
Dr. Michael Salla #wingnut #ufo #conspiracy #crackpot #mammon amazon.com

This book introduces first hand witness and whistleblower testimonies revealing that the USA, Britain, Russia and other major national governments have been secretly conducting, or known about, diplomatic relations with different extraterrestrial civilizations since at least 1952. Galactic diplomacy (aka ‘exodiplomacy’) with extraterrestrial visitors began with discussions over the development of thermonuclear weapons, the first of which was detonated by the Truman administration in November, 1952. Diplomatic discussions then expanded to include issues such as technology development, alien bases, extraterrestrials living on Earth, human rights, and use of earth resources. In frustration over lack of government transparency with their citizens, some extraterrestrials began contacting private citizens to inform them of the true nature of alien activities on Earth, and relations with governments. The reader will be introduced to the basic principles of international diplomacy and how these apply to different extraterrestrial civilizations visiting Earth.
Those desiring to expose secret government activity in diplomatic relations with extraterrestrial life, will be given the necessary information to hold responsible government, military and corporate officials accountable for past policies; and to ensure government transparency in the future. Alternatively, those desiring to become active in citizen diplomacy initiatives, will be given essential information for discerning the motivations and activities of visiting extraterrestrial civilizations. This is indispensable for practicing a citizen based form of galactic diplomacy.
This book prepares readers for the grandest adventure of all – the journey to galactic citizenship!

Tracy Yates #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #fundie #crackpot amazon.com

This book covers everything from creation to the coming Great Deception. It reveals in detail what space aliens actually are, what the mark of the beast actually is, what it will do, and how they are prepping our bodies for it right now.
It shows how the alien deception starts and ends with the Flower of Life that was first discovered on the tomb of Osiris, AKA the Antichrist, and is one of the most common shapes found in crop circles.
It shows how our reality resembles a light based hologram and how this hologram is directly linked to the Torah.
Finally, it describes how all the aforementioned ties together.
Most of this information is new revelation that you won't find anywhere else.
This is a Bible-based book that shows how true science and archaeology confirm the Word of God.

Sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction. What will be revealed to you in the following pages goes against everything you have been conditioned to believe and is far more bizarre than anything Hollywood could come up with.
The truth revealed in this book will change your world view and reality as you perceive it forever. This is not a conspiracy theory. The following information is based on the most logical explanations based on hard facts and data after thousands of hours of research.
The best way to start is by quoting a few lines from The Matrix and looking at this book as if it were the RED PILL….”This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill the story ends (you close the book now) you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill you stay in wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes….remember, all I am offering is the truth, nothing more.” Shall we begin?

Myra Cook #ufo #fundie #conspiracy amazon.com

According to an ancient biblical book after seventy generations, the fallen Angels were released after 4900 years of imprisonment. These Ancient Aliens came down from the heavens, and were worshiped “As the Gods.” Their children the mythological Nephilim Giants built the megalithic temples, and pyramids that existed before the flood. Man today could not lift the herculean stones that were used. Temples and megalith structures around the world have been found under the water and upon the earth, and are witnesses to this ancient history.
The Fallen Angels were imprisoned and now released…soon to appear are their hybrid children from the Deserts, Valleys and under the Mountains of the earth for the final judgment, the final hour, and coming of the creator god “Jesus.” Those Nephilim Children who were Giants were destroyed in the flood but their DNA existed, and Giants still existed on the Earth after the flood like GOLIATH and other tribes of Giants.
Giant bones of over 35 ft have been excavated by archeologist to be whisked away hidden by others from mainstream news and media. Why? To deceive you. With no connection or foundation in the past, and no reference to perceive the coming Alien Deception in its many forms; a likely candidate you have become; falling prey to an evil wicked plan that spans eternity.
Today these spiritual fallen hosts are creating children again, but they have repackaged themselves as something else.
The Bible makes it clear that Aliens are not from other civilizations, but interplanetary and inter-dimensional spiritual host whose purpose is to deceive those on earth. Will you be deceived, or informed? Will you fall prey to their lies, or seek the Truth?

Oscar Willoughby and Mario Fernandez #homophobia #fundie #conspiracy amazon.com

GOD ABANDONED is a document of sexual liberation. Through varous academic processes the authors divest celibacy, and expose it for what it is: a raging closeted gay conspiracy, which has existed in all religions, but specifically within Christianity. This conspiracy has been traced from its roots in the Maccabbean Era {BCE 164 ff.] into Essene/Pharisaic St. Paul, into the Church Fathers, and finds it fullest flower in all strands of Christianity. As a finale for this work, the authors have presented the 'this-world' Gospel of John, debunked of all Pauline debris such as 'apostolic succession' and fully resplendent with the teachings and example of Jesus the Messiah of Reason. Judeao-Christianity through its gay priesthood and its priestcraft [as aligned with the prevailing ruling classes] have foisted on humanity a religion which not only abandoned God and Reason, but replaced these [through the auspices of what is termed 'revelation'], with an agendaed and political celibate conspiracy.

Valiant Thor #ufo #conspiracy #moonbat #magick amazon.com

When the noted thinker, author, and philanthropist, Commander Valiant Thor, dictated this book over a half-century ago (in Earth years), he was just settling into his role as commander of the Venusian forces on our planet. He had actually put in many decades on Earth prior to that, although he was not, as they say, truly “in charge.”

Being a relative novice at that time, Thor decided to stick to traditional protocol and studiously avoided mentioning the word “Vril” in these pages. (It had been decided long before that, by certain Venusian elders, to keep that particular word, and its conceptual underpinnings, secret from Earthlings - at least until the appropriate time.)

Although it obviously wasn’t the appropriate time, the term and the belief system behind it were revealed to certain nosy Germans, who had gotten heavily into the occult during World War II. These Nazi necromancers had somehow hacked into the ongoing telemetric stream between Earth and Venus, and illegally downloaded much of the information about Vril. The civilized world has been trying to regain its balance ever since.

As a result, the author herein states unequivocally, and for the record, that Vril has nothing to do with Nazism, fascism, racism, hate, or bigotry. Like most Venusians, Thor follows the teachings of Jesus Christ, Tecumseh, Krishna, and Buddha, which generally state that all men are created equal in God’s sight, and are loved equally by God.
Vril is truly the essence of the active verb, the powerful sentence, and the narrative that moves people to action. It is the energy behind the words, which makes the mind react in a positive and uplifting fashion. As the Buddhists say, our words are actions, and should be approached soberly, cautiously, compassionately, and empathetically. Vril is about living life to the fullest, and loving to the fullest.

In these current days of extreme political divide, where lying and deception are being spread from on high (much like the Nazis and KKK of old), we need Vril more than ever, to counteract the “Antichrist” evil that seems to be sweeping the world under the false guise of “making America great again."

Richard William Smith #conspiracy #crackpot #ufo #magick amazon.com

Richard Smith serves up "a spiritual insurrection", an epic saga like no other representing the beginning of a new and riveting human adventure, taking the reader on an historical account of a global rebellion that begins with the Sasquatch going head to head with the Greys and transforms into the ancient Moorish Legacy of the Egyptian University System.Rooted in the extraterrestrial, paranormal and metaphysical experiences of the author himself, his path of awakening brings him face to face with an entity known as the Crone, a primordial relic of a much older galactic community. Representing an interstellar collective known as the Sisterhood, the Crone intentionally takes the author on an odyssey of self exploration into the human condition, forcing him to confront the reality of the Ancient Vendetta against humanity. Evolving into the 'Son of the Mother', his journey causes him to become the one person who realizes how to put it together. As the fate of Mother Earth hangs in the balance, the adventure escalates into a battle of wits pitting the Temple of Solomon and the Gene for Passion against the Corporate Titans of Orion in a global movement known as The Human Origins Revolution.

Michael Tsarion #conspiracy #crackpot #magick #mammon amazon.com

The Trees of Life: Volume One

Have you wondered why President Kennedy was assassinated on Elm Street, and why “Nightmare on Elm Street” has this peculiar title? Ever wonder what the United Nations, European Union emblems and American Seal truly mean? Ever wonder why there is a fountain in Vatican Square and obelisks in most corporate plazas and city centers? Ever question why Jesus was given a crown of thorns or anointed by a beautiful, scandalous redhead? Why did he advise his disciples to be as wise as “serpents?”

Books five and six of the essential Michael Tsarion collection follow “Astro-Theology and Sidereal Mythology” and “The Irish Origins of Civilization.” Michael deepens his investigation into Symbol Literacy with an analysis of the most coveted and important symbols used through the centuries by the ministers of religion and Masonry.

Along the way we discover the true origins and significance of the New Testament’s Mary Magdalene and Blessed Virgin, as well as other enigmatic characters such as Lazarus and John the Baptist. Michael continues to decipher the origins of Jehovah and Elohim, showing that the worship of these deities was originally based on Druidism and Aryan tree worship. He reveals what Christian mythmongers hoped we would never know about the origins of their religious doctrines and iconography.

Mike Walsh #wingnut #dunning-kruger amazon.com

Mike Walsh is a veteran journalist, broadcaster and historian of worldwide reputation. A fugitive only from renegade Europeans, leftists, palace scribblers and censors, he has shrugged off their wrath over 50 years of writing. His Irish-American father, Patrick had fought in four conflicts by the time he reached 40-years of age: As a rebel in the Irish peoples guerrilla war against the British Army’s Black and Tans. These army irregulars, dredged from England’s prisons, were notorious for their viciousness. Patrick also fought in the Irish War of Independence and went on to fight in the most ferocious hand-to-hand battles during the Spanish Civil War. Whilst on the frontlines he was a close associate and friend of American war correspondent, Ernest Hemingway. His father formed a close and enduring friendship with Ireland’s most celebrated playwright, Sean O’Casey. Eventually his father served in the Royal Air Force during World War Two as an aircraft fitter / flier. Mikes mother, Kathleen, from a literary family who also mentored Mike’s writing skills was a corresponding friend of Dolores Ibarruri, Spain's Civil War revolutionary La Pasionaria. A tireless traveler, Mike, from the age of 26, was consumed by a passion for truth and justice. Inevitably, this led him to the potpourri of lies, infamies, cover-ups and crimes committed by the renegade armed forces that had militarily defeated the Reich. In doing so they ensured the spread of Bolshevism, the dismembering of the British Empire, and surrender to American imperialism. Through their hollow ‘victory’ the course was set for the division of Europe, the enslavement of Eastern Europe, and the security of the Bolshevik regime that had malignantly occupied democratic Russia since 1917. Through the base stupidity and race treachery the armed forces of the victors’ empires destroyed the one genuine revolution that alone could have ensured the preservation of European culture and values. Today, their dance of death is on their own funeral pyres. Mike Walsh writes their obituary.

Joachim Hagopian #conspiracy #wingnut #ufo amazon.com

This final chapter expressly devoted to unveiling the British nation as the planet’s pedophilia epicenter will expose the puppet masters themselves that control all the pedo-puppet components to their obscene Luciferian operation, demonstrating how through hijacking humanity for over a millennium, they’ve been bleeding us dry through their cannibalistic satanic practice of ritual blood sacrifice, torture and systematic child sexual abuse of our most defenseless and vulnerable population. This chapter will show how Britain’s so called royal family imposters and their black nobility Zionist-Illuminati bloodlines have been the earth’s underlying powerbrokers behind all war, genocide, the world economic system of human enslavement, and their globally organized pedophilia trafficking network predatorily feeding off of, sacrificing and destroying our children and how this growing cancerous scourge on humanity must be excised off the face of this earth sooner than later.

This and the next chapter will not mince words tracing the demon seed planted on this earth nearly a half million millennia ago as graphic, over-the-top, hardwired evidence of how this same diabolical, nonhuman, genetically engineered, off-planet hybrid lineage still tragically controls to keep our battered and bruised, and always divided human family dying on our toxically scorched, ecocided earth to this present day. Profound changes are already in process, resisting and opposing the New World Order’s Luciferian control agenda. But our most potent weapon in his epic good vs. evil war of the ages is what the dark forces fear the most - exposure and spread of the truth to slay the dragon of enslavement and death.

Gregory Garrett #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut #crackpot amazon.com

The Gnostic Luciferian New Age “Utopia” will be based upon a Mystery Babylon re-visitation of tolerance for all behaviors narcissistically self-indulgent, sexually perverse, psychoactively induced, and sinfully decadent, with self-worship and self-adulation as the highest pinnacle of religious zeal. Additionally, utilizing the trickery and artifice of an Alien Antichrist Messiah Deception, the Luciferian Elite seek to obliterate Christianity and replace it with a Gnostic Pantheistic Cosmogenesis narrative, where Ancient Aliens are our true genetic origins, and Cosmic Evolution, with Mankind in tow, is the Grand Design of the Universe. Becoming ONE with this Luciferian Hive Mind Cosmic Consciousness will be mandatory at some point, whether induced by drugs, neural meshing, trance, military force, MK Ultra trauma-based mind control, brainwashing, demonic and satanic ritual, or a combination all these occult strategies. The underlying theme of this book becomes patently clear as you read it: Against our will and without us knowing it, Mankind has all been indoctrinated into a Gnostic Luciferian Cult through the educational system, modern culture, business, Hollywood films, the media, eastern religions, modern science, digital manipulation and control, propaganda, and of course, through The New Age Movement, itself. It is a chilling conclusion and one well worth considering as the world plunges, headlong, into the Gnostic Luciferian nightmare of self-worship, and a lust for life-extension and unbridled power through merging with machines. Is this not the Pride of Life on steroids?

Michael Tsarion #conspiracy #crackpot #magick amazon.com

Christians do not need to find salvation from sin. They need to find salvation from priestly deceivers with everything to lose should their congregations discover the true origins of their religion. They need to be saved from mythmongers and forgers guilty of cannibalizing the traditions of ancient Cults.

Judeo-Christian theology is based on Astro-Theology. It is a corrupt hybrid of Irish Druidism and Egyptian Amenism. The future of Christianity depends upon this truth being widely known and accepted. It depends on the exposure of deceivers in high places who continue to profit from the ignorance and blind faith of millions of men and women who, despite their own resistance and apathy, deserve to know the truth.

Why have our "teachers" not told us the truth about Judaism and Christianity? Why have they not disclosed the true identities of the patriarchs and prophets they habitually lionize? Why have we not been openly informed about their occult expertise and the existence of an esoteric corpus reserved for initiates? Is it because humble churchgoers are not supposed to have a lot of choice in the matter of their own spiritual salvation? Is it because they have been gradually goaded into placing the welfare of their souls in the hands of exceptionally cunning and immoral charlatans? Is it because a power-mad, vice-ridden priesthood has habitually misused the esoteric knowledge it inherited and covets? Have the keepers of ancient arcane arts and sciences established their hierarchies of control because they wish to live and act as demigods on earth? We are bound to think so, given the evidence.

Michael Tsarion's book on ancient arcane astrology brings us the teachings of the Arya. It brings to us work of great scholars such as Gerald Massey and Alvin Boyd Kuhn. It is indispensable for readers interested in the holy art of deception. Astro-Theology and Sidereal Mythology is the perfect sequel to Michael's double volume masterwork on the Irish origins of civilization. Each book by Michael's serves to open the eyes of the world. Visit Michael at michaeltsarion.com or log on to astrotheologyzone.com to view the free appendices section of this book.

Dr. Anatoly T Fomenko et al #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger amazon.com

NASA research of earth-moon mechanics by astrophysist Robert Newton leads mathematicians of MSU to a breakthrough in the chronology of civilization and geography of North America. ''USA has Issues with British Maps of 18th-century' analyses in detail the maps of 1771 edition of Encyclopedia Britannica and concludes that Northwestern part of United states of America was built on remains of Moscuvite Tartary, which according to Britannica of 1771 was the biggest state in the world with capital in Tobolsk! The war of new Russian Empire of 1773-1775 with Moscuvite Tartary covered up by Catherine II as a raid against peasant rebellion headed by aka Pougatchev (scare in Russian) was actually the final blow in the destruction of Great Tartary. After the war of 1773-1775 the new Russian Empire has taken over the Urals, Western and Eastern Siberia, Alaska, Northwestern America down to San Franciso. These 'Russian' American territories were too far to control efficiently by the Rusian Empire and were therefore taken over step by step by the USA and British Empire.

Gerald Clark #ufo #crackpot #conspiracy #dunning-kruger amazon.com

Prepare yourself for a profound belief-challenging journey through ancient Persia, Sumer, Greece, and Atlantis; from Rome to the United States, HQ of the New Atlantis. This book is not like any other in the field: expect the winged-warrior aerial perspective of an Army Attack helicopter pilot, the BS filter of an Electrical Engineer, a Western Medicine-challenging Structural Integrator, and Southern California didgeridoo player all at the same time. Energy and matter, sound entrainment, slave control design methods using the electromagnetic spectrum, eternal life, gravity, and DMT are addressed herein.

U.S. public school history ignores the Sumerians, although they are credited with all aspects of modern civilization, influencing both Egypt and Greece alike. Television series produced by the History Channel, like the "Ancient Aliens" Series is assisting the masses in waking up to the fact that the Anunnaki were not a myth, having left physical documents and artifacts backing up their claims to have created mankind, described in highly sophisticated language, as recorded by Atrahasis.

It was in South Africa, where the idea was spawned to create a primitive worker, namely mankind, to operate the gold mines, provide temple building manpower, and generally serve every whim the Ancient Astronauts from Nibiru conceived of. Many of the Niburians, referenced in the Biblical Genesis as the Elohim, known to the Sumerians as the Anunnaki, were enthroned as Gods in Mesopotamia.

Leo Lyon Zagami #conspiracy #wingnut amazon.com

Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 6.66: The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics

From Rome, the home of exorcism, comes the latest shocking book from the most controversial Vatican insider of all time.

Zagami reveals to the world for the first time with new compelling evidence, the sabotage of the Catholic Church and the most sinister plot ever devised by Cyber Satan and his Legion to enslave humanity through the use of Artificial Intelligence and robotics, with the help of the Vatican Jesuits and the upcoming One World Religion.

You will read how the Second Vatican Council has literally opened the Gates of Hell, the links between the film The Exorcist, 2001 Space Odyssey and the United Nations and their evil push for Transhumanism, and an in-depth look into the secrets behind the Black Mass and Exorcism.

Not for the faint of heart, this latest book by Zagami is sure to open your eyes to the future Cyberhell that awaits us all.

Zinovia Dushkova, Ph.D. #crackpot #magick amazon.com

Named as one of the 100 Most Spiritually Influential Living People in 2020 by Watkins Mind Body Spirit, Zinovia Dushkova, Ph.D., is one of the few who has gained access to the million-year-old manuscript widely known as the Book of Dzyan, which contains answers to humanity's most pressing questions. Written in the language of the Gods, called Senzar, it is secretly hidden in the heart of the Himalayas, accessible to only a chosen few over the course of human history, including Gautama Buddha, Jesus Christ, Pythagoras, Plato, and Helena Blavatsky.

Now, for the first time ever, Dr. Dushkova has presented a never-before-seen excerpt from the mysterious Book of Dzyan in The Book of Secret Wisdom to bring new meaning and hope into your life. Beautiful and enlightening, it will reveal not only our past, but also our present and future. To facilitate your understanding of this profound and poetic text, the book contains a comprehensive glossary gleaned from the supreme sources of wisdom.

In The Book of Secret Wisdom, you will discover the answers to these questions:

What are the ultimate goal and purpose of human existence?
What is the cause of natural disasters, global warming, and epidemics?
What really happened in 1999 and 2012?
What Great Event occurred invisibly in 2017?
When will Armageddon and the Last Judgment occur?
What should you expect in the coming decades?
Why are people dying, and is there a chance to be immortal?
Why does it seem that time is speeding up?
What is the famous Philosopher's Stone?
and much, much more!

Neil Strauss #mammon #sexist amazon.com

The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists

Hidden somewhere, in nearly every major city in the world, is an underground seduction lair. And in these lairs, men trade the most devastatingly effective techniques ever invented to charm women. This is not fiction. These men really exist. They live together in houses known as Projects. And Neil Strauss, the bestselling author and journalist, spent two years living among them, using the pseudonym Style to protect his real-life identity. The result is one of the most explosive and controversial books of the last decade—guaranteed to change the lives of men and transform the way women understand the opposite sex forever.

On his journey from AFC (average frustrated chump) to PUA (pick-up artist) to PUG (pick-up guru), Strauss not only shares scores of original seduction techniques but also has unforgettable encounters with the likes of Tom Cruise, Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, Heidi Fleiss, and Courtney Love. And then things really start to get strange—and passions lead to betrayals lead to violence. The Game is the story of one man's transformation from frog to prince to prisoner in the most unforgettable book of this generation.

Lars Bergen #ufo #crackpot #magick amazon.com

We think of fairies as little winged people with magic wands, but Irish fairies were flesh-and-blood extraterrestrials who towered over humans. We knew them as angels, demons, phantoms, mermaids, fairies, gods and not-gods, and the Gentry.

Giant, chalk-white humanoids with piercing blue eyes, and flaming red or golden-yellow hair cascading in curls over their shoulders, that’s the true appearance of the ancient fairies of Ireland who came down from the cosmos thousands of years ago.

Only through an intentional attack on history did this majestic race come to be known as mythological little winged people, giving rise to the name “fairy tales” to erase the history of an extraterrestrial species on Earth. When aliens attempted a disclosure event in the 8th century A.D., we attacked the human witnesses as witches.

Extraterrestrials protected us, mated with us, and produced hybrid children with us. They went to war against our oppressors, a race of heinous giants who were taller still, and then settled in to teach us a better way of life. They lived among us physically for thousands of years as kings, queens, and druids — the latter being an educated class of teachers who earned the equivalent of a Ph.D. and then went on to build schools and libraries.

Sabrina Strings #moonbat #quack #conspiracy amazon.com

[From the Amazon page for the book Fearing the Black Body: The Racial Origins of Fat Phobia]

There is an obesity epidemic in this country and poor black women are particularly stigmatized as “diseased” and a burden on the public health care system. This is only the most recent incarnation of the fear of fat black women, which Sabrina Strings shows took root more than two hundred years ago.

Strings weaves together an eye-opening historical narrative ranging from the Renaissance to the current moment, analyzing important works of art, newspaper and magazine articles, and scientific literature and medical journals—where fat bodies were once praised—showing that fat phobia, as it relates to black women, did not originate with medical findings, but with the Enlightenment era belief that fatness was evidence of “savagery” and racial inferiority.

The author argues that the contemporary ideal of slenderness is, at its very core, racialized and racist. Indeed, it was not until the early twentieth century, when racialized attitudes against fatness were already entrenched in the culture, that the medical establishment began its crusade against obesity. An important and original work, Fearing the Black Body argues convincingly that fat phobia isn’t about health at all, but rather a means of using the body to validate race, class, and gender prejudice.

Aidan Brophilius #conspiracy #crackpot amazon.com

PROJECT BLUE BEAM - The Quest For A New World Order And The Rule Of The Antichrist

Project Blue Beam is a conspiracy theory that claims that NASA in cooperation with other powerful forces is attempting to implement a new age religion with the antichrist at its head and start a new world order, via a technologically-simulated second coming. The new age religion would be the very foundation for the new world government, without which religion the fierce dictatorship of the new world order would be completely impossible.

This incredible book reveals every aspect of Project Blue Beam and all of its shocking details. Also included are in depth explanations of the new world order, its plans, the leaders in control of the new world order movement, and more!

Please be advised. The information contained in this book is very controversial and may upset or anger some readers. Read at your own risk but always remember, the truth shall set you free!

Below is a sampling of the topics and information that is included:


- What is the New World Order?

- What are the Forces behind New World Order?

- Secret Societies and the New World Master Plan

- The Objectives of the New World Order

- Criticism and Rebuttal surrounding the New World Order Theory

- Proof of the New World Order

- Project Blue Beam & How It Relates To The New World Order

- The History of Project Blue Beam

- The Purpose of Project Blue Beam

- The Implementation of Project Blue Beam


Step 1: The Break Down of All Archaeological Knowledge

Step 2: The Massive Space Show in the Sky

Step 3: Two Way Electronic Thought Control

Step 4: Supernatural Manifestations Using Secret Technology


- HAARP Weather Manipulation and Earthquake Weapon

- Alien Invasion Technologies

- Mind Control and Two Way Telepathic Communication

- Tracking Technologies

- Cloning Technology

- Mob Control

- 3D Holographic and Voice Technology

All of these topics will be revealed...

So Step out of the darkness and into the light. Don’t be fooled by the elite’s mass deception. Discover the secrets behind Project Blue Beam and the New World Order Today! Before it’s too late…

Gordon A. Stamper #fundie #conspiracy amazon.com

(Amazon review of book ‘The Antichrist and a Cup of Tea’ by Tim Cohen)

If the shoe fits...as no other man fits prophecy better

A very compeling case for the identity of the Antichrist. In all my studies I cannot find a better canidate for the Antichrist and with the fact that a Pope might crown [Prince Charles] "King of the World", as well as, "Defender of Faith" makes the author's predictions even more a possibility. Is there any other man primed, trained, and raised from childhood to better meet the qualifications of the Antichrist? We know that power was given to Satan to give the entire world leadership to anyone he wants, and the only question is if [Prince Charles], unlike our LORD Jesus Christ, will accept the bait. Our LORD Jesus Christ put it plainly, "What profit is it to gain the whole world but lose your soul." Regardless, of any contrary opinions, I will be watching developments very closely and keeping my eye on who I now believe is the Antichrist. This is a must read for any person intereted in these end times. AMEN

Rasheed L. Muhammad #crackpot #racist amazon.com

<from the Amazon listing..>
Book of Yakub: Father of the Caucasian People

Product description
According to the teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, the man Yakub lived 6,600 years ago in the holy land of the east. He lived to be 150 years of old. Yakub is hidden in the Christian Bible under the name Jacob. This man opposed the righteous government of his day. In the book of Genesis 32, the righteous government is symbolically hidden under the name angel. The ancient black people of Egypt referred to Yakub’s people as Sea People. The Christian bible symbolically hid Yakub’s made man or white race or people under the name Caphtorites coming out from Caphtor (Crete). These people entered parts of the holy land thousands of years ago to destroy it. [Deutoromny 2:23] “And as for the Avvites who lived in villages as far as Gaza, the Caphtorites coming out from Caphtor destroyed them and settled in their place.” Mr. Yakub was a scientist or god. The vile world government structure we live under today is rooted in his idea or literature or writings he prepared 6,600 years ago. Prophet Moses (Musa) also taught to Yakub’s people, 4,000 years ago, various parts that they had forgotten. Yakub understood the genetic (gene) nature of self and/or the original black nation. The word “gene” is often used to refer to our hereditary human traits. In genetics, these traits are either PP—black dominant, Bp—brown, red, yellow incomplete dominance or aa—wrinkle (pale) recessive. Therefore, a white race was made based upon the number six (i.e., 6 variations of the gene combinations), through the act of sex or breeding the incomplete dominance into its final recessive trait. By this knowledge, he (Yakub) was successful in making a new race of people 6,000 ago called the white race. The warning book Yakub prepared for his race that they may see their day of Judgement contains 403 verses and 22 chapters i.e., Bible Book of Revelations. Brother Malcolm X once said, "I know its hard to believe....but, it true. (Smile)"

AlohaDave aka David J. Stewart #fundie #sexist amazon.com

[A review of The Man From Earth: Holocene]


I absolutely loved the FIRST film and was excited to learn that a sequel existed. Unfortunately, the producers really dropped the ball with the sequel. In my humble opinion the script is all wrong, the cast isn't good at all, and the sleazy scene with the teen girl getting lewd in the school office of John Young (the caveman) to seduce him totally ruined the sequel. Also, although as a Christian myself I enjoyed the satire in the first film about Christianity, I think the sequel took it too far and was just plain offensive. They could have done so much better! I also thought they made a big mistake by not including actor Tony Todd in the sequel, who did an excellent job in the first film. As is often the case, sequels don't live up to the quality of the original film, as is certainly the case here. What a lousy sequel!

Graham H. Seibert, reviewing the book “Race Differences in Ethnocentrism” by Edward Dutton #racist #fundie amazon.com

Stating the obvious, Dutton will be richly vilified by right-thinking people. Rather, left-thinking

Edward Dutton is a phenomenon. I attempt to review most of his books as they come out, and it is almost a full-time job.

His interests cover a wide spectrum, but they all seem to radiate out of evolutionary biology. His key insights are:

• Human populations have evolved to be profoundly different
• Race is a real and useful marker, a product of evolution
• Evolution is ongoing and rapid
• Evolution brought European peoples to the apogee of their intelligence about the time of the Industrial Revolution, and they have been in decline ever since.
• Two causes of the decline are obvious – smart people are not having children, and Europeans are being replaced by less capable immigrants.
• A less obvious cause is the accumulation of deleterious, "spiteful" mutations in the populations, rendering them less fit to reproduce and less intelligent. The unfit no longer die in childhood; society no longer keeps the unfit from reproducing.
• Racial and ethnic groups have different group interests. Ethnocentrism is the topic of this book, though it weaves arguments involving all the above.

Dutton does constant battle against the dominant dogmas of our age, chief among them multiculturalism and political correctness. Multiculturalism specifically denies the group interests of native Europeans. Political correctness has made it difficult to discuss these facts.

Dutton's conclusion is obvious, almost anti-climatic. White Europeans are the least ethnocentric major population on earth. Their denial of their own self-interest amounts to suicide. And yet, through the agency of political correctness, they are constantly vilified as being racist. This is so much the opposite of the truth that it's champions cannot let up on their propaganda. The big lie of white racism must be perpetuated at all costs.

Dutton calls on scientific research from every quarter to support his arguments. However, by their very nature his arguments are difficult to support conclusively, even through the application of statistics. Instead, he relies on corroborative evidence from many different fields pointing to what must be true.

This methodology, necessary as it is, lends itself to the criticism that he has not convincingly proven his arguments. He is arguing merely from preponderance of evidence. Opponents will thus attempt to belittle his work, claiming that he hasn't proven anything, and suggesting that he simply be ignored.

This is wrong, obviously wrong. The preponderance of evidence is quite weighty. An honest rebuttal would seek to marshal a similar number of arguments that go the other way. This, however, is impossible. The people who support multiculturalism and political correctness do so entirely on the strength of moral claims, and rare;u attempt to use science to buttress their positions.

Science is a collaborative effort. Newton allegedly said that if he had seen further, it was because he was "standing on the shoulders of giants." Dutton makes extraordinarily good use of both historical and modern giants. As a top 500 Amazon reviewer with an interest in most of the fields that occupied Dutton, I am in a good position to judge. There are 380 references in his bibliography. I recognize the names of 36 (in comment 1 below) and have reviewed about half of them. I know enough to say that no author who disagreed with Dutton's major points could compile a bibliography half as rich. Dutton is in line with most modern thinking in the realms of genetics, evolutionary psychology, sociobiology, religion, human evolution, paleontology and other related fields.

If the book has a flaw, it is that Dutton works so fast that he does not eliminate all of the typographic errors, small syntax errors, and repetitions. One can say that given the modest readership of books that tweak the nose of the powers that be, he is certainly doing an adequate job. The scholarship of the book is not in any way diminished. A five-star effort.

With a title like &quot;Race Differences in Ethnocentrism&quot; Dutton is just about obliged to name those groups whose ethnocentrism's prejudicial to native European populations (i.e., white people). He does not disappoint. He presents the consensus of evolutionary biologists, (the few brave enough to risk the wrath of the Powers that Be) as to who they are and what motivates them, whether consciously or from deep cultural memory.

Edward Dutton and Michael Woodley of Menie share a YouTube channel called "The Jolly Heretic." These are often discourses by Dutton on topics that interest him, such as why English men are so attractive to foreign women, why Eastern European women are so attractive to foreign men, how to judge people by their looks, and why people get tattoos. At other times they are discussions with fellow authors such as Kevin MacDonald. Although the YouTube medium demands more of your time for a given quantum of input, it is always entertaining. Recommend you look in.

D. J. Conway #magick amazon.com

Dancing with Dragons: Invoke Their Ageless Wisdom & Power

Why do all cultures, distant and diverse, have similar tales of dragons? Universal wisdom confirms dragons have interacted with people since time immemorial—they call to us, pique our curiosity, and arouse our fears. These mystical beasts are real and their power, their influence, and especially their magick can be captured. Building upon rituals and drawing on their energy, learn to befriend these inspirational creatures and become partners with them on a spiritual journey. Move with them, learn from them, dance in perfect human/dragon syncopation.

(Emphasis added)

Anthony William #quack #magick amazon.com

Medical Medium: Secrets Behind Chronic and Mystery Illness and How to Finally Heal

Anthony William, the one and only Medical Medium, has helped tens of thousands of people heal from ailments that have been misdiagnosed or ineffectively treated or that doctors can’t resolve. He’s done this by listening to a divine voice that literally speaks into his ear, telling him what lies at the root of people’s pain or illness and what they need to do to restore their health. His methods achieve spectacular results, even for those who have spent years and many thousands of dollars on all forms of medicine before turning to him. Now, in this revolutionary book, he opens the door to all he has learned in over 25 years of bringing people’s lives back: a massive amount of healing information, much of which science won’t discover for decades, and most of which has never appeared anywhere before.

Medical Medium reveals the root causes of diseases and conditions that medical communities either misunderstand or struggle to understand at all. It explores all-natural solutions for dozens of the illnesses that plague us, including Lyme disease, fibromyalgia, adrenal fatigue, chronic fatigue syndrome, hormonal imbalances, Hashimoto’s disease, multiple sclerosis, depression, neurological conditions, chronic inflammation, autoimmune disease, blood sugar imbalances, colitis and other digestive disorders, and more. It also offers solutions for restoring the soul and spirit after illness has torn at our emotional fabric. Whether you’ve been given a diagnosis you don’t understand, or you have symptoms you don’t know how to name, or someone you love is sick, or you want to care for your own patients better, Medical Medium offers the answers you need. It’s also a guidebook for everyone seeking the secrets to living longer, healthier lives.

"The truth about the world, ourselves, life, purpose—it all comes down to healing," Anthony William writes. "And the truth about healing is now in your hands."

Stefan Limmer #quack #magick amazon.com

Shamanistic Interpretation of Illnesses (with CD): Understanding the soul message, finding ways of healing (GU Mind & Soul solo title)

No one like being ill. And yet, diseases are our constant companions. We tend to see something bad in them. But every illness and every symptom wants to communicate something to us. This message of the soul is unique in each individual case. Nevertheless, a general interpretation is also possible, giving a first pointer towards where the affected have to look deeper to find a cure. Naturopath and shaman Stefan Limmer decyphers the basic pattern of widespread syndromes from a shamanistic perspective, explains the “language” of our organs and shows how illnesses come to be in general. Here, Karma both of the individual and of the family, weakened archetypes within the soul or deep psychological wounds that have led to a loss of the soul can play a role. Paths to recovery are healing meditations, spiritual travels towards the Inner Healer in the book and on the CD. Additionally, many helpful inspirations are given on bringing aspects within us that have gotten out of tune back into balance.

Original GermanNiemand ist gern krank. Dennoch sind Krankheiten unsere ständigen Begleiter. Wir neigen dazu, sie als etwas Schlechtes anzusehen. Aber jede Krankheit und jedes Symptom möchte uns etwas mitteilen. Diese Botschaft der Seele ist individuell und einzigartig. Dennoch ist auch eine allgemeine Deutung möglich, um eine erste Richtung zu weisen, wo Betroffene tiefer hinschauen können, um Heilung zu finden. Heilpraktiker und Schamane Stefan Limmer entschlüsselt die Grundmuster weitverbreiteter Krankheitsbilder aus schamanischer Sicht, erläutert die „Sprache“ unserer Organe und zeigt ganz allgemein, wie Krankheit entsteht. Dabei können individuelles sowie Familien-Karma, geschwächte innerseelische Archetypen oder tiefe seelische Verletzungen, die zum Seelenverlust geführt haben, eine Rolle spielen. Wege zur Gesundung sind Heilmeditationen, Seelenreisen zum inneren Heiler im Buch und auf CD. Dazu gibt es viele hilfreiche Anregungen, wie wir Aspekte in uns, die aus dem Lot geraten sind, zurück ins Gleichgewicht bringen können.

“Dr. Joe Dr Dispenza” #magick amazon.com

Becoming Supernatural: How Common People Are Doing the Uncommon

What would it mean to become supernatural? What if you could tune in to frequencies beyond our material world... change your brain chemistry to access transcendent levels of awareness... create a new future... and transform your very biology to enable profound healing? This is what Dr. Joe Dispenza offers in this revolutionary book: a body of knowledge and a set of tools that allow ordinary people-people just like you-to reach extraordinary states of being. Dr. Joe, author of the New York Times bestseller You Are the Placebo as well as Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself and Evolve Your Brain, draws on up-to-the-minute research in neuroscience, epigenetics, and quantum physics to show how this kind of transformation takes place and what it can mean for our lives. In these pages, you'll explore: - How to free yourself from the past by reconditioning your body to a new mind - How changing your frequency allows you to create reality in the "generous present moment" - The secret science of the pineal gland and its role in accessing mystical realms of reality - How to shift your awareness beyond the limited, predictable material world and move into the quantum field of infinite possibilities - And much more Using tools and practices ranging from state-of-the-art brain imaging to exercises such as a walking meditation, Dr. Joe offers nothing less than a program for stepping outside our physical reality and into a new world. "This is who we really are," he writes, "and this is the future I'm creating-one in which each and every one of us becomes supernatural."

Martin Sonnleitner #magick amazon.com

opening Third Eye: Purification and Activation of the pineal gland, Effective Techniques to expand the Consciousness

What are the benefits of an opened Third Eye?

* Times and times again, one hears and reads of that magical Third Eye that allows one to see many things clearly and intensively.

Very few, however, know what exactly the Third Eye is. In this book, we accompany You on an exciting journey of exploration and explain to You in all details what Your Third Eye is, how and where it can be found, and what benefits an opened Third Eye brings.

Start NOW and Learn:

Terms like Chakra and Yoga are explained, You gain insight into meditation and learn how You bring about a good Third Eye through Your nutrition as well.

* In this small and very personal advisor, we attempt to teach You the connections between the pineal gland and the Third Eye and you learn why the Third Eye is more than a mere product of overactive imagination.

* With this book, we take You by the hand and accompany You onto a new and most exciting path towards more intuition, humanity and empathy.

To learn what one neeeds to open one’s Third Eye Click on buy now in the upper right of the page and start today already!

Original GermanDrittes Auge öffnen: Reinigung und Aktivierung der Zirbeldrüse, Wirkungsvolle Techniken um das Bewusstsein zu erweitern

Was sind die Vorteile von einem geöffneten dritten Auge?

Immer wieder hört und liest man von jenem magischen dritten Auge, welches die Möglichkeit bietet, viele Dinge intensiv und klar zu sehen.

Die wenigsten wissen jedoch, was das dritte Auge genau ist. In diesem Buch begleiten wir Dich auf eine spannende Entdeckungsreise und erklären Dir ganz genau, was Dein drittes Auge ist, wie und wo Du es findest und welche Vorteile ein geöffnetes drittes Auge bietet.

Beginne JETZT und Lerne:

Es werden Begriffe wie Chakra und Yoga erklärt, Du erhältst Einblick in die Meditation und erfährst, wie Du auch durch Deine Ernährung für ein gutes drittes Auge sorgst.

In diesem kleinen und sehr persönlichen Ratgeber versuchen wir Dir die Zusammenhänge zwischen der Zirbeldrüse und dem dritten Auge zu vermitteln und Du findest heraus, warum das dritte Auge tatsächlich mehr als ein Produkt einer blühenden Fantasie ist.

Mit diesem Buch nehmen wir Dich an der Hand und begleiten Dich auf einem neuen und durchaus spannenden Weg in Richtung mehr Intuition, Menschlichkeit und Empathie.

Um zu lernen was man braucht um sein drittes Auge zu öffnen Klicke auf jetzt kaufen auf der rechten oberen Seite und starte noch heute!

Dieter Broers #magick #crackpot amazon.com

Age of the Sun: Forwards Into A New Era

In fascinating prose, Dieter Broers explains that we live in a holographic universe, in which the information and creative energy of the Whole is contained in every vertex. Our world is for from deterministic, it also it created through our selves as long as we transform our own Being and merge once more with the Cosmic Consciousness. Dieter Broers supports his revolutionary theses with the results of bleeding-edge research. In this, he draws from the very latest of insights on biophysics, quantum physics and heliobiology that were, until now, only known in the most elite circles of the scientific community. The astonishing conclusion of this unique, interdisciplinary synopsis: The perpetual process of Creation is not in any way an one-way street in communicating unceasingly with the energy of all cosmic planes, the human mind literally becomes the Co-Creator of the Universe!

Original GermanSonnenzeit: Aufbruch in eine neue Ära

Auf faszinierende Weise erläutert Dieter Broers, dass wir in einem holografischen Universum leben, in dem an jedem Punkt die Information und die gestaltende Energie des Ganzen enthalten sind. Unsere Welt ist alles andere als determiniert, sie entsteht auch durch uns selbst vorausgesetzt, wir transformieren unser eigenes Sein und verschmelzen wieder mit dem kosmischen Bewusstsein. Mit hochaktuellen Forschungsergebnissen untermauert Dieter Broers seine revolutionären Thesen. Dabei greift er auf allerneueste, bisher nur in engsten Kreisen der wissenschaftlichen Fachwelt bekannte Erkenntnisse aus Biophysik, Quantenphysik und Heliobiologie zu. Das erstaunliche Ergebnis dieser einzigartigen, interdisziplinären Gesamtschau: Der immerwährende Schöpfungsprozess ist alles andere als eine Einbahnstraße indem der menschliche Geist unaufhörlich mit der Energie aller kosmischen Ebenen kommuniziert, wird er buchstäblich zum Mit-Schöpfer des Universums!

Shaila Gipson (“Omnec Onec”) #ufo #magick amazon.com

Omnec Onec's book "FROM VENUS I CAME" is a unique classic in spiritual literature. It's her autobiography in which she portrays her life on the astral level of Venus. In a very detailed and clear way, Omnec describes the surface, the society, the history, and the life on the astral dimension of Planet Venus. Additionally, Omnec speaks about the adventure of how and why she decided to manifest a physical body, and about her journey to Earth in 1955.
FROM VENUS I CAME was first published by the US Col. and UFO Investigator Wendelle C. Stevens in 1991 in the USA. It was sold out very quickly.

OMNEC ONEC: "As I was born on the Planet Venus in another dimension and came to your Planet as a young child, I was able to retain the knowledge and information that I had gathered as a Soul through many incarnations and life times. I can keep this information intact, and what I teach people is actually what I KNOW and not what I've read about or what I've heard, but what I have experienced through many different life cycles on Earth and in other dimensions." – "We came as Soul into the polar worlds for only one reason: To have the experiences which will lead us to becoming a conscious co-worker with the Supreme Deity – the REAL LOVE. Real Love is the energy that flows from the creator and supports all forms of life. Without it, nothing can exist. Therefore we are all universal beings and not limited to one existence. There are no limits to love."

Janis Ann #fundie amazon.com

The people flooding into Europe are escaping their own repressive, backward cultures, none of which produced the philosophical discourse, political theory, architecture, science, medicine, technology, in short, the civilization that was produced by the confluence of histories that produced Europe. Those invading Europe are coming to appropriate and they are killing a golden goose that they have no capacity to replace. When they're done, as is always true in such cases, they will transform the destination into what they are escaping, so the "demise" of Europe will be thin solace.

Olaf, why do these poor former colonies lack a strong central government? Why were foreigners able to go in and make a profit, when the natives were not able to? Why are they willing to leave family and friends behind (at least temporarily) to embark into a foreign culture? Because things are better in the West. You seem to think that is basically because anything good in the former colonies was systematically sucked out and transferred to the West. I would argue things are better in the West because western civilization encouraged education and cooperation and, in the case of the USA, individual responsibility and action. I would also point out that any attempt in 2017 to correct mistakes from 1917 or 1817 are futile. It is also futile to throw money at corrupt regimes. But that is another argument.

Andy Serbest #racist amazon.com

Excellent book with with lots of good citations from other researchers and full of bona fife evidence as to why the so called "Armenian Genocide" is nothing but a historic lie carefully crafted by the most professional beggars of the history: The Armenian Diaspora. Please do not let their hired pen-triggermen's bad mouthing sway you into prejudice. You must read this book to learn what truely transpired in 1915 and before. Because as far as Ottoman and Turkish history goes, nothing about Armenians started in 1915 and nothing in fact ended in 1915.

This book perfectly explains the treachery of Armenians against their country (Ottoman Empire), by waging a "revolutionary war" before 1915, how they signed up among the ranks of the invasion force against their home country in WWI, how their revolutionaries pillaged through Eastern Anatolian towns killing innocent civilians to "cleanse the area" from the Turks (with the help of Russians, and how they shamelessly call their losses they suffered by clashing with Turkish forces as "genocide" and "ethnic cleansing" policy unto them when it was themselves who attempted it. We need more books like this from brave authors like Mr Cora to teach the world the "real history"!

Stevie Romer #fundie amazon.com

A tour-de-force. Absolutely astounding information about genetics you wont hear anywhere else. For example, he clearly shows how immigration into western countries is much worse than mass murder of members of our extended family (our racial genotype) in relation to or genetic interests. We have a lot to lose if immigration goes unchecked culturally and intellectually, but this book shows the specific genetic basis for our global fears in this regard. A very unique book pulling the true power of genetics out of the stone of natural sciences. Very unique, very well-written. A masterpiece."

Ivan Throne #fundie amazon.com

The writhing Leviathan may have a golden spear through its belly, but the clawing limbs of that rough and slouching beast still bear the dripping poison of the pen and encourage the work of crime and treason in the dark places of our government.

The Deep State will not be dead before the 2020 elections.

You know this to be true, as all of us do.

So does President Donald Trump.

Support the man who serves us as the strong and present father of an America made great again!

Keep faith, as he has faith in us, that the momentum and trajectory of our beloved country is at last headed where it belongs.

It is not a question of whether our gorgeous banner of purity, valor and vigilant justice yet waves, but whether the land and the People it flutters over is a virtuous and united one.

Pull the oars, brothers! Unfurl the sails into the coming storm!

2020 comes, and we are no longer miserable orphans gazing at the strewn wreckage of a once glorious nation. There is a Patriarch at the helm, and his stern visage looks ahead.

Greatness grows, and you are part of it.

Do it, for our entire beloved family.

Without hesitation, do it:


Don Boys #fundie amazon.com

Keep in mind that God cannot make mistakes and since the Bible is the very Word of God, it cannot contain mistakes. When Bible haters take a hatchet to the Bible, it is usually a matter of their bad interpretation rather than proof of no inspiration. They simply do not read it correctly or seek the correct meaning with a legitimate hermeneutic.

One must also remember that while the whole Bible is the Word of God, it is not all true. For example, when quoting Satan, Eve or friends of Job one must ask; "Is the Bible writer reporting a statement?" Not all statements in the Bible are true: however, all of it is the revealed Word of God and is totally reliable. If atheists don't understand that simple truth then they should not be writing books and characterizing themselves as 'scholars' and 'brights', as opposed to us 'dims'. Today's atheists are the modern Visigoths, who, like the originals who invaded Rome in 410 A.D., are violent, angry barbarians.

Matt Nuenke #fundie amazon.com

Most of the books on eugenics from the radical environmental fringe, such as this one, recount the same earlier mistakes made in eugenics, and then the books trail off into some abstract Gouldian/Boas dissertation on the evils of biological determinism. This book follows the same worn out formula, but has a few interesting new twists on the story. But first, any discounting of eugenics because of errors made at the very beginning, would apply to virtually any scientific niche, including medicine. Do any of these authors try to convince people that we should give up modern medicine because at one time it was practiced only by witch doctors? I think not, but that is the general theme of all these books. But of course, no matter how recent they are published, they usually suspend scientific facts at about 1975 so they do not have to discuss the dazzling progress made in genetics over the last twenty five years.
This book, unlike others, spends a great deal of time discussing the eugenic movements success in penetrating education, by presenting its value to school children in the curriculum. Selden laments this, but of course the flip side is that now the radical egalitarians are demanding that racial equality in intelligence be taught in schools, along with other Marxist ideologies, but ignores the fact that like eugenics it is unfounded and pseudoscientific. In all fairness, during the earlier part of the last century, eugenics was largely pseudoscience. But now, the Gould/Boas school of egalitarianism now carries that mantle by denying what modern science has found. Genes matter far more than the environment on important human traits such as intelligence, athleticism, conscientiousness, and even religiosity. These are all solid facts now discussed openly at the academic level, but kept from the general public by the new doctrines of political correctness. Published in 1999, it even has the gall to ignore books and reports by the American Psychological Association showing that there is a real concern with regards to dysgenic trends and that blacks are in fact less intelligent on average than whites. (The Rising Curve / Intelligence: Knowns and Unknowns.) These are stated policy positions of this very liberal organization, but ignored by Selden, putting him in the Marxist camp along with Gould, Kamin, Lewontin and Rose. He even discusses Gould's rejection of the correlation between brain size and intelligence, even though there have been numerous recent studies showing a correlation using MRI of about 0.4. (Gould has never apologized for omitting this latest evidence from his republication of "The Mismeasure of Man" to the chagrin of other scientists who have pointed it out to him.)

Selden hammers home again and again how biological determinism is a theory of limits, ignoring the fact that modern eugenicists believe that improving genetic capital means building for the future. Would we cut down the "rain forests" if it gave us additional money for Head Start programs? I wouldn't think so. But that is the logic used throughout the book to condemn all studies in human nature.
One rebuttal that I haven't seen so far, apparently because the Gouldian school is getting desperate in light of all the recent data in behavior genetics, is that twin and adoption studies are not reliable because the separated subjects, placed in different families, may in fact be in families that are so similar as to be almost like they are the same family. Did you get that? For years, sociologists have been looking for subtle differences between family environments to explain differences. But now, even after they haven't been successful at finding what Jensen says is the missing Factor X explaining racial differences in intelligence (which these debates are really all about), they claim that twin studies are invalid because, well, families are really just all alike. I would think even Gould should admit that this is a "just so" story with little empirical evidence. Anyone familiar with behavior genetics can see the duplicity of such an inane argument. But to the unaware reader it may appear to be valid. So much for academic honesty.

Overall, if one is aware that this book is really about politics and not science, and Marxist politics at that, it is easy to read and does a very good job of showing the lucid reader how desperate the left has become in trying to stop studies in racial differences.

Perry Marshall #fundie #crackpot amazon.com

(Description of the book "Evolution 2.0: Breaking the Deadlock Between Darwin and Design". Emphasis original.)

Creation Evolution Debate: 150 Years Later, it Still Rages. Both Sides Are Half-Right. And Both Are Wrong.

Meet the opponents:

In one corner - Proponents of Intelligent Design like William Dembski, Stephen Meyer, and Michael Behe. Many defy scientific consensus, maintaining evolution is a fraud. They challenge decades of data in biology, chemistry, genetics and paleontology.

In the other corner - Devout Neo-Darwinists like Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, and Jerry Coyne, who insist evolution happens "willy nilly." Strangely, they sidestep the latest science, glossing over crucial questions and fascinating details.?? But what if both sides are half-right?

What if both sides are missing vital details, clinging on to outdated views, theories, and interpretations?

There is a third way. Evolution 2.0 is the first book to lay out the Extended Evolutionary Synthesis in plain English. This new paradigm is rocking the foundations of evolutionary biology right now.

Evolution 2.0 reveals experiments which prove that, while evolution is not a hoax, neither are changes random nor accidental. They are targeted, adaptive, and aware.

You will discover:

-Nearly every cell in your body can edit its own DNA, combating random destructive copying errors, charting a path for its transformation (page 82)

-Genes - far from being set in stone - actually change and adapt to the environment.

-How germs re-engineer their genetic destiny in real time by borrowing DNA from other organisms (page 94) (it's why your doctor tells you to never stop taking antibiotics halfway through your prescribed course)

-How bacteria communicate, organize themselves into armies, then stage coordinated attacks on your immune system (page 110)

-Brand new species in 18 months, sometimes 24 hours - Through two empirically proven, reliable systems of natural genetic engineering (page 146)

-How and when cells generate new information and genes that did not exist before (page 150)

-Why DNA, which is digital instructions for building proteins, is not merely like code but is code, the same way as the software on your smartphone is (page 38)

-How cells switch genes on and off in response to the environment, activating new traits that get passed from parents to kids (page 115)

If creationism seemed leave out important potentials, here you'll find missing clues.

You will discover fascinating real-time evolutionary lab experiments by an eminent scientist in the 1940s, whose work was recognized in 1983 by a Nobel prize & US postage stamp, but then... is still rarely mentioned in school science curricula.

High priests of scientific establishment actively oppose research that threatens antiquated theories, labeling results in scientific publications a "media fiasco".

This book explores 70+ years of under-reported evolutionary science. Evolution 2.0 chronicles bestselling author Perry Marshall's 10-year journey of in-depth research. As an Electrical Engineer, author of an Ethernet book and world-renowned business consultant, Mr. Marshall connects the dots in a new refreshing way. He tackles hard questions about evolution with precision, making it clear when information is proven with hard data and when it can only be inferred.

This book will open your eyes and transform your thinking about life, evolution, and creationism. You'll gain a deeper appreciation for our place in the universe. You'll the see the world around you as you've never seen it before: adaptive, efficient, and incredibly elegant.

$3 Million Technology Prize: Origin of Information is one of the central problems in modern biology. No one knows where the genetic code came from; no one knows how the first cell developed. To solve this, the author has organized a Private Equity Investment group, Natural Code LLC. They are offering a prize, reminiscent of the X-Prize, for a natural process that produces coded information. The prize amount is $3 million USD as of November 2016. Details in Chapter 23 and Appendix 4.

Vernon Colonna #sexist #mammon amazon.com

(Description and back-cover blurb of a book titled "Der Kompass: Frauen verführen - ohne Moral" - "The Compass: Seducing women - without morals")

For decades, the Seduction Community (Translator's note; grating gratuitous English; another word for PUAs) has been researching and calibrating the ultimate formula: How to seduce a woman? What is the key to sex-success?
The result of the research: An astounding effective system! Secret lore previously only available to insiders.
In The Compass, this knowledge is presented and explained in a generally understandable form for the first time. With The Compass, the secret lore of the Seduction Community is available to everyone and comprehensible. With The Compass, every man achieves sex-success.

@Original German

Seit Jahrzehnten forscht und feilt die Seduction Community an der ultimativen Formel: Wie verführt man eine Frau? Was ist der Schlüssel zum Sex-Erfolg?
Das Ergebnis der Forschungen: Ein verblüffendes, wirkungsvolles System! Eine Geheimlehre, die bislang nur Insidern zugänglich war.
Im Kompass wird dieses Wissen erstmals allgemeinverständlich dargestellt und erklärt. Mit dem Kompass wird das Geheimwissen der Seduction Community für jedermann verfügbar und fassbar. Mit dem Kompass kommt jeder Mann zum Sex-Erfolg.

D #fundie amazon.com

( A written review on a childern show called Just add Magic )

what's one more kids' show designed to hook kids on the occult? the real Book they need for the Supernatural, is the Bible. Find GOOD power in there that REALLY rids us of evil, as Jesus' power is the most powerful , kids.
The only redeeming feature of this societal decay enticement is that the spells usually backfire, which is actually realistic. And i thought the kids did a fine job of acting.

SirShamgar #fundie amazon.com

A being can be absolute, you're defining it differently doesn't make it not so, and God is absolute and it's His morality, which makes it absolute. It's always wrong to rape a baby, to put it into practice.

David Clark #fundie amazon.com

This book is about a lot of things really, but the focus is on how genesis is truth that God did create everything. and how evolution has changed the world view of creation and taking God out of the picture! It is very good at showing that evolution is really a religion and that no matter what the "facts" show they will never believe the truth in Genesis 1-11.

There are many,many stories about him speaking at schools, and university's, even churches Where Kids and adults were shown a whole other side of creation verses evolution. Very Informative! This book is very important with kids being taught evolution in schools, national geographic, and most of T.V. and science in general. The Great Dinosaurs would be another addition to this book, as we have always heard "65,000,000" years ago the Dinosaurs Died off! That is not true at all! Check it out, very good!

Ashraf Ezzat #conspiracy amazon.com

Egypt knew no Pharaohs nor Israelites

What if the whole story of the Exodus from Egypt was a fake story, and what if we could prove that it is?
Whenever we say ‘the Exodus’ everybody unconsciously and instantly recognizes the story as the fleeing of the Israelites headed by Moses from the grip of Egypt’s ruthless Pharaoh. Thanks to the Church, the Synagogue, the Mosque and of course Hollywood films this Exodus story has sunk deep in the collective subconscious of the masses, so deep that the story of Moses and Pharaoh has turned into an almost unshakable historical truth that once took place in Ancient Egypt.
But actually nothing in the ‘milieu of that story’ indicates that it happened in Egypt, except maybe the mistaken association between ‘Pharaoh’ and ‘King’ of Egypt.
Likewise, nothing in ancient Egyptian records or its oral tradition say or even allude to the fact that this tale of Moses really happened in Egypt. Even more shocking is the fact that the ancient Egyptian records do not refer to the Kings of Egypt as Pharaohs. Yes, Pharaoh was never a title for Egypt’s king. Linking Pharaoh to Ancient Egypt is merely a myth propagated by centuries of falsehood brought about by misleading interpretation of Biblical history.
The only reason we know the story of the Exodus happened in Egypt is because the Bible says so. We keep on believing that is the case because mainstream Egyptologists just went along with the Biblical narrative and absentmindedly designated Egypt’s Kings as Pharaohs. But if we examined the Hebrew text the Bible (currently in our hands) used as a reference we will strangely not find Egypt mentioned in it as the site/land of the Exodus story. The whole mess/deception took place during translating the Hebrew/Aramaic stories into Greek back in the third century BC. This is when Egypt was first hijacked and forcibly placed in the Hebrew Bible as the theater of the Israelite landmark stories. Ironically this whole act of duplicity took place on Egyptian soil and specifically at its legendary library of Alexandria.
But what if the Bible as we know it has long been tampered with?
•What if the first western translation of the so-called Israelite stories, that came to be known as the Septuagint Bible, was a distorted translation?
•What if the Israelite stories we all have been made to believe took place in Egypt simply did not?
•What if Egypt was fraudulently introduced in the Bible as the theater of the Israelite stories?
•What if the homeland of Judaism and the early Israelites is not Palestine?
•What if ancient Egypt never knew any so called Pharaohs?

•What if Abraham, Joseph and Moses never set foot in Egypt nor even dreamed about it?
What if the whole story of the Exodus from Egypt was a fake story, and what if we could prove that it is?

(Bolding mine)

Dr. Masaru Emoto #fundie amazon.com

The Hidden Messages in Water Paperback – September 20, 2005

In this New York Times bestseller, internationally renowned Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto shows how the influence of our thoughts, words and feelings on molecules of water can positively impact the earth and our personal health.

This book has the potential to profoundly transform your world view. Using high-speed photography, Dr. Masaru Emoto discovered that crystals formed in frozen water reveal changes when specific, concentrated thoughts are directed toward them. He found that water from clear springs and water that has been exposed to loving words shows brilliant, complex, and colorful snowflake patterns. In contrast, polluted water, or water exposed to negative thoughts, forms incomplete, asymmetrical patterns with dull colors. The implications of this research create a new awareness of how we can positively impact the earth and our personal health.

Steven Dotson #conspiracy amazon.com

"narrow-mindedness", "bigotry" "toeing the line". Buzz words of a left-wing bigot who does not even realize he has been thoroughly brainwashed by the forces of Global Ruin. Goethe once said a people are never so enslaved as when they falsely believe themselves free. He would know. He lived at the time of horrid Revolution of 1789. Ron, you are living proof of the validity of his assertion: the leftist line is going over just fine with people such as yourself.

Eli R. Msthison #fundie amazon.com

[Product description for the ebook "The Ultimate Christian Guide to Stop Touching Yourself"]

We are born sinners. Masturbation is a sin.This are facts...
Having said that, we must remember that we are not alone, we have our faith in Christ and his compassion and mercy. This book is not meant to chastise or scold, but to help light the way and lend a hand to the Christian men and women on their journey to Heaven. This humble guide attempts to provide a hand to the Christian men and women who are tired of sinning and offending God in the same, puerile way, over and over again. Do you dare to take a look at yourself? Do not be afraid. Dive into this pages and get ready to get closer to God!

Cyberzyme #conspiracy amazon.com

History is always written by the victor and in the case of our history the victors of WW1 and WW2 both were the elite bankers as the world was lied to as to the true reason for the wars. Hitler was not the bad person they made him out to be he was made bad by the banker elites and the politicians who were in bed with the bankers. They backed him into a corner with no way out even after he tried to solve the war diplomatically they wanted him dead and the German people crushed for trying to break away from the bankers vise like grip over the country and the people.

No leader of any country has ever done so much in so little of time for the people of their country. This can only happen if the people were behind that leader 100%. These are facts that can be seen by anyone and can not be denied, all one has to do a little research. It is also true that such a leader would have to love his people also evident by what he did to get them out of poverty and into prosperity. For those who would deny such things I say you did no research and are closed minded. It is easier to do nothing then something, it is easier to destroy then create. What one Nation created in just five years it took many nations seven years to destroy. This says volumes about how much Hitler and the German people did and how hard they worked and fought to keep what they accomplished only to go down in defeat all because the true Monsters of the World had an agenda to destroy so they could control the World and that agenda is still in play today. They continue destroying Nations so they can rebuild them to fit a model to suit them and not the general population.

I see as usual some people are making this out to be about Jews and Germans and that was not the case. Cherry picking facts to fit a model of anti Jew point of view is the common current accepted theme behind WW2 but that is just not true. The truth is it was about Banker Elites and ruling class people who wanted Power and control for the purpose of social and economic engineering an agenda of mad men the true monsters of History as it will one day be known. It is a fact that the top bankers of the time as well as in our current time are the ones who are writing history demonizing Germans as monsters as a way of distracting people away from the truth that it was a War of economics, power and control not Jews and Germans. It is also a fact that over 100 times more people of died and suffered from these mad men War mongering control freaks over the last 125 years then in WW2 and there were way more non Jews killed then Jews proof of cherry picking facts to fit a model. This is a great read and should be read by everyone. For those who say no facts are presented you did not see the forest through the trees.

Wikileaker #conspiracy amazon.com

For those who rely on the corporate news media that further the war aims of the New World Order, this book will open your eyes!

Long story short: the Russian czars resisted the NWO crime families for centuries until they succeeded installing their jewish/Bolshevik puppets and formed the USSR. The NWO was counting on the mantle passing on to Trotsky whenever Lenin exited, but instead got a rude surprise when Stalin took over. Comrade Joe wouldn't play ball -- the USSR was his personal kingdom and he wasn't taking orders. So the NWO made sure the Versailles treaty imposed such harsh terms on Germany that a second "War to End Wars" was inevitable (and to rub salt into Germany's wounds, recall that they NEVER surrendered! The Armistice was merely a ceasefire). And it didn't hurt the NWO's aims that the misery of the Great Depression (caused by their -- the "Fed's" contraction of the global money supply) set the stage for another Great War. Then they set up Hitler as Stalin's natural enemy/rival (along with their corporate servants like GM, IBM, Ford, Coca-Cola, etc.), and, as planned, they duked it out BUT Stalin came out on top. Foiled again! But the Cold War was just too lucrative a prospect for the NWO to pass up, so it was East versus West for the following 50 years. (proof positive this was the case was Eisenhower's failure to end the Cold War when Stalin gave up the ghost and Khruschev softened the USSR's stance against the West. This was a golden opportunity for world progress but the evil Dulles brothers (NWO again) wouldn't permit it).

Then in 1989 down came the Wall and two years later the USSR followed. The NWO sent in their jackals, imposed their "shock therapy" that sundered Russian society, then they got Boris Y. to give away state assets (property of the Russian people) to the bootlicking oligarchs. The NWO were well on their way to taking over the country when along comes Putin. Threw out the western "advisors" and jailed or marginalized the oligarchs. Putin returned Russia to the Russians. THAT is the reason Putin is now Hitler Reincarnated according to the corrupt western NWO-owned corporate-managed news media.

Buy this book, read it, and think on it. King fleshes out this story with greater detail using historical FACT. He also tells the truth about what actually happened in Georgia, Ukraine, and Crimea. If you're one of the sheeple who consume broadcast news media (aka the NWO propaganda machine) this book will turn around your worldview in the right direction. Share it with any of your friends who care a damn about what's REALLY happening in the world!

Gary and Mary Parker / various reviewers #fundie amazon.com

Product Description

Fossils have fascinated humans for centuries. From the smallest diatoms to the largest dinosaurs, finding a fossil is an exciting and rewarding experience. But where did they come from, and how long have they been around? These and many other questions are answered in this remarkable book.

The Fossil Book will teach you about:

•The origin of fossils
•How to start your own fossil Collection
•What kinds of fossils can be commonly found
•The age of fossils
How scientists find and preserve fossils
•How to identify kinds of fossils
•How the flood affected fossil formation
•The Geologic Column Diagram
•The difference between evolutionists’ and creationists’ views on fossils
•The “four Cs” biblical creation
•The different kinds of rocks fossils are found in coal and oil formation

Learning about fossils, their origins, and how to collect them can be both fun and educational. The abundance of both marine and land fossils and the locations they are found in is a fascinating subject for students of all ages and has been studied by scientists and laypersons alike for many years. Learn what all the excitement is about!

About the Author

After starting his 30-year college teaching career as a non-Christian evolutionist, Dr. Gary Parker became a zerlous creationist, eventually serving as professor of biology at the Institute for Creation Research in San Diego, lecturing worldwide for both ICR and Answers in Genesis, writing five science textbooks and seven creation books (translated into over ten languages), and appearing in numerous films, videos, and television programs. Dr. Parker and his wife, Mary, also run family camps, workshops, and credit courses through the Creation Adventures Museum near their home in Arcadia, Florida.

Customer Reviews

Mr. Tz:

A nice big hardcover book on Fossils from a creation world view.
It's nice to be able to learn and study about fossils without all the lies and rhetoric of millions of years.
Shown from a biblical perspective this book shows many great scientific evidences for a world wide flood.
The creation model is by far the best explanation for what we see in our world!
I love these books and have learned a lot, but my son also loves reading them with me.
Large ages, full color, smooth and glossy.

Lloyd Jones:

Excellent information and pictures on the wonder of God's creation and what science is learning.

Eyes wide open:

Great series of books for teaching kids about creation, instead of the horrible evolution lie.

Mary L. Warner:

The material was factual. The pictures are fabulous.
I shared it with my youth scouting club members.
I would highly recommend it to everyone who is searching for the truth about fossils.


This is a great book for kids to understand the fossil's that are found.
A great Christian perspective, should buy for children.


Great information and photos. For an amateur paleontologist I was intrigued and challenged to understand the fossil discoveries that exist on this planet. Loved it and plan to buy some more books to further investigate findings in northern Alaska and Siberia. May keep this book as a wish list of places to visit and explore around the world later in life.

Faustus Crow #fundie amazon.com

This book investigates the source of the famous split-fingered Vulcan salute in relation to ancient 'Shamanistic' practices of 'Inner Space' exploration. As for the term Occult, which is derived from the Latin Occultus, meaning mystery, life is a mystery betwixt and between the extremes of birth and death; it is this mystery that the Cabbalists explored, which led to an understanding that life is animated by an inner 'Fire.' This intuitive insight into the animating principle of life led to the now iconic hand sign of the Vulcan, which Leonard Nimoy, as Spock, introduced into Gene Roddenberry's creation of Star Trek. This inner Vulcan Fire is known of by numerous other cultures across the globe, whose ancient Shamans deeply explored its mystery, whom were aware that the inner Fire has a female source, which the Cabbalists call the Shekhinah. It is this female source of an inner Fire whom illuminates your dreams; the ancient Greek's experienced her as an inspiring Muse, a Buddhist to that of a Tantric would see her as a Dakini of a Genie, others may even call her a Succubus, Shamans to know her as an illuminating Spirit Wife. This book is fully illustrated.

Goddess Eve #fundie amazon.com

Not channeled! Not witchcraft! Not occult! However, missing scriptures I connect with ascension. I probably should write my own ascension book LOL. Big problem though! Justin talks about science and space. What!? The earth is flat! We live in a dome! Earth pics are fake! LOL. Seriously, I don't see why Christians believe in aliens or space. There's 75 verses implying this, it's on u tube. :) I say aliens are demons. Anyways author has great attitude, loving, excited tone. Yep, he in 5D. God bless!

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