
BillWald #fundie christianforums.com

Since the concept of shame has been removed from American society and American churches no point to shovel sand against the tide. 70 years ago a family would hide a unmarried teenaged daughter. Now half of Americans think it is wonderful that the daughter is put on international television so that a billion people can know her immorality.

JesusIsYourLORD #fundie christianforums.com

If I Could Express How Angry I Am At You Right Now And How Angry Jesus Is At You Right Now, You Would Have To Change Your Underpants. I Say Your Post, Mhm, Yeah And So Did Jesus! You Need To Repent Right Now Or You Will Be Sent To The Lake Of Fire You Most Certainly Deserve. Oh Wait, I Get It, You Probably Want To Go To Hell, You Have A Fire Fetish You Sick Sick Sinner! Pain Brings You Pleasure? Well Let Me Tell You Something, In Hell There Is No Pleasure, Just Pain Pain Pain Pain, Get It? Get It?! You Are No Longer Allowed To Post On Here Until You Get Your Act Together.

AV1611vet #fundie christianforums.com

Originally Posted by BananaSlug
Can anybody else think of any predictions that we could test in order to find out if Creationism was true?

Yes --- science should be tested to see if any facts get updated over the years (e.g. the speed of light, the number of elements on the Periodic Table, the number of planets in our solar system). If the facts are constantly being updated, then I submit that it is only a matter of time before someone "discovers" that Creationism is true.

AV1611Vet #fundie christianforums.com

Many years ago there was an article in the Reader's Digest written by a doctor who had a friend who got lung cancer and slowly died. The doctor couldn't understand why God let the man "linger" for about 8 months, until he finally realized that God was breaking the man's will to live.

Sometimes when the time comes, death is made to be welcomed.

AV1611VET #fundie christianforums.com

My assertion that God sent the Flood waters to Neptune (not Mars, as DAD asserts), is an honest guess, and my assertion that Noah lived in the area that is now New Jersey is something that I absolutely believe, and have [somewhat] backed up with Wikipedia.

Gengwall #fundie christianforums.com

One should also not shy away from the dark side of masturbation. The typical associated lust has been mentioned a couple of times. Lustful thoughts are sinful and your teen needs to know that. Masturbation can also be addictive and very frequent masturbation, especially in girls, can cause physical damage. Masturbation can affect later marital sexual relations both in terms of desire and in terms of sexual enjoyment. There are documented cases of both men and women who developed such personalized masturbative practices that they could not have orgasms any other way. For males, the increased pressure associated with self-stimulation vs. the pressure experienced in intercourse can be off-putting and make sexual enjoyment from intercourse less, well, enjoyable.

All in all, if you agree masturbation isn't itself inherently sinful, it still should be rarely practiced for the best sexual health and development. If your teen is old enough to do it and mature enough to talk about it, they also should be open to hearing about the many physical, mental, and relational dangers of the practice.

Luzeiro #fundie christianforums.com

If the Christian behaves contrary to the requirements of Christ, we must firstly stop calling him Christian. After that, no, you cannot know Christianity or Christ from misbehaving Christians.

But the muslim, worldwide, does behave according to mahomet. Do you understand that?

RobertByers #fundie christianforums.com

Marsupialism was a reaction to fulfill Gods command to fill the earth quick. Marsupialism is a process to maintain steady production. out of the womb quick and another in. In fact the males sometimes have two penises i believe. Same principal.
As the picture shows the difference is less then between males and females of the same species. Yet we know they are the same.

ChristianFriend2012 #fundie christianforums.com

(Unemployment for Jeebus!)

It's not that minor either though, interesting story, one I have dealt with in several jobs myself as well. Once they find out you are one of God's children, they mob you right on out of there, either forcing you into quitting, or just blatanlty terminating. Interestingly enough, when a stronger animal is around a group of weaker animals, the weaker animals will team up, surround the stronger animal, and mob him or her out of the scene; identify, subjugate, eliminate, much like geese will do to a fox. This is very relevant for today's Christians and can be read about in the book, "Mobbing by Noa Davenport" I recommend you read the reviews for it on Amazon at least. My heart goes out to you with that situation though, as it has kept me out of work for about 8 years now, even though I'm more than willing and able to work. GBU & take care.

Nadiine #fundie christianforums.com

I believe more towards young earth creation too.

The problem as I see it is that I'm completely ignorant of science where this is concerned (as are lots of other people) - so hearing a young earth vs. old earth argument doesn't do much good when I have no knowledge of science to base anything on.

I'll probly never know for sure which it is and frankly I'm not real interested in knowing for sure which it is, only that God is Creator and it came to be when He set it in motion thru His spoken word which rules out evolution of any kind.

visionary #fundie #homophobia christianforums.com

Homosexuality is only an issue when you are having difficulty with it. When the Lord cleanses your life, I mean truly cleanses it, there will be no homosexuality demon pestering you. Just as the parable about the demon being cleaned out the house, if he comes back and finds it empty, which means the Lord was not reigning in the temple, he will invite his friends back and the soul will in worse condition than before. Don't blame God for that. That was your own choice.

One of the worse things about those defending homosexuality and wanting God's blessing is that they have to realise the argument is not going to be won on this thread, even if you think you have an awesome argument. You are wrestling with God and when like Jacob you realise that is who you are really fighting, let go and let God work His miracles in your life.

unkern #fundie christianforums.com

The earth has actually become less proportionate, there are less people now than there were back in those days and that is because less people are having children and those that do only have 1-2. Where as in the old testament some would have up to 70 children.

BlueIceDragon #fundie christianforums.com

I'm firmly confident that the theory of creation is a much better fit to the data than evolution. Evolution makes statements about origins yet supposedly when pressed on this, evolutionists always back away throwing the blame onto some other theory. This is ridiculously unfair as creation also makes claims about origins and we don't throw our origins onto some other theory.

Floating Axe #fundie christianforums.com

Same sex marriage has NEVER existed. Therefore it should never exist. There is nothing new under the sun. The same old sins that ever existed, still pervade culture today.

Now this generation wants to embed the sin even deeper into culture by making a childish plea for marriage. It's like little kids playing house. Silly.

wrp #fundie christianforums.com

Hate is hate. Atheists practise it; Christians do not. Atheists murdered vast numbers of Christians, in the name of atheism in the last century. Even depraved Christians have, to the best of my knowledge, never murdered atheists.

All the best,

Roger Pearse

Elijah2 #fundie christianforums.com

[Regarding WoW]

Now being a Christian, we also need to view the powers of darkness that is subtly hidden behind these sorts of games.

There is magic in this game: from auras to ranged damaging ice novas, resurrection spells, etc, which isn’t of our Lord Jesus Christ. Now, we all know the “wiles of the enemy” and the “snares of the fowler”, and such game are set up by Satan to trap the gullible and immature Christians, and even if some say that it’s part and parcel of the game and that it’s harmless, then they will never know the truth that will set them free (John 8:32). Of course these things appear to be harmless in the eyes of those who are already seduced and deceived by the powers of darkness.

Christians who participate in this game need to be aware of the spiritual consequences.

mandse #fundie christianforums.com

"I have been thinking about giving blood for a while, but the situation in my country is quite bad.
We have a multiethnical society with many homosexuals, jews and atheists, and I'm worried that my blood will go to thoose groups.
I would normally consider the thing giving blood as helping your neighbour, but I'm quite worried.
Should or should I not become a blooddoner?"

LovebirdsFlying #fundie christianforums.com

When we prayed about my blood sugar, those numbers came right down to where they should be. Now I need help lowering another number--my weight. I have exhausted every possible human effort, and it will take a miracle for me to lose weight. However, I am a Christian and I do believe in miracles. So please join me in prayer, and let's get ready to see one happen.

Tanakh #fundie #homophobia christianforums.com

Let me make it very clear

Biblical law mandates that there must be a trial before a punishment is carried out thus if you suspect someone of being gay without the person specifically saying so and without sufficient evidence then a death sentence cannot be carried out but if the person is publicly flaunting homosexuality and if it can be proved, without a doubt, that they committed a homosexual act then the death penalty can and must be carried out.

AV1611VET #fundie christianforums.com

[On what happens in the afterlife to a remorseless serial child molester who years later becomes a Christian and his victim, who dies a non Christian]

The molester goes to Heaven, and the victim [needlessly] goes to Hell, all because she blamed God for being molested.

Remember the two thieves who were crucified with Jesus?

SpyridonOCA #fundie christianforums.com

I have several spiritual fathers. I have a priest where I live, several priests and deacons in my home town, two monks in the town near by. Everything I say and believe on this forum is inspired by their spiritual wisdom. It is sufficient for me to trust their judgment. Therefore, do not tell me what to say or believe if it disagrees with my spiritual fathers. I do not even care if you are a mod, especially if you are not Orthodox.

You have not the right to tell me the opposite of what Christ, through my spiritual fathers, have already taught. In the Church, we are taught to be dispassionate, to give piercing honesty to the ones we love, regardless of what their passions and whims tell them. If you are a catechumen or a recent convert, you still might not understand this.

Do not doubt my spiritual knowledge by telling me what to believe. Give me questions, not commands. You are my equal, not my teacher. Since I don't even know you, I have no responsibility to follow you.

Unless we receive mutual benefit from mutual edification, I will not waste our time on this forum. I will not self-sacrifice for a cause that I don't believe is worthy. I'm living in a seminary to prepare for the diaconate. You are not. If you don't respect me, do not respond to me. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. May God have mercy on us.

I have such profound spiritual gifts that I can't use them without being in tears. You have no idea what that's like.

Polycarp_fan #fundie christianforums.com

[on same-gender love]
Actualy, I don;t have to. One gay pride parade settles the issue. It's all about the erotic. Literally, it defines them.
[on peer-review]
Science is a very good friend of the Christian. Especially when being accused of homophobia, bigoty or hatefullness.

Every anatomy, biology and physiology book I have ever read is "peer reviewed."

ALL of them agree with the Biblical view that same-gender sex acts are inappropriate. Remember, genitalia provides "sexual orientation." Humans are not beasts. Our ability to use reason and logic to override our "animal instincts" is a fact. Or at least (according to science) they should.

I am far more comfortable debating the gay agenda with a science book in hand than a Bible. Although, the "Bible" is one heck of a "peer reviewed" work.

I mean, you weren't expecting something from the APA were you? How many times has the DSM been changed? They're on number 4 (IV) now.

Specterspartan #fundie #senpai_noticed_us christianforums.com

[We get another mention. Yay!]

I simply enjoy certain aspects of what Venofang says and God bless him for it. I understand this should necessarily be on this part of the board but I'm a teen and I enjoy talking with people who have a relative age the same as mine. And KEnt Hovind is allot better than Venomfang, yes he is in jail, and I am upset because of that also, but his arguments are true. I have been posted on FSTDT before, yes I am from youtube, isn't it amazing how crap flys over the internet. But I have also been taken out of context by people at FSTDT before and it upsets me. The evidence shows a young earth, the fossil record defeats evolution, there is no dating method available that supports an old earth, these things I once thought were fantasy, I have learned to be true, and when you see how easy it is to be brainwashed by the media which ben stein has shown to be true since it is so one sided, and it upsets me so much. Now people still have yet to give me anything that shows evolution to be true. Please, give me something. I wish people could understand that I care about them, that is why I do this. It's because if I was in their situation, I would want to be found, I would want to understand.

specterspartan #fundie christianforums.com

Lol, nice pic fraterblp. A question to you, have you ever been confronted by an evolutionist or evolutionist teaching that speaks of the comparison of cromosomes betwean us and the great apes, which the great ape has 48 and we have 46? I know I have, there's a funny thing about that, cromosomes do not show common ancestor, the reason why is this, a tobaco leaf also has 48 cromosomes. lol, so to and evolutionist, they can't tell the difference betwean a tobaco leaf and an ape. A kidney bean, a red oak, and an opposome all have 22 so I gues we got some triplets there, chikens and dogs have 78 so they are twins. lol. I simply wanted to state this because it is so silly sometimes what evolutionists will say God bless their souls.

plmarquette #fundie christianforums.com

a paradgym shift thing.....

what was once called discipline is now torture.....
what was once called training is descrimination....
what was once quarantine is now hate speak...
what was faith confession is now rude and inflexible...

People do not want to be convicted of their sins.....
and it only seems to happen around us....
whether we speak or not.....
it it God within us freakin out the demons in them..

AV1611Vet #fundie christianforums.com

[In response to the court ruling that the University of California will not accept high school course credits in science from a class that uses a science text book describing the Bible as infallible and rejects evolution.]

Ya --- and the Californians probably wonder why they have so many wild fires, earthquakes, mudslides, murders, and crooked politicians.

True Blue #fundie christianforums.com

I am not a geologist. My specialized training is in finance and law, but I've taken what amounts to a supermajor in a wide variety of scientific fields. I don't know about the particular data you are referring to. However, in the Western United States, there used to be several supermassive lakes, such as Lake Bonneville and Lake Missoula. During and after Noah's Flood, the plates underwent enormous upheaval, causing the rising and sinking of large sections of the crust. The Rocky Mountains are an example, and a tremendous amount of left-over water was trapped in certain bowls. The water was augmented by the massive amount of precipitation that followed the Flood, since ocean waters were extremely hot and gave off large amounts of precipitation, which came down as snow and rain in the upper latitudes and the mountain areas and causing the Great Ice Age. As the ice caps rapidly moved south (and north), they both caused and breached the bowls containing these huge inland lakes, causing floods that carved out the Columbia River Gorge near my hometown, and the Grand Canyon, for instance. Charles Darwin observed such a breach point in South America, but improperly attributed it to gradual erosion from rivers. My sequence of events may be off, but you can get the general idea here: http://www.hugefloods.com/. The evidence for massive post-Flood floods in various regions of the world is quite manifest.

speakout #fundie christianforums.com

You are walking for a nice leisurely walk in your local mall area you are approached by two eighteen year olds in white shirts calling themselves elders, seventeen year old elders? Welcome to the surreal world of Mormons but you might ask what has this going to do with evolution? Do you not know that the Church Latter Days Saints are evolutionists?
But at least I would credit them with telling the world exactly what they believe and having worked out what our friends the pseudo scientist have not yet thought about: they want to be gods.

Now let me take this opportunity to ask my friends evolutionist, if you sincerely believe in the evolutionist theory, what will you then evolve into? You cannot surely become a chimp , you have to be more refined than you are currently.

You might need to come to your senses and admit that evolution is a mystery religion which advocates that godhood is in sight, men can evolve into a higher being. There you are: Evolution has joined the ranks of mystery religion and is now teaching Freemasonic philosophy and Catholism.

superman27e #fundie christianforums.com

but have you ever wondered how woodpeckers dont get like brain injury from pecking so dang hard? Well I was reading and they have like a hole or something in their skull that they stick their tounge in and wrap around their brain or something to protect it. wierd but very cool huh? I dont think that happened by chance or evolution or whatever else.

millerrod #fundie christianforums.com

GGWN has just posted an ALERT - forewarning from God [ confirmed by five disciples of Christ ] for all people and all nations for the Black Death - plague to begin in the Shandong Province of the Eastern Peoples Republic of China. The disease- plague will originate from the Great Gerbil and be spread via rodent-consuming carnivores - eagles. This area is close to where all the nations are gathered for the Olympics which will greatly increase the risk of spreading the plague world wide.
We have emailed the CDC in the US and are currently emailing all Red Crosses in all the nations. If you are a member and have not checked in recently you may want to we need your help getting the warnings out to over 200 countries now at the Olympics.
We are asking all members of CF to pray for intercession of this coming plague !!
Please pray !! GGWN

MarkT #fundie christianforums.com

For the same reason we don't kill ourselves to get to heaven.

For example, it's one thing to give up your life for another. It's another thing to kill yourself for another. Taking your own life is a sin.

Lot couldn't offer himself. That would have been a sin. But he was willing to give up what was most precious to him - his own flesh and blood. Not that the men of Sodom wanted him or his daughters anyways. Lot was a sojourner among them, meaning he lived with them but he wasn't one of them. They could have insisted on having sex with them long before the angels arrived.

The men of Sodom wanted to know the angels.

Ask yourself one question. If a bunch of women wanted to have sex with you, how much resistance would you put up? It depends on the man. Some men would welcome the chance to have sex with them. Others would say no. If they were forced, then we would call it rape. The same thing applies to women. Some women will have multiple sex partners and enjoy it but if they are forced, then we would call it rape.

Now imagine a society without any law against sex. In this society, having sex is as common as two people shaking hands. In fact, it is considered rude and impolite to refuse to have sex. Not that they force anyone. No. They're not rapists. However, they do consider it rude, impolite, and even selfish to refuse pleasure when it is offered....

AV1611VET #fundie christianforums.com

As long as the video concluded that time has been in existence for only 6100 years, I don't care what it says.

If it used science to make its points, I'm sure I'll either 1) not understand it, 2) not remember a thing it said tomorrow, or 3) both.

juvenissun #fundie christianforums.com

A creation scientist knows MORE about science. A literal creation scientist (like me) has the best understanding about the status of the current science.

Do you see that you need two words to describe creation science? Two is more than one. And the extra one is fantastic.

CreedIsChrist #homophobia christianforums.com

[in reply to this - Also, not that I buy that claim about lifespan, when it comes down to it, there are *a lot* of things that lower your lifespan. Smoking isn't illegal. Neither is eating fried food, or driving a car, or being a solider, or working in construction, or rock climbing, or diving...]

Yea but all those involve staying alive and supporting yourself. Sodomy has nothing related to that.
If the average life of a gay man is 40, then something is horribly wrong and it is not a safe lifestyle no matter what people say. I grew up living on the border of West Hollywood in L.A. so I got to see the stuff you don't see on TV, and I can say with a straight face that the homosexual community is EXTREMELY irresponsible when it comes to they're partners(cruising in parks, dropping methamphetamine paraphenalia, dropping used condoms on the ground, eyeing and soliciting minors, sex in public outside gay clubs, "cruisy areas" where homosexuals drive around in circles around the park looking for partners while children and familys walk down the sidewalks, rape etc)

Badfish #fundie christianforums.com

I was reading that dogs evolved from wolves around 12,000 years ago, what I want to know is how a purebred wolf evolves into a Chihuahua, for one that doesn't seem like a long enough time, and two, how did the gene structure just change? I mean the wolf would have to have mated with something else. Oh wait that doesn't work.

WatersMoon110 Christian AND NeoPagan! #fundie christianforums.com

[replying to: He created us for His pleasure and what good would we be if we could not communicate with Him and how could we serve Him if we didn't know what expectations He had of us?. Example, if you have kids, would you choose not to speak to them?]

If I had a basically infinate amount of kids, I wouldn't have time to speak to all of them personally.

God is perfect, but humans are not. Humans had to write down the Bible, because God couldn't.

+Zeror+ #fundie christianforums.com

IMHO, I really don't like the concept of dating. As far as I know, dating was a practice that is relatively new, as in the last century or so. And if we really examine the culture that has emerged over that time period, it is extremely God hating.

soblessed53 #fundie #homophobia christianforums.com

Just another example where they want to restrict all free-speech,except when it comes from homosexual activists!

It is just amazing that America's courts ever allowed the first case for homosexuals into it's courts. Proof how far into sin america has fallen,or it never would have happened.

Praying more Christians will spend time on their knees praying for the Marriage Ammendment to pass nation-wide,and that as long as this earth remains America will never legalize same-sex marriage!

I also pray that God will unblind the eyes of every homosexual and pedophile to the vileness of their sin,so they can't even perform their vile acts!

imluvd #fundie #homophobia #sexist christianforums.com

LOL!!! I didn't give my sentence any thought. Where in the bible was any woman forced to marry a man that raped her? If she was raped in the city, but no one heard her scream, then they where both stoned. If she was rape out in the country then only he was stoned.

And actually in most countries I have never known a woman to be forced to marry a rapist, but was instead killed, whether she screamed or not. Man is the one who changed God's laws and did what they wanted.

And to go as far out as the rest here. Then I guess we shouldn't be punishing child molesters either. I mean to go by everyone's arguement, he/she can't help it that they are attracted to children, is it right for God to punish him/her to a life of lonliness, condemnation, and after all they may have been born that way. I mean after all there are a lot of homosexual men who molest young boys after all. And I did say a lot, not all. So you are telling me that it is unfair for God to demand celibacy for these people, because he made them have this unfair attraction? LOL!!! I mean this is what you people are trying to tell everyone about homosexuals, that they can't choose to be different and it is unfair to expect them to remain celibate. I know the above is ridiculous, but so is the homosexual arguement and the arguement for fornication. You choose to follow your lust plain and simple, just like anyone does to follow any sin they choose to do. You can justify these lies all you want, but the bottom line is what does God Word say and do you believe it?

living4thelord8 #fundie christianforums.com

[in response to a thread about being annoyed over inappropriate jokes being made at Christian couples' weddings about the wedding night being "the first time"]

I guess I'll be probably the only one in this boat but NOPE! I loved it! I loved knowing and everyone else knowing we had been waiting till our wedding day! It was the BEST feeling! (not that I went around bragging about it lol) but I loved it! I loved it all! lol God bless ya'll!

Baptised1 #fundie christianforums.com

I dont think we can evolve to anyhting , i think our bodies can adapt to changes through genetics , if we go back to a stone age our skin and height would be different , our hair and teeth would be different, take our ( whats that organ in our body that doesnt work its in our stomach) they believe that organ use to filter food that you ate raw , but it doesnt work any more because we started seering and cooking meat so i body doesnt use it any more.

JCFantasy23 #fundie christianforums.com

In a thread discussing Oprah Winfrey and those she leads 'astray':

I agree with you on feeling bad (or at least I do) with these people are blindly follow. I would never do that, thankfully God made me opininated and of stronger stuff.

Tiggie #fundie christianforums.com

Is it just me or is Harry Potter evil? I honestly cannot see how Christians can support that kind of rubbish!

And what's with adults holding onto their copies like it's the holy grail when it's a CHILDREN'S book?!!!!

I mean, COMAAN!!! If I have to see one more 40 year old reading these kids book on a bus or train i'm gonna go stark raving mad!

Zealous Zeth #fundie christianforums.com

Franco was a millitary dictator, so was Zalazar, Pidulski, Dollfuß and a few others. These where all devout catholics and supported by the church, like the medieval (often saint) monarchs of Europe. Mugabe is this generation's answer to them.


I think you are wrong about Mugabe. Mugabe's third-way policies doesn't work thanks to the starvation and the hyperinflatiion caused by the US/UN sanctions. As usually, the western allies are root of the evil.


Not only are you a false catholic and liberal heretic, you also spread the protestant lies about the noble men who devoted their lives to combat false converts such as you? The holy inquisition which saved us from suicide cults like the cathars and the 14:th century luciferians in the region where you live? People like you must be silenced!

Carey #fundie christianforums.com

*Originally Posted by pgp_protector View Post
*So you're saying that every single person that was murdered throughout history would of dropped dead at that exact same moment if they were not murdered ?

Yep or some other mishap would have caused it.

The way we die God also uses to open the eyes of some and harden the hearts of others who he knew would not choose him anyway.

Everything that God allows to happen or makes happen he uses for his will.

AV1611VET #fundie christianforums.com

The Second Law of Thermodynamics was set in motion in Genesis 3 - after the Fall. Evolution, which is a form of sun worship, says that the sun provides the energy needed to keep life going on this planet. Yet, for some inexplicable reason, this supposedly life-sustaining aten cannot prevent death from occurring, nor can it bring the dead back alive.

No, the Second Law cannot prevent microevolution from occurring, but, sans divine intervention, will shut down the primary god that evolution worships.

Has it occurred to you that in Eternity Future there will be no need of the sun?

Revelation 21:23
And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof.

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