
David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia #forced-birth jesus-is-savior.com

Whether one realizes it or not, our entire legal system was established upon the Bible. In the good ole days of America, adultery was against the law, as was homosexuality, witchcraft and stealing. The Ten Commandments used to be the basis upon which our laws were based. Sadly, today's laws are increasingly being changed in accordance with the wickedness of an immoral and reckless apostate society. Please read, The U.S. Constitution and Faith in God.

We ought to obey the Laws set forth in the Word of God. Exodus 22:18 plainly states, “Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.” The Bible mandates the death penalty upon all genuine witches, just as the Bible pronounces death for all abortionists, adulterers, murders and homosexuals. Get mad at God if you don't like it, because He said it. Salem, Massachusetts is in serious trouble with God for legalizing, encouraging, sponsoring and honoring witchcraft.

Witchcraft should be punishable by law. No one has the freedom to undermine the very basis upon which freedom is established—FAITH IN THE GOD OF THE BIBLE. The entire philosophy of witchcraft and Satanism is that a person can do anything they want, just so long as no one gets hurt; but that's the big lie, because fornication, homosexuality and abortion DOES hurt others, very much so. The evils of divorce, venereal disease, fatherless children, A.I.D.S. and millions of brutally aborted babies is evidence of this.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

The fact that mankind's languages are vanishing from civilization at any alarming rate is proof that evolution is a lie. If evolution were true, then the process by which mankind has obtained 7,000 languages would be continuing today. Has the evolutionary process ceased? According to the Bible it never happened in the first place. One would have to be a fool to follow the nonsense of evolution. Hey, if the Big Bang Theory is true, then why was there only one? Why not two or three big bangs, or a thousand? It's amazing to me how people continually place God and the Bible on trial; yet unquestioningly accept the illogical theories of evolution. This just shows their wicked heart of unbelief in the Word of God.

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

Homosexuality ought not be allowed to exist in our country. It should be banned and punished by law, as it used to be a century ago. In many countries it is still a capital offense, as it was in Old Testament Israel. Lesbians and gays ought not be permitted to marry, let alone pastor churches. I am so glad that God's Word and every Bible-preaching Christian will be vindicated in eternity. The days of gay-rights are numbered. Job 20:4-5, “Knowest thou not this of old, since man was placed upon earth, That the triumphing of the wicked is short, and the joy of the hypocrite but for a moment?” If I were a king, I'd ban homosexuality! I'd ban abortion! I'd ban gossip! I'd ban booze! I'd ban immodest dress! I'd eradicate television and the internet from existence!

Johnny Lee Clary #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

(From a long, insane, half-researched tirade against Marilyn Manson, this is one of the dumbest sections)

Manson sells WWJD bracelets at his concerts saying that it does not stand for "What Would Jesus Do", but instead they stand for "WE WANT JESUS DEAD". He has allegedly raped a young girl on the stage, and has sodomized one of his band members in front of thousands of children. He took a little puppy dog that was only 6 weeks old, and tossed it into the audience, encouraging kids to rip it to pieces and then smear the blood all over one another, which they gladly did. He said he dreams of the day that he can take a little baby and do the same thing to the baby. He has asked audiences at his concerts if they have ever eaten babies. He sells t-shirts encouraging children to KILL GOD, KILL THEIR PARENTS, and then KILL THEMSELVES. Many a teenager has committed suicide after going home from his demonic concerts. Singer Courtney Love, pulled out of her on the road tour with Manson, in March of 1999, stating that she would never tour with him again as he was telling children to commit suicide. This web site would never endorse Courtney Love or her music, but in this case we say, "Good On Ya, Courtney!"
Manson tells kids that Hell is a great place and they need not fear Hell. He says it is one great big party for eternity with all of the drugs and sex you can ever want. He tells them to escape the pressures of this world by committing suicide. I notice that Manson advocates suicide and tells young people to do it, but he fails to lead by example! If Hell is so great and suicide is the solution to life's problems as Manson says, then why doesn't he set the example? I will even loan him my gun if he will just practice what he preaches!

This was an unconfirmed rumor, but Marilyn Manson supposedly had his bottom two ribs removed, so that he can perform oral-sex on himself. He bragged about this in interviews, although some say he made that up and he never actually did this. Just the fact that he would state such a filthy thing, shows his reprobate mind.

Twiggy Rameriez , one of Manson's band members was arrested for molesting a little boy. Manson and Twiggy have frequently kissed and fondled each other at concerts. Marilyn Manson and Trent Reznor of satanic band "Nine Inch Nails" had sexual intercourse.

According to Manson, the eye tattoos on Marilyn's forearms are really bulls-eyes for his heroin needles. Marilyn Manson told many that he had gotten breast-implants, but that he later had them removed. He had posed for a photo showing himself with breast, but he no longer has them now. See photo below. [Mechanical Animals album cover, which was a harness, not implants]

(The rest of it is just as funny and stupid, and for those who are curious, the shirt is real, the Manson and Twiggy on stage action is real, and the Manson and Trent stuff is a rumor, the rest of it is 100% bullshit)

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

You have to be an initiated witch to receive a recording contract with the music industry. Every band is initiated into a ceremony. Every major music company has a temple room, where copies are made. 13 witches enter the temple totally naked and conjure a spell to assign a demon to every recording. Albums bring demonic entities into your home if you voluntarily bring them in.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Star Trek has drawn over a billion followers worldwide over the past 40 years since it began. The film series is highly New Age in doctrinal teachings and has a core of fanatic adherents, a science-fiction cult. Star Trek shows promotes the sinful occult ideas of atheism, telekinesis, psychic phenomena, life without God, mental telepathy, channeling and mental transference, spirit possession, et cetera.

Women appeared in immodest sensual miniskirts from the beginning, blaspheming the holy Bible. As with everything in society, the human mind often cannot tell reality from fiction. Many people believe Star Trek to be true. There is no Biblical teaching of life on other planets. There are no human beings anywhere else. Jesus came to the earth, born of a virgin by a miraculous birth, lived a sinless life and paid on the cross with His precious blood for our sins. Jesus said that only a FOOL is slow to believe all that Moses and the prophets have spoken in the Bible concerning Jesus, our Messiah!!!

Roddenberry died in his sins as an unbeliever in 1991, and is now tragically burning for all eternity in Hell.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Feminists Are Evil Hypocrites

If you're a man, you're the target! If you're Caucasian, you're the target! If you're straight, you're the target! If you're a Christian, you're the target! Satan is destroying America because we have deliberately rejected God's Word. Consequently, feminism is becoming more popular, which seeks to make women EQUAL IN AUTHORITY with the man in marriage, home and church. Feminism is rebellion!!! A woman is precious, valuable and just as important in God's eyes as the man. Women are not commodities. It's amazing how feminists attack Christian preachers and the Bible, but they DON'T attack Hugh Hefner's smutty PLAYBOY empire that strings out women as whores and cheap commodities to be ogled. Feminists don't care about all the sexual exploitation of underaged teenaged girls by television executives. Do you know why? It's because the truth behind feminism is REBELLION AGAINST GOD. Since Hugh Hefner is a rebel against God, the feminists accept him and his scum magazine. Now that Hefner's sleazy daughter is at the helm of the ship, feminists are ok with that. Evil tolerates evil. The wicked support the wicked.

Feminists are hypocrites! You'll never hear feminists attacking magazines that exploit women's bodies for money, because it's evil. Feminists only attack something if God is involved. This wicked world hates God. Our nation has raised multiple generations of spoiled brats, undisciplined, lacking character, no respect for their elders,

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

America has gone to ruin. What has happened? I'll tell you what has happened... We kicked God's Word out of our schools in 1963. The Bible makes people smart. Without the Bible you're going to turn out a fool. People are idiots today. The Bible gives us wisdom from God, because it is God's Word. The Bible elevates those who believe it, love it, obey it and stand upon it! We've got a society of dummies today who don't care about anything because they've been educated since childhood without HEARING THE WORD OF GOD! They have no faith. People have no faith in God these days. They don't fear God. Romans 3:18

David J. Stewart #fundie #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Sex-ed in public schools is a fraud, intended to remove the natural naivety that teenagers should have about sex. Although teens have a natural curiosity about sex as they experience puberty, in a decent society without the sexualization via video games, television, magazines, sex education and the internet, youth remain innocently curious under normal circumstances. By surrounding Americans with sex, sex, sex, all innocence has been removed and young people are under attack. The sexualization of society is a part of the Communist subversion, totalitarian takeover, destruction of American culture, and preparation for the Antichrist system of the New World Order. Just take a look on the back of any U.S. one dollar bill and you'll see the NWO in your face.

The perverted actors on "THE BIG BANG THEORY" sitcom get paid $350,000 per episode, just to be sexually unclean, dirty-minded, perverted, sensual and immoral. Americans love filth! Americans love garbage! Sex sells, but it's sinful to exploit something sacred to make money. Sex is sacred, intended only between a married man and woman.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

[About a Carrie Underwood music video]

Only God knows how many drunkard fathers are going to rape their little girl because of Carrie Underwood's sex-perverted, crotch-stroking, degenerate video! Only God knows how many husbands are going to cheat on their wives because of Carrie Underwood's raunchy sex video, GOOD GIRL. She's not a good girl, not at all.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Satan often works through humor to deceive people and draw them away from the truth. When the sitcom, I LOVE LUCY starring Lucille Ball first appeared in the 1950's, many people at the time had a huge problem with it because it centered around a manipulative woman who was constantly lying to her husband, family and friends.

Lucy's lies and deceptive behavior were clothed in humor, and while it was difficult for people to receive in the 1950's, today we have deteriorated so far morally that no one even bats an eye. Lucy even looks like the Devil, continually shifting her eyes and lying about everything. The “I LOVE LUCY” show ought to have been renamed “WHO'S THE BIGGEST LIAR?”

As evidence that Satan was behind the I LOVE LUCY show, consider the following. Lucille's close friend, Carole Lombard had died in a horrible plane crash in 1942. Carole was a second generation Bahá'í and was formally declared in 1938. Lucille Ball said her decision to do “I Love Lucy” was made after Lombard came to her in a dream in 1951 and advised her to take a chance and enter the unknown and at the time, risky world of television. So Lucille Ball claimed that the spirit of her friend Carole Lombard, who'd been dead for 9 years, came to her in dream to give career advice. That is a demonic practice known as “necromancy” (communicating with the dead).

David J. Steward #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

There is NOTHING any more evil than a woman deliberately dressing sexy and sensual to seduce a man to whom she is not married. That's exactly what “HOOTERS” restaurant chain does—exploiting women's bodies for a profit. Equally as wicked as SIN CITY Las Vegas, HOOTERS seduces the souls of men for Satan.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Here's a poem that I wrote today that I hope you will be blessed from reading. I wrote it for the mothers and wives who visit my website, to those ladies who are loyal to your husbands and children...

Thank God for mothers in the home,
who have inspired me to write this poem.
May God bless her day-by-day,
as she looketh well to her family's way.

Thank God for mothers who faithful stay,
guiding her family in every way.
Blessed are mothers who will never have fame,
but her children will not bring her to shame.

Early and often doth she arise,
because in the Lord she is wise.
Never a provision doth her family lack,
because with her hands she is not slack.

Her husband doth safely trust in his wife,
for he knows she will not cause him strife.
Away from her duties she will never roam,
for she doth know that her place is in the home.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Before I say anything else, let me say unequivocally that DAVE MUSTAINE DOES NOT LOVE GOD!!! I agree with most of what Alex Jones' says, but he's wrong when he says that Dave Mustaine loves God (YouTube interview). No one who continues to sing the Devil's music as a career loves God. On March 15, 2012 Alex Jones did a major interview (Nightly News) with Dave Mustaine. I recorded portions of the interview as an MP3 which you can download (right click to download).

Mustaine was one of the original members of the band METALLICA. Mustaine says he's now using his music to educate fans to the evil New World Order and the conspiracy behind the march toward global government. I'd hardly call MEGADETH's dark lyrics “educational.” They're witchcraft lyrics, incomplete thoughts, fragments intended to plant ideas into the listener's subconscious mind, while the conscious mind cannot detect the meaning. The end result is that the listener's mind is filled with thoughts of hate, violence, anger, killing, suicide, Satan worship, self-pity, sexual immorality, blasphemy against God and every unholy thought imaginable. Heavy metal music is demonic mind-programming.

As a genuine born-again Christian who loves the Lord Jesus Christ, I HATE EVIL as Psalms 97:10 commands all believers to do. Heavy metal rock music is EVIL, EVIL, EVIL!!! Read on and you'll be shocked how evil it is! Anyone who claims to love God while befriending the sinful world is a liar. Jesus said if we love Him then we will keep His Commandments (John 14:15). Revelation 3:15-16 says that God VOMITS believers who straddle-the-fence between Christianity and the world.

Dave Mustaine says as a born-again Christian that he still likes to open in concert for SLAYER, METALLICA and ANTHRAX. As a professed Christian, Mustaine says he told his agent that he refuses to perform on stage with “confessed satanists” anymore. However, as you will learn, Dave Mustaine is still very much involved with satanism and satanists.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

America is a crazy place to live. With only five-percent of the world's population, twenty-five percent of the world's prison inmates are incarcerated in the “Land of the Free.” What a sad testimony to our nation. What a tragic paradox.

It's not hard to figure out what's going on if one understands that there has been a Communist agenda to morally subvert and destroy America's sovereignty for centuries. As hard as it is for many people to believe, America was founded by Freemasons with the purpose of exploiting America as a vehicle to bring about a New World Order. This plot is well explained in naval officer, William Guy Carr's book, PAWNS IN THE GAME. Start with chapter 16. Pastor Texe Marrs summarizes 21 ways in which the Illuminati is destroying America. This stuff is real and Christians need to understand what is going on in order to comprehend why pornography, America's sex-culture, Rock 'N' Roll, sex-saturated television, feminism, divorce, Child Protection Services (CPS), corrupt courts, and the malicious newsmedia are destroying America's families. There is an AGENDA at work to destroy your family.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Dancing is just as sinful at high school proms, ballrooms, town gatherings, etc. Dancing and immodest dress are synonymous. Dancing leads to lasciviousness (i.e., immoral sexual desire). The ONLY place where dancing is acceptable is between a husband and wife in the privacy of their own home, and without observation by others. America has deteriorated into a sexually perverted nation, where sensual and suggestive dancing is commonplace. As a result, millions of unwanted babies continue to be murdered every year through abortion. This is a great evil in America! We have earned the title from Muslims of being THE GREAT SATAN!

Think about it ... the average person today can't help but laugh at the thought that dancing is a sin; yet millions of unplanned pregnancies continue to be terminated through murderous abortions. Is it surprising that a nation that sees no harm in murdering children would also see no harm in premarital sex, petting, dancing, pornography, stealing, divorcing, and filthy conversation? I think not.

God will not bless a wicked nation whose citizens disobey His Word. America today as a morally-toxic society. This is a dangerous place to raise a family. Children are being indoctrinated and corrupted by the Communist public school system. Men are being corrupted by the sensual filth and pornographic smut that has overtaken and ruined our country. Women are being brainwashed by feminism, indoctrinated to destroy their marriages.

Young girls today, they want to have fun. Young girls today just wanna party. Today young girls wanna go to a nightclub and have open sex on the floor of the nightclub, and then put it on YouTube, and if they should get pregnant they want to throw the baby into a dumpster. That's the new America! No morals. No self-respect. No nation. No borders. No language. No culture. No responsibility. Now that's America today!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Clint Eastwood Needs to Get Saved

I say this kindly, Mr.. Eastwood is not a Christian and Biblically is hellbound in his sins without Christ. Certainly, we are all sinners in the hands of an angry, but forgiving God to those who believe on Christ Jesus (Romans 5:8-9). I thank God for paying for my sins. I thank God for Calvary. I thank God for the mercyseat in Heaven where Christ applied His blood for our sins (Hebrews 9:12,24). No one has to go to Hell. God created Hell for the Devil and the demons, not for humanity. Albeit, Isaiah 5:14 says, “hell hath enlarged herself, and opened her mouth without measure: and their glory, and their multitude, and their pomp, and he that rejoiceth, shall descend into it.” The wicked and the arrogant, like Mr. Eastwood who challenge the Words of God, will descend into the bottomless pit the moment they perish in their sins (Hebrews 9:27; John 8:24). The Scripture cannot be broken (John 10:35). What God has said will come to pass! Revelation 20:15, “And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.”

Clint Eastwood rejects the Bible as God's holy Word, and so he has no fear of what awaits his soul in eternity. 2nd Thessalonians 1:8-9 paints a gruesome picture of eternal death in the flames of Hell, being punished by the wrath of God.

From Mr. Eastwood's own testimony it is clear that he does not embrace Christianity. In fact in Eastwood's movie, HEREAFTER, the little boy who stars in the film goes to search the internet and finds a preacher who says, “If you have Christ you have nothing to fear.” The boy negatively responds by shacking (wagging) his head back-n-forth to express his disbelief in Jesus Christ. It should not come as a surprise that most Jewish people reject Jesus as the Christ.


Mr. Eastwood carefully avoids expressing any particular religious belief, speculating that perhaps in all likelihood that “NOTHING HAPPENS AFTER YOU DIE.” But what saith the Scripture? Hebrews 9:27, “And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.” The Word of God teaches that judgment follows death. The unsaved who die IN THEIR SINS (which it appears that Clint Eastwood will) are judged at The Great White Throne of Judgment (Revelation 20:11-15). They are cast into the Lake of Fire (Greek: Gehenna) for ever and ever. The saved who die IN THE LORD (Revelation 14:13) are judged at The Judgment Seat of Christ (2nd Corinthians 5:9-11).


It appears as if Mr. Eastwood wants to remain Mr. Cool, nonchalant, middle-of-the-road in his beliefs. You don't want to offend anybody in Hollywood, especially the Christ-rejecting Jewish bosses. I'm sure Eastwood and his buddies frequently have a good laugh over a beer, while downplaying God and the Bible. What's the big deal? We're all going to die. Eastwood professes to be a fatalist, that is, whatever happens happens. The problem is that God has already warned us through the Bible what will happen. No one is ignorant of the Laws of God in America. Clint Eastwood is no stranger to the battle in America over God—In God We Trust, One Nation Under God, the battle over prayer and Bibles in public schools, et cetera. Mr. Eastwood is 81 and has been around the world, living through it all; and yet he doesn't know what he believes at 81 years of age. I'm flabbergasted!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Most religions today are atheistic, because they have rejected the True and Living God. Islam is of the Devil, and all Islamic Muslims are atheists. Oh sure, Muslims profess to believe in Allah, but Allah is a myth, a false god, a non-existent figment of their darkened imagination.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

The Hawaiian hula is the filthiest dance on earth. I can understand why the Christian missionaries tried to mentor the natives away from it. People today criticize the early missionaries like they were bad people, and perhaps some of them were; but they were justified in trying to change the Hawaiian culture from one of paganism and sexual immorality to one of grace, chastity, belief in Jesus Christ, and decency. Hawaii is a very sinful place today, and the hula is as filthy as ever.

In fact, Hawaiian women have been taught to have much contempt against Christianity, so when they do the hula, many of them deliberately make it as sleazy and whorish as they can. All of the islands are saturated with sinfulness, naked women, dirt-dancing and apostasy. It is very difficult to find moral people, even amongst professing Christians, in the island cultures near the equator.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

If there is no God, then why are there Satan worshippers and the occult? That question is an interesting one indeed. I could understand a Christian doing what they doing because they are anticipating greener pastures when they die and go to heaven. But why would anyone be involved in the occult or Satan worship if their only future is in hell? I mean, the Satanists do believe in a Divine Creator. So why would they spend their lives making God mad by spiting Him in rebellion. I could understand someone not wanting to believe in God at all, but why worship the devil if you do believe in God? It just doesn't make any sense.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Evolution is being taught in all our Public Schools, deliberately rejecting and depriving children of the knowledge of God. Children are no longer educated; but rather, indoctrinated in public schools. America is NOT LISTENING TO GOD! We have deliberately rejected the knowledge of God, just as Hosea 4:6 teaches. Americans are wicked more than foolish. Americans are wicked more than ignorant. It is our nation's love for sin that has caused us to be foolish, ignorant and complacent. First and foremost, Americans are sinful and wicked.

The Old Testament Jews were destroyed for lack of knowledge, knowledge which they openly refused to have. They chose to remain ignorant. They didn't want to hear the truth. Nothing has changed in thousands of years. People don't want the truth nowadays. People are willfully ignorant of the truth. Most people reject knowledge.

Rev. Louis P. Sheldon #fundie #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

Serial killers, government tyrants, academic liberals, Catholic priests, politicians, Mormon Church higher-ups, Jewish rabbis, environmental extremists, communists, religious heretics, mass murderers, occultists, spies, and the Illuminati share something hideous and grotesque in common. Almost all are homo-sexual. Worse, most of the sick-minded men who comprise these demented social groups are not only homosexual, they practice the most kinky and perverted forms of sexual licentiousness-pedophilia, satanic bondage, physical torture, bisexuality, transvestitism, and even bestiality.

Public Schools are Evil #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

There is nothing more damning and destructive to America's youth today than the Godless public school system!

I thank God for the Bill of Rights. I thank God for the wisdom of our founding fathers. I thank God for the the First Amendment which gives us the legal right to freedom of speech, press, religion, and the right to peaceably assemble and protest. I am exercising my God-given freedom, by publishing this desperately needed article about the Godless and heathen public school system. There is no evil today like the Communist, humanistic, sexually immoral public school system. I detest the public school system! It is destructive to the faith of children!

Perhaps you are asking, "What is so wrong with the public school system? In a word, EVERYTHING! Perhaps a better question is: What is right about the public school system? The truth is intolerant my friend. 1 + 1 = 2. Now you can ignorantly claim that 1 + 1 = 3; but you'd be wrong (and probably a product of the public school system). Children are robbed of faith in God in public schools. Instead, children are taught that they evolved from "stardust" which somehow formed into a planet, and then life just happened. Children are taught that humans are animals. If this is true, then bestiality is acceptable, right? This is what the evolutionists teach is it not?

Faith MUST come before knowledge. Character must come before knowledge. To educate a man beyond his character is to produce an educated fool (Romans 1:22, "Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools"). To educate a man who lacks faith in God is to produce an educated heathen. The public school system produces educated fools. Young children who should be taught about God are instead brainwashed with Evolution and worldly philosophies. I call Evolution, Devilution, and for good reason (Hitler was a big fan of Charles Darwin's The Origin of Species). Communism, Nazism, Godlessness and Evolution are all synonymous in ideologies. Welcome to the public school detention-camp.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Satan is a Master Deceiver

Ray Comfort is just "one of thousands" who twist the Bible to make it say what he wants it to say, rather than telling us what it really says — he is a tool of Satan because Satan's time is short. We've not long to go before the Rapture, and Satan is busy deceiving everyone he possibly can. Remember, the best lies are the one's that sound the most like the truth. Ray Comfort is a master deceiver, following the trail of John MacArthur.

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

Let's be clear on the matter, there is NO such thing as "radical Christianity." There is Biblical Christianity and then there's heathendom. The milquetoast, watered-down, crossless, lukewarm, deadbeat, pseudo-Christianity which has saturated America is nothing more than heathendom. The average so-called "Christian" is as heathen as can be.

Likewise, there is NO such thing as radical Islam. If you follow Islam and obey the Qur'an as it is written, then you are commanded to kill all Christians (Surah 4:89). This is Islam! Anything less less is compromise and a denial of one's Islamic faith. The reason why Bible-believing, Christ-honoring Christians are being labeled as "radical" is because most Christians today are in fact heathens, many even accepting homosexuals. There is NO common ground between homosexuality and Biblical Christianity, they are diametrically opposed to each other. Homosexuality is a deplorable sexual sin!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

A dark secret that most people don't know is that offerings are regularly made to Lucifer in the occult. I've heard Heavy Metal Rock bands, like Megadeth, refer to their latest album as “an offering.” Each album is an offering to Satan. Sex is synonymous with the occult, Luciferian worship and Satanism. The MTV video for FEARLESS, presents Taylor Swift as if being offered. Stupid Americans don't even realize what is going on. MTV's videos, thousands of them, portray women wearing seductive clothing, in luring positions, as if being offered in an occult ritual. It is creepy if you understand the occult. If you scoff and don't believe what I'm saying, it is only because you are woefully ignorant of how the occult works, and their demonic agenda and the DEPTHS OF SATAN (Revelation 2:24).

Some think the 911-attacks were actually an offering to Satan, clearly marked by the occult symbol featured at the 911 Memorial. I would tend to agree. People who refuse to study are doomed to be fools the rest of their life.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Ask an atheist if he or she believes in the existence of aliens? If they answer, "no," then ask them how do they know that? Have they gone to all the other galaxies throughout the universe? The truth is that no atheist can reasonably deny the existence of alien life. To do so would be utter ignorance. If an atheist answers, "yes," then they have contradicted their claim that there is no God. Is not God an Alien? By every definition of the word, God is an alien, i.e., He is not of this earth. For an atheist to profess believe is alien life, while simultaneously denying the existence of God, is utter hypocrisy and foolishness.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

[On Luke 8:27 and 35]

What a precious passage of Scripture! This afflicted man was possessed by devils, running around naked and living in the wild. The entire city knew he was insane. Yet the Bible says when he found Jesus, he came into his right mind and put his clothes back on. Amen! Jesus is the cure for insanity and nudity.

Millions of Americans go to psychologists, psychiatrists and religious leaders for help; but the Word of God says the afflicted man at Gadarenes came into his RIGHT MIND when he found Jesus. It is interesting that being in one's “right mind” is associated with being properly clothed. Americans have a problem keeping their clothes on because they AREN'T in their right minds, they are mentally-ill. This is clearly evidenced by the fact that nearly half of the pregnant women in America have murdered a child by abortion.

Only a mentally-ill person would deliberately kill a precious child. So it doesn't surprise me in a rotten society that devours it's own children that they would also have a serious problem keeping their clothes on.

Henry Makow Ph.D. #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

This is NOT how heterosexuals mate. Women are hypergamous, which means they seek men of higher power and status. Nurses marry doctors.

On a date, a man reveals himself and his vision of life. She decides if she's interested in him or not. If she is, she affirms him by her acceptance and encouragement. In marriage, she demonstrates her love by trusting him to take care of her interests.

He also affirms her by seeking her acceptance. Yes, he also wants her to be capable and successful. But his recognition and nurturing come later.

All successful organizations are hierarchical. The heterosexual family is male dominated. If you wanted to destroy it, you promote equality. Our culture is doing this.

Eric Holmberg and Jay Rogers #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

When men, for their own convenience, would send their swords into that place of life and mercy, defiling the sanctity of life within the recham the womb turning it from its purpose, it may be necessary to consider Christ's declaration of the wages earned by those who take up the sword: "Those who live by the sword, shall die by the sword" (Matthew 26:52).

It is no coincidence that Jesus, the Messiah, would be conceived in a womb and born of a woman after a full term pregnancy.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

1. Get married
2. Bear children
3. Guide the house
4. Stay out of trouble

That's it. That's what God wants for young women. 1st Timothy 5:15 tells us that women who fail to obey these divine priorities have turned aside after Satan.

God hasn't changed. God's Word hasn't changed. The world has certainly changed in many ways over the past 2,000 years since 1st Timothy 5:14 was written, but God is still the same (Malachi 3:6). God desires for women to be mothers and care for the home.

It is tragic that being a homemaker has become so despised nowadays, which is frowned down upon by career-minded women. A stay-at-home-mom is often viewed by career women as being a slave—a victim and having no life.

The problem is that American society has spiritually deteriorated to the point where motherhood is no longer considered an honor and privilege.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

The author's of Redeeming Halloween: Celebrating Without Selling Out are foolishly wrong to claim that Halloween used to be "INNOCENT." Halloween was never innocent, any more than the innocent tiger who ripped his owner and trainer, Roy Horn (of Siegfried and Roy) to shreds in 2003. Christians who take their kids trick-or-treating (or let their kids go on their own) ought to feel guilty because Halloween is the Devil's day. No Christian should support such a wicked holiday. Just because nearly everyone does it doesn't justify it. Most people have no problem going down to the beach to watch people walking around 98% naked. This is sinful. Likewise, Halloween is of the Devil and any Christian who celebrates it to ANY extent should feel guilty. The two women who authored Redeeming Halloween: Celebrating Without Selling Out suggest appropriate "costumes" for kids to wear on Halloween. They ought to be ashamed of themselves if they are indeed true believers.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

I'm actually wondering if Steven Spielberg has ever made any movies that don't use God's name in vain—Independence Day, Jurassic Park, Deep Impact, Jaws... all curse in God's name. It's Hollywood's insignia, to blaspheme the God of the Bible and desecrate the Person of Jesus Christ, and no wonder, because Hollywood is predominantly Jewish and they HATE Jesus Christ. When I went for surgery in July of this year, I was staying in Hollywood. I saw the big “Hollywood” sign against the mountains. I also saw Jewish temples all over the place. I love Jewish people, and I am NOT anti-Semite, God forbid; but most Jews reject Jesus as the Messiah. This is why Hollywood produces blasphemous movies like SAVED, starring the ever so shameful Mandy Moore.

Pastor Jack Hyles #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Girls should not be allowed to play alone with boys. The parents should see to it that she plays with other girls. This is important for many reasons. She should play only with toys that are uniquely for girls. This, by all means, should include dolls, doll clothes, housecleaning equipment, dishes, pots and pans, etc. She should participate in sports enough to become coordinated but she should not excel in sports. If later she marries a man who is very athletic, she could become more proficient in some particular sport that he enjoys, but if she becomes an expert in a sport that is usually associated with men and boys, it could prove embarrassing to her future husband, and for that matter, it could entice her to become more masculine than she ought to be.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

I have a Catholic neighbor that is stubborn like a mule. He is a good man as far as sinners go, but he is religious without truth. I have witnessed to him on numerous occasions, but he prides himself in sticking to the teachings that his grandparents and parents taught him. He is idolatrous and smiles with arrogance when he tells me that he follows the Catholic Church over the Bible. He's about 50-years old. One day he will split Hell wide open and find out that God's Word is true and the Catholic Church lied to him. He is going to die in his sins without Christ. He adamantly believes that he is going to Heaven because of his faith AND GOOD WORKS. Adding anything to faith alone in Jesus is a false gospel and a guaranteed road to hellfire (Ephesians 2:8-9). I am saddened that he is going to Hell. He rejoices and drinks beer like water. He is living it up, like he's never going to die. I am praying for his salvation and won't give up on him, but he has given up on himself. He's a key figure in his parish, St. Jude. I love Catholics as people; but I hate the cult of Catholicism!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Certainly, all of evolution's teachings are farfetched, but none any more farfetched than the notion that the neck of a giraffe grew longer and longer over millions of years in order to obtain food from the tops of trees. Ok, here's my question, how did giraffes survive for millions of years before they were able to reach the food? Did they climb trees? The teachings of evolution are so retarded. One would have to struggle to believe such nonsense in view of reality.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Despite the government's claim that people are living longer, the daily news is saturated with people dying at a much earlier age. Pop star, Michael Jackson, died June 25, 2009 in Los Angeles, California at age 50.

Jackson's biggest hit album was THRILLER, which sold over 50,000,000 copies, making it the top selling album in history. Yet, during his 2005 court hearings revolving around his Neverland Ranch in California, it was discovered that Jackson was financially broke. What is money in view of eternity . . .

Infamous for his crotch-grabbing style of dancing and freakish behavior, Jackson is now being tormented in Hell. His earthly life has passed away and he is now in eternity, having died in his sins without Jesus Christ.


Super model, and former Playboy celebrity, Farrah Fawcett, of the once hit television series Charlie's Angels, also died on June 25, 2009 of cancer at age 62. According to a TV show Extra, Farrah Fawcett was a devout Catholic and called for her priest to give her Last Rites before her death. Last Rites is a demonic doctrine taught by the Catholic Church, and is one of their required unbiblical Sacraments, in which they teach that a sinful priest has the power to forgive one's sins before death. I have said it over and over and I will say it until the Lord takes me home to Heaven... NO MAN on this earth can forgive your sins, because they are saturated with sins themselves. Only Jesus Christ, the God-man, can forgive anyone's sins. The only man who never sinned is Jesus Christ (2nd Corinthians 5:21; Hebrews 4:15). Jesus came to this earth as 100% God and 100% man.


I was saddened to learn in September of 2006 that Steve Irwin, the 'Crocodile Hunter' died at age 44. Who was Steve Irwin? According to news reports, he was pierced through the heart by a deadly stingray barb in Australia. I do not know if Steve Irwin was a Christian or not. He certainly seemed like a very happy person all the time. He loved animals and did much to help them. It is certainly ironic that an animal pierced Steve through the heart, when he had given his heart to animals for so long. I liked Mr. Irwin because he chose to live on the Sunnyside of Life. It was always refreshing to see his energy, and personality. Steve has been missed by many.

Yet, I can't help but wonder where he is in eternity at this moment. I get disgusted when I hear the lost world always saying that everyone goes to Heaven ... they don't.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Lucy Pevensie's character and Mr. Tumnus' character (played by James McAvoy), and their subtle interactions, give the impression of a pedophile trying to lure a little girl into his house. The whole scene is creepy and the spirit of pedophilia is definitely at work in this movie. Tumnus (Pan, a faun) represents the Devil, trying to seduce a young girl. The FACT that Tumnus is modeled after Pan, one of the most sexually perverted gods in witchcraft, doesn't bode well for Walt Disney's intentions. If you doubt what I am saying, you won't by the end of this article. In fact, you are going to be sickened. Furthermore, Tumnus' and his flute have magical powers, just like the Devil. Tumnus puts the little girl to sleep with his music. The next scene shows the little girl waking up and Tumnus crying, claiming that he has done something very bad. The subtle implication is that he sexually molested her.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Look at the ignorance of doctors over the past few centuries. Sanitary practices, such as washing hands, were laughed at by doctors, while thousands of patients continued to die. It was unimaginable to doctors back then, that washing one's hands somehow was related to a patient's health in the operating room. Can you believe that? Evolutionists today are just as ignorant of the truth of God's Word, and of common sense itself. It's hard to imagine that millions of people were dying from a simple lack of ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) just a couple hundred years ago. If evolution is true, then it took man billions of years to learn all these kindergarten lessons. And ironically, man has only learned these lessons in the past couple hundred years. You've got to be kidding me! Don't tell me that it took mankind BILLIONS of years to learn to wash his hands to prevent disease! The truth is that mankind has taken baby-steps since 4,000 B.C., and it did take him nearly 6,000 years to learn to wash his hands. This is just another undeniable PROOF that evolution is a lie. If mankind had evolved over millions of years, then men would have discovered these inventions a very long time ago.

The truth is that evolutionists are hardhearted against the truth of God's Word. The Word of God declares that God created the world at approximately 4,000 B.C.—YOU'D BE A FOOL NOT TO BELIEVE IT, BECAUSE THERE'S NO HISTORY PRIOR TO 4,000 B.C. As incredible as this fact is, it is undeniable proof against evolution.

David J Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Republican vice presidential candidate, Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, with her daughter Willow holding her son Trig, campaigns at a rally in Henderson, Nevada. Notice how Palin makes a Satanic sign with both hands! Boy was she desperate to get elected! Sarah Palin is a sell-out, clearly showing her willingness to spiritually fornicate with the Devil, i.e., "wickedness in high places" (Ephesians 6:12).

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Now back to the song—Chicago. In this song you will hear the repeated phrase, “The town Billy Sunday couldn’t shut down.” What a wicked thing to say about the man of God!!! Maybe Billy Sunday couldn’t shut Chicago down but someday GOD WILL!!! What did Frank Sinatra accomplish with his life for God? NOTHING!!! He chased women, drank booze, gambled, danced and sang his life away for the devil—wine, women and song!!! Frank Sinatra spent his entire life glorifying the very sin and evil that Billy Sunday fought so hard to clean up. You could say, “Frank Sinatra put a great big knife in Billy Sunday’s back.” Let me tell you, Frank Sinatra wasn’t worthy to shine Billy Sundays shoes!!! Billy Sunday did so much for God. I wouldn’t want to be in Frank Sinatra’s shoes for all the money in the world when he stands before God. What a sad testimony!!! Sinatra had such a wonderful talent and could have used his voice to the glory of God—instead he used his voice to serve Satan and promote alcohol, gambling and dancing.

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

Mardi Gras is one of the most despicable and sinful celebrations in the world! Although originally began as a religious holiday (holy-day), it's one of the most pagan celebrations existing today. Droves of lesbians, whoremongers, and Sodomites creep into New Orleans every February to participate in this apostate godless event. Woe unto New Orleans! Woe unto Las Vegas! Woe unto America! God's longsuffering will not hold out forever. Judgment day is coming!

Mardi Gras glamorizes the homosexual lifestyle. There are several homosexual websites dedicated just to the Mardi Gras celebration each year in New Orleans. Mardi Gras is one of the most popular homosexual celebrations of the year in America. Ironically, it's also a religious holiday. By the way, Mardi Gras celebrations are held worldwide, not just in New Orleans--all centered around the sins of nudity, lust, lasciviousness, fornication, adultery, gambling, prostitution, drunkenness, homosexuality, witchcraft, idolatry, etc. Mardi Gras is all about homosexuality and nakedness. If you go to a Mardi Gras festival, you WILL see complete nudity and homosexuality. You will encounter drunkards everywhere, and random fights breaking out. Some people even die. Jesus said He came to heal the sick (Matthew 9:12), and Mardi Gras festivals are some of the sickest places on earth.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

America is filled with living dead people. The average woman nowadays has no hesitation about dressing half-naked. They scoff at virtue and decency as a big joke. They detest modest clothing and spit in the face of God. They reject the Word of God (1st Timothy 2:9) and disregard anything that is holy. They are Christ-rejecters bound for the Lake of Fire in their sins. Hell will be hot! Judgment will be swift and final... the Lake of Fire will endure FOREVER.

Even after you've been burning in the Lake of Fire for a trillion years, it won't even be the beginning... you will BURN IN HELL FOREVER!!! Are you a crazy fool to take a chance like that? Obviously, the world is insane. Listen friend, the Bible has yet to be disproved. On the contrary, if you'll do even a little research... you'll discover that there's an overwhelming amount of concrete evidence (such as the Dead Sea Scrolls) in support of the Bible. Go ahead skeptics, I triple-dog-dare-you to try to disprove the Bible. You won't do it and it's never been done! All the claims of skeptics over the centuries have been shattered to pieces by modern science and archaeology.

You will go to Hell to pay for your own sins if you don't get saved...

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

For the sake of decency, I won't show any of Carrie Underwood's immodest photos here; BUT, there are plenty. It is appalling for any professed "Christian" woman to dress immodestly like the world, wearing low-cut blouses, miniskirts, and other seductive clothing. In one photo, Underwood is wearing a split frontal blouse where both of her breasts are partially exposed. This is sinful. Furthermore, some of the photo POSITIONS which Underwood has posed for are disgusting. In one shot, she purposely puts forth her right arm while sitting to allow for a visible shot of her right breast hanging down. Although she is clothed in the photo, it is clear what she is doing. It's all part of the evil marketing methods used in the music industry...sex sells. In other photos, Underwood is wearing worn-out and torn faded jeans. Is this the dress of 1st Timothy 2:9, "In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety..." Carrie Underwood is attracting MILLIONS of young Christian girls to herself, and teaching them by her example that it's ok to dress immodestly, disobeying the Lord's command to PUT SOME CLOTHES ON. Only a total heathen fool would contend that partially exposing a woman's breasts is acceptable. It is sinful for any woman to dress immodestly, especially for a professed "Christian."

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Tattoos historically been associated with criminals, street gangs, the military, whores, and barbarian island cultures. At a minimum, getting a tattoo shows one's worldliness.

It is no coincidence that tattoos are becoming extremely popular around the world today. The Bible foretells that the Antichrist will require the inhabitants of the earth to receive a MARK in order to buy or sell anything (Revelation 13:17). Hence, the world's masses are being prepared now to receive the Mark of the Beast when the Antichrist comes.

No Christian who loves the Lord Jesus Christ should ever get a tattoo. It is a symbol of allegiance to Satan. If you have a tattoo, you ought to have it removed by laser. Tattoos are of the Devil. They are evidences of worldliness.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Today, the average woman laughs at the Biblical teaching that a woman ought to dress "in modest apparel" (1st Timothy 2:9), sending a proper message of virtue and chastity by her ladylike clothing. In sharp contrast, the average woman today sees nothing even remotely wrong with wearing tight pants or a miniskirt to deliberately arouse men. It's a game to a lot of women, and they think it's sexually healthy for men. The truth is that women who wear inappropriate attire are causing men to commit adultery in their hearts (Matthew 5:28). Jesus said in Matthew 15:19... "For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies." It all begins in the heart. Child molesting begins in the heart. Rape and adultery begin in the heart. Is it any wonder why Jeremiah 17:9 states: "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?" When a woman wears seductive clothing, teasing a man, you don't know what is going on in his heart. You may become the victim of a rape, or cause a little child to be raped, or worse.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

The question of whether it is right or wrong for a Christian to own a TV is controversial. Personally, I think it depends upon the individual. For example: some women have a tendency to become lazy and sit around watching soap operas instead of getting their housework done. In such a case, I think, a Christian woman ought to not have a TV, unless she can discipline herself concerning what and when she watches TV. If a man is experiencing unholy sexual temptations because of the things he is seeing on TV, then I think he ought not to have a TV. The same is true of the internet.

Scott Jonas #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

I have read many great articles by Christian men and women regarding the participation of women in the workforce, politics, and in the military. These are activities that most women didn’t participate in until fifty years ago. However, I feel there is one other major activity these writers have not addressed. For some reason, they've overlooked women’s participation in sports.

For quite a long time, women resisted the feminist call to play sports, since they just weren’t interested like men were. But this didn't sit well with the feminists; they felt this was the fault of male oppression. In the name of “equality,” feminist leaders poked and prodded and pushed women to join the games, until women in droves finally succumbed to the pressure. I think this should give us strong reason to pause and consider the question, “Should women participate in sports?”


For those of us who believe we should train our daughters according to Titus 2, 1 Peter 3, and other Biblical passages, my answer is “Yes, it is not good.” I propose that sports greatly hinders the development of godly, Biblical, feminine character. Parents today expend extraordinary amounts of time and energy taking their daughters from one sports event to another, week after week, even to the point where it exhausts the family and family resources. The fruits we see are that today’s Christian women are often ill-prepared to be Biblically obedient wives and mothers. This brings to mind a couple of questions: “Why do we spend so much time preparing our daughters to play sports?" and "What does it prepare them for in the future?” My answer is that sports prepare women to be more like men. Instead of spending all that time preparing our daughters as the Bible directs, we are training them to be like men so they can better compete with men in traditionally masculine roles - i.e., compete with them in the workforce, in politics, in the military, and in sports.

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