
Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

In the story a mob surrounds a woman to stone her for adultery, and ask Jesus what they should do. Jesus is describing as writing in the ground, and eventually beseeches those who have not sinned to cast the first stone. The crowd then disperses, beginning with the eldest first. This apocryphal passage is a favorite of liberals who oppose those who stand up for Christian values, as when the left-leaning Bill O'Reilly cited this passage to criticize the star of Duck Dynasty for standing up against homosexual conduct.

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

Conservative of the Year 2013

"Duck Dynasty" family

Gives up millions of dollars rather than cave into liberal censorship by the homosexual agenda, after the liberal media expelled a member of the family for speaking biblically.

Hard to disagree with a high ranking for how this family stands on principle, and opposes liberal censorship of free speech

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

Negative numbers were not fully accepted by mathematicians until the 1800s, including how a negative number dominates the result in multiplication with a positive number, to yield a negative outcome. Yet Jesus's parable of the sower and the seed, in Matthew 13:1-23, Mark 4:1-8, and Luke 8:4-8, explained the same effect nearly 2000 years earlier.

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

But FDR privately wanted the United States to enter into World War II to protect Britain against Germany. Britain had been badly weakened by decades of socialism, declining values, and rising atheism along with belief in evolution. Britain, weakened by decades of economic socialism and declining Christianity, was no match for the larger and much stronger Germany, and Britain needed America to save it.

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

Public schools did fine before there was atheistic exclusion of Christianity from them. Public schools have far more money now than before, and yet have far lower quality now.

["Andy that's not a valid argument; it's a correlation-causation fallacy. Again, if Christianity is the root of success in public schools - why is Japan at the top of the list, where a hugely significant majority of the population defines themselves as non-religious?"]

Correlation is often due to causation, and the exclusion of Christianity was clearly a cause of the subsequent decline in values, motivation, safety, and achievement of public schools. It is equally clear that many atheists are the driving force in expelling all things Christian from public schools to this day.

Ann Coulter #fundie conservapedia.com

"I think [women] should be armed but should not vote. No, they all have to give up their vote, not just, you know, the lady clapping and me. The problem with women voting -- and your Communists will back me up on this -- is that, you know, women have no capacity to understand how money is earned. They have a lot of ideas on how to spend it. And when they take these polls, it's always more money on education, more money on child care, more money on day care."

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

["As far as I know, Jesus prayed privately, as he taught his pupils: But you, when you pray, go into your private room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father Who is hidden, and your Father, who sees in a hidden manner, will reward you openly. Matthew 6:6"]

This quote is taken out of context. Why didn't you include the context, by which Jesus was urging people not to be like liberals?

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

["Would think that the absolutely horrible devastation caused by the Tornado in Moore, Oklahoma would be worth a mention on your main page and maybe a link to donate to Red Cross appeal for it."]

Praying for the Oklahoma victims would be a better suggestion - which I will do personally now. [Emphasis added]

["Christ admonishes us to pray in private and love our neighbors. Christ truly loves a gift of charity."]

It's great to give to the unfortunate and poor (which is not necessarily the same as the Red Cross). But that is not what Jesus did. Jesus prayed, often publicly, for people.

[Someone quotes Matthew 25:34-46]

The Bible quotes are great. Jesus expressly talked about the Great Flood, and how people misbehaved right up until the Flood occurred. See Luke 17-24 (Translated)#17:27. Do you think Jesus was somehow wrong, and liberal denial right?

Conservapedia #fundie conservapedia.com

1.? "Dembski and Wells argue calmly and convincingly that intelligent design theory is empirically testable (in spite of Darwinists' shrill protests to the contrary) by indicating precisely what it would take to refute the theory, namely a clear demonstration that systems exhibiting irreducible complexity with specified complexity can in fact arise spontaneously by purely material processes"

Conservapedia #fundie conservapedia.com

Deliberate ignorance is the practice of refusing to consider or discuss logic or evidence disproving ideologically motivated positions. Related concepts are wishful thinking and the fallacy of invincible ignorance. Examples of deliberate ignorance include:

- materialists refuse to address the impossibility of material explanation for migration and homing
- evolutionists refuse to address the lack of a plausible evolutionary path for the whale and the other counterexamples to evolution.
- Believing that only one ideology could ever make mistakes; constantly demonizing that ideology while ignoring the faults of one's own (a particularly Liberal fault).
- liberals refuse to address how socialism destroys productivity
- Liberals who refuse to acknowledge the many fundamental truths in the Bible and even dismiss out-of-hand the many examples of Biblical scientific foreknowledge but refuse to read the Bible.
- Advocates of the global warming theory refuse to consider any scientific evidence which shows that natural causes have always had a greater effect on terrestrial air temperature than human activity.
- Liberal cafeteria Christians refuse to consider Bible verses that contradict their preconceived notions of what the Bible should say.
- Liberal Internet discussion boards quickly delete posts that present facts contradicting liberal ideology and ban users making such posts.
- Believing sentimental fallacies about public figures even when all the objective facts clearly indicate that said fallacies are false.
- Liberals who claim that the first amendment says that public officials are not allowed to acknowledge America's Christian heritage.
- Pushing a "scientific" theory for political purposes or because it fits one's belief system or preconceived notions, while dismissing actual scientific evidence that discredits the theory [...]

Ed Poor #fundie conservapedia.com

[Ed cites "The Pink Swastika" to claim the Nazis were gay; Another user points out this is an unreliable source, as it at one point it says a Nazi raped 100 boys per day, which is not possible]

I have a lot of information on usually hidden subjects. Due to the PG rating of this website, I hesitate to explain in public how one rapist can sodomize 100 boys in one day. But your incredulity on this matter is not an stumbling block, is it?

[When asked if he knows any gay people]

I have been acquainted with many. They are a sorry lot, and I pity them. (Please note that pity is not hate; I shouldn't have to tell you that, but it seems I must lest you misunderstand.)

Homosexuals have a hard time receiving love. And their perverse sexual practices draw them further away from love into a dark world of depravity. They make it hard to be friends.

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

The fundamental principle of quantum mechanics is that the underlying reality is in random fluctuation, or chaos, until there is intelligent observation of it. This is precisely what Luke 4:6 reveals when it quotes the devil, which is the word for chaos, in saying that he has dominion over this world.

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

[re: E=mc2]

Science fiction is great stuff ... as long as one doesn't start believing it, or allow it to take time away from truths, such as the Bible. Suppose I drink a glass of water, which has mass of about 0.5 pounds (roughly 1 kg). Zero calories, of course. Yet do you maintain that my energy increases in proportion to the speed of light squared?

What percentage of people who believe relativity's crass, silly materialism are likely to read the Bible earnestly, or pursue other real truths?

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

[I'm sure you're not implying that every athlete that competed in the Summer Games is a conservative. ]

The Olympians were predominantly Christian and conservative, and it is difficult to identify any liberal counterexamples of any significance.

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

Some liberal politicians have extrapolated the theory of relativity to metaphorically justify their own political agendas. For example, Democratic President Barack Obama helped publish an article by liberal law professor Laurence Tribe to apply the relativistic concept of "curvature of space" to promote a broad legal right to abortion. As of June 2008, over 170 law review articles have cited this liberal application of the theory of relativity to legal arguments. Applications of the theory of relativity to change morality have also been common. Moreover, there is an unmistakable effort to censor or ostracize criticism of relativity.

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

Christmas is coming early. Uganda is passing an anti-homosexuality bill as a Christmas gift to its citizens who want the bill.[1]

Uganda had a fertility rate of 6.15 births per woman in 2010 which is much higher than the socialist state of Cuba and many of the perverse, secular libertines in Denmark and Sweden. Obviously, the secular left lacks machismo![2]

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

The 4-7 Jets were losing to one of the worst teams in the league when the coach finally replaced their quarterback, but still refused to play the conservative Tim Tebow. [1] This time the excuse was a minor rib injury, but the reality is that the liberal media want to exclude the pro-life Tebow.

[Emphasis added]

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

[re: decline in abortions may be due to increased availability of contraceptives]

No, I don't think there's any evidence of that.

Most likely the negative cultural reaction to the election of such a pro-abortion president (Obama) is what caused the decline, similar to what happened after the election of Clinton in the 1990s.

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

[re: Jesus being the writer of Epistle to the Hebrews]

There is no other plausible author. Do you suggest any? The author had to be highly proficient in both the Greek language and Hebrew culture and scriptures, and capable of writing or dictating a flawless essay. Only Jesus meets those conditions.

Conservative #pratt #wingnut #homophobia conservapedia.com

[Could you please explain to me how arresting/executing homosexuals is any different than what the Nazi's did (arresting/executing Jews for what they perceived was the Jew's harm to society)?]

That's very easy. The leftist National Socialist German Workers Party genocide was largely motivated by evolutionary racism.[23] Anti-sodomy laws are based on righteous indignation and meant to protect society from sexual perverts and the disease, pederasty and other moral degeneracy they spread/promote. See: Homosexuality and health and Homosexuality and murders and Homosexuality and pederasty and Homosexuality and Illegal Drug Use and Homosexual circuit parties and disease and Homosexuality and bestiality and Causes of homosexuality. I hope that clears things up for you.

andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

[Part of a lecture on world history]
Ethnic conflict was even worse in Bosnia-Herzegovina, which consists of Muslims, Croats and Serbs, who are Christian. Bosnia-Herzegovina first declared its independence from Serbia, but the Christian Bosnian Serbs did not want to live under Muslim rule and a civil war began in March 1992 over whether Bosnia would split from Serbia. Anti-Christian press accused the Serbs of “ethnic cleansing,” or racially motivated mass murders, as the Serbs were allegedly killing off Bosnian Muslims.

Conservapedia #fundie conservapedia.com

While evolutionists argue that there are examples of "bad design" in the bodies of many organisms, such as "flaws" in the human spine and sinus system, evolutionists fail to realize that, by their own theory, natural selection should have removed these things! The simpler explanation, that these represent degeneration from an original, created perfect form, is the superior one. In other word, as CreationWiki notes, such "flaws" are actually "a result of deterioration, resulting from Man's Fall."

Conservapedia #conspiracy conservapedia.com

Leftist protest Occupy Wall Street is an ongoing anti-capitalism rally and rapists' and murderers' playground, beginning as an astroturfing campaign funded by a George Soros group called Adbusters, with the ultimate goal of replacing the United States Constitution with a form of government akin to communist totalitarianism. Invoked by Bill Ayers "Days of Rage," the first Occupy protest was staged on September 17, 2011 in New York City after months of planning by co-founder of SEIU Stephen Lerner. Occupy Wall Street protesters consist of radicals, anarchists, nihilists, college students, hippies, special interest groups, labor unions and vendors. They dislike capitalism, blame greed, Wall Street and the banks for economic hardship, and while claiming to be peaceful, occupiers have been seen spitting on U.S. Military personnel, committing acts of rage, violence, vandalism, arson, rape, drug use, public masturbation, public deification, littering, public nudity, public urination, rioting, and other acts of assault.

Conservapedia #fundie conservapedia.com

The possiblity that Hitchens' unfortunate death from cancer could have been directly or indirectly influenced by his atheism remains open. In the indirect sense, it is known that the atheistic philosophy of the objective meaninglessness of life correlates with vices and mental unwellness. Atheists and secular Americans are known to have higher rates of drug abuse(which in a broad sense could include smoking and drinking as well), and regular churchgoers are known to have much lower rates of mental illness and depression. The depression that sometimes persists alongside atheism could have conceivably influenced him to use harmful matericalistic pleasures like tobacco and alcohol as a coping mechanism, since an avowed atheist like Hitchens would not decide to seek spiritual health, attend a Christian church or look for "answers" in the Bible. This provides reason to speculate that atheism influenced Hitchens' bad habits, which lead to his cancer and death.

Whether Hichens' cancer death was influenced in any direct sense remains more uncertain. While a Christian should not speak directly for God, the Bible does show that, in specific instances, God has been known to punish sinners and the unrepentant with disease. The Bible has also made it clear that those who wish evil on others deserve no better themselves, and as Hitchens praised the sad and gruesome death of Rev. Jerry Falwell, the possibility of divine retribution remains as well depending on a Christians interpretation of God's word and actions.

On the flip side, God has been shown to bestow mercy on those who are sick and seek His help. The many stories of Jesus healing the blind, crippled, and ill are the first examples. Even during today's times, there have been claims of modern day miracles as well, such as the possible "curing" of a person's cancer by a Roman Catholic priest, through the power of prayer - something which Hitchens likely rejected to his deathbed. Again it would be presumptuous for a Christian to speak directly on God's behalf, as is Hitchen's most obvious eternal fate according to the Bible (for only God knows for a fact whether or not he repented on his deathbead) nevertheless the possibilities are a good topic of discussion among Christians and non-Christians alike.

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

[re: Biblical scientific foreknowledge]

[T]he Bible describes how Pilate, who crucified many, was surprised at how quickly Jesus passed away. 2000 years later, scientific knowledge has advanced to understand that this was caused by his prior loss of blood during his scourging (being brutally whipped), a punishment typically given instead of crucifixion.

["In this case, the Bible shows no scientific foreknowledge. By noting that Jesus died more quickly than people usually did from crucifixion, Pontius Pilate is saying what happened."]

The Bible is providing valuable scientific data here. Sometimes a Nobel Prize is given based on the observation of data, even though the data are not yet well understood by the recipients of the Prize. If observing data can be enough for a Nobel Prize, then why can't it be enough for the Bible?


You keep referring to Pontius Pilate but it was the Bible and its authors who observed and published the data. Too bad many scientists didn't study the Bible with an open mind. If they had, then a greater scientific understanding would have been achieved earlier.

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

Conservapedia's analysis of the Olympics 2012 begins, predicting underachievement by:
• nations that impose same-sex marriage
• nations that are increasingly atheistic
• sports that have been ravaged by Title IX quotas in the U.S.

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

What is the best prediction of the outcome in the ObamaCare decision expected to be issued Thursday, June 27, 2012? 85% of experts predict that ObamaCare will be upheld - can so many experts be so wrong?

Yes, the experts are wrong, and here's why:

* ObamaCare does violate the limits in the Commerce Clause, and it is difficult to overcome that logic


* 95% of those same experts deny that logic/conservatism advances over time for the same reason technology does

* ObamaCare could have been upheld more easily and quickly than to invalidate it

* virtually all of the "experts" missed the boat, and continue to miss the boat, on Biblical Scientific Foreknowledge. Wrong about that, why would anyone expect them to be right about anything else?

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

[re: Overrated Sports Stars]

Peyton Manning — a washed-up player who won only one NFL championship, the liberal media treated him like the Second Coming of Christ in order to oust conservative Tim Tebow from his leadership position in the swing state of Colorado prior to the Presidential Election 2012.

Andy Schlafly #conspiracy conservapedia.com

(On the subject of the 2012 French Open men's final, which was suspended by rain)

Djokovic would have clearly won if the umpire did not interfere and suspend play. Nadal was getting demolished -- having lost eight of the last nine games -- and was down a break in the fourth set. Is it possible the umpire who stopped the match is a liberal?

Nadal has to break Djokovic's serve twice in the fourth set to win it. So it seems a fifth set is highly likely, and Djokovic may be able to continue his momentum to win at that point. Will the ump intervene again if it looks like the conservative will win?

Terry Hurlbut #fundie conservapedia.com

[re: the fish-tetrapod transitional fossil tiktaalik being found in the very geological stratum predicted by evolution]

And tiktaalik might have been found in that deep stratum for either of at least two reasons:

1. It was less able to seek higher ground than other, "smarter" animals, and thus was buried deep in the Flood.

2. It is actually an antediluvian laboratory chimera and hence an out-of-place artifact of a society already known to have been inordinately cruel.

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

Same-sex marriage seemed to be detrimental to Massachusetts; as I recall, real estate prices subsequently declined. In contrast, the short-term and long-term economic benefits of the traditional family are difficult to deny.

["Could I ask what evidence you rely on to draw that connection between same-sex marriage and a decline in real estate prices in Massachusetts?"]

I looked at the real estate market. The data is surely available for anyone else to review.
Real estate values depend on strong families and a growing economic base. That's not same-sex marriage.

["That is ridiculous. Canada, which has accepted same sex marriage for the past 2 decades, has enjoyed a significantly stronger economy than the US."]

In Canada there is no choice given to citizens about the issue: same-sex marriage is imposed throughout the nation. In the United States, there is high mobility away from states that impose same-sex marriage toward states that recognize how important traditional marriage is to long-term prosperity.

Conservative #fundie conservapedia.com

Dear Penn Jillette the so-called atheist (who is afraid to debate Bible believers):

I was looking at the April 17, 2012 article entitled The Penn & Teller Election and it appears that you are still width challenged. What happened? I thought you possessed the "super atheist intellect".

Do not the scientific disciplines of exercise science, nutritional science and medical science have an abundance of solutions to being overweight? Doesn't medical science declare there are significant health risks with being overweight?

Is the problem sin? The sins of sloth and gluttony? Are you sure God does not exist? The reason I ask is that there sure is a lot of evidence that God exist as can be seen by the resources offered here: Evidence for Christianity. By the way, do you have any proof and evidence that atheism is true?

See also: Atheism and obesity

Andrew Schafly #fundie conservapedia.com

[Found in the "Reference" sections of Conservapedia pages.]

This page is proudly free from citations

To insist on finding a reference elsewhere for every statement made, as Wikipedia does, is to be a slave to hearsay. The authors of this page have enough confidence in their own insight not to lean on the opinions and assertions of others.

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

With young people having gray hair with increasing frequency, this does suggest that the slope of man's developmental path is a much sharper incline (downward) than Old Earth believers claim.

["I am going to suggest you present some credible references." ]

Your request for references is unpersuasive, as evidence is abundant in daily life. Would anyone ask Jesus for a reference after telling the parable of the Prodigal Son?

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

E=mc2 is a meaningless statement in physics that purports to relate light to matter. In fact, no theory has successfully unified the laws governing mass (i.e., gravity) with the laws governing light (i.e., electromagnetism). Simply put, E=mc2 is liberal claptrap.

Biblical Scientific Foreknowledge predicts that a unified theory of all the laws of physics are impossible, because light and matter were created at different times, in different ways, as described in the Book of Genesis.

[Emphasis added]

DavidEdwards #fundie conservapedia.com

[Aschlafly, two protons (1.0073amu) and two neutrons (1.0087amu) have a combined mass of 4.0320 amu. An alpha-particle - existing from two protons and two neutrons - has a mass of 4.0015 amu. How do you explain this diminution of mass?]

What real evidence do you have that these particles even exist? No doubt you've read it in a book or some "qualified person" has said it is true. In reality you accept these things on the word of somebody else - in other words your belief in the existence of these particles is a matter of scientific faith in something which you have no personal knowledge. There is obviously no problem with believing things on faith, but please don't pretend it's "true because science says it's true". Christians get their real truth from a higher authority.-

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

[In a discussion about Einstein's theory of relativity]

Other commenters above, if you don't mind, I wonder if any of you would estimate how much time you've spent reading the Bible in this month of March. I ask because I've found that once someone falls for Relativity, they almost never open a Bible again.

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

Does God Have a Sense of Humor?

Although rarely, if ever, is the sense of humor of God discussed or analyzed, there are many compelling reasons to conclude that God does have a sense of humor:

logic: man has a sense of humor, and man was created in the image of God. Hence God has a sense of humor.
history: man's sense of humor improved with the discovery and expansion of Christianity, which indicates their strong correlation.
politics: atheistic political figures are known for their lack of a sense of humor, such as Attila the Hun, which suggests that the opposite of God is a lack of sense of humor.

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

["Biblical scientific foreknowledge"]

Impossibility of a Grand Unified Theory

Billions of dollars and millions of hours have been wasted by atheists in futile pursuit of a "grand unified theory" for physics. But Genesis explains that the creation of light was done in a separate, initial creation, free of darkness or entropy, and thus incapable of unification with matter.

Conservapedia #fundie conservapedia.com

The creationist advocacy group Answers in Genesis has suggested that the real aim of the animal rights is to justify abortion - if human beings are no better than animals, and if we can kill animals when we want (as for food or clothing), why can't we kill unborn humans?

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

Mystery:Why Do Atheists Dislike Underdogs?

In Britain, where atheism dominates, people dislike underdogs and tend to root for the contestant who is favored to win. The opposite is true in the Christian United States, where the underdogs have traditionally been the favorites of the people.

However, as the liberal media in the United States becomes increasingly atheistic, victories by underdogs are increasingly met with dismay or disapproval.

Why do atheists dislike underdogs?

Possible Reason No. 1: Atheism Is About Control

One obvious reason is that atheism is about control. Stalin, a famous atheist in the 20th century, probably did not like underdogs. Underdogs threaten the status quo and the worldview of atheists. Upset victories are unsettling to people like Stalin.

Karajou #fundie conservapedia.com

Evidence for God? During his college years at the University of Florida, Tim Tebow wore black eye patches with the number 3:16 on them, in reference to John 3:16. What are the odds of Tebow throwing 316 yards in his team's victory over the Steelers? 10,000 to 1? A million to one? Or did God Himself make it happen?

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