
tallowcandle #crackpot #psycho #sexist saidit.net

Prolific "radfems" being gaslighting male-worshippers

I felt like something was off about "blank slate" argument when there are whole countries full of men who are ok with living in a pigsty long as they get to be slave-masters over females and when there are signs of male violence on prehistoric bones and when male animals gang rape too.

Radfems have no problems talking about biology when it comes to transgender people or other topics such as pregnancy, the difference in physical strength between the sexes, etc. However, they chicken out when it comes to answering why men all around the world are statistically more likely to be violent and dangerous than women. Men from different races, cultures, countries, and backgrounds all enjoy having power over women. Facing the reality that biology plays a part in men's desire for dominance is too bleak and uncomfortable for radfems.

Women are beyond saving. Particularly feminists, who are either blatant self-pitying cocksuckers or the same but disguised as radfems. You just know each one of these idiots don't do shit what they preach and are too coward & weak to acknowledge the harsh truth about their oppressors.

Despite appreciating some radfem theory I refuse to call myself one after all those years. I just simply don't give a fuck about it anymore. Call me blackpilled separatist. It's the only way.

Het women think that they are notlikeothergirls better than other het woman who are just stupid and don't know how to trust their lives to the right men and the secrets to raising sons into Good Mentm and het radfems aren't different from libfems who choose "feminist" men and TeAcH BoyS NoT tO RaPe, and the get fucked over by both or tradcons who choose and raise Manly Providers, and get fucked over by them. Radfems may even have lower standarts, being more aware of how depraved average males are they just look at the passive potato sack and thank Mother Goddess he's probably not Chikatilo.

bbbarbican & Radicalwhirl #moonbat #psycho #sexist #racist saidit.net

I give zero fucks about so-called "oppressed males": they're rapist, sadistic and violent like all males. In my experience, way more than white men who, let's remember, aren't the majority of males on this planet. Women who insist white men are the worst are self-centered and clearly haven't travelled at all. Or haven't thought about things very deeply. Why would men be any different outside of the US? (the default country per usual)

Go to any non-western country and see how men behave. You'll change your mind FAST. More likely, the cognitive dissonance will be too big, they'll decide to stay blind.

I agree about the race bullshit but I don't see women as sisters either. Most women are complicit. Especially heterosexual women who hate lesbians and who suck men's dick at every turn. Why on earth should I consider them sisters when the reason we still live in a patriarchy is because they keep fucking men and birthing boys? Fuck them. Don't care about the color of their skin: they will always side with their men instead of other women.

Being an asian woman, I can totally confirm that most brown men are entitled creeps who view women as nothing more than sex objects and birthing machines. Mainstream feminism is a joke nowadays. Libfems rant about how pregnancy and childbirth are what makes women powerful. Blatant ignorance, imo. Had women not been burdened with tearing apart their bodies to let this fucked up species continue, oppression and submissiveness would plummet.

fschmidt #dunning-kruger #god-complex saidit.net

Reject modern culture. Hate modern scum and screw them over as much as possible.
Support religions that reject modern culture.
Make good things. You will know that something is good if modern culture hates it.
Protect your children from modern culture. No internet, no government schools.
Develop critical thinking in your children. The game of Go is a good start.
Avoid politics. It is a waste of time.
When single, use prostitutes. Look for a wife outside the West. Avoid sluts.
Don't debate with people on the internet. They are hopeless morons, so debating them is a waste of time.
Don't eat things that weren't eaten 100 years ago.
Become Arkian.

Fschmidt #elitist #psycho #god-complex saidit.net

I am a reactionary. As a reactionary, I voted for gay marriage in California in the 1990s when it lost the vote because I believe that the government has no business regulating marriage which was historically a religious institution and should be that way again. As a reactionary, I strongly support abortion which is eugenic and kills unborn liberals and is supported in the Old Testament and not opposed in the New Testament. Christians who claim that the Bible is against abortion are ignorant morons. As a reactionary, I hate conservatives and liberals equally.

Fschmidt #dunning-kruger #god-complex saidit.net

I was incel long ago. When incels started posting on the internet, I supported them. This was before humanity became completely retarded, so these incels were reasonable. There were some insightful posts, particularly by Caamib. But as humanity decayed, incels also decayed. About 4 years ago I developed a complete solution to incel. It was a dating service that used Facebook to advertise men to foreign women. It was 100% successful for the incels who tried it. But when I advertised my service in incel subs on Reddit, there was no interest. Incels had become totally useless scum with no interest in solving anything. All they wanted to do is complain.

Of course it is true that most women everywhere are worthless thanks to exposure to modern culture. But unlike in the West, there are at least a few decent women in non-western countries. There are no decent women in the West. And as far as I can tell, there are basically no decent men left anywhere by now. We live in a world of moronic scum.

At this point I feel like Noah from the Bible. Humanity has become completely worthless, deserving almost total extermination. My only job is to build an ark in case anyone wants to escape the flood of dysgenics. Here is my ark. Of course I would make sure that anyone who boards my ark finds a spouse, otherwise boarding the ark is pointless. But the rest of humanity, those outside the ark, can go to hell.

_Moon_ & Radicalwhirl #sexist #transphobia #wingnut saidit.net


Lets all go r/childfree and the moid problem will be solved!

I totally support not having children, but all these childfree and "anti-natalist" places are full of egocentric manchildren who do not want to have children because they rather watch pornography and play video games 24/7 than growing up and taking responsibility. And the women there are woke leftists who worship AOC and Greta Thunberg and all these other useful idiots currently used to decrease the living standard of the working class in the name of climate change, etc. And some of the most prominent anti-natalist Youtubers are transgendered men, lol.

So, it's a collection of woke leftists, pornsick manchildren, and transexuals enforcing the American trans agenda. Ironically, the type of people who hang out in all of these childfree/antinatalist places are part of the reason why I do not want to bring children into this world.


You are actually totally right, didn't know people were black pilled about them but you surely are. Based

Especially the r/antinatalism. It wae heavily misogynistic. Tho many women are speaking up now.

But concerning YouTube antinatalists, there are transgendered men?! I didn't know that. Can you say who exactly you meant?

Nayenezgani #moonbat #psycho #sexist saidit.net

Many people here are not realistic about things like the Greater Male Variability Hypothesis or the necessity of stereotypical masculine traits like mathematical aptitude. If we were as talented as scrotes, why would they even continue to exist?

Even blackpilled women let their ego get in the way of acknowledging this. I am willing to recognize every uncomfortable truth about my own gender if I can use that knowledge to figure out my next moves. Because they seem to be more heterogeneous, we should prioritize targeting the most inimical ones:

Scrotes with an IQ above 100, or maybe even any scrote with an IQ above 85. Obviously some unintelligent scrotes can be surprisingly efficient in their carnage, but they are at least predictable. I find most female serial killers to be a snoozefest. I'm more of a mass killer than a serial killer person.

Scrotes born after 1980, with increasing emphasis on the youngest. Old scrotes will die sooner and require less attention to manage.

Rich scrotes. There are an estimated 10-20 million USD millionaires in the world, and scrotes are the majority of these.

Physically fit scrotes, especially martial artists. Laws don't matter when you are alone with those creatures.

Women here downplay the importance of stereotypical male talents and pretend they only have value enforced by androcentrism. I LOL at women thinking we need to avoid the tech industry because it is infested by nYggers. We act like we are so scared, but we sure don't act desperate. I would spend 16 hours a day digging trenches and doing construction work if it meant we could be truly independent. Feminists don't even think about hardware. Who among us can operate a semiconductor fab?

We need to be more desperate.

oorgias #sexist saidit.net

A woman is a satanic beast, the embodiment of why you yourself have to be as cruel as possible in a dog-eat-dog world.

She can't be allowed anything. I would love a clip of someone being handshook by a woman, then she hugs another guy, and the guy who got the handshake immediately turns into Jon Jones when he was shoved during a staredown.

If she isn't perfect towards you, she is an enemy. Not even someone to be punished, downright an enemy.

Fschmidt #elitist saidit.net

I just watched the Putin interview. I wonder who Putin thought he was speaking to. Putin doesn't seem to realize that the American people are retarded. All of the American elite, Tucker included, speak publicly with a clear understanding that they are speaking to retards. So the interview was just very strange with Tucker asking questions appropriate for retards and Putin giving intelligent answers. It is a reminder that Putin is truly human while all modern Americans are subhuman

Fschmidt #god-complex #psycho #racist #transphobia #conspiracy saidit.net

While shooting modern scum (members of modern culture) has an undeniable emotional appeal, I do not recommend it because of the legal repercussions. But what if I told you that there is a legal means to kill modern scum that is far more effective than shooting them?

By far the most effective way to kill modern scum is to support the Democratic Party. Let's give credit where credit is due. No one else has come close to killing as many modern scum as the Democratic Party has. Just with the covid vaccines, they have killed millions of modern scum and this number is sure to rise significantly. By defunding the police and effectively legalizing crime, they have killed many ghetto modern scum. By allowing fentanyl and other drugs freely into this country, they have killed many more modern scum through drug overdoses. By promoting trans ideology in school, they will prevent many modern scum from reproducing. And thanks to sanctions on Russia, we can expect many modern scum to freeze to death in Europe and millions to starve in poor countries all over the world. So God bless the Democratic Party who are likely to kill more modern scum than I dreamed possible.

https://saidit.net/user/MVP0 #sexist #psycho saidit.net

This isn't about heterosexuality.

Just think about the fact that women, who you have known nothing but cruelty from

Are you considering women's cruelty right now, while reading this thread, only on a shallow level? Think about their validation of monsters, their groupthink, how they discriminate more than nazis, how they worship their female friends as infallible gods who will get to abuse you through them, how they constantly put barriers between themselves and sex with the men they sexually harass but never do anything but effortlessly validate actual winners. What is a human if their free will is stomped to death by winner and loser categories?

Now think about these same demons... literally engaging in sexual acts. Literally sucking dick. Literally being penetrated.

Fschmidt #sexist saidit.net

Could you seduce a hyena? Unless a man is the type of scum that appeals to depraved western women, he has as much chance with the women as with hyenas. Incels should use prostitutes and eventually marry abroad.

NeverendingNight & _Moon_ #crackpot #racist #sexist saidit.net

Lindsay Ellis was mocked for making a comparison between Avatar: The Last Airbender and Raya and the Last Dragon. People on Twitter were pissed, calling her a "dumb and whiny white bitch" and all sorts of misogynistic slurs. She is pro trans and your stereotypical nerdy/geeky feminist. And what did that get Ellis? Nothing. I'm not trying to say that it's on the same level or as worse as police brutality, of course it isn't. Nevertheless, it's obvious to me that feminists are more willing to forgive criminal men of color over "problematic" white women. Men of color can assault, harass, loot, kill, and rape, and there will be a crowd of women, white and WOC, ready to make excuses for them. The same forgiveness is not extended to white women who speak out of turn. Annoying "Karens" are worse than violent male criminals. Fully agree with the rest of your comment.

I didn't know Lindsay Ellis until now, but I already had a suspicion I found confirmed after looking her up: that she is between 35-40 years old. The only thing men - of all colors - value in women is the beauty of their teenage bodies, ideally matched with an equally childlike personality: soft, agreeable, willing to let men correct her, etc. Many of these anti-Karen BLM type wokeys are pretty young women who still have the approval of men. But as they age and lose certain childlike traits - both personality-wise and in regards to their looks - men treat them more and more brutally and might almost hope that they get "canceled" and replaced with a 20-year-old again.

The anti-Karen meme almost seems to be a bit of a generational conflict because young women feel like it is their turn now to get male head pats. But sooner or later, these young women will be closer to 40 than to 20 themselves. And then it's just a matter of time until they, too, will be the Karens whose hard opinions men don't want to hear. So young white women engaging in these woke witchhunts will be in for a rude awakening rather sooner than later...

marylin #crackpot #psycho #sexist saidit.net

Men are born rapists and love rape

Men love watch real life rape or fake(?) on porn sites, nowadays incest rape/sex is very popular, so men fantasize about raping their sisters or mothers. Yeah that is scary shit but just give me another explanation why incest sex is so popular ? Men are degenerate rapists, fucks and sociopaths. Why most women don't get this? And Ii is not socialization but biology, almost in every species males rape females often to death.

In most species the males will chase, exhaust or use force and violence when mating with a female. Rape is simply a valid mating strategy for a male, nothing more, and I dare say that it is the DEFAULT mating strategy. Rape only became taboo in patriarchal societies with marriage, to protect MEN from becoming cuckolds. Yes, all men are born rapists and they will all rape when given a chance, which you also see in every war and similar crisis where they can get away with it. Just like "good men" can be turned into heartless killers by few months of boot camp, they can be turned into rapist by just giving them the opportunity - because they were really killers and rapists by nature. They are just born to kill, steal, rape, die. They are biologically disposable weapons and they bred women into submissive slave-class by killing any woman strong willed enough to resist and favoring the most compliant females. Humanity is a fucking disease.

Of all the searches that begin, “I want to have sex with my …”, 75 percent end with a word indicating a family member, such as “brother” or “sister,” according to Everybody Lies. The most common way to complete this search is with “mom.”' - yeah women keep going breeding men so they can fantasize about raping you in the future. Good luck mums, you know men are awesome LOL, women you naive retards, yeah mothers are the worst.

alexstein #sexist #psycho #racist saidit.net

I read about people's experiences getting bitches and I seethe away in my cuck shed. If my worthless pajeet father had not placed his pajeet nigger kike genetics into my worthless mother I would probably be able to get a girlfriend. Maybe not a 9/10 but at least a 6 which I would be happy with. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKKKKKKKKKKKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAa

I just read a thread on r/redscarepod about this Indian nigga who got a white bitch to suck his dick at college and all I could do is wish for my worthless humiliating existence to end. WHYYYYY GODDDDDDD WHY COULDN'T IT HAVE BEEN MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. WHY DID YOU CURSE ME WITH THIS PAJEEEEEEEEEEEET AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU.

That nigger is so worthless that he couldn't even hook me up with a virgin indian qt arrange marriage village whore. The fucker thought he was some intellectual liberal and cut his ties to his community as soon as he arrived off the boat that cocksucker.

I'm not saying I would have gotten a bitch 100% because as an Indian it is harder but the fact that a lot of curries do get laid proves it's possible if you don't have shit tier nigger tier genetics.

I see the life I want in front of me and as I reach towards it the image vaporizes and drifts away. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKkk. Instead of getting laid with a qt gf I get to spend my life rotting away on these forums with you assholes. I know there isn't one but if by some miracle there is I hope that nigger burns in hell forever for cursing me to this fate.

Fuck man. Life is unfair.

Nayenezgani #crackpot #moonbat #psycho #sexist saidit.net

I'm extremely pro-micropenis because of bestiality. We can't convince scrotes to abstain from raping children and animals, but we can lessen the damage by actively spreading chemicals that cause scrotes to have micropenises, e.g. phthalates. If all animal rapists and child rapists had micropenises, at least it would not be so physically traumatic for their victims. Pick-mes can cry about not finding any dominant HVM with a big schlong but I don't care. (Cry all you f@cking want, your tears mean d!ck to me.)

If we really want to escape the vice of male oppression, we have a few options:

Miraculously find a way to propagate the species without scrotes, and somehow manage to delete scrotes or let the existing ones live out their lives in humane captivity.

Planet-wide murder-suicide, because inter-sex oppression exists among thousands of species. Basically no one contemplates this besides efilists or pro-mortalists.

Deleting the human species. Involuntary infertility of the masses would be the most humane, and would not rely on volition. People will try to find ways to solve this, so it would be even better if most smart people died off first.

Lower the sex ratio. There is no endgame to this, and the human species will continue regardless. I am just hoping our lives would be slightly less influenced by scrotes. We know that late fatherhood is correlated with a higher likelihood of daughters, and in general this is can also be caused by heavy exposure to dioxins.

When it comes to the Western lifestyle, my family was too poor to afford meat or indulge in excessive power consumption so I learnt to live without those things. It made me happier and healthier than I would have been if I was some pampered middle-class kid.

Various Femcels #dunning-kruger #psycho #sexist saidit.net

Being a woman sucks. There is biology that oppresses us. There's society and men. And to top it all off, women oppress themselves. I am not at all proud to be a woman. There, I said it. Feminism can go fuck itself. If most women atleast realised that serving men and suffering aren't gonna help us, I wouldn't be this dejected at being a woman. But nope. Most women are full on deluded. Men must be laughing at how ready women are to be their womb maids and sex toys. And lastly, glad BPF exists. This is the only place where I don't have to be proud to belong to a sex that is ready to slave at the drop of a hat.

That's the most coherent and succinct rant I've ever heard! I'm impressed. (And I'm not being sarcastic.)

The biological cage has always pissed me off. I don't want to be a man - Testicles? Need I say more? But I could do without the tits and the uterus (completely useless hindrance) and the concerns I have over bone density. I've always dreamt of being part cyborg or something more evolved than human. Do away with males and biological reproduction, and keep whatever good exists in females mixed with some bionic whatevers. You could have a productive, satisfying life free of male violence and their death drive, of female mommy-worship and the IQ-lowering that always accompanies breeding. Sounds pretty good. Jeez, did I just have a fantasy that didn't have anything to do with torturing or gang-raping women? Anyhow, any human evolution has to involve the permanent removal of the Y-chromosome and the plasma attached to it (which also includes female hangers-on).

I want more conversations like this, even in ovarit and fds they still have this fake hope for feminism while posting rant after rant about male depravity like it's fresh news. Like okay, and the sky is blue.

_Moon_ #dunning-kruger #racist #sexist saidit.net

There ARE plenty of issues with the police and with policing, but iNteRseCtiOnal fEmInisTs constantly whining about these criminal low-life moids getting shot after resisting reasonable police orders are pathetic:


spoilerBLM's Latest Martyred Saint: Daunte Wright Had A Warrant Out For His Arrest For Attempted Aggravated Robbery Charges After 'choking And Holding A Woman At Gunpoint For $820 In 2019’

It's just more evidence that women - especially white women - are in a lose-lose position right now.

Conservatives and right-wingers are deepthroating the boot and licking the shoes of a neo-feudalistic billionaire class that is ushering the world into high-tech dark ages (Every right-winger out there is like, "We must fight back against these woke corporations destroying our way of life, but marginally raising their tax rate and giving their exploited employees healthcare and a living wage would be communist tyranny!") and leftists are always on the side of male criminals wanting to "defund" (=privatize) the police and basically install a woke party dictatorship in which white women won't be allowed to call the cops on non-white criminals because that's what racist Karens do. A woke party dictatorship in which a woman "misgendering" a tranny or a white woman wearing a Pocahontas costume will face a harsher penalty than a black or brown man raping a white woman.

White women are in a lose-lose position because hating white women - especially middle-aged white women ("Karens") - is probably the only thing Reddit feminists and 4chan incels, left-wingers and right-wingers, intersectionalists and anti-IDpol dudebros, white men and wo/men of color all can agree on.

It doesn't really matter which side wins or if the extreme center remains in power. Things will get worse and worse for us.

Various Commenters #crackpot #sexist #transphobia saidit.net

RE: Why do radfems hate trans ppl?

“Transwomen” They're men. We despise men over here. And pedo degenerates that wanna steal our wombs. “Transmen” Too naive or autistic to think they can deny their immutable female reality. That's it.

Go to my blog and read the long list of posts on the trans thing. I collect good resources because female bloggers are being shut down for criticizing this very powerful group of often violent, male supremacist, fake-victim fetishists. My blog has stellar academic articles, lists of trannie crime statistics against women, argument dissections, and plenty of articles outlining all the reasons and ways male trannies hurt women and girls.

In my country Poland there are no creeps males who look like females. There are beta males who can't compete with other males so they think it would be better to be female or women who have been raped so now they want to be a man - it is not transsexualism just mental problem.

Transwomen are mentally ill men who think they're women based on sexist stereotypes, and it's a fetish for most of them. Check out https://www.ovarit.com/o/ItsAFetish/hot to see examples. And now they're taking over female sports, taking women's scholarships, raping female prisoners, and threatening to torture and rape women who question them. Sometimes I can't help but to laugh from how ridiculous this shit is.

The vast majority of them look hideous and creepy as fuck. The fact that doctors and surgeons are enabling them to look like freaks of nature who can't pass as women at all is not just unethical, but evil and cruel as well. All of the transwomen I've met in real life have given me the creepy vibes because they're deranged, unstable men.

Basghetti #crackpot #homophobia #sexist saidit.net

RE: Gay man calls men abusive, misogynistic rapists and claims that male sexuality is degenerate and obsessive by default

Ok, I skimmed because honestly male on male sex makes me feel physically ill and I feel like a voyeur or something reading about it, so it looks like he touched on this a bit.

I'm gonna sound bigoted as fuck here, but I'd say for gay men it's on turbo. I'm not the master of knowledge here or anything, so just kinda keep that in mind, but with the history of pederasty-- that leads me to think there's a massive domination thing at play mentally, even more so than with straight men because they're dominating other men. I don't know where the bottoms fall with all of this, but I thought they were supposed to have prostates that make the process at least somewhat worth it. If it's just pain, what's the actual fucking point? You're just gonna have a fucked up asshole and the sphincters there are going to be all ruined like old shitty (lel) hair rubber bands and your butthole is going to leak. There are some nice enough gay fellas out there, but I'm not gonna lie-- I'm looking in the direction of King James VI/I for all of the fanatical witch burning/woman torture shit.

_Moon_ #sexist #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut saidit.net

Just finished Cyberpunk 2077 and romanced Judy. And fuck, I wish I were lesbian! The XY attraction virus is far worse than the overhyped Coronavirus. I'd rather have the overhyped Coronavirus than the much more lethal XY (attraction) virus. I wish I were lesbian and had a GF like Judy.😭


...on the other hand, of course, if you look at "lesbian" dating profiles, they all read "Polyam. Married. They/them. AFAB. BLM. ACAB. Hufflepuff AF. Gemini Moon. Depressed/anxious/neurodivergent. Fat activist working on decolonizing my body. QTPOC to the front." 🤮

_Moon_ #moonbat #psycho #racist #sexist #transphobia saidit.net

Muslim migrant males need to start being shot on sight. I don't care anymore. I immediately clocked them. They're all the same.

I fucking hate them. My experiences with them have been terrible. They're savages who need to die.

When it comes to street harassment and violence, black and brown men are the fucking worst. I don't think this is the fault of Islam. "Westernized" black and brown men are pretty much the same. Even their vernacular is increasingly woke and American. I saw some Arabs use the woke American term "cultural appropriation" to describe a regional supermarket selling kebab ingredients, lol!

Sometimes Islam feels less like a religion to me and more like some sort of ethnocultural bubblegum, keeping 1001 ethnicities (Chechens, Turks, Tunisians, Algerians, Morrocons, etc.) together.

And they all have this weird relationship with white women: on the one hand, they are sexually obsessed with us, on the other hand, they hate us. And non-white women have the same relationship with white men, this love/hate Daddy-issue relationship with white men where they spend all day on Twitter shitting on white men and all night fantasizing about being ravaged by one: https://i.imgur.com/BLtBuGJ.png PNG

Of course, this doesn't mean that white and Asian men are necessarily "better." Usually, they just have more impulse control and higher IQs than black and brown men, so the more complex systems and structures of misogyny (e.g. the international porn industry, transgenderism, economic systems resulting in black and brown men being imported to the West to drive down wages for the working-class, etc.) are filled with more white and Asian men.

radical_freedom & kwallio #sexist #transphobia saidit.net

RE: I’m starting a private discussion group for biological essentialist, intersectional, antinatalist female separatist radical feminists who have studied & are continuing to study rf theory. There will be a screening process in order to join. If you are interested, please DM me.

Platform will be off Saidit and will require nothing more than any throwaway email address in order to participate.

Thank you

Edit: this is not a space for mothers of sons (“boymoms”). sorry not sorry 🤣

The term biological essentialism does not mean what you think it means. I think what you are referring to is just biology. Biological essentialism is the idea that women are nurturing and should only occupy nurturing professions like nursing and teaching, etc. Trans advocates misuse the term all the time but I don't think feminists should adopt the trans terminology. They've conflated biological essentialism and biology because the term biological essentalism has become a no no, what they are talking about is just simple biology.

Actually, I am indeed familiar with the usage of the term in the way that you are describing, but radical feminists who are biological essentialists in the sense that I mean will understand my post, so I do not need to clarify. We understand each other.

If you continue to use the term as the trans activists do you are simply helping them. Why do this?

Various Commenters #crackpot #sexist saidit.net

Moids are the most evolutionary optimized parasites in the universe, I swear. Really, in most tribes/societies ever females always do most of the necessary work, males focus on what increases that male's status. It's metalwork and woodwork to make weapons and walls. It's big game hunting and war to divide meat and spoils for ally making and wife-capture. It's shamanism and witch-hunting - that it, male shamans do rituals that help them gain personal power, make wars happen and get people killed based on male gossip. In what is obvious to the most hopeful hippy to be a male dominated tribe it is certainly so, in "egalitarian" tribes males can't be assed to do childcare - they end up on top simply because they get to keep more time and resources - and the here's this.

Men have power but in every country on the fucking earth men live shorter than women. Women are so abused and raped but they still managed to live 80 years old or more. I don't get it. Men are so fucking horrible parasites that they have to do dangerous shit (drug abuse, alcohol, driving too fast etc) and they die due to this or women don't really find rape and abuse terrible and they can get through it like the most normal thing on earth. Normally women should live shorter due to fucked-up life circumstances.

We live longer because we're the standard of our species. We have two sets of chromosomes that allow us to survive on adverse scenarios and sustain the survival of humans. The male is just a bulkier female on steroids and 38% less genetic material. That renders them defective to the core, no matter how much privilege and resources they obtain.

fschmidt #psycho saidit.net

I will leave genocide to God. My only contribution will be to pray for the extermination of most of humanity.

There is much good in this world.

Then show me some. I can't find any.

tallowcandle #moonbat #sexist saidit.net

The paradox is real in STEM: In patriarchal countries like, women are ~40% of STEM grad classes, whereas in the Nordic countries, women are ~10% of STEM classes. I've posted a comment asking for people to explain it further. I don't know if it's true outside of STEM.

In patriarchal countries like russia and other shitholes STEM are a worthless unfunded waste of fucking time with equipment older than the demented old profs, no money and prestige involved, except government-related shit which, surprise, has mostly male staff.

In patriarchal countries like emirates and other rich ones most researchers aren't from the local, actually small, employee pool, they are migrant/temp emloyees from everywhere else, and those live in their own world.

Nordic countries aren't in fact fucking close to feminist heavens. Most people aren't critical of STEM or Glorious North and can't fucking see it.

In India at least I've seen with my own eyes that it's true. Indian parents are crazy for STEM.

Nice to get a confirmation. Russia part is based on russia, emirates part - on stories I've heard from post-ussr postdocs who went there. One was a blue-haired rainbow-tatooed lesbian and in her lab like nobody was a local and they mostly didn't interact with locals.

Also, mega-patriarchal japan does have about 15% and declining women in stem, again, their science pays, but they don't import brains a lot, so doods get to gate-keep.

Russian parents too, at least pre-zoomer ones. Because stem was a legit social lift back in ussr.

Various Femcels #moonbat #racist #sexist saidit.net


Belgian police are teaching men not to harass women on the street. Not a word about the fact that the majority of street harassers aren't white. Let's not stigmatize!

I hate the "teaching" argument. Men know what they do is wrong, they do it because they like harming women. Feminists don't want to discuss biology, but they sure want to encourage others to waste their time, energy, and effort into "teaching" men how to be decent human beings.

MOC, especially Middle Eastern men, harassing white women on the street is an open secret at this point. But white women aren't allowed to talk about any issues they face anymore because they're all blonde, blue-eyed white supremacist Karens who should grovel at the feet of POC and apologize for every microaggression, or something along those lines.

The attention white women get from non-white men is so disgusting and degrading the majority of the time. But according to stupid libfems, white women being "more desirable" is a privilege. No, it's fetishization and objectification, just like when it happens to every other woman.

Don't forget all the intersectionalist bs. Happy Women's Day - except for the evil white cis bitches, fuck them! And lol at the Belgium thing, that is TOTALLY about brown muslim men who do that shit. 100%. Let's see all the women in those communities speak up against their men... yeah, didn't think so.

One bonus of living in a backwards country is you can shit on nonwhite dudes openly, for harassment too. Several young women i know went full alt-right from working/studying near brown exchange students, but that just made them worship White Dude more, which is fucking hilarious if you apply it to local 60IQ drunks and fat incompetent nepotists. If there were a way to peak them about moids in general...

hellonearth #crackpot #moonbat #sexist saidit.net

RE: Feminism is a kink for antifeminist men

Feminists do a good job to help them with that. There is this radfem in my country that posted a pic in a shirt that says "i suck dick" lol imagine calling youself a radfem then using the most opressing misogynistic words that also can be fucking triggering and mentally terorrising to some women and even cause someone to have a panic attack bc of trauma etc.

Imagine what her 30 yo boyfriend is really thinking while fucking her lmao (she is 19 btw lol) i bet he is a fetishist

Maybe i don't even wanna know what he is really thinking cause knowing some of the things men say about women it would be traumatizing. I don't belive he is a 'feminist' lol he prolly gets off so good and its so satisfying to him to have a girl who calls herself a radfem and then submits to his dick that he prolly jacked of millions times before to some humiliating degrading opressing porn or maybe even raped someone before(lots of women are raped so msot men are rapist he could be one too just hides it) men are primitve af he probably loves it that she is a feminist and sees sex as revange or something degrading done to her. He must love it. Moids are like that, stupid pigs

kt0998 #crackpot #sexist saidit.net

RE: How do you view female sexuality?

I know that the view hat females are inherently sexual masochist is popular here, but I'm asking about orientation too. I don't think that there is such a thing as human sexuality at all, and I'm asking about woman's sexuality.

Most women are aroused by their partner's arousal and may not feel arousal on their own at all. Thinking of female sexuality as hetero/lesbian/bi is limiting, because women are somewhat sexually empty vessels. OTOH, women's sexuality is narcissistic, all about being a sex object. Most straight women seem uninterested in male bodies, obvious difference when you compare straight women to gay men. They are way more into the idea of themselves wearing sexy underwear while their man watches them. The fact that sexy attire for straight men doesn't even exist says a lot. I feel like most straight women are way more aroused by the perceived status of a man, that's why they will fuck some ugly old artists or petty criminals, they feel sexually attracted to the idea that high status male wants to fuck them.

Men desire. Women desire to be desired. This is what makes women so submissive too, because they genuinely get pleasure from giving pleasure. Men simply get pleasure. Men's sexuality is simple and straightforward, even with the power- and pedo-complexes. I think this is also why obsessive fetishes are rare in women, because it would require sexuality that is satisfied without another person.

Of course there are exceptions among straight women. I am one and it's one of the biggest reasons why I ended up being blackpilled. I feel like I was born without the submissive and self-objectifying programming other het women have. I assume it's some biological thing. I think true 100% lesbians are usually pretty "masculinized". I feel like there is a connection between being sexually submissive, attracted to stronger dominant partners, and being feminine and male-attracted. Most straight women, feminine bi-women and femme gay men all fall to this category.

Various TERFs #crackpot #sexist #transphobia #fundie #conspiracy saidit.net

[RE: 'Brain Androgyny' Is Surprisingly Common - i call it bullshit]

(Unknown [deleted account])
https://www.sciencealert.com/half-of-us-have-brains-that-aren-t-entirely-male-or-female-and-it-s-a-good-thing-too?fbclid=IwAR2V9mW18hfy05e5pi8ZZF_0bFAzC2Ppvxq5WSaLXepbOEfrhv3-NWZwpkc Research is becoming more fucked-up every day. How it is possible that 50% of women are more androgynous if I have met maybe 20 not typical women in my entire life ? I am androgynous and this IS anomaly among women. Also more sensitive, feminine men is also minority not 50% of males (?) Science is a joke nowadays, completely bullshit and trans-propaganda apparently.
Why do you keep making new accounts to talk about how not like other girls you are, we get it, you have a "male brain" and are the smartest woman ever and all the other women are stupid.

And consider this, maybe these other women are pretending just like you and don't fit the feminine stereotypes all that well either.

tallowcandle & storyendingnever #psycho #sexist saidit.net

Moids constantly lie about abuse from females. They make up fake rape stories lifted straight from moid-made porn, which is a reversal of what moids do to females as is (my mom wanted to fuck me! I was gang-banged by busty 16yo cheerleaders at 13!). I know of moids who pretended shitty sex was rape to STFU feminists, like a guy who fucked a teacher in high school and only remembered her being ugly as a negative, but pretended he was horribly raped by her on reddit.

Able-bodied adult moids can't be fucking abused by partners because they have the power in any relationship. I know a guy who gets pommeled by his gf of 3 years, she nearly broke his ribs by surprise a couple of times, calls him names and shit and he couldn't care less. He won't break up because he gets laid and free meals. She's like that because she knows she's being used by a fucking insectoid but is a dummy with low self-esteem and won't let him die in his own shit. I know a bunch of fun, smiley old men with arrogant, bitchy, nasty wives and I know that these moids are to blame for their wives fucking hollowness because they sucked them out. Fucking eternal parasites.

So yeah, hope they all boost up the male suicide stats, these maggots.

The really sad thing about male suicide (besides it not happening nearly enough) is that they often take people (women and girls) with them. Now, why can't a suicidal male decide to kill another 5 males first before turning the weapon on himself??? That would be a good day.

infinitedarkness #sexist saidit.net

What happens to blackpilled straight women who also don't like their gender role, femininity etc? How to deal with life when most women are dick sucking and taking dick in their asses pickmes? I've been blackpilled since i was like 15 and i feel so isolated

I look at other women and i'm like? Tf are you

why are u this way? Why? Just why? I not only hate men but i also start to hate women and have those horrible thoughs about them, i can't look at the anymore cause i realize how much of a dumb pickmes they are. Everytime any of the girls i know starts dating a man i feel disgusted and imagine all the pickmes shit she does with him and that she suck his dick(i think i have a trauma from hearing those stories girls i know tell me about how they give oral to some random men at parties and shit like that and im like Are you retarded? Why would you do that) and honestly making a man feel good just doesn't feel like a smart thing to do and i know and i'm aware of who men really are and what they really think and that they don't deserve anything. Idk maybe pickmes just are not aware of the things that I'm aware of? Or their brains ignore it like, it's biological but for some reason my brain works differently lol

The fact that most straigh/bi women serve men and get thier mouth close to their opression tool (dick lol most men are rapist and pickmes be putting it in their mouths anyway wtf) is really repulsing i'm repulsed by both men and women tbh

And also pickmes are dating men 20+ older than them LOL why would you do that? how do they even sleep with those men without being left traumatized

Various Femcels #racist #sexist saidit.net

RE: There was some discussion about this before; tiktok warning white girls about how they are seen as easy and less respectable by other races

Why women 90% of the time talk about men ? This is so hard to understand that men think differently from women ? I mean what the fuck. Pinkpillfeminism is all about what particular man said or done on social media. There are many interesting things out there, men are boring disgusting freaks. Even radical feminists talk about men all the time just like typical women LOL. Not even psychological/sociological theories but just what man did one day.

I didn't post this because I am shocked about what men think, or that they think differently than women, this is related to the discussion of other women saying white women have it easy, white women are glorified and not oppressed, and women wanting more migrants from these countries in western countries without realizing they pose an even greater danger to us.

Why women 90% of the time talk about men ?

what the fuck should we talk about on a feminism sub, new discoveries in astronomy?

(LaQueSabe_ )
I guess she thinks BPF is a Mean Girls Club and we gonna gossip 100% of the time how every single woman is an idiot based on MBTI. Lmao.

and women wanting more migrants from these countries in western countries without realizing they pose an even greater danger to us

Great blackpill. We're gonna be Earthkistan in 50 years because of these pro-immigration retards.

kt0998 #crackpot #sexist saidit.net

RE: Thought BPF might appreciate this


Pretty good except for the implication that poor women and men should unite in class interest against the common enemy. That's pure marxist fantasy, what makes women and men enemies isn't some cultural conspiracy, it's biology. Men are biologically programmed to dominate and abuse women and have acted according to that programming long since globohomo capitalism emerged, long before our species even evolved into homo sapiens. Poor men are not poor women's comrades, they are statistically significantly more likely to beat, rape and kill their women than wealthier men and none of them have any intention of letting "their" women be their equals. Socialism is as much of a male supremacist ideology as everything else. Most poor women will always submit to "their" men to be abused and nothing will ever change and blackpilled women will be left as minority who see how hopeless things truly are.

fschmidt #conspiracy #dunning-kruger saidit.net

My kids are grown up. I home-schooled them and I taught them that people are generally scum and shouldn't be trusted. I think this served them well. I don't see Caamib as being any worse than modern scum. The political elite are mostly pedos, they just aren't honest about it.

_Moon_ #moonbat #racist #sexist saidit.net

RE: If I made a discord for white BPF women, would anyone here want to join?

I support the idea. I do not support intersectionality any longer. If I'm forced to choose between white shame/guilt and white pride, I pick white pride any day. Of course, I couldn't do that because EVERY kind of "race pride" effectively translates to "turn women into human cattle whose purpose in life is to breed as much offspring as possible." But you know what I mean. I will never succumb to white self-hatred, and I will NEVER tell woke lies about immigration, how "racist" borders are, how we need mass-immigration into countries already suffering from unemployment and unaffordable housing, how women being afraid of men is "rayciss", how calling the cops is racist. (In San Francisco they named a law after the fucking Karen meme that makes "racist" police calls a crime. In the UK, they sacrificed thousands of white working-class girls to non-white organized sex abuse rings: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotherham_child_sexual_exploitation_scandal)

I also dislike RadFems and LibFems "accusing" each other of being more white than the other side. Usually, LibFems "accuse" RadFems of being full of white women promoting "white feminism" - to which RadFems reply that the LibFems are actually full of white women and promoting white feminism. It's a bullshit back-and-forth between two sides who "accuse" each other of not being anti-white enough. https://i.imgur.com/P3q3cfs.jpg JPG Let them both go to hell.

UnapologeticMisandry #moonbat #racist #sexist saidit.net

If I made a discord for white BPF women, would anyone here want to join? (NOTE: BPF = BlackPillFeminism)

Ever since my post where I complained about intersectionality ruining women's movements by diluting the cause, I figured I should do something about it. I'm tired of women of other races using misogyny to shit on white women. I'm tired of feminism becoming a race hierchary circlejerk where white and black women alike team up to put down white women. I am tired of feminism being about race, or anything besides women. I am tired of seeing black feminists catering to black moids before extending kindness to a white sister. I am tired of middle aged and elderly white women being dehumanized and stereotyped. I am done trying to have solidarity with black feminists. I finally snapped when I read one of the users here say that hating white women is the only thing every group in this country can agree on.

BTW, this would NOT be a white supremacist discord. However, black feminists have shown their hatred of white women to the point where it has soured me on associating with them. I don't think they're inferior, I think they (and the white women who also follow self hating race ideology) are misogynist and a waste of time and energy to entertain. This is not about white supremecy, but about a place for my group of women to exist in peace away from all that and support each other and (because why tf not?) complain.

Users will be verified through an r/blackpeopletwitter "Country Club" style arrangement. You will be allowed when you have sent a photo of your skin with your username written on it. Males will be banned, intersectionalists will be banned. Users can be of any religion/lack thereof, political leaning, sexuality, age, etc as long as they are white, blackpilled, and female.

fschmidt #conspiracy #dunning-kruger saidit.net

I don't think anyone outside America can fully appreciate the clusterfuck of this presidential election, so I will try to explain.

What changed in the last 4 years is that big tech became the dominant economic force in the world. They are purely evil and only seek power. They hated Trump because they couldn't control him, so they wanted to replace him with someone they could control. In the democratic primary, you mostly had the usual leftists. These leftists have misguided morals, but they have morals. They sincerely believe in gay rights and the rest of the leftist nonsense. This doesn't suit big tech at all for whom morals are nothing but obstacles to power and control. Big tech gladly repeats leftist nonsense, but big tech has no real beliefs. So they supported the only candidate with no morals, no beliefs. And that was Biden. The VP is the same. Unfortunately for big tech, that meant that they had a ticket of a senile zombie and a wicked witch who had no appeal at all to voters. Any other democratic candidate would have beaten Trump, but this pathetic pair was so lacking in charisma that they managed to lose. Of course big tech easily remedied this with massive cheating. The raw evidence of cheating is overwhelming, so yes the election was stolen.

All this puts big tech in an awkward position. They own most of the politicians but a large number of Americans know that they have been cheated. The only way for big tech to deal with this is to now implement a full police state like Stalinist Russia, and that is what is coming very soon. And of course this is the ideal political system for big tech. No more need for them to deal with competition or dissent.

_Moon_ #sexist saidit.net

Looking at this from the perspective of an outsider (a lesbian woman), I have come to the regrettable conclusion, that one of the most common talking points in misogynist circles is absolutely correct. And by this, I mean the notion that what women say they want and what they actually want are two completely different things. While saying all kinds of woke BS, they despise gender non-conformity in men and are attracted to the hyper-masculine. Feminism is a love/hate Daddy issue relationship they have with and towards tall, straight, white, blond, bearded Daddydom types. Or tall, straight, black, bearded Daddydom types.

I have stopped participating in r/GenderCritical long before it was banned because I have repeatedly come across posts from women hating on bisexual men ... for being bisexual. Not because they were men - but because they were not 100% heterosexual, lol. This is an example of what I mean, women loving their "masculine" men (their husbands, boyfriends, sons, etc.) while hating on men for the most cringe BS reasons. And because they were focusing on a minority of transsexual men while continuing to love their masculine husbands, boyfriends, and sons. (Which reminds me of anti-Islamic right-wing communities. Why would I want to be part of a community that focuses on a group of men that is a minority in the West while worshiping men of "their" race and religion?)

KT commented that she considers women who do not want to be sexually dominated by men another sexual minority. In a way, lesbian women, asexual women, sexually dominant women, and women who simply have no interest in that type of masculinity might be like the four sexual minorities who, together, form a TINY niche of "outliers" who, right now, can take nothing but what the description of the sub here says:

Take the Black Pill, sit back, and enjoy the ride to hell.

kt0998 #conspiracy #sexist saidit.net

Since USA is now basically falling apart as a nation, maybe we should discuss what this means for women. I am not American but have followed this death spiral for years and of course the same development is happening (just slower) in other western countries.

USA is split between the Woke "Minority Bloc" and the reactionary MAGA/Alt-Right. Both of them are openly misogynist. The first wants to turn every teen girl into "empowered" OnlyFans prostitute, sacrifice women's rights for trannies, force lesbians to suck girlpenis, throw white "Karens" under the bus etc. The second wants women barefoot and pregnant with no abortion and no vote.

For women, this situation is basically hell. No other group has to choose between two options that are so aggressively, violently AWFUL to them. There is no positive future for women in America or other western countries. Women's rights are virtually gone, nobody supports them anymore, and feminists are gleefully participating in this to ensure their WOKE brand of male supremacy will win.

Liberals, feminists and leftists have utterly betrayed women. Women are majority of their supporters and will continue to support this because most women are apparently fucking braindead. Liberal identity politics crap first stoked far-right extremist misogyny with all the performative "lol male tears" provocation and then decided that actually, white cis women are evil oppressors and threw them to the wolves they helped to create.

Never has it been as clear that BlackPillFeminism is right and there is no hope for women and every single political movement and ideology is anti-woman.

Mastermustard #racist #psycho saidit.net

Blacks are the single greatest threat to human civilization. They are incapable of maintaining civilization beyond tribal holdings on their own and their population is exploding to the degree that they will be the largest racial group on the planet within the century. They will flood into Europe and Asia and that will be the end of any prospects for human advancement. Anything that culls their population is a good thing.

rannhfxol & burntwaffle #crackpot #sexist saidit.net

Most women are retarded 'pickmes' that talk, act, think like they have a brain demage, i can't even stand femininity anymore cause it's fucking retarded.

And my only friend is a fucking retard too who decided to spend valentines day with a abusive rat looking ugly man with ugly body and suck his dick while she is literally a model. It happens all the time idk why it's so common for women to give oral to men they just talk to. Even when i was 15 girls my age were doing this shit.

And i kniw it's wrong but i swesr i feel like i'm becoming misogynistic, being a woman is so fucking stupid. But maybe women are supposed to be retarded and like being humiliated cause if they werent they wouldn't be having sex with men etc. There is no hope. If you are not masochistic you will not enjoy being a woman

I think women act this way because most of them have been domesticated through the selective breeding done by males. Women were commonly killed if they stepped out of line. blackpilled women have been slaughtered for thousands of years. this means that our blackpilled genes could not be passed down as much as retard submissive womens genes. I seriously believe that dumb women fill the world because of domestication, selective breeding, and blackpilled woman genocide.

apparently women in the past systemically killed overly aggressive young men to keep peace within their gynocentric tribes. this was before Abrahamic religion took off. I think male religion came out of this so they could radicalize men to start killing the blackpilled women who were killing the violent males.

fschmidt #sexist saidit.net

What are you talking about? While I couldn't get a date with the most disgusting fat pig in America, I had no problem dating models outside the depraved West. Why? I was in top physical shape, physically attractive, intelligent, successful, etc. Women in modern culture absolutely hate intelligent moral men, that is why they hated me. But outside of the West, I didn't have this issue.

The-Awful-Truth #racist #wingnut saidit.net

Why White Liberals are Literally SUICIDAL.


voting for Democratic party is less suicidal because it's the same shit as GOP


Democrats are 100% anti-White.

Tucker: City of Seattle tells white employees to work on undoing their whiteness.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gLBQX5Z-j-I YouTube

In one of his first executive orders, President Biden reversed Trump’s ban on critical race theory training within the federal government.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SikJrrabXPM YouTube

I don't know any Republicans / Conservatives who believe this shit JPG , but there are plenty of Democrats who sincerely believe this.

"...Bernie Sanders stated on March 6, 2016 in a Democratic debate in Flint, Michigan "When you’re white, you don’t know what it’s like to be living in a ghetto. You don’t know what it’s like to be poor. You don’t know what it’s like to be hassled when you walk down the street or you get dragged out of a car,"... Sanders' point was that white people haven’t had to contend with racism based on skin color..."


Abrams’s goal is to put together a coalition of African-American and other minority voters and white liberals. The potential is there; Georgia is less than 53 percent non-Hispanic white. “Georgia is a blue state if everybody votes,” DuBose Porter, chairman of the Democratic Party of Georgia, told me.

Kemp is the candidate of aggrieved whiteness.

Watch this excellent video by Ramzpaul to see what Democrats' "equity" agenda is all about.


Religion is the opiate of the masses

...and I wanna be their dealer!

Fschmidt #dunning-kruger #god-complex saidit.net

Someone with the intelligence to have a philosophical basis of morality should also have the intelligence to recognize that it is preferable to attribute this morality to deities as Machiavelli explained so clearly. In my case I was atheist and studied history, anthropology, primate behavior, and evolutionary psychology in order to determine the ideal morality. Then I found this morality in the Old Testament, and I recognized the benefit to attributing morality to the god of the Old Testament. Atheists who want to know how to do this can read this.

fschmidt #dunning-kruger saidit.net

Imagine if some tyrant took control of Canada, made an alliance with China, and then China installed missiles in Canada on the American border. America wouldn't tolerate this and would take military action to prevent it. This is basically the scenario that Russia was facing with Ukraine where the leader clearly wants to join NATO and the America has refused to promise that this won't happen. This forced Putin to preemptively act to prevent this from happening. I personally see Russia as the last refuge of western civilization. The West has become an evil satanic globalist cesspool that threatens all decency in the world. So I am extremely grateful to Putin for taking decisive action to defend Russia.