Various incels #sexist

(what is the female sex drive?)

Seeing a chad

Feeling dominated by chad, foids are so shallow they all have the same preference.

(Napoleon de Geso)
Femoid sex drive is outdated, they choose primitive chad instead of evolved gracile man like Elliot

I'm not sure that it matters, we're incels and will never pleasure them anyway.

They want low inhib thugmaxxed gigachad to beat the shit out of them

Being treated like a piece of meat by a very good looking man

Chinese government officials in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region #fundie #racist

(Results of interviews with members of China’s Uygur minority who had managed to escape from internment camps on the reasons they had been given for their arrest)

Owning a tent
Owning extra food
Owning a compass
Abstaining from alcohol
Abstaining from cigarettes
Wailing, publicly grieving, or otherwise acting sad when your parents die
Performing a traditional funeral
Wearing a scarf in the presence of the Chinese flag
Wearing a hijab (if you are under 45)
Arguing with an official
Sending a petition that complains about local officials
Not allowing officials to sleep in your bed, eat your food, and live in your house
Having a full beard
Speaking your native language in school
Speaking your native language in government work groups
Speaking with someone who has travelled abroad
Having travelled abroad yourself
Merely knowing someone who has travelled abroad
Not attending mandatory propaganda classes
Not attending mandatory flag-raising ceremonies
Not attending public struggle sessions
Refusing to denounce your family members or yourself in these public struggle sessions
Trying to kill yourself when detained by the police
Trying to kill yourself when in the education camps
Inviting multiple families to your house without registering with the police department
Being related to anyone who has done any of the above

Readytodie85 #fundie

All do respect why are atheist people in this forum God please place me next to them at judgment day lol so many perverted versions of christianity only one acceptable version you either believe in Jesus and live for him or perish in hell

Some incels #sexist #psycho

Re: twoxroasties wants you to be a compassionate cuck when your wife cucks you, births some chad's spawn, bails on you, and then leaves you to raise chad's spawn. women are a meme.



I had my suicide planned in case the day he would realize I wasn't worthy of his love because of my genetics would come

Roastie on leddit experiences 1% of the hardships of incel lifestyle and wants to rope already

If you ever ascend, DNA test your kids.

Anyway, women don't have consciousness or empathy, she just isn't fucking capable of putting herself in someone else's shoes. It's all about how SHE FEELS and what happens to her.

In their minds, them tricking yiu into rasing offspring is actually moral. You see that kid needs resources, it's a kid, it's pure, it's innocent, it deserves fulfillment. Plus she knows it's hers. Therefore she has even more bond to see it succeed and receive resources. Always get your kids tested. Honestly even chad should. Believe me, women cheat, a lot. If they think they can get away with it, and the guys worth it, they cheat. Fact of life.


I cant even call that man a cuck, he is more of a man than the real father

I'm happy to read this comment in this sub. I also wouldn't leave a little child behind if I have taken care of it for so many years. Cuck or not, if people can show mercy to random people through charity, then you can take care of one more kid. It's not the kid's fault.

Random charity does not mean being legally financially tied against your will to a person you were deceived into believing was your biological offspring. Don't even compare the two. They are nothing alike.

I can. He is a fucking cuck that willingly took unnecessary stress & partially ruined his own life over a whore's bastard daughter.

And you're no better, you fucking cuck. If you don't kick both the whore & her cheat trophy out; you are a fucking cuck. I have no respect for either.

His older parents tried speaking sense into this father but they raised a soft little feminized wimp.

Lmao all the comments defending him, this sub is infested by normies, fakecels, and cucks

Andrew Anglin #sexist #wingnut #psycho

[From "British Politician Sargon of Akkad Calls for Women to be Raped"]

"100% deal with it."

UKIP candidate Carl Benjamin stands by his comments that he "wouldn't even rape" a female Labour MP and tells Sky's @KateEMcCann to "deal with it".

Get more on this story here:

8:00 PM - Apr 18, 2019

You might remember Sargon of Akkad from YouTube.

And you may have been thinking “what the heck happened to that lad?”

Well, he’s a politician now.

And he is based and redpilled, and is calling for women to be raped.

This is quite awesome.

Aside from exterminating Jews, the main thing that I have always wanted was for women to be raped. For years, we have not had a single politician in a Western country that was willing to call for women to be raped – even while this is a very popular position in Middle Eastern countries.

It’s yet to be seen if Sargon will be able to enact his policy of rape once elected, or if he will pull a Donald Trump and build a few miles of groping and call it rape.

What is certain is that Sargon will win the election for Prime Minister of the UK based on the promise that women will be raped.

Rape has overwhelming popular support as a policy among the public, with up to 98% of people supporting it. However, thus far, no politician in the West has had the nerve to run on a rape platform.

I salute Sargon of Akkad, and wish him the best.

The Daily Stormer is officially endorsing Sargon of Akkad as Prime Minister of the UK.

RealRice #sexist

Hmm, well let's think about it logically.
I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole.
Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her.
As a man who has a daugher you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically

Orlov #sexist

Having a daughter is the worst thing that can happen to a man

Just imagine it, you feed and nurture this fucking thing with a hole for years just so it can grow up and become a cum dumpster for Chads and normies. You feed your baby girl, teach her how to walk, talk, she goes to expensive schools... and then she hits puberty, goes to high school and college and she randomly swallows gallons of cum at parties and thinks she is smart and strong and emancipated for doing it.

Only thing worse than that is having multiple daughters. Females are worthless scum, you nurture them just so they can betray you and whore themselves out. If you have a daughter you are raising a play toy for Chad and normie-scum. There's really no decency in it whatsoever, even if she is a straight-a student she is still a fucking degraded whore who would let Chad shit in her mouth just for validation.

Anonymous #fundie

Let me tell you my story. I used to be an hours praying, Bible disecting, days fasting Christian who used to go to church every day of the week that there was a service (which, at the time was 4 times a week, including rehersals). I could see the influence of the Devil in any source of media. And make a good argument by the bible. I was never irrational.

How I felt about dragons. There was a time when I did not like dragons. Because dragons associated to snakes associated to the Devil. I didn’t really mind snakes. At the time, I just thought they shouldn’t be kept as pets, but they are still God’s creation, and God used snakes. Like Moses’s staff, or the bronze snake in the desert. But dragons are not creation of God. What is the dragon?

To me, the dragon was the devil pretending to be God. Specially Chinese dragons. The snake was a clever creature in the garden of Eden, who gave Adam and Eve the knowledge of right and wrong (in other words, stole their innosence, corrupted their innocent minds). Asian dragons are wise, and they impart knowledge to mankind. So, these are not ordinary snakes God’s creation. These were the snakes representative of the Devil. That’s what dragons were to me.

To me, the Asian dragons were born as any other mythology. Distortion of the truth and some influence of the Devil. The dragon had been given aditional features to be more awesome (in the more traditional sense), and had been made big and celestial, and even been given power over nature. It had become a deity. The dragon was a god, like the Devil has always wanted to be.

So what about the other dragons? To me, they were still representatives of the Devil. Maybe not worshiped gods, or at least not directly, but devilish snakes stealing the love of the people. Dragons are cute and friendly? Demons are shapeshifting deceivers. They can be cute and friendly too. To me, dragons were teaching people to accept demons if they are cute and act friendly. Because they only pretend to be, but they really want to condemn your soul. Or at least, that was my perspective. And hey, according to Islam, there is a slight possibility that demons can genuinely turn good. Anyway:

I also did not like when I spent nine hours in fasting and prayer and reading the bible and singing christian songs in my room all by myself, and felt in communion with God, but went to my Christian uncle’s house to visit, and we would watch a movie, to which I would be tempted not just by myself, but by my family. And even if the movie was not about anything of the Devil, when we would finish watching the movie, that feeling of communion with God was gone.

Despite that, all my life I have been fascinated by lizards and dinosaurs. So of course, I was naturally fascinated by dragons. But the bible says “deny yourself, pick up your cross and follow me”. And that’s what I did. A few months after, I read Job. I have read like 66% of the bible. I had heard of the leviathan before, but most of the time, I forgot, and also, because I had only heard about it, I did not know what to think. Even after I read about it, I was not sure what to think. I was going back and forth between my bible and my nearly 10lb biblical dictionary. And I read the psalms. Specially psalm 104. After a while, it seemed more reasonable to me that leviathan is a real animal. And dragon is no more devil than it is wolf or snake. Dragons are no more devils than lions are gods. God is not literally a lion, and even if he were, that doesn’t make all lions gods. The Devil is not literally a dragon, and even if it were, the rest of dragons are not devils.

But most dragons are not like leviathan either. And those that are, often are compared to gods. Like Godzilla. Btw I also did not like Godzilla because people compared him to gods. And Godzilla is not a dragon, but one of the most similar things to leviathan.

So, dragons were still representative of the devil to me for a while. But later I started thinking about it. Were they really representative of the Devil? They were mostly just like normal animals. And then I stopped thinking of dragons as the Devil.

But I still had all the other issues with fantasy and dustraction and stuff. So yeah.

SlayaCaleb88 #sexist

The Different types of Chads and Staceys

I have pretty much seen enough in my life to narrow them all down to this


Conservative/Christian/Self Righteous Chad(my most hated one)

These Chads are most likely people with top genetics that love that piece of shit called Jesus, most notably (Paul Joseph Watson, Alex Jones, Ben Shapiro,) they will often say incels are entitled and spoiled rotten, bashing incels makes them feel stronger and morally superior.

Party/Jock/Celebrity Chad

These ones are just your typical hollywood produced Chads, they bully incels because they think its fun to do.

Abusive/Criminal/Tough Guy Chad

These people are what women piss their panties with cum thinking about are great guys, only the deadshit fucked up foids go for these types of Chads, these are the type of Chads that the Conservative Chad does not want his daughter around.


Rich Girl/Celebrity/Popular in Highschool Stacey (Higher Tier Foids)

These are foids that have been living on recruit dificulty most of their life and have never gone thru hardship, they only want the top guys to fuck.

Normal average looking women that still count as staceys (they aren't ugly or hot)

These chics are what most of our looksmatch are at, they are just average foids.

BECKY'S (Society is real fucked up thinking these foids deserve any one)

Bash the Fash Becky:
This is your typical foid that loves to get up on a soapbox and be an activist for some ideology that can easily be debunked, mostly feminists as well.

Beta Orbiter Becky:
This is just some below average looking foid that gets Incel Tears hard, not even I would go for any of these fucking disgusting animals.

Autistic Becky: (Now this one really fucking makes me angry)

Why the fuck should an Autistic Becky with my fucking looksmatch be able to get any fucking guy? Autism doesn't even exist for these types of foids and its a joke to them really, This goes to show how easy women have it compared to men.

HumanTrash #sexist #psycho

[LifeFuel] Every second a foid dies somewhere in the world

Just thinking about this makes me feel so much better, right now when you are reading this a filthy chad-worshiping cunt dies somewhere :feelsautistic: Doesn't matter if it's a baby or a 120-years old granny, they are all whores and they will all die.

Alex Jones #conspiracy #homophobia

(Transscript of video)
In the interval [?] the Pentagon just tested a gay bomb on Iraq, they considered it, they didn’t [?] consider using it, they used it on our troops, in Vietnam, they sprayed PCP on our troops - Jacob’s Ladder - ha - you think PCP - some horse tranquilizers or something? They got some stuff that’ll whack your brain permanently.
Brain chips in the troops. They give the troops special vaccines that really [?] nanotech that auto[?]-re-engineers their brains.
Now there is the gay bomb.
Look it up for yourself, this is what do you think tap water is, it’s a gay bomb, baby.
And I’m not saying people didn’t naturally have homosexual feelings, I’m not even getting into it, quite frankly, give me a break. You think I… I’m, like, shocked by it [?] [incomprehensible] bashing it because I don’t like gay people. I DON’T LIKE THEM PUTTING CHEMICALS IN THE WATER! THEY TURN THE FRICKING FROGS GAY!
Do you understand that?
Ungh! Ungh! Ungh! Ungh! [bangs paper on table]
I’m sick of being socially engineered! It’s not funny!

Warlady #fundie

[Replying to article titled <a href="" target="_blank">Ask Me if I Care About 'Mishandling' of Koran</a>]

<p>I understand why our politicians can't express their true feelings on this topic. Can you imagine the repercussions if they were to say this [that nobody cares about the Koran mishandling]? All 2 billion Mooslums would rise up against every American on the planet. Come on guys. Think.

DoctorDoom #fundie

[Replying to an atheist's words "I shouldn't have to make a religious affirmation I don't believe in. Since the government represents me as much as it represents a Christian, all points of view need to be accomodated by favoring none".]

As a patriotic, God-fearing American, I really don't care what you or any other atheist might be opposed to, nor what you believe. We've kissed the asses of the whining microminority of heathens for way too long.

You have every right to complain, and we in turn have every right to ignore you.

blue_johnson #fundie

[Replying to "Can you imagine the repercussions if they were to say [that nobody cares about Koran mishandling]? All 2 billion Mooslums would rise up against every American on the planet."]

<p>That would be great, then we could legitimately go to war against Islam and nuke 'em.

Revelation Sky #fundie

How sick and evil. I don't care what the reason is for these pictures, they are disgusting and sick. How dare they put this vile stuff in a book and call it the Bible. I don't want to be the one before the Lord explaining that one. Obviously this person does not have the fear of the Lord in him!!!!!

lhahn1999 #fundie

[Person not understanding the fact that the pictures they're objectioning to from the "<a href="" target="_blank">Brick Testament</a>" parody site are just illustrations of what their own bible talks about.]

<p>My daughter sent me this email saying "best site ever"...she had bought the series for a Christian friend and her little girl...hmmm [...]

<p>[Links to a scenes depicting bestiality, sexual discharges, and homosexuality]

<p>I won't go on. I emailed my daughter back...I mean REALLY! ABOMINATION! What ever my daughter bought for her Christian friend I hope it didn't have this in it! When I noticed the "ratings"...I thought at first it meant that that part of the bible dealt with sexual topics, language, etc. NOT THAT IT WAS GRAPHIC WARNINGS IN A CHILDRENS BIBILE SERIES!!!

<p>Come Lord Jesus before the innocent children are tainted even further. They need you Jesus, we are a corrupt, depraved and sinful generation. For YOUR names sake, return and restore all things! Amen

DoctorDoom #fundie

That resonates with every Christian who grieves over the muzzie harassment, oppression, torture and murder of fellow Christians. To hell with the Koran/Quran/Qur'an — that's where it originated. And to hell with the barbarians who behave like stone-age savages at the behest of that vile book from the twisted mind of a demented pedophile.

<p>You want to see "mishandling" of your demonic book, muzzies? Give me a copy and watch in horror as I apply its pages to the only place where they are of some small value.

talitha #fundie

[Replying to a story in which a <a href="">judge rules parents may not expose son to Wicca beliefs</a>]

<p>Well, it's not politically correct, but I believe that the only god deserving of praise and worship is MY God. I think other gods are at best figments of men's imaginations. I think worshiping other gods is dangerous, particularly in terms of eternal destiny. I wouldn't wish that on anyone, particularly a child. It makes me angry to see children exposed to such lies.

talitha #fundie

I do not necessarily agree with the law of the land. If I were in the judge's position, I would be likely to render a similar decision - which is why I am unlikely to be appointed as a judge. Personally, I believe this country needs far more JESUS and far less tolerance of disrespect of Him

jason #fundie

[Replying to the question why it's ok for god to kill babies yet xians go nuts when doctors do it]

<p>You are assuming God has no right to do with his creations as he sees fit.

<p>But that is false. God kills everyone, but nobody complains about that. It is his perogative to do with his creation as he sees fit.

<p>Man butchering the unborn, something that is not his creation, is not a priveledge that man has.

MattMarriott #fundie

Dinosaurs - the largest cover-up ever in Natural History - Worldwide exclusive news

<p>From Hoax to Cover-up
Phase 1 of evolution theory, the Piltdown Man phase: the main technique used to fool people was planting hoaxes.
Phase 2 of evolution theory, the Dinosaur phase: the main task is to cover-up REAL findings.

<p>Reversed Profession - Burying instead of Digging Out Dinosaur Fossils
Today the main purpose of people working in the illuminati payroll digging out in the field (palaeontologists, etc) is to cover-up scores of findings concerning dinosaurs.
Each of these findings is sufficient to expose immediately evolution theory as a lie, even to a six year old child. [...]

- the cover-up is not about coexisisting humans and dinosaurs - because there´s nothing to cover-up in that area.
- the most immediate reason is to cover-up the REAL reason for the extinction of the dinosaurs.

Riddick #fundie

i noticed you didn't tack 'christian' onto the term 'fundie,' this leaves its meaning open to interpretation. you see, christians consider some atheists fundies. turnabout is fair play, is it not?

<p>i'd consider the atheist who filed suit in florida a fundie athiest. all atheists are fundies in my book. how u like 'dem apples?

Wolf #fundie

yeah, demons ARE fallen angels. and I wouldnt say UFOs are fallen angels.. since a UFO is just a solid flying object ... on the other hand, aliens ARE fallen angels...

<p>the way I see it.. Satan has been preparing the world since maaaany years ago for the rapture, he knows it is going to happen, and it will be the most shocking event in the history of the world, and if there isnt a logical explanation for it than people will turn to jesus once it happens... Satan is good at deceiving the world..[...]

<p>but this is just how I see it.. doesnt have to be necesaraly true.. its just that it makes alot of sense.

AMDXP #fundie

The news reporter stated that if he hadn't of been there he wouldn't have believed it. I think Satan is using this man. I believe Demons and UFOs are one and the same. So are Alien' such thing as an Alien, they're demons.

Wolf #fundie

like Ive said. before.. Ive seen UFOs before, so I have no doubt they exist. and I strongly believe aliens are demons. UFOS are just part of the end time deception.

<p>funny... but, I allways thought the rapture would be explained by a "massive alien abduction" after all.. who would contradict that?? and here comes this guy who summons them, and says he'll bring a spaceship over las vegas.. (if that happens) once all the news gets to cover it then people WILL have to accept that...

<p>it is definetaly no suprise to me that this guy summoned that UFO, people have summoned demons for maaaaany years.. this is no different in my opinion.. maybe he got especific instructions to summon UFOS.. well, he says he does what the voice in his head tells him to do... geeez.. who might that be???? [cartoon Satan smilie] hehe

<p>some of you will agree with me, and that's that UFOs is the perfect ingredient for the end time deception scenario... its something that many people know about.. and by making UFOs appear for everyone to see, including the one on las vegas, will definetaly convince everyone and confirm their existence once and for all.. so after this happens (supposedly durring the month of june) the rapture has clear path to take place now [smilie] the government/NASA/ or whoever's excuse will be "people dissapeared because they were abducted by UFOs" and people will say "of course! one even came down to Las Vegas!.. they were definetaly up to something..besides, now we have proof that they exist," (try to contradict that...) [smilie]

HebrewBoy73 #fundie

I feel heavy on my spirit this is the real deal, he is a false prophet that has a connection to satan because one, his name ["Prophet Yahweh"] is Jesus in hebrew. He is coming in my Lord's name. False prophet. Plus, I feel the world will believe a delusion and lie much easier and quicker if they have already been conditioned or at least begun conditioning before the rapture, so when the rapture takes place, common belief among the world will be that ufos are real. He says that there will be more and more now more often and so I feel that we are on the brink of the world accepting it as norm and then when they land on earth after the rapture, shock value will be minimal.

Wolf #fundie

some of you really dont believe they [UFOs] exist.. interesting. as for me, its impossible to say I dont believe in them cause Ive seen quite a few with my own eyes, and there was one time when I saw a UFO extremely close, I could even appreciate the arquitecture and lighting in detail of the object. really amazing.

HebrewBoy73 #fundie

What did Elijah get taken away in? A spaceship. Satan is the Prince of the Power of the Air. They fly folks. All angels good and bad have means for travel. The metal beryll is used in the Bible to describe the "charriot" Elijah was taken away in. Funny that our very own space shuttle is covered in beryllium because it is a metal that allows for high heat and possibility of entering back into earth's atmosphere. Just look it up.

antsinmypants #fundie

:rubs eyes: is this the guy who is on tv on sundays calling himself the prophet "Yahweh Ben Yahweh"?

<p>I find it interesting how he first claims to be Messiah, but now he's calling himself YHVH!

GFJ #fundie

They're saying that the Vatican has known about UFO's for years. [rolleyes]

<p>To me, all the ufo stuff looks like a big satanic setup that'll attempt to explain away all the disappearances.

Gamer4Christ #fundie

Every night now when I go to bed I make sure I have clean sleeping clothes on and my jumping shoes on. Also I have my Rapture Letter on my PC desktop and in my car. So in other words "I am Rapture Ready!".

bibleberean #fundie

Foolish non-believers and atheists believe we are animals.[...]

<p>They are the ones that are inconsistent in their belief system.[...]

<p>They can't accept their creator because they are too busy playing god to seek the true God.

<p>These losers spend their time in a Christian forum trying to seduce us into doubting God. Acccording to the word of God they are too dense to even recognize that they are dupes and mouth pieces for satan who is their father.[...]

<p>Homosexuals are perverts and homosexuality is perversion. The bible which our criterion for truth is as plain as crystal on this topic.

<p>This is a Christian forum and these arrogant dupes need to recognize this fact.[...]
If the non believers don't like it then they should take a hike.

<p>They have nothing to defend because they believe they came from nothing but swamp gas. It is the perfect way for these evil children to believe their own unstable and immoral values. The reason they slink around this forum is because they cannot help but mimic their sepentine father.

<p>Satan is their puppet master.[...]

<p>The bible is right they are an evil bunch and need to repent and turn to the God they spend their pathetic lives trying to convince themselves and others doesn't exist.[...]

<p>This is a Christian forum! We rule they drool!

bibleberean #fundie

I won't eat with anyone who is called a brother in Christ who promotes those types of sins [adultery, theivery, etc.] either. [...]

<p>I will eat with non-believing homosexuals with the intention of getting them to repent and turn to Christ.

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