms flare up, including places where you don't normally hurt.

[first comment, posted by the OP less than half an hour later]
This message will keep slipping off the front page because it's too meaty for those of you addicted to your cell phones.

Anonymous Coward 79348113 and beeches #homophobia #fundie godlikeproductions.com

(Anonymous Coward 79348113)
Gays using the Rainbow as their symbol is the Devil using them as a middle finger to GOD

God mad a promise to man never to flood Earth again as long as there is a rainbow man will not be harmed again.

Now these Deviants are tempting God again but using the MOst secret symbol GOd created to show his love for Mankind.


like many evil entities, they cannot create something new,

so they take and re-use something already there.

they pervert things and people.

Bob #sexist #ableist godlikeproductions.com

"when women succeed, America succeeds" ... Nancy Pelosi

you are $26 trillion in debt

you lead the world in anti-depressant usage after 50 years of womens liberation

your cities are cesspools full of single mothers raising children with record amounts of autism and special needs

go eat some fancy ice cream

JESUS CHRIST DISCIPLE #fundie #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com



To help us understand who the Great Harlot of Revelation is who rides the Beast, first we need to look into biblical history and examine God's relationship with the nation of Israel.



(Jeremiah 3:7) I thought that after she had done all these things, she would return to Me. But she did not return, and her unfaithful sister Judah saw it.
8 She sawa that because faithless Israel had committed adultery, I gave her a certificate of divorce and sent her away. Yet that unfaithful sister Judah had no fear and prostituted herself as well. 9 Indifferent to her own infidelity, Israel had defiled the land and committed adultery with stones and trees. 10 Yet in spite of all this, her unfaithful sister Judah did not return to Me with all her heart, but only in pretense,” declares the LORD.

(Jeremiah 31:32) It will not be like the covenant I made with their ancestors when I took them by the hand to lead them out of Egypt, because they broke my covenant, though I was a husband to them, ” declares the LORD.

God’s marriage covenant with Israel (Eze 16:8-14) The covenant at Sinai was seen as a form of marriage. See also (Jer 31:32; Eze 16:59-60).

God as Israel’s husband (Isa 54:5) See also (Hos 2:7; Joel 1:8).

Israel’s early devotion (Jer 2:2) See also (Eze 16:43; Hos 2:15).

The breakdown of God's marriage and Israels unfaithfulness...

Ezekiel chapter 16 the whole chapter speaks of israels prostitution and harlotry to foreign nations-
(Eze 16:26-32) You prostituted yourself with your lustful neighbors, the Egyptians, and increased your promiscuity to provoke Me to anger.
Then you prostituted yourself with the Assyrians, because you were not yet satisfied. Even after that, you were still not satisfied. So you extended your promiscuity to Chaldea,a the land of merchants—but even with this you were not satisfied!
You adulterous wife! You receive strangers instead of your own husband!

Israel’s adultery (Jer 3:20) See also (Jer 2:32; Eze 16:32-34; Hos 1:2; Hos 9:1).

Israel’s alienation from God is likened to a divorce (Hos 2:2) Israel’s unfaithfulness led to a form of divorce between God and his people. This was sometimes identified with the exile. See also (Isa 50:1; Jer 3:6-10).

The renewal of God's marriage to Israel...

God calls his bride to return (Jer 3:12-14; Hos 3:1-3) See also (Isa 54:6-8; Hos 2:14).

The renewed relationship (Isa 62:4-5) See also (Jer 31:31-33; Eze 16:62; Hos 2:16,19-20)



We the Church, believers, are engaged to Jesus Christ Yeshua, we must be loyal spiritual virgins...

For I am jealous for you with a godly jealousy, because I promised you in marriage to one husband, to present you as a pure virgin to Christ (2 Corinthians 11:2).

Jesus Christ’s love as a model for marriage (Eph 5:25-33).

Jesus Christ is described as a bridegroom (John 3:29). John the Baptist describes Jesus Christ as the bridegroom and himself as the best man. See also (Mt 9:15 pp Mk 2:19-20 pp Lk 5:34-35; Mt 22:2; Mt 25:1-13).

But soon when Jesus Christ Yeshua returns we spiritual Virgins who are engaged to him, will meet him in the air...

After that, we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will always be with the Lord (1 Thess 4:17).

In an instant, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed (1 Cor 15:52).

And the witnesses heard a loud voice from heaven saying, "Come up here." And they went up to heaven in a cloud as their enemies watched them (Rev 11:12).

Then we will Symbolicaly marry Jesus Christ Yeshua in the air and come back down to earth...

Revelation 21:2 I saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.

Revelation 19:7 Let us rejoice and be glad and give Him the glory. For the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His bride has made herself ready.

Revelation 21:2 I saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.

Revelation 21:9 Then one of the seven angels with the seven bowls full of the seven final plagues came and said to me, “Come, I will show you the bride, the wife of the Lamb.”
10 And he carried me away in the Spirit to a mountain great and high, and showed me the holy city of Jerusalem coming down out of heaven from God,



We have learned that God hates disloyalty and immorality with foreign God's or the Kings of this earth, and is jealous for his son Yeshua's future bride, Virgin Believers, the Church (2 Cor 11:2).



We true Christians are Virgins because we are not immoral with the Kings of the Earth and do not ride the Beast!!!

But there are Christians who are Harlots, who are immoral with the Kings of the Earth, and ride the Beast, obeying the Beasts commands over God's commands
and worshiping the United Nations part of a Harlot church CHURCH AND STATE!!!

Then one of the seven angels with the seven bowls came and told me, "Come, I will show you the punishment of the great prostitute, who sits on many waters (Revelation 17:1).

All the nations have drunk the wine of the passion of her immorality. The kings of the earth were immoral with her, (Revelation 18:3).

The kings of the earth were immoral with her, and those who dwell on the earth were intoxicated with the wine of her immorality.” (Rev 17:2).

And the angel carried me away in the Spirit into a wilderness, where I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast (UNITED NATIONS) that was covered with blasphemous names and had seven heads and ten horns (Rev 17:3).

CONCLUSION: God hated when his own wife Israel cheated on him, and was disloyal to him, and made alliances with foreign God's or Nations.

CONCLUSION: God hates when we Christians, Believers, the Church, cheat on his son Jesus Christ Yeshua. God hates disloyalty, God does not accept CHURCH AND STATE, we are no part of Satans Kingdom his World.

CONCLUSION: We are Virgin Christians, we the Church must not be immoral with the Kings, Governments, World leaders, United Nations or the Beast.

CONCLUSION: We must not recieve the (MARK OF THE BEAST) The mark symbolizes obeying the Beasts commands over God's commands and worship of the Beast. We must not bend our knee to the Beast or be immoral with the Beast. CHURCH AND STATE is immorality. The Church, Believers, Christians must not obey the beasts commands over Gods commands or worship the United Nations this is considered riding the Beast being immoral with the Beast it is Harlotry.



It is the VATICAN PAPACY and her daughters and all Churches or Christian believers that are immoral with the Kings of the earth or obey the Beasts commands over God's commands and worship the United Nations and ride the Beast.
They have the MARK OF THE BEAST!!!



Babylon the great the mother of harlots is not all pagan religions as some christian cults teach!!!

Pagan religions were never right in God's eyes in the first place, they were never in a spiritual relationship with him or his son, so how could they become a harlot???

It is God's Church his people Christians who have apostasized and have played the harlot!!!

You can not be immoral if you are not in a spiritual relationship!!! And pagan religions have never been in a spiritual relationship with God or his son Yeshua!!!

The Church, Believers, are in a spiritual relationship with Yeshua, and if they cheat on him or are disloyal, and lose their spiritual virginity... Only then can they be called spiritually immoral a harlot!!!


Then I heard another voice from heaven say: “Come out of her, My people, so that you will not share in her sins or contract any of her plagues (Rev 18:4).


ShortStop and Joseph Spencer #conspiracy #quack godlikeproductions.com

Former Man in Black talks about Viruses, Aliens and Depopulation Agenda

Haven’t seen this posted here.
Former MIB talks about depopulation agenda through chemtrails and lab created viruses. Water fluoridation to make people sick. Heart attack stun gun to eliminate whistleblowers and ufologists. He personally killed William Cooper and others. Fake alien invasion to create a one world government in 2024. Alien hybrids and children kidnapped for medical experimentation in underground installations.

Anonymous Coward 79258737 #quack #conspiracy #wingnut #dunning-kruger #psycho godlikeproductions.com

Mask wearers and Corona believers, fuck you all. You are the textbook Nazis.

You had 6 months to look through their bullshit.
Time is up, from this day on I will treat you like a idiot Nazi.
You are too scared to speak up? You believe their shallow lies? I don’t care, You both are equally guilty for what’s coming.
You wear a mask when going shopping? Fuck you.
Fuck 99.9% of you all.

Also it won’t be a smooth ride into your new normality. We will make you pay for it.

Anonymous Coward 79231023 #wingnut godlikeproductions.com

I'm a conservative. I'm voting for Biden to accelerate the collapse and get the right off its ass

You have no institutional power. It may be now or never. If Biden gets in office maybe then you armchair cheerleaders will get off your ass and do something to fix this country. You're too comfortable to do anything now.

Maybe a Biden victory will motivate you. It's time the real right actually rise. Not this pussy Trump-ism or Libertarianism, but real dissident right! Wake up before it's too late my friends.

Carpe Diem!

Thebatface #wingnut #racist #sexist #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

They Know Biden Would Not Be Able To Run This Country By Himself. So The DemonRats KNEW Kamala Would Be President If Joe Won & Resign In January.

Biden Would Gather The Poorly Educated Middle/Older Age
Black & Latino Votes Since That's The Only Way Biden Could Win The Election FOR KAMALA.

That's Whom I Have Feared Since 2017
The Lady Creeps Me Out. She Is Both A Fascist AND Communist. One Is Worse Than The Other. BUT Still Isn't Good For Freedom Lovers. She Will Act Like A Female 0bama. But Bad For Both Parties.

Anonymous Coward 31302805 #crackpot #dunning-kruger godlikeproductions.com

All the theoretical physicists are full of shit monkeys.

Without knowing the precise structure of the atoms, all fundamental physics theories are assumptions.

Water is not compressible. Ice is not compressible. The facts proved atoms are incompressible.

Therefore the standard model is mistaken stating that atoms contain 99.9999% empty space.

If atoms are having 99.9999% empty space, matters will be 99.9999% compressible. Electrons will be attracted by protons and crash into the nucleus.

Theoretical physics today is religion, controlled by stupid shameless mainstream physicists and followers.

Their time is up, the masses are waking.

Anonymous Coward 76564156 #wingnut #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com



Remember in november...

Think about this easily verified FACT; the demonrat party was so desperate to beat GEOTUS TRUMP they worked with a foreign power to destroy our economy simply to weaken TRUMP. And they funded and incited riots in US cities for the same reason.

Fauci funded the creation of this virus. Fauci was incharge of deploying this offensive bioweapon in the CONUS.

Demonrats hate this country and they HATE you.

Anonymous Coward 78719810 #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

I am a well-known Billionaire, and I'm here to tell you the purpose of COVID-19

I have been given permission to divulge those things here, because GLP has a special purpose.

If you have any questions, do inquire.



Elon is that you!?

To enforce a microchip?

Yes, that is Phase 4.

But certain things must happen before we proceed with it.

@Anonymous Coward 76894979

Population reduction, 5g implementation. Etc.

Among our group, there are proponents for, and against, population reduction (which I can explain).

Those against it, have won a recent vote, so plans were changed in June of 2019.

What you are witnessing now is not aggressive population reduction, it is something a bit different.

5G is extremely important to us.

@Anonymous Coward 78693483

You bill gates? Your vaccines made me autistic. I hope you pay you bastard. Im not taking your vaccines again

Mr. Gates is unfortunately a high initiate, but, he is not well liked.

He recently lost a vote on one of his proposals. I was there, and voted nay. That was satisfying.

JESUS CHRIST DISCIPLE #fundie godlikeproductions.com








REVELATION 6:15 Then the kings of the earth, the nobles, the commanders, the rich, the mighty, and every slave and free man, hid in the caves and among the rocks of the mountains. 16 And they said to the mountains and the rocks, “Fall on us and hide usc from the face of the One seated on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb. 17 For the great day of Theird wrath has come, and who is able to withstand it?”

REVELATION 19:11 Then I saw heaven standing open, and there before me was a white horse. And its rider is called Faithful and True. With righteousness He judges and wages war. 12 He has eyes like blazing fire, and many royal crowns on His head. He has a name written on Him that only He Himself knows. 13 He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood,a and His name is The Word of God.
14 The armies of heaven, dressed in fine linen, white and pure, follow Him on white horses. 15 And from His mouth proceeds a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations, and He will rule them with an iron scepter.b He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God, the Almighty. 16 And He has a name written on His robe and on His thigh:


REVELATION 19:19 Then I saw the beast and the kings of the earth with their armies assembled to wage war against the One seated on the horse, and against His army.

REVELATION 19:20 But the beast was captured along with the false prophet, who on its behalf had performed signs deceiving those who had the mark of the beast and worshiped its image. Both the beast and the false prophet were thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulfur. 21 And the rest were killed with the sword that proceeded from the mouth of the One seated on the horse.

DANIEL 2:44...In the days of those kings, the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed, nor will it be left to another people. It will (((shatter all these kingdoms))) and bring them to an end, but will itself stand forever.

PSALM 2:1... Why do the nations rage
and the peoples plot in vain?
2 The kings of the earth take their stand
and the rulers gather together,
against the LORD
and against His Anointed One:
3 “Let us break Their chains
and cast away Their cords.”
4 The One enthroned in heaven laughs;
the Lord taunts them.
5Then He rebukes them in His anger,
and terrifies them in His fury:
6 “I have installed My King on Zion,
upon My holy mountain.”
7 I will proclaim the decree
spoken to Me by the LORD:
“You are My Son;
today I have become Your Father.
8 Ask Me, and I will make the nations Your inheritance,
the ends of the earth Your possession.
9 You will break them with an iron scepter;
You will shatter them like pottery.”





War FOr the Worlds #conspiracy #quack godlikeproductions.com

CoVid19 is cover for largest Theft in World History


What the Bankers did in 2008 Housing derivative crisis is nothing compared to The Property Seizures that are about
to make Tens of Millions more of Americans deprived of
Jobs/Income/Security,Home/Shelter,Vehicles and Property.

while depriving people of
-Security in Income(STRESS from closing business)
-Freedom to Travel and Meet Hug, Shake Hands
-Talk at Dinner in a restaurant with Family and Friends
about the S*it that is happening, and how to fix it.
-Freedom to be secure in Person/Papers (Employer Health Checks)
-Good Nutrition (Food Supply and supplements being harmed long term by hoarding and creation/supply parts disruptions)
-Food(Michigan Governor banned retail store seed sales)

All using Fear as a Weapon to Destroy America and the World's Economy. The Bio-Weapon Virus may be Real, but Unconstitutional harmful actions by Government has
been infinity far more Deadly and Destructive.

Even Real methods of treating Illness by boosting the Immune system with Nutrients and Detoxing GMO's, Poisons in/on food and throughout the environment are censored or ignored by the Media/Government because they Violate the Controlled Agenda to Sicken and Destroy people and kill(silence) those they can not control.


Just as the original War of The Worlds instilled Fear to make people do crazy things, CoVid19 is a modern Version of this Psychological Operation that has no end in Sight.
Just like the War of Terror.


Anonymous Coward 79040818 #sexist godlikeproductions.com

The Extremely Psychotic and Hypersensitive Personalities of All Women.

Even at the earliest toddler age, Females start to becone fussy and picky. And, the Adults in charge just lean back on their heels and smile/laugh about how Little Trixie "Sure Is A Girl!"

Then, Trixie continues to grow up into a grasping, demanding, controlling Bitch. Her life and perceptions for the rest of her life then are focused upon:

1.) Competing with all other Females to see who can be the most Picky and Manipulative Woman in their group of chitty chat acquaintences.

2.) Gaining a reputation for having the most seamlessly displayed expression of their feelings and moods, using hair, attire, makeup, Female hormones, bitchy mouth, shoe styles, furniture, figure, skin tone, and credit purchases.

3.) Showing a pathologic conpulsion to endlessly run their mouth about all things they see and imagine.

4.) Being deluded to think they are doing all of this "For My Family and The Safety of My Children!" In fact, she worships the little shit spawns. They can do no wrong while under her psychotic management.

This is why Females are useless without Male direction, why they all either take or should take antidepressants, why they cannot logically drive a car, and why there exist no major Female Cosmologists.

Lol. "I Just Don't Feel Comfortable With That!"

Anonymous Coward 70550610 #racist #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Why You Should FEAR Mongrel-Theism...!
Mongrel Theism being defined as the belief/delusion of Kalergi-ites, "Multiculturalism", & NWO stooges, goons, shills & dupes.

The Mongrels have the greatest Mass-Murder Body-Count of any group of people in recorded history.


Body Counts For Mongrels Reach Into Tens-Of-Millions with speculations even higher...!

Mongrel Rule left behind few tangible artifacts -- like architecture or art.

They did leave behind tremendous piles of cadavers (corpses), and legendary stories of slaughter of men, women, children.

What of the incredible bloody legends that surround Mongrel Empire?

Their victims are counted in tens of millions, which probably was 20% of world population at the time.

Mongrels committed genocide everywhere they went from China to Russia to Khwarezm to Baghdad.
Speculation exists that Mongrels Genocided, and killed so many people, there was no-one left to farm and raise live-stock. The Mongrels being Nomadic degenerates did not have the skills, or desire to modify ("Their") behavior and maintain farm-lands,

Famine erupted many perished from starvation. (Similar to what is occurring now.)

Murderous conquests killed so many people that huge swathes of cultivated land returned to forest.

climate change/starvation may have forced them to cut their losses and stop their fearsome war of attrition.
Ruthless tactics and hordes swept across Asia.

One territory after another fell under the overwhelming force of the Mongrels, which would eventually stretch from the eastern shores of China. A series of successful forays in Hungary and Poland made even Europe seem within reach of Mongrel Rule.

Mongrels invaded Greater India, Anatolia.

By 1240, Kiev had been sacked and the Mongrel horde was advancing west. Their cavalry and siege tactics were laying waste to the cities of Europe.

[Mongrel siege tactics were known as "Kharash" or "Kheresh"

Mongrels slaughtered an estimated 1 million Hungarians: Troops, clerics, nobles, knights, and peasants. It was one of the bloodiest defeats of the medieval period.

Everywhere they went they terrorized local populace, killing, exterminating, or moving entire people to other places.

Mongrels and Co. were more of a pack of hyenas than people.

“It was not rare for Mongrel armies to butcher tens of thousands of unarmed men, women, and children in captured towns and the neighboring countryside.

In this the Mongrel armies have had no peers. I mentioned the 1,747,000 people possibly killed in Nishapur.

In 1219 Mongrel army captured Bokhara and allegedly murdered 30,000; and another 30,000 people in capturing Samarkand.

In 1221 a Mongrel army seized Merv and reportedly took 13 days to slaughter 1,300,000 inhabitants.

Historians also record that in 1220 the Mongrels killed 50,000 in Kazvin after it was captured; 70,000 in Nessa, and a similar number in Sebzevar.

It is written that in 1221, the Mongrel Tului slew 700,000 to 1,300,000 people in Meru Chahjan, one of the four main cities of Khorassan in the Northern borderland of Persia. Upon capture the inhabitants were made to evacuate the city, a four-day task. Then they were distributed among the Mongrels and massacred.

It took 13 days to count corpses. Among those who hid from the massacre, 5,000 were killed by Mongrel detachments when they later emerged.

Also, the entire population of Rayy, a city with 3,000 mosques, was slaughtered.

Herat was later captured, but only some 12,000 soldiers and their dependents were killed. However, after the inhabitants later rebelled Mongrels angrily sent a general Noyan against them. The city was recaptured and it took a whole week to burn it down and murder its estimated 1,600,000 people. Many thousands escaped, but Noyan later sought and killed over 2,000 of them.

“Then in 1226-33 there was the nearly total extermination--truly a genocide--of the Tanguts and their kingdom of Hsi-Hsia in China (in the province of Kansu). The Tanguts would not supply horses or auxiliaries for Mongrels war against Khwarizmian.

This was insolence that could not be tolerated.

After winning the war he then turned with vengeance on the Tanguts. Stating - "If it means my death I will exterminate them!"

At his command and with sheer slaughter as its ultimate goal, the Tanguts were defeated in one battle after another and pursued.

According to a Mongrel Bard, "To escape the Mongrel sword, the inhabitants in vain hid in the mountains . . . or, if that were not possible, in caves.

Scarcely one or two in a hundred succeeded. The Fields were covered with human bones."

“Total Annihilation/ genocide”

The population of Western Xia was estimated at 3 million

In September 1227, Emperor Mozhu surrendered to the Mongrels and was promptly executed.

The Mongrels then pillaged Yinchuan, slaughtered the city's population, plundered the imperial tombs west of the city, and completed the effective annihilation of the Western Xia state.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

About 14 years ago I made a personal study of virology and its history. I read a great many peer reviewed papers going all the way back to its origins in the 19th century. From my readings I concluded that the field of virology is mainstream pseudoscience used for many dishonest ends. The original purpose of virology appears to have been an effort to make the tobacco mosaic disease look like it was an infectious disease cause by a microbe, when in reality it is a toxicological disease caused by pesticides.

This initial effort was wildly successful and put the field of virology on the wrong path from the start. It has greatly harmed the world’s understand of biochemistry and microbiology by misrepresenting endogenous cellular particles as infectious organisms.

From my readings I came to the following conclusions:

1. Viruses are not infectious organisms. They do not replicate and they are not alive.

2. Viruses are endogenous cellular particles involved in regulating cellular behavior and transporting molecules around, including the transport of nucleic acids. They are often manufactured in one cell and sent to others.

3. Viruses cause disease when they are overproduced, often greatly, by the cells of an organism. They can also cause disease if they are produced at the wrong time in an organism’s life cycle.

4. Virological diseases are not infectious diseases. They are special class of toxicological diseases, nutrient deficiency diseases, and certain other biological stressor diseases.

5. Viruses do not pass from one organism to another in amounts significant to cause disease under real world conditions. Virus transmission is a laboratory artifact caused by producing and extracting viruses in large amounts and then introducing them into organisms in massive doses using methods that bear no resemblance to real world situations. I have found no evidence in the entire history of virology demonstrating natural, real world, transmission of virological disease.

6. The nucleic acid molecules found in viral particles do not directly correlate to the cells DNA because they are produced by extensive post transcriptional editing. Particles transporting nucleic acids transcribed in the normal way, that involves less post transcriptional editing, are not classified as viruses. They are acknowledged as endogenous particles. Interestingly they are sometimes called “virus like particles”. This shows that virologist are well aware that viruses look like, behave, and form in a cell in a way that is very similar to what they acknowledge are endogenous particles.

ggg #fundie godlikeproductions.com

I myself did meditation about ½ year.

Then God revealed me this deception.

The "energy" you feel inside you is FAR from holy spirit.

It is actually demon trying to house your body, your mind, step by step.

When you realize this, you will feel fear.

Jesus Christ is the ONLY WAY to GOD.

Tell GOD all your sins, bad things you have done.

Ask Jesus Christ to guide you, accept Him.

New Age = Satan's masterplan

Emptying your mind = losing your will bit by bit to demonic forces, losing reality, your mind.

TRUMPINATOR #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

COVID Proves Flat Earth Theory

Most virus models for the US show the virus is spreading
slower than expected. Those models are implicitly based
on a ball earth model.

Under the flat earth mode, the virus has to travel a further
distance, which means the virus takes longer to spread,
exactly what the current ball models are saying.

Try it for yourself.

[link to walter.bislins.ch]

Under flat earth model, the virus often has to travel
over TWICE as far. That means instead of infected within
a 6 ft radius, it's really infected within a 4 ft (
or less) radius, lower infectivity.

Stefan Parlow #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com


I see an absolute ban on travel for all of Europe. Even within the EU, one may not move any more freely. Switching between countries is only possible with a special permit, which, however, you do not get de facto. The individual countries thereby become gigantic concentration camps. The mood of the population is at zero-point. (Vision; July 8, 2010)

This vision has no exact timing. This vision applies in any case to a topic that no one predicted in history. There is not a single prophet or visionary in the last centuries who would have seen this.
Now, in March 2020, I realize what I've seen: it's the effects of the Corona virus.

A huge step towards world government was made with the spread of the Corona virus:

In principle, the spread of the Corona virus is a just as gigantic false-flag-attack as September 11th. The actual operators and above all the intention behind it remained in the dark - for most people.

The Corona Virus is the total offensive with the aim of realizing the NWO. Population reduction, cashless society and the implantation of a chip are at the top of their efforts.

The media also repeatedly point out that paying with cash is a risk factor and it is recommended to pay without cash. This also supports a goal of the NWO: the cashless society!

Rockefeller founded the UN in 1945. However, the Rockefeller family is one of the Illuminati who want a central world government and a population reduction to around 500 million people. David Rockefeller even said this publicly at a UN meeting in 2011. The video can be found on Youtube - everyone can watch it

In 1948 the WHO (World Health Organization) was founded as a sub-organization of the UN.

However, this WHO defines what a pandemic is or is not. It also determines how the “corona victims” are counted. So ALL fatalities are considered "corona dead" if they have the virus in them. The average age of the corona dead is 80 years! However, the majority of them did not die from corona, but from something else and only carry the corona virus.

This is a blatant falsification of the truth and the ideal instrument for scaremongering, for the restriction of personal freedom, for the use of telephone data - and all under the guise of "security for the citizen". Here, the global economy is deliberately driven to the wall to provoke a civil war that will subsequently lead to World War 3. This WHO will also be responsible for forced vaccinations

That there has already been abuse in the course of the "bird flu" and e.g. Baxter's vaccines, which should protect themselves, have been poisoned and delivered to the Czech Republic, are also documented and can be found on the Internet.

Perhaps there will already be a compulsory vaccination worldwide as part of the Corona virus, in the course of which a chip should be injected into every person. Bill Gates - a sponsor of the WHO and also an advocate for population reduction - has already announced that such a vaccination will come and that one can no longer travel without this vaccination ....

Implanted chip + 5G + cashless payment = perfect NWO

fighting mad! #conspiracy #wingnut #fundie godlikeproductions.com

This virus is a wet dream for TPTB. It's a bioweapon and I'm pissed. You should be too!

They found the perfect tool to:

Destroy the economy

Cull the "useless eaters", the aged, the disabled and those who can't defend themselves

Make the sheep cower in fear and obey

This germ is the perfect boogeyman. How can you fight a germ?

I'm pissed, so pissed.

They have robbed our children of a "normal" childhood

They have robbed our elderly of living out their golden years with grace.

They have robbed the people of their ability to earn money.

They have robbed the people of their savings.

Houses of worship are closed while abortions continue.

The rich get richer, the middle class gets poor and the poor will be homeless.

They have erased our freedoms.

This virus is not an accident.

This has been planned. Look at the worldwide choreographed response.

Hitler, Mao, Stalin... They wish they could have implemented something this brilliant. Eliminate those who drain resources while not harming the young healthy slaves.

Get mad. You have every right to be.

I want justice. But how do you fight an invisible enemy?

Fucking globalists. Jesus come quickly.

The Fixer #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

RED ALERT: The United States Is Being Attacked From WITHIN.

As our freedoms are being stripped, there is a massive counter intel campaign underway, and it's sole purpose it to make ANYONE who merely questions the official narrative, look like lunatic conspiracy theorists. It's coming out in the forms of supposed "truth tellers" and everyday "citizens" who are claiming to suddenly be "woke". They are intentionally posting false and misleading articles that claim to call out msm deceptive tactics and the deep state, but they end up being false claims.

Again, this is to make the genuine patriots and truth tellers look like kooks, and for many folks, they are buying it hook line and sinker. Our country is being attacked from within, and it ain't the virus. It's happening here on GPL in record numbers and throughout social media. Some of the people that you have been following (here and elsewhere) are not at all who you think they are. Discern carefully!

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

List of depravity elites do on a regular basis

Drink baby blood from a living infant after killing it within the same hour

Torturing people as they cook them

Raping and gagging whomever they please

Blackmailing politicians globally to support them

Spreading poison marketed as vaccines or medicine

Murdering for fun

Falsifying financial reports

It is a very heartbreaking list

Can go on for a very long post

The point is... This is beyond what the public can and should know

It is between themselves and God

And yet, God's only desire is for them to learn love.

Punishment is never existent in God's vocabulary

NO MORE FACTORIES EVER #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

CoronaVirus 100% MOTIVE = RAPID DE-INDUSTRIALIZATION: Potato Chips Donuts Cookies Recreational Drinks ALL DEEMED NON-ESSENTIAL

Coronavirus motives now showing in MSM reports

There are several British papers that are giving up the game on Coronavirus (or at least part of it). Their reports are stating that people are now being fined for buying non-essential items. What have they defined non-essential to now?

Potato chips, donuts, cookies, and recreational drinks (so far) and if the list includes that, it will also obviously eventually include other things you "don't really need" such as musical instruments, entertainment systems, cars, spices and anything else you would not actually physically die without. You can forget buying roller skates, baseball bats, football cleats and whatever else also.

It was said EARLY ON in this "coronavirus crisis" that "people would have to learn to live with less" but they never said why. It is becoming obvious WHY - they are going to shut down a LOT of factories and they will never be re-opened and I would not doubt the prospect of goons going around and stripping everyone of everything they don't absolutely need - that they already had before this.

De-industrialization and an extreme downgrade in standard of living is going to be a major goal here, "you don't need a 3 bedroom home, you really can live in a 100 square foot room with a squat toilet and stove".

<><> #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

But why are 5G smartphones not available in India yet?

India is yet to see the launch of a single phone that supports 5G technology, and for a very good reason. Forget about 5G deployment by telcos, India is yet to conduct the spectrum auction where 5G airwaves will be allotted to these telcos. This is exactly why most OEMs who produce 5G smartphones gave a cold shoulder to the Indian Mobile Congress that took place in October this year. While they did showcase smartphones that had been announced in other markets around the world, there was no word on when these 5G-ready phones were coming to India.

There’s another reason why 5G-ready smartphones aren’t ready for India yet: they aren’t affordable. For a market like India where more than half of the smartphones sold are in the USD 100-200 price segment, it’s irrational to find a considerable market for 5G phones that cost well over USD 1,000. And when you factor in the capital investments required for setting up 5G infrastructure, it’s clearly understandable why India isn’t a hotspot of 5G advancements.

do you get it
india doesn't have 5g yet

they also do not have any corona virus

it is obvious to me which elements are being used in this black op. it was obvious from the beginning, but this is proof.

5g affects water and oxygen molecules directly and adversely (i.e is bad for u and your future) and is the future for all artificial intelligence roll-out programs and ultimate control over population on the 'surface' of this 'place'
to be used in conjunction with the drakonian system being tested in china - face recognition, body i.d resonance scanning and tracking, a points system replacing money
and easily zappable (tortured or killed) if you do not comply with the orders of the day.

Covid Joker #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

PAY ATTENTION... the TRAP is SET... this is the BAIT.

As I relax at home typing this, Hundreds of Millions of people around the globe, who work for businesses deemed 'non essential'...

...are also relaxing at home enjoying a paid holiday, in what is basically 'a taste' of Universal Basic Income...

So... how does that UBI bait taste?

It taste good don't it?

I mean let's be honest, most work does suck, and I reckon we could get used to this.

But, something does seem a little bit off doesn't it?


The saying 'no such thing as a free lunch' is as true as ever, and I believe the Global Elite are giving us a taste of their UBI bait, in order to SEDUCE us in PHASE ONE of their trap, which is to have every human on the planet digitally marked for tracking using 5G and Artificial Intelligence.

This 'Digital Mark' will be linked to your unique ID2020 number and your vaccine records, and will enable you to receive Universal Basic Income EVEN if you are deemed a 'non essential worker'...

...in other words pretty much EXACTLY what many are experiencing right now, which is getting paid to stay at home because they are deemed 'non-essential'.

So... PHASE 1 of the TRAP (the phase we are currently in) is to get 'non essential workers' used to free money (UBI), in order to seduce them into receiving the Digital Mark tied to Vaccine Records, and of course to get 'Essential workers' to also take the mark, in order to keep their jobs.

When you think about it their PHASE 1 trap is genius...

...if you as a 'non essential worker' want to continue your paid holiday... then take the vaccine and digital mark, otherwise continue, but on permanent unpaid leave.


Phase 2 is when Bill Gates's TRUE agenda is revealed...

...you see Bill is a huge proponent for Universal Basic Income... but it comes with a caveat... he believes and has expressed on several occasions that the UBI must be EARNED...

In other words, 'useless eaters' or those in society who are not considered 'essential workers' in their New World Order permanent Lock Down WILL be CUT OFF completely from the Universal Basic Income, and left to STARVE.

As inhumane as that sounds (and definitely is), the harsh reality is that throughout history death by STARVATION has been a favorite depopulation method embraced by Communist Dictators, and this One World Government Dictatorship will be no exception.

You have been warned.

Anonymous Coward #fundie #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Is Bill Gates the antichrist?

All this population control, Orwellian surveillance, economic and media manipulation, we can all see it leads to a digital prison planet.

At the head of that project, sits Bill Gates, one of the richest people of the world for a long time.

He financed vaccine research and promotion,
He is declared as supporting population reduction (not limiting, reduction)

He financed Quantum Dot digital tattoos that are planned to hold information on who is allowed to travel because he took his vaccines.

So, after controlling software of 70% of the worlds computers for decades, having a history of dirty play in business, suppressing open source software platforms and movements, forcing his company into governments worldwide...

He is now the savior that has been tirelessly working behind the scenes to save humanity from SARS Corona Viruses. He financed Event 201, which took part exactly at the time this virus started taking first victims in China.

The prophecy says the Anti-Christ will fool everyone and offer solutions to worlds problems and be accepted as a hero, and given power over the world.

Along with calls for a one world government, how many here would bet this guy is meant for a leading role?

For me, it fits the description.

I will not bother with links atm, all of these are public facts affirmed by the man himself.

FarFar #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Earth is a Criminal planet.

Earth is run by criminals.

In fact it's more like hell than heaven.

Maybe it's hell.

I'm sure it is.

God doesn't bother with hell the other guy does.

Do good people still have the power to change things for the good ?

If not , it's better not to incarnate here anymore.

THEY think it's the endgame and in fact the demons inside the elite are dancing.

Bill Gates is laughing by the thought of the NEXT pandemic.

Are they really in control , forever ?

If so what's the point of humanity ?

Hope that the kids of Bill Gates do not inherit the Earth because evil spawns only evil.

With Evil upon a criminal planet an ELE might be the best thing

If so E.T. Take your best shot now !

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

New Theory on Coronavirus

Based all the threads over the last few weeks on GLP, here’s what I believe.

1. They clamped down on anti-vax sites in early 2019;
2. They developed and tested the virus at Soros’ lab in Wuhan;
3. Released the virus during the World Games for plausible deniabilty;
4. They continue to spread the virus World-wide;
5. They have Bill Gate’s digital certificates ready for then they start the vaccines/drug cocktail;
6. The initial drugs they will use to treat victims are: Remdesivir and a Protease inhibitor (linked to Soros);
7. Vaccines will follow at a later date (linked to Bill Gates);
8. WHO (Bruce Aylward) have promoted and are ready with Remdesivir and a Protease inhibitor
9. Remdesivir is being promoted heavy in the media.

The shills are attacking any/all threads that expose the truth.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Coronavirus means Nibiru must be very close

Isn’t it obvious?

- They’re locking us all inside.
- They shut down the economy.
- They’re spending obscene amounts of money that will never be repaid.
- The lockdowns are indefinite. Australia now saying 12-18 months.
- It seems they want people inside their homes, with military presence around them for when the first big event happens. Not out of kindness, but rather they want to make a clean escape without being ravaged by thousands of people as they leave.
- Trump wrote in his letter to Schumer today about private companies helping make supplies. “They know something is coming. That’s all they need to know.”

It seems like they’re planning for something that will never end.
It seems like... they know it’s over. They know no one is coming out on the other side of this.
The lockdowns they’re suggesting are longer than the 1918 Spanish flu which was far more deadly.

What do I predict?
One of three things, or any number of mixes of them:

1) Nibiru is seen by astronomers and leaked to the public. Mass chaos ensues, martial law is declared and the military is already stationed.

2) Nibiru appears suddenly, like it does in the Bible, and as well die. Or, some live to see it before they die.

3) Nibiru isn’t seen until months later, but causes a massive earthquake, perhaps the biggest one in human history happens... which starts off the end times events.

I feel it in my bones that this is the reason for this virus. It’s not about ATLAS comet, it’s about something much, much bigger that’s getting very close to us.

For Astro, I understand Kepler’s laws. I understand gravity. I understand if Nibiru abided by these laws, the solar system would already be torn apart.

Either ST in BG is right, or my theory cannot be true. I understand. I just ha e a feeling that ST in BG is right. Hopefully I’m wrong!

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Was this pandemic created to usher in Universal Healthcare?

By the end of this it would be easy. They could say, see, look how overwhelmed and under prepared these medical facilities were. If they were government run they would have been stocked up.
Insurance companies will be caught doing their usual BS and as a result people will call for them to be abolished. Thus entering into a perfect situation for the government to take over all healthcare services.

I'm just thinking out loud here.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy #fundie godlikeproductions.com

The Corona Virus hoax is their way of telling everyone that the King is about to be crowned

Anatomically, corona means crown.

The King is about to activate his crown chakra and lay the smack down.

Kobe with his crown butterfly tattoo...faked his death and got "buried" in...Corona del Mar. Just LOL. His death hoax and the corona hoax go hand in hand and are communicating the SAME THING.

The corona virus doesn't even exist and is just a strain of the flu...other strains kill tens of thousands of Americans every flu season but we're hearing about 1 or 2 cases here and there. Simply hilarious.

Looks at Trin pushing the Corona hoax full tilt on this forum. If you can't see the Deep Intelligence fingerprints all over his "coming out" video, then you're just an automaton.

A mysterious stranger approaches...


And at that hour that Son of Man was named in the presence of the Lord of the spirits, and his name before the the One to Whom belongs the time before time. Yes, before the sun and the signs were created, before the stars of the heaven were made, his name was named before the Lord of the spirits. He shall be a staff to the righteous whereon to stay themselves and not fall, and he shall be the light of the gentiles and the hope of those who are troubled of heart. All who dwell on earth shall fall down and worship before him, and will praise and bless and celebrate with song the Lord of the spirits. For this reason has he been chosen and hidden before Him, before the creation of the world and for ever more. The wisdom of the Lord of the spirits has revealed him to the holy and righteous; for he has preserved the lot of the righteous, because they have hated and despised this world of unrighteousness, and have hated all its works and ways in the name of the Lord of the spirits: for in his name they are saved, and according to his good pleasure has it been in regard to their life.

+ INTENTIONALLY STARVE YOU + #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

+ KEEP AN EYE ON THE FARMS - Communists are planning to STARVE those who do not accept the VACCINE - ( you have been warned ) +

I am going to make a quick mention of something very important:

If we get substantially into April and no one has done any preparation work in the fields, that will be a clear signal that the people running this virus scam are going to intentionally starve everyone out. The national grain reserves are gone. Those vanished under Clinton and Obama. Years ago, America kept 3 - 5 years of grain in storage to help the nation through catastrophes. It was called the strategic grain reserve. Now it is empty. America HAS TO plant every single year now and if they shut down agriculture in the U.S. you can damn well bet they will shut it down elsewhere, and the food is not going to come out of thin air.

I strongly suspect there's a very bad motive to all of this, and that they want massive, massive deaths. The favorite method of the "COMMUNISTS" is to simply create situations that cause people to starve to death. If the farms do not plant this year it will confirm they are setting up exactly that scenario. LET ME REPEAT THAT:

The favorite method of killing for the "COMMUNISTS" is via starvation. It does not even cost them the price of a bullet. If the farms do not start ground work in April, it will be proof that is what they are going to do.

I laugh at the prospect of this virus being used as a precedent for action on "150, 000 sealed indictments", it is far more evident that it is for the purpose of never seeing any action on them at all. Watch what is going on people, those farms had damn well better be getting ready to plant by the end of April.

There is limited food left, and those who accept the shot will receive it!

Hoaxes, Agendas and more
There have been countless hoax videos posted showing piles of bodies in multiple locations. But there's a problem - The same video that was claimed to be for New York was also claimed to be for Italy and is now claimed to be for Ecuador. The only videos that do not have hoaxes scattered in are those where people are going around to hospitals proving they are empty. All the bodies in the street videos are hoaxes, even when published in the MSM. No where has America hit a death rate, which, even when taken in the worst areas, would strain or probably even be noticeable in the dead body handling system.
There is a strong chance that New York is going to suddenly announce an enormous number of dead, because they are purging elderly and disabled housing units and no one has figured out where the people in them are going.

Bill Gates is drooling now, and discussing putting his "vaccine centers" everywhere in the country so they will not be avoidable. He wants a Vaccine ID card, without which you can't get a job. Obviously they want a world where they manage slaves that have had their intellect predictably and reliably clipped.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Virus and Bacteria do NOT cause disease

We are swimming with virus and bacteria 24/7. It makes no difference that this (SARS Cov-2) is a "novel" strain.

When the body is taxed and the immune system compromised, virus and bacteria go to work. They are the bodies cleaners.

When there is trash or dead animal carcasses on the road, we have natural cleaners (rats, vultures, crows) that rummage through the trash and eat up all the dead animals. Without these natural cleaners, the world would look (and smell) completely different. The rats don't create the trash. Trash attracts the rats.

The same applies to our bodies. When your immunity is low as fuck due to bad diet, lack of good sleep, too much coffee/alcohol, stress 24/7, etc..you get diseased. The virus and bacteria don't cause this disease, EVER. It is all the way you act, live, think and handle stress that causes the disease.

The virus and bacteria are the cleanup crew in your body, NOT the cause of your disease. With a strong immune system, you will not be negatively affected by them.

Now, look what's happening out there. We have BILLIONS of people very frightened right now. This freight wrecks havoc upon your immune system. There are BILLIONS of people shut in and not going outside, keeping them deficient in Vitamin D. This wrecks havoc on your immune system. There are MILLIONS of people who have lost their jobs/businesses and are rendered broke and full of stress. This wrecks havoc on your immune system.

To avoid disease or better yet become cured of your disease, you need to adjust the way you live, eat, think, sleep and handle stress.

Anonymous Coward #fundie #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Coronavirus is deceiving Christians


I have been following with concern the reactions of Christians corona virus pandemic. Here are a few key points:

(1) Blind and unconditional submission to WHO (World Health Organization) or UN rules.

Unfortunately, for example, Pekka Reinikainen has verbally stated in his TV7 program that the best and most professional knowledge of the current situation should be taken by submitting to the WHO. He also supports taking vaccines. This is a serious delusion, since the WHO, established in 1948, is part of the UN system of the world, which, by its very principle, also regulates the world's population, by maintaining "peace." WHO also supports abortion and sterilization because of the overpopulation of the world. The highest authority must be the God of the Bible, and HIS Word, not a secular organization (not even a secular authority) or institute. Wisdom - for every future situation - must now be prayed to God the Father in the name of Jesus. Observance of authority must be done only by God's will, not against it.

(2) News or rules made by the media or society must not be criticized: it is the dissemination of conspiracy theories.

The media is clearly biased, and here too propaganda. Thus, false news also circulates in the mainstream media. If we prohibit intrusive free thinking, then we will support the media's propaganda-dominated rule, which clearly involves lies and sin. The rules of society are made to be obeyed, but blind submission - beyond the will of God - signifies supremacy in the life of a believer. The so-called conspiracy theories are also often the wrong "stamp ax" to ban criticism and especially the questioning and exploration of "images" created by the media.

(3) Christians should unite and forget all doctrinal issues: the ecumenical goal

A parishioner (online publication) called on Christians to place a prayer front against the coronavirus in Rome. This is a great sign of error. The corona panic has blinded Christians to deeper involvement in ecumenical deception. The Pope himself is praying to the Virgin Mary - which should be a clear indication that one who is not in the Bible faith cannot be involved in such a "prayer front". TV7 has also called "prayer front" in its programs, led by Benny Hinn. Benny Hinn continues to represent success theology and is a deceiver here. Blind "prayer" is thus partly a deceiver. In the Bible, God looks for those who pray in the Spirit and in the truth. The Church of God is ONE, only by the truth of the Word. Ecumenism is thus a delusion and a lie, out of biblical faith. Now the bible is to separate the lie from the truth, the darkness from the light - and not blindly enter into the wrong religious "prayer front." Then our prayer rises from the truth - in faith in Jesus, in the Holy Spirit of God.

(4) Criticizing vaccines is a contempt for human life and thus an antichristic activity: false accusation and prohibition on the pharmaceutical industry

The Bible does not require a believer to submit to the "forced" vaccine rules. On the contrary, biblical faith originates in faith in an almighty God and in the corresponding sanctification of the body (healthy life and diet). The purpose of biblical faith is eternal life, not eternal worldly happiness. The Lord Jesus has overcome death, so the fear of death must not be part of the believer. Vaccine designs are very unclear in their background, and the effects of vaccines have also been shown to be dangerous. That being said. is not wrong - or against the love of one's neighbor - against a critically placed vaccine "boom." On the contrary, it is the true love of one's neighbor - to critically evaluate the operations of pharmaceutical companies, their financial aspirations, and drugs that are dangerous to their health. Believing in God's love and mercy in the Lord Jesus must be greater than the "blind" confidence in medicine.

(5) Indifferent and Making the Situation Ridiculous: Banning and Underestimating Bible Prophecy

Bible prophecy clearly speaks of times of tribulation, as well as of plagues - as part of end-time events. If we despise the words of the Lord Jesus, and all of Bible prophecy, then we will be spiritually blinded by the flesh. Bible prophecy is a lamp that should shine a light on our feet as a special revelation from God: to provide comfort, hope, faith, and keep us in God's love. The omnipotence of God is at the heart of Bible prophecy, and the love of God - warns us of delusion, and of times of tribulation - that confronts the world because of sin. The prophetic word of the Bible is God's love for us.

(6) Wrong doctrine, and prohibition of clear world situations

False rapture doctrine is a heresy that suggests - that the antichrist will not come until after the church is captured. This is not the case. There have already been antichrists, and - the rapture, the salvation of the church from this world time, is clearly not until after the appearance of the child of perdition. If we get lost here, we may think that the forthcoming NEW WORLD ORDER is a manifestation of the power of "Jesus" on earth. World news, and its political-economic plan, are already talking about a new world order. Therefore, this is not a "conspiracy theory" or any "hoax" thing. If we deny this, we will close our eyes to clear developments in the world, where there should be a warning voice. The New World Order is the antichrist system, and the place where the child of perdition appears. The Lord Jesus will destroy this system, as well as the child of perdition, in His coming.

God's omnipotence, and faith in God's power and love must be above all earthly. Then also the Word of God will be loved and safe for us, in the midst of the end.

These are briefly written. I did not attach Bible verses to it now - which I could have done - but made a shorter essay.

Test the text with prayer and the Word of God.

Exodus #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Fear of "vurus" = more food for the archons

That is all this is. They're blowing it out of proportion so people not only give up freedoms but also unknowingly feed the archontic parasites that control the reptilians. This may have been a biowarfare weapon let loose, maybe even accidentally, but they capitalized on it. As the game draws to a close and Michael, through EnLil, is back...the Cabal is shutting it's pants and is now implementing the new world order by force for a "virus" that officially only killed 32000 and unofficially maybe 60-70 000. The numbers are still quite low. Not worth a lock down.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The Coronahoax is all about one thing: the JFK assassination

Can you remember back to October, 2017? That was when the remaining, sealed JFK assassination records were mandated by Congress to be released. Only the President could defer. Well, what happened? Trump, who ran on "draining the swamp" was pressured by former CIA director and bona fide swamp member Mike Pompeo to re-seal the records. The reason given was that unsealing the records might be damaging to individuals still alive. There were two individuals alive at the time who many believe were involved: Bush Senior and Kissinger. It has long been suspected that Ben Gurion ordered the hit on JFK over JFK's refusal to allow Israel to tip the balance of power in the Middle East and become dominant. There was also an angry letter exchange between the two over Dimona and Israeli nukes. JFK did not want them to have nukes and Ben Gurion felt that not having them was an existential threat to Israel. The hit was therefore ordered by Ben Gurion and executed by Freemasons in the United States, chief among them old skull and bones himself. This is what the whole Bush-funeral-note was about:

Well, it turns out that Trump does intend to release the remaining records in 2021, if he is still President that is. He knows he is surrounded by traitors, knows the truth about the JFK assassination (as well as 9/11). Hence the constant, ongoing Deep State coup against him in the form of the Mueller Hoax, Impeachment Farce and now Coronahoax. Coronahoax, however, is different than the others because here the Deep State crossed all redlines and went from soft-coup to hard-coup. The first two were information psyops, but Coronahoax has actually killed innocent Americans and nearly led to war between us and China.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com



From the books i've read on the early days of Microsoft.. Billy was a narcissistic control freak, who was devious and lacked empathy.

That combined with a rare computer programming genius, placing him in the top 1% for IQ levels, equated to a toxic mix that makes Hitler look like Mr Bean.

I believe Bill Gates' Ego was seriously damaged in the early days of the internet when the Google boys secured the monopoly on Search.

Ever since then he has been plotting on how he can use his vast wealth to go one better on them, and here we are today with Bill behind a global plot to crash the world economy using his bio weapon 'Covid 19' in order to usher in a One World Government as the solution.

Basically it is a computer nerds ultimate wet dream, where they are creating the 'internet of things' where YOU and I will also be one of those 'things' via biometric implants that connect us to the ID2020 database, with the 'necessity' to monitor what vaccines we have had being one of the major justifications they will use to implement it.

Yes Bill Gates is the driving force behind ID2020 which aims to give every human a digital id, that will be the database for the GLOBAL ID biometric implant..

[link to id2020.org (secure)]

Yes Bill Gates was the driving force behind Event 201 that was held 6 weeks before coronavirus went live, and yes it does perfectly simulate EVERYTHING we are now experiencing in real time...

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