
darkbulb121 #conspiracy #wingnut deviantart.com

Masks are useless, it's printed on the box. I don't need that though. I don't need any fabricated "studies" by equally fabricated "experts" or "top scientists". I need the common sense that years of fluoride still haven't erased. All is self evident.'

NO Seal = NO Filter Air and the pathogens in it can flow around a corner.
A virus does not come on a 6' leash.

This whole Plandemic and the related "social distancing" & MASK bullshit is swiftly dividing the "awake & aware" from the clueless Left wing Globalist puppets.

I believe if we remain on this vector it will decay into either revolt or civil war... possibly both.

darkbulb121 #conspiracy #quack deviantart.com

Vaxxxines brought us autism and autoimmune disease, diminished frontal lobes, seizures, ADHD, thyroid disease. Those are just from people I personally know.

Vaxxxines also are unduly credited for the decrease in many diseases that happened in fact due to better health standards in general.

I stopped getting vaccines myself just over 2 decades ago because the rampant Flu Vaccine pushing was a clear sign that something was off. In the last 2 years my fucking DOG developed seizures after a routine vaxx. Meds controlled it. I detoxxed my dog from heavy metals for 3 months & dropped the meds. No more seizures and no meds.

You're gonna choke on all that pro vaxx propaganda. Do you really want them tracking you, every aspect of your life, by accepting a vaccine? It's a one way trip, once you piss in the pool you can't get it out. Once Tagged, Forever Traced

Do people want their Globalist Holy Grail, "herd immunity" or not? We achieve immunity from exposure, not from hiding behind a useless face diaper. 7 months and this virus is bullshit & most of us have figured it out. Complete media psyop, the sheep are rabid. And that's all the Globalist owned & controlled mass media indoctrination system gives airtime to, the Mask Hysterics terrified by molested statistics and fabricated studies by also fabricated "government experts".

I have not yet worn a mask. I've been out everywhere I normally go seeing all the people I normally see in my podunk town as well as my 1-2 time a week visits to: Fort Worth, Dallas, Garland, Plano... The whole time.

This whole time my 56 year old, unmasked, unvaxxed, unprotected ass has been exposed to a deadly pathogen. Where's my virus? Where's my disease?

Why is my kid who's been working a filthy UPS hub, handling shit from all over the globe not dead? He got sick on 2-3 occasions in the last 7 months & like all UPS guys just pushed through it on antihistamines. Why weren't his coworkers dropping like flies. "business as usual at UPS, same as every year." is what he reported from what should've been a "hot zone".

A close friend's stepfather, 77, developed mild symptoms around 3 weeks ago. Scared & went to hospital, requested testing. Hospital didn't want to test him. He insisted. Positive for C19. He came prepared to check in. They sent him home w/ no meds. Symptoms gone w/ no prescriptions in 4 days total. Back outdoors & living as usual 2 Fridays ago.

Three "high risk" subjects.
Sub# 1: Total exposure, zero evidence of contact or infection.
Sub# 2: Total exposure, sick w/ symptoms 2-3 times during psyop, never tested, complete recovery each time.
Sub# 3: Highest risk of fatality, mild symptoms, test positive, recovered in 4 days.

According to what you guys think about C19 all 3 of us should be dead.

You may keep your vaccines.
We will keep our freedom.

DAK-Rommel #conspiracy #elitist deviantart.com

Well, you have all heard this.
They say that a picture is worth 1000 words, right?

Well, our problem is, clearly, that we cannot explain National Socialism, or WW2, or Adolf Hitler, or the USSR, or Historical Revisionism, or Zionism, or Racism and Fascism in 1000 words.

In the artwork that we upload there will always be some one that will critisize us negativelly because he/she doesnt have a full view of the picture, a view as rich and full as we do anyways.

I dont think that we can explain a whole lot in 1 picture, but only in several hunderds of thousands of words.
It is the reason of why i dont go into full argument mode with every idiot i see, and you dont as well because even if you do say "Hitler was 1, 2 and 3" they are always going to respond "yes but what about 1, 2 and 3?", and this can go on forever.

I am still buffled, on how we could successfully evade all this propaganda. None of us was born with the ideas of national socialism in his head, and yet we arived here.

It would be easy to say that we are just smarter than the others, (which we most probably are) but the problem is that the majority of the world is quite clearly not smart.

Yes we may be alot, yes we may be right, but we are still the minority.

What the hell are we going to do about all this!?
Hell, if it wasnt for the internet we would probably believe that 12 million jews were gassed and the turned into lampshades and soap! We would still doubt the numbers and methods but only on a theorhetical level, we could not have access to all this information to support our arguments, even if we had any arguments.

This is all just, random thohts clusterfucked together because every time i go on this debate i usually loose because i just need time to explain all this. I cant keep it short and simple to explain the truth! Why? Because no one actually cares about that! No one cares if jews were gassed, or whatever, they just know that its "bad" although its a lie.
They fail to see the importance of events that are over 70 years old to and their connections to our times, adn our way of life, our Television our films our newspapers! Everything!

Ach! I am always thinking about what could happen if true National Socialism was to rise again but i fail to see just HOW this would happen. Are arguments are so complicated for the average mind that we will just be dismissed as evil because no one wants to hear that what they have been learning their whole lives was lies!

ProMonarchyGenius #sexist deviantart.com

(After an argument with an artist who made changes about how she’ll submit her artwork. Link here for details https://www.deviantart.com/invisibleinkdoodles/journal/New-NSFW-Content-on-Patreon-Every-weekend-848729620 )

Today I was viciously attacked by a MLP NSFW artist who recently turned into a Patreon Snob. She no longer wants to make NSFW artworks in Deviantart to appease the corrupt and inept owners of this dying website and the snowflakes who like her SFW artworks and most of all, to make money off of her fans of her NSFW artworks. Not all of us have enough money to go on Patreon, but she does not care. It was clear that she does not care about the fans of her NSFW artworks unless they have money. She demands that all of her watchers give her absolute loyalty that is reserved for close friends and she never once said "thank you" to me when I left complements in the comment section of her art. And the only response I ever got from her is from today and it was insulting and childish. She attacked me because I politely told her that I could no longer watch her and I even said "sorry" and told her not to take it personally, but she did took it personally. She made up false accusations about me like I told her to stop making SFW artworks which I never did and I even suggested that she make another account here in Deviantart just for her NSFW artworks or in Derpibooru. But she brushed them off because she only wants money from her NSFW artworks to "pay her bills" which is something she should have said in her Journal Post where the argument took place. She only sees her fans of her NSFW artworks as cash cows only and those who cannot afford to be on Patreon or even just disagree with her are treated like an enemy. And she even left a very demeaning insult towards me and all those I watched in my homepage that included a picture of pair of clown shoes and then she blocked me. Now I have seen her true ugly colours, me unwatching her was the right decision. I don't deserve to be treated like garbage. And she even said that her Deviantart account is no longer a "dumping ground" like the accounts for other NSFW artists, implying that NSFW art is garbage. No true artist would even think that and that is why she is not an artist, but a Patreon Snob.

Shawntheimmortal942 #wingnut #racist deviantart.com

This is why you don’t fuck with people’s livelihoods because they don’t agree with you politically or you kick people out for drawing hentai of characters who are obviously adults but their faces look young so you ban them.

This is what happens when there’s no alternatives, these businesses soon shove their heads up their own asses and think they can do whatever they want, like they’re untouchable! Do you think youtube would be so broken if there was an alternative to it that’s doing better than them? Hell fucking no! Patreon, you are a site where fans can support their favorite creators and you get a cut of that as well so take your cut and shut the fuck up but you didn’t do that, right? You got on your soapbox and kept doubling down until you fell on your face! You shout “nazi” all you want, put another cute commercial about how you’re “done with the bullshit”and ban anyone the flying checkmarks say is “problematic” until you’re blue in the face but you forgot it was these “problematic” people that made you as big as you are but because there was nobody else doing what you do, you decided to play god and push the people who made you out while I’m sure you let people who spread anti-white and anti-cop propaganda sit pretty without even a slap on the wrist! Just like the Joker said “You get what you fucking deserve!” And you have no one to blame but yourselves, now you’re on fire and it’s GLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOURIOUS!!!!!!!!!!

Shawntheimmortal942 #racist #conspiracy #wingnut deviantart.com

So...who were these people calling “nazis” again? Cause I remember that word being tossed around and now...SJWs are going full nazi now by hating Jews? Then again are we suppose to be surprised? I remember there’s a video where a college student got triggered by a store that showed support for Israel in front of his store and even demanded to take it down(the store owner didn’t btw). So are SJWs gonna go full hitler? Is Don Lemon gonna ask Joe Biden about what hes gonna do about Jews “controlling everything”? Goddamn, Nick! I think you just pulled the left into a new low because if this is the new talking point then the far left has become the alt-right they fear so much. What the fuck is happening? XD We got BLM being trained Marxists and now we have anti-Semitic SJWs crawling out of their caves...the left is done! I never would’ve thought they would go this far but it happened! The left is dead...and it was because of Nick Cannon...*Slow claps*Thank you, Nick! You did it! you revealed to everyone the kind of person you are and now more people are fallowing you’re talking points...any defense? I would love to hear it! Anyone? I don’t turn off my comments so you’re free to say what you want hell you can talk to me in notes...I’ll be here...waiting...hmmm...damn, Nick...Wow

JonFreeman #wingnut #dunning-kruger #pratt deviantart.com

Science is not an exact science.

If you look at the embarrassingly troubled history of climate change you'll find that the path from 60s to now (global cooling, global warming, climate change, climate chaos, global warming again) all have the same answer: ban evil oil.

Once you realize this, it becomes clear the whole this is a justification. Aka "hypothesis over findings" or "truth over facts" as Biden would say.

Really it's weaponized statistics.

But with the pretense of "science" people use it the same way puritan zealots religiously pushed their baseless fears into actionable destruction.

... like how anyone who dares question the stats of the pandemic is a heretic who must be silenced.

Lilith-Crowe #wingnut deviantart.com

Literally none of that's true. Being Christian doesn't mean you don't believe in science, that's extremely bigoted. They've literally never suppressed gay people. The only time they did anything was Trump barring transsexuals from the military which is completely correct because they're extremely prone to mental issues.
They've never tried to force women back into the home and yes, the KKK was a Democratic party. That's just a historical fact so stop lying to everyone.
Listen to yourself! You're bullshitting! They've never said the Earth was flat. You're listening to liars paid by the Democrats. And considering how many Democrats were on Epstein's list, Pizzagate probably was true.

You can list off all the retarded shit you like, you're on the wrong side of history. The Democrats allowed Democrats to riot which led to dozens of deaths, including a child. The Democrats are violent thugs and anyone who votes for them is voting for more dead children.

JonFreeman #wingnut #crackpot deviantart.com

it's a pnuemonia-esque disease that's primarily caused by bacterial infection. It has coughing, aches, shortness of breath, etc


You can get it by breathing in contaminated air - particularly that with moisture.



That's right, you're creating a portable micro-biome of moist air you're continually breathing right in front of your nose. It's a perfect breeding ground for bacteria!

And unlike doctors who dispose of their masks every few minutes (at most every hour) - you probably haven't washed that mask you're wearing within the past week.

It's like not changing your underpants ... but your underpants is on your face.

tyr-opfer #elitist deviantart.com

For too long there has been this ridiculous anti-"nazi" thing going on where rather than taking on a legitimate problem these anti-fa people attack and blatantly insult all the decent National Socialist out there.

Honestly, all you National Socialist guys and girls out there haven't you realized all these "anti-" groups and people out there all they do is insult us or call us names or make up lies. Isn't it just annoying? Is that all those people are?

I don't mean to insult but i just mean to ask is what are you doing? National socialist are doing nothing to you and we are trying to make the world a better place. What is the point of this Anti- business if all you do is toss insults like a teen playing CoD; sorry for the insult but that is really all you all are doing.

Just do us a favor and stop spreading lies and propaganda. It's a waist of your time and ours.

How you all create propaganda against National Socialists as the fakes is exactly how you are acting. The image isn't the difference between National Socialists in WW2 and the fake national socialists it really is the difference between us and you.

EternalUniverse1 #wingnut #psycho deviantart.com

(submitter note: for information, EternalUniverse1 is salty because he got called out by his "slaughter all muslim immigrants!" comment)

EternalUniverse1: Let me get this straight. I'm the bad guy simply because I want to fight back against all the psychotic monsters who simply want to rape and murder innocent people and want them to stop? You might as well say wanting to get rid of nazis is bigotry. The fact of the matter is reasoning with them is impossible and there's nothing left to do except fight. I can be reasonable when necessary, but until those animals stop attacking and murdering everything in sight in the name of Allah, there's nothing that can be done except fight. Give me one good reason why I'm a biggot.

jacket98764: 1:no one is denieying the rapes you moron
2:you are the bad guy for calling for a fucking genocide.is so difficult to understand that?.

EternalUniverse1: Genocide!? Islam isn't even a race you half-wit! 4 out of 5 Muslims support Sharia, not excluding the migrants!

Chiminix #wingnut deviantart.com

They think giving boys and girls the colors blue and pink respectively is sexist, yet wish death upon men every day.

They cry bigotry whenever someone disagrees with them, yet wish the worst possible fate upon those who aren't exactly like them.

They claim to be inclusive, yet flip out whenever they see people taking an interest in anything outside of their own culture.

They call right-wingers racist, yet they have an irrational obsession with people's ethnicity, among other things.

They scrutinize everything even remotely off-color, and yet act like they can do no wrong themselves.

They bitch about who supposedly started an issue, yet have no interest in ending the issue.

They think all people who are white are inherently racist.

They spend their time harassing, guilt-tripping, and doxing people online because they think that's what social justice is.

They think they're helping, but they're too far up their own asses to look at themselves and realize that they're actually doing a disservice.

I'm talking about the notorious social justice warriors. And just what are they? Well, take one of those history books about the Civil Rights movement that has a lot of dramatic and iconic pictures of riots and protesters, add a naive kid who thinks it would be fun to get sprayed with a fire hose and be hailed a hero for it, and you've got yourself a cancerous tumor.

Far-left fascists who wallow in a hyper-collective mentality and subsequently see different races, genders, sexual orientations, or religions as single giant entities instead of individual people. They have a selectively strict herd mentality where people who are X represent the complete embodiment of every negative thing that has ever happened or been done by other people who are X, past or present, even if the individual in question has wronged no one... just so long as it's convenient for them. They don't see you as Dave or Joe, they see you as White Cis Male unit № 25787429.

And it's impossible to take them seriously because you know they're only doing it either to bolster their reputations, or they're just desperate to stand out as if being a majority is inherently bad. SJWs and special snowflakes often go hand-in-hand, but there is a difference between the two. A SJW is someone who is overly defensive and flips out any time they see something that could even be remotely construed as offensive. With a manipulative demeanor that ranges anywhere from smug and passive-aggressive to bugfuck hysterical, they have this sanctimonious fantasy that they're some great revolutionary civil rights pioneer. A special snowflake is just someone who stretches to ridiculous lengths to be as far removed from any sort of norm whatsoever.

Chances are they care less about actually improving the world and more about being special martyrs.

And no, being against SJWs does not mean you're against social justice (many vocal anti-SJWs are generally left-leaning on social issues). That's like saying being against the WBC makes you anti-Christian. I'm not opposed to the raw concept of social justice. A lot of the stuff that SJWs whine about, victim blaming, dysphoria, all sorts of -isms and -phobias, patriarchies, mental disorders, toxic archetypes, even privileges, they do exist on this planet. Whether they're fringe and unusual or not. Not all triggers are invalid either, and trigger warnings can definitely make sense in certain situations, such as support groups. But the (cynical) truth is that SJWs abuse these issues in order to feel some of that good ol' special-snowflake sociopolitical hero nirvana, and in doing so, erode all seriousness away from the issues. But hey, that's all narcissists care about.

TL;DR: Tumblr is a mecca for melodramatic, unproductive virtue signaling and juvenile high-roading... it's not even exclusive to SJWs. Most people do this in some form.

Shizuru-Minamino #homophobia #fundie deviantart.com

The Holy Bible makes this quite clear. The Bible is the law and the written Word of God, himself. It doesn't matter if something that is sinful is made legal. What is sin is the product of the Devil. God made us man and woman, for one man and one woman to marry and bear children. That's what we are intended to be.

The people who created the U.S, were Christians, following the Word of God. They used the Ten Commandments to create our laws and constitutional amendments. Our country was created with the love of Jesus in mind. He wants all of us to follow his Father's plans. There is no lie about this and it's not something ancient, because the Bible is never ancient. It never has set dates in history. It's written like the events in it are always present.

There's a man in prison for 15 years in Iowa for burning the Rainbow Flag that was posted outside of his church. He did the righteous thing, because the Rainbow Flag is really a symbol of lust. It's not love. It's not a Christian flag. Real love is about loving everyone, but also it's about a husband and a wife loving each other. What this man burned was a flag symbolizing lust. And Satan enjoys confusing people under this flag by saying it's love. He claims being gay and lesbian is the way to be. That we must accept LBGTQ for the new way. This is what Satan wants to trap us with.

But, LBGTQ is never the new way. It's just a way to sway people to the realms of Hell after death. The man that was sent to prison, will be receiving judgement from God, the real judge of this world. He'll have his place in Heaven for burning a symbol of lust that was forced upon the House of God. The real path to Heaven, is to stay with God's plans. Swallow your gay/lesbian pride and be straight. One husband and one wife creates children. One man and one woman creates a home for the presence of God to be made welcome. And one man and one woman at the time of death creates less to no sin that needs to be pardoned, in order to enter God's kingdom. You can't have anything sinful to hang off you. Being gay/lesbian is one of those sins. Claiming it as love is another. And saying, "but my country says it's okay" doesn't make it any less sinful. All that says to Him is "that country needs to be gotten rid of, if it's forcing my children to obey sin instead of me".

JonFreeman #wingnut deviantart.com

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth. This very kindness stings with intolerable insult. To be "cured" against one's will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals.

C.S. Lewis,

ProMonarchyGenius #wingnut deviantart.com

Seriously I don't get why people are obsessed with this God awful show. It is cringey and cheap. And so far most of the fans of this show known as the Whovians are some of the most toxic, hypocritical, prudish, puritanical, dour, sour, humorless, and deranged people I have ever come across. And yes alot of these Whovians LOVE crap like Disney's Star Wars, Steven Universe, and Joel Schumacher's Batman Forever and Batman & Robin. Doctor Who has always sucked and ever since they gave him a sex change recently, the show got even worse. We went from the 10th Doctor who is a Pee Wee Herman impersonator to the 13th Doctor who is basically Hillary Clinton dressing up like Pennywise from Stephen King's It. The show is just saturated with SJW propaganda that people might confuse it for a tie in to Disney's Star Wars. And the Whovians don't like people criticising Doctor Who and they treat it like a cult while at the same time they go around accusing Bronies of treating MLP FIM like a cult. Seriously this show is just about some creepy guy who wears a bowtie and lives in a flying magical phone booth and fights evil R2 units with a screwdriver. The only Doctor I can stand is Doctor Whooves from MLP FIM and that is because he makes Whovians angry. I'll never get into Doctor Who because the show is awful and it's fans always attack people for liking MLP FIM, Tim Burton's Batman 89 and Batman Returns, the George Lucas era Star Wars, Classic Disney movies like Fantasia 1940. And yes Doctor Who fans were actually sad that Playboy brought back nudity in 2017, so therefore these are the kind of people who are happy with the recent stupid decision by Tumblr to ban all nude art. And usually when someone criticises the show, the Whovians would reply with a Fallout Equestria sized comment explaining why they think their show is like a god and anything that is less than flattering towards the show is Blasphemy. The Whovians have no right to called the George Lucas era Star Wars Expanded Universe and Tim Burton's Batman 89 and Batman Returns crap when they love campy low budget garbage like Doctor Who. Screw Doctor Who and it's psychotic fanbase. Sorry for this rant but I have to get this off my chest and I am not the only person who dislikes Doctor Who and I even know some people from from Great Britain who told me that Dcotor Who is a national embarrassment that attracts the same fanbase from the Twilight Saga. And please watch this informative video below.

ProMonarchyGenius #wingnut deviantart.com

This is a friendly reminder that DC Comics stands for Detective Comics, not Democrat Comics. Batman does not belong solely to Democrats. I made this post as a response to someone from Deviantart and Youtube that I used to respect but has recently used Tim Burton's Batman to promote his Alt Left politics in his Deviantart account. And he has blocked me in Deviantart and kicked me out of his pro Tim Burton's Batman group because I did not support his politicization of Batman. He wants to do to Batman what Disney did to Star Wars and that is not good.

ProMonarchyGenius #wingnut deviantart.com

SJW Leftists always project what they are unto other, whether they are calling their enemies, racists, misogynists, pedophiles, etc. But they are themselves are racists, misogynists, and pedophiles. Remember it is SJW leftists who said racists things about white people and even called for genocide and openly supported racist groups like Black Lives Matter which is the black version of the KKK. It is SJW leftists who support institutionalized misogyny in terror sponsoring theocracies like Iran. And it is the SJW leftists who are the pedophiles for forcing children to watch hardcore gay pornography in schools as part of sex education and LGBTPQ+++ studies and forced them to attend those Storytimes with creepy men in drag who actually flashed their genitals at the kids. And also it is leftists who want all little boys to be like Desmond Is Amazing a boy who is dressed in drag and dances in a sexual manner in gay bars while grown men literally throw money at him like he was a stripper. Just remember SJW Leftists are the ultimate hypocrites, and when they are insulting you with all these labels like racists, misogynists, and pedophiles, they are actually just describing themselves. To get called all these things from SJW Leftists is literally like getting called a pig by a hog.

DiePropagandistin #conspiracy #racist deviantart.com

I am talking about Spain. The Spanish Reconquest. 711 to 1492. Are you seriously trying to deny my country's history?!

Also, don't confuse race with religion. One thing is being Jewish by religion and another one is being Jewish by race. I don't know in what percentage you are jewish (if you are) but you should know that people with 25% of jewish blood were considered completely German during the Third Reich, so don't try to lecture me about racism. Marxism was created by a jew and then spread by lots of them like I've told you. You can research about that topic if you want.

The difference between a black person and me is much more than skin colour. They share a lot of features with the early hominids that caucasoids don't have, such as flat noses, large prominent jaws, and a prominent bone over the eyes. Also, yes, as you said, their villages are less evolved. It's not just that. The Africa grounds are much richer in resources than Europe. Still, we managed to build powerful civilizations while they still struggle with building a well. Take a look around you. All the things you see, by which race were they created? What more proof do you need. If you refuse to see this, then you're just denying the truth cause you don't like how it is.

JonFreeman #racist #wingnut deviantart.com

Reminder ...

- Digital Content Platform - Place where individuals can post their own content. The site owners cannot modify this uploaded content beyond basic law requirements (i.e. take down wholly pirated movies). The trade off is that the site owners are PROTECTED from lawsuits regarding content on their site.

- Digital Content PUBLISHER - Place where a company posts content. The company can modify, remove, and curate-with-bias any media that's uploaded by other individuals. The trade off is that the site owners are NOT PROTECTED from lawsuits regarding what's on their site, even if it was generated by a user on their site.

So again, once a website starts crossing that gray area into becoming a content publisher by actively affecting what's on their site = they lose lawsuit protection. Or ... at least they SHOULD ... because they haven't been for the past four years.

FACT CHECKING features on social media services violate the differentiation between platforms and publishers. It doesn't matter if you think it's for the greater good (like the cultists in Hot Fuzz), a platform that actively utilizes "fact checkers" on their page typically do so to hide/obscure, edit, or remove content that qualifies as DANGEROUS MISLEADING INFORMATION in their eyes ... these platforms are performing the same actions that a PUBLISHER performs. And it's not like there's COPPA (copaa?) or the Anti-Piracy acts that the platform is abiding by ... it's just editing it because THEY FEEL IT'S RESPONSIBLE (which, surprise, is not lawsuit defensible).

Again, reality check, just because you're offended doesn't make you right.


- YouTube openly admitted that they were automatically deleting comments critical of the Chinese Communist Party. OPENLY ADMITTED, as in they said it was happening, not a conspiracy theory. It's way easy to find this out on your own with a quick websearch. YouTube said it was an honest mistake ... and if you believe that it was an honest mistake I have the cure for idiocy, and it only costs $1,500 payable via paypal - please contact me and give me all your money!!!

- so yeah, censorship DOES happen. (waiting to see how mentally deficient the comments are that try to defend YouTube here)

So, why do I have an optimistic journal title?

Well ... President Trump posted a tweet saying that mail-in voting was a huge liability and could easily result in voter fraud. Twitter flagged this with a FACT CHECK and linked to a leftist opinion column as the TRUTH. Guess what - that's PUBLISHER behavior. Social media platforms can't do that.


So ... President Trump signed a executive order instructing the appropriate agencies to crack down on this difference between publisher and platform. Which will hopefully result in all of these sites losing their protection and getting the shit sued out of them.


and legitimately that's a good thing.

If these big websites get the shit sued out of them, they'll either change or go under. And if they go under ... WE LIVE IN A FREE MARKET. With a stroke of luck we'll return back to the golden age of internet (before the greed).

JonFreeman #racist #wingnut deviantart.com

You own a store.

You're making do.

Then an angry mob chanting "I CAN'T BREATH! JUSTICE FOR ALL! BLACK LIVES MATTER! THEY'LL LISTEN TO US NOW" busts down your windows and door and steals every goddamned thing.

Then you see a fucking asshole online say "OHHHHH, IT'S ONLY PROPERTY. INSURANCE WILL COVER IT! BESIDES, THAT STORE OWNER IS WEALTHY AND I'M A VICTIM OF SOCIETY! PROPERTY ISN'T AS VALUABLE AS HUMAN LIFE" ... and you're reading this as you're looking at the now empty shelves ... representing thousands of dollars (if not hundreds of thousands, as is the case of jewelry stores) of stolen inventory that the insurance won't cover (if you're lucky, they'll reimburse you several months down the line ... after you've closed up shop since you can't make rent since you don't have anything to sell or any money to buy new inventory with)...


Or ... are you gonna skip town and move to a city where the locals don't burn down their own community every time they get upset?

Don't kid yourself, the rioter holding the baseball bat and stolen goods would change their tune instantly if it was their shit getting stolen. And the armchair NPC activist would also change their tune in an instant if their goods were pillaged in these riots.

Besides, with new autopsy report shows he had corona and fentynol in his system possibly shading it more to reckless manslaughter as opposed to 1st degree murder ... well, violent riots targeting citizens are never justifiable, and now it's possible you're going to have a good portion of america eating their words and saying "THE FACTS WERE WRONG, BUT OUR MESSAGE WAS RIGHT" as cities continue to burn.

Peaceful protests, yeah sure knock yourself out. But every time BLM rears its head, looting happens, with or without the help of antifa. It's not a coincidence at this point, it's tradition.

JonFreeman #racist #wingnut deviantart.com

(Using a link to WSJ titled “The Myth of Systemic Police Racism”)

If you don't have a subscription here's the short of it: when you look at a wide net of statistics there is no evidence to support the idea of Systemic Police Racism.

Sorry. It doesn't exist.

The more likely explanation is that this myth is a way to beguile the emotionally susceptible into being tools of someone else's design.

JonFreeman #racist #wingnut deviantart.com

a few years ago I warned people that tearing down these "vile confederate statues" was basically a step removed from ISIS destroying ancient relics in name only.

I was reprimanded for that because "OH THAT COULD NEVER GO THAT FAR AS WHAT YOU'RE SAYING" by the leftists with their heads up their asses.


And here we are: the same dumbfucks are aiming to tear down statues of Abraham Lincoln and Ulysses S Grant - two people responsible for dismantling the Confederacy.


Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Everyone knows that.

Likewise, those who destroy history are desperately seeking to repeat it.

JonFreeman #racist #wingnut deviantart.com

(Using a link to National Review as a citation)


"AFFIRMATIVELY FURTHERING FAIR HOUSING" = making it illegal to zone single family homes

Everyone has seen what a waking hellscape nightmare that left controlled cities have become. 19 out of 20 of the most crime-ridden cities in America are lead by Democrats.

So, what's their solution? Prevent families from owning their own house.


It's a long running statement that when Facism comes to america it will be under the banner of liberal policies. Liberals deny this vehemently, because HOW DARE.

... well, everyone generally equates facism with scapegoat-ism and racism. And so ...


This policy to prevent those damnable rich FAMILIES from building grotesque HOUSES ... yeah.

I feel sorry for all the moderates on the left ... but you gotta wake up. The cheiftans over the DNC have all turned into facist psychotics and are pulling the country into the abyss. And ... well .. your complacency and willingness to turn a blind eye is downright ...


it makes the whole lot of you look like braindead NPCs.

JonFreeman #racist #wingnut deviantart.com

Leftist hypocrisy in a nutshell...
Person A, "Black lives matter! We are a movement of love and peace"
Person B, "Did you know cooperating is a gesture of love? Why don't you actively engage with the police to hear their side of the story and work together on the issue?"

DiePropagandistin #conspiracy #racist deviantart.com

We don't 'hate' jews or black people. We only protest against the behaviour jews have had throughout history. Did you know that the jewish people led an army of muslims to my country to conquer it? We spent more than 7 centuries to free our lands and we lost a lot of people in the process while the jews occupied important power positions in the invaded area. They also invented Marxism ( Marx was a jew, Trotsky was a jew, Stalin and Lenin were part jewish, Rosa Luxembourg was a jew) and helped spreading it (through institutions like the Frankfurt School). Since we stand against Marxism, we also stand against them.Did you know jews have been kicked out of more than 100 countries? There's a reason for that. Their social behavour has always clashed with ours. We just want them to leave our countries and to live in their own so we can't bother each other.

As for black people. We don't hate them either! I'm just stating that they are less evolved by supporting my opinion on socioeconomic and anthropological factors. That's it.

SilverStarApple #wingnut deviantart.com

It's fascinating to see what they're willing to overlook, reinterpret, and blame on Trump. Completely overlooking the part they played (And are still playing) in the virus because they want to pretend everything's Trump's fault.

The animal almost gets close to seeing what's bullshit about the "Leftists claim the BLMafia riots and looting was caused by White Supremacists" lie but stops because it doesn't want to be right and human, it wants to be a leftist on Weinstain's side.

Shawntheimmortal942 #psycho #racist #wingnut deviantart.com

Yep, it’s only “summer of love” when it’s not your shit getting destroyed. Now these shits are going to NY and of course it cucks to these animals! Deblasio isn’t gonna be so woke knock on his door XD cause what these left wing rich assholes keep Trying to act like they’re “with you” but SJWs hate the rich so it’s not gonna help hell I wouldn’t be surprised if Deblasio holds his black wife in front of him like a shield while these “peaceful” protesters are burning his mansion to the ground. Hopefully this kicks these far leftist cucks out of power because it seems that when the democrat is in power...their cities fall apart. I personally hope Trump does get the military to mow these rioters down, fuck these people who put agenda over innocent lives.

EmpathicDesign #racist #wingnut deviantart.com

If they did, the movement that set out to (apparently) defend the freedoms and protections of black people would actually care about black people and not use the untimely death of (criminal) black man at the knees of a white police officer (despite not being racially motivated).

BLM is nothing more than mindless, bigoted movement to destroy property and rob innocent, hard working people, all because of 'Feelings'.

If they can mobilize like that, why not tackle pedophilia, rape, domestic violence and abuse, of which there is ample amounts in the black community.
But no, they want to destroy the property of people who had nothing to do with George's death. Black people did not fight for freedom just to watch their future people kill each other ignore the real issues facing them.
Well, if they end up destroying themselves, so be it. If you don't listen, you don't learn.
Justifiable self destruction.

But here is more as to why black lives do not matter: Because black people are, by and large, not treating each other like they do matter; they do not challenge the state government that is neglecting their human needs but instead continue to elect the same government that neglects them whilst degrading the governments that would help them, they do not rally against the powers that oppress them and they instead of pointing their fingers to the formerly stated, they point their fingers to white people and white police, all because white people are by and large, doing better, but not because of the government, but because they put in the effort for themselves and their loved ones.

There is no point attacking and defunding the police, black people historically armed themselves against each other; gangs, drug dealers and hoods, and the more powerful the fire arms, the more powerful the police require their equipment needs to be to protect innocent citizens.

If black lives matter, then black people would act like they do, but they do not and have no one to blame but themselves for doing nothing about their circumstances. Period.


kittykins-pi #conspiracy deviantart.com

It's in the Jewish Talmud. Jesus wasn't a "Jew" per se—not in the modern sense. The Jewish race that Jesus and the Disciples were a part of died out with the Diaspora, and the Ashkenazi race, at the very least, is descended from the Khazars.
The Jew is a vile creature and not the friend of any decent Christian. This is why Christians have had constantly oppressed the Jew throughout European history, because like violent dogs, it is necessary to keep them in line. One need only look at the carnage of the Bolshevik Revolution and Spartacist Uprising, both primarily led by atheistic Jews, to see this truth.
Lastly, you speak of providing "evidence", but where is yours? Also, TL;DR, since it seemed like just an angry rant. God bless.

OnlyTheGhosts #wingnut deviantart.com

OnlyTheGhosts: That's an interesting claim BUT WHERE IS THE EVIDENCE?

An assertion without evidence is nothing more than baseless accusation.

I believe the count is around 600+ attacks by loony leftist nutters on Trump supporters. Maxine the loon has called for mob violence against Trump's side too. So has Hillary Clinton with her call for "uncivil" action. Unlike you, I can cite evidence
[a bunch of links]

Girl-called-Lola: "That's an interesting claim BUT WHERE IS THE EVIDENCE?

An assertion without evidence is nothing more than baseless accusation."

Don't you read the news? Here ya go, sourced from all those totally unbiased news sites you like:
[more links]

Want some more reading?

"From 2008 to 2017, the study found perpetrators from all streams of right-wing extremists to be responsible for 71 percent of the extremist-perpetrated killings in the United States, followed by Islamic extremists at 26 percent and left-wing extremists, including anarchists and black nationalists, responsible for 3 percent of deaths."[another link]

OnlyTheGhosts: Great, so how does any of that excuse the hundreds of innocents attacked by Leftists, many bashed to the point of nearly dying?

I already cited links too. You ignored them.

Girl-called-Lola: It doesn't excuse anything Antifa does. My point is that people like you continually bitch and moan about Antifa 'acts of violence', yet you remain silent when a Trump supporter drives his car into a crowd of people. A Trump supporter killed an innocent women at a protest but you're more concerned that a "Dad Dares Daughter To Knock Off Guy’s MAGA Hat For 100 Bucks. She Does It"

"I already cited links too. You ignored them."

I didn't ignore them. What were you expecting? Am I supposed to comment on each one?

more repliesOnlyTheGhosts: Wrong, that's just YOU projecting and pretending people are saying shit which they are NOT saying. Stop making crap up and pretending other people are saying it. You do it because you can't cope with the logic and what they are REALLY SAYING. You can't make a decent argument, so you rely on insults and stupid claims pretending people are saying things WHICH THEY ARE NOT SAYING, YOU LIAR.

Trump supporters have rarely been violent in comparison the Leftists. That's why I posted those links WHICH YOU CONTINUE TO IGNORE.

You make a big fucking deal about ONE GUY - and ignore EVERYTHING ELSE.

It's just luck that none of these victims of Leftist thuggery died;
[more links]

There have been hundreds of acts of extreme violence by Leftist idiots against anyone and everyone who disagrees with them, or even just happens to be in the wrong place when these Leftist twits decide to play thuggery again. They lie all the damn time about their motivations, lie about what they do, and try to excuse their shitty attitude by screaming about white supremacy, or patriarchy, or some other made up nonsensical ideological bullshit that has zero relation to the real world.

Grow up.

Millions of other people are starting to actually wake up from the bullshit you continue to defend

Girl-called-Lola:"Wrong, that's just YOU projecting and pretending people are saying shit which they are NOT saying. Stop making crap up and pretending other people are saying it. You do it because you can't cope with the logic and what they are REALLY SAYING. You can't make a decent argument, so you rely on insults and stupid claims pretending people are saying things WHICH THEY ARE NOT SAYING, YOU LIAR."

Jeez calm down. What exactly am I lying about?

"Trump supporters have rarely been violent in comparison the Leftists. That's why I posted those links WHICH YOU CONTINUE TO IGNORE."

I looked at your links. Fact is a Trump supporter killed a innocent woman. That is a big deal.

"Millions of other people are starting to actually wake up from the bullshit you continue to defend"

And there's a twitter page called Trump Regrets - people who regret voting for Trump: [link]

OnlyTheGhosts: Waiting for you to deal with REAL VIOLENCE BY LEFTIST FUCKWITS.
[A heap of links]
IT IS NOT GOING AWAY. Answer it, deal with it, stop pretending it isn't there. You're defending thuggery.

Twitter has lots of fake accounts too. It's just text. Paid for clickers and bots easily do it. You can't debunk the thousands upon thousands of people who marched awhile back either.

DC Walkaway March to Civility
Brandon Straka speech
Stacey Dash - "It's not about the colour of our skin, it's not about our gender"

#WalkAway is accelerating
And it's absolutely fascinating to watch as larger numbers of people are awakening. They've started researching and thinking for themselves, risking enormous personal loss, as they begin to see through the lies of the Democrats, Establishment mainstream media, and the regressive Leftists deceitful narratives.
[many, many links]

Fact is ONE VICTIM IS FAR OUTWEIGHED BY THOUSANDS OF VICTIMS. You keep pretending that a single deranged loon is some kind of representation that makes it okay for THOUSANDS OF OTHER ACTS OF VIOLENCE against innocent people. Your moral compass is broken; get it fixed.

Girl-called-Lola: "Waiting for you to deal with REAL VIOLENCE BY LEFTIST FUCKWITS."

I'm not defending Antifa, they're a bunch of violent morons. When are you going to own up to the fact that right wing groups are also violent? When are you going to denounce them?

"Twitter has lots of fake accounts too. It's just text. Paid for clickers and bots easily do it."

Right, so everyone who says they regret voting for Trump is a bot? Weren't Trump supporters laughing at Leftists for making the very same claim?

"Fact is ONE VICTIM IS FAR OUTWEIGHED BY THOUSANDS OF VICTIMS. You keep pretending that a single deranged loon is some kind of representation that makes it okay for THOUSANDS OF OTHER ACTS OF VIOLENCE against innocent people. Your moral compass is broken; get it fixed."

My moral compass?! One dead victim far outweighs death threats on twitter, harassing someone wife at restaurant, sticking fingers in their salads, throwing chocolate milk at College Republicans, or someone getting their fucking hat knocked off.

[Note: It doesn’t stop here. The argument keeps on going.]

FuriusJorge #conspiracy deviantart.com

The title is quite serious... and accurate. For 2 decades children have been indoctrinated, exploited, puppeted... flat out hijacked to promote the Global Warming scam. Most are too young to remember the IMPENDING NEXT ICE AGE that was predicted over 2 decades ago. Global Warming is quite simply a vehicle to justify further taxing and controlling the poor class, (that's us). The people in charge of High Altitude Aerosol Injection are not pumping Aluminium, Barium & Strontium in oxide form to "save the planet". Heavy metals attack our frontal lobe, (logic center), we get dumber. Average IQ has been dropping slowly but steadily globally.

I published one of my crap jobs first to see if the title or content would get flagged.

What specifically did you expect to see in an image titled "Weaponized Children"anyway... T1000 Terminator Toddlers? I though the title was kind of obtuse.

If you like it great. If you think my work is crap that's ok too.

SmuttyTheClown #homophobia #wingnut deviantart.com

Smutty, like yourself, is on a never-ending quest to rid the world of degeneracy, and it warms his cold heart whenever he sees a few rays of nonrainbow-colored light!

Despite all of the nastiness that has shown its ugly gender-confused face, this "LGBT Pride Month" has seen some promising developments in the fight against gay aggression. Jack Phillips won his six-year fight against the fag couple that tried to force him to bake them a wedding cake. On June 4th, the Supreme Court ruled 7-2 in favor of the Christian baker from Colorado. Guess the lefties will have to go somewhere else next time they want a bakery of leftist culture, such as a man and dog getting it on!

That was followed today, June 27th, by an announcement that shocked many. Decrepit and pro-gay Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy announced his retirement. That means that Trump can name a replacement, and hopefully get him confirmed before the November elections or during the lame duck session. Baby killers and LGBT degenerates everywhere are shaking in their shoes.

A few weeks ago the LGBT community was humiliated by a more hidden foe, as the anons on 4chan's pol pulled their latest prank. Memes were spread for #droptheB, which confused many queers and "allies" into thinking that it was a well-meaning campaign. After all, does bisexual not imply that there are only two genders, and not 63? LGBT is then a hypocritical term.

Speaking of hypocrites, leftist cunt Kathleen Wynne, the Premier of Ontario, Canada, was absolutely shalacked in the election earlier this month. Warned to quit beforehand, the cunt thankfully decided that she wanted to bring her party down with her. They finished third with only seven seats and failed to maintain official party status! On June 7th election night she finally gave up and tearfully resigned as Liberal Party leader. An open lesbian, it looks like some schoolkids might soon be saved from her programs that intend to make them as sexually disturbed as she is.

Many other battles to defend our children against gay encroachment are still ongoing, some as ridiculous as the mental health of a fictional Disney character. There is a push to make Disney's Elsa be a carpet muncher in the upcoming kids movie, Frozen 2. Rather than shoot down the perverse notion, aimed at indoctrinating children into the gay sexual lifestle, writer and co-director Jennifer Lee told hate site HuffPost that "we have tons of conversations about it" and "We’ll see where we go".

Consider that Disney's Marvel Entertainment has already confirmed that outwardly faggy characters will soon appear in their films. Kevin Feige, President of Marvel Studios, just told The Playlist on June 25th that it will be "Both [characters] you’ve seen and ones you haven’t seen." So, there will be some newly invented superfags, and you might wake up to find that your favorite formerly masculine comic book hero now enjoys the intimacy of other men.

Drag Queen Story Hour, the American child abuse tour, continues to flaunt their sexual sickness in front of children as young as four and five years old. Forbes, which has become a fag news outlet lately, published an article on June 20th claiming "drag queens are the perfect people to read out loud to little ones" because they capture the "gender fluidity of childhood". Today, in fact, the kinder-seeking queens are in Beloit, Wisconsin, a town of 36,000 people. The residents have shown some fight by writing and calling the library, but in the end, their town's kids will most likely get their dose of gay sex propaganda.

That brings us to the latest joint venture between homosexuality and pedophilia which begins airing tomorrow. RuPaul's thinly-veiled young-boy-indoctrination cartoon, Drag Tots, will air on the World of Wonder channel. Today, Entertainment Weekly begins their congratulatory article about it with the following line, "It’s never too early to slip into your first pair of heels, contour your cheekbones, or learn the basics of drag culture."

On the contrary, Smutty encourages you to go out and win more victories for sexual sanity. The media is clearly trying to get your sons, daughters, brothers, and sisters to live a life of sadness and pain, probably culminating in an early death from drugs or disease. It is never to early to strike out in defense.

Rodegas #homophobia #wingnut deviantart.com

1. Well, Researchers have found that attempted suicide rates and suicidal ideation among Sodomites is comparatively higher than among the normal human beings. (the reason is that somewhere deep inside they know they are wrong)

2. It is well established that there are high rates of psychiatric illnesses, including depression, drug abuse, and suicide attempts, among gays and lesbians. This is true even in the Netherlands, where gay, lesbian and bisexual (GLB) relationships are far more socially acceptable than in the U.S. Depression and drug abuse are strongly associated with risky sexual practices that lead to serious medical problems.

3. According to reports, men with HIV who have sex with other men are 100 times more likely to develop anal cancer than HIV-negative men who exclusively have sex with women. (Almost 620,000 gay and bisexual men in the United States were living with HIV in 2014, and 100,000 of these men were not even aware of their infection)

This suggests that anal cancer is a disease that almost exclusively afflicts non-straight males who are on the verge of, or already have, AIDS – a fact that, again, is likely to ruffle some SJW feathers.

EmpathicDesign #transphobia deviantart.com

Here's the facts: The true enemies of transgender identifying individuals are their supporters. :3

Transgender identifying individuals have a 20x higher suicide rate than any other demographic of people; but why is this?
Society? No.
Bullying? No.
Discrimination? No.
Family or peers? No.
Exclusion? No.

Answer: Unresolved dysphoria pre and post hormonal therapies and corrective surgeries.

How do you help a person kick an addictive habit: You support them into stopping what that are doing that is causing and worsening the problem, not support them into continuing it; which is what trans supporters do; they're effectively leading the transgender identifying individuals to the noose.

Helping someone is helping them stop what is causing their problems, not encourage them.

History has shown that the best solution to resolving the transgender mental illness is natal sex therapy and watchful waiting.


Shawntheimmortal942 #wingnut #racist deviantart.com

Please try to defend CHAZ or CHOP or whatever the fuck these animals call themseleves for what they’ve done without sounding like an asshole. These cites have been abandoned by the people who claim to be for the people yet lets it fall under the control of radicals! This went beyond justice for George Floyd and now this is just showing the mainstream what the left has become...the far left has taken over the left. There’s chaos and what do the dems do? Nothing...nothing! They are so scared of being seen as racist that they’ll let their cites be taken over by these people. Again, to the fucking idiots who try soooo hard to paint me as a racist...I have no problem with peaceful protests. Period. I may not agree what you’re protesting but you have every right to do it, I do not condone RIOTS! Now can we all agree that this CHAZ shit has been taken too far? Can we? Can we stop with the left and right bullshit and agree that these people are doing more harm than good? Can we have that agreement or are you just gonna keep doubling down while businesses and homes are burned down by rioters? If you don’t think it’s so bad then go watch Memeology101’s videos about what’s going on in CHAZ or the nextnewsnetwork’s coverage of it. Can we as decent human beings say that this is fucked up and needs to stop? Is this really the hill you want to die on when even black business owners are suffering because of this too and even the ones rightfully calling you all out? Or do their lives not matter because they don’t support your fascism? There’s a fucking virus going on...we don’t need this.

Ability-King-KK #homophobia deviantart.com

(Context: Still bitching over a fictional LGBT ship (Bumblebee) in a cartoon. This is actually considered one of the most important arguments among the RWBY Critic community, alongside the death and portrayal of an abusive villain.)

CardcaptorKatara: Yes its good to have more focus on the other teams, but I don't believe there is anything wrong with LGBTQ representation.

Ability-King-KK: There is when it's there just for the sake of a ship. Other shows like Legend of Korra, Steven Universe, and more recently Star vs the Forces of Evil added it just to pander as there was absolutely no build up or development to said ships. That's a sign of poor writing.

CardcaptorKatara: I'm not an advocate for whiterose but bumblebee has been there from the beginning. I don't any of this show has been written for the sake of a ship. Give me one example of whiterose? Because I've seen none. If you go back to season 1 and watch from there, there are many moments that lead up to the canon of bumblebee. It's subtle and its there. Good writing for relationships are written that way. I'm sorry if you have an issue with ships, but they will be part of any good story because that's human emotion, and it makes the story feel more real.

Ability-King-KK: At no point has there ever been Bumblebee. Blake has always shown interest in Sun and to think otherwise is asinine. Not only that, but Yang has been shown to ogle the other boys in their academy. Bumblebee was never going to be a thing until Rooster Teeth decided to pander to people like you, people who only care about ships.

CardcaptorKatara: Relationships don't need to be about people seeing someone and blushing or making eyes at guys. Also being Bisexual is a thing. I will not deny Yang likes to flirt and Blake had a thing for Adam in the past and at some point maybe crushed on Sun a little. Subtle acts are key.
Like checking to make sure someone isn't burning themselves out by constantly staying awake.
This was the very beginning of their relationship as partners, and it grew deeper than the whole rest of the team.
If you don't ship it that's fine. I don't care who ships what. I just think its ignorant to blatantly disregard any references to LGBTQ. This includes Ilia and Scarlet (Though I'm guessing you probably hate those characters too)

Ability-King-KK: Bumblebee is forced, unnatural, and only there to pander. It is not canon and should never be canon, so stop acting like there is something there.
As for Ilia and Scarlet...everything on Scarlet has not been confirmed to be canon and Ilia is another poorly written character thanks to Rooster Teeth's decisions.

TheodoreCHill #conspiracy #psycho deviantart.com

Over 28 children have been made Saints by the church because Jews sacrificed them ritually.

Over 109 countries have kicked Jews out - and every European country often more than once.

Jews give newborn babies herpes through sucking their freshly penises and torture animals through kosher slaughter.

Truth does not fear investigation.

And there is no hiding that you are a disgusting individual whom I would wish things on that I cannot publicly say.

God have mercy on your soul.

OnlyTheGhosts #conspiracy #ableist deviantart.com

No, it's actually brain damage. The 30% brain inflammation that's common is due to toxins in the brain. These toxins - especially mercury and aluminium - result in very fragile synapses. The synaptic pathways collapse, and the brain compensates by trying to create more pathways faster than they can collapse.

The 70% of Autistics with IQs in the 70s or below shows it's brain damage as well. 70s and below is called MENTALLY RETARDED RANGE.

Chart of mental redartation according to IQ


Level of RetardationIQ Range
MildLow 50s – 70s
ModerateMid 30s – low 50s
SevereLow 20s – mid 30s
ProfoundBelow 20 or 25

“…aluminium exposure is associated with the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines and with the development of chronic oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction and glial activation or dysfunction; these changes in turn are associated with ASD.”

(Aluminium in vaccines causes BRAIN-DAMAGE linked to Autism!)


“The preponderance of the evidence indicates that mercury exposure is causal and/or contributory in ASD” (in other words, mercury – as in vaccines containing the organomercury compound Thimerosal, is linked to Autism)


“…the significant association between vaccination and NDDs all support the possibility that some aspect of the current vaccination program could be contributing to risks of childhood morbidity. Vaccination also remained significantly associated with NDD after controlling for other factors, whereas preterm birth, long considered a major risk factor for NDD, was not associated with NDD after controlling for the interaction between preterm birth and vaccination. In addition, preterm birth coupled with vaccination was associated with an apparent synergistic increase in the odds of NDD above that of vaccination alone.”

(NDD = refer to neurological damage, in other words *BRAIN-DAMAGE* )


Geier et al. 2014 J Biochem Pharmacol Res “The risk of neurodevelopmental disorders following a Thimerosal-preserved DTaP formulation in comparison to its Thimerosal-reduced formulation in the vaccine adverse event reporting system (VAERS)” 2:64.

“This study supports a significant relationship between increased organic-Hg exposure from Thimerosal-preserved childhood vaccines and the child’s subsequent risk of a ND diagnosis.


I can easily cite hundreds more.

Your crap calling what I'm saying "ableism" is just you using insults instead of dealing with the science.

I don't give a fuck about your better, kinder term. The scientists say RETARDED, that's NOT a slur. That's the term. I will not abide with politically-correct nutcases to dictate what "science" should say, any more than I would go along with the Soviet Union's propaganda or China's propaganda or North Korea's propaganda when they made anti-scientific claims.

OnlyTheGhosts #conspiracy #crackpot deviantart.com

Parent comment here for context: https://www.deviantart.com/comments/1/136259188⁄4699963711

The WHO are also a gang of bullshitters, moron. They were exposed years ago too! Don't you pay any attention to the news????? (o.0)

Again, I already refuted that same crap with PEER REVIEWED SCIENTIFIC STUDIES. Strange that all you have are fallacious argument-by-authority but can't produce any scientific evidence, nor cite even a "credible" authority.

You're a special kind of stupid as the World Health Organization has already been exposed lying repeatedly, it's scandal-ridden, corrupt, and tied at the hip with the pharmaceutical industry.

Here's a summary of how the WHO vaccine scam with H1N1 worked:

Step 1) Exaggerate the risk: WHO hypes up the pandemic risk by declaring a phase 6 pandemic even when the mortality rate of the virus was so low that it could be halted with simple vitamin D supplements.

Step 2) Urge countries to stockpile: WHO urged nations around the world to stockpile H1N1 vaccines, calling it a "public health emergency."

Step 3) Collect the cash: Countries spend billions of dollars buying and stockpiling H1N1 vaccines while Big Pharma pockets the cash.

Step 4) Get your kickbacks: WHO advisors, meanwhile, collected their kickbacks from the vaccine manufacturers. Those kickbacks were intentionally kept secret.

Step 5) Keep people afraid: In order to keep demand for the vaccines as high as possible, WHO continued to flame the fears by warning that H1N1 was extremely dangerous and everybody should continue to get vaccinated. (The CDC echoed the same message in the USA.)

WHO advisors walked away with loads of cash, the drug companies stockpiled huge profits, and the taxpayers of nations around the world were left saddled with useless vaccines rotting on the shelves that had to be destroyed. Their advisors are on the take from the drug companies, and just about anything you're likely to hear from the World Health Organization originates with a profit motive rather than a commitment to public health. There has never been a single scientific study ever published showing that H1N1 vaccines worked. Not only was the H1N1 pandemic a fraud to begin with, but the medicine they claimed treated it was also based on fraud. And now we know the rest of the story of why it was all done: Kickbacks from Big Pharma, paid to advisors who told WHO to declare a pandemic.

You have zero evidence that the situation is any different with the HPV vaccine. If anything it has proven to be worse as the victims continue to pile up and the court cases grow in number.

You haven't cited a damn thing refuting any of those news stories either. You're citing a single link from an organisation that has already proven itself to be totally untrustworthy. That's plain idiotic of you, because *only a retarded gullible fuckwit like yourself would believe you!*

Ability-King-KK #sexist #homophobia deviantart.com

(Context: There's an animated show called RWBY; in a recent season, an antagonist named Adam is killed by two of the protagonists, Blake and Yang, the former of whom is his abuse victim. Since his death, there has been backlash from incels and homophobes who defended his actions and taking their anger out of Blake and Yang's ship, nicknamed Bumblebee. This is one of many examples of this backlash.)

Mojomito: Some of ya'll are completely missing the point...
Its not because of bumblebee, it's because the shirt is pretty insensitive regarding abusive relationships. Blake & Adam had an abusive relationship from the start - that's why she left. Adam wanted to control her and later in volume 3 & 6 he emotionally and physically abused her. "A lover's quarrel" downplays the fact that Adam practically groomed the much younger Blake, manipulated her and his physical abuse, suggesting it was merely a small trouble.
An Adam shirt is fine, a shirt that glosses over the abusive nature of Blake and Adam's relationship is not.

Ability-King-KK: It is because of Bumblebee. Adam was never abusive toward Blake, but he was turned into an abuser to please the Bumblebee shippers. To Bumblebee shippers, Adam is an obstacle that needed to be taken out of the picture. Hell, Blake and Adam's relationship could have stayed as student and mentor like Monty wanted and the Bumblebee shippers would still bitch. So don't try and defend this as if Rooster Teeth did the right thing.

Mojomito: Adam literally stabbed her?
What evidence of that do you have??
In the Black Trailer you can clearly see Blake is uncomfortable with Adam's forcefulness and violent ways, leading up to her decision to leave. If everything was happy with Adam, why did she leave?
How do you know what Monty wanted? Are you a personal friend of his with whom he shared his ideas? Fans throw around "Monty's ideas" without actually ever knowing Monty or his vision for the series,
I don't trust the opinions of people who claim to know what Monty wanted and constantly whine about how things used to be before Monty died.
Too late?? My first defensive comment was posted hours ago. Honestly, without the "Lovers Quarrel" I think the shirt would've been fine. I don't think sexual and domestic abuse is a topic that should be taken lightly and if your
only response to that is to call me "Snowflake" for having paper thin feelings, perhaps you should check yourself and all the dudes crying and whining over one (1) shirt being taken down and removed from a store.

Ability-King-KK: "In the Black Trailer you can clearly see Blake is uncomfortable with Adam's forcefulness and violent ways, leading up to her decision to leave. If everything was happy with Adam, why did she leave?"
That doesn't mean they were together in a romantic sense. Not everything has to be about shipping. Had it ever occurred to you that maybe Blake left because she didn't want to be a part of that version of the White Fang? She clearly doesn't share the same ideals as the White Fang, so why stick around?
"How do you know what Monty wanted?"
Ah, the same tired question every RWBY shipper uses to try and justify themselves. Any real fan would care about the story and character development, you know, what Monty tried to give us. Any real fan knows that Adam was never meant to be a psycho ex-boyfriend, you know, what Monty did give us. But unfortunately, after Monty's death, there was clearly a change in how RWBY was written and not for the better. Everything now is clearly there to cater to the shippers and that includes turning Adam into a psycho ex-boyfriend to help push Bumblebee.
Clearly you are being defensive. At no point did I even call you a "snowflake", but you're acting as if I did. And people aren't upset just because one shirt got taken down. They're upset because of WHY it was taken down, WHO Rooster Teeth would rather listen to, and the fact that Rooster Teeth are flat out ignoring more important criticisms.

FuriusJorge/DarkBulb121 #conspiracy #elitist deviantart.com

Parent comment here for context: https://www.deviantart.com/comments/1/840462142/4855436049

You blocked my DarkBulb121 acct? You are such a flaming, buttfucking pussy you actually blocked me from responding??? I'm arguing with a self neutering leftist.

I'll give you this last one & your self neutering ass can go eat a a bag of baby dicks for all I care.

Holy shit it was painful just getting through that post.

The simple fact is that most of us have been out in whatever you sad sheep are terrified by for half a year and we're doing fine. Evidence undeniable that C19 is nothing special. You NEED it to be bad to prop up your self esteem. Otherwise you've have to admit to yourself that as many have stated, you've been had, fooled, manipulated. You don't give a shit what I think about you but you yourself? Doubting your own ability to deduce such a clear sham from the truth? That doesn't sit well. Years spent in psychology were not wasted on me. I find human minds & how they're manipulated very interesting. When I realize something's being done to me without my knowledge I like to understand it clearly. You might consider learning some of that yourself.

" And trust me, if I were the one who was in charge, I would close all borders, put everyone in lockdown and get everyone tested to make sure no one had this virus before I let everyone go. That way, it would be over and done with. "
You'd be killed for it by the masses of your own constituency before getting very far with it. Your own military would turn on you. That's why we don't put people like you in charge.

If you can't understand that whatever you consider "TV" is how they're programming you don't even bother thinking about it. Sit back, enjoy your depopulation food, don't forget your soon to be mandated weekly vaxxine update or your daily fluoride regimen.

Answer this please: Do you even own a rifle? If someone provided you one could you even use it much less build or service your own? What happened to your freedom?

Worse yet what happened to your sense of freedom, your understanding of the word? Are you really alright with 24/7/365 surveillance? We're pretty big on Freedom of Speech and Right to Bear over here in the US. You will see civil war before the American citizen allows themselves to be pantsed from our right to defend.

Sheltering in shame, voluntary house arrest, senseless virtue signalling with useless masks made law in some places... you are a slave, a prisoner, a blind fool. You pussies are already dead you just don't know it. If SHTF over here people like you will be used to fertilize crops for people like me.

yall-suck #homophobia deviantart.com

Why gay marriage should not be legalized.

1. Legally, marriage is a privilege regulated by the states, kind of like a drivers license. It is not a
constitutional right (doesn't appear there).

2. Actually, western civilization and America have honored the definition of marriage as being the
union of one man and one woman for centuries. America has known no other definition. In actuality, the founders likely would have tarred and feathered a practising homosexual (not that that makes it right, but some would lie and say they would support gay marriage.)

3 American legislators saw that marriage as we now honor it (one man one woman) results in benefits for our nation, so long ago they afforded this relationship certain benefits, such as tax breaks in order to promote marriage. Those benefits are order in our society, future doctors, lawyers, soldiers, etc, etc. Can a gay couple give birth to children who would probably someday serve their country? Or become a doctor to help people? No...

4. Again, America has never acknowledged any other definition of marriage and we need not change this time honored institution to conform to the whims of a small minority of loud people.

5. Gays can have their rights and dignity without us changing the definition of marriage. They can have their relationships if they wish. They just can't call it marriage. It's similar to me (a man) saying I am now a girl. I am not and will never be. Should I lobby to be called a little girl because girls get scholarships to colleges which boys don't get?

6.Genetically, there is no evidence that homosexuality is genetic. Actually, before gays organized and formed a powerful lobby, homosexuality was a diagnosable mental illness as per psychology and psychiatry (look it up). Again, no genetic cause has been established.

7. If marriage is not the union of one man and one woman, why not allow polygamy? What about
sterile relatives marrying? What about unions between adults and children? People and animals? People would say that is all ridiculous! But what is our standard then for who can get married? What is the definition of marriage if they have their way?

8. In regards to the argument that, "Unsupporters don't believe that gays are human! All men are created equal!", well, there's no argument to the fact that gays ARE people. It's the act of gay marriage and sex that we don't support!

Now, I'd like to have a few people try to refute these arguments. Oh and FYI, you can call me anything you want, cuz the only reason you would call me names (such as bigot, close minded or hater) is because you have no way to refute these arguments and you are obviously immature enough to resort to “bullying” me.

darkbulb121 #conspiracy #quack #wingnut deviantart.com

This is not going to be quick.

" - If COVID-19 isn't dangerous, then why are there SO MANY people dying from it in coutnries such as the USA and Italy? "

More than that die every year from influenza. Your being lied to. The numbers are estimated to be a minimum of 25% INFLATED BASED ON EXPOSED OVER REPORTING, FALSE REPORTING AND COMORBIDITY REPORTS. They bring a guy in, What happened? He was attacked by a tiger. Test him for Covid. Yep, cause of death, "Covid 19", check. That alone should be enough for you but no you've been hooked up to the propaganda teat too long. Another example, my kid works at a UPS hub, shit from all over the planet. People there got sick, just like last year. People pushed through the sickness with antihistamines, just like last year. None of them died on a ventilator in a hospital, they still work there... just like last year.

" Social distancing, as well as good hygeine and stopping people from touching absolutely everything, "

You are an idiot... there's no nice way to put this. Social Distancing is complete bullshit. People in Walmart, customer & employee touch EVERYTHING. A virus does not come on a fucking 6' leash. Everything I postulate is self evident. A person only has to rationalize. WE ARE COVERED WITH MICROORGANISMS. This is normal and healthy.

This next part is just sad and sick. You actually think like this. " we have been allowed to go outside the house, do exercise (even if it's just in the backyard) ..."

ALLOWED??? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME??? No one "allows" me to do anything. It's my natural born right to keep right on going anywhere I went yesterday. That you would even tolerate someone telling you what you're "allowed" to do in that respect is again, sad & sick.

" rather, you are protecting others when you stop your COVID breath from going onto others " Surgical masks, bandanas, folded paper towels filter nothing. No Seal = No Filter should be obvious to you. Yet instead you behave as you feel, not as you know logic dictates. Someone "in authority" tells you to do it & so you do obediently even when you know a virus can pass through and around the material. Even you know that it filters nothing you'll continue to behave as you've been "made to feel safe" by a lying talking head on "TV" and a useless token face diaper.

America was founded on DISobedience, (not on "slavery" as our leftist rewritten history books now teach). That's the reason we still have what little freedoms we have here today. Not enough of us are foolish enough yet to let them disarm us. When's the last time you broke down your AR much less did a little training? Over here we build our own firearms LEGALLY. Now THAT'S freedom. It's also a good insulator against the corrupt and overpowered government we face in all countries today.

You're bragging about "obedience" of all things, qualifying it by pointing out what you're "allowed" to do and thinking of it as some token reward you earned. "OBEYED their governments and are and are being rewarded with their COVID-19 restrictions being taken down". Spoken like a true slave. You did what you're trained to do and you got a treat for it so you'll do it again next time your master tells you when & where you can go potty & when & where you can't.

Of course it's a scam. Holy shit they tried to attach every fucking Green New Deal agenda to the C19 false flag. It was practically an identical grocery list. That stunt was more obvious than a kid caught up to his elbow in a cookie jar and chocolate chip smears on his face.

Agendas evidencing the true purpose of C19 include but are not limited to: 5G push, intense ramping up of ever increasing surveillance of the common citizen. That one alone is enough but there's more: "Social distancing" is just testing our obedience and training us to fear contacting each other. It also provides the needed 6' margin between individuals that just happens to be the margin needed to differentiate between us via satellite surveillance. VAXXINES Has on one learned anything from what Bill & Linda, the CDC, the WHO and other vaxx pushing organizations have done to kill and sterilze people in Africa and India? Vaxxines are how you get autoimmune diseases. So what's the solution? More vaxxines that WEAKEN or DAMAGE our immune systems along with major components of our governing hormonal systems such as: pituitary, prostate, thyroid, thymus and many more glands. ID2020 chipping/dyeing/dna altering vaxxines are in no way good things. Do you really like the idea of your whereabouts and activities being constantly monitored? Your exact location known 24/ 7? Those who fall for the transhumanism movement will have their biometrics monitored constantly. The attack on us is as much psychological as it is physical.

Do you like Planned Parenthood? Hope so because that's where the gallons of albumin come from to manufacture those health sabotaging vaxxxines you beg them to control you with. Newsflash: It's not being harvested from the Planned Parenthood Chicken Ranch or the Planned Parenthood Calf Abortion Clinic. We are so far past Christianity's whining chorus of "they're killing babies". Our "dead babies" are PRODUCTS. Yes, Planned Parenthood routinely, daily, fills orders listing things like "complete left leg". Do you have any idea of the dollar amount attached to a pile of harvested dead baby parts? You think those eugenics motherfuckers are just throwing all those valuable parts & fluids in a biohazard dumpster for sterile destruction?

I'm stopping here because that list goes on forever.

" And even when we couldn't do the things we wanted to do normally, we were given alternatives (Houseparty, Zoom, Internet, Online Shopping) to replace what we had taken from us. " again, a slave happy with the garbage master slopped you with. It doesn't even occur to you that none of those things are good for us. Jerking off online does not bring people together. "Gathered apart"??? What sort of drone could find such a ridiculous load of shit suggestion even acceptable? Every option you described is social masturbation, an empty and pathetic pacifier compared to the nutritious titty of real life. The movement to literally repress natural breastfeeding and make mothers and babies dependent on bottle feeding, thus depriving babies of their first NATURAL vaccination, antibodies from mother's milk was put into place decades ago and today we see the effects. Scared sheep with weakened immune systems.

" However, when people disobeyed, such as the United States, the consequences hit them hard. *cough* high death toll *cough* You're just wrong, wrong and stupid. I'm HERE. There's NOTHING GOING ON. It's all overreporting bullshit. My not dead, UPS contaminated kid is evidence. I've been out in this big scary C19 contaminated world the entire time, jogging, doing whatever, going wherever. Not dead yet. I still met weekly with my friends and groups in Dallas. So far I haven't even found a single person sick with C19. No one I know knows anyone with C19. That's 2 tiers deep in people getting into the 100's and no C19. Where's my epidemic? Where's my disease? They promised me pestilence and likely death and I can't even get the snots. Incidentally all my annual sinus infections stopped cold turkey when I started taking care of my health instead of living off depopulation food and box o' wine. The only sickness I've had in years was food poisoning, (bad chicken). No vaxxinations for 2 decades now.

Here's some numbers for you . Less than 1/10,000 die from C19. 9/10 deaths are over age 65. 90% of those infected experience little or no symtoms. You're probably actually scared by that. THAT'S what HERD IMMUNITY IS. America has a few hot spots, everybody did and that's all you're seeing because that's all the Globalist owned media shows you.

Why the hell would I be afraid of something less dangerous than our annual flu.

Another piece of the puzzle. The hydrochloroquine study was sabotaged. It was only given to patients who were already on death's doorstep. They literally gave it only to patients who were on the way out to fuck the study. Why would they keep a tested, proven and effective treatment like hydrochloroquine from us? So we'll line up and let them stick our ass with unsafe, (no double blind study done to evidence vaxxine safety ever), heavy metal contaminated, tracking chip included, vaxxines.

Simply put we find the obvious underlying theme of you post is "OBEY, OBEY, OBEY". If you cannot look at the agendas being pushed down your throat and not recognize the "Create the crisis, provide the solution" dictoral takeover tactics I don't know what to tell you.

So many things I heard about over the years and dismissed, just like I was trained to do, vaxxine dangers, GMOs, fluoride neurotoxin, all I ignored for most of my life. I've learned late that there most certainly is truth to all those issues and many more connected to them. Make no mistake, there is disinfo mingled in, makes effective camouflage for the truth.

In the end a person recognizes all these things I talk about here, not because some talking head told us, not because of any single scrap of so called "evidence" that idiots will endlessly corrupt, twist & misepresent, but because it really is self evident. It's as obvious as the controlled demo of the Twin Towers and Building 7. A building collapse cannot reach terminal velocity. Resistance is present in a collapse and prevents that. There are a million & one pieces of "evidence" like that but because many allowed themselves to be programmed on 911 they still buy the "Aunt Jemima" joke put forth by NIST. You've never even seen an example of the rarest building failure in architectural history and even though you have the sense to know that nothing looks like a controlled demo BUT a controlled demo you're still wired to believe the false flag cover story. These things are self evident. One has only to pay attention.

Yes, the same group of families responsible for 911 designed C19 and a world of other dangerous pathogens, GMOs, dangerous vaxxines, 5G social police system in China being retailored for the United States. We've got rampant adult mental retardation in the US due to fluoride/lead issues PUT INTO in our drinking water. In the US if you're not detoxing you're being mentally retarded. Heavy metal neurotoxins are bad enough for our frontal lobe alone but damage to other organs, renal system, liver, etc. are not to be ignored.

Now that's a big pile of nasty highlights to think about. You have some unpleasant awakening to do. This world is not what they told you it is. What is in the box is not what's on the box. People have been compliant with the dumbing down of our species and many have lost the ability to rationalize for themselves making them dependent on believing what the talking heads tell them. What's in the box they give us is not good for us. This rabbit hole has no bottom.

Sincere good luck. You have a nasty hill to climb. Or you can go right on "obeying" without feeling a hitch. I spent well over a decade "waking". When I actually crossed that line, realization, it was not pleasant but things were finally put into perspective. I've hated being manipulated since I was a kid. I think that's what made me take issue with enough inconsistencies, lies & coverups to start seeing the greater beast. When a person wakes up to their first "deception", their first false flag, that's when we get our first skin of armor against the very real brainwashing that's going on globally. It's not pleasant realizing one has been tinkered with mentally but it's better than not realizing it.

Again, good luck.

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