
Bevelyn Beatty #fundie #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy #psycho youtube.com

Biden, he should spend the rest of his days because he old, he’s headed towards the grave anyway, he needs to spend the rest of his days sitting in a cold, empty cell. He needs to sit his old nasty rotten dog behind in jail for the rest of his life. His son Hunter, too, can go with him. They could be cellmates.


Hillary Clinton, she’s a witch, y’all. She practices witchcraft. She sacrifices ‘chickens’—that’s what her email said—to Moloch … which is a detestable god of the Ammonites which they would sacrifice children to. She said in her emails that she’s going to sacrifice a chicken to Moloch in her backyard.

Hillary needs to spend the rest of her life in jail and her perverted husband, too, who look like he’s rotting from the inside out. Bill Clinton looks like ‘The Walking Dead.’ He looks dead already. He needs to be in jail for the rest of his life because I know he’s had sex with underage kids. He’s a full live pervert. He been a pervert from the beginning.

These people are evil. I don’t think you guys understand, they’re evil. You vote these liberal leftists in, and they worship the devil. They’re evil. You talking about the Illuminati? They are the Illuminati! They’re evil, wicked people. This is who they are. They need to go to jail forever.

Pastor Gary Hamrick #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia youtube.com

Listen to me, I’m going to speak truth to you. If you are a lifelong Democrat, your party has left you. Your party has left you. That ship has sailed. It’s true. I used to believe that the two-party system in America was much like a husband and a wife in a marriage, just differences. Just, you know, different people with different approaches and different perspectives but who shared a common goal and vision in life. And so, therefore, you could learn from each other’s different perspective, and you would balance each other out. I don’t believe that anymore. I believe that there is a liberal progressive agenda influenced by spiritual forces of evil, that if allowed to progress will be the demise of America. I believe it with all my heart. And while people are sitting around, foolishly talking about how they don’t like Trump’s tweets and his unfiltered style and his checkered past, meanwhile, the enemy is roaming around like a roaring lion looking for a nation to devour.

I know Trump is not going to win Miss Congeniality. Get over it! It’s not about personality. It’s about guardians of what is true and what is right in our day. That’s what we need to be concerned about.

Donald Trump is not our savior. Joe Biden is not our savior. Jesus Christ is our savior, and because he is my Savior, as for me in my house, I cannot, I will not vote for a candidate whose party platform advocates the murder of unborn babies, embraces same-sex marriage, encourages transgender behavior, and ignores God and his word in our culture.

I cannot. I will not. Cannot. Will not. Amen.

Listen, if you in good conscience cannot vote for Donald Trump, then don’t. But I don’t know how in good conscience a Christian can vote for an agenda that is evil.

Pastor Johnny Enlow #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy youtube.com

I wish [Trump] had his language toned down. But if we knew what he was facing behind the scenes and the attacks he gets...You have a whole combination of the top demonic forces on the planet and the individuals aligned with that going after you, and you actually know—as opposed to almost all the American people—you actually know what they’ve done...Luciferianism, organized crime, pedophilia, and just the highest satanism imaginable, and they’ve done this for a long time. When you know that, it’s amazing; I think he’s been relatively gracious for what he actually knows.

Kat Kerr #fundie youtube.com

[Relevant part begins around 48:21 in the video]

…I just started talking about God and how much He loved — how much He talked about horses in the Bible. By the way, it’s one of His favorite creatures He made. And by the way, He has a unicorn.

Father has a unicorn. Jesus has a horse named Lightning. Holy Spirit has one named Thunder. Lightning has fire coming out of his nostrils. He’s got a rainbow mane on him. But the Father has a unicorn. And they’re mentioned nine times in the Bible. They are! Unless you’ve found a new translation that has removed it.

Brenden Dilley #wingnut youtube.com

(On Trump’s COVID diagnosis)

I don’t care what you say, that dude’s got God-tier genetics. His kids are always healthy. They’re all strong, tall, no fucking deformities, nothing going on. These are rock solid people. President Donald J. Trump, he’s been your president for three-and-a-half years. He’s been campaigning for like—I don’t even know how long—another two years on top of that? You’ve never seen him sick. You’ve never seen him without energy. So just remember, President Trump is not somebody that’s walking around with weak-ass pussy fucking genetics, alright? He hasn’t got those liberal genes, OK? These are like God-tier genetics, top fucking one percentile genetics. So, don’t even sweat that shit.

Part of what makes President Trump special is that we finally have somebody we can build legend around and you need that in culture. So far, President Trump has dispatched the Russians. He’s dispatched China. He’s dispatched North Korea. He’s dealt with the Iranians. He whacked ISIS. He destroyed the deep state. He destroyed Obama. He destroyed Clinton. All these people tried to fight him; he beat all of them so far. He beat Mueller. He beat the FBI. He beat the CIA. Do I need to keep going? He’s gonna add coronavirus to the list of legendary feats.

Bevelyn Beatty #fundie #homophobia #wingnut youtube.com

(ranting against Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot after being arrested for picketing outside Lightfoot’s home)

Let me tell you something, you reprobate-minded, disgusting, homosexual demon. You’re nasty. You lay in a bed with the same sex, yet you try to make laws of righteousness. You’re vile. You’re disgusting. You’re wicked.

The only thing that could revive you was Christ Jesus because you’re ugly from the inside out. But seeing as you refuse to accept him as your Lord and Savior and you want to come and try to touch God’s anointed ones, get ready, because I got my eyes on you. The Lord’s got his eyes on you. So, I want you to hit us with your best shot, you nasty devil. Try your best. You could never beat God. You could never stop God’s anointed from moving, and you’re vile! You’re vile. You don’t follow the laws; you try to do your own thing. You don’t stand in justice, righteousness, or truth. You’re disgusting, and you’re gonna see me. So, you go ahead and get your best little lawyers you can get, and you try your best. You’re gonna see me, and I promise you that. You ain’t gonna touch the Lord’s people.

Dave Daubenmire #fundie #crackpot #psycho #wingnut youtube.com

I do not believe that there has ever been a more corrupt American politician than Hillary Clinton. Her public life has been one slimy action after another. The demonic left loves her. There is no doubt in my mind that she is under control of very dark forces. Spiritual forces. Demonic forces. Gates of hell forces. Hillary Clinton is a child of the devil.

The greatest example of love is discipline. The greatest example of love is to kill those traitors, so others learn never to do it.

Why are men today [too] squeamish to go put a noose around Hillary’s neck? Let’s round up that whole cabal. Let’s round them up. Let’s publicly execute them so everybody else realizes this ain’t ever going to happen again.

Michele Bachmann #fundie #racist youtube.com

(when asked why a lot of non-white people are moving to Minnesota)

…Many people have come to the Minnesota area that are not believers of the Book. They’re not Jewish or not Christian. That’s not to say that God doesn’t love all people. He does. But when people embrace false gods, that brings an element into your society. You know, 30 years ago we could say that there are false gods and that we shouldn’t worship them. Today, it seems like we’re not allowed to say that because that’s considered not inclusive or not diverse enough. But the fact is the word of God says that there’s only one God to whom we serve, and there are false gods now here in the state of Minnesota.

Josh Bernstein #wingnut #psycho youtube.com

I am personally trying to scare the living shit out of you on purpose. Why? Because I want you to understand what is at stake here. I can’t be any clearer than my message is now. And yes, you should be frightened. But more importantly, you should be motivated — which I know you all are — but more importantly, it is your responsibility to get other people that you know to not only see this video so they understand what’s at stake, but anyone out there that doesn’t want to vote for Trump, they’re signing their own death warrant, as far as I’m concerned. And not just their own, but for their country.

Everything, folks, is on the line. Everything. If, God forbid, they figure out how to steal this election, the only thing that’s going to save this country is revolution. And trust me, it will happen. There’s no question about it. And when it happens, we will have a new America. Yes, there will be blood spilled, unfortunately, but they’re bringing it upon us.

Insiktsfull #fundie #conspiracy youtube.com

Insiktsfull: Don't use the word "kid", it literally means goatoffspring, satanists worship the goat, it's a satanic psyop referring to GOAT of Mendes or BAPHOMET. Humans have CHILDREN.

Ellen Murrell: It’s really just a story and most artist don’t speak literally but figuratively. It’s not to be literal and it’s slang. It’s in every language.

Insiktsfull: Its a word planted by satan. It has to do with Scripture, where Jesus explains how he is gonna separate the sheep from the goats.
If you are not with Jesus you end up amongst the goats. referring to your child as "goatoffspring" is the same as considering yourself as goat. Lamb would be how Gods chosen people would refer to their children

Random Person #racist #crackpot #wingnut youtube.com

RE: Kosovo triggers a domino effect in the Balkans

it's a battle royale ignore us who wins gets all the land most likely slavs due to slavs being a majority in the balkans

Slavs do have higher numbers but history has shown Slavs dominate when they have a vastly higher population. Even population or if Slavs are a bit less, they end up being occupied and ruled. Not sure if the Slavs outnumber everyone by enough, to dominate. Looking at history they need about a 20-1 ratio.

and who has dominated us ? We were the one who had lower population and economy compare to our invaders.

I know that is how you view the world as you balkanites are famous for being less rational and more emotional about things. This is merely an articulate of historical truths which seem to trigger you like a good soy boy leftist. This is about gene pools, not language religion or culture. The subject matter is Slavs. The world slave doesn't derive from the word Slav for no reason. Historically Slavs were slaves long before any of this religious nonsense even entered the equation in those regions. This is mostly about certain gene pools getting the upper hand on other gene pools.

Generally speaking, Slavs gain the upper hand when they VASTLY outnumber their neighbors. When they don't, they usually end up occupied, dominated and in many cases enslaved. There are a few thousand years of evidence behind this.

you base your assumption on racism not on "historical facts" more like "historical bias"

You really going to play the race card on this one? lol Yea bro, Russians have been known to have systematic racism holding them back for so long now lol Yes there is a such thing as historical bias. But that doesn't mean there also isn't something called historical fact.

Alf Zepo #fundie youtube.com

Avoid horror things,purposefully making yourself scared can be an opening for demons to try scaring you, remember to put on
the full Armor or God and to pray anxieties away in the Name of Christ Jesus

Ryan Messano AKA Silence DoGood AKA monte Cristo #wingnut #homophobia youtube.com


SPEAKER: Ryan Messano.

RYAN MESSANO: Good evening once more.

Martin Luther King once said; “We are to judge on character, not on color”. If Martin Luther King Jr. was in this room tonight, Martin Luther King Jr would not approve the appointment of Brenda Karhoffer.

Martin Luther King was a foe of homosexuality, as is/was most of the founders of America and everyone up until about 1940 or so, 1948 when the Kinsey report was released. We now have a nest of homosexuals infesting our city right now, who have absolutely no business getting involved in our politics! None! So the very fact that we have to put up with this nonsense in our city, we are infected with a hive of homosexuals who have absolutely no business -

SPEAKER: Mr Messano, I’m gonna stop you -

RYAN MESSANO: Excuse me! I have free speech rights, I am not going to stand down! You are going to stand down -

SPEAKER: No, Mr Messano! Excuse me! You will stand down. One more time, if you do not stand down, I will call an officer -

RYAN MESSANO: I have free speech rights in America and you’re not taking it from me!


SPEAKER: Mr Messano!? Me Messano!?


Pastor John MacArthur #fundie #crackpot youtube.com

… We’re having church.

It’s, um, it’s actually hard to figure out exactly what the city is trying to do with us and to us, but we know they don’t want us to do exactly what we’re doing right now. And we’re not meeting because we want to be rebellious. We’re meeting because our Lord has commanded us to come together and worship Him.

There was a court order that granted this church — and this church alone — the right to meet indoors, and the powers of the city were not happy about that. They were going to be asking us to do two things — social distance and wear masks…

That was until yesterday, when the city — we agreed, look, we’ll comply for a few weeks. They asked that for three weeks. We’re not wanting to be defiant. We will do what is reasonable. That was not enough for the city, so they went to the appellate court at the last minute on Saturday, late, and had that order removed.

So the good news is you’re here, you’re not distancing, and you’re not wearing masks.


And it’s also good news that you’re not outside, because it’s very hot out there.

So the Lord knew you needed to be inside and unmasked. So He did us that gracious favor.

They don’t want us to meet — that’s obvious. They’re not willing to work with us. They just want to shut us down. But we’re here to bring honor to the Lord. They’re not our enemy. We understand that. The Bible tells us to pray for our leaders for their salvation. We need to be faithful to do that.

Dex #fundie #conspiracy youtube.com

Remember when the Terminator did this because the Terminator is a murderous unfeeling cybernetic monstrosity?

Progressives prove every day that they are the true villains in the story of their own lives.

(Infamous Empire)
At this point in the movie, Carol was still basically brainwashed/working for the Kree (As in, the main villains of the movie Kree. As in, considers all life but their own species to be inferior Kree). Also, this scene was replaced in the theatrical cut (where she just takes the bike while the dude isn't looking), which pretty much makes this entire scene non-canon and irrelevant to Carol's Morality. Context is very important.

@Infamous Empire But you're missing that this is written by Hollyweird(sic) feminist leftists.
She isn't supposed to be seen as a villain for this act. She is meant to be a strong empowered woman standing up to an evil sexist jerk man. She's isn't meant to look like a Terminator here, even though she does.
This is how SJWs see normal human interactions. This is their "Punch a Nazi" (Nazi being people they don't like) fantasy projected onto the big screen. They want this behaviour normalized.
The fact that it was cut only proves that someone in authority at some point recognized how vile it truly was. It's was still written and shot for an MCU movie at great cost. Then included in special features.

Donald Trump #fundie #god-complex #wingnut youtube.com

We built the greatest economy in the history of the world, and now I have to do it again. You know what that is? That’s right, that’s God testing me!

So you know, I did it once, and I said “Did I do a great job, God? I’m the only one that can do it!” He said “That you shouldn’t say, and now we’re gonna have you do it again.

I said “OK, I agree. You got me.” But I did it once, and now I’m doing it again. You see the kind of numbers that we’re putting up, they’re unbelievable. Best job numbers ever.

Carl Benjamin #psycho #sexist youtube.com

(=an infamous quote from Carl's rant were he defends Elliot Rodger, treats incels like they're victims and lays the blame on feminism. The actual video was taken down, but numerous response videos are still up=)

"Which is ironic because, before your stupid social justice feminine bullshit, it [-mass murders-] didn't happen on this scale! It's CRAZY! This is a disease of the modern age! YOU are responsible for perpetuating it, by disenfranchising these poor fucking guys who don't have any options left!! When someone takes the option of absolute INSANELY last resort, you have to wonder, what kind of system is producing them? And I'll tell you what, Laci, IT IS A FUCKING - FEMINIST - SYSTEM - THAT IS DOING THIS!!!"

George Del Cid #conspiracy #crackpot #quack youtube.com

We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.” -William Casey, CIA director
The American people don't believe anything until they see it on television. - Richard m. Nixon, U.S. president
Sometimes people don't want to hear the truth because they don't want their illusions destroyed.
-Friedrich Nietzsche

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates will launch human-implantable capsules that have ‘digital certificates’ which can show who has been tested for thecoronavirus and who has been vaccinated against it.

The 64 year old tech mogul and currently the second richest person in the world, revealed this yesterday during a Reddit ‘Ask Me Anything’ session while answering questions on the COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic.

Gates was responding to a question on how businesses will be able to operate while maintaining social distancing, and said that, “Eventually we will have some digital certificates to show who has recovered or been tested recently or when we have a vaccine who has received it.”

The ‘digital certificates’ Gates was referring to are human-implantable ‘QUANTUM-DOT TATTOOS’ that researchers at MIT and Rice University are working on as a way to hold vaccination records. It was last year in December when scientists from the two universities revealed that they were working on these quantum-dot tattoosafter Bill Gates approached them about solving the problem of identifying those who have not been vaccinated.

The quantum-dot tattoos involve applying dissolvable sugar-based microneedles that contain a vaccine and fluorescent copper-based ‘quantum dots’ embedded inside biocompatible, micron-scale capsules. After the microneedes dissolve under the skin, they leave the encapsulated quantum dots whose patterns can be read to identify the vaccine that was administered.

The quantum-dot tattoos will likely be supplemented with Bill Gates’ other undertaking called ID2020, which is an ambitious project by Microsoft to solve the problem of over 1 billion people who live without an officially recognized identity. ID2020 is solving this through digital identity. Currently, the most feasible way of implementing digital identity is either through smartphones or RFID microchip implants. The latter will be Gates’s likely approach not only because of feasibility and sustainability, but also because for over 6 years, the Gates Foundation has been funding another project that incorporates human-implantable microchip implants. This project, also spearheaded by MIT, is abirth control microchip implant that will allow women to control contraceptive hormones in their bodies.

As for ID2020, to see it through,Microsoft has formed an alliance with four other companies, namely; Accenture, IDEO, Gavi, and the Rockefeller Foundation. The project is supported by the United Nations and has been incorporated into the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals initiative.

Coronavirus vaccine is the mark of the beast. Corona means crown which is the 7th chakra of spirituality with God almighty. this coronavirus is an attack with our spirit. The vaccine will shut it off to the 666 vibration of man/beast. God bless you 🙏😇🙏

The time is now to revolt! Destroy the NWO. Knock down there 5g towers as well. China and britain have started (…)
Petition this as well!


Also these are the definitions of the names of the following people:
Jared is Hebrew for descent
Ivanka means God is gracious
Donald means world ruler
Melania means black/dark
Barron means a Lord of the realm/noble

Share this comment to spread the word. The time is now!!!😇 God bless you 🙏😇🙏❣️

Remedy4theheart #psycho #sexist youtube.com

(=From the RWBY fandom: More from homophobes and incels mourning the death of a *cartoon* villain they projected onto (Adam), and an LGBT pairing potentially becoming canon (Blake and Yang) in the wake of his death. This is an interesting dicussion that caught my attention=)

Remedy4theheart: The most brutal and bloody murder the audience as ever seen brought these two together....that's something a villian would promote.

BloodRaven55: Bro you're talking about a whole ass different show. She Ra has nothing to do with this video. Not to mention Adam's death was self defence plain and simple. He dug his own grave by refusing every chance they gave him to leave peacefully and still going for the kill even after he lost his weapon. Killing someone to prevent your own death or someone else's death is not murder, you moron.
But then you clearly don't understand what sisters are either so I'm not surprised.

Remedy4theheart: Actually the law states so long as the threat has been eliminated, this doesn't just mean once the attacker is dead, then self defense is no longer needed or legal.
Once Adam lost his weapon and the two girls stood right there weapons in hand still standing Adam was neutralized. Him jumping for the blade is indeed intent to continue his murderous intent but he was still neutralized. The girls stabbed him before he got even anywhere near another blade.
By then it was no longer self defense. It was unhinged murder. The other options the girls could have done was run away, neutralize Adam's movements IE nonlethal force, or run to the proper authorities. The one option they chose was the most brutal unnecessary one that is actually criminal to do.
They murdered him. Through the heart and dropped the body into a waterfall never to be recognized again by his loved ones. That is not what a hero does. That man had a chance at redemption. He should have been locked up.
But no....somehow life is forfeit for just being an asshole with a scarred past. Shame on you for thinking so. Adam was a murderer. But those girls were not. So why become one to get rid of one?

BloodRaven55: Dude if you had the person who emotionally abused you for years stalk you halfway across the world and try to murder you multiple times, all while verbally confirming that he will never leave you alone until you and everyone you love is dead, and he starts running for a weapon to kill you, then you would 100% go for that blade too and do whatever you had to in order to save yourself and everyone else he'd threatened. If they'd run away then he would have tracked them down and tried to kill them all over again. Non-lethal force was not an option for Blake when she had no weapon and he was about to fatally stab her. If Yang had tried to disarm him or take him out without killing him then he would have had time to kill Blake before she could do anything. They literally TRIED, more than once, to get him to back down and to take him out without his death. When she took his sword from him Yang fucking throws it away instead of using it against him, and Blake makes no move to attack until he does at any point because as she flat out says multiple times she DIDN'T WANT TO FIGHT HIM. He gave them absolutely no way to ensure their own survival in that moment other than killing him and if you think otherwise you are delusional. You're literally asking Blake and Yang to give him a huge chance of murdering them instead of defending themselves to the best of their ability. Your sense of morality is fucked beyond belief and I would be terrified if you were my friend because that would mean that if I was in Blake's position you'd just let my abuser end my life rather than do whatever you could to save me.
You also need to watch the fight again because 1) Blake was completely unarmed when Adam went for Gambol Shroud. And Yang's only weapons were ranged which would have been as likely to kill Blake as Adam if she'd tried to use them in that situation. 2) The “proper authorities” were unavailable as Grimm were attacking the military base at the time and ADAM WAS LITERALLY ABOUT TO KILL HER. What the fuck was she meant to do? Get her Scroll out and let him stab her while she tries to call the police?? Oh wait, Blake's Scroll was destroyed by Adam so she couldn't call the cops anyway regardless. Do yourself a favour and actually pay attention to the show before speaking bullshit because you obviously don't remember most of what happened.
If you are Blake, and you are unarmed while someone is running for a weapon about to kill you, then the threat has definitely NOT been eliminated. If you are Yang, and someone is running towards your unarmed partner about to grab a weapon to kill them, then the threat has definitely NOT been eliminated. Use your goddamn brain, I am begging you.

Remedy4theheart: You forgive them. Not stab them through the heart both ways and have their body beaten senseless by rushing waters.

BloodRaven55: If Blake had tried to “forgive” Adam she would be dead. So would Yang. He flat out stated his intent to murder them both multiple times and when given a categorical chance to let them live and walk away he rejected it and kept trying to kill them. You are literally asking them to let themselves be murdered instead of acting in self defence. Get some help, bro. Your moral compass is pointing in totally the wrong direction.

In real life if someone is about to stab me should I just “forgive” them and let them murder me? You’re flat out advocating for the murder of two innocent people over them defending themselves from the person trying to murder them. Think about what you’re fucking saying.

Remedy4theheart: So she gave him the early out never to learn fomr his mistakes? Yeah that true punishment should have been to lock him up reform him and show him he will fail everytime.
But no....she killed a suicidal man. Good job.

BloodRaven55: Both Blake and Yang gave him explicit chances to back down and he refused. They couldn't lock him up because the military base was compromised at the time and Blake's Scroll was broken so she couldn't call law enforcement anyway. Not to mention they had no way of restraining him and he was literally about to end Blake's life. He wasn't suicidal, he was murderous. He never once showed even a hint of remorse for any of his actions or the slightest inclination to change. He never did a single kind or selfless thing in the entire show and had zero chance at redemption.
If someone is seconds from grabbing a weapon and stabbing you and you are unarmed then you do not have the time or ability to decide how you defend yourself. You simply do what you can to protect yourself and the people around you. If Blake and Yang had done any of the things that you suggest then they would both be dead and Adam would still not be locked up or any closer to redemption. People like you terrify me and I hope I never come anywhere near someone with such warped morals as you in real life.
Blake gave Adam opportunities to improve in his Character Short, in the Black Trailer, and at least three times in the V6 fight. Yang flat out told him to leave peacefully and deliberately didn't kill him the first time she had the chance. They tried to disarm him without killing him but he still insisted on going for a weapon to slaughter them both. If you think they had any other choice in that moment then you didn't watch the same show as the rest of us.

Remedy4theheart: Violence is never the answer. You promote morals and then all of a sudden drop them because you just couldn't anymore? This is why people are saying the girls are less and less heroic these days.

BloodRaven55: I'm literally a pacifist but if I was defenceless and someone who still had a gun and was running to grab a weapon was about to murder me and another innocent person then damn right I'd be willing to kill them to defend myself. It's highly concerning that you'd rather let yourself and someone you love be murdered and "forgive" the person trying to kill you instead.
Correction: He lost everything because he murdered countless innocent people including his own men, and he travelled by his lonesome ready and willing to slaughter two innocent people to the point where even when he was given multiple chances to leave peacefully he refused.
He states himself that he stalked Blake across the world with the sole intention of murdering her. You’ve ignored every single piece of evidence from the show that I’ve provided, and you’re a sick victim blaming piece of human garbage who‘s detached from reality. Goodbye, I hope you develop a conscience soon.

Goth Pop TV #moonbat youtube.com

(Submitter note: yes, I was not happy when Bernie lost the primary but ensuring that a borderline authoritarian asshat that is Trump wins his reelection will not work in anyone’s favor but the far-right)

We need to stop Joe Biden from being elected at all costs!
The clown must be reelected if we are to have a progressive president in 2024. We need to stick it to the DNC now- and show them 2016 was not a fluke- show them they are not entitled to our vote. If Joe is elected, a republican will certainly defeat him in 2024. If you think his mental condition is bad now, just wait 4 years.
4 years of Joe Biden, is not worth it if it results in 8 years of Marco Rubio or Tucker Carlson.
4 more years of Trump IS worth it to get 8 years of Tulsi Gabbard or AOC.
Do you want to wait 12 YEARS for a real real progressive president? We are inches away, so let's not blow it because of how we feel about Trump. For any hope of real change, the circus must continue and the DNC needs to #FeelTheBern STICK TO THE PLAN! #BernieOrBust

Deborah Baber #wingnut youtube.com

[Yet another anti-mask activist at a city commission meeting on NowThis News.]

My name is Deborah Baber and I am a proud Trump Republican. Unbeknownst to me, a wannabe bully, a bad person, a whiny baby posted on social media the remarks I made here last week. [...] I got a lot of traction out of doing my civic duty, by exercising my free speech. We are a constitutional republic, not a democracy. Some goon also posted my personal information on social media and that of my stepdaughter, who is a retired police officer. I have received ugly, foul, threatening remarks ever since. Vile... vile. Well, these fools, they also did the same thing. Why did they do this? They did this because they don’t have any facts. They have to attack me personally. They have to threaten me personally. They have to threaten my family personally because they’ve got nothing. Nada. Zero. They can’t attack the message. What was my message?

My message was this: It is not normal for people to cover their faces. It is an act of submission... subjugation... of slavery... of shame. Only women in Islamic countries cover their faces with burqas. The men do not. Antifa thugs cover their faces. Patriots do not. Guidance on face coverings is all over the map. Maybe a face covering. Maybe not a face covering. Yes, a face covering. No, a face covering. CDC, well, this is my face covering.

[Holds up a paper Trump mask to her face.]

[...] I protest face coverings. I am a healthy American. I used to be free. I am not a terrorist. I am not Antifa. I am not a sex slave that wears masks. I am not into sadomasochism and bondage. I am not a burglar. [...] I am a proud Trump Republican. Trump Republican yearning to be free again.

[...] If you are offended by anything I have said, by the masses of people, then I am offended by the masses of people who do not question your wholesale slaughter of our constitutional and inalienable rights.

Stan Chappas #conspiracy #fundie #quack youtube.com

pizzaGate. Hillary Clintons campaign manager and former staff of Bill Clinton (John Podesta) emails were hacked, they used cryptic talk words like pizza and ice cream referring to little kids. You have to make the decision yourself if u believe this is true. Me personally the evidence is clear especially epstein's molestation of kids and the elite who traveled to his island. Sealed that fact then ofcourse his mysterious death... Anyways john podestas emails were full of this cryptic talk. Also ever hear of spirit cooking? Marina Abromovic was emailing him asking if his family was coming over for the spirit cooking.(youtube all this for your own judgement) But she is worshipped by many celebs and funded by elites of the likes of Bill Gates. It is really sad and disgusting and a true pedophilia ring. Also Covid 19 is it, it will not get better from this point unless we the people overthrow our worlds tyrannical governments. Alex Jones has some good messages but he make people who know the truth look bad. The truth is out there its just what do u personally accept. Im a believer in Christ, and the bible shows the things to come and all of the New World Order so called "conspiracy" is in the new testament (king james version). But if you are questioning things good i can point you in a direction but once your down the rabbit hole your down down down.... The federal reserve (is not federal and USA lost its power when we accepted a centralized bank), JFK assasination (he tried to rid the federal reserve) operation paperclip( we brought nazis to america to work on government projects) The Rockefeller family, the rothchild family, The astor family, 13 bloodlines of the illuminati (first hand evidence can find George Washington's letter about the illuminati google that to pull up goventments library of congress website for his authentic letter, Bill gates and id2020.org and how id2020 had a summit with merging digital id with vaccinations look at the offical website of id2020 will see GAVI the vaccine Alliance, Gates Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, Microsoft funds it, cryptocurrency bitcoin funds it (its happening right now from covid19 the petrodollar has collapsed and digital currency in vaccination form is transpiring articles on the summit that joined digital currency with vaccination)then you will find agenda 2030 mandated id2020, Bilderberg committe, council of foreign relations, trilateral commision, baphomet worship, satanic symbols of celebrities, the scientific research of cern, the roman catholic church, pizzagate, united nations (agendas 21&2030), george soros, the world trade center conspiracy, the freedom act and the patriot act, the bush family and John Kerry and many more in the frat Skull and Bones at Yale University, 5g. Conspiracy and the amount of gigahertz 5g uses compared to 4g and the harmful effects of gigahertz, the lies of historical science(trying to disprove God).....all of this is linked and all of it is the same big ugly truth its just do you want to go down that rabbit hole and have eyes wide open? They are admitted satanist and worship evil. They run the world and they are pedophiles which is a part of satanism. They have always wanted to have a one world government and one world currency( is in our holy bible this will happen) and depopulation it is here.... henry kissinger, david rockefeller, and the united nations have been pushing this and now its here thanks to Covid19. Obamas chief of staff once said dont ever let a crisis go to waste....obama administration funded wuhan lab 3.7 million dollars all on record. All of this ive mentioned is documented you personally just have to look it up. By the way this year zero album was made in 2007 Trent Reznor made this album for what he saw the world would be in the 2020's scary right? He made a interview for year zero album explaining it (its on youtube). Hope i can relay info ive read not from conspiracy but from documents and factual evidence whether looking up official sites, documented operations of government, recorded or videotapped footag, records of the library of Congress' website. Im writing all of this because people who want to know need to know, and ive spent years finding facts not a dog chasing his own tail. Thanks for reading goodluck and God bless.

Mainlander #sexist youtube.com

Everything in life is about how you look
From how far you'll get to whom you can f*ck
Politics, music and religion too
White Chad Jesus - fake
Ugly and short Jew - true

Looking old or bad, looking young or good
No effort success, high effort failure
Everything in life is about how you look
Ugly guy touch rape, gl guy choke good

no fire #quack youtube.com

Lol the better idea is to get antibodies by intentionally getting coronavirus and then quarantining fir several weeks, even if the antibodies only last 3 months you can just rinse and repeat. I'm not wearing a garbage mask when there is an infinitely better solution

Actual Justice Warrior et al #racist youtube.com

Actual Justice Warrior: I know what you're thinking. We're talking about Michael Brown, yet again. But it's important to go over videos that still perpetuate lies related to Michael Brown because it's a foundational lie, it is actually the lie that led to the foundation of the Black Lives Matter movement. And on top of that, it's a good test of whether the subject that you're talking to, the person that you're talking to, no matter what side of the political spectrum they are on, has any honor, any integrity, or any curiosity. People who get the Michael Brown case wrong are missing either one of those three or all of those three, because they don't care about the facts, they don't care about the information, even though it is plainly obvious and out there for anybody to see, as I've shown multiple times in this video.

[in the video that follows, AJW proceeds to argue that the police shooting a black man was justified; these are the comments]

Marcara081: I like it when violent criminals are killed and I'm tired of pretending like that's not normal.

Common Sense Productions: Ask BLM supporters to name one person killed that was not committing crime and/or resisting arrest. Works every time

Demon King: Domagoj Čović someone said breonna Taylor was moving drugs and said the boyfriend shot through the door as soon as police knocked. Breonna Taylor I’m not 100 percent sure. Should’ve said Sandra bland but Sandra bland commuted suicide

Common Sense Productions: I’m not saying there are NO examples but most people don’t know them. Most names people do know we’re acting as criminals before their death; temir rice, breonna Taylor, Floyd, Arbery, rayshard Brooks, Michael brown, Trayvon Martin, etc etc. They were all engaged in criminal acts or resisting arrest. Does not necessarily justify a killing, but it is indeed relevant to consider

Joseph Van Horn: Who a population chooses as it’s heroes says A LOT about who those people are. ALL of the people who get turned into martyrs by BLM are criminals and were guilty of the crime that the police interaction was based on. Meanwhile a brilliant man like Thomas Sowell goes unknown by the vast majority. People like Brandon Tatum and Candice Owens are called awful names and ostracized for trying to promote strength, responsibility, and shedding the victim narrative.

Eric McManus: We must remember, that at the time this happened, Obama was president and Eric Holder was the AG. They wanted Darren Wilson to be guilty. That's why they did 3 autopsy's. They wanted to try to find some reason to say Brown did nothing wrong. And this is because Obama and Holder are race hustlers. But even they couldn't warp the evidence to fit their narrative.

Anti-Mask Activists #fundie #crackpot youtube.com

[Submitter’s note: This is from a NowThis News video about anti-mask activists at a Palm Beach County Commission meeting speaking out against mask laws meant to prevent the spread of COVID-19. This is the most egregious quote from anti-maskers.]

“We will get together and do a citizen’s arrest on every single human being that goes against the freedom of choice. OK? You cannot mandate - you literally cannot mandate somebody to wear a mask knowing that that mask is killing people. It literally is killing people. Every single one of you have a smirk behind that little mask, but every single one of you are going to get punished by God. You cannot - you cannot escape God. You cannot escape God. I’mma say that again. YOU CANNOT ESCAPE GOD. Not even with the mask or 6 feet. OK? 6 feet, like I said before, is military protocol. You’re trying to get the people to train them so when the cameras - the 5G comes out - what? They’re gonna… they’re gonna scan everybody? We gotta get scanned? We gotta get temperatured? The kids have to go to school with masks? Are you insane? Are you crazy? I think all of you should be in a psych ward right the heck now.”

Four Teen #racist #wingnut youtube.com

RE: Ocasio Cortez Could Be VOTED OUT On Tuesday, A Centrist Democrat MAY Actually Win

Here's hoping she, Tlaib, and Omar all get voted out.

LOL! Not happening. The less white the democrat party becomes, the more people like that will be voted in, not out. This is the future "die-versity" gets us.

when the other Latina woman wins Aoc will claim racism and sexism was the reason

Well, first off, she won't lose. Her district is 80% non-white, and non-white voters are immovable and are the foundation of unaccountable government. Also neither of them are "Latin," they're mestizo. Latin people are a Southern European people. I'm sick of rootless mestizo's claiming European heritage that doesn't belong to them, or having it attributed to them, when it's not theirs.

AOC is a celebrity outside her district, but she's been a terrible representative for her district. She scuttled the Amazon deal and cost her people a lot of good jobs.

Lol. You say that like non-white voters care. Look at Detroit and Chicago and other dumps of that sort. They'll vote her back in, watch.

J Sav #wingnut #racist youtube.com

RE: Democrats Virtue Signal BACKFIRES, They Accidentally Wear Slave Trader Garments

I lived in Accra Ghana for 10 years! They literally don’t understand the whole racism thing in America, because they are well aware that they sold their own people, there was a historic slave castle in Accra right on the water, there was a beautiful restaurant right next to it, we’d eat there all the time, and my local Ghanaian friends gave me very extensive history lessons, and they are still ashamed of their history, they don’t blame Europeans they blame themselves!!!!

Ghana is a lovely place. Sure, it's backwards by western standards, especially in the north, but the people are friendly towards outsiders and I never experienced any crime or racism.

neither did I, the Ghanaian people are amazing, and they don’t hate White people due to indoctrination, they truly don’t, ive only been as far north as kumasi and that’s basically not even central, the north is where they got me aardvarks to export, a shitty west African country is Togo, never liked going there, people were very rude, Benin as well not so great, nothing like Ghana, it truly stands out in west Africa! Labadi beach was beautiful, koala super maker in osu was another thing that made you feel at home! If shit ever completely turns to shit in the US I’m going to Ghana, I never once felt unsafe and I knew Accra so well like my childhood hometown!

They are ashamed for there history but white Americans did terrible things to black people for centuries. Do try and water it down man. Thats how things go south.

yep and Muslim countries are still doing it! And so are African countries, and China has concentration camps, white countries saw the error of their ways and fixed it! If America is so racist, and white countries are sooooooo racist, why do brown people put everything on the line to get here🤔 you know where I’d never actually go??? South Africa because they are racist against White people!!!

Timothy Charles Holmseth #conspiracy #wingnut youtube.com


This is Timothy Charles Holmseth on the road with the Pentagon Pedophile Task Force. Coming back to you today I did an update on the children that are being rescued from underneath Central Park in New York. I did an update yesterday, but a little more information. First of all yesterday, I couldn't read my own notes yesterday, and one of the things that I forgot to report, that's actually pretty important is, my understanding from sources is that the children that are underneath, down there under those tents that are in Central Park, under Central Park, there's like five generations. So this isn't just some kids that were kidnapped, just a couple of kids, there is thousands and thousands of them, it goes back five generations so this is a generational thing. This isn't something that just happened, this has been going on for decades and decades and that's very important, that's why you're seeing some of the horrible results, you know, some of the effects on these babies and children. So there's that, and then... I'm getting a lot of requests, people that are responding to this, everybody wants to see pictures, pictures, pictures. Well first of all folks, we are not going to release any photographs of any tortured children, because first of all there's child pornography laws and most of these kids have been sexually assaulted for one thing, but for another there's Hippo laws, those are laws that govern the release of medical information and there's also plain old-fashioned good taste and we're not here to satisfy anybody's freak little lust to see these pictures of this stuff, it's not the point. The point of this is to get the message out because after I put it out to you, it's all your jobs as 'digital soldiers' (as General Flynn called us) to get that out. You gotta spread it, you gotta spread this virus, this positive virus, this virus of information is what we need to get out into the bloodstream of the United States and the world. But I brought out pictures. Somebody sent me a picture and I put it up on timothycharlesholmseth.com. It is a picture of an abused baby and don't look at it if you've got a weak heart or anything like that, but because it was already published I decide that that little baby's life and agony doesn't need to be in vain, so I used the picture to show you the picture of an abused [inaudible], it's an infant folks.


YouTube Nazis #conspiracy #wingnut youtube.com

[Comments on a Discovery Channel video about Hitler’s conquest of Europe; this is just a few of them]

green house:

hitler invading countries = bad
england invading countries = good


Veeraraghavan K:

Hitler : when i speak, my enemies tremble.

Angela Merkel: when i speak, my hands, my legs and my whole body trembles.


Patton Was Right:

"WE DEFEATED THE WRONG ENEMY!" Patton was murdered for speaking the truth


Usurpation Soldier 2019 Gianni Semplay #crackpot #magick youtube.com

This song is referring to real life Telekinesis within a extraterrestrial spirits with human bodies born into a human body. As we will learn more about humanity etc and it’s laws of nature and that we are all different.
For example a kid sees out of the window and into the sky gazing far outside her hand out, and just moves a car with her mind everyone will treat that kid differently because of her spirit of a being extraterrestrial dimensions.

B0omer96 #racist #conspiracy youtube.com

@HH Bh. You are disgusting. It's people like you that threw your culture and country away because you feel white guilt. I have no guilt. When the time comes race traitors like you will suffer the worst. I'm American and I am more German than you. Blood and Soil bitch!

Off the Kirb Ministires #fundie youtube.com


900,000,000 Are Going to HELL, But Don't Worry You're Safe

Hell is a real place and the Bible teaches us all those who have not trusted Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour will go to Hell and be cast into the lake of fire. Evangelist Joe Kirby pleads with Christians to do evangelism and reach lost souls who are heading to hell and will enter into gloomy darkness.

Universe Inside You #conspiracy #fundie youtube.com

Giants Emerging Everywhere - They Can't Hide This

(Video description)
The Sumerian Civilization tells of a race of giants which ruled over the Sumerians, and there are many depictions of them. Sumerian records speak of a giant king by the name of Gilgamesh who ruled for 126 years. He is generally seen by scholars as an actual historical figure since inscriptions have been found which confirm the existence of other figures associated with him. In Ancient Egypt, there are hundreds of depictions of giants, and the Egyptian records describe the old pharaoh dynasties to be a race of tall giants, and hundreds of giant sarcophagus were also found, but the mummies there were long looted. The Book of Genesis, which is the first book of the Hebrew Bible and the Old Testament, tells us the story of an ancient giant race called the Nephilim. The story of the Nephilim giants is further elaborated in another ancient manuscript – The Book of Enoch. Apparently, the Watchers who were fallen angels, interbred with the women on earth, and as a result, the Nephilim giants were born.

Newspaper articles about giants: http://www.sydhav.no/giants/newspapers.htm

nancysauria,oveja,doomentio #transphobia #homophobia youtube.com

(just for context, I used to watch nancysauria back in the day, I mostly followed her for her art tutorials but her miraculous ladybug content got too annoying for me and I stopped paying attention to her, but I forgot to unsubscribe from her channel and one day the video titled "NO TO LGBT IN CHILDRENS SHOW" was recommended to me, so I decided to quote about her and the two guests here, I’m going to leave timestamps and try translasting some of their most repugnant claims.)

NancySauria: why am I doing this video? parents, you will see that on July 23 it was released the chapter reverser of ladybug in which it was included a very special character as it is a caricature of a country that doesn’t respect the thinking of others but it already imposes their gender ideology agenda to the day, I would not be surprised if they started to deepen these characters that they include in the name of bad liberty and is not only ladybug there are already programs that are extremely direct with the kids, they are not subtle, those victimists will not be happy until they appear in the jam of the babies lest that jam incites babies to hatred, I say this because these people who create these cartoons are interested in selling and this topic is in fashion, they are not interested in what information they give to your child if you consider that your son is too young to receive this type of content, these people do not create entertainment for children who are entertaining themselves with children so be careful with these invasive contents, that allows them to see your children enter this ideology in programs for children that directly intervenes with their identity and the child's conscience until they now perceive the world and doubt that their first reality will only make them insecure and will harm their ability to analyze their environment objectively, this confusion that did not exist prior to the ideology of transsexualism brought by Magnus Hirschfeld in the 20th century can also cause children to be involved in illicit and dangerous situations, both because of the way they can be exposed and because of the idea of ​​being hormonally altered, practice that practice that has led nearly half of its practitioners to suicide, although it can be argued that promoting homosexuality in childhood cartoons is not equivalent to promoting transsexualism and hormone abuse if it can be argued that these content creators are involved with lgbt organizations, which are related to these practices, all this decline in standardization inevitably leads to the rethinking and questioning of values in normalization inevitably leads to the rethinking and questioning of of pre-established values due to a slippery slope effect.

Oveja: I will always answer that their orientation was never an important part of the story, they were never persecuted for discrimination or their acceptance in society was seen explicitly only because of their sexuality, they were part of a cast that tried to show reality and their orientation was not part of their character, If you are one of those who wants to demonstrate a shameless progressive political vision in terms of cartoons is because you would be against seeing the negative side of them, because it always has to be the positive side, they would not be willing to see an episode of a children's series to treat this topic as objectively as possible and let the children think about what they want to think about it? of course not because it would go against their progressive narrative, right?

doomentio: When a person is against pro-homosexual positions, the first thing they look at as a kind of ad hominen is their religion, well, in my case I am not a Christian or a Muslim, my position is influenced by social studies and scientific as well as historical, it is not a big problem that homosexuals exist, after all they are a very small world minority the problem is when it is promoted and normalized ignoring thousands of tests that highlight its psychological and health damage in the population.

oz jan #psycho #racist youtube.com

If I see any rich Chinese or Chinese official, I will eat their faces like animal. All sciencidy says it comes from bats just like it happened from SARS 2002, rich Chinese and Chinese govt. That allows this happen must be punished to d e a t h. bit I hope ppl should not attack regular Asian or Chinese ppl which it already happens.

Quaid Johnson #moonbat youtube.com

There are a few things that the Coronavirus is exposing.

1. How fascist America is.

2. How abysmal our healthcare system is.

3. How toxic capitalism is.

4. How money and power corrupt people.

5. How desperate our education system is to profit off of spreading fascist propaganda to us.

6. The same exact thing can be said out business.

7. School is nothing but a fascistic loyalty test.

8. Grades are determined by loyalty and not actual f*cking knowledge.

9. The top 10% of a graduating class are just a list of the most loyal students to system.

10. The top 10% are also the same people that are NOT using common sense regarding Coronavirus.

The only “good” thing about the Coronavirus is an “extended” Spring Break.... a very sh*tty one at that because you can’t really go anywhere... like the brainwashed Trumptards are doing.

You are welcome to add anything to this list if you want to.

Tom Paris #conspiracy youtube.com

Excerpt: "OSAMA was living in pakistan." One last time for the hearing impaired, Osama died years ago. If the US killed him, then why get rid of his body and not let independent forensics investigate? Why not keep him alive for interrogation to any future "terrorist plots?" Brain-dead individuals like you don't ask these questions nor do you want the real answer! Ignorance is bliss, huh? Who told you that? Rupert Murdoch's media? Well, why didn't you say so? It must be true, then!

buddy RJ #psycho #mammon youtube.com

They [the US] have been through that in 2009 with H1N1 and many live thru it, so the new one won't be any different. If it doesn't kill you, it will only makes you stronger.

Let's face it, to contain the virus, it needs the whole world to work together. Sadly, there are many poor or developing countries that cannot fulfill this task due to economic problem and their healthcare system. One country fails, it means the virus will live on, God forbid it mutated, and someday it will find its way to your country no matter what your country has done to contain it. How long your country is willing to do it? a year? 2 years? your country's economy will fail! It will eventually get to you. Our only hope is a validated working vaccine, but as many outbreaks have shown in the past, the vaccine is always late. Maybe this is why the US and EU are reluctant to do anything about it, they let you have it and bet on your body develops the immune system to withstand the virus, wherever they may come from, without scarifying the economy and the cost trying to contain it. To the majority, this is merely a flu, some will have it harsher than the other, but most will survive given the fact that the fatality rate is only 2-3 %. Unfortunately, some people will die. But then again, it will mostly kill the unproductive old people with pre-existing disease, if they die, it will only save your tax money for the healthcare, and so, you see where this is going? Like what they say, life is unkind.

Mayor Skete, Wesly Stanton #racist #conspiracy youtube.com

(for information these two comments are on a video about two neo-nazis that got arrested for inciting racial hatred and hosting websites with racist material)

Mayor Skete: Imprisonment for opinions is more destructive to a society than any opinion itself. Supporting tyranny is fueling one's own enslavement. The UK is lost, but that means nothing to those whose sense of moral superiority has been gratified.

Wesly Stanton: Any white nation that fought against the great Uncle A. deserves to be bent over and a**fucked by the Jewish controlled horde of brown people. Considering how arrogant/pompous most British are, and what they did to Germany after the war....lol....what comes around goes around. At least the British could say they had Mosley.

antony slack #quack #conspiracy youtube.com

MMR -Autism link, many people on autistic sites are saying for the first time that there is a link,some peoples posts on face book re this documentary, state my child was born with Autism ? - in reply ? ....................................................
Some can be born autistic because of mercury in silver teeth fillings that go from mother to developing child for nine months, aluminium and mercury in flu vaccine during pregnancy,or aluminium in antibiotics then add to that once the child is born - mmr and other vaccines and you have a ticking time bomb ? Autism rates 50 to 60 years ago before over vaccinating 1 in 50,000 now due to vaccine programe and mercury in silver teeth fillings etc 1 in 22 in one usa state , uk 1 in 50 , FACT modern chemical medicine is causing Autism, and many many other illnesses, ? 100% link, the vaccine inserts now state that they can cause autism and the CDC hid evidence and are under investigation re there findings, they coverd it up so the autistic world did not come together and sue ? one day the real truth will and is now starting to come out ? big cover up by big pharma , they are worried if autistic people find out the real truth , its companys gone, stock shares gone , bust companies, its a evil scam at the cost of our childrens lives ? and they will do anything to protect there investments ? ..........................Following a complete Witch Hunt of a Programme by Channel 4 may 2017 on Dr Andrew Wakefield, his association with Trump and the alleged drop in vaccine uptake - you can now see a further interview which was conveniently left out of the Programme. This eloquent intelligent Doctor shows just how ill informed the Channel 4 Interviewer was!!! Why wasn't this broadcast!!

Kyle MacDougall #transphobia youtube.com

I'm one of the people who says that transgenderism is a mental illness, although I am careful about when and how I say it, and I don't intend to hurt anyone by saying it. I believe that transgender people are suffering intensely (their pre-op and post-op suicide rates are astonishingly high), and I have no desire to add to anyone's suffering. I'm no stranger to mental illness myself (having experienced severe depression and a learning disorder--as well as being bullied on and off throughout my entire life for having said learning disorder and for generally being "different" from others), and I don't think mental illness should be stigmatized. I have nothing but sympathy for transgender people in general, because I believe they're suffering, but my sympathy runs out when they start forcing their identity politics on everyone else and trying to curtail other people's civil liberties (such as First Amendment rights). I will not use someone's preferred pronouns, because the line has to be drawn somewhere. I don't believe that transitioning is the right way to help someone with gender dysphoria. Thank you for not jumping on board the "You're just being hateful!" bandwagon.

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