
EmpathicDesign #wingnut #psycho

See what I did there in the title? ;)

So, it has come to my attention just how ugly leftists are. And I mean that in every literal way possible.
They're physically unattractive, when they talk it's always a few octaves louder than required when presenting a point, they always look like they drank raw lemon juice just before they speak and it's as though they have mastered the usage of every other vital function but the ones that matter i.e they know how to talk, but their ears are used conditionally, they know how to think but feelings entangle into their thoughts and do not separate before coming out their mouths.

Oh, and they support criminal activity i.e AntiFa, BLM and illegal immigration, and they protect pedophiles, rapists and murderers. They also historically supported slavery and condemned its abolition.

Why are these people not being lined up at the execution range en mas and by the truck loads? There will be absolutely no negative repercussions for getting rid of these monsters; evil is not meant to be condemned or imprisoned, it's mean to be destroyed entirely from reality. Duh.


DR. GUDRUN EUSSNER #conspiracy

The German journalist eshews any opinion. He works under the protection of the Merkel-politics, that protects him from derailments and wrong estimates, he respects their advice and criticism. He feels himself as part of a very big coalition of all people and especially of the CDU/SPD.

It's worth it to compare those teachings with the articles of the covenant of the Islamic resistance movement Hamas; the comparisons ain't coincidental.

Editors and journalists with broadcast awareness do feel themselves obligated as well to lead fools to the right path. When they are unable to do so despite their power, they will leave their path and be excluded from communication, their expressions will either be oppressed or defamed. Entire blogs have been created to Judge this questionable case objectively. The rest is brought by the antifa.

Original German:

Dem deutschen Journalisten ist jegliche eigene Meinung fremd, er arbeitet im Schutze der Merkel-Politik, die ihn, wenn nötig, vor Entgleisungen und falschen Einschätzungen bewahrt, er achtet ihren Rat und ihre Kritik, er fühlt sich als Teil der ganz großen Koalition des Volkes und insbesondere der CDU/CSU und der SPD.

Es lohnt sich, diese Lehren mit den Artikeln des Covenant of the Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas abzugleichen; die Ähnlichkeiten sind nicht zufällig.

Publizisten und Journalisten mit Sendungsbewußtsein sehen sich ebenfalls verpflichtet, die Irrenden auf den rechten Pfad zu führen. Wenn sie dazu mangels Macht nicht in der Lage sind, werden die vom Wege abgekommenen aus der Kommunikation ausgeschlossen, ihre Äußerungen werden entweder unterdrückt oder diffamiert. Ganze Blogs sind eigens dazu eingerichtet worden, den fraglichen Fall objektiv zu beurteilen. Den Rest besorgt die Antifa.

Meanders Toward The Right #wingnut

Compassionate Fascism

Not long ago, a young man was assaulted* for carrying the banner of a white nationalist group and daring to retort when he was set upon and interrogated by members of a far-left militant organization known as BAMN (By Any Means Necessary). The video [03:53 is where it gets interesting/ 04:05 is where we get a front row seat to the limp wrist of the modern leftist] is silly and sad at the same time. It contains a number of lessons for the observant person. If you are of an unpopular ideology, never travel alone. If you are confronted by antithetical opposition, to argue is to waste breath and time. You cannot appeal to the State for protection, but you can beg them for rescue. Do not bring words to a fist fight.

There are always many lessons to be had from the raw footage of the foot soldiers of opposed ideologies interacting with each other, but watching it can give you anxiety as well as putting blinders on your mind’s eye. Historical forces become bound up in an eternally looping gif. Perspective gets lost and Activism starts to make sense. Standing up and speaking out become more and more attractive. This is how the Action Left organize and motivate their conscripts. Think Global/Act Local is a code for using general ideation and tautological thinking to justify heinous, ignorant, and impulsive acts. In the clip, the camera man is following the WN person, asking bait questions and generally drawing attention. Soon a squad of antifa activists is in range. Before the very eyes of the Local Authority, the Activists physically engage the lone man. The most important part is when Citizen Felarca attempts to pummel the man with her fun-size fists. The determination on her face, the belief in her heart, and the weakness of her body are all potent symbols of the leadership of the Modern Left. Of course, she is surrounded by white males, and once their Leader has opened the door, they are more than happy to engage. To their credit, the police intervene quite quickly, but as a some of us here at Meanders have been to more than a few protests, we can state with absolute certainty that the cops were being very nice to the antifa lads. One can only imagine how vigorously the officers would Protect the Peace if Citizen Felarca found herself surrounded by angry fascists.
Herein lies the issue: behind the ballistic helmet and body armor stands a man with democratic values. He is not just an Enforcer, he is a Judge, a Juror, a Voter, and many other things beside. Each of those different people must choose to act and how. His personal life will undoubtedly bleed into his professional demeanor. Maybe his girlfriend is black. Maybe his colleagues are mixed. Whatever the case, few words inspire pure, unadulterated hatred like fascist. To be NRx is to be a fascist of some strain. You can hide it with terms like monarchist or conservative, but the fact remains that we believe, fundamentally, that societies are best governed by a small, ultra powerful elite that is bound to safety and order by strict, defining principles. The core principle must be the abhorrence and elimination of violence in any form. Violent action must be solely controlled and administered by the State. This State must do all it can to maintain peace and prosperity. For the most part, this means staying out of local civil affairs. But sometimes, force is required to maintain the status quo.
The history of fascism is littered with mistakes and dead ends. It is not easy for a lay person to come up with examples of productive fascism thanks to the re-education and indoctrination of the cohorts of the Cathedral. But they are there. The city state of Singapore is the best example i have found. The power structure there embodies everything that the NRx canon seeks to create. Let us examine that case. This is a tiny city-state surrounded by larger entities that could at any moment invade and conquer. They must also confront a horde of immigrants seeking asylum and prosperity. With strict adherence to regulations, brutal enforcement to the rule of law, and reality based tactics, this oasis of order continues to increase its economic and social standing. At the same time, they stolidly grow their force capabilities, walking a fine line between inaction and Taiwanese Fortress Mentality. They only accomplish this through the focus of power in a very small group of well educated, well informed decision makes, centered around an absolute ruler.
This is Compassionate Fascism. The strict adherence to the Rule of Law is not a subterfuge for consolidation of power, rather a concerted effort to maintain an ideal equilibrium. Lee Kuan Yew is an interesting case study in the value of dictatorship. A strong fascist government requires an number of ingredients, and one is a dispassionate, intelligent, and conscientious leader. Another is an inviolable canon coexisting with a capability of self review. The final piece (of the core) is the capability to exercise extreme violence towards any and all actors that pose an existential threat to peace and stability (the combination of these two being the prerequisite for prosperity). As we have stated before, and others as well, the enemy of society is primarily uncontrolled violence. Of all of the other ailments of society and civilization, the potential for unfettered violence stands head and shoulders above all other threats. Demotist ideology mitigates mass violence by perpetrating lies about common cause, universal brotherhood, and social justice. This strategy is falling apart. In the USA, we stand at the precipice of violent upheaval. One need look no further than the self proclaimed pacifists of the Left using violence and the threat thereof to intimidate the proponents of their opposition in the current election. On the one hand, they decry the Bush Regime for using violence to respond to threats to ideology, then with the other they strike down with violence of word or deed any dissent. They time and again repeat the accusation that Trump is a new Hitler. For their strategy to work, they must portray the opposition as the ultimate evil. This is the inherent weakness of confederated union when the constituents have very little in common. When they run out of universal enemies, they will descend into in fighting and fratricide. This is the inevitable conclusion of any Demotist endeavor.
If we wish to have a peaceful and prosperous future, we have no course but dictatorship and enforced order. The real question is do we wish to have a dictator that plays at populism whilst using cronyism to further the agenda of the leadership class for personal gain, or do we give power to a ruling elite bound by strictures established from the near perfection of computational analysis and a publicly accessible Board of Review?
*we here at Meanders hate using that term for low level physicality, but given the propensity of the left to use and abuse the legal system for their own ends, we have no choice but to address it as such. it is a sad state of affairs for any real man in this day and age to have to, with a straight face, say he was assaulted some bird-boned Marxist who couldn’t hold either hammer or sickle outstretched for more than a few seconds.

Rose City Antifa #fundie

A man assaulted by Antifa supporters in a video that went viral following a demonstration against a far-right rally in Portland, Oregon, says he is not a fascist but a Bernie Sanders-supporting progressive and registered Democrat.

On August 4, Portland-based far-right group Patriot Prayer rallied at the city’s Tom McCall Waterfront Park. But it was opposed by a larger number of counter-demonstrators from various left-wing and liberal groups in the city.

Footage shows Paul Welch, 38, wrestling with masked anti-fascists for possession of the American flag he brought to the counter-demo. They demanded he let go of the flag, calling it a “fascist symbol,” reported The Oregonian.

"The right and certainly a lot of smaller groups like Patriot Prayer might rush to things like the flag and try to take it up as, 'This is our symbol exclusively,'" Welch, a protest regular, told The Oregonian. "Part of my thinking was to take it back."

One of the men in the video beats Welch on the legs with a club-like object before striking him on the head with it. Welch is left bleeding on the floor, holding his head, as his assailants calmly walk off.

He feared he would be beaten to death but was taken to hospital by onlookers and his head gash stapled back together by doctors. Welch, who said he voted for socialist Sanders in the 2016 Democratic primary, was also concussed.


Rose City Antifa, the anti-fascist group in Portland, did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Antifa rioters #fundie

Violent protest apparently struck the Messes Des Morts festival that just took place November 24th - 26th in Montreal, with Portland-based metal band Uada offering this first hand account of events:

"First and foremost Uada would like to send our thanks to the promoters & staff who put a lot of hard work into organizing this great event. They were not only some of the most professional groups of organizers we've met but they also put the safety of the concert-goers first & deserve the highest respects for making that decision. We were honored for the invitation & despite the travesty Saturday night, we greatly enjoyed our time in Montreal.

"Secondly we would like to send our heartfelt apologies to the fans, as they were the ones who really suffered this weekend. We know a lot of people were looking forward to this specific night of the festival, including their first Uada experience, & it saddens us that we were unable to share it with you. We definitely will return to Montreal sometime in the future.

"When we formed in 2014 we made a point to be a band with zero political, religious or cultural bias in our viewpoints or our art. Music, art & our freedom to express it is extremely important to us but unfortunately at Messe des Morts this weekend we were forced to shut down & unable to share our art with the hundreds of people that were there to enjoy it. We know it was not specifically because of our band or in association with any of our members, but we were just as devastated by the turn in events as many others from all around the world were.

"While we were locked in the building as the riots of the Antifa organizations in Montreal intensified, we stood among a great group of cultural & racial diversity just as we did the previous night in the venue. We all gathered under one roof to forget about our differences & find common ground in something we all love, MUSIC. Meanwhile hundreds of Antifa (majority Caucasian by the way) stood outside protesting with threats, violence & vandalism.

"While we all strive for freedom of speech & expression, we also understand that includes the right to protest. What that does not include is the right to physically attack fans, steal merchandise/clothing from innocent by-standers, throw tear gas bombs into the commercial buildings nearby & later show up to our hotel to smash windows & hallway lights well after the show was cancelled.

"Everyone staying at our hotel (including those not there for the event) at one point had to evacuate the building due to Antifa members pulling the fire alarm as well as using tear gas bombs once again. This put families in the middle of the cold winter streets, in the middle of the night. What happened in Montreal was not just a protest, but an act of terrorism. Terrorism not just against the event, but against their own community.

"To our friends that were waiting for us outside before the show, we are so sorry to hear of the many personal attacks you experienced & hope you are now safe at home & healing well. To everyone else, please do not look at the cancellation of this event as a victory for those who opposed it. Look at it as a loss for all involved including the protesters themselves. They have been so blinded by their own hate & fear, that they do not realize their actions are a direct representation of exactly what their 'mission' is supposed to be fighting against. It is the media creating our divide & taking the stories they want to report and inflating them to such a colossal scale that they take on a life of their own. There were no acts of racism or fascism inside or surrounding this event from our personal experiences.

"For many of us, music is our release & our way of expressing our frustrations, anger, animosity & passion. We take to creativity, not violence & vandalism. As someone who has been a part of the metal community for well over 20 years, I can say that the metal-heads of the world are some of the most open minded people I've ever met & well capable of governing our own environments. But just like all groups, including the Antifa themselves, there will always be bad eggs & uneducated ones ruining it. Young thrill-seekers looking to make a change without realizing how to really do so. Unfortunately this weekend we all got another glimpse of the reality & state our society is in.

"This is the era of disinformation & the media uses it wisely to engage and direct us. Slowly but surely our freedoms are being taken away & Saturday November 26th, hundreds of people of all colors & creeds had their rights taken away due to the acts of terror.

"In closing to this statement all I can say is that actions speak louder than words & the actions of the Antifa were far more hateful than any words or actions we experienced at Messe des Morts. I hope that the actions of this weekend can shed new light into the surrounding darkness we people are drowning in. Learn to educate not discriminate."

CertifiedRabbi #fundie

The three big ones for me were realizing that racial IQ differences were real, illegal immigrants murdering my White best friend, and reading Kevin MacDonald's The Culture of Critique.
After learning that I had a high IQ when I was 14, I wanted to know more about what exactly IQ is. And it was during that research online that I accidentally stumbled across the raging debate over racial differences in IQ.
I wasn't the average 14-year-old. Despite my parents being very liberal, they were actually very socially conservative in a lot of ways. One of the ways in which they were very socially conservative is that they didn't let my siblings and I watch TV because they thought that it would rot our brains. I also attended boarding schools that didn't let us have TVs in our dorm rooms. So, what does an insanely bored kid do when he can't watch TV or play video games all day? Read books all day instead.
I had already read all of Carl Sagan's books, all of Stephen Jay Gould's books, all of Stephen Hawking's books, all of Jared Diamond's books, and a small library of other popular science books by the time that I was 13. So, it's pretty safe to say that I was a massive science fanboy growing up.
That's why I was so fucking enraged to see these toothless inbred redneck neo-Nazi KKK pieces of shit dare try to argue that science and reality was actually on their side. I basically went full Kraut and Tea... I wanted to utterly annihilate their scientific arguments, and so I read a small mountain of books on the topic of IQ from both sides of the debate. I also read hundreds of online articles and blog posts and watched about a dozen documentaries on this topic before coming to the literally painful conclusion that the redneck neo-Nazi skinheads actually did have science and reality on their side, and that my liberal, anti-racist side of the debate was actually spouting bullshit half-truths in a desperate attempt to combat White Supremacy.
But despite that paradigm shattering red-pill, I still remained a loyal libtard for about 6 more years because I simply wasn't ready to join the "dark side" yet. My leftist indoctrination was way too deep to abandon the left overnight. In fact, I actually became more extreme politically over the next few years. Reading Noam Chomsky's books, among others, turned me into a proud Marxist. I was even borderline Antifa in my late teens and almost joined in on a lynch mob after this girl in my high school argued that not all Nazis were evil because they were just following orders (long story).
However, I was starting to become increasingly disillusioned with the left after traveling to current and former communist countries and seeing how fucked up they were, and because I was reading right-wing books and blogs in order to better understand my political enemies during the Bush era.
The straw that finally broke the camel's back was the brutal murder of my White best friend by a pack of 15 MS-13 gang members when we were both sophomores in college. Every single one of them was an illegal immigrant. While researching MS-13 online right after my best friend was murdered, I randomly stumbled across this blog post that was written several months prior by conservative pundit Michelle Malkin where she was basically condemning the open borders left for allowing MS-13 to spread to the Washington, D.C. area.
That blog post completely destroyed me mentally because I knew that if I had read it just a couple of weeks ago I probably would have written a comment under her blog entry telling her that I hope that she gets hit by a truck for being such a retarded and evil racist piece of shit.
I felt like my best friend's blood was on my hands because I had supported open borders, mass immigration, diversity, tolerance, multiculturalism, amnesty, sanctuary cities, et cetera. I was so far left that I even opposed the idea of nation-states themselves because I thought that they were extremely primitive, and because they supported the "othering" of foreigners by encouraging xenophobia, war, racism, inequality, et cetera. I was basically a globalist. A proud citizen of the world...
The murder of my best friend by brown-skinned illegal immigrants not only caused me to finally leave the left, but it also caused me to completely turn on my former leftist comrades. I'm now completely dedicated to tearing down the left's entire power structure because I finally realized that I had been manipulated into supporting my own racial demise. The left has already fucked up enough previously idyllic White communities and sacrificed enough innocent White people to the altar of diversity. They need to be completely destroyed before they completely destroy White Western civilization.
The murder of my best friend also cemented my red-pilling about racial differences in crime rates and overall standards of living in general. If we allow brown-skinned "Hispanics" (Amerinds/Mestizos) to take over America demographically, then obviously we'll eventually have the same problems that brown-skinned "Hispanic" countries have because their problems are largely rooted in their inferior genes. It's a very simple and glaringly obvious observation, and yet I wasn't capable of recognizing it because I had been so thoroughly brainwashed by (((modern anti-racist liberal ideology))) since infancy.
And reading Kevin MacDonald's books about 4 years ago is why I put triple parentheses around modern anti-racist liberal ideology...

William Gossett #fundie #wingnut #forced-birth #conspiracy

Boston has a reputation for being an extremely liberal city. Thus, any time conservative activists proclaim moral values in the city’s public squares, everyone notices, especially the liberals.

The outcome was no different when the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) joined the nearly 500 men who participated in the Men’s March to Abolish Abortion on November 16.
Generally, those who want to be taken seriously would avoid appearing as clowns. However, the radical malcontents in Boston did not get the memo. Donning full-face paint, outlandish garb, and bright red ball noses, pro-abortion activists soon converged upon the Men’s March for Life and started blasting away on out of tune tubas, trombones, and kazoos.

Such noise proved no competition for the magnificent and graceful bagpipes played by American TFP volunteers. The clowns were soon enraged by their failure.

Halfway through the march, a large crowd of masked Antifa agitators stood in the middle of the road, arms locked together, obstructing the marchers. Their action brought the march to a halt for almost an hour. Police at once formed a line to keep the agitators at bay. At one point, so many Antifa and pro-abortion activists appeared that the Men’s March was almost completely surrounded. This meager attempt of intimidation did little to deter the pro-lifers and only served as encouragement to persevere and continue marching.
The pro-abortion advocates tried to frighten and intimidate the pro-lifers. However, they are the ones who are truly scared. They are terrified at the sight of men who defend human life.

They are intimidated by the resolve of the heroic pro-life movement that continues to forge ahead, unwilling to stop until procured abortion is abolished and unthinkable.

No matter how liberal a city is, or how vocal the pro-abortion agitators may be, the pro-life movement must continue the fight trusting in the help of God and the Blessed Mother.

John C. Wright #fundie #dunning-kruger

However, no one passing a high-school civics class can be a Dem operative, and no one not a Dem operative can be a Operation Mockingbird asset in the Fake News, hence the Minitru Media portrayed this immunity ruling as if it were a dangerous novelty rendering the president above the law, allowing him to gun down passersby at will: the pundits and media anchormen proceeded to shriek, and gibber, and vomit pea-soup, and rotate their heads like owls on national television, gnawing and clawing and cutting their own flesh and calling on Baal in their unholy phrenzy. A disturbing number of plump blue-haired cat ladies believed this blither, or pretended too, and joined in the hysterical antics, frothing and falling and writhing underfoot like rabid howler monkeys.

The indictments also charged Trump for actions which, under the Constitution, any US Citizen has a right to do, such as assemble lawfully in a public place, and petition the government for the redress of grievances. This includes speaking at a rally to encourage the public to protest a stolen election, and to ask certification be delayed until after an investigation and audit.

In this case, on January 6th, the FBI agents and Antifas staged a riot during the peaceful rally asking for this investigation and audit into the insolently fraudulent theft of the 2020 election. Without provocation, police opened fire on the innocent crowd with rubber bullets and tear gas at one point, while other officers invited protestors into the Capitol building. One rally-goer, a female veteran, was shot from behind without warning, murdered in cold blood on national television.

Unable to invent a plausible reason to try President Trump, but confident his abuse of office would never be meaningfully punished, the bogus charges invented by Jack Smith included conspiracy to defraud the United States, conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, obstruction of an official proceeding, and conspiracy against rights.

The action for fraud is based on a phone call Trump made to a state governor, asking him to take steps to recover ballots that went suddenly missing from the count. This is not only unlawful, it is the duty of the Executive Branch to see to it that the laws of the United States are faithfully carried out, and this include election laws that penalize felonious destruction of untallied ballots.

Antoons #ableist #homophobia #kinkshaming #sexist #racist #transphobia #psycho


First panel: “Happy birthday Billy” says Mom, giving her kid a smartphone as a 12th birthday present. “Wow! Internet on the go!!” says the kid.

Second panel: It’s the kids 13th birthday and she says “UGUU- ^_^ I’m a gay, trans, autistic, Muslim, disabled, antifa, feminist, furry. I make art and my commissions are open.” as her crying mother has her euthanized by lethal injection.

Seek The Truth #racist

For anyone who wants to see the 1954 animated movie “Animal Farm” based on a novel by George Orwell, it’s viewable on You Tube and also as a DVD. 72 minutes.

The film is very prophetic if the pigs are Jew communists, the farmer is the rich capitalist and the farm animals are the gentiles and White Christians.

After getting rid of the farmer, the pigs use large black dogs to punish and enforce the rules on the farm.

Just replace them with Antifa, Black Lives Matter etc. or this special class of Blacks who have been taught to hate gentiles and White Christians by Obama and blame them for everything and for a few shekels from George Soros, the Jew communist pig, can get very violent.

Padraig Martin #wingnut #conspiracy #racist #sexist

[From “What Happens if Trump Loses – Will you Pick Up a Stone?”]

I have largely given up on voting[…]Trump’s extraordinary weakness in the face of the antifa, his DOJ’s targeting of so-called White Nationalists (including me), and the obvious 2020 stolen election have me focused on local elections exclusively in my home country of Florida[…]Trump is winning and should win a fair election[…]
I do not think the anti-humans of the establishment uniparty will allow a fair election[…]Kamala Harris – an affirmative action candidate who literally preformed sexual acts to get to the top – is the preferred candidate for a system that is designed to work toward a one world, globalist future[…]
January 6 was not an insurrection. It was a protest on grounds owned by U.S. taxpayers[…]It was not nearly as destructive as the absolute vicious and murderous anarchy leveled upon cities throughout the United States by the antifa, Black Lives Matter, and by extension, the American intelligence apparatus[…]
One of my chief criticisms of Trump is that he is not a details[…]guy. It is just not in his nature. JD Vance, a man who legally advocated for the expansion of transgenderism[…]is more so. But this is not Vance’s election campaign. It is Trump’s – and it does not appear that the Trump team has taken the steps necessary to “stop the steal”[…]
The Democrats – the openly official party of the anti-humans – are ready. In Arizona, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, Democrat machines led by radical Democrat governors are ready to hand Harris the keys to the Oval Office[…]
I have long suspected that Florida – led by primarily DIA exiles from DeSantis down – will take steps toward some level of secession if Trump loses by obvious theft. The recent actions of the Florida Guard remind me of Franco in the lead up to the Spanish reclamation from Marxists. Other states will likely follow[…]
David picked up his stone and stopped the behemoth. Will you pick up a stone when the time comes?

Erik Carlson #wingnut #racist #conspiracy

As I write this, rumors are flying about Tim Walz. While these are unproven claims and should be treated as such, even the narrative of a Vice Presidential candidate being involved in any sort of abuse is damaging to the story of any campaign.

Additionally, as alleged victims come forward, the Deep State seems to be creating fake victims, who will be proven fraudulent. In so doing, every CNN, MSNBC viewing brainwashed cult member will believe ALL the accusers that come forward are frauds.

But if the allegations are true, why did the Democrats pick Walz to run as Kamala’s VP?
Q mentioned that Trump was now working with Putin and Xi to take down the Deep State Cabal. According to this logic, Trump hasn’t always been working with Putin and Xi.
It is obvious to most that Biden has been a CCP puppet for quite some time. It seems that Trump handpicked Biden to run against him in the 2020 Election, and again, according to Q, Trump and Xi are working together. Did Xi give Trump the receipts on the dirt he had on Biden, allowing Biden to be more easily controlled during his pretend presidency? If we fast forward to a few months ago, Biden was forced out as the Democrat nominee for 2024. As Kamala took Biden’s place, Walz became the VP candidate.

It appears Walz has been a CCP puppet for decades as well. He first went to China in 1989, and has made countless trips there since. There is strong evidence that the CCP controlled and funded the BLM and ANTIFA riots of 2020 that started in the state Walz was and is the governor.
What if Xi, who I and many Q followers believe is working with Trump, forced the Deep State to add Walz to the Democrat ticket, knowing Walz had the alleged history that is now being exposed? What if Walz was added to the ticket knowing his past would be exposed right before the election, too late to make any changes.

If this is true, it is brilliant. Would you expect anything less from a Trump-led plan?

Vic Biorseth #wingnut #racist #fundie #sexist #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy

So Kamala "Commula" Harris is the Marxist Machine's pick to run instead of "Criminal" Joe Biden. The Machine has spoken. And her chosen running mate is "Tampon" Timmy Walz, who worships at the altar of homo-transsexualism weirdness and who, as a total surprise and without notice, bugged-out of his military unit just before deployment.

If you wonder why these life-long communist American politicians are so anti-life, anti-property, anti-liberty, anti-speech, anti-press, anti-gun, anti-bourgeois middle-class, anti-Christian, anti-male, anti-family, antisemitic, anti-capitalism, anti-American borders, anti-law and order, anti-normalcy and anti-American constitution, look no farther than the Communist manifesto:
That's why they oppose everything that is; every established thing, every "normal" thing, every ordered and orderly thing, every human institution, from corporations to religions to governments, from sexual relationships to families, from schools, to even any sense of individual property ownership, independence or liberty.

At its core, that's what communism is.
Just look at who they associate the closest with. It's a veritable freak-show of perverts, misfits and malcontents, from BLM and Antifa to Drag Queens, prancing faggots, transvestites and freshly released criminal illegal aliens giving the finger to the news cameras.
It doesn't get any more Islamo-Commie-Homo than the Commula and Timmy show. They stand with Islam because Islam stands against America, and all religions other than Islam. Of course they stand with Communism against constitutional America, because they are communist. And they stand with homosexual and all other forms of sexual impropriety because they are hedonist to the bone.
As long as Iran chants "death to America" the Machine, including Traitor John Kerry, Comrade Obama peace be upon him, the Soros family, the WEF, the UN, the EU and COMINTERN will be supporting Iran and opposing Israel, and all Jews everywhere.

Donald Trump #racist

Since June 3, the Trump campaign has been running Facebook ads fearmongering about “antifa.” On June 17, the campaign added an inverted red triangle to some variations of the ad -- a symbol the Nazis used to designate political prisoners.

Using the Dewey Square Adwatch tool set to analyze Facebook Ad data, Media Matters found that the Trump campaign has run at least 2,110 advertisements with generic anti-antifa language since June 3. The ads ran on Facebook pages for President Donald Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, Team Trump, Black Voices for Trump, Brad Parscale, Latinos for Trump, and Women for Trump.
In recent days, the campaign has experimented with various illustrations in the post -- mostly variations of a generic alert image. All the ads have the disclaimer “Paid for by TRUMP MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN COMMITTEE."

On June 17, the campaign ran 88 ads on the Facebook pages for Trump, Pence, and Team Trump with an inverted red triangle. The red triangle was used for political prisoners in Nazi concentration camps. The Trump campaign gave this explanation for the ad: This is an emoji. It's also a symbol widely used by Antifa. It was used in an ad about Antifa.

As one reporter noted, the inverted triangle is not a widely-used symbol for antifa.
Historian Jacob S. Eder, an expert on the subject, told The Washington Post that the ad is “a highly problematic use of a symbol that the Nazis used to identify their political enemies. ... It’s hard to imagine it’s done on purpose, because I’m not sure if the vast majority of Americans know or understand the sign, but it’s very, very careless to say the least.”
Facebook has previously let Trump run thousands of ads fearmongering about an immigrant “invasion,” even though the ads violated Facebook’s standards. Facebook also let the Trump campaign publish at least 529 ads with false claims of voter fraud.
The Trump campaign used anti-Semitic imagery in the previous election cycle as well. In 2016, Trump used a meme that featured the Star of David on a background of money to call Hillary Clinton the “most corrupt candidate ever.” Trump would eventually suggest that it was intended to be a sheriff’s star.
The 2016 campaign also did significant outreach to neo-Nazi figures. Campaign surrogates Diamond and Silk did an interview with a Holocaust denier. The Trump campaign gave press credentials to a white nationalist radio program, Donald Trump Jr. appeared on the program, and a Trump adviser gave interviews to that program at the Republican National Committee convention in Cleveland.

State of the Nation #wingnut #racist #conspiracy

History is quite instructive in order to properly understand the various Democrat-driven schemes being executed across America today. What these communist revolutionaries are really doing is executing the same three-punch stratagem that was used by the International Banking Crime Syndicate to conquer Russia in order to establish the Soviet Union and the Gulag Archipelago, which the banksters did with extraordinary success.
The 2024 POTUS election — November 5rd — serves as the climactic junction point when the US-based communists intend to initiate their Bolshevik Revolution—American-style. Of course, the race war begun by communist Manchurian Candidate Barack Hussein Obama was quite intentionally reignited by the George Soros-funded Left in 2020 in order to manufacture an environment where both terrorist organizations — Black Lives Matter and AntiFa — would be universally supported and thrive. BLM and AntiFa are the paramilitary and terrorist arms, respectively, of the Democrat Party which are analogous to the brutal bolsheviks of 1917.
After the violent phase of this communist rebellion begins in earnest, all of the liberals, progressives, socialists, marxists, left-wingers, anarchists, insurrectionists, communists, bolsheviks and other Democrats will be corralled into a pen of revolutionary compliance. They will eventually form a subversive nationwide insurgency much as the Red Army did during the Russian Revolution. Likewise, the Patriots, Nationalists, Conservatives, Christians, Libertarians, Independents, Tea Partiers, real Republicans and others on the Right will unite to defend the American Republic just as the White Army coalesced throughout the same Russian Civil War. The Left is already programmed and determined to used armed conflict in order to remove President Trump should he win the election. These neo-bolshevik mercenaries paid by the Democrat Party are also armed and ready to overthrow every state government.

Vic Biorseth #racist #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy

We thought DEI, the advance of Communism, Globalism, immorallity, anti-white racism, anti-straight sexism and general antisemitism was what the Marxocrat Party was all about. Super-Inclussiveness, right? But, another national election looms, and so it's time to look normal.

Let's see now; Cackling Kamala is all about Open Borders, eliminating ICE, defunding police, medicare for illegals, sanctuary cities, free dope, special rights for LGBTQ-L-M-N-O-P nuts, Black Lives Matter, Antifa, shop lifting up to some number of dollars, no bail, no prosecution for rioters, muggers, rapists and robbers, no capital punishment for murderers and Communist revolution in America.
So her given list of Party-Recommended picks for Vice President are all, horror of horrers, white men, and one of them is a Jew of all things. She herself was picked by JoBama O'Biden strictly and solely because she is a black woman, and now she's stuck with this sorry selection!

If she were an honest anti-American she would pick a transvestite at least, if not a flaming over-the-top drag queen, because it's high time that glass ceiling was broken too. After all, there are glass-ceilings all over the place.
The only people being excluded are white Christian male heterosexual masculine American patriots.

Being a sodomite in America today means having special legal rights that are superior to the rights of non-sodomites. We can say the same thing about feminine rights, black rights, brown rights, American Indian rights, perverts-of-all-kinds rights, illegal alien rights, shoplifter rights, even murderer rights.

They will all look you right in the eye and say equal rights for me, but not for thee.
The only thing Truth has going for Him in this world is us.

The restoration of Truth = Reality in the hearts and minds of men is now totally dependent upon you and me; if we don't do it, it won't get done.

Get behind the Trump-Vance Ticket, and make America Constitutional again.

Scott Lively #transphobia #dunning-kruger #conspiracy

As has always been true for Cultural Marxists the LGBT agenda has the highest priority because race-wars and radical feminism can only take you so far in destabilizing societies. But sexual anarchy leads ultimately to “transhumanism:” the literal abandonment of male/female human identity in God’s image which is the deepest foundation-stone of civilization. That’s where an increasing number of young people are today spiritually and ideologically. Pushing them into that “voluntary” rejection of Judeo-Christian civilization is the real goal – the Satanic goal.

These final-stage LGBT anarchist “non-binaries” with their 666 counterfeit genders and matching pronouns have the “reprobate minds” Paul’s prophesied in Romans 1:18-32. And, being unable or unwilling to grasp the reality of the natural world and its implications, they are slaves to the Matrix-like architects who craft their delusions.

They are Zombies lusting to destroy the old order and those who populate it, incapable of understanding or even caring about the ramifications of their actions.
We all understand the concept of predictive programming in Hollywood movies, so consider the relatively recent spate of Zombie movies. They all start with a disease pandemic and end with mindless world-wide anti-human carnage at the hands of disease-created post-human mutants.

In 2020, the Zombie disease escaped Hollywood (or more likely was intentionally released) and went viral in the real world. It was taken live on the streets of America’s cities by the Marxist lesbian founders of Black Lives Matter and their White Antifa co-religionists whose ranks are peppered with sexual deviants of all stripes. It was taken live in the public schools and colleges by the armies of “Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network” (GLSEN) activist teachers and administrators. It was taken live in the corporate boardrooms and newsrooms and Big Tech war-rooms by legions of Woke Social Justice Warriors who have infiltrated all our key institutions like malignant spike proteins swarming through the organs of a “vaccinated” host.

Justin Mohn #psycho #wingnut

Pennsylvania man arrested after allegedly killing his father and displaying his decapitated head on YouTube

Jan. 31, 2024, 3:21 AM PST

A Pennsylvania man has been arrested after allegedly killing his father, before displaying his decapitated head in a gruesome YouTube video while spouting right-wing conspiracy theories.

Justin Mohn, 32, is accused of killing his father, Michael Mohn, police told NBC News. While police did not release the victim’s age, public records show him to have been 68.

Mohn was taken into custody about 100 miles away from the crime scene on suspicion of first-degree murder, abuse of a corpse and possessing an instrument of crime with intent, according to a court docket released early Wednesday.

He was arraigned at 4 a.m. and denied bail, Middletown Township Police Capt. Pete Feeney said.

In the YouTube video, which was titled "Mohn's Militia - Call To Arms For American Patriots" and is cited in a police complaint, Mohn is seen wearing gloves and holding his father's head in a plastic bag. Later, the head can be seen in a cooking pot.

Mohn says his father was a federal employee for 20 years and refers to him as a traitor, calling for the death of all federal officials and attacking President Joe Biden's administration, the Black Lives Matter movement, the LGBTQ community and antifa activists. YouTube removed the video, which is more than 14 minutes long, hours after it was posted.


C.A Skeet #homophobia #transphobia #fundie

Drag queens and drag shows are intentionally targeting children. Some of these drag queens have turned out to be registered sex offenders. But even if they weren't, nobody, neither gay nor straight, has made a convincing argument as to why drag queens or drag shows are appropriate for kindergarteners. Rather than make such an argument, drag shows simply use armed Antifa brownshirts to protect their exhibitions in child predation.

Is this what you're proud of?

You who are so brave in donning priests' and nuns' gear to mock Christians would never dream of doing so to Muslims, whose compatriots are doing far worse to gays today than the meanest Christians ever did to gays, at any time in the history of their religion. Your "pride" seems inversely proportionate to the reasonable expectation of violence derived from its expression. The less the threat from your "enemy," the more "pride" you rub their faces in. Nuns don't shoot up gay nightclubs in Florida or hang you from cranes in Tehran, so it's safe to make fun of them.

And you'll notice that Queers for Palestine does not have fellow travelers in Jihadists for Gays. Nor will it ever. This alliance of convenience ends one way and one way only.

Is this what you're proud of?

Women's sports face the challenge of mediocre male athletes who never would have blipped on anyone's radar but are now shattering women's records, stealing women's scholarships, and breaking women's bones. In the darker corners of all-gender safe spaces, they are raping teenage girls. This is all happening under the protection of the LGBTQ banner.

Is this what you're proud of?

Wait, what's that you say? You never intended for pedophiles, rapists, misogynists, and little punk totalitarians to hijack the gay rights movement? Guess what? They did exactly that.

You can argue (and I would agree with you) that these ne'er-do-wells have piggybacked you with their own selfish and perverse agendas. But your movement's leadership (with noble exceptions) has fully embraced them out of fear of social cancellation or a sincere and dogmatically fanatical delusion that the traditional nuclear family, free market capitalism, and Western civilization are existential threats that must be annihilated at all costs and that this justifies defending the worst excesses of misogynists and sexual predators. To make an omelet...

Various Commenters #psycho #racist #wingnut

RE: George Floyd Death Considered Murder by 64% of Blacks, 28% of Whites in America

And more Americans trust police unions than Black Lives Matter.

(Leif Erickson)
I find it pathetic that even 30% of Whites think it was murder. But critical thinking is not everybody’s strong point.

You cannot blame them. They are all brainwashed. When this happens i was talking to a white divorced mother of one at a bar and she was insistent that George Floyd was murderer.

(Frank Jones)
That's probably only 15 percent of Whites in reality when you properly remove fake-White Jews and Hispanics from our category. It's good to know that only a small subset of real Whites believe the media lies.

(Fool Me)
Floyd was an outlaw and died from opioids . Derek Chauvin is in the process of being lynched in an effort to prevent more BLM and Antifa riots and to make sure conservative whites know what their real place is as serfs or even less than serfs .

hahahah ni99er killed himself with overdose of fentanyl.
I present you the one year anniversary which comes this summer titled
1 - "the great fentanyl ni99er chimp outs of 2020"
2- "America on its knees for their own dime in their own country"
3 - "Unprecedented history level cuckery event of the 21 century"

Vote on this poll to celebrate the African American Heritage achievement of 2020

James Fullord #dunning-kruger

Stop Your Parents "Posting Hard-Right Memes About Cement Milkshakes” AKA Inconvenient Truth

That link goes to an article that displays the official warning that the despicable Antifa custom of "milkshaking" dissidents might go from assault to aggravated assault with a weapon:

They then claim that police haven't proved it:

"PPB's tweet is referencing the homemade vegan milkshakes that Popular Mobiliization, one of the left-leaning groups, handed out to hundreds of attendees during the day’s events. Several people ended up throwing their 12-ounce milkshakes at people associated with the alt-right and at PPB officers—but most people consumed the coconut milk-based treats.

PPB did not immediately offer proof to substantiate this claim."

So there was a criminal conspiracy to riot, people did throw milkshakes provided by the conspirators, and Andy Ngo was almost beaten to death. And that's what Buzzfeed wants people not to talk about.

ZetaTalk via Nancy Lieder #ufo #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy

Why the endless delays to set the 2020 election fraud right? If the 2020 election fraud was confirmed by a SCOTUS finding, presented to the US Senate last Memorial Day when Satellite Phones were issued to the Senate so that Biden could be impeached and Trump sworn in, then why is Trump allowed to endure endless civil trials?
ZetaTalk Confirmation 4/18/2024: The Junta has many challenges awaiting. In April 2021 when the illicit Biden had been sworn in, we mentioned they were dealing with a 5 front war - a CCP invasion, Satanist Moloch worship via a child sex traffic network, Antifa and Defund the Police, Deep State treason, and finally the 2020 election fraud. Where some of these issues have been resolved, others have emerged. The Southern Border is being overrun at the hands of the Biden Administration, and where demands to finance the Ukraine and Israel wars are pressing, the Junta has refused. The pending admission by Putin that Nibiru is a real and present danger also will cause panic that will need to be contained.

Meanwhile to avoid exhausting the US Military with a civil war when and if the Democrats erupt in anger over a Trump reinstatement, the Junta has delayed informing the public about the SCOTUS findings that the 2020 election results were fraudulent. The Senate was informed on Memorial Day, 2023 and sworn Trump in as President, but the public continues to be uninformed. The fact that President Trump is the true President at this time means that he cannot be harassed by civil lawsuits, by law.

Now the Junta is pressed to announce Trump as the sitting President, to end these frivolous lawsuits and cleanup the mistakes being done by the Biden Administration. Why does the Junta seem to have reluctance? They are waiting for the New Madrid Fault Line Rupture, which their scientific advisors say is imminent. The disasters up along both the New Madrid and East Coast Fault lines will force the issue, so that riots and panic will be contained.

dlo_3us2001 #fundie #wingnut #racist #homophobia

Responding to a comment made by another group member: "The most hated people in the country are former homosexuals and black conservatives. Both threaten the left-wing political agenda."

Very true Kirk.

They are very brave people to let it be known they were delivered from their addictions to homosexuality and transgenderism. But they are so thankful to be delivered that they don't care what others think of them now. Praise God.

Those who are getting OUT of the liberal democratic party are also praising God for that.

I was watching a YouTube Video the other day about a young man that had joined the Antifa movement, but the minute they clashed with the Patriots, his OWN group threw him in front of their group and allowed the Patriots to get HIM while they took off running!!

That is when he realized he was fighting on the wrong side and he admits he is NOW a Patriot. He said the Patriots were always taking up for the people on their side and even saving them when an Antifa member had one of the Patriots down on the ground.

He said that didn't happen on the Antifa side.

Also, I was watching a YOUTUBE video where an elderly BLACK man was taking sides against the YOUNG BLACKS and their Black Lives Matter Group, calling them angry and evil. He claims he is through with being an angry black man and now sides with GOOD against EVIL. I will never forget look on the young black faces when they realized he was calling them EVIL.


various commenters #transphobia

“mostly women do the job of seeing me as a woman”

( old_but_gold )
Everyone knows you’re a man, women are just not confrontational (for safety reasons and due to socialization).

Also note the language: “do the job”

As if it’s a duty to “affirm” his gendies.

( Sonnet )
This post is a good example of how these identity claims operate as a form of social control.

No one here actually believes the claim, including the speaker. OP knows he is male, the compliant women of the office know he is male, and the noncompliant men of the office know he is male. The ultimate goal is not to persuade anyone of anything - - that would be pointless, because everyone involved already recognizes he’s a transwoman and not a woman. The goal is to exert the necessary social force to insist on the correct public performance of belief regardless of the person’s true thoughts and perceptions.

( Novemberinthechair )
Give up. You're a man. Those pickmeishas kissing your ass are brainwashed and hurting the rest of us.

Mind you, you come across as a delusional male who can throw a tantrum and get anyone fired. As long as you lie about who you are, don't expect everyone to tell you the truth. Your socially acceptable mental problems have been given priority in certain spaces. Fifteen years ago, you wouldn't be able to pull this grift. You're an emotional bully and an asshole.

( space_out )
Well, the guys have an option to ignore the nonsense knowing the TIM will flip out eventually which will be pure entertainment for them and maybe a chance to punch the TIM. Men love punching. Womens options are to go along or get punched, if I have understood the tik-toks, tweets, antifa'n'friends banners, vandalisation of women's shelters that try to protect women, the whole of preddit correctly.

And he knows that, he just loves the power to intimidate women and is trying to find a way to have the same power over men. Maybe some tips on how to spin this story to HR or some other entity that could make the whole of society to tremble at his every request.

( emholio )
I have joined the rank of people who will not "do the job" of giving a shit about pornsick men's feelings. It's glorious. Not a single movement or breath of mine will ever be spent to placate a liar. 🦸‍♀️

Pasco Cruz #wingnut #conspiracy

Is AOC Really an Undercover DOD Asset?

I know this clip was from a few days ago, but I had to point out the look on her face. Does that not look like the victim of some MK-ultra mind control programming to you? That blank stare?

Plus, just the flat-out craziness of what she said lends even more credibility to the notion that she is in fact an undercover(willingly or unwittingly)GOP operative that was installed within the Democrat establishment by the Golden Dawn/General Flynn inspired Justice Democrats. Created to destroy and sabotage leftist politics in perpetuity. The extremity and cringiness of the policies that come out from the Justice Democrat think tank serve as kind of mocking performance art.

Pelosi & her DemonRat establishment has really been getting their asses handed to them of late with the sabotage of the party by the progressives and the execution of so many of the Veteran rats. RBG is the latest victim(EVIDENCE: wrinkled flag on her coffin👇).

All of that would certainly explain this ritual suicide that I’m constantly asserting must be taking place by the leftist establishment as the only way for me to come to terms with what I see as the inexplicable and nonsensical politics of certain DemonRat leaders. Far more than the lamestream media would like to admit with their assinine polling statistics that audaciously show Biden with these double digit leads over Big T. Literally NO ONE is showing up to the Joe Biden rallies and most of the “protestors” and “activists” out there running around for ANTIFA & BLM are Soros bankrolled ex-cons. Kinninigan even suggested that many of them had came directly from the cloning center and out onto the streets. They could care less about politics.

Grust #conspiracy #wingnut

CNN (short for Cable News Network) is a news channel often bundled with cable packages.

Why It Sucks Now:

1. Completely biased reporting in news. Until around the early 2000s they were actually considered to be the least biased news channel, especially during the impeachment of Bill Clinton (when most other news networks were making him out to be either a degenerate pervert or an unfairly persecuted saint), but they've moved massively to the left since then.

2. Often ignores most newsworthy stories that go against their interests.

3. Completely sided with Hillary Clinton in the 2016 elections, doing everything to get her to win, rather than act neutral to both parties.

4. When a GIF of Donald Trump wrestling a man with a CNN logo for a head emerged, CNN tracked the man down and made him issue an apology, threatening to release the man's identity if he didn't. This led to a large backlash against them, leading to attempts at damage control.

5. Despite the immense backlash for threatening to blackmail the man who made the tweet, CNN doubled down on its decision saying that anyone who makes "hate speech" or "bigoted" comments should be "reigned in."

6. Tracked down a pro-Trump supporter through her Facebook page and publicly shamed her. The woman received harassment and violent threats as a result.

7. Has pretty much devolved into nonstop Trump bashing, with very little actual news in between.

8. Has dismissed and even defended the violent, terrorist actions of Antifa.

9. Recently has bullied a kid for wearing a MAGA hat.

10. Because of them, Trump supporters have spawned the infamous “#FakeNews” hashtag.

11. The Trump/Russia collusion, while a good topic to discuss, is overly supported by CNN, all just because of the Democratic Party lost the 2016 U.S. Presidential election.Thanks to the bias CNN is notorious of, the topic is left with flimsy evidence or the lack of evidence to back any electoral rigging, all leading to this conclusion: there was no election rigging in the 2016 Presidential Election.
*Even this result CNN refuse to accept, only to continue to milk this conspiracy theory out even if the final results are out. CNN Supervising Producer John Bonifield even admit that this story is only made/investigated in hope of raising CNN's ratings.

Edago #psycho #transphobia

[Submitter's note, the following is a PM from furaffinity, the link leads to a tweet from the reciever of said PM]

**RE: Why hello there!**

Just so you know, i am a furry too, but i am so sick and tired of all the rubbish the far left has done to me directly and inderectly i stopped being a social justice warrior.

If you wanna pretend there are 200 genders be my guest, but do not have a little temper tantrum and call people a nazi because they do not share the same beliefs or opinions as you.

If you have not guessed by now, i am the guy you called a nazi on dead by daylight...

I hope you know that when you behave that way you turn people against you. I used to be a fan of communism and i loved Obama, but when i saw how the democrats reacted when Trump won i was both horrified and ashamed of them.

Just some friendly advice... Instead of calling people names like Nazi when they fail to agree with you or respect your safe space, act like a grown adult and agree to disagree.

I also just wanted to share this video with you because it reminded me of you and GEN Z in general.


I never got hooked.. (wink) Have a nice day, and see you during Trumps re-election!

**RE: Videos for you**

[Links to "Punch the Nazi" by Ruka Ruka Ali & "Come be PC" by Chris Ray Gun]

It did not send the link in the previous message so here, i just wanted to share these two videos since i thought you would get a laugh out of them! I hope to play with you again on dead by daylight soom... Maybe with me being the killer so i can show you what happens to Antifa in my neighborhood OwO

Random Facebook Idiot #conspiracy #wingnut

You’re not going crazy.

Everything really is more expensive. The dollar is weaker than it's ever been in any of our lifetimes. BRICS+ is about to take over 80% of oil production globally. The US dollar is in free fall. Bidenomics is killing our economy.

We are already in WW3. It's happening right now.

Covid was a biological weapon.

The shots are neither safe or effective. It's population control. They cause heart problems, sudden death, turbo cancer, blood clots, and it's still killing many of our athletes and young people.

Russia invaded Ukraine to shut down globalist and American bioweapons labs which were preparing to start another pandemic.

Maui was an inside job. They left the power on with downed lines in hurricane winds, turned off the water, and barricaded people in a burning city and told them to go home to die. It's a land grab. Hundreds of children if not thousands are dead.

We've been in a cultural civil war for nearly a decade or more. The war is going hot, as people are finally awakening to the fact we're in the middle of a global authoritarian communist regime takeover.

The 2020 election was rigged. Biden was not fairly elected, and he's not in power. This is Obama's 3rd term.

Someone murdered Obama's chef and they swept it under the rug.

The weather is changing, but not for the reasons they're telling us. It's because of the sun, solar cycles, and geo-engineered weather modification being conducted by several world governments with competing intentions and purposes.

Canceling communists is the only acceptable form of cancel culture. In our grandparents age, their preferred method of dealing with communists was to shoot them.

January 6th was a false flag. Political prisoners are still in jail and being tortured by our government without a fair trial. The FBI and Antifa were responsible for the majority of the violence.

Trump is being politically prosecuted. Lockdowns and Covid restrictions are coming back.

Do not comply.

Ed Martin #wingnut

Kyle Rittenhouse is a hero.

And what this country needs to understand, what people should care about is that Kyle Rittenhouse was one of the few people that ran towards the bullets in that summer of hell that was engineered. At this point, I think we can say engineered by the leftists who wanted to take down President Trump. Because is there a reason why this whole summer in the last four months, there was no rioting?

Did Black Lives Matter and antifa get all of their problems solved? I don’t think so. In fact, what we can say now is they used the summer of [2020]—they, meaning the left—to ‘fortify’ the election.

And my point here in setting that up is Kyle Rittenhouse was a completely—his conduct was completely consistent with what Americans should do. Stand up for the property, stand up for their towns, stand up for what’s happening. He is a hero—that’s true. Kyle Rittenhouse is a hero. Kyle Rittenhouse should be regarded as someone who did the right things.

He stepped up in a way that was, frankly, it was much more, it was much more worthy of praise than the tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of Americans that sat home and watched cities burn. By the way, I’m not at all inviting people to go get their guns and go out and shoot up the place. That’s not what happened to Kyle Rittenhouse. Kyle Rittenhouse was threatened. Kyle Rittenhouse’s life was in danger. Kyle Rittenhouse wasn’t a newbie to guns. He knew what he was doing, he knew how to handle it.

What happens a lot, a lot, in this country is that the left does crazy, terrible things, and then they get away with it. They rioted and burned cars on Inauguration Day 2017. None of them were charged. All those charges were dropped. And when Republicans—well, not Republican—when conservatives do something, they get charged, they get hung out to dry. Jan. 6 is an example. … This is another example.

Kyle Rittenhouse was trying to save his community. Kyle Rittenhouse was trying to protect property. Kyle Rittenhouse was in the great tradition of this country. But certainly, it was within his rights to do what he did. And the people that were burning down Kenosha and rioting and looting—they should be on trial.

What you need to know now is we—you and me, people that care—have to stand up for Kyle Rittenhouse. We have to be on his side.

various commenters #wingnut #racist

( @Nature_and_Race )
"Alright, lads, another brown foreigner just murdered a bunch more innocent White children. We need to get out there and demonize and vilify any and all White people who are upset about it."

- Mainstream media

( @Europman )
@Nature_and_Race mainstream media is the enemy of White people

( @Plainsight1 )
@Nature_and_Race I think MSM should be called JNP. Jews and Parrots. I think it's more accurate.

( @Jordan )

The mainstream pro-stabbing stance is strange.

( @Nature_and_Race )
@Jordan -- They did this same thing back in 2017 and 2018 when brown muslims were mowing White children down with vans all across Europe.

( @AFutureForWhites )
Just embrace the rapes, stabbings, beatings, shootings and other violence, Whitey. How dare you not be on board with it all. You're not normal if you don't agree with it.

-the (((media)))

( @Rodger_james )
@Nature_and_Race Instead of burning migrant hotels maybe next time they should burn journalist businesses, cop stations and politician homes the way blm and antifa did. Hey it worked for them.

( @RWIS )
@Nature_and_Race "Mainstream Media"

Various Incels #sexist #racist #psycho

RE: [LifeFuel] Based niggers throws black foid into the dumpster



So a group of Black Men threw this Black girl in a dumpster last night as they all laughed and recorded her

HAHAHAHAHA The look on her face at the end.


That's all she's thinking about. She's not thinking about hoe embarrassed she looks online because she's still getting the attention and knows one simp is watching that and will find out where she lives and go "I'll fuck her." and she will fuck her troubles away.

This won't change anything about her.


This is what happens to worthless cunts, based, no simping


She looks so happy to be in her rightful place :)


to where she belongs. turns out niggers can get rid of the trash they leave behind.


jfl white mayo fags need to get on nigger levels

Cumskins are too soy and beta for that.

they are submissive faggots but love to hate on blacks while sitting infront of a screen, watching bulls breeding their white wives


Now it’s battle of “who’s most oppressed”. Will niggers defend their own men, or rush to their gross women?

Whites are restrained by Jews. Some of them do shit like the guy who shot up antifa in New Mexico when they tried taking down the conquistador statue.

Blacks can do what they want because the media won’t kill them and then push the narrative they’re all bad. If a white does anything the media will just racebait and the pushback against whites will be worse.

i get that, but shouldn't whites run numbers game at this point?
i just know that enough white people dislike blacks in burgerland. rise up you pussies.

Not really. Jews really do have control of white westerners. If a race war were to happen it would be whites killing whites.


Blacks living up to the stereotypes.
Should have shipped them back to the Black Continent after the abolition.
Unfortunately (((they))) killed Lincoln before he was able to do that.

And other whites were sold the lie that, given enough time, they would integrate to the western culture and become civilized.
We can clearly see now that it will never happen.

various commenters #wingnut

( @Nature_and_Race )
We already had Trump in office once, for four long years.

And all under his leadership, our cities burned to the ground, our statues were torn up and destroyed, Conservative voters were murdered in cold blood, an election was blatantly stolen, and peaceful protesters were thrown in prison as "domestic terrorists" and "insurrectionists".

Trump didn't have anyone arrested. Trump didn't declare Antifa or BLM terrorist organizations. He did, however, pardon a bunch of black criminals who hate America...

He didn't do a goddamn thing for us. And he won't do a goddamn thing for us if he's reelected.

@Nature_and_Race Right down this country needs the biggest narcissist there is out their....short of a hitler, with his brown shirts to pummel antifia and lbm and the alphabet people. and to round up all politicians that went against the constitution and their oath of office

( @Frenlycoofer )
@Nature_and_Race why the fuck would I want something short of my good Uncle A

( @Bannedguy )
@Nature_and_Race When he made his other "big announcement" recently, literally the first thing I heard him say was "blah blah blah, I did everything to help nonwhites, and I'll do it again. Blah blah, where's a jewish dick I can suck on?" LOLOL fucking orange nigger!

( @handfulofdust )

"Mommy can we have Hitler for Christmas?"
"No. Best we can do is a spray tanned New York Democrat with tiny hands."

( @Littletoad2020 )
@Nature_and_Race He also pardoned a bunch of Jewish criminals, but didn't pardon their 'Gentile' co-criminals. We never got that border wall that he promised us and the entire time he was in office all we heard was a long trail of Trump blaming "Democrat Obstructionism".
White middle class America suffered as much, if not more under Trump than any other President.
America is already toast, in the words of Hillary Clinton "What different does it make now?"

( @gemSStoned )
@Nature_and_Race was Adolf Hitler a narcissist? im pretty sure he fought and bled for Germany in WW1 and openly stated he would die for Germany, i wish anti Hitler people would just fuck off and die

( @rua_patriot1st )
@Nature_and_Race Are Jews STILL Paying (owning) NAZIs (sell-out$) in Ukraine to Fight for them ??

Jack Ryanod #psycho #racist

If you were a juror, not convinced of Chauvin's guilt. Would you DARE to vote not guilty? You will be doxxed, BLM and Antifa will surround your house for weeks, your children will be spit on, taunted, beaten, you will be unemployable for the rest of your life?

Would you really destroy your life just to save Derek Chauvin?

Chauvin will be convicted, the entire show trial is unnecessary.

I was a 7th and 8th grade pubic school teacher - I'm used to threats of riots, got called a lot of names. Unlike cowardly puss*** like Mittens Romney and Ron Paul, I don't back down just because groups of urban POC make threats.

I recommend for Whites on this jury to have taken on insurance on their homes - if the Antifa/BLM mobs don't come to burn down their homes, get some guy from a trailer camp to torch it for the Insurance $. Get your family and key possessions out - and move.

These BLM/Antifa "woke" mobs have rather short attention spans. Officer Wilson in Ferguson MO has moved on he's off the radar - maybe he changed his name and is now working in law enforcement, intelligence in the Dominican Republic. I hear the DR really likes tough White guys that can stand up to Black thugs, Black mobs. The DR is on the same Island with Haiti. Locals know the racial/cultural/crime/mob riot score.

Needless to say there are few, no race denying Libertarian Constitutionalists in the Dominican Republic. My sources say that most of LA is now pretty well prepared to break up all BLM demonstrations, Black Southern California street gangs the Bloods and the Cripps are pretty much history, thanks to very racist Hispanics.

Get to know/support/bribe some tough Hispanics including yeah the LK. White Patriotards are still listening to Lee Greenwood's "Proud to be an American", Hispanics are not.

Internet Tough Guy: The Poem

EthicalFunTime #fundie

[OP of "[POEM] The Great Cleansing"]

The Great Cleansing by /u/EthicalFunTime

So many choppers in the black of night
reflections on the pale moonlight
of falling leftists, splashing in
feeding sharks, I'll call that a win.
I'll say it once, I'll say it twice:
it's time to zyklon-b these lice
Santa Claus is coming to see who's naughty or nice
the guillotine's coming to separate and slice
Though there is an aphorism:
"Some people do prefer their scaphism."
lathered with milk and honey over a stagnant pond
seeing them suffer stiffens my wand
Over main street many leftists splatter
and then met with children's riotous laughter
alas, look! A wave and nod from the pilot!
and then he flies off into the twilight's dark violet
lined up in the streets antifa is decimated
only one survives, blinded and castrated
to send back a message to terrorist scum:
you'll never steal our personal wealth and income.

John Guandolo #psycho #racist #conspiracy

Understanding The Threat’s John Guandolo, a disgraced former FBI agent, right-wing conspiracy theorist, and anti-Islam activist, appeared on the American Pastors Network’s “Stand in the Gap” radio program yesterday where he declared that military leaders who disagreed with President Donald Trump’s plans to use troops to quash the nationwide George Floyd protests are guilty of treason and that the leaders of Black Lives Matter and anti-fascist groups should be rounded up and executed.

Guandolo, who has repeatedly called for those with whom he disagrees to be charged with treason, was furious about the protests over Floyd’s killing by the police and the subsequent calls to reform the current law enforcement system.

“[Floyd] was a thug. He was a violent criminal, and he was on meth when they arrested him, so spare me,” Guandolo fumed. “Let’s first identify some of the most dangerous players in putting forth narratives that directly support our enemies. How about the Secretary of Defense [Mark] Esper? How about General [James] Mattis, Admiral [Michael] Mullen, George W. Bush, Nikki Haley, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff—Admiral [Mark] Milley—this morning overtly comes out against the president of the United States. This is sedition and treason at a time when the country is at war with identifiable enemies, and these people need to be held accountable.”

“It’s time to start crushing these enemies,” he continued. “The leaders of this defund the police movement are communists and jihadis. They’re Muslim Brotherhood organized organizations like the Islamic Circle of North America, the Islamic Society of North America. They’re designated terrorist groups like Hamas, the Council of American Islamic Relations. They are leaders of communist organizations like Black Lives Matter and antifa, and as this country has done in the past, we should round up the leaders and execute them for trying to revolt and overthrow the government. And if this doesn’t happen soon, we will lose this.”

Henry Makow PhD #wingnut #racist #sexist #transphobia #quack #conspiracy

Modest Proposal -- Humanity acknowledges that it is
comatose and agrees to pull the plug. It agrees to be sterilized
in exchange for a truce from Communist Jews and
their Freemason flunkies. (i.e. Satanists, Zionists, Liberals, Antifa, Transsexuals, Feminists.)
I have a solution to mankind's problems that should satisfy everyone.

Humanity volunteers to be sterilized in exchange for the satanist Jewish bankers and Freemasons (Communists) ending their war against God and man.

This means that within a short century, the planet will be rid of useless eaters (us) and become a playground for sick Satanists/Communists and their preferred number of perverts.

What does mankind get out of this?

1. Satanists/Communists call off their "vaccine" and climate change hoaxes, chemtrails, geo-engineering, 15-min cities, CRT, lockdown lunacy, and vax passports.

They will curb their Antifa/BLM goons before whom we cower in fear like little girls. We avoid violent "Dark Winter" dystopia and enjoy relative peace and freedom.

2. We will not be force-vaccinated, writhe in pain and die a premature death.

3. The toxic psychological war against gender, race, religion, and nation will be suspended. We will retain some vestige of human dignity during our twilight years on the planet.

4. A reasonable number may be spared sterilization in order to provide a pool of servants, human sacrifices, organ donors, and sex slaves for the Chosen.
What do Satanists/Communists get out of this?

1. They will not have to listen to useless eaters whine and winge on the Internet as our miserable fate slowly dawns upon us.

2. They will not have to deal with a Warsaw Ghetto-like uprising as humanity finally realizes it has nothing to lose from violent resistance.

3. Satanists inherit the planet, its resources, and everyone's property. They can start planning their paradise and not worry about imposing their farcical "Great Reset" on recalcitrant masses.
This is satire but it's scary how much sense it makes.

Na7Soc #racist #wingnut #conspiracy

[From "Charlottesville Violence Being Blamed on White Nationalists "Neo Nazis" Even Though All Video Evidence Shows Communist Counter Protesters Who Didn't Even Have a Permit Started Violence. Event Being Used to Dismantle White Cultural Symbols Across US, and Assault Free Speech Online."]

Media has created a narrative once again by using the Charlottesville event started by White Nationalists. George Soros had bused in Communists paid by the hour to attack the Nationalists and then the media covers for them by painting them as the victims even though the Nationalists showed extreme restraint sticking to the narrative and speaker events.

Now the media is trying to justify the attempt to paint White ethnic nationalists of any kind as terrorists clearly holding us to a completely different standard as far left groups like Antifa and Black Lives Matter etc. have commit to political violence as part of their party program. BLM have encouraged and engaged in ongoing efforts to attack and assassinate police officers but yet they are still portrayed as underdog civil rights heroes on TelAvivision as if they aren't the status quo and are fighting against "the man" (pretending that far right Whites who protect White interests are in charge as if we would allow mass non-white legal and illegal immigration and refugees etc. if we were in charge).

Antifa are just Communists who call anyone to the right of them politically as Nazis (lol remember the guy who said "...and I don't use the word Nazi lightly!" followed by constant cries of "fuck off nazi! go home nazi!". Antifa also like BLM use political violence as standard accepted practice, they will instigate and initiate violence and then cry pretending to be the victim at retaliation with the mainstream media on standby ready to support the Marxist narrative.

Antifa are so completely unaware of their surroundings and reality they don't notice all mainstream media/government/celebrities spouting the marxist narrative and they still pretend that they aren't the status quo and are fighting a mythical system of White Privilege that only exists in their minds because in reality affirmative action/immigration reform act of 1965, safe spaces, hate speech laws, holohoax denial laws, and also the fact Whites are going to become minorities in all of our own nations more than proves that the governments for decades have been enacting Communist social and economic policy at the expense of the White population.

At this point in time every single one of Hitler's warnings have come true. We are being subject to policy that is ethnically cleansing our people from Europe and North America our home nations. The United Nations definition of genocide includes "Enacting policy that is engineered to eliminate a population in whole or in part", data clearly shows that the White race is being eliminated in large part due to the social/economic/immigration policies that Jews themselves admit to being behind in the first place.

The Jewish media monopoly at the moment are acting even worse than Soviet Bolshevik propaganda making huge stretches to paint situations in a completely different perspective in order to make it seem to fit a Marxist narrative. For example this is the refugee situation but yet media portrays only very specific stories that focus totally on a key individuals story of "struggle and suffering" and they never EVER broadcast a story that focuses on the EFFECTS OF MASS MIGRATION ON WESTERN SOCIETY because it is a complete and utter disaster that is seriously going to destroy the European race which is what they want. They want to replace the White race in all of our nations because we are their obstacle to a world where Israel is the only ethnic nation as a Jewish homeland, but every other nation is forced to be Communist void of race or heritage or any other obstacle that would compete with the state for loyalty.

National Socialism is something they are terrified of because it has shown that we are capable of providing an extremely high quality of life for all our people because we don't need international Jewish finance to handle trade, foreign aid, investments, and other economic actions. They will do whatever it takes to secure their current lifestyle of making huge profits off of being the middlemen between nations, and being the loan givers. They are responsible for technological advancement coming to a complete standstill (because they need people spending almost all their time working unable to give the amount of attention needed to stay up to date on politics and history so they wake up to who is screwing them). They are a corrupt and evil status quo which is why they demand censorship and using the 9/11 attacks in 2001 as an excuse to label our own citizens as terrorists just because we aren't ashamed to be White anymore. They want to be able to keep power by calling their opponents racist or anti semitic, they can't vindicate themselves with facts or truth so they need to be able to evoke angry emotions in the masses against their opposition by saying "Look at these nazis! They're so racist and hateful! Don't listen to them!" because that kind of simplistic reasoning is an excuse to not explain to people why their social and economic policies are better than ours.

They are desperate to avoid an honest dialogue about who can provide a better social/economic platform for our nation between the Bolsheviks (Globalists they now call themselves) or us National Socialists. That discussion is something they have to avoid at all costs and they can't have people even discussing it even if it's on social media between each other or in any form where ideas can spread.

Kajm, maxm2317, Robotnik14, Graeystone, #wingnut

(Submitter: yeah, this one is… out there, not just the guy who submitted it (Kajm) but the commenters too, but it does show you just how scared they are of a 16-year-old just for talking about maybe we actually try and do something about climate change)

(Image found on the internet)

Madrid (AFP) – A UN climate summit in Madrid risked collapsing Saturday after marathon negotiations between countries left them more divided than ever over on how to fight global warming and pay for its ravages.…

And, in comments below the article, I understand that Greta has NOT YET even arrived at the Conference, as her ship is still out to all at sea.
Which means all those world leaders will likely be long gone, before she can 'line them up against the wall' *cough*firing squads*cough*Hitler*cough*...

maxm2317: She’s a goddamn hypocrite!

(someone mentioned George Orwell)
RedAmerican1945: Yeah, considering how badly you two are interpreting 1984, an anti authoritarian piece from a self proclaimed Democratic Socialist.

Kajm: Not to begin another entire argument- I really want to get to my primary writing- but Rush Limbaugh says 'words mean things.' Which plays quite nicely against what Orwell says... and it is the Dems who are currently twisting words this way and that.
As I say, NOT wishing to start this all over again. Christmas is coming fast, I have things to take care of (as do you), and writing time this time of year, is Precious. Like a Ring. (get the joke?) ;)

Robotnik14: Considering how you and other morons love to advocate extreme political violence...I'm pretty sure Orwell would have despised you massively buddy...
But okay, tumor...

(and finally Graeystone)
Graeystone *anti-net neutrality*: Net Neutrality needs to go the way of the Dodo because it just isn't working in certain ways as in Big Tech Monopolies(GOOGLE, Twitter, Facebook).
Oh, and by the way-
(his journal on ‘how to’ guilds)
Too many people on dA and even in Real Life seem to believe these stories are 'How-To Guides' on what our very real world should be like. For anyone who believes that, I have a simple question for you - "Are you that frickin' stupid!?"
The people who created these story meant for them to be 'cautionary tales' or better yet; 'things that should never be attempted in real life.' Yet all the time there are people who think bringing about some of the nastier aspects of
If anything Orwell might have been a Marxist 'Reformer' in trying to point out the worst aspects of Marxism while trying to fix the problems.

Graeystone: Dana Perino on FOX News called it - Greta got named as Time's Person of the Year. Frankly this rich entitled ANTIFA poster child(her parents are big ANTIFA types) is going to go the way of the Dodo and Anita Sarkinseen in terms of being relevant.
Ya know, there's no difference between this photoshopped photo and the actual photo. . .she's creepy as heck in both.

various commenters #wingnut #racist

( @Nature_and_Race )
Poland: "It's okay to stay White"

Russia: "Poland is next in line for de-Nazification"

( @VanguardUlster )
@Nature_and_Race I predicted this months ago, Putin’s Talmudic hate will plunge the European continent into another fratricidal brothers war

( @Diversity_is_our_weakness )
Weak. One lawmaker doesn't represent the Russian government. The EU is already "de-nazifying" Poland more than Russia ever could.

( @KekistaniDiaspora )
@Diversity_is_our_weakness "The EU is already "de-nazifying" Poland more than Russia ever could."

This. I live in the EU. These people think a few fancy pictures of WNs are a representation of wider society. It's fucking not. If the war is over, these WNs will be the first to be labeled "Russian assets" by the EU. And it will be the pinnacle of irony because these WNs never have an issue calling everyone "doooginist" now who see the writing on the wall.

( @IoannesAugustus )
@Nature_and_Race was he responding to the "ok to stay White" statement, or the Russia is a cancer one?

( @Nature_and_Race )
@IoannesAugustus -- By saying that Poland must be "de-Nazified", he's implying that Poland has a "Nazi" problem. Does it really matter what his reasoning is? It's Jewish and Liberal as fuck to run around justifying violence toward White people by accusing them all of being "Nazis".

( @IoannesAugustus )
@Nature_and_Race I won't defend the Nazi comments. They're stupid and inaccurate and obviously used to generate emotions. But calling a nation a cancer is worse. How is that not calling for violence against a White nation?

( @Zealous_Apostle )
@IoannesAugustus @Nature_and_Race It's not bad nor innacurate to call the antifa nation invading white countries to 'denazify' them a cancer to the world.

various commenters #wingnut #racist #homophobia #transphobia

( @Apolitical )
The German people loved Hitler.

You know who didn’t?

Jews, communists, antifa, homosexuals, trannies, pedophiles, international financiers, leftists and liberals.

Basically all the scum you should be hated by if you are doing a good job. Take from that what you will

( @Malignant )
“Jews, communists, antifa, homosexuals, trannies, pedophiles, international financiers, leftists and liberals.“

No need to be redundant….

( @Thenationalist1776 )
@Apolitical This is the bottom of the rabbit hole for the normie. It's a terrifying place for them. Confronting this historical figure is terrifying. From their earliest memories, this man was presented to them as evil incarnate: someone they should hate more than anything or anyone. They avoid this confrontation like grim death and cling to their indoctrination like it's a life raft.

Beneath all their fears of consequences from their peers, their employers, their banks, what is most frightening to them is the fear of themselves. Of ego sacrifice. Of the possibility of having to admit they were completely wrong about something they were so sure of their entire life.

( @brextremist )
@Apolitical This is exactly why jews, communists, antifa, homosexuals, trannies, pedophiles, international financiers, liberals and leftists call everyone who opposes them "nazis".

( @fr0vUFru4AwodAKiPo9rLne )
@brextremist @Apolitical because you literally fucking are.

( @brextremist )
@fr0vUFru4AwodAKiPo9rLne @Apolitical Yes, and proud of it. Hitler was 100% right. If you have a problem with that, you can eat shit.

( @FurthestRight )
@fr0vUFru4AwodAKiPo9rLne @brextremist @Apolitical thanks for noticing we take a stand against degeneracy. as if that's something to be ashamed of

( @phlfie )
Benjamin Franklin was correct.
Adolf Hitler was correct.
George S. Patton was correct.
Vladimir Putin is correct.
We are correct.
It's the filthy jews.

( @Malignant )
Hey, I just made up a new joke. “A communist, an Antifa member, a tranny, a pedophile, an international financier, a leftist and a liberal walk into a bar. So the bartender looks up and says ‘Shalom!’”

Gary D. Barnett #wingnut #racist #transphobia #homophobia #conspiracy

We are currently living in a grotesque environment of absolute ignorance by the bulk of society so fantastic, that it leads to not only the expectation and embracing of absurd conduct, but also to the full and total normalization of heinous and criminal behavior, violence, theft, gross immorality, and perversion. Obviously, there has always been crime, and the most violent crime, has always been committed or sanctioned by the State itself.

During the past few years, the amount of openly allowed violent behavior has been allowed to rise to monstrous levels, but the theft, immorality, perversion, brutality and disorder, have escalated out of control over the same period. This extreme behavior was for some time happening simultaneously all around the country, and has been ongoing in some regards for years. It began in this cycle with the fake ‘covid’ lockdowns, as the group improperly called “Black Lives Matter,” (BLM) were allowed by this government and its so-called enforcers, to run amok, causing destruction of property, businesses, committing theft, burning, looting, violence, and in some cases death. The bogus claim of ‘racism’ was implemented to excuse this horrid behavior. Another criminal group call Antifa, followed the same pattern, and both are little more than terrorist groups.

To add insult to injury, bring in the depraved transgender nonsense, the promotion by government and media of the so-called ‘LBGTQ+’ crowd, under the ridiculous and idiotic moniker labeled ‘pride,’ and more disorder, perversion, and child abuse is the direct result.
A violent and immoral society can only breed more violence and immorality; leading to the normalization of criminal behavior, which in turn leads to the downfall of all societal cohesion. Allowing a top-down governing system to exist, one that sanctions violence, commits violence, protects the felons, and facilitates crime in order to divide, is anathema to any free society of normal human beings.

Rob Pue #conspiracy #wingnut #fundie

So in October of 2019, the kings of the earth and the rulers — the so-called “Power Elite;” the Globalists — took counsel together and planned for what hit us just over a year ago — an ORCHESTRATED worldwide panic; a shutdown of the world economy; a massive increase in personal and national debt; unjust edicts handed down by governors and judges, forcing people to cover their faces in abject submission to the Almighty State, under the guise of keeping one another safe — from a virus less harmful than the seasonal flu. This, of course, has led to extremely dangerous vaccines, not properly tested, (and I believe purposely manufactured for EVIL) and mandated in many places, even though they’ve been shown to cause serious injuries and even many deaths. Other countries have halted vaccinations because of this. But America — the devil’s greatest prize — continues on, full speed ahead.
Is it any wonder the capitol is surrounded by a high wall topped with razor wire? When patriots TRIED to show up and voice their outrage at an obviously fraudulent election they were basically ambushed. That was January 6th. I had a bad feeling about that event before it happened, and unfortunately, my instincts were correct. Video footage from citizen reporters showed DC and capitol police ESCORTING ANTIFA rioters into the staging area. These anarchists are the ones who caused the problems, but the patriots were the ones the kings and rulers and the media blamed. So now we accept razor wire fences around the Peoples’ House, and we sheepishly acquiesce to every unjust edict from the imposter in the Oval Office and those who continue to control his puppet strings.

Rep. Matt Gaetz & various commenters #wingnut

( Rep. Matt Gaetz )
On our first day of Republican control of the House of Representatives, we should take over the January 6th Committee and release every second of footage that will exonerate our Patriots!

( @islandlifeboi )

( @Logaems )
@RepMattGaetz How about just RELEASE THE PATRIOTS and imprison the coordinators in the democrat party, FBI, AntiFa and others who infiltrated the peaceful protest???? Put Pelosi in the DC GULAG for a couple of years before bringing charges against her!!!!

( @Sheyandaar )
@RepMattGaetz And jail everyone responsible for imprisoning patriots for political reasons.

( @DBKilroy )
@RepMattGaetz Just release the Patriots. Later, you can release the footage, at the Dems trial for perjury and treason. First things first: release the Patriots.

( @Jihad_Countermeasures )
@RepMattGaetz What have you done over the past year to get the illegally imprisoned and tortured Patriots out of the domestic enemy gulags?

( @firebreathingmick )
@RepMattGaetz Can you get them out of jail immediately? We don't have time for bullshit and committees.

( @bobomaj78 )
@RepMattGaetz I would be happy with treason and sedition charges on the whole committee .

( @John_Madison )
@bobomaj78 @RepMattGaetz That's what will happen, committee and BS show hearings and in the end they will die in the gulags.

( @trendkill1967 )
@RepMattGaetz If you’re in control of the committee, why not just release the video and shut down the hearings?

@AthenasWrench & @Librty_abuv_all #transphobia

( @AthenasWrench )
Violent trans activists and antifa try to heal through police to get to the women. I will keep saying this until it sinks in - trans is a hate movement. They are missing no rights they want the privilege of being able to identify into that which they will never be. They hate us.

( @AthenasWrench )
*break not heal

( @Librty_abuv_all )
Trans is perversion, just call it what it is a group of perverts.

Revisionist Historians for World Peace #wingnut #racist #conspiracy

It should be quite evident by now to every US citizen that these once United States of America are under withering assault by forces both foreign and domestic.
And, that all of those powers of darkness have the exact same objective: the complete destruction and permanent collapse of the American Republic.

While these extremely dangerous enemies are waging numerous types of warfare against the American people every day of the week, there are three primary types of nationwide war campaigns which are the most pervasive and perilous in 2023.

The first is an ongoing Color Revolution being conducted by the entire U.S. Intelligence Community. The brazen 2020 election theft by the communist-run Democrat Party and coordinated by the CIA, FBI and NSA, which saw POTUS Imposter Joe Biden criminally installed in the Oval Office, is just one of countless examples of this.
The second is a multi-decade Chinese-style Cultural Revolution being conducted by the Uniparty (i.e. the Democrat Party, RINOs and all other traitorous political parties), as well as by Deep State, Corporate America, all public University Systems and many private ones, the largest NGOs and the rest of cultural marxist-controlled Civil Society.
The third is a Russian-style Bolshevik Revolution which is being very stealthily set up in all 50 states so that, when the trigger is pulled, a violent overthrow is all but guaranteed by those who decide the D-day date. Domestic terrorist organizations such as BLM and Antifa are just two of the military arms that will be let loose in all American cities.
Which means that the entire Patriot Movement needs to first wise up, and then arm up, because these various revolutions are about to heat up as never before. With the approaching 2024 POTUS election, the Khazarian-controlled Democrats have no choice whatsoever but to steal the White House—AGAIN—that is, if there even is an election held on November 5, 2024.

Laurie Roth #wingnut

Almost every dictator I can think of quoted a few scriptures and pretended that God was on their side. Adolph Hitler said he was doing God a favor by taking on the Jews who rejected Christ. He knew how to work the religion card, along with Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

What, you think only the DEMOCRAT left and media whores can call Trump Hitler? The real truth is that the DEMOCRAT left of today, with their dementia laden poster child Joe Biden obedient and sold out media, completely reflects the principles of Hitler. Their violent supporters, BLM, ANTIFA and other DEMOCFRAT anti Trump groups have been burning down American cities the whole year, while threatening to do way more if Trump prevails and is in another 4 years.

Remember in Nazi Germany, the same thing occurred. Jewish businesses were attacked, and burned, then people were just taken away in the middle of the night.

Trump has already won this election in a huge way and God is answering the believing prayers of millions of Christians. Watch justice unfold and the DEM – criminal left unravel.

Dave Blount #transphobia #wingnut

[From "Rise of Trantifa"]

Transsexuals are mentally ill by definition and characterized by a propensity for violence (e.g., Maya McKinney, Snochia Moseley, Anderson Lee Aldrich, Audrey Hale, Moses Lopez, William Whitworth, Shanu Varma, “Lara,” Zion William Teasley). Violence is the whole point of Antifa. Both are products of moonbattery. Put them together and you get Trantifa:

The term has been coined on social media to represent the strong transgender presence within the Antifa movement[…]

No act of evil is too extreme — not even executing 9-year-olds for being Christian:

One notable incident involved a trans-identified individual, Audrey Hale, who carried out a mass shooting at a Christian elementary school in Nashville[…]The Trans Resistance Network suggested Hale had no other way to be seen than by “taking the life of others”[…]

Considering the darkly comical tendency of leftists to accuse their opponents of what they themselves are doing or plan to do, their use of the word “genocide” is not only absurd but also concerning:

‘Trans activists gravitate towards these very far-left groups, because they share their anarcho-communist type ideology,’ [countermoonbat journalist Julio] Rosas told

‘They view the US as systemically racist, that it’s subjugated queer people, and that states passing laws against child mutilations is part of a trans genocide’

Trans activists are serious about killing people. They did not hesitate to make this clear[…]
As with Hitler’s Brownshirts, Trantifa freaks serve as a cat’s paw for a malevolent political party — the party that already controls every major institution

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