
James Bourke #homophobia amazon.com

[about the male Central Park Zoo penguins who raised a baby penguin named Tango together]

The book doesn't tell the whole story. Silo the "gay" penguin eventually left Roy for a female named Scrappy. Silo is now happily coupled with a female, which is so heartening b/c it proves that homosexuality can indeed be cured!

As for Tango, she grew up and coupled with a female penguin, which shows how harmful homosexual adoption can be to children. Tango had none of the genes of her adopted parents, but was raised in a homosexual environment and so became a homosexual herself. Homosexuality does not occur naturally, it must ultimately be a choice on the part of the individual. If it occurred naturally in the gene pool, then it would pass away within one generation since homosexuals are incapable of reproducing.

Daniel #fundie amazon.com

[Review of Harry Potter]

Harry Potter books are written by an actual practicing witch to indoctrinate our youth. These books contain accurate depictions of ritual magic and satanic doctrines. Those who say it's "just fiction" need a reality check! Fiction is the best way to promote occult belief systems! (Just ask Walt Disney. His job as a 33rd degree Freemason was to condition American children to embrace occult themes in entertainment.)

Lots of reviewers who don't know anything about the occult will assure you that this book is not occult doctrine. That's like a blind person telling you there are no misspellings! Here are the facts; look them up on your own and verify. (Of over 5000 reviews, I can't find ONE that states these facts.)

The cover illustration employs overtly satanic symbols include the lightning bolt on his forehead--a Biblical symbol of Satan (who like lightning fell from heaven). There is also the unicorn--a Biblical symbol of the Antichrist (as all witches know). This book promotes drug use--brews with mind-altering fumes using wormwood which in real life contains a hypnotic drug. The series also features demonic possession, necromancy, and divination. Death is described as a great adventure for the occult practicioner--the actual satanic doctrine on death.

Occult numerology runs throughout the book, including the intentional use of 11, 13 and 33 and numbers that break down into those numbers. These are not accidental. The owner of the sorcerer's stone is 666 years old in this book. So the quest is associated with the Biblical number of the Beast. What more do you need?? Non-magical people are described as boring with pointless lives. The glory goes to witchcraft--the gateway into hardcore satanism (according to former high ranking satanists and witches like John Todd and William Schnoebelen.) We need to realize that life is all about a spiritual war and start using better discernment in order not to be manipulated by doctrines of evil. Harry Potter is only one of many that has been revealed. Learn more at cuttingedge.org.

DrummerDude91 #fundie amazon.com

[In a thread titled "Assassin's Creed is a Pro-Muslim/Anti-Christian Game"]

Entirely ridiculous, more people have died in the name of Atheism than they ever have in the name of religion. We should stop spreading this ignorant notion, acting like its an academic fact. Let's just compare the factual numbers of deaths in oh say, the killing fields of the Khmer Rouge, Hitler's concentration camps, Stalin's pogroms, Mao's 'great' leap forward to things like the Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition, Salem Witch trials... You might find a great deal of disparity there.

The game is most certainly anti-Christian, and such a shame too. Great graphics, unique concept. Now, this is just my opinion, but it seems the developers could have easily depicted a different setting or era to have essentially the same game. I believe the developers deliberately chose the Crusades in an effort to garner Islamic support for what they believe is the 'new crusade' in Iraq.

Its unpopular today to be a Christian. The war in Iraq is unpopular (at least to CNN and the lemmings that believe every word the Communist News Network says). This game totally capitalizes on this fact. Such a shame, could have been a great game.

"Wall Street" Brandi #fundie amazon.com

What can I say,
The Devil is preety good at covering stuff up. He uses even the best Scientist and astronomers to crush anything spiritual.

Of coarse this book is garbage and I suggest that everyone who likes this book to please take yourself and your scientific thinking out of the box.

In the next coming years people you are gonna see some serious evil spirtual activity and because you have polluted yourselves with closing your mind of to it, you won't know or be ready for the things that are going to occur.

M. Horey #fundie amazon.com

I used data on supernovae from this book to silence the atheists on an aol comment site. When I began to post, I was the only Christian on the board. When I ceased to comment, there were only Christians on the board.

Denis J. Sweeney #homophobia amazon.com

Animal homosexuality is not frequent, and if it existed as some people claim it to be an orientation, each species would soon die out due to lack of procreation. It almost happened to the Romans and will soon happen to various countries around the world, whose populations are shrinking. Homosexuality and abortion are scourges that people bring upon the human race.

Gerald Collins #fundie amazon.com

I have a niece who is a lesbian. She told her mother that her other grandfather sexually abused her.(not rape but just as abusive sexually) She says since he did that to her she turned away from normal procreation and sex and decided to turn her affection to women.

Then her sister was abused by the same grandfather in the same manner. The sister is quite normal and has had a marriage of 27 years to a good man. A friend in Boston was a lesbian and said she was sexually abused and this made her want men and women. Her grilfriend (lesbian) says her harmones make her have men's desires.

Why wouldn't either girl accept medical treatment for sexual abuse and harmones?

It is a choice. They didn't want to stop it because they got a lot of satisfaction from it. That would be the most honest answer.

Grumpy Jim #fundie amazon.com

If all of you that believe people are born gay and that they should not be judged ,and given the same equal rights and benefits as straight people,then how do you draw the line ? If you actually believe this then what makes them any different than people that molest children,or people that have sex with animals,or dead people were they also born that way ? Both have abnormal sexual behavior,so what makes gays so special ? I bet all you holy rollers would jump right up and condem a child molester.Your logic is all out of whack,but that's ok keep telling yourself your beliefs are flawless.

Zaku77 #fundie amazon.com

[God made lesbians who they are. How is it morally wrong to be what God made them?]

oh for God's sake. Being lesbian is a choice. Allllll those people who say "I was just made this way!" are full of crap. That is a total cop-out. Yes being a lesbian is morally wrong, Biblically wrong, and basically wrong in all senses. No matter how hot it is.

Mother Hen #fundie amazon.com

The bible doesn't ask that we ignore others' sins, rather it tells us what behavior is sinful, and to avoid it for our own good. It also tells us about how to live for Christ.

The reality is that homosexuals are continually asking for societal affirmation of their behavior. They don't want "tolerance," or to be left alone. They want it up front and center, and praised and taught to school children as morally equivalent to the natural family. I don't seek affirmation or approval of my sins, and I certainly won't affirm and praise the sins of others. Sin requires repentance, not parades.

Paul Schmidt #fundie amazon.com

[ At the end of a short "review" of The God Delusion ]

I ended reading the book in the main preface where Dawkins asks us to "Imagine" there was no religion. Okay, I did -- and shuddered. With no religion, the atheistic dictatorships of the twentieth century would have killed many more than the outrageous number which I have seen estimated around 100,000,000. With no religion, "might makes right". With no religion, slavery would still be around today.

It was at this point that I could not read further. Why should I waste my time?

QuadFather #fundie amazon.com

A major criticism is that Intelligent Design is not falsifiable. However, Intelligent Design is falsifiable by demonstrating that its central claims are false.

The theory of intelligent design says that certain features of biology and the universe are best explained by intelligent activity.

Intelligent design says that these features can NOT be produced by unintelligent activity. All you have to do to falsify intelligent design is to demonstrate that these features CAN be produced by intelligent activity. Below is an example:

CLAIM: Currently, information processing systems are only known to be the product of intelligent activity.
FALSIFICATION: Demonstrate that unintelligent processes can produce information processing systems.

Don't confuse the point: The question is not whether intelligent design has been falsified, it is whether it can, in principle, be falsified at all.

"FM" #fundie amazon.com

A certain clique of Darwinists seems intent on waging a religious war in the name of the Church of Darwin, fueled by the same kind of fear and paranoia that struck Christiandom in the 19th Century when blindsided by Darwins original "dangerous idea." Except this time around, it's the Darwinists who are ready to burn books and excommunicate scientists they disagree with.

Avid Reader #fundie amazon.com

I won't go into all the well-known weaknesses of Darwin's theory. This book is a rather desperate attempt to "re-introduce" the theory to a public that is mostly skeptical of its claims. The book abounds with logical fallacies. One is that a change in the proportion of certain individuals within a population (e.g. bacteria resistant to antibiotics) is somehow PROOF of that population evolving into another species. Yet the actual PROOF is conspicuously missing. The bacteria remain bacteria.

S #fundie amazon.com

most dismiss the story of noah based solely on the animal episode. usually the arguements are; How could the all animals fit on the ark? Did Noah travel around gathering up the animals? What did they eat? And so on. Most would not ask these questions had they done a little research. Most records (scripture and non-canonical) including myths tell us that the animals CAME TO NOAH. many accounts support one another in this. It is mentioned in Genesis; Jewish legend, early Jewish-Christain texts; and the number of important myths particulary those found in mesopotamia. all these agree that God sent the animals to Noah. This is not as strange as it may sound for the animals also came before Adam in the begining to receive their names...as many records also indicate.

Polynikes #fundie amazon.com

If there is any example of true hatred, it is the gay's hatred of God, His creation, and especially of themselves. Always eager to accuse everyone else of "hating'" they excel at it. Because their lifestyle, by nature, earns no respect, but only revulsion, they need "gay marriage" to bring just a little official recognition to their otherwise perverse behaviour. It would be great for the reprobate state of Californication to simply leave the union and form its own Pink Nation; but that would punish those in the Great Golden State who do not sanction that lifestyle, and who would suffer at the hands of violent fairies.

TKKMfamily #fundie amazon.com

[from a review of "Why I Rejected Christianity: A Former Apologist Explains"]

The title of this book is a little bit misleading. This guys claims that he was formerly an "apologist." Unfortunately, having a head full of knowledge, answers, etc. does not an apologist make. A true apologist is able to look at the philosophy of atheism (or any other competing worldview/religion) and recognize the internal flaws and inconsistencies of the philosophy.
Atheism is full of poor philosophy (begging the question, special pleading, etc.), and a true apologist would not only be familiar with the objections presented toward Christianity by atheism, but would have an understanding of why the atheist's arguments are flawed. Being familiar with their arguments is worthless if a theologian is unable to explain the internal inconsistencies and poor philosophy.
On to the substance of the book...
As stated in many of the comments here, this is just a guy who threw a temper tantrum when things didn't turn out the way he wanted them to. He blames God for the way God's people act as a result.

Graywolf #fundie amazon.com

Graywolf says:
strawberries taste good.

proves there is a God

proves He loves you

we have to eat

even if all food tasted like poop we would still have to eat it

or is it that plants somehow had a consciousness that made them evolve to taste good

nope the creator made them that way

Gr8tful2bHis #fundie amazon.com

I've read that doctors in earlier times gained insight about hygiene from Leviticus. It seems Lister was one of those.

I also recall hearing an OB-Gyn once say that it takes longer for a woman's hormones to return to proper balance after the birth of a girl.

A lot of practical information has come from Leviticus.

Collin J. Cooke #fundie amazon.com

[Thread topic: The process of intelligent design]

God gave earth a dinosaur period so that we could have oil, gasoline, and polymer hydrocarbons for plastics in the 21st century. If you look at the incredible properties of oil, you whould know God was thinking, "Now how do I get the most energy in the smallest possible density with out them having to know quantum mechanics". You know, oil comes from dead dinosaurs. That was their purpose.

GangstaLawya #conspiracy amazon.com

I agree the "liberal" superrich are undermining America, but let us name who the "liberals" are, namely jews and freemasons. The book gives the names of who's who amongst rich jews and freemasons, but doesn't note the pattern. They don't have any problem identifying the mafia as "Italian" but they shrink cowardly from naming the treasonist liberals as jews and freemasons.

GangstaLawya #conspiracy amazon.com

[Arguing that George W. Bush is, in fact, a Jew.]

Bush celebrates Hanukkah. He eliminates crosses in the white house and replaces them with menorahs. He talks about being a born again Christian even though he's a member of a luciferian cult of Skull and Bones. He constantly gives the satanic salute in public with his fingers like rock stars do. He deceptively calls himself a republican while spreading "democracy." He allows Israeli foreign policy take precedence over American foreign policy. He purports to be fighting a war on terror, yet he leaves an open border with Mexico where terrorists can cross over. Bhutto in Pakistan was assassinted shortly after she exposed Bin Laden was dead. If Bin Laden was dead it renders the war based on a chimera and shows all the film footage as frauds perpetrated by our President.

Ms. Nansea #fundie amazon.com

[In response to: Why do people think Obama is a muslim?]

Most Americans are fairly intelligent. But, I believe facts speak for themselves. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck....Barack Obama is a member of the Trinity church who's mantra is "blacks" not God and loving your neighbor. Their allegence is with Africa..as is Oprah Winfreys. Why didn't she build schools in America for black children????? Their leader/pastor has given a prestigious award to Louis Farrakan who represent the Nation of Islam and openly hates JEWS. This is where the contrast was drawn. He professes to be a Christian...but beware of wolves in sheeps clothing. Will we be able to identify the Anti-Christ??

[34 of 98 people think this post adds to the discussion.]

Homunculus #fundie amazon.com

Christianity is not a religion, as is Atheism (note the capital "A"). "Religion" is man constructing a belief system in search for a creator of the universe. Atheists claim "materialism" or "naturalism" is the creating force of the universe...

Christianity is Creator God revealing Himself to individuals in real time. That is a reality-based experience, not a man-made "story".

theosophers #fundie amazon.com

When you study science classes part of the course work is devoted to laboratory experimentation. There are no evolutionary experiments to do in biology study. Evolution is a 'theory' of the gaps. Like when a young female student is frightened in the lab by a white rat, she is comforted by the thought that millions of years ago it was a rhinocerous.

Homunculus #fundie amazon.com

Now about my religion. I don't have any. Yes, Christianity has been changed into religion by all those annoying bad guys that have committed atrocities in the name of my sweet Lord Jesus. But I can tell you one thing for sure. The day Christ saved me, I was not the least bit interested in religion.

Homunculus #fundie amazon.com

I'm working on a thesis that demonstrates atheists are victims of self-indoctrination, willing to believe anything rather than reality. What I want to know is the underlying reason for "wanting" God not to exist.

Joe Healthy #fundie amazon.com

[Reviewing the 2007 film, Transformers]

I was only able to watch the first 20 minutes of this garbage before I had to turn off the movie. Presumably it's made for kids, but I think any parent who let's their kid watch this poison is guilty of child abuse. This movie is all about cultural subversion, about the continued destruction of this formerly white Christian nation; the action is only the vehicle for the movie's true purpose. This movie will bombard your child with inappropriate and unnecessary sexual innuendo, anti-Christian jokes (a snide, 'what would Jesus say?' remark by the Jewish actor "LaBeouf"), and other garbage. I'm sure the script writers were choking on their bagels with laughter as they wrote this crap. Not only should you not waste your time and money on this movie, you should be ashamed that you financially supported your own humiliation.

j #fundie amazon.com

their was no death until adam and eve sinned, so evolution wouldn't be work, if God wanted to use evolution to create the world he couldhave, but you need to know God creates everything right the first time, so evolution is one big fat joke, u feel me dog

Rossy Diaz #fundie amazon.com

[A review of "Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock" for PS2]

Satanic Game

IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR TO PRAISE SATAN, THIS VIDEO GAME IS EXACTLY YOUR BEST CHOICE. I BOUGHT IT FOR MY teenager son, for this first look it is fun, but the most dificult the level is, the most satanic songs are and the graphics, you;ll see the devil killing people. Honestly, we felt bad, and strange things happened to us in two days. Game was returned. I had to click on the stars to rate it, but the rate is -0

qwerty #fundie amazon.com

Well, though we do adapt, I don't believe in evolution, i think it's a load of bull hockey. at the rate everything has developed in the last 100 years, you really think it took BILLIONS of years to get to here now? i think that's silly. Last time I learned about it, evolution was a theory. Personally, I think it's more probable that God created than we came from a blob of slime.

Goodtoast #fundie amazon.com

The Bible has been pretty throughly nitpicked and raked-over for nearly two thousand years now, and there has not been a single contridiction found that has ever been able to stand when explained in its proper Biblical context.

A. P. Schiavo Jr. #fundie amazon.com

[OP asked atheists to define what they believe without using the word "God"]

E Tims wrote: "I don't believe in anything without having a reason to believe in it."

Again, that's a negative statement of belief. I'm looking for a positive one. For example:

"I believe that human beings are simply a conglomeration of chemicals who evolved ex nihilo."

Is that too hard?

Darwin Researcher #fundie amazon.com

[Review of "Complete Idiot's Guide to Understanding Intelligent Design"]

The authors document the fact that a climate of fear now exists that prevents those who find problems with Darwinism that is not unlike that which existed during the McCarthy era and, until we are able to discuss the relevant issues the controversy will not be resolved, but will intensify.

Prometheus #fundie amazon.com

The ungodly Russian revolution symbolized the triumph of the atheistic agenda in the East. China also fell to the Satanic atheists who controlled this diabolical regime. The hammer and sickle, the symbol of Soviet communism, has been a traditional symbol of the atheist death cult. Its origins trace back centuries. It is the very meaning of this symbol that has been covered up since its beginnings.

J. Bajis "Child Protector" #fundie amazon.com

These People really Love the Lord
"He that spares the rod (yes, I said ROD) hates his son but he that LOVES HIM IS CAREFUL TO CHASTEN HIM!"
Do you want to skip the "terrible twos"?
Of course you do, How about "Teenage-Rebellion"?
Now there is a series of books that can help you do just that! Praise GOD

I agree on two points that those who criticize me will say
1) Children need love NOT emotional scars
P.S. any one who buys into the secular culture in saying that proverbs is wrong as I quoted above, Should have their kids taken away and be put in jail

Bryan E. Leed "Jesus says, 'Go and Sin No More!" #fundie amazon.com

The Bible teaches that sin poisons everything.

These recent atheist bestsellers are becoming tiresome.

Because people often have a perspective on God that is very similar to their personal relationship with their own father, Atheism is a form of mental illness and emotional distress rooted in a bad relationship with your human father, then projected onto God as the ultimate authority and father figure.

All the most famous atheists have had terrible relationships with their fathers and deeply resent them, are angry at them, etc. Look up Madalyn Murray O'Hair, the woman who got prayer outlawed in public schools--bad father relationship. The same goes for Bertrand Russell, the most influential atheist author of the last century. If you are an atheist, look at your own life. See the pattern?

I know this to be true, because I used to be the same way before I got Saved by Jesus. You can get Saved, too, and you will lose your animosity towards God, and start enjoying your life for a change.

I challenge the reader to research this author, Christopher Hitchens, and find out about his family relations. I have, and I read that he has poor family relations and he drinks way too much alcohol. Is that true? Is this a great mind to be reading, learning from, and following? Not hardly!

Gregory Nyman #fundie amazon.com

Hey, if you want to be an atheist, fine. But if I can expose your children to the truth of the Gospel and the Ten Commandments, and speak the truth of Christ to them, I will, and I shall, and maybe your children will be in Heaven before you, and that's the way salvation works. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.

Get a grip, people. We talk of a tolerant nation, but no one is tolerant of Christians. "The nations that reject God are destined to damnation." That's God Word, not mine. If you don't like it, take it up with Him. On the last day of judgment, there won't be any excuses, except one question - what did you do with Christ?

E. Milligan #fundie amazon.com

I would say America contains a number of solid believers, but at this point we are not truly a Christian nation as a whole. Statistics show that only 20% of Americans are in church on Sunday (or Saturday if you prefer). Few are discipled Christians who put God first. America is a big mission field that is in need of more missionaries to proclaim the good news.

prophet joe #fundie amazon.com

Regardless of whether the founding fathers calimes to be Christians or were deists, there is no denying that his nation was founded and achieved its singular position in history based on Judea o-Christian principles, and our decline is directly linked to our moving away from our dropping of "their superstitions" and embracing "knowledge and education instead of bigotry and intolerance", as you put it.

S. Farrar #fundie amazon.com

[Why do atheists frequent religion forums?]

My theory regarding this is, that they are hoping someone will engage them in discussion and make a good enough argument that would dissuade them from their atheism, because deep down, they know what they are espousing is not truth.

T.Nguyen #fundie amazon.com

I don't know of any highschooler ever get a chance to practice Theory of Evolution in the material sense, i.e. make a living out of it, by providing goods or services, but maybe in the moral sense "I'm bigger so I'll bully smaller kids and steal their money".

Just about any other school subject is more useful.

Let students have choices. Those who choose impractical subjects such as TE would have a handicap in life and by natural selection ....

Art Franklin #fundie amazon.com

[In response to the question of whether Huckleberry Finn was a better Christian than the apostle Paul]

Interesting post. Exodus 21:32 has YHWH telling us "If the ox gores a male or female slave, the owner shall give his or her master thirty shekels of silver, and the ox shall be stoned. "

This is important as God himself is setting a monetary value on human life, or at least that of a slave (this chapter is kind of like the fine print after the Ten Commandsments). Therefore, Paul's duty was to either return the slave to the owner or pay him 30 shekels of silver. I'd say Huck Finn was less of a Christian, because he did not give recompense to Nigger Jim's owner.

MJM #fundie amazon.com

"First of all, the entire concept of NVC [Nonviolent Communication] is based on the idea that it is a part of human nature to desire compassionate communication with others. This goes against some of my fundamental beliefs as a Christian."

Rose #fundie amazon.com

This book has really changed our family and although at first it seems cruel because we are in a society that has strayed so far from the truth that the truth actually seems wrong. But pray and read the scriptures along with this book and the Holy Spirit will reveal the truth if you truly seek it.

I have not found a scripture to support (or not support) the appropriate age at which to spank your children. So I recommend starting at the age that you feel God wants you too. I could never spank my 4 month old but at about 8 months it seems to begin to be helpful but I always did it very lightly on the hand not the thigh or leg.

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