Bro. Steven Roland, Pastor Emeritus
The Rev. William H. Grimes, Pastor/Assistant Preacher/Interim Project Leader
Bro. Eric Kalinowski, Lead Preacher/Deacon
Bro. JD, Administrative Assistant
The FAIL Jimmy Wilcum. Gone due to differences of gender despite being in a certain river in Egypt about it previously.
Steven Arse. Gone due to differences in entertainment, even the hatewatching of such: then revealing more about their tastes in that which is less revealing about the kinks in such than those of the one that needed to watch it. Place your bets as to who’s next, as the two that have buggered off from SimpleChristain.Shitewiki prove that due to everyone’s ‘Faith’ - or should we say Fail - they’re not all in one accord.
Frankly they’re so morally poor they can’t afford a certain car by Honda.
…even though there’d be more than enough room to fit the remaining members of such in an Accord.
But not for their egos.
All because of gushing over magical girls but not plucking out the eyes that offend them. Naughty!
You’re out on your arse, Steven. Gee: we wonder why…?!:
I have enrolled into godly counseling and am engaged in daily prayer with Covenant Eyes software on all my devices so that I may no longer be able to watch such heinous wretched things. I will do what I can to become a good layman for the Lord, as my career in ordained ministry has officially come to an end as of today
So I was right in a previous thread: Steven Arse had clearly downloaded/streamed the version of “Gushing Over Magical Girls” that was uncensored. Using his computer. Thus the need for Covenant Eyes. Hey Steve-o. Y’know who previously had that on their computer, yet deliberately created a partition & installed Linux so as to circumvent that software? An Atheist? Well, the… thing that did so to be able to download some of the worst child porn in existence? Josh Buggar.
A right-wing Fundamentalist Christain. Just. Like. You.
Now doing a 12-stretch in Federal prison then being on the Sex Offenders Registry in perpetuity, he alone proves that all fundie Christains such as you never had the right to so much as think of having opinions about anyone not exactly like you. Ever.
He alone proves that the likes of you - with your Pharasaical finger-pointing - make IMAX more than obsolete. Those who shout the loudest have the most to hide. What’s on your HD/SSD?
And not just you, Steven Arse…?!