“When you chunk a bad marriage, you chunk your lifelong opportunity for God to have manifested his power and glory.”
You just defined it as a bad marriage. Why wouldn’t I end it if it IS a bad marriage?
And what the fuck was God waiting for? He was usually invited to the wedding. Why didn’t he give his glorious gift then?
“A failing marriage is a challenge to God.”
It was failing a while before the end. Again, what in the FUCK needs to happen for God to fix things?
“If you or your children have been hit so as to leave discernable marks two hours later,”
I love the boundaries, here. Like, ‘you can’t beat your slaves to death unless they live at least three days after the beating.’
“and you genuinely fear that he will repeat his battering, you can take legal steps without divorcing your husband.”
Why did god stand by and let the fucker beat anyone in the first place?
“In a moment when he is not angry, calmly inform him that the next time he physically assaults you or the kids, you are going to call the law and have him arrested.”
You think he might get angry THEN?
Also, i notice that you seem to think only women get beaten, and only women ask for divorces. Men, to you, are allowed to beat their wives and kids, but to a limit.
"You must first resolve in your heart that you are willing to prosecute him and see him go to jail.”
Motherfuck, i raise my hand to my kids or my wife, she has already resolved to put me in the fucking ground. I’ll wake up bleeding out and my last sight will be her holding the hedge trimmer and my penis.
“I visit prisons every week. It is a great place to mull over the consequences of one’s deeds. And I have never met a prisoner that turned down a visit from anyone.”
Glory be to god for penitentiaries.
“Think about it, lady; it is a great time for writing love letters and sharing a three-minute romantic phone call once a week.”
With the guy who is supposed to protect you, but made you fear pain and maybe death…. Riiiiiiiiight.
“Guys who get out of prison run straight home to their ladies and treat them wonderfully—for a while anyway.”
Skipping over all the vengeful assholes…
As a man with a wife of 37 years, i gotta say, fuck you, you’re insane, and your god is worthless.