>Says that which is an immigrant in another country
It’s not only a certain 14 million reasons why you daren’t show your sorry arse in the US, Andiepoos: and not just the extremely painful process of those 14 million reasons surgically removed from you - and given to a woman who is a Jew - which would cause you untold financial agony.
It’s those of your ilk with arms open wide to receive you back in the US: with SS daggers drawn due to you being a race traitor with those you would consider immigrants in your country of origin.
Being reduced to immigrant status elsewhere because of you being intimate with those you would consider immigrants in your own country: and those you’ve been intimate with being underage. The duality of the white rightard.
You’ve previously ‘claimed’ to be a Christain, Andiepoos: He who was on a cross with a sign saying ‘INRI’ on it, was referred to by his disciples as ‘Rabbi’ and was as much a Red Sea Pedestrian as Brian hates hypocrites, OP.
In Soviet Reality, there is no path of redemption for you.