
Ben Shapiro #wingnut #transphobia mediamatters.org

Goody goody gumdrops have more heroic parenting, So much heroic parenting. Heroic parenting whereby parents deem themselves heroes by completely screwing up their kids for life. It's really exciting stuff. According to U.S. Magazine, US Magazine, proud mom Heather Jabra announced her 12 year-old child has come out as transgender. 12. 12. You're a terrible parent. Sorry, you are.


Also, it turns out that when you indulge your child in the bizarre fantasy that they can be a member of the opposite sex and start pretending that 12 year-olds, 12 year-olds are capable of making that decision to transition themself into boys, for example, constructing -- presumably you go all the way through the process a false penis from arm flesh that will never work properly. You will never be a man. It's never going to happen. That you are somehow a better parent for this. It's Munchausen Syndrome by proxy. Pat yourself on the back as you screw your kid beyond all recognition for life.


That is not your job as parents. I am sorry. It is not your job as parents to give your kid a, quote, safe and supportive environment so that they can grow up in a screwed-up way. It is your job to provide rules and roles and actual guidance. That is your job as a parent. Safe environment would be from outside influences that, for example, teach them lies like you can be a member of the opposite sex. And you do not have a duty to support delusion. In fact, you have a duty to fight delusion in your children. I'm sorry. This is textbook crap parenting.

Michael Knowles #wingnut #transphobia mediamatters.org

I made the point that if you want if women to have their own bathrooms, if you think women ought to be able to have their own locker rooms and not have to look at gigantic gross men while little girls are getting changed, if you want any of those things, you have to ban transgenderism entirely. It's not enough to say, well, you have to wait until you're 12 or whatever people are saying now. It has to be the whole thing because if men have the right to behave as women and identify as women for the purposes of public life, then women can't have their own spaces and we as a society cannot have our own standards and norms and we're not allowed to live according to reality. We have to live according to the delusions of these troubled people. And I think we, the people, have a right to reality. And I think women have a right to their own spaces. And so, that means you've got to ban the thing entirely.

And, oh, my goodness, what these people say. They said that I was calling for the extermination of transgender people. They said I was calling for a genocide against – I said, what? I must have missed that part of my show. When did I -– did I say that? I don't – one, I don't know how you could have a genocide of transgender people because genocide refers to genes, it refers to genetics, it refers to biology. And the whole point of transgenderism is that it has nothing to do with biology. That's what the transgender activists say. They say, forget about biological sex. My gender expression doesn't have to have anything to do with my biological sex. Okay, well, then there can't be a genocide. It refers to genetics.

But furthermore, nobody's calling to exterminate anybody because the other problem with that statement is that transgender people is not a real ontological category. It's not a legitimate category of being. There are people who think that they're the wrong sex, but they're mistaken. They're laboring under a delusion. And so we need to correct that delusion.

Michael Knowles #transphobia mediamatters.org

Great new law in Kansas. Kansas has become the first state to pass a bill that defines "woman" as someone who is biologically born female. That's it. That's what a woman is. Which means that this will ban men who identify as transgender women from using single-sex areas designated for women… the bill defines a female as someone "whose biological reproductive system is developed to produce ova," while male refers to anyone "whose reproductive system is developed to fertilize the ova of a female."

This is a beautiful bill because it doesn't just say don't trans the kids. It doesn't just say wait till eight to introduce kids to transgenderism in schools. Once they turn nine, that's fine. It doesn't just say only minors can't -- it bans transgenderism for all practical purposes in the state for everybody. And it has to. In order for women to have the right to have their own bathrooms, you have to ban transgenderism entirely. You can't just ban it for the kids. It's got to be entirely. In order for women to be able to have their own locker rooms at the gym, you have to ban transgenderism entirely. In order to protect businesses from having to participate in weird, occult sexual rituals like the transgender transition, you have to ban transgenderism entirely.

I love this bill because it is so much more aggressive than the other bills we've seen. The other -- I don't mean to knock the other governors and in the statehouses, they've done a great job laying the groundwork -- the groundwork, rather. But this bill goes much further. And it reminds us of a truth in politics that Republicans all too often forget -- you're either on offense or you're on defense. You're either making gains in the culture or you're losing ground in the culture. There's no standing still. There's no status quo. There's no neutrality. And what the conservatives have screwed up on for at least 50 years now, probably more, is the libs make some crazy aggressive play and then we try to dial it back by about 5 to 10 percent. Or worse, we try to slow it down by about 5 to 10 percent.

Charlie Kirk #wingnut #racist mediamatters.org

So if you are boarding a United Airlines flight and you see a Black pilot, they are conditioning you to think, I don't know if he's there because he's a wonderful pilot, and that's not good. I don't want to live in that country. I don't want to have that kind of lens. But that will be a rational thought that someone will have because of, now, the hiring quotas and because of the way that we are now putting people in positions of authority and power. They are changing medical licensing exams. I hope everyone knows this. They are changing medical licensing exams so that it is pass-fail because different scores were used to award residencies and those were, of course, racist.

What they call equity, is they want to create a world where you are in a deficit if you are white. That is that is the world they're trying to create. And it's really cruel to say that. But when they say equity, they're trying to make it where you have a structural disadvantage through hiring. But that is what South Africa did. South Africa took the awful, kind of, immoral approach to apartheid and they just flipped it upside down. They just said, ok, now we're going to extract revenge on the colonizers because now we're in charge. And South Africa is not a functioning country.

Candace Owens #transphobia mediamatters.org

I have such great contempt for trans individuals and everything that they are doing right now in our society. To me, I've yet to meet a trans person that I thought was a good individual. Go ahead, you can use that clip verbatim. Circulate it, George Soros and your goons because somebody needs to say it. This has gone on far enough, right? They are hateful, narcissistic human beings. It's very obviously -- it's very obvious that they hate women, that they are misogynist at their core. I'm talking about men that put on lipstick and say -- not only that they're women, mocking us to our faces, saying I'm a woman, I'm just like you, I can do whatever you want.

These people are demonic, ok? The trans agenda is demonic. Any actor, actress, individual that supports this is supporting something that is demonic. These are demons in our society, without question. And if you can stand by idly and watch this take place, to watch children that are being told they can remove their private parts, to watch people march into capitol buildings and demand that people under the age of 21 be allowed to ruin their perfectly good normal bodies for the rest of their lives, to take pills and to go through extreme bouts of depression -- if you can watch all of that and stand back and say, yeah, no, I'm okay with it, all in the pursuit of equality because you keep saying that to make yourself feel good, you're a demon. And that is just the facts of the matter.

Matt Walsh #transphobia #quack mediamatters.org

First of all, if you're wondering why we still don't have a cure for cancer it could be partly because this is the sort of thing the medical field is focusing its energies on now. Rather than figuring out better ways to treat and heal people who are physically sick, hundreds of millions of dollars are being invested into turning men into women and women into men.

Now you might point out that, well, the medical field can do both. Right? It can make Frankenstein monsters and it can try to cure cancer. Well, yeah. Theoretically it can work on curing and treating diseases while also devoting time to putting vaginas on men. That's true. The problem is that these two projects are fundamentally at odds. On the one hand, they're trying to make sick people better while on the other hand they're exploiting sick people, mentally sick people in this case, and mangling their bodies horrifically for profit.

Candace Owens #transphobia #wingnut mediamatters.org

Submitter’s note: This is originally from the Daily Wire. Media Matters does not support Candace Owens, they just archive her assholery.

The Daily Wire's Candace Owens: “I actually think that society would be safer we discriminated more”

CANDACE OWENS (HOST): I definitely discriminate against men that paint their nails and wear dresses. I don't really care how you feel about that. You can wear your dress and you can paint your nails, but I'd prefer you keeping a hundred feet away from a playground and all of the feet away from my children and me. If I see you, I'm going to cross the street, if I'm with my kids.


So, all of this to say is, obviously discrimination is built into us for a reason. It's a survival mechanism, right? We want to survive. And so, when we get that feeling – my mother used to refer to it as the heebie-jeebies, when someone just gives you the heebie-jeebies – even if you can't quite put your finger on why – I think you need to lean into that.

And, I actually think that society would be safer if we discriminated more. What's happening now is insanity because they're telling us to accept everything.

Matt Walsh #transphobia mediamatters.org

Daily Wire host says trans people commit violence by using the bathroom: “Their very presence in that space is an act of violence in and of itself”

But it's also no surprise when we hear about incidences like this and we see acts of violence against women carried about by quote, unquote, trans people in bathrooms and locker rooms and so on, because how could it be a surprise? Their very presence in that space is an act of violence in and of itself. OK so, for a man to enter a private female space where females are vulnerable and exposed, that is an act of sexual harassment in and of itself. For a man to knowingly walk into a women's bathroom, that's sexual harassment - just to be there in the first place. You are an abuser simply by walking into the room.


I don't care if they're sincere or not. It's like either it’s a man pretending to be confused about his gender, or he's sincerely confused. Either way, doesn't make a difference. It's not suddenly better if the man is actually confused and he's going into the women's restroom. Because that's what we mean when we say sincerely or really trans. Trans as a category is imaginary, it's a human invention. So, there's no way to be really trans. But you can be really confused about your identity. That does exist. But either way, no matter what your intentions are or your motivations, being there in the first place is a problem. It's an act of violence. Your presence is an intrusion. It is abusive.

So, there is no question about whether men in the women's room are a threat. Are they a threat? Yes. How do I know? Because they're in the room. Because they're there. Just like if somebody walks into your house in the middle of the night. You know, you don't need to wonder if they're a threat. They're in your house. It doesn't matter what they do once they're inside -- I mean, it matters. They could make the situation even worse depending on how they behave once they get there. But my point is, by walking in the door, they're already perpetrating a violent and intrusive act. Same for men who walk into the women's room, the locker room. Just by walking in that door, that is an act of violence against the women that are in there. It is a threat. It is intimidation. This is all based around intimidation.

Matt Walsh #dunning-kruger #elitist #homophobia #wingnut mediamatters.org

Daily Wire host calls the US soccer team “treasonous” for using rainbow colors in one of their crests at the World Cup

Matt Walsh: “If I was in charge of the country, they wouldn't be allowed back into the country”

As noted earlier, this rainbow crest is being used alongside the traditional crest, in part because of the extremely cruel anti-LGBTQ laws in Qatar.

MATT WALSH (HOST): The corporate gay pride stuff is just sheep's blood on the door signaling that they are the chosen people so the angel of cancellation passes them over. But as far as symbolism goes, I think it is appropriate that they should change the colors of the American flag with the colors of the LGBT flag. I mean, it's horrendous, it's traitorous, it's treasonous -- if I was in charge of the country, they wouldn't be allowed back into the country -- but it's also appropriate because the LGBT nation, LGBTistan we may call it, is, after all, the country that corporate America as well as the United States government seeks to represent. It is the nation that the left pledges its allegiance to. It is the country that wishes to colonize the world and export its ideas and values to corners of the globe that have no interest in them.

Now, I've often said that the alphabet club is a religious cult. And it is that, certainly. But maybe, on second thought, it's better understood in this way, as a country. It has its own flag, its own national holidays, its own myths and traditions, its own sports teams, and it has its own government too, which is formerly known as the United States government.

Now some people predict that we will eventually in the future become two countries, there's going to be some civil war. But the point is we're already two countries. There's one that salutes the Pride flag and despises the American flag, and one that salutes the American flag and has no use for the Pride flag. At this point, it's only a matter of making the split official, I suppose. Something that we will probably never do, but we should.

Dennis Prager #dunning-kruger #elitist #wingnut mediamatters.org

This country's a different country. It's becoming like other countries.

The left doesn't believe America is special, that American values are special or exceptional, whichever term you like. You wonder what is special. If the United States is not exceptional, then is there any country that it has been and they would probably have no answer to that.

What is special is they – or them, if you prefer. They're special, because they were raised by parents and schools that told them how special they are.

Where is my favorite sign? No. No, that's not it. Damn, I threw it away. That school sign that I saw – school room sign that I saw in The New York Times. "The world is better because you are in it." I don't know what grade it was, I assume something like fifth grade. What a stupid message. Plus, it's not true.

What has any fifth grader done to have made the world better because he or she is in it? Boy, again, as I've pointed out, it's the opposite of how many of us were raised.

Andrew Torba #fundie #wingnut mediamatters.org

[Submitter’s Note: Andrew Torba is the CEO of Gab, and this is what he says about who is not welcome on his site]

On July 15, as Right Wing Watch documented, Torba responded in a video to criticism of him and Mastriano by singling out right-wing commentators Dave Rubin and Ben Shapiro as examples of people he doesn’t want in his movement. Rubin and Shapiro are both Jewish; Rubin is also gay.

Torba stated: “These people aren’t conservative. They’re not Christian, right? They don’t share our values. They have inverted values from us as Christians. So don’t fall for the bait, right? Don’t fall for the bait of Populism Inc. Don’t fall for the bait of this pseudo-conservatism, big tent nonsense. This is a Christian movement, and this movement needs to be centered on the gospel and truth of God’s word and of Jesus Christ, our lord and savior and king. That is the only way that this is going to work.”

Republican congressional candidate Carl Paladino #psycho #racist #wingnut mediamatters.org

I was thinking the other day about somebody had mentioned on the radio Adolf Hitler and how he aroused the crowds. And he would get up there screaming these epithets and these people were just — they were hypnotized by him. That's, I guess, I guess that's the kind of leader we need today. We need somebody inspirational. We need somebody that is a doer, has been there and done it, so that it’s not a strange new world to him. I look around at the politicians that we've elected locally and I, I just can’t [unintelligible] on a federal level, I can't get comfortable with the RINO-ism. And on a state level, we — our Republicans are sound asleep. They're not an anti-government group. They don't get up with new press releases to comment on this issue, comment on that issue. I mean, there should be a debate going on in the newspaper every day.

Matt Walsh #crackpot #wingnut #transphobia mediamatters.org

Daily Wire host warns that “the category of lesbian is in fact, in reality, being erased”

But, as it happens, you know, actually, as much as the left likes to claim that they're being erased -- you're erasing me -- lesbians actually are -- the category of lesbian is in fact, in reality, being erased. And, if you follow the demographic trends, in another 30, 40 years, they just won't exist anymore. And you look at the younger generations - Gen Z and Millennials - while LBGT identification has skyrocketed and trans identification has skyrocketed, lesbian identification has fallen off the cliff. And why is that?

Well, it's because every girl, every woman, who in the past would've identified themselves as a lesbian, now they're being told, that oh no, you're actually a man. You're not a lesbian, you're actually a -- not only a man, a straight man, it turns out. So this is -- if you want to talk about conversion therapy, this is, really, the only kind of conversion therapy that goes on. You know, on top of the most insidious form which is, in general, the way in which kids are recruited into the LGBT fold. But here's conversion therapy. Essentially what the left is doing is they're taking lesbian women and they are converting them into straight men or trying to, anyway.

Charlie Kirk #dunning-kruger #pratt #transphobia #fundie #wingnut mediamatters.org

Charlie Kirk blames trans people for inflation: “There's a direct connection to inflation and the trans issue”

So, one of the reasons why we take such a strong stance and opinion on the trans issue is it's an issue of reality. You do not get to determine your own reality. You do not get to suddenly say, I'm rich or I'm poor. No, we actually have to look at some evidence as to whether or not you're rich or poor. Now, some of those are relative terms - rich according to who? Rich according to what? I understand that. But relatively, some of the terms we use -- short, tall - you can't just make them up and say, oh wow, that person is taller than that person, that person is faster than that person, that person is stronger than that person.

And one of the reasons we've been so insistent against this idea you can change your gender, or change your sex, or change both of them, is that when you start to indulge in the belief that you could become whatever you want and reality is subjective, not objective, you're going to have ramifications that nobody anticipated or intended.

So, there's a direct connection to inflation and the trans issue. You say, Charlie, come on. They couldn't be further apart. No, they're exactly the same. They're the same in this aspect - when you believe that men can become women, why wouldn't you also believe that you could print wealth? If you believe that someone can change their gender, why wouldn't you also believe that money is wealth?

Now there are very simple laws of economics. Just like there's laws of nature. There's laws of physics, laws of thermodynamics, laws of biology.

We must to – we must live according to those laws. We believe there's a lawmaker and a designer and being Christians, we believe those laws were made to be followed for our flourishing and our prosperity. The law is a teacher. The law is a guide to how to properly live. You live in defiance to the law, you lie steal or cheat, you actually won't flourish. You'll be miserable. You'll be unhappy. You'll get further from god's wish for you. Now outside of the religious component of this, we also believe there are laws of economics. There are laws of economics just like there are laws of physics.

Charlie Kirk #crackpot #wingnut mediamatters.org

Charlie Kirk claims tall buildings make people liberal

We have a huge housing crisis in our country, the likes of which we have not seen in a long period of time. But, I believe we need to build horizontally, not vertically. It's one of my speeches. Developers don't like it when I say this, but it's true. The higher the building, the more liberal the voter. It just is.

So, and – if you are – the closer to the ground you are, the more conservative you are. We should encourage people to spread horizontally and not vertically. Look at Denver. The higher the high rises, has Denver become less free or more free? It's become a dystopian nightmare. You guys know that.

Now, you could say, Charlie, that's a correlation, not a causation. Think about it. If you're on the 32nd floor renting, not owning – if you're not in the weeds and in the yard, understanding what it takes to grow food and maintain the land, are you going to be more or less likely to actually be a conservative? The higher the building, every single study shows, they become more liberal over time. It's happening in Phoenix, happened in Denver, happened in Atlanta, happened in Dallas, happened in Chicago, happened everywhere, and yet few people actually say that out loud. Whatever.

Charlie Kirk #conspiracy #crackpot #homophobia #wingnut mediamatters.org

Charlie Kirk claims Disney is trying to make your children gay

They called us bigots if we dared to say that there was a slippery slope that would accompany legalization. But now this woman on this, she’s an executive producer, I believe, within the Disney leadership is chuckling saying, we need more queerness. It’s not a secret gay agenda. We need children to be exposed to two dudes kissing each other at a very young age.

Once the groups are formed -- it's not like all of a sudden the ACLU and the LGBT groups, like, disassemble. Like oh, we got gay marriage done, now we can just put our paperwork away. No, it's an entire cottage industry of outrage and hysteria. It gave them meaning and purpose. And so now it's not about making gay marriage legal - it's legal in every single state. That was always their big fight. No, no. Now it's about making your kids gay.

Why else would you want to have two dudes or two women kissing in a Disney film? What is the agenda? To expose them to it or to increase the ranks of the LGBTQ community? What is the process? People were gay before this sort of nonsense was happening. So why exactly are you doing this? They're like, well, we want to have four-year-olds that have homosexual attractions to know they're not alone when they're watching movies. Really? A four-year-old? Like, four-year-olds are eating dirt. I don't think they're exactly making very deep arguments about what they're sexually attracted to.

But they want to do what every tyrant wants to do and every autocrat wants to do. They want to obliterate the innocence of children. And what is so scary about removing the innocence of children is that you can't get it back. That's the moral claim of protecting children. Is because once that line gets crossed, there's no undoing it. And the damage is done for the rest of the life for the child. It's hard to believe that this is -- this is Disney.

Ben Shapiro #crackpot #wingnut mediamatters.org

See, the thing is, you actually have to let Omicron fade if Omicron is going to fade. Because at this point, Omicron is just a mental condition. Omicron is not even a tremendous physical threat to the American people at this point because cases have been declining so steeply -- and, by the way, pretty much everybody has either been vaxxed or had natural immunity at this point by the stats. But it doesn't matter. You keep treating it as a crisis.

Mark Levin #racist #wingnut mediamatters.org

MARK LEVIN (HOST): Tiffany Cross is on MSNBC. I never heard of her before, but she's another person with a show on Saturday. Maybe that's why I've never heard of her before.

But she is aggressively, in my view, anti-white.

And by "white," I don't just mean people who have white pigmentation, whatever that means -- anti-the existing American society and culture.

In other words, these are people who hate the country and Tiffany is among them. This is the kind of platform that Comcast gives to people.

Mark Levin #wingnut mediamatters.org

CALLER: I've listened to you, I believe that we need to be working hard to develop new therapeutics, so I agree with you 100 percent --

MARK LEVIN (HOST): But I'm saying two, three days, then they have natural immunity and they actually have better immunity than people who are vaccinated. And we're not taking that into account.

You try, doctor, you go to the CDC website and tell me if you can find how many people are mentioned there, the numbers, the data on natural immunity, the antibodies. You're not going to find it. Why? I'm not a conspiracy nut, but why? Why do we treat -- how many of the unvaccinated are people who have natural immunity? It's got to be a significant percentage of them.

CALLER: No, you're right, so I'm excluding people who have already been -- contracted COVID and have natural immunity, but I'm talking about people who have not been contracting --

LEVIN: But here's another theory, or at least not theory, another model of thinking, and that is -- and DeSantis and others think this -- if people want to get vaccinated, they should.

If they don't, they come down with the virus. They get the natural immunity, they're treated with therapeutics, they go back into society. They're less of a threat than people who've been vaccinated.

Dunning-Kruger Award

Dennis Prager #crackpot #dunning-kruger #wingnut mediamatters.org

Why should doctors be any better than lawyers, or professors, or any other group that has disgraced itself in American life? There's no reason. Doctors have the same degree of wisdom as gender studies professors. The issue isn't medical knowledge. The issue is wisdom and courage. There are plenty of doctors who have it. Read about The Great Barrington Declaration.


Your doctor knows nothing about COVID, nothing. All they know is how the virus works, that's all they know. It is an amazing thing that listening to this show, of a non-doctor, you have learned more about COVID — more about masks — than your doctor probably knows. Not only is it not a boast, it is totally meant to be an attack on the medical profession. I should not know 10 times more than your doctor about all of the issues with therapeutics. And if your doctor thinks ivermectin is dangerous, change your doctor. And I mean it. Might be a nice guy — go golfing with him, or her — but check out another doctor.

Ben Shapiro #crackpot #wingnut mediamatters.org

Panic, panic, everybody panic. We have to panic. It's very important that we panic. The headlines betray nothing but panic. Panic, panic everywhere.


I'm seeing sheer panic out there because, wow, Lindsey Graham announced that he had a breakthrough case of COVID and now he's going to self-quarantine for ten days. So, first of all, I'm not even sure that it's worth quarantining if you have COVID at this point. Like, it's so widespread that I'm not even sure, like on a public health level, whether quarantining is even going to slow the spread in any significant -- like, I get it. You're supposed to quarantine if you have COVID. I do, I understand, I understand why they're telling you to do this, because there are so many unvaccinated people out there. But if Lindsey Graham is dealing with a lot of vaccinated people every day, then really this should not be, like, of massive concern. In the same way that many people go to the office when they have a cold, many people go to the office when they are feeling mildly ill, if COVID is now degraded to the level of a minor illness, I don't understand why everybody on earth is supposed to be freaking out that Lindsey Graham got a breakthrough case of COVID that has resulted in the sniffles.


Okay, why is that a public health story? I don't understand. Being diagnosed with, basically, very very mild illness is not a public health emergency. So when you see people freaking out over case rates, it makes no sense. It is just alarmism of the highest order.

Dave Landau, Garrett Morrison and Darrin Crowder #transphobia #homophobia #racist mediamatters.org

During the March 17 YouTube livestream[…]Dave Landau and other co-hosts doubled down on the show’s racism, transphobia, and general bigotry.

DAVE LANDAU (GUEST HOST):[…]You guys know Elliot Page? Used to be Ellen Page, now goes by Elliot. She had herself a little surgery[…]
LANDAU: He. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to misgender
LANDAU: He says I'm fully who I am. “It has completely transformed my life"
MORGAN: Or at least my chest. Not the bottom yet. But partially completely
LANDAU: The breasts will be auctioned off on eBay
LANDAU: Congratulations to Captain America. He's now a gay man. But Louder with Crowder has obtained some exclusive new story details[…]He battles against complications arising from sharing his super serum needles
Captain America brought AIDS into this office
MORGAN:[…]We gave the Native Americans a bit of a pass here, right? If you're idolizing these people as just being these peace-loving, wonderful people who had the buffalo and they lived in concert with nature. They actually scalped people, they enslaved one another, and they also practices cannibalism
DARRIN CROWDER (GUEST):[…]At some point, contact would have to be made. At some point[…]This is a nice piece of property, right? Somebody is going to come over here and clash with a society of pantheists that couldn't possibly advance. Their world couldn't advance. And so somebody was going to make sure that that happened
MORGAN: And many of them were actually captured and sold by enemy African tribes, right? So it's like the worst thing you can -- like, “We don't like these guys over here so I got some guys coming in boats, we'll take care of them. We'll just be like, ‘They're witches, take them away,' right?"

Larry Elder #wingnut #racist mediamatters.org

Bottom line, if these researchers -- if these (January 6th) protesters had been Black, the likelihood is it would've been worse because the police would've been more reluctant, more hesitant to use force against Black people than white people, as evidenced by studies going back to the 70's. So, Joy Reid is full of it, it perpetuates that notion that the police are out to get Blacks, just because you're Blacks. It is a lie, a flat out lie.

Dennis Prager, Founder of PragerU #wingnut #conspiracy #quack #dunning-kruger mediamatters.org

CALLER: I want to discuss the hydroxychloroquine. I'm surprised you even mentioned it on the radio because some of the biggest names on TV, medicine people like Dr. Oz and Pinksy, I don't know if you know Dr. Zelenko, if you've listened to any of his stuff, but their voices have just been drowned out, and it's almost like they are living in fear -- well maybe with the exception of Dr. Zelenko. But it seems like everyone is living in fear and won't even discuss it. And I wanted to see what you thought about that.

DENNIS PRAGER (HOST): I know, I know, look, they didn't discuss it yea or nay with regard to the president. That was my opening comment. The president is the one who recommended it to begin with. You'd think something would've been said.

I mean, isn't that the obvious question everybody would have? Did he take it in the early days? Was he taking it as a prophylactic? I've announced ten times I take it every week. I take zinc every day and I take hydroxychloroquine every week.

The fact that the people feel intimidated is only because we have communists running medicine, just like we have running everything else. I never used this term before. I can't -- You prefer leftists? I'll use leftists. They shut you up. Free speech has never existed in anything that the left controls. Never. Whether it's the Soviet Union, China, Eastern Europe under communism, or the universities today in America.

Judy Mikovits; Larry Klayman #conspiracy #crackpot mediamatters.org

[ERIC] BOLLING [(HOST)]: Dr. Mikovits, tell me about the -- what you believe Dr. Fauci has done wrong?

JUDY MIKOVITS: I believe Dr. Fauci has manufactured the coronaviruses in monkey cell lines and shipped them from and paid for and shipped the cell lines to Wuhan, China, now for at least since 2014. He published that fact and funded the studies that were published in 2015 in Nature Medicine that stated that the original cell line the Chinese used to grow the virus was shipped from Ft. Detrick, USAMRIID, the biosafety level 4 facility there.

BOLLING: Doctor, that’s a pretty hefty claim. You’re claiming that there was a virus that Fauci discovered, the coronavirus -- again, there are many coronaviruses -- but he shipped this specific version to China --


BOLLING: And then somehow it leaked? Tell us.

MIKOVITS: No. I’m not saying that he discovered it, I’m saying they were manufacturing these animal tissues. They were using these animal tissues at Ft. Detrick, and this has been done for decades. It was illegal in this country, so instead of continuing the work there, he funded the studies. He’s the head of NIAID. He didn’t discover this particular coronavirus, but they had been working on isolating coronaviruses from bats, both at USAMRIID since the mid to late ‘90s, and they had shipped -- originally funded the studies to Wuhan, China, when it was illegal in this country to do these types of studies further.

BOLLING: All right, let’s bring you in Larry, let’s talk about the law here. What is your claim and, you know, how is it steeped in law?

LARRY KLAYMAN: Well we’re looking at a possible RICO case, Eric, and we’re analyzing that right now, but what it appears happened is the Chinese got that virus. And we know that $3.7 million was given as a grant during the Obama administration to that Wuhan laboratory, that’s not in dispute. And the Chinese then engineered it into a bioweapon. So what happened here, actually, is relevant to our lawsuit in Dallas, Texas, our class action against the communist Chinese who are releasing, either accidentally or by design, this pandemic. So, it’s a very serious matter, and it needs to be looked into. No one wants to discuss it, and I suspect the president probably knows about this right now, which is why -- and I support the president personally, but I don’t think that’s why he’s -- I think that’s why he’s going not real strong against China right now, because this virus actually had its origins, apparently, in a lab in Ft. Detrick, Maryland.

BOLLING: And Larry, we know about the funding the Obama administration sent to China, the Wuhan lab, but allegedly it was for discovery of a vaccine of this exact virus. Earlier, the doctor talked about something that Fauci may have been doing, experimenting here illegal. Tell us about that piece of it.

KLAYMAN: Well, let me just say this. I think one thing the left and the right have in common these days, Eric, is that we don’t believe a word the government tells us. And the fact that they claim they’re looking for a vaccine -- you know, they were doing research, and Judy could talk about this more, at Ft. Detrick to combat bioweapons. OK, so, they weren’t there just for vaccines. I mean, they were there for a number of different reasons. But let me turn it over to her because she’s the expert here.

BOLLING: Go ahead, doctor.

MIKOVITS: Ah, yes, Eric, these -- since the mid ‘90s, we’ve been working with Ebola and other strains of viruses from bats and animals. And we -- I did that work at USAMRIID, that means U.S. Army Research Institute for Infectious Disease. So we were doing those studies, allegedly then, to provide vaccines or therapeutics, but we were working, mixing animal tissues in these human cell lines, the exact same cell lines used in China. And these viruses have escaped before, the Ebola strain in 2014 that killed 21,000 Liberians came from that same USAMRIID facility in Ft. Detrick, Frederick, Maryland.

Larry Elder #wingnut #psycho mediamatters.org

My point is, the real problem right now are left-wing policies that have made things worse. The welfare state has incentivized women to marry the government and allow men to abandon their financial and moral responsibility. And Obama said a kid without a father is five times more likely to be poor, nine times more likely to drop out of school, 20 times more likely to end up in jail. Let's talk about what the welfare state has done to destabilize the Black family. During slavery, a Black kid was more likely to be born under a roof with his biological mother and biological father than today. That's the problem, let's deal with that.

Donald Trump #racist mediamatters.org

Since June 3, the Trump campaign has been running Facebook ads fearmongering about “antifa.” On June 17, the campaign added an inverted red triangle to some variations of the ad -- a symbol the Nazis used to designate political prisoners.

Using the Dewey Square Adwatch tool set to analyze Facebook Ad data, Media Matters found that the Trump campaign has run at least 2,110 advertisements with generic anti-antifa language since June 3. The ads ran on Facebook pages for President Donald Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, Team Trump, Black Voices for Trump, Brad Parscale, Latinos for Trump, and Women for Trump.
In recent days, the campaign has experimented with various illustrations in the post -- mostly variations of a generic alert image. All the ads have the disclaimer “Paid for by TRUMP MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN COMMITTEE."

On June 17, the campaign ran 88 ads on the Facebook pages for Trump, Pence, and Team Trump with an inverted red triangle. The red triangle was used for political prisoners in Nazi concentration camps. The Trump campaign gave this explanation for the ad: This is an emoji. It's also a symbol widely used by Antifa. It was used in an ad about Antifa.

As one reporter noted, the inverted triangle is not a widely-used symbol for antifa.
Historian Jacob S. Eder, an expert on the subject, told The Washington Post that the ad is “a highly problematic use of a symbol that the Nazis used to identify their political enemies. ... It’s hard to imagine it’s done on purpose, because I’m not sure if the vast majority of Americans know or understand the sign, but it’s very, very careless to say the least.”
Facebook has previously let Trump run thousands of ads fearmongering about an immigrant “invasion,” even though the ads violated Facebook’s standards. Facebook also let the Trump campaign publish at least 529 ads with false claims of voter fraud.
The Trump campaign used anti-Semitic imagery in the previous election cycle as well. In 2016, Trump used a meme that featured the Star of David on a background of money to call Hillary Clinton the “most corrupt candidate ever.” Trump would eventually suggest that it was intended to be a sheriff’s star.
The 2016 campaign also did significant outreach to neo-Nazi figures. Campaign surrogates Diamond and Silk did an interview with a Holocaust denier. The Trump campaign gave press credentials to a white nationalist radio program, Donald Trump Jr. appeared on the program, and a Trump adviser gave interviews to that program at the Republican National Committee convention in Cleveland.

Tucker Carlson #racist mediamatters.org

TUCKER CARLSON (HOST): It's a children's show. Got that, Bobby? America is a very bad place and it's your fault. So, no matter what happens, no matter what they do to you when you grow up, you have no right to complain. That's the message and it starts very young.

Rush Limbaugh #wingnut #racist #mammon #conspiracy mediamatters.org

RUSH LIMBAUGH (HOST): Jonathan Karl yesterday brought in a China-sympathetic reporter to that press briefing. That China reporter in there from Phoenix TV — that’s a Chinese-dominated company — Jonathan Karl of ABC, he runs the White House Correspondents’ Association, so he brought the reporter in there. And I don’t know if anybody noticed it, but little Doctor — Dr. Fauci, at the end of the briefing, gave Karl a-thumbs up, like a “job well done” kind of thing.

It's just, it's just — you know we've got all of these Hillary Clinton sympathizers still in the medical expert team here. And we know that one thing has not changed, and that is these people’s desire, above everything else, to get rid of Donald Trump.

Can you believe these people don’t care about the economy being shut down? It is stunning to me. People are being ruined. I talked to a number of friends of mine. These are people that own their own business. A guy, a good friend of mine in South Carolina, told me he’s losing a million dollars a day. Another friend’s business is totally shut down, he’s ruined. And there’s no end in sight to this.

And now we’re talking about another task force to discuss how to reopen? We are Capitalism 101. What do we need a task force to talk about how to reopen an economy? We are — or were — the world’s number-one economy. A task force?

Look — no, no, no, — I understand that there may be some need to keep the elderly and the susceptible at home and let the young and healthy out, let them go back to work. But a task force is just another bureaucracy. Look, I’m for anything that will get all of this back up and running as soon as possible. But I just don’t get the impression that there are very many people that we see on TV from Washington every day, besides the president, who are focused on this. Do you?

Now, I understand — look, I understand this virus is a deadly thing. I understand it’s very serious. I understand all of that, please do not get confused here. But motivation is a key element to anything. Desire is a key element to accomplishment. It always has been. And we keep hearing, “No, we've got to maintain this shutdown. In fact, we need to even intensify the shutdown. We need to keep people staying at home.”


I'm just telling you that there is an all-out subtle effort for the status quo because it's going to hurt Donald Trump. That is the objective. That is the only thing at the forefront of some of these people's minds while they portray themselves as being primarily concerned with public health.

Jerry Falwell Jr #conspiracy #wingnut mediamatters.org

JERRY FALWELL JR. (PRESIDENT, LIBERTY UNIVERSITY): You know, it's just strange to me how so many are overreacting. The H1N1 virus, in 2009, killed 17,000 people. It was the flu, also, I think. And there was not the same hype. It was — you just didn't see it on the news 24/7. And it makes you wonder if there's a political reason for that.

It's, you know, impeachment didn't work, and the Mueller Report didn't work, and Article 25 didn't work. And so maybe now, this is their next — their next attempt to get Trump.

But I had a — the owner of a restaurant asked me last night, he said, do you remember the North Korean leader promised a Christmas present for America, back in December? Could it be they got together with China, and this is that present? I don't know. But it really is something strange going on.

Alex Jones, Levi #conspiracy #wingnut mediamatters.org

Alex Jones: Infact, I saw that last night, and I went and looked it up, and the reps are saying, I meant to start the show with that today, it’s actually in there in my office on the desk and then I got distracted with the impeachment vote, but absolutely, and it’s in all the different Soros documents that have come out, they want to trigger a race war or a civil war and they want to do it with gun confiscation (...) and so they are absolutely trying to start a civil war. There it is, ABC News 13. Representative, “rep suggests military enforcement for new gun legislation, National Guard responds”. That’s ABC News, and we live in this craziness, that Alex Jones, has been conditioned to accept the level of tyranny that I didn’t start the show with that. Infact, download that newscast, that’s what I watched last night. I remember two days ago, it’s like, “There’s a rumour that they’re going to have the National Guard”. No, they’re in the State House saying, “We’re going to arrest sheriffs that don’t confiscate the guns. We’re going to register and take all the semi-autos.” And, I mean yeah, they know that’ll cause a civil war. You are damn right, Levi! Go ahead…

Levi: Wait, there’s more! Last night, around 10 PM, Ginsburg, talked to CNN, and she said about the Republicans deciding, that if a judge made that, they would be removed from the case. Here’s what I believe is going to happen. They’re going to position Virginia to go into a state of martial law…

Alex Jones: Hold on, hold on! No don’t hang up, I’m not doing a cliffhanger, we have to go to breaks at certain times so the satellite’s fine for radio and TV stations. Coming right back to you in just a few minutes Levi, stay there.

David Horowitz #racist #fundie #wingnut mediamatters.org

From the July 12 edition of Fox News' Tucker Carlson Tonight:

DAVID HOROWITZ (GUEST): And you know, I'm thinking of this ignorant attack by Colin Kaepernick and Nike on the Betsy Ross flag, which has --really goes with the creation of America. The creation of America was probably the greatest gift given to Black people in 3,000 years because slavery was considered a normal institution for all those years. Unfortunately, the people who hate America on the left, and this embraces so much of the Democratic Party these days, have conducted a 50-year, 60-year attack on Christianity in this country. They've driven prayer and religion out of the schools. You can't teach a public schoolchild that the pilgrims were Christians fleeing persecution. So Americans no longer know where their freedoms come from, and that's why -- well, the Democratic Party now is, you know, in a full scale march to eliminate a lot of the institutions that were there from the beginning -- like the Electoral College, they want to do away with the Senate, and so forth. That's because they don't understand where our freedoms come from or what their nature is.

Brian Boquist (R) and several Oregon militia groups and r/The_Donald users #wingnut #psycho mediamatters.org

Militia groups have threatened violence against efforts to bring back Oregon GOP state senators who refuse to pass legislation on climate action. According to The Daily Beast, multiple armed militia groups “are mobilizing to prevent Oregon state police from arresting Republican state senators who went into hiding on Thursday in order to prevent climate change legislation from passing.” After Democratic Gov. Kate Brown planned to dispatch "state troopers to bring them back,” one of the state senators warned “that he would resort to violence rather than return to the state." The outlet quoted a “source inside the Oregon militia movement” saying that its members are “willing to put their own lives in front of these senators’ lives.” From the June 21 report:


One of the lawmakers on the lam, Republican Brian Boquist (R), warned that he would resort to violence rather than return to the state, implying in a local television interview that he would attack law enforcement officers sent to retrieve him.

“Send bachelors and come heavily armed,” Boquist said. “I’m not going to be a political prisoner in the state of Oregon. It’s just that simple.”


Users on the subreddit “The_Donald” have posted calls to violence and support for the armed militias. In response to reports about militias’ pledges to defend GOP legislators from being compelled by law enforcement to attend legislative sessions, multiple users on the subreddit “The_Donald” issued calls for violence to help the lawmakers, along with issuing support for the militias.

• A user wrote, “None of this gets fixed without people picking up rifles,” to which another user responded, “If that's what it takes for us and our marginalized community to be heard I suppose it may become necessary sooner than we think.” [Reddit, accessed 6/24/19]
• A user wrote, “Rifles are the only way we're going to get any peace in our lives ever again,” adding, “It's either war and we get rid of these guys or a lifetime of listening to this shit over and over again start getting yourself ready.” [Reddit, accessed 6/24/19]
• A user wrote, “There is only one way to get rid of a dictatorship like this. You don't want to acknowledge it and they made it illegal to do so but you have a choice - bite the bullet or let the collapse fall onto your kids instead of you.” [Reddit, accessed 6/24/19]
• A user called for “burn[ing] Portland and Eugene to the ground.” [Reddit, accessed 6/24/19]
• Citing the Second Amendment, another user criticized the lack of armed action from others “against government tyrany,” adding, “Now there is proven government tyrany and you do nothing?” [Reddit, accessed 6/24/19]
• A user wrote, "Hopefully all State Police in Oregon refuse, hes serious. No problems shooting a cop trying to strip rights from Citizens. If he calls for help I'd come." [Reddit, accessed 6/24/19]
• A user called for “more militia men in Oregon. Michigan, Idaho, Washington, Nevada, Utah, Colorado,” adding, “You know what to do. Flood Oregon and take over Portland. Let's make this happen.” [Reddit, accessed 6/24/19]
• A user wrote, “Everyone needs to start getting into shape, sharpening up your marksmanship and learning the ins and outs of all your fire arms. Stock upon that ammo too.” [Reddit, accessed 6/24/19]
• A user wrote that they were “at the point where I hope [violence] happens” as a “catalyst to purge their ideology from government.” Regarding the governor’s order, another user wrote: “The soap box has been forbidden to be used. The ballot box has been abused. The ammo box is what they then choose." [Reddit, accessed 6/24/19]

Tucker Carlson, James Panero, #conspiracy mediamatters.org

From the June 5 edition of Fox News' Tucker Carlson Tonight:

TUCKER CARLSON (HOST): Almost every nation on Earth has fallen under the yoke of tyranny -- the metric system. From Beijing to Buenos Aires, from Lusaka to London, the people of the world have been forced to measure their environment in millimeters and kilograms. The United States is the only major country that has resisted, but we have no reason to be ashamed for using feet and pounds.


JAMES PANERO: I am joining you tonight as an anti-metrite. I'm taking a stand against the metric system -- the original system of global revolution and new world orders.

CARLSON: God bless you, and that's exactly what it is. Esperanto died, but the metric system continues, this weird, utopian, inelegant creepy system that we alone have resisted.

Peter Sprigg #fundie #homophobia mediamatters.org

Extreme anti-LBGTQ group Family Research Council regularly traffics in extreme language, but it recently published a post by Peter Sprigg about LGBTQ Pride Month, which was particularly vile even by its own standards. In the blog, Sprigg said gay men should not be proud because HIV is "a direct result of that sexual behavior" and that mental illness in the LGBTQ community is evidence its members are not "natural."

Sprigg, a senior fellow at FRC, has called for homosexuality to be criminalized and has said, “I would much prefer to export homosexuals from the United States than to import them into the United States because we believe that homosexuality is destructive to society.” Sprigg has pushed his anti-LGBTQ views internationally at the global summit of World Congress of Families (WCF), where he “argued that transgender identity is unscientific,” according to Right Wing Watch. The WCF is an international coalition of anti-choice and anti-LGBTQ groups led by former National Organization for Marriage President Brian Brown, and it promotes extreme right-wing policies around the world under the guise of protecting the “natural family.”

Domestically, Sprigg has given public comment at a committee meeting urging the Food and Drug Administration’s to uphold its policy banning men who have sex with men from donating blood, advocated to the Maryland Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee against nondiscrimination protections for transgender people, and testified before state legislatures in Vermont, Hawaii, and New Hampshire against protections for LBGTQ youth from conversion therapy. Moreover, Sprigg’s boss, FRC President Tony Perkins, was appointed by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) to be a commissioner of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom.

Sprigg also writes articles spreading anti-LGBTQ misinformation across several right-wing platforms, including The Daily Signal, Washington Examiner, and The Christian Post. Right-wing and evangelical media, in turn, quote Sprigg as an expert on conversion therapy and the health needs of transgender people even though he is not a medical professional.

In an article posted on June 11, Sprigg railed against the LGBTQ community under the deceitfully reasoned headline “Should Christians Recognize ‘LGBT Pride?’” Anti-LGBTQ organizations often try to pit religious rights against LGBTQ equality in a fallacious “God vs. Gay” dichotomy, though the majority of religious groups think homosexuality “should be accepted,” according to Pew Research. Here are some of the worst anti-LGBTQ comments that Sprigg pushed in the FRC blog post:

"The high rates of mental illness that accompany such feelings is strong evidence against the idea that homosexual and transgender feelings are ‘natural.’”

"Men who have sex with men, in particular, have high rates of HIV infection and other sexually transmitted diseases as a direct result of that sexual behavior—so is it something to be ‘proud’ of?”

"To accept ‘LGBT Pride’ is to accept the assertion that these feelings are a normal and natural variant of human sexuality.”

"Some individuals who identify as transgender ask surgeons to mutilate or remove otherwise healthy body parts—often with serious long-term consequences—in order to make their bodies resemble more closely their desired sex. Is this something to be proud of?”

"To endorse ‘LGBT Pride’ is to endorse all three—to affirm that LGBT feelings are normal and natural (which is untrue), that LGBT behaviors are harmless or even admirable (also untrue), and that their LGBT ‘identity’ is innate (untrue as well).”

"Homosexual activists and their allies in the states have even been invading the privacy of the relationship between mental health providers and their clients, by passing laws to prohibit sexual orientation change efforts, or SOCE (which critics refer to as ‘conversion therapy’) with minors.”

"The former tennis star and self-identified lesbian Martina Navratilova said, ‘Catholic clergy has been a lot more dangerous to kids than LGBT’ (apparently without irony, since there is reason to believe that most of the Catholic priests who have molested children are themselves homosexual).”

Jesse Watters #wingnut #conspiracy mediamatters.org

JESSE WATTERS (CO-HOST): Democrats have run this city. They control the city council and they control the mayor's office. They have allowed this thing to fester because they allow anything to happen, and now it's a radius, a 50-block radius, and they thought they had it contained, but now, it's started to infect other people. People go in to this place, but they don't come out.

I went in there one time with a camera crew, and we just drove around, and we wouldn't leave the car because it was so dangerous.

We saw drugged-out zombies chasing barefooted babies through piles of garbage with hypodermic needles and fire everywhere. It was the most depraved and disgusting thing I've ever seen in my life --

GREG GUTFELD (CO-HOST): That's saying a lot.

WATTERS: And you only have -- and that's saying a lot, and I've been around, and you only have one solution. You bulldoze the 50-block radius, and you institutionalize everybody and detoxify them, and then you let them out.

Alex Jones #conspiracy mediamatters.org

ALEX JONES (HOST): I'm here, ladies and gentlemen, covering undoubtedly some of the most dangerous information I've ever covered on air.


Anthony Bourdain, Tony Bourdain is one of the most popular TV hosts in the world. He's the only successful thing on CNN. He dominated Netflix. He has a little nine-year-old daughter. He just got remarried. And then he dies in a crappy hotel room in Paris, and CNN's Brian Stelter is the first to tell us that he died of suicide hanging himself.

Now, I knew he'd been critical of Hillary. Said that she shouldn't have basically defended [Harvey] Weinstein, said it was shameful. I knew he talked about -- joked about feeding Trump hemlock. And I thought a lot of these rich, powerful Hollywood folks commit suicide, and maybe he did commit suicide. But I said the fact that he had a lot of powerful enemies, it should at least be investigated, I said that in a tweet.

I got a call from my source who is even willing for me to now say who he is. But he was very emotional and he had already let me in on this a few months ago, and he's actually even already talked about this on air. But I'm just not going to do that at this point.


Here's the bottom line: I was told several months ago that a bunch of other big people were going to start going public. And then, of course, you saw Kanye [West]. And then a few weeks ago, we said that even more big cultural icons, some of the biggest ones in media, some of the biggest people in culture were going to be going public. And so, this morning when I woke up and I had seen that Tony Bourdain had committed suicide supposedly, I went, "What is it about that? What was it in the news?" So I was sitting there, search engining for like an hour, "Well, what was it -- why was it [unintelligible] Bourdain?"

And then, all of a sudden, the producer calls me about an hour ago, right after I got off air with you guys and said, "You have got to call this source, he is really upset right now." And I went, "Oh my gosh, he's talked about it on air." Ladies and gentlemen, Bourdain was a powerful cultural figure, and Bourdain had learned about the big awakening that was happening, and he had met with Elon Musk, who he's already very good friends with, in Morocco, in Marrakesh at a big solar farm, experimental farm, and I'll just leave it at that. And they had taped an eleven and a half minute episode of the upcoming TV series that he was wrapping up in Paris. This was two months ago, nobody knows this, and I'm laying these facts out so people understand. He was in Morocco on a big vista at a wind farm, and I'm going to leave it at that, and I've talked to folks that were there. In fact, I've been authorized to even tell you more. Maybe I just should, but I'm going to stop right there for now.

And Musk and them had a Kanye West event. And Bourdain was planning to basically do a Kanye West, but just about the whole global awakening, everything that was about to happen, and it's believed that this is a message directly to Elon Musk, who's been coming out talking about the mainstream media, the globalists, how they're planning an AI technocracy takeover. So I can tell you, without getting into too much specifics, but I've specifically been on the phone with SpaceX and individuals at the center of the Musk operation in the last hour. So, I'm authorized to say that at this point, and I told folks, I said, "We have to go public with part of this, we're all in danger." And there's a lot of stuff behind the scenes, some sabotage and stuff going on as well that we've become aware of, even inside of Infowars right now, they're making big moves right now, ladies and gentlemen. And I want everybody to understand that this is real, this is for all the marbles, and it is just unbelievable. I mean, I've got like five, six pages of notes here.


CNN and the parent company that sold it to him, his company, they're now looking for pressure from the Zero Point Zero [Productions] company to not release the new series, but to make it a retrospective looking back on Bourdain. All so they do not have to release not just this episode, but once he decided to do this with Elon Musk -- this was two months ago, they shot dozens and dozens of other segments -- that he then began working in the whole awakening around the world, and Bourdain had decided to go the Kanye West route. That is 100 percent from people there with him, meeting with him, Elon Musk, the whole nine yards. Elon Musk is in complete danger right now. Again, if he hangs himself, it's murder, ladies and gentlemen. Or if his jet crashes, it's murder.


The media will spin it and say -- or try to ignore it probably and say, "Oh, Jones claims that Musk was murdered, oh look here's Jones again" -- not Musk, "Jones will say that Tony has been murdered, Bourdain." This is how they operate, and it is just insane to be here at this moment. My wife just walked in here. Honey, I just got contact from SpaceX, just talked to them all on the phone. They definitely killed Tony Bourdain. That's what they think, it's a message to Musk. He's going to go public, just like Kanye West.

Alex Jones & Brett R. Smith #wingnut mediamatters.org


Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones is selling a “limited edition” of a children’s book that depicts President Donald Trump as a cartoon bunny named Thump. The book promotes white nationalist imagery and makes light of the video of Trump admitting to sexually assaulting women and the national outrage that followed.

The book, called Thump: The First Bundred Days, was written by a group of co-authors including Brett R. Smith, the creative director of the Steve Bannon-backed Clinton Cash: A Graphic Novel, and Timothy Lim, who has worked with Marvel, Lucasfilm, and Hasbro. The book is published by Post Hill Press, whose books are distributed by Simon and Schuster.

The online store of Jones’ conspiracy theory outlet Infowars is selling the book with an exclusive poster showing Jones and Thump and describes the product as “the perfect book for teaching your kids or reading through it for yourself!”

Jones hosted Smith for a promotional interview on January 3, and flipped through the book, revealing some of its disturbing content.

On one page that Jones showed, the text read, “Thump found friends in strange places and in all shapes and sizes. Such as the frogs that croaked ‘KEK!’ They were full of surprises!”


The line is a reference to Pepe the Frog, an originally innocuous cartoon that was transformed into a talisman for white nationalism during the 2016 presidential campaign.

The book also references a video released in October 2016 that showed Trump bragging about sexually assaulting women. Thump reads, “Thump was caught talking of grabbing all things pusillanimous. Protesters even made pink hats: their ire was unanimous.”


Although pusillanimous is a synonym for cowardly, it’s a reference to Trump saying that he grabbed women “by the pussy.”

During segments of the broadcast, which also featured far-right troll and “Pizzagate” conspiracy theorist Jack Posobiec, Smith explained, “We really wanted to come out with something fun and light, something that kids and adults, all Trump supporters could enjoy.”

Jones lavished praise on the book, suggesting people donate copies to their local libraries (after purchasing them from Infowars), and saying, “This is genius.” Smith added that what’s “great about Thump as well is that parents can use Thump to talk to their kids about Trump, and they can say, ‘No, Thump is a good guy, he’s the hero that we need.’”

Trump appeared on Jones’ show in 2015 to praise the conspiracy theorist’s “amazing” reputation. Since then, Jones has been a sycophantic supporter of Trump. He’s said he communicates with Trump and writes him memos, and most recently defended the president’s penis.

Alex Jones #conspiracy mediamatters.org

ALEX JONES (HOST): So it’s the death of good cinema that’s got Hollywood down 20 percent this year, 30 percent over the last ten years, previous to that 50 percent in the last couple decades. Their worst year ever this year. This new film, if you call it that, The Last Jedi is like the last Star Wars movie I think I can ever watch, because it’s like Russian roulette to go see this. It had some great graphics and some fun stuff in it, but subjecting myself and my children to every bad guy being a man and all of the commanders being women, like seven deep, like, “This commander dies, so it’s this woman and then it’s this woman,” and then they go, “The chain of command, it goes to this woman, and the chain of command.” And it’s all about women are in the chain of command. Beat me over the head. Beat me over the head. I mean I get like don’t have stereotypes, show that women can be in power positions, as if that hasn’t happened throughout history. Cleopatra, Joan of Arc, you name it. And a lot of times in bad roles -- Margaret Sanger, the list goes on and on. Queen Elizabeth II, you know a known admitted Nazi heiling Hitler, but that’s OK, according to everybody, because she’s liberal. But this is just the beating you over the head to patronize women and show them in SWAT team uniforms running around and to be the police and to be in charge and the men are a bunch of idiots that have to be put in line, and it just goes on and on.

And then poor Carrie Fisher, you can see her tweets and videos before she died, and that was during the filming, she died right at the end of filming, she died right as it ended, she flew back. I’m not saying it’s a star murder or anything, but we know in Hollywood sometimes when they think you're finally done, if you die right after your last record, your last movie, then it triples or quadruples your portfolio. But she just completed it perfectly. Flying back, I guess celebrating or whatever, had a bunch of different drugs in her systems and things. And I’m very sad for her, thought she played the goddess archetype very, very well, did a great job in the first films, had a long life, a lot of substance problems, a lot of this had been affected by [inaudible] family, so I don’t put her down, but it was like watching an under the bridge dweller, like we have near the office, who I try to bring food and stuff, who, she looked like a basically an old lizard that lived under a bridge or something that could hardly talk.

Owen Shroyer of Infowars #conspiracy mediamatters.org

OWEN SHROYER (GUEST HOST): Welcome in to The Alex Jones Show folks. It’s amazing, here we are, so much news and the news is so big and the news is so frequent that the biggest news every day becomes a back-page story the next day. The Las Vegas massacre cover-up, nothing. The JFK files being declassified, Hitler still alive. All the history textbooks lied to us. I was lied to my entire life about JFK, knowingly, by my government. I was lied to my entire life about Hitler, knowingly, by my government. And that’s just a nonstory now because you’ve got another radical truck running people down in the streets.

Alex Jones #conspiracy mediamatters.org

Ladies and gentlemen, I was told this by high level sources and it was evident and especially after [Ronald] Reagan was shot in his first year in office when he was acting like Trump, and doing the right things, that he never really recovered. They gave him cold blood, and his transfusion that causes brain damage. They slowly gave him small amounts of sedatives. It’s known that most presidents end up getting drugged. Small dosages of sedatives till they build it up, Trump’s such a bull he hasn’t fully understood it yet.

But I’ve talked to people, multiple ones, and they believe that they are putting a slow sedative that they’re building up that’s also addictive in his Diet Cokes and in his iced tea and that the president by 6 or 7 at night is basically slurring his words and is drugged. Now first they had to isolate him to do that. But yes, ladies and gentleman, I’ve talked to people that talk to the president now at 9 at night, he is slurring his words. And I’m going to leave it at that. I’ve talked to folks that have talked to him directly.

So notice, “Oh, he’s mentally ill. Oh, he’s got Alzheimer’s.” They isolate him then you start slowly building up the dose, but instead of titrating it like poison, like venom of a cobra, or a rattlesnake, or a water moccasin where you build it up slowly so that you get a immunity to it, you’re building it slowly so the person doesn’t notice it. First it’s almost zero, just a tiny bit and then a little more and then your brain subconsciously becomes addicted to it and wants it and so as the dose gets bigger and bigger you get more comfortable in it. The president’s about two months into being covertly drugged. Now I’m risking my life, by the way, tell you all this. I was physically sick before I went on air. Because I’m smart. And I don’t mean that in a braggadocious way. I mean I’m not dumb. The information you’re going to get today is super dangerous. In fact, I’m tempted just to let it out now so they don’t cut the show off or something before this goes out. I mean this is the kind of thing that gets you killed.


JONES: They drug presidents because the power structure wants a puppet. The president needs his blood tested by an outside physician he trusts.

Alex Jones #conspiracy mediamatters.org

From the August 31 edition of Genesis Communications Network’s The Alex Jones Show:

ALEX JONES (HOST): [Women's March co-organizer] Linda Sarsour and the left have been caught everywhere collecting money saying it’s for hurricane victims and it’s going directly to super PACs that have zero to do with it and admit that it’s to quote "to turn Texas blue." And then it’s worse, the Women’s March group that she ran that got $287 million last year alone from George Soros that ran the marches trying to block folks getting in to hear Trump’s inauguration, she is raising millions of dollars saying it’s for the hurricane and not one red stinking cent’s going to it. They have a name for that. And it gets worse. The Women’s March came out and said whatever you do, don’t give it to any organization that white people will get money from. I mean, they are the most flagrant race-baiting scum of the earth. And let me tell you, this isn’t white virtue signalling for me to say this, it’s mainly weirdo professors and white people running this. But she is an Islamisict (sic) radical jihad dirtbag with family in prison in Israel and she supports genital mutilation and everything else. And they tell pro-life women, don’t march in our marches. But under Islam, they’ll execute you for abortion, one of the only good things in Islam.

Alex Jones #conspiracy #racist #transphobia mediamatters.org

(Under Conspiracy Theorists because Alex Jones, but also Racist)

From the August 25 edition of Genesis Communications Network's The Alex Jones Show:

ALEX JONES (HOST): ?This is video shot by one of their fans where [Michelle Obama] looks like she's either got a rubber snake in her pants or she is -- could be a major porn star in Hollywood. And I'm not putting trannies down. So here's the deal. Joan Rivers said this and died, and none of the media will even cover that she had dinner with the Obamas. She was friends with them, and she was all for it, saying it's great that Obama's gay and that he's got a tranny wife. And it's a big joke on America. And then she died, but they don't ever show in the reports that I'm saying Joan Rivers said it. I was never sure. It was kind of a joke to me. I never created it. But now, there's footage they're trying to pull off the internet where, I guess, she didn't tuck it between her legs or whatever, like right out of The Silence of the Lambs.


Look, see it for yourself. Here's the footage. It's going to go to number one on YouTube. If they try to take it down, you know it's the end of free speech, because I'm covering what people are already covering, and here comes Michelle Obama walking like a man, looking like a linebacker, way bigger than Obama, big hands, big head, and man, I guess she's a devil then. Maybe it's a forked tail that's six inches long. That's it. Michelle Obama is a devil. I've already made that joke about Obama, but maybe it isn't, maybe it's a little forked tail. You decide, what is this hanging between her legs jiggling and flopping around? Here it is. She's adjusting it. I mean I've seen men my whole life, myself, adjust their packages.

Chase #racist mediamatters.org

Chase BigBearcatBill • a few seconds ago

Not me or many many traditional conservative, the chamber of commerce cuckservatives worship money and they are a waste of White skin, they should all be arrested and put in labor camps and their assets given to the poor Mexicans they lured up here, after we deport them.

Chase #racist mediamatters.org

Jeff Sessions is a White hero and sticks up for his race even while giving all Americans equal treatment under the law. He instictively knows that nobody will want to live in this nation without the founding race playing a major part of it and even though he cant say it , he is a White nationalist by todays standards. He undertands that when this country was built all the way up to the 1960's ALL White Americans , democrats and republicans , were White nationalists because it was natural and their was no questioning it.

Captain Freedom, Raging Bull in China shop #fundie mediamatters.org

Captain Freedom • 3 minutes ago


Raging Bull in China shop Captain Freedom • 3 minutes ago

1.6 billion on the way. Just think of all the exchange needles that could have bought.

Captain Freedom Raging Bull in China shop • 2 minutes ago

Let them use dirty needles and catch AIDS for all I care

Raging Bull in China shop Captain Freedom • a few seconds ago

Here's hoping.

Various trolls #fundie mediamatters.org

Chase NotMyPussyGrabber • 25 minutes ago

Trannys can pay for their own mutilations, nobody in America wants to pay for fake boobs on Chelsea manning

Conservative Finnibar87 • a few seconds ago

George bought and paid for phony dirt from Russia. #realrussiancollusion

Conservative The_C_a_t • a few seconds ago

Finish the story. The republican for some reason didn't run with it, most likely because it was unsubstantiated, so Fusion GPS aka George Soros picked it up and ran with it. The bottom line is George Soros, James Comey, and the DNC used phony Russian lies to smear President Trump. This means it's the democrats who are the real colluders with Russia.

at Woods Wolf Tracker • a minute ago


Water vapor causes global warming you ignorant diseased ladyboy......!!!!!!

Conservative Finnibar87 • a few seconds ago

Anything is better than the Washington DC insider globalist administration of Barry the liar.

Pat Woods Conservative • in a few seconds

Isn't Barry that gay Kenyan Muslim community organizer.........?

SilkyF0Rever • 6 minutes ago

"E" Took a survey on a new reboot of the "Odd Couple" starring O.J. and Brucilla Jenner.
99.9% of liberals say that they can't wait to masturbate to it.
Today's word boys and girls is

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