
John Burton #fundie charismanews.com

Considering the spotlight that homosexuality, transgenderism and various sexual deviances have demanded, we must engage in a conversation about the ramifications such activity—in the church.

In fact, the so called "gay Christian" movement is gaining traction all over the world as is the sanctioning of homosexual marriage in some of the largest denominations.

Unfortunately, immorality has always infected the church. In the book of Revelation we see a severe example of this, and an equally severe reaction by God:

"I know your works, love, service, faith, and your patience, and that your last works are more than the first. But I have a few things against you: You permit that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess, to teach and seduce My servants to commit sexual immorality and eat food sacrificed to idols. I gave her time to repent of her sexual immorality, but she did not repent. Look! I will throw her onto a sickbed, and those who commit adultery with her into great tribulation, unless they repent of their deeds. I will put her children to death, and all the churches shall know that I am He who searches the hearts and minds. I will give to each one of you according to your deeds" (Rev. 2:19-23).

The church in Thyatira was on God's radar for their works, love and faith, but also for tolerating sexual immorality in the church.

So many have fallen for an unbiblical definition of true love that is devoid of correction or standards. It feels more like warm, fuzzy, emotional highs and affirmation of people regardless of their lifestyle, which is not biblical love. Love can feel quite repulsive and alienating at times. God is love. He can't avoid it! This God of love, in the above passage, refused to play games with the issue of sexual immorality in the church. His response? Repent or be thrown into great tribulation!

Consider this question: "If you were a pastor and someone who identified as a 'gay Christian' started attending your church, or someone didn't feel it was sinful to have sex with their boyfriend or girlfriend outside of marriage, what would you do?"

People most always respond by saying, "Love them."

OK, but what does that look like? Again, most would say that we should encourage, share the truth with them and pray that they would stay connected in church and eventually see the error of their ways.

This counsel is in contradiction with the Word of God. I asked this question on Facebook just a moment ago, and I'm so proud of my son Skylar who, on a lunch break at work at Silver Dollar City here in Branson, Missouri, responded by typing in: 1 Corinthians 5. He's right:

"It is actually reported that there is sexual immorality among you, and such immorality as is not even named among the Gentiles, that a man has his father's wife. But you are arrogant. Instead you should have mourned, so that he who has done this deed might be removed from among you. For indeed, though absent in body but present in spirit, I have already, as if I were present, judged him who has done this deed, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. When you are assembled, along with my spirit, in the power of our Lord Jesus Christ, deliver him to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, so that the spirit may be saved on the day of the Lord Jesus" (1 Cor. 5:1-5).

This passage also uses a form of the word "tolerate." Sexual immorality is not to be tolerated. Jezebel and the sexual perversion she promotes is not to be tolerated. The demand in today's culture is for tolerance in the midst of sexual perversion. This has crept into the culture of the church and it is time to act.

God is not tolerant. His is longsuffering, but certainly not tolerant of perversion—especially within the church. This is His bride!

What is the loving reaction that leaders must have when unrepentant sexual immorality is discovered in the church? That person is to be removed. He is to be delivered to Satan for the destruction of their flesh—so that his spirit may be saved!

This is love!

Of course, there are significant differences between someone who is struggling with, for example, pornography and someone who indulges in it freely without repentance or any plan to change.

There is also a difference between a professing Christian who refuses to repent of sexual sin and a heathen who refuses to repent. The former is to be removed from the church while the latter should be welcomed with open arms in hopes that they are radically, gloriously saved! And, yes, at that time they will be held to an entirely different standard.

The passage in 1 Corinthians 5 continues:

"Your boasting is not good. Do you not know that a little yeast leavens the whole batch? Therefore purge out the old yeast, that you may be a new batch, since you are unleavened. For even Christ, our Passover, has been sacrificed for us. Therefore let us keep the feast, not with old yeast, nor with the yeast of malice and wickedness, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth. I wrote to you in my letter not to keep company with sexually immoral people. Yet I did not mean the sexually immoral people of this world, or the covetous and extortioners, or the idolaters, since you would then need to go out of the world. But I have written to you not to keep company with any man who is called a brother, who is sexually immoral, or covetous, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or an extortioner. Do not even eat with such a person. For what have I to do with judging those also who are outside? Do you not judge those who are inside? But God judges those who are outside. Therefore 'put away from among yourselves that wicked person'" (1 Cor. 5:6-13).

If one who calls themselves a brother or sister in Christ are sexually immoral, greedy, idolatrous, a reviler, drunkard or swindler—we can't even sit down at Starbucks with them! We can't invite them over for a barbecue on the Forth of July!

This is love!

If we don't take swift action the entire church will become infected. A little leaven leavens the whole lump.

"And do not let sexual immorality, or any impurity, or greed be named among you, as these are not proper among saints" (Eph. 5:3).

Jennifer LeClaire #fundie charismanews.com

The United Church of Christ (UCC) bills itself as "the church where God is still speaking." Apparently, God's Word is falling on deaf ears of the leadership.

The UCC, which considers itself a mainline Protestant denomination—claiming over 1 million members and about 5,200 congregations in the U.S.—proudly announced it will serve as a major sponsor of the Gay Games. The UCC will now go down in Christian history as the first major denomination to sponsor the homosexual Olympics when the games roll into Cleveland, Ohio, in August.

I guess my jaw shouldn't have dropped when I read the news, considering the UCC in April filed a gay marriage rights lawsuit in North Carolina. But not only did my jaw drop, I'm shaking my head. J. Bennett Guess, one of the UCC's national officers and its first openly gay church executive, calls it a social justice issue and says the denomination prides itself on "being a bold voice for progressive Christianity."

In case you aren't familiar with what the term "progressive Christianity" really means, let's take a moment to define it. Progressive Christianity has a strong focus on social justice and environmentalism. Progressive Christianity focuses on concepts like "collective salvation"—where entire cultures and societies, rather than just individuals with faith in Christ, are redeemed—and bends toward a Marxist economic philosophy. And Progressive Christianity does not subscribe to the biblical doctrine of the inerrancy of Scripture.

That last line explains a lot. For example, it explains why the UCC was the first mainline denomination to affirm equal marriage rights for same-sex couples. It explains why the UCC was the first to ordain an openly gay man. And, overall, it explains why the UCC has fallen into the deception of sponsoring events that celebrate LGBT people instead of trying to love them to Christ.

But even denominations that don't consider themselves part of the Progressive Christianity movement are falling into this deception. The Presbyterian Church (USA) last week voted to allow its ministers to perform gay weddings in states where it's legal. On Tuesday, Methodist Pastor Frank Schaefer, who was defrocked for officiating his son's gay wedding, was fully reinstated and the Moravians voted to ordain gay clergy. My research shows there's a long and growing list of gay-affirming denominations, including the Affirming Pentecostal Church International.

Saints, we're seeing 1 Timothy 4:1 playing out right before our very eyes. It's called the Great Apostasy and it's well underway. By the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, Paul wrote: "Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons..."

Back in 2012, I wrote an article titled, "Is the Great Falling Away Already Underway?" In it, I explained that some have indeed departed from the faith because they have engaged with deceiving spirits and embraced doctrines of demons. We've witnessed more than one man of God with a major ministry platform bow a knee to doctrines like universalism, deceiving and being deceived with this deadly heresy. Despite many in the church lifting their voice against heretical teachings, these deceived ministers hold fast to their demonic doctrine.

In the article, I show other examples. I would not have imagined that 18 months later I would have an overflowing list of new ones. That's why I am praying for a third Great Awakening. I am committed to crying out to God to see a cultural transformation—a spiritual revolution.

Although the Great Falling Away is going to happen because it's prophesied in Scripture, I am contending for a revival—a Great Awakening—that will sweep through the nation and cause people to turn back to God. I will not give up. The arm of the Lord is not too short to save, nor his ear too dull to hear (Is. 59:1).

Before each of the last Great Awakenings, people of God thought it was hopeless—and they didn't see the half of what we're seeing. But I am convinced God wants to turn this around—and I am convinced God can turn this around. Nothing is impossible with God (Luke 1:37). A Great Awakening is our only hope for this nation. Will you join me in praying for another Great Awakening?

Dutch Sheets #fundie charismanews.com

5) God is not finished with America.

I believe America will survive the judgment. I still believe we will experience a great revival—a Third Great Awakening—followed by a great reformation. If this occurs, it will turn America back to God and save us from total apostasy and destruction. A revival of this magnitude is our only hope! This revival will not stop the judgment, but will occur in spite of the judgment. Indeed, it may happen in part because of the judgment. But I, and other trusted leaders I know, have very strong promises from God regarding the coming of this revival. God will turn us back to Himself. While commenting on this decision, Jennifer LeClaire, senior editor of Charisma, shares a strong word of hope she received from the Lord a few years back.[5] It is well worth reading.

God loves this generation, and he loves the millions of unsaved people in America and throughout the earth. He needs an America in right relationship with Him in order to reap this potential harvest. A great revival will restore to us this amazing destiny. Do not be deceived; the war for the soul of America is linked to this greatest harvest of souls in all of history.

I have written a small book outlining why I believe this revival is coming.[6] Perhaps more importantly, it describes how the awakening will be generated. The book is an easy read and is filled with great hope for America. It explains how our nation was actually born through a movement of prayer, under the banner of a flag flown during the American war for independence. This flag, commissioned by George Washington and flown over our naval ships and battlefields, had emblazoned across the top: An Appeal To Heaven.

If America ever needed another Appeal To Heaven movement, it is now! Let's create one! There is still a window of time, but it is closing fast. Let's cry out for mercy and grace, appealing to heaven for a third great awakening.

Monica Cole #fundie charismanews.com

The Learning Channel has approved the series I Am Jazz, which is about a young teenager who was born a boy and has transgendered to a girl since the age of two years old. The parents supported this decision instead of giving guidance to the confused child. Professional help would now be needed because it is a psychological issue. One Million Moms (1MM) knows God doesn't make mistakes.

Previews have already begun airing, and the show will premiere this summer on July 15 at 10:00 p.m. ET/9:00 p.m. CT. Keep in mind that the promos for this program air much earlier in the evening.

The show is attempting to normalize the transgender lifestyle and make it appear OK while using a young cast member to lure a young audience. This docu-series is about the real life of a young person and that will attract young viewers to watch.

As this was not enough, Jazz and family wrote a children's book, also titled I Am Jazz. The graphics on the cover and throughout the book are of an elementary age child to appeal to young children. The book states that the child Jazz has "a girl's brain in a boy's body."

1MM thought a warning should be sent out, not only for the television program, but also for the book that is sold in bookstores and online. The proceeds of the book go to the family's foundation to promote the transgender lifestyle to children in an attempt to normalize it. The family also hopes for the book to make it into public elementary schools.

Obviously, TLC is attempting to desensitize America's youth by airing programs starring teens. This alone will entice kids to watch.

Please use the information we have provided to contact TLC (owned by Discovery Communications) concerning I Am Jazz and strongly encourage TLC to drop all plans to air this program.

Let TLC know you and your family will not be watching I Am Jazz or anything else on the network in order to avoid seeing the previews for this new show.

Let them also know you are prepared to join thousands of other voices in urging advertisers to place the program on their "do not advertise" list.

Larry Tomczak #fundie charismanews.com

"This is a day of infamy."

Addressing a conference in the hills of North Carolina, these are the exact words I communicated upon hearing the Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage. My heart was very heavy. I plunged into a period of mourning. I'm still there while praying and reflecting. This is serious.

Pastors and politicians usually have to feel the heat before they see the light. Now we are crossing the Rubicon to face the chilling consequences of this horrible decision.

Dr. James Dobson told us in a national prayer conference call a month ago that an unfavorable ruling would not be the end but only the beginning of our woes. Consider just a few of the ramifications surfacing as gay activists have the momentum, the media, the money and multitudes of politicians and pop-culture personalities in their pocket.

Franklin Graham accurately said regarding the White House rainbow light-up ceremony, "God is the One who gave the rainbow and it was associated with His judgment."

Besides the President's in-your-face, shameful display of gay/rainbow colors on the White House (what is to be the symbol for all Americans—the "People's House"), came the advertising campaigns from corporations celebrating this ruling. Just as my wife and I were preparing to withdraw our funds from Wells Fargo for their aggressive gay advocacy, Coca-Cola ran their ad with two gay guys and their "adopted" baby, "We Choose Happiness Over Tradition."

When attorney Donald Verrilli warned during SCOTUS oral arguments that "It's going to be an issue" regarding churches and tax-exempt status, we're already hearing New York Times "Beliefs" columnist Mark Oppenheimer communicate the following, "Rather than try to rescue tax-exempt status for organizations that dissent from stated public policy on matters of race and sexuality, we need to take a more radical step. It's time to abolish or greatly diminish, their tax-exempt status."

Time magazine asked AIDS activist Larry Kramer, "Did you ever imagine the US would be where we are today in terms of widespread acceptance of gays?" He responded, "And a plague that's really causing genocide among gay people and people of color."


God gave me a practical plan: Challenge people to take 30 days and invest 15 minutes a day in a 3 step process to develop a biblical worldview and confidence in addressing our country's controversial issues: 1. Review a video—3 min. 2. Read an article—10 min. 3. Reflect and pray—2 min. The title of the book is Bullseye and it'll help us "hit the mark" in sharing the gospel and biblical truth to dispel deception and foster spiritual awakening.

I invite your prayer support as we finalize this project. May this be one of many divine strategies given by God at this tipping point in America's history.

Dutch Sheets #fundie charismanews.com

3) God will not be mocked (Gal. 6:7).

Psalm 2 speaks of rulings such as this one—natural rulers and unbelievers who rebel against God's governmental yoke, and against his Son. The warning is strong, even terrifying, describing His anger and the destruction He will bring to them. Verse number 10 is especially appropriate at this time: "Take warning, you judges of the earth." Indeed, there is a Highest Court presided over by "the Ancient of Days" (Dan. 7:9-11, 22). Whether they know it or not, every judge on the Supreme Court of America will one day bow before God (Phil. 2:10-11) and give an account for every ruling they make. And included in that accounting will be the fruit of those rulings, such as: aborted babies; His influence being removed from schools and public places, resulting in millions of young people not knowing Him and His ways; and the redefining of His marriage covenant, resulting in the breakdown of families, along with the devastating effect this will have on children.

And who could ever forget the mocking spirit demonstrated by our president when he decorated the White House with rainbow colors. Using one of God's covenantal symbols, a symbol now used by the LGBT movement, President Obama delivered one of the most arrogant, in-your-face gestures ever performed by an American president. Knowing fully the anguish millions of Christians were experiencing over this ruling, and knowing the insult this act would be to those millions of Americans, he chose to decorate the White House in this gay and lesbian symbolism. When asked during a press conference to comment on the ruling (and other "victories" he experienced last week), he reinforced his arrogance and insensitivity. Refusing to back down, He lauded this inexcusable act, speaking of it as "a moment worth savoring." I can assure our president there will come a time when he will not savor that moment. The rainbow does not belong to any earthly movement but is a sacred symbol of one of God's covenants. And the definition he just helped redefine was written by God, not a person. It was not only the Church and millions of Americans that were mocked; it was also Almighty God. And I can assure you; He will have the final say.

Nick25 #fundie charismanews.com

Anger is an emotion that gets Satan's foot in the door. Over the years, the insults to our nation and the blatant and sanctioned sacrilege to our God caused me much anger and distress. The second election of Obama was a huge sign that we were on what looked like a permanent path do destruction. Now, with the court ruling in favor of the depravity of "gay marriage" our fate and that of the world is sealed.

Here's the blessing in that. I am no longer angered because I know that for all intents and purposes it's over and I know I have a place in heaven. I've completely given up all hope for our nation and now I can devote all that anger-energy to saving souls and glorifying God. This ruling has been very liberating.

I cannot wait for the coming judgement of this evil world.

Ax2root #fundie charismanews.com

There is something MORE DEEPLY DEMONIC about this that Christians MUST BE COME AWARE OF.

satan LOST the right to his former name " lucifer" when he was thrown out of heaven through spiritual treason. AND no one should be referring anymore to " lucifer" when GOD CHANGED his name to satan, devil, murderer, accuser, slanderer , etc.


Lucifer was called the " SON of the morning" NOT MORNINGSTAR.

This was made apparent on another thread on charisma when Catholics were posting that Lucifer was the Morningstar and were silent when the Word of God was posted OPPOSING THEIR words....I am wondering if the Catholic bible has , along with OTHER verses, MISTRANSLATED these passages?

Also , there was a Video of a catholic Pope ALSO USING THE TERMS WRONG.

also, remember, the Vatican has a huge observatory in the USA called the Lucifer project telescope.

Fox News has NEW competition, There is a new News Network called ONE America News that has much more factual news and commentators that are not afraid to speak truth to power. The commentators , such as The Ledger Report also have EXCELLENT guests.

Tricia Goyer #fundie charismanews.com

I was lying on my bed, checking Facebook when I first heard the news about Josh Duggar inappropriately touching five young women when he was a young teenager. I was heartbroken by the news in so many ways. I was heartbroken because of the victims. I was heartbroken for the Duggar family. I was heartbroken for Josh.

Throughout the last week I've ruminated about my response to this, and as I've prayed for this family my thoughts have settled on one thing: I am FOR the Duggars. I've been FOR them for a while. Why?

I am FOR God-fearing families who try to model godly living in a confused and hurting world.

I am FOR young couples who choose to pray for their future spouses, marry with the goal of lifelong commitment, and strive to live for God.

I am FOR homeschooling and large families, for the goal of raising children to impact the world for Christ.

Every time Duggar news made headlines at people.com—beating out the self-serving lifestyles of Hollywood stars—I inwardly cheer. It shows people want to hear about wholesome living, young and pure love, and babies born IN wedlock.

Even after hearing news of these horrible acts, I am still FOR the Duggars.

I am FOR healing.

I am FOR forgiveness.

I am FOR restoration, taking what the enemy meant for evil and using it for God.
First, Healing

I haven't talked much about sexual abuse before, but it has impacted my life. Without going into detail, I dealt with inappropriateness during my growing-up years. There was much more emotional inappropriateness than physical, but it skewed my thoughts about myself, my body and my sexuality. I grew up thinking women were objects, and the only way to have a real relationship with someone was to offer myself sexually. This led to be becoming sexually active at a very young age, having an abortion at age 15 and a child at age 17.

More than that, I've seen the pain sexual abuse causes. Just last year I sat in our teen MOPS meeting room with a group of young moms. We had an open conversation about sexual abuse, and I discovered nearly every one of them had been abused sexually. I saw their tears. I witnessed their pain. I heard their heartbreak. I've seen how abuse has wounded them to their core. Sexual abuse is from the pit of hell, and I mourn as I realize how many young women silently suffer.
Second, Forgiveness

I'm praying for these young women and the pain their abuse caused. I'm praying for them to find healing, and I'm praying for them to forgive. Both will happen in layers over time, but what people don't realize is that the forgiveness isn't just for Josh. It's for them too. When we forgive others it brings healing and wholeness to our souls. Josh doesn't deserve forgiveness—none of us do. But thankfully because of Jesus we don't have to face what we DO deserve.

Scoopie #fundie charismanews.com

Watched it. They came across well. They will get beat up by liberal media for using the term 'choice' in describing Josh's actions. It was more about immaturity and not understanding the depth of wrong and harm connected with it.
But get real. What he did was wrong, yes. It was more inappropriate curiosity, not full on pedophilia. He confessed and submitted to discipline and counsel. Hopefully, it will be a lesson to others who are tempted to take their curiosity too far.

Julie Klose #fundie charismanews.com

The pro-choice movement coined the term "reproductive health" to promote contraception and ever-more-questionable methods to end pre-born lives worldwide. Far from empowering women, abortion has created a multifaceted marketplace that profits from killing the defenseless and using a woman's body during pregnancy.

Globally, the health and safety of women is being threatened by a corrupt industry that exploits them and devalues human life. Detailed research reveals five emerging issues that pose immediate risks to women during maternity.

1. Telemed abortions and off-label drug use leave women hospitalized

As many surgical abortion facilities close, the abortion-inducing drug RU-486 has increased the number of telemedicine abortions—known as telemed or webcam abortions.

This procedure induces a chemical abortion in an expectant mother when there is no doctor physically present. A physician consults with the mother via webcam; after explaining the abortion procedure, the drug is provided by the physician using a remotely activated drawer that opens. There is no physical examination of the mother by the physician, and drugs are administered by staff who may or may not be licensed.

The Iowa Board of Medicine banned chemical abortions without a doctor present due to the increased health risks to the mother. This ban is being challenged by Planned Parenthood of the Heartland in a recent Iowa Supreme Court case.

Abortion-inducing drugs pose numerous health risks for women, including death. These risks are increased by misuse, such as in telemed abortions. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the drug manufacturer of RU-486 have acknowledged the risks involved, and the FDA has a specific protocol for "safe" use of the drug. Many abortion centers are ignoring this protocol and the health risks to women in order to reduce costs.

In an interview with Bound4LIFE, Stanford University Ph.D. Michael New summarized a recent study on webcam abortion health risks. "This study of more than 50,000 abortion patients confirms the finding that telemed abortions are a lot more risky than surgical abortions," said New.

"Their data shows the number of follow-up visits and emergency room visits are much higher for women having telemed abortions—the procedure has four times more risk of complications."

2. "Abortion pill smoothie" increases potential for coerced abortions

In March, a Norwegian man was sentenced to six years in prison for mixing abortion-inducing pills into a smoothie in order to terminate his girlfriend's pregnancy without her knowledge. According to news reports, the woman testified at the hearing that, "He tried several times to convince me to have an abortion, but it was not an option for me."

The man bought the abortifacients online and first gave them to her as painkillers; when the first attempt "failed" he bought a new batch of pills and mixed them into a smoothie. Her doctor confirmed that abortion-inducing drugs caused the miscarriage.

With the increased use of abortifacients in the United States, a woman's health is at risk both in accidental or coerced situations. A recent report by the pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute estimated that, while the abortion rate decreased by 13 percent overall, there has been an increase in chemical abortions. Chemical abortions now make up 22.6 percent of the total number of abortions.

"The Supreme Court has repeatedly held that states have an interest in protecting maternal health from the outset of pregnancy," write two Americans United for Life scholars. "[This] provides strong support for regulations requiring abortion providers to abide by the protocol approved by the FDA."

The Norwegian "abortion smoothie" criminal case warns women's health advocates worldwide of an emerging threat to the lives of both mothers and children.

3. Surrogacy: a new form of human trafficking

The inability to conceive a child is painful to deal with for those suffering from infertility. According to the CDC, about 12 percent of American women ages 15-44 suffer from infertility. Often it leads a couple to alternative conception measures such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) and surrogacy—the latter alternative to grow a family particularly controversial.

"Surrogacy is rife with controversy," writes adoption expert Mirah Riben. "PBS, BBC, and Newsweek are among some of the many venues that have exposed concerns about international surrogacy in particular." In the complex surrogacy process, achieved through a variety of arrangements, a surrogacy contract results in a woman carrying another couple's pre-born baby.

As an alternative to infertility struggles, how much do we understand about surrogacy as it relates to the health and well-being of women?

France has made surrogacy—or "womb prostitution" as it is referred to—illegal based on it being a form of "exploitation of poor and vulnerable women." France's Demonstration for All group is defending marriage in their country based upon the right of every child to deserve a mother and father. "One of their strongest arguments against ending marriage is it will lead to more of this womb prostitution," reports Family Research Council.

If traditional marriage is ruled against in the U.S. Supreme Court, how will this affect women? Will "womb prostitution" further devalue the beautiful, vital role of a mother? Surrogacy has massive repercussions for women. Not only does surrogacy exploit poor and vulnerable women, it degrades a woman's body as nothing more than a "host" or commodity.

The need for children outside the norms of traditional marriage has the potential to create an unregulated market and a whole new form of human trafficking. Infertility will no longer be the only reason for the surrogacy option.

4. Harvesting embryos for organs assaults the sanctity of the womb

When some scientists hail "research breakthroughs," a closer look reveals a dark underworld: An abortion industry that murders babies and sells their body parts to the highest bidder.

As reported previously by Bound4LIFE, the biotech company Ganogen Inc. in Redwood City, California, is harvesting kidneys from aborted babies. The company transplants fetal organs into lab rats where they can grow to a larger size—to be transplanted into a human patient. The process known as Xenotransplantation seeks "to grow human organs in animals, to end the human donor shortage."

Those profiting from the killing of babies are an industry of death, devaluing women and their God-given ability to grow a life inside of them. Much like surrogacy, this emerging field of embryo harvesting is treating the womb as a profit hub under the guise of medical research. The possible threats to a woman carrying a healthy, viable baby are endless when economic gain becomes involved with harvesting human body parts.

The womb is a sacred life sanctuary; a woman suffering from infertility realizes this innately. The ability to grow a life is a remarkable blessing. An ethical society cannot allow women's bodies to be used to manufacture organs for "medical research." It not only crosses moral boundaries but defies fundamental women's rights.

5. Permanent sterilization funding spurs on population control movement

According to recent reports, "The Gates Foundation gave an Oregon gynecologist $5 million in grant money last October to develop nonsurgical 'permanent contraception.'"

Dr. Jeffrey Jensen plans to use the $5 million grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to halt "unplanned, unwanted" pregnancies. In a report from the Portland Business Journal, Jensen said, "My goal is very simple: to make every pregnancy planned and highly desired."

Bill and Melinda Gates have been strong supporters of population control; millions of their Foundation funds have gone to promote contraception and abortion worldwide. Gates is even developing a "remote-control contraceptive device that would be injected into women and release contraceptive and abortifacient chemicals into her system for as long as 16 years."

Aside from concerns that population control strategies repeat the tragic eugenics history of Margaret Sanger, these permanent sterilization methods risk women's health and safety (along with ending the lives of their children) driven by the myth of overpopulation. Yet the Gates Foundation has found an ally even in Christian singer Amy Grant.

The Gates Foundation uses baseless claims that millions of women in developing countries would like to delay or stop unwanted pregnancies but don't have access to contraception. Why is the answer to this problem permanent sterilization instead of education and better health care?

Stephan Phelan of Human Life International responds to this human rights abuse: "There is no justice in manufacturing a supposed demand for poor women to be sterilized, when what these women always say they want most when asked is better basic health care, education, opportunity, and just governance."

Jessilyn Justice #fundie charismanews.com

Mere miles away from the shot that triggered a refocus on racism in modern-day society, a small crowd gathered to determine how God's peace could reign in an age of rioting and destruction.

According to pastors, politicians and police officers, it all boils down to one thing: Faith leaders taking an active presence in their communities and being the first line of defense when chaos breaks out.

"If the moral breakdown that's at the root of that is something that we desperately need the faith-based community to inject itself into and show us leadership in bringing the flock back to the mores," says Winter Springs, Florida, Mayor Charles Lacey. "I think the establishment of a moral community is paramount to being a fundamental solution to the problem."

And given his community's response to the Trayvon Martin shooting in 2012, he's right.

Lacey's city of Winter Springs is in Seminole County, Florida, as is Sanford, where Martin was fatally shot by George Zimmerman.

Why didn't Sanford turn into similar riotous protests as Ferguson, Cleveland or Baltimore?

Faith and the role of pastors taking an active presence in their communities, says Ed Allen, who was the incident commander during the Martin shooting and Zimmerman trial.

"Our first line of defense in the community is our pastors," Allen says. Not police, not residents, but men and women of God who pour out their souls on behalf of their neighborhoods.

Northland, A Church Distributed, senior pastor Joel Hunter is in complete agreement.

"It is imperative, probably more imperative than it has been for a long time, for faith leaders to take the initiative to get involved," Hunter says.

Hunter gives two reasons for this: First, faith leaders used to be the default representation of moral voices in communities, and are no longer in that position. When these leaders are absent from the public eye, the morality of society begins to drop. Second, faith communities must prove to the younger generation that involvement is an advantage. No longer do younger generations have an automatic loyalty to these institutions. Rather, they must see the benefits beyond tradition.

When faith leaders are present, communities not only begin to feel safer, but pastors' leadership is obvious.

"If you have an active faith community in your community, you can't help but notice that." Longwood, Florida Mayor Joe Deruso says.

To return America to its godly foundation, and perhaps launch a third great awakening, requires people of faith to stretch beyond their comfort zones of church auditoriums and take a proactive roll in their communities.

jcrosby35 #racist charismanews.com

I do not know when my country is going down (America) and I do not know when Christ is going to return. That is reserved for God alone.
But this I do know. (Time is running out).
There is nothing in this country the government will not give away!
The main point is this. Our president is muslim and a good part of our government are muslims.
We have been infiltrated and the takeover in this country is imminent.
No visas for Christian immigrants in muslim countries because they are Christians.
There is a RFID chip in your future so government can track and control you.
Persecution of Christian military personal who exhibit faith.
A radical UN and democratic government want to import muslim people from Syria and other failed muslim countries (to the USA) by the Hundreds of Thousands. They will slander anyone who disagrees with their agenda and I disagree. Furthermore I am saying enough is enough.
It time to stand up as an Americans (UNITED) and put government in its CONSTITUTIONAL rightful place. NO MORE LAW LESSness. Freedom is not free and if the people fail to protect their God given rights they will have no more rights.
If I had my way I would tell the UN to go to hell. It is the UN forcing these immigration issues in America through our government. Then I would round up every one of these Dems. Forcing this invasion on the American people and demand they are tried for treason. Those who were not convicted I would send to Syria or some other failed muslim hole. Let us see how long before the muslims remove their heads.
I do not promote Islam in any country and for sure not in my own country where islams only concern has been to corrupt the system with more TERROR like sharia law and their barbaric RELIGION.
You better wake up people this is nothing less than an invasion with the intent of destroying the country, (USA) the Christians, Jews and your way of life while promoting the socialistic NWO. Using Islam in the process.
You want to face a knife at your throat or watch them rape your wife or daughter, just ignore these warnings and do nothing. Keep your guns, stock up on ammo and pray. If you do not have guns then buy one and get plenty of ammo with it. The first step to bringing down a country is to disarm as many of its people as possible. Unarmed people are helpless to stand against tyranny.
Country these people have come into, (our) country and other countries are now being forced to accept duel government with islam and sharia law dividing the countries they immigrate into. Their intent to the host country is for the host country to support them. They do not assimilate into the countries they migrate into but settle separately often taking up to four wives. They procreate like rabbits letting the welfare systems take care of them. When they become strong enough demographically they infiltrate the political system and demand the countries adopt their life style and laws. Always the intent has been to divide and conquer.
A muslim president and government are not acceptable or compatible in a Constitutional republic or democratic society. Muslim will not accept Constitutional law considering themselves to be above it.
Your law and you yourselves are considered inferior and therefore you are to be subjugated as a slave or killed. (YOU HAVE NO RIGHTS UNLESS YOU CONVERT TO ISLAM).
I am a Christian and if this government thinks I will set quietly by and let them destroy my country and eventually destroy my family and myself I say NO!
(ENOUGH) I am going to say lock and load America.
I am not and animal and I am not going to be slaughtered like and animal or forced to islam or pay as a slave to live in my country. Nor am I going to set and do nothing while my family is set up for this satanic system.
Americans for Americans.
Jesus Christ is Lord.

floydlee #fundie charismanews.com

Oh please. Who are you to sit in judgment of God's historical protection of the USA? No wonder the various TV and movie "zombies" are not known for their smarts.

Abe Lincoln understood a lot more about what could have happened -- indeed what ALMOST happened -- during the Civil War than you or I ever will, and that's why he openly proclaimed a national day of prayer and fasting in March of 1863.

That didn't mean America was sinless. Nope. Native Americans and African-Americans could easily list America's sins. Even the cruel Southerners could point to big hypocrisy on the part of the Northerners. But at least the broken nation and its President had enough sense to realize that they needed God badly, and needed Him quickly.

But today's America? Nope. Tragic 9-11 hits, everybody suddenly woke up and went to church for two weeks, and then it's all "back to business", far worse than ever before (like that gay marriage mess). And now this nation has gone wacko. (Some of them even start judging God, saying He's done a poor job. That's daffy-duck mess!).

So yeah, please continue spitting in God's face, America. Keep on dissing Him so you can figure out what happens NEXT !!!!!

e ceph #fundie charismanews.com

[On article about Josh Duggar's sexual abuse]

At the risk of sounding insensitive toward the victims, one cannot but notice in scripture that Jesus offers forgiveness to the offender without consulting his victims. The offender’s contrition alone is the condition for forgiveness and reconciliation, not the suffering of the victims. This man’s sins are great indeed, but the whole point of grace is that where sin abounds, grace abounds even more.

My first reaction upon hearing this story was indignation—rage; but the victim’s suffering is not a factor in Christ’s forgiveness for the perpetrator, although reparation is a scripture requirement, as well as the principle that those who sin much, love much. He will suffer the consequences of his actions, but he should be given the opportunity to love much and repair what was broken. I think M. Brown is right for accentuating redemption. Much of the NT was written by that Chief of Sinners that you and I would probably thought worthy of execution.

Michael Brown #fundie charismanews.com

I have no desire to pile on with more comments about Josh Duggar, who appears to be a very serious and committed Christian and who has made no excuses for the sins of his youth and who deeply desires to make a positive impact for the Lord in the years ahead. I simply want to share some redemptive thoughts, supplementing some of the excellent statements made by others, including former governor Mike Huckabee and Southern Baptist leader Russell Moore.

1. Jesus really does change people. While critics of the Duggar family want to indict them (along with other evangelical Christians, especially those with large families) for Josh's actions, and while many seem ready to throw Josh under the bus, the fact is that while he did sin grievously, through repentance, faith and counseling, he became a new man. Jesus really does transform sinners.

How many of us did wicked things as teenagers? I was shooting heroin at the age of 15 and broke into some houses and even stole money from my own father before being radically converted at the age of 16. I was profane, filled with pride, anger and lust, yet the Lord had mercy on me and totally turned my life around.

Some of us continued to live like this into our adult years, only to find mercy and new life then, meaning that the transformation was even more dramatic.

For me, the first lesson from this story is this: Whoever you are, whatever you've done, there is hope in the Lord. As Mike Huckabee said, "'inexcusable' ... doesn't mean 'unforgivable.'"

As Paul wrote to the Corinthians, "Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor male prostitutes, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. Such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, and you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus by the Spirit of our God" (1 Cor. 6:9-11).

2. There's no excuse for sin, so own up to it. In today's culture, almost no one is guilty of anything. It's someone else's fault, someone else's responsibility, not our own. We're all victims, and the reason we do bad things is because someone else wronged us. Isn't that how we think today?

I've even heard athletes apologize for some really heinous actions by saying, "I'm not happy with the way things happened," rather than saying, "What I did was wrong and I have no excuses. Please forgive me. I'm seeking to get to the root of my problems and address them."

What a vast difference between the two attitudes.

As Proverbs states, "He who covers his sins will not prosper, but whoever confesses and forsakes them will have mercy" (28:13).

According to the accounts we've all heard, Josh confessed his sin to his parents as well as to the proper authorities, and as a family, they worked through the issues. Now, half a lifetime later (he's 27 and is married with four children), when confronted with a police report about his past, he did not minimize his sin nor did he excuse it. He also resigned from the fine Christian organization for whom he worked, not wanting to bring any negative attention to their work.

When I see someone respond like this, I am filled with hope. In fact, over the years, I've seen that people who committed uglier sins but took full responsibility and repented did far better than those who committed less serious sins and tried to sweep them under the rug.

3. Even godly families have kids who mess up badly. Nancy and I only had two kids, and we sought to be godly parents and set godly examples. Yet our older daughter went through a real period of rebellion in her teen years.

As parents, we felt miserable, and I would wonder what I was doing wrong.

Of course, we dealt with her rebellion head on and prayed like crazy for her to really encounter the Lord, but while it was happening, it was terribly deflating spiritually. What kind of father am I? How can I be so ineffective?

Today, we all laugh about those years, and our daughter, who is now 37 and is a devoted wife and mother, is so grateful for the way she was raised. (She and Nancy are the best of friends and are in constant contact.)

The fact that the Duggars, who successfully raised 19 children in the Lord (who can imagine that?), had to deal with one of their kids committing serious sexual sin at 14 should actually encourage other parents rather than discourage them. And perhaps, they can teach us today how this tragic incident helped them come together as a family and draw closer to the Lord.

4. Josh can be an ambassador on behalf of the abused, even helping the abusers, as well. While it can feel like your life is over when your past, largely private sins become public (how many of us would like for that to happen?), the fact is that Josh's future can be bright in the Lord.

He can call on others who are sinning to come clean and get help, using his own example redemptively. And he can encourage those who have been abused to realize that they are not guilty and should not feel shame, also encouraging churches to embrace those who come for help rather than making them feel as if there is something wrong with them.

Why should those who have suffered abuse be stigmatized? They should be our priority for healing and restoration.

5. We need to be careful how we judge. There are many fans of the Duggars who are upset with what they feel is a witch hunt against a godly family, representing one more attempt to remove them from reality TV. (Let me say without qualification that there is life after reality TV, and if the Duggars never do another broadcast, their lives can still be overwhelmingly blessed.)

But would we have had this same attitude of judgment if this was the child of a gay couple? Would we have said, "This proves that gay parents are no good!"?

I certainly believe that kids deserve a mom and a dad and that, optimally, they will do best with a mom and dad, but I don't indict all gay couples because of the failings of one of their kids

So, if you want to show mercy, be consistent. We can all fall into the trap of selective compassion.

6. There are consequences to our actions, but with God, our worst mistakes can become stepping stones to spiritual growth.

Most of us have done things we wish we could take back, and in some cases, the consequences of our bad choices and sinful actions last for decades. Yet with the Lord, no matter how great the stigma of our sin, if we will humble ourselves before Him, He can take those stumbling blocks and turn them into stepping stones, to the point that the worst things that ever happened to us become the best things that ever happened to us.

To the core of His being, God is a redeemer, and I'm personally praying and believing that for Josh Duggar and his entire family, God will turn this painful situation around for greater good.

Let's watch and see.

JoshFX #fundie charismanews.com

The juggernaut of SIN continues onward with its relentless move towards its Worldwide dominion over sound reason and a Godly perspective.

Anyone with half a brain knows that the practises of being a homosexual are in violation to what is natural, clean, and GOD centred....HOWEVER.......

We are living in the final seconds of GODs time-clock for humanity, with SIN reining supreme over 'sound logic' & Godly wisdom, as according to The Holy Bible, this World, at present, belongs to satan, and his minions, with The TRUTH, being CHRIST Jesus, currently curtailed...until The Heavenly Father sees fit to deliver to humanity HIS supreme 'check-mate', being the return of The Savior of humanity, in ALL HIS magnificent GLORY, as KING of kings & LORD of lords, to reign over a New Earth, from a New Jerusalem.

To understand what I state, will require a 'genuine' Born Again experience.

Meanwhile...Homosexuality, sodomy and the practise of buggery are all SIN, that will, unless repented of, send its perpetrator, directly to hell, with NO 'get out of jail card, NO phone a friend, with ZERO rights of appeal.

SIN is humanities problem, with CHRIST Jesus being The One & Only Solution given by The Father....for...SIN.

Ken Blackwell #fundie charismanews.com

It is astounding that a nation settled by people who crossed an ocean to live in a wilderness according to their religious beliefs and conscience is now poised to oppress millions who desire simply to live by those same beliefs. Everyone has the right to run a business consistent with their beliefs, employing other Americans in the process. Republicans must take up that theme as a pro-business stance.

RFRA supporters are like the brave Americans in the Deep South decades ago who stood for black civil rights against intense political pressure. The fanatical authoritarianism of the political left is plunging this country headlong into a very dark place from which many nations never return.

Jennifer LeClaire #fundie charismanews.com

When I shared the prophetic word below with my intercessors, it troubled them. I understand why. It troubled me also. I decided to hold it back and pray it through but the Holy Spirit recently reminded me of these words again. These words should not breed fear but should open our eyes to what's coming, and what, in fact, is already beginning to manifest right before our eyes. Here is the word:

Calling Evil Good and Good Evil

"A tsunami of perversion and all manner of wicked sin is headed toward this nation. You've only yet seen the rumblings of what the enemy has planned. For many in your nation have called good evil and called evil good. Many in this nation have not believed you will reap what you sow.

"You have sown iniquity—for decades—and you have taken the hand of perversion. You have walked in step with abominations rather than resisting the temptations to deny my Word and my Son. The perversion in this land will increase and increase and increase.

"There will come a day when morality is no longer merely relative but is persecuted. There will come a day when evil is considered good and good is considered evil. When that day comes, those who are hidden in the shadow of My wings will be insulated from the abominations around them.

"I will raise up the likes of Abraham and Moses to deliver the righteous out of the hand of the wicked in that day. I will shield those who run into my Name. But no longer look and no longer think that you will turn the tide by your prayers alone. These things must be so. I warn you now to fear not, but to ready your hearts. Buy your oil. Be ready for My coming."

It's Not Just Sexual Perversion

Yes, we've seen the rumblings of this rising perversion but I believe it's going to grow darker still. When you think of perversion you probably immediately think of sexual perversion—and I believe that's part of it. The Bible has plenty to say about sexual perversion in Romans 1:21-28 alone and we're seeing that passage playing out right now.

But sexual immorality—polygamy, homosexuality, adultery, fornication and legal bestiality that I've so often addressed—is not the only kind of perversion. There's perversion of laws, perversion of justice, perversion of speech, perversion of freedom—and most importantly, perversion of God's Word. Apostasy is rising. The Great Falling Away is underway.

After praying over this and letting it sit for some months, it became clear to me that the root of this tsunami of perversion is actually the perversion of God's Word itself. You've seen a trickle of this, but it's about to break out like a flood. Again, we're seeing prominent pastors and entire denominations perverting God's Word, twisting it to defend and justify perversion itself and suggesting the rest of us are legalistic or unenlightened about the truth. It may have started with the gay marriage doctrine but it won't end there.

Amos Moses #fundie charismanews.com

[Article about if you as a Christian should attend your gay Child's wedding.]

If you are a christian who follows Christ and His word, how could you do otherwise? They are not leaving the child, the child is leaving Christ and the family that brought them up.

The ones being rejected are the family. If they want to go their own way, then they should without complaint.

Micheal Brown #fundie charismanews.com

[From an article titled "I Was There When the World Went Mad"]

I heard it with my own ears. If I believe I'm a woman, even though I'm a male in every other way, then I'm a woman and can use the women's restroom. And if I believe I'm a horse, I can use the stable. After all I'm not hurting anyone.

I heard it with my own ears.

The LGBT protesters in Charlotte, North Carolina, were chanting, "Hey, hey, ho, ho, transphobia's got to go."

They were seeking to disrupt our Christian rally where we called on the City Council to vote "no" to the so-called nondiscrimination bill, one which would actually discriminate against Christians and other people of conservative moral values and one which would make all public bathrooms and locker rooms gender neutral.

I had just finished speaking and tried to engage some of the protesters, asking them what "transphobia" was.

When I didn't fit their definition of having an irrational fear of individuals who identify as transgender, I was told that my failure to embrace their identity made me transphobic.

I asked one young man, an African-American, if he would consider me black if I really believed I was black.

He explained that skin color was outwardly determined but that it was "primitive" to claim that gender was determined by one's biological and chromosomal sex. Primitive!

No, gender was determined entirely by how you felt in your own mind, regardless of biology and anatomy.

When I pressed him on the matter of racial identity, he conceded my point. If I genuinely believed I was black, then I was black.

That prompted me to ask the City Council members when I had my turn to speak later that night (I was one of more than 115 people who signed up to address the issue) if I should be entitled to minority housing benefits if I was convinced I was really black.

This was not meant to mock but to underscore the absurdity of dismissing all external tests and claiming that reality is determined by whatever I believe it to be. How can human society even exist with such social madness?

Most frightening of all was the passion with which these protesters presented their views. To call them intensely close-minded and dogmatic would be a severe understatement.

When I asked a young lady if I could use a stable if I believed I was a horse, she said "yes" without slightest hesitation. And while she didn't have children of her own (she said she's unable to) she wanted me to know that she teaches 90 young children and would be perfectly at home with them sharing a bathroom with, say, a biological male who believed he was female.

For me even to question her was absurd in her eyes, and yet this young woman is influencing our little ones.

Matt Barber #fundie charismanews.com

In 2007, and with that same nauseating arrogance that has come to define him, then presidential candidate Barack Obama duplicitously quipped, "I am absolutely convinced that culture wars are just so '90s. Their days are growing dark."

Dark, indeed. America's soon-to-be cultural-Marxist-in-chief would then spend the greater part of a decade waging war against our nation's Judeo-Christian culture and heritage at levels, and in ways, unseen in our storied history. Today, his anti-Christian crusade continues unabated. In fact, and with less than two years left to complete his baleful conspiracy, this neo-pagan extremist has begun to rapidly accelerate his unravelings.

Chief among his targets for destruction are conservative and Christian organizations and individuals who pose a threat to his envisaged "fundamental transformation" of our once-Judeo-Christian nation. The Obama vision? A godless, Euro-socialist dystopia crafted in his own secular-humanist self-image.

We're well on our way.

Still, even the president of the United States, alone, cannot destroy an entire nation Sent from my iPhone of spiritual deceptions.

To accomplish the larger "progressive" dream of unmaking America, this man, this cagey figure of whom we still know very little, finds himself flanked by powerful comrades in arms – by hundreds of equally extremist and very well-funded anti-Christian groups.

Michael Brown #fundie charismanews.com

For years, gay activists have had no answer for a simple question: If marriage is not the union of a man and a woman, why does it require two people? Why not just one? Or why not three or more?

If a gay activist says, "But marriage is the loving, long-term commitment of two people," the answer is simple: "Says who? That's just your new definition. Where did you get the idea it was two people if not from its historic, natural meaning?"

And so, if I'm "bigoted" because I don't recognize same-sex "marriage," then gay activists (and their allies) are just as "bigoted" if they don't recognize three men (or women) "marrying."

G.K. Chesterton once said, "Don't ever take a fence down until you know the reason it was put up."

That saying can readily be applied to marriage: There's a reason that foundational societal structures exist, and we tamper with those structures at our own risk.

The debate was posted on Dec. 16, and out of the 5 participants in the debate, I was the only one who stated that consensual adult incest should never be legal. All the other participants, including a professor and a psychoanalyst, advocated for removing the laws against consensual adult incest.

Are you surprised?

But what's the problem? Love is love, right? As long it's consensual, who can say no to love?

When I did the interview on incest, I used the same Chesterton quote, explaining there was a reason that incestuous relationships, even consensual ones, were wrong.

It's the same with marriage.

Those who have taken down the fence of marriage as God intended it have opened up a Pandora's Box of possibilities, none of them good.

Interestingly, this is in harmony with the goals of many pioneer gay activists who despised marriage and wanted to overthrow it as an antiquated, patriarchal, abusive institution.

Adam in Christ #fundie charismanews.com

[Larry King says he's an atheist]

Is King aware that there are other forces at work in the Bible, besides the Godhead?

Did the Grahams or the Olsteens [that King has interviewed] ever up-front share with him Ephesians 6:12?

Ephesians 6:12
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places

I notice this occurs in almost every snarky exchange between non-believers and Christians. God takes all the mockery and blame, yet Satan (and Ashteroth, Baal, Chemosh, Dagon, Milcom, Molech, and every other name the fallen angels have taken) is rarely ever brought up. It's almost like 'fog of war' conditions that these people can't quite perceive what is occurring, on the spiritual level, in our day.

Did these ministers ever happen to share that deliverance consisted of 1/3rd of Jesus' ministry while on earth--in which he gave that authority to drive out evil spirits (and heal the sick) to ALL believers?

Just my thoughts...

Dr. Alex McFarland #fundie charismanews.com

The implication is clear: God is not finished with America. In recent years, we've seen vitriolic attacks on the biblical foundations of our nation, but from her founding through recent years, America has been the nation that, while far from perfect, has stood for truth and helped lead the way in spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ by sending missionaries around the world.

Matt Barber #fundie charismanews.com

There is no such thing as the Easter Bunny.

If there arose a global movement that loudly and proudly demanded "bunny equality," and a dozen or more activist federal judges suddenly declared the Eastern Bunny to be real, and thousands of rabid rabbit wannabees pranced in pink bunny suit parades, all the while pretending to be, even believing themselves to be, Easter Bunnies, and liberal legislators passed "anti-discrimination" laws presuming to force everyone else to join in on the delusion (severely punishing those who refused), there'd still be no Easter Bunny.

There is no such thing as "same-sex marriage."

There can't be.

It's an idea no less silly than a giant pink bunny hiding eggs behind trees. It's an oxymoron. It's contradictio in terminis. It's like pointing to your lawn and saying, "What a beautiful green sky."

Paul&sandi #fundie #homophobia charismanews.com

[regarding the subpoena of the Houston pastors]

DD.......this idea was posted by a Riopaz and written by "Godisgood". If the mayor wants to hear from the Christians, then she should hear from all the Christians......

I've enclosed a note that just needs to be cut and paste into one's mail, signed and then e-mailed to "mayor@houstontx.gov.

Dear Mayor Parker,
We understand that you are a homosexual woman. We respect that you have the freedom to choose to live in whatever way you decide to live.
Christians who follow God's Word / The Bible, know that God considers homosexuality to be very sinful. The Bible is very clear about that, and yet Christians know that people have freedom to live the way they want, and must not insist on people doing as Christians would wish them to do...
You may not be a Christian who sees God's Word as authoritative, but many Christians believe God's Word to be the truth. We will disagree with your choice, and that is our privilege as individuals, don't you agree?
Here are 5 reasons why some people disagree that homosexuality is harmless and/or good:
1) Design – male and female bodies have complimentary sexual organs, where as male and male or female and female are not complimentary;
2) Hurt – the male homosexual actions especially can cause many physical, and mental problems – we do see higher depression and suicide rates among the homosexual community, as compared to the heterosexual one;
3) Lies – the homosexual activists paint homosexuality as a good life, and that it is not a choice, and yet ex-gay individuals very much disagree. One man called homosexuality a cult, as he died of AIDS, abandoned by his homosexual friends;
4) The Bible speaks against homosexuality – See Genesis 2:18-25 & 19:1-38; Leviticus 18:22 & 20:13; Judges 19:22; 1Kings 14:24; Proverbs 14:12; Mark 10:6-9; Romans 1:21-28; 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 & 7:2; 2 Corinthians 12:21; Galatians 5:16-21; Ephesians 5:1-21; 1Thessalonians 4:1-8. 2Timothy 1:10-11; Jude 1:7; Revelations 21:8. (Here is one of the verses: Leviticus 20:13 “If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination:they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.”;
5) Conscience – many people feel in their consciences that homosexuality is morally wrong.

As a member of the Christian community who is concerned about your welfare, I ask you to first consider your lifestyle choice as being an individual one, that others may not agree with; and second, that you would reconsider your request for records of dialogue and communication between pastors and their congregation members. I really do believe that Christians will never back down on this issue, as it is an issue of truth and integrity for us.

Your name here"
Let's send her some love from the Christian community. God bless.

Princess Sheilyia #fundie charismanews.com

Yes, I am; spiritually, physically, and legally married....a marriage based on true validity of God's model for marriage. Unfortunately, same-sex addicts desire their lusts to be counted as a reason to selfishly change the meaning of marriage. God doesn't see it their way, according to His Word. It is not enough for one small group to covet what another group has simply so they can think themselves to be "equal". They are not equal no matter how hard they try. There is no possibility of procreation out of their pretense. Same-sex addicts abuse the privilege to make themselves feel warm and fuzzy. Bunny slippers could have given them the same effect.

Marriage is for a man and a woman together. Anything else is just a bootleg caricature of what God created. Same-sex addicts tried to rape angels a long time ago...now they are doing the same thing to marriage. Nothing has changed, even after all these years. Sad.

Jennifer LeClaire #fundie charismanews.com

I write about spiritual witchcraft each year to alert people of the spiritual conditions, not so they can dread or fear but so they can resist and overcome. It's not about any witch cursing anybody, it's about a spiritual sensitivity to the atmosphere that born-again, Spirit-filled believers have.

When demonic activity is rising in a city, a sensitive Christian will discern it. Unless you know what is operating, you will think the imaginations against your mind are you, or the fatigue is natural because you get up so early, or the feelings of giving up are legitimate because of the long trial you've endured. The Word of God says, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge" (Hos. 4:6). I've discovered again and again that when I share the revelation on spiritual climates, this truth sets people free to submit themselves to God and resist the devil so he'll flee.

Judge Perez Gimenez #fundie charismanews.com

"Judge Pérez-Giménez not only rejected the constitutional arguments for redefining marriage, but succinctly made the case for natural marriage, noting that 'the very survival of the political order depends upon the procreative potential embodied in traditional marriage.' He is correct in saying that this is among the 'principles of logic and law that cannot be forgotten.'

david ramseur #homophobia #fundie charismanews.com

While some hetero couples cannot conceive children, no homo couples can. Also, the complimentary aspects of both sexes are far and away more optimal for raising children than two of the same sex. Gay adoption has led to the objectification of women in the surrogate mills. It has also increased the risk for child molestation and homosexual molding. Homosexual marriage has disrespected God and God fearing Americans. It has also unconstitutionally stripped American citizens of their 1st amendment rights. Pushing for it is contributing to the downfall of society! Thank you Judge for standing up to the bullies and for the people. Your decision is just. Well done sir!

Ronald L #fundie #homophobia charismanews.com

[article by Dr. Michael Brown saying "No One Is Born Gay"

Thank you Michael Brown for bringing some cutting-edge science into this debate.

Clearly, homosexuality is a deliberate and sinful choice. Obviously, they aren't "born" to cruise bars, dress like women and picket outside churches. They have chosen gay activism. And, there is no "civil right" for things you chose to do. And why do they call it "gay"? Homosexuals are well-known to be nothing but sullen, angry, fearful and pessimistic because they have given-in to their sinful nature. I pray, in love, that they will someday share our joy and optimism.

Thanks again, Dr. Brown for leading the battle in this war for civilization itself. If our great country can survive the unprovoked, relentless attacks by the homosexuals it will because you have been such a proactive warrior, even as Christians and politicians have been silent on this issue.

Furino #fundie charismanews.com

No one is seeking to "take health care away from the needy". It just is not a function of the civil government to provide it to everyone. True Christians are benevolent to the truly needy in every way. In a nation of opportunity like America, there is no excuse for indemic poverty. Abject poverty is a result of sin and Satan primarily. It can be overcome, not sustained by civil government.

J. Lee Grady #fundie charismanews.com

[Christian lists seven things that prove God exists.]

1. Babies. How can anyone deny the reality of God when they see a baby? The amount of information encrypted in one cell in the human body is equal to that of 1,000 books.

2. Thunderstroms. I love to sit on my back porch in Florida and listen to the rumbling of thunder. It reminds me of God’s majesty and power.

3. Flowers. There are more than 400,000 species of flowers in the world, and most of them are not edible. Their job is to simply make the world beautiful. Did they just haphazardly evolve over time[?]

4. The Bible. The Bible itself is proof of God’s existence because He used 40 unrelated people over a period of 2,000 years to write His unique love letter to us. There is nothing like the Bible[.]

5. The global spread of Christianity. Over the centuries, the gospel message has been vilified and ridiculed. Yet today Christianity has more adherents than any religion, and numbers are growing in many parts of the world.

6. Jesus. The most amazing thing about God is not that He exists, but that He loved us so much He was willing to send His Son to earth to save us from ourselves.

7. My personal friendship with God. There are many reasons I am convinced God is real (the existence of coffee alone proves that He loves me!)[.]

afchief #fundie charismanews.com

You are right, the time has come for the parting of Christianity and the GOP. The majority of Republicans in the Senate and Congress are RINOs (Republican in name only). They no longer hold to the Republican beliefs of smaller government and individual freedoms. The Republican Leadership has sided with evil. Witness the complete focus now by Boehner on legalizing the illegals which is exactly what 0bama wants. What does 0bama not want? Repeal of 0bamaCare and spending reductions. What has the House indicated on these? It will not do anything to repeal 0bamaCare or restrain spending. Who does the Republican leadership identify as their enemy? The Tea Party. What does the Tea Party represent in this battle? Goodness and the American way. So, the Republican Leaders are now operating as an elite few who see their role as that of shepherds, moving the conservatives of America into the new Liberal World Order.

With that said, the other side of the coin is the Democrat/socialist/Liberalism view which is not only the "religion" of the new age progressives, it is their porn. It truly is a mental disorder that is being used as an offering to the childish, dependent, and weak minded as an alternative to personal responsibility and self reliance, and in exchange for absolute human rights. It empowers the most vile aspects of humanity via the "tolerance" of the "group think" to believe that their selfish hedonism is "freedom". The United States now exports the true concept of freedom in smaller quantities than ever before. Freedom isn't free and that is a lesson lost on the chronically self indulgent.

American Family Association #fundie charismanews.com

I believe the spirit of perversion will rush in like floodwaters through a broken dam. In fact, the Holy Spirit gave me a prophetic word earlier this week before I even saw this Cosmo spot, and I’ll be sharing more about that after I’ve prayed it through. It’s important to remember that we’re not wrestling flesh and blood. Principalities, powers and other demonic forces are at play in this perversion.

We need to separate the personalities from the principalities. In other words, we need to pray that these so-called trannys and those enthralled by this perversion will come to Jesus. But we also need to stand and withstand, sound the alarm, and protect the next generation from the seeds that magazines like Cosmo are planting in young minds. God have mercy.

Dr Michael Youssef #fundie #homophobia charismanews.com

The subtler persecution of Christians in America, which began mildly, with the media mocking Jimmy Carter’s “born again” claim, has escalated rapidly in the last five years.

If Christians in a social gathering or on the Piers Morgan show say they believe Jesus is the only Savior and Lord, they will incite the most venomous verbal attack. If Christians speak out against Islamism or the celebration of homosexuality, they will be attacked with labels such as “Islamophobe” or “homophobe”—words manufactured by two groups that would normally hate each other but join forces for the purpose of eliminating the true Christian point of view.

Our nation once rejoiced to send loving Christian missionaries to alleviate suffering and bring the Good News of the gospel to a world filled with darkness and unbelief. Now our leaders refuse to condemn the genocide taking place against Christians around the world while condemning nations for enacting moral laws against the act of homosexuality.

A nation once admired for the peaceful missions of its Peace Corps now exports the most violent and immoral movies—so much so that America is now synonymous with violence, pornography and immorality in general.

America once stood up for the suffering and persecuted. Today, however, if you ask any non-Islamist Egyptian (most of the country), they will tell you that the Obama administration would rather side with terrorists than true freedom-loving citizens.

Howard Taylor #fundie charismanews.com

With the multitude of sexually transmitted diseases on the scene, getting involved in sexual sin is gambling with your life. Not one person infected with HIV/AIDS has ever lived -NOT ONE! If you are harassed and tormented by filthy memories or fantasies flooding your mind, if you are constantly undressing others with your eyes, if you are a fornicator, adulterer, homosexual, masturbator, porno addict or any other type of sexual deviant, then you have opened the door for many evil spirits (demons) to enter and live INSIDE YOU! Once they've gained entrance they will force you to increase your sin habit until you are out of control and damned to burn forever in Hell. You cannot defeat these forces in your own strength, without help you are doomed to remain their SLAVE. There is only one way of escape -THROUGH THE BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST!

Ted Baehr #fundie charismanews.com

[Regarding the Navy yard shooter]

It’s now clear, if it wasn’t before, that violent video games are a definite menace to society. So, Americans must ask themselves, “When are we going to end the violent video game madness?”

We must wean our young people away from these violent video games, and into more profitable pursuits. We must stop blaming guns for our problems, and start dealing with the troubled and evil people using the guns and the politically correct authorities who fail to enforce the laws already on the books.

Also, we must end the arbitrary judicial bans on religious and moral teaching in our schools that deprive America’s children of the Ten Commandments that God gave Moses and the Hebrew people on Mount Sinai and the teachings that Jesus Christ gave his disciples in the Sermon on the Mount in Chapters Five through Seven of the Gospel of Matthew and in Chapters 13 through 17 of the Gospel of John.

Karaboo #fundie charismanews.com

I had an alarming experience playing Candycrush. I was in the middle of a season of intense dreams nearly everynight. It was so exciting I felt the Lord giving me encouragement as I prepared for a missions trip almost every night. I decided to play Candycrush because I thought it would be a harmless way to relax. I was spending less than 30 min a day playing, I don't watch tv much so I didn't see a problem playing a game in the evening for a bit of fun. After about two weeks I started dreaming about playing Candycrush. I was devistated the next morning because I had been anticipating another dream about my trip. Immeadiately I deleted the game from my facebook and a couple days later I started recieving dreams about my trip again. The Lord wants our full attention and he is jealouse of the distractions we allow in our lives. Many of my friends often ask why I have dreams so often and the answer is just this simple I don't watch much tv and I deleted Candycrush once I realized how it was effecting me.

Ted Baehr #fundie charismanews.com

“Neither the court, the state, the president, the Congress, nor even the voters have the right to legalize same-sex marriage,” Baehr says. “It violates the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, which states that Congress can’t deny anyone the freedom to worship.

“Marriage and family are religious institutions ordained by God,” he adds. “And the civil government owes its existence the consent of the governed, not the other way around, in the tradition of the Magna Carta.

“Furthermore, since Samuel Rutherford wrote Lex, Rex, which clarified the rule of law posited by the Magna Carta, all of these forms of government have been under God’s law in the United Kingdom and the United States of America. When king or ruler is above the law, he often acts in imperious and dictatorial ways, for the very nature of power is to corrupt the powerful, unless it is restrained by God’s law. Constitutionally, therefore, the courts can’t tell any Jew, any Christian or any church or synagogue who can and cannot be married.”

Baehr notes that the idea to abolish marriage and the family comes from The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Frederich Engels, which produced such mass-murdering tyrants as Lenin, Stalin, Mao Tse Tung and Castro.

Jennifer LeClaire #fundie charismanews.com

Our Supreme Court just opened the door to more of the same. Could it be possible that one day marriage as an institution could be outlawed altogether? I believe that is part of Satan’s end-time strategy.


We are in the latter times. We are in the end times even now. And some are indeed giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons. Look at the likes of Rob Bell, with his “no hell” theology; John Crowder, with his distorted hypergrace messages; and Carlton Pearson, with his universalistic “gospel of inclusion.” Then there’s the false justice movement that talks about Jesus while holding Bible studies, worship meetings and performing good works—but it’s a different Jesus at the center. These are just a few of the doctrines of demons circulating through the church today that are leading us toward the end-time harlot church. [Emphasis original]

We are in the latter times. We are in the end times even now. And some are indeed speaking lies in hypocrisy. Some are indeed living with a seared conscience. So the question is, Will 1 Timothy 4:3 be the next part of this prophetic Scripture to come to pass? Will we see governments forbidding marriage? I believe it’s inevitable as we get closer to the Second Coming of Christ. I believe the institution of traditional marriage will come under attack in parts of the earth as the deceptive gay marriage agenda continues to gain momentum. [Emphasis orginal]

Jennifer Leclaire #fundie charismanews.com

The gay agenda swarmed around me like a shark that smelled blood. I received emails that purposed to intimidate me. I was sought out on Facebook and repulsive messages were posted on my wall. I was told I would rot in hell. I’ve been labeled a bully who wields “clobber verses” despite the fact that my op-ed didn’t offer a single Scripture. I’ve been compared to white slave owners, deemed stubbornly close-minded, and, of course, there’s the tired old homophobe line. One email simply said, “f**k you.” I’ll stop there because to further expound on the evil that the gay agenda unleashed against me is not edifying.

What was my crime? Telling the truth. God’s truth is love, and it doesn’t always feel good or sound pretty. But the response from the gay agenda to God’s truth is often hate. Still, despite the persecution, I stand in prayer for those the enemy has captured. Like God's heart, my heart breaks for their lost souls. I am contending for light to flood in, deception to break and repentance to come.

It may be working. And that may be why I got so much backlash. There’s an old saying that goes something like this, “Throw a rock at a pack of dogs and the one that yells is the one that got hit.” Could it be possible that God’s truth is pricking the hearts of those yelling loudest? Could it be possible that conviction is trying to settle in on the hearts of the ones who make the loudest threats? I pray that’s the case because the alternative is that they are flowing in a reprobate mind.

I imagine this column will drive more hateful comments against me. But God’s love in me will not bow down to the threats and name-calling. There is a gay agenda and it’s working overtime to send millions to hell. I will not remain silent. I stand in hope that God will use my words to prick the hearts of some who may find freedom in Christ and work to help set others free. Amen.

Matt Barber #fundie charismanews.com

But you are not “gay.”

Yes, you may be physically attracted to people of the same sex, but how you act on those attractions is entirely your choice. Who you are—your identity—is not defined by your sexual feelings, temptations or behaviors. The difference between who you are and what you feel or do is as the difference between night and day.

Kimberly Daniels #fundie charismanews.com

Father, we ask You to reveal Your Son, Jesus, to our president as the only way to God. We ask You to cause him to have a Saul-to-Paul experience. Release the pricks and goads upon his heart at an accelerated pace so that his heart will turn to the righteousness of Jesus Christ. Deliver him and let him experience a genuine new birth in his spirit. God, deal with our president about the innocent bloodshed of the unborn and the sanctity of marriage.

Open doors for true prophets to speak to Obama in the White House. We bind the ministry of psychics, the teaching of black liberation theology, and every New Age and secular humanist doctrine away from the White House—

Anoint the Secret Service agents with a double portion throughout the rest of President Obama’s tenure. We bind the spirit of the double agent. We come against the Judas spirit in the Secret Service, CIA, NSA and FBI in the name of Jesus.

Lord, we come against every stronghold that keeps the president from the truth. We break every soul tie and vow that has been established between him and Harvard, secret societies and the Illuminati.

We declare that even the cabinet that is around him will bow to Jesus. We plead the blood of Jesus over Obama’s head so that the pressure of the office will not keep him up all night. Every tormenting spirit sent by a witch or warlock is bound in Jesus’ name.

Lord, expose the work of every witch, sorcerer, spiritualist or person from the dark side operating through his cabinet members or through anyone else closely associated with him. We block the power of the influence of the Yorùbá religion and all other groups of black people who worship their ancestors, in Jesus’ name. We put barriers around the United States that will bind and block the witchcraft coming from Kenya to influence our president in Jesus’ name. Let the power of every dedication of his past be broken, in Jesus’ name—

We drown every spirit traveling from overseas to wreak havoc. We bind the spirit of havoc and chaos from birthing martial law in the land. We bind spirits that would cause us to lose our constitutional and civil liberties. We declare that the gospel and those who preach it shall have free course in the earth.

We break all agreements between Barack Obama and the nations of the Middle East that would cause America to turn its back on Israel.

Ted Baehr and Tom Snyder #fundie charismanews.com

By removing God, the Bible, God's Law, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit from society, including the mass media and the schools, we are raising generations of people with no faith in God or Jesus and, hence, no moral conscience, and no self-control. If so many people have no faith, no moral conscience and no self-control, then it’s no wonder our society is suffering from all these mass murders by evil lone gunmen.

For some reason, the word “evil” has become a pariah in modern discourse. If you remove God, the Bible, God’s Law, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, then doesn’t the notion of good and evil become meaningless?

As Paul points out in Romans 2:29, people become good and do the right thing only when their hearts, or their conscience or inner souls, are at least partly sanctified, cleansed, redeemed, and transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Thus, how can people choose good over evil without a divine sense of faith and values from God, through either Jesus Christ or the Holy Spirit?

Because we’ve been removing, in one way or another, God and the Bible from our society, mass media and schools, we’ve been creating mean killers with no conscience. Without God or the Bible, Satan is allowed to roam freely and the sinful nature of man begins to infect humanity and all its works. Thus, the souls of these killers have become infected with envy, narcissism, a growing anger, hatred, a sense of entitlement and victimhood, and many other evil, sinful lusts. As a result, these killers become people who have no moral conscience and no moral compass – or at least a severely damaged one.

Alliance Defending Freedom #fundie charismanews.com

Alliance Defending Freedom is advising officials responsible for issuing marriage licenses in Maine, Maryland and Washington that they do not have to violate their faith or conscience by personally issuing licenses to applicants who are of the same sex.

Three new legal memos advise municipal clerks in Maine, county clerks in Maryland and county auditors in Washington that provisions in state law allow them to delegate responsibility for issuing the licenses to deputies or assistants who don’t have conscience-based objections to issuing the licenses to same-sex applicants.

“No American should be forced to give up a constitutionally protected freedom, nor should any American be forced to give up his or her job to maintain that freedom,” said ADF Senior Counsel Austin R. Nimocks. “Religious freedom is paramount to every American, including those issuing marriage licenses. They can perform their job without violating their conscience.”

Nimocks explained that society can respect the faith and conscience of the clerks while providing no impediment to carrying out the law.

The memos state that, in light of the three states’ “recent redefinition of marriage to include same-sex couples,” some clerks and auditors “might believe that they face a serious dilemma: either resign their positions or violate their sincerely held religious beliefs by issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples.” The memos explain, however, that those officials “can readily resolve this potential religious conflict” by acting on the authority they have to appoint their responsibilities to deputies or assistants.

The memos also explain that if the clerks or auditors encounter resistance in their efforts to resolve the religious conflict, they can contact Alliance Defending Freedom for assistance in light of the First Amendment’s protections for the free exercise of religion.

Harold Camping #fundie charismanews.com

Harold Camping got it all wrong with his repeated end of the world predictions. And now he's admitting it.

The board of Family Radio posted the following letter from Camping, which should put an end to the doom, gloom and drama:

Dear Family Radio Family,

In this time of confusion and turmoil, God’s Word remains the only truth in which we can trust. God has shown us again the truth that He alone is true. In Romans 3:4 God declares: "Let God be true but every man a liar." Events within the last year have proven that no man can be fully trusted. Even the most sincere and zealous of us can be mistaken.

The May 21 campaign was an astounding event if you think about its impact upon this world. There is no question that millions, if not billions of people heard for the first time the Bible’s warning that Jesus Christ will return. Huge portions of this world that had never read or seen a Bible heard the message the Christ Jesus is coming to rapture His people and destroy this natural world.

Yes, we humbly acknowledge we were wrong about the timing; yet though we were wrong God is still using the May 21 warning in a very mighty way. In the months following May 21 the Bible has, in some ways, come out from under the shadows and is now being discussed by all kinds of people who never before paid any attention to the Bible. We learn about this, for example, by the recent National Geographic articles concerning the King James Bible and the apostles. Reading about and even discussing about the Bible can never be a bad thing, even if the Bible’s authenticity is questioned or ridiculed. The world’s attention has been called to the Bible.

We must also openly acknowledge that we have no new evidence pointing to another date for the end of the world. Though many dates are circulating, Family Radio has no interest in even considering another date. God has humbled us through the events of May 21, to continue to even more fervently search the Scriptures (the Bible), not to find dates, but to be more faithful in our understanding.

We have learned the very painful lesson that all of creation is in God’s hands and He will end time in His time, not ours! We humbly recognize that God may not tell His people the date when Christ will return, any more than He tells anyone the date they will die physically.

We realize that many people are hoping they will know the date of Christ’s return. In fact for a time Family Radio fell into that kind of thinking. But we now realize that those people who were calling our attention to the Bible’s statement that "of that day and hour knoweth no man" (Matthew 24:36 & Mark 13:32), were right in their understanding of those verses and Family Radio was wrong. Whether God will ever give us any indication of the date of His return is hidden in God’s divine plan.

We were even so bold as to insist that the Bible guaranteed that Christ would return on May 21 and that the true believers would be raptured. Yet this incorrect and sinful statement allowed God to get the attention of a great many people who otherwise would not have paid attention. Even as God used sinful Balaam to accomplish His purposes, so He used our sin to accomplish His purpose of making the whole world acquainted with the Bible. However, even so, that does not excuse us. We tremble before God as we humbly ask Him for forgiveness for making that sinful statement. We are so thankful that God is so loving that He will forgive even this sin.

So we must be satisfied to humbly wait upon God, and trust He will guide His people to safety. At Family Radio, we continue to look to God for guidance. If it is His good pleasure for us to continue on with our original mission, the proclamation of the Gospel, God’s Word, then we must continue to look to Him.

We consider you to be a real part of this ministry and the tremendous opportunities which God, by His unfathomable mercy and grace, continues to give to us. And, your steadfast involvement and support is so appreciated!

May God bless you,
Harold Camping and the staff of Family Radio

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