
Brenda R Johnson #fundie amazon.com

I was asked to read this book in joining an existing book club that had already been meeting for over 5 years. I did not join earlier as I am not a fast reader so what I spend my time reading is precious and I give the first fruits of my time to reading The Most Precious Book of All. This book is far-fetched with so much of the Corridor's strange actions explained away by the author's imagination that it just plain troubled me. References to "blood red," "bright lights," "scrolls," "an intelligence," and overall "death but being alive after-the-fact" goes against my faith in Jesus Christ. Please don't waste your time and certainly don't waste your children's time by offering this book to them. Give them a book which has a true biblical message that also enhances their vocabulary as well as their perspective on who the true "intelligence" is, Jesus Christ.

Scott Greer, Daily Caller, Diana West, Mike Cernovich #fundie amazon.com

[Description of the book No Campus for White Men: The Transformation of Higher Education into Hateful Indoctrination]

Something's wrong on college campuses. Most of us are dimly aware of that. In this bracing and sometimes horrifying book, Scott Greer pulls off the bandage to reveal the suppurating wound beneath. Higher education is rotting in this country. After reading Greer's account, you'll think twice before sending your children off to school. --Tucker Carlson, co-founder and editor in chief of Daily Caller

Scott Greer treads a surefooted and perceptive path through the post-modern-day American college campus, where the meritocratic ideal of higher education is no more, having been forcibly replaced by a fearsome caste system that elevates all races over Caucasian and all genders over male. Must-reading on how it is that the con of victimhood becomes a source of downright dictatorial powers that threaten our democratic institutions. --Diana West, columnist and author of The Death of the Grown-Up

Scott Greer is one of America's most talented up and coming journalists. In No Campus for White Men, Greer exposes you to issues the mainstream media will not cover, and in fact active covers up. If you want to understand what is really going on today on college campuses or in America generally, read this book! --Mike Cernovich, writer and author of The Gorilla Mindset
Product Description
No Campus for White Men shines a bright light on the growing obsession with diversity, victimization and identity politics on today's college campuses, and shows how it is creating an intensely hostile and fearful atmosphere that can only lead, ultimately, to ever greater polarization in American society.

Across the country, ugly campus protests over speakers with dissenting viewpoints, as well as a preoccupation with micro-aggressions, "trigger warnings," "safe spaces," and brand-new "gender identities," make it obvious that something has gone terribly wrong with higher education. For years, colleges have pursued policies favoring students based not on their merit, but on their race, gender, and sexual orientation. The disturbingly negative effects of this culture are now impossible to deny.

Scott Greer s investigative work links such seemingly unrelated trends as "rape culture" hysteria and Black Lives Matter to an overall campus mindset intent on elevating and celebrating leftist-designated "protected classes" above everyone else while intimidating, censoring, and punishing those who disagree with this perversely un-American agenda.

In No Campus for White Men, Greer broadens the usual media focus well beyond coverage of demonstrations by easily offended college students, to spotlight the darker forces at work behind the scenes that are feeding higher education s metastasizing crisis and how all this results in sustained animosity, first and foremost, toward white men. Greer also documents how this starkly totalitarian culture is not isolated to higher education, but is rather a result of trends already operating in society. Thus, he shows, today's campus madness may eventually dominate much more of America if it is not addressed and reversed soon.

About the Author
Scott Greer is an editor and columnist at The Daily Caller. His work has appeared on the Drudge Report, RealClearPolitics, Fox Nation, Breitbart and numerous other media outlets.

Vox Day #fundie amazon.com

[Description of the book "SJWs Always Lie: Taking Down the Thought Police]

Social Justice Warriors have plagued mankind for more than 150 years, but only in the last 30 years has their ideology become dominant in the West. Having invaded one institution of the cultural high ground after another, from corporations and churches to video games and government, there is nowhere that remains entirely free of their intolerant thought and speech policing. Because the SJW agenda of diversity, tolerance, inclusiveness, and equality flies in the face of both science and observable reality, SJWs relentlessly work to prevent normal people from thinking or speaking in any manner that will violate their ever-mutating Narrative. They police science, philosophy, technology, and even history in order to maintain the pretense that their agenda remains inevitable in a modern world that contradicts it on a daily basis. The book is named after the First Law of SJW: SJWs always lie. SJWS ALWAYS LIE is a useful guide to understanding, anticipating, and surviving SJW attacks from the perspective of a man who has not only survived, but thrived, after experiencing multiple attempts by Social Justice Warriors to disqualify, discredit, and disemploy him in the same manner they have successfully attacked Nobel Laureates, technology CEOs, broadcasters, sports commentators, school principals, and policemen. It analyzes well-known SJW attacks as well as the two most successful examples of resistance to the SJW Narrative, #GamerGate and Sad Puppies. Written by Vox Day, Supreme Dark Lord of the Evil Legion of Evil and three-time Hugo nominee who is described as the most hated man in science fiction by Black Gate and The Wall Street Journal, SJWS ALWAYS LIE is a powerful weapon in the cultural war against the thought police.

Tonyk #fundie amazon.com

This book fell out of my hook up's purse... She told me she has very low self esteem and is a Hillary Clinton supporter and likes the book.. I saw all this as a green light to try and have consensual B&D sex with her, and scored! Afterwards, she made me a tall stack of pancakes with bacon wearing just an apron and a smile, and then right after I finished my plate, I told her to get her crap together and wait outside for her Uber to take her home. While she was outside, I saw her through my window marching/pacing back and forth in the rain and snow and thought she might be an ROTC student and so was afraid for my life, so I called 911 on her.

Eliyzabeth Yanne Strong-Anderson #fundie amazon.com


vashine #conspiracy amazon.com

actually, God says quite often that he HATES the wicked, aka those people engaged in wicked activity.

So, "attack the abuse and not the people" is hogwash, not Christian. You can attack the people, you should, for they carry water for satan. But offer them the Gospel as well.

This is a trash comment. What this and Jones are apparently saying is that sinners with a past can't ever, ever, ever be leaders? Ok, let's take that at apply it to the saints, how about St. Augustine, a man who spent years in the wickedness of sexual sin and perversion, and pride and vanity. And yet, would Jones say that Augustine had not place in taking up a leading role in the Church or writing theological treatises?

This comment is full of tells that he has an axe to grind with Voris. Maybe because Voris preaches a manful Faith, and that scares and anger the Church of Nice and its homosexual cabal, which Voris vehemently attacks because he knows, first hand, of its evil and its intentions to totally corrupt the Church.

Just read the comment, so much of it is disjointed and random, much like the preaching of Church of Nice people, just throwing out hackneyed bromides and sentimental platitudes, a flood of them, as if they all amount to some grand indictment of Voris. They amount to nothing. This commenter says NOTHING specific about why an repentant sinner, a professional journalist, is somehow disqualified from ever being a journalist again or leading a Catholic media organization.

Here's what's obvious: its because Voris leads a truly Catholic, orthodox Catholic media organization and this person, and so many others, HATE Voris for it, because he's exposing them for the sentimental frauds, the lightweights, the diabolical deceivers that they are. Nasty this one.

(Pay attention when he mentions the cabal of Nice.)

vashine #racist amazon.com

Awesome book. I gave it to my mother and she has finally begun to see the light with regards to mass non-white immigration and its deleterious effects on our nation and culture. She's talking about buying six or seven copies for friends. The facts, statistics, and arguments presented in the book are rock solid and help destroy the myth of American being a "melting pot" where we can all just get along, regardless of race or creed. American was never, ever conceived that way, our founders never intended non-whites to be a part of our nation, and they were well aware that mass migration would threaten our freedoms, because other people from other cultures did not (and still do not) understand Liberty, what it means, and what it takes to create and sustain a truly liberal, just society.

Doctor #fundie amazon.com

Responding to, "No moisture in the atmosphere? No free water on earth, for instance in rivers, oceans, lakes?"

No raindrops until after the flood, which, BTW, the Bible states.

Ben West #fundie amazon.com

It's too bad that Darwin didn't know that Adam lived for some 10 Billion years BEFORE the first life appeared on Planet Earth. Maybe all this iditoic speculation that Humans evolved from Apes, could have been avoided.

jacki #fundie amazon.com

(3 star review of Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly made by a verified purchaser)

if only I can pass first level it seems such fun game if only I could!? urg..or maybe I have I forgot seems I didn't though..kind of not entirely g rated either talking of sorcery or weird stuff a bit hope kids don't get corrupted into thinking false religion is good..kids should be encouraged to be Christian so all this wordly crap won't ruin them oh well its sad some things are made for kids..although its very grated and fun otherwise, but evil is subtle isn't it?!

Ben West #fundie amazon.com

Christians are God's children. We are two steps highter than any other living creature and one step higher than Angels. Teaching children that we are the SAME as the creatures we are destined to rule is NOT teaching the Truth. Thats WHY I call godless evolution the biggest Satanic Lie ever told in the history of Human civilization.

Doctor #fundie amazon.com

Plenty of evidence of giants, from long ago

First reported in the 4 May 1912 issue of the New York Times the 18 skeletons found by the Peterson brothers on Lake Lawn Farm in southwest Wisconsin exhibited several strange and freakish features.

Their heights ranged between 7.6ft and 10 feet and their skulls "presumably those of men, are much larger than the heads of any race which inhabit America to-day." They tend to have a double row of teeth, 6 fingers, 6 toes and like humans came in differant races. The teeth in the front of the jaw are regular molars. Heads usually found are elongated believed due to longer than normal life span.

A US Supreme Court ruling has forced the Smithsonian institution to release classified papers dating from the early 1900's that proves the organization was involved in a major historical cover up of evidence showing giants human remains in the tens of thousands had been uncovered all across America and were ordered to be destroyed by high level administrators to protect the mainstream chronology of human evolution at the time.

The allegations stemming from the American Institution of Alternative Archeology (AIAA) that the Smithsonian Institution had destroyed thousands of giant human remains during the early 1900's was not taken lightly by the Smithsonian who responded by suing the organization for defamation and trying to damage the reputation of the 168-year old institution.

During the court case, new elements were brought to light as several Smithsonian whistle blowers admitted to the existence of documents that allegedly proved the destruction of tens of thousands of human skeletons reaching between 6 feet and 12 feet in height, a reality mainstream archeology can not admit to for different reasons, claims AIAA spokesman, James Churward.

«There has been a major cover up by western archaeological institutions since the early 1900's to make us believe that America was first colonized by Asian peoples migrating through the Bering Strait 15,000 years ago, when in fact, there are hundreds of thousands of burial mounds all over America which the Natives claim were there a long time before them, and that show traces of a highly developed civilization, complex use of metal alloys and where giant human skeleton remains are frequently found but still go unreported in the media and news outlets» he explains.

Richard Kepler #fundie amazon.com


I'd like to report a direct contrast in the results of prayer in Jesus name for a certain type of miracle, physical object alteration (like water changed into wine) between Japan and Germany. In Japan, it was much easier to receive answers to such prayers.

I have had miracles of a more common type, the form of disease healing, occur in Japan, too. But I have no comparison in terms of a contrast in the results of such prayers made in Germany to compare Japan against.

Repeated, simple, short (minute or less), repeated prayer in Jesus' name could become the basis of a new wave or re-establishment of Christian revival and evangelism for the nation of Japan.

I've had case experiences in both places making requests for healing in prayer and dramatically receiving them. Simply put, it resembled most the Bible form of Elijah's prayer for rain. However, this is a distinctive form and type of prayer. I would call it even a novel type in the Bible.

First of all, the process was not short in total, but simple and direct in the manner of each prayer; it was a simple prayer of adoration or affirmation of faith in the efficacy/power of God, coupled with a request in Jesus name. It was also rather quiet, intense, and repeated in the form of continuous (back-to-back) prayers. That's HOW I prayed in both cases.

Prayers in faith trust Him to supply ALL things as needed. These simple, repeated prayers for specific things are supported or backed by a general practice of making daily prayers about all kinds of things and needs to the Lord.

Elijah made repeated meaningful, targeted prayers with the addition of a check or test conducted after each one as his deliberate form or approach to his prayer request. His modus operandi was to pray repeatedly UNTIL God answers with at least a minimal physical sign and check after each prayer. (1 Kings 18-19). After the sign is seen, then go praise. We ought to at least try his model. It was used at least once in the Old Testament, but likely it was at least one of Elijah's very typical manners of prayer. A lot of the details and reasoning are only implied, but Elijah had dramatic success in answered prayers we deem to be uncommon - miracles.

The model I am referring to was used by Elijah in the country-wide re-establishment of the physical cycle of distilled water creation, cloud formation and precipitation of rain for a whole country by Elijah and his servant, though initially just overhead. He had a target and persisted; enduring even sarcastic downplay/ridicule from his cloud-checking servant while during it. Still, he spoke from faith that God answers prayer mightily after the smallest sign or hint of it.

I was immersed in baptism most likely using the formulae of "in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, which is Jesus Christ" as an applied form of Matthew 28:19 and Acts 2:38. Both were added to the formulae used by Paul in Acts 19. The Apostle Paul said the form of baptism made a difference as to whether a person received the baptism of the Holy Spirit or not. I think it made a difference when my mother in her youth baptized a frail woman whose body was riddled with cancer in Jesus name. The woman was immediately healed when immersed using the baptismal formulae that simply called on the name of Lord Jesus. Paul demonstrated it to work here along with the laying on of his hands in prayer. My contrast here also used the laying on of hands at each prayer in Jesus name. My mother's baptizing of this woman was a simple demonstration of its efficacy, too. My mother also used importune (long) prayer in a field when praying for bus money to go and preach one of her scheduled revivals; while praying, she saw a twenty and five-dollar bill in the distance whirl up into the air in the field. It was a wonderful and very helpful surprise!

In late 1973, I was typing out a monthly newsletter for a church in Germany. In the middle of typing out the text, the IBM Selectric I was using stopped whirling. It stopped working. Turning the power switch on and off did nothing. No movement in the machine. It was not even humming anymore.

I needed to finish the typing. I had a deadline. So I prayed briefly in Jesus name. I turned the switch on then and nothing happened. I prayed again. Nothing changed. Prayed again. Nothing happened. But because Elijah didn't give up and altered the physical elements around him, I kept trying. After the 13th time of prayer to God while calling at the end on the name of Jesus, I flipped the power switch on again. The ball began to whirl around, the motor ran noisily, and the whole machine hummed as normal. No attempt at repair had been done. I didn't try to fix it; only pray and turn the power switch on and off.

Recently, our Sony BRAVIA TV went out while watching a program. It was the middle of May, 2016. My wife got out the operation manual and we found the troubleshooting section. We followed every troubleshooting step it said. Nothing repaired it. Nothing it said to check and do worked.

Then I remembered the IBM Selectric incident in 1973. I decided to pray for the TV until it was healed. Each time after the quiet though audible prayer, I checked to see whether the TV had come back to life. This power switch was different. It was only a small button. But after the fifth prayer made calling on the name of Jesus, then checking with the power button if operation had been restored after it, the TV worked. Full operation had been restored. It took 13 prayers back-to-back in Germany; 5 prayers in a row in Japan to `heal' different kinds of machines. Miracles done in Jesus' name are easier to obtain in Japan than in Germany. Maybe the angel of the Lord is able to get down to Japan and bring the answer quicker (Daniel 10:12-13).

I think that we tend to not pray for broken or needed physical objects, though Jesus and prophets of the Old Testament did. Maybe we don't even use the practice of repeated prayers because Jesus warned against using the vain repetition of prayers (Matthew 6:7). But he was referring to a very specific, commonly known practice performed by a particular group of people. I don't think praying with expectancy is vain prayer. And Elijah used repeated prayers for the same thing at one sitting. Paul prayed three times for the removal of a "thorn" or aggravation in the flesh; probably an understatement for a physical affliction. Maybe it was cataracts, for instance. But after the third prayer, the Lord told Paul to cease in his requesting, adding: "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." (2 Corinthians 12:9).

Life is both precious and precarious. But the Lord promised in the Gospels that our needs will be supplied. I believe when we pray with expectancy in Jesus name and are daily submitted and obedient to Him, we will indeed receive miracles, the dynamics of which are much left unseen, or else we will hear directly from Him why not whenever we have or feel a need.

You might have to pray seventy times seven. But by the 491st prayer, you will either receive an answer or miracle from God. What's that? About eight hours in minute-long prayer followed by a quick check. 491? How so? You won't be required to forgive the angel bringing the answer down from God more than that. Jesus said to forgive only up to seventy times seven ...
Reply to this post

Ben West #fundie amazon.com

NO, but I lack the belief that magical mutations and mindless Nature can change animal thinking into Human reasoning. Tell us HOW Adam's superior intelligence, which is like God's Gen 3:22 got inside an Ape, Apeman.

Answer: It didn't. Noah's grandsons, having NO other Humans (descendants of Adam) to marry, married and produced today's Humans with the prehistoric people who had been on Planet Earth for Millions of years BEFORE the Ark arrived. Read Gen 10:10 and notice that Cush, Noah's grandson, produced Nimrod and the ONLY woman available to have the child, was a prehistoric woman.

The SAME thing happened on Adam's Earth since Cain married a prehistoric woman and had Enoch. Gen 6:4 Amen?

Ben West #fundie amazon.com

Don't you find it strange since this Lake is the SAME Lake in which the 450 ft. Ark arrived on our Earth? Perhaps you don't understand the story of the Flood. As Adam's solid firmament filled with water and sank in Lake Van 11k years ago, it released the Ark from the Flat Earth of Adam into Lake Van, Turkey, in the mountains of Ararat. Here is what is interesting:

Adam's Earth (Heb-ground) was "clean dissolved" in the Flood. Isa 24:19 BUT what happened to the SOLID Hollow firmament which protected Adam's Earth from the water into which the firmament was placed? Gen 1:6-8How thick were the walls of the firmament? Thick enough to preserve Adam's world for Billions years.

Perhaps the shape of the firmament caused the sediment to build up in a strange pattern over the past 11k years. The Lake is more than 20 miles wide where the Spirals exist. Adam's firmament was one big container (Biosphere) and this gives us an idea of just how big his world actually was. Amen?

Vance Bicknell #fundie amazon.com

(A review of James Earl Jones reads the Bible)

James Earl Jones should stick with Darth Vader

I was excited to get this CD set, since I know James Earl Jones has a great set of pipes, and I have listened so much to Alexander Scourby's reading of the Bible that I was ready for a new reading. I was disappointed the first time I listened. Jones does not use inflection while he reads; the result is that the words sound lifeless. As a Christian believer, that abhors me.

But more than his lifeless reading, I am apalled at Jones' changing of the text. He is reading the King James Version, but he changes the words at will. For example, the text will read "Christ Jesus" and Jones will read "Jesus Christ." I counted 21 errors in his reading of the Book of Ephesians alone. If you believe, as I do, in the divine inspiration of the Word of God, you will not be able to stand how Jones imposes his own changes to the text without any textual or scriptural justification. Jones should stick with Darth Vader.

Angel #fundie amazon.com

>>"Bible fact? Is that like dehydrated water?"<<

***Angel says: No, Jesus is the antithesis of dehydration.

A condensation is the removal of water; however, Jesus will bring a spring of water to all those who hunger and thirst for righteousness. Something lacking in the world of today and the primary reason Christians are eagerly awaiting Jesus' return.

In truth the Father, the Holy Spirit, and the Son align scientifically with Einstein's theory, E = mc^2

Einstein - One formula, three states.

Trinity, one Godhead, three separate and distinct entities. Each one interchangeable into the other.

Therefore, one scientific theory (E = mc^2) = one Godhead (Father, Son, Holy Spirit).

What is important to note in both cases that relate science to religion is ONE = THREE.


David Perlmutter M.D. #conspiracy amazon.com

A #1 New York Times bestseller--the devastating truth about the effects of wheat, sugar, and carbs on the brain, with a 4-week plan to achieve optimum health.

Renowned neurologist David Perlmutter, MD, blows the lid off a topic that's been buried in medical literature for far too long: carbs are destroying your brain. And not just unhealthy carbs, but even healthy ones like whole grains can cause dementia, ADHD, anxiety, chronic headaches, depression, and much more. Dr. Perlmutter explains what happens when the brain encounters common ingredients in your daily bread and fruit bowls, why your brain thrives on fat and cholesterol, and how you can spur the growth of new brain cells at any age. He offers an in-depth look at how we can take control of our "smart genes" through specific dietary choices and lifestyle habits, demonstrating how to remedy our most feared maladies without drugs. With a revolutionary 4-week plan, GRAIN BRAIN teaches us how we can reprogram our genetic destiny for the better.

GRAIN BRAIN is a #1 New York Times bestseller and a finalist for a 2013 Books for a Better Life award.

Lee Hieb #fundie amazon.com

[Reviews are gold]

Surviving the Medical Meltdown: Your Guide to Living Through the Disaster of Obamacare

Government health care has never in the history of the world, anywhere, delivered the same quality of medical care as has the free market. As we have lost the battle for competitive health care, today we are traveling along the path to a centrally controlled Soviet-style system that means doctor shortages, limited availability of procedures, scarcity of specialized drugs, long wait times, and an overall increased cost for a decreased quality of our healthcare. Over half of the surgeons who cover emergency rooms are over fifty years old. Many are retiring early; many are dramatically reducing their patient load. And the new regulations required by Obamacare are only making this much worse. You need to be medically prepared.

Surviving the Medical Meltdown is a guide to preparing you and your household to prevent and deal with a multitude of medical issues. It explains how we got in this situation, tells how to plan ahead when doctors and insurance aren't there to help, offers the latest medical breakthroughs so you can best maintain good health, and provides a home care handbook full of health tips for everything from rashes and fevers to fractures and chest pain. It will help you prepare for a future where immediate access to the modern medical care of today is simply not available.

John MacArthur #fundie amazon.com


Centuries ago, English translators perpetrated a fraud in the New Testament, and it’s been purposely hidden and covered up ever since. Your own Bible is probably included in the cover-up!

In this book, John MacArthur unveils the essential and clarifying revelation that may be keeping you from a fulfilling—and correct—relationship with God. It’s powerful. It’s controversial. And with new eyes you’ll see the riches of your salvation in a radically new way.

What does it mean to be a Christian the way Jesus defined it? MacArthur says it all boils down to one word:


“We have been bought with a price. We belong to Christ. We are His own possession.”


"Dr. John MacArthur is never afraid to tell the truth and in this book he does just that. The Christian's great privilege is to be the slave of Christ. Dr. MacArthur makes it clear that this is one of the Bible's most succinct ways of describing our discipleship. This is a powerful exposition of Scripture, a convincing corrective to shallow Christianity, a masterful work of pastoral encouragement...a devotional classic." ?Dr. R. Albert Mohler, President, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

"John MacArthur expertly and lucidly explains that Jesus frees us from bondage into a royal slavery that we might be His possession. Those who would be His children must, paradoxically, be willing to be His slaves." ?Dr. R.C. Sproul

"Dr. John MacArthur's teaching on 'slavery' resonates in the deepest recesses of my 'inner-man.' As an African-American pastor, I have been there. That is why the thought of someone writing about slavery as being a 'God-send' was the most ludicrous, unconscionable thing that I could have ever imagined...until I read this book. Now I see that becoming a slave is a biblical command, completely redefining the idea of freedom in Christ. I don't want to simply be a 'follower' or even just a 'servant'...but a 'slave'." ?The Rev. Dr. Dallas H. Wilson, Jr., Vicar, St. John's Episcopal Chapel, Charleston, SC

Timmy #fundie amazon.com

There are many parallels with the Weimar Republic & Nazi Germany and contemporary US gun control schemes to limit civilian possession of weapons.
Marxist politicians are well ahead of the knowledge curve when it comes to gun control schemes, and the US certainly has its healthy share of left-leaning politicians that are focused on fundamentally changing the country.
History has proven many times over in order to create the all-powerful state, and empower leadership that is not restrained by a constitution, it is imperative for the state to control who has weapons. Control is accomplished in baby steps over time. An allied press is an important component.
Illinois still suffers from gun control laws originally pushed by Al Capone when Capone ruled Chicago.
Al had the guns (the Chicago police force). His rivals could not legally have weapons.
I find a frightening similarity between Benghazi & Kristallnacht. A well planned attack used to cover the real motive.
There are many similarities in the modern Democrat party and National Socialists party.

Capiche™ #fundie amazon.com

yes, your godless -without evidence- atheist- thinking is absurd

we have already established that

you have failed to produce any evidence

I will continue living Eternally with my God...with knowledge of who He is....

and your atheism just puts you one day closer to death and judgment....

it's just amazing to lose a soul...without ANY evidence

that is hard hearted....daddy issues?

A Customer #fundie amazon.com

This book came into my life after a year of being harassed by evil. I was NOT into the occult, but moved into a house previously owned by those that were. I did not know Jesus Christ at the time, nor did I fully believe in the Holy Bible. Our Lord sent a friend into my life to tell me about the awesome power Jesus has over Satan and his demons. She bought me a bible and I began reading it. They attacked me ten times worse! I was terrified. (Satan uses fear to keep you from the truth) Later, my friend handed me Rebecca Brown's book. I sat and cried as I read it. She wrote many many things I was living EVERYDAY! These people that call it fiction, I pray you will never be attacked as I was.....because you will change your attitude. The Lord used this experience not only to show me I was "wrong" in my beliefs, but also to train me how to be a warrior for Christ. Rebecca's attacks during her book were due to training experience, and if you read them all, you will see that she learned well from the Lord. Some comments state she made up things as she went along, and some in the craft state she has it all wrong. The way some occultists practice are different from others. Satan uses a method that will work for you. There are no two people alike. Those that oppose this the most I have to question why? Has she hit on something that woke you up to the truth? Some are saying that the werewolves she talked about are false. How do you know that? I've read many other books by ex-occultists that said werewolves are used for extreme discipline. After what I experienced myself with evil spirits, I will NOT say that Rebecca Brown's book is a fraud. The truth is always attacked by those that are against it. Take the Holy Bible for instance. I used to "attack" it myself....because I was ignorant of the truth and didn't care to find out at that time. The Lord made sure I found out, and let me tell you folks.......Jesus is LORD. Those of you reading this that are in the occult....ask yourself why Jesus is the only one hated by you? Why isn't Mohammed, Buddha, or Krishna hated? Why is Jesus mocked and called the deceiver in hard rock? No other name is mocked by those in the occult. Ironically......that is the very name that can save them from the life of fear. You know longer have to watch your back in fear of those in your own kingdom. The kingdom of Christ is peace, love, and joy. His burden is light, and He became a WILLING sacrifice for you. Do you know anyone else that would do that? I urge others to read Rebecca Brown's book. Through her experiences and the Lord leading her to write it.. ...I was set free from a previous curse that made me think I'd lost my mind. Now I've read hundreds of testimonies like mine. The church is waking up. It's about time.

CAM #fundie amazon.com

This man here, read his book, research who he is if you need to totally disagrees with your assertion. The Testimony of the Evangelists: The Gospels Examined by the Rules of Evidence A Harvard grad. a major law school named after him... You cannot put your eternal soul in jeopardy by weakly pushing off the evidence. Eternity is a duration of time which ceases. And you will sit there having lied to yourself and help damn others souls you are wrongly affecting. Think about this Rachel. Wake up and strength the things that remain. You have people in your life that you are responsible for under God to try and lead them to Him instead of what you are now doing.

Robert B. Winn #fundie amazon.com

Atheists worship nature. Everything they call science today is worship of nature. We could discuss relativity and the Galilean transformation equations if you want to. Atheists worship a false miracle called the length contraction

Tim S #fundie amazon.com

Not at all, but you miss the point. Something exists as soon as it can be conceived. If something does not exist, we would be unable to describe it. Therefore, atheist on this forum have asserted that God exists as an idea, but he has nothing to do with the universe, it's creations which includes man. That we are manifest from evolution. Is that right? Or do you want to add to this?

The Southerner #racist amazon.com

"rather it is his failure to acquire the realization that there is only one human race on this planet and that it originates from Africa"

Then your points regarding diversity and nativity are non-arguments and baseless. If there is only one human race then particularities, that is, what we call "culture" or "race", are illusory and constitute an impingement on the one human race since the particularities only serve as divisions.

Yet, arguing for the "human race" is still racism precisely because it argues for one race over all others, "others" being the fact that different races, segments and sub-segments of those races have existed for centuries.

Now, the 'Humanism' you seem to argue for isn't exactly based on a Humanistic conception of humanity, in any philosophical or even anthropological sense. Instead, its extremer because it adheres purely to biologism since you claim that Africa is the one origin of this race, race being defined by biology. You are thus exposed to be, not only a "racist", but a biological one. This trick permits you to implicitly state that, though we are all biologically one race, all others are derivations of the Africa genome, and this permits you to imply that all differences amongst the race, however illusory, are nonetheless dependent on Africa because Africa is now the origin of the race's biology and thus atop the hierarchy that has been casually imposed.

In summa, your final statement that, "As such, all people are validated from their respective cultures", is absolutely nonsensical because by this point in your tirade you have committed three fatal contradictions. These occured, of course, because your rant is exactly what it occuses others of being and has absolutely no intellectual strength whatsoever, and thus no credibility, unless you consider brutishness credible. Yet, that is supposedly what you are opposing, right? Or do you simply oppose the existence of whites? Unconsciously, the latter is certainly the truth.

Debbie Dish #racist amazon.com

Take, for example, his writings on white hypocrites when it comes to racial integration. He writes, "But the most transparent hypocrisy [on the part of white liberals] pertains to racial integration and diversity, which white liberals claim are vitally important and sources of great national strength, but from which they assiduously shield and disengage themselves and their families. Indeed, on no other issue are fecklessness and dishonesty more evident than the myth of integration. *All* white liberals claim to believe in it, and *all* white liberals fail to practice it."

In other words, white liberal hypocrites say one thing and do another when it comes to racial realities, such as where to buy a home and where to send their children to school. Borzellieri points out that not one prominent white liberal has ever bought a home in a black neighborhood, despite their assurances that such a move would be a "strength." A strength for thee, but not for me, I guess.

goblueresurrection #fundie amazon.com

The first one is all that's necessary to show atheism fails - empirical adequacy.

Its demonstrable by using IF , THEN statements.

IF atheism is true , THEN the universe is either eternal, or "nature" caused it to begin or it leaped into existence out of nothing uncaused.

Ok - let see if there is any evidence to support any of those scenarios:
1. the universe is external: False

A portion of the the evidence:

"Philosophically, the notion of a beginning of the present order of Nature is repugnant to me ... I should like to find a genuine loophole."
Arthur Eddington
"The End of the World: From the Standpoint of Mathematical Physics"
Nature, vol. 127 (1931) p. 450

-Arthur Eddington - "The beginning seems to present insuperable difficulties unless we agree to look on it as frankly supernatural."

-Stephen Hawking: "In real time.....the universe had a beginning."

-Steven Hawking: "It has been interesting to watch the change in the climate of opinion on singularities. When I was a graduate student, almost no one took singularities seriously. Now, as a result of the singularity theorems, nearly everyone believes that the universe began with a singularity. In the meantime, however, I have changed my mind: I still believe that the universe had a beginning, but that it was not a singularity."
Text of `Origin of the Universe' by S.W. Hawking
(Copyright 1988 Stephen W. Hawking. All rights reserved.)

-Dr Guillermo Gonzales: "Like Einstein, most astronomers of the early twentieth century, including the young Hubble, believed in a static and eternal universe. Even after Einstein conceded his error in the late 1920s, many scientists would not accept the implications of an expanding universe-namely, that it can into existence sometime in the finite past."
The Privileged Planet, Gonzales & Richards.

"The picture today is more complete and much richer. The cosmos began 13.7 billion years ago with the big bang." " In our journey back to the beginning of creation, cosmologists first travel through the well-established history of the universe back to the first microsecond; then to within 10-34 second of the beginning, ..."
Scientific American, Sep 2009

-Dr. Robert Jastrow-who until his recent death was the director of the Mount Wilson observatory once led by Edwin Hubble: "Now we see how the astronomical evidence leads to a biblical view of the origin of the world. The details differ, but the essential elements in the astronomical and biblical accounts of Genesis are the same: the chain of events leading to man commenced suddenly and sharply at a definite moment in time, in a flash of light and energy."

-Dr. Robert Jastrow- "Astronomers now find they have painted themselves into a corner because they have proven, by their own methods, that the world began abruptly in an act of creation to which you can trace the seeds of every star, every planet, every living thing in this cosmos and on the earth. And they have found that all this happened as a product of forces they cannot hope to discover. . . . That there are what I or anyone would call supernatural forces at work is now, I think, a scientifically proven fact."

- Einstein tried to avoid such a beginning by creating and holding onto his cosmological "fudge factor" in his equations until 1931, when Hubble's astronomical observations caused him to grudgingly accept "the necessity for a beginning."
A. Vibert Douglas
"Forty Minutes With Einstein"
Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada
Vol. 50 (1956), p. 100

"Many once believed that the universe had no beginning or end and was truly infinite. Through the inception of the Big Bang theory, however, no longer could the universe be considered infinite. The universe was forced to take on the properties of a finite phenomenon, possessing a history and a beginning." Chris
LaRocco and Blair Rothstein, University of Michigan http://www.umich.edu/~gs265/bigbang.htm

The present location and velocities of galaxies are a result of a primordial blast known as the BIG BANG. It marked: THE BEGINNING OF THE UNIVERSE! THE BEGINNING OF TIME!" Terry Herter, Cornell University http://web.archive.org/web/200607182...o101/lec29.htm

"That radiation is residual heat from the Big Bang, the event that sparked the beginning of the universe some 13 billion years ago." Craig Hogan, University of Washington http://www.washington.edu/newsroom/n.../k032102a.html

Ok - so an eternal universe is ruled out via evidence - that leaves atheism:
1. nature causing the universe to begin
2. an uncaused universe

Lets examine the remainin 2 options for atheism:
1. "nature did it" - what natural forces cause time, space and matter to leap into existence from nothing? There are none - so this option fails.

The last: an uncaused universe.
Preposterous scientifically and logically as this violates the Law of Causality.

So this leaves us a universe that began due to a cause;
1. The universe CANNOT be eternal or static because:

1. The First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics: this says that matter cannot be created or destroyed, it just changes form. The universe contains a FINITE about of energy/matter. The universe still contains usable energy so therefore, the universe cannot be eternal because all the usable energy would have been used up by now.
2. The Cosmic Background Radiation: A static and eternal universe would not have the afterglow of its beginning.
3. Universal Expansion: The universe is still expanding. If the universe was static and eternal it would not be expanding. If it were eternal all the matter in the universe would be an infinite distance apart. Expansion requires a single point of origin in order to have a place to expand from.
4. The Cosmic Rebound Theory is false: Charles Bennet of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center;" The universe will expand forever. It will not turn back on itself and collapse in a great crunch." There is not enough matter in the universe to collapse it back again, therefore the universe had a beginning.
5. This assumes no energy would be lost in each successive crunch/bang.
6. There is no evidence for a Big Bang, Bang, Bang, Bang.
7. The Kalam Cosmological Argument:
a. An infinite number of days has no end.
b. But today is the end of history(history being a collection of all days)
c. Therefore there were not an infinite number of days before today.
d. Another way of saying this is one cannot add anything to infinity. But tomorrow we will add another day, so the number of days must be finite. Thus a finite number of days has a beginning.
Therefore I conclude that the universe had a beginning. An infinite anything within the material universe is theoretically possible, but not actually possible.
8. The Law of Causality: the universe is one big effect, an effect has to have a cause. This is the foundation of all science. If you reject this then you reject science itself and we cannot go any further.

The universe is finite, therefore it had a beginning. Relativity demands a beginning to space-time-matter and has been mathematically verified to 5 decimal places and confirmed by the above empirical evidence (which Relativity predicted such as expansion as well as others, such as parallax (which Relativity predicted also).

CAM #fundie amazon.com

One God manifested in 3 persons or beings if you prefer. Father, Son & Holy Spirit. Example. H2O - water, vapor ice - All 3 the same element. Different manifestations. If the most basic element can be 3 how much more the Triune God?

Rover #fundie amazon.com

It's true there are no proofs outside of Math and logic, but the things I argue are based upon logic. And anyone who wants to debate the existence of God must first accept for the sake of argument that God could exist. It's a logical foul to pretend to join such a debate and then automatically claim victory because one cannot prove what is accepted for the sake of argument. The debate itself is logical reasoning over hypotheticals. So, one can prove that certain things are logically true about those hypotheticals without proving them to be absolutely true.

Also, it's illogical to assert that a Supreme Being couldn't possibly be loving and Omnipotent, without simultaneously accepting the hypothetical existence of said God. That's a tautology that goes something like this: 'Something is false because it cannot be true.'

Rover #fundie amazon.com

The natural universe appeared from nothing.

Since the universe is all that naturally exists (matter, energy, forces, space and time) whatever the first case was must have been super-natural.

Since the universe hasn't always existed, the first cause couldnt have been in operation eternally but was the chosen action of a free agent.

Since the universe is massively large and full of unimaginable energy, the first cause must have been unimaginably powerful.

Since the universe is finely-tuned to support matter, energy, life, etc, the first cause must have been immensely intelligent.

Since the first cause created time, the first cause must itself exist in an eternal state.

So, the first cause (or Creator) of the universe was a super-natural, personal, Omnipotent, Omniscient and eternal Being. That's God.

Robynn #fundie amazon.com

I know a man who proudly practices witchcraft. I have known him since he was boy. He was diagnosed with bi-polar when he was just a young teen. I see a spirit that looks like a gargoyle super-impose itself on him minutes before he flips out. When he would flip out as a boy he would become overcome with a murdurous rage. He physically broke things and seriously hurt the other smaller children that he could lay his hands on. I know he tried to drown his younger cousin, i had to wrestle his cousin away from him. When the gargoyl spirit passed off of him his memory of the incident was completely different from the events. It appeared that he was lying because his memory did not match what every eye witness witnessed. As he grew up he literally has no memory of most of his childhood and zero memory of any of those murderous events because he isn't in his right mind when that spirit comes over him. The gargoyl spirit is in control.

Robynn #fundie amazon.com

What you are denying 'Ware no kuni' is the existence of the spirit realm. I am Christian, I know first hand that it is real. Both Good and Evil. I have seen evil spirits. I have cast a ghost out of a home, and I have seen healing miracles, I have also received healing miracles. I even watched a short man grow 5-6 inches before my eyes. He didn't move a muscle to straighten himself out or to stand taller. It certainly was not in hismindset that it was possible that he would be able to grow taller. If you speak to a practicing witch they will tell you first hand that the spiritual realm is real and that they manipulate it all the time. This Ideomotor theory was popular when I was a little girl. My father at first allowed this game in our house because he had been told that was all it was too. And for us younger kids that is all that it was. We pushed the pointer around to the yes and no portion we didn't know how to spell. But my older sister, who may have been 12-13 at the time, the pointer moved as she moved her fingers OFF the pointer. And to this day 50 years later she still talks about it. It creeped her and her girlfriend out and that experience is probably why my father removed that game from our house and forbid us to ever play it again at anyone's house.

Robynn #fundie amazon.com

Dowsing, pendulum, and even muscle testing for disease and allergens are all three using the same 'spirit' paranormal forces. Just because someone came up with the theory of ideomotor effect and proved their theory with tests designed to prove their theory, that dousing or that Ouija Board boards are not paranormal activity-- but idiomotor effect the theory does not really test what is truly happening or not happening at the time of the test in the spirit realm. It is a faulty test. It is certainly not the last word on the subject. If you have never experienced paranormal activity, or if you do not believe it is possible then it is going to take a lot to open your eyes. If a spirit is not wanting to show off to the tester, then the spirit may not perform to prove a test. The spirit may not want the publicity it may in fact want to bring about loss of respect fir the dowser. I have personally seen a pendulum in action and the most bizarre account I have is that of a sterling necklace with a light weight sterling cross sliding freely on the chain.. (Imagine a clock face, where are the numbers placed on the face of it?) When the necklace was held out-- dangling from the forefinger-- the cross, due to gravity, naturally hung down to 6pm (on the imaginary clock face) because of gravity the cross might jiggle and move a bit due to slight arm movements but it would still be hanging at 6pm. That is the only option in our natural world. But when something in the spiritual realm invisibly interacts with our world all kinds of strange things can happen at the whim of the spirit entity and that is something that the tests proving ideomotor can not disprove or prove because the test is not designed to test whimsical movements of a spirit entity. Back to the necklace, several questions were asked of the pendulum. It gave many answers both yes and no. always giving answers. Then while the person stumbled over their words to ask the 15th question, the pendulum lifted up just as if a person picked it up in anticipation of giving the final answer and rested mid air at 6:40.Until the question was finished. 6:40 IS IMPOSSIBLE in the natural realm. It was as if an unseeen (spirit) hand was waiting holding the pendulum. Ideomotor couldn't explain that away or what happened next. It was as if there were two entities both fighting to take control of the cross. It was back and forth between 6:49 and 5:10 as the spirits fought over which one of them would be allowed to answer. So the truth is that YOU can choose to ignore the paranormal but the REAL scientific evidence you are staking your claim on is indeed B-O-L-O-G-N-A.

Peter Overton #fundie amazon.com

[ Commenting on the book review of Why Evolution Is True, which he has never read. ]

Hey all you primed up brain washed lemmings! It is time to wake up and see what's really going on here! This is not conspiracy theories this is reality and you are being lied to. You are not some unique young mind that has matured into a beautiful scientific flower.
You are lied to, you have not had some incredible revelation through being told this, this is not the epitome of humanity.
Everything you think you know to be true is wht they want you tot think true.
You have been backed up into a corner you know nothing about and has some sweet scales pulled over your eyes.

It is time to decode your coded mind and beat out what has been beaten into you.

Evolution is a lie...

NOW WATCH and set yourself free.


Angel #fundie amazon.com

"And actually there are four forces. Gravitational, the strong nuclear force, the week nuclear force and electromagnetism. These forces account for everything seem in the universe. The rest is make-believe."

***Angel says: No argument on the physical forces, but you have not equated the force of the Godhead, using Einsteinian theory, E = mc^2. Below is my theory.

The Trinity
(Three separate or interchangeable entities under one Godhead)

where E = Energy (God the Father)
m = mass (Jesus Christ, the Son)
c = speed of light (Holy Spirit, the Mother)

and with movement E = mc^2 + K

K = Jesus Christ (the resurrected, Holy Ghost)

Therefore, the Godhead or Trinity, in actuality is a Tetragrammaton.

YHWH or Tetragrammaton

Y = Yahweh (God the Father)
H = Yahoshua -Jesus Christ (Son)
W = Holy Spirit (the Mother
H = Jesus Christ (Holy Ghost).

YAH (Yahweh) = YAH (Yahoshua)

Therefore, as Jesus of the New Testament, fulfilled the Old Testament, He aslo fulfilled the Tetragrammaton. :)

Angel #fundie amazon.com

Dr Joseph Parker says:
"I'm afraid that is unscientific gibberish. But I do appreciate the attempt."

***Angel says: Thanks, but the attempt was for your enlightenment.

In actuality, it is perfect science. Further, this fact is clearly outlined in the first few chapters of Genesis.

It was (God the Father, force #1) and the (Holy Spirit, the Mother and light, force #2) that lit the world prior to the creation of the sun.

Genesis 1:1 God (the Father) created heaven and earth - Force #1
Genesis 1:2 And the Spirit of God..." Holy Spirit, the mother and light. Force #2

Genesis 1:3 God said, Let there be light and there was light.

Genesis 1:26 Let US make man in OUR image.

The image of God is the Godhead or family unit. :)

And it was the Holy Spirit, the mother who stated, "This is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased" when Jesus was baptised by John the Baptist at the Jordan River. The dove was representative of the feminine aspect of God...the Holy Spirit or Ruach HaKodesh.

Now you're well informed on the relationship between science and creation. :)

T. Lau #racist amazon.com

(NOTE: This guy is reacting to a (not exactly flattering) Birth of a Nation review)

As to the Black question, I will allow blacks and early european explorers to address the issue:
"Shocking Africa ++18"
[2:24-18:00 -- depicts black Africans in their native habitat as the early european explorers found them]

Slavery was rampant among African blacks themselves BEFORE the europeans ever arrived on the continent. It is unfortunate that europeans had the indecency to take advantage of the African situation, although the slave trade was also disproportionately Jewish .
["The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews"]

Then there's rap, hip-hop, pop -- which generally depicts sex, drinking, drugs, (hard) partying, and all manner of vulgar discrepancies, whether unabashed or subliminal.

As to your comment on "white supremacy", what white supremacy?

What? When? Where?

In the white countries themselves where the population is disproportionately white? What's wrong with white running their own government in a white country? (Just like asian countries are run asian officials! I sure as hell don't want blacks running my beloved homeland of Hong Kong!)

The KKK were vilgilantes in costumes to hide their identities. Nothing more. Nothing less. There's no need to distort who they were or what they did.

I am certain an asian version of the KKK would rise up in Hong Kong should a minority group such as blacks were to subvert the majority population of asians in politics.

To be fair, the British did treat many minorities in Asia unfairly, and usually that was because the British empire (and other Western countries) were/are controlled or manipulated in small but significant part by one entity, one religious tribe....Banned history books and the Bible confirm this.

Think for yourself, people!

P.S. Take a walk down Harlem, New York -- or Jamaica or Haiti (once a beautiful european colony), those are the conditions of the black communities today...

Let's say the black race IS EQUAL to the white or asian race, wouldn't it then make sense that black countries in general would not require the help of Western countries (white countries)? (ie. job opportunities.)

I am not talking about only Africa, I am talking about black countries in the Americas as well.

Why do blacks need to emigrate? (On a side note, I do not agree with the mass emigration of asians into white countries. Still, one can see that asian countries are much less degenerate and unruly when compared to black countries.)

Unfortunately, the good blacks in intermingling in white communities are only part of the very small minority of smart intelligent blacks in a vast pool of backwards and child-like dark-skinned fools. (I don't mean that as an offense. No, I mean this factually. Based on my own personal observations, that of others and blacks themselves.)

The black mentality is:

"If you're a black and smart and intelligent and clever and learned, you are NOT black. Therefore, you get the boot out of our community, See yah!"


Therefore, Birth of a Nation is very true (all the while frightening) in its message. Separation of the races is necessary to maintain peace and harmony.

Janine #fundie amazon.com

Although a bit out of date by now (It was written in the 80s), Michaelsen's Like Lambs To The Slaughter provides signposts for occult influences on children that every parent should be aware of. Contrary to some of the other reviews on this page, what Michaelsen points out is both true and alarming. One may call it paranoid to consider cartoons such as the Smurfs occultic in content, but when the Smurfs feature Gargamel standing in the middle of a pentagram calling down a curse in the name of Beelzebub-- others would call it discerning. If you can get this book, get it. Though out of date, it will be helpful to you as you raise your children. I hope Michaelsen updates her work soon.

"Madam" #fundie amazon.com

(A defense to a fellow Fundie "Frans" in an Amazaon review section of Drunk With Blood: God's killings in the Bible)

Actually, God didn't say that Adam would burn in hell for disobeying. He said he would eventually die from disobedience, and that is exactly what happened. God WARNED Him in order to spare humanity any suffering via their disobedience. Disobeying God is in essence, not following the owner's instruction manual, and making too many really big mistakes, resulting in the destruction of the thing in question (the creation, and people). By Adam's sin under the influence of an evil lying spirit, we all have been horribly impacted, ever since. Everything slid to hell, so to speak. Humankind continued to degenerate and the products were extreme evils of perversion and random violence, of every description. Life upon planet Earth had become nothing but a huge lot of criminality and suffering, for those subject to the evil beings. They had all but a very few, become totally tainted with the dna of fallen angel demons apparently, and the violence was intolerable. Just as today, there are torturers and criminals, serial killers, rapists, dna tampering, etc--- probably worse back in the day of destruction. Think about it, EVERYONE WAS DOING IT. THOSE perpetrators were the kind God had to wipe out, for instance, with Noah's flood.
And I don't think God actually gave humans free will. Where that came from, I'm not sure- but i could not find it in the Bible. He created us for Him, we are to do specific purposes of His. We're His creations to properly represent and move as His image. We're kinda like, God's little animated,living, feeling, miraculously made me-dolls. In the beginning, things were perfect- He provided everything for humans and life was beyond sweet. Like the rest of the Universe, things had to be in perfect harmony and synchronicity, etc- but disobedience ruined it. Things got way off kilter. Because God's enemy came and decided to screw it all up for us, to mess it up and get us to hate God. And it looks like you too, drank the koolaid.
Well, our Maker sent His Son to us to save us from the big wreckage the Enemy had created. God is the author of Love and all that is Good. He made this universe to work perfectly, and so if we are going to continue to mess it up and NEVER align with the rest of the universe within His perfect will, what is He to do? One badly corrupted person's malfunction can throw off the whole creation. This universe is perfectly timed to within one millionth of a second! Humans cannot be allowed to throw it off by their chaotic disobedience! ( Obedience to the REAL Creator Spirit is the most beautiful and good feeling thing.) but WHAT IF IT'S MILLIONS OF PEOPLE ALL OUT OF ORDER AND NOT CO-OPERATING with God's perfect Spirit, EVER?
Think what total destruction of the planet and universe that could cause if not put to a stop. Unfortunately, that means stopping them (i.e., death) for those nasty worthless slimes who are part of the super problem. He won't allow that. WHY SHOULD HE? The nasty business that has happened on Earth will be confined to Earth, it will not be allowed to ruin the entire universe. (the whole earth, and the universe, and all that is in them, all affect each other)!
But God is saving and redeeming every soul He can, which is the ones that accept His redemption from this disastrous disobedience problem, so that we can straighten up and go on in eternity in a paradise perfect existence in total Love. In perfect harmony and unity with the workings of the perfect Universe. PARADISE. But of course, AFTER getting rid of the evil factors which destroy all that is good. God does not destroy good , but God destroys that which is evil, so that the evil cannot destroy the good. TELL ME, WHEN YOU CLEAN YOUR HOUSE, IF IT'S A MESS, DON'T YOU ALSO THROW OUT THE GARBAGE? IF YOU NOTICE AN INFESTATION OF COCKROACHES, DON'T YOU EXTERMINATE THEM?

***Tip: don't be a cockroach to God. ***

This life is but a tiny blip on the timeline of eternity. Choose life eternal in paradise of love. Realize that it is all much bigger than your human mind.

dutchlionfrans "Frans" #fundie amazon.com

(A review to the book Drunk With Blood: God's killings in the Bible)

You judge from your limited observation. God's killings are actually acts of grace. If He had not killed all living creatures except Noah, the earth would have been hell, because of the hybrid- people - half fallen angel- half human being that satan had poluted and filled the earth with. KILLING THEM saved God's plan and the uncontaminated human race by one man: Noah. For only Noah was perfect in his generations - UNCONTAMINATED BY SATAN'S SEED!

And as Jesus foretold that the last days were going to be as the days of Noah - meaning: the human race would again be polluted - they are experimenting now with animal DNA in human bodies etc.

God had a choice: Either destroy the whole earth and everone, because satan had corrupted all living matter, including Noah and the animals God led to the Ark. Simply to start all over. He had done that once already: Because the earth was not made void when God created the heaven and the earth. NO IT BECAME VOID, when satan and 1/3 of the angels who followed the archangel Lucifer in his rebellion battled God's angels. The creation account from Genesis 1: 2c is actually a SECOND CREATION!

God - in His incredible grace did not want to kill the only perfect seed left (Gen. 6:9) - so He spared the earth and a sample of all animals for the sake of one man!

THIS IS GRACE! But you look at all the hybrid humans God killed. This killing does not make God cruel at all. But rather the very opposite of a cruel genocidal murdered. The bad guy was satan who contaminated all human seed.

The reason for satan doing this was the curse over him, the prophecy God had given Eve after sinning: "And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel." (Genesis 3:15)

Satan figured that the only way he could prevent this - his total destruction and defeat - from ever coming true was to prevent the developping of that seed! This is what he did by contaminated the human seed with his seed. God could never fulfill His plan of salvation, which this verse speaks of and is God's promise right after the all of men. That seed God promised in Genesis 3:15 is Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God!

So, you see God's grace in the absolute necessaity of killing all flesh with the exception of Noah!

As for the other killings by God, similar explanations can be given. God kills to redeem! God ALWAYS LOOKS AT THE BIGGER PICTURE, THE GREATER PURPOSE.

Satan murders out of hatred, as we were created in the image of God. Satan hates God and therefore satan hates us. He knows God loves us, so that murdering people is the way to hurt God.

I stand in awe of God, when I consider this! His infinite wisdom!

Knowing this, I consider all these accusations of people of God for His killings such folly. They have no idea. But they have such a big mouth...these created beings against their Maker!

In addition: God's grace is also visible in the fact that sin resulted in death! Sin brought death into the earth!

Death is an act of grace by God for if God had allowed men to live for ever, this earth would have been hell! It would have meant sin would have been perpetual.

Thank God all men die since sin came into the world by Adam and Eve.

God's plan from the beginning was to create men to be with Him for ever! But since men chose to disobey Him, and sin - go their own way, do their own thing - God had to make the penalty of sin: DEATH! For He can not allow sin to exist for ever!

This proves God's unlimited wisdom, and also His LOVE!

In the end death will be thrown into the Lake that Burns with Fire and Brimstone! (Rev. 21:8)

On top of this: He provided the sacrifice in His very own only begotten Son of God to die for us, paying the penalty for our sin, so by His resurrection from the dead, He overcame death and opened the way for us to be reconciled with God, to be forgiven and to be free from the penalty of sin, the second death (Rev. 21:8) and live with Him for ever, as He had intended from the beginning! All we have to do now I call upon Him, repent of our sins, our unbelief, our rejection of Him, our going our own way, and ask His forgiveness and that He makes us His child, lets us be born -again, and destroys the plan of satan with our lives and releases His plan for our lives, and teaches us to walk with Him, commune with Him - for He is not dead, but He is alive and wants to have fellowship with us. For ever! John 1:12,13; John 3. John 14:6. Acts 2:38; Acts 4:12. 2 Corinthians 5: 17; Galations 6:15; etc.

MJO #fundie amazon.com

I also found the location of Socrates' plagiarism from the New Testament:

1 Corinthians 1:25 "For God's foolishness is wiser than human wisdom, and God's weakness is stronger than human strength."

Jamie James #fundie amazon.com

Imagine a poultry farm owner replaces chicken with horses. Scientists excavating the site some time later find the chicken fossils older than horse fossils. Assuming that this is the only place where the fossils were found, the Evolutionists will conclude that horses evolved from chicken because that is the only possibility.

Let us look at a practical scenario: There isn't a convincing hypothesis, let alone evidence to support the claim that those primitive fishes, defied its animal instinct and left its safe home, water, and crawled into a hostile place, land. Evolutionists, ignoring the contradictions and lack of evidences, argue that animals evolved from fishes just because animal fossils appear later in time than fish fossils in the fossil record.

It is perplexing that some of the finest brains in human history spend their entire life trying to prove a theory which borders with non-sense. Isn't it makes more sense that there is a d(D)esign for every system?

Sword7 #fundie amazon.com

I recongized that I had similar experiences like Johanna Michaelsen since I was a small kid that fell into my involvement of occult when I practiced witchcraft. I experienced frequently visions, dreams, and hallunications. How greatly wrong I am! I finally accepted Lord Jesus as Lord and Savior and renounced my involvement of occult. I prayfully am looking a way to end the pyschic powers with Lord's guidance.
In 1997, When I ordered and read this book, the demons manifested and oppressed me! It lasted two seasons until I confessed every sins from birth to present in Jesus' name. Yes, that is so real. Be careful when read this book.
I strongly recommend this book as excellent education tools to everyone who was involved with occult and want to repent toward Lord Jesus Christ. Also, I strongly recommend that Dr. Rebecca Brown's books ("He Came To Set The Captives Free", "Prepare For War", "Becoming A Vessel of Honor", and "Unbroken Curses") for everyone

Karen C #racist amazon.com

It just boggles my mind to think that intelligent but misguided people can proffess so much concern about the endangerment of eagles in America, apes in Africa and tigers in India but seem totally blinded to the fact that one of the major races of mankind is now on the brink of extinction. Most Whites who speak out and as a result are called "racist" do not hate people of other races, they simply wish to be allowed to continue into the future as a distinct racial group. What in Heaven's name is wrong with grandparents wanting to have grandchildren who resemble them?

luv great kids books #fundie amazon.com

(A fundie reviews a documentary about flowers on Amazon.)

Wow! I'm only a few minutes into the film and I had to stop and give it a review! I am suprised no one has reviewed in the one star area the ridiculous evolutionary propaganda in this film. Not to mention the incongruity of calling mating in insects "love". (Isn't reproduction just a force pushing along the evolutionary process?)
Is it really possible that some plant, somewhere, a few million years ago randomly sprouted a flower (smart little plant!) and it was such a good idea that flowers started making it harder to get to their own pollen by lengthening their tubes to make the process of pollination even more efficient? And plants even gained enough smarts to seduce bees into a waxy tunnel of their flower, drop them into a sickening sticky substance, supply only a single escape route where the bee struggles as the pollen is deposited on their backs, grips the bee until the pollen glue has dried and then allows it to fly off and go deposit the pollen in another orchid. Why didn't those smart little bees say, "No way! I'll go find an easier way to get my orchid cologne! Or I'll find some lady bee that loves me for who I am and not what I smell like!"
Can it be possible that the ideas in this film are presented as fact? Can it be possible that the highly specialized process of pollination and codependence of the animals that live off the products of the flower was a random accident that developed over millions of years and made the world what it is today? Just look at the complex beauty, intricacies, functions, and dependencies of life. And the silly flower in this film thinks it developed these complexities all on its own. Prideful plant! Foolish flower!
Turn off the commentary and enjoy the beauty and wonder of God's creation!

Richard D. Fuerle #racist amazon.com

The importance of this book is that it explains that racism is rational. That is, by favoring people of one's own race, a person is increasing his fitness. This means that the anti-racists are trying to convince people to lower their fitness and eventually go extinct. In evolutionary terms, racism is adaptive and anti-racism is maladaptive. A further implication is that racists are in harmony with man's nature (indeed, the nature of all living things - to pass on the unique forms of one's genes), and that anti-racists, who go ballistic at any tinge of racism, are psychologically pathological.

Bruce Eldine Morton #conspiracy amazon.com

(Description of Bruce Eldine Morton's book "Two Human Species Exist: Their Hybrids Are Dylsexics, Homosexuals, Pedophiles, and Schizophrenics")

Two human species have long existed,unrecognized in front of our very eyes. They are Homo sapiens patripolaris and Homo sapiens matripolaris. Their reproductive differences remain unnoticed. Yet, because they are two different species, when they cross-breed, their hybrid offspring are cross-wired to produce Dyslexics, Homosexuals, Pedophiles, and Schizophrenics. This book contains published questionnaires that enable you to find your hemisity, your familial polarity, learn to which species you belong, and what type of "normal" or hybrid you are. Unrecognized, life-affecting differences in courtship and child rearing exist between the two species. This is the topic of Familial Polarity whose ancient existence and influence upon history you can confirm for yourself. Ignorance of familial polarity is a major source of multiple levels of global conflict.

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