

Delingpole: Climate Bully Mob Tries to Oust Trump Supporter from Natural History Museum

If, like me, you love the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) in New York, here is a question I can guarantee you’ve never asked.

Never once — as you’ve circumnavigated the blue whale or gawped at those marvelous Teddy Roosevelt-style dioramas in the mammal halls or admired the T-Rex’s jagged 6-inch gnashers — have you paused in deep thought and mused to yourself: “Gee. I wonder if the guys who pay for all this stuff are Democrats or Republicans?”

The reason you’ve never had this thought is because you’re not stupid. Or at least, not that stupid.

You understand — because it’s so obvious that even one of the stuffed primates in the Akeley Hall of African Mammals could grasp this basic point — that the collections in the American Museum of Natural History have nothing whatsoever to do with politics. They have to do with science, which is something completely different.

Science is about studying what is. Politics is about what ought to be or what might be. Science is about objectivity. Politics is about subjectivity.

They really don’t mix and when people try to make them mix it’s a disaster. To believe otherwise, you’d have to deny all the evidence of history, know nothing about the scientific method and be really, really thick.

Thicker than a pickled cuttlefish in a jar of surgical spirit; dumber than a lobotomized mollusk; more basic than an amoeba with severe learning difficulties.

o bearing all this mind, what should we feel towards the bunch of 182 self-proclaimed “scientists” who have written an open letter to the AMNH demanding that it cut its links with trustees and donors whose politics they find objectionable?

My suggestion would be: a mix of pity, embarrassment, and disgust.

Plus, maybe, a judicious soupçon of horror that such imbeciles could have been given tenure at any academic institution where the teaching of impressionable young adults is involved even at all, let alone where it’s financed by hard-working U.S. taxpayers.

So that means you, Michael “Hockey Stick” Mann, Distinguished Professor of Atmospheric Science and director of the Earth System Science Center at Penn State University; and you, Naomi Oreskes, Professor of the History of Science and Affiliated Professor of Earth and Planetary Sciences at Harvard University; and you, Kerry Emmanuel, Cecil & Ida Green Professor of Atmospheric Science at Massachusetts Institute of Technology; and you, many of you others among the 182 signatories of this bizarre, outrageous, and embarrassing letter.

You have these ritzy sounding titles which seem to confer on you an aura of gravitas and scientific distinction. But by putting your names to this spectacularly dumb letter — of which more in a moment — you have relinquished all claim to be taken seriously as voices of scientific authority. You are all, basically, frauds.

Why? Because what you are engaging in here patently isn’t about science. Nor is it, as you profess, about the well-being and credibility of the American Museum of Natural History. No, this is about low-down, dirty political activism. It’s Antifa with a PhD.

Let’s examine in more detail what these fake-science terrorists are demanding in their letter.

Headed “Open Letter from Scientists to the American Museum of Natural History,” it begins with a paragraph wreathed in apparent high-mindedness and dispassionate concern.

The American Museum of Natural History in New York (AMNH) is a treasured and influential institution. Museums must be protected as sites that build understanding, help the public make meaning, and serve the common good. We are concerned that the vital role of science education institutions will be eroded by a loss of public trust if museums are associated with individuals and organizations known for rejecting climate science, opposing environmental regulation and clean energy initiatives, and blocking efforts to reduce pollutants and greenhouse gases.

Pretty soon, though, it shows its true colors:

Rebekah Mercer and the Mercer Family Foundation, political kingmakers and the financiers behind Breitbart News, are major funders of climate science denial projects such as the Heartland Institute, where they have donated nearly $6 million since 2008. The Mercer Family Foundation is also a top donor to the C02 Coalition and the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine, institutions that assert that an increase in C02 emissions from fossil fuels will be a great benefit to plant and animal life on Earth.

Yup. Like I said this has nothing to do with science, let alone with concern for the integrity of the AMNH. This is a political hit job co-ordinated by a bunch of malicious, embittered second-raters. They’ve been losing the scientific argument on climate change for years, so instead they’re fighting back in the only way they know how: using dirty, underhand guerrilla tactics.

To give you an example of how desperately feeble their case is, here’s the Twitter thread that supposedly prompted the letter:

This is so obviously a put up job it’s embarrassing. Read the label for yourself. In vain will you find anything “shocking” or “saddening.” It’s restrained, sensible, factually accurate: a model, in fact, of what the displays at the American Museum of Natural History should look like.

But Busch — an environmental economist, by the way, not a palaeoclimatologist or a geologist: so it’s not like he’s bringing any special expertise to the party — pretends to have been triggered by that stuff about warm cycles and ice ages.

Talk about nitpicking. Talk about chutzpah! Talk about cry-bullying! What is this guy’s problem?

First, we are indeed living in an “interglacial period” — it’s called the Holocene — which is what you call the warm bits between ice ages.

Second, these interglacials do indeed move in roughly 10,000 year cycles.

Third, given that we’re around 11,700 years into this particular interglacial, it is indeed quite possible that — as the label very sensibly concedes — we could be due for another ice age.

Yet even though all the stuff on the label is unexceptionable and factually accurate, Busch claims to be so appalled that he has been forced to throw his toys out of the pram on social media and demand a retraction.

On what basis?

Here — in his follow up tweet — is his attempt at a justification:

Oh great. A single paper, published in Nature — an organ notorious for disseminating parti-pris studies pal-reviewed by climate alarmists on the scaremongering global warming gravy train. A paper, furthermore, which is dependent on the kind of computer models — “our simulations” — which have been repeatedly and comprehensively falsified by real world observations.

So, to recap: a climate activist on Twitter cooks up a #fakenews story in which he claims, on no evidence, that the American Museum of Natural History’s scientific integrity is being corrupted by right-wing donors; though the story is factually inaccurate in almost every conceivable way, this #fakenews incident is then used as the pretext for an open letter to the museum by 182 other climate activists demanding that it take action to deal with this non-problem.

Their letter claims:

Last week thousands of people shared a Twitter comment by environmental economist Jonah Busch, PhD, who pointed out misleading information on climate science in an Exxon-funded exhibit at the American Museum of Natural History. To its credit, the AMNH’s response was swift: it committed to updating the outdated information to reflect the best available science. But the initial online public anger showed that trust in the museum is undermined by the museum’s association with climate science opponents.

It concludes by demanding:

We ask the American Museum of Natural History, and all public science museums, to end ties to anti-science propagandists and funders of climate science misinformation, and to have Rebekah Mercer leave the American Museum of Natural History Board of Trustees.

This is outrageous. Allow me to spell out why.

The signatories of that letter make a big deal of the fact that their primary concern is the museum’s credibility.

But what could be more damaging to a museum’s credibility than if it were to fire some of its most generous, committed trustees, to cut off part of its income stream, and to change the factually accurate labelling on its exhibits purely to accommodate the petulant demands of a shrill bully mob of left-leaning academics who have rejected science in favour of political activism?

As Homewood notes:

This attempt by a gang of self appointed, second rate scientists to exclude people from jobs with public bodies, or indeed any sort of association at all, simply because of their politics, is extremely dangerous.

It is the sort of behaviour one would normally associate with communist and fascist juntas, and needs to be fought tooth and nail.

Yes, indeed.

Matt Forney #fundie

My friend Davis Aurini has been predicting that the U.S.—and the world at large—will break out into war later this year, based on his reading of The Fourth Turning and the churn and conflict that defines the generational cycle. I used to doubt him. I don’t anymore.

The release of the FISA memo last Friday has laid bare the impossibility of uniting America.

There’s enough analysis about the memo itself to fill a book, so I don’t need to write too much about it, other than to say that it’s just as bad as everyone thought it would be. The Obama administration, in collaboration with the FBI, the courts, and the intelligence apparatus of a foreign country, spied on then candidate Donald Trump solely because they did not want him to become president. Their justification for obtaining a warrant was based entirely on partisan opposition research, most of which was fabricated.

This is worse than Watergate. Watergate was just a botched break-in, a 13-year old blowing off toilet seats with cherry bombs. Obama and the FBI openly colluded with a foreign nation to stop a democratically elected candidate—Trump—from assuming his office.

And the sad reality is that it doesn’t matter.

Prior to the memo being released, the Democrats and the fake news memo were attacking it relentlessly, warning anyone who listened not to read it, lest their heads be filled with Satanic thoughts. At no point before or after did the left contest the truthfulness of the memo, instead using only emotional, rhetorical appeals about how the memo was a “smear job” or would undermine Americans’ faith in the justice system (as if that ship hasn’t already sailed). Within hours after its release, leftists were making jokes about it on Twitter.

You cannot reason with people who cannot see objective reality. The left doesn’t care about the abuses of power revealed by the FISA memo because they don’t care about anything but their feeeeeelings, their subjective reality. To them, President Trump is Orange Hitler and he has to be stopped by any means necessary, including rioting, assassination attempts, judicial activism, and trampling all over our civil liberties and the rule of law.

If this is how they feel about the president, it’s also how they feel about you.

I wrote years ago that there is no one more dangerous in this world than the man who considers himself a victim. A man who sees himself as a victim can invent any justification for whatever he wants to do, because he’s been wronged and he needs to exact justice on those who he believes to have harmed him. He is right by virtue of being wronged, and anyone who questions his actions is just as bad as those who he perceives to have hurt him, regardless of how real that hurt was. The greatest villains of history have always wrapped themselves in the cloak of victimhood, whether it was Hitler and the Nazis believing they were victimized by the Jews and the Poles, to communists believing they were victimized by international finance, to Puritans believing they were victimized by the big bad Catholic Church.

The American left—and the global left at large—believe themselves to be victims above all else. Minorities believe they are the victims of whites, women believe they are the victims of men, and sodomites believe they are the victims of heterosexuals. The electoral triumph of 2016, in which an unabashedly heterosexual white man became president when it was “her turn,” has pushed the left into mass psychosis. They feel like they are victimized every moment of every day, and they will not stop until they perceive that victimization to end.

As the rise of antifa and the left’s approval of violently attacking people who offend them shows, the left won’t stop unless the rest of us submit to them or are killed.

As Anonymous Conservative has pointed out, this is due to the defective brain structures of leftists and their inability to handle threat detection and response. Life as a leftist is utter hell. Imagine going around all the time constantly feeling like you’re under assault, interpreting innocuous gestures and comments and minor inconveniences as attacks on your race, sex, or identity. That’s the leftist way of life: existing in a state of permanent agitation, always on the lookout for “microaggressions,” “mansplaining,” or “wypipo” coming to ruin your day.

It’s because of their defective brain chemistry that leftists cannot interpret objective reality. You say one thing and they hear another, making communication with them impossible since we cannot even agree on the meanings of words. For them, communication and basic observation is like a Rorschach test on acid.

For example, a long time ago, there was this soyboy who made a video attacking me as a “pick-up artist” (a term I have never used to describe myself) and accusing me of pretending to be a woman online so I could convince myself that women don’t like cunnilingus. In actuality, I invented a fake female persona years ago so I could troll the manosphere and make fun of “red pill women.” But because this soyboy has brain damage, he sees a satirical article I wrote about women not liking it when men go down on them and assumes I wrote it out of personal insecurity.

It’s entirely possible he knows this full-well and chose to libel me anyway, but nearly ten years of experience writing has shown me that the left is increasingly incapable of perceiving the world correctly and telling truth from fiction.

This is why war is inevitable now. To the average person, it is increasingly obvious that one-half of the political spectrum is totally divorced from reality. When one half of the population hates the other half and can justify doing anything to them—including getting them fired from their jobs, arresting them for hate speech, spying on them, and physically attacking them—no compromise or peace is possible. As the Bible put it, one cannot be unequally yoked.

Similarly, President Trump’s constant fakeouts on DACA and amnesty are also hitting this home. As Trump pointed out in his State of the Union Address last week, the amnesty deal he’s offering is more generous than the one that Obama proposed several years back, yet the Democrats are still rejecting it.

The average voter is seeing this and going, “Why SHOULDN’T we deport them all? The President is trying to compromise with the other side and they absolutely will not cooperate.”

If two groups who hate each other—who can’t even see reality the same way—are forced to inhabit the same space, they will eventually try to wipe each other out. Will it be the right or the left who inherits the Earth? I can’t say; all I can say is that the current paradigm is about to end.

We truly were cursed to live in interesting times.

Alex Jones #conspiracy

This is breaking: Paul Ryan was onboard the train carrying lawmakers, a whole bunch of lawmakers, to a high-level GOP retreat. A truck kamikaze rammed it, a cement truck, a big truck, a dump truck kamikaze rammed it. And Paul Ryan was on board. There’s one dead. A bunch of people injured. But what’s the odds of this? No, this is a message, you better believe it. And they’re going to spin it and try to, “Oh, it’s no big deal, everything’s fine.” “Oh, Vegas isn’t Islamic.” Of course it’s come out it has. “Oh, there’s not multiple shooters.” This is a serious message, very serious message that we can get you anywhere you are. You go to your baseball practice, we’re going to shoot you. We’re going to come after your family.

Rammed the front of the train, killing the driver and derailing part of the train. I mean, this is amazing. So this country is in a civil war. You can believe this was on purpose. I mean, I’d say 98 percent chance. This is unbelievable.

You had two miles away in Washington Antifa meeting with videos and police raids saying they were going to derail trains at that exact place and derailing a train a month before, but nobody -- it wasn’t a passenger train. And then they go, “Oh, the driver admits that he missed the speed limit and just went ahead and went too fast around there.” Yeah, whatever. I mean, this is getting ridiculous.

CertifiedRabbi #fundie

I've been arguing for years that the best way to take down the left is to send our people into their orgs in order to make them even more extreme and autistic.

SJW overreach was the best thing to ever happen to the pro-White cause in decades. Their promotion of transsexuality, anti-White rhetoric, radical feminism, communism, Islam, et cetera, and their opposition to free speech alienated God knows how many people. That's why I view Antifa as our greatest allies. Making Antifa the face of the anti-Trump/Alt-Right movement would guarantee Trump's reelection and chase hordes of moderate White liberals into our arms.

But there's still no way in hell that "Chelsea" is some kind of covert Alt-Right mole. That would have to be one of the most insane long cons in history. But regardless of his loyalties, his type of freak flag left-wing politics should serve as the model for anybody from our side that wants to infiltrate and sabotage the left from within.

Chelsea Manning 2020!

Spike's Tactical & Pipe Hitters Union #fundie

Street-level politics, more specifically an ongoing conflict between white supremacist demonstrators and antifa, or anti-fascist counterprotesters, has become a big news story following the rise of Donald Trump. Now a gun company is using anger over antifa to sell dangerous assault rifles to only one side.

Spike’s Tactical, a gun company, previewed an ad on its Facebook page that depicts four heavily armed white men standing on the opposite side of a barrier and facing down a group of masked, unarmed antifa protesters. The ad mentions the sites of several political clashes that took place last year, including Berkeley, California; Portland, Oregon; Boston; and Charlottesville, Virginia. In the latter city, neo-Nazis and white supremacists arrived at a rally heavily armed last August, and a driver struck a peaceful counterprotester with his car, killing her.

“Not today Antifa,” a tagline to the violence-teasing ad declares. Antifa, it should be noted, is a style of protest used by leftists and not a formal organization with a hierarchy.

The ad, which anti-fascists worry is fueling a desire to kill leftists, was run in conjunction with a clothing company called Pipe Hitters Union, which also posted the same version of the ad on its Facebook page. Newsweek reached out to both companies for a comment about the ad but did not immediately receive a response.

Of course, owning a gun is not connected with any specific political ideology, and as a result, some gun owners were unhappy with the post.

“Thanks for showing everyone you stand with the fascists,” a commenter wrote under the post to Spike’s Tactical. “Good to know.”

“Something tells me your WWII Grandparents need to have a talk with you,” another commenter wrote to the company, referring to the Americans who fought against Nazi Germany.

“I’ll make sure to never ever buy gear from y’all. Thanks for the heads up, assholes,” another person wrote.

OddGarfield #fundie

How I Feel In Modern America
As much as it pains me to cover parts of a painting dating back to the War Between the States, the message is clear.

(Image: a Civil War-era painting of a Confederate soldier hiding behind a tree, with Union forces advancing from the background bearing an American flag. The Confederate soldier has the Confederate flag edited onto him and the word "@confederatetruth" written above his head, while the Union soldiers similarly sport the Coexist logo, the LGBT pride flag, the hammer and sickle, the logo of the Antifa movement, the logo of CNN, the Democrat donkey and a Black Lives Matter icon.)

rod777 #fundie

Liberals: Are They Even Human... Or A Different Species ?

Liberals...They Are:

Weinstein, Bergdahl, Snowden, Alinsky, Antifa, Manning, Hillary, The Media, The DNC—

Always those who Kill Babies, and The Elderly. Without Regret, or Excuse, Continuously Anti-America, Anti-Family, Anti-Right.

They Stand For Nothing, Refuse to Submit to Anything Except Their Own Desires, Always Choosing Against, and Not For, Never on the Side of Right, Never Duty, Honor, Country.

Confused About Evil, Ruled by Fear, the Solution Always Appeasement, and Surrender. Never Pride in Country, Allegiance to No One, and to Nothing.

Empty Carcasses With No Direction. Full of Hate, Despising Everything, Good For Nothing.

Liberals They are Not Like Us, They are a Different Species, Dangerous, Evil, Without Compassion, Deceitful, Liars, Corruptors of Good, Everything They Touch is Soon Ruined. Serpent Seed.

Unable to Change, Unwilling to Be Transformed. Unable to Co-Exist.

Leaving Our Survival as a Nation, Country, Culture, Neighborhood, and family, One Choice, Their Eradication.

They Have Infiltrated Your Schools, Your Government, Your Churches, Your Institutions.

They Have Soiled Your Children, Stolen Their Innocence, Robbed Them of A Glorious Past, and Left Them Without a Future Filled With Hope.

Vote Yes...It's them or us..

CertifiedRabbi #fundie

The three big ones for me were realizing that racial IQ differences were real, illegal immigrants murdering my White best friend, and reading Kevin MacDonald's The Culture of Critique.
After learning that I had a high IQ when I was 14, I wanted to know more about what exactly IQ is. And it was during that research online that I accidentally stumbled across the raging debate over racial differences in IQ.
I wasn't the average 14-year-old. Despite my parents being very liberal, they were actually very socially conservative in a lot of ways. One of the ways in which they were very socially conservative is that they didn't let my siblings and I watch TV because they thought that it would rot our brains. I also attended boarding schools that didn't let us have TVs in our dorm rooms. So, what does an insanely bored kid do when he can't watch TV or play video games all day? Read books all day instead.
I had already read all of Carl Sagan's books, all of Stephen Jay Gould's books, all of Stephen Hawking's books, all of Jared Diamond's books, and a small library of other popular science books by the time that I was 13. So, it's pretty safe to say that I was a massive science fanboy growing up.
That's why I was so fucking enraged to see these toothless inbred redneck neo-Nazi KKK pieces of shit dare try to argue that science and reality was actually on their side. I basically went full Kraut and Tea... I wanted to utterly annihilate their scientific arguments, and so I read a small mountain of books on the topic of IQ from both sides of the debate. I also read hundreds of online articles and blog posts and watched about a dozen documentaries on this topic before coming to the literally painful conclusion that the redneck neo-Nazi skinheads actually did have science and reality on their side, and that my liberal, anti-racist side of the debate was actually spouting bullshit half-truths in a desperate attempt to combat White Supremacy.
But despite that paradigm shattering red-pill, I still remained a loyal libtard for about 6 more years because I simply wasn't ready to join the "dark side" yet. My leftist indoctrination was way too deep to abandon the left overnight. In fact, I actually became more extreme politically over the next few years. Reading Noam Chomsky's books, among others, turned me into a proud Marxist. I was even borderline Antifa in my late teens and almost joined in on a lynch mob after this girl in my high school argued that not all Nazis were evil because they were just following orders (long story).
However, I was starting to become increasingly disillusioned with the left after traveling to current and former communist countries and seeing how fucked up they were, and because I was reading right-wing books and blogs in order to better understand my political enemies during the Bush era.
The straw that finally broke the camel's back was the brutal murder of my White best friend by a pack of 15 MS-13 gang members when we were both sophomores in college. Every single one of them was an illegal immigrant. While researching MS-13 online right after my best friend was murdered, I randomly stumbled across this blog post that was written several months prior by conservative pundit Michelle Malkin where she was basically condemning the open borders left for allowing MS-13 to spread to the Washington, D.C. area.
That blog post completely destroyed me mentally because I knew that if I had read it just a couple of weeks ago I probably would have written a comment under her blog entry telling her that I hope that she gets hit by a truck for being such a retarded and evil racist piece of shit.
I felt like my best friend's blood was on my hands because I had supported open borders, mass immigration, diversity, tolerance, multiculturalism, amnesty, sanctuary cities, et cetera. I was so far left that I even opposed the idea of nation-states themselves because I thought that they were extremely primitive, and because they supported the "othering" of foreigners by encouraging xenophobia, war, racism, inequality, et cetera. I was basically a globalist. A proud citizen of the world...
The murder of my best friend by brown-skinned illegal immigrants not only caused me to finally leave the left, but it also caused me to completely turn on my former leftist comrades. I'm now completely dedicated to tearing down the left's entire power structure because I finally realized that I had been manipulated into supporting my own racial demise. The left has already fucked up enough previously idyllic White communities and sacrificed enough innocent White people to the altar of diversity. They need to be completely destroyed before they completely destroy White Western civilization.
The murder of my best friend also cemented my red-pilling about racial differences in crime rates and overall standards of living in general. If we allow brown-skinned "Hispanics" (Amerinds/Mestizos) to take over America demographically, then obviously we'll eventually have the same problems that brown-skinned "Hispanic" countries have because their problems are largely rooted in their inferior genes. It's a very simple and glaringly obvious observation, and yet I wasn't capable of recognizing it because I had been so thoroughly brainwashed by (((modern anti-racist liberal ideology))) since infancy.
And reading Kevin MacDonald's books about 4 years ago is why I put triple parentheses around modern anti-racist liberal ideology...

DR. GUDRUN EUSSNER #conspiracy

The German journalist eshews any opinion. He works under the protection of the Merkel-politics, that protects him from derailments and wrong estimates, he respects their advice and criticism. He feels himself as part of a very big coalition of all people and especially of the CDU/SPD.

It's worth it to compare those teachings with the articles of the covenant of the Islamic resistance movement Hamas; the comparisons ain't coincidental.

Editors and journalists with broadcast awareness do feel themselves obligated as well to lead fools to the right path. When they are unable to do so despite their power, they will leave their path and be excluded from communication, their expressions will either be oppressed or defamed. Entire blogs have been created to Judge this questionable case objectively. The rest is brought by the antifa.

Original German:

Dem deutschen Journalisten ist jegliche eigene Meinung fremd, er arbeitet im Schutze der Merkel-Politik, die ihn, wenn nötig, vor Entgleisungen und falschen Einschätzungen bewahrt, er achtet ihren Rat und ihre Kritik, er fühlt sich als Teil der ganz großen Koalition des Volkes und insbesondere der CDU/CSU und der SPD.

Es lohnt sich, diese Lehren mit den Artikeln des Covenant of the Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas abzugleichen; die Ähnlichkeiten sind nicht zufällig.

Publizisten und Journalisten mit Sendungsbewußtsein sehen sich ebenfalls verpflichtet, die Irrenden auf den rechten Pfad zu führen. Wenn sie dazu mangels Macht nicht in der Lage sind, werden die vom Wege abgekommenen aus der Kommunikation ausgeschlossen, ihre Äußerungen werden entweder unterdrückt oder diffamiert. Ganze Blogs sind eigens dazu eingerichtet worden, den fraglichen Fall objektiv zu beurteilen. Den Rest besorgt die Antifa.

Bellatrix #racist

The public assembly of things like Antifa and pro-immigration groups certainly deny the rights of Europeans to exist. What about that, you white fools?

Note how Jews declare Israel's right to exist but we're condemned for saying an entire race has a right to exist.

I can't handle the white stupidity anymore.

We need to get non-racial whites out of the way so the adults can get things done. Maybe non-nationalist and non-racialist whites should be treated, by us, like the cattle they are alleged to be.

Marlon Strickland #fundie

Marlon Strickland: It sounds to me like you support Facism. Facism is pretty much every man for himself. Are you liberals equipped and prepared for that. I don't believe y'all would last long

HiSeizure: Definition of fascism 1 often capitalized: a political philosophy, movement or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation and forcible suppression of opposition

Marlon Strickland: Like I said your intelligence is not what you think it is. I know what Fascism is. And it's not conservatives. It's the little Antifa punks. If you continue to piss off the conservatives there will be no liberals or Antifa punks left

Ben Garrison #fundie



The ‘Antifa’ dress in black, wear masks and resort to physical violence. They use force to silence those with whom they disagree. They consider anyone to the right of Lenin to be ‘Nazis,’ while they engage in brown shirted, Hitler-like tactics themselves. They are most likely funded by the globalist George Soros. His job is to stir up strife and conflict. He enjoys keeping populaces distracted by means of hate and violence while he and his ilk advance their plans for a one-world government.

Once a haven for free speech, Berkeley has now become a giant safe space where uniform thinking is encouraged. After all, free speech is extremely dangerous. Why? Because it might hurt someone’s feelings! Feelings are now more important than facts and logic on too many college campuses. The Berkeley faculty and campus police seem to favor the Antifa. Instead of headlong debate, heads are getting hit with bike locks—and the Antifa culprits get away with it.

These spoiled brats apparently think they’re leading a cultural Marxist revolution. They had better not escalate the situation further. If there is gun play, a great many conservatives will fight back. I hope that doesn’t happen. We already have a cold war of sorts between the blue and red states. We don’t need an escalation into a hot war.

It’s time for far-left colleges to practice what they’re preaching. Namely, they need to start being more ‘inclusive’ and embrace ‘diversity.’ This means including even (gasp!) white, male conservatives. Welcome all voices to the debate table, not only those who recite the usual politically correct narrative by rote. Give others who aren’t socialists a chance to be heard. Don’t be afraid to engage in rational discourse. It might end up challenging and expanding minds. Isn’t that what college is for?

Jared Taylor #fundie

Press and politicians are blind to the truth.

If you get your news from NBC, this is what you learned about yesterday’s Unite the Right rally: “Charlottesville White Nationalist Rally Violence Prompts State of Emergency.” That’s right: The problem was white nationalist violence. It was as if the demonstrators had behaved just like Black Lives Matter or masked antifa: looting, burning, stopping traffic, and roughing up bystanders. Of course, what caused the violence was hostile counter-demonstrators, many of them wearing helmets and carrying shields. If they had not been there, there would have been no violence, and the rally would have taken place as planned.

Of all people, it was Donald Trump who came the closest to getting it right, condemning “hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides.” This, of course, earned him near-universal condemnation. As former Vice President Joe Biden explained, “There is only one side,” and the problem was Unite the Right. This prompted a storm of retweets and similar sentiments. Virginia’s attorney general Mark Herring tweeted that “violence, chaos, and apparent loss of life in Charlottesville is not the fault of ‘many sides.’ It is racists and white supremacists.” Actress Leslie Grossman probably expressed the only-one-side view best.

Here, one side is demonstrating peacefully, though provocatively; the other side—the good side—is committing violent aggression. (Swastikas were extremely rare in Charlottesville, but they make for better “anti-racist” graphics than Confederate flags.) So this is the moral calculus of Joe Biden, the Virginia attorney general, and the rest of the Left. It wouldn’t matter if every hand lifted by Unite the Right was in strict self-defense; the violence is their fault. Racially conscious whites deserve violence simply because of what they think.

Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe saw only one side, in a widely praised speech, telling Unite the Right, “You came here to hurt people, and you did hurt people.” Is Terry McAuliffe a mind-reader? Would they have hurt anything or anyone if counter-demonstrators had not showed up with shields and batons, screaming and throwing smoke bombs, determined to shut down the demonstration–and hurt “Nazis”?

One young white man did crash his car into demonstrators, killing one. We don’t yet know his motives, but even if he deliberately hurt people, there was just one of him, and everyone associated with Unite the Right has condemned him.

What about the police? They were clearly either incompetent or determined to shut down the rally before it began. The swarms of uniformed men on the scene did very little to separate demonstrators from counter-demonstrators. Television has broadcast one fistfight after another, with no police in sight. Besides the driver of car—who is charged with 2nd degree murder—those swarms of police made only three arrests. What were they doing?

The fighting, which started before the rally even had a chance to begin, was the excuse for police to declare it an “unlawful assembly” and call it off. Jason Kessler, who organized the rally, has rightly pointed out that this meant counter-demonstrators exercised the “heckler’s veto,” successfully silencing people with whom they disagreed. Instead of excerpts from pro-white speeches, the only thing media consumers therefore got was Confederate flags and brawling.

But Joe Biden tells us there is “only one side” to this story. Actually, there are three sides: Unite the Right, which gathered peacefully but defended itself; anti-racists who shut them down; and the police who let them do it.

There is a clear pattern to these events that not one mainstream outlet has noted. There is confrontation only when anti-whites harass and try to stop pro-white events. The reverse never happens. Lefties and non-whites can mount the most brazenly anti-white events, unmolested and with full media approval. It would be hard to imagine a clearer example of this contract—and of the entrenched bigotry we face—than yesterday’s events.

Jason Kessler is scheduled to make a statement to the press today at 2:00 p.m. He is smart man and a brave man. I’m sure we can trust him to make an excellent case for our side.

Update: Mr. Kessler set up microphones in front of the Charlottesville city hall to make his statement. Counter-demonstrators made such a racket that it was impossible for the press to hear what he was saying. Protesters edged closer and than attacked Mr. Kessler; police escorted him away for his own safety. Once again, a pro-white message has been stifled by anti-white thugs.

Lady Checkmate #fundie

Lady Checkmate's headline: "Florida church warns at every door 'we are heavily armed'"

(as always, she cuts and pastes a Fox News story: It's here:

If cowardly, alt-left, atheists w/ties to ANTIFA want to kill soft targets, they'll find they picked the wrong victims if they choose bible-believing Christians.

raziel71 #fundie

I did not say no Christian have ever committed murder.There is also a big difference between murder and defending yourself from someone that tries to kill you. An of course, a real Christian would not murder anyone. I dont consider catholics Christians, if you know anything about history. But, you are deflecting from the main point, the Texas massacre murderer was an atheist that also liked antifa and though that Christians were stupid. All in his FB page. The others in the last 20 massacres were mostly atheist, or democrats, or left leaning. This is easy to look for in the internet. Lanza's mother a democrat, same for the Columbine teenagers, the muslisms in California and Florida registered democrats, which by the way, tend to be atheist. You have no argument because the facts are clear.

Lady Checkmate #fundie

Lady Checkmate's headline: "More layoffs planned at Carrier plant Trump promised to save"

Don't forget to RECOMMEND. Thanks.

(Fox News story follows:

Lady Checkmate:
So, now they're blaming trump for the fact that their business leaders are struggling to keep their business afloat. Trump is NOT God. They should get business tips from him, but pray to God and trust that He wis faithful. Trump is the potus he can't run their business for them as well. Hopefully, he will do something to help them because he gave them(us) his word. Perhaps he should ignore the twitter. ANTIFA, alt-left trolls (put the secret service on them) and focus on what's more important...praying. I'm sure he has a plan.

Eileen Kuch #racist

I couldn’t say it any better, and I agree with you 100%. The US Supreme Court consisted of four Jews and five Gentiles when the issue of “gay marriage” crossed their desks. The Separation of Powers Clause in the Constitution assign certain powers to all three Branches. Passing legislation belongs only to the Legislative Branch; signing legislation into law and enforcing it belongs to the Executive Branch; interpreting the law belongs to the Judicial Branch.

In the case of “gay marriage,” Congress was deliberately bypassed and the issue handed to the Supreme Court, a violation of the Separation of Powers Clause of the US Constitution. The nation’s highest court legislated it into law, in a 5-4 decision–therefore, two of the five Gentiles had to have voted with the four Jews to enact “gay marriage” into law. Chief Justice John Roberts had some financial skeletons in his closet; thus, he voted with the Jews for the legislation; and Justice Kennedy’s a Liberal (there are rumors he may retire).

What’s happening here and in Europe is the evil work of Jewry. George Soros (Jew) and the Rothschild Clan (Jews) are responsible for the Black/Muslim invasion of Western Europe and for the rise of Antifa in the US. Most of the Federal Judges who’ve been blocking Donald Trump’s entry ban of Muslims from certain Islamic countries are Jews. Every pornographic movie, website and print matter are run by Jews. Editor Mike S. King wrote about the moral decline here in the US just this past month.

Just imagine, Br. Nat, a library where a class of kindergarteners are seated, listening to some creepy critter dressed in women’s attire, giving them a lecture about homosexuality, lesbianism and transgenderism. This is what Mr. King slammed in one of his latest articles. Weimar Germany in the 1920’s was just as decadent as the US is today. Transvestites, as well as scantily clad women, entertained audiences in theaters in the cities, and all they lacked back then was the technology to equal the decadence of the West in the 21st Century.

By 1933, all that came to an end, when Adolf Hitler became Chancellor. The Transgender Bathroom Executive Order signed by Barack Obama has recently been rescinded by Trump (thank God), but the decadent “Gay Pride” parades continue on, and a Federal Judge (cough, cough) recently blocked Trump’s ban on Transgenders in the military. It was Obama who opened the military to them. I’m sending you $20, as I’ve been doing for some time now. I hope this will be of some help to your mission.

SpearChuckinJungleBunny #racist

I've noticed lately that the number of people viewing our main TNB forum here on average has gone up by about a hundred compared to what I've seen in the past. As I write this it is at 385 viewers and I've never seen it that high. Makes me even more proud to be a Niggermaniac, which I will be until the day I die and into the afterlife I will still think niggers are rotten, idiotic, ugly, useless violent pieces of crap.

It's safe to say that Nigger Fatigue has increased in the past few weeks. It's driven primarily by the Nigger Felon League's pet nigger monkeys kneeling. Nigger Lives Don't Matter and Antifa Ape Attacks play a role but the "bread and circus" crowd control activity known as football is the central reason. No self-respecting human being should waste their time watching a bunch of baboons smash one another chasing a ball, switch to the human-dominated sports, there are plenty of options.

I don't take offense to niggers kneeling while White, Hispanic and Asian Americans stand and proudly show respect for their country and all that the flag and the Anthem represent. Niggers should kneel when humans are around anyway, I mean why would you expect animals to stand and show respect for a song unless you specifically trained them to? We used to have niggers very well trained but they're slipping out of control. I say let them act like the jutting-jawed bootlip retard jungle beasts that they are, so more and more humans wake up from the Magic Nigger Myth perpetuated by all forms of media and by our schools.

Lady Checkmate #fundie

(commenting on story "Trump: Media 'going crazy' with Wilson's 'total lie' about phone call")

I'm going to share something with you that everyone SHOULD know: alt-left trolls are very manipulative and deceptive...when things aren't going their way, they're not above "faking" a situation to event a crisis that in their insane mind gives them a right to troll and harass anyone that disagrees with them up to the point of issuing death threats and death wishes (think about the recent conservative restaurant issue, ANTIFA, etc.) when simple trolling doesn't do the trick. The alt-left is psycho loony.

Brother Nathanael Kapner #racist

When it comes to hate, the Jews of the Anti Defamation League are ‘experts.’ Well, they invented hate speech, pushed the legislation, and threw a muzzle over everyone’s mouth. Yet there is no legal definition of hate-speech—only vague and subjective laws that gives Jewry the gavel. Now the ADL displays a “100%” Hate Symbol on their site signifying how those ‘racist’ White Supremacists boast of being lily white.

Yet the ADL has their own “100%.” Only blood-pure Jews can be full citizens of the ‘Jewish State’ that the ADL promotes, with Israeli national rights above and beyond civil rights. But Palestinians, whose land was stolen by the Jews, are shut out. The hypocrisy is shameless.

Jews voluntarily left Arab countries to repopulate the stolen Palestinian towns. And any expulsions were in retaliation for Israel’s mass murders of Palestinian villagers. They were the ones who were “brutally thrown out” of the country “they had lived in for centuries.”

Another ADL Hate Symbol: “The Alabama Aryan Brotherhood.” One fringe Aryan white group and the ADL screeches. C’mon. Aryan Brotherhood is a network of prison gangs, and the feds are all over them. Yet how many networked “brotherhoods” do the Jews have? A thousand, at least—with billions of dollars to fund their Fan Club on Capitol Hill. Why isn’t Antifa and its ‘hate’ flag on the ADL’s roster?

Because they vie against white conservative Americans which the ADL fears, branding them indiscriminately as “nazis” or “fascists.” I mean, who’s the hater here? That’s why the ADL displays a Confederate Battle Flag as a Hate Symbol, suggesting the South was a prison for African slaves. Yet the Israeli Flag sanctions the imprisonment of 660,000 Palestinians in just 17 square miles of the open-air-dungeon known as the Gaza Strip.

And last, the ADL shows a Hate Symbol of Klansmen in their hoods and robes. Yet Zionist Jews like Kushner and friends, Adelson and friends, Shmuley and friends, all work DC in their ‘hoods’ and ‘robes.’ But the greatest hate symbol for the Jew is the Cross of Christ. Jews whine and bleat that the Cross is the ’symbol of oppression’ especially seen in the public square.

Yet we’re subjected to the premiere ’symbol of oppression,’ the Chanukah menorah, thrown up everywhere, even on the White House lawn. I grew up as a Jew, and the Chanukah menorah signifies Jewry’s conquest of all its enemies, that is, any opposing their Zionist agenda: Muslims, Christians, nationalists, Confederate-preservationists, Constitutionalists, peaceniks, politicians, I mean, the whole world.

All are targets of Jewry’s One-World conquest. And that’s why hate symbols are for goys only.

Marcus Cicero #fundie

[From "Charlottesville To Rename Street After Heather 'The Hulk' Heyer"]

Funny historical speculation here, everyone.

Could there be a chance that thousands of years ago, there was once a civilization that crumbled much like our modern one – complete with non-White migrants and morbidly-obese Communists marching through the streets of major cities.

And maybe, just maybe, there was at that time an incident like Charlottesville in which one of these fat slobs died of a heart attack, and was eventually deified and mourned with statues in its honor.

Who knows?

Perhaps this is what those things we call “fertility statues” really are – monuments to a dead ancient Antifa.

I can definitely see the resemblance between the two—


So, Susan, now you’re telling people that your daughter was murdered?

Pretty interesting considering the fact that you were the one who told us all that she died of a heart attack – almost certainly generated by obesity, menthol cigarettes, and the strain of pushing all that bulk through 90+ degree summer heat while dressed in black.


unny how we’ve heard literally nothing from Fields since his arrest nearly two months ago.

Is he being denied his rights to fair trial and gathering of evidence?

Is he even alive at the moment?

I honestly couldn’t even tell you the answers to these questions.


I’m telling you straight up that history repeats itself.

We need an inquiry into these fertility statues to determine whether they were meant to honor an ancient Heather Heyer, and if so, they need to be stricken from the books as nasty icons not worth $5 on Ebay.

Matt Weiler #conspiracy

he also may have been setup.. powers that be are pushing for a civil war. An ex cia guy predicted a mass shooting over the next few weeks two days ago on a radio show i listen too.. there may be another mass shooting in the next month framed as a right winger.

Some sources close to the investigation said there was antifa literature in the hotel room. MSM won't touch it.. CIA does operations like this in countries all over the world. Look up operation Gladio in Italy.. all declassified

James Buchanan #racist

People expect to hear about Internet censorship in Communist China and the pseudo-democracies in western Europe where police use “hate crime” laws to raid the homes of right-wing people who want to stop the Third World invasion of Europe. But we don’t expect to hear about Internet censorship here in the United States, where the First Amendment is supposed to protect free speech.

Well it happened right here in the U.S. First, Andrew Anglin’s website, the Daily Stormer was taken down by its host GoDaddy supposedly for an insensitive remark about Heather Heyer, who died of a heart attack when James Fields plowed through a group of Antifa after they began to attack his car. Heyer was about four feet to the right of Fields’ car, but not one mainstream news outlet has reported the truth about what happened there. The problem of deranged, leftist terrorists has become so widespread, several states have begun working on legislation to protect motorists, who might find themselves in a situation where they have to drive through violent protesters to escape an attack.

Once GoDaddy set the precedent for de-platforming a White Nationalist website based on a whim, Network Solutions, which had been hosting Stormfront for 22 years abruptly pulled the plug. Not only did they stop hosting Stormfront, they STOLE the website address and sat on it for over a month. Only after being pressured by lawyers (and perhaps the realization that what they were doing was probably illegal), did they finally release their claim on so that the owner, Don Black could move his website to a new domain host.

It should be noted that this wasn’t government censorship although the people who did it may have been been motivated by George Soros and Hillary, who want to punish and de-platform people on the Alt-Right. This was censorship by politically correct, liberal Social Justice Warriors, who can’t handle the truth and who want to snuff it out whenever brave Americans step forward and tell the truth about important issues. These self-appointed censors have wormed their way up into positions of power at GoDaddy and Network Solutions, and they think they can decide who can and can’t have free speech.

These activist liberals have been driven insane by Hillary’s defeat in 2016 and have been going after the Right “by any means necessary” to try to shut us down and take away our Rights. The first victims of censorship are always political radicals, whom the bourgeois class thinks “don’t deserve free speech.” Many people fall for the propaganda from the Jewish-owned liberal news media that anyone, who defends the White race, is an evil Nazi, who doesn’t deserve to have any Rights. Little do they know that today’s conservative is tomorrow’s “Nazi” when it comes to being a target for militant SJWs and Antifa terrorists.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy

Notice how fast proof is being taken down on the internet, I suspect Antifa will be used to bring in martial law, this is why UN MRAPS were being sent down our Highways, Stadiums Malls and Walmarts will be used as collection points. so be aware from this day forward.

This is all being staged, they are using Gun Control and Hillary to divert attention away, I suspect the they will have their professional teams out to make it appear like Antifa and or Right wingers to blame for the carnage, explains why Russians troop and Chinese Troops have been training here on our soil, and it appears it is all coming together for the Globalists, this is a all or nothing operation for them. and I suspect history will show the las Vegas shooting as the We the Peoples Modern Day World order. my opinions on this matter

jonascord #fundie

Bull. The Left will NEVER admit they were, or are wrong, stupid, in error, pick one or several.

If they can't win one way, they will try another.

Look at Hitlery's private army, Antifa.

They are out to overthrow the election, trash the Constitution, and put their Queen on the throne.

They won't be happy until the shooting starts, and then they will be amazed that The Great Prole Uprising doesn't spontaneously occur.

Like a mad dog, they will have to be "put to sleep".

It's deeply depressing to look into the future and see oceans of blood.

DragQueen_Eclipse #fundie

Anyone who thinks anarchy and Antifa actions are inherently "Peaceful" is looking for a watered-down variation of 'anarchy' that will never get past chat-rooms, blogs, and social media. or believing that you can eradicate the fascist and crypto-fascist by chanting and debates that does not mean we fetishize violence or use it as oppressive tactics (see State sponsored Violence)

Also, accepting the fact that as anarchists and various radicals, we are always in a 'self-defense' mindset because the State, Police, fascist/Crypto-fascist, sympathizers etc, want us eradicated, combined that with various Races/Ethnicities, Sexes, Gender-Identities, Sexual Orientations and we are always being attacked, from Class to Identity.

To not use Preemptive and offensive actions is surrendering, submitting to politicians, legislature, Ballot Boxes is surrendering, believing the Police will protect you is surrendering. Non-Violence is dangerous and protects the state. Liberals know this and use this "Non-Violent" stance to further oppress those that will fight for their autonomy because it will abolish their authoritative hierarchy aswell

Lions Gate #fundie

The issue is, what exactly are they kneeling about in the first place? This whole thing goes back to Ferguson and the whole “hands up, don’t shoot” fabrication. These people are propagandizing as many American people as they can into believing the narrative that cops are deliberately and indiscriminately shooting down innocent young black men all over the country, which is utter nonsense.

This weekend dramatically exposed the NFL’s support for BLM and to show they’re not going to stand for a flag that represented such injustice. Make it be known the NFL supports cop killers of BLM and the violent thugs of ANTIFA who are also connected to BLM.

This would be like the NFL in the 60s/70s supporting black panthers or weather underground or something like that. The NFL is now supporting or in unity with two groups who are just as violent and radical. Why?

Paula #fundie

It is so hard to understand why the damn Regressive Liberals defend these savages? They are similar — they both want freebees and want total control of the population. They both hate white people. Now with antifa & blm, the liberals now have a fighting army to kick the crap out of anyone that offends them. Muslims kill when will the libs start that?

AJ #racist

One must do careful study of the Jews to really understand how they operate.

The Jews have been very successful in deflecting attention away from their tactics, for which Antifa is just another of many examples of how they divide and conquer. Since Jews control the mass media, they will, of course, attempt to hide and minimize the terrorist-like tactics of Antifa, and instead strongly focus attention to any excesses of some White nationalist groups, or falsely portray these groups as violent and racist.

I could give countless other examples of Jewish tactics like this, though I’m sure most people on this site are quite knowledgable already. But many among the American public are not, and hence fall for the false narratives perpetuated by the media.

Trump’s Presidency is slowly exposing the Jewish tactics and more are starting to see that there is indeed a clever organized conspiracy operating.

How many better informed Americans are truly aware of the fact the conspiracy is entirely Jewish? Or do they just believe it’s really “globalists,” “Communists,” “the media,” “the Illuminati” or whatever euphemism you hear them say publicly?

The conspiracy is entirely Jewish, plus the Jewish lackeys in the whole mass media that work for them. Not just the news (NYTimes, WashPost, ABC, CBS, CNN, etc.), but the entertainment media (Hollywood, TV sitcoms, late-night talk shows, the lifestyle magazines like GQ, Vogue, Esquire, and on and on—.).

This is all part of the Jewish grand scheme for them to maintain control. Barely a single newspaper in the whole U.S. endorsed Trump for President, yet tens of millions supported him. The Jews fear the movement that created Trump but did not really see it coming.

Other examples of how the Jews operate:

They flooded the universities with lies and false ideas that have badly infected once prestigious departments like the humanities and history.

What kind of false ideas?? Well they very cleverly promulgate false teachings and sometimes mix some truth with these teachings to even further confuse the “goyim.”

1) “Racism”: This is one of their biggest “isms” or ideas they have infected the World with.

The Aryan/White races created the whole Western World we see before us. Yet the Jews have made it so anyone who acknowledges this fact publicly is considered “racist” or insensitive to the less advanced races.

2) “Sexism”: Differences between men and women that are simply facts in nature are exploited. They exploit women’s more emotional nature so they feel victimized.

3) “Homophobia”: All cultures of the world have penalized homosexuality because it’s destructive to families and perpetuation of the human race. Yet this rational reason is turned into one single idea, “homophobia”, and so you’re a bad person if you’re “homophobic.”

Abstract ideas like philosophy and religion are easily messed with and the Jews are very good at this. Someone should write a book on aspects of Jewish ways of thinking and acting and it should be taught in every school in America!

Internet Tough Guy Award

This is indeed not the reality of shooter games.

thisisnotmyreality #fundie

[Commenting under "Antifa forms a hit team, distributes hit list"]

Find a high spot (hilltop, rooftop, etc.) and bring one of these

10 points for every masked 'protester' you take out.

20 points for headshots

50 points if you hit multiple targets with a single shot.

Brother Nathanael Kapner #racist

They can do no wrong.

They’re here to protect us against ‘nazis’ in our midst.

I’m talking about Antifa, and the media just loves them.

Whether it’s CBS, CNN, ABC, NBC—all Jewish-owned—they marched in lockstep when covering Charlottesville.

Condemned as ‘white supremacists’ were those opposing the removal of Robert E Lee’s statue.

Praised as ‘warriors against racism’ were the Antifa thugs clubbing and beating the protestors who stand on the First Amendment.

Yet, Antifa is obviously a terrorist organization that denounces those who they disagree with as ‘nazis and fascists.’

Antifa ‘politics’ is to stop the mouths of everyone they hate–which is everyone who isn’t Antifa.

Sound familiar? Sounds like the Jewish narrative that just can’t be questioned.

And the Jewish-owned MSM loves Antifa’s street violence because their cause is ‘just.’

Not sure George Soros—born “Gyorgy Schwartz”—would agree with that, who’s rumored to be funding both Antifa and Neo-Nazis alike.

Don’t think his cause is really about ‘justice’—but about ‘chaos’ so as to rip society apart and reshape it into an amoral cast indifferent to right and wrong.

Just look at the ‘Newspeak.’

If your politics tilt to the conservative right you’re a ‘racist.’

If to the left you’re ‘fair-minded.’

If your outlook leans right you’re with the KKK—.leans left you’re with that oh-so peace-loving SPLC.

But not a peep out of them about Antifa’s violence fueled by hate but hailed as ’social justice warriors.’

All kinds of Christian groups are on its Hate Map simply because they either peacefully oppose the sin of homosexuality or simply don’t endorse it.

But the violent Antifa, or any group like it, is absent from its map.


Same reason the Jewish-owned media loves Antifa.

The destruction of Christian morality and consciousness is in the agenda of Jewry.

Destroy the symbols, standards, AND heroes of the Confederacy—(that is, a ‘White Christian Political Bloc’ that Jewry fears), and the Jews rule in the midst of fragmentation and instigated rivalry.

Zebo #racist

Of course the media loves Antifa because there is an old saying:

When fascism returns it will be disguised as Antifascism-and Antifa is using the fascist playbook (and everything they blame Hitler & the Nazis for) by 100%.

Can a Jewish created and/or sponsored organisation be something else than fascist, surpressing and tyrannic?

Be it the Bolsheviks, the progressives, the Antifa, LBGT, Feminists, NGO’s, Think Tanks — they always play the sociopaths most favourite trick: Blame others for the crimes you commit.

Karl Marx’s Manifesto was considered even by hardcore socialists like Bertrand Russell(”Why I’m not a Communist”) as hateful and inflammatory with the only intention to fill people with hate.

Wherever Jewish created Communism (or whatever pseudo do-gooding crap they hide behind) appeared, it turned a country into a cultureless tyrannical sewerhole and in many cases millions of natives in those Communist ruled countries got killed.

Saul Alinsky’s Rules for radicals are also 100% fascistic.

Just as artificially created words as Anti-Semitism, Hate-crime, Hate-speech,Homophobe, Islamophobe and the mother of them all — Political Correctness (brought into politics by Lenin’s bride) etc. are fascistic to destroy free speech and intimidate and stigmatize people.

Now one may say: The words Homophob and Islamophob have nothing to do with Jews?!?.

Well, it has everything to do with Jews.

The Kalergi Plan, the polymorphic perversion (Sigmund Freud), the Frankfurt School for systematically destroying your Western culture with dark skinned people, hedonism & gay worship is based on Jewish work, and terms like homophobia & Islamophobia which give special rights to these groups (I’m part of the second one) and making them invincible against criticism are also used as cover.

When other minority groups have special rights and cannot be criticized, most people can not see that the Holocaust(TM) Jew is the one with the most special rights (”If you want to know who has the real power, find out who you are not allowed to criticize”), as people are too much focused on gays, Muslims, Blacks etc.

So they can not see the Jewish elephant in the room, and these minorities are encouraged to behave either like idiots, to hate etc. and you are not allowed to criticize them when you are white.

The jewish racism and fascism (=the racism towards the majority of every country) can be seen whereever they participate or rule-not just in the apartheid country called Israel.

And they are doing this for thousands of years.

First slave trading, then the secret take over of Britain after Cromwell killed the king and let the Jews in.

England was turned within few decades into a world wide mass-murdering country, the same monster that Jew-controlled JewSA is today, controlled by the fascist bankster-owned FED, poisoning the goyim with drugs (Sassoons Opium Wars,Mayer Lansky+cia drug trade,) medicating children and babies with hard drugs(Leon Eisenberg).

Just read the book Propaganda by Edward Bernays — an instruction manual for soft fascism. Read the Protocols. Read Saul Alinsky.

The reason is simple-when a very small minority wants to controle the rest,fascism is in the end the only way to succeed.

And for such plans to succeed you need to

1) divide people (that’s what Obama did all the time)

2) attract frustrated minorities(eg gays,buttugly aggressive lesbians(=feminists), jobless antisocial junkies (=antifa)

3)subvert institutions

4)controle news and history writing.

All these are fascist methods therefore antifa can only be facist and the only way to not be called fascist/racist by those Jewish controlled fascists is to acceppt Jewish rule and Jewish agenda (or at least not criticize it).

And the fascism has reached extreme levels long time ago:

Even transgender posterchild Bruce Caitlinn Jenner said some years ago that he has been discriminated in his life more for being conservative than for bein transgender.

Of course not all jews are fascist-like in all others cultures most people are alright, but they never really cared to differ in the past thousands of years between themselves and the fascist intellectualised sociopathic Jews (in the Bible they are called the Synagogue of Satan) and therefore no other word than Jew exist to differ between both groups.

Ft. Nolan #fundie

AntiFa is not anti-fascist, they are anti-Christ Bolsheviks intent upon overturning the Constitution of the United States by violent means. (If I’m wrong, they should sue me).

Much like a deviant, rebellious and defiant problem child who sees nothing wrong with him or herself, they provoke and provoke every sensible person into becoming a “bad guy” for daring to correct and discipline this sociopathic behavior.

It’s hard to say where and when the spark setting off this powder keg will take place. Even if the AntiFa pukes draw first blood unleashing an overwhelming backlash, they will still be justified in their actions while villifying those “treating” this rabid infection.

Issues and complexities abound, there’s more undercurrent than meets the oars.

Seek The Truth #racist

For anyone who wants to see the 1954 animated movie “Animal Farm” based on a novel by George Orwell, it’s viewable on You Tube and also as a DVD. 72 minutes.

The film is very prophetic if the pigs are Jew communists, the farmer is the rich capitalist and the farm animals are the gentiles and White Christians.

After getting rid of the farmer, the pigs use large black dogs to punish and enforce the rules on the farm.

Just replace them with Antifa, Black Lives Matter etc. or this special class of Blacks who have been taught to hate gentiles and White Christians by Obama and blame them for everything and for a few shekels from George Soros, the Jew communist pig, can get very violent.

Mat Staver #fundie

Mat Staver, the head of the anti-LGBTQ legal group Liberty Counsel, returned to his favorite analogy last week, saying that the Southern Poverty Law Center’s labeling of his group as an anti-gay hate group is part of a persecution of Christians in America reminiscent of the treatment of Jews in Nazi Germany, and linked the removal of Confederate monuments throughout the country to a larger “civil war against our values” happening in the U.S.

Several years ago, the SPLC started adding anti-gay groups like Liberty Counsel to its lists of hate groups, noting that its decision to label these groups as hate groups was generally “based on their propagation of known falsehoods” about LGBTQ people and specifying that “[v]iewing homosexuality as unbiblical does not qualify organizations for listing as hate groups.” However, this has not stopped many of the anti-LGBTQ groups whom the SPLC has listed from claiming that they are merely on the list because of an opposition to marriage equality.

In an interview on VCY America’s “Crosstalk” program on August 22, Staver said that SPLC knows that these anti-LGBTQ groups “are not violent organizations, they know that they are Christian organizations, and they know that they oppose any kind of hatred or violence. They just don’t agree with us on the issue of marriage.” (SPLC has never claimed that Liberty Counsel or its anti-LGBTQ allies are “violent organizations.”)

When the host of the program, Jim Schneider, asked how far the nation would let this sort of thing go, Staver issued a dire warning.

“I think that’s a question that everyone listening here needs to answer,” he said, “I think we’ve crossed the line and we can’t let this go any further. We’ve got to push back, it cannot happen like this. You know, if you go back into the 1930s, what ultimately happened back then with the Jews—and history, you know, there’s other histories you can point to—but they began to ultimately ban Jews from public employment, then ban Jews from their private employment, then put a Star of David on their ID and a Star of David on their passport, restrict their travel, restrict their income opportunity, and eventually you know what happened, we had to fight a World War II over that issue.”

(Speaking of travel restrictions, Staver went on the radio to defend President Trump’s travel ban for residents of several Muslim-majority nations earlier this year.)

Later in the interview, Staver lamented the “coarsening of discourse and a lack of morals and integrity” in American political debates, which he chalked up to “the erosion of our Judeo-Christian values” and what he claimed is intolerance of dissent.

“That is so much different than anything we’ve ever had before,” he said, “and continuing on this way, I think it’s almost, it’s like a civil war against our values, it’s a war against the very essence of who we are.”

He continued: “And there’s a number, like Antifa, that’s an anarchist group, they call themselves anarchists. I mean, an anarchist is somebody who wants to create anarchy, this is to just to completely destroy all the institutions. And you see this happening with the monuments. You know, I understand the concern people have against the Confederate monuments, I get all that, I understand that, I have a lot of people, a lot of friends that are affected by that. On the other hand, I have a lot of friends who say, ‘Look, this is part of our history.’”

He added that “if we want to start taking down our history, our monuments, because certain people were not at the same level that we want them to be today” the only monuments that would remain would be those of Jesus Christ.

Marcus Cicero and Christopher Cantwell #fundie

[From "Self-Defense Be Damned: Hero Of The Resistance Christopher Cantwell Hit With Trumped Up Charges In Virginia"]

If your actions in defense of your heritage and blood get on the wrong side of the (((powers that be))), the odds of you facing ridiculous kangaroo court-style criminal prosecution will rise exponentially.

For example, many of you may remember the story of Michael Weaver, who was essentially gulaged (that’s now a word) for defending himself against a duo of criminal Negroes dead-set on looting his car for shiny objects.

Like, I had heard the details before, but to hear them again face-to-face just a little while ago made me actually cringe at how deceitful and cruel our Jew-dominated Justice System can be in certain situations.

Now it looks like they’re gunning for /ourguy/ Christopher Cantwell, and the parallels with Weaver’s case are so many that we should all honestly pray that Divine Providence steps in to provide a legal defense worthy of legendary song.

Boston Globe

A white supremacist from Keene, N.H., who was prominently featured in a recent Vice News documentary about the violence in Charlottesville, is wanted for arrest on charges in Virginia, according to authorities.

Christopher Cantwell, who is seen in the documentary denouncing Jews and declaring, “a lot more people are gonna die before we’re done here,” has two outstanding warrants stemming from the rally where a counterprotester was killed last weekend.

Officials from the Virginia Commonwealth Attorney’s Office said Thursday that Cantwell is wanted for illegal use of gases, and injury by caustic agent or explosive. Both are felony charges, officials said.

In a blog post apparently authored by Cantwell on Thursday, on, the Keene resident references his participation in the Charlottesville protests.

“Depending on who you listen to, I’m either a hero, a terrorist, or a crybaby, which should tell you something about the reliability of the media,” the post said. “In reality, I’m just a guy who wants to save his country from communism, and is often quite terrified at how much resistance he meets in doing so.”

I’ve seen a lot of ridiculous cases in my time here on Earth, but this one is honestly one that shouldn’t even make it through the arraignment phase.

During the torchlight rally last Friday night, I ended up roughly a few dozen feet at most from where this alleged incident took place, and I would be glad to testify under oath in front of a judge that all of Cantwell’s actions were in pure self-defense.

Antifa terrorists had locked hands around the statue of Thomas Jefferson at the University of Virginia, and were using their positions to aggressively lunge at our activists in ways that led to more than a couple of injuries thanks to sucker-punches and liberal (pun intended) use of chemical agents.

Our people acted with restraint and prudence during these tense moments, and video footage from the scene would corroborate this statement beyond a shadow of a doubt.

No joking, sarcasm, or shit-posting here, Brothers, for to see such insanity brought forward makes me almost tear-up with rage.

Moonman #fundie

[Alt-right rap song Fat and the Furious: Charlottesville Drift]


They tried to shut us down, cancel our permit
My people in the rally, all covered in spit
James driving shift, white polo outfit
If the break lights lit then you must acquit
When obese antifa are in attendance
This car grill does fat acceptance
Turned a closed rally into an open circuit
Elon Musk is asking how we sent that hamplanet into orbit
Because you blocked traffic and attacked him with crowbars
he sent more commies flying with less deaths than the USSR.
What a backflip, stop the crocodile tears
that's the most acrobatic Heather's been in years.
Remember, antiracist is just antiWhite in code
Should have dropped feminist studies and learned to cross the road
Now an ugly bitch is dead and a hot car is being toed.
You cried tears of joy when they passed Obamacare.
You died just the same, now we'll save on welfare.
Trump's new plan to pay off America's debt:
Every alt-righter gets a brand new corvette.
Used to burn crosses, now we burn rubber.
Turned a girl who made powerpoints instead of kids into flubber.
You said you like to try new food when you travel.
So we sent you on a trip to taste some gravel.
That's the healthiest meal I remember these drug addicts eating,
so it took me by surprise that your hearts no longer beating.
My homeboy Herschel made a call to Hack on Triple J
Made Tom Tilley light a tikki torch on the side of Triple K.
Fat and the Furious: Charlottesville Drift,
The paramedics who responded probably got the gift.
Make fun of the alt-right for watching anime - like Initial Drive
If you normies had tuned in maybe she'd still be alive.
Good thing you had Vice journalists within reach,
they haven seen that much shit lying around since a Liberian beach.
When I first saw the pic of Heather dying on us,
I was confused and asked "Is she stuck under that bus?"
The alt-right just had the National Guard deployed
Now jobless lefties want to make us unemployed.
I'd say they were trying to bring us down to their level,
but now that's 6 feet under meeting brimstone and the devil.
I suspect she was retarded before that car gave her brain damage,
It had dodge written on the front - she wasn't up to the challenge.
Even with the jewish media demanding that Trump must disavow
he still defends the alt-right and the Chad Plough.
To all you black pilled faggots saying the movement is dead,
even the President says its fine to park your car on a red.?

borjastick #conspiracy

Some of you may have seen and heard that Daily Stormer, the bastion of free speech and presentation of a different vision and alt right position has been ejected from the internet by both google and Go Daddy.

They use the usual excuse that DS broke community rules etc. really that's just a way of justifying shutting down an alternative voice, and that in the land of free speech! DS always stressed a violence free position and never advocated anything other than peaceful protest and opinion.

This all came about after the Charlottesville riots last weekend where a legally held rally was attacked by antifa boot boys, who seem to say that it's right for them to use mass violence against white supremacists but not the other way around and that they can shut down free speech because they think so. Funny how the good old left are always right...

So what does this have to do with us here? Masses. The left seem to have gained the permission of both the law makers and the MSM to attack and shut down what they see as fascism and ugliness, just because they cannot control their foaming mouths and irrational thoughts that violence against free speech is totally justifiable and yet cannot see the pure irony of it all.

They of course see holocaust denial as a platform for right wingers and fascist Nazis who hate all but ourselves. Not true of course but hey why let the truth get in the way? If we allowed truth to win out Codoh and this forum wouldn't need to be here.

This could be a difficult time as antifa/jews/self righteous and all backed by the frightened media put the boot in on anything they don't like.

Na7Soc #racist #wingnut #conspiracy

[From "Charlottesville Violence Being Blamed on White Nationalists "Neo Nazis" Even Though All Video Evidence Shows Communist Counter Protesters Who Didn't Even Have a Permit Started Violence. Event Being Used to Dismantle White Cultural Symbols Across US, and Assault Free Speech Online."]

Media has created a narrative once again by using the Charlottesville event started by White Nationalists. George Soros had bused in Communists paid by the hour to attack the Nationalists and then the media covers for them by painting them as the victims even though the Nationalists showed extreme restraint sticking to the narrative and speaker events.

Now the media is trying to justify the attempt to paint White ethnic nationalists of any kind as terrorists clearly holding us to a completely different standard as far left groups like Antifa and Black Lives Matter etc. have commit to political violence as part of their party program. BLM have encouraged and engaged in ongoing efforts to attack and assassinate police officers but yet they are still portrayed as underdog civil rights heroes on TelAvivision as if they aren't the status quo and are fighting against "the man" (pretending that far right Whites who protect White interests are in charge as if we would allow mass non-white legal and illegal immigration and refugees etc. if we were in charge).

Antifa are just Communists who call anyone to the right of them politically as Nazis (lol remember the guy who said "...and I don't use the word Nazi lightly!" followed by constant cries of "fuck off nazi! go home nazi!". Antifa also like BLM use political violence as standard accepted practice, they will instigate and initiate violence and then cry pretending to be the victim at retaliation with the mainstream media on standby ready to support the Marxist narrative.

Antifa are so completely unaware of their surroundings and reality they don't notice all mainstream media/government/celebrities spouting the marxist narrative and they still pretend that they aren't the status quo and are fighting a mythical system of White Privilege that only exists in their minds because in reality affirmative action/immigration reform act of 1965, safe spaces, hate speech laws, holohoax denial laws, and also the fact Whites are going to become minorities in all of our own nations more than proves that the governments for decades have been enacting Communist social and economic policy at the expense of the White population.

At this point in time every single one of Hitler's warnings have come true. We are being subject to policy that is ethnically cleansing our people from Europe and North America our home nations. The United Nations definition of genocide includes "Enacting policy that is engineered to eliminate a population in whole or in part", data clearly shows that the White race is being eliminated in large part due to the social/economic/immigration policies that Jews themselves admit to being behind in the first place.

The Jewish media monopoly at the moment are acting even worse than Soviet Bolshevik propaganda making huge stretches to paint situations in a completely different perspective in order to make it seem to fit a Marxist narrative. For example this is the refugee situation but yet media portrays only very specific stories that focus totally on a key individuals story of "struggle and suffering" and they never EVER broadcast a story that focuses on the EFFECTS OF MASS MIGRATION ON WESTERN SOCIETY because it is a complete and utter disaster that is seriously going to destroy the European race which is what they want. They want to replace the White race in all of our nations because we are their obstacle to a world where Israel is the only ethnic nation as a Jewish homeland, but every other nation is forced to be Communist void of race or heritage or any other obstacle that would compete with the state for loyalty.

National Socialism is something they are terrified of because it has shown that we are capable of providing an extremely high quality of life for all our people because we don't need international Jewish finance to handle trade, foreign aid, investments, and other economic actions. They will do whatever it takes to secure their current lifestyle of making huge profits off of being the middlemen between nations, and being the loan givers. They are responsible for technological advancement coming to a complete standstill (because they need people spending almost all their time working unable to give the amount of attention needed to stay up to date on politics and history so they wake up to who is screwing them). They are a corrupt and evil status quo which is why they demand censorship and using the 9/11 attacks in 2001 as an excuse to label our own citizens as terrorists just because we aren't ashamed to be White anymore. They want to be able to keep power by calling their opponents racist or anti semitic, they can't vindicate themselves with facts or truth so they need to be able to evoke angry emotions in the masses against their opposition by saying "Look at these nazis! They're so racist and hateful! Don't listen to them!" because that kind of simplistic reasoning is an excuse to not explain to people why their social and economic policies are better than ours.

They are desperate to avoid an honest dialogue about who can provide a better social/economic platform for our nation between the Bolsheviks (Globalists they now call themselves) or us National Socialists. That discussion is something they have to avoid at all costs and they can't have people even discussing it even if it's on social media between each other or in any form where ideas can spread.

dlo_3us2001 #fundie

Responding to a comment made by another member: "There is a supernatural hatred of both Jews and Christians in the world and country. There is nothing logical about it.

It's amusing to see the left claim it is a right-wing problem given all the antisemitism [sic] on its side from Muslims and blacks like Al Sharpton. The left is vehemently anti-Israel."

Jesus said it would happen.

It is caused by their hatred of God/Jesus/The Holy Spirit and the Holy Bible.

I will stick with God/Jesus/The Holy Spirit and the Holy Bible, over the liberals, democrats, leftists, evolutionists,
homosexuals, transgenders, feminists, Antifa's, Black Lives Matter groups, prochoicers, Muslims, KKK, White Supremacy groups, Non Believers, false teachers, blind guides, anti-Semitism groups, Communists, Nazi groups,

These groups have NOTHING to offer, but, sin, looting, rioting, protesting, hatred, anger, bondage and death.


Michael Greek #racist


Right on target, as always Dr. Hill!!

There is a WAR going on against ALL of us – people of European descent – and the sooner we realize this, the better!!

Our enemies do NOT make any destinction between Southern Nationalists or National Socialists or the KKK or the Traditionalist Workers Party etc—

When you say something even remotedly pro-White, you are automatically labelled a “Nazi” —.and that’s it!!

There is no point at trying to justify yourselves or trying to prove that you are not a “Nazi” etc etc—

(As if the brainwashed White masses know what Nazism really was in the first place)!!

So, why bother at all ?? There is no practical point at that!

There is a genocidal agenda against the South in particular and against the European Race in general.

So, we don’t have the luxury of excluding anyone from the struggle.

The only thing that matters right now is the building of a strong Movement.

And Charlotesville showed that such a Movement is being formed.

The common struggle, the common fight and the spirit of brotherhood will bring everyone together and will function as a magnet for many more to join.

Here in Europe these “common united front” tactics have been applied for years, and they have shown very good results.

Show strength in numbers, show organizing skills , never back up and – last but not least – NEVER APOLOGIZE!!

NEVER APOLOGIZE—this is the Alpha and the Omega in the War of political propaganda.

You have an entire system focused on you right now—.the whole degenerate mechanism of Babylon is upon you—.Politicians, mass media, Hollywood, traitor churches, antifa scum etc etc—.this proves that the System is AFRAID of you!

If you back off now, if you start apologizing, if you fail to maintain unity and concentration to the Cause, Charlotesville will mean nothing.

But if you remain tough, un-apologetic, united and organized, Charlotesville will be remembered as the birth place of the Second American Revolution—.the Revolution for the survival of an entire Race.

Make no mistake about that, and make sure that there will be more Charlotesvilles in the near future!!


DerekJack123 #racist

I would bet everything I own that Jews are behind all this nonsense going on in America. This is their end game to destroy the white race. No they don't need to destroy all of us. They already control the leftists and Antifa types.

Mark my words, within the next month there will be more deaths, mostly on the left. Probably perpetrated by some Jew, to lay more blame at the feet of white people. I'd say by October the latest we are in some form of open armed conflict in this country.

GreatJanitor #fundie

(Charlottesville rally organizer calls Heather Heyer’s death ‘payback’)

I wouldn't say payback. However, you had three groups: Black Lives Matters, Antifa, and White Supremacists. A member of one of those three died. Hard not to admit that nothing of value was lost. I know that's cold, but after seeing the destruction Antifa and BLM have caused, seeing the people that they have assaulted, let's not kid ourselves for one moment and admit that a member of a violent organization died. Not a hero, but a terrorist.

Hunter Wallace #fundie

[From "National Review’s Hilarious Take On Charlottesville"]

This article is so wildly cucked it could have been published by the SPLC:

“UVA’s president, Teresa Sullivan, deserves credit for seeing this in advance. In an August 4 letter to our community, she warned that “the organizers of the rally want confrontation; do not gratify their desire.” She quoted an event advocate as hoping to “create a massive polarizing spectacle in order to draw as huge a contrast as possible.” The organizers got what they wished — not just in the deaths of Heather Heyer and state troopers Berke Bates and H. Jay Cullen, but also in the others injured. —”

Where to start?

1.) When I said I wanted to “create a massive polarizing spectacle in order to draw as huge a contrast as possible,” I obviously didn’t have violence in mind. Instead, I assumed the police would do their job and keep both sides separated, we would have our big rally and it would be broadcasted live on social media. It would be highly triggering and would erode politically correct taboos, but it would be a relatively peaceful event like the previous rally held in Pikeville, KY in April.

2.) If I believed that Charlottesville was going to devolve into a violent spectacle, why didn’t any of us come armed? I didn’t have a shield, a helmet, goggles, a gas mask, a gun, a knife, a stick, etc. No, I assumed that the police were going to be well prepared to handle the situation. A few of us carried shields in order to deal with any projectiles which we were told might be hurled into the park.

3.) How on earth did we cause the police helicopter to crash? Did we have a rocket launcher?

4.) The people who were walking around with semi-automatic weapons were neutral Patriot groups. They were peacekeepers who weren’t there to take either side.

5.) We came to protest the removal of the Robert E. Lee monument. We had a constitutional right to assemble in Lee Park. The ACLU and a federal judge agreed with us. “Constitutional Conservatives,” however, sided with the Democrat governor and the Democrat mayor and violent Antifa who bullied the police into standing down and unleashing anarchy in the streets.

It was obvious who failed in Charlottesville – the police failed to keep both sides separated and stood idly by while the violence escalated. This was used as an excuse to declare a “state of emergency” and nullify the federal court order which allowed our free speech rally to take place.

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