
David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

"Is it ok to divorce an abusive spouse? No! ... Such a wife needs to sincerely ask herself "why" her husband is being abusive--there's ALWAYS a reason. Some husbands are abusive; but 90% of all divorces are needlessly caused by a sinfully proud wife who causes grief for her husband, and he gets mad. "

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

I hate damnable heresies, but I love people. I hate the Jehovah Witnesses' religion with all my heart, but I love lost sinners who are in need of Christ. I hate gambling! I hate abortion! I hate cigarette smoking that put my mother in a wheelchair at age 53 for the rest of her life! I hate the lies of government! I hate the evil Federal Reserve system! I hate the injustice of Enron! I hate the injustice of the Supreme Court! I hate Hollywood! I hate homosexuality! I hate child abuse! I hate divorce! I hate the demonic public school system! I hate the Social Security scam! I hate the stealing of tax-payer's money by the government! I hate the killing of innocent people in Iraq! I hate the New World Order! I hate Skull and Bones, Bohemian Grove and every other Satanic organization on the planet! I hate Wicca and Freemasonry! I hate witchcraft! I hate Harry Potter! I hate horoscopes, astrology, tarot cards, Ouija boards, séances, psychics, palm reading, crystal balls, necromancy, worshipping the dead and the Virgin Mary of the Catholic false Religion. I hate Islam! I hate Buddhism! I hate Scientology! I hate Mormonism! I hate Atheism! I hate rock and roll! I hate soap operas! I hate the devils' music! I hate pornography! I hate sex tourism! I hate the United nations! I hate population control, sterilization and forced abortions. I hate the rigged, corrupt and godless pharmaceutical industry! I hate recited prayers that aren't from the heart! I hate indifference! I hate apathy! I hate the heresy of baptismal regeneration! I hate communism! I hate feminism! I hate sex-changes! I hate false Bibles! I hate the New International Version of the Bible! I hate to watch millions of people starve to death while Americans spend $280,000,000,000 to destroy a sovereign nation in an illegal war against Iraq! I hate the hypocrisy of America! I hate the selfishness of American corporations and the betrayal of our elected officials by allowing America's manufacturing jobs to flee by the tens-of-millions to third-world countries to exploit the poor! Yes, I hate all these things and a whole lot more. By the way, God hates all these things too. I know so because God hates evil and all of the above things I mentioned are EVIL!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

The entire message taught by A Christmas Carol is that kind, caring and generous people will have a peaceful existence in eternity; but greedy, uncaring and selfish people will bear heavy burdens of chains and sorrow forever. That is all a big lie of the Devil. The Bible warns in 2nd Thessalonians 1:8,9... "In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power." According to God's Word, people who die in their sins, having refused to obey the Gospel of Jesus Christ, will suffer the vengeance of a holy God in the fires of Hell forever. Charles Dickens failed to mention that.

You can be as sweet, caring, generous, and wonderful as possible and still go straight to burn in Hell in your arrogant self-righteousness. You'd better fall on your knees before God in repentance, admitting that you're a GUILTY sinner for violating God's holy Law. You'd better trust upon the Lord Jesus Christ, Who paid for your sins with His literal precious blood, to forgive your sins and save your vile soul. Salvation is the gift of God, based solely upon God's unconditional love, mercy and grace. Ebenezer Scrooge, if he was a real person, is burning in the fires of Hell this moment. You don't get your sins forgiven by honoring the spirits of Christmas, or by becoming a caring and generous person. That's a guaranteed road to Hell

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

All across America at Christmas time, booze flows and the whores take off their clothes. Every company I have ever worked for has invited me to their godless Christmas party. To date, I have never gone to one of them (and never will). All I hear afterwards is reports of nudity, booze, worldly entertainment, and immorality. No thanks Satan, I'll stay home with Jesus!

Jack Hyles #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

[From a sermon where Hoyle is lecturing women about their property status and speaking of his parenting style for his own girls.]

That's why I wanted them to spoil their dad. I never much care if they win any beauty contests. Your main job in training a girl is not to help her be happy when she grows up. Your main job is to train her to know how to make a man happy when she grows up. Then, and only then, will she be completely happy and fulfilled.

You say, "Brother Hyles, how can I do it?"

The best way is by example. Young ladies, have you a child in the nursery now or one in the Beginner or Primary Department? The best way to train those little girls to be a help meet one day is for you to be that right now.

[Sorry if this is a repost.]

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

The greedy retailers love A Christmas Carol, which is why they make sure it is aired hundreds of times on TV throughout December every year. A Christmas Carol ought to be called "The Retailers Gospel," because every Holiday Season America's retailers get filthy rich at Christmas time. The entire moral of the movie, A Christmas Carol, is to stop being greedy, spend that money, and splurge on everyone you know. When will the American people figure out that the greedy retailers are exploiting them? The Bible doesn't instruct believers to honor Christ's birth. Christmas is just another day.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Today marks the 75th year since PROHIBITION ended. Don't believe the lying propaganda that prohibition was a bad idea... ALCOHOL PROHIBITION was good! Prohibition was the right thing to do! Prohibition failed because of the sinfulness of the American people and because many authorities refused to enforce the law. Then, just as today, people break the law because they know the penalties are minor. God says give the death penalty to every drunk driver who kills someone (Exodus 21:24).

Did Evangelist Billy Sunday waste the best years of his life fighting the booze industry? No, God instructs all Christians to "RISE UP FOR ME AGAINST THE EVILDOERS" (Psalm 94:16). Billy Sunday did what every Christian today should be doing... speaking out against the evils of booze! (Ephesians 5:11). Was the Anti-Saloon League wrong in their efforts to outlaw booze? No, they were fighting against a menace to society, which alcohol still is today.

It is not surprising that many Americans today are singing praises over the failure of PROHIBITION, when you consider that 71% of Americans in 2006 confessed to drinking alcohol...

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com


Tragically, most of the people in society today don't consider pants on women as obscene, so it wouldn't hold up in court; but they sure did 100 years ago. Women were actually arrested for smoking in public 100 years ago. Stores pulled down their shades on Sunday to prevent passers-by from window shopping instead of going to church. Alcohol was illegal in the good old days. The gangsters only thrived because of government corruption, not because of prohibition. It's the same corruption today--do you really think our government can't keep out illegal immigrants?--do you really think our government is innocently missing trillions of dollars?--do you really think our government can't keep illegal drugs out of the country? We have been lied to by our government leaders for far too long, because most Americans are dumb enough to believe what they hear.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

X-mas Has Become a Favorite Holiday of the Wicked Unsaved

Tragically, nearly all of the people celebrating Christmas aren't even saved. Most of the people observing the Christmas season don't even know the Lord as their personal Saviour. It is wicked! Even the atheists celebrate Christmas by renaming it "X-MAS." How wicked!!! "Independence Day" is much longer than "Christmas," yet no one ever calls it "X-Day." "Thanksgiving" is much longer than "Christmas," yet we never call it "X-giving." Why is it that out of all the holidays in America, the ONLY place where people feel compelled to place an "X" is over our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. It is blatant evil. If you are reading this article and love the Lord Jesus, make sure to speak aloud to any business that displays the godless term "x-mas." No sir, it is Christmas.

When a wicked world has no problem celebrating a professed "Christian" holiday, something is VERY WRONG! If it weren't for Santa Claus, reindeers, mistletoe, sparkling ornaments, tinsel, and a bunch of meaningless silly songs...the heathen world would abandon Christmas like a hot-potato. So do you think that God Almighty is pleased with a holiday that practically EXCLUDES Jesus Christ? No way! God hates Christmas.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

America has become a cesspool of iniquity, a giant Sodom and Gomorrah, with feminism recklessly leading the way. America's feminist women need to get back to reality, and start realizing that God created men and women very different from each other. This is not about equal rights, it's about common sense and accepting the truth.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

It is evil for any woman to deliberately cause lasciviousness by her immodest attire. Some women are very cruel. This evil is VERY common today. In fact, many people think it's perfectly normal and acceptable for women to dress whorish to arouse men, with no consideration for the sexual sins caused by their evil influence. Of course, men who are sin-loving pigs want women to wear pants and miniskirts. It is sinful for women to wear pants or miniskirts. Please don't misunderstand me, I'm not saying that it's wrong for a woman to look her best physically; HOWEVER, the Word of God clearly teaches that a godly woman should desire to attract men to her character, NOT her body... "Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel; But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price. For after this manner in the old time the holy women also, who trusted in God, adorned themselves" (1st Peter 3:3-5). Seldom do we see virtuous women anymore--who look, talk, walk, and behave like feminine ladies. In most cases, women are now wearing pants and all sorts of immodest clothing on purpose (1st peter 3:3-5).

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Did you know that the body parts of aborted babies are being sold on a legal market? A spine runs about $800. You can buy a brain...you name it. Not only are the body parts being sold, but the aborted fetuses are also being frozen and sold to beauty salons around the world. The aborted fetus material is injected into women's bodies to rejuvenate a more youthful look. In particular, Russian woman are deliberately having babies with the intent of murdering the child to make money. The woman makes $100-200 dollars per child (more money for mature fetuses), the middle man makes a few thousand and the beauty salon charges around $10,000 for the treatment. Now the government is even using aborted fetus materials in their vaccines for children, injecting foreign DNA into your children! It is an abomination unto God Almighty.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Most people think that the rainbow is only a token from God that He would never destroy the earth again with water. Even though this is very true, the rainbow means more. The rainbow is a reminder to all humanity that GOD KEEPS HIS PROMISES! We read in Titus 1:2 that God cannot lie. Any time you see a rainbow, you remember that God keeps His Word. This is the beauty of the Word of God...It is filled with thousands of promises from God.

It is sickening that the Sodomites would dare desecrate such a holy object as the rainbow with their wickedness. God will hold each and every one of them accountable. The rainbow is God's gift to humanity...NOT the sodomites. They have no claims to the rainbow (or the once decent word "gay"). There is nothing "gay" about the sodomites. So the next time you see a rainbow in the sky, think about the fact that God never lies! God has promised that the unrighteous will burn in hell (Psalm 9:17). Sodomites can desecrate the rainbow, but they can never change it's TRUE meaning!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Folks, God created the woman's body to reproduce. Every Christian mother should want to have as many children as possible. Sterilization should only be performed in extremely serious situations where the mother's life may be threatened if she has another child. Howbeit, you have to be real careful with this type of reasoning because Planned Parenthood (and the medical profession as a whole) are often telling woman that their bodies CAN'T HANDLE ANOTHER BABY. It's just an excuse of the murderous abortion industry.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

I've never heard so much disgraceful music as I've heard on the radio this year at Christmas time. It's sickening. Many Christmas songs have a rock music beat, others are sang by known homosexuals, some songs are sang so fast that it's utterly annoying. There's songs about wanting front teeth back for Christmas, going on a sleigh ride...anything to remove Jesus Christ from the minds of people. It's so sad. It's like a broken tooth and a foot out of joint to hear the despicable Dolly Parton singing Christmas carols. In 1982 Dolly starred in a vile movie, The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas. The movie is still highly sought by perverts today. Do you know what the movie is all about? It is about a town Sheriff and regular patrons of the whorehouse, fighting to keep the whorehouse open when a TV preacher targets it as the Devils playhouse. And you listen to her hypocritical Christmas music. Dolly just re-recorded an old Led Zeppelin song, Stairway to Heaven. Then there's Johnny Cash's Christmas album. Did you know he re-recorded two songs by Glenn Danzig, a known Satanist? Glenn Danzig, spewing his hatred for the Lord Jesus Christ, proudly designed a logo for the band — a demon strangling Jesus Christ with blood gushing from Jesus' eyes! I'm not trying to be unkind; I'm just being honest when I tell you that Satan is getting into everything nowadays. No Christ-honoring Christian should listen to the music of Dolly Parton, Johnny Cash, or any other entertainer who promotes Satan.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Santa is evil! Santa claus is wicked. Santa is of the Devil. Did you ever stop to realize that Santa Claus is a clone of the Lord Jesus, intended to replace Jesus in the minds of little children. Just as Jesus knows all, so does Santa. Santa knows if you've been bad or God, something that ONLY God could know (Proverb 15:3). Santa brings unlimited amounts of goodness and gifts to the world, but the Bible says that all good things come only from God (James 1:17). Santa is always pictured as a jolly and righteous fellow, but ONLY Jesus is without sin (2nd Corinthians 5:17). Santa has superpowers: able to make reindeers fly, speak all languages, travel the entire world in one night, able to deliver billions of pounds of presents; but the Bible teaches that ONLY the Lord Jesus Christ can do all things (Jeremiah 32:27). Santa also comes down a chimney, representing Christ who will return from above. Clearly, everything about Santa Claus is a demonic replica of our precious Saviour. Santa Claus is a great imposter, a phony, a fake!!! This is why I call Santa, Satan Claus. Little children are extremely impressionable and DO believe that Santa exists. The consequences of such wickedness is to effectively block Jesus Christ out of a child's mind. Little children spends thousands of hours during each year thinking about Satan Claus, while ignoring the Lord God Who created them. John 1:10, "He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not."

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Walt Disney's programs are saturated with sexual suggestiveness. Young beautiful girls are filmed wearing sparkling lip-gloss, tight jeans, swaying their hips side-to-side, making seductive gestures with their facing expressions, and wearing scantily clad clothing which looks like bedroom attire. Walt Disney is of the Devil. Disney's little whores all possess imprudent looking faces, expressing their rebellion against God's Word, which is the hallmark of feminism.

In the previously mentioned episode of The Suite Life Of Zack And Cody, a girl is featured crawling like a dog under a table and across the floor, with her hair prepared by a professional beautician, looking as if dressed up on her wedding night to have sex for the first time. This is the sick reality of Walt Disney... the most beautiful young girls, made to look drop-dead gorgeous by professional beauticians, crawling on the floor and gyrating their hips, jumping up an down in negligee-style clothing to demonic Rock 'N' Roll music, for the world to lust upon.

David J. Stewart #racist jesus-is-savior.com

[Referring to the movie “Evan Almighty” which features a black actor as God]

Where is the humor to be found in this? I suppose the producers of this film are banking on the return of Morgan Freeman, as a nasty talking, ghetto-acting, colored Lord and Savior, will appeal to enough people to fill the theaters.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

The Hebrew meaning of the phrase "help meet" in the Word of God is simply "one who helps." The Bible teaches that it is the wife's duty to HELP her husband. You may not agree with that, but it is God's plan. Many women have simply sold-out to the ungodly influences of the feminist movement and refuse to accept any such teaching. I overhead a woman once say, "I'm never going to get married, I'm not going to wait on any man hand and foot." Is it any coincidence that she is a career woman in her mid 30's with no husband or children? I think not! She is miserable by the way. Evil influences of such women as Gloria Brown, editor of Cosmopolitan Magazine have ruined women for over three decades. Brown pompously prides herself in having been a prostitute in the 1960's. No woman (especially Christian women) should support such a magazine in any way. It is of the devil. There is no greater role for a woman in this world than being at her husband's side. When Tammy Wynette first sang her most memorable song, "Stand by Your Man," the feminists went nuts! She was accused of trying to protect abuse husbands and tyrants. That was probably one of the best country songs ever produced. Every wife needs to resolve to stand by her man! If you love him you will.

Many foolish women have DESTROYED their husbands! Divorce has sky-rocketed! Jennifer Lopez is a classic example of a rebellious wife (she's already had multiple husbands because she refuses to obey, she is also living in adultery according to the Word of God). Lopez' own grandmother has expressed disgust and shame over her granddaughters lewd and lascivious behavior. The Bible condemns Jennifer Lopez, I do not.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Madonna is of the Devil. In fact, she even praises the Devil in her song, BEAUTIFUL STRANGER.

Madonna is a sicko! She not only blasphemes Jesus Christ in her filthy book, SEX, but also portrays herself as receiving oral sex from a dog... It is tragic that tens-of-millions of teenage girls around the world have been corrupted by the evil influences of Madonna. Only God know how much fornication, adultery, bestiality, public nudity, homosexuality, divorce, abortion, and other sins have been caused by Madonna's whorish influence on women. My question is: Why would any parent allow their child to listen to the music of a devil-worshipping lesbian who promotes bestiality? Hell will be hot enough!

By David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Hannah Montana is of the Devil

Walt Disney's Hannah Montana (Miley Cyrus) is everything that God doesn't want a young Christian girl to be. Miley dances around on stage, strutting back-and-forth in skin tight blue jeans, arousing the lusts of any normal males watching her. A young woman in tight jeans gyrating her hips on stage causes lasciviousness (strong sexual lust). It is a sin for women to wear tight pants, as this causes men to lust. Jesus condemned lust in Matthew 5:28 as adultery. 1st Timothy 2:9 commands Christian women to wear "modest apparel." Miley Cyrus is a little whore, deliberately causing men to lust upon her body by the tight pants, miniskirts, and other provocative clothing (that should only be worn by a wife in the presence of her husband in the bedroom).

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

America has forgotten the God of the Bible. In the 1960's we forgot God by removing prayer and the Bible from our schools. In the 1970's we forgot God by legalizing abortion in our hospitals. In the 1980's we forgot God by removing the Bible from our churches and replacing It with the corrupted New International Version (NIV) that removes the name above every other name, Jesus, in 38 places!!! In the 1990's America forgot God by introducing the vile "Gay Agenda" into society. And now in the new millennium we are facing the reality of legalized same-sex marriages and America just voted for a Communist U.S. president. Woe unto America!

To add insult to injury, on November 12, 2008 it was announced in the news that a humanist group is paying to have advertisements placed on public buses in the Washington D.C. area that read... "Why believe in a god? Just be good for goodness' sake" (actual bus ad is pictured in photo to right). The signs will run from the middle of November throughout December... That is so evil and sad. We read in Daniel 5:23, “...the God in whose hand thy breath is, and whose are all thy ways, hast thou not glorified.” It is a sad day in America, and clear evidence of the apostasy, when its citizens tolerate such messages in public, being taunted in our faces to provoke us. It is a shame!
This ad is incredibly insulting! Do you think you could get away with saying something like, “Why believe in Evolution?” Absolutely not! So why is it ok to attack Christian beliefs at one of the most important holidays for us? I think it is a despicable show of character on the part of the advertisers and the public transportation company which allowed this filth. It is also a horrible reflection on the mayor and leaders of Washington D.C.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Deceitfully, Faith Hill professes to be a "Christian"; but her life denies her claim. Miss Hill often dresses and flaunts herself like a whore, thus causing lasciviousness in the heart's of men--this is heathendom! Faith Hill is appropriately featured in SELF magazine, for she is very selfish to hurt families the way she is doing. Anytime a woman strips down and causes men to lust after her, other women and children PAY for it! It is NO coincidence that child-sexual-assaults have skyrocketed in direct proportion to the moral meltdown in America and Europe! When women in society take their clothes off in public, every sexual sin imaginable results. Sexual lust is a POWERFUL desire, which is why God is so STRICT concerning women's attire in the Word of God. 1st Timothy 2:9 states in no uncertain terms, "In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel..." We read in Deuteronomy 22:5, "The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God." Any child knows that men wear pants, and women wear dresses--just look at ANY bathroom sign. The women's sign ALWAYS shows a woman in a dress! Faith Hill puts herSELF above God by dressing immodestly. Pants on a woman identifies her with a rock-n-roll culture of sexual sins, substance abuse, and rebellion against God.

David J. Stewart #wingnut jesus-is-savior.com

Woe unto the United States! I've been preaching for a long time that America's love for sin would eventually lead to our destruction as a nation. When a known Communist is elected to lead the United States, we are not far from joining China's oppressive regime. The average citizen has no idea just how Communist America already has become. Read Karl Marx's 10 Planks of his Communist Manifesto. Martin Luther King Jr. was a known Communist, involved in at least 60 Communist front organizations. Yet, every January Americans foolishly honor Martin Luther King Jr. as a great American. It is tragic.

Someone asked me after the election how I felt as a Caucasian about having a black President? I replied that Obama is also half White and that my main concern wasn't the color of his skin; but rather, his allegiance to Marxism and his Communist affiliations.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

American women today are sex pigs—They spread their legs on stage with seducing imprudent looks on their faces, gyrating like complete idiots, jumping around in sensual positions, sticking their tongues out of their mouth like dogs, exposing their bodies and causing men to greatly lust upon them. Sadly, this is a commonly accepted practice nowadays in cheerleading, theatre shows, plays, skating, and by Country and Rock performers. It's a disgrace upon America. We are a nation of pornographic filth, lewd women, and sexual perversion. No wonder sexual sins are at epidemic levels in America. Those little whores are driving men crazy!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

I would 10,000 times rather teach my children what Fred Phelps is teaching kids today, than to teach them what sickos like Oprah Winfrey are teaching them... Oprah says... If your little daughter wants to be a boy... let her! Oprah Winfrey is of the Devil. She actually encourages parents to support their children's desire for sex-change surgery when they get older. This is just sickening! Please read, How to Prevent Homosexuality in Children, by Pastor Jack Hyles. I wrote this article to encourage parents to TEACH their children about the Bible, sin, and how to survive in the crazy world we live in today. Children desperately need to be taught that homosexuality is a sin, because God in His Holy Word says so (Leviticus 20:13; Romans 1:24-32; 1st Corinthians 6:9; Jude 1:7). There is NO controversy if you believe the Bible.

Proverb 22:6 instructs parents to, "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." This is not to say that a child won't ever go into sin and break our heart as parents. What it DOES mean is that the foundation has been laid. The building may burn to the ground one day (hopefully not), but as long as there is a firm foundation, the house can be rebuilt.

It's Good to Hate, If You Hate Sin

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

How do evolutionists know that the 'Missing Link' is missing if they've never found it to begin with?

There is absolutely NO evidence of a half man/half ape creature that once existed. Mad scientists today are playing God, by tampering with life, generating chimeras in labs. This is evil according to the Bible...

God never intended for human DNA to be mingled with rabbits, cows, and mice to generate freak chimeras. Will scientists generate a half man/half ape mutant creature and claim it is proof of the Neanderthal man's existence?

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Las Vegas is not the only “sin city” in the United States. Salem worships the Devil. It is shameful that any city in America would honor witchcraft. Shame on Salem's citizens who tolerate such evil. Witchcraft is a vile sin, which brings the judgment of God (Galatians 5:19-21). Every born-again Christian living in Salem, Massachusetts ought to continually expose this horrible wickedness. Witchcraft is far from being a mere novelty. In fact, Salem has it's own infamous “official witch,” Laurie Cabot...

We ought to obey the Laws set forth in the Word of God. Exodus 22:18 plainly states, “Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.” The Bible mandates the death penalty upon all genuine witches, just as the Bible pronounces death for all abortionists, adulterers, murders and homosexuals. Get mad at God if you don't like it, because He said it. Salem, Massachusetts is in serious trouble with God for legalizing, encouraging, sponsoring and honoring witchcraft.

Witchcraft should be punishable by law. No one has the freedom to undermine the very basis upon which freedom is established—FAITH IN THE GOD OF THE BIBLE.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

The United States will have it's first Communist president in January of 2009. I was saddened on November 5th, 2008 to see Obama's supporters proudly waving Communist flags after the election. Can you imagine? What happened to this once great society in which we live? The saddest part is that most of the American people want Communism, because they've only seen it's friendly side thus far. The dark side of Communism will soon come upon us in America. Even now our economy is faltering, being bolstered up by deficit spending and a mass flood of illegal immigrants willing to work for peanuts. Communism sounds great in theory; but in reality it always leads to an oppressive form of tyrant government and a failed economy. Communism is synonymous with atheism, anarchy and a brutal police state regime.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

God will execute justice! God will also judge the righteous (2nd Corinthians 5:10; Romans 12:19; 14:12; 1st Thessalonians 4:6). No one is going to get away with anything. “Their foot shall slide in due time.” — God will execute justice! God will also judge the righteous (2nd Corinthians 5:10; Romans 12:19; 14:12; 1st Thessalonians 4:6). No one is going to get away with anything. “Their foot shall slide in due time.” — The arrogance and confidence of the wicked shall cease... — The immorality will stop. The lascivious filth of Country Music Television will end. There's not a bigger bunch of hypocrites than Country music artists. “Their foot shall slide in due time.”

Madonna, Elton John, Miley Cyrus, Toby Keith, Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise, Julia Roberts, Conan O’Brien, Jay Leno, Oprah Winfrey, Faith Hill, Gene Simmons, Ellen DeGeneres, Rosie O’Donnell, George W. Bush, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Marsha Stevens, Hugh Hefner, the Olsen twins, Steven Spielberg, Stephen King, Michael Philip "Mick" Jagger, Carrie Underwood, Beyonce Knowles, Robert Schuller, the Pope, Barack Hussein Obama, and thousands more wicked influential people and power figures— “Their foot shall slide in due time.”

The rebellion of the American feminist will end. Judgment will be swift and severe. God will judge every wife who divorces her husband. Divorce is a horrible sin which God hates

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Every believer ought to think about Heaven when they get discouraged, because this world is not our home. God is not far from every one of us. As a believer, I don’t think I could feel at home anywhere in this sin-cursed world. Life is short and will soon be over. Amen!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Cheerleading can be done properly; but, a woman's legs should never leave the ground, let alone wearing miniskirts. All miniskirts are sinful, and should NEVER be worn by any Christian woman. It hypocritical and clear evidence that Catholicism is of the Devil, that their school girls are dressed in miniskirts

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

If indeed the earth’s glaciers are melting, attempting to stop them from melting by covering them with reflective material wouldn’t work. According to Global Warming proponents the earth’s temperature is increasing. So what good would it do to cover the glaciers? The sun’s rays are not the problem. This just shows the fallacy of Global Warming. One minute they claim that the earth’s temperature is rising, and then they set out to protect Greenland’s glaciers from the sun’s rays. Well, which is it, the sun’s rays or the higher temperatures on earth? If, as Global Warming proponents claim, the earth’s temperatures are rising, then protecting glaciers from the sun’s rays is a complete waste of time and money.


It is far more reasonable to believe the Bible; than it is to believe the hocus-pocus nonsense of a bunch of whacko scientists. Just as Evolution, Global Warming is a scam—a cleverly devised invention of greedy and dishonest people.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Children's Services are known to be abusing power in most every state. Do we, the public really want them poking their noses or other extremities into our living room, our bedroom? Things like breast-feeding or allowing your child to climb into bed with you when they are scared are now classified as child abuse in some states. You could have your door broken down, your house infiltrated by armed men in black riot gear screaming at you "where are your children"? When they've got you on the floor in cuffs and their foot on your neck, they send in the others to drag your kids out kicking and screaming, and if you are lucky they just leave you there crying and bleeding on your carpet. But usually they arrest the parent(s) on some trumped up charge or allegation, and \$50,000 later they still don't have their children back.

If this sounds like a nightmare, you are right, it is. We've personally faced men armed with submachine guns at dawn on private property. They were looking for our newborn whom God gave us the sense to hide beforehand in a place far away from us. You see, Children's Services' mandate is to help bring families safely back together, but they put them in harm's way from the very beginning. Why do they need guns? Because they are thieves! Why do they wear black? Because they are hiding in cowardice!

These people have sold their freedom, even their very soul for a government paycheck and the power trip they get from abusing the poor, the widow, the needy, the hungry, the oppressed and the rejected. I tell you the truth, when they stand before God to be judged, it would have been better for them had they never been born at all.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

A teenager heard his high school teacher say that people are actually animals. The teen thought about the statement for a minute and then embarrassed his teacher by asking her in front of the class... "If people are animals, then is it acceptable for humans and animals to have sex together?" Unless you believe in bestiality, then you must concede that people are not animals and that evolution is a bunch of nonsense.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

God does NOT require anything from us to be saved, just that we believe upon Jesus Christ, who justifies the ungodly with His shed blood (1st Peter 1:18,19). Therefore ... Catholicism is a LIE! Islam is a LIE! The Jehovah's Witness religion is a LIE! Mormonism (The Church of the Latter-Day Saints of Jesus Christ) is a LIE! Scientology is a LIE! Freemasonry is a LIE! Christian Science is a LIE! The Seventh-Day Adventist religion is a LIE! Hinduism is a LIE! The New Age religion is a LIE! Wicca is a LIE! Buddhism is a LIE! Zoroastrianism is a LIE! Lutheranism is a LIE! Why are the churches silent? Billions of lost sinners are members of these damnable false religions and must be warned! Without exception, every one of the religions just mentioned ADD works to faith alone in Christ Jesus, thus perverting the Gospel

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

If men came from apes, then why are there still apes? Hmmm. It doesn't take a PhD (post-hole digger) to figure that one out. Do you realize just how stupid the theories of evolution are? I mean, evolutionists literally claim that the universe started with a BIG BANG (order out of chaos). The Bible teaches the exact opposite, that an Intelligent Designer created the universe. Evolutionists claim that all life on earth began with a rock floating in space, and then it rained for millions of years (forming a soup across the face of the earth), which eventually somehow sprung forth into life. And they laugh at Christians who teach creationism? Evolutionists still cannot explain where time started? Could there have been a time when there was no time? If so, then what existed before time? Perplexing thought, huh? God is the only plausible answer. By the way, here's a good way to silence an atheist. Ask him if he believes in aliens? Many atheists will say "yes." Then ask him why couldn't God be an alien?

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

If, as evolutionists claim, all of mankind evolved from the SAME primitive life-source, then how did we end up with 7,000 different languages? It is far more reasonable to accept the Biblical claim that God created all of mankind's different languages (Genesis 11:7,9); than it is to believe that some space-dust from a massive chaotic explosion somehow became life, and then took on intelligence, and then from the same evolutionary process ended up with 7,000 different languages.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

The Apostle Paul said that the Word of God, i.e., the Law of God, made his sins become exceedingly sinful... "that sin by the commandment might become exceeding sinful" (Romans 7:13). The hellivision (television) does the exact opposite—it DESENSITIZES people to the awfulness of sin! We have become insensitive as a nation—calloused concerning the evils of abortion, the perversion of homosexuality, the smut of pornography, the deadliness of booze, the disease of fornication, the woes of gambling, the treason of our leaders in Washington, the shamefulness of immodestly clothed women, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

Consequently, American society has become extremely tolerant of sin, which is why the evils of abortion are never mentioned on TV. We see Sarah McLaughlin begging for money on TV (to the tune of "In The Arms Of The Angel") for needy cats and dogs; while 5,000 human babies are needlessly and brutally murdered every single day in the United States without notice. It is evil. Save the whales; murder the children! Woe unto America!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Not surprisingly in this wicked generation, a punk rapper by the name of "TobyMac" (also the lead singer of the godless band DC Talk) has captivated the hearts and minds of teen Christians all around the world. TobyMac is a wolf in sheep's clothing! There is NOTHING "Christian" about TobyMac. Look at the above photo. Do you see Jesus? I see a street punk who needs to find God. Sadly, he is drawing America's youth into the gutter with him. The Bible warns us about loving the world...

TobyMac (like DC Talk and other pseudo-Christian entertainers) is assisting Satan by creating a bridge between Christianity and the godless world. Listen friend, any bridge between Christianity and the world is of the devil and can ONLY lead to worldliness. There is no such thing as "Christian murder" or "Christian fornication." Likewise, there is no such animal as "Christian rock" or "Christian Hip Hop." If you listen to Snoop Dog or Eminem, you can't tell the music apart other than the lyrics. It's the music itself, not always the worlds that are of the devil. You can't put decent lyrics to devilish music and call it "Christian." Howbeit, TobyMac's lyrics are as godless as his music.

Should it be surprising that TobyMac is a featured entertainer at Christianpunks.com? Don't tell me that the end of the world is not near! When Christian young people are actually following creeps like this in Jesus' name, something is VERY WRONG! America is headed for total apostasy. We are surely living in the last days and the Lords return is imminent.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Speaking of the man in black... Johnny Cash gets the award for the biggest sellout since Judas Iscariot. Johnny's latest album is on the American (formerly Def American) record label owned by Rick Rubin. — Now you want to hear the unbelievable? Not only did Johnny Cash record a song on American label produced by Rick Rubin — but on the album he sings a song written by Satanist Glenn Danzig! The name of the song? You guessed it — Thirteen! If you know your Bible, you know the number thirteen is connected with sin and the devil!

David J. Stewart #fundie #sexist #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

There is great deception in America... civil rights. Many moral right's issues are deceitfully being labeled as "civil rights." Thus, many moral right's issues are being violated in the name of "civil rights." Listen, just because you're a U.S. citizen doesn't give you the right to disobey God. For example: Being a U.S. citizen gives you the "right" to vote; but, it does not give you the right to be homosexual. I don't care what the Supreme Court says, the Word of God condemns homosexuality. America is filled with demented homosexuals and murderous abortionists who boast of being respectable citizens, committing their sins with the government's permission; but, God will judge them for their sins (Romans 1:32).
The feminist agenda is not about equal rights for women. It is about a socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism, and become lesbians.

Texe Marrs #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Star Trek’s Leonard Nimoy ("Mr. Spock") is constantly sighted in cabalistic poses. His famous Vulcan hand sign on the TV series was actually the Hebrew letter, Shin. Its display is part and parcel of Jewish religion. So, every time viewers observed Mr. Spock (Nimoy) giving the sign, they were unknowingly being made a participant in a cabalistic occult ritual.

Jack Hyles #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

I was approached by a pastor in Rockford, Illinois. He was somewhat effeminate and less than a man. He came to me and with his dainty voice he said, "Dr. Hyles, can I ask you a question? You strike me as being a very poor loser. Is that true?" I looked at him, paused a moment, and answered, "Don't know . . . I ain't never lost!"

If you are going to make a man of your boy, teach him to be a winner. Yes, he must accept loss gracefully, but he should never enjoy losing. This is where we get our General MacArthurs. This is how Billy Sundays are made. Teach your boys to want to win.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Guitar Hero?

A "hero" is defined as one who saves another's life. They should called the game "Guitar Idol," because that's what it really is. The appeal of Guitar Hero is to teenagers... to instantly make them into gods... a virtual experience... with fans screaming and adoring them on stage... living the moment... playing the part... while being mesmerized by the Devil's music. The deplorable Rock band Foreigner has a song titled, Juke Box Hero, which appeals to the desire of youth who have "stars in their eyes" to become a Rock star. The hardcore Satanic band, AC/DC, has a song titled, It's A Long Way To The Top If You Wanna Rock And Roll. Over and over throughout the Rock music archives, we find a common theme of desiring to "make it to the top" and to become a "Rock star." This is self-idolatry.

Rock music is a highly contagious spiritual disease that rots the soul. It is more deadly than Bubonic Plague. Young people who are exposed to Rock and Roll are captivated by it's alluring effect, not fully realizing it's dangers. Rock 'N' Roll goes far beyond being mere music—it is rebellion against God, a vile lifestyle, a pattern of liberal thought, a tool of the New World Order, a weapon of Communism, a road to sexual immorality, a life of selfishness, and a path to damnation.

Honestly speaking, there are NO "heroes" in the Rock 'N' Roll business, only fools.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Satan's goal is to corrupt the remaining bastion of Christianity in America—the Bible Belt. Country music is a vehicle by which Satan is corrupting the Bible belt. Country Music today is more dangerous than Rock 'N' Roll because many of the artists falsely profess to be "Christians." This misleads many people into thinking it must be good music. The end result is always APOSTASY, i.e., a turning away from the God of the Bible.

Today's professed "Christian" Country artists all support the sale and consumption of booze, dirty dancing, sexually provocative CMT music videos, immodest dress on women, feminism, and ecumenicalism. Biblical doctrine ought to be the most important thing in a Christian's life. Tragically, many people's philosophies are formed by the music they hear on the radio, or from the worldly philosophy of their favorite Country "star." Instead of quoting Scriptures to themselves throughout the day, they spend their time singing the most retarded and meaningless lyrics.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Pastor Fred Phelps comes a whole lot closer to being right than MOST pastors in America today, i.e., concerning his fierce stand against homosexuality in America. Would to God that more pastors CARED about the deplorable spiritual condition of the United States. The average American today has waxed sinfully proud, spoiled, and indifferent concerning evil. You can't tell most Americans the truth nowadays, because they either flare up in hostility and rage or could care less. Many Americans have become intolerant and hostile towards the truth. A soon to be released Walt Disney movie, UNDER DOG, features the motto... "One nation under dog!" BLASPHEMY!!!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Walt Disney's is straight out of the pits of Hell—promoting horoscopes, lewdness, sensual dirty dancing, Rock 'N' Roll, mini-skirts, immodest fashion shows, half-dressed girls, rebellion, disobedience to parents, New Age, pedophilia, feminism, liberalism, Godlessness, a false gospel, heathendom, nightclub life, Rap House music, nudity, lasciviousness, ingratitude, sinful pride, worldliness, arrogance, selfishness, sexual perversion, self-righteousness, self-centeredness, witchcraft, demonism, evolution, imprudence, premarital sex (fornication), lewdness, homosexuality, dirty-mindedness, and nearly every other form of evil imaginable. Walt Disney is of the Devil. Woe unto Walt Disney and to the young girls and boys who are being victimized by it's demonic influences.

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