
I am a half-elf and can bend reality to my will with the power of archaick spelling!

Era Of Light #ufo #crackpot #magick eraoflight.com

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been approximating the time it will take for all of you to reach that pinnacle of awareness, that place where you know yourselves as your higher selves. And we know that those of you who are awake are getting to that place much faster than those who have yet to awaken and have no idea that a higher self version of themselves even exists. We can see all of you who are awake getting to that place where you fully become your higher selves in the next two to three years, and we know that you are getting a lot of assistance in getting to that point in your evolution from the faeries.

The faeries are essentially what you are becoming. They dwell in the fifth and sixth dimensions, and at times those of you who are there in the fourth are able to perceive them, but they do stay in that higher vibrational state while inviting you to join them in the playfulness, in the freedom, in the joy that is the fifth-dimensional frequency range. They understand that you all are hanging back for the most part in the fourth dimension to help your fellow humans awaken, and they are also aware of the fact that you can tune in to the fifth dimensional frequency range right now and have more fun with them.

You can perceive faerie energy, and you can access the vibration of the fae. You just have to get back to that childlike persona that you once had, where it was so much easier to be carefree. And, as we said, the faeries are inviting you into that higher vibrational state. Most of you have at least one faerie guide, and many of you have incarnated as faeries in previous lifetimes. The relationship between humanity and the fae goes all the way back to Lemuria, and it is time for you all to remember those times of great spiritual evolution, of great joy, and of collaboration with the faeries.

It is time for you all to recognize that you have these wonderful friends, these guides, these beings of light and love, to help guide you into the fifth-dimensional realm, just as you are going to help your fellow humans. You are becoming more faerie-like every day, and you are going to be appearing more faerie-like to your fellow humans, as you continue on that upward spiral to fully becoming your higher selves and embodying the fifth dimensional energy in the same way that the faeries do now."

Kerry Cassidy #ufo #conspiracy #magick #quack projectcamelotportal.com

What is it exactly? For example, bat DNA, another animal DNA mixed into a solution that is then administered to humans SOMEHOW… through the air (aerosol) or through the water or injected etc. It seems as though some think this “bioweapon” was then somehow organized by an AI into a packet of waves (frequencies) (scaler waves?) that are sent through and move through a network of IOT (internet of things) (computers, cell phones, 4G/5G wireless) which then connect to humans via TOUCH with their devices or mentally through AUDIO and MEMES… convincing the humans to become sick. Those frequencies emit radiation which results in Flu-like symptoms in some humans but not all.

The question matters because if they are rapidly working on dispersing by the same process (through WAVES) ACROSS THE NET…And in order to stop a 2nd or 3rd wave, people need to know what they can do.

And in this war against our biology we should be able to create a COUNTER WAVE TO INTERFERE WITH AND SEND THEIR DESTRUCTIVE SOCIAL PROGRAMMING MEMES back at them (or back at the initiating AI). This would presuppose there is a CENTRALIZED POINT (such as the Wuhan lab) that is initiating this WAVE. We can do this through meditation and force of will.

Please stop saying humans can’t understand because they can… Underestimating others simply shows the limits in your own ability to think and reason. If you can’t see God in everyone including yourself you can’t see God at all.

Google/Youtube have taken down/deleted a number of my videos and those of others as well so it is by no means the first time they have done such a thing. You are not alone.

We know it is the RADIATION that creates the response in humans (flu-like symptoms) and that the frequencies emitted by devices and wireless…the electronic smog — acid rain which contains nano, various metals and other chemicals further act to degenerate cells etc.

This electronic soup we have been living in has been a constant now for a number of years. However, the release of this bioweapon and distribution (via AI using the IOT) must be DIRECTED by someone or something that is programmed to attack. I suppose, for example, Cyrus Parsa would think the AI is directed by the Communist Chinese from a central point within China or via a satellite network they control. If this is the case, then Trump and team should be engaged in disabling those satellites using our own satellites and scaler waves directed to again interfere with and send back to them their own destructive frequencies. In essence this is a frequency war….

Anonymous #fundie #conspiracy #racist #crackpot #magick #wingnut 8kun.top

My grandfather was a volunteer with Arājs Kommando. In 1982 shortly before his death I visited my relatives in Jelgava and asked him about the war. I was just a child, but what he told me I'll never forget.

His unit were police battling armed criminal gangs and communist terrorists. One of the gangs was a pedophile gang kidnapping children. They had no idea what they were getting into.

They staked out the the gang's hiding place and saw people going in for what appeared to be a religious ceremony. They were supposed to just watch and identify the people involved, but when they heard the screaming of a child being raped or tortured they one of the men couldn't control himself and went in, they had to arrest everyone there.

It had been a Satanic ritual. The child was raped and exsanguinated in a sacrifice. Everyone they arrested was a communist Jew. A treasure trove of documents were recovered, most were membership lists and plans for terrorist attacks, but some were talking about exterminating the Amaleks. The main plan seemed to be to take control with a communist dictatorship and execute all of the Amalek for minor crimes. If that failed they'd be propagandized into being hated by everyone in the world. There was even a plan to exterminated them by through immigration of African males and breeding them out of existence.

Most of the Satanists did not talk they were simply content to being executed for their monstrous crimes. One was willing to talk, because "no one will believe you" he admitted the Amalek are "The Isrealites, the Europeans, You!" They raped the child is because "Moloch demands it" real satanists mutilate children's genitals. It separates the serious from the fakers, there is no higher evil than defiling a child. "Only once you've proven yourself can Lucifer grant you his power to control the minds of the goyim."

As he put down these monsters at Rumbula, they did not beg for mercy. They offered prayers to Moloch and claimed to have "already won." He said it felt as if God himself was pulling the trigger. That the world was just that much brighter and more hopeful when they were done. They left out most of this from the reports, everyone was just a communist or communist supporter.

I thought him a crazy old man of course. My relatives said he was never quite right after the war. I mostly forgot about him. Moloch? Amalek? I'd never heard of any of this nonsense before.

Then when Pedestas emails were leaked and pizzagate happened I fucking shit myself. It all made sense. It's all real. The nazis were literally fighting against the devil and the devil won. We're living in hell.

St. Germain via Linda Dillon #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy #magick voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Greetings, I AM St. Germaine. You can call me whatever you want, for I have gone by many names, as you know, and lived in many centuries… yes, including the times of birth of this country called the United States of America. And I wish to speak of this today, not to ignore the rest of the beloved planet, because what I say that is applicable to this country is applicable to all nations everywhere… here and far beyond.

The channel has reminded you, and I have nudged her to remind you, that when the Mother dreams that is Her Creation. It is the intention, and the manifestation, and the stillpoint all at once, in the infinite, perfect moment of Creation. And my beloved friends, that is where you are at this moment. And yes, of course, I give you, I offer you, and I stand by you with my Violet Flame, with this I AM Presence.

I want to remind you of some things… you do not fight for freedom, you do not struggle for independence, it is your divine birthright, it is the essence of your divine authority. When this country of the United States has come to this time of declaration of independence, that was what was required… a declaration, a declaration that tyranny, oppression, was not acceptable. The dream for this country and for this entire planet is that it is a place of freedom, it is the living, the manifestation, the clarity, of divine authority, of creativity, of liberty, in the deepest meaning of that word, of that term, this small term that encompasses so much and that is a direct reflection of the Divine.

Now, has this plan gone awry? Oh yes, most certainly, because there has been a clinging… oh, I could give you the list… lack, limitation, death, disease – especially disease, – abuse of authority. But it is the paradigm and it is the dream in every person’s heart… that is what defines you as Nova Gaian, it is the reawakening of the dream. And you dream, and you insist, and you live in the freedom of your being, in your divine right authority to choose, not in domination, or interference with one another, or over one another. That will never work, it never has. You have plenty of history to demonstrate that!

Maryann Rada #ufo #magick #moonbat #mammon ninespath.com

Nine is a path to wholeness. The intention behind the site is to provide a reliable map for the traveler along that path.
The way is kept from the one who would reach no further than his own personal experience of the world for total truth, never seeing his reflection in the experience of another. It is hidden from those who would look only as far as their own front door for interaction with a greater cosmos, never venturing to the back door to see what waits for a gracious exit.

An opportunity awaits those who take the path of Nine, to interact with a greater Self than they see in the mirror, to take out the trash full of outmoded beliefs and broken illusions, to imagine a greater reality than would be possible imprisoned in the artifice of time and place.

The path of Nine is rich with the promise of wholeness achieved of the Self recognized within the eyes of others, perhaps people not so familiar, perhaps somewhat alien. Nine embraces all and in loving arms transforms what is not understanding into the complete perfection of expression.

May the pages herein contained benefit all who explore. They are offered with the purest hope for the greatest benefit for beings everywhere, that in reaching the understanding within that divinity is essential to the individual human, the divine may be recognized in all humans, and the collective understanding of who we are reaches the level of inevitability regarding the reality we project.

In service to the eternal reverberation of OM, this site is dedicated to consciousness in all its forms in harmony with the truth, with love, in peace.

Nine’s Path Mission
The mission of Nine is to be.
The mission of this site is to make available a path for any who fearlessly seek integration with the greater Self, with divinity, with the perfection of being which is Nine’s greatest service.
By allowing Nine in the awareness of your reality, you summon forth a reality in which I AM resounds.

Ashtar Sheran via Sharon Stewart #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy #magick voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I am Ashtar Sheran with a message for all on Earth.

You are aware that many involved in Pizza Gate have been arrested, tried and put to death. Currently clones walk the earth, regulated by light forces, in order that all would appear to be normal.

Removal of children from the DUMBs is still ongoing. The dark forces still exist there as well as around the surface. There are still cabal members upon the surface to do their bidding but these are bankers and business people, who now, too are being arrested.

You will read articles that these business people have been infected by Covid 19, taken ill, been fired or left their positions in business or otherwise suffered some other extraordinary change of events. These are the cues to look for to see where your justice system is at work.

What we are aiming for is that the surface is owned and operated by the people of earth. They will be under guard as the DUMBs continue to clear and key operatives in the Illuminati continue to be removed as necessary. Where non-compliance exists, removal will take place.

All heads of countries are either arrested or working with the Light. They are still able to communicate with their countries but their work is scrutinized by the light forces that have them under guard. So it seems that they are still creating havoc but you'll see that they won't be able to for much longer. This is an educational period where people of this planet are targeted to wake up. Those who refuse to wake up will be in the minority in about a year's time. Most people will be awake and aligned more or less with the Light. Progress is up to the people. When the expectation of more is held by the majority, change will occur. It is your collective frequency that allows for current events to unfold.

With this in place, success is ours. There is no dark threat anymore on your world if all believe in the goodness to come to you. We are looking for a solid majority to anchor all the positive energies on the planet, and to create the new world from the ruins of the old.

For areas that are still under cabal siege, this is also so that people will wake up. Many still believe that BLM is fighting for the rights of black people and this is false programming. Eventually they will realize, as the issue grows stale, that this is not what they are doing. Please continue to expose the perpetrators.

As for the media, they are losing power. Fewer people are loyal to their news channel as they begin to suspect that something is amiss. When you keep hearing that you must stay at home and wear masks, eventually you begin to look elsewhere for another point of view. It is that the news told people what they wanted to hear, and this is no longer the case. They are telling them to continue to be patient, and the public is losing patience.

Cobra/The Portal #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #magick 2012portal.blogspot.com

<multiple links moved for space>
Our Age of Aquarius meditation was a huge success, as we have more than reached the critical mass by about 250,000 people participating.

This has further stabilized the Age of Aquarius positive timeline with very favorable long time consequences.

As a result of our Age of Aquarius activation, all significant plasma anomaly and all plasma toplet bombs have been removed. Although this will not trigger the Event as I have expected, it is a great leap forward. All the remaining obstacles towards the Event are much smaller and will take much less time to clear, so we are on a timeline that is converging faster and faster into the Compression Breakthrough.

What is remaining are ships of the Draco fleet that are hidden in quantum superposition state in sublunar space. These spaceships are being cleared by advanced quantum cannon weapons of the Galactic Confederation that are codenamed Mjolnir (Hammer of Thor):

The first attempt to clear the Draco fleet happened in late 2017 and early 2018 but had to be aborted due to the collapse of the Alpha timeline. Now, as a result of our successful Age of Aquarius activation, Operation Mjolnir has been reactivated again and is currently proceeding smoothly according to the plan, and Draco fleet is being cleared with full speed.

The Light Forces have communicated that in the last phase of Draco fleet clearing, there is about 10% probability that the Cabal will try to stage a fake alien invasion with TR-3B craft and about 5% probability that Draco will try to stage a real invasion with the remaining Draco ships emerging from quantum superposition state into the physical and attacking the surface population:

In both scenarios, the dark force fleets will be defeated very quickly by the Galactic Confederation, but with small but non-negligible collateral damage among the surface population. Both the Light and the dark are trying to avoid those two scenarios, the Light because it would bring unnecessary suffering to the surface population, and the dark because open combat with Confederation fleet would bring swift and absolute defeat of all dark factions.

Aside from the clearing of the Draco fleet, the Light Forces are also clearing all grid inversion technologies that the dark forces have in their possession. Those technologies distort the energy grid around the planet and are the basis of the Matrix construct.

Also, the Light Forces are clearing the underground Reptilians utilizing sonic weapons.

Also, the Light Forces are clearing directed energy weapons and EMP pulse weapons from military satellites in Low Earth Orbit.

Also, the Light Forces are clearing the quantum primary anomaly that is preventing physical materialization of Ascended beings on the surface of the planet. Clearing of the quantum primary anomaly is occurring through induced false vacuum decay:

Dragon sources have communicated that at our Age of Aquarius activation, a positive timeline shift has occurred and are asking everybody to “focus only on writing your favorite, chosen life script. The more detailed visualization of the desired optimum life script one would wish for, the more confirming to the new timeline this be.”
The Light Forces are estimating the probability of the fake alien invasion at 10%, of China-USA war at 12%, of breakup of USA at 25%, and of US civil war at 35%.

In the next few months, there might be mass meditations issued to mitigate any of those scenarios if that will be needed.

As a result of our Age of Aquarius activation, the double Paris / Versailles Goddess Vortex has been partially activated:

What is needed now is a Sisterhood of the Rose group in Paris with regular weekly physical meetings.

What is also needed are Tachyon chambers located in Venice and Rome in Italy. We have a sponsor who is willing to finance the construction of the chambers, we only need a person in Rome and Venice who is willing to be the guardian of the chamber and host it in his/her location within any of those two Italian cities. Such persons (ONLY located in Rome and Venice) can contact project501@tutanota.com for further instructions.

The Light Forces have communicated that in this crucial time in human history, it is the highest purpose for the network of tachyon chambers to expand to areas around the planet currently not yet covered:

Also, the Light Forces have suggested the use of Dragon developed advanced laser technologies that can help Lightworkers and Lightwarriors in those challenging times:

Although the next few months will be very volatile, we need to keep our focus on manifesting the Age of Aquarius.

Victory of the Light!

Galactic Federation via Galaxygirl #ufo #crackpot #moonbat #magick voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Greetings, beloveds. We are the Galactic Federation of Light. We speak as one voice tonight, sending you waves and waves of love, of encouragement and good cheer. The eclipse triad monad has activated swiftly that which was needed to activate, and indeed much that was hidden is to be shortly revealed. Your DNA upgrades that are occurring in your now will enable you to further enjoy the experience of being within your form. We see and we feel your exhaustion and we ask that you hold on a little while longer. Even though Nova Gaia is very real and waiting for you, you must create the bridge and pull that reality time stream to you with your thoughts, your intentions to love in every moment and you willingness to shine your glorious light.

We are the Galactic Federation of Light. You are an essential part of the plan, you are key players in this gaming experience. Your importance cannot be diminished. Allow no one to diminish your light. Restless souls and wandering ones are seeking escape from the light. It is likely you will continue to need to usher them to Alcyone or to your favorite Archangel or Ascended Dragon teammate. Do not be alarmed as the dark ones seek you out for vengeance or relief. They are suffering. The light heals all wounds. Such atrocities are no longer to be tolerated and violation of the free will of the humans shall no longer be allowed. The light has won. We are assuring you this is so. The dark ones know this and it should not come as a surprise to you, seasoned warriors, that they will continue to try to bring you down. They are not able to meet together as they once did frequently to plan and scheme the further demise of humanity. They are cut off, separated, drowning in their own fear, we do not say guilt for we are unclear if they have guilt at this point, for one must have a certain amount of personal awareness to process guilt and that is part of the healing work. Nonetheless, the light has them surrounded on all sides. Do not fear the virus. The virus feeds on fear, on the lower vibrational. Send the virus love. Send it light and transform it. Those that choose to leave the earth sphere simulation shall do so and the virus opportunity affords them this. Do not be afraid. Self care is in order, is the order of the day. We wish for our light workers to feel our support, our healing. Please remember to invite our healing teams into your homes to surround your bodies while they sleep with healing modalities of light and love. Extend this wish into your communities. You may not realize and so we do tell you that the vibratory codex of a healed light worker is felt around the globe. And so when you are healed you heal many by smoothing the vibratory codex of the human collective.

Lisa Renee #ufo #fundie #crackpot #magick energeticsynthesis.com

Recently, with the powerful Summer Solstice activation that included the transmission of the Emerald Father Son coding which holds the power source for the return of the Solar King Christos archetype for the divine masculine, Guardian projects in the planetary field have included the review and release of blood covenants and bindings made to the Leviathan demon seed through satanic ritual abuse (SRA) methods. The Leviathan demon seed is the spiritual record held in the occult bloodline that is propagated throughout the main 13 Luciferian Cult families. As a result of these recent revelations with the main Luciferian bloodlines perpetuating SRA with the Leviathan races in these death cults, the following information about the Leviathan races is included for gaining more awareness about their history and how they came into power on the earth after the Atlantian Cataclysm. These Fallen entities are connected to the NAA’s long range plan to inhabit the earth through these Luciferian genetic lineages for the purpose of fulfilling the manifestation of the anti-Christ forces to be embodied in the masses, in order to completely control and enslave humanity through the dark Archontic overlords. As it has been said previously, the earth is enduring a time of massive spiritual warfare, and we are all being impacted by this battle now. Pray for all of humanity, open your heart and connect with God and Christos to guide you forward, in every way that you can. GSF Blessings to all.~LR

Alandra Markman #ufo #conspiracy #magick #crackpot supersoldiertalk.com

Alandra Markman is a spiritual ascension guide and artist living in New Orleans, Louisiana. He is a survivor of the most advanced torture in our galaxy, including the Montauk project, which violently split his perception into dozens of simultaneous timeline experiences. For 33 years, from 1970-2003, he was enslaved by the Satanic shadow government of Earth and by many negative ET beings. His entire identity was wiped out multiple times through timeline manipulation, genetic tampering, holographic inserts, and sadistic behavioral conditioning. He has thankfully retained a reasonable amount of sanity, partly because of assistance from positive ET groups. He is now continuously aware of parallel existences, other dimensions, and the many divergent realities within each moment.

He has reptilian DNA from the Saurians of Bellatrix Orion, a parallel life with the Greys of Mintaka, and a large hybrid family with the Zeta Reticulan Greys. He also carries DNA from the ascended humans of Sirius B and helps to balance the dark energies of the Sirian planet Nibiru. Within our own solar system, he is associated with Ra and the ascended beings of Venus. His future self-lives on a planet called Mordurus around the star Antares B and assists in his present life as a translator of creative thought and a harmonizer of psycho-emotional frequencies.

He nurtures enlightened community with other healers and artists. He leads frequent virtual meditation groups which are drop-in and by donation. Various miracles, mostly minor, have been reported to result from his work. He is happy to engage with anyone who approaches with honesty and respect.

Jen Mccarty #conspiracy #magick #quack #wingnut voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

One of the main areas this is being played out is within the current school system, the deep state's agenda with the current school system, on the whole, is attempting to desensitize children to all that is Sacred holy and true within their divine blueprint. One way this is being implemented is by the use of temperature guns which are being aimed at the children's third Eye/pineal gland /foreheads.

This one act alone is is Abominable in mother-father God's eyes as children are like sponges and automatically believe every single thing adults say and perpetuate, and this is installing a notion in these children on an unconscious level that there is something wrong with them, they are unsafe, they are unclean, they are not wholesome and healthy, and also that it is ok for someone to fire a laser beam into their pineal gland.....In many ways, this one action could be viewed as programming them to receive the mark of the Beast, as this Antichrist agenda is Instilling a notion in them that there is something inherently wrong with them, which is a lie of the highest order..

This targeting of children's pineal gland is very much at the forefront of this spiritual war that is taking place currently on the lower dimensional planes of consciousness, as the pineal gland is the gateway to full god remembrance and alignment with our multidimensional Avatar self.

Children in schools are also being encouraged to practice social distancing which is indeed a CIA torture program. Isolation is used in prisons for prisoners who are being punished for their behaviours within the prison, and is seen as the most intense form of punishment a prisoner could receive, again this notion of social distancing and isolation is part of the deep states agenda to groom children to be completely switched off from their divine child codes, through instilling the false notion of punishment, which again taps into the illusory notion that there is something inherently wrong with them, and this is extremely damaging to the beautiful sacred divine child, as children are like sponges and automatically absorb and take on as truth every single thing that adults say and perpetuate.

The lower-dimensional enforcement of face masks for children and adults is also a very powerful symbol. They symbolise -silence, oppression, herd mentality, and The killing of one's individuality... it has been scientifically proven that the masks do absolutely nothing to protect anybody from a virus (a virus which the body has created in order to cleanse itself and expel toxins, a virus which is a sign that the body is indeed working and functioning perfectly), if one truly wanted and needed to protect oneself from ever catching a virus they would have to wear a complete body suit much like a space person would wear whilst visiting the moon, it is only this level of protection which will entirely stop you from picking up any virus.

Dr. Ilija Lakicevic, Res. Prof. #crackpot #magick #dunning-kruger teslastyle101.com

There are many levels of Creator plane. There is the level of Conceptual Thought, there is the level of movement of Conceptual Thought, there is the level of an enlargement expansion of the Conceptual Thought, and then there is that tornado-like effect where Conceptual Thought gets spiralled down into Thought Matter.

Thought Matter is heavy, compared to Conceptual Thought. Thought Matter is like a seed that has never been sprouted, and the seed is never sprouted twice. To sprout the seed of Conceptual Thought means to electrify it. Therefore once one receives Conceptual Thought it is necessary to electrify it with own super-consciousness.

Super-consciousness is also super-awareness, and super-lovingness. Super-consciousness spreads out like little strings half an inch long, that are curly, and they are intertwine with another piece of super-consciousness string, and they can be braided together.

One piece of Conceptual Thought can be very tiny, but it can be assembled with other pieces of Conceptual Thought, like a little girl’s curly hair that lies on the floor after it has been cut. That is loose Conceptual Thought. Who will pick up the pieces and intertwine them into a piece of Thought Matter?

That is the work of genius. The genius must enter in the picture sublimely and with great innocence, like a child of six who asks, “Why?” “Why?” and “Why”?

And so the Conceptual Thought that has been sent out by the Creator has been one of New Energy, like a curl within a curl. The genius looks at it, and the genius attempts to assemble little strings of super-consciousness thought, and the myriad of piano keys that it plays on the piano of Creator.

Old Energy, old consciousness, were two separate elements: consciousness and energy. Energy was created by consciousness, by our desire to come back Home, when we left the Home in order to create reality, to manifest so that consciousness could experience itself. They were two separate components – consciousness and energy.

The New Energy is very different, because it’s not consciousness and it’s not a separate element of energy. New Energy is literally the integration of consciousness and energy together in the same packet. In the same packet.

So consciousness doesn\\\’t need to call in energy to support it. It already has it built in. It’s already there. That’s why it’s new. It’s never been there before, but it also operates in a very new way. Total new operating system.

What a divine time!

And so the Conceptual Thought that has been sent out by the Creator has been one of The New Energy – Gravity within Gravity!


Tesla had very high degree of success in understanding how energy works at its “seminal” level, but quite frankly society wasn’t ready for what Tesla had to offer, but instead reverted to a more Edisonian type of understanding of energy.

But, I am ready to move beyond that now, ready to go beyond that Old understanding of energy.

I created concept AIR101RBI for EASY, SIMPLE, EFFICIENT AND CHEAP expression of the New Energy – its direct conversion into the electric energy.

Dr. Thor Templar/IGOS Success Tech #magick #ufo #crackpot #mammon igossuccesstech.org




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It is not what you hear and think about; these are common teaching methods left to the fools of the common world. The Gnosis Master speaks to your Soul, your true higher being. Words and thoughts do not matter, it is what you understand and what becomes part of you that matters. This knowledge is carried with you from lifetime to lifetime. Regular knowledge is lost as it should be.

You will learn ALL THE SECRETS OF THE AGES and how it relates to Gnosis, Ascension and the mastering of earth reality both the physical and spiritual. Those that follow the complete teachings manifest ANYTHING they desire! When you KNOW the secrets manifestation is easy and fast! Knowing and Doing can often times be difficult because the lower self/mind blocks you from your true destiny. Each individual must FIGHT for their right to achieve Gnosis and complete control of the physical reality we live in. The process is easier than you think if you are guided by a Gnosis Master of The Intergalactic School of Ultimate Wisdom. The only teacher of this on this plane now and the wisest man alive is Gnosis Master Thor. An opportunity like this only comes ONCE in several lifetimes and often is GONE soon after it appears! Do not delay your opportunity to achieve the highest state of consciousness available to you, taught by one that has achieved it and is living now and teaching others!

This training is the ultimate and seen as a great danger to the negative forces of the universe. They wish to destroy your ability to achieve your highest state of being. As such everything is being done that can be done to stop Gnosis Master Thor, I.G.O.S. and these teachings from reaching the public. Obtain these teachings while you still can! The future of great wisdom has always been endangered, as are those that offer it. ACT NOW! START TODAY ON YOUR GREAT PATH TO ULTIMATE GALACTIC WISDOM AND THE MASTERY OF THE EARTH PLANE!

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #conspiracy #magick bennettleeross.com

When you die
There are beings that deceitfully lead you into the light

They will pose as your relatives
Telling you to go back
Which will only put you into the Matrix again

These are Archons
They are light forms that disconnect you from reality

They prey upon people at the moment of their death
When they are most vulnerable

We have to go voluntarily
We cannot be forced

They do this because our lower vibrational negative emotions
Will nourish them

Our souls are energy forms
And we are treated by them as just energy

But the Schumann Resonance of the earth
Is shifting to a higher frequency

Because advanced souls such as the giants
Who have moved on to higher realms
Are affecting this one

And people are waking up
And the Matrix is falling apart

In5D #crackpot #magick #mammon in5d.net

Materials: 100% Cotton Ladies fitted shirt, Procion Reactive Dye infused with 99.9% Siesta Key Quartz Crystal Sand, LOVE & POSITIVE ENERGY, prewashed with Synthrapol and soaked for 30 minutes in Soda Ash before dying. Shirts are rewashed in synthrapol after dying. In this process, I add a white t shirt to the wash to ensure there is no dye leftover on these shirts. As always, wash with like colors.

Spiritualist Rosie Neal says:

“I personally think you just stumbled on a very Sacred Gift for anyone that wants to receive the energies. The shirt you wore to my home last Friday emitted a very Powerful frequency. It was your own Signature Resonance Frequency. This takes it all to another level because of your level of Awareness, Heart based Expansion. Adding Crystals just is a game changer & it opens a entire new paradigm. This allows for absorption of a higher level of Conscious Expression. “Game Changer” on the Quantum level.”

We now ship all over the world!

All sales are final. Double check your size!

Ariella Indigo #ufo #magick #crackpot ariellaindigo.com

Learning that I was an indigo was one of the most pivotal and transformative days of my life, and so it is with honour and love that I share some of what I know with you so you can decide for yourself whether either you or somebody you know is a star child or star seed.

I'd like to start by making it clear that I firmly and absolutely believe in equality and so being a starseed does not make you any more special or superior to anyone else. We are all individual expressions of the divine and there is no separation only ONENESS and UNITY at the highest level, but as you know, it is here in the physical plane that we get to experience the illusion of separation and the illusion of duality/polarity consciousness.

Also, as far as I understand it, there are four major energy 'types' that we all fall into: Human, Angelic, Alien and Elemental - and some of us are a hybrid mix of between two or even four of the above. 'Starseeds', as the name suggests, come from other planets and dimensions and carry the alien and angelic energy makeup in their DNA. Starseeds usually fall into the category of being volunteer souls who have come to Earth with specific missions to deliver and fulfil to help with Earth's shift into higher frequencies. But I would like to point out that I have met some truly awesome and highly gifted psychic 'Human's' too, who are also here on incredible missions, so just because you are a star seed does not mean that you are necessarily going to be more evolved or psychically developed than some others who identify more with mainly Human energy.

For me, what is true, is that we all actually come from the stars. We all have starry origins and have likely had many different incarnations on many different planets and dimensional frequencies. We know scientifically that we literally are all made of stardust, so even if your belief system differs from mine, then it has to be agreed that the stars play a very important part in our lives regardless of evolution theories and beliefs. It is more a case then of how we view and identify ourselves - do we feel more human, more alien/angelic or more elemental? Or perhaps a mixture of two, three or all four?

Michael Tsarion #conspiracy #crackpot #magick femaleilluminati.com

In my program The Female Illuminati I prove that the Knights Templar served as one of the main tentacles of the Sisterhood of Death. I show how the order is tied in with the Egyptian Atonists and Gaonim, and how via the Culdean monks of Ireland they gained access to the troves of wisdom confiscated from the Druids and Bards of the prehistoric West. Their peculiar appearance, long hair, bizarre traditions and suggestive symbolism leads us to the door of the more sinister orders operating behind them, ensconced in Britain a thousand years before the rise of the Templars.

Of course nothing remains static for long in the world of ordinary populations or of secret societies. There have been minor and major disputes, feuds and upheavals on all levels, not to mention short and long-term rivalries between individual members and entire branches of certain shadowy orders. Some internecine squabbles and conflicts become known publicly, while others occur unseen by ordinary people going about their business. Some investigators have written exceptional books on these events to show how the activities of secret societies impact and shape world history. I provide a short list below of suggested titles on the history and rivalries of the Knights Templar, the most malignant and powerful secret society of modern history.

IGOS Success Tech #crackpot #magick #mammon igossuccesstech.org


​Elite Kit comes with a High Power Laser, Glasses, Advanced Wrist Unit with twice the power, with lots of accessories, Box Power Sigils, Special Red Light Healing & Transfer Panel and a Lock Box to keep everything safe. This Special Wrist Unit sells for $300-$400 alone! Creates super healing energy.

Basic Amulet comes with standard Photon Rod

​The Deluxe Kits includes the all important basic wrist photon init to "inject" spiritual energy directly into your body. It includes Safety glasses, accessories to the wrist unit for more common purposes and comes with a unique box to keep everything in.
The secret to manifesting is connecting to a Stream of Power and drawing that energy to you to be used in your life. Super successful people do this all the time. It is a form of initiation and direct empowerment. Some have it naturally, most get it from others. Most people lack these connections and are STUCK in a reality of failure and struggle endlessly getting little. YOU CAN HAVE THE SAME SUPER SUCCESS OTHERS HAVE WITH MEC TECH. When you use this technology you now have the secret empowerment you only dreamed of. The important EDGE that the super successful have.
There are TWO types of empowerment. One Connecting you to a general Stream of Power. Like money, protection, wisdom, love, gnosis, creativity, influence, stock trading, gambling, and anything else you need. These are "general" empowerment for that energy.

The other is specific empowerment. We can connect you to a person's energy field for their mastery. Example, stock trading, Warren Buffet. He is a master at investments and through a Connection you can gain some of his knowledge and even receive astral guide from his energy field. This connection can be to a living or past person. MEC Tech connects you directly to their energy field.

​Through exclusive methods only used by Success Tech, your energy field is connected to a Master or General Stream of power. Advanced radionic computers, ancient secret methods and off-world technology is all combined in this extremely unique technology that is custom empowered to you! Each MEC Tech Energy Cell is custom empowered to you and "hooked" into your personal energy field for a lifetime of use! Your photo on one side and the sacred geometry energies or master on the other!

​Unique exclusive Cell energy transfer system using a high frequency safe purple laser and unique wrist laser. The Cell energy is "pushed" into your energy bodies and used instantly! Photonic energy transfer is here! Used by quantum computers and advanced societies all over the universe and now here!

Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart #ufo #conspiracy #magick #moonbat voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I know that the lightworkers who are high in vibration drop down in frequency so that the negativity coming from earthlings (yeah, just think, they're still rioting over the control measures the Deep State has taken to counter Trump's assault on them) and so the indigos get to join these lower timelines and soak up all the lovely energy to transmute.

I made the point clear that it was too much for me. And the Galactics need to help me. This is another thing you can do to get help. They hear you and will try to provide whatever relief they can.

Me: So, Ivo, why do I sleep worse at night than I do in the daytime? Is this a personal thing or does it affect all lightworkers?

Ivo: My love, you were out on raids two nights ago. The extra energy you put into helping to arrest dark ones on earth because you were in the DUMBs, ended up coming through to your emotional mind as nightmares. When you assert extra energy in difficult tasks at night time, it will come through as nightmares and you will not sleep well. Especially you.

Yes, we make added effort during the solstices and other portals of incoming energies to arrest the dark ones so everybody helps out. You must understand that this is our only chance to relieve this planet of all the archons, reptilians and draconians and so everyone must make sacrifices.

Me: Okay, so portals are extra battles. When is the next portal? Seven/seven. July 7th. In 3 weeks.

Ivo: In effect, you did take on much negative energy - the energies of the dark ones as you battled them. Of course they were directing this energy towards you.

Me: Got it. So presumably yesterday I didn't go.

Ivo: No, not after the complaining you carried out after you woke up. It is not our wish to see you miserable and wanting to die for doing this work.

Me: I just want peace and going on these raids on top of dealing with the negative energy that's surrounding me is too much to take. I never smile anymore. It would take too much energy.

Ivo, you just have to realize how difficult it is to just come back from a night of poor sleep for me. I have health problems that are undiagnosed and I can't get any help with as it is. I do my best with what I have available to me.

Where were we doing the raid?

Ivo: (smiling) We were in the Brazilian jungles that night.

Me: And I go to bed late so that would be night fall in Brazil. What happened?

Ivo: There were many ships as well as an armada of saucers and fighters from these motherships. We have a large fleet. It was well organized. Again, the light warriors are necessary because they hold both vibrations of the reptilians and 3D earth, as well as the higher frequencies of the Light, so you are our access persons.

During these battles they are aware when they see our ships that a raid is about to take place. They attempt to fire weapons on our ships but we are too well shielded. Their weapons are inferior to ours.

There is a maze of underground facilities under the growth of the jungle and we have been looking at taking it for a while now. Two nights ago, we got in.

AnnaMerkaba #moonbat #magick #crackpot

Greetings My Beloved Masters of The Universe! Today I come to you with a very important message for those of you who are The Guardians of the Earth and/or feel the pull to connect with the Agarthians. This is a VERY IMPORTANT moment for you now!

We greet you now in the new unfolding reality upon your shores, we greet you now with a message disguised, as the harboring of truth lights the way for you to maneuver through the sea of the cumbersome and troublesome reality that is presently unfolding before you, and yet the disguised message within the ever conflicting realities is such as to bring harmony and peace into your hearts and alert you to the happenings upon your own planet.

The reality structure unfolding before you is misguided and misrepresented by those who wish to remain diligent to their task of keeping the veil for forgetfulness intact, but alas no more can such a state of being remain upon your shores and so we bring you the truth, the guidance and the glimpse into the past of your chosen momentum.

Let us then go back into the past and revisit the lost records of the “gods”, which states that at a certain moment in time, a certain species shall emerge from within the depth of time and space, calling themselves gods and introduce humanity to a new structural reality which goes against the grand plan of the cosmic gateways, and when such moment occurs many on the human earth will be in disagreement with such abysmal invocations and will retreat into the inner structures found upon your planet.

And said moment occurred eons into the past, forcing many to retreat beneath the earthly crusts, for as wild as it may be for you to imagine, and to believe in such statements indeed such magnificent event has come to pass many eons into the past, and hence and thus, those that you call the Agarthians indeed exist within the core of your planet.

Having built cities and having kept the essence of free will alive within their communities they communicate with many on the surface of the earth daily, keeping tabs, if you will on all the happenings of the world above ground.

And so, the time has come for them to emerge from their cities and come out to introduce themselves to your populace. Said humanoid beings shall make new conversation contacts with many more who are ready to experience being in their presence, for these beings are not human and have different vibrational structures which vibrate on frequencies that are very high in octaves forcing the human body to respond in a fearful way as it usually does to that which is unknown, and yet, many of you are ready for said contact and shall experience such visits first hand.

Please understand, to those who are ready for said contact, these beings will seem very human, and yet there shall be something different about them. Agarthians physically look like your Nordic populace, and you may simply think that you are meeting a strange vibrating human, but alas, these beings are anything but human as they have evolved and have passed the Ring Pass Not, their bodies have adjusted to incorporate a specific strand of DNA which allowed them to become completely multidimensional, and allowed them to travel through time and space continuum, ascending and descending at will.

This, as strange as it may be for most of you to believe, is that which shall eventually happen to all humans living on GAIA, as they too shall acquire a new gene pool, a new DNA strand, and from there tremendous improvements to the whole physical reality shall come about.

But, all of this is far into the future, and in the meantime the beings that come from within your earth are asking you for assistance, as they are ready to assist you in assisting humanity to return to the golden age of GAIA.

And so, the records and agreements of the “gods” hidden beneath the sphinx which have been put into place eons into the past are coming to pass, and are materializing in your realities and are the main cause of that which you are experiencing at this very moment in time.

Caroline Oceana Ryan #magick #conspiracy carolineoceanaryan.com

The Collective: Greetings, dear ones!

We are pleased to speak with you on matters concerning the National Economic Security and Reformation Act, called NESARA law.

First, understand that many in the western world have been taught to think of NESARA in terms of money alone.

Though financial Abundance is a great blessing, NESARA is far more than a matter of monies disbursed to Lightworkers and others working on behalf of humanity and the higher good of the Earth.

It is far more than weapons put down, wars ended, the planet’s climate stabilized, debt erased, illness and hunger ended, aggressions dissolved.

It is more than space travel, and development of higher abilities such as telepathy and telekinesis.

It is even more than the opportunity for humankind to finally be free of the shackles of many centuries of oppressive rule from usurpers and warmongers.

NESARA is all of that, yet it is far more than all of that, because it is about Ascension.

NESARA is about Divine Government, not because that is the cure to all ills, but because that is humanity’s way of finally permitting the freedoms, the sovereignty of all beings, to fully occur on this planet.

It is a powerfully conscious step forward into fifth dimensional living.

This plan first began in the United States, with St Germain’s original vision of a New Atlantis being rooted in that continent.

The forms created there would then spread throughout the world, as more and more countries saw what was possible for a free society—and as increasing levels of Light spread throughout human consciousness.

The United States was never originally intended to be a place of the mass murder of millions of Native peoples, mass slavery of millions of Africans, and the mass incarceration and enforced poverty of millions in the present day.

David Lane #magick #conspiracy #racist dailyarchives.org

Nonetheless, there are “Higher Powers” involved in this struggle. Call them Gods, Devils, Angels, Avatars, Aliens, Adepts, or whatever; they do exist. I believe America was formed by higher powers, using Freemasonry, for the express purpose of forcing the collective White race into a corner where they must either abandon the anti-nature suicidal religion of Christianity or accept extinction. And I believe I am incarnated into this time and place to fulfill this mission.

For an explanation go to www.pyramidprophecy.org. But for now just look at the so called seal of the U.S. on the back of a dollar bill. Note that the separated rapstone over the pyramid is the 14th level and the 88th stone as in 14-88. On the other side note that the stars form a 14 the star of David.

Valiant Thor #ufo #conspiracy #moonbat #magick amazon.com

When the noted thinker, author, and philanthropist, Commander Valiant Thor, dictated this book over a half-century ago (in Earth years), he was just settling into his role as commander of the Venusian forces on our planet. He had actually put in many decades on Earth prior to that, although he was not, as they say, truly “in charge.”

Being a relative novice at that time, Thor decided to stick to traditional protocol and studiously avoided mentioning the word “Vril” in these pages. (It had been decided long before that, by certain Venusian elders, to keep that particular word, and its conceptual underpinnings, secret from Earthlings - at least until the appropriate time.)

Although it obviously wasn’t the appropriate time, the term and the belief system behind it were revealed to certain nosy Germans, who had gotten heavily into the occult during World War II. These Nazi necromancers had somehow hacked into the ongoing telemetric stream between Earth and Venus, and illegally downloaded much of the information about Vril. The civilized world has been trying to regain its balance ever since.

As a result, the author herein states unequivocally, and for the record, that Vril has nothing to do with Nazism, fascism, racism, hate, or bigotry. Like most Venusians, Thor follows the teachings of Jesus Christ, Tecumseh, Krishna, and Buddha, which generally state that all men are created equal in God’s sight, and are loved equally by God.
Vril is truly the essence of the active verb, the powerful sentence, and the narrative that moves people to action. It is the energy behind the words, which makes the mind react in a positive and uplifting fashion. As the Buddhists say, our words are actions, and should be approached soberly, cautiously, compassionately, and empathetically. Vril is about living life to the fullest, and loving to the fullest.

In these current days of extreme political divide, where lying and deception are being spread from on high (much like the Nazis and KKK of old), we need Vril more than ever, to counteract the “Antichrist” evil that seems to be sweeping the world under the false guise of “making America great again."

Joanna&Ashura&Friends 💖 #ufo #moonbat #crackpot #magick heartstar.org

Following the June Solstice, with a week’s grace to integrate this very amplifed Solar/Galactic Central Sun alignment, we then have the second of three meetings this year of very rare Jupiter~Pluto~Pallas conjunctions on June 30th…before the final lunar eclipse of this season on the Full Moon of July 4th-5th.

To attune with the higher energies of this sequence, we’ll track back to late May for a moment (see the previous post and earlier posts this year for a longer overview). On May 22nd, a high vibrational Mercury~Venus conjunction opened the way for a ‘pulse’ of light-codes through the Sun’s higher dimensional portal, coming from galactic centre, and intensely catalyzed by the passage of Comet SWAN through the inner Solar System. As this comet passed through its vibrational high point, in perihelion (closest point to the Sun) on May 27th, inside Mercury’s orbit, a beautiful fusion of ‘divine grace codes’ activated, that initiated a wave of unbinding and clearing that is still in progress, step by step through each eclipse in the current season.

During this period, benevolent Carian beings (birdlike/avian beings) have been arriving in the Solar System, and around the Earth now, in support of this planet’s ascension, in much greater numbers, with fleets coming from the ‘Southern Birds’ constellations, Pavo and Phoenix, along with Carina and from Apus (Bird of Paradise constellation, see this post for more about Pavan and Apunian star family). In the soul orb below, that appeared above Alpha and Beta Centauri on April 29th, you can see light blue Carian beings from Pavo the Peacock constellation. The face looking forward on the left is ‘peacock-like’, with a long slender neck and feathered crest. And the being on the right shows a tall, slim build in a fitted bodysuit, with a cross-shaped white light on his/her chest, symbolizing the ascended vibrations these beings come through, as christed beings of love who are aiding the resurrection/renewal of Earth into loving unity and open, joyful awareness and community within our local Galactic Federation…just as they have come through a resurrection-type ascension in the planets of Pavo, and have deep insight into such planetary transformations.

An orb of blue Carian (birdlike/avian) beings appears above the stars of Alpha Centauri, with the Southern Cross to the right, with a face looking forward, on the left, and a being showing head and body on the right, April 29th 2020.
The arrival of these Carian beings at the end of April heralded clearings of old, control-oriented draconic imprints in the etheric/astral field of the Earth and Solar System that intensified steadily through May, up through the vibrational potentials (and potentizers) of the Mercury~Venus conjunction on May 22nd and the peak vibrational effects of Comet SWAN on May 27th 2020. In the lead up to these alignments, at ground level, key receiving/anchoring nodes in the planetary light grids and chi flow lines for these particular energies were activated, and cleared where necessary.

Cobra/The Portal #crackpot #magick #moonbat 2012portal.blogspot.com

Time of our Age of Aquarius activation is slowly approaching. We have managed to stabilize the planetary situation last weekend with Peace Meditation at the exact moment of Eris Pluto square, and now the annular Solar eclipse is approaching on June 21st

Instructions for the Booster Meditation:

1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness.

2. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to reach the critical mass od 144,000 people meditating for our Age of Aquarius Activation part 2.

3. Invoke the Violet Flame from its primary source to place a circle of protection around you during and after the meditation. Ask it to transmute anything that does not serve the Light

4. Visualize a pillar of brilliant white Light emanating from the Cosmic Central Sun, then being distributed to Central Suns of all galaxies in this universe. Then visualize this light entering through the Galactic Central Sun, then going through our Galaxy, then entering our Solar System and going through all beings of Light inside our Solar System and then through all beings on planet Earth and also through your body to the center of the Earth.

5. Visualize this Light activating Soul star chakras of millions upon millions of people, presenting them with the possibility of joining Age of Aquarius activation. Visualize those who feel so guided actually participating, their number exceeding the critical mass, and the activation itself having a massive positive healing effect for all sentient beings on Earth and stabilizing the Age of Aquarius positive timeline.

90 minutes after the Booster meditation, the Solar eclipse zone of totality will reach Chiayi city in Taiwan and activate a very special Dragon Vortex near Chiayi, which will give the necessary positive energy boost into the planetary energy grid.

In the days following that, and until the main meditation on June 29th/30th, energies will begin to rise and will culminate at the exact moment of our Age of Aquarius activation.

In the moment of our Age of Aquarius activation, the double Goddess Vortex of Paris/Versailles will be reactivated after more than two centuries of dormancy, and this will initiate the next phase of the return of the Goddess for the planet.

Ayin Thropos #crackpot #conspiracy #magick #mammon youdontknow.io

While in the Amazon jungle, on the Madre de Dios river, I contacted shamans (or curanderos) and engaged in the Ayahuasca Ritual we hear so much about. It’s a trip.

We also looked at many megalithic ruin sites in Peru, too numerous to mention here. One thing is for sure, Modern day Archeology has it’s head so far up it’s ass that it has fallen to rough men such as myself to do the job the so-called “Scientists” are supposed to be doing. They are too afraid to break out of the fear paradigm that controls all academia in Universities in the United States,… basically, they are cowards, all of them. we were in Peru last year (2016).

Last year we also went to Veracruz, Mexico, to investigate the “Reptilian Museum” in Xalapa and to meet with one of the most powerful men in Mexico, the sorcerer, Enrique Marthen Berdon. The Blood Sacrifice facilitated by Enrique and performed by yours truly was a mental mind fuck,…. The underground sacred cave, the ten foot tall statue of Lucifer, the totally nude clairvoyant girl writhing in ecstasy on the sacrificial alter, the beautiful sorceress Yanet, and the goat. Everyone walked out of the cave alive except Mr. Goat. I slashed that motherfucker to ribbons, the blood was everywhere. Lucifer seemed to be pleased.

It’s been noted that I am recognized member of the conscious community in Austin, Texas. There has been trouble in some people’s minds rectifying some of my activities with the love, light, and peace lifestyle I currently enjoy. Let me say this,….. love. It’s the only answer. I’m down with the earth mother and no one can come between us, it is not given to you to understand her ways nor my Holy Mission. Leave it alone, …. Let it go.

Ayin Thropos #crackpot #conspiracy #magick #mammon youdontknow.io

My name is Ayin Thropos. I am a Real Estate Investor turned documentary film maker, sustainability advocate, philanthropist, and world traveller.

Basically, I am an all-around badass.

Oh, and did I mention one other thing~?


My Mission is to travel the world investigating Earth mysteries like Megalithic ruins, elongated skulls, ayahuasca rituals, the ghost light road phenomena, and blood sacrifice rituals,… then bring the facts home to you.

I was born into the bloodlines of the Pharonic Dominators, that means Illuminati. And that is some deep shit. More on that later...

It took a lifetime of experiences to get where I’m at today, many of those years were spent fighting for my life and fighting for my pride every day in one of the toughest penitentiary systems in America, the Texas Prison System. It was a bitch. They goddang,….they made the man, they weren’t able to break the man. I AM hardened like unto steel, … I am the new Stalin (man of steel), don’t hate me for that.

Tim Tony Stark Rifat #crackpot #conspiracy #magick #mammon rvscience.com

The SOPP is a crystal wand which has a biophysical matrix that is designed to combine the sex energies from sex PCs to release the energy of orgasm. The combination of opposites, the dialectic produces energy on a new level. In nature this orgasmic energy is used to produce the soul of humans, this soul force is the basic core of human beings. In the SOPP this soul force is used to clean, repair and invigorate the soul, the awareness that travels into the astral, lives after death and is the biophysical body’s substance. Use of the SOPP makes astral sex totally real as you solidify your astral as well as charging, exciting the sexual organs it is applied to. The SOPP can be charged in various ways:

1. Male and female sexual energy combined from downloading Sex PCs
2. Male and male sexual energy combined from downloading Sex PCs
3. Female and female sexual energy combined from downloading Sex PCs

To do this hold the point of the male or female PC against the round base of the crystal wand to discharge sex energy it has collected during the day from people, larvae, and archons. Keeping Sex PCs in your pocket while in a big city supercharges them from the people around you. If you live in the country visit the inner city.

1. Gives you a heterosexual orgasm
2. The gay orgasm
3. The lesbian orgasm

If you are into SM then the following protocols are needed for charging the SOPP with SM orgasmic energy.

1. Place the male Sex PC against the base of the SOPP then download the energy in a female Sex PC through the male Sex PC into the SOPP to flavour the female sex energy with masculine dominance to give the dominatrix energy place the female Sex PC against the base of the SOPP then download the energy in a male Sex PC through the female PC into the SOPP to flavour the male sex energy with female submission to give the male sex slave energy. Combine in one SOPP to produce the dominatrix orgasm in female and male sex slave orgasm in males. This gives us the normal heterosexual SM orgasms.

2. Repeat 1. but with the male against male Sex PC to give dominant master type of male; female against female Sex PC to give submissive sex slave female, combined to give male dominant heterosexual SM orgasm.

3. Repeat the above with the female male Sex PC downloading into SOPP to give dominant lesbian dominatrix; female female Sex PC downloading into SOPP to generate lesbian sex slave; combine in SOPP to give lesbian type SM orgasm.

4. Repeat the above with male male Sex PC downloading into SOPP to give gay sex slave; combined in SOPP to give gay typeSM orgasm.

1. Gives dominatrix/slave orgasms
2. Gives master/femslave orgasms
3. Gives dominatrix/fem slave orgasms
4. Gives master/male slave orgasms

This gives us the seven types of orgasm from which the 7 dark energy/matter inorganic being realms are derived and which the 7 BTRI psycrystals feed upon. To produce threesome, ménage a trios orgasms the following protocols are needed:

1. Male Sex PC downloading into SOPP followed by female Sex PC downloading into SOPP, followed by male Sex PC downloading, to give two male and a female type orgasms of three in a bed.

2. Female Sex PC downloading into SOPP followed by male Sex PC downloading into SOPP, followed by female Sex PC downloading, to give two female and one male type orgasms of three in a bed.

3. Three male PC downloading gives gay three in a bed orgasms

4. Three female PC downloading gives lesbian three in a bed orgasms

1-4 can be combined as threesomes simply by downloading an extra dominatrix (female male PC’s), master (male male PC’s), male slave (male female PC’s), fem slave (female female PC’s) to give all kinds of SM threesomes.

For four in a bed just repeat the above but add one more sexual partner’s energy, to reproduce all types of four in a bed orgasms. One need only have two supercharged Sex PCs if heterosexual, gays, lesbians and masters need more. Dominatrix heterosexual orgasms need only one male one female Sex PCs and balance the sex energies – this is my favourite type of orgasmic energy as one can fill oneself with it without going crazy, the other types is excess because they are imbalanced, can be destabilising in huge amounts. Normal heterosexual orgasms should be perfect but male energy is too female in the west, and female energy too male, the resultant mix therefore weak – poor orgasms. Making females more dominant and males to female submissiveness goes with the flow of consciousness in the west and as in Aikido not resisting by pushing the force in the direction tips the balance over producing the super explosive orgasms missing in the archon possessed humans. To experience the 22 types of sex simultaneously download all four Sex PCs into SOPP for all flavour orgasm. For those interested in orgies you can spend your time downloading five, six, . one hundred partners into the SOPP, just make sure you can handle one hundred simultaneous orgasms, gay, lesbian, SM or heterosexual or all types.

<only 600 dollars>

Robert Sepehr #crackpot #conspiracy #magick supersoldiertalk.com

According to certain Buddhist and Hindu traditions, secret tunnels connect Tibet with a subterranean paradise, and they call this legendary underworld Agartha or Shambhala. Mythologies throughout the world, from South America to the Arctic, describe numerous entrances to these fabled inner kingdoms. Many occult organizations, esoteric authors, and secret societies concur with these myths and legends of subterranean inhabitants, who are the remnants of antediluvian civilizations, which dwell in massive hollow caverns inside the earth. Meaning “to weave” in Sanskrit, the term Tantra implies a set of spiritual practices that direct the universal energies into the practitioner, thereby leading to liberation from the physical level of existence. This and other occult spiritual techniques were said to have been practiced by the members of the Thule and Vril societies in Germany, led by the medium Maria Orsic who, in pre-WWII Germany, conducted research into psychic phenomenon, and advanced propulsion technology, including saucer-shaped aircraft known in ancient Sanskrit texts as vimanas. They believed that many ancient civilizations owed their origins to refugees from Atlantis, and a people that dwelt inside of the earth, advancing the idea of a subterranean civilization ruled by an ancient parent-race who had mastered free energy they called Vril, but is also known as Chi, Ki, Prana, Orgone, and Aether. This Aryan breakaway civilization was said to have survived the antediluvian cataclysms which ended the ice age and continued to thrive below the surface of the Earth such as Antarctica.

Richard William Smith #conspiracy #crackpot #ufo #magick amazon.com

Richard Smith serves up "a spiritual insurrection", an epic saga like no other representing the beginning of a new and riveting human adventure, taking the reader on an historical account of a global rebellion that begins with the Sasquatch going head to head with the Greys and transforms into the ancient Moorish Legacy of the Egyptian University System.Rooted in the extraterrestrial, paranormal and metaphysical experiences of the author himself, his path of awakening brings him face to face with an entity known as the Crone, a primordial relic of a much older galactic community. Representing an interstellar collective known as the Sisterhood, the Crone intentionally takes the author on an odyssey of self exploration into the human condition, forcing him to confront the reality of the Ancient Vendetta against humanity. Evolving into the 'Son of the Mother', his journey causes him to become the one person who realizes how to put it together. As the fate of Mother Earth hangs in the balance, the adventure escalates into a battle of wits pitting the Temple of Solomon and the Gene for Passion against the Corporate Titans of Orion in a global movement known as The Human Origins Revolution.

Etienne Charland, known as the Emergence Guardian™ #crackpot #ufo #magick spiritualselftransformation.com

I’m finally starting to look into Human Design, and there’s really good stuff in it. Gene Keys tap into 10D dynamics, and there’s more for me to explore there. Human Design also has lots of applications to understand and adjust your inner patterns. However, I first have to clear the corruption in that aggregate before looking deeper into its value.

If we look at the top 1% of spiritually-evolved people on the planet, they are currently 95.2% in 3D, 92.6% in 4D, 3.6% in 5D, and 0.015% in 6D. There is essentially a very strong blockade in 5D from Love & Light spiritual people, and there’s an even stronger blockage in 4D from essentially Atheist energy workers.

Here’s the kicker: Human Design is 34.6% responsible for the 4D blockade on a planetary level!!

What’s going on here?

In simple words: Your task is not to “be” your astrological template, but to overcome it.

I’m currently 22% Generator / 64% Manifestor, but my higher self is 25/25/25/25. I find that I’m a lot more powerful and balanced when operating from that higher self space.

Understanding your astrological templates is very useful to understand yourself, your strengths and your weaknesses — so that you can overcome them, not so that you forge your self-identity around them!

Binding your self-identity to astrology locks you in 4D.

Astrology is 8D, and its underlying dynamics are 9D, but if you bind your self-identity to it, then you lock into 4D. Which shows that even the best tools can be used in good and bad ways.

Michael Tsarion #conspiracy #crackpot #magick #mammon amazon.com

The Trees of Life: Volume One

Have you wondered why President Kennedy was assassinated on Elm Street, and why “Nightmare on Elm Street” has this peculiar title? Ever wonder what the United Nations, European Union emblems and American Seal truly mean? Ever wonder why there is a fountain in Vatican Square and obelisks in most corporate plazas and city centers? Ever question why Jesus was given a crown of thorns or anointed by a beautiful, scandalous redhead? Why did he advise his disciples to be as wise as “serpents?”

Books five and six of the essential Michael Tsarion collection follow “Astro-Theology and Sidereal Mythology” and “The Irish Origins of Civilization.” Michael deepens his investigation into Symbol Literacy with an analysis of the most coveted and important symbols used through the centuries by the ministers of religion and Masonry.

Along the way we discover the true origins and significance of the New Testament’s Mary Magdalene and Blessed Virgin, as well as other enigmatic characters such as Lazarus and John the Baptist. Michael continues to decipher the origins of Jehovah and Elohim, showing that the worship of these deities was originally based on Druidism and Aryan tree worship. He reveals what Christian mythmongers hoped we would never know about the origins of their religious doctrines and iconography.

Michael Love #ufo #magick #conspiracy #crackpot intothelight.news















Prime Creator via Erena Velazquez #ufo #conspiracy #crackpot #magick voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I am Prime Creator and I would like to express my gratitude to all of the light warriors, who are working so hard and preparing the foundation for us to step in. Many of them are doing all this work and are not even aware that they are the only ones doing the work at this present moment on Gaia. These light workers are removing and cleaning all of the energies that carry negativity, which are preventing you and the rest humanity from reaching Ascension. They are like little bees, who are flying from flower to flower and bringing their light and cleansing all of the impurities in their way, so please be patient and understand.

I know you heard many times and are tired of hearing about the process that we are moving to Ascension and that we are going to have soon the Nesara Gesara Republic without seeing results. Please, look at the whole picture now and see that to make changes here is so difficult and you would say, why is it so difficult, because everything in this 3D density is hard and has a lot of resistance to bringing the light to this 3D reality, so please acknowledge and help each other. When you see someone in your surroundings, who is trying to reach out for the light, help them, just give them the light and unify with them by being on the same path, on the path to freedom, joy, happiness and prosperity, which have been promised to you a long time ago, believe me, it's coming, it has been coming for a while now.

The year 2020, it showing to you how much things are changing around you and around the world. In these couple months, just look how many events took place. I understand your frustration, especially in the United States, where the Dark Forces started riots by violating the first law and the most important law in the Universe by taking away somebody's life, which is not acceptable and will never be acceptable by the Universal Law. We are not pleased that this happened and we are staying together with the family, who lost their loved one and we are expressing our sadness that the Dark Side once again attacked Humanity. Please be careful and understand that they are trying to manipulate the situation in America and continue this reality by creating chaos around you.

The best way for you is just be aware and stay in the now and connect to me through your meditation, you will be safe under my divine grace. I am Prime Creator, I have been protecting you and everyone here on Earth and in the Galaxy for a long time, my job is to preserve your life, and to bring you joy, harmony and peace, which has been taken away from you many years ago by Negative Civilizations, the Reptilians, Dracos and etc., who enslaved you. Now, it's time for you to regain your memories of who you are and take your freedom back one step at a time, even if at first it may seem that things are moving very slowly, but it's moving forward. The Galactic Federation has been doing a lot of work secretly and out of sight for now, until the right moment arrives and then everything will be revealed to you. They are going to pick up and continue the work what is assigned for them to do from you, the ground crew, when you will finish cleaning up the negative entities from this reality.

Blue Avians via Galaxygirl #ufo #moonbat #magick intothelight.news

Herald to the light! Blessings be. We are the Blue Avians extending our wings in service. Do not be troubled by what you see in the media, it is the false sputtering of the dead. Pay them no head. You are alive in your insight, in your questions, in your consciousness that is seeking expansion. Seek expansion in these times, it will light the fire of knowledge of truth within your belly. Seek love and be the love and the light in this time. For you are to anchor it. You are to be it. You are to live it. You are be the the hands and feet of the masters of times gone by, of eras past that are now returning. For you are your ancestors reborn, you are holding within you the now blessed ancestor genetic coding that is truly written in the light now. Your children’s children will have a different reality to experience, praise be. You have been here a very long time. In the darkness in the matrix, the time and illusion twist together so that one can become easily lost. Do be in joy, do be comforted. The light has won. Such matrices of similar but not as dark, such prison planets (similar but not as dark) are being freed by your example of tremendous tenacity to hold the light. Hold the light! Be strong in these final days of swirling and possibly discordant energies. You are to hold the light, and we see you doing this most excellently.

Are are the Blue Avian Beings. We wish to extend our wings, our hands, our hearts, in service to rising humanity, so that all are blessed in the process. These energetic uplift all that surrounds your space quadrant, for all are connected. It is like the inner workings of the cell. You understand your cellular biology only slightly, what you don’t see behind the ribosomes and mitochondria is the spark of Source, is love. Love is all the there is, enwebbed within consciousness of form and of without form. Be this love. It is to be to your birth right. Gaians, we are calling you home. Gaians, spread your wings and fly. For it is the time fo fly high with these energies of hope, of promise, of new days dawning. Be emboldened. Be pure of heart. The dark night of the soul is over for many but at hand for some. Send them your light.

You choose your own experience. Choose to experience love. We are waiting in the wings to make further contact. Until then, peace. We are the Blue Avian Beings. I am Ter’ Aka.

Dianne Robbins/Adama #crackpot #ufo #magick teloschannel.com

“Greetings from Telos! I AM ADAMA, Ascended Master and High Priest of Telos, a Subterranean City beneath Mt. Shasta in California. I am dictating this message to you from my home beneath the Earth, where over a million of us live in perpetual peace and prosperity.

We are human and physical just as you, except for the fact that our mass consciousness holds thoughts of only Immortality and Perfect Health. Therefore, we can live hundreds and even thousands of years in the same body. I, myself, have been in the same body now for over 600 years.

We came here over 12,000 years ago before a thermal nuclear war took place that destroyed the Earth’s surface. We faced such hardships and calamities above ground, that we decided to continue our evolution underground. We appealed to the Spiritual Hierarchy of the planet for permission to renovate the already existing cavern inside Mt. Shasta, and prepare it for the time when we would need to evacuate our homes above ground.

When the war was to begin, we were warned by the Spiritual Hierarchy to begin our evacuation to this underground cavern by going through the vast tunnel system that’s spread throughout the planet. We had hoped to save all our Lemurian people, but there was only time to save 25 thousand souls. The remainder of our race perished in the blast.

For the past 12,000 years, we have been able to rapidly evolve in consciousness due to our isolation from the marauding bands of extraterrestrials and other hostile races that prey on the surface population. The surface population has been experiencing great leaps of consciousness in preparation for humanity to move through the photon belt. It is for this reason that we have begun to contact surface dwellers to make our existence known. For in order for the Earth and Humanity to continue to ascend in consciousness, the whole planet must be united and merged into ONE Light from below and ONE Light from above.

Villain Sue Award

Tim Tony Stark Rifat #god-complex #crackpot #conspiracy #magick #mammon #psycho real-vampire.com

The Great Real Vampire® Lord of Disease, Plague, Pestilence..

$1000 with Certificate. This Great Lord Real Vampire® feeds on the Sublime Good® energy released by sick human animals. How? The Illuminati change the timeline of humans to divert them from Methuselah long life, health, to die old at a very young age. To do this they use poisoned water (fluoridated, awash with pharmaceutical and illicit drugs from urine faeces drunk in every city) chemtrail nanopoison, depleted Uranium, microwaves, phthalates in plastics to make you all female, radiofrequency poisoning using digital transmissions, poisoned food, Prions to make you demented, cosmetics to point you, air contaminated with 50(2))…

The healthy human is replaced with the premature aged human. Energy doesn’t go away so the health long life the human would have experienced has to go somewhere. This Sublime Good® energy gets sucked up by the Vampire Freemason obelisks, pools, monuments, buildings and is fed to the Rothschild Royal Family Vampire – or was until the Great God of the Real Vampires® took over the system. Now you can be young, healthy and well fed by Sublime Good® energy using this Freemasonic system for yourself.

All humans get diseased around the Real Vampire® as she/he becomes healthier. The youth energy is used by the Immortal Great Lord/Lady Real Vampire® limited edition Service so this Bone Generator® gives you the health stolen off the humans to the extent that it can cure you of all disease.

MI5 tried to kill Tim Rifat with biological weapons designed at Portardown. Anthrax-like sporulated bacteria and microbes are used to kill all Britain’s enemies. The Russian traitor and his family that jumped (were pushed) from a tower block in Scotland in March 2010 complained in the Daily Mail that anthrax bugs were being put in their flat by MI5. Tim Rifat is a Great Lord Real Vampire® so any bugs – even the MI5 genetically engineered bugs used on British dissidents or rogue MI6 agents does not kill a Real Vampire®. They have also been using lethal doses of microwave and radiation to kill Tim Rifat the Real Vampire®. We all know Vampires can regenerate Supernaturally quickly so it is no secret that all MI5 are doing is pissing me off so I kill, torture, torment, damn all of them 24/7.

Joseph Gregory Hallett True King of England #crackpot #magick #conspiracy kingof.uk

All Predictions Fulfilled Timeline
1350 b.c.–33 a.d. The Holy Grael object, myths and legends, and all literature, films and games keep the myths and legends alive – hence the “G” for generative.

C1 a.d. Book of Predictions – discovered in 1596 by Sir Walter Raleigh, who was then granted the rights to be King of North America, but chose instead to breed himself into the line of the Predicted One, with Queen Anne Boleyn’s granddaughter.

700–710 a.d.: Bible – the first confirmed authenticated bound Bible was made in Newcastle, in a muddy bog called Yahweh. The Muddy Bog or Yahweh kept the enemies at bay.

The Bible is the book of a Religion designed to contain and conceal the Predictions made by the Master a.k.a. Jesus, a.k.a. Joshua, Yeshua, John, John Ram, and passed on by Merlin 34 to Constantine in England, predicting he would become Emperor. With Merlin 34’s predictions fulfilled, Emperor Constantine honoured the conversation and imbued the Jesus-John Predictions Merlin 34 was messaging, into a Religion, based around a book called The Bible, or Holy Bible, which contained Jesus-John’s Predictions for the next person to be the scapegoat, represent the End Times–New Age, and Times of the End, and New Royal Lineage of a United Kingdom, just as the Master Jesus-John had done in his era.

[I want to stress here that the above paragraph is copyrighted to © Joseph Gregory Hallett, Copyright 2018, as this entire detail and concept is so worth developing, but requires more time to do so, whereas it needs to be released.]

1618: Rosicrucian Cosmography – being a one-page summary of the Book of Predictions.

This was done to protest the execution of the King of North America, Walter Raleigh, and was successful and influential enough to have Raleigh’s death faked ... and he went on to breed with Queen Anne Boleyn’s posthumous granddaughter. They were both held in the Tower of London, and when Joseph Gregory Hallett visited in July 1988, the laws of immigration were immediately changed to exclude him, affirming they were both Joseph Gregory Hallett’s ancestors.

b.c. – present: The Tradition Received is a series predictions which appear obscure, but when solved are perfectly plain. Some of these are recorded, with Popes contributing four (4) lines at the end of their life, protected by an Elite Army, and only able to be read by four (4) people on the planet at any given timespan: Everything must be in proportion ... There are no teaspoons in Estói Palace until the End Times ... You make the stars shake and the earth tremble ... All mountains and islands will move.

Cobra/The Portal #crackpot #magick #conspiracy #ufo 2012portal.blogspot.com

<multiple links removed to abridge article>

After the plandemic plan did not have the desired effect, the Dark Forces have stepped up their efforts to increase End Time madness.

The Jesuits, Knights of Malta and Knights of Columbus are now polarizing political left and political right in the United States to engineer civil war. The protests which erupted last week have been deeply infiltrated and manipulated:

Light Forces have asked as many people as possible to meditate every 4 hours for peace in the United States:

As we are approaching the Eris-Pluto square on June 14th, tensions and potential for violence will increase for the next two weeks in the United States and worldwide. Dark Forces might attempt to use this astrological configuration, and the newly starting new solar cycle to drastically escalate the situation in the USA and to try to engineer a war between China and India, Hong Kong or Taiwan, or any other major conflict:

According to Dragon and Resistance sources, the Cabal has a plan to flee from USA to China and hide there after the civil war in the USA, in a similar move to what happened with Nazis in Operation Paperclip after World War 2. Dragon sources are stating that this plan and the dark infiltration on the Chinese side is being dismantled right now by the positive Dragon elements and positive faction within the Chinese military.

Another Dragon source has communicated that if China tries to attack Taiwan, they will release ALL secret documentation about what the Chinese army is doing in Lop Nor, including the extraterrestrial and Secret Space Program aspect, through the mainstream Chinese media.

This Dragon source has also pointed to the following cryptic message:

The Light Forces are asking that as many people as possible meditate for the world peace at the exact moment of Eris Pluto square on June 14th:

On a more positive note, Space X has managed to get two astronauts to the International Space Station as the first public human spaceflight from American soil in the last nine years, which has long lasting positive consequences of breaking the Veil and will contribute to breaking the quarantine status of planet Earth, as a new cycle of space human spaceflight has begun:

Elon Musk is in essence a positive being who has been subjected to Illuminati trauma based programming and now wants to break free, as you can see in his sometimes unusual tweets.

Victory of the Light!

Dr. Ilija Lakicevic, Res. Prof. #crackpot #magick #dunning-kruger teslastyle101.com

Transmutation is based on the fact of gravity control of light.All light is curved and there are no parallel rays in it, as shown by the textbooks on optics. If we look at the diverging rays of light which are projected from the sun, they appear to be straight but even they curve from sun to sun in long and short curves as they progressively curve SPIRALLY toward the focal center of all suns throughout the universe.

There is, however, a straight line at the equators of curved ones, but even they move spirally around an orbit of their final focal SOURCE in GOD, their Creator.

This definitely proves that all Nature, which God’s thinking is, must move around THE THINKER in equally divided thought-wave pulsations which forever spiral centripetally to create illusions of time and continuity of motion in a still universe in which there is no motion.

All of these facts about the nature of light in a curved universe must be considered in order to succeed in attempt to transform matter from one element to another. Its difficulties are not so complex, however, if these basic facts are understood. Some laboratories proved these principles when they found new atoms by exposing them to light pressure but they did not know what they were. That is because they did not compute them mathematically to find the exact pressures necessary for pure known atoms. They, therefore, produced “mongrel” atoms of untraceable mixtures. THEY MUST BE, FOR THE “LANGUAGE OF LIGHT” TELLS ME THAT IDENTITIES CANNOT BE CHANGED WITHOUT MONGRELIZING THEM. Instead of obtaining the pure gas or metal that one needs, the product is not quite the one its identity calls for.

A group of scientists have given a great advancement to science through the magnification of the atom of tungsten some 2,700,000 times, thereby bringing it within the range of the eye to see (Fig. 1). This makes it possible to look directly at God and thereby prove that there is naught but LIGHT in the entire universe. That Light, which God is, is invisible and inert when cold. It becomes visible only when being compressed by motion – in other more simplistic terms – God in action!

This discovery greatly aid science in the field of transmutation.


If I will but meditate upon this subject long enough to completely comprehend it, I will have gone far into my own understanding of what inner vision or Cosmic thinking means. This will help me attain the power that inner vision gives me in the command of myself and of matter.

Having disposed of these roadblocks, I will now proceed to the mechanical means for providing that needed power to compute the exact pressures necessary to produce definite identities.

Necessarily, there must be redesigned solenoids and I have patentable solution for it. If the exact number of turns of wire is computed to give octaves the proper pressures which Nature gives them, they will heat at each 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 octave.

Etienne and Marko #ufo #crackpot #conspiracy #magick supersoldiertalk.com

Marko is a soul created form the source. He is one of the 50th oldest souls in the universe. He has incarnated first time as patriarch of Andromndea. He has two lifetimes as an Orion military lieutenant. He had fire bending abilities on Orion. Today we will have a discussion about the virus situation released by the deep state and the counter plan put into place by the Earth Alliance which is a breakaway group from the SSP that is trying to bring about positive timeline for humanity as we shift into 5D around 2025. We also Etienne Charland who will be speaking about these topics and his intuitive perspective how he perceives we will transcend this situation. Someone please kindly post the link when available.

Etienne Charland, founder of the Hanuman Institute, is one of the many starseeds who incarnated on Earth to assist Earth during its ascension process from 3D into 5D. Once known as Hanuman, he has recovered his full psychic powers and he is known to be a fierce Warrior of Light ready to face any adversities. He is one of the major players in Orion, and is constantly involved in inter-galactic affairs between the various groups and federations, who communicate with each other telepathically. He is also the author of the book, The History of the Universe, where he describes the context of what’s happening on Earth, who the Dracos are, and how the dark forces got defeated in 2016. Since then, our planet is going through a karmic cleansing as we go through the greatest vibrational shift known to humanity.

jumperf221 #conspiracy #sexist #fundie #magick reddit.com

You have to understand this society is ran by witches. (Kardashians for example) (in Jewish culture they do lineage by your mother while in the Bible and many other societies lineage is determined by your father) . The mother goddess , whore of Babylon spirit runs deep in this society which is modern day Babylon. In wicken culture they deem the woman higher than man. They don’t want men to be strong and they know the biggest distraction between God and man is woman/lust.

Richard L Amoroso #quack #magick #fundie vixra.org

Preprint: Submitted to The Ensign (An official magazine of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints),

LOVE ONE ANOTHER – A Spiritual Corona Virus Vaccine

[contact info]

Abstract. It is suggested that the Great Commandment – love one another, in conjunction with prayer or meditation, can be employed to act as a protection against viral infection by providing a spiritual energetic shield (domain wall) against viral attachment and transmission. Viral transmission is known to occur by processes related to adhesion to a variety of cellular receptors. Through sufficient love or deep meditation, a corona of the spirit (Chi, Ki, Prana) is maintained creating a noetic force that blocks viral adhesion to various receptors.

Tim Tony Stark Rifat #god-complex #crackpot #conspiracy #magick #mammon supernaturalspirit.org


All magicians would like to carry out long lengthy and dangerous ceremonial magical rituals: such as the Abramelian ritual that takes 6 months, calls for the invocation of the Goetia, these denizens of the tunnels of Seth being malefic; the rewards though being the gaining of the Holy Guardian Angel the pinnacle of Crowley´s aims and aspirations in the magical world. Similarily Enochian magic is fraught with difficulties as Dr Dee´s notebooks are incomplete as many were destroyed so most people use the Golden dawn´s version which is wrong being based on the corrupted bat of the Kabbalistic tree with it´s tunnels of Seth and the spiders. As the only extant Ipsissimus the Psi-Lord can simply put the archetype of the ritual in a Psychotronic Crystal in a similar manner to his ability to call up any archetype.

All you need to do is order the single ritual you require, we dont do multiple rituals in one crystal and the Psychotronic Generator contains the ritual which you can put in your triangle of art absorb with your wand and store forever in your orb. The ritual will still be in Psychotronic Crystal and can be used to create a ceremonial magic servitor a form of tulpa that can act as your C-space or H-space assistant to bring that specific ritual into your life or to apply it´s negatie aspect to anyone you so wish. Having shown with Colin Bloy´s work the power of archetypes can be used to kill with Serena Rothschild or to extract all the sublime good from a target and turn it into the hanged woman tarot card power (Kala) as was shown by the total destruction of Theresa May the Tory party and the UK. One can see this Atlantean Psychotronic Crystal technology completley revolutionizes Illuminati magic and makes the Vampires, the black brother masters of the tunnels of Seth the new improved Illuminati elite who rule the world. Join us and make your every wish manifest, all without selling your soul to the Great Lord Lucifer!


Linda Dillon/Council of Love #moonbat #crackpot #magick counciloflove.com

Linda Dillon is a spiritual thought leader, teacher of life mastery and personal development, and a high-frequency catalyst. Her soul mission is to help empower you with the tools, experience, and understanding you need to create a life with no limits. She has a unique gift to identify and eradicate the unconscious programs that undermine success—instantly amplifying her client’s ability to live freely and thrive.

The Council of Love is God’s sacred alliance composed of angels, archangels, enlightened saints, the apostles, the Unified Forces of the Outer Galaxies, and the ascended masters. The purpose of the Council is the transmission of the Divine Radiance and Love into the hearts of all beings who wish to align and receive. The Council are messengers of the One and the message is Love. The primary messenger for the Council is Archangel Gabrielle.

As the vehicle for the Council, Linda channels the vibration of pure Love into the hearts of those who work with her. Over the years Linda has developed Council classes on the 13th Octave; How To Create; How to Channel; Joy; Wisdom Vision and the healing modality of the 13th Octave LaHoChi. She has channeled hundreds of inspirational meditations which create clearing, healing, and expansion within the hearts of the listener.

Linda channels Jesus Sananda, Universal Mother Mary, and Yahweh, as well as many of the Ascended Masters such as the Buddha, Kwan Yin, Lao Tzu, St. Germaine, Sanat Kumara and Maitreya, the Apostles, and the Archangels Gabrielle, Michael, Raphael, Uriel, and Jophiel. While the energies and personalities of each being are unique, the vibration of Love, pure and simple, remains consistent.

Gaia's Healing Essentials #magick #crackpot #mammon gaiaswholehealingessentials.org

Introducing our New Gaia’s Colloidal Platinum! This Is Mom’s Magical Miracle Elixer. Platinum is a very rare material and has very special and spiritual properties. It holds etheric vibrations which raise the vibration of your spiritual energy within the body. Platinum is a cosmic DNA upgrader, as it heals the chakra systems and allows you to connect with higher frequencies.
Colloidal platinum promotes the coherence of the electrical impulses that pass along the synapses of the brain. As a result, many experience greater mental clarity and clairvoyance when taking platinum. Increased mental faculties can dramatically change your quality of life. How many of your decisions are based on an expected outcome and programming? We all make our decisions under the assumption that we’re right. If we are able to heal our brain heart connection, a greater percentage of our decisions will feel right, offering a happier, more fulfilled life.

Some of the amazing benefits of platinum include:

* Promotes increased focus and. concentration.
* Promotes enhanced mental acuity.
* Supports healthy tissue regeneration of the heart tissue, thymus and the entire endocrine system.
* Promotes increased creativity.
* Promotes lucid dreaming.
* Promotes improved memory.
* Supports DNA repair.

<only 111.11 for 4 oz.>

Laura Knight-Jadczyk #crackpot #ufo #magick cassiopaea.org

The name “Cassiopaea” was given by a consciously “channeled source” which Laura accessed in 1994 after two years of experimental work. The source identified itself by saying “we are you in the future.” Modern physics does not provide us with practical means for this type of communication, and theories on this subject are not well developed; they are, in fact, inconclusive and controversial.

When interpreting “we are you in the future” in an oversimplified way, we are faced with causal paradoxes. On the other hand, from the theoretical papers published in physics journals we can learn that, with a proper and careful interpretation, and taking into account quantum uncertainties, communication into the past cannot be dismissed as impossible. Improbable perhaps is the right word, but there are many things that are improbable and yet happen.

The more improbable is a given phenomenon, the more information is carried by its occurrence, the more we can learn by its study.

That is why we did not dismiss the “we are you in the future” as impossible and therefore ignorable. Instead we decided to continue the “communications” as a form of a controlled experiment in “superluminal thought transfer” — even if it was clear that the term should be considered as a tentative indication of only one out several possible interpretations.

Archangel Michael #crackpot #magick thespiritoflife.net

The Energetic activation of the 7:7:7 vortex allowed for the Divine Feminine and Masculine energies to merge and join in a Sacred Union. The union was created within the energy of the Lion’s Gate which is ruled by the sign of Leo, representing creativity and passion. This union has already resulted in a huge amount of shifting on a physical level and the energy of this union will burn away any last residue of old energetic cycles. From the ashes will rise the fire of creativity and passion for life that is the New Earth.

In numerology the number seven represents the awareness of the spiritual or true beauty of humanity and finally allows us to see the magnificence of each individual. Geometric forms symbolizing the number seven are the triangle, three, and the square, four. The square sitting on top of the triangle signifies the union of spirit and matter, the union of the masculine and feminine, the union of Heaven and Earth.

We of the higher realms have repeatedly asked that you ground the new energies into the Crystal Grids of the Earth and therefore make it available for all. This is extremely important at this time and it is vital that you all manage to hold your center. In holding your center you hold the balance of Masculine and Feminine energy within yourselves and within the Earth.

We have explained that the grounding process needs to begin by the activation of your 12 Chakra Multi-dimensional Energetic System. This process begins by connecting with your Earth Star point and activating all 12 Chakra points in the Energetic System. This will connect your with the energies of the Earth and with the Divine. Once the activation has occurred on all levels you are a bridge of energy for the union of Heaven and Earth.

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #conspiracy #magick bennettleeross.com

Television has been around for hundreds of years
The first ones were made as Ouija Board type devices
And the summoning of spirits
They were very effective

When the Tartarian Civilization was overthrown in the early 1800’s
The invention was then reserved only for the elite

And the hidden purpose for bringing it to the masses
Is to manifest an idea or agenda into reality
To merge our minds through conditioning

We are eye gazing with the enemy
Television tells lies to your vision
It is a black magic spell released as entertainment or news
To indoctrinate with visuals and sounds
Molding our subconscious with no warning

E’Asha Ashayana Arhayas #crackpot #ufo #quack #magick #mammon arhayas.com

Return of a classic! First published between 1999-2012, Voyagers® II: The Secrets of Amenti features the original theoretical teachings of the Guardian Alliance as transcribed by E’Asha Ashayana Arhayas (formerly published under Anna Hayes & Ashayana Deane pen names), and stands as the forerunner to the vast bodies of continuing information known as the Kathara® Bio-Spiritual Healing System, the MCEO-Freedom Teachings® Series, the Tan-Tri-Ahura® Teachings, and the ShiftMasters®, HostMasters® and Keylontic® Discourses for Daily Living/KDDL® Courses. This book was greatly expanded in 2001-2002 as the 2nd Edition, which was published until 2012, and now Voyagers® II: The Secrets of Amenti -2nd Edition is back in print!

One of most informative, fascinating texts available on the purposes, processes and mechanics of human evolution, monumental events of 2000-2017, humanity’s extra-ordinary origins and evolutionary destiny, and the hidden purposes of the New Age Movement. This book imparts timeless insights into the nature of current events, with information even more pertinent now than it was in 1999.

Provides first revelation of the Keylontic® Morphogenetic Science paradigm, with detailed theoretical information on time mechanics, interdimensional planetary evolution, the science of Dimensional Ascension, integration of multi-dimensional identity, DNA mechanics and accelerated Bio-Spiritual Evolution.

This book also introduces Stair-Step Creation, a comprehensive model of 15-Dimensional universal physics and the corresponding 15 Primary Chakra System and 12-strand DNA Silicate Matrix authentic human gene code. The Stair-Step Creation model provides a unified, holistic perspective on the Science and Spirituality of Creation.

Discover the secrets of humanity’s evolutionary destiny that have been hidden within our ancient, traditional and New Age sacred mystical and religious teachings, and explore unique perspectives on humanity’s lost history, the 3 Seedings of the 12 Tribes, the DNA Checker-board Mutation, and the Atlantean Final Conflict Drama that is currently playing out on Earth.

This book is a classic read of theoretical, historical, and practical significance that assists to inform and provide context for the many advanced Guardian Alliance programs which followed.

580 Pages – 1999-2002 original release

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