
Jay Myers Documentaries #conspiracy #quack youtube.com

Adrenochrome, a substance extracted from a living human body. But could such a drug be real? According to numerous, independent researchers, not only is it real, but many of the Illuminati elite are addicted to it, and will stop at nothing to satisfy their depraved demand. Join me, as we dive down the dark rabbit hole of adrenochrome.

Long before popular culture portrayed vampires as sexy heroes, stories of a monstrous nobility that craved human blood were very much real. Elizabeth Bathry, the infamous "blood countess", was a Hungarian noblewoman who systematically murdered numerous young servant girls, not only bathing in, but consuming their blood. Elizabeth would pierce the flesh of the victim, hoist her up to the rafters, and swallow the blood as it ran down.

Could their really be a sect, among society, that is actually addicted to blood? And, if so, why?

Deeper research shows that the answer might lie with a certain hormone that floods our bodies during moments of intense fear or excitement: Adrenalin.

@Jeff Wise

So Adrenalin is a substance that your body releases into your bloodstream when you're in a potentially dangerous situation.

It's responsible for the fight-or-flight response in mammals, heightening senses and increasing strength and energy.

@Jeff Wise

In some ways, the fear response gives us superhuman powers [transcriber note: the original video played the snippet where he said "superhuman powers" twice].

@Jeff Wise

You find that you're able to really concentrate. You're able to use muscle strength in ways that are otherwise impossible.

@Jeff Wise

Basically, these chemicals that cascade into our bloodstreams and flood into our brains, they change the way we think and they change the way our bodies function. We don't feel pain.

In the right conditions, it can be exhilerating and downright addicting [transcriber note: the video shows stock footage of a roller coaster], thus the term, "Adrenalin junkies."

@Jeff Wise

When we do a parachute jump, we're experiencing the same chemicals in our brain that a meth user experiences in their brain. So, you absolutely can become addicted to that sensation.

Whether human or animal, blood sacrifice has long been a part of the rituals of many cultures, and it was discovered that after consuming the fresh, Adrenalin-saturated blood of a terrified victim, participants would experience a type of high off of the Adrenalin, which could include increased senses, hallucinations, and a sense of euphoria. Sometimes, assigning a supernatural causality to the effects.

Eventually, the precise timing was worked out, so that the victim was killed at the precise moment when the maximum amount of Adrenalin had been pumped into the body. This knowledge was passed down through secret societies, mystery schools, and intergenerational satanic cults.

@Linda Wiegand

When they torture the children, it causes a physical reaction of the endomorphines in your body, to increase because of the terror and the pain. So when the Satanists drink the blood, they actually get a chemical reaction — like a drug high from the blood of the tortured victim.

@David Icke

These entities are feeding off human energy, and one of the things they do is, when they're sacrificing somebody, the people with invisible light, the Satanists and the bloodlines, they'll drink the blood because when the terror reaches a certain point in the ritual, a certain Adrenalin goes into the blood which gives these people a high. I mean, sick is not the word. But on another level — an energetic level — the entities are feeding off the energy coming off of terror and fear.

Most satanic sacrifices involve some consumption of the blood, possibly even body parts. More disturbingly, some of these groups make a point of preferring the blood of children, believing it to be more potent.

Another reason the elite drink children's blood is for its known rejuvenating effects.

Ancient Astronaut Archive #ufo #magick youtube.com

(Description of two and a half hour video (not the longest of theirs by any means)

Preface 0:35
Introduction 6:57
PART 1: The History of Thoth, The Atlantean 10:03
PART 2: The Halls of Amenti 20:11
PART 3: The Key of Wisdom 30:50
PART 4: The Space Born 40:01
PART 5: The Dweller of Unal 48:24
PART 6: The Key of Magic 57:25
PART 7: The Seven Lords 1:06:50
PART 8: The Key of Mystery 1:16:40
PART 9: The Key to Freedom of Space 1:26:17
PART 10: The Key of Time 1:36:14
PART 11: The Key To Above and Below 1:46:29
PART 12: The Law of Cause and Effect & The Key of Prophecy 1:55:52
PART 13: The Keys of Life and Death 2:03:43
PART 14: Atlantis 2:10:17
PART 15: Secret of Secrets 2:20:32

Primarily through the works of Zecharia Sitchin and other scholars researching the ancient Sumerian, Babylonian and Akkadian texts, a connection has been posited between the pantheons of Sumerian gods and Egyptian gods. To those who have gained wisdom in this knowledge, we know it is more than a connection. One of the primary tenets of the Ancient Astronaut Hypothesis is that the Sumerian gods were real beings and not just part of a mythological construct of the earliest known civilization. As such, to find these gods’ equivalencies in other cultures and civilizations is of paramount importance. Such is the case with Thoth.

The Emerald Tablets contain a history of Atlantis, its mechanical and scientific achievements, the manner it sank below the Atlantean waves, the colonizing of ancient Egypt and even to the construction of the Great Pyramid. But their ‘real’ significance is that they contain the keys to the unfoldment of the Heavens, the Earth, and the Divine Soul of Man. These Tablets are so written that the words respond to attuned thought waves, releasing the associate mental vibrations of an exhilarating rhythm in the mind of the reader. Thus, the magnanimous wisdom of the author is revealed. A casual read will immediately glimpse the thrilling beauty of its rhythm. The Truth Seeker, who is willing to give them a more intensive study, will open avenues to the most intrinsic wisdom; wisdom of unutterable majesty and beauty.

Messiah Mews #quack #conspiracy youtube.com

There is NOTHING funny about this. God bless that poor child.

Little girl tries to delay getting shots
via JukinVideo

Just to show you how some adults are complete mind controlled idiots. There is NOTHING funny about this and these idiot adults should all be ashamed of themselves. Laughing at a terrified little girl. You know, kids are smart, they KNOW they are being poisoned on a subconscious level. One of my sisters used to toss out her polio sugar cube when no one was looking. You see? Kids know.

Ben Subliminals #sexist #quack youtube.com

Become The Ultimate Alpha Male | Subliminal Affirmations

This is a subliminal I have made for myself, It incorporates everything necessary to become an alpha male

Affirmations Include:

- Become confident and secure with yourself
- Attract Women naturally
- Become Relaxed and Focused
- Assertive and dominant
- Increase Testosterone & HGH
- Grow taller
- Manifest Money & Wealth
- Become healthy
- Become more attractive
- Strong face and jawline
- Develop disclipline and courage

How Do Subliminals Work?

Unconscious processes affect concious choices and subsequent behaviour. These subliminal affirmations are designed to reprogram your subconscious mind while bypassing your critical faculty, which can provide resistance to any new beliefs.

Ulric10, Notre Aira and Bacon Is Life #sexist youtube.com

(Comments on YouTube series OMG A GIRL, part 10)


Ya know the majority of gamers are most likely anti social and guys.... so of course they are gonna treat her like a guy but if you get angry there will be more teasing... I like some gamer girls cause they have a taste of male humor and when that happens its wholesome funny shit [...]


How is insulting her based off of her gender treating her like a guy? She shouldn’t have to deal with their bullshit just because they’re anti social

Notre Aira:

Venari.x I heard a lot of this bullshit excuse from guys from time to time. Men claim to be so mysterious and complex but they're all so similar to each other. They're so typical,cliche and predictable. They're even sharing one brain cell since they all say the same shit that my respect for them goes down the train every time they opened their mouth.

Ulric10 That's just what men want women to think. That's actually making making a cuckery out of women. So it's a great insult to be making a cuckery out of men but it's alright to make a cuckery out of women? We will not be made cuckolds! These men are actually making a cuckery out of women who play games but masking it as "treating her as one of the guys" because they think she wants "to be treated like a man so she have to act tough and suck all our verbal sexual harrasment up". No woman I know wants "to be treated like a man"! We want to be treated like human beings! But of course,the male definition of women being treated like human beings means making a cuckery out of us!

Ulric10 I joked with my friends that all men were born to cook,clean,sew and scrub our dirty floors on all fours. Men who don't know how to any of that isn't a man and don't deserve to be treated like human beings. We also laugh at how the male suicide rate is higher than women's because they act so tough yet they're so weak and insecure,it's pathetic. Now,suck all of that up. This is us treating you as one of the guys.

Bacon Is Life:

Notre Aira You have to be the most ignorant person ever. Male Suicide rate is higher because we actually know how to do it properly lmao. Anyways you’re words are no better than the people in this video and you’re nothing but a ignorant hypocrite. Maybe you should be a decent human being.

Little Light Studios #fundie youtube.com

Comic movies continue to dominate at the box office with Marvel emerging as the leader of the pack. In the Marvel universe, each movie showcased different characters by interweaving their lives with a common thread. It ends with them all battling villains who plan to destroy the whole world. It took ten years to complete the whole saga culminating in the last film of the series called 'Endgame'. Each movie has many Biblical themes and uses actual Bible verses in their dialog which reveal there must be a sinister plot behind all the imagery. This episode will not only shock you with the parallels to scripture, but it will also open your eyes to the war between Christ and Satan which is raging all around us. The end of the world is just around the corner and many of these deceptive movies may inspire viewers to war against God. If you have seen any Marvel films, you need to watch this LED Live episode. #Marvel #Theory #ENDGAME

MrW1974 #sexist youtube.com

(RE: Captain Marvel. You know the scene)

Assault And Theft Falls Under The Lines Of A Villain (Take Your Pick, Because There Are Many Out There) And Anti-Hero. (Punisher, Deadpool, Etc)

No Uproar Or Fan Backlash Will Ever Arise, If Captain Marvel Is Classified As An Anti-Hero Or A Villain.

Since She Is Not From Either Of These Groups? Then, Yes, Her Actions Are Villainous, Because She Cross The Line.

[Look Up Any Guide Codes In Comic Heroes, Or Rules In General, Concerning Heroes, And You Will See This Is Truth. Which Invalidates Anyone's Argument, Stating Otherwise.]

At Best, The Biker Can Be Seen As A Jerk, Who Offended Her Sensibility. That Same Jerk Is Also Still A Citizen, Because He Did Not Break The Law.

It Doesn't Matter What Her Reasons Are, A Hero (Captain America, Superman) Handles Matters Differently. If You Cannot Handle That Type Of Responsibility, Then You Should Never Don That Mantle.

Moving On

If Her Actions Were Made Known To The Rest Of The Public (VHS Recording- Since Were Talking The 90s- And Forward To The News) She Will Be Labeled An Outlaw Towards Local Authorizes, A Bully Amongst The Community, A Threat Towards Governments.

Yes, All Three, Because Of The Power Level She Contains, And Demonstrate, At Will. Even If She Does Save The Day, That Stain Will Be On Her Record, Within The Public Eyes, Until She Makes Amends.

In Comic Books, If That Crime Were Made Known? All Heroes, Including Shield, Will Take Her Down. And Best Believe Captain America Will Be In The Forefront.

You Have Your Answers, Backed By Printed Materials.
Overstand, If You Intend To Respond, Hoping To Lure Into A Banter... Know That A 'Back In Forth' Will Not Occur, Between You And I.
Snide Remarks, Possible Insults, Or Being Deliberately Obtuse With Additional Questions, Won't Aid You.

This Goes The Same For Everyone Else. I Have Stated Clearly. Now, Do Your Diligent The Research. No Further Response, Here On End.

****And If This Is The Same Individual Who First Replied, Except With Another Account? [NOTE: it’s not] Bravo To You. However, You Still Have The Answers, As To The Reasons Why This Is Wrong, Backed By Printed Rules.

[You Don’t Need To Start Every Word With A Capital Letter. It Makes You Sound Like Mr Pump.

Now, moving on...

“All heroes will take her down”…why, exactly? Because she gave a guy an owwie and took his bike? After he seemed to not get that she didn’t want to talk to him?]

It Appears I Did Not Copy And Paste My Full Reply. [ Now, Listed Below]. As To How I Capitalize? Stay On Target, By AddressingThe Issues Of The Video

Assault And Theft Falls Under The Lines Of A Villain (Take Your Pick, Because There Are Many Out There) And Anti-Hero. (Punisher, Deadpool, Etc)

No Uproar Or Fan Backlash Will Ever Arise, If Captain Marvel Is Classified As An Anti-Hero Or A Villain.

Since She Is Not From Either Of These Groups? Then, Yes, Her Actions Are Villainous, Because She Cross The Line.

[Look Up Any Guide Codes In Comic Heroes, Or Rules In General, Concerning Heroes, And You Will See This Is Truth. Which Invalidates Anyone's Argument, Stating Otherwise.]

At Best, The Biker Can Be Seen As A Jerk, Who Offended Her Sensibility. That Same Jerk Is Also Still A Citizen, Because He Did Not Break The Law.

It Doesn't Matter What Her Reasons Are, A Hero (Captain America, Superman) Handles Matters Differently. If You Cannot Handle That Type Of Responsibility, Then You Should Never Don That Mantle.

Moving Forward

If Her Actions Were Made Known To The Rest Of The Public (VHS Recording- Since Were Talking The 90s- And Forward To The News) She Will Be Labeled An Outlaw Towards Local Authorizes, A Bully Amongst The Community, A Threat Towards Governments.

Yes, All Three, Because Of The Power Level She Contains, And Demonstrate, At Will. Even If She Does Save The Day, That Stain Will Be On Her Record, Within The Public Eyes, Until She Makes Amends.

In Comic Books, If That Crime Were Made Known? All Heroes, Including Shield, Will Take Her Down. And Best Believe Captain America Will Be In The Forefront.

You Have Your Answers, Backed By Printed Materials.
Overstand, If You Intend To Respond, Hoping To Lure Into A Banter... Know That A 'Back In Forth' Will Not Occur, Between You And I.
Snide Remarks, Possible Insults, Or Being Deliberately Obtuse With Additional Questions, Won't Aid You.

This Goes The Same For Everyone Else. I Have Stated Clearly. Now, Do Your Diligent The Research. No Further Response, Here On End.

****And If This Is The Same Individual Who First Replied, Except With Another Account? Bravo To You. However, You Still Have The Answers, As To The Reasons Why This Is Wrong, Backed By Printed Rules.

Reinert Zerker #fundie youtube.com

You people hate the very thing that landed you where you are. You mistake your lack of responsibilities as absolute purity, which is hilarious. Unappreciative, with all the knowledge in the world and you probably watch Epic Fail videos. The only villainous thing God ever did was permitting your idiocy flourish and infect the world. No different from the selfish followers of Christ, yet you ironically oppose God. Oh the Humanity.

Shifting SubliminalsHD #magick #god-complex #psycho youtube.com

Wendigo Shapeshifting Subliminal

I can shift into a Wendigo
I can shift safely within seconds
I can shift whenever I wish I can safely get Wendigo physiology
My Wendigo form is my desired height
My Wendigo form is my desired gender
My Wendigo form is my desired appearance
I have my desired abilities
I have air walking
I can safely walk in the air like it’s a solid
I have animal manipulation
I have monster manipulation
I have cold immunity
I can’t be harmed by the cold
I have enhanced condition
I have Contaminant immunity
I have enhanced agility
I have enhanced dexterity
I have enhanced durability
I have enhanced invulnerability
I have enhanced endurance
I have enhanced leap
I have enhanced lung capacity
I have enhanced reflexes
I have enhanced senses
I have enhanced speed
I have enhanced strength
I can safely retract my teeth at will
I have enhanced bite
I have infinite digestive system
I have matter ingestion
I have possession
I have predator instincts
I have a regenerative healing factor
I have invisibility
I have weather manipulation
I have cannibalism empowerment

Shifting SubliminalsHD #magick youtube.com

(tl;dr: Listen to this music video and become a werewolf Mary Sue!)

Dog Shifter Subliminal

Listen at least 3-5 times a day!
This was made as a testing subliminal so I’m unaware if it works or not, let me know your results down below!
I’d say listen upto 3 weeks or 3 months but as I say it hasn’t been used before.

Results you’ll get from listening to this subliminal:
•Become a dog shifter
•Gain dog like instincts
•Shift freely whenever you want
•Have desired fur and eye colour (Only natural colours!!)
•Become desired breed
•Have dog eye colour become your eye colour
•Get increased agility, stamina and senses
•Canines love you
•You can speak human in dog form but humans don’t understand you, only dogs do
•Your DNA turns partly dog
•Your kids carry DNA to shift too
•You can turn others into dog shifters by biting them
•Can digest raw meat and foods dogs are poisonous to (Chocolate, ect) safety
•Vision in dog form is like your human eye sight, no black and white or lack of colour receptors
•Become immune to colds, diseases and simple illnesses
•Shift fully into a dog whenever you wish and as many times as you want
•Dog form is desired gender
•Dog form is desired age
•Shift within seconds

•How do I shift?
-You simply start by thinking of your desired dog form and you’ll start shifting. It should take only seconds. You might need to practice shifting by slowly moving to bigger body parts over time.

•Can I have braces while listening?
-No, I wouldn’t recommend this one for you since they’ll brake.

•Can I listen with headphones?
-Yes and No, the audio may seem like a stage with headphones. I’d recommend not using them but if you must keep on a low volume and don’t be frightened by the audios concert like texture.

•Can I listen at night?
-Sure!, any time of the day is suitable for this subliminal there’s no set time to listen.

•Can I just have ears/tail?
-No, this is only a full body shift.

Haven’t answered your question? Leave me them in the comments box and I’ll get to them ASAP! :)

Various Fundies #fundie #homophobia youtube.com

(=Fundie backlash against pro gay Christian YouTube channel “Taboo Topics”=)

1. CableCutter: Inc When paul wrote that he wasnt referring to moral law....he was talking about ceremony laws.... so its ok to kill ?(thats what you are saying, when you said paul said we are no longer under the law. Your hermeneutic (BIBLE interpretation) is so wrong.

2. Anthony J. McGirr: You don't care about the truth. And you are pushing an agenda. That's why you keep posting anti-Christian posts.

3. Melvin Castillo: Her spirit is weak.

4. Jeffrey Potter: You have elevated emotions above truth. If you can use the Bible to justify anything...throw it away. You don't need it. You can manipulate it to say anything you want. It saddens me to think what potential you have in being trained in righteousness and being equipped for God's kingdom. There is still time to repent. My heart breaks for ya'. All of our battles are in the realm of the spiritual... If homosexuality was normal and God was okay with it...then if you could place all of like gendered homosexual people on an island with no traveling off that island and no other visitors able to come to the island....after 150 years...would there be any families? Granted... there have been some interesting questions one can ask the pastors to keep them accountable to God's word and feeding His sheep...but to say that what the Holy Spirit teaches is wrong cuz it doesn't line up with your feelings or interpretation is basically you having a tantrum against God cuz your pastors may not have been well equipped to deal with the seeker and questioner as opposed to just keeping the pews filled and etc. As much as you hold up the human emotion to be such a gentle thing that shouldn't be damaged... I can see that you're hurting. I will pray for you.

5. Josh DeSalvo Sure: many of the laws were related to being seperate from the other pagan nations regarding clothes, foods consumed, and other aesthetic aspects which was done away with after Christ fulfilled the law and Gentiles were welcomed into the Kingdom of God. However, Jesus nor any other text in scripture, indicates giving up the entirety of the law such as being obedient to God and His commands as well as the judiciary system necessary to solve issues within the church. We understand this through how Jesus communicates with His disciples as well as how Paul communicates with the church's through His letters, they speak with the understanding that the audience knows the commands he has laid out for them in the Old Testament and should be following them accordingly. Only thing mentioned in scripture regarding gentiles following the "Jewish Law" related to circumcision and foods sacrificed to idols in Acts 15:29. Paul identifies the necessity of law in Roman's 7 and 8 and our expectations of Christians and the necessity to follow the law.

6. Shayla: The same arguments in this video have been proven by Christian scholars and apologists to be inconsistent. These are old arguments. It’s very easy to say what she’s saying in an isolated environment without actually testing the validity and consistency of her statements against someone who truly understands the Bible. Her error stems from completely misunderstanding the covenants within the Bible and the purpose and application of each covenant which is illustrated as you move from the old to the New Testament. They are entwined. Misunderstanding that leads to exactly what we see in this video. Nice try though

7. Jam AK: An atheist who doesn t have the Holy spirit gives us a bible study! Good fruit is sexual immorality????what???? Homosexuals will not inherit the kingdom of God (1corinthians 6:9-10 i read in other languages it translates as homosexuals... nice try.

Freedom Toons #wingnut #sexist youtube.com

Due to the recent pro life laws in states such as Georgia and Alabama, pro choice advocates are finding themselves loudly concerned with the potential risks to women's health that might result from abortion restrictions. And who could blame them? Before Roe v Wade, thousands of women died in unsafe back alley abortions every year. Or did they?

Despite this claim being repeated by everyone from pro choice organizations and left leaning columnists, to the president of Planned Parenthood herself, it's almost completely untrue.

[Seamus then proceeds to list data concerning deaths from childbirth/miscarriage]

So why do so many people seem to believe that overturning Roe v Wade would lead to thousands of abortion related deaths every year? This is in large part the result of a misinformation campaign spread by advocates of abortion. Pre 1973, your average person would never support ending the life of an unborn child. But if it meant protecting women from unsafe procedures, well, they might support legalizing abortion even if they didn't support it personally. And even though as early as 1955, it was estimated by Planned Parenthood that 90% of all abortions were done by physicians, the narrative that dangerous back alley procedures were the only alternative to legalizing abortion nationwide captured the public imagination. In fact, Dr. Bernard Nathanson, who defected from the prochoice movement, stated:

"How many deaths were we talking about when abortion was illegal? In NARAL, we always said 5000 to 10000 a year. I confess that I always knew the figures to be false. But it was a useful figure, widely accepted, so why go out of our way to correct it with honest statistics?"

So remember, the pervasive narrative of common and outlandishly dangerous back alley abortions is mostly mythical. The discussion at hand should be about whether it is acceptable to end the life of an unborn child for any reason. I believe the answer to that question is no. And you may not agree with me on that, but if we want the conversation to go anywhere, we can't allow it to be hijacked by mistruths. Thank you for watching.

Steve Wilson, YouTube #fundie youtube.com

Annihilation-ism Destruction of the Soul = Old Heresy

The origins of the doctrine known as "annihilationism" go all the way back to the 4th-century when a man named Arnobius first propagated a doctrine that unbelievers passed into "nonexistence" either at death or at the time of resurrection. "As to man, Arnobius . . . denies his immortality. The soul outlives the body but depends solely on God for the gift of eternal duration. The wicked go to the fire of Gehenna, and will ultimately be consumed or annihilated" (Schaff 859). It was condemned as heresy at the Second Council of Constantinople in 553 A.D. The doctrine did not reappear again in church history until at least the 12th century. Throughout church history, leading church fathers have taken a strong stand against annihilationism (or conditionalism) in favor of the traditional (orthodox) view of hell as eternal punishment (everlasting) for those who choose to reject Jesus Christ and His gracious offer of eternal life. A few of the more famous figures of Christ's church who have given whole-hearted support to the traditional doctrine include: Tertullian, Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, Martin Luther, John Calvin, Jonathan Edwards, John Wesley, George Whitefield, Charles Haddon Spurgeon, and Dwight L. Moody. The Westminster Confession of Faith was very clear in its affirming of hell as eternal punishment: "but the wicked who know not God, and obey not the gospel of Jesus Christ, shall be cast into eternal torments, and be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power" (Grudem 1196).

Jesus said Matt 25:46 "And these will go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous into eternal life." Both words, everlasting & eternal, have the same greek word αἰώνιος aiōnios G166 which is defined as "1) without beginning and end, that which always has been and always will be, 2) without beginning, 3) without end, never to cease, everlasting". So Jesus disproves your point. Big diff from earthly end & eternal punishment.

Jesus said it, so your argument is with Him, not me. HE was the one who used a very specific word and definition. Lots of examples of earthly end of cities, people, etc vs the lake of fire that was prepared for the devil and his angels, which is without beginning or end.

Another problem w/ annihilation doctrine = you are now between a rock & a hard place. IF you believe Paul THEN you disregard the words of Jesus (saying Jesus error-ed) = HUGE problem. Now IF you believe Jesus THEN you disregard Paul & his writings are not inspired ure & is a different message = big problem.

he only way to explain w/out causing biblical contradictions is to see the difference between earthy destruction & eternal punishment.

Another problem w/ cherry picking ure is it contradicts others. For example Daniel 12:2 - "Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake; some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt." So an OT ure states the opposite of your claim. Does that mean Daniel is not an inspired book & Daniel is a false teacher? Hmmm...

The more scriptures you look at, the more contradictions u have when forcing the doctrine of annihilationism (which is an old heresy).

I hope this helps.


Annihilation-ism Destruction of the Soul Old Heresy webcam video hetgow

dulled edge #fundie youtube.com

insulting anyone should be banned by your logic grow a thicker skin this is the internet, not middle school crowders videos are not about moza they are about what he/vox says in the video insulting someone in a response video is normal hell you do it in this video

K-Stone #fundie youtube.com

sinister repetitive music

Just another ordinary day
Do you believe that all you can see is all that there is?
Open your mind’s eye to the world of the real

This was not a dream, this was not a dream
I had a visit from the spirit world by two beings
They stood either side of me, they didn’t say a word to me
Then we flew out of the room taking nothing with me
Call it astral projection, it was another dimension
We flew across the earth it felt natural high elevation
We kept on going, I could see we were approaching
A creature sitting on a throne, it was terrifying

I saw Satan, I saw Satan
I walked on his face and his neck and his chest and his legs and he couldn’t do nothing
I saw Satan, I saw Satan
I have power over the demons I have the Heptagram Ring

8 foot tall and scary, he was looking right at me
He sat in silence ready and waiting, what is he going to do to me?
He had long horns on his head, goat face eyes blood red
I was just waiting for him to what, kill me dead?
He stood up off his throne, he walked away from his throne
He lay on the ground on his back he made no sound he did not moan
I wondered what was happening, then I was told to do something
I was told to step on his face and his chest and he couldn’t do nothing

His power is insane, now he knows my name
I have conquered him in that world now it’s time to reign
He’s a powerful being, very powerful being
Now he’s under my feet so that makes me a powerful being
This world is not what you think, this world is not what you think
It’s been a cycle for hundreds of years, a day is like a blink
It’s time to realise, the ancient world arrives
When the veil is lifted you’re not gonna believe your eyes

Do not rejoice because these spirits obey you, but rather know that your name is written in heaven.

You are Grand Master!

Wil Adams #sexist youtube.com

I don't understand why you don't seem to see that Hollywood is no longer making films for men. They are making them for beta males and women. Their research has shown them that women are now the largest demographic, and producers Kathleen Kennedy and JJ Abrams, and Josh Wedon along with James Cameron have all bought into the STEM idea--you know, the one that says if men are removed as obstacles more women will become engineers and microbiologists et al? The problem is that is a myth, as we now see, but Hollywood is a bit behind the curve. They are taking franchises that they know men want to see, and using that to lure in the men, and then destroying the classic Hero's Journey by just GIVING all the power and control to women--ala Rey. Fear not, because this is failing, and that is why you are starting to see tweaks to the story, and before long you will see films like: Star Wars: Queen of Naboo. There will be dialogue like this: Queen, "Mata, I don't want you to go, Naboo needs you.' Looking look into the eyes. "I need you." Mata: "Your Highness, I must go, if Naboo is to be safe, if you are to live, I must go.: Looks away. "I want to take you now, to hold you, and kiss you deeply." Looks back. "But I can't." "Why, Mata, please, tell me why leaving is necessary." Moves up behind, and the arms encircle Mata. "You know I only want to keep you because I love you." Yep, we are looking at the non-binary Star Wars: The Harlequin Romance.

Rod Pickens, Youtube #fundie youtube.com

1 Truth: What kind of 'loving god' sends u to hell?!, this is a deceiving & evil en+ity &it is farming human souls. What kind of creator sends u with no prior knowledge of self expect u 2b good in an evil world.? Archons farm humans same way we farm animals.

Rod Pickens; The bible says its not God intent that we perish and go to hell. What about the loving God wants us to spend eternity with him and not in hell. Hell isn’t the focus of the faith, love is. If hell is all you got from the faith then you might need to be taught the bible. God doesnt send us there our bad decisions do.

1 Truth: so in the Bible he demands worship... If you created something or some1 would you demand it to worship you? If you do make it to 'heavan' which I call advanced software. You get there, then what? Just be iin awe? You eventually get sent back with no prior memories of past lives. Reincarnated\recycled so the energy/light/love you tease they feed on. Like the movie sausage party humans are food.

Rod Pickens 1 Truth Its clear that you have your mind made up on what you believe. I respect you enough not to offend you with what I believe. Id rather build relationships and get to know people more than Try to convince someone that my belief is real. Its better to live my life and allow my life to prove thats its real. If I can’t do that then what I believe is meaningless.

Truth @Rod Pickens at the end of the day all beLIEfs are lies, what if u were born a different race, a different country ? Which religion is right? The one you're born in2?

Rod Pickens: The one that can be proven with power. Thats what make Jesus real. I have seen the heal sick, blinded people received sight, deaf able to hear. I have seen real miracles and I have 100% compelled.

Rod Pickens & followers, Youtube #fundie youtube.com

Out Of Body Experience (THIS WILL BLOW YOUR MIND)

Jeremiah Kirby: Rod, I spoke to Christians around the world and we all agreed that time has already been sped up. Can't be long now. The wheat and the tare are separating themselves and those that have tried hiding behind a Bible are exposing their true nature. It's all happening RIGHT NOW!

Mushkari Radona: Be blessed son,the devil will be working overtime to discredit this message,but dont worry,God is your righteous and faithful witness.

Valencia Johnson: It's better to believe this testimony than not too. Think about it.... if you believe it, you win, and see it as God's grace (it's not costing you anything) BUT if you are wrong and he is right about what he saw..... it may be too late for you one day. Take this as God's grace. God is speaking to us and we need to get busy winning souls because time is running short now as we are in the last days. Lord Help Us to live according to your written and spoken Word, In Jesus Name.

Reinhardt #fundie youtube.com

Men are we stupid? Its been staring us in the face every hour and every day. How much longer can this continue? What will be the repercussions of all this in 30 years, 40 years? Do we even have that long? What will the year 2030 even look like? Honestly 2019 is a foreign concept to just even 2010. This shit has become pure madness lately.

Have faith fren,
In the 80s God created AIDS to purge Babylon. Today he has blessed us with Super-Gonorrhea.

577AllWell #conspiracy #racist youtube.com

It's interesting how the mainstream opinion of "eugenics" changes so rapidly from generation to generation. I don't know if it's officially supported or shunned right now. I expect that within the next 20 years, some people, at least, will not be allowed to choose their mate - they will be paired with a suitably-diverse partner by a tribunal of eugenics overseers.

Star Trek Theory #racist youtube.com

You didn’t like a Klingon kid going Bezerker in the White Enterprise school because, not because it was a bad message, but because it challenged your model. What would your White/Asian suburban school do if you suddenly had a veuvo riche Black family put their Black kid with anger management issues next to your daughter?

577AllWell #racist youtube.com

"Racism" is itself just Anti-white hatespeech...if the target is not white, it's just some kind of happy noble tribalism... so really everything in Star Trek fits the same postmodern ideology. It only seems hypocritical if you ignore the explicit and implicit AntiWhite narrative. 🖖

Dore Love, Youtube #homophobia youtube.com

The LGBT community shows their true colors

Preaching the love of God in a predominantly LGBT neighborhood while getting mobbed and attacked for preaching GOD so loved the world.Dorre Love

(=Later comment=)
Pinned by Dorre Love

I would just like to praise GOD and thank everyone for their prayers,kind words and contributions that helped me replace the equipment that these people destroyed. I am honoured and humbled by the love and support my family in Christ have displayed. I have a new found respect for the people of GOD. GOD bless you family.

Dorre Love & commentors, Youtube #fundie #wingnut youtube.com

Pro Jesus or Pro Choice (street preaching)

Answering questions about abortion while preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. Dorre Love

(=Comments in that same video=)

Gab Raah: Nobody can defeat Dorre Love because he stands on the word of God.

Miguel M: Pro-abortionists will ALWAYS lose arguements. That’s why they act like this. They know they already lost, they try to scream and act like this thinking they will win. Lol

Pastor Steven Anderson #fundie #homophobia youtube.com

If you keep reading that Sodom and Gomorrah story every year of your life, you’d think eventually it’s gonna sink in! You’d think if they just read Romans 1 thirty more times, it’s gonna sink in! But they don’t care about the truth! They don’t care what God’s word says! They don’t care about the victims! They don’t care about their children! All they care about is their own safety because they’re afraid of being persecuted! Bring on the persecution, because I’m not gonna pander to this faggot agenda!

Pastor Patrick Boyle #fundie #homophobia #transphobia youtube.com

Look at verse number 14. You say, “I thought we were in church; we’re not supposed to hate anything.”

Well, we hate the things God hates, amen! And we love the things God loves. And God hates homos, amen. God hates the faggots and the queers and the LGBT crowd.

And you say, “Well, I don’t like it”.

[A couple of people can be seen getting up and making their way towards the exit, although many more people in the congregation are responding with “Amen”s.]

Well, God hasn’t changed. And God’s not changing. And if you don’t like it, there’s the door, amen. We hate homosexuals around here because God hates them, amen. And if anybody else feels compelled to follow those out, follow ’em out, amen. We’re gonna believe that all the way until Jesus comes back, and capital punishment for everybody that’s a homo, amen.

Pastor Patrick Boyle, #fundie #homophobia #transphobia youtube.com

Hello everybody, Pastor Boyle here from Revival Baptist Church in Orlando, Florida with a very important announcement to make. We’re gonna be hosting this June 14th, 15th, and 16th a conference exposing the reprobates. The name of our conference is “Make America Straight Again”. That’ll be a Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, the 14th, 15th, and 16th of June, and we’re gonna have preachers like Pastor Tommy McMurtry, Pastor Steven Anderson, Pastor Roger Jimenez, Pastor Aaron Thompson, and many others who have already been known for making a vocal stand against the sodomites and their filth that they’ve been spreading in to the homes and families across the world and the United States of America. And we’ve chosen this place and time because this is their Gay Pride Week in Orlando, and they’re gonna be out proud of who they are and daring someone to say something, and we’re gonna go ahead and take them up on it, and this conference is gonna be explaining our view, or rather, God’s view on it.

In fact, the verse that we’ve chosen is Ecclesiastes 1:15, and the Bible says, “That which is crooked cannot be made straight”, and another verse that follows that is Ecclesiastes 7:13, and the Bible reads, “Consider the work of God: for who can make that straight, which he hath made crooked?” And God’s asking the question, once someone’s been turned over, who can then bring them back? And the answer is no one. And this is gonna shock some people, but don’t be too surprised. This same doctrine - it’s nothing new - this same doctrine was once thundered in pulpits all across the United States of America just a generation or two ago. Well, we’re bringing it back up. We’re opening our Bibles. We’re gonna blow the dust off this doctrine and expose it for what it is, and I want you to be there. If you can be there, get time off work, drive in, fly in, we’ll make accommodations, be here for it. That’s June 14th, 15th, and 16th.

[The rest of the video shows clips of the pastors who will be speaking at the conference making appallingly vile homophobic remarks, often to the cheers of their congregations.]

Pastor Tommy McMurtry #fundie #homophobia #transphobia youtube.com

We’re supposed to see that life. We should look at those - you know, I don’t think you ought to go watch the Gay Pride Parades, OK - but if you do watch a Gay Pride Parade, and you see the disgusting stuff that goes on, when you see all the cross-dressing, what that’s supposed to do to us, that’s supposed to disgust us and scare us into saying, “You know what? I don’t want to reject God.” And that should be a warning, when you see those two guys out in public holding hands or whatever, that ought to be something to point your kids at that “That’s why you don’t reject God. Because you’ll be like that!” But unfortunately, we’re not repulsed by that because it’s been made to look good through Hollywood and the news media. We’re being told, we’re being brainwashed in our schools that that’s normal, that there’s nothing wrong with that, but that is supposed to be a warning to us. That’s supposed to be a warning to all who would reject God to be careful because rejecting God will lead to some horrible places, and right there is it.

Pastor Roger Jimenez #fundie #homophobia youtube.com

And look, no normal, natural, hair-legged man thinks it’s anywhere near normal to go to bed with another man. It’s unnatural. It’s not normal.

You say, “Well, do you think that sodomites are pedophiles?”

Yeah, I do.

You say, “Well, you, weren’t you sad when they died in Orlando?”

No, I’m not sad when pedophiles and rapists die! It doesn’t break - I don’t shed a tear over it!

“Why”, you say, “why?”

Because I know what they do. Because I know what they can produce.

Alex Jones #conspiracy #homophobia youtube.com

(Transscript of video)
In the interval [?] the Pentagon just tested a gay bomb on Iraq, they considered it, they didn’t [?] consider using it, they used it on our troops, in Vietnam, they sprayed PCP on our troops - Jacob’s Ladder - ha - you think PCP - some horse tranquilizers or something? They got some stuff that’ll whack your brain permanently.
Brain chips in the troops. They give the troops special vaccines that really [?] nanotech that auto[?]-re-engineers their brains.
Now there is the gay bomb.
Look it up for yourself, this is what do you think tap water is, it’s a gay bomb, baby.
And I’m not saying people didn’t naturally have homosexual feelings, I’m not even getting into it, quite frankly, give me a break. You think I… I’m, like, shocked by it [?] [incomprehensible] bashing it because I don’t like gay people. I DON’T LIKE THEM PUTTING CHEMICALS IN THE WATER! THEY TURN THE FRICKING FROGS GAY!
Do you understand that?
Ungh! Ungh! Ungh! Ungh! [bangs paper on table]
I’m sick of being socially engineered! It’s not funny!

Goebbelschen Moon ?? #sexist youtube.com

Message to all the libtards here:

Yes, modernity and feminism are an ill altogether. As the great Savoyard philosopher Joseph de Maistre once stated, the only fault in women is to desire to be like men. Now we have started to see the disastrous effects of this egalitarian neurasthenia, women who have lost their femininity and respect, driven by a burning narcissism in a perpetual state of self-centred infancy, and emasculated feeble-minded and materialistic weak men, who tend to become sleazebags and perverts or soyboys by default.

On the 'radicalisation of western young men and women' what we are witnessing is just the decline in popularity of those very movements which flourished in the 1960's and 1970's and which aimed at the removal of our cultural, social and national identity. It's amusing when all these people who are at the same time the ones advancing tyrannical levels of repression and censorship against everything nationalist , and promoting miscegenation (i.e. the destruction of all races) dare to hoist such lofty words as 'diversity' in order to recruit en masse their armies of gullible minds, when it's well-known that the only possible method of conserving diversity is by means of ethnopluralism, i.e. by means of a set of ethnically and culturally self-preserving entities and structures devoted to ensure the preservation of all cultures, races and identities within their natural habitat (be it the japanese, german, french or cambodian culture and race).

Matt Powell #fundie youtube.com

It's amazing. I don't like to get on the subject of evolution with atheists because they just freak out. They're like,

"Oh my, I can't believe you don't believe in evolution!"

Why would I? It's stupid! You have to actually defy science.

"Oh, it's scientific."

Well, what about this?

"Oh, I never thought of that. Oh, it never really even crossed my mind."

Because we live in a school where it's just fill-in-the-blank. Fill in the blank. Fill in the blank. They're not taught to logic. They're not taught to reason. I thank God that I was in a home where I at least got taught how to logic, you know.

And you know what all these atheists have in common? You know, all, they've been attacking us online. They put out a little two hour documentary trying to expose the one pastor and I put out, Brother Brandon, put out a two hour documentary. You know what all these atheists have in common? Video games! They all play video games! And Harry Potter! You get on their channel, they're in fantasyland! That's all they ever do! They can't think for themselves. They sit back and they drink Coke all day and sit behind a video game system and then wonder why, "Oh, you're crazy, Brother Powell for believing in a creator. Oh, you're insane."

No, you're crazy! And you need to get off the video game system, and somebody needs to preach to them the gospel of Jesus Christ and so then they can be saved! That's what we need! And I am sick and tired of these stinking video games messing with people!

Steven Scott #fundie youtube.com

(=Regarding the death of Tina Grimmie, mother of murdered singer Christina Grimmie=)

Ann clinkscales: At least she'll see her daughter again, R.I.P

Steven Scott
ONLY if they were both Christian.


kimberly rios: @Steven Scott umm ????

Steven Scott
Yes, Kimberly? It is true. ONLY if they were both Christia will they see each other. This will mean that they will be in Heaven and see each other. If only one was Christian, they will NOT see each other. If NEITHER was a Christian, they will not see each other.

Steven Scott #fundie youtube.com

I am SO sorry to hear that you don't believe Heaven is real. This means you also don't believe in Hell. Jesus created both of them. Heaven is for Christians, and Hell is for those who have NOT asked for God's forgiveness and become a Christian. If you still don't believe this when you pass away, then you WILL believe it when you stand before the Great White Throne, and see God. Unfortunately, it will be TOO late to change your heart, and you will have to pay for your life of sins.

Chris Ray Gun #fundie youtube.com

(Lyrics to "Ain't No Rest for the Triggered")

Well I shared a thought online
It was an innocuous tweet
I didn't really think much of it at the time
But then a couple of days later
I was fired from my job
And the reason left me well beyond surprised
Someone had taken what I said
Wrote a ridiculous op-ed
And spread it all over the goddamn internet
I came in contact with the author
And I asked her, "Hey, what gives"
She messaged me and this is what she said:

"Oh, there ain't no rest for the triggered
We're easily displeased
We've got hair to dye
We've got tears to cry
Please gimme your sympathy
No I won't let loose, I get my news
From places like Salon
No there ain't no rest for the triggered
Donate to my Patreon"

Not even fifteen minutes later
I had come across a crowd
It was a protest over something someone said
They called for the resignation
Of a man who seemed quite patient
In explaining what it was he really meant
Apparently the crowd was mad
That he didn't wanna ban
Halloween costumes that might have offended some
When I tried to intervene
A lady lunged out right at me
She summoned some muscle, and then began to hum

"Oh, there ain't no rest for the triggered
We're easily displeased
We've got hair to dye
We've got tears to cry
Please gimme your sympathy
No I won't let loose, I get my news
From places like Polygon
No there ain't no rest for the triggered
Donate to my Patreon"

So now a couple hours passed
I'm walking up to my front door
But from my peripheral vision I could see
That a man had dropped his keys
And like a gymnast on trapeze
I caught them in mid-air and said, "Sir, you dropped these"
He turned around in pure disgust
He said, "I'm not even a man
I'm a bigendered girl with manly tendencies"
I said, "Okay, Sir, whatever"
And he called up the police
Now I'm serving six to ten because I dared to disagree

"Oh, there ain't no rest for the triggered
We're easily displeased
We've got hair to dye
We've got tears to cry
Please gimme your sympathy
No I won't let loose, I get my news
From places like Salon
No there ain't no rest for the triggered
Donate to my Patreon"

HoH SiS #fundie youtube.com

@Opio Rotten that is what happens when we let liberal subversion (via freemasonry and jews) rotten moral, ethics and family values out of people's imaginary and day-to-day lives.
People become spiritualy weak, live for labels on a shallow pursue for happiness, sexual and social validation. Males become cucks, cheaters, incels and tax money machines to feed in whores through artificial privileges, welfare and free attention from social networks.
Men should never turn their backs to God, they must keep patriarchal core values and their pimp hand strong and stead.
Men must follow God and women must assist men in the accomplishment of the Lord's will.
All the alternatives to this path will lead humanity to degeneration, atomization and inevitable self destruction.
And I am sure Islam will take over latin america due to this induced moral emptyness.
And people here, specialy males, will beg on their knees for conversion.?

sv3rige #fundie youtube.com

You're mentally ill if you don't eat raw meat, OK. What excuse could you fucking possibly have for not eating your natural diet. If you see blood, liver and brain and don't find those foods appetizing then you're mentally ill. You have been indoctrinated. If you were brainwashed as a kid to eat other food then you're still mentally ill by definition.

What is actually available in nature? Not those cultivated man-made plants that you find in the shop. Fruit, for example, is mostly water with some sugar, almost no vitamins and a few minerals. Yet you see those shops everywhere that sell "vitamin bombs". What vitamins are those? Vitamin C? Where's everything else? Blood has every single vitamin. Fruit has fucking nothing. This is the retardation of today's society. The skin is toxic and so are the seeds. All of them have anti-nutrients. Absolutely fucking useless.

Truthunedited #fundie youtube.com

movie Black Panther is breaking massive records at the box office. The black community feels that they are finally represented. But is there more at play? Why all of the sudden now does Hollywood want to promote black strength? Most of us aren't asking these questions. Black Panther is a movie serving witchcraft and the occult to the black community as being normal. Most of us don't realize it because we"re so caught up with our blackness, we put it before our God. Our blackness is an idol and it prevents us from seeing things clearly.

TheAquaStan #racist youtube.com

Thank you for your valuable time and kind courtesy in making and posting this vid - as i was about to buy the one for Fabrics, and was searching for reviews on the web - and came across your vid. Though this is HC glue - but that speaks VOLUMES about the quality of all their other products -

anything and everything from "ricebowl-republic " is LOWER than FECES in quality - and its a SHAME that USA is promoting and selling / dealing with and in / promoting and selling stuff like these ---- well...... every nation is buying into the "ricebowl-republic " FECES-
because .... this prod. has an american address upon searching the net for information on this prod. but the product is actually formulated and packaged in "ricebowl-republic "

BOYCOTT AND BAN "them" and their Schitty Products. from "ricebowl-republic ".

This is not a racist rant * (and if readers think it is - THEN they CAN Kneel and K.M.A or S.M.B. i give them the freedom of choice ) -

But Money "talks" today - and if people throw money THEN products should be worth their "weight" for the money thrown.... but not so ...

what happened to the days when THINGS WERE GENUINE and all tags on products read like .... MADE IN U.S.A. - MADE IN GREAT BRITAIN - MADE IN GERMANY - MADE IN JAPAN ?????????? all gone .....
and compromised for.... "ricebowl-republic " the Fecal Monger's Product

ThyWillBeDone1985 #fundie youtube.com

(=Video in the link in a sermon by Pastor Charles Lawson that can't be copy and paste=)

HELL FIRE: The Most Powerful Sermon Ever!!!

Are you sure you're going to heaven when you die? Or are you willing to chance your eternal soul and possibly end up in hell fire?? Why not make sure of the matter today, while there is still time?

The good news is: You can KNOW that you're going to heaven. The Bible clearly states:

"These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God." 1 John 5:13

You see, God wants us to KNOW, and have the matter settled. There can be no misery greater than living life wondering if some day you will lift up your eyes in hell!

The Bible so wonderfully makes salvation clear. It is a gift given of God, that cannot be earned in any way of our own doing.

"For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast." Ephesians 2:8-9

"Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost." Titus 3:5

Jesus Christ made this wonderful, free salvation possible.

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16

Do you see what the verse says? It is simply BELIEF, or rather FAITH, TRUST, in Jesus Christ that saves. I am so thankful for these following verses that tell of man who sincerely wanted to be saved, and was told how:

"Then he called for a light, and sprang in, and came trembling, and fell down before Paul and Silas, And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved?
And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house." Acts 16:29-30

Christ came to this earth, God in the flesh, a perfect man who never committed sin. He sacrificed His life of the cross of Calvary, shed His blood, as PAYMENT for our sin. You see, our sin separates us from a perfect and Holy God. We have no way to approach God in and of ourselves, for He is HOLY, righteous, perfect, and pure. He cannot tolerate sin. So Jesus took upon Himself the sins of the world, that we might be reconciled *(bought back) to God. We can come to the Father through Jesus Christ His Son!

"Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." John 14:6

So what must I believe, more specifically, about Jesus Christ to be eternally saved, you may ask...? You are saved by BELIEVING the good news of the Gospel, Christ's death, burial, and resurrection!
When you accept this beautiful truth, that Christ loves you and died for YOUR sins, and arose from the grave FOR YOU, TO SAVE YOU FROM HELL, and you simply say yes to Him (call upon the Lord), in child-like simplicity, offering nothing of yourself or self-righteousness to God, but clinging only to CHRIST'S MERIT and HIS righteousness, YOU WILL BE SAVED.

1 Corinthians 15 says:

"1 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;

2 BY WHICH ALSO YE ARE SAVED, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.

3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;

4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:"

"That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved."

Would you be willing to put your whole-hearted faith on Jesus to make it to heaven... instead of trusting yourself and your own way? If you say yes, and will trust what the Bible promises to every sinner who would believe on Jesus Christ, would you humbly go to God in prayer and ask Him to save you in the name of Jesus?

God bless you all who watch my videos. I pray many will come to know of the wonderful saving grace of Jesus Christ.

Austin Willcut #fundie youtube.com

You're right on some stuff and very wrong on others. I agree man is a soul(Read genesis, the creation of Adam) but he was not created mortal either.....Adam and Eve were immortal until the fall of man and sin, that's where death came in. Only through Christ/repentance/regeneration/getting saved can we go back to God's original plan for humanity before Satan butted in and receive eternal life in Heaven....simple as that. Man was always intended to be immortal because God is immortal and we're created in His image.....it's just common sense and it's Biblical. The whole "spirit departing from the body after death" comes from Platonism and Gnosticism and is not Biblical at all.....very pagan stuff and complete bullshit. A lot of people get these things backwards including Christians who are very ignorant and don't read scripture carefully or do research. No, the Bible does not teach "annihilationism" where are you getting that? Scripture please. The Bible is very clear on eternal punishment/lake of fire(plenty of scripture for this), man is eternal either way no matter what you believe because the Bible/God says so. We're only "mortal" for a short while. The question is: where are people going to spend eternity? Heaven or Hell.....it's that simple.

MESSIAH MINISTRIES #fundie youtube.com

A Letter From Satan To The So-Called Christian

Are You A "True Follower Of Jesus"?! ...Does You Lifestyle Show It?!

Watch this video - then ask yourself - if some - or all of the sins mentioned - are an intentional, habitual and/or continual part - of your everyday "Christian" Life.

If so - you need to examine yourself - to see if you are a "True Follower Of Jesus".

Bill Smith #conspiracy youtube.com

#GunControl: New Zealand's Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern Has Male Genitals? (BIG BALLS Cover)

Jacinda Arderns transformation is better than the transgender man at gamestop. New Zealand swells with prides of much letters!
REPOST FROM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ZGra...

But wait, how could Jacinda, possibly New Zealand's first M2F Transgendered Prime Minister, give birth?

LOOK UP: Moonbump

*its what all the big celebrities like Chrissy Teigen use to fake pregnancies during surrogate births.

She worked in the United Kingdom as a policy advisor to British Prime Minister Tony Blair (DEEPSTATE Iraq War)

In 2008, she was elected President of the International Union of Socialist Youth.

Ideologically, Ardern describes herself as both a social democrat and a progressive. She is the world's youngest female head of government, having taken office at age 37.

Giving birth to a daughter on 21 June 2018 (*cough cough)

That New Zealand National Anthem might just become an Elton John Song if you guys are careful.

Carry on! Nothing to see here!


Raised as a Mormon, Jacinda Ardern was a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Ardern's "partner" is television presenter Clarke Gayford (..lolz..)

John Buagh #fundie youtube.com

Tyler Houck: Ah yes...scripture The infallible "word of God". The sacred books man can't keep his hands off of; retranslated, rewritten, reinterpreted by generations with agendas and schemes or the blasphemously ignorant to preach to masses.
The "good book" that will damn you to an eternity of servitude.

John Baugh: Your anger seems only exceeded by your ignorance of Scripture and its preservation. There is a science called textual criticism, which is used to verify the original writings given many different copies with tiny variations because of transmission errors, like scribes misreading words or marginal notes making their way into the actual text accidentally (or on purpose.).
For example, there are ancient Greek poems that have 200 or 300 textual variants, which actually helps scholars produce the original with better accuracy. And almost no scholar rejects a piece of literature from antiquity as being flawed if it has 200 or 300 textual variants. The more textual variants, the better. The Bible has over 5,600 textual variants. Over 98% of them are simple scribal errors. none of the textual variants have any bearing on modifying the doctrines of the church.
The Bible has been preserved miraculously, and no scholar worth his or her salt rejects that notion or believes in some sort of giant conspiracy.
Furthermore, Christ has made me free, so I am not at all under any bondage whatsoever. Thus, your point is moot.

John Baughn #fundie youtube.com

The passage in Isaiah is about the new heaven and new earth. The sin-tainted world will be no more.
And no, I have no compulsion or requirement to humbly try to lead someone to Christ who has no interest in it, and is actively hostile to the truth. God wins no matter what you or anyone says, so it's ultimately not going to matter to me one way or another. There are passages that suggest people in the lake of fire will actively still shake their fists at God... All while being continually tortured with no end.
This "little lamb" would agree with your position, but then we'd both be wrong.

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