Donald Trump

Tucker Carlson #wingnut

Fox News host Tucker Carlson dropped a crass comparison Friday as he insisted that “the left” criticizing Donald Trump’s behavior in contracting COVID-19 is the same as blaming the victim of a sexual assault.

Critics have pointed out that the president could have vastly reduced his chances of getting the coronavirus by following the strongly recommended guidelines of the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, such as avoiding crowds, wearing a mask and maintaining appropriate social distancing.

Instead, he has hosted crowded campaign rallies — against the advice of several local officials — where few people, including the president, have worn masks or maintained a safe distance.

Carlson falsely insisted that CNN said Trump “deserved the sickness that he got.” He played a clip of CNN’s John Harwood, for example, who said that the president’s behavior has put a “lot of people” in “jeopardy,” including the “president himself.”

“Imagine,” said a disgusted Carlson. Trump “just announced he was infected ... he deserved it,” the Fox News host added, repeating what he imagined the “left” had said. “They didn’t wait long.”

Carlson summed up his view of the media’s — and the Democrats’ — perspective on Trump as: “He asked for it. He was dressed provocatively.”

Donald Trump #wingnut

During a rally in Minden, Nevada, Trump predicted he would win reelection and carry Nevada, a state he lost narrowly in 2016.

“After that,” Trump said, “we’ll negotiate,” asserting that he’s “probably entitled to another four after that” based on “the way we were treated.”

The comments echo ones Trump made during a rally in Wisconsin in August, in which he stated he would win four more years and “go for another four years” because “they spied on my campaign,” likely referencing his unproven “Obamagate” theory.

Michael Cohen, Trump’s former fixer-turned prolific critic, has argued that Trump’s comments should not be disregarded as humor, instead asserting that Trump believes he should be the “ruler” or “dictator” of the U.S. and wants to “change the Constitution.”

Cohen predicted that, were Trump to win reelection, “he is going to automatically day number one start thinking how he can change the Constitution for a third term, and then a fourth term.”

Donald Trump #wingnut #racist

In the face of broad criticism, including from key GOP senators, President Donald Trump on Wednesday addressed his failure to condemn white supremacist groups at Tuesday's debate.
Leaving the White House for campaign appearances in Minnesota, Trump told reporters he doesn't know who the "Proud Boys" are -- despite having told the far-right group, which reportedly has described itself as "Western chauvinist" but not white supremacist, to "stand back and stand by" at the debate.
"I don't know who the Proud Boys are. I mean, you'll you have to give me a definition because I really don't know who they are. I can only say they have to stand down, let law enforcement do their work," Trump said of the group which has staged counter protests in cities like Portland that have experienced recent violence.
But asked directly on Wednesday if he would denounce white supremacy, Trump claimed he has always denounced it -- yet once again didn't use the words "white supremacy."
"I've always denounced -- any form, any form, any form of any of that -- you have to denounce," Trump said.
Asked on Wednesday morning if he found the president's comments concerning, GOP Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina -- the only African American in the Senate -- suggested the president misspoke and should "correct it."
"I think he misspoke in response to Chris Wallace's comment. He was asking Chris what he wanted to say. I think he misspoke. I think he should correct it," Scott told Capitol Hill reporters.
"If he doesn't correct it, I guess he didn't misspeak," he added.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, asked directly if it's a problem that the president did not directly condemn white supremacy, said he agreed with Scott's criticism, calling Trump's failure "unacceptable."
Sen. Lindsay Graham, another close ally of Trump's, also aligned himself with Scott's statement via Twitter.

Donald Trump #wingnut #racist

Trump said he ended racial sensitivity training because it was 'racist'

"We were paying people hundreds of thousands of dollars to teach very bad ideas and frankly very sick ideas, and really they were teaching people to hate our country, and I'm not going to do that, I'm not going to allow that to happen," Trump said.

"They were teaching people that our country is a horrible place, it's a racist place, and they were teaching people to hate our country and I'm not going to allow that to happen."

Benjamin Fulford #conspiracy #racist #wingnut #crackpot #psycho

The autumn offensive begins. The rogue nation of Israel was put under lockdown at the start of the Jewish New Year to facilitate a purge of Zionists, Pentagon sources say. MI6 sources say their next target is a mysterious Swiss-based entity known as the Octagon Group. In a counter-offensive, an estimated one-million Satanists in the U.S. are being mobilized to overthrow the government, multiple intelligence agency sources agree.

The major anti-Zionist offensive was started with the announcement of the death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Here is how Pentagon sources summed up the situation:

“[U.S. President Donald] Trump announced a list of Supreme Court nominees on September 9th, so the Ruth Bader Ginsburg (RBG) death on Rosh Hashanah sends a New Year message to the Jewish mafia while Israel is forced into another lockdown to round up Zionists.”

The Pentagon sources add they have jerked Trump’s chain to force him to act against the Zionists, and his son-in-law Jared Kushner will face a military tribunal on charges of treason and possible execution.

We are also hearing from MI6 why they are going after the mysterious group in Switzerland known as the “Octagon,” whose members are descendants of Pharaonic bloodlines.

ACTBAC members #racist #psycho #wingnut

Donald Trump supporters were seen during a car parade in which “neo-Confederate” members shouted “white power” and other obscienties at bystanders.

About 200 cars took part in the convoy that passed through Elon, North Carolina, on Saturday, the Elon News Network reported.

Members of a neo-Confederate organisation called Alamance County Taking Back Alamance County (ACTBAC) were said to have set-up the pro-Trump parade.

Founded by Gary Williamson, ACTBAC has been designated as a neo-Confederate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, Elon News reported.

Megan Squire, an academic and researcher on right-wing extremism, videoed the procession as it passed through the campus at Elon University.

Some members of the parade shouted the phrase "white power”, as another commented on Ms Squire’s Black Lives Matter sign, saying: “no they fucking don’t, bitch! Go back home cunt.”

Another driver, whose vehicle was adorned with at least two American flags, was said to have yelled “fuck black lives!”.

Ms Squire, recording the procession as it passed in downtown Elon, was told that “maybe you’ll be hit by a train next”, as a second ACTBAC member shouted “choo, choo, Trump train”.

The same vehicle accused the academic of being a member of Antifa – a far-left organisation president Trump has baselessly blamed wildfires and property damage on in recent months – as they shouted “four more years bitch”.

Donald Trump #wingnut #god-complex

The only presidential election Donald Trump will accept as legitimate is the one he wins, he told a crowd of supporters Friday night at a rally in Virginia. If he loses in November, Trump declared, ”We’re not going to stand for it.” 

Trump’s speech in Newport News was the latest ominous sign that he may refuse to leave office if he’s voted out. Asked at a press conference Wednesday if he would “commit to a peaceful transferal of power” if he lost the November election, Trump said ominously: “Well, we’re going to have to see what happens.”

Trump declared Friday that the only way he’ll lose the election is if the Democrats cheat.

“We’re not going to lose this except if they cheat,” Trump told the crowd. “Our country is at stake.” 

“We do want a very friendly transition,” he said. “But we don’t want to be cheated, and be stupid, and say, ‘Oh, let’s transit.’ We’ll go and we’ll do a transition, and we’ll know that there were thousands and thousands of ballots that made the difference through cheating. We’re not going to stand for it

Conservapedia #wingnut #conspiracy

[Conservapedia is losing it, guys! Whatever we’re doing, something about it must be right…]

There are 6 weeks until Election Day 2020. Vote in person!

33% of the American electorate support the Democrat base Marxist insurrection.

The 2020 United States presidential election will be held November 3, 2020. Donald Trump, the incumbent, is standing for re-election along with Vice President Mike Pence, having accomplished much during his first term. Many consider this to be the most important election of our lifetime.

Democrats nominated segregationist Joseph R. Biden, commonly known as the "Architect of Mass Incarceration" of minorities. His running mate, Kamala Harris, hired Marc Elias to run her primary election campaign. Marc Elias was the paymaster of Christopher Steele in what has been described as the biggest political scandal in modern American history Both Biden and Harris are descendants of slave owners. Harris has promised riots will not stop before or after the election.

Unprecedented in American history, the Democratic party is dominated by far-leftists who openly seek a single party state and to abolish political opposition. The Coronavirus, lockdowns, school closures, leftwing lawlessness, Marxist Revolution, 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, and 13th Amendment issues, globalization and loss of jobs to Communist China are all major issues facing the American people.

Conservapedia #fundie

Trump Derangement Syndrome is the term used to describe the irrational despair, hysteria, and hatred liberals, establishment token conservatives, and the mainstream media[1] have for U.S. President Donald Trump and anything related to him.[2]

Democrats were traumatized by Trump's 2016 election victory.[3][4]
The many hysterical, over-the-top predictions of what a Trump presidency would bring about,[5] including predictions that people would die because of Trump's policies.[6]
According to Pew Research Center in July 2018, Facebook rants by Democrats expressing opposition, such as to Trump, increased by 450% after the 2016 election.[7][8]
On the one-year anniversary of President Trump being elected president, liberal protestors literally chose to scream helplessly at the sky.[14]
It was announced in 2017 that "The Eaton Workshop hotel" – an explicitly anti-Trump hotel labeled "the world’s first politically motivated hotel" – would be built in Washington D.C.[15][16]
Also unprecedented, some Democrats used profane language against Trump, such as the f-word[36] and s-word.[37] Notably, in 2018, far-left Democrat congresswoman Rashida Tlaib stated that "we’re gonna impeach the mother****er," referring to Trump,[38] and many Democrats defended her vulgar comments.[39]

Conservapedia #fundie #wingnut

Liberal whining is the tendency of liberals to immaturely protest when things don't go their way. This has been known to worsen and progress towards more destructive infractions such as liberal vandalism. Examples of liberal whining include the following:

Al Gore senselessly demanded pointless recounts repeatedly after his defeat by George Walker Bush in the 2000 Presidential Election[1]
Supporters of Barack Obama insisted that all or the majority of their opposition were racist even without any evidence in their favor. Anyone who did not support Barack Obama was automatically considered to be a White supremacist by liberals.[2]
The Fairness Doctrine is supported by liberal whiners who feel threatened by conservative talk radio.
Liberals complain bitterly about Republican use of the filibuster—an entirely legal and valid tool—to stop them from ramming home an agenda unsupported by the American people. Some have threatened to eliminate the filibuster in an attempt to completely deny Republicans any voice in Congress.
Liberal atheists complain about any references to God.
Liberals have been whining about the election of Donald Trump before the results even came in![3]
On the one-year anniversary of President Trump being elected president, liberal protestors literally chose to scream helplessly at the sky.[4]

M. Castrejon #racist

The Son of Illegal Honduran Immigrants on Race Realism, “Social Justice,” and White Identity

"It is impossible to fault whites for not wanting to be overwhelmed by Hispanics."

This is part of our continuing series of accounts by readers of how they shed the illusions of liberalism and became race realists.

College was where I first started to think about race. Certain things were immediately obvious to me, like that Asians were the biggest demographic on campus because they’re generally quite smart. But other racial patterns took me longer to understand. I was one of the only Hispanics in my dorm, a fact I didn’t find meaningful at first. However, when my dorm-mates and I discussed our high school achievements, I discovered that I had a lower GPA than all of them, and had done much worse on the SAT and ACT. Despite this, I was attending college for free through federal and state grants, while my friends had to work or borrow money from their parents to pay their tuition. It was then that I realized that affirmative action had helped me immensely.

I studied biology as an undergraduate, which meant my classes were relatively free of “social justice” propaganda — but I still had to deal with other students who were steeped in it. One instance that made a big impression on me was when an Indian dorm-mate posted something on Facebook about how a player on his fantasy football team had been arrested in real life. I left a comment on the post that went something like, “There are mainly black people in the NFL, and blacks do more crime than most, so it’s understandable that he would commit the crime.” I had been learning about statistics and probability, and was happy to apply it to something in real life — but my friend was outraged, deleted my comment, called me a racist, and blocked me. Later on, we spoke about it in person and reconciled, but it was still striking to me that stating something so obvious could cause such a problem.

As a biology major, I learned that race is not “skin-deep” the way so many people claim. It is not just melanin or skin tone that sets us apart, but so much more: height, hair growth, digestive abilities, resistance to disease, presence of hormones, facial characteristics, and even cognitive functions. All biology majors know that DNA yields RNA which gives us the proteins in our bodies, which determine everything else. I was learning all of this in the abstract while seeing examples of it all around me. In the world of biology and sciences, not only was I often the only Hispanic in social and academic settings, sometimes I was the only non-Asian. By the time I graduated, I was a race realist.

However, I didn’t immediately think that that biocentric perspective had any political implications. My entire family is Democrat, and they believe the liberal cliches about the two major parties: Democrats are the party of the poor and non-whites; Republicans are the party of the rich and white. Politics had never interested me very much, so I had never thought critically about any of this. Then, Donald Trump entered the scene and politics became impossible to ignore. As a Honduran born in America, the first thing I wanted to tackle was the claim that he was a “racist,” like so many people were saying. If it were so obvious, I should be able to find an undeniably obvious clip of him being rude or outright mean to Hispanics, blacks or some other group. I went looking for this smoking gun, and, to my complete surprise, I never found it. His notorious comments about crime and criminality in Mexico and Central America are true. My parents had told me all about those things well before Mr. Trump ever did. Smugglers and coyotes are committing crime at our Southern border. Hispanic countries such as Guatemala, El Salvador, Mexico, etc. do have corrupt governments. There are powerful and extremely violent gangs in those countries. These are the main reasons why my parents left their homeland for America. I am extremely fortunate to have been born in the USA, away from all that. Hearing Donald Trump tell the truth about immigration did not offend me at all.

All my life, I had been told that I was the smart kid in the family, the brightest kid in class. But I knew that if I wanted to get even smarter, I needed to engage with ideas that challenged my own assumptions. In 2016, I was still a bit of a Democrat and had a certain tribal loyalty to Hispanics. However, I felt if my beliefs were to remain solid they would have to stand strong against ideas put forth by the other side — so I took a dive into the right. I started with Alex Jones, and to my surprise, I could not get enough, and wanted more! Soon I discovered Paul Joseph Watson, James Allsup, Stefan Molyneux, Gavin McInnis, Lauren Southern, RedIceTV, Red Elephants with Vincent James, Nick Fuentes, Devon Tracey, Jared Taylor, and even the devil himself — Richard Spencer. At first, I mostly just wanted to understand their ideas in order to better refute them, but when I started doing research into what these people were saying, I realized they were telling the truth.

It was only these dissidents, these “deplorables,” that really understood IQ, crime statistics, wage differences as they relate to race, the problem of censorship, and what really constitutes “fake news.” I now realize how much the mainstream media sensationalizes stories that fit with their worldview, and ignore stories that break with it. When they find a video of a white man cussing out a black girl at a Walmart, they try and make it go viral. But they don’t talk about the countless murders and rapes of young innocent white girls all across the country by black men and illegal immigrants. I cried the first time I heard about the murder of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom from watching the American Renaissance video, “Do White Lives Matter?” If the media treated us as equals, Channon Gail, Mollie Tibbetts, Kate Steinle and so many other victims like them would have gotten the attention they deserve — but the media doesn’t care when the victim is white. At the same time, they perpetuate the myth that America is a white supremacist country that holds back people like me. I don’t buy it. I have never felt oppressed because of my race. I did my best in high school, and my reward was all expenses paid undergraduate degree at a prestigious public university, in no small part because I am not white.

Some of my family members consider me a “race traitor” because of my new-found beliefs (and my MAGA hat), but that is far from being the case. Aside from my Asian college friends, everybody in my social circles is Hispanic, as am I — we all eat beans, speak Spanish, watch soccer and grew-up attending Mexican churches. This culture I’m a part of has its problems: I have friends whose criminality landed them dead or in prison, but it is still indelibly mine, even if I sometimes feel more comfortable in “white society” than my own.

I am extremely fortunate to not only be born in the United States, but also be intelligent enough to see through the victim mentality my people are indoctrinated into holding. American Renaissance gives me hope. AmRen speaks the truth and demolishes most every liberal myth afflicting the US. Whites should have every right to defend themselves, establish their own home, and reproduce amongst themselves to ensure their people survive. It is impossible to fault whites for not wanting to be overwhelmed by Hispanics and all the dangers they bring with them. I like the white world, and wish it all the best.

Saritha Prabhu, #wingnut

Donald Trump’s biggest crime was winning the 2016 election. For our political and media elite in the Beltway, that was the catastrophic, unforgivable crime, from which all the other (imaginary) crimes they now pursue him for originated.
How dare he win that election? Didn’t he know the election belonged to Hillary Clinton, who’d been building up to this very moment for three decades, courting every relevant constituency, remembering every useful politician’s birthday, and being as banal as possible to check everyone’s “lesser political evil” box?

How dare he win the election on his very first try? If you scratch the surface, jealousy is one of the driving emotions among Washington’s elite against Trump and his electoral success. He achieved what many career politicians would die and sell their souls multiple times for. And Trump did it seemingly casually, almost effortlessly. How dare he? He must have stolen the election!
How dare he win that election with a shoestring budget and a ramshackle campaign apparatus? How dare he win without an army of consultants, strategists, advisers, pollsters, and fancy data interpreters? Didn’t he understand that our elections are an excellent jobs program for thousands of political operatives and media types?
How dare he win the old-fashioned way: you know, by having a simple, direct message; recognizing heartland voters’ economic woes; and campaigning in that retail-politics way of his? Didn’t he know that 21st-century elections are now won with Big Data, microtargeting of voters, and media-hyped candidates?
How dare he lie and exaggerate in that crude, undisciplined way of his? Doesn’t he know that Washington likes their liars to be polished prevaricators who know how to couch their fabrications in think-tankese?

To add insult to injury, how dare he win by just saying what he (and millions of ordinary voters) thinks? That’s just not done. Didn’t he appreciate that Presidential Campaign-Speak is an art unto itself—something that has been focus-grouped, poll-tested, script-driven, platitude-filled, that’ll give no offense whatsoever to any identity group in America, and bores listeners to tears. How dare Trump riff offhand and entertain voters? The gall of the man!
How dare he say obvious, common-sense things like spending blood and treasure on Middle Eastern quagmires isn’t okay anymore, that America can’t afford to be the world’s security underwriter anymore, that our global trade deals have shafted American workers for too long? Who does he think he is?
Doesn’t he know that on the issues of the day, he needs to consult our over-credentialed, corrupt, and inefficient elites before he says anything? And doesn’t he know that the solution to every issue in our politics is counter-intuitive now: Up is down, war is peace, more illegal immigration is good, and having a wall on our southern border is bad.
How dare he care about ordinary American workers in the Rust Belt? Doesn’t he know that we live in a global economy now, and those Americans are toast? Dang Trump for forcing us to pretend we care about those white working-class voters Democrats had snookered for so long. Thanks to Orange Man, we now have to cater to the very people we despise and who cling bitterly to their God, guns, and religion.

And for God’s sake, doesn’t he know that caring about one’s nation and its citizens is passé? It’s all global now! Pretend-caring in a vague, generalized, feel-good way about global citizens while getting richer off their cheap labor is the fashion now.
For all his flaws, Trump is the best thing to have happened to our ossified, corrupt national politics. He ripped the mask off our political and media establishments. His election victory exposed the empty-souled hypocrites in the establishments of both parties and the national media who shill for them. He is the much-needed human defibrillator to the American political system.
What our ruling elites used to have (and lost) after the 2016 election was a powerful sense of control over our politics. Like millions of voters who are outside the hardcore Democratic base, I’ve been enjoying the primal scream emanating from the ruling and media elite. I may not like or agree with everything Trump does, but the spectacle of jittery, grasping-at-anything-and-everything elites has been enjoyable to watch.
With his unpredictable, heterodox ways of policy-making and communicating to the masses, Trump has, in some ways, neutered the media elite. What we have been seeing for the last two-and-a-half years is nothing but revenge on steroids: For the crime of winning the 2016 election, the elites have pinned all manner of crimes on Trump, hoping something will stick.

Time Transportal #wingnut #conspiracy #dunning-kruger

Another example of a Q puzzle is COVFEFE. That strange word tweeted by President Donald Trump on 5.31.2017.

Question: What is a subject that is considered negative by many people and is often mentioned as a negative thing by mostly alternative media? That's: 5G. And what is causing a feeling of negative press to the human body and mind? That's: 5G.

In this tweet by Donald Trump there's no mention of 5G whatsoever, but it seems to be a large piece of the puzzle.

The letters COV are in COVFEFE and in COVID-19.

The planet Earth is in a global coronavirus, also known as COVID-19 pandemic situation. Many people are inside their homes. And many governments and phone companies want to install 5G in cities and other places, even during this crisis situation. There are even rumors about 5G being installed during the lock-down of cities. Various online videos are showing that this seem to happen. There's a lot of resistance against the plans for 5G poles, boxes and streetlights. And there's evidence that 5G is in fact a weaponized grid system, you can look this all up online.

But when everybody have to stay inside and the regulations make it impossible for the people organize with more than two people in public, then a protest against 5G is very difficult these days, in a corona daze.

So coronavirus or COVid-19 is symbolically connected with 5G.

Some Q Anons have found out that Trump's COVFEFE is about the possibility to de-weaponize 5G. To make the electromagnetic waves more friendly, so to speak.

Linear Formula: FeCoV / CoFeV

Compound Formula CoFeV
Molecular Weight 165.72
Appearance Metallic solid in various forms (plate, bar, sheet, sputtering target, powder)
Melting Point 1427 °C
Boiling Point N/A
Density 8.12 g/cm3


Is Trump's COVFEFE tweet actually a warning for COVID-19 and the 5G install plans? Did he tweeted a formula to neutralize the dangers of 5G radiation?

Nixwerld #wingnut #racist #sexist #transphobia

SJWs, they're all a bunch of social media addicted queefbags if you ask me. If the film industry wants to survive through the COVID-19 pandemic and economic crisis, and if they want to keep that theatrical window going, they should restructure their own brands, lay off many of those social media influencers, stop relying on China for their profit, stop remaking or rebooting practically everything, enough with the gender-swapping and female empowerment, stop forcing "diversity/representation" on everything, and so forth. It's people like them who appropriate racism and abuse and intolerance towards one another, and bankrupt the police so that they could kill people they don't like and all other sorts of things. That's what you'd get in Donald Trump's America. And Disney, they should stop with the live-action remakes, and sell off all the IPs which they acquired through Bob Iger as a CEO, they can't afford to own a competing major film studio like 20th Century (Fox) Studios at this point.

Absolutely. The studio execs in corporate Hollywood need to learn their lesson. I believe in the theory of "Go Woke, Go Broke", insulting and guilt-shaming your audience into thinking they're all a bunch of racists and hypocrites does NOT earn you money or respect, it makes the situation even worse, and it turns people off from watching your shows.

On the subject of Disney, they have already become far too big and powerful over the past severeal years. If they want to earn more trust and respect from their target demographic, they should sell of most, if not, all of the companies they acquired under Bob Iger, excluding Pixar. They should stop with the live-action remakes of popular animated films, and not only revive the Touchstone Pictures brand for more adult themed movies but also sell of 21st Century Fox and its affiliates to some other company while they're at it.

bestgoyever #conspiracy #homophobia #racist #quack #wingnut

Facebook is currently undergoing a siege of advertisement boycotts because they won’t censor the platform enough, but for some reason, investors keep pouring money into the company. Basically, the Israeli group “Anti-Defamation League” is threatening to publicly accuse anyone who continues advertising with Facebook of supporting the Holocaust.

After stonewalling requests to ban Donald Trump and everyone who supports him, Facebook stonewalled. Now, they’re beginning to do categorical bans. They will no doubt just keep slowly doing more and more bans, all the while protesting that they support freedom of speech, like a woman protesting between giggles as you slowly tear off items of clothing. It almost seems like the whole thing is just a stage play being acted out for the edification of the audience.

The latest categorical ban comes against people trying to help homosexuals.

Male homosexuality is a vice and hygiene problem that has occurred in society for a very long time, primarily oriented towards pubescent boys. Historically, the men engaged in this behavior did not break away and form a degenerate subculture, or have this sterile aversion to women and family life. They had wives and families like everyone else.

This was a side behavior, not a lifestyle or an identity.

It was like this with the Greeks, Japanese and others, and is still like this with most Moslems and religious Jews.

Homosexualism, on the other hand, is a foreign ideology that was invented in San Francisco in the 1960s. It is an identity cult built around a pathological fixation on a sterile sexual hobby, to the exclusion of the principle function of sex. It is a rebellion against the natural family order – like feminism for men. Since it is a belief system and a cult, it should be curable by psychosocial intervention.

However, Mark Zuckerberg would rather that young boys be lured into this cult, get diseases, be psychologically destroyed, and die young with no children.

It is a disgrace to the medical profession that the American Medical Association would cite these over-the-top, holocaustic claims.

There would be no need to do anything traumatizing to confused teenagers in order to teach them to act normally. Like any other behavior disorder, this could be mitigated with individual and group psychotherapy and group activities reinforcing appropriate behavior.

Not only is it impossible to advertise these services, but it is increasingly impossible to offer them in the West – they were banned in Germany this year.

Bay of Pigs Award

Donald Trump #crackpot #wingnut

Sleepy Joe Biden has spent 47 years in politics being terrible to Hispanics. Now he is relying on Castro lover Bernie Sanders to help him out. That won’t work! Remember, Miami Cubans gave me the highly honored Bay of Pigs Award for all I have done for our great Cuban Population!

FemmeBlanche #conspiracy #racist

Robin Williams - Called himself an honorary Jew, looked Jewish and made Nazi jokes all the time.

Meryl Streep - Looks Jewish, is worshipped by Hollywood.

Anthony Fauci - Looks Jewish, not Italian. Many Jews pretend to be Italian.

Joy Behar - Looks Jewish but says she's Italian. Very Jewish humour and way of speaking. Pushes the anti-white agenda.

Bill Gates - Looks Jewish. Has a tech company that rules the world just like Jewish Mark Zuckerberg.

Steve Jobs - Same as Bill Gates.

Donald Trump - I'm not sure about him but I suspect the Trump family is Jewish. On the filthy, childish animated series Drawn Together which aired from 2004 to 2007, the man refered to as "Jew Producer" is a robotic version of Donald Trump.

John Kerry - Apparently, his original family name was Cohen but was changed to the Irish name Kerry.

Any other celebs or politicians you think are secretly Jewish? How about the Bush family? Paris Hilton?

Wayne Dupree #wingnut #conspiracy

Here’s how November’s election could lead to a new Civil War in America. I pray I’m wrong, but fear I’m not

I believe the Democrats will resort to cheating and creating chaos in order to stop Donald Trump winning another four years in the White House. If they do, the result will tear our nation apart.

The Democrat leadership is well aware that their anointed candidate, Joe Biden, is suffering from rapid, advancing mental decline, and that, without cheating, they have no chance of reclaiming the White House. Is it possible that they can steal a national election? Ask anyone associated with John F Kennedy’s election back in 1960 in the state of Illinois. As a character in Oliver Stone’s movie, Nixon, said: “They [the Democrats] stole it fair and square.”

What surprises me the most about this election is we live in a fast-moving technology age in 2020, yet the Democrats want to use the antiquated system of the post office to mail in ballots. Why? Because it’s easier to cheat that way. And who will be counting the votes in places like Portland and Seattle, anyway? BLM or Antifa?

The Dems want to muck-up this election so badly that the Electoral College is unable to meet and declare a winner.

How will it go? Here’s my prediction…

The Dems will demand that Trump/Pence leave the White House until the election results can be sorted out. They’ll have Rep. Nancy Pelosi sworn in as a “placeholder” president until the vote count can be officially verified, which, not surprisingly, will never happen as long as Trump is winning.

Trump will refuse to step down and leave the White House, claiming that as the election results have not yet been verified, how can he be declared the loser?

President Pelosi (from her temporary “Oval Office” in a room in the basement of the House of Representatives) will declare Trump and all his supporters as “enemies of the state” (oh wait... she already DID THAT!) and order the military to evict Trump from the real Oval Office forcibly. Some military brass comply. Other military brass do not comply. This fractures the military hierarchy into competing factions, resulting in chaos (which is the whole point).

Democratic Party leaders order their supporters, who have already been besieging the White House en-masse since before the election, to storm the building by force and remove Trump, or to burn the place to the ground.

Republicans take up arms and head to Washington to “peacefully” protect Trump and prevent the White House from being overrun by rabid Leftists intent on burning-looting-murder.

And when those two opposing groups clash in DC, shots will be fired, and Civil War number two will begin. Leftist minions in every major metropolitan area in America will come out of their basements and make the current riots seem like a practice run. It will go badly for anyone unable to protect their home and family.

I hope I’m wrong about all this, but I worry deeply that it may well just play out this way.

Our only hope lies with the beauty of our Electoral College system, and my belief that the American people will ultimately choose the party of peace, security and economic growth over the party of division, rioting and socialism. And that they deliver a clear, big and uncontestable win for the Trump-Pence ticket.

The Democrats can cheat all they want in their tyrannically controlled states like California, Oregon, and Washington because they are going to win them anyway. But the other states, not so much, especially the red ones where people are watching. It's the purple battleground states like Florida, Pennsylvania and North Carolina (where both Democratic and Republican candidates receive strong support) which we need to worry about and have our people out in force to watch them.

I heard Hillary Clinton recently telling Biden never to concede. She still doesn't understand how the presidential election works. You can stuff ballot boxes all you want in Democrat strongholds but the Electoral College requires winning States and to some degree counties.

Democrats stuffed ballot boxes in 2016 and won the popular vote by over two percent but lost the election by 14 percent. You have to win States, not population centers, to capture the White House.

The desperation of the Democrats is clear for all to see. Everything they’ve thrown at the unsinkable and unflappable Trump has failed miserably. Everything from their Mueller Russian collusion hoax probe to the sham impeachment has fallen apart. Now with a solid record behind him, achieved despite seemingly impossible odds and rabid opposition, President Trump looks set to crush the Dems yet again in November.

It will be even sweeter this time around.

Mary Ann Mendoza #conspiracy #racist

Mary Ann Mendoza, a mother who had been scheduled to speak at the Republican National Convention Tuesday night, was dropped from the program after she urged her Twitter followers to read a thread from an anti-Semitic conspiracy theorist.

Hours before her scheduled appearance at the convention, Mendoza shared a months-long thread posted by a feed called WarNuse that includes multiple anti-Semitic slanders, including arguing that the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a notorious forgery that claims Jews control the world, is not a fabrication.

“Do yourself a favor and read this thread,” she posted.

Virtually every tweet in the thread, posted by an adherent of the QAnon conspiracy theory, reflects anti-Semitic tropes. After The Daily Beast published a story about Mendoza’s tweet, she deleted it and said she had not paid attention to everything in the thread.


But Mendoza had tweeted previously about the theory, which holds that the Rothschild banking family has engineered an international war. In November 2018, she shared a now-deleted tweet and wrote, “And there you have it: The Rothschilds have used their globalist media mouthpiece to declare that Donald Trump is threatening to destroy the New World!”

Mendoza is an “Angel Mom,” the term that President Donald Trump, whom Mendoza had been set to endorse formally, uses to describe mothers of victims of crimes by undocumented immigrants. Mendoza’s son was killed by a drunk driver with a criminal record.

'Living Fossil' Award

Dixiecrat discovered in the wild!

Hunter Wallace #wingnut

[From "Final Thoughts"]

I’m not voting in the 2020 election.

I’ve always been an independent moderate and populist nationalist voter. I have never been a conservative or a Republican[…]
When Donald Trump came on the scene in 2015, I supported him because I hated mainstream conservatism – the True Cons or the cuckservatives who I ridiculed at the time – and because his campaign seemed to be opening the door to a new kind of populist and nationalist politics.[…]
My politics have always been moderate, populist and nationalist.[…]Basically, I’m a throwback to an extinct species of New Deal-era Southern Democrat.
The issues we are facing today are also different because of Trump. We lost hundreds of our historic monuments which were torn down by violent mobs.[…]Democratic cities were allowed to essentially become a 21st century version of sundown towns while the Trump Justice Department prosecuted White Nationalists.[…]Meanwhile, he delivered a trophy case of victories for Israel and militant Zionists who hit the jackpot with his administration.

Over the last four years, we have seen a reversion to mainstream conservatism except now the difference is that it is openly gay and more stupid, feckless and ineffective than ever before. There is less room, not more, in the GOP for nationalists like Steve King who was drummed out of the party for wondering why Western civilization has become taboo.[…]What are these people doing for me as a social conservative voter? After replacing Anthony Scalia, Neil Gorsuch read transgenderism into the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
In this respect, I have learned something from the Losters who I have been researching in recent months. They were also completely alienated from American politics and culture, but it gave them the perspective to articulate a new set of values, which is what I plan on doing with my time.

Donald Trump #conspiracy

The deep state, or whoever, over at the FDA is making it very difficult for drug companies to get people in order to test the vaccines and therapeutics. Obviously, they are hoping to delay the answer until after November 3rd. Must focus on speed, and saving lives!

David Stockman #conspiracy #quack

We don’t expect the Virus Patrol to be put out of business any time soon because the Donald is too confused and weak to shut them down.

Moreover, if he keeps shooting himself in the kneecaps via tweets like today’s “lets-postpone-the-election” numbskullery, he will guarantee an even worse scenario: Namely, that while Sleepy Joe is being oxygenated and propped-up behind the Resolute Desk for daily Oval Office photo ops, the left-wing health Nazis who surround him will really go to town on Lockdown Nation.

So on the facts, the Hysteria should be dying out, but, alas, the facts are of small moment in the context of a runaway public hysteria that is being turbocharged by a severely aggravated anti-Trump partisanship that has no modern precedent, or any at all.

We are constantly reminded that there are less than 100 days until the election, but probably of even more salience is that the next flu season will be arriving even sooner in October. And it won’t matter whether the obvious herd immunities building up against the SARS-Cov-2 cause the next flu season to be unusually mild or not.

That’s because the Virus Patrol will be at shrill alert for the “second wave” in the run-up to October, keeping the suffocated economy evident in today’s GDP report on its back foot for the balance of the year, at least. That means the ballyhooed V is now surely dead-as-a-door nail.

In this context, it needs be recalled that the services sector of the US economy is bearing the brunt of the Lockdown orders, but that it now counts for fully $8.7 trillion or 45% of GDP. That compares to a mere 26% back in the days of America’s industrial might in the mid-1950s.

In the big picture context, therefore, national policy – especially at the Eccles Building – caused the off-shoring and hollowing-out of the US industrial economy over the last three decades. In turn, that has left main street especially vulnerable to a state-orchestrated attack on its new services sector center of gravity such as outpatient surgery clinics, Pilates studios and tapas bars.

Again, an economic marshal law attack on the new epicenter of the US economy means that the issue is not traditional stimulus, but clearing the decks and clearing the air of the Virus Patrol orders and Covid-Hysteria, which was the real culprit behind the Q2 GDP disaster.

Donald Trump #conspiracy #wingnut

“A group of Republican lawmakers in Pennsylvania say 200,000 more votes were counted in the 2020 Election than voters (100% went to Biden). State Representative Frank Ryan said they found troubling discrepancies after an analysis of Election Day data.” @FoxNews This is far....

...more votes than is needed by me to win Pennsylvania, not to mention hundreds of thousands of votes in other categories which increase my already big lead into a landslide. All other Swing States show likewise. WE NEED NEW & ENERGETIC REPUBLICAN LEADERSHIP. This can not stand..

....Can you imagine if the Republicans stole a Presidential Election from the Democrats - All hell would break out. Republican leadership only wants the path of least resistance. Our leaders (not me, of course!) are pathetic. They only know how to lose! P.S. I got MANY Senators..

....and Congressmen/Congresswomen Elected. I do believe they forgot!

Jerry and Becki Falwell #sexist #fundie

RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — Jerry Falwell Jr. announced his resignation Tuesday as the head of Liberty University after a provocative photo and revelations of his wife’s extramarital affair roiled the evangelical school founded by his father.

Falwell’s exit marks a precipitous fall from power for one of the country’s most visible conservative Christian leaders and ardent supporters of President Donald Trump. He confirmed his decision to resign in a wide-ranging interview with The Associated Press.

According to the school, he initially offered to resign Monday, hours after a news outlet published an interview with a man who said that he had a yearslong sexual relationship with Becki Falwell and that Jerry Falwell participated in some of the liaisons as a voyeur. Falwell, who denied any participation, later reversed course on his resignation and began telling news outlets he had no intention of leaving. Then he changed direction again.

“That’s the only reason I resigned: because I don’t want something my wife did to harm the school I’ve spent my whole life building,” he said in a phone interview. “I never broke a single rule that applies to staff members at Liberty, which I was. So I want everybody to know that.”

The university confirmed in a statement that its board had accepted Falwell’s resignation as president, chancellor and board member. All were effective immediately, the statement said.

Becki Falwell also spoke with the AP on Tuesday, saying she and her husband are “more in love than ever” — a sentiment echoed by an audibly tearful Jerry Falwell.

“We have the strongest relationship, and Jerry is the most forgiving person I’ve ever met,” she said. “It’s a shame that Christians can’t give us the same forgiveness that Christ gave us.”

Andrew Anglin #psycho

[From "Convicting Soldiers of “War Crimes” is Not a Valid Concept, And Anyone Convicted of That Should be Pardoned"]

“War crimes” is an absurd concept. It’s not a real thing. Soldiers should never be charged with crimes for doing what they think is necessary in the heat of battle.

If we do not want people to die in wars, we should not start wars. The wars are not started by soldiers, they are started by Jews.


Donald Trump’s decision to pardon four Blackwater contractors involved in the 2007 slaughter of Iraqi civilians was met with a tsunami of anger and resentment online from people calling it a travesty of justice.[…]

Bizarrely, it is the same Jews that start all these wars that then go out there and attack the soldiers. Normal white people – or normal people of any race, really – understand that soldiers are trained to kill, and punishing them for “killing people too hard” is idiotic. The people who make the decisions should be held responsible. We should NOT be Monday morning quarterbacking the battlefield.

George Bush and Dick Cheney should have been the ones convicted of crimes. The Jews should have been charged with espionage, promoting these hoax wars in the Middle East for the benefit of their home country. This whole situation was lunacy, and it simply furthers the lunacy to punish the soldiers, who are themselves victims of the Jews who sent them to fight these wars.

All of these people who went to these wars are really messed up now. It totally messed with their heads, to be in this kind of lunatic war, where you’re a world superpower engaged in combat with primitive cave people as part of an extended occupation.

Everyone was whining about this pardon.

Donald Trump #wingnut #pratt

The lockdowns in Democrat run states are absolutely ruining the lives of so many people - Far more than the damage that would be caused by the China Virus. Cases in California have risen despite the lockdown, yet Florida & others are open & doing well. Common sense please!

Randall Yaeger #wingnut #psycho

Michigan state Rep. Laurie Pohutsky (D) on Tuesday called out a supporter of President Donald Trump who sent a threatening email to lawmakers.

"This was sent to my office this evening from Randall Yaeger, who chose to send it from his work email at Yaeger Construction. This email has already been sent to the authorities," Pohutsky said in a Facebook post.

Yaeger's email repeated debunked claims of massive voter fraud and warned that "American voters will now be forced to change our government officials with bullets instead of ballots."

The threatening email also "predicts" that the "mass execution" of public officials will begin "very soon" unless Trump is given a second term as president.

According to Fox 2 Detroit, Yaeger could face up to 20 years in prison and a $250,000 fine for the threat if he is really the person who sent the email.
Pohutsky said that lawmakers in Michigan have been getting threats "every single day." The situation became particularly worse after a hearing with Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani, she added.

Donald Trump #wingnut #conspiracy

Twitter is going wild with their flags, trying hard to suppress even the truth. Just shows how dangerous they are, purposely stifling free speech. Very dangerous for our Country. Does Congress know that this is how Communism starts? Cancel Culture at its worst. End Section 230!

Just me and Jesus #fundie #wingnut

No, you've got it backwards. Donald Trump is a devout Christian man who has made clear that he loves the Lord Jesus and truly cares about the well-being of everybody, especially the unborn. You think we can't see past his bluster to the heart inside? He is a fine man and a true conservative, even though naysayers like you laughably try to claim that he isn't.

Joe Biden, on the other hand, is everything you just accused Trump of being. Biden may claim to be a Catholic, but even a casual observer can tell that he only hides behind Scripture to appeal to gullible fools like the Christian Democrats (an oxymoron if I've ever seen one). He's got a cult of personality around him made up of sycophants who think he can do no wrong, and I wouldn't put it past him to attempt a coup and declare himself dictator given half the chance.

Operation Rescue #fundie #wingnut

Operation Rescue is pleased to announce that the recipient of the 2020 Person of the Year Malachi Award is President Donald J. Trump.

The Malachi Award is given by Operation Rescue every year to recognize individuals who sacrificially work to advance the cause of protecting the pre-born.

During President Trump’s Administration, he has done more to protect unborn lives than any other President in U.S. History.
When he first took office, he immediately set out to defund those that promote abortion worldwide.
His new Protect Life Rule blocked Planned Parenthood and other abortionists from receiving millions in Title X Family Planning grants.

Most recently, the Trump Administration withheld $200 million from the State of California for requiring all health insurance policies to include abortion coverage, which forces those who object to fund abortions.

Earlier this year, President Trump pulled out of the pro-abortion United Nations’ World Health Organization. The WHO is one of the world’s top promoters and funders of abortion internationally.
President Trump’s over 300 judicial appointments give pro-life supporters new hope that life-affirming legislation will withstand legal challenges. These appointments have created a climate where the possibility of overturning Roe v. Wade now exists, and has placed the nation on a course toward building an Abortion Free America.
He has also protected religious liberties that ensure Americans can continue advocating on behalf of the unborn in freedom.

“President Trump has done more to build a Culture of Life in the U.S. than all previous presidents combined,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “It is my honor to acknowledge these accomplishments and relay my deep gratitude to him for keeping and exceeding all his promises when it comes to the matter of abortion. He is a worthy recipient of the 2020 Person of the Year Malachi Award.”

The Donald #psycho

[Submitter’s note: this is a reaction to Trump pardoning twenty individuals, including two corrupt ex-GOP representatives, George Papadopoulos, ICE guards who covered up executing civilians, and four Blackwater Guards who murdered Iraqi children]

Anthonysaxetogrind: Pardon anyone who's fucked up a democrat!

LookFatty: Fucking MSNBC article makes me want to puke. Fucking "other one term presidents". GO FUCK YOURSELVES. SHOULD BE A 5 TERM PRESIDENT. STEELING MY FUCKING COUNTRY ASSHOLE'S. FUCKING SHOULD BE EXECUTED

ImpeachedDeplorable: Clinton and Obama pardoned Puerto Rican FALN terrorists and bombers, and a variety of US born domestic terrorists. You can tell where an administration's sympathies lie--POTUS with our soldiers and sailors, Obama and Clinton with our enemies.

MooseKnukle3: next pardon joe exotic

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