
I am a half-elf and can bend reality to my will with the power of archaick spelling!

Joe Eigo #magick facebook.com

Phi Crystals are precisely angled and faceted within sacred geometrical physics. As such these offer extremely advanced opportunities in terms of discovering inner worlds, multidimensional facets of the crystalline realms, in which lies your true essence. The ability of Phi Crystals to merge coherently with thought manifestation can indeed enrich the life of the wise user.

Phi Crystals, are indeed 'Merlin's Wand', in the hands of the wise. These crystalline tools open the pineal gland and as such are instrumental in opening the mind...and are thus very useful keys to manifesting ones reality in co-creativity via congealing ideals of noble manifestation in 3d.

The Phi Crystals are transformers & transducers of unlocking 'Higher -Self' within the Divinity Fields of Harmonic Resonance. Indeed, in the New Earth of the Crystalline 144-Grid & Crysto Bio-Shift, these tools are far more potent, far more powerful than any time since the Golden Age of the Law of One Atlantis.

Top 5s Finest #magick youtube.com

5 Vampires Caught On Tape & Spotted In Real Life!


Vampires are a classic monster that are scary not only because of what they are, but what they represent at a psychological and subconscious level. In myths, vampires combine animal instinct and extraordinary brutality and cruelty with supernatural sexuality, intellectualism, and class. Evidence exists that suggests that they walked among us at some point in history in some places, but could they walk among us now? These are 5 vampires caught on camera and spotted in real life.

Vampire Caught in Woods


Two men speak to each other while they hike in the woods at night, recording their journey with a night vision camera, on November 6th, 2006 according to the timestamp of the video. They walk for about 45 minutes between different cuts before they stop for some reason. The camera focuses and zooms in on something in the darkness. A bald, skinny, naked man with pointed ears, crouching at the end of the path, who looks like a Noseferatu. The camera continues to zoom in, closer on the figure, and the flashlight slowly falls onto the figure. One of the men snaps a branch, alerting the vampire to their presence. It turns to look at them with glowing eyes and they run and the video ends.

Russian Vampire Attack


In this video a large, colorfully dressed man begins to argue with a store employee, over the Twilight books according to the video description. The man attempts to storm off, but he’s stopped by an employee. The large man delivers a devastating body slam through a table to the employee that tries to stop him, and another attempt to get in his way. He punches the employee away several feet, and we see in the reflection of the mirror that a third man tries to tackle him down. He begins to lift the man off the ground one handed when we see in the mirror that the large, colorfully dressed man has no reflection.

Vampire Walks in Front of Mirror


This CCTV footage captures evidence of a vampire living a normal life, going about his business, shopping in a shoe store full of people in Savannah, Georgia. The store full of people are calm, going about their day. A woman uses her phone, a man is trying on shoes, and another man peruses shelves, and a pale man in sunglasses speaks with the employee at the register before leaving. Nothing out of the ordinary, except for the fact he has no reflection behind him as he passes the large store mirror. This may provide evidence that vampires are out there, living among us and like us, though we may be too busy to know it.

Vampires Attack and Eat Two Men In Texas


The card at the start of the video tells us that it’s found footage, so we can already imagine what’s happened to the man who recorded it. In this long video a man is recording what he believes to be a group of vampires at a bar in Texas. Over 12 minutes he observes them and their activities. A man begins to hit his girlfriend outside of the bar, and the group of alleged vampires abduct him. The camera man recording the footage follows them to a field, where he sees them beating the abusive boyfriend. They begin to bite him and drink his blood as he screams. The cameraman is himself attacked by a vampire behind him afterward.

Ghoul After Vampire Attack


This video follows the previous one. In this video, the cameraman from the previous one is lying down and dying from the attack before. Part of his neck has been torn out, and he’s quickly bleeding out. He speaks to the camera and records his final thoughts, smoking a cigarette. He then falls limp, presumably dead, as the camera continues recording. After a few minutes, he apparently regains consciousness, but appears different. He gets up, and shambles away. He may be a zombie, ghoul, or vampire. The man in the video was never seen again, and his cellphone was found with the footage later.

Kings Wiki #crackpot #magick #psycho en.kingswiki.com

Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) is a subset of rhetorical communication specifically designed to target the subconscious. Properly employed, NLP allows you to bypass critical thought to implant ideas, emotions, or lines of thought into the subject.


Common NLP Phrases and Patterns

Some common phrases and patterns of communication associated with NLP follow:

"_______, because ______".

This exploits the subconscious tendency to trust anything which has a reason to be true. The statement following "because" can be directly related to the first statement, or it can not - it makes surprisingly little difference.

"_______, which means ______".

This is basically "because" in reverse.

"______, and _______, and _____".

The human brain can only store between 5 and 9 unique thoughts at a time. Connecting thoughts together bombards the critical factor of the mind and allows some of those thoughts to enter the subconscious without criticism.

"You don't have to _______ right now".

This phrasing turns a command into a suggestion, which is less heavily scrutinized. The phrase "right now" directs the subconscious to consider doing that action immediately, but also grants permission to wait for a time. It's a common sales tactic - "You don't have to decide to buy this car right now."

"Now, you can choose whether or not to _______."

This is a sort of false choice - you are implanting the command without providing a real alternative. The mind is bombarded with the course of action, and the fact that it is not a direct command allows the subject to internalize it without heavy scrutiny.

"Many experts agree that ______."

This is an appeal to unspecified authority that causes the subject to weight the statement more heavily than they naturally would. We see it all the time in media.

"Albert Einstein/A friend of mine/My father once said something like ______".

This shifts the communication from the actual communicator (you) to a non-present entity (Albert Einstein). While you can be questioned and grilled, the non-present entity cannot, so the statement is often received more readily.

"I can see you doing ____."

This prompts the subject to do some imagining, whether or not they realize it. Because an imagined scenario is somewhat real to the imaginer, this influences them toward that action in the near future (until the image is forgotten).

"I cannot imagine that you would ______."

The negatives are often ignored in rhetorical communication. While you say you cannot, they are prompted to imagine that they can.

"[bad option], or [good option]"

We tend to heavily weight the last option presented in a list. By placing the good option last and playing up the badness of the bad option(s), you increase the odds that the subject will pick the option you want.

Gary Croft #magick #crackpot #mammon primesdemystified.com


Hidden deep within this sieve, a radical spin on modulo 30 wheel factorization, are mysteriously beautiful symmetries and geometries, profound in their implications. This sieve not only forms the basis of an extremely efficient and widely used prime number sieving algorithm of the 'non-probabilistic' kind, but it demonstrates how prime numbers are distributed within a radial geometry that effectively defragments the Ulam Spiral and ultimately leads us to "the theory of everything."


Spiritual Science Research Foundation #magick #homophobia thegailygrind.com

Just when you think you’ve heard all possible (and, frankly, impossible) justifications for homosexuality, you realize there’s one more: ghosts. Yup! A paranormal organization is claiming that the vast majority of gay men and women aren’t actually gay – they’re just possessed by someone of the opposite sex.

According to the Spiritual Science Research Foundation (SRF), 85 percent of all gay men are possessed by female ghosts, causing them to be attracted to other men. Lesbians are, you guessed it, possessed by males ghosts.

“The main reason behind the gay orientation of some men is that they are possessed by female ghosts. It is the female ghost in them that is attracted to other men,” claims the group on Twitter.

The SRF cite “spiritual research” as proving that “the cause for homosexual preferences lie predominantly in the spiritual realm.”

Here’s how the group breaks down the remaining 15 percent:

* Only five percent are gay due to “hormonal changes”;

* And 10 percent are considered gay because they had “an experience with a person of the same sex as a teenager or young adult that was pleasurable”

Nonetheless, the group believes ghosts overpower the majority of homosexuals. “The ghost’s consciousness overpowers the person’s normal behavior to produce the homosexual attraction,” states their website.

Just in case there’s any doubt that there’s more to this than just science or a genuine belief in the paranormal, here’s what the SRF had to say about gay pride parades:

"Organizing such Parades in the name of human rights and freedom does not indicate that society is progressing. In fact, this evidences its decline. The human race needs to know what is right and what is wrong. Just as we teach children not to play in dirty water or eat mud, we need to educate society what is correct from a spiritual perspective. By failing to do so, we run the risk of a further decline in Righteousness and consequently people in society will become more unhappy."

Joe Eigo #conspiracy #magick instagram.com

I am in contact with the inner earth beings which appear to me at mt shasta. There is a city called #telos which is inside the mountain. The beings are the surviving lemurians before the great flood. They control this planet and allow me to command them in battle against the illuminati zionists. Fixing the drought with shamanic magic is part of the Rainbow warrior prophecy.

Joe Eigo #racist #conspiracy #magick #ufo instagram.com

haha. I am speaking on behalf of the humans that are pissed off at your Jewish lies. I come from ancient star systems and was born to awaken humanity from the matrix. Truth is not hate speech. The Holocaust is a lie. Anti-Semitism is a trick. How far do you think you can go lying like this? Do you know your dying race is being exposed daily? How do you expect to stop it? Yeah you can point the finger at me but I sure enjoy what I do. You can't escape the karma of your cursed race. You killed Jesus and think your god lucifer is in charge of this world. Funny Watchung you expose more of your satanic agenda.

Joe Eigo #fundie #magick #ufo #racist #conspiracy #crackpot #quack #god-complex instagram.com

I am a galactic super human on a sacred mission to change this world and liberate 7 billion slaves from the zionist matrix mainframe system. It sure is fun to sing prayers amplified with super crystals and change the earth and molecules inside of people for greater health. Fighting unseen demons is part of being a powerful shaman assisted by archangel Michael.

Dylan Otto Krider #magick bibliotecapleyades.net

At first glance, they look like perfectly ordinary first-graders scribbling feverishly on the blackboard, but there is something striking about the boy’s deep blue eyes that suggests a maturity well beyond his years.

Jake’s in advanced classes and already reading at a third-grade level. Jan is the quiet one, but has a presence that immediately draws attention. Her predilection is toward art, though at the moment she is choosing to write math equations on the board, erasing them as soon as she’s completed each of her computations.

Jake’s mother is a teacher at this Baytown-area school, and worries that he may be ostracized by his peers if word ever gets out about his special gifts. "He questions everything because he wants to know," she says as her son draws a picture of a lollipop tree. "The questions he asks are not even age-appropriate."

These children tend to know things without ever being taught or told. Jake’s companion Jan "can use a compound bow very well," says the girl’s grandmother, Jill Spence. "She can shoot a BB gun; she goes fishing." It just came naturally to her, Spence says. She can’t explain it.

They go by many names, such as Star Kids, Indigos or Crystalline Children. Whatever they’re called, believers say this group of prodigies started appearing about 30 years ago and may now make up as much as 90 percent of the population under ten. They also exhibit strange side effects, like a higher resistance to pollutants but an increased sensitivity to sugar and food additives.

These are babies born with an inherent knowledge of art, language and spirituality, possessing an impressive wealth of wisdom. Some will even go so far as to say these kids are not only prime candidates for the gifted and talented program, but the next step in human evolution.

Parents and those who study these children have been asking themselves why here? Why now? Theories about their origins range from spirits entering from other planes and dimensions to chosen ones delivered from heaven. Some even suggest aliens have been abducting and manipulating the DNA of these children and their parents to prepare us for when they make their presence known.

The one thing all these groups do agree on is that the kids are out there, and they’re coming to teach us a lesson.

Tom #fundie #magick montalk.net

Spiritless Humans

Empty people. Puppet people. Cardboard cutouts. Drones. Organic Portals. Background characters. Why do these terms even exist? Because out of necessity they had to be invented by those who independently noticed the same puzzling phenomenon, one for which there is no official name: some people seem to be missing something very important inside. While they are not necessarily any less intelligent, successful, or physically healthy as anyone else, they nevertheless show no indication of having any higher components to their consciousness.

Over the years I have received emails from readers who came to this same conclusion. They noticed that some people were strangely one dimensional and hollow inside. This observation is not hard to miss, but it is easy to rationalize away, especially with modern society being so heavily brainwashed with the politically correct but unrealistic concept that everyone is completely equal in every way, which ignores functional differences due to environmental, genetic, and most importantly, metaphysical factors.


It seems not all humans have spirit. Therefore they have no self-awareness, individuality, wisdom, empathy, creative intelligence, or conscience. What further confirms this hypothesis is that, as will be discussed below, one may observe a total absence of destiny, synchronicity, symbolic dreams, spiritual lessons, soul growth, and karma in their lives. This is to be expected if they have nothing permanent in them that survives death and reincarnates, because only spirit can gain from such things. Without spirit, they are temporary beings whose awareness forms shortly before birth and dissolves shortly after death. And if so, then for them, spiritual life lessons serve no purpose, karma from past lives does not exist, there is no higher Self acting as chaperone, nor would they have genuine interest in anything that serves a purpose beyond their current mortal existence. Therefore it is to be expected that they be particularly materialistic, worldly, and mundane in their ambitions; observation confirms this as well.

The This is some long shit' edition of FSTDT.

Sande Van der Straten #ufo #magick bibliotecapleyades.net

These are the notes that I took at the meeting held February 8th, 1992 at Maleny, Queensland.

This is my version of my notes of the meeting with Robert Morning Sky a full blooded Apache/Hopi Indian. Who was raised by his two grandparents after his father was killed and his mother left the reservation.

From the age of 1-5 years, he had no contact with the white man at all. He was taught by his grandfathers and with a group of other young people by a group of people they called the Star Warriors - aliens he code-names Blues.

These people taught him to run 6 miles with a full mouth of water and not choke or spill a drop, then they would return and have to spit the water out at the feet of the Warriors. They had to stand with their backs to their elders who would shoot an arrow and they, the students, would have to turn and catch it mid-flight. He said they didn’t realize - the students - that they weren’t supposed to be able to do these things.

The policy of the Star Warrior is that knowledge is not given, it is earned. The way to learn is to be led to discovery.

There is an old Hopi prophecy (today’s red man is white tomorrows white man is green). The first alien contact started about 1947 - 1948 and they had either already, or were going to spend 50 years with the elders of the Hopi Indian reservation.

A description of the Star Warriors is of clear, translucent skin, large almond shaped eyes and small of stature. The main issue of their teaching was PURSUE YOUR PASSION, follow your own way, do your own thing, don’t be pressured into being anything but what and who you are.

A medicine man is not necessarily a healer, they are people who do their own thing with a passion, i.e. one that will make you practice your practice your own medicine, two, feel better - medicine people make both things one and the same. A warrior is a living example of passion.

What is passion, it is an inner feeling, a love activity. It is that which makes time flow quickly, that one will move heaven and earth to do, that one will make time for. Passion is the unity of union of love between man and woman, which has more power and energy than anything one earth and if harnessed can be unbeatable.

Harmony occurs when ones own heart beat moves in time with another, i.e. the drum music of the dance, the heartbeat of chosen one, the heartbeat of a nation, the heartbeat of the universe and the earth. Think about your passion, if it makes you feel good, and shivery, it is your passion. It is your passion that makes all things possible.

The Hopi tradition is that it is man’s job to make all things possible for the womenfolk. They must attract, but the women must chose.

The reason for long hair is enhancement of beauty and the "Indian love handle" - he mentioned that the caveman used to pull their women around by their hair, he says it was wrong, the Indian women catch their men by their hair!

Men must see the world through the eyes of women.

The fire, the individuality, the you. It is internal, we are told to be what you are supposed to be, don’t be anything else. We have a life force and energy that if harnessed could cause more damage than an atomic explosion. But we need to practice harmony and frequency. We find our own frequency and can raise it to match another and harmonize, match it don’t contend with it or anything else, or you will be destroyed. The first sensation we receive, is our mother’s heartbeat. We all need to be one harmonious heartbeat.

Your job is to master your own body, if you don’t master your body, nothing will work for you.

Anything else is spiritual, the trees, air, water etc. To attain oneself, you have to move outwards, not grow inwards or else you will become like the black stars and implode.

Shape shifting - is possible by becoming that shape - my feeling is that in making self believe so much that a super imposed image forms in your mind and the mind of those around you - by increasing your own frequency you can become anything i.e. a microwave than excite water, so that it changes and becomes hot.

When our energy rise, so does our body temperature. We have the ability to raise our own and other peoples frequencies.
In 1943 the government conducted a series of experiments called the Philadelphia Experiment, to teleport articles.

It partly succeeded and partly went wrong. On January 8/9th, there was a terrific light storm that was not so much a storm as an immense light show. (During this storm I, Sande, was sitting of the front porch, connected to the storm, Robert, my guide, very clearly spoke to me and told me not to feed the storm). Robert Morningsky video-taped the storm and on part of the film, the form of a ship appeared.

December 19/20 Nexus magazine reported that a ship from the Philadelphia Experiment materialized into one of the bays in Australian Waters and then disappeared. picture (Courier Mail, 31/12/91).

If you are not in tune with your passion you cannot create your own reality. Your passion is your responsibility. Who cares what others feel and think.

Your answers and salvation are within.

1930-1940 World War II
Madman Hitler tried to create the perfect man, and conducted bio-genetic experiments
Work on flying saucers research, development what is known as Foo Fighters - (14.2.1944)
The US developed an atomic weapon and tested it in Northern New Mexico
Others tried to develop Time Travel. Out in the universe, alien nations viewed us and were dismayed. Can you imagine the SS Eldridge going through into another dimension. Whilst testing a new protection device called radar uncontrollable bursts of energy, several flying saucers were forcibly landed. The area of landing was the Arizona area. The Amerindians respected the aliens found.

Several discs crashed, so a military force called blue force was formed, to remove all evidence of UFOs. A live alien was captured and he was called EBE, Extraterrestrial Biological Entity.

It was found that he was not able to eliminate waste through the normal way, it was eliminate through the pores of his skin. He took sick, and a famous botanist Jaro Mendoza was called in, but in 1952, EBE died. A project called Sigma was instigated to call EBEs brothers to come and find him but to no avail.

The satellite dishes were placed on Indian lands, and the workers, believing that the Indian race was non consequential, so gave them quite a bit of information, believing that they would not understand it.

In the locker of one of the landed UFOs were found human parts.

December, contact was made with Aliens. Astronomers found a bunch of space ships going around the earth. Contact was made outside one of the Indian reservations.

Eisenhower met with the greys and was offered certain secrets in return for the use of people for research and experimentation. They informed the president that they were a dying race and needed help to get their bodies stronger and healthier. An agency MJ-12 was brought into effect, to monitor this program of experiments and implantations.

Negotiations were completed and treaty was signed in California. In Florida another body of Aliens arrived, called by Robert Morningsky, as the Blues.

They offered other advice, not to deal with the greys, it would only lead to disaster, but to follow your own path. They would teach with peace and harmony if men would disarm and listen. The military said no deal! So they left, but a few decided to remain and stayed in Northern Mexico and Arizona and made a treaty with the Hopi Indians.

These Aliens are known by the Hopi as Star Warriors.

The greys left an ambassador called Krill and adopted an equilateral triangle as their insignia. The military force name as the Blue Force became the Delta Force and was formed to study the greys. Two bases were built and called several names, the Earth base - Hanger 18, Dreamland or Area 51.

The greys went underground under the reservations in the four corner area of Mexico, Utah, Arizona and California. It was for the purpose of monitoring the Blues. The Blues had to flee the reservation and go into hiding, a few of the Elders went with them.

The Hopi legend is that there were two races, the children of the feather who came from the skies, and the children of the reptile who came from under the earth. The children of the reptile chased the Hopi Indians out of the earth, these evil under-grounders were also called two hearts.

The government has signed a treaty with the children of the serpent. The Hopi have signed a treaty with the children of the feather.

The greys want a perfect body, for a long time, there have been cattle mutilations. Always missing, were the organs of elimination. The grey’s bodies are always cold, and they feed on our energies, our fears, our out of control energies.

When you are fearful and out of control, the greys use and feed on that energy. What we need to do is know that it is o.k. to feel fear, but to flow with it, then control it by redirecting it into a positive event.

(NB - Do we not have an underground installation at Pine Gap that is run by the Americans? - Sande).

Control your passion - life force - you decide what you want, get an attitude! Don’t be afraid to say no! The government wants your money for their pet projects and the greys want your life-force, your energy.

Ask yourself these things.
1. Do the government make laws for themselves or for people.
2. Do they allow us to do our own thing.
3. Are we under their control on government subsidies etc...
The greys decided to stay on earth and needed acceptance, so they hired an advertising agency to come up with some good ideas - hence - My favorite Martian, ALF, Star Trek, Star wars, Alien Nation and ET.

The new program the Mutant Ninja Turtles and the Dinosaurs?? Look and be aware of the symbol of the triangle - TriStar Pictures??? Don’t rely on the government for your support, help yourself where you can. See the movie JFK.

The Jason Society decided to do something about global warming:
1. Blow a hole in the ozone layer, to let the heat out.
2. Develop underground for the elite societies.
3. Develop other planets into colonies. The last two were adopted, but the first has since be done.
Several things have been happening to engender fear and to give more control to the government:
1. Release of dangerous Psychotics and early release of killers and menaces to society.
2. Wars and upheavals.
3. Drug induced societies and drug dependent societies.
4. Mainland China.

Kachina Hopi - great spirit fire

Any living thing that is stressed is food for the children of the lizard.

Robert saw for the first time pictures of crop circles, and recognized them as Hopi symbols. He professed that if he could see them in their correct order, he would be able to ’read them’.

He feels that Mother earth is calling out Help me!

Question time
Q: - Why would governments hide the fact that aliens exist?
A: - If we knew, we would quit doing what the government want us to do.

Q: - Do the greys know they are aliens?
A: - The Greys have interbred - the more they interbreed, the more chance there is that they will lose their memories of who they really are, they become half human and half alien and can be quite mixed up emotionally. They must be 5th and 6th generation greys by now, and who don’t know they are greys. (Where do you think we get all our information from - disgruntled greys!!)

Q: - How can we tell the children of the greys.
A: - They make you feel creepy and have reptilian looking eyes and features. Greys have large eyes and have difficulty focusing. They are arrogant. They will be a strong body odor they tend to drain one of energy. They need to wear sunglasses - CIA????

The Blues
Short, big eyes, wouldn’t describe too much, because they are preparing for something big. You will feel them, and you will know them!! It is possible that a 6th generation grey could end up marrying a 6th generation blue.

Our misuse of our energy can aid a grey to shape shift and thus not be recognized.
(At the meeting, I was with another person, and while the intermission was on, we were quietly talking, when the person appeared from nowhere, and introduced himself to me, using my name. [my name had not been mentioned, neither did I know this man. I did not have a name tag on].

It was an extremely hot day, and when I shook his hand, it was freezing cold and dry. He shook hands with my partner also. We watched him move back through the hall and disappear into a small of people. We watched the front door, and he did not exit through there. But when we looked for him later, he was nowhere to be found.

I have no idea what it all meant, I only know that it was a strange experience. Neither my partner nor I could remember the man’s name, although he has said it twice. No one else had contact with the man, or remembered seeing anyone. My partner was a very logical person, not given to fanciful visions etc.)
On December 21, 1991, a fragmented video tape would trigger a series of events that would permit these papers to come to life.

On the video tape were bits and pieces of information that confirmed what some American Indians have known for some time... that Alien Life Forms exist and walk amongst us.

Due to the release of information on that tape, it is now possible to reveal further information that could not be spoken of before this time.

An ages old code of silence could slowly and cautiously be unveiled. In the late forties and early fifties, a movement began on the pueblo Indian Reservations of the Southwest. It was the intent of the Elders involved to raise an isolated group of young Warriors in the "Old Ways". The teachings began but would soon receive an unexpected presence... the "Star Warrior". (Please read the chronology included).

Hand in hand with the "medicine warrior" ways, the "Star Warrior" ways would become the foundation of education of the young warriors. Hand in hand with the Elders, the Star Brother taught the Secrets of the Universe. Raised in the way of the Kachina, the children knew that the Spirit of things always looks different.

The appearance of the Star Brother was not frightening, he only looked a little unlike us... and... he played with us as a child would.

Knowledge must be earned. Wisdom must be learned... the "Way of the Warrior" would confirm that which was discovered and would give suggestion for direction, but Passion for knowledge MUST be exhibited... and so, the code was born - "confirm but do NOT originate.

Suggest and direct but leave discovery to the seeker of knowledge". These full-blooded Indian boys and girls spent their lives learning through discovery... and one by one they went out into the "outside" world. The author of these papers was one of those youngsters. The material in these papers does not violate the code, it only confirms information which has been uncovered by others.

It is hoped, however, that these papers may give researchers an idea or suggestion for a different perspective which may help to uncover further information on the "Grand Overview".

The information in these papers should not be accepted in and of themselves. You must seek our confirmation for yourself. The credibility of these papers does not depend on its author, but rather on what you discover from your study and investigation of the material presented.


The material is presented in bold, forthright form. If you seek elaboration.

"Keys" are available upon request.


The Hopi Indian Legend of Creation tells of three different beginnings.
One story says that we have arisen from an underground paradise through an opening called Sipapu.
The second story tells of the descendancy from our birthplace near a Blue Star.
And the third story relates of a migration from a faraway place across a great body of water.
All three are true.

What matters is not which came first, but that they are all true. (Focus not on the leaf, rather look at the whole tree).

This spot is thought by some to be Sipapu, entrance to the Hopi Underworld.
It is a sacred place of pilgrimage for the Hopi,
at the bottom of the Canyon of the Little Colorado above its junction with the Colorado River.

The story of Sipapu reveals that we emerged in a somewhat undeveloped physical state, much like the prehistoric man.

Our bodies were still forming and pliable, but our features were a bit brutish. Man, called Koyemsi or Mudhead had two small round lumps for ears, two protruding knobs for eyes and one large lump for a mouth. The head was smooth and round as a ball.

As man developed, his physical body and features became more refined until he looks as he does now.

- This story of creation says that the underground paradise was wondrous with beautiful clear skies and plentiful food sources.

It was because of the existence of those called Two Hearts, the bad ones, that refuge was sought in the upper world by the Hopi, the peaceful ones. The underworld was not destroyed but was only sealed up to prevent the Two Hearts from rising upon to the surface world.

(Suggested research Hollow Earth Theorists may want to look at this legend more closely. At least one government agency is said to continue monitoring the Hopi Indian, to see when and if a return into the ground begins).

- Tells of the descent of the Hopi from the Blue Star of a constellation called the Seven Sisters. One version tells of our travel to earth on the back of Enki, the eagle. Grandfather, the Great Spirit allowed the first man to select his home from the many stars of the universe.

Enki told first man of his home earth, and brought him to visit. First man’s exploration of the earth convinced him that this was where he wanted his children to be born and to grow. First Man returned to the heavens to tell Grandfather of his decision. Grandfather was pleased and granted to first man the right to call earth his home.

First man soon returned to the green place or Sakwap with his family shortly afterwards.

(Many of the hero stories throughout time and through many different cultures refer to a valiant group of seven. Warriors descended from the stars often use the sign of the Seven Sisters on their shields and medallions).

- From a great land across the big waters speaks of the departure from a paradise far away. This story parallels many other creation legends, but differs only in that no disaster or chaos seems to have caused the journey.

The purpose of the journey was to begin a new home and a new life. Some interpretations have the Hopi leaving their home in order to spread the Teachings of the Old Ones.

- In the Southwest, as in all areas of North America, there exist men and women who practice the use of power to achieve their goals. Sometimes called the medicine man or woman, sorcerer or shaman, these individuals have often been the subjects of books and even movies. Their practice is often referred to as magic.

Nothing is further from the truth. Magic is the un natural use of the Powers of Nature. They who turn to the practice of disharmony are more properly called witches, warlocks and sorcerers. (It is this disharmony that eventually undoes these practitioners and seals their doom). Medicine men and women work with the force of Nature.

(Move against the river, it weakens and ultimately destroys - move with the river, and the power of the river enters your soul and reveals its knowledge).

One series of popular books (Carlos Castaneda Series) refers to Don Juan. One of the Sorcerers of the Southwestern Desert. His apprentice was known as Carlos. Through the series of books, Carlos is guided by Don Juan and Don Genaro on a path to Sorcery.

The methods used by Don Juan are well known to the Medicine Men and Women of the Southwest and most of what is described in the first two books is a valid teaching technique of teaching by Distraction. However, due to the blinders Carlos refuses to move from his eyes, the two books seem to be rather confusing. This is not because of Don Juan.

Don Juan’s attempts to make him see in another way, are totally rejected by Carlos and the result is a mixed up re-telling of events. Do not accept the final book’s premise that Carlos has achieved the status of Sorcerer or knowing one - that is not the outcome. Those who refuse to remove the blinders and expand their awareness, will forever be trapped in a prison-world of their own making, and will never see the dangers around them.

(They who do not wish to see CANNOT; Those who do not wish to hear CANNOT; Those who do not wish to feel CANNOT. Suggestion - re-read the Don Juan comments carefully).

- At this point it would be well to mention that Medicine men/Woman are not necessarily healers. In fact, your medicine is your passion. Your medicine always makes you feel high while dancing, then dancing is your medicine. If you feel high while cooking, then cooking is your medicine. Your medicine will always help to cure that which ails you.

Your medicine will always give you the power to rise up and continue. (This medicine is of the spirit) Your medicine is also that which you do. Your conduct in the Land of Living Things, what you do is your signature in life and it is your medicine. how your treat others and how you react to the world is your medicine.

You medicine can help the ailments of others or it could, in fact poison them. What you do effects other at all times. (If your medicine is harmful to others, you, as a medicine man or medicine woman have failed in your task.) What you DO in the land of the living things is your medicine. (This medicine is of the body).

(It is the true medicine man/woman that makes the medicine of the spirit one with the medicine of the body.)

- Truth and wisdom must always be sought out. Neither shall come easily. If at first, the teacher ignores you... Ask again!

All masters of Wisdom will succumb to the Passionate student. To demand a right to knowledge is to say you provide this for me. To ask for knowledge is to show respect for wisdom and to pursue knowledge is to show passion for truth. (In life, there are no RIGHTS, only privileges). Unlike power, truth seeks to come out. It does not hide, it is hidden by those wishing it to remain concealed. Truth and power are tools to be used. Not ends in themselves.

(Power can cover or uncover truth;...truth can only uncover power; Power can lead to truth...Truth always leads to power. Wisdom is knowing how to use both).

PASSION - (Key 7)
- In order to pursue your Passion, first you must recognize your passion. The following guidelines should help you to identify your passion:
1. Your PASSION always makes you feel on fire.
2. Your PASSION always makes time disappear (five hours always seems like five minutes.
3. Your PASSION occupies most of your waking thoughts.
4. Your PASSION forces you into action, you cannot sit.
5. Your PASSION is something you will always find time for.

- There are three parts to Awareness:
1. The Inner Spirit or the PASSION
2. The Outer Being or the BODY
3. The Outer Spirit or the SPIRITUAL
(Master the inner self first, the physical self secondly, then and only then, can the spiritual be conquered).

How can we master the more complex out of body experience if we cannot stop overeating? How can we stop overeating if we do not have Passion or discipline to accomplish it?

All spiritual teachings require mastery of the spirit. Development, or growth, is always outward, not inward. Mastery of the Inner Spirit or passion is first; Mastery of the body or Physical is next; Mastery of the Spiritual is the final step. Those who turn the order around will find their development moving inward and falling in on itself.

(Passion is the secret to all things. Master this and all things shall be revealed to you).

- To follow the path of the STAR WARRIOR, you must first eliminate two concepts from your mind and spirit - Can’t and Impossible -. How long would you stay married to a spouse who constantly told you that you could not do something? You can’t go there; You can’t do that; You can’t say that! - Not very long.

So why then permit yourself to deny yourself? Remember, if you believe yourself inferior, you are! If you say to yourself, I cannot - you are right. If you say to yourself, I can - you are also right. To become who you wish to become, first establish who that person is and how they would act. Then, practice and rehearse everything that person would think and do.

(To become a deer, one must act, think, live and be as the deer - only then can the passion of the deer be yours).

In other words, create yourself. Write a script for your own movie. The hero is your. In the script, write all those things you wish for yourself, all those things you would like to do or feel. Then rehearse your script. Practice becoming the hero or heroine of your movie. Rehearse over and over again until you know the behavior instinctively. Slowly, you will begin to know how the hero acts and thinks. Slowly, you will become the hero of your movie and your life.

The only way to become a runner is to begin running - The only way to become a lover is to begin loving - The only way to become passionate is to practice passion - Practice being that which you wish to be...and soon you shall become it.

1. I am a child of the Dancing Star born of chaos.

Only in challenge shall we find our greatest strengths and our weaknesses. Only in challenge shall our passions be made strong. The goal of life is outward development. NOT inner peace. Peace that brings no challenge means stagnation. Confidence in self wrought through challenge is TRUE peace.

2. I am fire.
I AM FIRE. I AM PASSION. ALL THAT I DO, I DO WITH PASSION. - Fire is passion. Passion is that inner force that distinguishes us from all others. Passion is that which makes the Bear become the Bear... never will you see the Bear trying to fly as the Eagle, for it is his passion to be the bear. Passion is the gift that allows us to be what we wish. To do anything without passion, is to go through the motions.

To be Passionless is to lose the fight of life. Those who have no fire are easy to conquer and manipulate. The study of Physics and other sciences tells us that all things are comprised of atoms which in turn are comprised of electrons, protons and neutrons...all are particles of energy or electricity. This energy cannot be destroyed, only changed. From these very same particles came the release of a basis of our existence, within our own bodies.

Herein, science has revealed the existence of a force unlike any on this planet, the force which directs each one of us in our path. This is our passion, this is our gift.

3. I see the fire in all things.
I SEE THE FIRE IN ALL THINGS - All things possess fire. All this have spirit. The only difference between man and animal is that they wear different skins. The only difference between man and all things is the skin, or outer covering. In the Hopi world, the spirit of a think is called kachina. It is the kachina that is the fire or passion. Those who can see and hear can learn from those kachinas around us. If you can communicate with another human being, you can communicate with the trees, the wind and all things of the earth.

4. I am but a visitor in the land of living things.
I AM BUT A VISITOR IN THE LAND OF LIVING THINGS - The skin we wear is but a temporary robe. That part of us which is most important is the inner spirit, or the passion. Yet, we must never forget that we are guests in this land and we must conduct ourselves as such. We respect all that is here.

That which we may receive in this place must be left here.. things cannot be taken with us, but all of our riches that we have accumulated in memories and knowledge shall go with us forever.

5. I walk the path of silence.
I WALK THE PATH OF SILENCE - In the Song of the morning sky, there is a line that says live as though you cannot speak. It means that what you do is more important than what you say. If you cannot speak, you must communicate your love and friendship through your actions. You must demonstrate that which you feel.

Let your actions be your measure. Only in silence can you learn. He who talks does not hear - only in silence can you defeat your enemy, he who makes no noise is invisible.

6. I am not seen or heard. I am only felt.
I AM NOT SEE OR HEARD, I AM ONLY FELT - The warrior must make himself felt. If he lives his life and the world has not felt him, he has failed. If he lives his life and grandfather has not felt him, he has failed. His passion must be experienced by others, not witnessed. He who uses his fire warms the world, he who shouts of his fire fills the world with noise.

7. I take only that which I can return.

Anonymous Gossiper #magick #wingnut givemegossip.com

Why the Masons wanted Donald Trump in the Presidental Race

Donald Trump is Teddy Roosevelt reincarnated

Hillary (Mary, Queen of Scots) and Jeb Bush (Rutherford B Hayes) still see Trump as a Real Estate Tycoon.. not as the Electrifying Politician he is

That is why they are shocked by the people's support

Hillary and Jeb got blindsided because they don't see across time

They are too focused in the now to plan reality 250 years in advance

And that is why they will lose

Michelle Walling & Gregg Prescott #fundie #ufo #magick #crackpot in5d.com

If you had a chance to vote on what subjects of study our children would have in schools on the New Earth, what would they be? A balance of true galactic history, social interaction, math, and various artistic creative outlets seems to be a good mix. Whether you are a teacher, parent, or student, now is the time to decide how we will change the education of the indigos and crystals that have more strands of DNA activated than any other humans on the planet.

The current corrupt schooling agenda

Today’s public school system is built around programming our children to obey and to think outside of themselves. Schools have become businesses that are run by education boards that answer to the top domination and control group on the planet. Creativity and flexibility has been removed from the curriculum and teachers are frustrated and tired of holding children back from their amazing potential.

The history taught in schools is mostly a lie, created to cover up the real truth of The Vatican and Queen of England’s stronghold on the world. Although these forces seem like they are behind most of the illusion on this planet, the puppet strings are actually being pulled by the interbred Draconian families of the Rothchilds, Rockefellers, and other banking pioneers that control most of the wealth on the planet.

Almost every book in our educational system in the subjects of history, math, English, social studies, and science can be thrown away because the basis of each is to teach cover up stories in every single way possible. The plan has intertwined politics, finance, and religion with education in order to keep people in the dark about the truth of who they are in order to keep them enslaved in a system of control. It has been part of a brilliant plan of control on this planet to brainwash humanity in the most formative years of their lives, but the game is over and the truth has been revealed.

Private Montessori schools are the closest thing we have in the United States to sensible education, however it is still a far cry from where we need to be. Many people have chosen home schooling over public schools which is a better choice but if a GED is desired, one must still follow a curriculum.

The system has been set up to where a high school diploma simply shows that you were programmed enough to follow orders, and therefore you would make a good employee. Paying for college in order to get a higher paying job has become a cruel trap for our young people. The price of a college education may take several years to pay off and many young adults took out student loans with high interest that can never be paid back.

The system will collapse, including education

The whole economic system supports institutionalism and when the system collapses, so will the educational system. Humanity has to be ready to create a whole new way of thinking around what kind of curriculum would benefit our children most, how long they should stay in school each day, and what kind of food they will be eating in order to stay healthy.

When Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008, we saw a collapse of the banking system, with the exception of the “Too big to Fail (Jail)” banks.

Pluto is known as the “Destroyer” and will tear down everything that is not in humanity’s best interests, which will allow us to rebuild them in a way that benefits humanity. Pluto stays in Capricorn until 2023. The last time Pluto was in Capricorn was in the 1700’s, during both the French and American Revolutions. Right now, revolutions are happening all around the world. This clearly shows us how astrology reflects the cycles of time and gives us an opportunity to learn from these lessons.

Right on schedule, we are seeing a collapse of money, government and religion as all three are used as forms of control in order to keep us subservient economic slaves to a failed system.

We are also entering the Age of Aquarius, which brings in a new energy that works in conjunction with Pluto in Capricorn. In other words, all systems of control will implode in order for the New Age to begin.

The first forms of education will involve many of our readers as you will be needed to help awaken those who have been asleep during this transition.


Example of future studies

Although the subjects discussed in the Urantia book build a good basic foundation for education, higher learning classes would expand into subjects that will allow children will be excited about attending school. Examples of these kinds of subjects are:

Math– Geometry is the basic building block of all life. Math will take on a whole new meaning and new ways of arithmetic along with fun ways to calculate will be taught.

Cosmic Science– Identity and placement of Universes in our cosmos and the difference between free willed Universes and non free-willed Universes.

Universal Science– How planets, moons, and stars are sentient beings and how they all work together to form solar systems and galaxies.

Universal History– The history of the Universe including civilizations and placement in the Cosmos.

Creation Science– The study of how everyone and everything is connected from one Creator and how we contribute to that creation.

Human History– DNA studies, human genetics, and the history of humanity from Lyra to today, including the social statistics, behaviors, and characteristics of all humans in our Universe.

Human Rights- Constitutional Law on freedom and the Golden Rule.

Sexual Relations– The responsibility behind merging energies with another human and teaching the ability to decide whether another human body is created.

Universal Language– Learning the language of light which is understood throughout the Universe.

Universal Law– Learning the importance of Universal Law and how it relates to all sentient beings.

Astrology – Learning how to read and fully understand your birthchart.

Astronomy – Understanding the importance of stars, planets and constellations. Learning how the stars can show us the cycles of time along with how they can be used for navigation.

Sixth Sense Studies– Developing all of your innate gifts.

Meditation– Guided classes on how to safely travel the Universe with your consciousness, learning new meditation techniques, developing new ones.

Exercise– Yoga, Tai Chi, etc.

Galactic Ambassador Training– How to become a galactic ambassador, spaceship flight training.

Healing– Methods for keeping the body clear of negativity (reiki, quantum touch, etc—), responsible thinking, service to others.

Gardening– How to grow organic food and hemp for cultivation, different forms of gardening such as hydroponics, permaculture, etc—

Technological and Industrial Sciences– How to make almost anything from hemp, 3d printing, free energy technology, encourage free thinking and non competitive invention

Environment– The true importance of being stewards of the earth by living on her without making footprints and healing the environment.

Recycling– Maximizing what has been created in the past into something sustainable.

Council of Elder training– With the elimination of government, a Council of Elders training program will be facilitated to ensure that future elders will always be working in humanity’s best interests.

Music– All forms of music including history, composition, symphonic band and concert, and voice.

UFO Research – Classes on the documentation of UFOs through night vision goggles, how to interact with them, sky mapping, UFOs in Art History, etc—

Creative arts– All forms of creativity including art, dance, drama, and writing.

Community– How to contribute economically to your community through barter, volunteering, and communal caregiving for all children. Creative culinary classes and decorating houses for energy flow could be subjects.

Life Path Development – Helping people find their life path, based on their astrological charts, personal interests and past life experiences.

Spiritual Psychology– Learning how the body, mind, soul and spirit interact. Dream analysis, dream journals, counseling methods, past life regression techniques are included in this genre.


Education will need to be continuously re-created as more strands of our DNA are activated and more information is available to humans through our higher selves and our Akashic records. One of the most sought after jobs will be teaching these brilliant children and it will be one of the most rewarding careers to have. Education administrators will be free thinkers, organizers, and mediators, and will enjoy their jobs just as much as teachers.

Does this article give you any ideas about the future of education and the co-creation of the New Earth? If so, now is the time to begin brainstorming and to form groups on Facebook and other social media sites dedicated to revamping our education system. Change will have to happen on the community level by example and then spread throughout the world due to the success of one particular curriculum over another. Information and awareness about the corruption of our current system and what we are going to do about it is the key to moving forward as free-willed humans.

Erica Christopher #fundie #magick books.google.com

Let me give you an example of listening and then counter attacking. This will empower those who are being tormented by demonic voices. I go into a lot of oppressed areas where demonic entities routinely try to linger around me. On this particular occasion, I heard one demon talking and he was really nasty. His words were just riddled with foul speech and curse words. Every time I rebuked him, he would leave briefly and then come right back. So finally I told the Father I was so tired of listening to this demon, and I thanked Him for giving me dominion and power over him. Then I declared and decreed that for every time I had to listen to this foul, nasty-speaking demon there will be 1,000 souls claimed for the kingdom of God in the name of Jesus Christ, according to Job 22:28, which says, "You will also declare a thing, and it will be established for you." The demon immediately let out a string of curse words, and I said, "Ok, that's a 1,000 souls I claim for God's kingdom in the name of Jesus." Then I heard the demon start to say something else and stopped short of completing his word. Ah, what a blessing it is to utilize the power I hold in Jesus Christ. If 1 had chosen to ignore the cursing, he would have never been silenced. In fact, he probably would have just stepped up his game if I hadn't stood against him or stopped the attack. Because I did not discount it, but rather chose to walk in the power of the Lord Jesus Christ over him, however, 1,000 souls were claimed for the Kingdom of God.

Wiley Brooks #magick #crackpot #quack breatharian.com

The five magical 5th dimensional words.

1. Jotniranjan

2. Omkar

3. Rarankar

4. Sohang

5. Satnam

Start meditating with these magic words for at least 30 minutes a day to begin with and increase your meditatiing time to 2 hours a day as soon as possible. Repeat them in the exact order that they are.

It is better to have some diet coke in your bloodstream (if possible) before starting the meditation exercise. You may drink as much as you desire of diet coke in the 1 liter size (include lots of ice) and at McDonald's (with caffeine) in the plastic bottles only. The double-quarter-pounder/with cheese meal at McDonald's is the other part of this diet. Try to eat at least one meal a day for at least for 1 month (30 days) to get started. Go back to my web site periodically to see if you can start to feel the magic/love (The love energy from my writings) after reading a few paragraphs.

It is OK to drink from the cups when eating at McDonald. I highly recommend that you eat at McDonalds when ever possible. All McDonalds are constructed on properties that are protected by 5th Dimenstional high energy/spiritual portals. As you continue to use this meditation/diet program you will start to feel the difference in the atmosphere when eating inside of a McDonalds and outside.

If you are in Europe: substitute the HAMBURGER ROYAL WITH CHEESE for the double-quarter with cheese and COCA COLA LIGHT for the diet coke. (DRINK ONLY THE COCA COLA LITE).

It is also acceptable to combine 2 quarter-pounders with cheese burgers to make one double-quarter pounder. if you can't get the double-quarter-pounder with cheese where you live.


Michael Relfe & Stephanie Relfe #conspiracy #fundie #magick exvampire.com

[Interview With an Ex-Vampire]



Forbidden Knowledge, Occult Rituals, Secret Priesthoods, Spells, Luciferian Initiation,
Illuminism, Ceremonial Magick, Vampirism.

This was his world : Adept, Occultist, Satanic Priest, Black Magician, Vampire.

Lured into the occult with the quest for knowledge, this nine hour video chronicles the life of an adept in service to the darkest powers of planet earth until saved from a horrible fate.

•Discover the preparation, initiation and the "bringing over" of the initiate into the world of vampirism.
(Note: This is about TRUE vampirism. Not just the kind of people who pretend to be vampires by drinking blood ).
•The other-worldly initiation by a being of immense power that claimed him for its own.
•The reality of vampires and werewolves and the positions they hold in the dark world of the occult.
•The secret priesthood that helped him survive.
•The lust and hunger of the true vampire and how it destroys its victims.
•And much, more more!

Also covering: the Illuminati, Satanism, Mormonism, Christianity, Roman Catholism, Freemasonry, plus more that will blow your SOCKS off, and keep you to the edge of your seat. If you have family connections to any of these groups, or are being affected by black magick, then this DVD series is a must-have!

Containing secret, first-hand information that has never before been revealed to the public.

Warning: This feature contains some descriptions of sexuality, and violence and is not suitable for younger viewers.

This is a true story. Produced and directed by Michael Relfe, interview by Stephanie Relfe B.Sc. (Sydney)

Uri Geller #magick upi.com

An Israeli psychic known for purportedly bending metal objects with his mind says Apple's bending iPhone 6 woes could be explained by "mental forces."

Uri Geller said during a visit to England there were "two possible reasons for the phenomenon" that has been dubbed "Bendgate" by unhappy iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus owners who discovered the phones bent after spending time in a user's pants pocket.

"Either the device is extremely thin so that it bends when even a weak force is implied on it -- which is hard to believe for Apple has been conducting many tests and experiments -- or the energy and excitement of the millions of consumers stirred up their mental forces causing the iPhone to bend," Geller told MarketWatch.

thiscroockedcrown.tumblr.com #magick thiscrookedcrown.tumblr.com


Seriously. Stop fucking assuming you have to. It’s not a fucking requirement. You do NOT need it to talk to your gods. You do NOT need it to talk to spirits. It’s NOT fucking necessary. You aren’t part of a super special fucking club if you do it. You’re just a fucking practitioner who uses astral travel.

I’m seeing a HUGE increase of people wanting to travel but they have no BASIC FUCKING UNDERSTANDING of how to do SUPER FUCKING BASIC THINGS like PROTECT THEMSELVES. Let me fucking tell you. If you can’t protect yourself and your home and/or cleanse and/or exorcise it then maybe you shouldn’t be fucking traveling. Because something is MORE THAN LIKELY going to follow you back. Gods might follow you back. Goblins might follow you back.Creatures that create nightmares and PHYSICALLY ATTACK you might follow you back. What the fuck will you do then? 

Gerald Polley #fundie #magick #conspiracy #god-complex voicesfromspirit.com

First of all this morning, I have to apologize for our failure to bring the rain we promised to Texas. We thought sure that we were going to be able to bring the storm over Texas for several hours and cause a great deal of rain. But Obama drew an horrendous surge of dark power up from South America, we believe using his union supporters, and pushed the storm east, causing it to take the track that we have been predicting for several months. Not that we didn't take advantage of it, but still we would've liked to get the rain to Texas. It is obvious this foul creature still has power, though it is weakening.


To give The Republicans more power I am putting forth a proposal. I have asked Conan O'Brien to move his show to Las Vegas, and to have his wife become my servant's campaign manager in Nevada. When my servant is president have Conan be his press secretary. In exchange in a thousand years I will give Conan power and glory equal to my own and a world to rule over in the stars as I rule over the Earth, especially for the people of Nevada. This is one male that is offered great power. I have also asked the senior President Bush to be my earthly host in Maine for two years, to have his wife Barbara be my servant's campaign manager in Maine.

mattfivefour #fundie #magick raptureforums.com

[On being told that the Necronomicon is fiction.]

Yes, BUT since Lovecraft's invention of the name of this book (along with some of its rituals which he "borrowed" from Satanist lore) an actual Necronomicon has been published containing a blend of pseudo-Sumerian and Goetic ritual, with names crafted to resemble those of Lovecraft’s invented monster gods. One version is a compendium of satanic knowledge by somone calling himself, Simon, the Magicke Childe. More importantly for many would be Black Magicians who bought copies, it had performable rites and plenty of arcane sigils (magical symbols) to be used. To quote from a Satanic author of various works: "Satanists understand that any prop that is sufficiently stimulating can be used in personal ritual, so if the materials contained in this book send the proper chill down your spine, then certainly avail yourself of them. As Magistra Nadramia has said: 'Working with and expressing your emotions in the ritual chamber using this particular little black book is perfectly valid Satanic magic. A careful look at The Satanic Bible will tell you that Dr. LaVey encouraged the magician to use any and all elements of fiction, fact and fancy to create his Intellectual Decompression Chamber.'"

And certainly the violent and evil man my daughter married was a self-confessed Satanist (Praise God he has repented of all that and is now saved and filled with the Holy Spirit) who at the time read the Necronomicon and worked hard at practicing what it said to summon up demons to do his bidding!!!

So, regardless of Mr. Lovecraft's "invention" of it in a work of fiction, it is a very real book today containing ancient occultic spells and sigils which very real people are using trying to summon up the demons. And, trust me, if they are wanting Satan to come to them he most certainly will.

Bruce V #fundie #magick timesonline.typepad.com

Ignorant are the ones who have never seen witchcraft first hand. Mr. Muthee's story is well documented and anyone from Kenya knows the story is true. Only stupid Westerners are ignorant enough to disprove factual data without investigating it first hand. To try to allude that Mr. Muthee's non-violent prayers for God to either convert "Mama Jane" or remove this practicing witch from town could be compared to "witch hunting" demonstrates the irresponsible biased journalism that seeks to slander Christians and anyone that even leans to slightly to the right.

Gene Moody #dunning-kruger #fundie #magick moodymanual.demonbuster.com

The Necronomicon (legendary occult text) has its place in modern black magic and Transyuggothian metaphysics. Metaphysics is the philosophical theory of reality, the rational science of the supernatural or supersensuous, the science of formal and final causes, and the science of the obscure, occult or mysterious. For example, there is now a whole line of materials based on the hellish Lovecraft Cthulhu mythos (author Howard Phillips Lovecraft), a form of magic practiced in the darkest Satanism - a system of magic prominently featured in The Satanic Rituals. The Necronomicon and the Cthulhu mythos are quite real. Lycanthropy (shape shifting) is the clinical term for being or believing yourself to be a werewolf. The magical act of changing into any wild animal. These are immensely complicated worlds of magic, spells and violence.

Kristoff45 #magick #conspiracy digiclipse.theiforum.com

I've been thinking a bit about that something might happen in 2012 and it might have to do with digimon. If it really does have to do with digimon, what if we're the cause of it?

We are trying to get to the digital world, which might leave a permanent hole in the path between dimensions. There are probably a lot of evil digimon in the digital world,who would to destroy us. Even if they're mostly idiotic digimon who just use brute force, it would take only one intelligent digimon to be able to find it, and they could bring the other evil digimon here. They might decide, "Hey, instead of destroying humanity, what if we enslave them?"

Humans might put up with it until the year 2012, when they would start to fight back. This could result in a war that would destroy humanity and the planet earth in a fiery hellstorm of death of destruction, and we would have caused it, by opening that first portal.. But thats the worst case scenario, and just a theory.

Sherry Shriner #mammon #quack #conspiracy #ufo #magick orgoneblasters.com

My Orgone Blasters are not the same as the typical tower busters you see online. I've discovered that many of them being sold online are being sabotaged for evil purposes!! So through Yahweh we're making our own that:

-Absorbs and ELIMINATES chemtrails

-Neutralize the evilness of the towers!

-Repel evil entities and aliens, keep them out of your yard and home

-Protect your home, yard, then cover your neighborhood, town, or city!! If you don't protect your areas they're going to be stomping grounds for the Anuk and demons! These last days, when the veil is lifted, are not going to be friendly!

-Clean the air and help you breathe better. Orgone can help those with asthma and those with breathing problems.

-Eliminates toxins, poisons and radiation from the air

-Defeats chemtrails and keeps your skies clear

-Improves breathing, helps those with asthma

-Promotes natural health, keeps you from catching every flu virus under the sun

-Knocks out bad thunderstorms before they get to your area, chills out tornados headed your way

-Asphyxiates evil, aliens can't breathe around it and it burns them!

-Keeps demonic entities out of your home and yard.

-Nullifies the effects of the strong subliminal messaging NWO towers erected everywhere

-Stops ELF attacks

-Helps you sleep better

-Stops sleep abductions

-Emits positive energy, evil can't stand being around it!

-A defensive weapon in the last days to combat aliens and the NWO

-Stops headaches and migraines, improves overall health

-Those areas gifted with Orgone suffered the least amount of damage from Hurricanes

skygreen #magick embracingmystery.org

while back I was watching a documentary on the Manhattan Project.
So at one point They were showing Photographs of those people who were instrumental in the development of the Atomic bomb. They Showed some scenes with J. Robert Oppenheimer the " father of the Bomb" and I suddenly had the certainty that this man was not a human , he was an Elf. Watching carefully It seemed that quite a few of the major contributors to the project were otherkin, mostly elves. This was at first rather a puzzle. Why would elves unleash such destructive power Of course then who else could, Surely this awesome power is well within the capabilities & realm of Elven magick. I discussed this a bit with some folks on the Elfkind Digest and they thought that it made sense. I'm inclined to focus on the creative artistic and emotional sensitivities of Elvin but history and legend has also indicated a great and powerful warrior tradition with many incidences of battle and conflict.
so what do you guys think Is this something Elves would do? Did they? were they the real makers of the first Atomic bomb? Or have I just been sniffing too much gingerbread?

Selene #magick otherkin.meetup.com

Just about a month ago, I met a vampire. She made me realize that the powers that I had once had were still there. I talked a lot with her and began to think that I too was a vampire. But some things did not seem fitting. I didn't know what, but something was missing. I had some of the characteristics of a vampire, but some things were still unexplained.

Then, i began to talk with a person of the otherkin. I told him what I believed, that i was not vampiric at all, but perhaps wiccan, or otherkin. He confirmed this and for the first time, after he began explaining things to me, i felt like i belonged. For the first time in my life, i felt whole, and as if i at last knew what my destiny was.

But as it is with all things, realizing this blessing that I have, it comes with a burden i know. And it is much like being an infant again in a world of unknown shadows and strange surroundings.

But i am willing to take the risks and pain that I will no doubt encounter.

Pastor James Brandt #fundie #magick #homophobia revivalchristian.org

You need to know that Satan and evil spirits are very strategic. Jesus said in John 10:10a that it is the thief that comes to steal, kill, and to destroy. That is the goal of our spiritual enemies, but how they go about to accomplish that in a person’s life is very much planned out and strategic. Satan and evil spirits tempt a person in the weak areas of their life. Where do these weaknesses come from in a person’s life? There are many different ways that demons gain entrance into a person’s life: generational curses, evil soul-ties, doors of sin that you opened in your own life, or something that someone did to you, such as molestation, rape, abuse, rejection, and abandonment to name a few.

Generational curses trip many people up in life---including Christians. Simply put, generational curses are legal rights or open doors for demons to torment a person and a family line with a weakness to a specific sin or an infirmity until it is broken in the Name of Jesus. How is it that a Pastor of a mega-church falls into the sin of homosexuality? The Bible says that homosexuality is a sin and an abomination in the sight of God (Lev. 20:13; Romans 1:26-27). I can guarantee that a person that is homosexual has one of two things happening in their life or both. First, many times if you dig into the family history of a homosexual, you will find out that several family members had that same weakness in their life; a generational curse is present in the family line. Secondly, that individual was molested, raped, or abused, which caused them to turn to a perverted and sinful lifestyle. God loves the person, but He hates the sin and expects them to repent and seek spiritual help. Just because a generational curse is active in your life, you still have the ability to resist the sin. It is simply a legal right for the enemy to torment you in your life until it is broken in the Name of Jesus.

Emily #conspiracy #ufo #magick bbc.co.uk

Liars, thieves and witches are running the top levels of our government at this time; and they threaten to bring down the entire government.

I mean, Honey, it's so bad, military men are talking about mutiny and honest politicians (meaning, people of leadership quality willing and able to serve) are talking about setting up a parallel government.

The Bush Regime needs to be led off in handcuffs and straitjackets, they're that crazy.

Unfortunately, the Special Prosecutor who's archiving all the evidence against Bush and the puppeteers behind him, is on their side. How that works, I don't have a clue.

I think some of the whackiness has to do with the presence of UFOs and space technologies. That's where the data gives out and mere conjecture begins.

milobidswell@aol.com #magick littlebookbiganswers.com

Positive intelligence emits and can become light, just as light and energy can be converted into one another. A positive person will have a glow about them. A happy person will have an attractive shine coming through. The spiritually sensitive will feel that positive energy. Higher intelligence's will literally emit light from the greatness of their being.

Light is made of little pieces called photons. It may take countless intelligence to make a photon. Countless photons makes up a sunbeam. These photons travel the speed of light in waves. The photons from the sun convert back into energy when they hit the earth, which heats the Earth.

Bena the White Witch of Spells #quack #magick salemlovespells.com

The work I do people call the impossible. My remedy is used with herbs and oils from Salem, Massachusetts. My techniques were used by my great ancestors, who were born and raised true white witches in Salem.

I'm renown throughout the land of Salem and internationally known around the world. I have techniques that are not used by any other witch or spell caster. Some of my spells are used with a witch's pentagram.

The spells I cast are very powerful. I have practiced my techniques for the last fifteen and a half years and never failed a case. My work is guaranteed! With my spells I have made non-believers into believers. My spells are guaranteed and ever lasting! Call me only if your are serious at (971) 237-9046.

medved #fundie #magick freeconservatives.com

And so, the question for evolutionists: How do paranormal capabilities evolve?

For instance the little dog who knows precisely when his owner first starts to
come home (the featurette you see on German cable channel); how did the little dog evolve that capability?

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