
yeshuasavedme #fundie christianforums.com

No one has ever proved the existence of "gravity". It is only a theory. Surely you know that fact?

There are some basic experiments which show the "force" called "gravity", neutralized; some done by Boyd Bushman, a retired Senior Research Scientist who formerly worked for Lockheed Martin. He is not a believer in Jesus Christ, and IMHO he is therefore in danger of worshipping the "force" -in absense of God, but which force is itself just a servant of YHWH the Creator.
Nevertheless, his experiments are reproducible by anyone who takes the time and money to do their own -or watch and listen to his. Of course there are the armchair skeptics who scoff at everything they have not been part of, as if all knowledge begins and ends with what they experience, and they truly believe that there is nothing in existence if they do not know it.
-but if you watch and listen to Boyd Bushman then please do not come back and try to mock and scorn. I just direct you to someone who has proven what is called gravity is not what it is thought to be. But if you thnk that you can prove gravity truly exists, then go ahead -but no one has; and evidence is against it, even in the ancient writings of the pre-Hindus, who wrote of building space ships and traveling in them without any effects of what is today called "gravity", and how they did it and how they piloted them and so on and so forth. You can find links to all these ancient texts @ http://www.s8int.com/
Enoch said all these secrets were taught Adamkind by the fallen sons of God, who took daughters of Adam as wives. The "secrets" were all used to promote rebellion against God, and for only evil purposes. The ancient pre-Hindu peoples who wrote of these things spoke of the civilizations destroyed by all the weapons the "gods" taught the use of, to the sons of men, [and the destruction of whole civilizations in those wars resulted in the survivors inventing and preaching the pre-Buddhism religion]. Those weapons included atomic bombs, laser light beams, a force for destruction that is indescribable, and all the un-conventional weapons of warfare which now re-invented and those which are only on drawing boards still, today.

AV1611VET #fundie christianforums.com

If you want to go with a theory that places emphasis on the ocean overrunning the land (and less emphasis on it raining), then I propose this scenario:

That God could have simply (but gently) squeezed the sides of the earth, and the water would then do its thing.

Remember that at the time of the Flood, the earth had one giant supercontinent on it --- some call it Pangaea, I call it Eden.

However you look it, one thing is for certain --- God did it.

RobertByers #fundie christianforums.com

I am not educated like you but always find in my studies how poorly thought thru and poorly evidenced the claims of evolution and company are.
They constantly reveal how everything is based on minor data collecting and major speculation.
Evolution, as is, will come crashing down under pressure from more intelligent people entering these fields. they will undercut their teachers.
this is why creationists must histle to be in on the kill. Otherwise they will just revamp everything. I suspect ID'ers are the future. They will reject Darwinian evolution but pick up something more plausible.

A great aid to fight evolution, as is, is to just explain what it is. the public who accept evolution think its from complex well documented inner abilities of biology. to show them that complexity in biology is claimed to be from mutation and selection would astonish them.
Creationists need only show evolution in its claims.

CarinaMarie #fundie christianforums.com

(in response to "evolution takes a long time")

Yeah, a loooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggg time, and so far nobody's seen it happen before our eyes.
After some time, evolution is going to be disproved, because we 're all going to be sitting here waiting and when no results appear, it's going to be obvious that the theory of evolution was just that, a theory.
But, Jesus will probably come back before then...

Conservator #fundie christianforums.com

(A bit of a two-for-one)

An Open Bible in every office of Government


I think we should, as conservatives, add an approach to our agenda that cannot be silenced by anyone. And that is the personal expression of religion in the government. No one can stop a legislator, a judge or even the Governor or President, from having a Bible open in their office, or in their sessions. It simply is not an issue.

It is the public expression of a private individual in a way that brings attention, maybe even agitation, but is completely harmless to any rational person. No one should mind it; because likewise the Muslim legislator should have his Qu'ran opened if he feels it is so prudent, the Jew the Torah or Hebrew Bible.

And so forth.

I think this should be mentioned by conservatives and we should get a petition going to get some of our faithful brothers in office to do this.

(And this is his signature)
"Judge Not Lest Ye Be Judged." Means to Judge only when you are not a hypocrite.

Polycarp_fan #fundie christianforums.com

Oh you hurt me so. I get my view of atheists by how they all rock like bobblehead dolls to the same stimuli.

What part of nothing creating everything don't you understand?

You guys don't have enough i o n s on your numbers for nothing to get everything here. Or do you? How many numbers with i o n s on the end of them did it take for nothing to "create" everything?

0 x 0 = atheism when all is said and done.

Hmm, a mathematical fact.

I'm sorry if it causes you cerebral discomfort to hear or see that offered up as the root of all atheism's sandy bottomed assertions.

I'm sorry pal, a sparrow is not an accident caused by another accident that was a mistake that became something improved out of the accident.

And humans are worth even more than sparrows.

Now . . . where'd I hear that before?

But if you want to believe in atheism, far be it from me to stop you. I can see how angry it makes you when challenged. I'll be going now.

Nadiine #fundie christianforums.com

why is it that I feel absolutely NO desire to pray for a woman who's selfishly and knowingly had scizzors jammed into her fetus's skull 1/2 way out the birth canal?

If I pray anything, I feel like praying that it does haunt her for life; IT SHOULD

Polycrap_fan #fundie christianforums.com

[What have you done to help the poor?
What have you done to help the homeless?
What have you done to reduce violent crime?
What have you done to cure cancer?
What have you done to cure AIDS?
What have you done to give homes to orphans?
What have you done to reduce the number of wars?

Why should anyone care what you oppose if you don't do something to help these people?

See also:
Matthew 25:34-40]

I voted Yes on Prop 8

-----Voting is still legal for Christians.

HappyHealthyHolyRoller #fundie christianforums.com

It is not okay to beat up gay people. However, wherever the sworn enemy of God is found we must eradicate this pestilence with all speed, lest the world fall into the hands of the wicked.
Who are these sworn enemies? Not all gays, but many of them are. Many are non-believers for the sake of intellectual pride.
Wherever we find them we must do away with them. This is how a just war is fought: respond to the enemy after being attacked, then defeat the enemy.

Forgiven_and_Redeemed #fundie #homophobia christianforums.com

I understand, but then again if your friend wasn't a homosexual, that would never have happened. I appreciate how homosexuals may get a little bit bothered by a miniscule minority of 'Christians' (whose hearts are probably in the right place!) but that doesn't mean the rest of us should back off and let gays get married/ have civil unions/ domestic partnerships.

Miahdog #fundie christianforums.com

You label it Pentecostal Theology. I call it New Testament theology and doctrine. This is why I hate denominationalism. It shouldn't matter your denomination. "What does the bible say" should be where we form our beliefs.

The New Testament clearly reveals the New Birth and the infilling of the Holy Spirit as two separate experiences. Speaking in tongues is clearly the evidence of the baptism in the Holy Spirit. Jimbeaux and RevKidd you need to get on the Word. No one cares about your personal opinion; especially God. I wonder how it is that Christians don't study the bible. I find it frightening when Christians see it in the Word and still reject it or attempt to explain away what is clearly written.

AV1611VET #fundie christianforums.com

[I'm no scientist but the Bible describes several properties of the earth that were not confirmed by science until hundreds of years after the Bible first made the claim, some not even until this century.]

Good post, Suzy! Here are three of my favorites:

1. The universe is expanding. ---
Originally Posted by Psalm 104:2
Who coverest thyself with light as with a garment: who stretchest out the heavens like a curtain:
(The first part of that verse could be a reference to the Cosmic Microwave Background, but that would be a guess on my part.

2. Submarine ocean currents.
Originally Posted by Psalm 8:8
The fowl of the air, and the fish of the sea, and whatsoever passeth through the paths of the seas.
3. The Internet.
Originally Posted by Job 38:35
Canst thou send lightnings, that they may go, and say unto thee, Here we are?

CreedIsChrist #fundie christianforums.com

this is one reason why we are going the homeschooling route, so that the idea won't even pop in their mind because they will know nothing about it in the first place.. Most of these "experimental" stages happen in later middle school and high school. And if the H.S. is pushing this on our children and condoning unchristian behavior it will teach our children to rebel. Also children learn alot from immoral programs on the TV and thus many need to be screened. Children should not be taught sex ed in in middle school. I prefer to keep my childs innocence. This world today dosen't let children be children anymore. A young child should be busy playing with toys, baseball with his father, being read to and taught, and having fun with friends. A child won't ask awkward questions or getting in trouble when they are busy being who they are. You'll be surprised how well things turn out when you let nature take its course and don't force anything unatural upon them.

And it is true. The gay community is laden with drugs, there is an enourmous meth problem within the gay community and many are associated with dangerous behavior such a raves and clubs where drugs and rape is common. That is where Jeffery Dahmer got all his victims from...

Tanakh #fundie christianforums.com

[regarding Palestinian children]

They are not innocent!!!

85% of the "Palestinians" voted Hamas into office so don't even dare talk to me about innocence. It was the Arab world that attacked Israel and it is the Arab/Muslim world that hates Israel with a passion that rivals that of Nazi Germany so when you say you feel sorry for what happened during the Holocaust I say screw you! Hitler hated us Jews precisely because we ARE, and let me repeat that again, ARE, the chosen people so learn history before you say you feel "sorry". And if you question our choseness then read the Torah, the law books given to us by G-d directly who said we are His chosen people and will forever remain so thus Israel as a duty and a right to its land as dictated in the law of G-d and if you or anyone else has a problem with that then that is just to damn bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nadiine #fundie christianforums.com

The problem with this is that it isn't conservatives who claim to push and demand tolerism of all. That's the platform of the left.
And every time they display their intolerance for conservatives whether it be blatant hate messages, wanting to stifle us or their bias & outright lies to smear and slander wrongfully, they are showing their hypocrisy

God isn't tolerant and Christianity is an exclusive religion; not inclusive of ALL people who supposedly end up in the good graces of God.. as if He's SO loving that He winks at mankind in his chosen depravity.

LittleNipper #fundie christianforums.com

Talk about BIAS. Homosexuals, are not supposed to be having children. They need someone of the opposite sex to do their dirty work. I just love to know what you'd tell that child if they ever informed you that their partner has HIV and the condom you supplied him with broke. "Oh well, you win some and you lose some. Better luck next time?"

Tanakh #fundie christianforums.com

(Various posts made by Tanakh in one thread, pages 3-5)

"Palestinian" children deserve to DIE!!

It is our land and no one else's and they will be forcefully evicted or killed. There is no other option. A child is not innocent simply because it is a child except when they are our friends but an enemies child deserves no mercy. Their children will grow up to kill our children therefore their children are a risk that I will not take because I know what these children of "Palestine" will grow up to do. They look up to their Hamas lovin parents and idolize them. 80% of their children dream of becoming suicide bombers so no I am not going to let that happen and if that means their death over mine then so be it!


[You seem to be a bit one sided, mate. Google "Israeli Atrocities", and then realize that it's a bit more grey then you think.]

They and their children are the scum of the earth and must be destroyed so yes I am one sided in this fight and thank goodness that I am!

[You'd fit in nicely with Kahane. Luckily, I know you're not representative of the majority of Jews.]

KAHANE CHAI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The reason most Jews are liberal idiots, especially in America, is because they are afraid of reality. Rabbi Meir Kahane was killed precisely because Islam feared him more then anything and that is why Kahane is a saint that deserves applause.

Lookin4dalight #fundie #homophobia christianforums.com

Yes, I believe violence towards homosexuals is perfectly acceptable if they are making unwanted sexual advances. It maybe wrong to use violence, but these homosexuals need to learn, "You're gay. I don't approve it, God doesn't approve of it, and you'll get yours sooner or later." Drastic times of rampant homosexuality require drastic measures.

Holy Roller #fundie christianforums.com

Why are unbelievers pro-abortion, but believers are against abortion?


We already know for a scientific fact that life begins at conception, and that human life begins once the woman's egg begins it's cellular division (meiosis) after fertilization.
Being armed with these scientific facts, why do the Atheists and the unbelievers do the non-scientific thing and adopt an arbitrary reference for their definition of life? Why does one (confused) unbeliever point to the first trimester and yell, "There!" and another (confused) unbeliever point to the second trimester and yell, "No, it's there!"
A third yet will withhold pointing the finger until the baby's head has completely emerged from its womb!

Is it that with the unbeliever politics will always trump reason? And if the unbeliever always allows politics to trump reason, what right does he have in saying religion is unreasonable?

Fellow-believers, do you think there's a cure for this deficiency of the human condition?

Arunma, flaming Calvinist #fundie christianforums.com

Thank you for posting this Secundulus. I have actually heard about this violence in India for quite a bit longer than when it was first posted on this forum, and I am rather familiar with the persecution of the Lord's church in Orissa. This is my prayer for these Hindus:

O daughter of Babylon, doomed to be destroyed, blessed shall he be who repays you with what you have done to us! Blessed shall he be who takes your little ones and dashes them against the rock! (Psalm 137:8-9)

May the Lord Jesus inflict vengeance even to eternal destruction on those who do not obey his Gospel. And may our fellow Christians remember the wrath that God has treasured for our enemies, so that they will not seek any personal retribution of their own.

This severe Hindu persecution of Christians has an underlying cause. It is rooted in the fundamental belief that a Hindu is one by birth, and hasn't the right to reject the idolatry of Hinduism. Note what is stated in the article:

“Who am I to give assurance?” he snapped. “Those who have exploited the Kandhas say they want to live together?”
Besides, he said, “they are Hindus by birth.”

The Christians are "Hindus by birth," therefore it offends the Hindus that they reject the evils of idolatry and false Hindu religion to obey the voice of God and the Gospel of his Son. I have found that this sentiment is held even by the less sanguinary Hindus.

fated #fundie christianforums.com

It isn't about butt sex, its about the nature of marriage itself. If people would stop using the pill the difference would be obvious. If marital law required a reason and carried justice in the event of a divorce, there would be no need to define marriage.

Marriage is societies way of attempting to get people to stay together for the benefit of their children. That is why gay folks are unfit for the system, because they can't have their own children... They get children from dramatic and desperate situations rather than through the conjugal embrace. It is preferable and good for society if the number and proportion of children born into these stable situations is maximized. It always has been.

Holy Roller #fundie christianforums.com

[Originally Posted by wanderingone
Do you mean why are "believers" anti choice and non believers pro choice?

Because surely you don't believe prochoice people are "pro" abortion?

What kind of "believer" do you mean? Hare Krishnas? Jews, Catholics? Lutherans? Pentecostals? Scientologists? Pagans?

I'm a Christian, I am pro-choice.]

I will now officially call into question anyone's salvation who also alleges to be pro-abortion.

Wade Smith #fundie christianforums.com

Hey, don't hide from trick or treaters. Preach Jesus to them. As a matter of fact, In the past, I used to discourage trick-or-treaters by turning off all the lights, but this year I think I'm going to hand out tracts if anyone comes to the door, and tell them about Jesus and about how they should repent because Halloween is of the devil.

Atlantians #fundie christianforums.com

Shirono "Ah yes, and you know that the Bible gives you that right because the Bible says it does. How very....circular."

That is not a genuine circular argument.
It is a presuppositional argument.
Ultimately all things boil down to begging the question.
Why is logic true? Because it is.

KristiXP #fundie christianforums.com

I really don't like Buffy The Vampire Slayer at all. #1. it's boring #2. It defys God. #3. We all know witchcraft, vampires, and deamons are bad, so why watch them create more evil.

Personally I feel that, the more kids that watch shows like Buffy, the more kids/adults we will have that turn to satan because they think all that stuff is cool. Yes there are some people out there today that are insecure enough to let television actually suck them in. I don't blame everything on tv, but there are some dumb people out there that let it influence them.

I'm not judging you, maybe you are strong enough to see past it. But, IMHO, I don't think it's right to be watching it. Just my 2 cents

LittleNipper #fundie christianforums.com

And the World Economy is sinking deeper into a serious DEPRESSION --- idiots lament why. Anyone with half a brain realizes that GOD is simply stepping aside and saying, "GOD HIMSELF couldn't sink this ship? INDEED! Why should I bother when a mere iceberg will do the trick."

You mock GOD by mocking HIS institutions and GOD will let you hang yourself trying to run the show as you will.

believenolies #fundie christianforums.com

[The 'Christians Against Evil/Occult Toys and Games' Club!]

I get disturbed by how many things geared to children are satanically influenced and potentially spiritually harmful to them. Even more disturbing is how many Christian parents buy these things for their kids without a second thought.

This is intended as a wake-up call, to report toys, games, or even books that are intended for kids that are probably not right for Christians. (Please don't discuss Harry Potter here, though- there's plenty on that subject elsewhere.)

If you happen upon something that you think belongs in this category, feel free to describe it, but also explain why you think it's wrong. Otherwise we may be left scratching our heads, unless it's obviously something evil.

Also allow for differences of opinion: what you think is wrong may not be to someone else. We do have freedom in Christ, but this is meant as a 'heads-up' for anyone involved with children.

I'll start with one:


I learned about Bella Sara by accident- I was flipping through a magazine on collectibles and there was a full-page ad about it. I looked over the artwork and got a creepy feeling, so I went online to learn more about it.

In case you haven't heard, it's a trading card game for girls featuring horses and an uplifting message. This may seem harmless, but wait. First of all, the messages, like 'Believe in yourself!' are clearly not Christian. They are intended to build self-esteem, but with a focus on self, certainly not God. Girls can certainly use self-esteem, but there are better ways.

A bigger concern is the artwork- mythical horses, monster horses, fairy horses, horses with magical powers...many are taken directly out of pagan mythology and even states such. I was surprised that I could find no Christian ministry speaking out against this, but on the contrary- some were speaking favorably about it. I can't see how any believer can be so blind about this lie from the pit!

I don't think Bella Sara is appropriate for Christian kids- in fact, it presents an interest in the occult; combining magic, mystery, mythology, and horses. I think it's very spiritually dangerous for kids.

Bryan Cotton #fundie christianforums.com

(In a WoW thread)

In response to the popular argument that playing a character that uses spells or witchcraft or playing a demon character is not real, it's just a game, I ask this.

Would you play a game that one of the objects is to rape a teenager? Or would you play a game that you're a Roman guard beating Jesus Christ? Or would you play a game were you kill people unjustly to gain money?

It's all fake because its a game, but it condoning the act by participating in it fictitously.

[It's not pretending to do real witchcraft, it's something completely different ... thus, the analogy is fallacious.]

Uhh, no. Fake algorithm witchcraft or actual witchcraft, its still evil. Just because someone makes some algorithms to make witchcraft interesting doesn't make it ok. If you play a game were you are to rape a young girl, your not actually doing it. Its just algorithms to make it interesting. It's still wrong.

blueroses27 #fundie christianforums.com

When I was in High School, I had this teacher that hated Christians. In one of his classes, we had a test on evolution. Well, I didn't exactly answer the questions like the rest of the class. I included God into my answers and denied a lot of what was being taught.. instead basing myself on the Bible. I got pretty bad on the test, but ever since then Ive been known among the teachers as a Christian. And some have even asked me about it. It opened a lot of doors that wouldnt have been there otherwise!

CreedIsChrist #fundie christianforums.com

considering how the economy is nearly in another depression right during the time gay marriage is spreading around the states being legalized. And then earlier with AIDS in the 70s and then the fires, hurricanes and MRSA. Its scary the way our nation mocks God and I tremble at the future wrath that is going to come down upon this nation because of our blackened hearts.

It seems that nearly always, during these "sexual revolutions" or cultural changes, that there is a bashlash that happens soon after that hurts society as a whole. Whether disease, or death, or economy problems, etc.

Atlantians #fundie christianforums.com

Quote from Shirono "I'm a decent, kind and thoughtful person...and I'm an Atheist"

That is because you were raised in a Christian realm, in a nation that has a culture founded on Christian principles, which came from the Western world that has been heavily shaped by Christianity for 2,000 years.
You operating in a manner reflecting the few latent Christian elements and presuppositions that remain in our culture in no way reflects your point. Rather, it entirely mitigates it.

AV1611VET #fundie christianforums.com

you are just saying that. No weight in you argument at all.

I agree that the earth, as seen from outside of the universe, would look that way: a planet on the edge of a galaxy that is nowhere near the center. But the point is --- even so, God made the earth before He made the rest of the universe.

So even though the universe isn't geocentric --- it's geoprominent.

AV1611VET #fundie christianforums.com

[In a thread about the New Creation (Rev.21:1)]

For one thing, movement from Point A to Point B will be instantaneous.

Since acceleration is distance divided by time [a = d / t], and time shall be no more, then acceleration will be instantaneous [a = d].

Jonteel #fundie christianforums.com

[Discussing the Bill Maher film, Religulous]

Well, you can't blame them for making fun of us Christians. You can’t make fun of the Jews (that would show clearly that you were a Nazi) and you can't make fun of the Blacks. That would make you a white supremicist (Nazi). So, they HAVE to make fun of someone, so they do. That's what they do. It defines them. They feel Christians are stupid, and they are smart. We are undermenshen. That is a term made popular by Nazis during the second world war and it is German for under men. These Undermenshen included Jews, Russians, Slavs, and anyone who wasn't ARyan.

Hitler spent a lot of time kissing up to certain Christian leaders. After all, his army was mostly Christian and he needed to have his soldiers follow him. But, privately (and we have proof of this) he felt that Christianity was the biggest joke ever played on man.

Michael Medved, a jewish film critic, speaking about how Hollywood depictions of Christians, said that he hasn't seen any persecution that was similar to this since Hitler made films about the Jews in the 1940s.

AV1611VET #fundie christianforums.com

(Picture of Horsehead Nebula)

Take a look at this picture. Aesthetically, it is beautiful; but epistemologically, it is a testimony to what sin can do. A nebula, the shell of a star that once housed an angel. An angel that chose to "leave his first estate" and come here to cohabit with the women. It now serves as a warning beacon to any other angel that may want to follow in their steps. Aesthetically beautiful, hamartologically ugly - ugly as sin.

(Picture of Grand Canyon)


murieljcompton #fundie #homophobia christianforums.com

[From a subforum on Christian Forums dedicated to 'Christian Persecution']

If you are familiar with the website of Yahoo, which I am sure you are, you may be disturbed to know that Yahoo promotes a homosexual lifestyle to children!

If you weren't aware, Yahoo allows users to create what are known as "avatars." They are animated cartoon characters that can be made to represent the user. They offer many different clothes and backgrounds with which you may accessorize your avatars. I was shocked and appalled to discover that you may dress your avatar in clothing and accessories that are homosexually-themed! Your Yahoo avatar may wear a T-shirt that says "Gay Pride." Your Yahoo avatar may hold a rainbow homosexual flag. Your Yahoo avatar may even be placed upon a background of a "Gay Pride" rally. But if you look through the other choices, you will find that there is not one option to dress these avatars in Christian-themed clothing. There are no T-shirts that proclaim love for Jesus. There are no Christian flags. And there are no church backgrounds! But it is perfectly acceptable for them to promote an immoral lifestyle such as homosexuality to the millions of minors that visit Yahoo on a daily basis!

I encourage all Christians to immediately cut off any ties they may have with the Yahoo website. I will be redirecting my web-based email to G-mail. I have unsubscribed from all Yahoo groups of which I was a member. If you have web hosting through them, find another one immediately! It is quite obvious to me that Yahoo has all the business they need from the homosexual community. Let us show them that they don't need any from the Christian community. I will be praying for the administration of the Yahoo website and will only return to Yahoo when these offensive items are taken down!

clirus #fundie christianforums.com

I believe that America prospered as a Christian Nation that was tolerant of other ethnic groups, but is now being torn apart by different ethnic groups fighting for control. Christians will not tolerate Atheism being taught in the public schools. It was bad enough that evolution was taught, but homosexual, transgender and other perversions are not tolerable. It really does not matter who wins the election if the ethnic differences remain, because the looser will always become the spoiler.

I believe in Christianity, Capitalism and Democracy. America was a Christian Nation until socialism was introduced in the government by the Roosevelt Administration. That socialism has led to the rise of the Atheistic Ethnic Group.

visionary #fundie christianforums.com

I can say that the Devil witnessed and gave testimony to the reality of the Lord coming to visit me. The Lord came in His clearness and we talked for hours. The conversation started at 9 am during my morning bible study with prayer , the Bible and the concordance. When the conversation was over it was ten pm and yet I didn't know we had talked that long... it was so mind blowing. While I sat there in the livingroom lazyboy contenplating all that we had discussed .. My unsaved hubby came home from work.

The living room was dark because when I started the bible study it was light and now here it was night and the room was now dark. I didn't get out of the chair. My hubby walks from the back door through the kitchen to the livingroom. He gets to the doorway and stops. The devil lets out a scream and starts cursing. The reason I know it was the devil is because while my hubby may have been doing the spouting there is no way that he knew what had occured in this room.

BillWald #fundie christianforums.com

Since the concept of shame has been removed from American society and American churches no point to shovel sand against the tide. 70 years ago a family would hide a unmarried teenaged daughter. Now half of Americans think it is wonderful that the daughter is put on international television so that a billion people can know her immorality.

lolharpoons #fundie christianforums.com

Did anyone ever think of this? Why do you think it takes so long to dig up fossils? They seriously spend years chipping away rock to get one piece of bone. Maybe it's because they're ACTUALLY CARVING THE FOSSILS OUT OF STONE. Fossils are just carved stone. They were not already there. The scientists created them out of nothing.

If you just leave bones lying on the ground, which is how they are left when something dies, they do not fossilize. After years they get broken and smashed, water washes away all the calcium, and nothing is left. Fossils are just another myth to promote evolution and deny the reality of God's work.

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