
Jesus-Is-Savior #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

How sad! How tragic! According to the Bible, Pope John Paul II went straight to burn in hell-fire on April 2nd, 2005. Jesus clearly stated in John 3:3...

"Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God."

The Pope NEVER spoke of being "born-again." The Pope NEVER made any public profession of faith ALONE in Jesus Christ. On the contrary, Pope John Paul II placed his faith in the traditions and manmade doctrines of the Catholic religion. There is NOTHING in the King James Bible (or the Catholic Bible) about keeping the Seven Sacraments to get to heaven...nothing! There is NOTHING in the Word of God about the Immaculate Conception of Mary. There is NOTHING in the Bible about the Rosary or praying to God through Mary. There is nothing in the Bible about priests being celibate. Matthew 23:9 outright forbids calling any priest "Father." So why do Catholics do it?...because they are being taught the commandments of men.....

No one goes to hell unless he or she chooses to go there ("And ye will not come to me, that ye might have life" -John 5:40). All you have to do to go to hell is "nothing." If you don't get born-again, you are automatically going to hell....

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

The Beatles are straight from Hell, which is where John Lennon and George Harrison are suffering in tormentuous flames this moment. Don't believe it? Then you don't believe the Bible... "In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power" (2nd Thessalonians 1:8,9). John Lennon publicly denounced Jesus Christ, as did George Harrison. Harrison was deeply devoted to eastern mysticism (false religion), and rejected Jesus Christ as his Savior.

Ringo Star and Paul McCartney will soon follow behind into Hellfire.

Name not specified #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Abortion is cold-blooded murder, and kills an innocent healthy CHILD. There is a Biblical CURSE upon every doctor, nurse, politician, clinic, Supreme Court justice, lawyer, judge, family member, mother, and father involved in the murder of a CHILD through abortion ... "Cursed be he that taketh reward to slay an innocent person. And all the people shall say, Amen." -Deuteronomy 27:25. We are warned in Matthew 12:36-37, "But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment. For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned." If God is going to judge men for every idle word spoken, then how much greater shall He judge those who murder little babies!!! Listen to what Jesus said concerning those who harm children ... "It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones" (Luke 17:2). Woe unto the abortionists ... CHILD KILLERS!!!


Abortion is murder, and it is evil to attempt justifying it. Many of America's teenagers are drinking beer, smoking cigarettes, living wildly, and becoming parents in high school. Then they're advised that abortion is the best option since they aren't ready to be parents yet. Is it nothing to you? It's time for America's churches to start promoting big families, family time, and having family devotions where dad teaches about life from the Word of God. America's abortions are 99% the result of our failing families. A strong family needs to be built upon the Word of God and God's love.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

"Speaking of the man in black... Johnny Cash gets the award for the biggest sellout since Judas Iscariot."


"Johnny would be performing at the gambling casino (Feb. 29, 1996). But of course, compared with recording a song by Satanist Glenn Danzig (who obviously would get royalties from Johnny recording his song) performing in a gambling casino is next to going to church."


"Johnny Cash sold his soul to Satan. Recognized worldwide as a "Christian by unsuspecting believers, Johnny Cash was NO Christian."

Throw stones much, David?

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Lutheranism is straight out of the pits of hell! I will not defend ANY religion that ADDS works to faith alone in Jesus Christ! When I was growing up in a Baptist church, I had always been taught that Martin Luther was a former Roman Catholic priest who realized one day that salvation is through faith and not works. I held that view into my adulthood. I always thought Martin Luther was a good guy because that it what I had been taught. Then one day I was greatly saddened when I learned about the Catechisms of Martin Luther and his heresies concerning salvation. Without a doubt, Martin Luther was no Christian! It will be obvious to you after reading my article that Martin Luther may have come out of Catholicism, but Catholicism did NOT come out of Martin Luther. The Lutheran religion is nothing more than a spin-off of Catholicism.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Goth is a deplorable type of heathen culture that glorifies everything that is vile and unholy. The dictionary defines "Goth" as: A crude uncouth ill-bred person lacking culture or refinement. This pretty much sums up the Goth culture today. Goth glorifies things that are sick, nasty, improper, freakish, and downright demonic. Goth is NOT just the music. In fact, not all Goths listen to Goth music.The term "Goth" refers to all categories of Gothics, from Emo 'Goths' to black metal 'Goths' to vampire 'Goths; from thrasher 'Goths' to punk 'Goths' to industrial 'Goths.' "Goth" is just a word the media uses to group a certain type of people together. The Goth culture includes Emos/ punks/ Wiccan witches/ self-abusers/ thrashers/ grungers/ heavy metallers, et cetera. This includes the Marilyn Manson, AC/DC, Smashing Pumpkins, Van Halen and Ozzy Osbourne crowd as well.

Goth causes teenage girls to become whores, depresses kids to the point of cutting themselves, and turns otherwise normal kids into Columbine shooters. The Goth culture is obsessed with death and the darker side of life, which is clearly evidenced in Goth music. Goth is of the Devil.

Goth in itself is a mental illness, a sickness of the soul, mainly affecting teenagers in the same way as schizophrenia would, although to a greater extent. Its symptoms range from isolation and negativity to aggression and hate for humanity, depression, violent outbursts, low self esteem, self-loathing, self-harming and suicide. Many Goths turn to a life of crime to feed their addiction to drugs, sadism, violence and perversion.

There is a theme running through all these different types of gothic groups, and a common fashion and dress that all tribes of Goth wear. The clothing is usually dark and sinister looking, sometimes called the 'gothic uniform.' Goth women often wear black lip stick and paint their eyes so dark with mascara that they look like vampires. Goths are all obsessed with death and despair, with terror and violence, and most Goths use drugs as a form of everyday life. Some abuse their children, perform Satanic rituals, and drink human blood.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

The Beatles still top the charts for all-time albums sold, amounting to billions of dollars in profits. Tragically, The Beatles were heathen Communists, who praised false religions, glorified sexual immorality, and even blasphemed the Lord Jesus Christ throughout their careers.

It was Paul McCartney of The Beatles who said...

"We probably seem to be anti-religious. . . none of us believes in God." (Hit Parader, Jan 1970, p.15)

Band member, John Lennon said...

"Christianity will go, it will vanish and shrink. I needn't argue about that. I'm right and will be proved right. . . .We're more popular than Jesus now." (San Francisco Chronicle, April 13, 1966, p.26)

John Lennon, in his book, A Spaniard in the Works, portrays Jesus Christ as...

"Jesus El Pifico, a garlic-eating, stinking little yellow, greasy fascist bastard catholic Spaniard." (A Spaniard in the Works, p.14).

Yet, these godless and heathen men are praised in society as if they're heroes. I once told a man that The Beatles were Communists. He said he didn't believe it, until he heard The Beatle's song, Back In The U.S.S.R. (...boy you don't know how lucky you are!). The Beatles praised Communist leaders, promoted illegal drug usage, defiled themselves in backstage sex orgies, and glorified sin with their music.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

"...Now when Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, he girt his fisher's coat unto him, (for he was naked,) and did cast himself into the sea." -John 21:7

I was reading the Bible the other day and a thought occurred to me as I read this Scripture. Peter didn't have a problem being naked around the other disciples; but he immediately went to put his clothes on when he saw Jesus. So much can be said about this situation. This is what happens when Christians wander away from the Lord--the clothes start coming off! This is why country singer, Faith Hill, who testifies of having grown up in a good Christian home, has already posed twice in Playboy magazine! Despite her claim of being spiritual, Faith Hill needs to see Jesus. Do you think Jesus would look at a Playboy magazine? Do you think Jesus, who condemned lust in Matthew 5:28, would approve of Faith Hill posing sensually in a dirty pornographic magazine? Of course NOT! It's just a fact, nudity and heathendom go together. When a lost sinner believes upon the Lord Jesus Christ to forgive his sins, a change takes place in that man's heart. As a believer grows in the Lord, and draws nearer to God, the clothes go back on! Peter didn't even have to think twice ... when he heard that the Lord was present, he put his clothes back on! What a needful lesson for Christians today.

I recall a related Scripture back in Genesis 3:7 ... "And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons." Adam and Eve were convicted about their nakedness. Biblically, nudity is a SIN.

[I don't think I want to be around when he finds out about Christian naturists...]

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Light from the farthest known star from earth would take about 477 million years to reach the earth. Contrary to what astronomers say, you are not looking 477 million years into the past. The Bible dates creation at around 4,000 B.C.. The Bible records the creation of all stars on the fourth day of creation. So at the oldest, you might be looking back into time a little over 6,000 years. The evolutionists and astronomers that don't know God can laugh at such a statement, but I am certainly in harmony with the eternal Word of God. God created all the stars with light already present at the earth. For the unbeliever such truth may sound preposterous, but it is the plain teaching of the Scriptures. God created the stars for mankind, to provide light in the night skies. This light was already present when God created man on the sixth day of creation. I believe the Holy Bible!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Recently, a thought captivated my mind that proves that the theory of evolution is a big hoax. The thought is simple and yet profound ... why is there no recorded history before approximately 4,000 B.C.? The answer is obvious ... there was no history! Think about it!

David J Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Say what you will about Muslims, I greatly admire the way their women "cover up." This is the way it should be. Sinful Americans have attempted to demonize the Islam culture, by portraying Muslim women as "victims" of a male-chauvinist society. In reality, most Muslim women approve of their strict clothing rules, and still honor their husbands with reverence, as part of their religious faith. In sharp contrast, American women have big mouths, bad attitudes, whorish ways about them, a ton of stubborn sinful pride, and have little (if any) respect for God-ordained masculine authority. Woe unto America!!!

David Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

Excerpt from a site about how God Hates Christmas:

"Everywhere you go throughout December in America, you will hear Christmas music. Openly homosexual singer, Elton John, has a Christmas album. Homosexuality is an abominable sin according to the Bible! Radio stations play his music all across America. When sinners living in wicked rebellion against God sing Christmas praises, do you think God is pleased? I tell you, God is extremely angry! (Psalm 7:11). God has no pleasure in the song of fools (Ecclesiastes 7:5). You'll hear "Holy, holy, holy" one song, and then godless Michael Jackson the next. The radio-waves at Christmas time are filled with the most ungodly and reprobate heathens singing Christmas songs...it is a horrid STENCH in the nostrils of God."

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

The homosexual agenda has infested American culture, corrupting our nation. From the Food Network to Home and Garden TV, homosexuals are being featured to maintain political correctness. The tragic result is that society is being desensitized to the evils of homosexuality. Gay-marriage is rebellion and sin against God. No one is born gay, because God doesn't make mistakes.

No doubt, it's just a matter of time until gay-marriage becomes allowable under federal law. God will not bless a nation that honors homosexual marriages. Gay marriage is a grim act of rebellion against the God of the Bible. Sin always undermines a nation. America is damned of God because of our nation's slaughter of nearly 50,000,000 human beings by abortion, because of our nation's warmongering and bloodshed of innocent people in other countries, and for our tolerance and promotion of homosexual marriages. We are a wicked nation of booze, gambling, lewd dancing, and materialism. Television is rightfully called "hellivision." We've even renamed one of our biggest cities "SIN CITY" to spite God. Yet we hypocritically sing... "God Bless America!" No Sir! ... God Damn America! We certainly deserve to be punished severely for our wickedness.

David J Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

[Watch as the fundie shoots himself in the foot!]

Walt Disney is straight out of the pits of Hell. Satan is using Disney's movies and music to brainwash children, leading them into apostasy and heathendom. The muses (i.e., Hercules daughters) do their job of singing songs in the movie and several times state "...that's the gospel truth." Myth is now Gospel truth??? And here I thought the Bible was the ONLY Gospel truth. They seem to present Hercules as a 'Jesus-type' hero who went into the river of death and brought out a soul, Meg's, and thus by doing such a deed that was in his heart (due to love) he became a god. Clearly, Greek mythology and the Word of God are diametrically opposed to each other. The Bible is Truth; but Greek mythology is fiction. It is obvious that the heathens at Walt Disney don't see any difference between the Bible and Greek mythology.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Miley Cyrus claims to be a Christian who does everything for Jesus. Since Miley is promoting devilish Rock 'N' Roll, immodest clothing on women, unladylike behavior, worldly pride, nudity, selfishness, and materialism... someone needs to call her a liar. Don't you dare tell me that you commit all those sins for Jesus. It is a sin for any woman to wear tight jeans (Matthew 5:28; 1st Timothy 2:9; Jude 1:18,19). Shame on Miley Cyrus for influencing young girls to become whores. Should it be surprising in a society that laughs at the Biblical teaching of modesty, that such a society would also approve of the brutal murder of 50,000,000 children by abortion? Not at all. Americans are utterly blinded by their own sinful pride. We actually still believe that God is going to bless America. No Sir! I agree with Pastor Jeremiah Wright... "God damn America!" We certainly deserve what we are going to get.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Society also hurts marriages through incarceration. Prison is sinful and wrong. The Bible teaches either restitution or execution (depending upon the crime). There were no prisons in Israel during early Old Testament times. It is sinful to separate a husband and wife. God never intended for humans to be caged like animals. This is one reason God instituted the death penalty. It is unfair for a wife to suffer because her husband goes to prison for life. The Bible says she is committing adultery if she remarries (Matthew 5:32). So what does she do? The same is true with the husband, what is he to do if his wife is taken away from him for a life sentence in prison? It is happening right now in America! It was the heathen world that created prisons as a means of obtaining free labor, which is still happening in some places in America today. Prisons are big business! God did not create prisons. It is man's own wickedness that has made the entire planet a big prison. So again, no one should ever come between a husband and wife! This is what God says!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Increased Crime Because of Prohibition is the Devil's Lie

I hear so many people defending the legalization of alcohol by claiming that the prohibition laws only caused massive crime. They love to tout about gangsters, Al Capone, machine guns, etc. Did you ever stop to realize that there were few gangsters anywhere else besides Chicago? People from around the world still come to Chicago to see Al Capone's town. Other than a museum, a restaurant, and a a few murals, there's not much to see. Why would people idolize such a filthy criminal who died of Syphilis in Florida? Al Capone was a total loser in God's eyes. People like to claim that the prohibition laws created a massive illegal underground black market. This is simply not true.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

So many people today ignorantly tout Martin Luther as the great reformer of the "faith only" movement; but, in reality, Luther was a heretic who fathered the Baptismal Regeneration movement. Luther is tragically burning in Hell. The damnable Martin Luther deception has caused Christians around the world to remain silent concerning the evils of the Lutheran religion. Lutheranism is of the Devil.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Lies! Lies! and more lies! Jesus' mother was a dirty, rotten, sinner just like Adolf Hitler or any other sinner. James 2:10 states, "For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all." I don't care if you've only committed a small handful of sins in your life, you are as guilty IN THE EYES OF GOD as a mass-murdering criminal. Committing even one sin is enough to bring a person under the condemnation of God's Law; thus, sentencing them to eternal Hellfire. So the question is... did Jesus' mother ever sin one time? According to the Bible she did. Catholics pervert the Scriptures, claiming that Romans 3:23 doesn't apply to Mary, when it states... "For ALL have sinned." What part of ALL don't Catholics understand? We know Jesus never sinned because the Bible tells us so (2nd Corinthians 5:21; Hebrews 4:15). There is nothing mentioned in the Scriptures about Mary being sinless, without any corruption, or assumed into Heaven.

David J. Stewart #racist jesus-is-savior.com

His [Einstein's] four widely acclaimed essays were brilliant works of plagiarism, which simply repeated already established concepts contributed to the world of physics by other scientists. It is curious that even after his essays were published he still had trouble being hired on in any academic institution for years. It was only until the Jewish media announced him as a genius that anyone took notice of this incompetent patent office worker. Thanks to the propaganda of the world press his fame would later eclipse the numerous successes of German geniuses such as Max Planck and Erwin Schrödinger, for the sole reason that they continued to work in Germany and were loyal to the National Socialist government. Their work was considered secondary to plagiarizers by guilt of association.

David Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

The false teachers of feminism teach a false lifestyle of unrighteousness. They prey on weak-willed women - unstable women who are quilt ridden because of their sins, torn by lust, and victims of various false teachers ("always learning," but never coming to a saving knowledge of Christ). A large number of feminists are victims of childhood abuse and are bitter toward men. Their 'guilt' is associated somehow with the false belief that they are responsible for their abuse. Rather than receiving the forgiving grace of Jesus, most of these women have bought into the lie perpetrated by false teachers that they are 'emancipated' and as a result are unable to function in a healthy relationship with a man. No wonder the majority of women in NOW are lesbians.

Henry Makow Ph.D. #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

[An abridegement of the Web page "Sexual 'Liberation' is Illuminati Subversion"]

Throughout modern history Illuminati bankers have used "sexual liberation" to subvert society and establish their subtle tyranny. As Masonic revolutionary Guiseppe Mazzini said, "we corrupt in order to rule."

The Illuminati bankers need to introduce "world government" to translate their unjust monopoly over credit into total world control.

They realized that they couldn't take control until they destroyed the family. This was a central plank of the Communist Manifesto in 1848.

Every major "revolution" in modern history has increased Illuminati banker control and the sexual revolution is no exception.

The bankers have encouraged sexual dissipation using their various "progressive" fronts: liberalism, feminism, socialism and communism.

...A healthy society is concerned with its survival and the propagation of its values. This requires that new generations are born and raised in a healthy manner, i.e. in a nuclear family. In a healthy society, women are honored for nurturing and educating the young, a role for which they are naturally suited.

Thus, the bankers set out to undermine and disparage women's role as wives and mothers.

...Women were brainwashed to think they were being "exploited" by their family and should seek fulfillment in career instead.

The bankers used paid subversives like Betty Frieden and Gloria Steinem and the mass media to make it seem that Feminism was a spontaneous occurrence.

Vernon C. Lyons #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

A few simple observations indicate that the Baptists differ radically from Protestants on a number of points.

The Protestant groups look to some human being as their founder, often even taking their name from a man. The Lutherans hark back to Luther. The Reformed look to John Calvin. The Presbyterians were rounded by John Knox. The Methodists openly acknowledge John Wesley as their founder. Who rounded the Baptist churches? Here is a historical question worthy of serious investigation. It is impossible to find any one man who gave rise to Baptist churches. Rather, if we would name human founders, we must look back to Peter, Paul, James and John.

We differ from Protestants in our birthplace. Lutherans came from Germany, the Reformed from Switzerland and the Netherlands, the Presbyterians from Scotland, Episcopalians from England, but Baptists would have to give Palestine as their place of origin.

Furthermore, the creed of Baptists is not the Augsburg Confession, the Canons of Dort, or the Westminster Confession, but the simple Word of God. So it is impossible to identify Baptists as Protestants.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

As a result, women are filing for divorcing in America at least TWICE the rate of men, buying into the lying feminist propaganda that husbands who give orders are guilty of "domestic abuse." Search online under "domestic abuse" and you'll find that a husband who tracks his wife's time and whereabouts is considered "abusive." That's a lie of the Devil. A husband has every God-given right to exercise authority over his wife, and to DEMAND that she do as he says. I dare say 1-out-of-1,000 wives today are truly submissive in the Biblical sense. Is it any wonder that American women have murdered nearly 50,000,000 of their babies by abortion? Not at all, most of America's women have become selfish and godless. Women have become intolerant of the husband's authority in a marriage, and of God's authority concerning life itself, i.e., thou shall not kill.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

I didn't write this article to be unkind to anyone, just to make a point...The Rock n' Roll culture is against God, decency, the Bible, Christianity, church, and everything holy. Frank Zappa spent his musical career mocking God, bashing Christians and providing yet another hero for the world's Christ-rejecters. Frank Zappa says, "If we're dumb, then God is dumb" (lyrics from the song, Dumb All Over). He bases his reasoning on the Scriptural teaching that we are made in God's image. Though it is certainly true from the Word of God that we were created in God's image (Genesis 1:26,27), it does not mean that we are God.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

[only ones of the many gems on the site]

evolutionists claim that the earth was originally just a rock moving through the universe. Somehow they expect us to believe that an atmosphere just miraculously formed over the earth, plants grew, and life formed over BILLIONS of years. They expect us to believe that humans (highly intelligent beings) evolved from primitive life forms, such as giraffes.

Paul Cameron, Ph. D. #fundie #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

The ‘hate crimes’ gays complain about are infrequent and seldom involve more than name-calling or snide remarks. The FBI reported 431 hate crimes against homosexuals for the U.S. in all of 1991. Only one was "confirmed" for Washington, D.C. – yet D.C. gay activists claimed 397 incidents! When pressed, they admitted that at least 366 of these "crimes" consisted of "verbal harassment." (23)

In line with traditional psychiatric opinion, violence goes hand-in-hand with the ‘gay’ lifestyle. Almost all the exposure by homosexuals to violence and disease is encountered in the gay subculture. Most of the murderers in the lifespan study whose sexual orientation could be determined were also homosexual. While violence toward homosexuals is deplorable, most violence involving gays is self-induced (and the gay subculture may export more violence than it absorbs from without).

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

[Regarding peace signs]

Another hand signal is the Vulcan peace sign. It is supposed to mean "Live Long and Prosper," and can be seen in Star Trek.

Vulcan was a sun deity who was associated with fire, thunderbolts, and light. The festival in honour of him was called the Vulcania in which human sacrifices were offered. "According to Diel, he bears a family relationship to the Christian devil.' It is fascinating to know that he married Venus, another name for Lucifer or the devil. What is even more interesting is that Vulcan is adored in Masonry under the name of Tubal Cain. In the Masonic Quiz Book the question is asked: "Who was Tubal Cain?" The answer is: "He is the Vulcan of the pagans.''

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

It is people like you Miss King who are destroying America (which is exactly what your husband did) by promoting wickedness! According to the above statement, Coretta Scott King is calling God a "bigot"! How dare Coretta King accuse Bible-believing, Christ-honoring Christians of "dehumanizing" such a godless bunch as homosexuals. I have news for you Coretta, Romans 1:26-32 condemns homosexuals. In fact, God says they deserve to die (Romans 1:32). God says that homosexuality is "against nature" (Romans 1:26). God even calls them, "haters of God" (Romans 1:30). It is abundantly clear that neither Martin Luther King Jr., nor his wife, had any concern for the Word of God.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

If you have never heard of HAARP, you will now. HAARP stand for "High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program" Began in 1993, the HAARP Program is jointly managed by the US Air Force and the US Navy, and is based in Gakona, Alaska. It is designed to "understand, simulate and control ionospheric processes that might alter the performance of communication and surveillance systems." The HAARP system intends to beam 3.6 Gigawatts of effective radiated power of high frequency radio energy into the ionosphere. Though the military denies the allegations, scientific evidence shows that HAARP can cause earthquakes (and other devastations). Russia and the U.S. have already signed treaties agreeing not to use the weather as weaponry against each other. This stuff is real folks. I believe mankind is going to cause much of the woes which Jesus warned us about. We are going to destroy the earth (and each other) if the Lord doesn't return.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

To those Christians who would criticize Fred Phelps I ask you... What are you doing to take a stand against the evils in our nation? It's easy for those on the sidelines to criticize those on the field. I'd rather have 10,000 Fred Phelps than what we have today... deadbeat believers who never lift a finger to warn the wicked, preach the Gospel, or take an uncompromising stand against sin.

Jack Hyles #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

I would suggest that little boys play with little boys, and that little girls play with little girls. This not to say that little boys should never play with little girls, and that little girls should never play with little boys. It is to say that by far the majority of a child's playing should be with his own sex. So much of the sex drive is caused by the unknown. If a little boy plays with other little boys, there will be a mystique about girls, but if he plays with little girls too much, they will become commonplace and there will be a mystique toward little boys. The human race is so constructed that when something becomes commonplace, it is not nearly as attractive to us. The old adage, "The grass is greener on the other side of the fence," applies here. In childhood this grass on the other side of the fence should be the opposite sex. If it is one's own sex, there would be a curiosity about that. Now I'm aware that the modern psychologists will say, "Let little boys see little girls, and let little girls see little boys, and let them become acquainted with the biological differences, and let them see each other unclothed." Let me remind you that that same generation of modern psychologists is turning out an unbelievable amount of homosexuals in our country!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

It is a FACT that Wicca is most popular with teenage girls. Do you know why? Because Wicca is the religion of feminism, and society today has been destabilized by communist infiltrators like Gloria Steinem. Young girls are being mentored by such heathens as Britney Spears, Hilary Duff, and Jessica Simpson to become feminists. Wicca is a very attractive religion to upcoming feminists who want to worship the goddess.

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

Everywhere you go throughout December in America, you will hear Christmas music. Openly homosexual singer, Elton John, has a Christmas album. Homosexuality is an abominable sin according to the Bible! Radio stations play his music all across America. When sinners living in wicked rebellion against God sing Christmas praises, do you think God is pleased? I tell you, God is extremely angry! (Psalm 7:11). God has no pleasure in the song of fools (Ecclesiastes 7:5). You'll hear "Holy, holy, holy" one song, and then godless Michael Jackson the next. The radio-waves at Christmas time are filled with the most ungodly and reprobate heathens singing Christmas songs...it is a horrid STENCH in the nostrils of God.

Valerie Chiera #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

The board worked --it does work-- and to our amazement, it contacted a spirit which called itself St. Paul. I was brought up Catholic...I'd prayed to St. Paul before...and now St. Paul was talking back! It gained our trust immediately! Strangely enough, it only answered questions that I asked. This ticked off my three compadres, and one of them angrily asked the board, "How come you only answer Valerie?" The board spelled out the word PSYCHIC. I had no idea what that was, but the seed had been planted, and Mom was outside blowing her horn, so I left.

Along with the goodie bag from the party, I brought home three spirit guides called Patti, Jane and Maureen. They took the form of three older girls, about the age of my older sister, who is ten years my senior. I admired them. We fought, and made up, laughed and cried together...they became inseparable from me. I was very dependent on them.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

We are living in a world of liars who break their marriage vows by divorcing. Jesus came to this world as a humble servant, willing to be beaten, scourged, mocked, abused, and crucified for us ... because He loved us. Jesus is our example to follow. An abused wife who loves her husband WILL not divorce him. Of course, a wife has every right to leave the home if she is being beaten; but she never has a right to divorce. Suffering is a part of life and marriage, and only a selfish person filled with pride would abandon their spouse. People look for every excuse to divorce. I receive letters from time to time from married people who quote various ministers, ministries, and religious sources in an attempt to justify their divorce. It's apostasy and disgraceful. If anyone should be protecting the marriage, its Christians; but they divorce as much as the unsaved heathens. Divorce is caused by sinful PRIDE.

Jack Hyles #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Teach her strict obedience. Other chapters stress the fact that obedience is the most necessary ingredient to be required from the child. This is especially true in the life of a girl, for she must be obedient all of her life. The boy who is obedient to his mother and father will someday become the head of the home; not so for the girl. Whereas the boy is being trained to be a leader, the girl is being trained to be a follower. Hence, obedience is far more important to her, for she must someday transfer it from her parents to her husband.

This means that she should never be allowed to argue at all. She should become submissive and obedient. She must obey immediately, without question, and without argument. The parents who require this have done a big favor for their future son-in-law.

Scott Jonas #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

I also notice when driving by our public school grounds and sports fields another phenomenon taking place: the young girls are trained in sports right along with the boys. To me, this can only be degrading to the boys. In some cases, girls regularly participate on boys' sports teams, and therefore compete against the boys themselves. During the past decade, more and more girls participated in wrestling; since there were no girls' wrestling teams, they joined the boys' teams and competed against the boys. I read about one school where the boys refused to wrestle the girls and forfeited their matches; there could be no greater embarrassment to them than to lose to a girl, not to mention it likely violated their sense of masculine chivalry. So not only is female sports participation degrading the feminine nature of women, in many cases it degrades the developing masculinity in boys.

Jack Hyles #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

When David was just five years of age, I bought him a pair of boxing gloves. In fact, I bought one pair for David and one pair for the boy across the street. I got them together and let them box. The boy punched David in the nose; David wanted to quit, but I wouldn't let him. I was going to teach him how to defend himself, how to be a man- physically a man, emotionally a man, mentally a man, and spiritually a man. He learned to fight until now he can protect his sisters.

One day when David was about nine I looked out through the upstairs window and saw him across the street straddling a little fellow and beating him up. He was hitting him right in the face until blood was coming. I ran down the stairs, out the door, across the street and pulled him off. "Son, what in the world are you doing?" I said.

He looked up with quivering lips and with anger in his eyes said, "Dad, he was calling my sister (Linda) a dirty name."

I said, "Then get back on him and let him have it!" When I walked away he was back on him again beating him up. God pity this weak-kneed generation which stands for nothing, fight for nothing, and dies for nothing.

Pastor Jack Hyles #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

One of the reasons ladies oft times turn out to be better leaders than men is that city life is conducive to this. There are not many chores for boy to do like milking the cows, chopping the wood, etc. There are chores for the girls. What happens? Boy grow up without any chores, no milking cows, no feeding pigs, not gathering eggs, no chores like we had on the farm or at he edge of town. Girls, however, can iron, keep house, cook, wash and dry the dishes. Hence, they are taught initiative, whereas the boys find few masculine duties to perform. Hence, the parent must work hard to find masculine-type duties.

I never let my boy do feminine chores. The dish washing has been done by the girls. He does no ironing, etc. He must keep his room clean and tidy, but his chores have been masculine chores such as cleaning the basement, taking out the garbage, having an afternoon job, moving the yard, etc.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Feminists and rebellious wives won't like God. God literally says... "Do it my way or else!" God is an extremely jealous God... and so is the godly husband. A man should be jealous over his wife, and desire to know her whereabouts at all times. In today's immoral society, a Christian husband should be concerned about whom his wife is associating wife. A Christian husband has a right to determine his wife's friends, and say "no," if she wants to get into a car with another man for a seemingly innocent ride to church, etc. A husband should never allow his wife to be alone with another man, for any reason, and should get upset if she does. This is what jealous husbands, who love their wives, do. The false idea that love equals trust is Satanic. Many parents foolishly think they are loving their teens by "trusting them." Well, the Columbine parents found out the hard way that teens shouldn't be trusted. Trust must be earned! No husband should trust his wife to be alone with the opposite sex, and vise versa. This is good sense. I realize that most people today laugh at such moral standards, but that is to be expected in a society that flocks to SIN CITY Las Vegas to indulge in wickedness.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Today's sicko society laughs and scorns the Biblical teaching of chastity, standards, virtue, and morality. In a recent movie--Happy Feet (which is clearly aimed towards children)--dancing is greatly promoted. What's very disturbing in the film is that the older penguins who are AGAINST Happy Feet's dancing are portrayed as old, harsh, unreasonable, mean, and foolish. This is brainwashing! Little children who watch this movie are subconsciously taught that dancing is acceptable, and anyone who says it's not is out of touch with reality. The truth is that dancing DOES corrupt society and should be shunned by every born-again believer in Christ. The Happy Feet movie also promotes whoremongering. At one point in the movie the leader of the penguins, Lovelace, says that he wants to indulge in romantic pleasures with his eight female penguin companions. He then asks, "Which one of you is first?" This is the godless immoral lifestyle that many rock-n-roll performers are living today. Rock-n-roll is a religion of sexual immorality! Throughout the Happy Feet movie, romance is stressed, and penguins are paired up for mating; but no mention of marriage is ever made in the movie. Clearly children are being introduced to a demonic lifestyle of sexual fornication, whoremongering, dancing, and rebellion against God.

Jack Hyles #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Make him play with boys and with boys' toys and games. Let him play with guns, cars, baseballs, basketballs, and footballs. As soon as I could I taught my boy to play baseball and football. When he was about thirteen I bought him an air rifle. When he was fifteen I bought him a .22 rifle. Invariably, when someone admits to me he is a homosexual he relates that he played a lot with girls and participated in feminine activities.

Henry Makow Ph.D. #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Modern women are the victim of a monstrous hoax perpetrated by the Illuminati bankers and their lackeys in media, government and education.
Women have been defrauded of a secure and essential social role, that of wife and mother. In exchange they have accepted the role of sex objects and worker drones.
They tart it up with terms like "freedom" and "independence" but many are lonely, bitter and increasingly desperate. They have been cruelly duped by an evil power. Consequently, to varying degrees they have betrayed themselves, their husbands and their children. (I don't object to women pursuing careers, only putting them before family, if indeed they want one.)
Sex is used by the Illuminati as a reductio ad absurdum. Everything good in life, all relationships, culture, love, caring, justice, beauty, and intelligence; is flattened by what has become a sick societal obsession.
The Illuminati use sex to corrupt and debase. The pornography that floods our in-boxes is part of a widespread campaign to degrade us. A morally degraded people are a weak people, and a weak people are easily disinherited.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Faith MUST come before knowledge. Character must come before knowledge. To educate a man beyond his character is to produce an educated fool. To educate a man who lacks faith in God is to produce an educated heathen. The public school system produces educated heathen fools. Young children who should be taught about God are instead brainwashed with evolution and worldly philosophies. Oh! but you say, "Parents are supposed to teach their children about faith and character." That's like saying that you should push and pull at the same time. The arguments presented by the advocates of public education are as senseless and lame as is their educational system. No child, I don't care how good a home they come from, is going to develop properly in a heathen learning environment! You can't teach a child at home that God created all people, and then expect that child to go learn from some heathen teacher that we all evolved from a lower life-form of life, without there being confusion and spiritual conflict. It is difficult on a child's mind to live in a Christian home, and then have to attend a godless learning prison like the public school system.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Everywhere we go in America today, we hear rock-n-roll. From kids shows to Fox News, we hear demonic rock-n-roll. Carefully notice that the rockers of yesterday have become American idols, legends, in these modern times. They are our idols, whom we look up to as American heroes. This is evil. Turn on any of the late night shows, whether it be Conan O'Brien or Jay Leno, and you'll find that these shows center around rock-n-roll. Our modern American culture has become a rock-n-roll culture. The military uses heavy metal extensively to lure young men into the armed forces. Our troops blast demonic heavy metal as they charge into battle to ruthlessly kill. Why am I saying all this? Because I want you to see that rock-n-roll is the driving force behind fornication, which is the cause of tens-of-millions of unwanted babies in America, which are being maliciously murdered by a selfish and adulterous generation. Abortion is a vile sin, it is murder.

Brian & Ruth Christine #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

For now, Children's Services concentrates mostly on the weak, the poor and the vulnerable, people known to be easily subdued or swept under the carpet. But statistically they are running out of children, so they are working on ways to infiltrate all sectors of society.

Look at your local newsletters and bulletins. Do you see flyers and leaflets that beckon you to come and contribute to help prevent child abuse? Do they speak of how many children are abused and never receive help because it goes unreported? The only reason they want people to come to them is so they can scope out every family in every community.

Don't believe it? This year, 2000, Governor Kitzhaber decried his plan to screen every firstborn of all families in the state of Oregon. He wants to "ensure" no abuse goes undetected. If you are familiar with King Herod or Pharoh of old, then this "Firstborn" talk should raise the hairs on your neck! History repeats itself my friend, WAKE UP!!!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Over 30 years ago a woman named Dorothy Retallack conducted experiments using music, plants and their combined environment. These results are famous.

Taking two identical sets of plants in two separated but identical rooms, she exposed them to music. The first set of plants were played quiet placid subdued devotional "religious" classical music, while the other set were subjected to loud aggressive rock music played at full deafening volume 24 hours a day. The plants exposed to rock grew away from the music source, withered and died, while the plants that were played religious music grew towards the music source and thrived.

The lesson? If rock music attacks and kills plants, what does it do to people?

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