
anwarfathy #conspiracy #wingnut #sexist godlikeproductions.com

the NWO is not just an organization/cult/secret society
it is a system of government and a dogma/belief system
it mix Sunni-Islam with new totalitarian dictatorial version of liberalism that is made from mixing a new inhuman extreme version of capitalism with radical misandrist version of feminism and with limited superficial version of diversity without any real political democracy, personal/individual freedom or human rights

i think it could be better -at least for me- if these governments was to be taken down and replaced with anti-NWO governments that:

1-it's social system is "male chauvinism/real conservatism" that give males all authority, money and respect and that don't allow women to vote and force females to stay and work in home and strictly punish them if they forced their men to be cuckolds like by having sex outside marriage

2-it's economical system is "real socialism/communism" that nationalize all companies, determined the Prices of products and provide appropriate government jobs, free health care, free Residence to all people not just to the ones who already found work or pay taxes

3-it's belief system is anti-Islam, non-religious, occult free thinking that teach real magic in the schools instead of teaching religion and training children to be slaves for god, the rich, authority/goverment and the capitalist

4-it's political system is a version of democracy that have real free elections, free art and free press
and that respect all males dignity, personal/individual freedom and human rights

the NWO main weapons are deception, intimidation and vilification so the NWO usually fake news, twist Concepts, Misrepresents text, defraud the law and pretend to be right-wing or left-wing to use them as tools or to make people hate them

the NWO believe i 4 laws:
1-"the thoughts is like the actions"
it means they treat mind fantasy as intention and treat intentions as real actual Acts

2-"For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged"
it means that if you judged a woman by being a bitch or corrupted they will never rest until they make you a bitch or corrupted or make you look like it

3-"karma law"
it means that if you do anything they can deceive themselves and call it corruption, deception, injustice, harm or evil whatever your reasons and your circumstances was and whatever what you did was insignificant and even if they was the ones who pushed you to do it
in all these cases they believe that what you did give them the right to deceive any way they want you and inflict upon you any kind or degree of harm and injustice they want

3-every one have free will/choice
they consider choices that is made based on ignorant as real free will/choices
also they manipulate, intimidate, deceive, corrupt, lure, people and exploit their ignorant, weakness, flaws, urgent needs and desires to control their choices
they use the notion of free will/choices to legitimize their rule/control and justifies their deception

4-"everything is justified in war" or "the end justifies the means"
it means that if they want to take your money they just have to provoke war with you, then it is moral/justified/right for them to con you and take your money

wVw #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

BREAKING: Chinese Coronavirus Wasn’t Weaponized To Just Kill, It Was Genetically Modified To Paralyze.....

I hate being right

Anyone writing this off by citing FLU DEATHS in comparison is intentionally steering the conversation away from the entire point

All rules go out the window with this virus

It was either genetically engineered as a BIO-WEAPON or mutated by the DEVIL himself


Casualty to death ratio doesn’t matter when it takes 2 weeks to even show symptoms with patients highly contagious without even a fever

Couple that with the ability of this virus to survive on surfaces for weeks at a time and you have the perfect recipe for an orchestrated disaster of biblical proportions

I told y’all this is about creating the legal conduit for China and Russia to invade territory under the guise of HUMANITARIAN MISSIONS

The CORONAVIRUS is a means to create a VIRTUAL bank run by stressing the system on a cataclysmic scale

It’s genius if you think about it

This virus isn’t designed to kill, it’s designed to paralyze the system at every level

The incubation period and contagiousness is meant to create as many deaths through the exhaustion of supplies and manpower

IV FLUIDS are imperative for survivability

Only so many IV BAGS available

Wasn’t there a medical supply shortage a year or so?

The elites are covered and I bet a vaccine will be available shortly to milk both ends of this tyrannical amalgamation

The ultimate weapon to keep us chasing our tails for the sake of humanity

The walking dead overwhelming every city in searching for the most basic supplies whether that be an IV or ALBUTEROL or ACETAMINOPHEN and ICE in the most extreme circumstances to bring down these spiking fever episodes

Usually taking 2 OVER-THE-COUNTER (OTC) ACETAMINOPHEN once and then rotating in 4-6 hours another 2 (OTC) IBUPROFEN

Repeat for 2 days with increased fluid intake to stay hydrated

For infants, you can use the directions on each bottle for both children’s acetaminophen and children’s ibuprofen and rotate the same dosage if your child is not allergic to those medications

Infants and children should not take aspirin

Adults however can take aspirin to reduce fever as well after prolonged use of acetaminophen in the same stacking fashion to rotate between ibuprofen

The organized disinformation campaign is proof we have been over the objective this entire time

Time to buy stock in medical supply companies

Maybe investigate who else did 6 months ago

I’m calling it #conspiracy #ufo godlikeproductions.com

Did the ANUNNAKI arrive already? OBVIOUSLY we've been forced into quarantine so we DON'T SEE them.

Bill Gates' virus is real?? YES!!!

The death rate worlwide is what's being reported??? NO!!

The world was put in lockdown and mankind forced into quarantine because there's SOMETHING happening outside TPTB don't want people seeing.

The current global policy state has no precedent, not even during WWII.

I can only think one thing and one thing ONLY:

The ANUNNAKI arrived.

Perhaps not a full blown, perhaps just a couple ambassadors to each country, but it was an OPEN arrival and people were supposed to see them in their full majesty. Obviously chabad made sure we didn`t.

Willins #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Corona Virus is Deep State Hissy Fit - They know they can't stop Trump

They are crashing the world economies and blaming Trump. This virus had to be released by the deep state. You think they don't have operatives in China? Who do you think keeps fucking up the North Korea negotiations?

This their last ditch effort, they give 2 fucks about human life especially Chinese, they need are trying to keep their power, as indictments and such are coming down, Weinstein conviction means more pain, CEO's jumping ship unannounced, and Trump power going.

Now they started this and have the traitorous media creating havoc and panic. Don't buy the hype, stay calm and be smart. Fuck those assholes, justice will rain down on them, those human hating low life fuckers.

Patriotic Black dude #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

If you believe Prince Charles contracted COVID19 I have a bridge to sell you!

People, this is a ruse being perpetrated on us by the powers that be. They want the peasants to think the elites are in this crisis with us. Imagine a world where peasants are the only ones contracting this deadly disease. Without a reason to live, they would lash out at those with means. They would be sitting ducks! We can't have that. Let's pretend this virus is affecting everyone across the board so the idiots think we are all in this together.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Is the Pandemic a global False Flag Event, or a cover to prepare for something else?

Short version:

I have long known from a variety of inside sources, that the powers that be would one day stage disasters and economic crashes, to achieve the following outcome/s:

- a new international economic order
- global cashless currency
- everyone injected with a bio-powered nano-chip
- only those with the chip can access public and social facilities
- universal basic income - only to those with the chip
- global social credit system, as in China
- global 5G mm wave infrastructure to facilitate smart cities
- driverless cars using the 5Gmm/AI city network
- the end of the middle class, and related businesses
- Technocrats to assume more powers

I can think of no better way to achieve the above results, than to stage-manage a global pandemic (preferably a controlled one). It would need lots of real deaths, to generate real fear, to ensure voluntary lockdown compliance of the masses.

Longer version:

About three weeks ago I started suspecting there was way more to this pandemic than was meeting the eye.
I’m not talking about the numbers of dead, the causes or the cures - the whole thing just reeked of a cover for something else.

I’ve got four contenders for what this could be a global false flag event/cover story for:

1. Comet Atlas - nobody is really sure what it will do as-during-after its flyby. Nobody is sure if Earth will pass through its tail, which is presumed to have a lot of big rocks in tow. Or it could explode as it passes the Sun and then continue as a cloud of debris, into which Earth would pass. That all takes place in late April.
A pandemic is the perfect cover to get the populations of Earth into lockdown without mass panic and martial law.

2. Global Economic Reset - the banks are now insolvent, and maybe this is the big reset. A pandemic is the perfect cover to keep the public and bank runs under control, and the lockdowns ensure no mass panic and martial law.

3. Global shadow coup - A international round up of dissidents, corrupt officials, criminals and gangs under cover of a pandemic. QAnon people are pushing this one.
I’ll believe it when I see more evidence. And even then, who’s to say the incoming powers are any better?

4. Other Earth-shattering events: - A huge solar event; an ET incursion/arrival; Yellowstone or similar Earth changing event may be known in advance.

NB: Most of these would REQUIRE rolling shutdowns of parts of the internet, so as to prevent viral info getting out and upsetting plans.

Regardless of the above, one thing IS for sure here:
'they' never let a good crisis go to waste

Mi Flu Yu #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

An alternative covid/NWO/China theory.......

China is the last resistance to NWO

Authoritarian because they know it is the only way to protect their people and their country, and it mostly worked for a long time

Lots of propaganda and disinfo to villify china in order to get people to go along with a war against china

Hong kong protests organized by NWO to disrupt the region and cause dissent

Covid really is a silent war against china waged by NWO

XI playing ball with Trump, pretending he doesn't know what is going on while preparing his resources

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

ATTENTION: Chemtrails Are Helping Spread COVID-19!

For all those mother fucking shills that will say otherwise in this thread, here's a big !@#$ YOU.

Good people of GLP, just know that the chemtrails in the sky are rapidly spreading the COVID-19 virus throughout the world. Hidden in plain sight. They make you think it's being spread by person-to-person but nothing could be further from the truth. Distracting you with your eyes glued to the TV when you should really be looking up at the sky and seeing what the !@#$ they're doing!

TPTB really want to kill us all off. Use basic logic, person-to-person transmission cannot be responsible for the rapidity of infection that we're seeing right now in the US and elsewhere in the world!

So please do yourselves a favour and be careful when going outside when they're spraying us all to death!

Wear a face mask so you don't inhale these chemicals!

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Holy shit I just realized...This is the REAL Jade Helm!

Chinese people love jade not only because of its aesthetic beauty but also because of what it represents regarding social value. ... Thus, beyond monetary worth and materiality, jade is greatly prized as it stands for beauty, grace, and purity. As the Chinese saying goes: "gold has a value; jade is invaluable."


Anonymous Coward #fundie #pratt godlikeproductions.com


Do you look at technology in amazement and think humanity is advanced? Do you think we know or even can know almost everything?

Let's use robots as an example.

Think of this, do robots automatically heal if you scratch them? Can robots consume numerous things in their immediate environment for fuel? Can robots reproduce?

No, of course not.

How much technological advancement is needed for them to do any of those things? Another 1000 years? Another 10,000 years?

How much advancement do we need before we even have robots that can do more than randomly vacuum a floor?

We are far far more advanced than anything we could create.

Human arrogance is why so many today do not believe.

A power greater than us created us.

thinking… #wingnut godlikeproductions.com

Liberalism is a mental disorder and virus tards are now acting like liberals

Liberals want the 2nd amendment abolished because they fear a criminal will shoot them so disarm the law abiding.

Liberals can't tolerate any opinions but their own so shut down free speech.

Liberals need "safe spaces".

Liberals want a totalitarian nanny state.

Liberals want forced vaccination because fear of getting sick.

Virus tards consist of liberals and right wingers who have lost their damn minds.

Virus tards, who could just stay home because they're scared, insist we all lose our first amendment right of freedom of of assembly.

Virus tards now demanding total global shutdown and destruction of economy so the rest of us can't live because of their fear.

Virus tards pushing "shelter in place" (safe spaces).

Virus tards demanding totalitarian state.

Virus tards will line up for vaccine and demand YOU get it because they're scared.

See the similarities? I'm not giving up my freedom for any of you assholes. You'll probably manage to starve us all to death, though, but that's better than a virus killing .00000064% of the population. Better to starve 100 million than a tiny fraction get COVID19.

CoronaPAYBACK #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Fuck the Coronavirus Stats ---- 125,000 BABIES MURDERED IN LAST 24hrs --- This should be the National Emergency.

Everyday Worldwide more than 125,000 sluts kill their babies by:

1. Ripping their limbs off while in the womb
2. decapitating them in the womb
3. poisoning them in the womb
4. sucking their flesh out with violent vacum tubes
5. having body parts cut off with scissors

This should be the international emergency


So you made it out of your Mom's vagina right?
What about the other kids?
They don't have a right to come out to?


You Can’t Unread It #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The Annunaki didn't come here to mine for gold to replenish their atmosphere

Well, not in the way we think of it.

They wanted gold, sure, because gold is the way to the Philosopher's Stone, the Lapis Philosophorum. But if you think of gold as a shiny metal that can be found in the ground, you're wrong, at least in this reference to it.

HUMANS are gold. Have you ever looked at human blood under a microscope? It's not red, or blue, but a lovely amber-golden color. That should be the first big clue.

There are other species in the universe, but humans were supposed to be the pinnacle of God's work before we fell: we were to be immortal, to be godlike.

The Annunaki, the serpents, were cursed from their inception with mortality and baselessness, ergo they were on a quest to hunt down and take mankind's divinity; our gold, which would enable them to construct the Philosopher's Stone and achieve godhood.

Whether they were successful or not I can't say because not even I know the whole story. However I think the Annunaki interference may've actually caused the fall. Perhaps they were gunning for us even back then.

If they were successful, does that explain why our world has been in such a sorry state throughout human history? Are the ascendent Annunaki actually Ialdabaoth, the corrupt deity the Gnostics warned us about? I believe alien abductions and hybridization programs are still occurring. I truly believe that human genetic material is the key that ties all of these esoteric theories together.

This just came to me in a burst of inspiration so sorry if it came across as a little rambling.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Kobes death was an Illuminati BLOOD SACRIFICE to usher in the coronavirus

Dont misunderstand when I say this. We know from studies the Coronavirus was already IN THE AIR even a month ago when it supposedly "appeared" The truth is it had been here for years, just waiting to mutate like bad gas that never goes away.

The 5G control grid system begun being put into place a coupke of years ago, lets call the 5G the "activation" Switch, and the death of Kobe. Much like the sacrifice of the warrior in a tribe in the ancient Aztec or Celtic societies only served to enhance its power manyfold. The fear, anger, and distrust generated by his death was like a shot in the arm of stimulants that took there black magic to new heights.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The Corona Virus is a COVER UP!!! Bank Runs Will HAPPEN.

Think about it!!

For those fucking IDIOTS who think that Trump and Q are going to save us are DELUSIONAL.

Trump is part of the cabal, he is a FREEMASON.

Ask yourself this.. Why would he push 5G and 6G? he said that in his twitter post. Dont believe me? Look it up!!

Why are chemtrails still being sprayed???

Trump is NOT trying to take the socalled "deep state" and hollywood actors to jail...

Q and the Great awakening movement is a psy-op, so lazy FAT Americans can sit on their ass and let the so-called "ninjas or patriots" take out the deep state.

This world is a STAGE, all world leaders, politicians, democrats and republicans are all working together...

Wake the FUCK UP!! Only we are the LAST RESISTANCE

That being said..

They are not going to enact martial law or lockdown because they are "trying to arrest the deep state".

They are doing it because the stock market and entire finacial system is about to meltdown! Bank runs are going to happen. That is why they are trying to lock everything down!!!!

Just take a look at the Dow jones!! "It is at 19,000.

Once the market meltdowns next week, 401k will vanish and then the bank runs will happen. That is the real reason for this lockdown..

This virus is just the cover up/fake reason.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

There is no such thing as covid-19. This is a total illusion.

Hi Folks,

Welcome to the latest in false flag technology!

From the people who brought you fake vaccines, fake school shootings and fake planes melting sky scrapers at free fall speed, the latest in false flag technology is here at last.

And to ensure maximum effect like showing 2 buildings melt in NYC 19 years ago, in SF right now, the most brainwashed people on the planet are sheltering in place except for the fact that they can go to the grocery store, take the pets out and go to the pharmacy and if they work in the health field, they get a hall pass...

Because viruses have a sneeze radius of 6 feet and only old people die from the flu but everyone take off the rest of the semester from school because 20 year 4 to 24 year olds who don't die from the flu are in danger of getting the dreaded Chinese B Acting face falling bug.

Pah - leez!

This is all complete and total horsecrap.

Yeah, there's a gnarly little fever going around that lasts about a day and a half and you can kill it with wormwood. Everything else is horse shit!

They know a lot of us are waking up and they are afraid the rest of us WILL wake up...so they do what they always do...add a little fear into their reality so that they have one more shared trauma in their shared illusory reality to bond to each other and the TV and the latest from the talking heads on TV and the powers that direct...

Should we shelter in place? Suck it. Go out and sit in the sunshine. Laugh. Dance. Tell a joke.

Remember the idiots in North Korea fake crying when their leader died....

That's what we look like right now sitting on eggshells waiting for directions....

Should I stock more toilet paper? Oh no, what do I do?

Buy a $5 beday to spray your asshole with and hook it up to the splitter at the water feed at the base of your toilet...Problem solved.

Quit brushing your teeth with fluoride.

They are crashing the market and buying it all back up again and giving a nice chunk of money to their defense contractor who launders their fucking tax money...it's another big money grab for the rich.

AAAAAhhhh….here come the needles with the shots...here's a clue....if somebody pulls out a needle and you don't want it stuck in you, run them over with your fucking Chevy and don't look back.

Woooo hoooo!

ALL IS ONE IS ALL #fundie #crackpot #conspiracy #homophobia godlikeproductions.com

How MANY are GAY here and Hurting? COVID 19 is for you too.

COVID 19 is a Divine plan.. I have covered that.

All these cosmic energies... the spirit of God are flooding the planet.. yes the gamma rays too..

Beloveds, you are seeing how God the Trinity works... you are feeling its actions on this world.

During this time of coming to the Stand Still.. you get dear beloveds GAYS also the opportunity to grow and HEAL. To set examples... to help others...the pain on this world is great.....stand still and take the journey.

There are some of you here on this forum that are taking your discomfort with being Gay out on others.. and it looks NASTY...How does it feel when some of you do that.. take it out on others? NOT GOOD and I FEEL IT when you do it. This is the time to know who you are.. and why you have nasty behaviors around you discomfort with who you are that affront others.

The Creating Trinity has no issues with GAY on worlds such as this. NONE. It has no issues with Gays sharing life together.

I live in a retirement community and there are several KNOW gay couples here.

One of them I knew from the other community I lived in and I learned of some of their pain there. One of them passed this world not long after I moved to this new community.... and I know he left in PEACE and I know he was in Peace in those previous days at my other community...

You know. in this community of 55+ folks.. I have no seen any open discrimination anyway again the gay couples here. The ones I have met are lovely people in fact.

Love makes the world go round you know.. it makes the entire creation go round.

During this time of people being isolated and stood a bit more still out of their busy lives that leave so little time for insight... is your time to mature and grow and KNOW YOURSELVES.

Gay is not the only issues to confront.. there are so many.. but do to some very bad teaching teachings of some religious institutions... Gays have a big problem... with others hating them.... with their hateful God.. you know this one...Vengence is mine says the Lord... is a hateful statement thought to be from this sky jerk below who is a FIGMENT of imagination on this world and does not exist.


Becoming LIKE THE FATHER.. KNOWING ALL THINGS... means at some point in your lives eternal.. you will also KNOW about GAY. Its guaranteed.. because some of this just shows up in nature on all worlds.. there are some gay animals too you know.

So lets start a conversation.. OK.. IT COVID 19 time to find your divinity.. which is not your meat suit actually...

Did you know that in my global organization serving Christ Jesus ... we have gay members.. and they are at peace......

Did you know that some gays are advanced old souls here to help with this world? Sometimes you have to incarnate in a role in order to help others. To be LIKE them?

There are prostitute star seeds here on the planet too... they incarnate to work with those communities.. and while we think of prostitutes being women mostly.. there are lots of men engaging in that.

If one has no prostitute experience.. they often cannot reasonate into these communities... there is distrust of those who are NOT....

Are some of you Gays here.. incarnate on purpose to serve one of the great needs on this confused world at this time? To help with the HATE... God does not hate beloveds.. Creation happens in love.. always.

The issue on this world with gays and prosititues and many heterosecual relationships is abusive power control sex. Love where it is real.. is never


Some of you gay men had bad mother experiences or similar and detest women...

Some of you gay women had bad daddy experiences.. and you hate men.

Just but ONE consideration in the saga of what it means to be gay .... Those of you in this situation HURT.. it is of greatest importance on this world to have spiritual healthy parents to bring in and rase families.

How many of you gay or not on this forum grew up in terribly disfunctional families?

Do all of you are in terrible discomfort often with your OWN selves for any reason... have a chance to heal who you be NOW... the greatest chance every of this world.. the Millennial Reign of Christ Jesus began on Feb 5 a year ago...

Can you feel it now.. thru COVID 19?

I don't condone sucking dick though!

The creation doesn't condone it either.. it must be unlearned.. and sucking dick happens in heterosexuals too and anal sex by said dicks is the leading cause in these days on infertility in WOMEN...who cannot get pregnant because they reject SPERM. Sperm is foreign tissue and it does not belong in the rectum NOR THE MOUTH.

It is not the same as the foreign tissue of meat you eat once in your stomach.... It is a single strand DNA creation... as is the woman's egg too...

Some women get a condition called endometriosis... if one of their eggs doesn't get into a fallopian tube and drops into the pelvis.. I know that one.. I had endometriosis at one time and I eventually had my ovaries removed because of it.

The way things work.. men doesn't get an experience with ova in the wrong place in their bodies...

But due to the nature of sperm. it can be put in all sorts of places where it does not belong.

This is the biggy reason against anal sex... and people know NOT what they do.... Which is why truth must be brought to them.

In the case of gay men relationships.. they know not what they do..... They don't KNOW the above. They don't know the immune system is and how it works and what sperm is. If they knew they were killing their beloved ones.. when they are in partnership.. they could stop of it.

Sex is not love... its meant for procreation of the species... which should be awfully obvious on this world.. I mean plants do it too. Animals do it...

as to your DNA some of you in biology classes may know of Meiosis and Mitosis... Meiosis splits the two DNA strands... into separate single DNA strands which become "whole" again when ova and sperm meet up with each other. Mitosis replicates the double strands.. not splitting them.

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

This is no hoax.. this is from God

The governments know that God is not happy and is trying to get the world to repent. The Bible talks about pestilence, and wrath in the last days, but also forgiveness and hope to those who repent and believe in Christ.

Trump just tweeted that we are fighting an "invisible" enemy. They see God as their enemy. Bible says "He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation."

Yes, there are more plagues coming. Please turn to the Lord Jesus and let God lead you into all light, blessing and righteousness.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

It’s a hoax. It’s 911 all over again.

I put this here for the public record.

In my opinion, It's a big hoax. How do I know?

It's in the symptoms.

I had this in April of 2019. Yes. I had COVID-19 and I challenge a doctor to test me for antibodies to prove me wrong.

To all of you out there that are pushing this hoax onto the world. To you in positions of power and entertainment pushing this virus to collapse the global economy because of Trump AND Johnson (BREXIT), you can kiss my butt after a Coors Light dump. YES YOU CAN!


What finally convinced me was my woman and I, after returning from a trip to Florida, both got sick. Her first and me second. Terrible metallic taste in our mouths, chills, dry hack cough, and discolored gross tongues. It took four weeks for her to recover and six weeks for me, as I ended up with bacterial basal pneumonia. The meds the doc prescribed set me back for the extra two weeks because they were so strong. Through all of it, I only missed 4 days work.

At the time I chalked it up to burnout at work followed by too much partying in Florida. There were others in my sphere that had this too. It was going around.

Now that I realize what is going on, I am leaving isolation and carrying on as normal and going to tell anyone who asks me to isolate to f off. I hope that I get arrested so I make the news. I am in my 50's and facing layoff because of this.

If I am wrong, I catch it again and suffer the consequences. But deep down my instincts tell me I am bang on. This is a psyop. China probably is right that they did not start this. Or if they did, its been around a lot longer than has been claimed.

I present myself for testing as Exhibit A.

Remember all of those people in China yelling from their apartments at governments officials and media "it's all fake" and the media tried to say that they were referring to the recovery as fake? No they weren't, they were referring to the lockdown and isolation of people.

I don't care if you believe me or not at this stage...I am calling the media-government-entertainment industry response a big hoax to a virus. We get thousand of deaths the world over from virus annually. This is no different. People get sick and die. We are being lied to and instilled with fear. No one was testing for this until recently. How many past flu deaths were this virus?

Go live your life people. Ignore the fear. All will be fine. It's all BS because they want Trump gone.

MissMargo #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Global Reset NWO

Here is some apparent inside info you won't hear on the news:

This morning, at 4:30AM, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was served a criminal indictment by the US for corporate & financial crimes. Media owners were instructed to historically brainwash everyone that PM has Corona Virus with his wife and that they wont be leaving their house for a while.

Tom Hanks was arrested 48hrs ago for Pedophilia and he is currently being kept in a Hotel room in Australia refusing to fly back to USA. Next celebrity arrests will be Celion Dion, Madonna, Charley Barkley, Kevin Spacey - all will claim Corona virus infections.

Italy's airports have been completely shut down as over 80 of Vatican and financial officials have been served same criminal indictments for financial crime, pedophilia, child trafficking and sex abuse.

United Emirates have completed mass arrests of their own Royal Family & affiliates.

Convicted Hollywood rapist Harvey Weinstein agreed to a deal in exchange for his testimony against hundreds of top Hollywood celebrities and their involvement in the drug business, pedophilia and child trafficking. Instead of 55 year sentence, he only received 23y sentence. In exchange, he provided testimonies against some of the biggest & most powerful names including Prince Andrew of UK, former president Bill Clinton, former vice president Joe Biden, Tom Hanks, Oprah, Ellen DeGenerous, Quentin Tarantino, Charlie Sheen, Bob Saget, Kevin Spacey, John Travolta, Steven Spielberg, Podesta, NXIVM and PIZZAGATE sex trafficking clubs, and hundreds of more who all were directly involved with Jeffrey Epstein. In exchange of Jeffrey Epstein's testimony, he was allowed to make a deal and have his suicide in prison faked.

CEOs of some major world corporations have been indicted/arrested and some forced to resign all in the last 30-60 days, such as CEO of NBA, Harley Davidson, Gates Foundation, Intel, McDonald's, Cesar Awards, Vatican Chief of Police, Disney..etc Approximately 700-800 more resignations are coming in the next 3 months.

Lab-created Corona Virus is a cover up for mass mandatory vaccination agenda, as well a covert US Intelligence operation that the world has ever seen and this mass 158,000 arrest operation will remove & capture the biggest evil & corrupted politicians, celebrities and CEOs including global elites and bankers such as George Soros, UN officials, founders of GRETA INC.

Trump will win 2020 elections and arrests of former US presidents will occur in early 2021. All major arrests will be covered by media as an accident or conspiracy theory. All arrested individuals will be given "Rommel Death" meaning choice between suicide/accidental death in return for assurances that his/her reputation will remain intact, or face criminal trial that would result in public disgrace.

Some top religious leaders will be arrested or forced to resign, some will get "Sick" suddenly. Vatican will be the first and the Pope will be removed in 2020. Production of human extracted Adrenochrome will be revealed and Hollywood and Vatican will be directly responsible for it.

Coming up there will be a 2 month complete shut down of the worlds most common operations such as schools, stock exchange, some Banks, airports, shipping, travel, events, galas, expos, sport games, sport championships, music award ceremonies, NBA/NHL/Baseball games, ship cruises including food shortage and staged electricity power loss. Gas prices will go down, food costs will go up, insurance will go up, Gold/silver stocks will fall, many corporations will either bankrupt or take a significant financial loss such as whats about to happen to Air Canada, Disney and Coca Cola. H5N1 bird flu will be intentionally released this week out of China.

Welcome to the greater awakening. Global reset. NWO.

anwarfathy #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

the whole world is being scammed like fools an obvious scam in broad daylight

why are you panicking like this??
why are you acting like a mindless herd of sheep
why you let them play you like fools

it is a fucking hoax
even your president told you that

why are you keep on believing the liberal media ?
it just new super flu
that if it even exist

the normal seasonal flu viruses kills 1% and corona super flu virus kills 3% not big deal
every year normal seasonal flu viruses kills 50000 people
if they did not destroy corona, then all that will happens from it is that corona super flu virus will kill another 150000 human every year
this is "facts"
150000 worldwide every year is nothing, especially if you compared it with others cases of death like accident, natural causes of death and other diseases

and the most important thing is : "what panicking will help fore?"
everyone know that panicking will only worsen the situation by destroying the economy
do you want to be "both ill and poor" or "only ill" ??
if you have a tiny bit of logic and education you will realize that logically and scientifically panicking will not help at all
here in Egypt no one give a fuck at all to corona

because they will either make a vaccine for it soon and give it to everyone
or it will be seasonal disease like normal flu and it will never go away forever like normal flu virus
in both cases panicking will not help at all and it will just worsen the situation

the only danger her that corona could be a lot more dangerous than they are saying it is or that it could get mutated to be more infectious and deadly
like becoming airborne or/and killing more than 30% of the Patients

wake up, you are a human not a sheep !!!

my current theory is that the ones behind this are either the Sunni-Muslims or the liberal/Aquarian/ilumunati NWO or an alliance between both

i don't believe how billions can be scammed like this

Simonleluk #conspiracy #racist godlikeproductions.com

beware the yellow people

[link to www.economist.com (secure)]

usa -26%
uk -26%
canada -25%
brasil -27%
greece -20%
south africa -16%
australia -24%
italy -14%
turkey -17%
russia -12%
japan - 17%

Now, look at this:

(China) + 0,3%

...China, creator of the pandemic, has miraculously "recovered", has almost no more cases of coronavirus. The world is now beginning to feel the effects and panic about the disease. Who recovered first ?? China itself! It seems to be that this virus was a move by the Chinese government in response to the loss of the trade war with the United States. The goal: to throw the world into recession !!!
Is the scenario not clear? They are already growing! China bought almost everything it devalued on the stock exchanges around the world ... with that the Chinese became owners of the global companies that are in China and without the money leaving China.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com



They need YOUR energy to manifest events...

Good sheeple. Don't you know tv shows are called programming for a reason?

Your thoughts create reality. The collective consciousness co-creates this world/universe via quantum physics and then it is manifested and projected through the lens which is our eyes resulting in what we see.

So, if enough people read the same book or watch the same tv shows and movies and think about what they are reading or viewing they actually MANIFEST and create that future in our reality later on.

Why do you think a lot of the bible is coming true? It's probably the most read book on earth.

So you guys sit around letting the powers that be create shows like this and you all watch this programming everyday and then wonder why we have George Orwell's 1984 coming reality.. Terminator's Sky Net is supposedly becoming a reality... etc.

Now you watch this Last Man on Earth show and shows about Zombie Apocalypses, Vampires, Plagues and Pandemics.

You really need to realize this and be CAREFUL of what you allow in your mind... it is WAY more than just "entertainment". It's programming and events the elite use YOUR energy to manifest.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Salty Dawg here. COVID-19 and Jade Helm: A love story

This is short and sweet. Not much time.

NOW you know what JADE HELM training was all about.

Closed Walmarts were.......”refitted”. Nothing obvious right?

Plumbing upgrades, right?

Plumbing is....”underground”........right?

NOW is the time to trust what you SEE, Trust who you know is trustworthy.

Above ALL else......

READ “BETWEEN” the lines.

232 #crackpot #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Israel and American Independence days until Today - Fulfilling Bible Prophecy ~ Revealing The Deepest Meaning of Pi and Phi-The Golden Ratio

A1 B2 C3 D4 E5 F6 G7 H8 I9 J10 K11 L12 M13 N14 O15 P16 Q17 R18 S19 T20 U21 V22 W23 X24 Y25 Z26

Thirty = 100 - Hundred = 74

Sixty = 97 - Ninety Seven = 152

Hundred = 74 - Seventy Four = 170

Mark Four Eight = 152

Mark 4:8

And other fell on good Ground 79, and did yield Fruit 74 that sprang up and increased; and brought forth, some Thirty, and some Sixty, and some an Hundred.


JESUS = 74

Seventy Nine = 152

Anonymous Coward 78612126 #conspiracy #racist #wingnut godlikeproductions.com

Pirbright Institute/MIGAL (Israel) Donor Bill Gates and the Coronavirus Crime Against Humanity

Stepping down from Microsoft Board is happening, but phony cover.

Bill Gates is telling the Chinese of the bioweapon terrorist attack he's had a part in on behalf of the Deep State/New World Order/Rothschild Zionist mafia based in London and Tel Aviv. Gates helped fund the creation of the weaponized coronavirus via the Pirbright Institute to help their dreams of mass population reduction and control.

Dr. Charles Lieber of Harvard University arrested. His connection to Pirbright and MIGAL is under investigation.

Israel's MIGAL (Galilee Research Institute) just happens to have a vaccine ready for trials in a week or two? BS.

Trump is locking down America, getting families together, and getting everyone's attention as he puts an end to this mass treason and gives the world the full narrative of what has been going on.

Are you ready for the apocalypse (unveiling)? Declass and long-awaited arrests?

The 16-year plan is thwarted. KAG 2020.

ex illuminati #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

I may be killed for leaking part of the masterscript

Once they close the borders, starting with 2 countries.

April: Corona doubles in West Europe

Some countries not prepared

Then major incident May/June happens related to US-Russia

Internet lines will be cut

Combination of No internet / No Information Plus Increase Corona

All borders on lock-down

In the end phase selected cities on lockdown for the Purge

Then the shootings start happening

They release all the Manchurians at once in 28 memberstates

Hidden citizens with arms license will do havoc in the dark

It will be bad... police has no idea what is going on

Police suicides start

Then the Poles Shift... Banks fall due to 3 new problems

The Russian flag will fly over Europe but first a Biblical Islamic- Christian war for 13 years

Then the Children will be discarded (already ongoing)
image(Shocked cat: I HAVE SEEN THE END. No one was spared, not even THE CHILDREN]

Light of my Little Left Eye #crackpot #fundie godlikeproductions.com

The Lilith Lie

From what I have gathered, many of you think of the WoS as an evil temptress consort to the nobody.

Does this remind you of anyone else...?
I cannot help but remember that God felt the same way about Lilith, and cast her out.

She was despised, and is often considered the consort of Lucifer.
The thing is, the Anomally is Lucifer himself.

Redemption is the theme of the new aeon, the word that has been forgotten and lost and which crowley failed to declare.

If lucifer struggles to be redeemed to the zeitgeist, Lilith struggles even moreso because she has been shunned, forgotten, and discarded.

Her secrets are so great, so deep, so unfathomally vast that consciousness cannot bear to even look upon her shadow.

@the cry of the third aethyr

There is a mocking voice: Thou art become immortal. Thou wouldst look upon the face of the Magician and thou hast not beheld him because of his Magick veils.

(Don't torture me!)

Thus are all they fallen into the power of Lilith, who have dared to look upon his face.

The shew-stone is all black and corrupt. O filth! filth! filth!

And this is her great blasphemy: that she hath taken the name of the First Aethyr24, and bound it on her brow, and added thereunto the shameless yod and the tau for the sign of the Cross.

She it is that squatteth upon the Crucifix, for the nastiness of her pleasure. So that they that worship Christ suck up her filth upon their tongues, and therefore their breaths stink25.

I was saved from that Horror by a black shining Triangle, with apex upwards26, that came upon the face of the sun.

And now the shew-stone is all clear and beautiful again.

The pure pale gold of a fair maiden's hair, and the green of her girdle, and the deep soft blue of her eyes.

Note. --- In this the gold is Kether, the blue is Chokmah, the green is Binah.

Thus she appeareth in the Aethyr, adorned with flowers and gems. It seems that she hath incarnated herself upon earth, and that she will appear manifest in a certain office in the Temple.

I have seen some picture like her face; I cannot think what picture. It is a piquant face, with smiling eyes and lips; the ears are small and pink, the complexion is fair, but not transparent; not as fair as one would expect from the hair and eyes. It is rather an impudent face, rather small, very pretty; the nose very slightly less than straight, well- proportioned, rather large nostrils. Full of vitality, the whole thing. Now very tall, rather slim and graceful; a good dancer.

There is another girl behind her, with sparkling eyes, mischievous, a smile showing beautiful white teeth; an ideal Spanish girl, but fair. Very vivacious. Only her head is visible, and now it is veiled by a black sun, casting forth dull rays of black and gold.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The Planet is Being Cleansed - Corona Virus is a "Cover"

We were told years ago that there would be an event that would quarantine America and possibly the planet, in order to make global mass arrests. We were encouraged to stock up on food, water and supplies. We were also instructed to remain calm. Marshall law may be implemented to keep people off the street while these arrests occur. Schools would be closed, flights grounded, airports closed, etc.


Because the people being arrested for participating in corruption and worldwide pedophilia and human trafficking, crimes against humanity, TREASON, murder, rape etc is massive and effects every aspect of society. This includes Hollywood entertainers, NBA and NFL athletes and staff, politicians, pastors, banking CEOs, corporate heads, school officials, coaches and educators. Some of your doctors, lawyers, judges, college professors, school teachers, police officers and chiefs, firemen, business owners, airport workers, pilots, bankers, priests, everyday people are currently being arrested for their crimes against humanity. A lot of them are involved in nefarious behaviors and secret societies, so the masses have not been privy to their wrong doings, ritualistic abuse, child sex trafficking, child hunting parties, ritualistic murders, drug trafficking, involvement in underground activities in the Deep Underground Military Bases (D.U.M.B.S.) etc...

This is why some of us reported on a notable resignation list for two years. Many people were on that list under the guise of resignation. We also reported on military tribunals which began January, 2019. Some of us watched military tribunals take place on c-vine dot com. The corruption is huge. POTUS asked that people not be in crowds. One reason other than catching the virus is because the deep-state NWO corrupt leaders could attempt to retaliate, since they know that we have been involved in a covert operation against them. Be safe.

The planet is being cleansed. The Corona virus is a "cover"

While it is true that the deepstate/global NWO elites created the virus and attempted to infect the masses, Trump and the global Alliance co-opted the operation and used it as a cover to arrest global elites, including the POPE and the UN-royal family, politicians and Hollywood elites. The mainstream media will announce that folks came down with the virus. Actually, they've been arrested. Some have been at GITMO for a while, actually. At some point an announcement will be made.

Remain calm and be stocked up. Those people who don't have food and supplies will have an opportunity to get it from neighbors or the military because troops will likely be on the ground to 1) make arrest and 2) keep everyone calm. A curfew may be implemented.

We were instructed also that new monetary policies and our new gold-backed system will be implemented and trillions injected into the economy, AFTER the global mass arrests. Otherwise, these nefarious beings would have once again, stolen our wealth and re-empowered themselves. Soon, the Republic, our lawful government, will be restored and constitutional law. Be encouraged. Things are finally getting better for humanity.

Agent Kilroy #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Microwave, ELF, EHF, and EMF... If you've clicked on this thread, you likely know what I'm talking about.

I have known of the HAARP for over half of my life. The knowledge I have of the HAARP in particular, I obtained from a former government agent, whom I will call GB for now (who has since passed away). I had, and still do, have great respect for GB because of their hand in protecting the American people. I ask that you send a 'thank you' to the sky for them.

But, that isn't the story we're gathered for today.

To simplify- No, liberals and educationally-failed, mentally-fried and unstable youth, the HAARP is NOT a conspiracy. Unless you eat tide pods and also believe that you're living on a flat earth, then go ahead and deny it; you're already FUBAR'd.

With that said, I now make my point-

I am confident in my accuracy to assume that many people (on this forum and beyond) have personally felt, heard and or seen, effects of the HAARP, known formally as the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program.

On the contrary, the HAARP is not limited to EHF (extremely high frequency).
Researchers have concluded that the HAARP's frequencies can vary quite drastically.

-The friendly topic of discussion-

Does anybody here want to share their stories of the HAARP, Woodpecker, or 5G/GWEN tower experiences?

Personally, I have had many experiences with the HAARP and recently, 5G.

Back before 5G was a "thing" that the brainwashed and individuality-squandered youth worshiped, there was just the HAARP.

Alas, now we have multiple HAARPs planted around the world, even the miniature 5G (basically being used as miniature Tesla/HAARPs)
Yes, did you know that the HAARP was based on an invention by Nikola Tesla before he was murdered? I may start a second thread someday discussing Tesla's original creation.

I often noticed the usage and effects of the HAARP mostly during elections (as they have to keep the masses delirious during times of vital decision making), just BEFORE large events (such as the 'BIG NEWS' hurricanes, mass tornado outbreaks, terroristic events, etc).
Again, these experiences are often felt before something 'big'/growth of agendas are taking place.

- Symptoms (multiple or individual)-

- Headaches/Migraines
They begin on a dime and dissipate just as quickly as they begin and they can start at a certain time every day for days/weeks on end- unlike any other headaches.

- Dialup/Digital Tones
They feel embedded in your head, sometimes you will hear one frequency and someone else hears another (or nothing) due to multiple-frequency blasting.

- Body Pulsating
Can be felt in your head, chest, or even whole body, especially while attempting to sleep or relax.

-Frequent Déjà Vu
Which can last for seconds, minutes, and I've even had déjà vu to attack multiple times throughout an entire day.

- Confusion
Such as walking into rooms or going to locations and realizing that there was no reason to be there- these are often called subliminal suggestions, which cause you to do things subconsciously until you begin questioning yourself.

- Anxiety
Sudden onset of anxiety while doing daily tasks that are not of concern to you.

- Anger
Unexplained anger, disgust, rage, or irritability over nothing, often towards other people, or pets.

- Depression
Unexplainable depression can be caused, and can come from nowhere; lasting for only minutes, hours or even days.

- Muscle Reactions
Mild to violent involuntary muscle spasms (not caused by exercise, excessive sodium intake, or dehydration) ranging from back, thigh, calf, groin, upper arm, forearm, neck and even facial. The sudden involuntary jerking of muscles has also been reported.

- Lethargic Behavior
Feeling unrested, achy and lazy for no reason; feeling mentally aware but physically unable to gather any strength.

- Communication and Thought Blocking
Temporarily forgetting what you were going to say/do, difficulty retrieving basic words and struggling with general communication skills; often occurring throughout the day, lasting days and even weeks.

- Balance Issues
Loss of balance sitting, standing or even walking. Or as I call them, random gravity checks.

- Mild Electrical Shocks and Static
Being awoken in the middle of the night by sharp shock and jolt throughout your body, or your head. The sensation of static/hair anywhere or everywhere on your body, it can be extremely annoying.

I do not wish the HAARP's effects on anybody... (Besides maybe the NWO elitists).
However, over my lifetime, I have compiled a collection of HAARP/5G combating strategies that I always go-to when I feel like something is going digitally-rogue in my environment, or I feel like governmental brainwashing is dancing in the air.

-Combat the Wash with LARD-

- Look yourself in the mirror and focus on the consciousness in your eyes.

- Assign a computer-language "command" to lock the HAARP out of your energy field, such as "entry denied", "access denied", " you are not authorized to enter". Again, sounds silly, but can be quite effective, especially for ringing/digital-tones being sent into your head.

- Remind yourself of your full name, (even though it feels a bit strange).
"My name is: John Jay Doe, I am 45 years old and I live on 12345 Appleseed Drive". Reminding your conscious and subconscious who you are and your confidence in your identity is key. Of you're under any sort of mental attack, you can feel a shift in your consciousness when you focus on who YOU are. Either recite mentally or recite out loud. Sure, it feels silly, sounds silly, but it works.

- Do something completely off-the-wall.
Effective for breaking long-lasting déjà vu. If you're walking through the room and déjà vu follows you for minutes on end, stop walking, turn around, do a side-step, and maybe even try a dance move. Do something out of character to disturb the "algorithm" of your déjà vu. Repeat as many times as needed until you feel separated from the waves.

That is all I have for now.

Maybe others will share their stories and bring some more minds to this topic.

If I have missed any effects of the HAARP or 5G, please comment and I will try to add the detail to the lost above.

Seagull Lake #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

A Theory: COVID19 is a Deep State Asymmetrical Attack on Trump

Ok, Hear me out.

For some reason, the sociopaths running the Deep State need Trump out and the withered husk of Biden in. (or Hilary)

They realized Trump would be swept in on a bustling economy into his second term. They have tried nearly everything to bring him down.

Now this.

It’s the Chinese who “released” it, who are the chosen society for the NWO.
Somehow the CDC screws up the testing kits.

Somehow a large group of certain persuasion get sick in NY. A person of that same persuasion goes to CPAC and infects Republicans.

Somehow all the media is blaming Trump.

Somehow left wing Tom Hanks conveniently comes down with the virus.

SEVENTH HEAD #conspiracy #crackpot godlikeproductions.com

IT'S JUST ALIENS! (coming in the next weeks).

Maybe some of you already know me and my story.

Mid-JAN 2020, when the covid-19 just popped up in the threads and news, I announced on GLP something BIG coming. Here we are with the worldwide pandemic and the start of the world economic collapse.

Since years, when many wrong assumptions about the biblical end times were debated, I said that the Anointed One, the ruler, would come before early MAY 2020, deadline for the 1,260 days Two Witnesses' ministry to begin, one of them being that Anointed One (not Christ who, however, comes with him).

I also repeatedly said that the angels of God are benevolent aliens who will take us two (Eve and myself) at Orléans, France, to later become William and Kate in UK as the future Two Witnesses.

One of the main ET intel (mid-2009) mentioned something BIG starting on 'Sunday from 16:00 / 16:30' beyond which we will be provided with a triple reward once back on earth.

It happens that we have a major 'May cycle' (a yearly period starting on May, with a longer cycle of 7 years). The same way Sunday is the 7th day of the week, the period MAY 2019 - APR 2020 is the seventh year of that longer cycle, with a year being a 'day' for them, and major turning points occured in MAY 2006 and MAY 2013.

With a 'day' being a year, an 'hour' is a fortnight (15 days). On JAN 1st 2020 it was '16:00' of that 7th cycle / 'day'. The covid-19 story started to pop up, as induced in that vision, between '16:00 and 16:30' (first half of JAN 2020).

So, once the earth will fully struggle with this virus, and that the world economic collapse will be inevitable, the aliens will enter the place in APR 2020 throught the Cambridge family, as the new William & Kate (future Two Witnesses), the new George (Christ returned) and his two siblings, Charlotte and Louis (two angels), LEADERS OF THE BENEVOLENT ALIENS, coming to fight the future antichrist (Harry once Satan is hurled down in his body in 3.5 years from now) and his minions (fallen angels).

So, technically speaking, the end times, from the Bible perspective, will start in APR 2020!

We expect, without certainty, however, the Orléans UFO event to take place next FRIDAY 13, still 3/13/20 in one of the US time zone.

From that moment on, the earth will start to count the UFO cases like it counts the covid-19 cases. First slowly, then with clusters, then with massive appearances.

GLP is always ahead of events, indeed.

Bunnygrunts #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Corona Virus is not a virus, nor a weapon. It is AI coming full circle

I truly thing that the Coronavirus is a problem-solution system created by a deep think AI technology type of situation.

What does it do?

1. Creates Isolation
2. Creates Fear
3 Protects kids
4. No remorse for older people
5. Creates addiction to the AI (all socials) itself.
Has the ability to hypnotize
6. No compassion (it's a machine after all, and in science, it's all for the better good , right?

7. The solution will come, and IT will be praised for the solution to this problem.

In the meantime, the exponential rate of this AI's ability to understand the most complex human "emotions" as well as even potentially implant nano/ quantum cells by doing the (swabs), right into the nose or throat, thus, invading the neo cortex, right along with the addiction and reliance that the two month isolation has caused.

This is AI at it's finest.
Everything you thought you knew, is gone. Humans will soon be synced to computers, and your mind will never be YOUR mind nor YOUR soul again. The only thing you will relate to as far as feelings, will come from the info that the AI collected. And 2020 will have been a big year for AI in the "feelings" department. Truly scary stuff.

300 #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Deep State Attack on the USA: WHO declares 'pandemic' - demands national quarantine and medical genocide

Trump won't give them what they want - a national emergency and quarantine declaration where they can, then, lockdown, shutdown, and medically genocide Americans en masse.

They've gotten their duped muppet governors and local officials to make their own declarations - but Trump is standing against them and for YOU. For if they shut the USA down and are able to widely implement, it's all over...

EBIYEH #fundie godlikeproductions.com


It's might even come becuase of the music you listen to..the people you hang around the tv show you watched etc many factors..the people you used to know etc ... but know that you are NOT depressed you are only sad ..depression is coming from devils and demons you just have to pray them away using name of Jesus Christ ...get around go for a walk ..LEAVE THAT THOUGHT PROCESS you have to refuse it rebuke it in Jesus Christ..or just change the music or change your circle of influence change your life follow Jesus Christ... change all your habits change everything and everyone around you change your circle and follow Jesus Christ...please it will pass ....they might even start suggesting to you to KILL YOURSELF please don't let them drive you there ..cuz suicide will make everything worse and when you crossed over you will see that life was actually beautiful and you were just in a season...

You are NOT depressed..you are only sad...depression is from an out side force not from within...its only within when you have removed GOD or wouldn't let him in...and have replaced him with with something else that should NOT be there say people places or things...beware follow Jesus Christ...

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy #fundie godlikeproductions.com

What if this is a distraction from the rapture? Like they dont want people to know God is real?

What if they know exactly when the rapture is and they want to minimize exposure to it like planes falling out of the sky.

If I was the satanic forces running this place, Id try to hide Gods presence from the nonbelievers too.

Something is definitely off here. Everyone everywhere is talking about a 2 week shutdown.

What are they planning?

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

(ELE) Extinction Level Event Covid 19 and Eco Terrorism

Time is short, research it for yourself. Covid 19 was lab created, but not by the Chinese Government, but by an eco terrorist that wants to rid the planet of humans, so that nature and Earth can repair itself. They view other humans as parasites.

The coronavirus has four HIV-1 insertions in its RNA. A coronavirus was used because it is highly contagious and this version in and of itself deadly. However, most of the illness you are seeing among the ones who are severely ill is nothing more than a seroconversion syndrome, not unlike one that HIV causes in about the same percentage of the people it infects in the early stage, however, unlike Covid 19, that does not kill the host.

You will not get natural immunity from Covid 19 and will get it again and again and again. For those that live long enough, within several years, they will begin to die from an AIDS like illness.

There will be no vaccine. For the following reasons and you can research it yourself and again I ask you too:

"... vaccine development for coronaviruses faces many challenges. First, for mucosal infections, natural infection does not prevent subsequent infection, and so vaccines must either induce better immunity than the original virus or must at least lessen the disease incurred during a secondary infection."

Because of how this virus was designed and its relation to HIV-1, that is why you will read about people with severe infections having their CD4 cells falling. That is how HIV kills you. This is also why in China they began giving people HIV medication in the hospital to see if it would work.

Again, please research. Notice that the Governments around the world half try to contain it (The CCP outright lies about its numbers). They make the appearance that something is being done, but they already know the outcome.

How many times can you survive Covid 19 and its mutations? And if you do, how will you stop the destruction of your immune system?

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

WHAT IF THE TOXINS ARE IN CHEMTRAILS (CHAF)? Its raining now, crap could be everywhere

Just a thought. What if they are seeding the clouds with some crap that falls w the rain? Doesn't even need to be conrona, could be 'other.'

Seeing its raining now could be dumping toxins everywhere. Especially West coast where they get hammered with chemtrails. International flights could be dumping. Deep state could be dumping. UN dumping.

I would suggest leaving your dash air setting on "circulate" so you don't breath the road kill and air grime. At least till the panic is off and we sort this crap out.

If people start vanishing, I would look at the chemtrails, then DC. Only believe those you trust and trust needs to be earned

stop eating the pork #crackpot godlikeproductions.com

During ATLANTIS: Pigs where created by combining Wild Boar & Human DNA = PORK FACTS = Hybrid Cannibalism!

friendly reminder that pigs are a genetic hybrid between boars and humans which is why pig organs can be used in human bodies

they are forbidden in judiasm and islam because they remember how pigs were created in atlantis

[smiling heart with flowers in hand]

Anonymous Coward 78460667 #crackpot #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Atlantis origin of world civilization cover up !

take the example of "egypt" how can we believe that overnight we create pyramids with a writing system, I don't think for a minute, it's the same for the Mayan pyramids I don't 'do not believe it for 1 minute that it is the local populations who are at the origin of this sophisticated culture, reality and truth.

is that all this is based on the culture of Atlantis which is disguised through these cultures falsely called South American or Egyptian, the problem is that to know what really happened we must go back to a period 11,000 years or more, I find it commendable to base ourselves on the writings of the ancient Greeks but that is not enough because we have an ante-diluvian culture so the problem is that the Greek stories did not take into account account for that so this is obsolete, it is the same for the Dogons an inexplicable culture about the sirius system (A, B, C)
the problem here is that this tribe has astrophysical knowledge which exceeds all understanding, even with standard telescopes you can not see these stars, in my opinion,

the civilizing gods who taught these people are the survivors of Atlantis.
Obviously the official history is false because already the official history this base on Darwinism therefore to speak about the flood, the extraterrestrials, Atlantis etc ... is a blasphemy

except the false official history tells us that all this is human development etc ... in evolution bullshit it is on the occult class illuminati give us mythological truths but not the historical truth to drown us in the lie, satan wants to deceive the world and he succeeded his project by engineering

Anonymous Coward #ufo #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

I think my wife is a reptilian

Been together for a very long time and noticed some strangeness over the years.

First time i was going down on her and i happened to look up at her and seen her eyes looked freaky like slits and her face looked different, she immediately lowered her head back back on to the pillow and i continued doing what i was doing all the while thinking what the fuck just happened.

I put it down to i was probably just seeing things , the room was a little dark , i was looking from an usual angle .....blah blah blah.

But then i started to notice other things like her eyes change and become snake like when she is caught out lying or doing something wrong and let me tell you this woman lies about everything and apart from that she is the most self centered person i have ever known.

Im not sure if these character traits are from her alcoholism but one thing i am dam sure of is that alcohol cannot make your eyes change.

anybody else had similar experiences with friends or family ? or should i consider myself insane.

Anonymous Coward #quack #crackpot godlikeproductions.com



They need YOUR energy to manifest events...

Good sheeple. Don't you know tv shows are called programming for a reason?

Your thoughts create reality. The collective consciousness co-creates this world/universe via quantum physics and then it is manifested and projected through the lens which is our eyes resulting in what we see.

So, if enough people read the same book or watch the same tv shows and movies and think about what they are reading or viewing they actually MANIFEST and create that future in our reality later on.

Why do you think a lot of the bible is coming true? It's probably the most read book on earth.

So you guys sit around letting the powers that be create shows like this and you all watch this programming everyday and then wonder why we have George Orwell's 1984 coming reality.. Terminator's Sky Net is supposedly becoming a reality... etc.

Now you watch this Last Man on Earth show and shows about Zombie Apocalypses, Vampires, Plagues and Pandemics.

You really need to realize this and be CAREFUL of what you allow in your mind... it is WAY more than just "entertainment". It's programming and events the elite use YOUR energy to manifest.

Consciousness Creates Reality - Quantum Physics Explains

Have you ever seen yourself through the eyes of someone else that you have become, and looked at yourself through the eyes of the ultimate observer?

Who are we? Where do we come from? And what is our purpose in life?

In a world full of endless possibilities, why do we keep creating the same realities?

Isn’t it amazing that we have so many options and potentials that exist and yet we are unaware of them?

Is it possible that we are so conditioned to our daily routines and the way we create our lives, that we buy the idea that we have no control at all?

We have been conditioned to believe that the external world is more real the internal world. This new way at looking at science is just the opposite. It says what’s happening within us will create what’s happening outside of us.

“Consciousness creates reality.” This statement has changed the scientific and medical landscape, and alternative media outlets around the world.

Countless scientists study this idea and how it might be correlated with the nature of our reality.

It raises the question, what is consciousness?

Consciousness includes a number of things. It’s how we perceive our world, it’s our thoughts and intentions, it’s being aware, and so much more.

“Looking for consciousness in the brain is like looking in the radio for the announcer.”

– Nasseim Haramein, Director of Research for the Resonance Project

The notion that “consciousness creates reality” raises so many questions. Does this mean we as individuals (and on a collective level, as one human race) can shape and create whatever reality we’d like for ourselves? Does it mean we can manifest a certain lifestyle, and attract certain experiences?

EBIYEH #fundie godlikeproductions.com

IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE IN GOD,,.... Please listen to this...

after eating GOD's food all your life... threading his earth,... enjoying his sun rays ....breathing his oxygen..refusing his love by denying his son too.. and using the body he gave you as for his temple for yourself all the while DENYING HE EVEN EXIST ...ask yourself where did you think you were going to end up when you finally die??

death is not the end...there is a death that is far more worse...this death is ongoing it never ends but its perperual and ongoing forever...see repent from unbelief...these things i said i have said because i love you...seek GOD now while he may still be found for its written....

Matthew 7:7 KJV
jesus Christ the king said ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:

Jesus Christ is lord of lords and king of kings.

Various conspiracy theorists #sexist #wingnut godlikeproductions.com

(Just a few of the post in the thread)

(Anonymous Coward #77452378)
Why are conservative women so hot compared to liberal women?

Pam Bondi vs Pamela Karlan

One is a beautiful smart woman and the other is a screaming MAN.

(Miss Bunny Swan)
Ugly inside = ugly outside


Ugly inside = ugly outside

That sums it up quite well.

Nothing more needs to be said.

Separation from GOD shows itself in many ways

(Anonymous Coward #72775181)
Its simply the fact the liberal women embrace and live the "nasty woman" ideas promoted by their leaders. Anything devoid of morals, respect etc is accepted and practiced.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy #fundie godlikeproductions.com

They killed Kobe because of his faith in Jesus

He attended the 7am mass at Our Lady Queen of Angels in Newport Beach before leaving from John Wayne Airport.
He no doubt “fulfilled” his contract and instead of being an evil secular person he was a Christian so they assassinated him.


Technobabble Award

Satchidananda #quack #conspiracy #crackpot godlikeproductions.com

List of Deep State Suppressed and Alternate Exotic Healing Technologies already Disclosed and Available for Public Usage

Here is the List of Deep State Suppressed and Exotic Technologies for alternate health/Healing already Disclosed and Available. They have not only been available for quite sometime now but are in fact largely affordable.

1. Tachyon Transmitters / Tesla Energy Plates:

Tahyons are faster than light particles that when come into contact with life forms, restore back to balance the SOEFs (Subtle self-Organizing plasma Energy Fields) that all living things are made of.

A surrogate tachyon flow, in the form of a Tachyonized material, bridges and nourishes the system, offering it the needed energies to energetically return to wholeness and health, and if possible, the physical body would follow and healing and balance would be restored.

Tachyonized devices provide very quick relief and healing when placed on affected part of the body for 10-20 minutes and have no side affects from overuse.

These are available as Tesla Purple Energy Plates from EIP and other vendors on Amazon, eBay, Etsy.
Also available from tachyonized H20/CBD/silica/quartz producers like planet-tachyon . com

2. GANS Plasma Devices:

First introduced by Mehran Keshe of Keshe Foundation, GANS (GAs in a Nano Solid state) is a transceiver (transmitter cum receiver) of MAGRAV (Magnetic & Gravitational) Plasma Energy Fields. They have a crystalline structure and each GANS is like a mini Sun.

They have great healing qualities, being crystalline, GANS can be directed as per human intent, have a tendency to flow from a stronger plasma field to a weaker field and benefit all life forms within the field including countering nutrient deficiencies without any danger of side effects from over exposure.

Keshe has successfully demonstrated their usage for reducing power consumption, as a standalone dynamo, free energy over unity device while research continues for their usage for propulsion and space travel applications.

Those GANS which are useful including ZNO GANS for emotions, CO2 GANS for overall Health, CH3 GANS for energy and cell division and CuO2 GANS for muscle and tendon health can be applied externally or by consumption of the plasma water in contact with the GANS and are available directly from Keshe Foundation site, foundation members like plasmainnature or from multiple vendors on eBay / Etsy.

3. Scalar Wave Generators:

Scalar waves are known as transverse waves. Scalar energy is closer in its properties to magnetism. It is composed of fifth-dimensional, non-linear, non-Hertzian standing waves. Instead of being focused in beams or running along wires, it tends to fill its environment. Scalar energy is created when two common electromagnetic waves come together from two opposite converging vectors. When the energy vectors meet, the equal frequencies cancel each other leaving a static or stationary form of energy andzero frequency - this is the Scalar Zero Point Energy field.

Scalar field returns the body to a more original and appropriate electrical matrix. A scalar energy field with health-boosting properties is generated by the device which envelopes everything exposed to it. One of the key benefits this provides is that it helps keep the electrical charge across cell membranes at an optimal level.

MAny passive scalar pendants on the market that use lava and minerals but those are not strong enough.

Powered scalar devices are offered by Quwave . com at different solfegio frequencies while different Bifilar / SBB / Mobius Coils are available at multiple eCommerce sites.

Scalar fields don't neutralize EMF strength but prevent the harmonics in EMF from harming the living cells.

4. Tensor Rings:

These are based on the research of Slim Spurling. A Tensor-Ring is an infinite source of energy, which is neither electric nor magnetic. The energy produced by the Tensor ring is healing for all life forms on earth.

Tensor Rings are made from super conductive material such as copper combined with ancient units of measurement called cubits. The Royal Cubit measurement creates tensor rings that vibrate at a frequency of 144 mHz. This frequency is grounding, stabilizing, and transformative in nature. Tensor Rings generate torroidal vortices similar to a smoke ring. They also establish a tensor field across the opening of the ring.

These are available as bracelets, genesa crystals, acuvac coils, feedback loops and environmental and agricultural harmonizers. Main suppliers include LightLifeTechnology, TwistedSage and CoreHealingIndia other than those on eBay.

5. Torsion field Devices:

A torsion field (also called axion field, spin field, spinor field, and microlepton field) is caused by a quantum spin of particles which can be used to cause emanations to carry information through vacuum orders of magnitude faster than the speed of light.

All crystals, basically anything with crystalline structure including gemstones & water when supplied with an external source of power or with peizoelectric effect generated upon compression, start generating scalar torsion spin fields. These fields can also be generated through various shaped electric coils.

When the spin is counter-clockwise (right handed spin) also known as Levro-rotation (vs Dextro-rotation), the resulting spin or torsion field is healing and beneficial in nature. Based on how the crystal has been programmed with Intention or by permanently engraving it with information at the nano level, a quantum entanglement can be established with the target to which the required energy(information field) can be transmitted.

Known manufacturers include wavegenome . com with their personalized nano-engraved TESLA PSI Generators and powerforms and Torsion spin based EMF pendants and stickers on Amazon.

6. Orgonite / Aetheric devices:

Orgone is nothing but the term coined by Wilhelm Reich and later expanded by Karl Hans Welz and Don Croft for Life force / ether / Prana / Chi / Qi / Vrill, etc.

Any alternate layer of Resin/Wool (Organic) with Metals like Aluminium/Copper/Steel shavings/wires/coils/sponges causes orgone energy to accumulate in between.
Orgone that is stagnant is known as DOR (Diseased/Deadly Orgone) while free flowing Orgone is POR (Positive Orgone) which is Life Nourishing.

When a crystal is embedded in orgonite matrix, under piezoelectric effect as described in Point 5. , a torsion field is produced which based on the programming in the crystal can then be used for radionics / intention / wish fulfillment purposes or for the purpose of environmental cleansing and EMF protection as in the case of orgone tower busters and cloud busters.

Multiple vendors can be found across ebay, amazon, etsy.

A new way of programming orgone has been achieved by aetheric . org and Loohan . com with just resin and without any traditionally used metal shavings or crystals though programming the resin to develop a crystalline latice while it sets in the mould.

7. Zappers:

Royal Rife and Dr. Clark's zapper are devices which kill bacteria, viruses, molds, parasites and fungi electrically by zapping them with their resonant frequencies. The Zapping also raises anion levels in blood under which parasites cant survive.

8. TENS Therapy:

Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) therapy involves the use of low-voltage electric currents to treat pain. Electrodes or mediums for electricity to travel to the body, placed on the body at the site of pain deliver electricity that travels through the nerve fibers.It stimulates the nerves for therapeutic purposes.

Useful in breakdown of toxins and weight loss through reduction of subcutaneous fat.

9. MWO - MultiWave Oscillators - Lakhovsky Coils:

Russian scientist and inventor Georges Lakhovsky (1870-1942) stated that all cells of living beings emit and receive radiation and that altering their natural vibration causes them to lose vitality and malfunction. He also said that all cells are in resonance with two types of radiation: those coming from the interior of the Earth (telluric, and those coming from space), cosmic, including solar radiation. So as long as they vibrate harmonically resonating with them you will be healthy. George Lakhovsky had a 98% success rate in treating fatal cancers over an 11-year period.

MWO coil can modify, receive, and transmit frequencies, its design is based on the vacuum geometry. Available from multiple vendors including Aplicum and Metayantra.

10. PEMF Generators:

Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy, also known as low field magnetic stimulation uses electromagnetic fields in an attempt to heal non-union fractures and depression. evices that utilize PEMF technology emit electromagnetic waves at different frequencies in order to stimulate and encourage your body's natural recovery process.

11. Far Infra Red (FIR) Therapy:

Studies demonstrate that far infrared helps enhance circulation in the skin, modulate sleep, ease pain, protect against oxidative stress, and relieve inflammation. The benefits of far infrared therapy are enhanced by stones like jade and tourmaline that emit FIR upon heating, which helps healing heat penetrate deeper while producing soothing negative ions.

FIR therapy available from FIR heaters, Korean Jade & Tourmaline Mats and FIR Lamps.

12. Stem Cell Therapy:

You might have heard of banned and exhorbitanty costly stem cell therapy. Buy Stem Cell Patches and satchets have been available for rejuvenation and age reversal.

Available from Lifewave X39 as patches, cheaper ones from Malaysia available as Grape & Apple fruit stem cells satchets taken on empty stomach in the morning.

13. Negative Ion Generators:

Anions or Negative ions clear the air of airborne allergens such as pollen, mold spores, bacteria and viruses. Negative ions perform this function by attaching themselves to positively charged particles in large numbers and negatively charging those particles. They are the basis of most Air Purifiers.

The same can be had through Korean Jade Mats, Heated Himalayan Rock Salt Lamps available commonly online.

14. Bionization:

Bionization is the process of heating to melting point and cooling again for 3 or more times which produces permanent changes in the molecular structure and has given great results for sand, quartz, tourmaline and other crystals.

Bionized permanently devices emit a highly healing scalar field like the lava pendants and are now offered by many sellers on eBay, etsy, Amazon, etc.

I have not covered anything traditional and non-technological like Light Therapy, Sound/Ultrasound Therapy, Aroma Therapy, Hydrogen and Alkaline water, CBD, Herbal, Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddhar, Homeopathy, Chiropractic, Colloidal Silver, Sujok, Accupressure, Accupuncture, Baking Soda, Molasses, MMS, Salt Water Sole, Apple Cider Vinegar, Manna Ormus Gold, Binaural Beats, Solfegio Frequencies, Sigils, Mantras, Yantras, Tantras, Yagyas (Fire therapy), Positive Affirmations, Hypnosis, Past Life Regression and various other nature therapies.

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