
Taki Theodoracopulos #wingnut #racist #homophobia #transphobia #elitist takimag.com

I no longer read today’s shysters, those grubby-fingered leeches called journalists, mostly because they’re as far removed from fairness and the truth as I am from LGBQTVMGM. The fact that Trump has won has not reminded them of their primary duty, which is to inform, not to convert. Most of them are envious creatures who erroneously believe in their moral superiority and their left-wing ideology, which is par for the course. One such jerk, writing in The New York Review of Books after November 7, announced the following: “There will be mass round ups and treason trials….” In other words, Stalin- and Hitler-like methods in the Land of the Free. The author of such rubbish is one Fintan O’Toole, probably the kind of wokester who thinks opening a door is unpaid labor.

John Stossel/John Tierney #wingnut #homophobia #racist #conspiracy takimag.com

The world must be getting so much worse!

Activists protest everywhere.

Listening to them, I’d think hate, homophobia, racism and environmental threats are at record highs.

But it’s not true.

Despite our ugly election politics, for most people, life is better than ever.

Our air and water are cleaner. People live longer and healthier lives. There’s less racism and homophobia.

But if they admit that, activists would be out of a job.

In my new video, John Tierney, a journalist who’s covered protests for years, says, “For activists, success is a threat. It is going to put you out of business.”
When it comes to deceitful self-dealing, says Tierney, “The ultimate example is the Southern Poverty Law Center.”

When the SPLC opened, it promised legal help to those harmed by racism. After its lawsuits bankrupted chapters of the Ku Klux Klan, the SPLC changed its “Klanwatch” to “Hatewatch,” Tierney points out, “fabricating the idea that there’s a rising tide of hate in this country. … It scares people, and they get money.”

“They think they’re making the world a better place,” I suggest.

“But they’re not!” he says. “They’re viciously attacking and smearing.”

Smearing groups like “Moms for Liberty” and “Moms for America.”
Another branch of the crisis industry, The Human Rights Campaign, claims that American gays are under attack. They issued a “national state of emergency” for LGBTQ+ people.

But “Last year, public support for gay rights reached an all-time high,” says Tierney. “Gays can marry in every state. There’s no stigma against homosexuality. An anti-gay slur is this career suicide. But these activists need to declare some kind of emergency.”

Racial justice activists claim America is still a racist country.

“How did this fundamentally racist country elect Barack Obama and reelect him?” asks Tierney. “There’s even been a decline in the search for racist jokes on the internet. People are more committed than ever to treating everyone the same.”

Taki Theodoracopulos #wingnut #racist #conspiracy takimag.com

Liberalism no longer has any meaning in these here United States, not when schools actually teach kids to hate their country. Not when fewer than half of all Americans can name the three branches of government, and a sizable chunk of college graduates actually think Judge Judy sits on the Supreme Court. I’ll come back to the Supreme Court in a jiffy. Did you know that 40 percent of Gen Z consider the American founders to be villains? In fact, to be white in America today is to feel alienated and guilty. A loss of faith in the nation and its institutions is spreading, and those responsible for it are riding high. Such as The New York Times, whose owners first came to this country as Jewish refugees who worked hard and whose intelligence rewarded them greatly. So what did their descendants do? They invented false history, like the 1619 Project, in an effort to completely blacken—pardon the pun—America’s past.

I cannot describe the glee and gloating by the mostly Jewish commentators of the Times as America becomes unglued and Trump is declared guilty in a trial as rigged as those back in Moscow circa 1935. <...> The Supreme Court is a target because it is the ultimate anchor and glue of the nation. When Sam Alito’s wife flew a flag upside down in protest to being harassed by left bum neighbors, the paper demands he recuse himself. When another justice had his life threatened, the New York Pravda didn’t even report it. You get my drift.

Yep, all you loyal Takimag readers, the country is a mess, and the left keeps winning. I blame the news media and the repellent people who don’t have the courage to tell it like it is. American society is plagued by enmity, distrust, isolation, willful misinformation by the lefty media, and just plain meanness. It’s no longer the country whose flag I once pledged allegiance to, and that’s a great pity.

David Cole #ableist #racist #wingnut #elitist takimag.com

When I’m asked why I never had kids, my standard answer is, I’ve spent my life in mortal fear of being tethered to another human in a manner from which I can’t legally walk away if I choose.

That’s an honest answer, but it’s not the complete one. The second part, which I always leave out, is that I was petrified of having a tard. There’s no history of tardiness in my family. But no matter your family history, having kids is always a roll of the DNA dice, and I couldn’t face the possibility of having a child who would be, shall we say, more work and less payoff.

Yes, that’s a terribly unflattering thing to admit. But it’s true.
There’s no changing the reality of the child’s condition, so put the best face on it. “That millstone is a blessing! That albatross is actually a majestic eagle.”

When a problem is intractable, when “fix it” isn’t an option, you cope, and sometimes that means detaching from reality
That’s why the mentally ill shooter problem is intractable. Parents saddled with defectives must live with the hope that the condition is reversible. And most of the time they’ll live with that hope in the face of all evidence to the contrary.
The big nightmare is the very real possibility that the problems with black America are intractable. That there’s a disproportionately large segment of black America that’s simply not salvageable by love, lucre, or religion. A segment that at best can be kept in check with rigorous sifting via lifetime imprisonment of the worst elements, and even that’s a half measure.
Black unsalvageables are America’s “special needs” children. And we’re tethered to them. We can shift them from one city to another, one state to another, but there’s no avoiding the obligation. We birthed it, it’s ours. And I want to be very clear that this is as much a problem for high-functioning blacks as it is for whites. Hell, they have to deal with the burden of their special-needs kin more than anyone.high-functioning blacks as it is.

Taki #wingnut #elitist #fundie #racist takimag.com

I then sat down and patiently if not too articulately, due to a large intake of vodka, explained: “God is also an anachronism, but I believe in him, as do billions of others. Anachronisms are what we need today more than ever, what with the discrediting of our past, of our national identities, and other such vile actions by woke leftists. Society needs something intangible to trust and respect; too much reality is no good.”
It is a time of extraordinary social isolation, where people report less companionship, less time with friends, and even less time with family. This is where God and his messenger, the Church, come in and play a very important role.

Yet the young no longer believe in God and do not attend their church regularly the way my generation did. What they do is complain nonstop about the crushing weight of the world on their shoulders.
Democracy has earned a resounding F where the US of A is concerned. While flirting just ever so subtly, I told Alissa how far less complicated the world was back during the 13th century, when everyone believed in God and the divine right of kings. Mind you, it was a pity there was no penicillin.

In the meantime, an obviously deranged Bagel Times daily warns of the dangers of a fascist takeover in America, but that’s because the paper has been taken over by talentless ideologues who cannot understand that not everyone in the country has had their brains fried in woke.
Monarchy might be anathema to most Americans and an unimaginable curse to many West Indians, but it is of preternatural importance to countries like Holland, Sweden, Denmark, and Norway. Not to mention Japan, which has the oldest royal family ever, loved by a united people. In view of the disuniting of America, I think Uncle Sam should try the institution.

John Derbyshire #racist takimag.com

[From an article called "Why Isn't Racism Cool?"]

Part of the fun of being young used to be the feeling that you were struggling for world mastery against a cohort of closed-minded old farts with a mentality hopelessly stuck in the past. (What Orwell called “pedants, clergymen and golfers.”) Well, if it’s that old-fart cohort you’re looking for, check out your local Ivy League university or cable TV studio. Those places are stuffed to the rafters with them. 1963 is in the past, isn’t it?

And these protesting youngsters believe every single thing the old farts believe! Their transgressions reach no further than their awful beards. The white American middle classes of today may be the most conformist population that ever lived, banking and turning in unison, old and young together, like a school of fish.

Even if these young protestors wanted to be transgressive, they wouldn’t know how. Let’s face it: Being transgressive isn’t what it used to be. Every time I encounter it nowadays, it turns out to be dismally lame.

As an opera fan, I wondered for a while whether I should explore the transgressive delights of Regietheater (“director’s theater”). Then I read Heather Mac Donald‘s survey and decided this was something I could skip without any esthetic loss:

An American tenor working in Germany remembers another Fledermaus with a large pink vagina in the center of the stage into which the singers dived.

Zzzz. That director wasn’t even trying. You want transgressive? I got transgressive.

• A production of Shakespeare’s Othello in which the Moor, to his squealing masochistic pleasure, gets chained to a post and thrashed with a bullwhip by Desdemona.

• A play about feminist icon Virginia Woolf in which she dumps her drab husband, lesbian lover, and intellectual friends to go keep house for an alpha male philistine who kicks her when she’s late putting his dinner on the table.

• A remake of The Birdcage is which it turns out that the acceptably gay Robin Williams character has been kidnapping little boys and buggering them in the club’s basement.

To any youngsters seeking to get political transgressivity on the move again, here’s a suggestion: Try racism. What could be more guaranteed to make mom swoon and dad go purple with rage?

No, no, not burning crosses on people’s lawns. The word “racism” long since overflowed that little pond and inundated the surrounding lowlands. I’m talking about racism as defined in Ed West’s excellent new book that I just finished reading. Location 925 in the Kindle edition:

Today the term racism has come to mean almost any recognition of race—and of difference (or average differences) between groups.

It sure has. The last time I got called a racist (Yes! It happens!) was when I overheard someone say that the decline of Detroit was caused by liberalism. “No it wasn’t,” I said, “It was caused by blacks.” Perfectly true, but apparently racist. Pretend not to notice!

Since racism as defined is transgressive, why isn’t it cool? A number of answers come to mind.

• Racism can’t possibly be cool because it is the most evil and depraved system of thought ever to be countenanced by sentient beings in the entire 13.82-billion-year history of the cosmos. Except that—

• Racism is considered cool when it’s directed against white people. I bet Tim Wise (“Old white people have pretty much always been the bad guys, the keepers of the hegemonic and reactionary flame”) gets invited to all the coolest parties. I bet the coolest kids on campus are the ones running Dr. Shakti Butler’s ethnomasochist boot camp. (“The term [i.e. ‘racist’] applies to all white people.”) When Jamie Foxx boasted on Saturday Night Live that he got to kill all the white people in his new movie, the super-cool audience of young urban sophisticates burst into applause. The coolest Chief Executive to ever grace our republic is the one who sat in the pews for twenty years listening to the Rev. Jeremiah Wright babbling about how “white folks’ greed runs a world in need.”

I suspect, though, that as with most questions about human nature, the correct answer to this one can be found in biology:

Anti-racism is a mating display. It says: “Look at me! I have such earning power I can live where I like! I don’t have to worry about feral underclass blacks or Salvadoran gangbangers! I can strike a pose of lofty indifference to matters of race! Drop your knickers right now!”

Taki #wingnut #racist #sexist #elitist takimag.com

Privilege at birth displeases wannabe types, and the subject came up rather a lot last week, especially in the Land of the Depraved, where the Bagel Times regards monarchy as antidemocratic and the cause of most human ills, including the common cold, cancer, pimples, varicose veins, and even athlete’s foot. At my own alma mater, the University of Virginia, founded by the greatest of all Americans, Thomas Jefferson, some physically repellent creeps have demanded his name be taken off the beautiful neoclassical buildings he designed. The trouble is that Tom, as we called him in my college fraternity, was a bit antimonarchical himself, having sided with and advised certain colonists, starting with one named George Washington. No, the ugly ones have it in for old Tom because he was sleeping with Sally the slave and even had a couple of kids with her.

Shock, horror! Back in 1789 gents were not supposed to do that with slaves, but my excuse is that she was rather cute. What I’d like to know is what about the poor women who are, or eventually will have to endure, sleeping with those creeps who are anti-Tom, a much worse fate than Sally’s? Woke freaks are known to suffer from halitosis, tiny penises, and absolutely no regard for what women want. My suggestion is that American ladies all become lesbians and get it over with. But let’s get back to privilege, especially the white kind.
Unburdening the sins of their privilege in public, as some rich halfwit females are doing in the States in order to gain brownie points, is the latest outrage of the #MeToo era. They do it at length and in public and in breathless detail, but the skin-crawling and ridiculous apologies make unapologetic f— you types like myself look like superior human beings. Privilege is good and healthy, and has given the world most of the things we take for granted. So let’s all emulate our late Queen, who—unlike a couple of her descendants—never apologized for anything in her life.

Etienne Charland the Emergence Guardian #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy takimag.com

Following our rampage this week, the corruption grid has completely dropped. It’s 100% down in Canada, 95.8% down in Australia, 72.6% down in China, and 45.9% down in Europe. There might be one or two strongholds left to deal with in regards to Europe.

It’s 72.5% down in USA, 72.6% down in Mexico. There’s an increasing army of Lightworkers working on what remains.

I expect a lot of people to snap out of hypnosis.

There are some corrupt coaches whose business is flying higher than ever without any regards to God, which is not sustainable. The cliff is on the next solstice. They can keep flying for about 3 months, and we can expect a drastic crash for many on December 21st.

In regards to Pistis Sophia…

Pistis Sophia used to represent 75.8% of all energies in our Universe!! It’s now 0.13%.

Status report of Pistis Sophia last week: 1.3 million incarnations across the Omniverse. 75.6% Dark, 3.2% Light. We did another round of trimming; now it’s 0.005% Dark and 68.7% Light. I did the prayer: God, if you want her to serve you, you must provide her what she needs to move forward, and open the path forward for her. It replied “but she’s not serving me”, so I said “but she will, and needs your help.”

Out of 1.3 million incarnations, only 16 will serve God, 14 of which are on Earth. These are the only fragments that will survive. At least 6 of these 16 fragments must find their way to God, balance and happiness, or Earth will not survive. I expect 10 or 11 to make it through.

Following those prayers, Pistis Sophia as a whole has been pulled out entirely into a separate energetic space where she will not energetically interact with us, to protect her, and for her to recover.

Please send your prayers. The survival of our planet depends on Pistis Sophia finding its harmony with Source.

Then there are “composite fragments”, people who are part-Sophia part-Other, not exactly sure how that plays into this.


Steve Sailer #pratt #racist takimag.com

As I may have mentioned once or twice over the past year, the media-declared “racial reckoning” following the death of George Floyd on May 25, 2020, has been getting a lot of blacks murdered by other blacks. But I am not being ironic in saying that I am now stunned to find out that motor vehicle fatalities among blacks similarly soared 36 percent in June–December 2020 versus the same period in 2019, compared with a 9 percent increase among the rest of the population.

Whenever I uncover data that suggests that the reigning mental models of the great and the good have blood on their hands, I’m accusingly asked: Why do I care? What kind of disreputable weirdo am I to speak out just because more of my fellow Americans are dying violently?

Okay, okay, I’ll confess: Not only am I a notorious anti-murderist, I’m an anti-crashite as well

David Cole #conspiracy #racist #wingnut takimag.com

Through my past and occasionally present work in casting I deal mainly with actors, so I’ve been most acutely aware of the effects of the hiring caps on that demo. The Substack piece concentrated mainly on writers and showrunners, and to be honest, I was rather stunned that the ethnic cleansing is so aggressive regarding off-camera jobs. I knew it would be ruthlessly enforced for actors, because changing the industry’s cosmetics is the easiest way to mollify nonwhite malcontents, most of whom think a “showrunner” is a guy who competes in exhibition relays.

But it was jarring to learn how deep the disease has spread. This isn’t a cancerous wart…it’s penetrated the industry’s bones.

Many of the insiders who were interviewed for the Substack piece spoke anonymously, and were only identified by color. But of those named, most were Jews. Of course, the authors take the safe route of not drawing attention to this fact.
Get those dudes some Bengay because they’re straining. What the omission actually means is that Jews are now white, to be erased along with all other whites.

From their own industry.

This is surely not what Hollywood’s liberal Juden had in mind when they opened the doors to this shit.
It turns out that Jews underestimated their soul brothers. The Substack piece details how black producers are using the caps and quotas, along with heavy-handed strong-arm tactics, to become the new power brokers and kingmakers in town (Jews are used to being mugged by schvartzes in the street, but not on the studio lot!).
We should be honest about this: Hollywood’s caps and quotas are not about adding blacks but subtracting whites. And now Jews are finding out that for the purposes of this discussion, they’re as white as Grace Kelly. If “whiteness is a state of mind” (the ideology pushed by the Ibram X. Kendis and funded by the Shlomo Oyveygenbergs), then Ashkenazi Tay-Sachs DNA don’t count for shit.

Steve Sailer #transphobia takimag.com

There is no better demonstration of The Matrix’s concept of the blue pill that leaves its victims able to perceive only the simulacrum of reality curated by the powers-that-be than that virtually every review of the sequel The Matrix Resurrections refers to the auteurs of the 1999 science-fiction classic and its depressing follow-ups as the “Wachowski sisters.”

Even more blue-pilled, many critics have convinced themselves not just to say that frauteurs Larry and Andy Wachowski are now Lana and Lilly, Hollywood’s most famous female sci-fi directors, but to believe it.

Bluest of all, more than a few have trained themselves to have faith not only that the Wachowskis are women in 2021, but also that they—due to transcendental gender dogma’s miraculous power to alter not just the present but the past—were female in 1999, and that therefore the original Matrix was made by women. As Orwell might assert, “The Wachowski brothers have always been the Wachowski sisters.”

Steve Sailer #crackpot #dunning-kruger #racist takimag.com

Canada is currently undergoing the same orgy of antiwhite fear and loathing as the United States ... Ten churches in Alberta were set on fire on Canada Day, July 1, as part of a national nervous breakdown over “unmarked graves” at disused residential schools for Indian students.


The term “unmarked graves” is suggestive of massacre, but the reality is the children died of natural causes, especially diseases that hadn’t existed in the New World before 1492 so Indians hadn’t evolved defenses against them.


So, what explains the self-hating hysteria ... ?

It’s easy enough to understand why nonwhites like to defame whites. The fundamental crime of the white race, for which there apparently will be no forgiveness, was pulling ahead of the rest of humanity from roughly 1400 onward.

It seems like every movie trailer in recent years ends with the promise that the heroes will “change the world…forever,” but 15th-century Europeans really did. The accomplishments of Europeans in the 1400s were perhaps the greatest turning point in history.

Brunelleschi launched the Italian Renaissance by building Western Europe’s first dome in a thousand years (to aid in which he likely invented perspective). Prince Henry the Navigator began Portugal’s eight-decade-long research and development effort to sail around Africa to the Indies. Gutenberg devised the movable-type printing press. And Columbus discovered America.

These and countless other breakthroughs over the past six centuries allowed Europeans and their overseas descendants to socially construct the most valuable real estate in the world.

This immense wealth increasingly attracts the covetous eyes of the rest of the human race, who are realizing that, crazy as it sounds, they might just be able to shame whites into allowing their wonderful property to be expropriated over the sins of their ancestors.

But why are many whites going along with such a transparent scam? What’s in it for them?

David Cole #racist takimag.com

Here’s a simple truth that none of the analysts left or right are willing to admit: Prop. 16 was a referendum on blacks. Not “diversity,” not “identity politics,” but blacks. Everyone with half a brain understood that Prop. 16 was there to help blacks, and blacks alone. Asians and Latinos are doing exceptionally well in the UC system (Asians are overrepresented, and Latinos, represented at roughly their percentage of the population, outnumber non-Hispanic whites). Blacks are the ones who need the “special help.” They’re the ones who feel like they can’t compete without being given extra points for melanin.

Proposition 16 posed a question to the people of California: Wanna help a brother out? And Californians said no.

Asians said no for reasons of simple self-interest. For the average California Asian, this wasn’t dim sum but zero sum: A “leg up” for blacks means a kick up the ass for Asians. For every unqualified black who’s affirmative-actioned into college, a qualified Asian is denied.

For Latinos, affirmative action isn’t really their thing…because they don’t need it. Not due to academic excellence (à la Asians), but because Latinos get their way through numerical superiority, not begging, guilt-tripping, and bullying (à la blacks). They might use it when it’s there, but to them it’s a strategy, not the strategy. Whereas for blacks, it’s all they’ve got. Give Latinos an open border, and they’ll do the rest. It doesn’t profit them to give blacks special perks that come at the expense of the majority because in many California cities, Latinos are the majority.

Latinos see themselves as the future of the state. Blacks are the past. For Latinos, every current black neighborhood is a future Latino neighborhood. The sooner blacks move out, the better. So there’s no motivation to make it easier for them to stay. You wanna go to college, Ja’Marquis? Move your black ass back to the Deep South and your beloved HBCUs.

Steven Tucker #wingnut #homophobia #conspiracy takimag.com

This week marks the first anniversary of Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, a war not currently going terribly well in terms of actual physical territorial conquest, so which now increasingly has to be portrayed as a battle for something else rather less tangible instead—the continued existence of the sacred Slavic soul. In Russian media, this delicate entity is portrayed as being under constant attack itself, from malign moral forces emanating from the degenerate, woke-ridden West, often characterized as actively satanic in nature. Is Putin right?
In a speech of 24 February 2022 announcing the start of his “special military operation” (re: brutal war of conquest), Putin partially framed his imperialist adventure as a defensive act, saying NATO nations had long “sought to destroy our traditional values and force on us their false values that would erode us [and] our people from within, the attitudes they have been aggressively imposing on their [own] countries, attitudes that are directly leading to degradation and degeneration, because they are contrary to human nature."
By expanding its woke dogmas into neighboring nations like Ukraine via NGOs and Hollywood, NATO aims ultimately to infect Moscow with this queer soul-AIDS, too, penetrating the sleeping Fatherland through its vulnerable rear. Various Western-backed “color revolutions” in the region were interpreted as partly fueled by militant homosexuals eager to transform their own Eurasian homelands into giant Slavic Super-San Franciscos, with Putinist media warning citizens of a potential Washington-backed “gay revolution” even in Russia itself. NATO’s next color revolution was scheduled to be Pink.
I have zero sympathy for Putin’s attempts to physically invade Ukraine. <...> Is it too much to hope that Putin might lose one war in the region miserably and win the other in triumph?

John Derbyshire #fundie takimag.com

Men who join the military are responding to widespread, innate male urges—the urge to break things and kill people, for example. Women who join the military are, by contrast, outliers in their sex. They are eccentric and prone to behave eccentrically. As a designated victim group, they are especially susceptible to the associated pathologies, e.g., victim hoaxes for attention, spite, or cash reward.

Gavin McInnes #fundie takimag.com

15 Myths Millennials Accept as Fact


We fought them for 400 years. They fought against us, alongside us, and behind us. Before we got here they were fighting each other, and yes, it was savage. War Before Civilization: The Myth of the Peaceful Savage describes horrific mass graves from way before we got here. Indians used to shoot arrows into their victims for hours after the guy died so he’d be fucked in the afterlife. The smallpox blankets were likely a myth. The worst we behaved was probably Wounded Knee but the reason everyone knows about it is because it was meticulously documented by outraged whites who were—and still are—disgusted by our behavior there.


No, we’re not. We’re a nation of citizens. This country was built on legal immigration, and the ones who made it through learned the language and assimilated. Many didn’t get in. Today’s scenario is 15 million illegals ridiculing those of us who played by the rules. My green card took 15 years to get and I brought a ton of jobs with me. The Statue of Liberty doesn’t say “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, and all their relatives.”

Oh, and don’t give me that old “They’re doing jobs Americans won’t do” line. They’re doing jobs Americans won’t do—for that price. In Canada, there are no Mexicans and the landscaping still gets done. We use teenagers.


Yeesh, this old trope. Some rich Southerners had slaves. Then there was a civil war and America’s bank account dropped to zero. After that the country was rebuilt from scratch without slavery. As Pat Buchanan put it, we didn’t start slavery. We ended it. And don’t get me started on reparations. We’ve already paid them.


I’ve already gone through this. I highly recommend you cut out this monitoring hate speech crap. I’m warning you, you’re going to end up censoring the people you’re trying to protect. Studies show that white people are actually the least racist group. Getting rid of all the racists would mean America would be almost all white. Therefore, fighting racism is racist.


Zimmerman was a statistical anomaly but that didn’t stop everyone and their dog from wearing a hooded sweatshirt and Tweeting all about it. Black youth are in danger but it’s not Jews from Peru who are killing them.


Obama Tweeted this old wives’ tale recently. Does anyone in the White House have a fucking computer? Women choose to make less than men because they’d rather be at their daughter’s piano recital than stay at the office all night working on a proposal. When they don’t have kids, they actually make more than men. If women were cheaper labor, we’d hire them as often as we hire illegal aliens.

On The Independents recently, Jill Filipovic told me that resumes with female names do worse than the same ones with male names. I’m willing to accept that, but it’s not prejudice. It’s postjudice. Employers have noticed their male employees are more likely to stay at the office all night working, even when their daughter does have a piano recital.


Most women are pro-life. To ignore their rights while touting abortion is sexist. Also, gender-based abortion is becoming more popular. We’ve seen how that goes for women in China. It ain’t pretty. So stop using abortion rights as some kind of proof there’s a war on women when the opposite is true.


Whether you cut your dick off or just start saying “I’m a woman,” that doesn’t mean you’re a woman. That trivializes what it is to be a woman. These mythical creatures can create life. You can’t just throw on a wig and yell “Me too.” That’s sexist.


I’ve heard Jon Stewart say this and it often comes up when discussing gay marriage and adoption. Do any of these people know any fags? They are perfectly wonderful human beings with whom I spend much of my time, but they are also hair-whiteningly decadent. They call me an amateur for having participated in a couple threesomes. They’ve had dozens of eightsomes.

Maybe one in ten Americans believes the earth is only a few thousand years old, and most of those people are old ladies and dirt-poor farmers. They’re not shutting down schools and canceling Cosmos. The other 90% of us are totally okay with the big bang theory. Even the pope supports it. We understand there’s evolution and an incredible universe. We just think God is the one who set the whole thing up.

Also, if you love science so much, stop refusing vaccinations for your kid. You’re literally making us sick.


Not so fast. Have you seen the way this administration handles money? We’re 17 trillion in the hole. That’s a lot. Seventeen trillion seconds ago we were cavemen trying to figure out fire. This country is rife with severe obesity and millions upon millions of illegals. We don’t have the cohesion that other free health care countries have, so this perfectly reasonable idea may be impossible.


There is a lot of evidence that says the earth is warming but not a ton of conclusive evidence that it’s our fault or that the warming is a bad thing. We keep hearing about a consensus but it’s ecologists, not real scientists. What all the experts and politicians really agree on is that we need more funding to pay them to look into this terrible problem.


The air has never been cleaner. We’ve never lived longer. Crime is at an all-time low. By virtually every possible metric, life has never been better. Yes, there was a school shooting recently. That doesn’t change the hatefact that schools have never been safer. Traveling, eating, fornicating, fighting—all safer than ever. The list goes on and on. I saw a homeless man today checking his iPhone while he asked for change! Does anyone in this country not have a TV? If you think things were so much better back then, get in a time machine and go there. Make sure you get your shots first though. God help you if you get sick.


When it comes to restaurants this is true, and that is why people always use restaurants to prove it. By any other standard, it tends to go pretty badly. I’m a race mixer but our family has decided to err toward Western values more than the American Indian ones because the West is the best. Assimilation leads to a sense of fraternity and that means a cohesive society. You ever see a wave pool in Japan? They are packed in there like sardines but they don’t mind because they’re all the same. When integration is discouraged you get Balkanization and we saw what happened in the Balkans. They played soccer with human heads.


You know there’s retards, right? You realize the children of geniuses tend to be smarter than the children of stupid people, yeah? This is why they ask sperm donors questions. That’s what happens when idealists have to practice what they preach. They scoff at eugenics until it’s time to make a baby. They love the gay lifestyle until their son brings home a tranny. They love diversity until it’s time to choose a place to live or a school for their children. They pretend we’re all equal but they insist the government enforce this because they secretly know it isn’t true and in fact see themselves as superior to everyone else. They’re free to think that, but before going on a rant about it, maybe they should look it up first. Better yet, shut up and leave us alone.

Fred Reed #fundie takimag.com

It is time to get women out of the schooling of boys. It is way past time. Women in our feminized classrooms are consigning generations of our sons to years of misery and diminished futures. The evidence is everywhere. Few dare notice it.

The feminization is real. More than seventy-five percent of teachers are women; in New York state, over ninety percent of elementary school teachers are women; in the US, over seventy percent of psychologists are women, with (sez me) the rest being doubtful. This is feminization with fangs.

I have just read Back to Normal: Why Ordinary Childhood Behavior Is Mistaken for ADHD, Bipolar Disorder, and Autism Spectrum Disorder, by psychologist Enrico Gnaulati, who works with children alleged to have psychological problems in school, usually meaning boys. I decline to recommend it because of its psychobabble, its tendency to discover the obvious at great length, and its Genderally Correct pronouns, which will grate on the literate. (I mean constructions resembling “If a student comes in, tell him or her that he or she should put his or her books in his or her locker.”) However, a serious interest in the subject justifies slogging through the prose. (The statistics above are from the book.)

The relevant content is that women are making school hell for boys, that they have turned normal boyish behavior such as enjoyment of roughhousing into psychiatric “personality disorders.” They are doping boys up, forcing them into behavior utterly alien to them, and sending them to psychiatrists if they don’t conform to standards of behavior suited to girls. The result is that boy children hate school and do poorly (despite, as Gnaulati, says, having higher IQs). This is no secret for anyone paying attention, but Gnaulati makes it explicit.

As a galling example he cites one Robert, an adolescent responding badly to classes and therefore suspected by his teacher of having a “personality disorder.” From the book:

She required all forty students in the class to design Valentine’s Day cards for each other. She was emphatic about wanting them personalized. Names had to be spelled correctly and compliments written up genuinely.

Valentines? This was eighth-grade English. Students, who by then once knew grammar cold, should be reading literature or learning to write coherently. In my eighth-grade class, we read Julius Caesar: “I want the men around me to be fat, healthy-looking men who sleep at night.” Valentines? Compliments?

This, the author assures the reader, did not take place in an asylum for the mildly retarded, but in one of the ten best high schools in California. What must the rest be like?

Of course Robert was having trouble putting up with the girly drivel, this feminized ooze devoid of academic content. “Oooooh! Let’s have a warm, emotional bonding experience.”

This is why women should not be allowed within fifty feet of a school where boys are taught. A boy, especially a bright one, will want to drop out of school through the nearest window and run screaming to a recruiting office for the French Foreign Legion—anything to get away from inane, vapid, and insubstantial feel-good compulsory niceness inflicted by some low-wattage ed-school grad.

Get these ditz-rabbits away from our sons. Let us have separate schools for the sexes, with each being taught by teachers of the same sex. I do not presume to tell women what they should teach girls—astrophysics, valentine design with sincere compliments, whatever they like. Just stay away from the boys.

The thrust of current social propaganda is that the sexes are identical in all important respects. They are not. The differences are great. It is time we stopped pretending otherwise.

First: By their nature, females are far more interested in social relationships than in academic substance. If you are a man, ask yourself how often you have serious intellectual discussions of politics, science, history, or society with women as compared to men. Seldom. Degrees and exceptions, yes. Still, seldom.

Second: Women are totalitarian. Men are happy to let boys be boys and girls be girls. Women want all children to be girls. In school this means emphasizing diligence—neat homework done on time, no matter how silly or academically vacuous—over performance, meaning material learned. Women favor docility, orderliness, cooperation in groups, not making waves, niceness, and comity. For boys this is asphyxiating.

THOUGHTCRIMINAL2084 #conspiracy takimag.com

I am thoroughly convinced that everything Obama does is for the Centennial Celebrations he and his ilk have for Celebrating their Bolshevik idols by beginning liquidation of a similar number to the 100 Million Christians that their Soviet counterparts did.

nolocontendre9 #fundie takimag.com

We didn't outlaw the "natives", we outlawed their savage behavior. It seems to me the day is coming again for white men to don their collective cowboy hats and maybe learn to play a new game--cowboys and asians as well as cowboys and mestizos.

Sounds kind of fun, to me.

Tomlron361 #racist takimag.com

Agreed, when the sh*t hits the fan in this nation and the blacks finally lose all control of themselves and come after White people, we should not allow those Whites who've served black interests to shelter within our lines. They must be identified and driven out as the race traitors they are so their blood lines cease to exist.

Gavin McInnes #fundie takimag.com

You know that one time a month when you’re arguing with a lady friend and she says something that makes your neck recoil in confusion? You’ll stop the fight for a second and think to yourself, “That doesn’t make any sense. What’s this argument really about?” If you’re very brave, you’ll ask her if she’s started bleeding yet, and if you’re really lucky, she’ll shut up because you just hit the nail on the head.

The liberal left has PMS. They don’t mean what they say and they’re just yelling for yelling’s sake. We now realize this because every time we solve one of their crises they pshaw the solution and continue the attack from another angle. Their crusade isn’t about getting to the truth. It’s about winning. The whole thing is just sports to them. We are the Yankees fans, they are the Mets fans, and it doesn’t matter which team plays a better game.

Jim Goad #racist takimag.com

[From "Do Black Feelings Matter Too Much?"]

Atlanta was burning two weeks ago after a white cop in Minneapolis killed a black criminal who resisted arrest. Now it’s burning again over a white Atlanta cop shooting and killing a black criminal who resisted arrest.

On Friday night, police responded to a call about a black male who was sleeping in his car while in the drive-thru lane of a Wendy’s restaurant just south of downtown. After police arrived, the suspect, 27-year-old father of four Rayshard Brooks, allegedly failed a sobriety test. Footage shows him actively fighting the two white cops who tried to arrest him. He seized a Taser from one of the police and then ran. While running, he turned back and pointed the Taser at the cop, who responded by shooting him. It’s all on film—and none of it matters.

Of course, there’s no “national discussion” about the plague of black males resisting arrest, even though that’s been a feature in every last one of these high-profile Race Porn cases.

That’s because at this moment in the USA, black feelings matter more than anything else. An unwarranted concern for black feelings—don’t EVER make them angry—may be the wrecking ball that obliterates this country beyond repair.

Is it worth it?

Last week, Ireland’s prime minister Leo Varadkar expressed empathy for the poor blacks who are trapped in Ireland rather than luxuriating back home somewhere in Zimbabwe and said that “black lives matter, but also black feelings matter too.” Varadkar has also expressed more positive feelings toward an American black man named George Floyd than toward the white Irish teen who was stabbed last week by a black teen whose presumed cohorts celebrated the stabbing by proclaiming, “When we finished beating your boys we claiming your girls as our prizes.” To my knowledge, even though Varadkar has bleated loudly against “racism” toward blacks in Ireland and the USA, he hasn’t yet made a peep about this white Irish teen’s stabbing.


We hear that blacks built this country. I didn’t realize you were able to build the world’s sole superpower merely by picking cotton. If that’s the case, one is forced to wonder why they aren’t creating any cotton-pickin’ superpowers in sub-Saharan Africa.

We hear about the nine or so annual killings of unarmed black people by police, but never about the 5,000-8,000 annual black-on-black murders.

We hear about how blacks are supposedly “kept down” here, but never about the fact that on average, black Americans live 15 years longer than black people in Africa and make $15,000 more per year.

We hear about how the system exploits blacks. Funny, but all the stats I’ve seen suggest that they take far more from the public till than they contribute to it. Over half of black households pay no taxes at all, so exactly who’s the exploiter here?

We hear that blacks are constantly being violently terrorized by whites. We never hear the real interracial crime stats. Never.


My friends, I have a severe case of Negro Fatigue. I am all Negroed-out. I’m sorry, but I can’t feel sorry for them anymore. And a lot of people—far more than are brave enough to say anything about it—are feeling the same way.

If someone somewhere is even THOUGHT to have hurt black people’s feelings, the entire country will burn. And everyone knows it. If they didn’t know it a month ago, they know it now. Blacks have been conditioned and encouraged to express volcanic rage at the tiniest perceived slight. Black people now possess the heckler’s veto, and it is the law of the land.

I’ve seen what happens when Americans care too much about black people’s feelings. It’s happening right now before your horrified eyes.