andy schlafly

John Schlafly and Andy Schlafly #wingnut

The hundreds of thousands of Americans who rallied for Trump on January 6th disrupted the carefully laid plans of the Trump-haters. America has a rich history of disrespectful, raucous protests dating back to the Boston Tea Party.

It is the mockery of the sanctimonious officials which incurred their wrath against the mostly peaceful, even fun-seeking, protesters. Nobody likes to be ridiculed, and the self-centered political elite in D.C. dislike it most of all.

…The protestors gave us powerful images that should become a rallying cry against the imperial Congress. The image of a jovial man playfully lifting House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s podium is a priceless symbol of how Americans feel about the D.C. elite, as is the picture of a peaceful commoner from Idaho sitting in the feckless Vice President Mike Pence’s chair.

Andrew Schlafly #crackpot

[Submitter’s note: yes, you’re reading this right- Andy and a cake metaphor vs. the Theory of Relativity]

The problem is that '''E=m2 does not meaning anythimg [sic] that makes sense.


Eating a pound of cake does not cause one's energy to increase by the speed of light squared.

Andy Schlafly #fundie #sexist #crackpot

Gender-neutral terminology is used by politically correct liberals in a ploy to efface the natural differences between men and women, sometimes with absurd effect. Thus, although in legal texts the word "he" and "his" have been used for centuries to apply to both sexes, political correctness advocates insist on the cumbersome "he or she", "his or her". Sometimes people mistakenly use of "they" (or "their") despite the fact that this usage is grammatically incorrect. They also try to abolish terms as policeman, fireman, postman, fisherman, chairman, actress and waitress, claiming they are sexist terms. Use of gender-neutral language is a hallmark of overly liberal translations of the Bible.

Some languages use different words or suffixes depending on the gender of a noun, and attribute gender to non-people nouns. However, formal English does not ascribe gender to inanimate objects and defaults to the "male" pronouns or words when referring to either gender. For example, "All men are created equal," is correct English and the statement includes both males and females.

The fact that there are two different genders – male and female, based on one's biological sex – is affirmed through Scripture:
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. Genesis 1:27 (ESV)

Andy Schlafly #pratt #transphobia #conspiracy

Transphobia is a term made up by LGBT Marxists, who claim it is the "fear" of people who have willfully undergone anthropogenic sex change operations. LGBT agenda supporters use this non-existent "phobia" as an emotional smear term against anyone who opposes gender confusion, unnecessary surgical mutilation for the sake of "changing gender", and especially the intentional targeting of children by gender confusion activists to groom them and confuse them about their biological sex.

Andy Schlafly #fundie

Several parables in the Bible foreshadow the insight of quantum entanglement about paired photons having opposite spin, by contrasting two men in their relationship with God. The Prodigal Son contrasts two brothers, two churchgoers are contrasted in Luke 18:9–14, and two brothers are further contrasted in Luke 21:28-31.


Andy Schlafly #fundie

"Son of Man" is a common mistranslation, preferred by liberals, which obscures Jesus's divinity. Jesus used an artful phrase to convey his divinity without committing the capital offense of blasphemy, which would have terminated His ministry before it completed.

A better English translation which conveys the divinity would be "The Son as Man." In other words, simply replace "of" with "as" to restore the intended implication of divinity, without committing blasphemy under the strict rules of the time. The versatility of "as" in modern English conveys the meaning of the awkward, unusual Greek phrase better than "of" does.

The use of the phrase in Mark 10:45 illustrates the flaws in the "Son of Man" and the superiority of the "Son as Man" as the English translation:

For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve (NIV)
For even the Son as Man did not come to be served, but to serve

[Full screenshot of article]

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Andy Schlafly #fundie

The Theory of Relativity cannot be reconciled with the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Search and both and the lack of reconciliation is striking. The Book of Genesis describes a fundamental underlying uncertainty; the Theory of Relativity denies it.

Andy Schlafly #fundie

Like other aspects infinity, the concept of infinitesimal offers a powerful way to solve problems and even handle stress. Calculus advanced largely through an understanding and use of the infinitesimal.

The often-scarce resource of time, for example, becomes infinitely abundant if divided into infinitesimal segments.

Jesus introduced the concept of infinite time, or eternity, and infinitesimal time follows from that.

Andy Schlafly #fundie

As of 2009, there was no fully conservative translation of the Bible which satisfies the following ten guidelines:[4]

Framework against Liberal Bias: providing a strong framework that enables a thought-for-thought translation without corruption by liberal bias. For example, the Living Bible translation has liberal evolutionary bias;[5] the widely used NIV translation has a pro-abortion bias.[6]
Not Emasculated: avoiding unisex, "gender inclusive" language, and other feminist distortions; preserve many references to the unborn child (the NIV deletes these)
Not Dumbed Down: not dumbing down the reading level, or diluting the intellectual force and logic of Christianity;[7] the NIV is written at only the 7th grade level[8]
Utilize Terms which better capture original intent: using powerful new conservative terms to capture better the original intent;[9] Defective translations use the word "comrade" three times as often as "volunteer"; similarly, updating words that have a change in meaning, such as "word", "peace", and "miracle".
Combat Harmful Addiction: combating addiction[10] by using modern terms for it, such as "gamble" rather than "cast lots";[11] using modern political terms, such as "register" rather than "enroll" for the census
Accept the Logic of Hell: applying logic with its full force and effect, as in not denying or downplaying the very real existence of Hell or the Devil.
Express Free Market Parables; explaining the numerous economic parables with their full free-market meaning
Exclude Later-Inserted Inauthentic Passages: excluding the interpolated passages that liberals commonly put their own spin on, such as the adulteress story
Credit Open-Mindedness of Disciples: crediting open-mindedness, often found in youngsters like the eyewitnesses Mark and John, the authors of two of the Gospels
Prefer Conciseness over Liberal Wordiness: preferring conciseness to the liberal style of high word-to-substance ratio; avoid compound negatives and unnecessary ambiguities.
Thus, a project began among editors at Conservapedia to translate the Bible in accordance with these principles. The translated Bible can be found here.

Benefits include:

mastery of the Bible, which is priceless
mastery of the English language, which is valuable
thorough understanding of the differences in Bible translations, particularly the historically important King James Version
benefiting from activity that no public school would ever allow; a Conservative Bible could become a text for public school courses
political issues can become a pathway to evangelizing liberals
liberals will oppose this effort, but they will have to read the Bible to criticize this, and that will open their minds
this project has a unifying effect on various Christian denominations, and serves as an important counterweight to liberal efforts to divide conservative candidates based on religion

Andy Schlafly #fundie

Set theory is a branch of mathematics dealing with collections of objects, called sets. It revolutionized mathematics and made possible enormous new insights. The approach of set theory also offers a powerful way to think about life, handle anxiety, escape addiction, and understand the miracles in the New Testament.

(Emphasis added.)

Andy Schlafly #fundie

[h2]Andeepak Schopry[/h2]
Wave-particle duality, not discovered by scientists until the 20th century, is when something is sometimes a wave and sometimes a particle. Subatomic particles have wave-particle duality; so does light.

This is the same as God being a "wave" as the Holy Spirit, and also being matter in the form of Jesus. A open-minded appreciation of the wave-particle duality of the Trinity could have opened the eyes of scientists nearly 2000 years sooner to the fundamental wave-particle duality of nature discovered in the 1900s.


Even today a more open-minded recognition of the truth of the Trinity would help scientists understand the reality of wave-duality.

Andy Schlafly #fundie

Negative implication is an underdeveloped concept of logic that the existence of +1, for example, implies the existence of -1. The existence of evil implies the existence of good, as an other example. The existence of the seen (the material) implies the existence of the unseen. And so on.

Negative implication is required by the fundamental uncertainty discovered in quantum mechanics and described in the Book of Genesis, because uncertainty about "A" requires the existence of "Not A."

Andy Schlafly #fundie

In addition, recognition of infinity — such as infinite time or infinite strength — is helpful on a personal level in dealing with adversity. Jesus emphasized the concept of infinity often in his miracles and parables. He rejected the mistaken view of the ancient Greeks that infinity is non-existent and unintelligible.

James A. Wilson #fundie

Conserva"pedia is a liberal wiki founded by RINO and Papist Andrew "Andy" Schlafly. Schlafly founded the wiki as a response to what he saw as liberal bias in Wikipedia, but has had no problem with liberal biases of his own.

"Conserva"pedia is known for removing true conservatives from their site if they espouse views that are consistent with the wishy-washy RINO views of Schlafly. The site promotes neocon nonsense, and they believe in further expanding the bloated military budget. They, therefore promote the liberal homosexual agenda through their ringing endorsements for adulterer Donald Trump despite Trump having paid off a porn star regarding an affair they had.

"Conserva"pedia also promotes false religions, such as the Roman Catholic "Church", Protestantism, Eastern Orthodoxy, and Judaism. They are also soft on Islam and are apologists for the liberal former "president" George W. Bush and soft on Barry Soetoro of Kenya.

While claiming to believe Jesus Christ is Lord, they believe in the fake Jesus the papists and "papist-lite" Protestants believe, i.e. the long haired hippie depiction of Jesus.

Andy Schlafly #fundie #dunning-kruger

Matthew 16:19

King James Version:
And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.

Proposed Conservative Translation:
"And I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of heaven. Whatever you make binding on earth will be binding in heaven, and whatever you set loose on earth will be set loose in heaven."

Does this foretell the effect of the observer on eliminating uncertainty in quantum mechanics, which was not discovered until 2000 years later? Notice that the Greek literally says that whatever is bound on earth will have been bound in heaven, which is precisely the same unusual quasi-causation effect that an observer has in quantum mechanics.

Andy Schlafly #fundie

Shakespeare and abortion

William Shakespeare's masterpiece play Hamlet contains implied references to an attempted abortion by taking abortifacients and the subsequently tragic fate of both the mother (Ophelia) and father (Hamlet). Multiple lines in the play are unmistakable in suggesting this,[1] yet liberals never mention this while teaching about Hamlet in public school.

Shakespeare's portrayal of the wealthy, privileged Ophelia and Hamlet as borderline crazy and suicidal may reflect his disapproval of abortion, and his belief that fate is not kind to those who embrace unapologetically that path and outlook. Shakespeare himself was a devout Christian.

Feminists generally identify with Ophelia as being a victim of men, and if she attempted an abortion then that would be lockstep with feminist ideology. But the unnecessarily tragic outcome awaiting Ophelia after making her immoral choices is something feminists tend to be in denial about.

Andy Schlafly #fundie

Essay:Best Conservapedia insights about the Bible

On Conservapedia a growing list of insights about the Bible has been produced:

1. The Bible is 100% logical, without a single logical flaw in it. No other book comes close.
2. The Bible contains an immense amount of scientific foreknowledge.
3. The water did not turn into wine at the wedding at Cana until it was tasted, consistent with quantum mechanics. Precise versions of the Bible translate this sequence correctly: "When the master of the feast tasted the water now become wine."[1]
4. The "Son of Man" is a mistranslation: it should be "The Son, a man," as Jesus artfully implied that he was the Son of God during the early part of his ministry without committing the capital offense of blasphemy until his ministry was complete.
5. The perfectly written Epistle to the Hebrews is probably the "sermon" or monologue given by Jesus after the Resurrection when he met two travelers on the Road to Emmaus, as described in Luke 24:13-35.[2]
6. Paul warned against being misled by liberal claptrap and the passage at 1 Corinthians 1:17 should be translated that way.
7. Liberals are overly insistent on certain anti-Bible theories merely a way of pulling people, particularly students, away from the Bible.
8. The adulteress story is a phony insertion by liberals who quote it more than any other passage -- virtually all scholars confirm its lack of authenticity.
9. In the Calming of the Storm, a precise translation indicates that it was the observation or judging of the storm by Jesus, consistent with quantum mechanics, without any spoken words.
10. The greatest distortion of the Bible by modern liberal translations is their denial of Hell, even though Jesus talked more about Hell than about Heaven.
11. Genesis 1:2, properly translated, explains that God created order out of chaos, exactly as modern quantum mechanics describes with respect to an underlying uncertainty.
12. The many insights into physics (especially quantum mechanics and the Second Law of Thermodynamics) and mathematics (especially set theory) of the Bible, often overlooked or even lost in translation due to the dominance of a literary focus of biblical scholars rather than a scientific or logical one.
13. The immense value of utilizing, in translating the Bible, modern new conservative terms that have originated since the King James Version, since Strong's, and even since 1900 and 2000. Examples include "demonic", "gambling", and "liberal claptrap."

Andy Schlafly #fundie

Infinity and zero are two intertwined opposites that can be played off each other logically in ways that seem paradoxical at first. They are related in that infinity can never be diminished or increased by more than zero, while zero is the result of making something infinitely small.

The Parable of the Vineyard Workers is perfectly logical but initially seems paradoxical. The master has infinite resources, and pays the workers the same wage no matter how much or little they work. This enrages the workers who toil longer, even though they were fully paid, because there is zero difference between their wages and that of workers who toiled little. Yet there is nothing for any of the workers to be angry about.

Neither infinity nor zero were accepted by thinkers at the time of Christ, and the parables did much to explain the logic of these two intertwined opposites. Shakespeare frequently used infinity in his plays.

Andy Schlafly #fundie

The Parable of the Vineyard Workers conveys truths about mathematical logic unknown at the time of Christ. In a mere sixteen verses at Matthew 20:1-16, Jesus explains surprising truths about infinity, zero, and set theory. It would take nearly 20 centuries before mathematicians caught up. [Emphasis added]

Only in set theory is it true that "the last will be first, and the first last," as stated by the conclusion of the parable. Outside of set theory that statement ostensibly appears to be false.

Only if infinity exists can a master pay everyone the same wage, no matter how hard or little they work. Infinity is synonymous with God.

The existence of infinity in turn implies the existence of zero, based on the inability to diminish infinity by anything more than zero. Zero -- the zero difference between the "wages" paid, and the jealousy that results -- is synonymous with the lack of God in this story.

A silver lining to the parable is how it demonstrates that communism can create more jealousy than capitalism does, through the jealousy of those who work less and yet get paid as much.

Andy Schlafly #fundie

Although negative numbers were not accepted by mathematicians until the 1600s, negative infinity is logically implied by the existence of Hell as described frequently in the Gospels. Also, the existence of an infinitely good God implies the existence of an infinitely bad evil that rejects God.

Negative infinity is difficult to define with independent terminology. Taking a cue from negative infinity as a representation of Hell, negative infinity is the lowest value possible.

Andy Schlafly #fundie

Does the term "ugly American" really refer to "liberal American"? Ryan Lochte, a favorite of liberals, is indicted in Brazil for smearing the country with a false report after he misbehaved himself. He got out quickly, however, leaving his teammates detained in Rio de Janerio. [Emphasis original]

Andy Schlafly #fundie

SamHB, you're free to deny obvious bias against outspoken Christian athletes. But be aware that determined denials ultimately lose credibility.

Do you even deny that Tim Tebow was criticized more harshly, and more unfairly, than other quarterbacks? If you take your denial to that level, the loss in credibility will be complete. If, however, you admit that liberals criticized Tebow more harshly than others, then why do you deny it with respect to Gabby Douglas? Notice that you never provide an alternative plausible explanation for the unfair criticism of Douglas.

You say that liberals do not criticize their Christianity specifically, but it obvious why they criticize other things instead. If any liberal criticized someone directly for being a Christian, then the liberal would lose support. Liberals are not that dumb.

Andy Schlafly #homophobia

Cover-up for the homosexual agenda: the NTSB delays more than a year before stating the obvious cause of the Amtrak derailment outside Philadelphia that tragically killed 8 and injured more than 200. [1] The recklessly speeding train was driven by a homosexual rights advocate who claims he can't recall key details, even though he was coherent immediately after the accident.

Andy Schlafly #fundie

Pushy feminist Megyn Kelly destroys the final debate by insisting on being the (biased) moderator, and Donald Trump shows guts in declining to participate in the sham. [1] Real journalism puts the public first, but instead Fox News Channel caves into feminism

Andy Schlafly #fundie

[re: "Logic-based proof of God"]

Greatest logical minds proof

1. The greatest modern thinkers, including Isaac Newton, Louis Pasteur, Bernhard Riemann, Alexander Hamilton, John von Neumann, and Kurt Godel, were devoted to the Bible.
2. These thinkers would not be attracted to anything that had a logical flaw.
3. The Bible must therefore be more logical than the alternative.
4. What is more logical is more likely to be true.
5. Thus God is more likely to exist than the alternative.

Andy Schlafly #fundie

[re: "Logic-based proof of God"]

Objective truth proof

1. Objective truth exists.
2. The existence of objective truth depends on the existence of an objective observer.
3. In the absence of an objective observer, the concept of objective truth would fail for lack of falsifiability.
4. The only possible objective observer for all of objective truth is God.
5. Therefore God exists.

Andy Schlafly #fundie

Logic anarchy is the result of a belief that cannot serve as the foundation for a logical system.

In mathematics, logic anarchy occurs when there is a proof by contradiction. To prove the falsehood of a mathematical statement, this approach first assumes that it is true and then tries to build logical statements on it. Once the system collapses in an absurd contradiction, then the conclusion is that the assumption must be false rather than true.

Atheism is a belief that results in logic anarchy. To avoid that, freedom of speech is censored in all atheistic societies.

Andy Schlafly #fundie

A logic-based proof of God demonstrates God's existence by reference to logic. This approach recognizes strong the connection between logic and God, and how the Bible can be understood as a book of logic.

Uniqueness of logic proof
The uniqueness of logic proof is as follows:

Logic is unique, such that contrary systems of logic are impossible.
The existence of God is logical.
Therefore God exists.

Uncertainty proof
The uncertainty proof is as follows:

Uncertainty pervades the physical world.
Logic is free of uncertainty.
Logic, therefore, does not come from the physical world.
Logic must come from something perpetual that is free of uncertainty.
This we call "God".

[Emphasis original]

Andy Schlafly #fundie

Prophet Not Welcome in His Hometown

The Jacksonsville Jaquars are one of the worst teams in the NFL, racking up horrific records of 2-14, 4-12, and 3-13, in 2012, 2013, and 2014, respectively. Yet they have been adamant in not giving hometown hero Tim Tebow a chance to quarterback the club, despite how Tebow has been given opportunities by better teams and despite how he led the Denver Broncos to playoff success.

The Bible predicts this odd phenomenon in Matthew 13:57, Mark 6:4, and Luke 4:24. For example, Mark 6:4 quotes Jesus as stating:[4]

“A prophet is not without honor, except in his hometown and among his relatives and in his own household."

Andy Schlafly #fundie

Liberal claptrap is expensive: "the average college student at a public school spends about $1,200 a year on textbooks," a cost that has increased by 82% over the last decade alone. The Bible is free online, and more beneficial. [Emphasis original]

Andy Schlafly #fundie

Tebow has been repeatedly excluded by the NFL despite playing far better than what is needed to make a team. The most plausible explanation for this is the increasingly pro-homosexual, and thus anti-Christian bias of the league in its attempts to appease the liberal media.

Andy Schlafly #fundie

The Bible is a superb roadmap to future scientific discoveries. Unfortunately, Bible deniers, including many atheists and evolutionists, refuse to read the Bible, and their irrational closed-mindedness against the Bible obstructs the advancement of science. [Emphasis original]

Andy Schlafly #fundie

Racist atheism is a particularly venomous form of atheism that can be extremely destructive both to the adherent and to those around him.

Hitler and Stalin were racist atheists who seized power and then slaughtered millions of people. Yet rather than acknowledge how morally evil racist atheism is, atheism refuses to condemn it as an affront to God.

Several, though not all, of the young mass murderers of the 21st century may have been influenced by racist atheism, and committed crimes based on it.

Andy Schlafly, Ken DeMyer, Karajou, and others #fundie

[From "Mystery: Why do non-conservatives exist?"]

Statistical Analysis


-20%: did not hear about conservative principles until after they made up their mind and, perhaps due to pervasive societal bias, refuse to reconsider

-10%: genuinely lack of desire to find the truth, and instead desire attention, praise by liberal teachers, getting along by going along, and not standing up to liberal bullies

-10%: refuse to forgive themselves and let go of their past mistakes and image

-10%: believe myths created around government programs like the "New Deal" that liberal policies create jobs instead of destroying them and depriving people of liberty through government control.

-10%: fooled by the demonizing of conservatives and mistakenly feel that conservative benefits are available only to those who are from an intact family or privileged background

-10%: refuse to rise above their personal temptations, often self-destructive, and hate conservatives who criticize their self-indulgent behavior

-10%: feel that they deserve to make more money than they do, as in public school teachers and university professors, and refuse to rise above self-interest

-10%: harbor a grudge against a conservative, typically a parent but sometimes an ex-spouse, and refuse to forgive or rise above the animosity

-5%: like an anarchist, genuinely want to believe in and propagate destructive ideas

-5%: are susceptible to marketing and suggestion to an overlarge degree.

What Triggers Reconsideration of Liberal Beliefs?

What triggers reconsideration of liberal beliefs? Here are some estimates:

-25%: raising or teaching children, and realizing how destructive liberal values are to many of them

-15%: a religious conversion followed by taking the Bible to heart

-10%: a loss of a loved one that resulted from accepting or promoting liberal values, as in losing a loved one to crime caused by pornography, drug addiction, gambling, etc.

-10%: a new friendship with someone who is conservative, and realizing how much good flows from the conservative values[1]

-10%: simply by maturing and seeing liberalism's impact around them, and realizing what they were taught as youth was wrong

-5%: a desire to learn the truth, and a dislike for those who mislead

-5%: a genuine divine experience that can not be explained.

-5%: using conservative values to overcome an addiction, and then realizing the benefits of conservative values in many other ways

-5%: taking a truthful course in economics, or learning it in the workforce[2]

-10%: other.

Cultural indoctrination

Brainwashing and deceit:

-They pride themselves on doing well in school or reading the newspaper, can't accept that what they were taught was incorrect or biased.

-Dangerous professors who impose their opinions upon vulnerable youth.

-Television programs posing as comedies, such as South Park, Family Guy, and The Simpsons, which inject liberal beliefs and mock conservative values

-Exposed to incorrect liberal ideas throughout education. Standard American kindergartens up to the fourth grade. Wastes the potential of most children—does not expose them to foreign languages and other learning tasks their minds are obviously and mysteriously suited for. All helping to make them think they need liberal man-made structures that in fact limit their potential in a self-defeating sort of cycle.

-Indoctrination by liberal churches which have a disproportionate focus on biblical passages that appear to support liberal positions, eg. the adulteress story, the disciples holding everything in common, etc.

-A blind obsession to be famous, act and imitate the ways of their famous idols, to absorb their ideals as their own.

-Failure to realize that modern science and modern wealth are the result of historical processes set into motion by God-fearing Christian Conservatives like Blaise Pascal, Robert Boyle, Isaac Newton, and James Maxwell. (When the obvious importance of Christianity to these scientific figures' everyday lives comes up in an academic situation, dangerous professors—liberal historians and liberal scientists—have been known to label it as "some mental disorder".)

-Elementary through high school textbooks having appalling and reprehensible omissions on the basic facts of American life (religion, marriage, politics, and business)[3]

-For decades Universities have discriminated against hiring conservatives, especially social conservatives and religious believers.[4] This has resulted in most college graduates being exposed to liberals prejudiced against conservatives and conservative thought. These graduates become the teachers and other professionals who are unwitting soldiers in liberalism's battle against a Christian Reformed, Roman-Catholic/Anglican/Orthodox, obedient-to-God reality.

No exposure:

-Current fashions in American professional behavior make expressions of Christian faith awkward in the workaday world.

-Increasing zone of publicly funded anti-religious fanaticism (e.g., no school-sponsored prayer)

-Spectacle of entertainment industry (e.g., movies and T.V.) cuts into traditionally popular Christian church social activities

-Most universities and hospitals have forgotten or have been forced to deny (to get various grants and even retirement benefits for their professors) their religious roots. Catholic affiliated institutions remain one of the few exceptions (few or possibly no other body of Christians can make legitimate claims of offering modern Pastoral care as the Roman Catholic church)

Peer Pressure:

-They have liberal friends, and want their approval or acceptance.

-They live in a predominantly liberal state or community and fear rejection from said community.

Systemic bias:

-Some people are inherently irrational, and are thus driven to liberal ideology.

-Their job and salary, such as working for public schools, depends on keeping conservatives out of power.

-Media bias acts to caricature conservatism, making it seem unpalatable, conditioning people to reject its teachings.

-Schools reward politically correct, liberal answers on tests.

-Negative focusing by the media highlights personal flaws of conservatives, driving people to choose to identify with liberals rather than be categorized with those traits.

Liberal characteristics

Poor abstract thinking:

-They have trouble understanding some of the slightly abstract concepts in conservatism, such as "more guns, less crime," and "less taxes, more revenue."

-They are more comfortable discussing simple issues like race and poverty than complex issues like globalism.

-Intellectual myopia - failure to heed the long-term consequences of ideological positions that seem beneficial in the short term.

-Stereotyping: They knew a conservative whom they disliked for some reason, and tar all others with the same brush.

-Ignorance: politics isn't a priority for some people. Without any wish to learn to think for themselves, some liberals don't bother to think through what's right, and just go with what's "cool."


-They made up their mind before hearing conservative principles, and will not reconsider their views.

-They have something criticized by conservatives in their personal background, and feel compelled to defend it rather than let it go.

-Slavish adherence to the ideals of liberal parents


-Non-conservatives demonstrate just how prone mankind is to arrogance.

-An admiration for historical figures whom liberals claim were liberals.

-A desire for large government inculcated by personal weakness and reluctance to take personal responsibility.

-Impressionable individuals buying into Bush derangement syndrome, and reacting with emotion rather than reason.

-Reliance on charisma: Charismatic leaders trading on image, rather than experience, can dupe the unsuspecting.

Self-destructive or contrarian behavior:

-Some choose to do what is irrational.
-Use of mind-altering drugs, which encourages one to become a liberal to reconcile the cognitive dissonance, or dulls mental acuity resulting in mindless conformity.

-Sexual experimentation to make up for lack of self-esteem, often with multiple partners, with partners of the same gender, or in public places

-Unthinking rebellion against conservative parents.

-Determined to prove their "independence of mind" by denying authority

Andy Schlafly #fundie

Atheistic science is an approach to science that clings to atheistic views of the universe and life, at the complete exclusion of Biblical scientific foreknowledge and non-materialistic phenomena. The hallmark of atheistic science is how it clings to materialistic theories and rejects logic and experimental observations that contradict the atheistic theories.

Examples of absurd beliefs of atheistic scientists:

* that remarkable migration by butterflies and birds can somehow be explained by magnetism
* that there are many "multiple universes" that simultaneously exist
* that time travel can occur through wormholes in the universe
* that intelligent extraterrestrial life exists outside of Earth
* that massive "black holes" exist in tiny spaces, from which not even light can escape
* that unseen "dark matter" permeates the universe
* that the universe is really comprised elastic strings

Andy Schlafly #fundie

A logical fallacy is an error in logical reasoning. While the common usage of the word fallacy would include any error in reasoning, in logic a fallacy is defined as a particularly deceptive argument which seems correct, but upon further examination is found to be incorrect.[1] The maker of such an argument, however, need not be aware of its fallacious nature.


Logical fallacies are the beloved debating tactic of liberals; for this reason, it is not advised to debate them unless you have to, as you will only end up frustrated when one of them inevitably claims global warming is true because Al Gore said so.

Andy Schlafly #fundie

Faith and Science

Faith and logic are essential ingredients of real science and an informed understanding the world.

Faith, a Christian concept, accepts truth without requiring visible proof.

Logic guides the faculty of human reason to determine the truth. However, liberal logic may appear logical, but is actually nonsensical.

Science is based on observation in determining the truth. However, in recent years, science has become increasingly atheistic,[1] rejecting God and his works in explanations of the world and all of human experience. Instead readily embracing pseudo or junk science such as evolution, relativity, global warming and much of cosmology and geology based on a time frame which predates creation. Consequently the rigid logic of creation science is gaining in importance, enabling intelligent people to distinguish real science from atheistic secular junk science.

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