Ok, first of all, what happened to this young woman is an abomination, utterly horrible in both execution as well as motivation (if it was a honor or prestige killing).
But I fear it is once again time to take a stand against the death penalty. I get where you are all coming from. Why do we allow such evil to persist? Why don’t we punish with such finality that the people who did these atrocities can never do them again?
Well first of all you should remind yourself that you are willingly giving the state the power to kill its citizens with the death penalty, even if they may be innocent (see the embarassing and chilling 4 percent of people who were executed in the US and were actually innocent). This is a sentence you can’t even renege on, dead is dead after all.
The sheer possibility that this might happen is bad enough, but you are also all ignoring that capital punishment is THE tool of the unjust. Once a state has that tool and normalizes it, it is open to misuse. It is no wonder that under Trump federal capital punishment was enacted for the first time in quite a while. The same people you want to use it against are the ones who will ultimately benefit the most from having this handy tool at their disposal. How do you want to punish trumpist terrorist with a tool they will immediately use against you once they come into power?
Thirdly: Capital punishment makes rehabilitation impossible. Sure, you might say that some people are beyond redemption, but I would argue even sex offenders and murderers are not. I know it goes against our instincts to think that, but these are not necessarily always fundamentally evil people (if such a thing exists). And they do have human rights too. If they really are monsters like Breivic, do what all these assholes fear: don’t make them martyrs, but instead let them rot in ‘golden’ cages. Just look at what it did to Breivik! Most people are starting to forget him and all his hopes of becoming the martyr for the far right are gone. It is unintuitive, but that’s how life usually is. Don’t give into your first, very much justified emotional responses, reality usually punishes that sort of undercomplex reaction immediately.
So no, in my opinion there is nothing that justifies the death penalty, not even for just reasons.