“When you’re a female it goes right down to your bones, your DNA.” Yes, DNA is unchangeable. But what about all of the types of people who aren’t exclusively XX or XY? What about XXY or X0 or those with mosaicism?
“So that’s why if someone dies, we can dig up their bones 100 years from now and we have no idea what they believed in their head but we can tell what sex they were because it’s ingrained in every fiber of their being.” False! We have plenty of ideas what they identified with based on how they were buried – what clothing? What burial amenities? Were there epitaphs or such?
“As a woman, I’m offended when a man puts on a dress” That’s transvestism, not transgenderism.
“and pretends to know what my struggles have been as a biological woman.” Nobody is doing that, part 2. No trans woman thinks her struggles are the same as those of cis women. Trans women have much different (and generally worse) problems to face.
“Stop trying to take over women-only spaces. We need protection and safety from men. We need places to go where no men are allowed. Our girls need their sporting events to be segregated for their safety and fairness." Nobody is doing that, part 3. Trans women ALSO need spaces where they’re protected from men, because being a trans woman is DANGEROUS. Also a trans girl who has been on puberty blockers or has moved on to taking estrogen and going through female puberty is not going to compete like a boy.
“Grammar also matters. The English language is hard enough; mixing up plural pronouns with singular people who want to be called “they” and “them” is a bridge we will not concede.” Somebody has never heard of the singular ‘they’.
“I did not study my ass off in school to learn the proper usage of pronouns to have twenty-year-old attention whores destroy the AP style manual and make it ten times harder for ESL students to learn to assimilate.” Everybody else who went to an English-speaking public school learned the proper usage of English pronouns, Megan. You’re not special. Also, plenty of other languages have a non-gender-specific third person pronoun (like Vietnamese, Igbo, Swahili, Turkish, Hungarian, Japanese, just to name a few) so ESL students, depending on their native language, might find it easier than you think to accept a singular ‘they’. Don’t blame your transphobia on ESL students.
“Absolutely not. Call yourself whatever you want, but we will not be forced to call you by your preferred pronoun because this is a free country and you cannot compel my speech.” Technically true. But if you’re free to misgender people, I’m free to call you a despicable cunt.