Donald Trump

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy

Donald Trump is a long time illuminati member.

His position as to date has been totally scripted. His acting role is the "anti-establishment businessman who can make america great again".

As you know the illuminati is deep into the occult. Maybe you've seen the "Illuminati card game"

Study the cards, you will see one that has good resembalance to trump.

The plan is to basically throw Trump in, make him say all the right things, have the public like him. (You see his poll results 1st overall) Whilst also having the media attack him, giving him the image of "anti establishment".
This will further the delusion.

You've seen it since the first debate where they basically made the entire show about Trump. Now by constantly attacking him he has been given more airtime than any other contender and has basically become the "star" of the entire political race.

Now the next stage of the "play". Will to be to "steal" the nomination from Trump.
Basically what we will witness is Trump losing at the convention to some establishment pick. Perhaps Ted Cruz, Kasich or another.

This will create mass hysteria, when the public realize they never really had any choice in choosing their president.

The nomination (and even eventual presidency) is chosen behind closed doors by large corporation owners.

Trumps loss will then incite riots, starting small but will grow to have 10's of thousands participating.

The plan is to create an all out remake of the civil war.

With white Trump Supporters pinned against Blacks and the BLM groups, Hispanics, Muslims, refugees and liberals, "anti business", "anti white supremacy" groups.

After causing much damage, fighting, more cities basically turned to third world status, Obama will swipe in as the saviour to declare Marital Law to regain control of the country and implement the "Rule of Law".

This will suspend elections, and implement a new level to the police state, with imposed curfews and many other new laws and restrictions for regular citizens. Surveillance will be ramped up in a major way, with all major roadways and streets being fully monitored via cameras, and with advanced facial recognition technology.

Military and police will work together to take care of any rioters or people who question or protest the new police state.

The endgame is to eventually for the elite to escape down to their bunkers, which have been and are continually being built for the ultra rich. Then a total destruction will devastate the planet, a world bombing on a mass scale the world has never witnessed to kill 95-99% of the total world population.

In a few years the elite and their children will emerge from the bunkers and build the New World.

They believe they will have everything they need to rebuild. They will have massive underground seedbanks, plantations and robotics and expect to emerge and replant the world and refill the world with trees and plants.

They will then, with a massively reduced world population, enjoy everything the world has to offer with only a small percentage of the world they have to share it with.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy

I have known for many years that the FBI, Chicago, New York City, The White House, FEMA, CIA, NSA, et cetera, have all been hi-jacked at the highest levels by the Illuminati. Wall Street bankers and attorneys created the Central Intelligence Agency in 1947. You can read about the sordid history of the CIA in my article, “Why Shouldn't God Damn America?”

Having said that, it was the FBI and NYPD (controlled by New York authorities), that went public with shocking reports of Hillary Clinton's involvement in child sex crimes, perjury, child kidnapping, satanism, orgy island, et cetera, just days before the election. The Strangest Alex Jones Show I've Ever Seen (Hillary's cabal of hardcore satanism exposed). In hindsight, it is very obvious to me that the Illuminati (the hidden Luciferians that control America from behind the scenes) knew long before Donald Trump even ran that he would be our nation's next U.S. President. They control the FBI. They control the NYPD. Remember, all that needs to happen to take complete control over tens-of-thousands of FBI employees is to hi-jack the highest department, because everybody answers to a boss. Everybody is under orders from above... “Just shut up and do your job if you know what's good for you!”


President Donald Trump may even push for a cashless control grid, to eliminate loose cash that street gangs thrive on. It's not a matter of “if” but “when” all business transactions will be done through credit and debit, and money will be done away with. We know this is true from Revelation 13:17, “And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” Anyone who doesn't receive the implantable mark of the Beast (Antichrist) won't be allowed to buy or sell. The world is gearing up for World War III, which has already been determined by the Luciferian elite, and will be fought between Israel and the Arab peoples, and the entire world will be drawn into the conflict. Whatever Trump does, I guarantee you he will further the interests and agendas of the Global elite (Rothschild, Rockefeller, Morgan, Disney, et cetera). Fritz Springmeier has authored an eye-opening book on the subject titled, “13 Bloodlines Of The Illuminati” (after reading some of this you may need to go take a long walk). Truth is stranger than fiction!

Raymond Kidwell #fundie

This is basically my concern: the general decay of society and incompetence. I deal with it everywhere. Absurd levels of incompetence that are outright dangerous this is coupled with low expectations. People expect you to be stupid, a criminal etc. It's the new normal. Bridges collapse? Big whoop that's life. College graduates can't read? It's normal. You have raped and assaulted people in the past and committed armed robbery- nobody is perfect. That's the new America. Race is intertwined with it, but it is something that is larger than race. This exists even at the top of society where standards and competence seem to be melting away to third world norms. I think Donald Trump is the only person I have seen on TV to even vaguely address this issue.

And that's something I try to repeatedly emphasize in my Amren posts. Whites are getting dumber. White culture has degraded to something equivalent to third world non-white cultures. Most of the people who are foaming at the mouth to discriminate against white males are white themselves. Yet you go on racial websites like Amren and you see this idealistic view of wonderful civilized whites facing up against savage and inferior non-whites. Whatever it was that made white people and their culture superior in the past- high I.Q.s, low crime rates, morals, high expectations, altruism- it is all pretty much corrupted by modern society and its liberal ideals (and Christianity is very much intertwined with this ideology in regards to praising the imbecile).

Race realism will never stand, will never build anything meaningful (such as a functioning society) without addressing the realism of dysgenics and dysfunctional cultural ideals. When white trash Cletus with an I.Q. of 70 has 12 kids and 70 grandchildren, he's virtually indistinguishable from Jimbo and Lakisha with an I.Q. of 70 and their 75 grand babies. The normal, high I.Q. civilized man and his society is being drowned out by hoardes of subsidized monkeys (of various shades of the rainbow) and "democracy" which seems to cater to the majority (usually the lowest element). There is a war on standards.

Democracy can stand if there are standards- such as appeal to everyone except criminals and those with I.Q.s below 80. But mental retards can vote in America, even though they can't have a drivers license. Our institutions can stand diversity if they have standards that they are unflinching about. But they always lower standards in the name of diversity. This attack on standards is far more fundamental than the whole race issue and it is far more of a threat to our safety and economic well-being.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy

Whats Donald Trump biggest mistake? Alliance with Tall White Blonde Aliens? Aryans? Global Economic Reset and Gesara!

Trump's coming war against the UN and his alliance with the Aryans-Tall white aliens AKA White Hats Alliance.

The Reptilian faction George Sorus, Bush, Obama, Clinton, Bin Laden controlled Islam network vs Trump Ashtar Command, New Age, Global Economic Reset, Gesara.

5th Kingdome come.

Hello folks,

The background war continues between the falling Reptilian regime run by the Illuminati Nazi bloodline families such as the Pope, Soros, Clinton's, Bush's etc...vs. the Knight Templars represented by President Donald Trump.

It really is baffling about the news associated with the Vatican kicking all Masons out of the Knights of Malta since they're all Masons...everyone in the Illuminati is a Mason. Another thing is they make it sound like it's a Mason vs. Jesuit war when even Donald Trump's father and youngest son are Jesuits...Trump himself could be a Jesuit.

So if you're getting lost in all the rhetoric, so is everyone else.

So let's just kick the rhetoric to the curb and look at what's really going on.


The 13 Illuminati bloodline familes are Reptilians. Often called lizards as well, it's the same thing. These are the German faction dominated by the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Soros, and George Bush Sr. They are dominated by bloodline to the Reptilian-lizard-snake faction of Lucifer's fallen angels.

Donald Trump represents the new Regime taking over that I've always referred to as the New Age Alien Agenda. This agenda is represented by the Ashtar Command, Galactics, Tall Greys, New Age Ascended Masters etc..everything New Age. These are dominated by Lilith's offspring in space known as the Tall Greys. The Tall Whites are also associated with them...such as Mt. Shasta (Tall Whites).

So it's basically the Reptiles vs. Tall Greys.

The Tall Greys take on human manufactured bodies so they look human. This includes Sananda, Maitreya, St. Germaine, all the Ashtar Command, also known as Ascended Masters etc..

We're seeing the Reptilian regime fighting to stay in control of the western world such as USA, AUS, Canada, GBR, Europe etc...

However the New Age regime is establishing it's footholds and taking over with the election of Trump as president. It's a Regime changeover and the battle has been fierce amongst them.

The reptiles are kicking and screaming. They dominate the Democratic Party and Republican Party...which is why you see both of them seeming to work against President Trump. This has nothing to do with politics but associations and regimes. Most of the Democrats and Republicans had aligned with the Reptilians just to get in Congress and get their jobs. With their regime going down and the New Age taking over, alot of them see the end of their own careers.

Many working with the New Age Alien agenda are referred to as White Knights, or White Hat politicians, or White Hat/Knight news reporters etc..

The Illuminati bloodline fascists/socialist regime is now being taken over by the NESARA/GESARA platform which is the worldwide economic platform of the New Age regime's.

I have websites on it at [link to] and [link to]

You can also check out my many articles and videos exposing the New Age Alien Agenda and their plans for the world at [link to]

One regime has died, the other is rising to replace it.

As children of the Most High we should not be supporting either of these groups. Both regimes are evil, neither of them Serve the Most High...they all serve Lucifer, they're just different branches of his (Satan's) tree.

We are heading into the times of Great Tribulation folks.

The Antichrist and False Prophet are from the Ascended Masters group, Maitreya and Sananda (fake Jesus).

As Trump aligns with this regime, and already has, it will bring about the events of the Tribulation Period as we will watch them unfold.

Anyway I just wanted to give a brief overview of what's going on and who is who and who is what and where.

Until next time everybody,
Yah bless,
Sherry Shriner

bill-11b #fundie

[ The Republican favorite for President, Donald Trump, has confirmed his plan to force all Muslims in the United States to register on a database but has refused to respond to comparisons between his policy and Nazi Germany’s laws that required Jews to register ]

For once, he’s not wrong.
Close enemy outposts and recruiting centers on our soil and keep taps on potential enemy agents. I like it.

[ I disagree. We rail on FDR for the internment camps for the Japanese, we cannot sink to his level now ]

I was going to ask why they didn’t make the comparison to FDR, but I know why:
1) Hitler is evil, FDR is good, and progressive, and therefore, everything he did was good.
2) Right or wrong, the US was attacked by the Japanese government, and the detention of former Japanese citizens is an understandable, wholly immoral and unconstitutional, but understandable reaction.
FDR went a step further and detained all persons of Japanese heritage.

Number 2 is important, because the comparison to Hitler isn’t valid, while the comparison to FDR is.
The Jewish population of Europe and Germany hadn’t perpetrated a mass attack on anyone. They hadn’t formed terror groups which the “moderate Jews” remained largely silent on, or actively supported, that attacked Germans for decades all over the globe.
However, just as the Japanese had attacked America, and the threat of insider attacks was very real, we now have an enemy that has proven they are a danger to westerners, have no interest in assimilating, and we continue to accept them at record numbers in our unending quest for “tolerance.”

At what point does a group cease to be a protected class, and become a legitimate national threat?
The bodies keep piling up.

Hey look, it’s a moderate, peaceful muslim raised in the west.

Oh look, some peaceful muslim refugees.

Oh look, a friendly moderate muslim US Army officer

We can’t trust the ones that are here. We can’t vet the ones that are coming.
Americans will die because we’re bleeding heart fools.

No right is absolute. You don’t have a right to be armed while in prison.
You don’t have a right to incite a riot.
Sorry, I’m tired of it. It’s got to end somewhere.

[ Now I will say I think taking in refugees is a dumb idea, I do not think that Muslim Americans should have their rights curbed for crimes they didn’t commit. Its literally the same argument we make for gun rights. We don’t think that because a few assholes do something wrong that we are all to blame, and we call those who think that morons. Let’s not get on their level. ]

Except in this situation, as I’ve detailed above, seemingly “vetted” or trustworthy people have committed insider attacks.
That’s exactly my point, the Japanese never did, but we have living evidence that natural born citizens as well as immigrants and refugees are susceptible to fundamentalization.
We’re not talking about 100 million gun owners, most of who are sane, rational people.
We’re talking about a few million people who subscribe to a radical-by-nature belief system.
Let’s say the “religion” of nazism is akin to islam, and the SS are to isis.
The basic philosophy is “well if we kill the SS, but leave the nazis alone, all will be well in the world, because the SS are the problem, most nazis are peaceful.”
Simply saying “oh, it’s our religion, so we’re free to preach hate and terror” is such a cop out to me.
This has little to nothing to do with civil liberties, and a lot to do with common sense, and protecting westerners first, even if it’s at the cost of freedom for a group of people who refuse to police their own.

Spike's Tactical & Pipe Hitters Union #fundie

Street-level politics, more specifically an ongoing conflict between white supremacist demonstrators and antifa, or anti-fascist counterprotesters, has become a big news story following the rise of Donald Trump. Now a gun company is using anger over antifa to sell dangerous assault rifles to only one side.

Spike’s Tactical, a gun company, previewed an ad on its Facebook page that depicts four heavily armed white men standing on the opposite side of a barrier and facing down a group of masked, unarmed antifa protesters. The ad mentions the sites of several political clashes that took place last year, including Berkeley, California; Portland, Oregon; Boston; and Charlottesville, Virginia. In the latter city, neo-Nazis and white supremacists arrived at a rally heavily armed last August, and a driver struck a peaceful counterprotester with his car, killing her.

“Not today Antifa,” a tagline to the violence-teasing ad declares. Antifa, it should be noted, is a style of protest used by leftists and not a formal organization with a hierarchy.

The ad, which anti-fascists worry is fueling a desire to kill leftists, was run in conjunction with a clothing company called Pipe Hitters Union, which also posted the same version of the ad on its Facebook page. Newsweek reached out to both companies for a comment about the ad but did not immediately receive a response.

Of course, owning a gun is not connected with any specific political ideology, and as a result, some gun owners were unhappy with the post.

“Thanks for showing everyone you stand with the fascists,” a commenter wrote under the post to Spike’s Tactical. “Good to know.”

“Something tells me your WWII Grandparents need to have a talk with you,” another commenter wrote to the company, referring to the Americans who fought against Nazi Germany.

“I’ll make sure to never ever buy gear from y’all. Thanks for the heads up, assholes,” another person wrote.

Betsy Ross #conspiracy

Donald Trump is fighting a war. This war is for the future of our country. This is a REAL war! Some refer to it as a war fought with "paper planes". Our civil war is being fought with sabotage not actual violence (real planes).

We are 8 years into this war. The globalists, including Obama and Hillary Clinton had a 16 year plan for the "managed decline" of the USA. Their final act (once this decline had been completed) would have been WWIII. The U.S. population (what was left of it) would have been reduced to a status of enslavement, starvation, death, and disease.

Some of their accomplishments to date:

-Installing Radical Supreme Court Justices such as Sotomayor.

-Murdering Justice Scalia (this will be proven in time)

-The eventual end of the 2nd Amendment and most likely the Constitution via the Supreme Court if successful in replacing Conservative Supreme Court Justices

-Operation Mockingbird

-Google, Facebook, Amazon, Twitter domination of the Internet with their hard-left ideology.

-Net Neutrality

-Military Intelligence monitoring of all communications, including those communications over private Internet channels including messages delivered by private email accounts.

-Amnesty to Illegals

-The Shut Down of NASA and take over of our Military Space Program.

-The replacement of "Conservative" patriotic Military brass with those that were part of their "agenda".

-The Uranium One plan limiting the USA supply of uranium needed for both for USA domestic electricity generation and for weapons needs.

-Uranium One scandal (with the Clinton Foundation receiving millions in pay-to-play “donations”) in order to fund Iran and North Korea with the uranium needed (delivered via Russia’s state-owned energy giant Rosatom) to develop their nuclear weapons deliverable by ICBM

-Sec. Clinton and Sec. Kerry the negotiated settlement with Iran, Obama shipped military cargo airplanes full of CASH to Tehran, and the sanctions against Iran were lifted. Obama-Clinton-Kerry funded Iran, including Iran’s exporting terrorism and ultimate approval and allowed covert advance of Iran’s weapons development program.

-Obama and Secretary Clinton (as well as Secretary Kerry) did nothing to stop North Korea’s drive to develop nuclear weapons.

-Obama and Clinton blocked all intel information that would have warned U.S. military and population of the growing NK threat.

-Obama and Clinton decimated USA HUMAN-INTEL network. MSM lied and would not report on NK developing nuke threat.


My point???

We're in DEEP trouble! Do you know how close we are to our demise? Our country would have been lost if Hillary had been elected. The bigger picture...most of us would have been gone if Hillary was elected. THIS was part of the 16 year plan....NUCLEAR WAR. It was only by the grace of God that Trump managed to become our President against all odds!

Trump is fighting a war ALONE! He needs your help. He cannot fight this alone. YOU MUST HELP! Make a commitment to fight this war. To save our country.

What you can do:

#1. PRAY

#2. Make your voices heard.

#3. "Redpill" your friends and co-workers

#4. STOP preaching to the choir, going after "likes" on Facebook is NOT going to take your country back, go to places where you can educate others. Write articles, share memes.

#5. Get a Twitter account and post on Twitter. Comment on liberal posts. Twitter is a notorious liberal site. INVADE IT!

#6. Get out of your comfort zone

#7. Start DEMANDING privacy!

#8. Become vocal

#9. Organize (remember the Tea Party?) Obama had an Army, Soros has an Army, where's ours?

#10. Start calling your senators and congressmen. Make them listen to you. Don't be lazy, just do it. The progressives aren't lazy in getting their message out. We are, we can't continue to be complacent. Our lives depend on our actions.

PATRIOTS, we need a "counter-coup" to out GLOBALISTS and reestablish the Constitution and the United States as a constitutional republic.

SECOND AMERICAN REVOLUTION will require a Great Awakening that can only happen if millions of Conservatives become the PATRIOTS of TODAY. Together we will win. The Constitution and the Republic will win. Never forget: In the end, God wins. Let's decimate the Devil!

Henry Makow #conspiracy

Increasingly, sanity is based on our willingness to accept lying platitudes such as those peddled by Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.

In typical Communist fashion, those who resist the satanic Jewish conspiracy are smeared as "white supremacists,""right wing fanatics," "anti Semites", "hate mongers" and "conspiracy nuts." The word "patriot" is now suspect.

I refer you online to "The Soviet Art of Brainwashing," a textbook that was used in Communist training schools both in the USA and Russia starting in the 1930's.

Communism was never a working class revolt. That's just Masonic Jewish deceit. It was created by the Illuminati (Kabalistic bankers and British-American blue blood traitors) to control the common man and enact their one-world dictatorship.

The textbook suggests that we are the subjects of trauma brainwashing.

"In order to induce a high state of hypnosis in an individual, a group, or a population, an element of terror must always be present on the part of those who would govern." (Part II, Ch.6)

But if we say so, we are "paranoid."

"The by-word should be built into the society that paranoia is a condition "in which the individual believes he is being attacked by Communists." It will be found that this defence is effective." (II- Ch 10)

"The populace must be brought into the belief that every individual within it who rebels ... against the efforts and activities to enslave the whole, must be considered to be a deranged person ...and... be given electric shocks, and reduced into unimaginative docility for the remainder of his days." (II-Ch.12)


The textbook suggests that psycho political agents took control of the US in the first decades of the twentieth century.

"In the United States we have been able to alter the works of William James, and others, ...and to place the tenets of Karl Marx, Pavlov, Lamarck, and the data of Dialectic Materialism into the textbooks of psychology, to such a degree that anyone thoroughly studying psychology becomes at once a candidate to accept the reasonableness of Communism.

"As every chair of psychology in the United States is occupied by persons in our connection,the consistent employment of such texts is guaranteed... Educating broadly the educated strata of the populace into the tenets of Communism is thus rendered relatively easy." (II, Ch. 11)

The textbook calls these teachers "psycho political operatives" and their role is to brainwash the young. Most humanities and social science professors today are conscious agents, brainwashed dupes, or live in fear of the former.

(See also Louis Budenz, "The Techniques of Communism: Controlling Education" )

Communists (elite Satanists) view man as (I quote) "a mechanism without individuality." He is "basically an animal" with a "civilized veneer." Like an animal, he can be forced to believe and do anything given the right combination of terror, deception, drugs and brute force.

The goal of "psycho politics" is to "produce the maximum chaos in the culture of the enemy," and to "leave a nation leaderless."


The textbook advocates the use of doctors, social workers, psychiatrists and the whole field of "mental healing" to bring about the satanic goal. (We can extrapolate to include politicians, journalists and just about anyone with mainstream power and influence.)

Mental healers are not suppose to heal anyone, and are instructed to drive out competent people.

"Mental health organizations must carefully delete from their ranks anyone actually proficient in the handling or treatment of mental health." (II Ch. 9)

"The psycho political operative should also spare no expense in smashing out of existence, by whatever means, any actual healing group, such as that of acupuncture, in China; such as Christian Science, Dianetics and faith healing in the United States; such as Catholicism in Italy and Spain; and the practical psychological groups of England." (II-9)

The textbook claims Communists took over the Freudian movement and the field of psychoanalysis, which has been "made fashionable," and is useful because of its "stress on sex." This serves the purposes of "degradation" and "defamation of character" i.e. blackmail. (II-9)

"Recruitment into the ranks of "mental healing" [should be confined] to students who are already depraved. Recruitment is effected by making the field of mental healing very attractive, financially, and sexually."

"The promise of unlimited sexual opportunities, the promise of complete dominion over the bodies and minds of helpless patients, the promise of having lawlessness without detection, can thus attract to "mental healing" many desirable recruits who will willingly fall in line with psycho political activities." (II-13)


Clearly "psycho political operatives" have infiltrated all institutions: military, religion, law, mass media, education and business. They have infiltrated all religions and political parties of every stripe. In the US, they are coordinated by the CFR, CIA , the Rockefeller network of Foundations, NGO's, think tanks, professional associations and Freemasonry.

Here are some more instructions for these operatives:

"You must work until "religion" is synonymous with "insanity. You must work until the officials of city, county and state governments will not think twice before they pounce upon religious groups as public enemies." (II-14)

"Movements to improve youth should be invaded and corrupted, as this might interrupt campaigns to produce in youth delinquency, addiction, drunkenness, and sexual promiscuity." (II-15)

Seek out " the leaders in the country's future, and educate them into the belief of the animalistic nature of Man.... They must be taught to frown upon ideas, upon individual endeavour. They must be taught, above all things that the salvation of man is found only by his adjusting thoroughly to this environment. ...Nations, which have high ethical tone, are difficult to conquer. (II-8)


As you can see, the gradual degradation of Western society, (the obsession with possessions, pleasure, pornography, violence and trivia) is not random or commercial in nature. It is a deliberate preparation for destruction and tyranny.

Leaders like Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are psycho political agents. Their job is to lie and manipulate, i.e. brainwash us. Their masters are a Satan worshipping cabal headed by Jacob Rothschild headquartered in the City of London. They literally own the mass media; what they don't own they control through advertising.

This cabal represents a marriage (often literally) between Illuminati Jewish finance and Anglo American "aristocracy." This cabal is behind Communism, Zionism, Nazism, Liberalism, Socialism, Freemasonry and Feminism.

These 'isms play a part in undermining the four pillars of human identity and solidarity: nation, race, religion and family. You can add liberty and private property, which they also intend to abolish (i.e. confiscate.)

It's all outlined in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion which calls for an "aristocracy of wealth." This is not a "forgery" and to say so is not anti Semitic.

Jews have been duped like everyone else. Millions of basically good people are fooled by idealistic-sounding platitudes: "change the world," "create social justice," fight the "Patriarchy," stop "anti Semitism", defeat "superstition" and bring " freedom."

As Gandhi said, "the devil uses honest people to do his work."

We can recognize the moral and natural order by the happiness and health of those who follow it. Only genuinely religious people and conservatives appear willing to defend it.

You cannot make a deal with the devil. His enticements are only designed to weaken. His intention is to enslave and destroy.

Civilization depends on the belief that truth is absolute and knowable. The New World Order dictatorship depends on convincing us that truth is whatever they say it is.

We are brainwashed. Will we awake before it is too late? Are we already too craven and venal to act?

Scott Leader, Steve Leader and Donald Trump #racist

The homeless man was lying on the ground, shaking, when police arrived early Wednesday. His face was soaked, apparently with urine, his nose broken, his chest and arms battered.

Police said two brothers from South Boston ambushed the 58-year-old as he slept outside of a Dorchester MBTA stop, and targeted him because he is Hispanic. One of the brothers said he was inspired in part by GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump.

The allegations ignited widespread condemnation Wednesday.

Mayor Martin J. Walsh said the brothers “should be ashamed of themselves.” Boston’s top prosecutor, Daniel F. Conley, called the case “sickening.”

Police Commissioner William B. Evans, a South Boston resident, said the brothers had given his neighborhood “a bad name.” He called it “a disgrace.”

Trump, told of the alleged assault, said “it would be a shame . . . I will say that people who are following me are very passionate. They love this country and they want this country to be great again. They are passionate.”

Trump, in his campaign kickoff speech in June, made disparaging comments about Mexican immigrants that advocates feared could cause a backlash against immigrants.

In Dorchester District Court on Wednesday, Scott and Steve Leader, who have extensive criminal records, pleaded not guilty to multiple assault charges with a dangerous weapon, indecent exposure, and making threats. The men stayed behind a half-open door during their court hearing to avoid cameras; their lawyers declined to comment on the charges against them.

Steve Leader is also charged with malicious destruction of property over $250 after he allegedly punched and kicked a cell door at the State Police barracks in South Boston.

Judge Lisa A. Grant ordered the men held without bail.

During the proceedings, Suffolk Assistant District Attorney Andrew Kettlewell described the attack as “vicious and unprovoked.”

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy

Trump's election was intended by the elite

Donald Trump's election was intended to happen by the shadow elite. The "problematic" people in the U S are more "pliable" under Trump. If Trump leads the nation to do this or that, people who otherwise despise government will rally behind him, where they probably would have fought Hillary if she proposed the exact same action.

The elites raised up Hitler for the same reason they are presenting Trump to us now; decades ago, they put Hitler forward when they needed to stir up Germany's downtrodden people to go to war. Hitler rose as a popular anti-establishment candidate. He railed against the Jewish bankers, and promised he would "make Germany great again" by rebuilding Germany's economy after the financial devastation of the first world war. But the same shadow elite was behind Hitler the whole time, because Hitler was useful for inciting WW2, which the elite desired. The elite were also behind the communist revolutions in Russia, and the French Revolution and even the American Revolution of 1776. In fact, "populist uprisings" are the elite's very special speciality.... Trump's election is the same "people's rebellion" script played out by the illuminati on the modern American people. To what purpose this time, you might ask?

Well, what is Trump especially good at, besides giving speeches? Business. In particular, he is very experienced in advantageously managing messy bankruptcies of huge mega-corporations..... And did you know that many people claim that the United States of America is actually a corporation? (it's true, look it up). And did you know the United States is very, very bankrupt? (bet you knew that one already) The Donald has already floated the idea of defaulting on the US debt. He has not said a word about routing the bankers or doing anything to the Fed. He is considering Jamie Dimon (the CEO of JP Morgan Chase) for Treasury Secretary, along with a few Goldman Sachs alumni. He is backpedaling on repealing Obamacare. He is planning to ramp up spending in such a way that the velocity of money will greatly increase, which is the formula for hyperinflation (soaring cost of living). At the same time, he is going to cut all federal funding to sanctuary cities, leaving millions of homeless people suddenly hungry and without shelter. He also hopes to blanket-legalize concelaed carry of handguns for every American across the nation. This is a formula for a bloody civil war.

Trump has been installed to manage the default of the United States of America and the ensuing international bankruptcy proceedings. He has also been installed to manage the controlled demolition of the US economy through hyperinflation (see Zimbabwe or Venezuela for examples of the process). And finally, he has been installed to incite an American civil war through strategic legislating and control of the press, with support from controlled opposition groups such as BLM. Trump will manage all this, with the support of millions of trusting and desperate people across the nation. And the elite can escape cleanly -- they will blame the breakdown and chaos on Trump, on racism, on nationalist ideologies, and on the deplorables who tried to vote the globalists out of office.

Luke Stranahan #fundie

The Good Of The Country Over That Of The Individual

Long gone are responsible Democrats like Kennedy who told us to ask what you can do for your country. Every recent Democratic President, from Carter to Obama, and most of the Democrat Congressmen, view the working middle class of the country as simply a group to exploit for their pet special interest groups. Trump is the first candidate in a long time who isn’t for the blacks, or the gays, or the Muslims, or the feminists, or whatever, and that matters a lot.

The reason why not being for a special interest group (which is ALL that Hillary is for, with her youth vote, black vote, women’s vote, gay vote, etc.) is so important is that these groups, even put together, do not matter when it comes down to the good of the country. Don’t get me wrong, there’s plenty of good, hardworking black people, just like there’s the same for women, and for gays, and for young people, but these hardworking folks from all these groups aren’t going to be part of the BLM, or La Raza, or Lamda, because they’re too busy being productive Americans. Activism is for unemployed people.

What’s going to happen if we don’t placate BLM and just ignore them? They riot a bit more and some get arrested? What if we told them that people that commit crimes to protest being treated like they commit a lot of crimes is ass-backwards thinking and counter-productive to their goals? They’d quit rioting.

What would happen if we shut the Mexican border down to illegal immigration, but made a straightforward, but strict, path to citizenship for Hispanics that wanted to be citizens? What if we said, this is America, we appreciate your culture and encourage to preserve it and your language in your children, but the national language IS English, and all business and schooling will be done in it, and in it only, and it’s your choice to not learn it, but the difficulties that will arise from that choice are all on you? They’d be Americans, proud of their heritage and their legal immigration and citizenship as well.

What would happen if we told gay people that it’s cool if they have civil unions under the law, and have the same rights as everyone else, but it’s not cool trying to pick a fight with a Christian bakery to make the government hall monitor come drive them out of business just because their belief in their God and that you’re sinning makes you uneasy and worried that they might actually be right?

What if we told them it’s ok to do whatever you want with another consenting adult, but you don’t have to try to make five-year-olds decide if they’re gay or straight when they shouldn’t be wondering about that till puberty hits? They’d be normal Americans who just happen to like sex with the same gender, and they’d quit pushing their agenda and being obnoxious and in the rest of our faces.

What would happen if we talked to Muslims and said that there is a huge, deafening, silence when it comes to the subject of Islamic Terrorism from them that makes it hard to trust any of them? What if we told them that we needed their help to bring the religion out of its tacit acceptance and support of terrorism, and part of that help means supporting us vetting Muslims coming here more strictly until they are no longer statistically more likely to be terrorists than people of other religions and ethnicities? They’d go along with that and maybe realize we’re fixing a problem, not hating a people.

What would happen if we told women that feminism has all but killed modern marriage due to universal punishment of divorced men and that no punishment for false-rape accusers both makes men not trust women and insults any real rape survivor? What would happen if we told them that giving them jobs for their genitalia over their skills is destroying industries by lowering the only standard that matters, that of merit; that of excellence?

What if we told them that gender ratios and quotas may fix the macro view of sexism, but make the man passed over for the position solely because you were female pissed as all hell towards women and, when you do that to the majority of men, you’ll be just as successful, and just as hated by men as men were and were hated by you in years past? They’d realize that it’s not a competition, it’s a cooperation, and maybe skill should be valued over sex.

What would happen if we stopped all these divisive issues that really don’t do anything other than tear us apart and work on a better economy, on rights for all, on border security? What would happen if we simply looked at each other as Americans, and put us, all of us, first? What would happen if we ripped out the crap in the Federal government that overtaxes people, or deploys armed forces against our own countrymen? What would happen if we made the Supreme Court Constitutional again, and made term limits a reality for Congress? Maybe we could get a government for, by, and of the people again. Maybe America can indeed by great again like the man says.


I’m not in a special interest group. No President, outside of George W. Bush right after the September 11th attacks, that I can recall since my childhood, has been for me as an American. I’ve always been someone to be taxed, to be disarmed, to be hated, to be blamed. It’s not racism or bigotry to want us all to be treated as equals and not be penalized for real and imagined wrongs that occurred in the past before I was born, or more recently yet with which I had nothing to do.

I’m not part of the problem. I’m an American; the people who say I am part of the problem are the problem. Their candidate, mired in scandal, corruption, and treason, is Hillary Clinton. Mine, with a message of hope for the country, not just some groups in it, is Donald Trump.

Cephaliarch #fundie

Was Donald Trump the best candidate to pick for zoo rights as a way of preventing the cat lady demographic from taking over the White House and Supreme Court?

1) You just know Clinton had two justices lined up a good deal more liberal than Merrick Garland, and we'd absolutely end up with two more Ginsburgs (once she kicks the bucket because seriously, she's old). You're not going to see a lefty SC pick defending bestiality on a national level, and while you're not going to see a standard conservative do so either, you'd be more likely to get a Libertarian justice under Trump who just might be edgy as fuck enough to do so.

2) She's reblogging George Takei shitposts. She's liking every post on Occupy Democrat. She's knitting her hat for the pussy march between strokes of her housecat's back. She's signing online petitions. She's sobbing about endangered species and animal welfare while she has a beef roast preparing in her slow cooker. She's having her morning Starbucks instant coffee before heading out to brunch with the girls to have even more Starbucks coffee and talk about the latest thing Trump did that she read on Thinkprogress, and you just know her minivan has a COEXIST sticker on the back of it.

It's the most staunch enemy of zoophiles in the past few decades, the white feminist liberal cat lady. Or maybe staunch isn't the right word, because the cat lady doesn't really fixate on any particular cause, and doesn't have much energy to do anything but sit around on Facebook clicking on fake news article and getting outraged about whatever social causes her media sphere tells her to get outraged about. But, mind you, this is separate from what Reddit usually chimps it about in regards to >THE SJWS REEEEEEEEEEE. Because while the common social justice warrior actually makes an effort at being woke, the cat lady is mostly driven by simple moral disgust, and is actually pretty fucking ignorant when it comes to the issues outside of the bubble of being a straight, cisgendered middle class white woman.

"Ugh! I miss when presidential candidates had class. I miss the days of Reagan and Kennedy," you'll hear her pine, without any irony whatsoever and despite being a 21st century Democrat. "I can't believe our children's president is going to be someone who says 'grab them by the you-know-what!' What will we tell them?"
"These poor, starving Syrian children! Did you see that picture of that dead one washed up on the coast? Bless his little heart, we should take in the entire MENA region to save all of those kids."

"Bestiality? Ugh! Sick, sick, sick! They should get raped by an animal and see how they like it! Here's a link to donate to the Humane Society, everyone."

Take a look at the end of this video.

Take a look at any Facebook or local news comments section.

It's just cat ladies. It's almost always the cat ladies screeching about the evil animal rapists, combined with the occasional dumbass old right-wing cat lady who believes that Obama is the devil and shares even more autistic memes than the left-wing cat lady does, and there's a pretty high chance she ended up staying home or voting for Clinton regardless because she was too emotionally distraught as a result of some of Trump's remarks. And that isn't to say that there's not non-cat ladies against bestiality too, because seriously, most people are, but it's cat ladies who are prone to outrage and boredom enough to adopt fighting it as their pet cause because they actually do not have anything more interesting to do in their life and they aren't politically savvy enough to actually care about causes more important.

Thoughts? And really, Trump/Bannon do not strike me as being the type to actually give a shit about zoophilia at all, whether it's supporting or opposing it. Trump's a moral degenerate when it comes to sex, and Bannon is much more concerned about other cultural battles as well as the impending horde of migrants from South America that will be heading up north once global warming really starts to kick in.

Samuel Rodriguez #fundie

[On Donald Trump]

He’s married to an immigrant. Intellectually speaking, from a logical continuum, you can’t have a child who is from an immigrant mother and be anti-immigrant. So it’s just intellectually naive. Right?

SwytheQ #conspiracy

Fair Using

Had a hard time verifying permissions for the painting. Then I saw it across multiple Catholic and Lutheran sites (and I remember this being on one of my former Church's bulletins), and as a free wallpaper and decided to risk resubmitting it. The base work is called "Jesus is a good Shepard" (I think, it gets around a lot) and I decided to alter it change the message to make a point. Third upload, kept pulling it because I wasn't sure.

At this point if you think the Russian connection is true, you are a sheep.

Donald Trump broke no laws by giving Russian's access to classified information about ISIS using laptops as bombs in airports. Ironically, if anyone was paying attention to the news, one would remember a few articles circulating last week sometimes about airports considering banning laptops. Why? Because they might've seen the public videos of ISIS doing this. So, Trump hands the Russian's previously classified reports of openly published threats to innocents, and the WA Post treats it like its an impeachable offense.

Trump's now in control of the situation and the media is reacting. Democrats last week lost their footing by admitting multiples times there was no evidence, and Comey's firing forced them to freak out. Now, picking some rotten cherries, the media is looking for anything to make a scandal and bail out their fellow partisans. They play right into the escalation towards their downfall as the average person is suffering from fatigue.

There are really only two options:

Democrats drop the issue, resulting in embarrassment and failure, and the attempts to build a case for Trump's impeachment to collapse apart as well. As no one will give their party to popular mandate for at least a generation anymore. Their Trump Derangement Syndrome will be the end of them.

Democrats push for an independent investigation, where Comey sings and Trump releases the recordings he claims he has. The end result is Comey's credibility collapsing in court and the discovery of Comey's obstruction of justice that he has done. Email-gate will potentially be reopened, and Obama, Clinton and Podesta, along with some of the democratic party buddies could land themselves a nice jail sentence.

Either way, Trump wins. The end game looks like an effort to put the Russian nonsense to rest.

I see others doing pictures on media literacy, good.

The body of the TV-Man is Chuck Schumer.

Roosh Valizadeh #fundie

If Donald Trump Doesn’t Win, We’re Screwed

In the past year we’ve been the target of establishment attacks. Since then, I’ve had the privilege of speaking with insiders who understand the globalist master plan. Combining my own analysis with those discussions lead me to conclude that if Hillary Clinton wins the 2016 Presidential election, attacks against us and ideologically similar right-wing groups will explode in number, with the goal of shutting down our counter-narrative platforms and ensuring a Donald Trump figure never gets populist support again.

It’s easy to stay apolitical as long as political forces leave you alone, but the second you become a threat to the existing order, politics will become a painful part of your daily existence as pressure increases on your speech and behavior. Many young men in universities are finding this out right now as false rape and harassment charges ruin their lives before it gets started while men working in corporate America are already aware that they are one “sexist” or “homophobic” statement away from losing their livelihoods. The fact that many men are now recording their consensual sex encounters shows how badly men are being targeted.

Hillary will attack us on multiple fronts

If Hillary Clinton wins, there will be a huge increase in “acute” attacks against individuals and groups. At the same time, there will be a rapid introduction of dystopian new laws that serve as the leading edge of the “chronic” front. All men will be negatively affected under a Hillary presidency in one way or another, meaning that the globalist boot is fast approaching our faces.

The acute attacks will be witch hunts from the media, local politicians, and the Federal Government. They will target us, the alt right, alternative media, patriot groups, survivalists, traditionally conservative groups, and anyone else who strongly supports Donald Trump, tradition, or masculinity. The purpose of acute attacks is to psychologically break down, impoverish, and imprison those who have a powerful ability to counter the narrative or those who have the strength and organizational skill to resist tyranny with arms.

If the media can’t take someone down through their focused lies and distortions, like with what happened to me in February with the meetup outrage, the task will then be handed off to the Federal Government to pursue bogus “hate speech,” “extremist speech,” and “incitement to violence” charges, as is already being done in Europe (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7). The IRS will be involved to wear down groups with targeted audits, like they did with the Tea Party, while the FBI will infiltrate and subvert groups that are meeting physically using COINTELPRO tactics.

The chronic attack phase will include passage of unconstitutional hate speech laws (or malicious interpretations of previously banal laws) that a compromised Supreme Court will not stop. A stricter variant of “Yes means yes” laws will be passed nationally, making every man who has consensual sex guilty of rape until he can definitively prove otherwise. Just as globalist insider Ezra Klein stated, the goal is for you to feel a “cold spike of fear” when interacting with women. So it shall be done.

Talking to girls in public will be illegal harassment or “hate crime,” and be enforced any time you make a girl feel bad for whatever reason, even if you merely stare at her the wrong way (such laws are currently being beta tested in the UK before wider rollout). Blatantly discriminatory “gender equality” laws in the workplace will lower the incomes of all men so that less qualified females can receive job positions and promotions at male expense.

In addition, the law will be selectively applied to maximize pain against men. Those who break the law against you will be allowed to walk, just like Hillary did after the charade of her FBI investigation, while you will be prosecuted for the most minor of missteps that the other side gets away with. The veneer of justice will be removed and only raw power will remain.

Donald Trump #fundie

President Donald Trump has just announced a total ban on transgender service members in the U.S. military. Via Twitter, the Commander-in-Chief, with absolutely no warning, said:

"After consultation with my Generals and military experts, please be advised that the United States Government will not accept or allow Transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the U.S. Military. Our military must be focused on decisive and overwhelming victory and cannot be burdened with the tremendous medical costs and disruption that transgender in the military would entail. Thank you."

Estimates vary, but there are up to about 10,000 transgender people honorably serving in the U.S. military, as NCRM reported earlier this month. A policy accommodating new trans service members was scheduled to go into effect July 1, but at the last minute, Secretary of Defense James Mattis postponed the change for another six months.

"We will use this additional time to evaluate more carefully the impact of such accessions on readiness and lethality," Mattis wrote, announcing the delay. He added, "this action in no way presupposes the outcome of the review."

If Trump's tweets are to be taken verbatim, the military would in theory discharge about 10,000 Americans. Expect legal challenges to the new policy soon.

Vice President Mike Pence, who has been working for the ban, is likely the main reason for Trump's announcement.

Foreign Policy magazine Tuesday afternoon reported Pence "and his staff have been working quietly to get Congress to roll back the Defense Department’s year-old policy covering medical procedures for transitioning service members, according to sources."

Family Research Council's President Tony Perkins has also been working to bar transgender service members.

Donald Trump #fundie

(The bolded sentences are some of Trump's "proposals" for science)

Nonetheless, the Republican frontrunner, Donald Trump, has made public remarks that give voters a glimpse into what some of his scientific policies might be. We asked some science and policy experts to discuss Trump’s stances, and what that could mean for Americans in the future.
Go slow on climate action: Trump has tweeted that climate change is a Chinese-driven hoax, though he later called the Tweet a joke. In an interview with Fox and Friends, he called climate change “just a very, very expensive form of tax” and “very hard on business.”

Sizing up the science: “There’s been a misperception that either you get a good economy or you protect the environment,” says Peter LaPuma, an associate professor in the Milken Institute School of Public Health at George Washington University.

LaPuma, who worked as a sustainable energy consultant for Booz Allen Hamilton before joining George Washington, says many companies have found that sustainable practices actually boost their bottom lines. For example, IT companies like Apple have begun using renewable energy to power their data centers, a switch that often saves money because the cost of energy sources like solar has dropped so much.

Immediate action to combat climate change has immediate benefits, according to LaPuma. “Climate change is not just polar bears 100 years from now,” he says. Replacing a coal-fired power plant with a solar farm can benefit health immediately, as well as clearing the air for better views of the country’s natural landscape.
Cut the EPA: Trump has said he would cut funding for the Environmental Protection Agency and return environmental protection responsibilities to the states. He claims the agency hurts business, and in an interview with The Wall Street Journal, called the EPA “the laughingstock of the world.”

Sizing up the science: “There would be serious repercussions” by 2020 if the EPA were severely downsized or abolished, according to Rice University’s Baker Institute for Public Policy professor Neal F. Lane, who directed the National Science Foundation and later the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy under President Clinton.

Lane says the EPA plays a critical role in protecting clean air and drinking water, and that its regulations have helped rehabilitate polluted water bodies like Lake Erie, which was pronounced “dead” in the 1960s. “This is not just a bunch of regulators hugging trees,” he adds. Though states do have a part to play in regulation, the country needs a federal regulating body, according to Lane, because contaminated water and air can cross state borders.

That’s not to say citizens shouldn’t weigh in on the agency’s proposed rules. “There will always be a healthy debate between the private sector and the federal government on these regulations,” says Lane. For this reason, he said, the EPA solicits public comment before making new rules.

If Congress supported Trump in slashing funds for the EPA or changing the law to remove the agency’s power to regulate, Lane predicts there would be an outcry from overwhelmed governors and “reasonable people who care about their families, their children and their life style.”

Alter vaccination schedules to avoid autism: Trump says he favors vaccines, but giving children smaller doses over a longer period of time. He has blamed vaccines for causing autism in children.

Sizing up the science: “I remember wanting to throw something at the TV when I heard it,” Hotez says of Trump’s debate statement linking vaccinations and autism.

Hotez, who develops vaccinations and also has a daughter with autism, says studies have found no link between autism and vaccination. “The anti-vaxxers keep moving the goalposts,” he says. After scientific studies debunked accusations against specific vaccinations, Hotez says those against vaccinations started a different fad: arguing to change the vaccination schedule to protect children.

But infants’ immune systems face up to hundreds of new antigens every day, according to Hotez. Adding a few more in the form of a vaccination does not harm infants. He says changing the FDA’s approved vaccination schedule without clinical testing about immune response could decrease vaccines’ efficacy.

To imagine what a future with fewer or less effective vaccines might look like, Hotez suggests voters think of California’s recent outbreak of measles, a true threat to children’s health. “It’s one of the great killers of children in the world,” he says. “One hundred thousand children die every year of measles.”

Defund Planned Parenthood: Although Trump says Planned Parenthood does a lot of good for women’s health, he says he would defund its clinics because of their abortion services.

Sizing up the science: “The good thing is that he doesn’t think [Planned Parenthood] is evil,” says Amy Tsui, a professor at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. But, she says, no federal funding has gone to abortion since the Hyde Amendment of 1976 (though Medicaid can fund abortion in the case of rape, incest, or endangerment of the mother’s life).

If Trump defunds all Planned Parenthood clinics, even those that don’t perform abortions, then he’ll be “throwing the baby out with the bathwater,” according to Tsui. She says Planned Parenthood’s low-cost care and urban clinic locations, helps low-income women in particular.

In fact, Leighton Ku, Director of the Center for Health Policy Research at George Washington University, says that decreased access to Planned Parenthood’s contraception services could increase the rate of unwanted pregnancies and possibly cause a spike in abortions.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy

TPTB's plan B is revealed through Donald's loose mouth

Donald's loose tongue revealed TPTB's plot for American Civil War. American Civil War by armed resistance is the plan B secretly shared between TPTB and Russia in case Hillary wins the election.

That was the ultimate plan B of Khazarian Mafia and Bushes which are in bed with Russia. That is now revealed to the public.

Putin's open threat, that if Hillary wins, it's war, has a reason for it.

Actually, that is part of the plot. Putin comes from the outside and Trump instigates the riot from the inside.

That is the plan B. It is now revealed. God helped America again. He made Trump slip the tongue.

Paul M. Dohse #wingnut

Let’s talk about root causes. All political victories start with your base being united and activated. The Democrat party is girded by leftist ideology; without leftist support, the party will collapse. Now, what is the crux of leftism? It’s self-esteem built on being better than others. It’s self-esteem and self-worth based on how many people worship you because you have what they don’t. People in general don’t realize there is a minority of people in the world seeking to be gods in their own right. As much as I like movies, movie stars have a god complex. Obviously. As much as I like many musicians, most have a god complex. As much as I like sports, many have a god complex. Journalists think they are the gatekeepers of truth and justice; that is, according to their own version.

And politicians primarily protect their right to godhood. There is a reason most musicians are politically left. There is a reason most athletes are politically left. There is a reason why most movie stars are politically left. There is a reason why movie stars are called before congress as expert witnesses on a variety of social issues which on its face makes no sense at all. They can act, or sing, and that makes them an expert on climate change?

And regardless of what seems to be the case, you never criticize God because any criticism of God must be based on a misunderstanding because our universal presupposition is that God is love and perfection. I agree with that; but such is hardly true of the press. We must ask ourselves why Trump’s “fake news” mantra is deemed sacrilegious by journalist icons like Chris Wallace despite overt and incessant misrepresentations of truth by the press. Obviously, the press deems itself above being questioned; to do so is a violation of the First Amendment via debate and contrary ideas which has never had anything to do with free speech. The opposite is true.

The essense of sin is a desire to control others. Sin is the basis for caste systems that dominate the world. Another angle on this is self-worth based on comparing yourself to others rather than being the best YOU that you can be.

Please note: leftist ideolgy is predicated on others being less. Self-worth is predicated on where you are located on the caste social ladder. Individualism makes all of that irrelevant. Individualism seeks its purpose in self-assessment that is true, earned, honorable, and pleasing to God; leftist ideology is predicated on being worshiped. It is predicated on being a legend in your own mind. The shortcut to all of that is being a victim; self-pity is not only self-worship, but a way to get worship from others on the cheap.

Trump, as an individualist, has committed the unpardonable sin. He is actually working to enable the little people to be the best they can be. In contrast, according to leftist ideology, the little people are preordained to worship the elite. And the best way to injure an individualist is to destroy his or hers legacy. “You didn’t build that.” Individualists want to be remembered by their truthful accomplishments and the example they set for others after them. They are purpose-driven.

The Democrats must satisfy their base, and we now know why their base was rabid over Trump being impeached. Rather than stating numerous examples such as what the actor Rob Reiner tweeted, I will give the thumbnail:

“Donald Trump will forever be known as the only third President in American history to be impeached.”

Bingo. That’s it; the goal was to inflict the ultimate injury. A political cartoon also shows Trump at the cleaners with mud on his suit labeled, “impeachment” and the clerk telling him, “that isn’t going to come out.” Again, bingo. My reply to the cartoon which appeared on Twitter follows:

“And that was the whole point of why they did it knowing that the stigma of impeachment is WHAT [impeachment, period, the big “P”] and not WHY especially in a low information society. They were going to find a reason to impeach him and when you have the majority it can be for eating a ham sandwich. Sad. Petty. Evil.”

The tweet was pulled down shortly thereafter and I am unable to find the cartoon.

This isn’t about Trump at all: he’s just the lightening rod for the whole issue; the collective rise of individuals leads to elitism and their lust for godhood being diminished. Individualism is the primary nemesis of caste.

And caste must confiscate every pursuit of individual liberty and happiness and demand that it be burned on its alter as a living sacrifice. And at some point, we the people must question our funding of these religions for our own entertainment.

While we celebrate their gifts, what they really want is the surrender of our right to exist other than what our existence contributes to their worship…which is our reasonable service in their eyes.

interpreter #fundie

"Should we intentionally target the families of terrorists for extermination?"

Definitely. The terrorists radicalize their children beginning when they are toddlers, also their women. They all have to be killed like Donald "When was the last time you saw a Chevrolet in Tokyo?" Trump says.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy

I'm writing this article to warn my web visitors about Alex Jones, that he is not what he appears to be. I am leery that Alex has fully endorsed Donald Trump, because Mr. Trump is certainly not what he appears to be. Trump has flip-flopped on abortion, immigration, bombing the Arabs, being a Christian, and other key issues. James 1:8, “A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.” Donald Trump Is A Member Of The Illuminati (Trump's CFR, he's appointing insiders, a shill). It is my humble opinion that whatever Alex once was, a truth-seeker, he has sold out for THE LOVE OF MONEY (1st Timothy 6:10-11). Anyone who has visited Alex's website on a regular basis for many years, know that has become extremely greedy for money in recent years.

The Alex Jones Show has become lame. All the bombastic advertisements for sex enhancements products has ruined the show. I hardly watch Alex anymore, because of the constant sales pitches for health products. It is annoying. I understand that bandwidth, satellites and salaries are expensive, but Alex is personally MAKING MILLIONS OF DOLLARS!!! I've not made one penny since I began my online ministry in 2002 (and I never will). I do what I do for God. Alex says that he is fighting the New World Order. But his actions call him a liar. Every time Alex plays Led Zeppelin's music, he is helping promote the New World Order. Every time Alex teaches new age doctrine, and fails to preach the Gospel, he is helping to promote the New World Order. Every time that Alex promotes homosexual Matt Drudge, he is helping to promote the New World Order.

By supporting Donald Trump, Alex is helping to promote the New World Order. There was a time when Alex Jones never would have supported a Republican U.S. President. You watch and see, that President Trump will take us to war in the Middle East, which is what the Illuminati have been planning since the 19th century. The show has lost its purity. I am convinced that Alex has been recruited to work for the New World Order, and share in the loot. Alex has a net worth in the millions, evidenced from his recent tragic divorce. I am not condemning Alex, God forbid. I am the victim of an unwanted divorce myself. Alex didn't file, his wife did. I didn't file, my wife did, back in 2006. I never knew what inexplicable emotional pain was until I went through an ugly divorce. So I don't judge anyone for being divorced. I am happy for Dr. Kent Hovind (also a victim of an unwanted divorce) that he has remarried in 2016 and seems to be happy in the Lord. It's been 10 years since my divorce, and I haven't been blessed to meet anyone yet to remarry.

Donald Trump #fundie

If and when the Vatican is attacked by ISIS, which as everyone knows is ISIS’s ultimate trophy, I can promise you that the Pope would have only wished and prayed that Donald Trump would have been President because this would not have happened. ISIS would have been eradicated unlike what is happening now with our all talk, no action politicians.

The Mexican government and its leadership has made many disparaging remarks about me to the Pope, because they want to continue to rip off the United States, both on trade and at the border, and they understand I am totally wise to them. The Pope only heard one side of the story - he didn’t see the crime, the drug trafficking and the negative economic impact the current policies have on the United States. He doesn’t see how Mexican leadership is outsmarting President Obama and our leadership in every aspect of negotiation.

For a religious leader to question a person’s faith is disgraceful. I am proud to be a Christian and as President I will not allow Christianity to be consistently attacked and weakened, unlike what is happening now, with our current President. No leader, especially a religious leader, should have the right to question another man’s religion or faith. [Mexican leaders] are using the Pope as a pawn and they should be ashamed of themselves for doing so, especially when so many lives are involved and when illegal immigration is so rampant.

Star Parker

I happened to listen the other day to then-Sen. John F. Kennedy's opening remarks in his debate with then-Vice President Richard Nixon during the 1960 presidential election cycle.

Kennedy, the Democratic Party candidate, recalled that Abraham Lincoln, in the 1860 presidential election cycle, said the great question facing the nation was whether it could exist "half-slave and half-free."

In the 1960 election, said Kennedy, the issue was "whether the world will exist half-slave or half-free."

How things change. The Democrats' candidate in 1960 headlined freedom as the issue defining his campaign. Now, 60 years later, Democrats are moving down the road to nominating a socialist, pushing freedom as an American ideal out of the picture.

It is astounding that many Democrats are ready to cast aside the core value that has defined our nation, for which so many have fought and died.

One major part of the story is our youth.

Support for the two parties is divided by age.

In 2016, a majority of those under age 44 voted for Hillary Clinton. Fifty-five percent of those ages 18-29 voted for her, compared with 37% for Donald Trump. Trump received the majority of those 45 years and above.

It is our youth that is enamored with socialism and the socialist candidate.

In a recent Pew Research Center poll, 40% of Democrats ages 18-29 expressed preference for Sen. Bernie Sanders to be their party's candidate, compared with 25% of those 30-49, 13% of those 50-64 and 10% of those 65 and over.

In a Gallup poll, 51% of those ages 18-f39 expressed a positive view of capitalism and 49% a positive view of socialism. Among those 40-54, 61% were positive about capitalism compared with 39% for socialism. And those 55 and over, 68% were positive about capitalism compared with 32% for socialism.

What's driving these young Democrats to the far left?

Niall Ferguson of Stanford University's Hoover Institution and consultant Eyck Freymann suggest, in an article in The Atlantic, "The Coming Generation War," that the capitalist America that worked for earlier generations is not working for these youth.

"They face stagnant real wages" and carry a large burden of student debt, they say.

It's a generation "to whom little has been given, and of whom much is expected," they continue.

I think it is just the opposite. It is a generation to whom much has been given and from whom little is expected.

When Kennedy ran for president in 1960, America's youth still faced a military draft. In 1960, 72% of Americans over 18 were married, compared with 50% today.

According to Pew, 78% of those ages 18-29 say it is acceptable for an unmarried couple to live together, even if they don't intend to get married.

Over the decade 2009-2019, there was a drop of 16% among those ages 23-39 who identify as Christian and an increase of 13% of those self-identifying as religiously unaffiliated.

And that age group doesn't vote. Since 1980, the percentage of eligible voters in their 20s who voted in presidential elections has averaged between 40% and 50%, compared with 65% to 75% of those over 45, Ferguson and Freymann report.

We have a generation of American youth today who have grown up in a culture of legal abortion and same-sex marriage, with little sense of responsibility to God and country.

Freedom is about personal responsibility, and these youth do not seem to be interested. They appear, rather, to be very open to the idea of turning their lives over to be run by a 78-year-old socialist.

Such values among our youth do not bode well for our future.

Meanwhile, the best near-term solution is keeping the nation under Republican control.

Star Parker is president of the Center for Urban Renewal and Education and author of the new book "Necessary Noise: How Donald Trump Inflames the Culture War and Why This is Good News for America," available now at

Donald Trump #fundie

Donald Trump Signs Anti-Abortion Executive Order Surrounded By Men

It seems like women might be interested in this policy too.

WASHINGTON ? On Monday, surrounded by other white men, President Donald Trump signed an anti-abortion executive order that has far-reaching consequences for women’s reproductive health access worldwide.


Trump reinstated the Mexico City policy, also known as the global gag rule, which was first put in place by President Ronald Reagan in 1984. It prohibits giving U.S. funding to international nongovernmental organizations that offer or advise on a wide range of family planning and reproductive health options if they include abortion ? even if U.S. dollars are not specifically used for abortion-related services.

The United States spends about $600 million a year on international assistance for family planning and reproductive health programs, making it possible for 27 million women and couples to access contraceptive services and supplies.

None of that money is spent on performing abortions. The Helms amendment has prevented U.S. tax dollars from funding overseas abortions since 1973. Proponents of the global gag rule believe the policy is nevertheless still necessary, arguing that Helms isn’t strong enough by itself.

The executive order is one of the first Trump has signed since taking office. Sitting in the Oval Office Monday, he also signed ones freezing federal hiring and withdrawing from the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal.

A pan of the people standing by his side showed that there were few, if any, women present.


Trump’s executive order has severe implications and could be deadly for women and girls in developing countries and conflict zones, who often resort to dangerous methods of ending their pregnancies when they lack access to safe abortion. The World Health Organization estimates that more than 21 million women a year have unsafe abortions in developing countries, accounting for about 13 percent of all maternal deaths.

The policy is rescinded and reinstated based on which party is in power. President Bill Clinton did away with it, President George W. Bush put it back and then President Barack Obama rescinded it again when he took office.

Trump’s Cabinet is more white and more male than any president’s first Cabinet since Reagan.

Various people #conspiracy

[Discussing whether Kamala Harris is eligible to be President. Some bits of it might qualify as RSTDT as well].

[Aria] Needless to say if this was Donald Trump’s ancestry he’d be ineligible but since it’s a rat..of color...of female parts...then nevermind.

That Obama thing was such a fiasco...they used a word “birther” to defend him...just like they use “racist” to try and stop every one who disagrees.

I say let’s start using “Christianphobe” at them...or “whiteophobe” or something. Why should we continue to let them use words to get away with the worst?

[CivilWarBrewing] Here we go again..
The female version of Odunga.

[Electric Graffiti] “No, she is not going to be ruled a British citizen. She was born in California and the law of the land long before she was born was that she is a citizen.”

There is no law making children born to legal or illegal foreign nationals U.S. citizens at birth.

[FlingWingFlyer] Another friggin’ African pretending to be born in the U.S.

[drypowder] as of 2008 that law no longer applies. The DC establishment knew the Obozo wasn't legally eligible to be president put they allowed him into the WH anyway. Research this; The DNC changed the Obozo's submitted presidential eligibility form by rewording a couple of questions that addressed his eligibility. Essentially the form did not declare his legal eligibility. To the county's detriment, the form was accepted by the Federal Election Commission without question. Deep State strikes again!

[Electric Graffiti] “She was born in the continental U.S. and this went through in the 1800’s after the founders died.”

The 14th was for newly freed stateless slaves. That’s it. It had nothing to do with children born to foreign nationals.

So not only is Kamala NOT a natural born Citizen, she’s not even a citizen under law. She’s a CINO. A court created citzen[Wong] A citizen in name only.

[DoodleDawg] Her announcement guarantees months of birther threads. Let the fun begin.

Brother Of Yeshua #fundie

When the question is asked: What Would Jesus Do? One of the primary answers should be that Jesus would neither lie about God, and neither would he put lying words in the mouth of God. Why? When you embrace or promote lying words which you attribute to God, then you make yourself an apostate to the Truth and TheWay. Yet today modern Christians not only promote lying words which they decisively attribute to the words spoken by God -- a sin that alienates them from the Truth and TheWay that the historical man Jesus taught -- but many of them accept the lies of Islam and the Muslim lies of abomination.

In the article An Inconvenient Truth which is written by an author of the original Gospels, it is demonstrated that all the religions of man have been corrupted -- that Christianity came into being because of the corruptions of Judaism -- that Islam came into being because of the corruptions of Christianity -- and that while mankind possesses the innate ability to Know and Embody the Truth of all Truths, he perpetually embraces and adheres to the lying dogma of men. Therefore the question is posed: What Would Jesus do? Or Say? And on the issue of embracing Muslims, the question must be asked: Has Donald Trump represented the answers to these important questions?


The sin that has caused the Christian world to be cast into a spiritual diaspora of abject ignorance, as well as the lies of abomination found in the Qur'an which has been embraced and promoted by many who portray themselves as Muslims, is with a little effort on the part of the believers easily proven to be false. In witness to the Truth of all Truths set forth by the author of An Inconvenient Truth, all of mankind has the innate ability to enter the Presence of God, and confirm the Ultimate Truth of all Truths.

But to accomplish this, the seeker must totally Turn to the Light and seek the Truth and the Kingdom. Which means that they must reject the lies of their religious leaders and authorities. Which means that those who are portrayed as radical Muslims must repent of their evil ways of rape, torture and murder -- while those portrayed as "moderate Muslims" must stand in opposition to both the radical Muslims, as well as the lies of abomination inserted into the Qur'an by past religious leaders and authorities.

Which means that it isn't enough for those portrayed as "moderate Muslims" not to slay the unbelievers as commanded in the Qur'an -- because as Muslims, they must denounce and vehemently oppose those who embrace and promote the lies of Islam which have been inserted into the Qur'an by counterfeit religious leaders in the past. The silence of the "moderate Muslims" envelops all of Islam in a cloud or Spiritual Ignorance and Separation from the very God they call upon and worship.

The ONLY solution to what is portrayed as Radical Islam, is a Spiritual Solution. And this Spiritual Solution is Universal to all of mankind. It is True from a religious perspective -- it is True from a philosophical perspective -- it is True from a secular perspective -- from an academia-educational perspective -- and, what can rightly be portrayed, a human perspective. And it will remain impossible to resolve the conflict and human suffering, until this Universal Spiritual Solution is Resolved.

The suffering imposed upon innocent people by what has been portrayed as radical Islam, cannot be resolved through ideology, philosophy, diplomacy, military conflict or the empowerment of what has been termed "moderate Muslims". Why? So long as Islam maintains that the Qur'an is the verbatim word of Allah dictated through Mohammad directly to mankind -- and that as stated in the Qur'an, Allah requires all True Muslims to perpetuate violence upon unbelievers and infidel -- then those who fail to fulfill the commandments of Allah in the Qur'an, must be seen as the unbelievers and infidel who fail to fulfill the required commandments and will of Allah. And from this Quaranic perspective, what is often portrayed as moderate Muslims, are merely part of the body of infidels who oppose the will of Allah. Why would those portrayed as moderate Muslims be seen as spiritual infidels?

Because it is the objective of the original teachings of Islam to seek and know the Truth of all Truths -- and to remain silent when others who portray themselves as Muslims are murdering innocent people in the name of Allah, is apostasy against the God they claim to worship. And the fact that it is within the innate ability for all of mankind to acquire and prove the Truth of all Truths as set forth and witnessed to in An Inconvenient Truth, then all of mankind are responsible for seeking that Truth -- i.e., "If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not have been guilty of sin, but now they have no excuse for their sin" (John 15:22). With this declaration of Truth, all are responsible.

As the divine offspring of Creator-God who was formed in His Image, mankind has the potential to Know the Truth of all Truths -- receiving this Great Body of Truth Directly from the Source of all Truth. Therefore, the only obstacle that inhibits mankind from the knowledge of the Truth, is the limits he imposes upon himself. Man possesses the undeveloped resources of mind to know all truths -- and he is not in need of other men to teach him. And from the perspective of the core teachings of both Christianity and Islam, it is a sin to seek out any teacher other than the True Prophet. And with respect to man's search for Truth, one of the greatest obstacles to acquiring the Truth of all Truths, is the baggage of man-made dogma instituted by pseudo-teachers that inhibits man in his journey, and obstructs the path of the prodigal son's return to the Kingdom from which he originally emerged.

The Rule of Divine Law is this: In order to Possess the Truth, you must yourself be Possessed by the Truth, and the Truth alone. Therefore, anyone willing to permit themselves to surrender to the Light and become an expression of Higher Truth, will Know the Truth of all Truths that breaks the shackles of spiritual bondage, and sets them free to enter the Edenic Kingdom of Origination. From a Jewish perspective, this Return to Eden can be portrayed as the Promised Land/Spiritual Jerusalem -- from a Christian perspective, the Kingdom -- and from a Muslim perspective, the journey to the Distant Mosque in Spiritual Mecca.

Throughout the history of mankind, what can be called religion has always been the tool of charlatan priests/clergy and despotic rulers to exert and maintain control over the thinking and lives of the masses of people. By provoking fear in the people and the threat of death and eternal damnation in hell, the priests/clergy and despotic rulers were able to maintain almost absolute control over the people. This was true when the scriptures were originally written. Just as it remains true even today.

From a Christian perspective, it is easily demonstrated that the scriptures contained in the Bible were corrupted. Why were the scriptures corrupted? In order to make them support the carnal and political agenda of the ruling classes. This fact was true of Judaism, it was true of Christianity, and in like manner it is also true of Islam. And while on the surface these three religions may appear different, at their core they are not only one and the same, but they have been imbued with the same spiritual purpose and objective. And if a Jew, a Christian, or a Muslim can remove the man-made dogma within which their respective religions are immersed, each can equally find the Truth of all Truths that will set them free and permit them to enter into Life.


The Source of Islamic beliefs across the spectrum of all sects and groups who portray themselves as Muslim, is the Qur'an -- and if the Qur'an has been so corrupted that some Muslims are compelled to inflict suffering, harm and even death upon others in accord with what they believe is the words and commandments of God, then the Qur'an itself is a lying abomination to the Truth. And unless those who are portrayed as "moderate Muslims" actively oppose the killing in the Name of God, then they are as guilty as those who interpret and promote the Qur'an in this manner.

Further, when Christians embrace Muslims without actively objecting to the lies of abomination that were written into the Qur'an my men as originating with God, then these Christians are as guilty for the blood of slain innocents as all Muslims are. Jesus would never have embraced a people who promoted lies attributed to God that commands believers to "Slay them [unbelievers] wherever you find them.." Not only would Jesus vehemently oppose such an abomination, but he would have opposed and condemned those who called themselves his followers, who did not themselves vehemently denounce such lying statements being attributed to the words of God.

There are sufficient biblical texts and pre-Nicene Church writings to easily prove that the Gospels were corrupted in the fourth century in order to promote Roman Paganism. Which means that any sincere seeker of Truth can prove the truth and the fact that the Emperor Constantine who was not even a Christian, ordered the words spoken by God to mankind to be altered from their original context, and can work around the corruptions of the Gospel text by the counterfeit authorities of the Church. Which means that so long as these Christians denounce the corruptions, that they can continue to use the Gospels as the intended Key of Knowledge that unlocks the "narrow gate" within them to provide entrance into the Inner Kingdom. Thus, the question: Do the more ancient uncorrupted copies of the Qur'an exist?

And this is important because it is not enough to ignore the lies written into the text of the Qur'an -- because the lies themselves are an abomination against God. The proof of this is seen in the fact that the children of so called "moderate Muslims" have embraced the lies in the Qur'an, and have embraced jihad against the innocent victims of Islam -- enslaving women, blowing up innocent people, and cutting the heads off those who reject the abominable words that past Muslim religious authorities placed in the mouth of God.

If those portrayed as "moderate Muslims" wish to continue to use the Qur'an as the word of God, then they must vehemently denounce the corruptions of past Muslim religious leaders. Moreover, these "moderate Muslims" must be the leading voice of opposition against the Islamic abomination that has been carried out in the name of their God. If they fail to do this, then they are acting in concert, and make themselves part of the abomination and grave sin against God. In the same way, when Christians extend to Muslims an open hand of welcome -- wherein, Jesus would never have remained silent to the sin of man promoting the abominations inserted into the Qur'an as being the spoken words of God -- then these Christians make themselves an integral part of the abdominal sin against God. And the fact that each and every Christian and Muslim has the innate ability to prove the Truth of all Truths by sincerely embracing their own religious teachings -- using their scriptures as the intended Key of Knowledge -- then the abomination of Christian and Muslim alike is unforgivable.


While the American Constitution promotes and even ensures freedom of choice, it does not in any measure protect any American from the consequences of their choices. In much the same way, where the Gospels promote toleration and brotherhood, Jesus would never have embraced religious teachings that promote lies set forth as being the words spoken by God.

Dr. Lance Wallnau #fundie

Things will change quickly. Do you remember where we were in 2015? An intimidating form of thought-tyranny was rising under the guise of "political correctness." This continued until God released a wrecking ball to the spirit of political correctness in the form of a defiant political outsider named Donald Trump. The bias of media has now been exposed, along with the adolescence and irrationality of Hollywood celebrities. But there is a counter-punch coming from the dazed and desperate spirits operating in and through the progressive ranks. They are reorganizing as we speak.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy

Hillary is a known lesbian, a devil on two legs, who will say anything to deceive the public. She has been expressing her demonic liberal views for decades, saying that “it takes a village” to raise a child instead of parents. Globalists want to take away parental rights, so they can indoctrinate every child to become a slave of the New World Order. The fact that multitudes of Americans are supportive of Hillary shows just how far gone, wicked and indifferent our nation has become. Sadly, people no longer care if someone has a criminal reputation. The average American is totally unaware that they are the victim of a psyops campaign to indoctrinate them to support evil. Whistleblower! magazine (published by World Net Daily), praises the Clintons as “America's First Crime Family,” turning them into celebrities. By openly admitting these crimes as if they were no big deal, it lulls most Americans into a comatose state of apathy. It's all been planned that way by CIA psyops programs, MK-Ultra mind-programming, Hollywood brainwashing, et cetera. There is an information war going on against the American public, and the Illuminati are winning!

Let's hope that I'm wrong about Hillary becoming U.S. president. Isaiah 3:12, “As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths.” Notice that when women lead men, they cause the people to err. Hillary will lead America to total ruin. If you think President's Reagan, Bush Sr. Clinton, Bush Jr. and Obama were bad, you haven't seen anything yet. Now that same-sex perversion is legal, if elected Hillary will go after American's Bill of Rights. She will attack our First Amendment right to speech. It's simply a matter of time until anti-hate-speech laws are enacted to criminalize faithful Bible preachers and other truth-tellers. Websites like mine will one day be censored by the government and webhosting companies forced to comply. They'll just suspend websites until all outlawed content is removed. It will happen eventually, just as it has already happened in communist China, Spain and North Korea.

As far as I can tell, Donald Trump is a front for the Clintons, and the Clintons are a front for the Bush family. If Trump gets elected, guaranteed he will continue the agendas of the Illuminati. I'm not making this up... Barbara Bush is the purported daughter of Aleister Crowley. I first learned that in a disturbing documentary film I purchased titled, “Aleister Crowley: The Beast 666!” I did some homework and it indeed appears to be true! Is that creepy or what? In my opinion it really doesn't matter who gets elected, Trump and the Clintons are very close. Either way, the Devil will be our next U.S. President!!! Don't think for one second that Mr. Trump will change anything for the better. America is doomed unless our churches repent and turn back to the King James Bible and the simplicity that is in Christ, instead of the popular “Lordship Salvation” heresy! It is a false Gospel to require people to turn from sin to be saved. Jesus bore the full burden of our sins on Calvary's cross, so we wouldn't have to in Hell. Here's an excellent sermon.

Since we've already had a Democrat U.S. President for 8-years, it would seem time for a switch to the Republican party. This is the norm! I really have a hard time seeing Donald Trump running the White House, but hey I never would have thought a Hollywood movie star named Ronald Reagan would have either. The truth is that a chimpanzee could do a better job than all recent U.S. Presidents. At least the chimp wouldn't have plundered us deeper into national debt! It's just my opinion that the Illuminati would be taking a risk to let Mr. Trump into the White House, unless he's blackmailable. Hillary is 100% blackmailable. If she stepped out of line, the Luciferian movers and shakers could have her and Bill locked away in a prison for 1,000 years overnight for their crimes. Lucifer Infects The Movers And Shakers (Dr. Charles Lawson; excellent teaching exposing Satan & New World Order).

I'm not saying for sure that I know Hillary will be elected. I have no idea. It just seems to me that since the Clintons were involved over their heads in the cocaine trafficking through Mena, Arkansas, while Bill Clinton was governor, they know as much as anyone in the Devil's Luciferian elite. Hillary would be the logical choice for the Illuminati to continue their crime spree! Whose Donald Trump?

Krešimir Bagarić #fundie #psycho #homophobia

{Translation from Croatian by Vman; translator's notes will be given in brackets and italicized, like this}

The Matija Gubec school in Zagreb's Knežžija quarter has a peculiar catechist {= teacher of Religious Education}. While Krešimir Bagarić ought to be teaching his pupils Catholic catechesis, love and forgiveness, he instead tells them which Croatian politicians ought to be killed, whose heads should be impaled on a spike, and he also praises a war criminal, the Serb general Ratko Mladić.

Pupils encourage the catechist in his hatred

Index has obtained a recording of Bagarić's ranting at a lecture for an eighth grade class. One of the pupils recorded it. This is not the first time Bagarić has acted this way, so the child summoned the courage to tape the catechist and deliver the recording to Index. Some children's voices were changed and surnames hidden in the recording in order to protect their identities - even the voices of those who are star pupils and encourage their teacher's hatred.

{audio of Bagarić's rant (in Croatian)}

Impaling people on a spike, all the way to Rijeka and Zagreb

For starters, teacher Bagarić explained to the pupils how he thinks Operation Storm should have looked like.

“We're fools, we should have allowed two corridors {for the Serb refugees and army that were fleeing}. One to Zagreb, the other to Rijeka {major cities in Croatia, they hadn't been occupied by Serb forces}. So after their [citizens'] heads were impaled on spikes, then we come in. That's what should have happened to the fine gentlemen in Zagreb who think that Croatia ends in Karlovac {a city not very far from Zagreb that was on the frontlines during the war}. Idiots and cretins. Short-sighted,” Bagarić put forth as his tactical plan. But that wasn't enough for him. The recording was made in the immediate aftermath of the verdict against Slobodan Praljak, so Bagarić dedicated most of his presentation to the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina, throwing in praise for the [war] crimes [Bosnian Serb army general and Chief of Staff] Ratko Mladić committed against the Bosniaks.

The General was right

“It turns out that the General was right. He protected his own people. The General was right when it comes to Serb interests. While we have suckers. With all due respect to suckers. Even a teacher can be crazy sometimes,” Bagarić added a bit of self-criticism along with the praise.

Following his praise for the man who ordered the killing of thousands of Muslims [in Srebrenica], who kept [Bosnian capital city] Sarajevo under siege for years, who prior to that had no qualms about killing [Croatian] people in Dalmatia, Bagarić then expounded to the students on who in Croatia ought to be killed.

Hanging, suicide with three bullets to the back, being thrown into a septic tank

“Two former presidents and one former minister of foreign affairs ought to be hanged for this, right away. On the double. The man {Stipe Mesić, former President of Croatia} opened the presidential safe and gave away the transcripts. Damn your family to the seventh generation, you traitor. Filthy, smelly traitor. May you never have peace,” the catechist cursed during religious ed class. But a curse and the invocation of hanging weren't enough for him. Bagarić gave other suggestions as well.

“You have the minister of foreign affairs, Vesna Pusić, who speaks openly around the world. You don't have that anywhere but here. Try to imagine a French minister doing a single thing against the Republic. You'll just disappear. Take your pick - heart attack, brain stroke, suicide with three bullets to the back, however it goes. Only we give our prostitutes and traitors important positions.

Only we are such a pathetic nation, there is no nation more pathetic than the Croats,” claimed Bagaric, who has an interesting perspective on Christian love. Bagarić once more returned to the subject of Mesić and Vesna Pusić, stating that they require “a bullet to the head on the double. Throw them into the nearest septic tank. The traitor.”

Croats are 4.2 million cretins

In addition to the aforementioned insults, Bagarić graced the Croatian people with epithets such as “ungrateful rabble, morons, cretins, dunces, 4.2 million cretins”. We repeat, this was during religious education classes.

“We've got neoliberal democratic cretins who think gay is ok and that all of us ought to hold hands together under the rainbow flag,” teacher Bagarić said, adding a bit of homophobic message. At one moment he also commented on his colleagues, the teachers of the Matija Gubec Elementary School.

The colleagues celebrate the Day of the Republic

“You know, in the staff room, it's the Day of the Republic* for 50 percent of the employees,” he claimed, probably considering them to be Yugoslavs or at the very least nostalgic for the former state.

{* The Day of the Republic was a holiday during the socialist Yugoslavia. It was celebrated on the 29th of November. By accusing people of celebrating it, Bagarić wants to imply that they are closet Yugoslavs (read: traitors), closet communists (read: godless traitors) and/or hate everything Croat. All of which are unicorn concepts in modern day Croatia, that is, they are almost non-existent. Simply put, he's basically verbally bludgeoning everyone to the left of Donald Trump.}

We asked the school's principal, Ljiljana Klinger, for an explanation regarding the way Bagarić holds his classes. She answered a few of our questions very briefly.

The principal uses the Vatican Agreements as a cop-out

“In accordance with the Agreements between the Holy See and the Republic of Croatia, the appointment of catechists is within the juristiction of the Catechist Office, as is the responsibility for catechists' professional development and progress. That said, if these allegations are accurate and truthful, there is no doubt that serious professional and legal sanctions will be undertaken. For such drastic offenses we are also obliged to involve the other relevant institutions,” replied the principal of the school, which is - in addition to children from the Knežžija quarter - also attended by the children of foreign diplomats and foreigners working in Zagreb. The school, part of whose teaching is done in the English language, has long been reputed to be one of the best schools in Zagreb, having earned the City of Zagreb Award.

Nathan Larson #fundie

He's pro-incest, pedophilia, and rape. He's also running for Congress from his parents' house.

Nathan Larson lives with his parents, and spends most of his waking hours on the Internet in between intermittent work as an accountant. And it's mostly there that he's developed some views that put him on the extreme fringes of society.

He believes in instituting a patriarchal system, with women under the authority of men; he supports abolishing age restrictions for marriage and laws against marital rape; he believes that white supremacy is a "system that works," that Hitler was a "good thing for Germany," and that incest should be legalized, at least in the context of marriage. And at one point in a conversation with The Post, he seemed to express admiration for the system run by the Taliban in Afghanistan, noting that the country's birthrate fell as a consequence of increased opportunities for women after the United States' more than decade-long intervention.

But Larson, 37, is hoping to take his views toward the mainstream by mounting a campaign for a congressional seat in Virginia, running as a Libertarian for the state's 10th district, a swath of land across three counties in northern Virginia outside the Washington suburbs. The seat is currently held by Republican Barbara Comstock, but has attracted strong Democratic interest; Hillary Clinton won the district by 10 percentage points in 2016.

Larson's campaign, which is his latest run after failed campaigns for Virginia's governorship and state legislature, has drawn attention for Larson's unabashedly extreme views. The HuffPost reported this week that Larson had created two websites that catered to the furthest fringes of the Internet: and, information that Larson confirmed in an interview with The Post.

Both websites have since been removed by their domain hosts. Suiped or Suicidal Pedophiles, was a site and self-described organization created to lobby for pedophiles and other convicted or potential sex offenders to be able to kill themselves at clinics legally, according to cached images.

According to a cached image, Incelocalypse was created to "serve as both headquarters and casual hangout for the hardest core of the hardcore incels," the small but vocal community of "involuntary celibates" online who rage against feminism and a system of female empowerment that has deprived them of sexual gratification, an Internet subculture that has begun to draw some attention by mainstream media outlets.

Larson said he considers himself to be part of the "incel movement" and said his views took a turn for the more extreme after an acrimonious divorce. In 2015, his former wife was granted a restraining order against him after Larson returned to Virginia, where he grew up, from Colorado. And though his ex-wife later committed suicide, a custody battle unfolded for a child of his that she gave birth to after they split up, according to local media accounts. The El Paso County Attorney at the time, Robert Kern, argued successfully that Larson would not be a fit parent, according to the Colorado Springs Independent. Larson said he has only met his daughter once, during a supervised visit with a social worker.

Larson also has a criminal record. In 2009, he pleaded guilty to threatening to kill the U.S. president, for which he served 16 months in federal prison and three years of supervision upon his release. In a previous interview with The Post, he called a letter he sent to the Secret Service in 2008 warning of imminent plans to assassinate either President George W. Bush or President Barack Obama, an act of civil disobedience meant to call attention to the tyranny of the U.S. government. He also has a couple of misdemeanor convictions: One for the "use of computer for harassment," which Larson says was related to a lewd email he sent a woman while he was in college, and two others that pertain to marijuana possession.

Some conservatives have used Larson's candidacy to attack Virginia's voting laws, after Gov. Terry McAuliffe, D, restored voting and other civil rights to thousands of convicted felons across the state, including Larson.

Larson filed the initial paperwork with the Virginia Board of Elections to certify his latest candidacy in May. He said that he has also submitted the 1,000 signatures of potential voters required to run for Congress in Virginia. He said the goal of his candidacy was to try to "build a movement" and wasn't too worried about whether his message would resonate with voters.

"Build the morale among the incels help get them focused and get some traction," he said.

According to Larson, he never interacts in person with people from the forums that he built online.

He said he voted for Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson in the 2016 presidential election, though he supports some of the cultural changes that President Donald Trump has wrought.

Lady Checkmate #fundie

Lady Chechmate's headline: "Witch admits she tried to hex President Trump: Saints Continue to Pray for our potus"

Now they've resorted to trying to hex President Trump for standing for righteousness, well, God's word says:

Isaiah 54:17 (KJV)
17 No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord.

Please continue to pray for our potus, that he draws closer to God and that God gives his angels charge over him to keep him in all of his ways in Jesus name. Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world. Amen. 1 John 4:4.

Lana Del Rey revealed she tried to hex President Donald Trump earlier this year.

“Yeah, I did it. Why not? Look, I do a lot of s--t,” the 32-year-old singer told NME.

Don't forget to RECOMMEND. Lets get the Truth out so that Light may shine bright in this dark place and Jesus Christ may be glorified.Even if the discussion is closed, please still RECOMMEND.

jesus lizard #fundie

There is a lot of demonic influences in the Evangelical movement.
Being able to control people and force your will on them is Witchcraft.
The Evangelical movement is obsessed with Money.
You cannot serve God and Mammon.
Trump is a worshipper of the Golden Calf.
TheIsraelites were told to destroy the Calf, grind it up and put it into their water, and all had to drink from it. They poisoned their bodies with their greed for Money£€$
Does this remind you of the things which are happenning today with food additives, aspartame etc?
It is greed and love of Money.

Donald Trump controls the prodtitution industry in Las Vegas. His hotels are hot beds for high class hoes, they charge up to $10,000 per night. Some are famous people, pop stars etc, mind controlled slaves of the elite, like Britney, Katy Perry, Barbra Streisand. It is part of the deal, why they are rich and famous, they have to be 'private dancers' for politicians and oil tycoons. Tina Turner had a song about this because it happened to her after her husband (Ike, MK Ultra handler) died.

Tony Perkins #fundie

From the White House to the Outhouse...

It's been a rough month for Barack Obama. At his old office, President Trump is keeping the shredders busy with his predecessor's radical policies and orders. Brick by brick, the White House is deconstructing the legacy of the Obama years -- scrubbing everything from overseas abortion funding to dangerous immigration postures. Today, the Trump team may be adding a new guidance to the trash heap: Obama's hugely controversial shower and bathroom order.

For nine months, parents, local districts, and states have been storming the courthouse doors to fight back on the decree, which insisted that every public school force students into the humiliating situation of sharing showers, restrooms, and locker rooms, with members of the opposite sex. Comply, the Department of Education implied, or lose your funding. To leaders like Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick (R), Obama's financial blackmail was nothing new. If anything, it only made them more determined. As far as Patrick was concerned, this was easily the most important issue for families since the Supreme Court ruled against school prayer. "This will be the end of public education, if this prevails," he warned. And most parents didn't need convincing. Even Democrats joined the fierce pushback in local communities, all fighting an agenda that the American College of Pediatricians calls "child abuse." Like us, they think Trump's position is the right one.

In a rare show of muscle, 23 states banded together to fight the order -- led by Texas. The White House's agenda was so unpopular by November that some experts even blamed Hillary Clinton's loss on her defense of it. Through it all, Donald Trump's position was clear: "I believe it should be states' rights, and I think the states should make the decision, they're more capable of making the decision," he told "Good Morning America"on May 13. When pressed, he repeated his stance. "I just think it should be states' rights. I think many things actually should be states' rights, but this is a perfect example of it," he said.

This week, he plans on proving it. According to sources, the Departments of Justice and Education have already drafted a letter scrubbing the Obama order. White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer was asked about the development yesterday in a media scrum. "Will there be further guidance coming out on this? I think that all you have to do is look at what the president's view has been for a long time, that this is not something the federal government should be involved in, this is a state's rights issue."

Bible Flock Box #fundie

REVELATION PREDICTED THIS: Evangelicals Seek Unity with Catholics !!!

Published on Aug 11, 2017
Johnnie Moore, evangelical advisor to President Donald Trump, is seeking unity with the Vatican to resolve political difference between Protestants and Catholics and to combat Christian persecution around the world.

Protestants should not seek unity with the Roman Catholic Church. The Bible tells us not to be unequally yoked together, but Bible prophecy predicted this would happen. According to Revelation 13, apostate Protestant America will unite with the Vatican to enforce the mark of the beast. Watch this video to learn more!

"Berlin Circle" #fundie

Two days after the decision by US President Donald Trump to withdraw from the Paris climate agreement, the conservative wing of the ruling Christian Democratic Party (CDU) is demanding a radical change in Germany’s climate policy.
A statement submitted to the ARD Capital Studio, the “Berliner Kreis (Berlin Circle)”, which includes numerous federal and communal politicians of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), calls for an end to “moral blackmail” by climate research and a “farewell to unilateral German CO2 targets.”
The statement was discussed today at an internal meeting of the “Berlin Circle” which took place in the executive committee room of the Parliamentary party (CDU/CSU) in the Berlin Reichstag. The authors, among them Philipp Lengsfeld and Sylvia Pantel, are contesting a “solitary role of the greenhouse effect” and oppose a one-sided negative view of the consequences of global warming.
According to the paper, “the opportunities associated with the melting of polar sea ice (ice-free northern passage, new fishing opportunities, raw material extraction) are probably even greater than possible negative ecological effects”. The UN’s IPCC is said to have turned into a kind of “world salvation circus”. However, it is its model predictions on which “increasingly aggressive political objectives, in particular CO2 reduction targets” are based.
The conservative “Berlin Circle” calls for a move away from the two-degree goal.
The “Berlin Circle” is particularly critical of the federal government’s climate policy. It claims that the goal of limiting global warming to two degrees Celsius is “no longer realistic”. Accordingly, it is wrong trying to close the gap by “aggressive policy measures to reduce CO2”. “Even in Germany it is no longer politically sustainable to implement such a policy which would surely lead to massive social upheavals”.
According to the authors’ views, German climate policy should therefore no longer focus on mitigating climate change, but on adapting to changes. Germany’s current policy has not been an international model, but a “negative example”.
Specifically, the criticism is directed primarily against the promotion of solar and wind power. The document says that the Renewable Energy Act (EEG) cannot be reformed and should be abolished accordingly. The promotion of e-mobility and the requirements for energy-related refurbishment of homes should also be reassessed.

Why Jews Trash Trump #racist

Reading a few old RJN articles today about Zionist evil, their anti Christ works against white people and Christian culture, made me more aware of this evil and prompted me to post this comment.

The main reason the Jews media praises Obama but reviles Trump is because Obama is black and Trump is white. Satan’s Zionist Jews are trying to replace the traditional old white Christian order of the world with their Jew World Order.

The Jews set up puppets and front men such as Obama and Trump with the intent to portray the Black puppet in the best possible ways and portray the White puppet in the worst possible ways. Jews do this with sports, movies, news stories, and the rest of the media also, not just politics only.

Jews are trying to destroy Christian power, influence, and traditions. Satan and his children, the Zionist Jews, view white Christians as the only substantial obstruction to their Jew World Order. Satan and his children hate white people most because Christian culture spread from Europe to North America, Australia, South America, islands in the oceans, and most of the rest of the world.

From Satan’s viewpoint, it’s the fault of white people that Christianity spread out to the rest of the world. So Satan and his Jews vilify Republicans, white Christian politicians, to weaken and destroy white people along with their Christian religion. Satan and his Jews made lots of progress in destroying Christianity over the last hundred years.

Now Zionists have it so prayer is forbidden in schools, government, and lots of places. Zionists have unleashed the most gross perversion in movies, magazines, and the rest of the Jews media. Zionists promote fags, lesbians, bestiality, and all that is anti Christian.

This destruction of Christianity to come at the time of the end was prophesied over 2500 years ago:

Daniel 12:7 GW - When the power of the holy people has been completely shattered, then all these things will be finished.

The Zionist banksters and media bosses finance the corrupt politicians they want but ruin the best Christian politicians. The Jews pick the worst white “leaders” they can find, ie Bill Clinton, Hillary Rotten, Bubba Bush, Al Gore, Nancy Pelosi, Donald Trump.

The Jews want to portray white leaders in the worst light possible as a way to destroy the influence, power, and leadership of white people and Christian tradition. Putting the worst possible white politicians in office serves the Zionist purpose to portray white leaders in the worst ways. And, such corrupt politicians go along with whatever evils the Zionists want.

Zionists want to replace the old Christian order with a Jew World Order, a world government ruled by Satan’s Jews. Portraying white leaders in the worst ways and making non-white leaders look good is being done to destroy white people and Christian culture.

That is why blacks in sports, politics, the media, are portrayed as great. That is why their crimes, rapes, and murders are downplayed or hidden.

White politicians like Bill Clinton who help cut their own throat and destroy their own people are praised instead of attacked. Destroying white people and their Christian culture is what the Jews are doing. That is why Trump and most white republicans are constantly attacked and ridiculed by the Jews media.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy

Let's start with an obscure premise--God has no opponent.

So any rebellion against God will be proven an illusion and vanish from the face of he earth no matter how "yuge" the lie may appear.

President Donald J Trump (Drumpf) is such a lie.

He was groomed by his German/Jewish Father to be a real estate magnet in New York City, to later become an American political operative for the dark nobility of Eastern Europe (remember his candidacy was long foreshadowed in the media over several years).

The Chinese had long discovered the cabal's plot to run Trump for President in 2016, and allowed Putin and Russia to capture incriminating personal evidence against him dating back to 2013.... stay with me if only just for a moment.

Trump's dark pension for weird sex with under aged girls is very well known in intelligence circles--as we discovered during the campaign--so Putin's KGB ran a sting operation during one of Trump's own Miss Universe Pageant while in Moscow.

In the meantime, the Chinese silently began absorbing all of Trump's prized property debts as well as his primary lending banks to corner his real estate empire.... again stay with me if only just for a moment.

With Trump's name reputation and worldwide business interests cornered, the Chinese approached Trump in his own building (they were tenants) back in the Spring of 2015 with all the evidence--and offered him a choice that would change the world:


Run for President as planned, win because the Chinese had the technology, intelligence and legal right due to appoint the next President after the default of the USA, Inc. in 2013.

Trump would follow the Chinese script of political talking points which included not claiming Russia as the enemy--even accept their Vice President and Chief of Staff picks that the Republic White Hats and hand selected for him.

Then once elected, Trump would act as if he were actually going on a 4 Year Presidential journey, signing any and all executive orders placed before him, orate any speech written for him, even appointment a cabinet hand chosen for him... until one day, they decided to dismiss him via an orchestrated scandal say two months into his administration that involves elements of Russia hacking into the election results and Trump refusing to divest fully from his business interests.

The combination would logically bring on a resignation of his comet-like Presidency for the unawakened public.

Please rewatch this SNL "comedy" sketch... and understand this is how the cabal has long told us what's coming.

[link to (secure)]

Now in exchange for accepting such a deal, Trump and his family get international legal amnesty for past crimes against humanity (9/11), get to keep all his properties, get to keep his good brand name and even get to convert that 30 million of Iraq Dinar currency at a contract rate of $32.00 USD like other cabal Senators and Congressmen.

As an additional or negotiated bonus, Trump asked for prime real estate projects in both Russia and China, which he got, as long as he performed through the entire term of his deal (which he has thus far and suspect he will).

Art of the deal right?


Globally, Trump will be shamed for being a known pedophile, and possibly imprisoned, which would overnight destroy his precious brand name, plus he would lose all his existing properties because tenants would flee from their building leases, and all new construction projects would die instantly. He and his family would be destroyed.

Which would you choose?

European dark nobility leadership long ago sign off on sacrificing Trump as a political transition patsy, but the die hard US faction of the cabal wasn't nearly as enthusiastic about this plan and tried to derail it--and still are to this day.

So as we progress further into the Trump Presidency, look for him to begin pivoting on a host of serious issues as well as notice how the "Russian hacking" story continues to build strength and ultimately develops impeachable teeth--forcing Trump to ultimately resign in favor of VP Mike Pence and/or Paul Ryan as new Republic President

Using Trump as the short term transition patsy allows Russia, China and the White Hats to leave the US election cycle undisturbed in the minds of the population, yet stay in control the White House without skipping a beat, similar to how they quietly took control of the US Congress and Pentagon back in 2015 after the international sovereignty courts gave the Republic of the United States to its largest sovereign debt holders.

Having a Republican majority in both the House, Senate and White House have the Republic White Hats two years to fix all that was broken with the country in terms of policy--without political interference--including resetting the balance of power on the Supreme Court.

Hillary Clinton was never a serious factor in the 2016 election because her treasonous activities were so overwhelming, the Clinton's gladly took the Chinese amnesty deal and happily played the loser role to Trump (just as Hillary had successfully done for the Barack Obama in 2008).

The RV was patsy Trump's first executive order of business once sworn in, and the Republic is now in store for unprecedented growth and long-term resurgence that will guarantee a Republican majority in all branches of power for at at least one, and maybe two more terms.

Believe it or not.

Ooh Rah!

Profusion #conspiracy

Does Bernie Sanders have enough royal blood to be POTUS?

I would imagine everyone on this site is aware of the Most royal candidate theory.

It looks like if you're a Trump or a Clinton fan, you're in the clear:

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton revealed to be distant cousins as family trees show they share same set of royal ancestors

Could that be why they're the leaders after all?

The following article sums up something I've never seen discussed in detail about Sanders...his race:

As Bernie Sanders Makes History, Jews Wonder What It Means

Does Bernie Sanders have enough royal blood to be POTUS?

I've spent time researching it and I can't find any information about the royal blood of Bernie Sanders. As a proponent of the Most royal candidate theory I believe that may preclude him from having a chance at the White House. History does seem to indicate that after all.

Anyone have information on the royal blood of Bernie Sanders?

As a side note, Sanders seems to be acutely aware of the above:

1. He is not running against Hillary Clinton

“I’m not running against Hillary Clinton,” he said. “She’s a candidate, I’m a candidate, and I suspect that there will be other candidates. The people in this country will make their choice.” His socialist platform is “one that resonates” with the American people, and he believes he can effectively appeal to them no matter who his opponent is, or how large her war chest is. But, as he’s said, he’s engaged in “a real struggle against the billionaire class.”
6 Things You Need to Know About Bernie Sanders

Is the above a reference to how he is an outsider to the royal bloodline from which every POTUS has come? If so, he truly is attempting a revolution.

Boy Scouts; Colorado state senator Vicki Marble #fundie

Cub Scout kicked out after asking lawmaker about gun control

Associated Press

DENVER (AP) - A Cub Scout was kicked out of his den after he questioned a Colorado state lawmaker about her position on gun control and previous comments she made about African-Americans' health and eating fried chicken.

It was the latest political flashpoint for the Boy Scouts after President Donald Trump used his speech at the organization's national jamboree in July to rail against "fake news" and former President Barack Obama and boast about beating Hillary Clinton.

Eleven-year-old Ames Mayfield posed the questions at an Oct. 9 event in Broomfield, between Denver and Boulder. Cub Scouts had been told to come prepared to talk to Republican state Sen. Vicki Marble about issues important to them.

Ames' mother, Lori Mayfield, said a local scout leader later told her that the topic of gun control was inappropriate because of its political nature and that the boy's questions were disrespectful.

The Boy Scouts, which includes the Cub Scouts, refused to comment on why the boy was asked to leave but say he will remain in scouting after finding a new group.

"The Boy Scouts of America is a wholly nonpartisan organization and does not promote any one political position, candidate or philosophy," the organization said Friday in a statement.

Cub Scouts is for children in the first through fifth grades. They meet in groups of children from the same grade called "dens," which are part of larger "packs."

Ames was only kicked out of his den, not the larger pack. Since the other available den met while he attends classes, changing to another den within the pack was not an option. He's joining a den in a new pack at his church, his mother said.

The leaders of the group that kicked Ames out did not return phone messages and emails left by The Associated Press.

In online videos recorded by Lori Mayfield, the scouts asked questions about why people wanted to vote for Obama just because he was black and about Trump's proposed wall along the U.S.-Mexico border. It was unclear which scouts asked the questions. Mayfield blurred the identities of all the children except for that of her son.

In the video showing Ames asking about gun control, he read from a printed sheet, telling the lawmaker that he was shocked that she sponsored a bill that allowed domestic violence offenders to own guns. He also rattled off a list of survey statistics about Americans' views on the issue and spoke about the trouble Las Vegas shooting victims would have paying their bills.

"There is something wrong in our country where Republicans believe it's a right to own a gun but a privilege to have health care. None of that makes sense to me," he said.

After nearly 2½ minutes, an adult is heard cutting him off, remarking on his thorough question. Marble responds by talking about the need for "crime control" instead and saying that the Vegas shooting and the 2012 Aurora theater shooting both happened in "gun-free zones."

Marble drew national attention in 2013 after she seemed to draw a link between the health of black people and eating fried chicken and barbecue in comments made during a legislative committee hearing. The head of the state Republican Party and others criticized her words.

She then issued a statement saying she was saddened that her comments were interpreted as disparaging.

During the scout meeting, Ames told Marble that he was "astonished that you blamed black people" for their health problems.

She replied, "I didn't. That was made up by the media. So you want to believe it, you believe it, but that's not how it went down."

Marble went on to say Americans enjoy multicultural food but cautioned that people also need to consider whether they are predisposed to any diseases because of their genetic makeup.

In a statement Friday, Marble said she did not know about Ames' dismissal until she read about it. She said she did not blame him because she thought there was an "element of manipulation involved" by his mother.

Mayfield denies that. She said she and her son, whom she said is gifted and likes to watch the news, researched Marble together, and she typed up his questions using his words. The mother questioned why the Scouts would chose to invite such a controversial lawmaker to speak.

The Boy Scouts and their Denver-area governing council said they were "pleased that the family will continue their participation in scouting," the statement said. "We are committed to working with families to find local units that best fit their needs."


Associated Press writers James Anderson in Denver and Tamara Lush in St. Petersburg, Florida, contributed to this report.

YOUCITY #conspiracy



If you take a look at the logo for the The Most Noble Order of the Garter you will see it is exactly the same as the logo of Fordham University. May I remind you that all the SCOTTISH clans also use this logo as well such as clan Kerr which is connected to the mighty power of the Catholic Howard family of Normans who’s head is the Duke of Norfolk and a powerful figure behind the Archbishop of Westminster. The logo is representative of witchcraft with the buckle symbolizing a coven of a Magus or a witch.


TRUMPS mother is from SCOTTLAND

SCOTT WALKER announced that he's running for PRESIDENT days after the EL CHAPO/TRUMP feud began

The day before TPTB let EL CHAPO escape prison there was another big part of the RITUAL taking place when a HOTEL HEIRESS "HILTON" married a ROTHSCHILD

Revisiting John Todd: "Rothschilds Rule with Druid Witches

The COUNCIL OF 13 meets eight times annually on the "Witches' Sabbaths" (incl. Halloween) when millions of occult practitioners engage in orgies, which sometimes involve human sacrifice.- John Todd

John Todd, the highest Illuminati defector in history, a Witch High Priest, a member of the Council of Thirteen, and part of the Collins Illuminati bloodline that brought Witchcraft to the US in the 17th Century. -

In 1987, Todd was framed for rape and sentenced to 30 years.

Todd was arrested in May 1987 for the rape of a University of South Carolina graduate student. After his arrest, he was additionally charged with sexually molesting two children who attended a karate school where he worked. He was convicted of the rape in January 1988 and sentenced to 30 years in state prison.[16] In 2004, Todd was released, but he was put in the care of the Behavioral Disorder Treatment Unit run by the South Carolina Department of Mental Health.[17] On November 10, 2007, Todd died in the institute.[3] - Wikipedia

"The only problem is that most of the people in the Illuminati aren't Jews. Their founders were Jews by birth, but not by religion. But most of its leaders, except for the Rothschilds, are Gaelic: SCOTTISH or French Gaelic" - John Todd


The Supreme Council was founded in Charleston, South Carolina in 1801

The Supreme Council, Ancient and Accepted SCOTTISH Rite, Southern Jurisdiction, USA (commonly known as the Mother Supreme Council of the World) was the first Supreme Council of Scottish Rite Freemasonry. It claims that all other Supreme Councils and Subordinate Bodies of the Scottish Rite are derived from it.[1] Its official full name is "The Supreme Council (Mother Council of the World) of the Inspectors General Knights Commander of the House of the Temple of Solomon of the Thirty-third Degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry

DONALD TRUMP he even has his own TAROT CARD

The Tower (tarot) card
The Tower (XVI) is the 16th TRUMP or Major Arcana card in most Italian-suited Tarot decks. It is used in game playing as well as in divination.
[link to (secure)]



Peter Brimelow #fundie

Violence in Charlottesville, Va., on Aug. 12 led Colorado Springs officials and residents to take a closer look at VDARE, an immigration advocacy group with ties to the rally's white nationalist organizer that had booked a conference at Cheyenne Mountain Resort.

Under pressure from threatened boycotts, online criticism and Mayor John Suthers, the resort last week announced it had canceled the planned gathering next April.

Despite the cancellation, VDARE is standing behind its controversial contributor, Jason Kessler, the blogger who organized the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville that resulted in the death of a counterprotester who was killed when a reported neo-Nazi allegedly rammed his car into a crowd.

"If it hadn't been Charlottesville, they would find some other excuse," VDARE leader Peter Brimelow told Colorado Politics in an e-mail exchange Thursday.

Brimelow, who is the editor of, told Colorado Politics last week his organization was not involved at Charlottesville "in any way."

"We have a totalitarian left in this country," Brimelow said. "They would shut down the president if they could, so they might try to shut us down next April, but they might also find something more interesting to do."

Two days later, Cheyenne Mountain shut them down.

The tony resort said it canceled the conference but wouldn't say why, only, "We remain committed to respecting the privacy of guests at the resort."

In an e-mail exchange with Colorado Politics Thursday, Brimelow answered some questions:

How would you characterize the way VDARE has been pulled into the Charlottesville situation?

"Typical lying communist propaganda, connived at by the Establishment Left."

Any regrets about working with Jason Kessler?

"No. What Kessler wrote for us is justified on its own merits (although obviously far too edgy for your paper. That's why we have an audience). I'm not going (to) wimp out like the (Daily) CALLER.

"Kessler's not the problem. This purge has been coming for a long time - e.g. we all lost Google Adsense in the spring and the $PLC has been campaigning against us re PayPal for years. It's obviously co-ordinated like the Trayvon Martin scam - there's probably some listserve group somewhere like Journolist, If it hadn't been Charlottesville, they would find some other excuse.

"The amazing thing is that the GOP Establishment, Conservatism Inc. get mau-maued every time. Except the God-Emperor (President Donald Trump), bless him."

Are there any "next steps" in Colorado? Another location maybe? Court?

"Various possibilities have come out of the woodwork, including lawyers. We'll book somewhere else but don't know where or when yet (although CO in 2018 spring may still be possible)."

Christopher Cantwell #fundie

Yeah there’s something wrong with you if you’re votin’ for a woman for President. Lemmie just get that out of the way. I understand that Hillary Clinton is an extraordinarily bad woman, and we don’t have to make it about her gender, to say that she’s a terrible woman. But I would, frankly. Like if Donald Trump was a female, I’d be like, okay, you have to boycott the election. I don’t want a fuckin’ woman President. And if you are not a testosterone-deficient faggot then you probably understand why.

Unknown author #conspiracy

These False Flags are being done for fun now, governments are doing these False Flags on a regular basis to achieve there agendas & goals, French people are the most racist & hated people in the world, ask any black Christian or any white Christian or atheist who are not French, people hate them around the world, to bring sympathy to them & achieve there goal of kicking out Muslims from France they keep coming up with new ideas daily to achieve there real goal. THERE IS ALWAYS A CELEBRATORY ATMOSPHERE & THEN THE BIG BAD WOLF (MUSLIMS) COME ALONG & RUIN IT ALL, HMMMM!!

Donald Trump #fundie

Sad to see the history and culture of our great country being ripped apart with the removal of our beautiful statues and monuments. You can't change history, but you can learn from it. Robert E Lee, Stonewall Jackson - who's next, Washington, Jefferson? So foolish! Also the beauty that is being taken out of our cities, towns and parks will be greatly missed and never able to be comparably replaced!

California Police & members of Traditional Worker's Party #racist

California police investigating a violent white nationalist event worked with white supremacists in an effort to identify counter-protesters and sought the prosecution of activists with “anti-racist” beliefs, court documents show.

The records, which also showed officers expressing sympathy with white supremacists and trying to protect a neo-Nazi organizer’s identity, were included in a court briefing from three anti-fascist activists who were charged with felonies after protesting at a Sacramento rally. The defendants were urging a judge to dismiss their case and accused California police and prosecutors of a “cover-up and collusion with the fascists”.

Defense lawyers said the case at the state capital offers the latest example of US law enforcement appearing to align with neo-Nazi and white supremacist groups while targeting anti-fascist activists and Donald Trump protesters after violent clashes.


Some California highway patrol (CHP) investigation records, however, raise questions about the police’s investigative tactics and communication with the TWP (Traditional Worker's Party).

Felarca’s attorneys obtained numerous examples of CHP officers working directly with the TWP, often treating the white nationalist group as victims and the anti-fascists as suspects.

The TWP is “intimately allied with neo-Nazi and other hardline racist organizations” and “advocates for racially pure nations”, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center. Its leaders have praised Trump, and the group claimed to bring more than 100 people to the Charlottesville white supremacist rally, where a counter-protester was killed.

In one phone call with Doug McCormack, identified by police as the TWP affiliate who acquired the permit for the Sacramento rally, CHP investigator Donovan Ayres warned him that police might have to release his name in response to a public records requests. The officer said he would try to protect McCormack.

“I’m gonna suggest that we hold that or redact your name or something until this gets resolved,” Ayres told McCormack, adding that he didn’t know who had requested records of the permit and noting, “If I did, I would tell you.”

Ayres’s reports noted that McCormack was armed at the rally with a knife.

The officer’s write-up about an African American anti-fascist activist included a photo of him at the hospital after the rally and noted that he had been stabbed in the abdomen, chest and hand.

Ayres, however, treated the protester like a suspect in the investigation. The police investigator recommended the man be charged with 11 offenses, including disturbing the peace, conspiracy, assault, unlawful assembly and wearing a mask to evade police.

As evidence, Ayres provided Facebook photos of the man holding up his fist. The officer wrote that the man’s “Black Power salute” and his “support for anti-racist activism” demonstrated his “intent and motivation to violate the civil rights” of the neo-Nazi group. He was ultimately not charged.

EeeYepBlowing Whistles #fundie

If as a politician you can speak to the truth publicly then do so with ability. Trump & Farage have it. Trump & Farage can handle every dirty fake newsdog going. Trump is highly articulate and highly intelligent on so many subjects the likes of which Merkel and May could never last a minute under free-for-all-questioning. Farage also is as articulate as Trump - no wonder the UK elite hate him. In the UK our Labour & Tory politicians are a first world embarrassment for their controlled and contrived utterances in public.

Go Brexit and Go Trump - the European pro-EU politicals have made some very grave mistakes in not keeping up with the information age the times and the people and what has gone on in America.

Keep up the 'correction' that has been a long time coming Donald.

(later comment from him)
The British people already have clocked and gotten the Trump message - the shame and disgracefulness of it all is that the politicians and the media (all of them to use an Americanism are all caught way behind the curve) in the Uk are still mentally disturbed, spitting bile and still squaking around over a year after Brexit. Wake up you stoopid UK politicians you lost - Brexit won - now get with the people or you will find yourselves locked up.

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