
TheInvertedTower #conspiracy deviantart.com

Following the horrors of the Gaza strip, I've decided to look into whether the Zionist agenda is really about providing a homeland to Jews, or if this is just being used as an excuse to confiscate land, while ethnically cleansing the inhabitants.

During the time of the Holocaust, what is the likelihood that the Jewish people were sacrificed, so that the Zionists could claim Indemnity?

Based on what I've found, there are discrepancies between the two records, “American Jewish Yearbook” and “World Almanac”.
Were the 6 million Jews actually a Rubber Number, being used as propaganda to further the Zionist movement?
Which record is more important? Which one represents the true number of Jews during those times?

According to the “American Jewish Yearbook”, 6 million Jews died between 1933 and 1950.The Jewish Population of Europe (1933) was 9.5 million (60% of the world total).
If this is the case, then, the other 40% would equate to being 6.33 million.
Making the worlds total Jewish population at that time 15.83 million.

By 1950, the Jewish population of Europe was reduced to 3.5 million (6 million deaths).
As a result, one third (1:3) of Jews would now be living in Europe, while the other 66.6% would be equal to 7 million.
Making the worlds total population at that time 10.5 million.

Out of that 66.6%, 51% lived in North and South America, with the remaining 15.6% living in other parts of the world [01].

However, according to the “World Almanac” for 1933 and 1948,
the number of Jews living in Europe was 9.4 million for 1933 and 9.3 million in 1948 [02].
The “World Almanac” has been widely regarded as the most authentic source for the world's Jewish population numbers.
World Almanac (1933)

North America: 4,383,643
South America: 293,474
Europe: 9,494,363
Asia: 582,609
Africa: 530,869
Oceania: 30,401

Total: 15,315,359
World Almanac (1948)

North America: 4,971,261
South America: 228,958
Europe: 9,372,666
Asia: 572,930
Africa: 542,869
Oceania: 26,954

Total: 15,715,638
From this information, we can see that the worlds Jewish population increased by 400,279 between 1933 and 1948 (15 Years).

If 6 million Jews died after 1933, then by 1948 the Jewish population of Europe would need to have increased from 3.4 million to 9.3 million. A birth rate of 5.8 million in 15 years time.

In the regions of South America, Asia, and Oceanica, the number of Jews has decreased by 77,642 (Excluding Europe).
While the Jewish populations of North America and Africa have increased by 599,618.

Even if those 77,642 Jews had migrated to Europe, they wouldn't have increased Europe's population by 5.8 million.
If the population of Jews in other countries hadn't decreased by 5.8 million, then where did Hitler get the 5.8 million Jews that supposedly died?

onlytheghosts #wingnut #racist deviantart.com

It's a great source of joy to see these hypocritical, extremely racist, self-hating "white" leftists freaking out simply because someone says "It's OK to be white"

It's ok to be black, asian, hispanic, red, whatever other colour... but the screeching horror of the truly racist radical Leftists who are racist against whites is exposed to everyone when they can't cope with a simple statement that it's OK to be white. Those who call the term "hate speech" should be called-out for their hypocrisy and blatant racism at every opportunity, as loudly as possible. Never, ever let these fakes get away with their absurd emotional tantrums and lying.

onlytheghosts #wingnut deviantart.com

Secular Talk, the talking head that never stops lying. This man is a parrot for every deceitful claim put out there that favours the side of George Soros, the Open Society, and other globalist authoritarians.

I don’t generally watch this man’s videos, but every now and again I encounter his trash.

This one is about Hurricane Maria and the alleged deathtoll in Puerto Rico.


To sum up, Secular Talk claims that Trump is lying when saying the death toll wasn’t in the thousands or around 3000. Secular Talk is the one who is lying here.

Here’s the problem. Where did the numbers come from? Secular Talk doesn’t mention the details or lack of evidence for the claims. Doesn’t mention that the people who pulled the number out of their collective backsides didn’t participate in any effort at a true body count in Puerto Rico

It’s an estimate. From a computer simulation. Have you ever heard the term GIGO? Garbage In, Garbage Out. Simulations run on computers are often prone to this, and any lazy liar can put in figures, change the numbers to fit, then with a fallacious “argument by authority” pretend that the numbers are “trustworthy”. The estimate was allegedly based on the difference between the death rate in a normal year and the death rate for the year after the hurricane. That’s not a body count. It’s a guess. In truth, it’s worse than this as the researchers didn’t bother with such time-consuming details as finding out what the actual yearly death rate really was. Instead, the researchers at Harvard had conducted a survey of 3,299 households and then extrapolated the results — completely ignoring any body count.

Even the usually Trump-hating Washington Post debunked the number as unreliable.


The Puerto Rico governor who declared that this number to be “official” also didn’t bother worrying about all those water bottles sitting on an airport runway, which were handed over to the local government to distribute.


Nor did they care about the truckdrivers’ union that blocked the deliveries. I wonder, how much did the lack of drinkable water contribute to the actual deathtoll? Nearly 13 million bottles of water just sitting there on a runway, and the governor didn’t care one iota about the people of Puerto Rico who may have needed that water. Instead, the governor wanted to play politics with their lives.

onlytheghosts #wingnut deviantart.com

The far leftists in Silicon Valley deserve to be given a huge hard nasty boot in the arse, time to break up their anti-competition organisations and seriously fight-back against these arrogant short-sighted haters of free thought and free speech

(Submitter note: some asine thing by Sargon)

EmpathicDesign #homophobia deviantart.com

(Submitter note: video of a woman who had lesbian parents saying that HER PARENTS AREN’T HER PARENTS BECAUSE THEY HAD HER ARTIFICIALLY)

A young lady who was donor conceived by two lesbian parents say no, they simply are not.
All information:

The article:

The video of her explaining:

The importance of seeing this topic from all sides is vital, and this story is strong and irrefutable evidence of the importance of opposite sex parents, and fathers in the lives of children.


Kajm #wingnut deviantart.com

(imagine of supposed reasons for the recent assassination of top Iranian General)

List of Iranian terrorist assault against the world en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iran_and…





Democrats are Traitors, btw. And a lot of people in the MSM and Hollywood.

Image found on FB.

theadolescentking #fundie #homophobia deviantart.com


For fucks sake I do **NOT** want some filthy sodomite's AIDS infected blood in my gosh damn body FUCK YOU liberals quit shitting over everbody with your gosh damn degeneracy and political correctness garbage

Gosh fucking damn, these sodomites are more likely to be HIV+ than fucking black people! Their whole gosh damn perverted culture revolves around sex, where condoms aren't used because they know it's unnatural and impossible to get pregnant, so AIDS spreads like a rapid fucking disease among these disgusting degenerates.
Every-single-gosh damn link here shows that fags are more likely to have aids.

This one fucking says over HALF of ALL HIV+ positive people are gay males. aids.gov/hiv-aids-basics/hiv-a…

I swear these fucking faggots need to get out of the gosh damn country, fuck everything.

dreamfires #quack #conspiracy deviantart.com

So here we are again. More dead, and the usual suspects trotting out their screams for gun control. As my previous postings explained, gun control would solve nothing.
So let us talk more about what would do almost everything.
We must again repeat: psychotropic drugs must be banned. Why? Read this:

(Natural News) The following is a republishing of an important article written by Dan Roberts from AmmoLand.com. It reveals the real truth about mass shootings that bureaucrats and lawmakers are choosing to sweep under the rug: psychiatric drugs. If you want to know the real reason why mass shootings are taking place, this is the “inconvenient truth” the media won’t cover.

Here’s the full article by Dan Roberts:(Ammoland.com) Nearly every mass shooting incident in the last twenty years, and multiple other instances of suicide and isolated shootings all share one thing in common, and it’s not the weapons used.

The overwhelming evidence points to the signal largest common factor in all of these incidents is the fact that all of the perpetrators were either actively taking powerful psychotropic drugs or had been at some point in the immediate past before they committed their crimes.

Multiple credible scientific studies going back more than a decade, as well as internal documents from certain pharmaceutical companies that suppressed the information show that SSRI drugs ( Selective Serotonin Re-Uptake Inhibitors ) have well known, but unreported side effects, including but not limited to suicide and other violent behavior. One need only Google relevant key words or phrases to see for themselves. www.ssristories.com is one popular site that has documented over 4500 ” Mainstream Media ” reported cases from around the World of aberrant or violent behavior by those taking these powerful drugs.

The following list of mass shooting perpetrators and the drugs they were taking or had been taking shortly before their horrific actions was compiled and published to Facebook by John Noveske, founder and owner of Noveske Rifleworks just days before he was mysteriously killed in a single car accident. Is there a link between Noveske’s death and his “outting” of information numerous disparate parties would prefer to suppress, for a variety of reasons?

I leave that to the individual readers to decide. But there is most certainly a documented history of people who “knew too much” or were considered a “threat” dying under extraordinarily suspicious circumstances.

From Katherine Smith, a Tennessee DMV worker who was somehow involved with several 9/11 hijackers obtaining Tennessee Drivers Licenses, and was later found burned to death in her car, to Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Gary Webb, who exposed a CIA Operation in the 80’s that resulted in the flooding of LA Streets with crack cocaine and was later found dead from two gunshot wounds to the head, but was officially ruled as a “suicide”, to Frank Olson, a senior research micro biologist who was working on the CIA’s mind control research program MKULTRA.

After Olson expressed his desire to leave the program, he was with a CIA agent in a New York hotel room, and is alleged to have committed “suicide” by throwing himself off the tenth floor balcony. In 1994, Olson’s sons were successful in their efforts to have their fathers body exhumed and re examined in a second autopsy by James Starrs, Professor of Law and Forensic science at the National Law Center at George Washington University. Starr’s team concluded that the blunt force trauma to the head and injury to the chest had not occurred during the fall but most likely in the room before the fall. The evidence was called “rankly and starkly suggestive of homicide.” Based on his findings, in 1996 the Manhattan District Attorney opened a homicide investigation into Olson’s death, but was unable to find enough evidence to bring charges.

As I said, I leave it to the individual readers to make up their own minds if Noveske suffered a similar fate. On to the list of mass shooters and the stark link to psychotropic drugs.

• Eric Harris age 17 (first on Zoloft then Luvox) and Dylan Klebold aged 18 (Columbine school shooting in Littleton, Colorado), killed 12 students and 1 teacher, and wounded 23 others, before killing themselves. Klebold’s medical records have never been made available to the public.

• Jeff Weise, age 16, had been prescribed 60 mg/day of Prozac (three times the average starting dose for adults!) when he shot his grandfather, his grandfather’s girlfriend and many fellow students at Red Lake, Minnesota. He then shot himself. 10 dead, 12 wounded.

• Cory Baadsgaard, age 16, Wahluke (Washington state) High School, was on Paxil (which caused him to have hallucinations) when he took a rifle to his high school and held 23 classmates hostage. He has no memory of the event.

• Chris Fetters, age 13, killed his favorite aunt while taking Prozac.

• Christopher Pittman, age 12, murdered both his grandparents while taking Zoloft.

• Mathew Miller, age 13, hung himself in his bedroom closet after taking Zoloft for 6 days.

• Kip Kinkel, age 15, (on Prozac and Ritalin) shot his parents while they slept then went to school and opened fire killing 2 classmates and injuring 22 shortly after beginning Prozac treatment.

• Luke Woodham, age 16 (Prozac) killed his mother and then killed two students, wounding six others.

• A boy in Pocatello, ID (Zoloft) in 1998 had a Zoloft-induced seizure that caused an armed stand off at his school.

• Michael Carneal (Ritalin), age 14, opened fire on students at a high school prayer meeting in West Paducah, Kentucky. Three teenagers were killed, five others were wounded..

• A young man in Huntsville, Alabama (Ritalin) went psychotic chopping up his parents with an ax and also killing one sibling and almost murdering another.

• Andrew Golden, age 11, (Ritalin) and Mitchell Johnson, aged 14, (Ritalin) shot 15 people, killing four students, one teacher, and wounding 10 others.

• TJ Solomon, age 15, (Ritalin) high school student in Conyers, Georgia opened fire on and wounded six of his class mates.

• Rod Mathews, age 14, (Ritalin) beat a classmate to death with a bat.

• James Wilson, age 19, (various psychiatric drugs) from Breenwood, South Carolina, took a .22 caliber revolver into an elementary school killing two young girls, and wounding seven other children and two teachers.

• Elizabeth Bush, age 13, (Paxil) was responsible for a school shooting in Pennsylvania

• Jason Hoffman (Effexor and Celexa) – school shooting in El Cajon, California

• Jarred Viktor, age 15, (Paxil), after five days on Paxil he stabbed his grandmother 61 times.

• Chris Shanahan, age 15 (Paxil) in Rigby, ID who out of the blue killed a woman.

• Jeff Franklin (Prozac and Ritalin), Huntsville, AL, killed his parents as they came home from work using a sledge hammer, hatchet, butcher knife and mechanic’s file, then attacked his younger brothers and sister.

• Neal Furrow (Prozac) in LA Jewish school shooting reported to have been court-ordered to be on Prozac along with several other medications.

• Kevin Rider, age 14, was withdrawing from Prozac when he died from a gunshot wound to his head. Initially it was ruled a suicide, but two years later, the investigation into his death was opened as a possible homicide. The prime suspect, also age 14, had been taking Zoloft and other SSRI antidepressants.

• Alex Kim, age 13, hung himself shortly after his Lexapro prescription had been doubled.

• Diane Routhier was prescribed Welbutrin for gallstone problems. Six days later, after suffering many adverse effects of the drug, she shot herself.

• Billy Willkomm, an accomplished wrestler and a University of Florida student, was prescribed Prozac at the age of 17. His family found him dead of suicide – hanging from a tall ladder at the family’s Gulf Shore Boulevard home in July 2002.

• Kara Jaye Anne Fuller-Otter, age 12, was on Paxil when she hung herself from a hook in her closet. Kara’s parents said “…. the damn doctor wouldn’t take her off it and I asked him to when we went in on the second visit. I told him I thought she was having some sort of reaction to Paxil…”)

• Gareth Christian, Vancouver, age 18, was on Paxil when he committed suicide in 2002, (Gareth’s father could not accept his son’s death and killed himself.)

• Julie Woodward, age 17, was on Zoloft when she hung herself in her family’s detached garage.

• Matthew Miller was 13 when he saw a psychiatrist because he was having difficulty at school. The psychiatrist gave him samples of Zoloft. Seven days later his mother found him dead, hanging by a belt from a laundry hook in his closet.

• Kurt Danysh, age 18, and on Prozac, killed his father with a shotgun. He is now behind prison bars, and writes letters, trying to warn the world that SSRI drugs can kill.

• Woody __, age 37, committed suicide while in his 5th week of taking Zoloft. Shortly before his death his physician suggested doubling the dose of the drug. He had seen his physician only for insomnia. He had never been depressed, nor did he have any history of any mental illness symptoms.

• A boy from Houston, age 10, shot and killed his father after his Prozac dosage was increased.

• Hammad Memon, age 15, shot and killed a fellow middle school student. He had been diagnosed with ADHD and depression and was taking Zoloft and “other drugs for the conditions.”

• Matti Saari, a 22-year-old culinary student, shot and killed 9 students and a teacher, and wounded another student, before killing himself. Saari was taking an SSRI and a benzodiazapine.

• Steven Kazmierczak, age 27, shot and killed five people and wounded 21 others before killing himself in a Northern Illinois University auditorium. According to his girlfriend, he had recently been taking Prozac, Xanax and Ambien. Toxicology results showed that he still had trace amounts of Xanax in his system.

• Finnish gunman Pekka-Eric Auvinen, age 18, had been taking antidepressants before he killed eight people and wounded a dozen more at Jokela High School – then he committed suicide.

• Asa Coon from Cleveland, age 14, shot and wounded four before taking his own life. Court records show Coon was on Trazodone.

• Jon Romano, age 16, on medication for depression, fired a shotgun at a teacher in his New York high school.

Missing from list… 3 of 4 known to have taken these same meds….

• What drugs was Jared Lee Loughner on, age 21…… killed 6 people and injuring 14 others in Tuscon, Az?

• What drugs was James Eagan Holmes on, age 24….. killed 12 people and injuring 59 others in Aurora Colorado?

• What drugs was Jacob Tyler Roberts on, age 22, killed 2 injured 1, Clackamas Or?

• What drugs was Adam Peter Lanza on, age 20, Killed 26 and wounded 2 in Newtown Ct?

Those focusing on further firearms bans or magazine restrictions are clearly focusing on the wrong issue and asking the wrong questions, either as a deliberate attempt to hide these links, or out of complete and utter ignorance.

Don’t let them! Force our elected “representatives” and the media to cast a harsh spotlight on this issue. Don’t stop hounding them until they do.

About Dan Roberts
Dan Roberts is a grassroots supporter of gun rights that has chosen AmmoLand Shooting Sports News as the perfect outlet for his frank, ‘Jersey Attitude’ filled articles on Guns and Gun Owner Rights. As a resident of the oppressive state of New Jersey he is well placed to be able to discuss the abuses of government against our inalienable rights to keep and bear arms as he writes from deep behind NJ’s Anti-Gun iron curtain. Read more from Dan Roberts or email him at DRoberts@ammoland.com You can also find him on Facebook: www.facebook.com/dan.roberts.1…

Original article at:

[moderator note: these links were broken in the original DeviantArt post as well]

Is that clear enough? Everyone got it?
Great. So now let us move on to what else you can do.
You need to understand pH. This is the acid alkaline balance in a human being. Most say there is no way to know who is at risk to become a shooter. That is garbage. pH can tell you exactly who is at risk. Our whole being is reflected in our pH--nutrition, detox, exercise, character--everything. Too many wrong decisions and a kid gets a urinary pH in the 5s. The lower in the 5s you go, the more risk. Some can get as low as 4.5. Somewhere in this range, if nothing is done, the warning signs increase in a common triad of events: 1) cruelty to animals 2) setting fires and 3) bedwetting. The bedwetting is synonymous with very low pH from adrenal exhaustion--the result of chronic fear and anger. There. Low pH: That is your warning sign. Fail to address it then at the least the kid will be sick. At worst you get shootings.
So what do you do? Check the urinary and salivary pH of your kid upon waking with cheap pH paper. If it is off, fix it. If you do not know how to fix it, read the book Natural Healing Self Empowerment sold at my website polytope.www1.50megs.com
A great key step is to have your kids drink neutral or alkaline water. But note that most science textbooks and companies lie. First, it is said water has a neutral pH of 7. That is a lie. Go get some distilled water and test it. Distilled water is pure water. It is not neutral, it is acidic. Do not accept any bottled water labeled alkaline without testing it. Most selling such water are also liars.
Test your school water. Provide your kids only with verified alkaline water. Their grades will be better. They will be healthier. And they will show improved behavior. You need no one else to fix this problem. Fix yourself, and show others how to do it.
How many more have to die?

Dagur-Berserker #fundie #racist #conspiracy #homophobia deviantart.com

I have wondered for quite a while now but now I know. If one doesn't believe me, one aught to look at who decided the case of Loving V. Virginia in 1967. With the knowledge I have obtained from ex-Freemason through his ministry, the Masonic lodge dominated the Supreme Court from 1941 to 1971 and in those years happened the case of Loving V. Virginia which struck down states' rights to uphold anti-miscegenation laws. These Freemasons who dominated the supreme court in this time were appointed by Masonic presidents FDR, Truman, and Eisenhower. It was these Freemasons who also came up with the falsehood of "muh separation of church and state" which was never written in the constitution.

It was these same Freemasons that banned prayer from the public schools during Engel V. Vitale, a case submitted by a Jew who lied saying that prayer in public schools was forcing religion in 1962. Seeing how immoral an action that led to such a destruction in the nation's cultural fabric and unity, one should disregard all supreme court cases from this era as constitutional rights and all others that influenced them as well. The Masonic lodge teaches their brethren to uphold loyalty to one another above those of their own country which is the very definition of treason. The very time of the breakdown of morality was the time interracial marriage and later abortion were approved as morally and legally acceptable in our culture and that should cause some people's heads to scratch.

Some may ask about themselves being of partial non-white or non-black descent, but partial DNA mixture is the exception, not the rule. God set down the rules of marriage so that we don't mess up our lives and the more dysfunctional something is, the further it is removed from God's intended design. Interracial marriages in almost all cases end in divorce at a higher rate than homogeneous same race marriages. This does not mean that God doesn't love mixed people as they still human beings created in God's image. If they should marry anyone, it should be those who are next to their own genetic structure, provided they are not siblings or next of kin, meaning the same mixture of race.

Asian males and white female marriages are 59% more likely to end in divorce than a white couple. A white husband and an Asian wife are 4% more likely to end in divorce. The case of both Hispanic white with non-Hispanic white and white and Asian were more likely to end in divorce than Hispanic whites and Asians. A black husband and a white wife are more likely to divorce than a black couple and also had the highest divorce rate of interracial married couples. The only case that wasn't so was a white husband and black wife, but this still encourages others to partake in similar behavior.

Plus one should also look at the other consequences such a case has had on America. God hates divorce as He created marriage to be forever. Others have used interracial marriage as the moral excuse for allowing homosexuality. This was the same case that allowed for the supreme court case back in 2015 which legalized homosexual "marriages" all over America contrary to what many state constitutions determined. As one behavior led to another, this should throw in some thinking as to why some behaviors are opening up to new immoral ones.

Though not admitted to the public, though the homosexual "community" has constituted only 2% of the population, they account for up to 61% of those who come up positive for HIV according to the CDC. Homosexuals are 50% more likely to suffer depression and engage in substance abuse than the rest of the population according to Health 24. The homosexuals on top of this are 200% more likely to commit suicide and have an average of 24 years shorter lifespan than normal couples. On top of that, 83% of homosexuals have had more than 50 partners in their whole lifetime. If you want to go into a more specific detail then 43% of homosexuals admitted to have at least 500 sexual partners and 28% have admitted to have 1,000 or more sexual partners. All of this is according to page 8 of Bell and Weinberg.

Among homosexual men, only 4.5% reported to have been sexually faithful to their partner. Such behavior such as interracial marriage only opened up the floodgate to this as well seeing it was a building block for the homosexual "marriage" movement. Higher infidelity rates and higher promiscuity rates are nothing to take pride in. The Bible also condemns causing others to sin as a foul sin in itself.

Luke 17:1-4 And he said to his disciples, “Temptations to sin are sure to come, but woe to the one through whom they come! It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck and he were cast into the sea than that he should cause one of these little ones to sin. Pay attention to yourselves! If your brother sins, rebuke him, and if he repents, forgive him, and if he sins against you seven times in the day, and turns to you seven times, saying, ‘I repent,’ you must forgive him.”

Kajm, Maxm2317, GalvaEmperor, Graeystone, Dagur-Berserker, LipsterLeo, TranquilityBass, and The-Darkwolf #wingnut deviantart.com

(submitter note: its’ Kajm again and his little group of fellow far-right trump loving circle jerkers)

[Kajm’s Journal]
'Impeachment' was a foregone conclusion. They've wanted it since the day he was elected- BECAUSE he was elected, and nothing else.

And now I understand they are stalling on sending it to the Senate and I will tell you why: The Senate will KILL it. There is ZERO chance of it going any further. And that means, the Democrats would be forced to focus upon actually DOING the work they are supposed to be doing, for the American people. Which means MORE WINNING for Trump.

They can't have this. They NEED to keep Trump's 'guilt' in the public eye, right up to the next election. They need people to BELIEVE that there is nothing Legitimate about Trump's presidency.

And that all GOES AWAY if they can't keep 'investigating' and calling witnesses who never saw anything but 'believe' the President acted (pick a crime! ANNNNNNNY crime!).

They are never going to stop. And presenting this to the Senate, is going to punch a massive hole in their narrative, when it FAILS on contact.

(Submitter notes: the comments, let the circle jerk begin!)
Maxm2317: Their narrative will wither up and die faster than any other piece of Democrat legislation that has gone into, as Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer so often calls it, “Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s Legislative Graveyard.”

Kajm: And Thank God he's buried them.

GalvaEmperor: I hope so. We have very few wins to our name; losing Trump means the left will never stop ruining our lives,
We are dark times my friend

(argument between two users, leading to this)

Dagur-Berserker: False victim narrative? That's what you leftists play all the time about non-white people when you constantly excuse the crime they commit. There isn't even any evidence against Trump. You obviously don't know anything about American politics. All the democrats ever do is attack America.

Greatkingrat88: I'm not even a leftist, dude. I just hate Trump.

Dagur-Berserker: But you've yet to prove that he's done anything wrong.

Graeystone: If anyone thinks this will just stop with just Trump if he somehow magically gets fully impeached had better guess again. VP Pence's head is also on the democrat's chopping block. Line of succession if POTUS can no longer fulfill duties as president-
1) Vice President
2) Speaker of the House of Representative.
Don't like throwing around the C and T words but this does make me wonder what the democrats are actually up to.

LipsterLeo: The Democrats are actually into overthrowing the "racist, unfair" constitution, and throwing America into chaos. They believe, as Marx taught, that out of the ashes, they can build their utopia. Got news for 'em. Me, and 100 million other Americans, are armed and will not be disarmed.

Graeystone: The democrat party was the party that kept slavery going right from the start. When they started to think slavery was going to be gotten rid of, they basically triggered a Civil War. They founded the KKK. They wrote and passed the Jim Crow laws along with all the other 'legalized segregation/discrimination laws'.
As far as an Utopia goes, that is outright impossible. While its possible to imagine a perfect system it is impossible to bring one about because of humanity's imperfect nature. Imperfect people cannot create a perfect system.
Its like the democrats can never accept a good idea and if they do it will only truly benefit them and nobody else.

TranquilityBass: The House is meant to be the place of passion and rhetoric, thus the two year terms. The Senate is meant to be where the grownups live and can take long-term perspectives, thus the six year terms.
Of course, as that one doofus from Texas said, "We can impeach him more than once!" This may be necessary for the Democrats' survival, since wasting time in the House stops good work from being done for the American people. For instance, we currently have the lowest black unemployment ever recorded--but the party of the KKK, of Jim Crow, and of Lester Maddox wants to remove the president who made it so.

The-Darkwolf: Meanwhile Hillary walked away from Criminal negligence violating National Security ("I'm just a girl so I don't get all this technical stuff, but I am WOMAN so you owe me the Presidency!") Obama handed over tens of thousands of military-grade weapons to Narcos, ISIS and other terrorists ("It seemed like a good idea at the time, but I still stand for gun control!") and the collective hive-mind of 70-plus presidential candidates from the party all agree on ending the democratic process of the electoral college so that only Sanctuary Cities will matter during national elections....
The quote I love most was Clinton's campaign manager during the 2016 election finally admitting that America was socially, culturally and politically more divided than at any time since the Civil War... "But it's all the Republican's fault!".... maybe Nancy Pelosi could just order the FBI to open fire on Fort Sumpter and just get on with the inevitable... :shrug:
You gotta understand, I am not a huge Trump fan but at least he's managed to pull up the economy, unemployment is at an major low, based on full-time jobs, not part-time mcjobs and the biggest winners are young African-Americans, and he's pulling the US out of a foreign boondoggle without a hope of resolution. And apparently his great criminal act was to tell a foreign power that he was okay with their already on-going investigation into espionage involving the Democratic presidential frontrunner.....

Kajm, maxm2317, Robotnik14, Graeystone, #wingnut deviantart.com

(Submitter: yeah, this one is… out there, not just the guy who submitted it (Kajm) but the commenters too, but it does show you just how scared they are of a 16-year-old just for talking about maybe we actually try and do something about climate change)

(Image found on the internet)

Madrid (AFP) – A UN climate summit in Madrid risked collapsing Saturday after marathon negotiations between countries left them more divided than ever over on how to fight global warming and pay for its ravages.


And, in comments below the article, I understand that Greta has NOT YET even arrived at the Conference, as her ship is still out to all at sea.
Which means all those world leaders will likely be long gone, before she can 'line them up against the wall' *cough*firing squads*cough*Hitler*cough*...

maxm2317: She’s a goddamn hypocrite!

(someone mentioned George Orwell)
RedAmerican1945: Yeah, considering how badly you two are interpreting 1984, an anti authoritarian piece from a self proclaimed Democratic Socialist.

Kajm: Not to begin another entire argument- I really want to get to my primary writing- but Rush Limbaugh says 'words mean things.' Which plays quite nicely against what Orwell says... and it is the Dems who are currently twisting words this way and that.
As I say, NOT wishing to start this all over again. Christmas is coming fast, I have things to take care of (as do you), and writing time this time of year, is Precious. Like a Ring. (get the joke?) ;)

Robotnik14: Considering how you and other morons love to advocate extreme political violence...I'm pretty sure Orwell would have despised you massively buddy...
But okay, tumor...

(and finally Graeystone)
Graeystone *anti-net neutrality*: Net Neutrality needs to go the way of the Dodo because it just isn't working in certain ways as in Big Tech Monopolies(GOOGLE, Twitter, Facebook).
Oh, and by the way-
(his journal on ‘how to’ guilds)
Too many people on dA and even in Real Life seem to believe these stories are 'How-To Guides' on what our very real world should be like. For anyone who believes that, I have a simple question for you - "Are you that frickin' stupid!?"
The people who created these story meant for them to be 'cautionary tales' or better yet; 'things that should never be attempted in real life.' Yet all the time there are people who think bringing about some of the nastier aspects of
If anything Orwell might have been a Marxist 'Reformer' in trying to point out the worst aspects of Marxism while trying to fix the problems.

Graeystone: Dana Perino on FOX News called it - Greta got named as Time's Person of the Year. Frankly this rich entitled ANTIFA poster child(her parents are big ANTIFA types) is going to go the way of the Dodo and Anita Sarkinseen in terms of being relevant.
Ya know, there's no difference between this photoshopped photo and the actual photo. . .she's creepy as heck in both.

ServantofJesus #fundie deviantart.com

Lies, Greed, Idolatry and the Deification of Santa
by ServantofJesus, Dec 18, 2017, 5:37:05 PM
Journals / Personal
For most people - especially those who know [or should know] better - "Santa Claus" ("Sanctus Nicolaus"; to which the modern figure of Santa Claus is derived from the Dutch figure of Sinterklaas, whose name is a dialectal pronunciation of Saint Nicholas; also - interestingly - "Santa" [or santo] in Spanish meaning "holy") is just a fictional character that was popularised particularly by Coca Cola who is extremely loosely based on the historical person of Saint Nicholas, and many see him as just an excuse to try to make sure the kids behave during this time of year. And for all intents and purposes, in the strictest sense that is very true.

Also, before I continue, the name "Father Christmas" is also interesting [and not just in its origins] when one thinks of it from a 'clergyman' point of view, other than it being meant as a personification of Christmas. Interestingly enough, after Emperor Constantine legalized Christianity, Nicholas was elected Bishop of Myra. I'm probably stretching the connotations of this, but having him being called "Father Christmas" could also infer to as what Roman Catholic, Orthodoxy and Anglican traditions would use when they call high religious leaders as "Father" (of which Jesus warned us not to call anyone on Earth "Father" [in this context, not the biological one] in Matthew 23:8-9).
Anyway, when you actually look in to what "Santa" is all about, when you actually pay attention to the words of the songs such as "Santa Claus is Coming Tonight", and "Here Comes Santa Claus", you get a person that goes far beyond what Saint Nicholas was ever originally represented about the idea of gift-giving around this time of year.

I suppose you could call this "Santology" - the study of Santa Claus. This is by no means an in-depth study or anything like that, as it goes in to FAR more detail on this site here (though I must note that this site takes this whole thing to the utmost extreme, though I do agree with many of the points on there myself): Santa Claus: The Great Imposter

First of all, I will go into the practical and realist side of things, with what really matters when it comes down to it: lying to children.

Very much like what GospelCenteredMom.com has to say about it, there's a big difference between children having [for example] an imaginary person that they talk to; pretending they're a super hero; or just imagining they're on the moon - and actually believing that the Santa to which all the songs they've been singing about (which I'll come to later), is real.

I will assume - particularly the non-Christians that will come on here and read this - for those who are less discerning of such matters, that you think the idea of Santa is nothing but harmless fun, but a study was done last year that a Belief in Santa could affect parent-child relationships, warns study, to which part of it says this:

The darker reality, the authors suggest, is that lying to children, even about something fun and frivolous, could undermine their trust in their parents and leave them open to “abject disappointment” when they eventually discover that magic is not real.
Kathy McKay, a clinical psychologist at the University of New England, Australia and co-author, said: “The Santa myth is such an involved lie, such a long-lasting one, between parents and children, that if a relationship is vulnerable, this may be the final straw. If parents can lie so convincingly and over such a long time, what else can they lie about?”

For the next part, I shall be borrowing from TheTwoCities.com which has this to say about it, that to think that parents are willingly and actively lying to their children throughout the Christmas season should cause us to be concerned about their integrity and trustworthiness when it comes to more serious subjects such as teaching kids truths about God - obviously applying to Christians of course; non-Christians don't have a true backbone for their reasons to not lie to their children if it suits their needs. That is, without 'borrowing' from the Christian worldview.

And not only that, but it also teaches the children that lying is OK (as long as it's fun, of course).

Another question aught to be brought up on this issue: Why should Santa get all the glory for all the time, money and effort that friends and family have spent in getting everything for their children? To me, this completely shows an utter lack of respect that should be given to those that have made it special – and actually made it possible.

3 other points I'll borrow from that site
He promotes a false, works righteousness, theology

One thing everyone knows about Santa is that he’s always watching. In order to get what you want, Santa has to see you being good. This is anti-gospel! Even if we make a point of clearly explaining the good news to our children, the yearly exercise of behaving in order to receive gifts strengthens our natural bent toward works righteousness. It contradicts the grace-alone through faith-alone message we are striving to instill in our children.
He encourages self-centeredness [my point on the title of Greed]

The other thing everyone knows about Santa is that he’s always asking, “What do you want for Christmas?” We go along with this by helping our kids sift through catalogues, encouraging them to make lists, and taking them on special outings so they can tell Santa what they want. During the holidays we unashamedly encourage our kids to dwell on things rather than Christ. This cultivates an egocentric understanding of Christmas and twists the holiday so it is now all about them and what they want, rather than Christ and what he did.

He tells our kids that they are good

And, of course, our kids ALWAYS get what they want for Christmas, thus instilling in them the understanding that they are (or at least were in December) good. Should we stuff their stocking with coal? No, of course not. But it seems a shame that on the very holiday we celebrate God’s plan to redeem us from sin, we tell our kids they’re not really sinful.

So what this basically boils down to is Idolatry. Santa has been put on a pedistal, and has diverted our attention away from Jesus - the greatest Gift in the history of Creation. Of course you can try to have the two together, but which of these 2 is the most attractive? Which one would the child really want to focus on? A baby in a manger [in the context of this time of year], or a jolly man who you can see in a "Grotto" and ask him for whatever you want.

The next logical point would be on the Deification of Santa:

Have a read at some of these lyrics:

Here comes Santa Claus!. . .
Bells are ringin', children singin',
All is merry and bright.
So hang your stockings and say your prayers,
'Cause Santa Claus comes tonight
Jump in bed, cover up your head,
'Cause Santa Claus comes tonight
So let's give thanks to the Lord above
'Cause Santa Claus comes tonight
He's making a list and checking it twice
Gonna find out who's naughty and nice
Santa Claus is comin' to town
He sees you when you're sleepin'
He knows when you're a wake
He knows if you've been bad or good
So be good for goodness sake
Does that not sound like god-like qualities to you? That Santa should be one whom you should pray to, because the child thinks he'll be coming and giving you presents? And not only that, but he actually SEES you when you're awake or asleep, or when you've been good or bad! Only God can truly know this.

Sure these may just be lyrics in a song, but do not children learn these lyrics as soon as they're even able to understand what it all means? Is not this the whole part of what Santa makes him Santa? The “theology” of Santa? But let's not forget it's not only in songs, but is indoctrinated into you with films about him, all to get you to believe that he can do the things everyone is telling you he can do.

On a side note, doesn't anyone else think that the idea of a fat man watching your kids all year around is just a little... creepy?

I may as well copy 2 more of her reasons for rejecting Santa, because she can say it better than I can
He reveals that we don’t think Christ is enough

When we add Santa to Christmas, it reveals that we don’t think God, the creator of all things, humbling himself, becoming flesh, living a perfect life among us, dying for our sins, defeating death, and reconciling us with himself, is enough. We add Santa to make Christmas more fun, and more whimsical. In reality, the incarnation is not lacking, it does not need more.

He promotes the idea of mindless faith

All Santa stories include an element of faith. Scripturally speaking, saving faith, involves two aspects. As R W Glenn put it, we have to believe that, and believe in. The former refers to the affirmation of facts. For example, biblical faith requires one to believe that facts like, Jesus was born of a virgin, in Bethlehem, around 2,000 years ago, are true. In the case of Santa, his “facts” are so absurd that one must attach mental blinders in order to believe them. Although the fear of producing Santa-believing grown-ups is not a credible concern, turning out adults with wrong ideas about faith, is. Encouraging our kids to believe falsehoods plants the idea that faith involves checking your brain at the door and feeds the notion that faith can’t be supported by facts and good reasoning. Yes, the Bible states that our faith is in things not seen, but that does not mean it is in things that are not real.
My last point is just how much of a Westernised, first-world person this character is. There are countless millions of people who don't even have access to safe water to drink, or enough food to survive on. Where is Santa in those countries? Thankfully he's no-where to be seen.

pupaveg #pratt #moonbat deviantart.com

Bunny: “I’m vegan, but I’m not one of “those” vegans. I don’t kill animals myself, but I respect other people’s choice to do so. Telling them to stop killing is counter-productive. You catch more flies with sugar than with vinegar.”
Raziel: “Actually, you catch more flies with SHIT than sugar. And you prove it.”
Non-Vegans: “Thank u for validating our choice to oppress the victims you pretend to care about”
“Yeah, now we can feel better about killing them!”
Bunny: “OoOoOH! Attention! Like me!”

jecoil #wingnut deviantart.com

Submitter’s Note: (admittedly, I did pick this fight (from a post a few years old) but the remark is just so insane I couldn’t help but mention it here; also he blocked me so I couldn’t reply to some of his idiotic statements)

First: Any reputable historian will tell you that the slavery controversy was just ONE SMALL PART of a MUCH BIGGER PROBLEM. Anyone who believes otherwise is a brain-dead robot parroting left-wing PROPAGANDA.

Second, did you bother to check the date on this post? THIS POST IS OVER FOUR FUCKING YEARS OLD, YOU GODDDAM MORON. I'm dealing with a death in the family right now, and I don't need your left-wing, America-hating, hate-mongering BULLSHIT historical revisionism showing up in my fucking feed. So go to fucking hell, you retarded bastard.

Third, I don't have time to read your little fucking novel. If you can't respond to a post in just a few short paragraphs, THEN WRITE YOUR OWN GODDAM JOURNAL. Anyone who writes post as long as yours if a fucking attention-whore. Fucking idiot.

FYI I have lived in the South for DECADES and have NEVER heard even ONE person mention the Civil War outside of history class, so it is plain to me that you are not just an IDIOT, you're a GODDAM LIAR as well.

Go fuck yourself, you left-wing hack bastard, and stay the fuck away from me.

PS: If you don't like Alabama, here is the solution: FUCKING MOVE! Go to California or Massachusetts where left-wing sheep like you belong.

Jax1776 #wingnut #fundie #kinkshaming deviantart.com

During my years active and before, I've noticed a lot of Double Standards committed by the left. All of them are aimed towards what we love, ranging from American traditions to entertainment such as Anime.

For example, it’s OK to attack Donald Trump with false evidence of crimes, yet ignore the crimes Obama has committed along with Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.

Threatening and degrading strong and accomplished Republican women like Melania Trump, Nikki Haley, and Elise Stefanik, while covering for evil and corrupt women like Clinton, AOC, and Nancy Pelosi

Making desecrating the American flag “legal” while making flags of tyrannical countries/terrorist groups, North Korea, Iran, Libya, ISIS, etc “illegal”.

Forcing people into changing heterosexual characters into homosexual characters while attacking the former of being “homophobic”.

Going after innocent people and accuse them of “rape” while the actual pedophiles and sexual predators get off scot-free.

Having female characters in anime, video games, fan-art, etc covered up while allowing male characters to go half-naked.

Fictional characters posing nude/swimwear is forbidden while vore, rape, quicksand, etc is allowed.

Attacking Political/Military Thriller stories (both actual & fan-made) as “Right-wing Propaganda” while promoting “Leftism” in stories.

Attacking our country as an authoritarian regime, while excusing the actions of Islamic dictatorships, foreign drug and human trafficking cartels, and the communist regime in China.

This only shows the hypocrisy committed by the Radical Left, using their tactic to attack both Conservative and Independent individuals while promoting their own ideas in entertainment and the mainstream media. We must stand up against them if we wish to be allowed to explore freely without any trouble.

Balddog4 #transphobia deviantart.com

I know it's been a while since my last deviation. But this has been on my mind for a while.

I now work at Wal-Mart and I remember several months ago, I saw a young boy. Not a girl, a boy. Probably between the ages of 7-10 years of age. And he had on a skirt, pink flip-flops, lipstick, painted fingernails, the whole-nine yards. And my first thought process was, "What the hell, is wrong with his parents."

Now you might think me bad for thinking that, but there's a huge difference between being old enough to make your own decisions, and having your decisions being made for you. And that young boy, could be younger or older than I originally thought. I don't know. But the fact that he was dressed like a girl, proves to me that there's something wrong with the parents mentally. And they deserve CPS to intervene and take the children away from this couple. (The young boy had siblings.)

"Oh, Balddog, you are being sexist and homophobic because a young child wants to express his sexuality."

Let me get something straight here, puberty for males don't happen until around 13. Yes, for some it happens earlier, and others, later. But exploring sexuality is something that happens around 13, not 8. Most boys don't and shouldn't be thinking about, "I am sexually attractive to other boys, so I'm going to be transgender." That doesn't happen. And if it does happen, most likely it's due to the parents being complete assholes and purposely messing up their children sexuality.

It's just like my "Theybies" deviation. For parents to purposely state to their daughter, "Your a boy," and to their son, "your a girl" or basically tell them, "what gender do you want to live as, a boy or a girl." This isn't some video game where gender is optional and you can start over if you want. This is real life. These are children with real lives. And if you advocate in on wanting your children to transition to the opposite gender, just because they "want to," is a form of child abuse. And you deserve to get your asses put in jail. Cause the psychology of children isn't completely developed to the capacity of fully functioning until they reach their teenage years.

Even then teenagers are stupid, and are mentally challenged to some degree. But at least their lives won't be fucked up by the choices of the parents. No. They'll fuck up their own lives and have no one to blame but themselves. At least parents could live knowing that they gave their children guidance.

I'm done. For now.

mrbill6ishere #fundie #wingnut deviantart.com

History repeats itself quickly...
Apr 23, 2017

COGOLIN, France — Muslims preoccupy Jennifer Troin.

"I'm worried about my nieces having to wear the veil," said the soft-spoken 29-year-old.

This fear has helped propel the young mother to the far-right of the political spectrum ahead of key presidential elections Sunday — and into the arms of the hard-line National Front party.

Troin sells children's clothes at a store in Cogolin, a town of 11,000 a few miles from the jet-set resorts of the French Riviera. In 2014, Cogolin became one of a handful of communities nationwide to elect mayors from the National Front, which is also known by the acronym FN.

Troin told NBC News that it wasn't just the FN's stance on Islam and immigration that attracted her, but also the party's populist take on the economy.

But most of all, it was the party's charismatic leader, Marine Le Pen, who captured Troin's loyalty.

"She fights for women's rights against Islam," she said. "I vote because of Marine."

Troin is part of a quiet army of female National Front supporters, who could well tip the balance of the election and give the presidency to the hard-right.

An FN victory would rewrite the continent's political playbook, given the party's pledge to take France out of the European Union. Were it to win, it would not have been an easy ride for a movement that peaked in 2002 when founder Jean Mari Le Pen — Marine Le Pen's father — reached the second and final round of the presidential election.

French voters flocked to the polls in the runoff to ensure Le Pen did not win, instead electing former President Jacques Chirac with a resounding 78 percent of the vote. Most pollsters expect a similar outcome in May's second-round vote, predicting moderate voters to rally once again to shut out the FN.

But few doubt that the party's anti-immigrant and anti-establishment platform is resonating.

The Front's anti-Islamic message is especially potent in France, whose 4.7 million Muslims make up around 7.5 percent of the population. Islamist militant attacks have killed more than 230 people over two years and plunged the country into a long-term state of emergency.

PlayMarine Le Pen: Mass Immigration Is a Tragedy for France

Marine Le Pen: Mass Immigration Is a Tragedy for France 1:00
This anxiety deepened on the eve of the election after a gunman ambushed three Parisian police officers on the Champs-Elysees late Thursday, killing one and wounding two others. ISIS claimed responsibility for the shooting and French President Francois Hollande said it was likely a terrorist attack.

Meanwhile, the FN's influence has spread from its heartlands along the Mediterranean coast and in the rust-belt north, into rural "forgotten" France.

'Marine is different'
Polling institute Elabe recently predicted that 22 percent of women would vote for the National Front in the first round Sunday — almost 5 percent more than in 2012.

With just days to go, polls show the race is tightening. Centrist Emmanuel Macron is edging his way ahead on 24 percent and Le Pen is a fraction behind on 22.5 percent, according to Bloomberg polling.

Just below them, hard-left candidate Jean-Luc Melenchon has enjoyed a late surge and scandal-hit conservative Francois Fillon has hung in there despite a slew of allegations that he paid thousands of euros to his British-born wife for assistance she allegedly did not provide. A third of voters remain undecided.

Image: French far-right Front National leader Marine Le Pen is kissed by her father Jean-Marie Le Pen
Front National leader Marine Le Pen is kissed by her father Jean-Marie Le Pen after being re-elected as president of the party on Nov. 30, 2014. Laurent Cipriani / AP, file
The FN's ability to motivate French women could be decisive. Traditionally, it has struggled to attract female voters amid accusations of sexism, racism and anti-Semitism.

In its early years under Jean-Marie Le Pen, the party advocated a traditional image of women, opposed abortion rights and developed a reputation for a macho, strongman culture.

This bias showed. The FN was far less successful at attracting women than men. During Jean-Marie Le Pen' time in charge, around 12 percent of French women supported the party compared with 17 percent of men, according to Sciences Po Cevipof, a political institute based in Paris.

Marine Le Pen changed this.

Since taking over in 2011, she has softened the party's image, steering the FN away from some of its overtly anti-Semitic and racist rhetoric in an effort to broaden its electoral base. In 2015, she expelled her father after he repeated his view that the Holocaust was a "detail of history."

“Women understand Marine Le Pen — she’s divorced, she has three children, she works, she’s a modern woman.”
In the run up to the this year's election, Le Pen dropped her last name from campaign handouts, referring to herself simply as Marine.

More recently, she specifically targeted the female vote. She has published special pamphlets and a campaign video that describes her as a woman and a mother and shows her flicking through family photo albums. She has also changed the party's logo from a flame to a blue rose.

'Hitler-like figure'
For Troin, the children's clothes seller in Cogolin, her interest in the National Front has grown with Marine Le Pen's rise. While immigration, job security and her fear of Islam remained underlying motivators, she was also attracted to the party's re-brand.

For her, the former leader "was too outspoken, too offensive. He was a Hitler-like figure," Troin said. "But Marine is different."

In the last presidential election in 2012 — the first with Marine Le Pen as leader — the party's gender gap closed to 1.5 percentage points. It's what Cevipof professor and FN expert Nonna Mayer called the "Marine Le Pen effect."

The party has long advocated clamping down on immigration and securing borders, and throughout her campaign Le Pen has consistently made the country's Muslims a target.

Image: Marine Le Pen supporters cheer
Marine Le Pen supporters cheer at a rally in the southern city of Marseille on Wednesday. Jeff J Mitchell / Getty Images
"In France we respect women, we don't beat them, we don't ask them to hide themselves behind a veil as if they were impure. We drink wine when we want, we can criticize religion and speak freely," she said during a rally Monday night, comments clearly aimed at Muslims.

During the rally, Le Pen pledged to suspend all visas from non-European migrants hoping to join their families in France — often code for immigrants from mainly Muslim North Africa and the Middle East.

After Thursday night's attack in Paris, she again singled out what she sees as the threat posed by Islam.

"It is a war in which there can be no retreat because all our population and all our territory are exposed," she said.

And for all her rebranding, Marine Le Pen can also fall back into the older, harsher style of messaging.

Cathy, a 50-year-old dental assistant who was shopping for groceries in Cogolin, said she was all set to vote FN but was taken aback by Le Pen's recent comments that the French were not to blame for the anti-Jewish policies of the government during the Nazi occupation in World War II.

Referring to the "Vel d'Hiv" roundup of Jews by French police in July 1942, in which nearly 13,000 were detained and deported to concentration camps, Le Pen told French radio earlier this month she thought France was "not responsible."

Cathy, who didn't want to be identified by her second name, said Le Pen's remarks had made her pause.

Others needed no time to reflect.

"The FN is xenophobic, racist and anti-feminist," said retired teacher Mireille Escarrat. "For me it feels like the 1930s. We're going backwards."

'I don't talk politics here'
Many of the National Front supporters interviewed by NBC News were reluctant to admit it, and others were concerned about being named.

"I don't talk politics here," a local woman said, having led the way into a backroom of her business in the town. The 60-year-old asked not to be named or for her business to be described because she felt that admitting her loyalty to the FN would damage her reputation.

"I wouldn't mind if it weren't for my business," she added, out of earshot of her customers. "But this is somewhere everyone can come whether you vote communist or for the right."

Even in this town — where 53 percent of the population voted FN in 2014 — voting Le Pen still carries a social stigma. There's no telling just how many closet female FN voters there may be.

The party's marriage of socialist economic policy and right-wing identity politics is working in the town, which sits in the FN's traditional southern heartland. With the decline of traditional industries and unemployment at 18 percent, locals worry Cogolin is being reduced to a seasonal economy dependent on rich resort communities.

Newly-converted women at the FN's regional headquarters in neighboring Sainte-Maxime said Sunday's election would be the first time they voted for the Front in a presidential race.

"We didn't vote for Jean-Marie Le Pen because he scared us," said Monique Guckert, 67, a retired shop assistant. "His ideas were too fascist, too racist. It was too much."

Even the FN mayor of Cogolin, Marc Etienne Lansade, admitted his mother would never have voted for Jean-Marie Le Pen.

"He drove her crazy," he said. "Women understand Marine Le Pen, she's divorced, she has three children, she works — she's a modern woman," he added, sitting in his second-floor office in the town hall.

Still, not all women appreciate Le Pen's message. On Monday, a topless protester carrying flowers charged the candidate during a rally northern Paris.

Le Pen does not try to make out that she is a feminist. Of her 144 manifesto pledges, only one addresses women's issues. In it, she promises to defend women's rights by fighting against Islam, implementing a plan for equal pay and combating social and job insecurity.

"She's a fake feminist," said Camille Froidevaux-Metterie, a political scientist and expert on women in politics at the University of Reims.

Asked if a Le Pen win would be a victory for women, she said that though symbolically "it would not be nothing." She said it would mean France is ready for a female president but would have elected one on a non-feminist agenda.

"It's a sort of paradox," she said.

prince-riley #sexist deviantart.com

So some crazy bitch challenged my friend who is big guy to a boxing match

because she believes "girl power" will help her win a match

Suprise to say, she got owned big time and this my friend is why male and female don't compete against each other in professional sport

Oh and justalongfortheride from fstdt.com, thank you for giving me so much attention for featuring my post

prince-riley #sexist deviantart.com

So you know that fight i had with that feminist bitch who hurt an autistic little boy?

Well the teacher called me and try to threaten me, so i respond by using my psychological manipulation technique

Suprisingly it worked, the teacher broke down and started crying and then i cheered her up and told her to become a better person and start listening to people side of the story

Some people called it evil while other say it's good. So that's why i asked you guys to tell me which is it

GradiusGadwin #wingnut #sexist deviantart.com

(Collections of comments from the user GradiusGadwin)

1. Imagine bitching about Orange Man Bad while you use the word "retard" as an insult.

2. “>Believing at fake news' conspiracy theories
>Calling others conspiretards

Yeah, typical case of Trump Derangement Syndrome

3. "REEEEEEE! Anyone that doesn't demonizes Trump is a Trump cultist!"

Keep crying.


And that's why the left can't meme.

5. "The right can't fact". And the left can? Lol. The left can't even accept basic facts like that there only two genders and that men are stronger than women.

6. Oh look, another shitty leftist meme from jollyjack.

prince-riley #homophobia #sexist deviantart.com

This is something i will never understand lgbt community and feminism

If feminism really cared about women, why the hell are you not fighting for women in other country like saudi arabia and such cuz you know? WOMEN GET KILLED OVER THERE. Instead you waste your time talking about shitty thing that already been debunked such as gender pay

And as for the lgbt community, if you really cared about gay people, then why are you not fighting for other country that literally legalize in killing/sentencing gay people? rather than shaking your ass in shitty parades?

Not only that you are making gay people look even more bad because of your attitude and parades

prince-riley #wingnut #sexist deviantart.com

You know that crazy feminist bitch who attacked me with a sharp wooden plank?

Well during being interrogated by the prosecutor she claimed that i was raping her and that she used the wooden plank as self defense

and not only that but she even tries to play the victim and blames the police officer for not arresting 98% of the rapist and that they are the reason rape victims are silent. HOW FUCKED UP CAN YOU BE TO HAVE THAT MENTALITY?!!!

The reason police have trouble arresting those rapist is because of FALSE RAPE ACCUSATION!! Because of those false arrest, the police department have wasted their time and money on those false accusation and now they have trust issue with womens, they feared that they might lose money and potentially arresting innocent people for crimes they didn't do wrong


Thank godness the security camera caught her lying, if there isn't i would be in prison for life on those false accusation with an injured arm and leg

prince-riley #homophobia deviantart.com

Disclaimer: I'm not attacking any gay people or whatever. I'm just avoiding any gay related topic

I'm sorry guys but i've had enough with this lgbt drama, i'm sorry but they're still attacking my family and friend for not supporting them, disagreeing with them or doing things that they don't like. I had terrible experience with lgbt stuff in the past including today until it started to give me anxiety

I'm not a homophobe i'm neutral which means i don't support anything and i just do what i want and not care what people think

I will still be uploading memes such as steven universe and all that but i will not be taking part in any gay topic. I'm neutral and i won't choose side

I will have gay friends but i'm not on their side. I might have homophobe friends still not on their side.

prince-riley #sexist deviantart.com

I broke my leg and arm during a fight with some idiot feminist at school because i defended my close friend of false rape accusation. I literally humiliated her and then she got so furious, this happened after school time (never go home from school alone)

She bit me, she uses a piece of plank to hit me, it's almost like she wants to murder me the pain is unbearable.

So i'm currently resting in hospital as i'm typing this so sorry guys i won't be posting memes for like a few days but one thing i can say is


prince-riley #wingnut deviantart.com

Let's be real here snowflakes, YOU WILL NEVER ACHIEVE EQUALITY, why you ask?

Hating/bashing on cis straight people won't give equality to gay people

Hating/bashing on white people won't' give you equality for black people

Hating/bashing on males won't give you equality to females

No matter what your excuses are, those people will fight back, they won't take these insult or hate such as "straight white male" so lightly

Prince-riley #homophobia deviantart.com

Let me make one thing clear, i don't hate gay people i only don't support the community. I only support true gay people who are not crybabies SJW and doesn't need parades and stereotypes to be proud of themselves

The most important thing in a relationship whether its straight or gay is self love. That is one thing those type of people won't understand

The woman or male? above refused to accept the evidence i showed her, infact she doesn't even properly watch or read them. I would present more but she's too indenial to accept them

Raine-Rose #fundie deviantart.com

(Animated stamp that reads “God made Adam and Eve. Not Adam and Steve.””

There are many stamps out there that support gay/homosexual/yaoi&yuri etc relationships. Well, I'm not a homophobe, but I have a right to state my beliefs too. As a Christian I believe that the Lord created man and woman for a reason, and that we shouldn't mess with it.

Jesus loves everyone. But only those who love Him back will be recieved as saved & purified into glory.

EDIT {2}: Righty-ho. You didn't listen to me. I'm just going to disable comments. ^^ A simple request, and comprehension of it is soooo difficult...

Please do not comment just to bash or flame me.

If you want to comment, make it relevant. :)

EDIT: PLEASE READ! I am serious by the way about relevant comments. I'm not one for debates (I'm retired from that stuff XD) so I appreciate it if you just post comments that talk about the skill or the way I made the stamp. I don't wish to speak about the "politics" of this deviation. It was made for fellow Christians and/or people who agree with my views. Please respect this or I will hide your comments.

menslady125 #fundie deviantart.com

(An image with the following words)

"It bugs me when people are unnecessarily mean. Like, you didn't have to make that comment. You could have just kept your mouth shut and left that person not feeling bad about themselves. What do you gain from making someone else feel like shit? Nothing of substance. Maybe a fleeting moment of power but that's gone as soon as it comes so why? There’s enough unhappiness in the world without you adding to it."

I found this on Facebook, and I think I should share this on here because this stuff is WIDESPREAD on both this site and pretty much ALL OVER the internet...and it NEEDS to STOP.

menslady125 #fundie deviantart.com

Well, I'll tell you what it ISN'T: it is not the definitions that are listed in the picture.

Okay, gang. I think I should tell you. The Facebook people I get these from are a group called "Homosexuality is a Sin against God". They do NOT Bible thump...but they don't sugar coat, either. And there come times when they post something I just can't pass up sharing with you. Plus...they are perfectly okay with me doing so.

Anywho, 1 Corinthians 13 gives a great definition of love. But NOWHERE does it say to accept false religions, tolerate sin or false doctrines, refuse to rebuke and expose anyone, or to never offend anyone with the truth.

However, it DOES say "Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices in the truth." Wow! Well said!

Isaiah 5:20-21 - Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!

Proverbs 14:12 - There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.

(I guess I could also be posting this on behalf of our dear departed Billy Graham...wonderful man of God. Wouldn't you love to join him in Heaven someday? You can.)

menslady125 #fundie deviantart.com

(from my friends on Facebook)

Don't be afraid to stand up for what's right, even if it means being called a "bigot" or "politically incorrect" or "judgemental" or losing friends or fame or whatever.

After all, are we now trying to please man or God? And shouldn't we be obeying God rather than men?

Am I saying Bible-thump? No.
Am I saying that if something is sinful, point out the bare fact that it is? Yes.
20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
21 Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!

***(Revelation 21:8)
8 But the FEARFUL, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.
***(EMPHASIS added)***

***(2 Timothy 1:7)
7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

***(Proverbs 17:15)
15 He that justifieth the wicked, and he that condemneth the just, even they both are abomination to the Lord.

***(1 Corinthians 6:9-10)
9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.

***(Matthew 10:37-39)
37 He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.
38 And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me.
39 He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.

***(2 Corinthians 13:5)
5 Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?

***(Luke 14:27)
27 And whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after me, cannot be my disciple.

***(1 John 4:18)
27 And whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after me, cannot be my disciple.

***(1 Peter 1:14-16)
14 As obedient children, not fashioning yourselves according to the former lusts in your ignorance:
15 But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation;
16 Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy.

menslady125 #fundie #wingnut deviantart.com

With all this talk of people hating Trump like Hell and wanting to disrupt and riot at his inauguration ceremony tomorrow...not to mention commit terrorism by chaining transportation and murder by putting acid into air vents...I have this to say.

GROW UP! You haters are acting like children! Nobody did this when anyone else was elected President! I lived through Barack Obama! You'll live through Donald Trump!

menslady125 #fundie #homophobia deviantart.com

(Using an image of Martin Luther King Jr. with the words “I have a dream that one day people will know the difference between a phobia and expressing disapproval of something believed to be wrong.”)

Lately, it seems people can't express disapproval of something they don't stand for without being treated like a wuss. Just for example, you say "No. I don't support homosexuality." and some jerk says "You're a homophobe!"

People...a phobia is a fear caused by unpleasant experience. Expressing dislike of something is just that...it does not mean you're afraid. Okay?

OnlyTheGhosts #wingnut deviantart.com

When they can not back their crap, the Loony Leftists simply lie about people. Defaming without any evidence, how very typical NPC behaviour.

On this particular individual's profile page they have the following "I will block or report people who: -Leave hateful or rude comments" --- and of course, they leave hateful and rude comments about other people.

OnlyTheGhosts #wingnut deviantart.com

The racism of the Leftist SJWs comes out in full, showing their true colours, their hatred of people based only on the colour of someone's skin.

One of the Youtube members commenting on the video stated a particularly true point; there are maybe tens of thousands of nasty racists among the neo-nazis and KKK, but there are MILLIONS of nasty racists among the Left.

As I've said many times, the modern "liberals" aren't liberals, they're fakes. They do everything the opposite of true liberal values. They're pro-segregation, obsessed with race, demand special privileges based on a person's sex, hate free speech, want to censor everyone else, are pro-war (when Trump called for the troops to be pulled-out of Syria, the Leftists were screaming that they wanted the USA troops to stay!), they're more violent (just look at what happens at university campuses in the West, and what these crazies are promoting with all their hatred and branding of everyone else who disagrees with them as "neonazis" or "far-right", etc.... The Leftists are the real haters!)

Kajm #wingnut deviantart.com

Soylent Green was made in 1973. The premise was that, by 2022, we'd be eating people....

Well thanks to the likes of Greta and AOC, guess what?

'One of Ocasio-Cortez's constituents loses her mind over climate change during AOC's townhall, claims we only have a few months left: "We got to start eating babies! We don't have enough time! ... We have to get rid of the babies! ... We need to eat the babies!"'

AvatarCat09 #wingnut #fundie deviantart.com

It seems that people nowadays are trying to silence those who disagree with Antifa. I'm pretty sure that everyone now knows who Antifa are, but to those who don't, Antifa is this group claiming to fight fascism...by attacking people they deem to be fascist. They've been known to be a violent far-left group that came to the surface ever since President Donald Trump was sworn into office in 2017. While they attack those they deem fascist even if they disagree with them, the mainstream media (like CNN) seem hellbent on defending them when they should instead be called out. In summation, these "anti-fascists" are pretty much fascists themselves, no different from those they claim to hate.

AvatarCat09 #wingnut #fundie deviantart.com

Ever heard of the phrase "There is no black and white. There's only shades of gray"? I don't think that's entirely true. While the world isn't all black and white, it's not going to be all gray either. After all, black and white do make gray, and where would gray be without those? And one can't say that there is no such thing as good or evil when you look and see the good and bad things out there in the world. Examples include love, kindness, freedom, truth, and love for country/hate, contempt, slavery, lies, and disloyalty.

To elaborate, there can be left-wing people out there who preach about gray morality being superior, saying that there is no such thing as good or evil. But when it comes to people opposite them - like religious people, right-wing people, and those who disagree with LGBTUVWXYZ - they'll view those people as backwards-thinking, bigoted, or evil. There are some of those people on the right-wing that can be just as nutty, but I won't judge them all, just as I won't judge all left-wing people. Heck, I've even seen this kind of behavior on the Warrior Cats forum (I know I'm slamming that forum a lot, but I feel like they need some mud slung their way for once).

As for me, I myself have a rather black-and-white view on things. I'll see where there's gray, but I'll definitely stick with a simpler outlook on life. There is indeed both good and evil out there in the world, and to deny that or blur the lines too much sounds too complicated.

AvatarCat09 #wingnut #fundie deviantart.com

Ever notice in The Lion King when Scar lets the hyenas overhunt and leave the Pride Lands in ruins? I kinda see the same thing happening in Democrat-run cities like San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, and New York City. From rats infesting the cities to people using the streets and sidewalks as bathrooms, and don't get me started on the crime there. Sadly, it's the reigns of the modern far-left Democrats that have allowed these problems to fester. I just hope that, in the very near future or just now, we the people (whether Republicans or Democrats, men or women, black or white, straight or gay) can restore America's Circle of Life.

AvatarCat09 #wingnut #fundie #homophobia deviantart.com

NOTE: I'm not being hateful here, not in the slightest at all. Though I disagree with the LGBT and don't find myself supporting them, I do not hate anyone who's a part of it at all. I'm just noting what I've seen and experienced. So please read the description before you write whatever in the comments.

So here's a bit of background for me making this. I had been on the Warrior Cats forum last year, posting a thread that has my unpopular opinions on the Off-Topic Discussions page. Those opinions range from serious like "I support Donald Trump" or "I hate communism" to non-serious like "I'm fine with the live-action Garfield movies" and "I don't like ketchup and mustard". Everyone's having fun until someone brought up another serious unpopular opinion I have listed: I disagree with homosexuality. I didn't say it in a nasty way, just an unpopular opinion on there (though I think I should've explained myself more). It got ugly from there, two people saying I made that post to "be a bigot" and throwing in the "homophobe" card, one even saying that I was "covering up my homosexuality". I couldn't take it anymore, so overcome with a negative emotion at the moment, I said some words to them and left, and some replied with "You knew what you were getting into when you did that", though that was pretty much the first time I experienced the "homophobe" card. I came back later to apologize for losing my temper (while still keeping to my beliefs) and trying to be as polite as I could. Their response? It pretty much amounted to "I'm surprised that you're surprised that you're getting the hate" and "Glad you realized you're a homophobe".

And it's not just there. I've seen stuff across the Internet that glorifies the LGBT (or as I call it, the LGBTUVWXYZ) while demonizes Christians who disagree with them, lumping both normal Christians and extremists together. The more extreme people in this group keep preaching about love and tolerance, yet when someone even politely disagrees with them, they're very quick to slap the "homophobe" and "bigot" cards onto them. While there are indeed some hateful people out there that want to see LGBT people hurt or worse, this hatred thing is a two way street. It doesn't matter if it's straight against gay or gay against straight: blind hatred towards anyone is never any good.

As for my thoughts on LGBT and whatnot, I disagree with them (as I noted before). That doesn't mean that I hate them nor want to wish harm on them. Anyone can disagree with each other and still be polite about it.

AvatarCat09 #wingnut #racist deviantart.com

I'd like to put this here, not because I'm a Donald Trump supporter (which I am) but because I feel like putting it out there. As long as people are civil in the comments section, whether for or against Trump, it'll all be fine. I won't agree with all opinions, but I respect the right for anyone to say them.

Ever since Harry Potter author JK Rowling had tweeted about USA President Donald Trump "How horrible. Voldemort wasn't this bad", people kinda latched on to the idea that Trump is going to eradicate non-white people like Voldemort wanted to do with non-magical folks. But the thing is, it's not true at all. Trump wants to enforce the law of the land, protecting the country's borders from invaders, and improve the economy. Voldemort, on the other hand, was a bit of an anarchist, wanting to overthrow the wizarding government, spreading chaos, and persecuting anyone who isn't human or pureblooded wizards and witches. That sounds more like Adolf Hitler, though (even when Hitler wanted more government control over everyone as opposed to Voldemort).

Heck, the same thing happened in Warrior Cats, an ever expanding book series about feral cats (which I am a former fan of), concerning one of the main villains: Tigerstar. I'm not sure if one YouTuber started it or not (I won't say the name because I don't want anyone getting harassed over it), but some fans of Warriors (especially on the forum) started believing that Tigerstar is a "kitty Donald Trump", the former being a tyrant who tries getting revenge on his former Clanmates by wiping them out with a pack of dogs. When that didn't work, he merges two Clans together and holds a kangaroo court for cats that are half-Clan (cats born from cats of two different Clans), setting them up to die. Really, however, that doesn't sound at all like Trump, who focuses on the security and soverignty of the country. Moreover, what Tigerstar did sounds like he was more like either Hitler or Josef Stalin than Donald Trump. There's also a quote from Tigerstar in Forest of Secrets (12 years before 2016) saying "I would've made ThunderClan great", and some fans think that it makes him "kitty Donald Trump". Not every character that says "Make X great" is a villain or even Trump; some can actually be good guys/heroes.

This kind of thing is really annoying, really fast. Flat-out shoving political messages into anything not too political diminishes the meaning behind the book/movie/game/show (even beloved childhood stories) and adds unnecessary political messages to them. While I can see some of it coming from the right-wing, I've seen a lot more of it coming from the left-wing, which is why I'm more critical of the left-wing. It also causes people to put in as much political ideals into stuff like Star Wars, Harry Potter, etc. as they want, diminishing actual meanings like good and evil, love and hate, truth, hope, faith, honor, and culture. Instead of all that, it'd be replaced by "this group of people deserves more hate" or "this politician sucks" or "let's brainwash the audience into believing what we believe".

So yeah, it's gotten pretty annoying. Whether anyone likes Donald Trump or hates him, he's not a perfect guy (heck, no one's perfect), but comparing him to fictional villains like Voldemort, Tigerstar, Darth Vader, etc. is pretty silly.

SunnyJohansen #fundie deviantart.com

We live in a time in which there are people of all races who MUST be offended. They are constantly watching for things by which to be offended.
They have no life...they are empty. They cannot stop themselves from doing this. When you talk to them in person or in writing, instead of paying attention to the points you're making, they are intently listening for words or phrases, even watching your actions, for anything they can take apart and be offended by. Only then are they happy and fulfilled. Such morons.

BardaWolf #racist deviantart.com

I'm laughing hysterically as I post this, because at this very moment London is considering banning mopeds. Why are they doing this you ask? Well I'm glad you asked.

See this isn't down to accident statistics, or anything like that. Its because there has been a recent spate of thefts by men on mopeds. They pull up, steal cell phones and leave.
Now most of these men aren't native Brits. Rather they're first or second generation migrants, largely middle eastern. Nope, not the Chinese pulling off these thefts.
Gotta love that cultural enrichment.
Apparently the same police who have enough time to police mean words online can't be on the streets of London to prevent middle eastern men on mopeds from stealing phones, or heaven forbid prosecute them when they do. That's not a lie about policing online speech btw: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-37076995

This of course is on the heels of a knife ban, which was written so vaguely a British man with a potato peeler was arrested. I fucking shit you not! Lol: https://dailycaller.com/2018/05/03/british-man-arrested-for-wielding-potato-peeler/
Leading to the "Bin the Knife" campaign: https://www.hillingdon.gov.uk/article/17425/Bin-a-knife Because you know all those knives going out on their own and stabbing people were a huge menace. Again, I need to comment on the vagueness of the wording, which means the law can include things like ordinary tools https://professional-troublemaker.com/2018/04/10/u-k-knife-control-gone-wild-stop-frisk-arrives-in-london-to-confiscate-your-pointy-things/
Of course us Americans know that if you want violence to go down its a good idea to politely ask criminals to surrender their weapons. In fact we had our own version of this program, gun buybacks, which as we all know work very well. Cough Cough....Camden NJ.....Cough Cough......Chicago IL. Not like people with a broken or damaged firearm would ever take advantage of a program like this in order to buy a new gun. Oh wait...

Guns of course have been mostly illegal in Britain for decades. Trust me though, its always the tool that should be banned. We should lengthen the list. I mean, why would you need a shovel or a bat, for instance? You planning on killing somebody you sick twisted fuck? What's wrong with you? And what about pipes. Stores shouldn't be allowed to sell those. They could hurt somebody. Close down Home Depot. Too many dangerous weapons that could fall into the hands of criminals

Oh God! I almost forgot about U-Haul! We don't want anymore trucks of peace! Can we ban them too!?

Redtriangle #conspiracy #wingnut deviantart.com

Here is one of many things I don't get about these Leftists. Leftists physically and publicly attack Right-wing speaks especially during 2015-2016 Election year. But why haven't they attack other right-wingers before or at least not this vicious before?

During the 2012 election with between Obama vs. Romney, Mitt Romney is Republican and a Right-winger and yet nobody calls him sexist, racist, etc. I would have known. (at least not this large-scale with Trump), no riots, protests, or attacks.
Same goes for John McCain in 2008, again no riots or name-calling. And even Bush 2000-2008. There are small riots but not big enough like in past recent years.

So what, the Obama years was the 'growing point' for Leftism.

Now here where it becomes more of a conspiracy.
I may already mentioned earlier. What if, the Democratic and Republican Party are secretly working together, controlling public opinions, and putting candidates of their choosing for citizen to elect. One of these candidates may be mostly likely to be elected than the rest, but they are all cronies to the "Deep State" (those they call it).

That's where Trump comes in. Again just a theory, if Trump never run for president, the "Deep State" will have no reason to orchestrate the public's hatred for Trump. The Democratic Party doesn't seemed to have much problem with other Republicans.
Again, maybe that because the Democrats are working with the Republicans (or fake-Republicans); they putting their 'loser' candidates and have their candidates chance of being elected.

Back in the 2016 election year, there are Republicans whom are anti-Trump (aka Never-Trumpers) simply because he is an 'outsider'.

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