(=From the RWBY fandom: More from homophobes and incels mourning the death of a *cartoon* villain they projected onto (Adam), and an LGBT pairing potentially becoming canon (Blake and Yang) in the wake of his death. This is an interesting dicussion that caught my attention=)
Remedy4theheart: The most brutal and bloody murder the audience as ever seen brought these two together....that's something a villian would promote.
BloodRaven55: Bro you're talking about a whole ass different show. She Ra has nothing to do with this video. Not to mention Adam's death was self defence plain and simple. He dug his own grave by refusing every chance they gave him to leave peacefully and still going for the kill even after he lost his weapon. Killing someone to prevent your own death or someone else's death is not murder, you moron.
But then you clearly don't understand what sisters are either so I'm not surprised.
Remedy4theheart: Actually the law states so long as the threat has been eliminated, this doesn't just mean once the attacker is dead, then self defense is no longer needed or legal.
Once Adam lost his weapon and the two girls stood right there weapons in hand still standing Adam was neutralized. Him jumping for the blade is indeed intent to continue his murderous intent but he was still neutralized. The girls stabbed him before he got even anywhere near another blade.
By then it was no longer self defense. It was unhinged murder. The other options the girls could have done was run away, neutralize Adam's movements IE nonlethal force, or run to the proper authorities. The one option they chose was the most brutal unnecessary one that is actually criminal to do.
They murdered him. Through the heart and dropped the body into a waterfall never to be recognized again by his loved ones. That is not what a hero does. That man had a chance at redemption. He should have been locked up.
But no....somehow life is forfeit for just being an asshole with a scarred past. Shame on you for thinking so. Adam was a murderer. But those girls were not. So why become one to get rid of one?
BloodRaven55: Dude if you had the person who emotionally abused you for years stalk you halfway across the world and try to murder you multiple times, all while verbally confirming that he will never leave you alone until you and everyone you love is dead, and he starts running for a weapon to kill you, then you would 100% go for that blade too and do whatever you had to in order to save yourself and everyone else he'd threatened. If they'd run away then he would have tracked them down and tried to kill them all over again. Non-lethal force was not an option for Blake when she had no weapon and he was about to fatally stab her. If Yang had tried to disarm him or take him out without killing him then he would have had time to kill Blake before she could do anything. They literally TRIED, more than once, to get him to back down and to take him out without his death. When she took his sword from him Yang fucking throws it away instead of using it against him, and Blake makes no move to attack until he does at any point because as she flat out says multiple times she DIDN'T WANT TO FIGHT HIM. He gave them absolutely no way to ensure their own survival in that moment other than killing him and if you think otherwise you are delusional. You're literally asking Blake and Yang to give him a huge chance of murdering them instead of defending themselves to the best of their ability. Your sense of morality is fucked beyond belief and I would be terrified if you were my friend because that would mean that if I was in Blake's position you'd just let my abuser end my life rather than do whatever you could to save me.
You also need to watch the fight again because 1) Blake was completely unarmed when Adam went for Gambol Shroud. And Yang's only weapons were ranged which would have been as likely to kill Blake as Adam if she'd tried to use them in that situation. 2) The “proper authorities” were unavailable as Grimm were attacking the military base at the time and ADAM WAS LITERALLY ABOUT TO KILL HER. What the fuck was she meant to do? Get her Scroll out and let him stab her while she tries to call the police?? Oh wait, Blake's Scroll was destroyed by Adam so she couldn't call the cops anyway regardless. Do yourself a favour and actually pay attention to the show before speaking bullshit because you obviously don't remember most of what happened.
If you are Blake, and you are unarmed while someone is running for a weapon about to kill you, then the threat has definitely NOT been eliminated. If you are Yang, and someone is running towards your unarmed partner about to grab a weapon to kill them, then the threat has definitely NOT been eliminated. Use your goddamn brain, I am begging you.
Remedy4theheart: You forgive them. Not stab them through the heart both ways and have their body beaten senseless by rushing waters.
BloodRaven55: If Blake had tried to “forgive” Adam she would be dead. So would Yang. He flat out stated his intent to murder them both multiple times and when given a categorical chance to let them live and walk away he rejected it and kept trying to kill them. You are literally asking them to let themselves be murdered instead of acting in self defence. Get some help, bro. Your moral compass is pointing in totally the wrong direction.
In real life if someone is about to stab me should I just “forgive” them and let them murder me? You’re flat out advocating for the murder of two innocent people over them defending themselves from the person trying to murder them. Think about what you’re fucking saying.
Remedy4theheart: So she gave him the early out never to learn fomr his mistakes? Yeah that true punishment should have been to lock him up reform him and show him he will fail everytime.
But no....she killed a suicidal man. Good job.
BloodRaven55: Both Blake and Yang gave him explicit chances to back down and he refused. They couldn't lock him up because the military base was compromised at the time and Blake's Scroll was broken so she couldn't call law enforcement anyway. Not to mention they had no way of restraining him and he was literally about to end Blake's life. He wasn't suicidal, he was murderous. He never once showed even a hint of remorse for any of his actions or the slightest inclination to change. He never did a single kind or selfless thing in the entire show and had zero chance at redemption.
If someone is seconds from grabbing a weapon and stabbing you and you are unarmed then you do not have the time or ability to decide how you defend yourself. You simply do what you can to protect yourself and the people around you. If Blake and Yang had done any of the things that you suggest then they would both be dead and Adam would still not be locked up or any closer to redemption. People like you terrify me and I hope I never come anywhere near someone with such warped morals as you in real life.
Blake gave Adam opportunities to improve in his Character Short, in the Black Trailer, and at least three times in the V6 fight. Yang flat out told him to leave peacefully and deliberately didn't kill him the first time she had the chance. They tried to disarm him without killing him but he still insisted on going for a weapon to slaughter them both. If you think they had any other choice in that moment then you didn't watch the same show as the rest of us.
Remedy4theheart: Violence is never the answer. You promote morals and then all of a sudden drop them because you just couldn't anymore? This is why people are saying the girls are less and less heroic these days.
BloodRaven55: I'm literally a pacifist but if I was defenceless and someone who still had a gun and was running to grab a weapon was about to murder me and another innocent person then damn right I'd be willing to kill them to defend myself. It's highly concerning that you'd rather let yourself and someone you love be murdered and "forgive" the person trying to kill you instead.
Correction: He lost everything because he murdered countless innocent people including his own men, and he travelled by his lonesome ready and willing to slaughter two innocent people to the point where even when he was given multiple chances to leave peacefully he refused.
He states himself that he stalked Blake across the world with the sole intention of murdering her. You’ve ignored every single piece of evidence from the show that I’ve provided, and you’re a sick victim blaming piece of human garbage who‘s detached from reality. Goodbye, I hope you develop a conscience soon.