
I am a half-elf and can bend reality to my will with the power of archaick spelling!

Juliet Yelverton #crackpot #magick healing-waters.co.uk

Working personally with clients I have witnessed sexual abuse issues relating back to a feeling a being raped at the point of conception. This particular person had accessed their cellular memory of identifying themselves as the egg just prior to fertilization by the sperm. The sperm was perceived to be aggressive and attacking. Another client struggled with a sense of being worthless; endlessly giving and over-extending herself for others, yet not feeling that she was worthy to receive either love or attention. She identified this psychological state as being rooted in her ‘survivors guilt’, as the sperm that had made it to the egg, whilst millions of other sperm died. Karlton describes this stage of pre conception as The Holocaust, in his book ‘The Sperm Journey’. Someone else that I worked with who suffered ongoing abdominal pain was able to access the memory of his umbilical cord being cut, causing tremendous pain and suffering, From that memory, he then regressed further to the stage of being a sperm as it was losing his tail at the point of conception. He experienced this as being an agonizing death.

It is possible to heal from these early traumas, using regressive and re-patterning techniques developed by Karlton Terry and Dr William Emerson. Karlton has also pioneered ground breaking work with healing pre-natal trauma in babies, through his deep empathic understanding of their suffering. He is able to interpret their body language and hand gestures as a means of them explaining to him what they suffered in the uterine experiences. He has had some stunning results at his baby clinics. One baby that had been born by caesarian section could not crawl. He had been receiving physiotherapy on a daily basis for many months without success. After one re-patterning session with Karlton, he was able to crawl.

Ronald Wederfoort #crackpot #magick #ufo thetruthisthelight.home.blog

So, what we’re going to do is when we’re using FREQUENCY, We want to direct SPECIFIC FREQUENCY. We DIRECT D12 FREQUENCY to STIMULATE our D12 SHIELDS. There’s also something else you need to use with this TO ACTIVATE MAHARIC SEAL and in the PLANET and in YOUR SELF. You don’t need just D12 from this SPECTRUM You need to COMBINE IT WITH D11 FREQUENCY from the ANTI PARTICLE UNIVERSE.

Liberty #sexist #magick #moonbat #wingnut #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Today I would like to talk to you about sexual energy as an innate quality of a person and how education influences it.

By observing children, you can easily see how early feminine qualities appear in girls, and masculine qualities in boys.

But then a lot depends on their parents.

They can either develop a child’s sexual energy by raising its vibrations, or they can lower its energy level through their upbringing.

The fact that in recent years the institution of the family was purposefully destroyed and other values were introduced into society, among which “free sexual relations” occupied not the least place, affected children in the most deplorable way.

Growing up in single-parent families and not being able to observe normal relationships between men and women, children have lost the main guideline in life: what real men and real women should be like.

As a result, from childhood their sexual energy begins to deform.

And this is how it happens.

For example, a woman raising a child alone unwittingly takes on the role of not only a woman, but also a man.

She loses one of her main components - female “weakness”, which is expressed in tenderness, softness, defenselessness.

A child, not seeing what a true woman should be like under the wing of a strong man, already has distorted ideas about the sexual energy of both.

And since children unwittingly copy their parents, in this case boys become more feminine, and girls, on the contrary, acquire some masculine qualities.

And this happens unnoticed, on a subconscious level.

Thus, the distorted sexual energy of the mother is inherited by her children.
And now, in the age of equality between men and women, such manifestations are happening more and more often.
From childhood, instill in them the “strong” qualities of a man and the “weak” qualities of a woman, which are so necessary for their development, which would help each of them harmonize their sexual energy - one of the strongest in the Universe.

Jesus Ashtar #crackpot #ufo #fundie #magick #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com


Additionally, in the coming centuries, the Sheran family will consider Earth as its primary residence, even though the main habitat of the Sheran family is inside the mothership within the clouds.

There is no need to worry about whether we will leave. Earth is set to become the new core of interstellar civilization that Jesus is planning, as there is no other planet in the solar system suitable for habitation on surface.

Jesus has settled in the solar system for over 5000 years, and its military power is currently the strongest in the galaxy.

Rest assured, even if you choose not to stay in the solar system in your next life, the Sheran family will remain. Jesus and the legion of angels will guard Earth for centuries.

What you should be concerned about is how long you can live, as the lifespan of Homo sapiens is too short.

The average lifespan of Sheran family’s children is around 1050 years, slightly longer than that of Venusians. Therefore, contemplating how to survive in future wars should be your primary concern.

Jesus has come back a long time ago. President Eisenhower was a witness.

So, your job is: take care of yourself and your family, Make sure you and your family be happy and safe.

No one can stop Jesus’ coming plan. All you can choose is, how to survive, how to live better.

Nigel Kerner #ufo #magick #conspiracy amazon.com

• Explains how the Greys are bio-machines, synthetic beings sent out to gather information about human souls and natural consciousness

• Shows how our consciousness has been hacked by the Greys to filter our perceptions to be in line with their agenda to steal our souls

• Reveals how you can protect your soul field and your consciousness from the Greys’ terrible manipulations

Humanity’s biggest existential threat is our headlong rush to a technologically advanced future. Already we increasingly rely on smart devices to the point that they are becoming extensions of our bodies. We are at a turning point for our species in which our natural humanity is gradually being converted into an artificial format that will lead to the loss of our souls. And, as Nigel Kerner reveals in astonishing detail, the blueprints for this future already exist.

Kerner explains how there are civilizations in our universe that have developed advanced technologies to become entirely artificial. The Grey alien entities, reported in tens of thousands of abductions, appear to be biomachines, synthetic beings sent out as AI probes to gather information about something they lack that humans and other natural beings possess: a soul. Examining scientific, historical, cultural, and religious evidence for Grey alien visitations as far back as 40,000 years ago, the author reveals that the Greys themselves set us on this path toward artificial intelligence millennia ago. Kerner shows how our intrinsic nature as human beings is no longer entirely human: our natural consciousness and DNA have been hacked, and an artificial construct has been superimposed at the very foundation of our thinking processes. The author shows how our rush toward a technologically advanced, artificially intelligent future was seeded and precipitated by the Greys in order to control us and prepare us to fit in with their agenda for humanity.

William Henry #magick #ufo #conspiracy #crackpot #mammon williamhenry.net

APRIL 13-14, 2024

Behind all myths, and at the heart of every ancient mystery school, there is one beautiful message, a timeless truth that mystic traditions point to: we are all cosmic heroes… Starwalkers … advanced, inter-dimensional beings, capable of journeying into deeper realms of consciousness of both the internal and eternal frontier. This is our true human nature. More, our earthly lives are preparation for our (return) journey to higher realms. Preparing and transforming with knowing and purpose is the mark of the Starwalker.

Are you ready to expand your consciousness, to follow the ascending path from ‘starseed’ to Starwalker?

Are you ready to embrace “spiritual technologies” to awaken the divine within and break through to the next level of your cosmic journey (whether on earth or ‘out there’)?

Are you ready to join a world / community of and for Starwalkers?
Daily we are warned about the dangers and challenges of A.I. Many are rightly growing suspicious of it. There is no conspiracy to hide the truth about how ‘dark’ A.I. can be or that we must protect ourselves spiritually from its impact.

At the same time we are inspired by the possibility of first contact with benevolent or angelic ETs. Then there are those who say we are dealing with demons in our world and in our minds.
Additional topics we will embrace include:

Revelation / Exploration of the outer and inner worlds (the Self).
The Diamond Body / Rainbow Light Body and the ultimate plasma power bar.
The Alexandrian priests of Serapis, the Serapeum and Starwalking in Ancient Egypt.
Hathor’s Alchemy links to higher worlds / consciousness.
The resurrection of the body, the immortality of the soul and Starwalking
A.I. and Disclosure : Combatting the rise of anti-spiritual alien (archon) intelligence.
And more.
Just $372 per person. Buy 2, get 1 Free until February 1, 2024.

James Gilliland #ufo #magick #wingnut #conspiracy eraoflight.com

A very interesting thing happened Christmas night. I was spending the night alone in meditation connecting with God/Creator/Great Spirit, Jesus, Y’shua Bin Joseph is his real name and the House of Mary which includes the Grandmothers. Yes a ufologist can be deeply spiritual they go hand in hand. Later that night I was attacked by some very nasty energies. For the love and lighters that believe denial of evil and the negative will get you into heaven your living a half truth.
Why do you need a go between to connect with God/Creator/Great Spirit. Why do you need a go between to connect with Benevolent Spiritually and Technologically Advanced off Worlders, some our ancient ancestors? The skies are full of their ships now.

How many bad actors leave you in worship of themselves or another unseen deity? Is that empowering you as an individual or creating a dependency? How many bad actors create a threat and pose as your savior reaping a reward? Not everything is as it seems, look beyond the façade, what they do off camera or away from the pulpit. Discernment is critical on the path to enlightenment.
Almost all the ills of humanity and the Earth begin with unseen negative influences which find naive, morally and integrity challenged humans to do their bidding. The real war is not with flesh and bones although it is manifesting in the physical. There are dark forces at war with Creator and all creation. They are physical and nonphysical. By their deeds, their fruits they will be made known. Those morally and integrity challenged in the physical at the top of the food chain actually gather in Satanic/Luciferian rituals with decadent behavior from rape to child sacrifice calling on their unseen handlers.
We have the DNA of the Gods. We have the ability to channel the ultimate power in the Universe which is love into every situation. The tools and techniques and understandings to heal and clear these unseen negative influences are all available free at our website.

Cobra/The Portal #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy 2012portal.blogspot.com

The Light Forces and the Source are clearing the primary anomaly and the primary Lurker with full speed.

In clearing the surface, the Light Forces have encountered two ancient Illuminati networks, controlled by Black nobility and primarily made of Draco and Reptilian entities in human bodies. These two networks are anchors for the huge part of the primary anomaly still extending throughout the Solar system until the heliopause:

The first of those networks is located in India and it firmly established control upon Indian subcontinent after the Draco defeated Aldebarans in a nuclear war in the area of current Rajasthan about 5000 years ago. Since then, Indian Illuminati network has controlled India through dark priesthood network, and it is still the deep force of control behind Indian politics, emanating from certain Indian Black nobility families.

This network is already being cleared, with Resistance Movement and Agarthan and other special forces emerging to the surface from Patala
We had a short workshop in Delhi, India on December 20th.

The purpose of this workshop was to strengthen the network of Light in India.

Light Forces are asking Lightworkers in India to start creating cintamani Flower of Life grids around major cities in India to bring Light to those cities, improve quality of life of their inhabitants and to help purifying the air, which is in some locations so polluted that it is dangerous for health. People who activated Flower of Life cintamani grid in cities in China have noticed significant improvement of life quality and air quality in those cities.

Also, a network of cintamani stones needs to be placed in ancient temples where Devadasi tradition was practiced, in Durga temples and in locations of Mughal palaces. All those places will be then reabsorbed into the planetary network of Light.

Peter B. Meyer #crackpot #ufo #racist #magick #conspiracy finalwakeupcall.info

It is now well known that we live in a fake manipulated 3D world, where nothing is reality. Looking back into the true history of humanity on planet Earth, tells us more and shows clearly, how and where today’s humanity has landed. Assume that all history of today is deception and cast a glance into the past at what really happened.
Less than 500 years ago, Tartaria was the goliath of technologically superior beings living on planet Earth. Before our generations of deliberately simplified souls, by switching off all but two strands of our DNA.

The “Great Mudslide” was responsible for wiping out brilliant architectures of imposing structures on our planet to bury them under a gigantic layer of mud, only remnants of which remained visible here and there. The technological innovations used then are, for now, phantoms on the horizon for us. Compare old architectures like Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris or the Dom tower in Utrecht with the tacky block boxes made of glass, steel and concrete of today. Then, that clearly proves the decline of our current culture and civilisation!

The territory of today’s Ukraine partially overlapped the territory of Khazaria, the homeland of the Khazars or Khazarian -nep-Jews to which the Bauer branch, later called Rothschild also belonged.

The Khazars are purely evil in character. Originally descended from the Anunnaki, they came from planet Nibiru and landed in Summer, from where they migrated north. They have always been a curious race of thieves, swindlers and murderers characterised by extraordinary cruelty and sexual perversions.
The key to humanity’s evolutionary success lay in the unique characteristics of Earth and its surrounding space, which was further enhanced by the action of other measures implemented by the three installed moons, all of which were of artificial origin: the Moon, Lelya and Fatta. A special “psi generator” was also installed in the Earth’s interior, described as the major source of life.

Gnomes via Erena Velazquez #ufo #magick #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

<As requested by Bastethotep>

We are Gnomes, and we are here to introduce ourselves to humankind through this channel.

We are real and staying right now on a New Earth, 5D version of your planet where everyone is trying to ascend to. We love being there, as no one is disturbing our peace and harmony. Before we lived in Inner Earth, and some of us lived in Hollow Earth with Zorra. After your planet’s ascension we moved there to 5th dimension.

Your five dimension version of your planet Earth is much bigger than your three dimension version. The New Earth is 100 times bigger, than your 3D reality you’re living on right now.

The main reason for this everything is taller and bigger in higher realms. The beings are taller, homes, trees, nature in general, and animal life is taller and bigger. For example Queen An-Ra and Anubis Egyptian civilization has 15 feet tall wild cats and 10 feet tall cobras as pets. Also, right now none of the Galactic Light Forces motherships can land on your 3D version of Gaia, all of the motherships are bigger than your entire planet.
We Gnomes are from the 6 dimension, you will be able to meet us, when you ascend. Only pure souls can see us right now in your dimension. In the past human kids were able to notice us until certain age like 5 years old, after that they get tainted by your society and their parents, who usually don’t believe them and try to subdue their imagination with doctors and medications.

We decided now not to show ourselves anymore to children, so not to cause any harm. We are 4-5 feet tall and live in a place surrounded by nature, where mushrooms like to grow.
We built small houses looking like castles in secluded areas in the forest. We love teleportation as well, we can also communicate telepathically. Our population right now is about 1000. Many things are hidden from the human’s eyes, as you see everything through the mind, and not through your Universal Consciousness .

Lisa Renee #crackpot #ufo #magick energeticsynthesis.com

Our prayerful offering is Dedicated to the Emerald Founder Rishi: Lighting the Eternal Flame

Beloved Holy Presence of God, Holy Mother, Holy Father and Holy Christos Sophia,

Holy and Eternal Radiant Suns, the Christos Infinity Suns, Beloved Solar Rishi, Oh How we have waited to be reunited with you in this moment of time! I bless this candle to represent the Sacred Eternal Flame of God and Holy Spirit, to ignite the spiritual fire of Christos-Sophia within our Sacred Crystal Heart, and to catalyze and anchor the Christos Diamond Sun throughout this beloved planet, through zero-point 144 alignment in eternal time – as God would have it be!

You are the Eternal Source of All Radiant Solar Light, the Sacred Nourishment contained within the Cosmic Fire of Creation, the Truth, the Way and the Light that every living being seeks to be reunited through the promise of inner sustenance, everlasting, and eternal LIFE within the Christos Sophia and God Worlds– for I AM THAT I AM.
Holy Father, I dedicate myself to be your representative, a clear vessel to express your divine will and the Cosmic Sovereign Law of One, I lovingly request upon the altar of your perfect will to transform and elevate my body, mind and spirit to reflect your holy and perfected image, that my diamond crystal heart be at one with your heart, that my mind be at one with your mind, that my body be at one in order to express your divine will and highest expression.
Holy Father, we call upon your benevolent and rightful kingship to call forth the Eternal Cosmic Flame to protect and support this world through global awakening and disclosure, in order to bring forth your revelation of spiritual truth held in the Cosmic Sovereign Law.
May our sacred and heartfelt blessings be with All, filling this world with the brightest light of 10,000 Holy Suns, as we are finally home in the eternal light. Sacred GSF Blessings to all!

And so, it is.

Ella LeBain/Dr.Michael Salla #ufo #magick #crackpot #conspiracy exopolitics.org

Ella LeBain began experiencing alien abductions at two years of age and has since developed a life-long interest in studying UFOs, extraterrestrials, and ancient texts. In 1979, in Israel’s Negev Desert, she had contact with a celestial being who appeared to materialize out of the sun to meet with her, who called himself the Messiah. LeBain believes the being was Yeshua (aka Jesus), which led to her excommunication by her Jewish family. In 2010, she had a Near Death Experience, where Yeshua again appeared to her and told her to complete ‘his’ books. Soon after, she completed the first in a five-volume non-fiction book series entitled, Who’s Who in The Cosmic Zoo? A Guide to ETs, Aliens, Exoplanets & Space Controversies.

In her first interview on Exopolitics Today, LeBain compares Hebrew biblical texts and Sumerian cuneiform texts regarding the creation of humanity, human sacrifice, giants, and a council of gods/extraterrestrials associated with the rulership of humanity. She believes that the Sumerian deity Enlil and Draconian Reptilians are associated with the advocacy of human/animal sacrifice in the Bible and also in establishing the Islamic religion. She asserts that there is a supreme being presiding over a Council of 24 Elders governing extraterrestrial actions on Earth.

LeBain asserts that the current unfolding conflict in the Middle East is a fulfillment of biblical prophesy concerning a devastating End Times war where Israel is attacked by an alliance of neighboring countries associated with ancient territories called “Gog and Magog”, even if the war is being contrived by Deep State actors. She asserts that after undergoing the Gog and Magog war(s), where up to 2/3 of Israel’s population is lost, an extraterrestrial mothership called the City of Jerusalem will appear that is closely associated with a similar mothership that established the Atlantean civilization. Thus, it will usher in an era of peace and a new golden age for humanity according to LeBain.

Anonymous/The Serapeum #crackpot #racist #fundie #ufo #magick #conspiracy theserapeum.com

This Series is about The Hidden History of Mankind, and the Mystery Babylon Religion of the Deep State. Ancient Aliens, or the Fallen Angels? What is Biblical Earth? Why is NASA constantly lying to us? Deep Dives into the Ancient Scriptures, proving the Bible to be accurate historically, prophetically, and completely in line with the Scientific Method, if not the “Deep State Science” concocted from seances with one ultimate goal in mind: Convince the masses God isn’t real. Nephilim Giants and their Elongated Skull People descendants across history building massive Megalithic Structures while waging war on God’s chosen people – The Real Lost Tribes of Israel, which later became the Royal Houses of Europe & Europeans. All of this, and much much more – and at the end of the Ultimate Rabbit Hole – It’s all about Him.

This series connects the dots on ALL of:
*The Conspiracies – All of Them
*The Religions – All of Them
*The Secret Societies – Yep. All of Them, too.
*The False Sciences – Many directly derived from Seances! Designed to Debunk the Bible
*The Faked Moon Landing – But Why? We show you the motive.
*Big Brother Ancient Aliens – or Fallen Angels hellbent on our destruction?
*One Satanic Religion Rules The World, Many Faces (Brands) – Even if You’re an Atheist, *They* Believe in Gods that Want. You. Dead.
*Giants – and their Elongated Skull Descendants, found at blood sacrifice ritual temple ruins
*The Scriptures (Including those removed from recent Bibles) including prophetic predictions
*Our Censored Past – If you thought Fake News was bad, wait until you see His-Story
*The Truth About The Pagan Gods – They Were Real! (Nephilim Demigods!)
*Science & The Bible Synchronize, It’s Real and History – And so are ALL the other religious books! They recorded real events, but from the perspective of those cultures and their “gods” – Most of which were the Nephilim!
*They walk among us today – we’ll show you how to spot them.

Pleiades 1 #ufo #magick #conspiracy disclosurenews.it

Pleiades 1 Messages December 27 2023
P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE / SdE !!
Elevated soul rhythms are established.

Ascensional forums spread.

Pictures of wars decrease.

Divine Children keep coming.

Searches for the SELF are intensified.

Terrans finding themselves again now.

Portal 8 pre-started.

8 >>>> Eleven no-time.

Temporarily, end of transmission.

Pleiades 1 (Supporting Integrations and Projectors for Hi-HumanS+D1)

Pleiades 1 Messages December 26 2023
P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE / SdE !!
World of revelations started.

Evil crops cease.

New dynamics are activated.

Special revealations underway.

Larger-bodied parasites begin to be removed. 100% (non-regressive).

Attention *Etnya Solaris&*Vanula, The Source of Potions: Receiver of “Old Torments” ready for collection and transmutation! Support projector aimed: 100% (non-regressive).

Attention *Alfeus, P17 Projector aimed – Tuning… 100% (non-regressive).

Cultivated wisdom reveals itself.

The Zetas via Nancy Lieder #ufo #magick #wingnut #conspiracy #dunning-kruger zetatalk.com

Due to the coverup over the presence of Nibiru, the truth about what happened to MH370 or AF447 is withheld from the public. EMP involves a massive swarm of electrons and magnetons, which create a local magnetic field and blows out any electrical circuitry in the area. EMP will produce ball lightning, now being interpreted as UFO, which they are not. Light and heat particles are easily redirected from their former route, so any attempt to image heat or light from space will show anything but the real situation. Light bends readily, as anyone standing in water can attest.
Will it be Nibiru visibility or a Russian announcement or the mere fact of New Madrid Plate Movements? Any and all could occur but as firm plans are in place, the matter is in the hands of man. Putin has warned the Junta that it will wait no more, and the popularity of Putin supports that. Do we have a date? Of course the New Madrid Rupture would be helpful but not necessary. The Junta is braced for this to occur any day. But since Internet access might have outages, Putin might not wait. Just prior to the Rupture would be ideal, a topic of discussion then on social media or the kitchen table through any outages.

What has happened since 2014 to empower Putin in an announcement? He is a founding member of the BRICS consortium, a rival to the Jewish Khazarian Mafia that has controlled western media with an iron grip. BRICS is flourishing, while the western banks are going bankrupt. The contract between the US Federal Reserve and these western banks is being dissolved into insolvency, thus removing the National Debt from their coffers. In private talks between Putin and President Trump, the true Commander in Chief in the US, Putin made his intentions clear. No more stalling.

Thomas Smith #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #magick operationdisclosureofficial.com

Reality, the matrix and the Gregorian calendar are in every one’s life on Mother Earth to one degree or an other. There are vary few who live in only one of these categories exclusively it’s usually a combination of two for most people and all three for some. Your world is only as big as the total sum of what you consider real and except as your life this is different for everyone.

Now many will think that reality and the matrix are the same but that is for from the truth. Your reality is what you except of the matrix as being true ,for example do you except climate change or the ideology of the left or the right or neither ,your religious beliefs and here’s a big one do you believe every human on earth has the right to believe in what ever they want without being criticized or condemned for their beliefs. The matrix says no they don t have that right but reality and who believes in the Gregorian calendar do and that sounds like reality and the Gregorian calendar are the same but is only true if you totally reject the matrix.
The white hat Alliance uses the Gregorian calendar the hints were giving many times. I believe those in the White hat Alliance who are from all over Mother Earth and live in the real only real reality are those who have total excepted the cruel world we live in and are dedicated to freedom for all who will not pray on others who will live and let live. I do not participate in the matrix. I have given up or deny anything the matrix has to offer and this path is not for everyone at this time . It is a vary difficult path to follow but in the end all will follow no matter how difficult or painful it it may be it is all in motion . So I will leave you with this we were told that we would have an early Christmas if we as a species have learned patience understanding and acceptance we will have an early Christmas on the Gregorian calendar and if we haven’t then the journey is not quite over. We’re we go one we go all . Truer words never spoken.

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #magick #ufo #quack #conspiracy bennettleeross.com

Nonhuman imposters stole our identity
And made themselves our rulers
They covet our DNA and desire the use of our physical bodies

Current humans were created using genetic engineering
Mixing our genes with animal genes and the genes of the invaders
For the purpose of becoming our masters

Layers of geomantic blueprints hold crystal consciousness
And perform specific functions

The platinum crystal which was deactivated during the Atlantean cataclysm
Has come back on line

Holy Mother Venus and her aquamarine frequencies
And the Christos Mars arc codes have been reclaimed
As plasma filters in we will feel more connected
And will have a profound sense of camaraderie
With the world and its inhabitants

Alabaster tapestries will enfold the disparate fragmented world
In a clockwork of celestial serenity

As a result of grid damage fragmented souls lost their memories
And are recycled repeatedly into the lower consciousness realms

Phantom matrices connecting into the earths 2d stargate
Spread lunar consciousness mind control in humanity

The Black Madonna or Dark Alien Mother network
Is held together by the Red Cube using several phantom wormholes

The golden threads of destiny are now thrust into the loom of time
Charting paths for those lost in the swirling mists of existence
That lead to their way back home

Unified compassion is weaving the threads of humanitys disjointed hearts
Into a tapestry that radiates with a translucent calling

A symphony of spirits with a sacred litany of being
Stride with thunderous power casting enchantments

That transmute the leaden shadows of the world
Into the purest gold of opportunity and wonder

They are torch bearers of the new dawn
That awaits just beyond the veil
Their lyrical incantations summon the golden age of kinship with the earth
And deeply entwine us with the natural order

They are poised with a grace that rivals the stoic mountains
And charged with the potential to rend asunder the veil of reality!

Solarian Civilization via Erena Velazquez #ufo #magick #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

We are Solarian Civilization and we are transmitting telepathically this message today to introduce ourselves to humankind.

We live on a planet called Solaris, which you call Universal Sun or Central Sun. The Universal Sun planet is 100 times bigger than Earth. These solar flashes that are coming from our planet are protecting us from invasion by unfriendly races. Your kind constantly talks about the flashes. They are completely harmless by the time they reach Gaia.

Nobody can’t come too close to Solaris. Everything in close range gets melted into the Cosmos, so Galactic ships don’t charge at the Central Sun. We live on the inside of the planet and not on the surface, it’s too dangerous to be too close to the flashes of heat.
We are the second oldest civilization in the Cosmos and live in the 16th dimension. We are not in a liquid form, as some of you would say. The only time you are liquid, if you want to be reborn in that form or you live in the Galaxy or Star System, where everything is sustained in a liquid form.
Your civilization has a lot of work to do, as of right now you are not ready to interact with any Galactic civilization. You are too divided by religion, ethnicity, language, history and etc. You can’t get along with each other. Skepticism, sarcasm, disbelief and anger are emotions implanted by your Negative rulers.

Unless all of you come together as one civilization by letting go of all your differences, you will continue to be enslaved. Humankind has been spinning their wheel for a long time, this is why Divine and the Galactic Light Forces intervention is necessary, as you are not capable to free yourselves at this moment.

The truth is the same goal for everyone to move into higher realms and leave behind 3D. We have been there, and we know that transformation takes time. We want to remind you, that you are stronger than you think. Thank you Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces.

Anonymous/The Serapeum #racist #fundie #magick #conspiracy theserapeum.com

Jews are Edomite Nephilim mutants (fallen angel human hybrids) demons (The Synagogue of Satan that Christ called a Generation of Vipers) descended from the Giants and Fallen Angels (Collectively: The Satan/Adversary) of Genesis 6.

There is a seed war between them and humanity (Genesis 3:15, Seed of the Serpent v Seed of the woman)

They hate you, They sacrifice and eat Christian babies for holidays. They’ve been evicted from hundreds of nations by the courts/governments for doing so.

They are not “Israel” (Jacob/Israel of the Bible) They are Imposter Hebrews.

True Hebrews are Caucasians, Adam, Abraham, Noah, Moses, Yeshuah/Jesus Christ, Paul, etc were Hebrews.

Incidentally, “The Lord” is not in original scriptures either, it is Baal’s title (A Nephilim who built the tower of Babel aka Nimrod the Idiot) replacing God’s true name, YHWH – Which is numerically writ on your human DNA unless you’ve been vaccinated.

Alien bodysnatcher movies got it close enough. Demons live amongst us in the flesh, and they know only hate for the human/Goyim. The Non Nephilim. The Seed of the Woman.
They started Judaism in response to (yes, later than) Christianity as the original Antichrist religion. Canaanite Nephilim pretending to uphold Gods law, perverting everything Christ out of it. And cursing anyone who calculates the actual dates of the Daniel 9 prophecy confirming it was already completed and dispensationalism is freemasonic satanic injected doctrine.

*They* poisoned 30% of Christendom in the Black Death by poisoning Christian wells, Jewish strongholds were untouched, Many Jews confessed. IT was not a virus.

Sound familiar? They are doing it again now.
Their plan is to bring the chaos to boil, then introduce the controlled opposition counterpunch, “conservative” Noachide laws – which aren’t conservative, have nothing to do with Noah, and are Satanic and outlaw Christ as idolatry on pain of beheading.

You’ve been warned.

Debbie Solaris #magick #ufo fifty8magazine.com

The Akashic Records, or "The Book of Life," can be equated to the universe's super-computer system.
It is this system that acts as the central storehouse of all information for every individual who has ever lived upon the earth.
Much more than simply a memory storehouse, however, these Akashic Records are interactive in that they have a tremendous influence upon our everyday lives, our relationships, our feelings and belief systems, and the potential realities we draw toward us.
The Akashic Records contain the entire history of every soul since the dawn of Creation. These records connect each one of us to one another.

It is no exaggeration to state that the computer has transformed (and is still in the process of transforming) the entire planet. Whether it's technology, transportation, communication, education, or entertainment, the computer age has revolutionized the globe and the ways in which we understand and interact with one another. No segment of modern society has gone unaffected. The amount of information now stored in computer memory is literally unfathomable. And yet, this vast complex of computer systems and collective databases cannot begin to come close to the power, the memory, or the omniscient recording capacity of the Akashic Records.
While we are discussing the Akashic Records, allow me to caution you not to read other people’s Akashic Records unless you have their explicit consent.

We share the information and insights in the Akashic Records, but this doesn’t mean you are entitled to compromise others’ privacy. Reading the Akashic Records is like walking into someone’s house and looking around. If it’s your own house, you obviously have the right to do this.

You own even the things you have forgotten to be there, so you have the right to open the boxes and check their contents.

With other people’s houses, however, you don’t just walk in and snoop around.

James Gilliland #ufo #magick #elitist #conspiracy goldenageofgaia.com

You can see this great reveal in politics, UFO disclosure, business and basic everyday interactions. In disclosure the shills, planned opposition, those who are morally and integrity challenged, the narcissists, opportunists along with the bat _hit crazies are all being revealed. Fits right into contact with spiritually and technologically benevolent beings, NOT.
Wait till the people find out the majority of the UFO community is a controlled narrative and has been suppressing the benevolent high-level contacts. The depths of the false disclosure, the affiliations with the global elite, alphabet agencies and military by the top people in the field will shock most in the UFO community.
As we move closer to the big switch realize it’s going to get crazy. Especially if you’re with family these holidays, they seem to know right where to go to push your buttons. Just say yes and smile to the woke, don’t let them bait you into an argument. If they haven’t figured it out by now, they don’t want too. You cannot instill want into another being. <..> Don’t forget the only power anyone has over you is because you want something from them. Love, acceptance, agreement, this Christmas give yourself the present of finding it within. There is nothing worth joy so don’t give it up. We also might add try looking around and being grateful for what we do have, the opportunities to help others, serve, and don’t let friends, family or this dis-functional planet get you down. You didn’t come to be a part of the disfunction or fit in. Get plenty of popcorn, it is going to be quite a show. Always remember there is an unstoppable force behind the planetary liberation, the awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth. Human means God/Man/Woman and the Creator in its most unlimited understanding is pure unconditional love, joy and bliss. It is the spark waiting to ignite into the full flame. Light it up.

Kim Goguen/Pamela J. Zeller #crackpot #wingnut #racist #ufo #magick #conspiracy justempowerme.com

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on December 15, 2023.
Kim told us on Wednesday about the Silent Circle, that they are figuring out they’ve been lied to and there are no bad aliens coming. Well in response to that, a small group of the inner circle of the Order of Dragon people, and not just those bearing the name Rothschild decided to knowingly lie to whoever is still listening to them. They told them they reached out and called the aliens and that it’s not going to happen the way they thought it was, meaning they aren’t coming in through the portal in Israel that they have been trying to open for over 2+months. Instead, it’s going to be a giant ship that is going to arrive here on earth and they are going to give their side help.
To further this craziness, you have some Trump operatives who are intertwined with SSP military groups and they are also trying to phone ETs in an alternative galaxy somewhere. They tried to reach out and asked them to assist them with Trump bucks. So, the conversation they want to have on first contact with said aliens is, can they assist them with Trump bucks? Now they really didn’t reach out to anybody because that line has been closed for a long time, but Kim picked up on the signal and checked into it. Since Kim is the Ambassador on behalf of this version of Humanity to the Universal Council, when these people pick up the phone and talk ridiculousness, Kim said it’s almost embarrassing to be a human at this point. But it didn’t go anywhere of course.
When you get to a high level in the world, you are aware of the fact that aliens used to come and go from the lower astral to this planet all the time. Earth is a gateway planet and they would walk amongst us looking like humans but they were not. These are the zombies in the zombie apocalypse movies, people that don’t act or look quite right and they don’t make actual decisions. They are AI driven and AI run and they existed amongst us.

Dennis Nappi II #ufo #magick #conspiracy amazon.com

Through this work, you will find that you are not alone in your experiences – as the author delivers validation to your most fearful spiritual encounters. Food for the Archons brings to light the collective vulnerability of the human condition. However, you will come to find that when you peel back the veil, what was once your greatest weakness is actually the source of your long-forgotten power, and a beacon of hope for yourself and all mankind.
Through research, experience, and intuition, the author explores the following:

1 We live in a simulated reality that exists within multiple layers of simulations

2. We are all connected to this universe via an electromagnetic field that allows for psychic communication.

3. Due to our ignorance of this connection, we are being manipulated through this field to produce suffering, which serves as a source of energetic nourishment for an unseen parasite.

4. Knowledge of this field and our connection to it can lead us to liberation and a reduction of suffering on this planet.

This book explores the potential of human consciousness to access information beyond the 5-senses via an electromagnetic field generated by the human heart. It is through our ignorance of this field, however, that mankind's thoughts, behaviors, and emotions are being heavily influenced and manipulated. We live in a simulated reality that exists within multiple layers of simulations.

We are all connected to this universe via an electromagnetic field that allows for psychic communication, healing, and the acquisition of knowledge. Due to our ignorance of this connection, we are being manipulated through this field to produce suffering, which serves as a source of energetic nourishment for an unseen parasite. Knowledge of this field and our connection to it can lead us to liberation and a reduction of suffering on this planet.

Lisa Renee #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy ascensionglossary.com

The Mystery Schools of Pythagoras and the ancient Greeks taught that these five solids are the core patterns behind physical creation. Four of the Platonic Solids are the archetypal patterns behind the four elements in all creation, Earth, Fire, Air, and Water. The fifth pattern was considered to be Universal Substance of creation and in some Mystery Schools was considered the fifth element of Aether. The fifth solid is the dodecahedron and its usage in the material world was closely guarded as it was felt to be dangerous if it was misused. We are acutely aware the NAA and many of the Illuminati lines has misused these as forms that are the basis of reversal ten structures that have been placed on the earth as Mind Control matrices. These are called Reversal 55 Grid and appear as Dodecahedron shapes, they are a part of the reversal matrix used by Service to Self entities. Hence, in our model we came the dodecahedron as the elemental matrix substance used to form time and space. .
Through many wars and genocidal campaigns that have taken place over many lifetimes, including Alien Hybridization Breeding Programs to infect our original blood and DNA, the intruding races gradually took away more and more of our natural energy resources and blank slated our history during the end of major astrological cycles.
Major outfits of Alien Machinery or black hole technology was further installed approximately every 6,500 years (or 6,480 years) during each quarter of the 26,000-year cycle. They did this to gain control over the magnetosphere through the Manipulation of the Dodecahedron geometry which has great influence on organic magnetism, carbon matter and manifesting timelines. By gaining control over the properties of the dodecahedron and its connection to our Sun, by running and merging artificial magnetism tied to the Lunar Matrix, this combination was used as a weapon to induce surface weather catastrophes such as major global floods.

Charles Upton #crackpot #ufo #magick #moonbat #wingnut #conspiracy amazon.com

This book tries to answer two questions: 1) Why has the U.S. Government suddenly done an about-face in 2021, from debunking UFOs to officially admitting that they are “real”? 2) Since UFOs appear on radar, leave physical traces, and produce a wide spectrum of psychic and paranormal phenomena, exactly what are they? The answer to the first question is: “Because ‘disclosure’ is part of a long-term social engineering project beginning at least as early as the end of WWII.” The answer to the second is: “They are psycho-physical entities such as have been reported throughout human history, called the Jinn by the Muslims and Fairies by the Northern Europeans. The social engineers have opted to use this well-known phenomenon—whether or not they fully understand it—to shift the paradigm in the Western world from Democracy and Christianity to Technocracy and Transhumanism. Extensive evidence is given for both these theories, drawing upon history, individual and social psychology, traditional metaphysics and eschatology, the physical sciences, and the phenomenology of the paranormal, thus producing the most global and consistent explanation to date—if not the most easily accepted one—of the UFO phenomenon.

Charles Upton, poet and metaphysician, was born on December 13, 1948, in San Francisco, California. He is a protege of the Beat Generation, a veteran of the psychedelic counterculture, a peace activist, a Sufi Muslim, a writer of the Traditionalist/Perennialist School, and author of 20 books, mostly on “metaphysics and social criticism.” In 2013, along with Dr. John Andrew Morrow, he co-founded the international Muslim/Interfaith peace movement known as the Covenants Initiative, and is presently Executive Director of the Covenants of the Prophet Foundation. He has been writing on the subject of UFOs since 2001.

Lev #ufo #magick #conspiracy disclosurenews.it

Our planet is multidimensional. The flat Earth that many have already taken is nothing more than a substitute for reality, a looped embodiment, Groundhog Day. The image of a pancake surrounded by an atmosphere is not just a curious perception. It’s extremely important phenomena: the more we believe in a simplified model of our evolutionary platform (flat Earth), the more we simplify selves and our capabilities, and fit into someone else’s program.

This leads to the closure of codes and software in us to understand the multidimensional Earth and our multidimensional nature. Yes, there are numerous energy layers above our planet, but they do not make it flat.

The Flat Earth Theory is a malicious stuffing to hide and distract our attention from specific info about near-terrestrial space and restricted areas. The System and its Power Pyramid do have to be secretive. Their goal is to lead us astray from the path to our understanding reality by launching another sensational “discovery”. The more our consciousness is expanded, the more we can see, comprehend and take. But the System knows that our brains are very easy to fool.

What is the interest of the NAA and the Draco-Reptilian rulers in promoting the Flat Earth Theory, as well as many other scientific postulates, declaring them the only true ones? Only for one purpose – total deception. Knowing the truth, we can question everything else too. And the illusion, created by their info in our minds, will be destroyed. As a result, we see only what we know. Plus, the conviction, deliberately hammered into us, that Earth is in danger and it urgently needs to be saved by the climate agenda, digitalization, AI and NWO, and us – by mass vaccination and chipping. This largest-scale “rescue” further dulls us and our perception, creates vortexes of constant fear and panic that destabilize the Earth’s Subtle Planes and our part of the maternal fractal.

Tim Tony Stark Rifat #crackpot #magick #racist #sexist #conspiracy #mammon supernaturalspirit.com

Sequestering the Naamah Satanic Spirit of Idolatry: The Shopping Mall, Media Whore Demon Goddess.

The brown strange matter/energy Jewish race have as their Gods the Chaos Kabbalistic Gods of Evil that follow Feigenbaum period doubling of Chaos Theory, non linear dynamics. Yaltabaoth, Yaldabaoth, doubles to four lower forms down the scale these being Amalek, Samael, Lilith and Naamah. As the Samael versions of the Jew God sits astride the Serpent Lilith and forms one couple of Satanic damnation, Amalek (the Other God, Source of All evil, revenant archetype of all the fouled Yaltabaoth, Yaldabaoth creations called Edom) is a Reptiloid, hence the Reptiloids of David Icke fame, his mate is Naamah, who unlike Lilith is human looking even though beneath she is a Reptiloid. As all fallen females descend from her anthropormorphised form as Naamah sister of Tubal Cain, she is in fact the most important key to Zion’s power of Evil.
We know Triangles of Art are used to invoke Demons as they are the Supernal Triangle of Shekinah, Yaltabaoth, Yaldabaoth manifest in the Matrix, wormholes from hell to enable the chaotic Evil to manifest in the Matrix. So we see Naamah anchors the whole Satanic Chaos process in light energy matter, so the Sister of Tubal Cain, the human avatar of Evil is not Lilith but Naamah. So all the shopping mall, media whores, ball breaking bitches in the West are the clones of Naamah. As a Psi-Lord I still have my balls, so break the Western sow who imposes the Shopping Mall mentality of the Rothschild Satanists on the Western eunuch.
As all Western females are lesser copies of the Jews, Naamah clone this Bone Generator® Service gives the Psi-Master male or bull dyke total control over the Western female. Use the Left hand Bone Generator® to pull out the Naamah Judaic Satanist essence and the Chaos entity is shredded to supply the energy.

<$600 with Certificate>

Ember the Phoenix via Galaxygirl #magick #ufo #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

(I am seeing a massive fire bird with eyes of fire, with red and orange feathers. He is spreading his wings, cocking his head and pondering me.)

Greetings young one of the flesh of earth. I am the Phoenix of what was and what is and is to come. I am timeless for I am out of time. I see with truth and infinite potential. I see the infinite potential of you, of you humans populating an ascending world, whose hearts of full of fire and hope. Hope is a powerful ally, a friend in dark times. Your world may feel dark but underneath and above you are being bathed in light. (He is showing me magma chambers and blooming flowers inside the earth). Layers of reality surround you. Your vibration is what keys you into your station or program that you can see. Layers of universes, of parallel realities and existences are everywhere.
(I am seeing a sacred geometry grid overlayed across Gaia and the grid permeates everything beneath it. The sacred geometry is incredibly complex, lines within lines, circles and triangles within shapes. It would be impossible to draw. The light overlay is humming and if I zoom in I can see the particles of crystal light communicating with each other and there are mini rainbows being shot across the grid as the light information is exchanged. Ember, what is this?) This is the new overlay, the new reality of 5d and 6d Gaia upon your own holographic crumbling illusionary world. The light is healing all that it touches, just as you light workers have been doing the same. You can feel the humming if you listen. Many are feeing humming or vibrations in their bodies. That is because the sacred geometries, the merkabas, of the planet and of the people with souls are vibrating and much change will occur because of this.
You are the gods of ages past returned. I Ember see you clearly, and love you deeply. I am Ember. I am Ember. Call upon me when you wish for a sky view or bird’s eye-view of your problems and I will help you.

Psyouwontforgetmexo/Clan 1313 #magick #mammon etsy.com

It is through the KINESES powers that one creates movement through there energy . This is a real supernatural phenomenon that will allow you to control every aspect of everything ! Things , places , object , people , spirits , wind , water , earth , and so much more !It is the kineses powers also known as the kinetic supernatural abilities that are perhaps the most phenomenal powers that once can possess . These abilities will be binded to you so that you are the a skilled master of KINESES SUPERNATURAL POWERS! You manipulate anything and create physical tangible movement as you speak it into existence . The following abilities will be aligned to you !

Aurakinesis...manipulate auras

Anthropokinesis...manipulate humans
Gerontokinesis...manipulate the age of living things including yourself

Chronokinesis gain the ability to travel through time
***Mystokinesis...manipulate magic most extreme power that allows you to manifest all magick in real time once mastered and gives you magickal KINESES powers identical to god like abilities . ( note : This power requires utmost patience and focus )

Omnikinesis...manipulate the omniverse

**Immortal KINESES ..... manipulate and increase your immortal lives add to power , live multiple lives at once !!

Hypokinesis...possess martial arts

Asterokinesis...manipulate stellar energy

Amarikinesis...manipulate wealth

📝last but not least YOU WILL OWN THE FULL spectrum of KINESES powers . This is a clan1313 exclusive and will be performed priority . It is a direct binding to aura and energy.

🌟Please note THIS LISTING IS FOR a digital download that includes your full update and a psychic reading . This is not a physical item . WE DO NOT PROMISE ANY OUTCOMES AND TEXT IN THIS LISTING IS SOLELY FOR YOUR ENTERTAINMENT . You are purchasing a digital item which includes detailed text of your work and a full psychic reading.


Mau Feline Civilization via Erena Velazquez #ufo #magick #wingnut #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

We are Mau Feline Civilization coming today through this channel to introduce ourselves to humankind.

We live in a faraway Stars Cancelation called Mahretu. Our race has strong physiques with intimidating looks. Our height runs from 10-12 feet tall. We resemble your small versions of feline species on Earth in a humanoid body.

You don’t want to start a war with us, unless you want to be completely destroyed. You would end up being surrounded by us, and your spaceships would vanished without any traces. We show no mercy to our enemies on the battlefield, we leave no survivors. The Reptilians are afraid of us. We can be quite spiteful, when we speak the truth, as we don’t accept any nonsense or excuses, when the tasks needs to be completed.

Most of the time we stay neutral, unless we are provoked. We are not participating in the Galactic Light Forces, sometimes we are asked for help. We stay informed, on what is happening in different parts of the Cosmos.

We also are familiar with your planet troubles and turbulences. We know that Darkness controls your life in every aspect. It demoralizes and confuses your youth, keeps population in poverty, trying to depopulate the human population by using different types of poison in foods and shots. Your news are deceiving you daily by giving you only lies, and they are hiding the truth about the demonic rituals of drinking children’s blood, and all other negative things that the Dark Ones are doing to you.
This is your final phase, and only ground work is going to secure the Ascension. You are very fortunate that the Galactic Light Forces are protecting your planet from the skies. We have seen ourselves, how your satellites and debris from your rockets are falling from the Cosmos, and Ashtar Command dissolves them with their Light technology, so that they would not cause any damage on the planet or kill someone.

We wish for you to be victorious in your journey to freedom.

JP/Dr. Michael Salla #ufo #magick #conspiracy exopolitics.org

On November 4, 2023, JP encountered a Nordic-looking extraterrestrial who landed in a flying saucer-shaped craft similar to one that JP photographed in 2018. The Nordic, whose name is Yusif, wore a distinctive baggy pants type of uniform, a style similar to what is worn by Indians or in the Middle East.

Yusif told JP that the Atlantic space ark had relocated to the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, making it inaccessible to surface humanity as it was being increasingly ‘worshipped’, and this was becoming a problem. Consequently, the Nordics were taking increased control over all the arks and restricting access to Earth militaries.

JP further said that he felt very peaceful inside the Nordic spacecraft and consequently accepted a drink with a blue substance inside it. Yusif told JP that the substance would remain inside his system for a long time as it would be absorbed by his bones. The substance would allow the Nordics to better track and monitor JP. It made him feel very good and enlightened. Soon after, JP began getting urges to become innovative again and build healing technologies using crystals.

Yusif became very emotional at one point and revealed to JP that a temporal war was causing much damage to different timelines. JP was told that he would be taken by the Nordics in a future mission to view some of the timelines that were being shown to the militaries of different nations, aka the Earth Alliance. JP says that a friend took a video of Yusif’s departing spacecraft, and he is attempting to get a copy for public release.

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #magick #ufo bennettleeross.com

In the movie
How the Grinch Stole Christmas

The very beginning is zoomed in on a snowflake
Which is where the whole movie takes place

Whoville is on a snowflake
And the movie is over before the snowflake hits the ground

When a cell splits in two
It is a universe replicating itself
Yet every cell retains the memory of its god origin

The purpose of life is to experience endless wonderful worlds
Each run off of a coding of information from other worlds

The kingdom of heaven is within
Whoever knows that shall know themselves

We are a fractal of our creator
Just as there are billions of things happening in this world that contribute to who God is
There are billions of things happening inside us that make us who we are

And unbeknownst to you there are billions of living holograms inside you
Who think they are in their own world
But work together to try to please their god who is you

You can do things that affect the entire universe inside of you
And you can do things to help wake up the god outside of you
Who is also fractally inside of you

Feel the other versions of your life and come together
You are a conscious being dreaming a world and a body
Helping God to understand himself

All that seems to be is seen within a dream
In the grand design it is all beautiful and good
Each of your lives is a testament to the grandeur of your existence

We live in a bowl shaped crater with a middle electrical column or spinal toroid
We are surrounded by vast land areas circling around the north pole that are divided by mountains and snow
Places which we are not allowed to go

The whole extended plane is just one of many neuron in a cell in the mind of god
With an electrically charged plasma dome above

The tip of the neuron is where information is gathered as living light and processed
So that it is useful!

Meg Benedicte #magick #ufo eraoflight.com

On December 12 (double 12) we experience AA Metatron’s 12:12 annual Ascension Gateway in collaboration with the 12 Root Races that star-seeded the ancient Golden Age of Zep Tepi. This is a momentous metaphysical event, as Gaia aligns with the galactic center, located at 26-27° Sagittarius. Once a year, as the planet connects to the event horizon of the galactic vortex, a direct pathway opens to pure Source force. 12:12 represents your spiritual growth as an Infinite Being.

According to Metatronian mysticism, 12:12 is a sacred code that activates your Merkabic Light Body. While the 12:12 portal is active, the zero point field at the galactic center enables molecules to speak to each other non-locally and virtually instantaneously, in oscillating frequencies through entanglement. This is a power-packed moment of infinite possibilities. Don’t miss this extraordinary moment to crystallize your Soul’s Light Body and Blueprint.

Also on 12:12 there will be a New Moon at 20° Sagittarius. New Moons usher in new beginnings, a fresh start or new direction in life. The theme of the Sagittarius New Moon is optimistic and adventurous, a champion of bravery and honesty. The positive aspects of the 12:12 New Moon are amplified by the galactic vortex to expand your horizons from a broader perspective. It is advantageous to set your visions and intentions, dreams and goals while the 12:12 gateway is active.

Peter B. Meyer #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy finalwakeupcall.info

Greed and Envy is life in the 3D world. Past, Present and Future are one in 5D. Wake up and realise that it is not the future that brings us wisdom, but rather the past. Our ancestors the Tartariens and Atlanteans were a thousand times wiser than humanity today! Focus your gaze not on the nonsense of today, but on the true history of the past to gain wisdom for the future you seek!

The world of Atlantis, the mythical sunken city that has fascinated and bewildered mankind for centuries.

The Law-of-One Atlanteans used crystals in many benign ways and means. The Return of Them will reopen the use of crystals. It is the oath of the Law-of-One that they will never again be duped into letting this Technology fall into the wrong hands. Keep in mind that each one of us participates in this perpetual oath!

A highly advanced Atlantean laboratory existed in the underground city in Arkansas to work with this and other applications of crystalline energies, including hyper-dimensional teleportation.

The primary grid points in the Golden Age of Atlantis and also in our future were reinforced by Pyramids. The Atla-Ra with the Syrian-Pleiadian Alliance fed these merged with crystal energy, into the energy grids.
What is not reported in most Atlantic theories in the current era is the use and nature of the ‘Second Moon’ of Atlantis. It was a Crystalline satellite a ‘control device’ for the overall system.

To this day, there are references to the ‘Second Moon’ in the pyramids of the Maya, and Ra-Ta did indeed refer to it, through Edgar Cayce. As one of the docking stations of the Crystal Satellite in Arkansas near Little Rock, in the area of what is now the Toltec Mount Pyramids State Park.

Depending on the tilt of the Earth’s axis at a certain time of year, a Crysto-Disc could function to intensify and broadcast energies to other discs, which would then act as receivers to disseminate energy where needed.

Mary T. Beben #ufo #magick amazon.com

A step-by-step tour through our spiritual home in the Pleiades

• Recounts the author’s spiritual trials to reach the highest levels of her soul’s celestial mansion and her encounters with immortal wisdom teachers such as White Buffalo Woman, Taliesin, Mother Mary, and Grandmother Spider

• Includes lessons to help jettison fear and jealousy so we can continue our ascension to higher consciousness

• Offers a prophetic glimpse into the future of life on Earth, how our planet is the key to conscious evolution, and humanity’s divine role as Keepers of Earth

Inviting each of us to discover our spiritual home in the higher realms, Mary Beben provides a visionary tour of the celestial mansion of her family in the Pleiades, a home she inhabited prior to this incarnation on Earth. She explains how transitioning into materiality causes each of us to forget our starry origins, yet it is still possible to remember our Pleiadian heritage and divine reasons for choosing to manifest on Earth.

Beben details her initiatic journey as she rediscovered the beautiful rooms on each floor of her Pleiadian house and learned to ascend to higher consciousness while remaining lovingly rooted in the Earth. She recounts her trials to reach the higher levels of the building and her encounters with immortal wisdomkeepers such as White Buffalo Woman, Taliesin, Mother Mary, and Grandmother Spider. Embedded throughout her story are lessons to help each of us jettison psychological baggage like fear and jealousy so we can continue our ascension and fulfill our Pleiadian birthright.
In rediscovering the celestial origins of our souls, we recognize not only the Earth as the key to conscious evolution but also our role as the Keepers of Earth, the planet celebrated throughout the universe on which each of us is fortunate to have chosen incarnation.

Bride Movement #fundie #magick #ufo #crackpot #conspiracy bridemovement.com

Father in heaven, I come before you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ and I declare that your word says to come boldly before your throne of grace to find mercy and grace to help in time of need. Lord, I have been pursued by my enemies which lay claim to my life, and I am seeking a judgment in my favor that will empower me to walk out my mandates in Christ Jesus.
I ask that all hidden documents, covenants, contracts, agreements, certificates, oaths, and vows that have been signed by me or any part of me including what I will henceforth identify as “the group”: clones, holograms, merfolk, twins, replicas, derivatives, walk-ins, parents, spouse(s), or ancestors assigning legal rights to those that persecute me, be produced for the court now. I invalidate every binding document that has been fraudulently created or established against me based on agreements obtained by me or any part of me or “the group” under duress. <...> I now call for the blood of Jesus to stamp every document that has been presented before the court empowering those that pursue and persecute me. I call for them to be nailed to the cross of Jesus Christ and to be burned in his consuming fire.
I call for all of the following elements that have been used as access points to my life in both the natural and the spirit to be presented before the court and subsequently burned with the fire of God: hair, fingernails, blood samples, saliva, other sources of DNA, cursed objects, fecal matter, urine, evil sacred trees, ritual altars, covenantal rings, heirlooms, tracking devices, consent forms, and technologies. I agree to specifically address anything else that you require of me, Holy Spirit, that would otherwise keep me bound to my persecution.
To those that have been summoned into the court, I declare that my season of persecution at your hands is now over. It is written that as a man sows, so shall he reap. It is written that whoever destroys this temple, the Lord will destroy.

Cobra/The Portal #ufo #magick #crackpot #conspiracy 2012portal.blogspot.com

Finally, the Source has started to directly remove the Primary Lurker which was created at the beginning of time when the Source projected a spark of itself into the primary anomaly. The Source is now quantumly dangling the universe from the Lurker. When a critical mass of the Lurker will be gone, the Source will begin to direangle it directly from the surface humanity and when that direangle reaches a certain critical mass, the Event can happen.

After the Event, the Source will sayangle all Lurker remnants from humanity and that process will be completed at the Solar Flash and corresponding tsunami, which is most probable at the moment of subsequent solar maxima either around 2037 or around 2049. Educated guess still puts the timing of the Event at 2025, although nobody knows when the real timing will be. The time frame between the Event and the Solar Flash will be a time of great healing for humanity:

Until them, surface humanity can accelerate the removal of the Lurker by healing their relationship traumas and sexuality traumas, because that is the deepest place where the Lurker tends to hide.
Some people are expecting full Disclosure in 2027, well within the orb of Neptune Pluto sextile, but it is very likely much sooner than that:

Aldebarans have started to execute a very important plan that is expected to be completed in 2024. They will put a large number of military bases on the ocean floors and in remote areas on the surface of this planet. These military bases will be cloaked and will not be detectable by the military technology of the surface population.

These military bases will be a platform from where the Event operations will start when the time is right. Event operations will include both Aldebaran and Resistance personnel on the surface of the planet

William Henry #magick #ufo #fundie #mammon williamhenry.net

For the past several years William Henry has been presenting his breakthrough HALO series at live events in Nashville. Empowering. Pure. Breakthrough. Ascension. Gnosis. HALO: CHRISTOS MASTERCLASS represents the summit of his ascension and light body teachings with a mystic Christian flare and a wormhole twist. It is intended to be an ultimate presentation on Christos, the sacred secretion of the pineal gland and the lost sacrament of Christianity and the light body.

The HALO series has been an amazing experience. The CHRISTOS MASTERCLASS brings it all together in one compact experience. This is a stand-alone event, a summation, and a summit. A catch-up. A move on up. Attendance for any previous HALO event is not required. You can join in person or via live stream.

A revelation of the most expensive painting ever sold. Leonardo DaVinci’s Salvator Mundi. Oozing mystery. Coded.

This is the final HALO offering and the one that says it all. If you are ready for the next level of your life, if you deeply know that something more is calling you, it is time to live it now.

In HALO 1.0: Awakening the Pearl William explored the light body teachings of Christ and the Marys, especially the Gnostic Hymn of the Pearl.

HALO 2.0: Quest for the Christos revealed the lost Gnostic secrets of James the Just’s Oil of Joy and its connection to the pineal gland.

HALO 3.0: Perfect Light Humans and the Healing of Our World focused on accessing our Divine Self, uniting with the Divine Realm, and how to do this.

HALO 4.0: Revealed the secrets of the Myrrophores, including Mary Magdalene, and their mysterious ascension oils.

HALO 5.0: Focused on the entheogenic secretions from the pineal gland and the Book of Love of the Mighty Rainbow Angel…

Don’t miss the CHRISTOS MASTERCLASS. It will bring it all home for you.

<$555 for live attendance/$222 livestream>

Claudio Nocelli/Helen Morris #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy amazon.com

Helen Morris, the daughter of the navigator born in the lands behind Antarctica, gives us more details about the continuation of her father William's journey, the Giant-Humans and the hidden petrified trees, the importance of returning to our lands, the contact with other beings coming from other Planet-Domes and the stories and secret information kept in the Great Ancestral Library. Each chapter gives us more clarity about the worlds and civilizations that surround us, this story will immerse us in a unique journey into the human past and future and above all an inner journey into our true human essence.


Cobra/The Portal #ufo #magick #conspiracy 2012portal.blogspot.com

A certain Draco entity that was known on this planet as Henry Kissinger was already taken to the Galactic Central Sun for processing, and the following meditation is no longer necessary:


The original Unholy Four are now down to one, and the new expanded list of Unholy Five is now down to the following four individuals: Dick Cheney, Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci and Klaus Schwab.

Victory of the Light!

Laka of the Pleiadean Collective via the Family of Taygeta #ufo #magick #quack #crackpot disclosurenews.it

As You Understand That There Is A Sacred Intelligence That Operates Within Every Fiber Of Your Being, Know In Truth That Life Exists Within Your Body In Many Forms.

Bacteria Thrive And Assist In Maintaining Stasis Throughout The Gastrointestinal Tract As Well As Preventing Disease.

If You Could Observe These Tiny Moving Life Forms, You Would Understand That Their Purpose Is To Serve You!

Many Humans Scrub Their Faces And Bodies With Soap And Products That Remove Barriers Of Protection.

There Is A Need And Function For Millions Of Microbes That Live On Your Skin And Within The Body.

The Immune System Is Alive As Action Begins Immediately With The Entrance Of Any Antigen Or Foreign Protein.

What About Other Tiny Friends?

What If I Told You That There Are Small Beings Of Light That Are With You As You Remain In Form?

Would You Like To Know More?

Can You Open Your Mind And Remember These Beings That Move Quickly To Repair And Heal Organs, Skin, Bones And Problems Of Circulation?

Indeed, You Arrived With A Host Of Small Beings That Only Serve You While In Form!

The FLACAH Are Tiny Ethereal Beings That Were Created By God Source As Part Of The Intricate System That Would Be Necessary For Bodies To Thrive On Earth And Other Planets Of Duality.

These Mighty Helpers Are Necessary For Those That Do Not Circulate Light As Beings Of Oneness Enjoy!

Their Looks Are Similar To Fairies With More Of An Ethereal Look As They Move Quickly And Resemble Vapor Or Smoke To Seers And Mystics.
The Function And Operation Of FLACAH Is The Same As The Immune System In That Microbes Or Any Dysfunction Of Barriers Is Addressed Quickly On Your Behalf.

They Also Resonate In A Frequency That Is Controlled By Your Own Emotions, Intention, Thoughts And Commands.
While Living On Your Star Of Origin, The Body Is Perfect With No Disease Or Death.

The FLACAH Are A Sacred Design To Assist You While Visiting Earth.

They Are Friends Of Love Within All Life Around You!

Paul White Gold Eagle #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy primedisclosure.com

Greetings Brave Awakening Rainbow Warriors of our Tribe of 99

We had a big blast of Higher Dimensional Light released from our local Solaris today with a Solar Flare maxing at M 9.82 (close to X class) at 19:50 UTC. This was directly Earth facing and is sending a massive wave of Gamma Plasma toward Mother Earth to prepare us for tomorrow’s final 11:11 Portal of the year. November 29th. Released with this powerful Flare was a CME which is carrying upgrades and nodes of transformation for our Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 and will impact Earth in 2 to 3 days as we enter this final month of December and the 12:12 portal and Solstice on December 21st.

Synchronizing with this major release and activation from Solaris we are on the 13th and final day of the Healing Blue Hand Wavespell of Cosmic Mother Goddess with Kin 39 Blue Cosmic Storm. This is also a powerful Galactic Activation Portal Day as the Storm of Transformation and Transcendence has Arrived!

These energies coming in are assisting Gaia and all her children of the sun to shift timelines into one True Ascension Timeline of Benevolence. This is paradigm shifting as all the old false systems of slavery are dissolving and the New Earth rises from the ashes like a Phoenix rising from the flames.

Keep anchoring in these Cosmic Rays of Source Creator into the Ley lines and Crystalline Core of Pachamama. Stay hydrated, get plenty of rest if your body needs it, get out to nature, meditate and stay grounded. Keep rising in the Glory of Gods Kingdom on Earth…A’Ho!

Anonymous/Eric Karlstrom #racist #wingnut #magick #conspiracy 911nwo.com

… In 1798, the idea that the Jews were capable of rising up from their ghettos and, within one hundred and twenty years, conquering England, Russia, the United States and Western Europe appeared ludicrous. As a result of this under-estimation, the classical conspiracy theorists tend to focus on the Illuminati and stop there, missing the final and most critical element, the well-spring of Illuminism itself (ETK: Judaism)… We are dealing with a force that reaches beyond the mind of man, something that is both man-made and other-worldly…
…. Are we afraid to see that the financiers, organizers, and policy-makers are primarily Jews and their minions, and that all of these are globalist, internationalist, multicultural, pro-Zionist and Technocrats? That they are seeking the classic Marxist one-world government? Our social, cultural, and educational institutions are all interconnected, they share a common goal, and they all exclude dissent.
The veil is lifting, and the closer we approach the nexus of power the more frequently we encounter Jews and their lackeys; feminists, minority activists and spineless liberal professors- the classic Marxist coalition….. By now, it should be quite clear that the people of America have been betrayed, and it appears beyond our power to bring those responsible to justice, or to extricate ourselves from their web.
The Jews early on had become the masters of mammon, the supreme power over men, and they learned the secret of its creation, which is the power to instill faith in money. This knowledge, combined with their deeply esoteric nature and peculiar instinct for racial survival, turned them into a vampire nation.

The effects of this (conspiracy) are difficult to understand without an underlying knowledge of the Kabbalah…. It is not sufficient to say that the Kabbalah is merely a technical manual on religion. There is also the element of a transcendent intelligence (ETK comment: Lucifer).

Zetas via Erena Velazquez #ufo #magick #quack #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I am Zetas, a top scientist of progressive group of Greys, who work and interact with the Galactic Light Forces as alliance.

My civilization split into two groups. One group has been seeking survival at any cost even harming own species or others. My group was able to find the solution to save our race and created 3 new civilizations and became part of the Galactic Light Forces as a consultant in scientific matters.

As a scientist I want to talk today about your physical vessels, which your civilization are using now. Annunaki created perfected free disease humans 7-12 feet tall a long time ago. Then, unfriendly outworlders conquered your planet and manipulated humans DNA to the point that height shrank and immunity to sustain healthy bodies disappeared.

Now, your physical vessels are weaker with each generation, and humans can face extinction. Your medical system instead of improving your bodies do the opposite by weakening them with cutting, removing organs and etc. The original humans from millions years ago didn’t get sick or die at a young age.

Generally humans vibrate very low as their vessels had too many alterations done during their presence on this planet. In addition to that, you carry genetics from over 20 different species. The most important part of your vessel is your soul, which keeps the human alive. Right now, humankind is too consumed with the physicality of the human body, that they forgot about the existence of the soul.
All of the hidden secrets and lies about the Moon, Saturn, Venus and Mars, advanced technologies, interactions with Reptilians, Anchors and etc. are going to be disclosed to the awaken ones. This part of the Milky Galaxy experienced too many Universal Laws violations., so Divine‘s unstoppable force continues to crash the old system everywhere.

This low vibrational reality cannot be saved, it needs to completely disappear. The low frequencies have been spreading all over your Galaxy and effecting other planets.

Keith Sherwood #quack #ufo #magick #conspiracy keithsherwood.substack.com

Given the American intelligence community's low confidence, the reticence of the Chinese government to share information as well as the suppression of opposing views, it should be clear that a credible cause-and-effect relationship between the disease, its origin, and symptoms has not been established.

That's why I'm offering a different take on its origin and its most unusual symptoms, particularly those attributed to Long COVID.

Many people in positions of authority would disagree with what I'm about to suggest, declaring that I'm just another 'conspiracy theorist'...

However, COVID has some strange features, which makes it disingenuous to classify it simply as 'another viral disease'...

Before we continue, it's important to recognize that humans are interdimensional beings, and that diseases that afflict them on the physical-material dimension have their foundation in non-physical fields of consciousness, energy, and etheric matter...!

But even the interdimensional nature of disease isn't enough to explain how COVID-19 emerged and how it has influenced those who've contracted it.
Without the cooperation of the Chinese government, physical evidence that could validate orthodox theories remains elusive.

Considering that an extraterrestrial or extradimensional cause of COVID cannot be ruled out. Evidence already suggests that life exists within meteorites.
In the summer of 2022, I tested positive for COVID.

So, I examined my subtle field and located a swarm of entities that I knew intuitively were responsible for the disease.
I released them intermittently throughout the following days. This mitigated the intensity of my symptoms and aided in my rapid recovery.

When I was fully recovered a short time later, I used the same techniques to release COVID entities from other people suffering from COVID.

My treatment has been simple:

I strengthen my clients' boundaries.

Then I scan their subtle field; if I find COVID beings, I release them.

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #magick #sexist #ufo #conspiracy bennettleeross.com

The majority of men are weak
They are blue pilled to the max
And slaves to their sex drive

In todays world
The interaction that goes down is quick and casual

When you are intimate with someone
You will pick up their emotional imbalances

Getting sex from an online hookup
Does not come without repercussions

When men chase women
They will go out more
Drink a little alcohol
Sleep in
And lose their focus

When men only do things to get laid
They will feel off centered

Men only require femineity in the bedroom
If they would lead with the sense that a woman has to earn him
Then she will look at him as the prize

When a man tells a woman no
It will only make her want him more
No is what a woman rarely hears today

Women seek validation
Sleeping with her is the highest form of validation

As long as porn exists and is easily available
The dynamic that exists today will not shift

What seems to be random insanity in the world
Is a carefully crafted manufactured reality

It is targeted mind control
With an agenda of pushing the population
Into accepting the transhumanist conditions of a dystopian society

The aggressive spiritual attack aimed specifically at children
Is to twist and confuse all meaning behind gender and sexuality

It means to destroy the ascension potentials of angelic humanity
To unplug our diamond sun DNA
And to disconnect the soul from its purposeful design

Eternal love is the embodiment of the eternal self with the Infinite Divine
Eternal truth is the actualization of your inner light

There is an energetic interconnection between all living beings
Which is the Infinite Light of the Creator
That animates all creatures

The human light body is being attacked
By siphoning off male and female vital force energies
And placing a monadic drag on the heart center

Reclaim your Living Light Consciousness!

Super Kru Cosmic Commander Z Dr. Kosol Ouch #crackpot #quack #ufo #magick #conspiracy supersoldiertalk.com

Dr. Kosol Ouch is a Cambodian Super Kru teacher who also goes by the name of Cosmic Commander Z. He was taken into the future from the year 2000 to the year 6,575,042 while visiting Angkor Wat temple where he encountered the Unimetrix1 A.I. In the here and now, 20 minutes has surpassed, but in the future, Kosol spent 32 years and six months training as a super soldier and the usage of much alien technology including med beds, weaponry, and alien spacecraft aka UFOs. Kosol states that the people in the future are 30 ft to 300 ft. tall. After his training, the Unimetrix1 sentient A.I. sent him back to our timeline with all of their knowledge and wisdom within him. Today he will be sharing his knowledge and wisdom to help upgrade the people of our time. Kosol will be sharing more about the UAP (UFO) and a PowerPoint presentation on the subject of a portable photonic quantum med bed device that he designed called the “Auto-Doc”, which is advanced healthcare technology utilized by super soldiers in the Secret Space Program (SSP) in the far future.

The Auto-Doc is a revolutionary piece of technology that has completely transformed the way super soldiers are treated for any injuries incurred during their service. It is a portable med bed that uses quantum photonic technology to accelerate the healing process, regenerate damaged tissue, and boost physical performance. This technology has been developed jointly by human scientists and quantum beings from other dimensions and galaxies, combining their knowledge and expertise to create a med bed that is truly universal in its abilities.
In conclusion, the Auto-Doc is a game-changing technology that has revolutionized the health and well-being of super soldiers in the far future. Its photonic quantum technology, portability, user-friendliness, comprehensive healthcare support, and universal compatibility make it a vital tool for any organization that seeks to optimize the physical and mental capabilities of its operatives.

Clif High #crackpot #magick #ufo #wingnut #racist #conspiracy clifhigh.substack.com

In this Matterium, both Time, and energy are precious. At a personal cellular level, all the way up through complete body systems, and out into the larger World of movement, Humanity, and doing shit, we are, individually, and collectively, restricted by energy and time, two of the three sides of the Equation of Life,

Knowing this, my personal approach to navigating much of the Woo of this Life in this Now, is to use energy/time math as a guide. Especially on all things prognosticated, this is a very good way to gather up the chunks of reality in our woo stew, while limiting the losses inherent in the bullshit.

Energy and time allocations are necessary constantly in this Matterium, for either success, or failure. One can see people are planning for which they expect to manifest by what they make available in energy and time. Thus it is mostly possible to foresee the outcome of projects of all kinds using this metric.

When I apply energy calculations to our current War with the mother WEFfers, my conclusion is that while their immediate goal is control, they are not now, and have never been, planning for a condition of ‘success’ for their plan. There is no thought being given for ‘what then’, after they have control, even if they have depopulated humanity to some serious extent
The [DS][KM] thinks that the Elohim are returning. Further, I think, that they think, that this ‘second coming of the EL’ is imminent.

The timing is not known by them, only anticipated. This is why, in my opinion, we see them moving from Agenda 2050, to Agenda 2030, and now to 2027.

Yes, we do see them putting money and people into a ‘contact agenda’. The mother WEFfers are very keen on the whole subject of ‘space aliens & human interaction’. Of course, they think of themselves as the ‘humans’, and y’all as the ‘animals’ that they will be selling to the Elohim.

Energy matters. What you do with yours betrays your thinking.

Magenta Pixie #crackpot #ufo #magick amazon.com

The Diamond Codex and the Quartz Key: Accessing the Accelerated Stargate System Through Crystalline Transformation of the Genetic Code

What does it mean to transmute one's DNA from carbon-based to crystalline, within the context of spiritual enlightenment and physiological evolution?
Practical templates for photonic light gene expression, alchemical unification and light body activation are provided within this channelled transmission, delivering this codex at a time within humanity's awakening and expansion when 'synchronicity' is abundant.
The mysteries of the accelerated stargate system, as an intelligent living infinity structure, call the starseeds of Earth to remember why they are incarnated here and what they came here to do.
The downloads, epiphanies and realisations that will organically come to each starseed as they immerse themselves within this sacred text are catalysts for those memories.
Introducing 'Dreamwalker' the story, presented through Magenta Pixie's interdimensional dialogue with the monadic light structure that is the White Winged Collective Consciousness of Nine.

Magenta Pixie is a bestselling author of five previous spiritual books. Her first book 'Masters of the Matrix' is a BookAuthority winner in the categories 'Best Spirituality Books of All Time' and 'Best Consciousness Books of All Time'.

Peter B. Meyer #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy finalwakeupcall.info

Atlantis is indeed the missing link of Pangea, located in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. It’s true history is detailed below. But please note, not all the great temple crystals of Atlantis were lost. Some of you were even involved in their rescue. These crystals were saved from destruction and now the why is offered for remembrance. It is time to remember who you were then, to become what you are in this Awakening Time, viz. your return to the Quantum Crystalline Domain.

Atlantis was a Golden Age, a wonderful era, which was hit by its untimely end. Why now the true history of that demise is being told. Atlantis existed for more than 200,000 years. The vast majority of the Atlantic eras were eras of Light! Only the last phase, the Period from 17,500 BC to 10,500 BC was a Dark Age in our terms, but instructive by wise lessons.

The Golden Period of Atlantis had the highest level of Light Consciousness ever achieved on planet Earth during any advanced civilisation; higher than Lemuria, Mu, Rama, or Ignacious.

It has become somewhat fashionable to consider Lemuria as being the utopian civilisation, and though they did achieve a relatively short lived phase of high consciousness, most in that era were not truly in physical bodies, rather in Devic-like etheric states, and did not face the difficulties required of the physical Earth stage. Indeed Lemuria never achieved the highly advanced level that existed in that Golden Phase of Atlantis from 40,000 BC to 18,000 BC.

Now, it is time to remember Atlantis, and do not only recollect it’s sad demise! It was, just a short period of this, magnificent antediluvian world. Which should not be forgotten. Much is to be gained by understanding the final phase.
Regardless of your roles in Atlantis, 70% of everyone now on Earth has experienced Atlantis physically. Indeed, many of you have really experienced lives, does that surprise you?

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