
DunkleMaterie #racism #conspiracy #wingnut deviantart.com

World War II is the only war the Democrats got us involved that we can be thankful for.

ACTUALLY NO we can't be sure. I have heard/seen/read so much stuff about the Nazis you wouldn't believe it.
We know its the survivor who writes who "the bad guys" have been and we all know it was not Uncle Adolf and his boys who have survived.

Apparently the Nazis did not tried to conquer the whole world.
Because of the existence of Zionists they did not trusted a single Jew no matter how harmless they looked.
The concentrationcamps did not kill the Jews also and even though that is not much nicer: They "just" kicked them out after stripping almost everything from them.

And later on those Jews would all, similar to the "assylum seeker routes" we see today, magically all know where to go cause people were already there to bring them to Israel.
Israels existence was also apparently already planned before WW2 broke out in case Hitler tries to resist the Zionists.
The Zionists see every non-Jew as an "animalhuman" who exists only to serve the only true Humans, which can and will only be Jews. ;) Sounds familiar?

But even other Jews are not safe from the Zionists crazy plans!
If they decide that their plans are worth to endanger or even actively kill more normal Jews (aka not Zionists)
then yes -> they will use all kinds of methods and even Wars to make it happen.

Hitler found out and wanted to free the world of the grip of Zionists or "suspiciously rich Jews" as most less clear speaking people would probably say.
Who are the richest people at Wallstreet or in the West in general? Who is always guiding everything from the shadows?
Who invented liberalism and all this crazy tool for dividing people? And who supports all kinds of "minority projects" with their money? We all know it.

I am so done with thinking it was better that the Nazis lost. I am so over it!
Look how big parts London and Paris look now. And its still growing!
If the Nazis would have conquered it. Europe would be safe now and the European people would be safe.

But this? This is madness!
And just a few days ago a German Cuck Police Paperman of some sorts said shit like " We must make it so that you have to give out your ID if you want to buy pepperspray! "
PEPPERSPRAY! The most commonly method of Europeans to defend theself!
Against the ever armed Muslims and Blacks of the Thirdworld!

But are the so called "Refugees" forced to hand out their ID's for their knifes, machetes and even GUNS?
Hah of course not!

This is so bad! This is soooooooooo bad!
Europe is getting too shit way too quickly.
Doomsday mood everywhere and people are too scared to rebell against the Media because they gave up hope!

Trump needs to come, conquer Europe and deport the illegals here as well!
I would give all my money to make it happen!!!

shawntheimmortal942 #wingnut #racist deviantart.com

I don't think I can add anymore to what Kneon said because he’s right, Marvel has made it it’s mission to attack the right, white people, and anyone who doesn’t agree with them and now it’s hurting Marvel. Karma is a bitch and honestly I’m glad this happened, they should’ve seen the writing in the wall when these far left people kept attacking fans who have criticism. How many people didn’t like lady Thor, Captain Marvel, Flacon as captain America, Asian hulk or American fucking Chavez! It’s funny to think that losing spider-man lit a fire in marvel’s ass and actually want success and not ass pats from people who won’t buy their shit anyway! It doesn’t matter what political side you’re on because money is money and Marvel wants that. Also comparing the far left to religious extremists is a really apt comparison XD

shawntheimmortal942 #wingnut #sexist deviantart.com

It’s true! I find it very weird how any time there’s a sexy female character is a movie or game it’s always SJWs bitching about the “male gaze”. What about lesbians who like seeing women wearing revealing outfits? I mean, if you’re so ass mad that there are men “objectify” video game and movie characters then what about lesbians? Yes, I know not all lesbians like this or that but stay with me here. With lal the male bashing when ever a female character shows skin...how many lesbians do you think like the character like that? The “male gaze” is always seen as this evil thing but lesbians are never mentioned in any of these articles! It’s just another case of a group only existing to SJWS when it suits their narrative. You’re a lesbian who likes female characters showing some ass? You don’t exist to them. You’re a woman who hates Disney Star Wars? SJWs will remove their own eyes or ears just to not acknowledge you. These far left fucks are far more misogynistic than what they claim america is because even in the small chance they do acknowledge women who don’t agree with them, they’ll just say “Oh you just have internalized misogyny so let me educate you!” Ugh!

Shawntheimmortal942 #wingnut #racist deviantart.com

No, this isn’t a joke or a parody...these characters are real. For fucks sake, it’s one thing to try to take back insulting words but this ain’t the way, Fam! This looks like shit I’d write! Seriously with these names, “Safe space” and “Snowflake”!? Marvel needs to die because this shit is just...no. I think 2020 is the year all comics should just die...just put them out of our misery and just end it all.

Shawntheimmortal942 #wingnut #racist deviantart.com

So Woke people...who’s higher in the victim hierarchy? Are you gonna keep white knighting for China? Or are gonna side with Africa?

Edit: Read caciquecaribe’s comment below because goddamn, China is upping it’s oppression against foreigners HARD! How can anyone defend China now!? If you still think China did nothing wrong and it’s the US who’s evil...then you’re a communist! You are a fucking communist! I am really curious what the left is gonna do with this info out there? I know SJWs are fucking hypocrites but can we all agree that this is fucked up? How can you defend China after seeing all that and say you”re not be a communist?

feesu-san #homophobia #fundie deviantart.com


Dear marriage supporters,

Although it has been a while since the last journal written, a lot has happened in recent months, including the animation sector.
Of recent, Nickelodeon has decided to further impose the LGBT agenda towards children; beginning with The Legend of Korra. Aside from having demonic elements, they put lesbianism at the end of the series. And children shouldn't be exposed to such abnormal nature. As if that wasn't enough, Nickelodeon proceeded further, and went as far as promoting same-sex "parenting" in their new show called The Loud Mouth. Many other shows and films such as Good Luck Charlie, Clarance, ParaNorman, and Steven Universe have promoted both fetish and immoral content.

Should this immoral and politically-correct madness continue to make its move in children's programmes, then children's television will no longer be safe again.

My advice to you all is to be watchful and mindful of any animated series or movie you come across; and those of you who have children, please keep your children safe, because kids are easily attracted by animation; and if they by any chance stumble upon any of them promoting LGBT lifestyles or any inappropriate, demonic, adult content, it will be disastrous.

The sad part is that either they overlooked it, or they are just outright promotion such content to children without remorse.

While indeed we are in the end times, as Christians, we really need to be watchful here, because these are among the many of tools in which the devil uses to get to children.
And it is no time to sit down and watch everything unfold.

Thank you and God bless,


Karkovice1 #wingnut #conspiracy deviantart.com

(Submitter note: starts with a video by millennial Millie... A trump supporter... Pushing a bill hates conspiracy theory... What's with the far rights obsession with him lately?)

I've heard stories that he was one of the key persons responsible for the current COVID-19 pandemic that's ravaging the world.

I've also heard that his "charitable" organization has already developed the vaccine against this virus; but he's purposefully withholding it from the public, just so the virus can "kill off a few more people."

I've also heard that he stepped down as CEO of Microsoft a short time ago, which should also raise another red flag.

I don't know if all this is true or not, but maybe this video can shed some more light on the subject.

ahermim #conspiracy deviantart.com

Zionist Occupied Government. ZOG. It is no conspiracy and not a racist term. Especially when white people use it, because first off, "jews" are not a race. They aren't even jews. They call themselves a race trying to claim that they are the lost tribes of Israel. These false jews are only Russians who migrated to Israel to kill all the non-Jews, much worse than the holocaust. But we never hear about those people, only the holocaust that the rothschilds (jews) financed.

The achievements of modern science are heavily the expression of Jewish genius and ingenuity. If 26 percent of Nobel Prizes do not suffice to make the case, it is confirmed by 51 percent of Wolf Prizes in Physics, 28 percent of the Max Planck Medailles, 38 percent of the Dirac Medals, 37 percent of the Heineman Prizes for Mathematical Physics, and 53 percent of the Enrico Fermi Awards.

That is in fact because of ZOG. Jews own every media source in America. That's why you never hear an intelligent person on TV speaking out against these false jews. You never hear about how they owned all the slave boats, but only this garbage they spew after they basically re-wrote every aspect of history. Jews hate blacks, but preach how we (we meaning non-jew whites and blacks) should love each other and mix, either that or be homosexuals, or get sterilized and go adopt african babies like the actors on TV. All the while they really feel like Kramer(jew) about blacks. and we cant forget Jerry Heller the jew behind gangster rap.

Jews are not only superior in abstruse intellectual pursuits, such as quantum physics and nuclear science, however. They are also heavily over-represented among entrepreneurs of the technology businesses that lead and leaven the global economy. 94 Israeli founded companies were being traded on America’s NASDAQ (the second largest stock exchange in the world), for combined value of over 70 billion $. Israel has more start-ups per capita than any other country in the world. Israel is leading worldwide in the Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV / drone) business since the 70s. Israelis redefined satellite navigation with Waze, the world's largest community-based traffic and navigation app. The USB memory stick was invented by an Israeli company. Another Israeli company developed the first hi-res camera chip that could fit in a mobile phone

EmpathicDesign #wingnut #homophobia deviantart.com

Supporting the LGBT intentionally undermines heterosexuality and the suffering that they endure.

Heterosexuals are unfairly underrepresented and suffer great discrimination by having their suffering and ordeals ignored and downplayed to protect the pride and unfounded outrage of LGBT individuals who refuse to acknowledge heterophobia out of spite and revenge for historical abuse and a false sense of victimhood, despite not being a part of the events that inspired the LGBT movement.

Heterophobia needs to be addressed and prevented, more than all LGBT related phobic attacks, because without heterosexuals, humanity will fall into extinction, heterosexuality is the only moral sexual orientation and heterosexuals suffer silently and are constantly refused organizational representation; and no moral individual would silence women or people of color and their struggles and ordeals, it would be reprehensible to do so.


Brendan1903 #wingnut deviantart.com

(Image contains the logo for Rational Wiki with the words “When you claim to be “Rational” but instead use lies, deception and logical fallacies just like those you claim to be against.”)

The site is literally what happens when useful idiots and trendfollowers get their own wiki.

onlytheghosts #wingnut #conspiracy deviantart.com

(Submitter: OnlyTheGhost has his name crossed out indictating that his account has been deactivied)

Japan's hospitals are getting close to their limit, and the crisis is exposing how fake the infection statistics nationally are. The number of hospitalised patients exceeds 80% of the number of beds that have been announced as being secured, in 9 prefectures. This is 5 more prefectures than those which are already declared as under a State of Emergency. The prefectures under a current national State of Emergency are Tokyo, Osaka, Fukuoka, Hyogo. Fukui prefecture has independently declared a State of Emergency. Most other prefectures in Japan are at 50% of capacity.

Officially, Japan has 8,173 infection cases. Of these, officially, 117 are serious or critical, with the rest either asymptomatic or mild (not needing hospitalisation). Clearly, the official number for serious and critical is false.

8ConspiracyWerewolf8,brendan1903 #conspiracy deviantart.com

8conspiracywerewolf8: NPC's are like this indeed, but they can't use this "argument" against good Jews though:

brendan1903: Sssh, don't do that. Calling them out on their hypocritical attitude and exposing the Holocaust as a scheme to get Jews to Isreal kills the victimhood Narrative and exposes Bi Bi's hand behind the alt right. Plus a lot of other undesirables were murdered in the camps.....where is the condemnation for that?

Kajm #wingnut deviantart.com

The complete Trump Admin COVID response February

January 31: The Department of Homeland Security took critical steps to funnel all flights from China into just 7 domestic U.S. airports.

February 3: The CDC had a team ready to travel to China to obtain critical information on the novel coronavirus, but were in the U.S. awaiting permission to enter by the Chinese government.

February 4: President Trump vowed in his State of the Union Address to “take all necessary steps” to protect Americans from the coronavirus.

February 6: The CDC began shipping CDC-Developed test kits for the 2019 Novel Coronavirus to U.S. and international labs.

February 7: President Trump told reporters that the CDC is working with China on the coronavirus.

February 9: The White House Coronavirus Task Force briefed governors from across the nation at the National Governors’ Association Meeting in Washington.

February 11: The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) expanded a partnership with Janssen Research & Development to “expedite the development” of a coronavirus vaccine.

February 12: The U.S. shipped test kits for the 2019 novel coronavirus to approximately 30 countries who lacked the necessary reagents and other materials.

February 12: The CDC was prepared to travel to China but had yet to receive permission from the Chinese government.

February 14: The CDC began working with five labs to conduct “community-based influenza surveillance” to study and detect the spread of coronavirus.

February 18: HHS announced it would engage with Sanofi Pasteur in an effort to quickly develop a coronavirus vaccine and to develop treatment for coronavirus infections.

February 22: A WHO team of international experts arrives in Wuhan, China.

February 24: The Trump Administration sent a letter to Congress requesting at least $2.5 billion to help combat the spread of the coronavirus.

February 26: President Trump discussed coronavirus containment efforts with Indian PM Modi and updated the press on his Administration’s containment efforts in the U.S. during his state visit to India.

February 29: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) allowed certified labs to develop and begin testing coronavirus testing kits while reviewing pending applications.

February 29: The Trump Administration:

Announced a level 4 travel advisory to areas of Italy and South Korea.

Barred all travel to Iran.

Barred the entry of foreign citizens who visited Iran in the last 14 days.

NOTE: This post is to counter claims that the Trump Administration did nothing in the month of February to counter the virus.

The last three months of the Trump Administration's efforts are contained in the above link.

I also note that a large part of delays in getting drugs and kits moving was and IS due to FDA regulations. Trump has since had some of those regulations rescinded. Not sure if that is permanent but I suspect the FDA will see a bit of a shake-up in that regard as the year goes on.

And of Course any such changes will be opposed by the Damnedocrats.

hans--frank #conspiracy deviantart.com

Rudolf Höss was the first of three successive commandants of the Auschwitz concentration camp. He is often called "the Commandant of Auschwitz," and the general public knows of him from a book published under the title Commandant in Auschwitz.

He appeared before the International Military Tribunal as a witness on 15 April 1946, where his deposition caused a sensation. To the amazement of the defendants and in the presence of journalists from around the world, he confessed to the most frightful crimes that history had ever known. He said that he had personally received an order from Himmler to exterminate the Jews. He estimated that at Auschwitz 3,000,000 people had been exterminated, 2,500,000 of them by means of gas chambers. His confessions were false. They had been extorted from Höss by torture, but it took until 1983 to learn the identity of the torturers and the nature of the tortures they inflicted upon him.

onlytheghosts #wingnut deviantart.com

Occasionally, David Icke gets something correct, and he can make good arguments as well, but a lot of the time I have the curious suspicion that he's intentionally misinforming people as a paid poisoner of the well of truth.

He claims that there is no Wuhan Flu (covid-19) virus.

That PCR gene analysis technology doesn’t work.
That all the deaths would have happened anyway, but are being re-categorized as covid-19 through some grand conspiracy involving tens of thousands of doctors, nurses and coroners.
That all healthy cells in healthy people excrete covid-19-like virus material when stressed, which is why covid-19 tests keep finding covid-19.
That ANYONE can “test positive” for covid-19 since the test only spots routine genetic material that’s found in the body of every living person.
That doctors can ramp up or ramp down the number of infections they want to find by simply altering the PCR replication of genetic material in test samples.
The following video is from Mike Adams of Naturalnews. I don't agree with everything he says either, he's a mad fan for chloroquine as a super-cure for the Wuhan Flu - and I have suspicions that it's over-hyped as the USA still has one of the highest rate of deaths versus recoveries (second worst, Netherlands is no.1 currently), plus the fact that most of the nations with far lower death rates versus recoveries aren't using chloroquine and see no need to do so. Research in Sweden found that chloroquine endangered lives not saved them; https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8199477/Swedish-hospitals-stop-prescribing-chloroquine-coronavirus-patients-adverse-effects.html, https://www.expressen.se/nyheter/carl-40-fick-kramp-och-syn-problem-av-coronamedicin/

This about the rise of Stupid-19

uki--uki #conspiracy deviantart.com

1944: On 6 November Lord Moyne, British Minister Resident in the Middle East was assassinated in Cairo by two members of the Jewish terrorist group, the Stern Gang, led by future Prime Minister of Israel, Yitzhak Shamir. He is also responsible for an assassination attempt against Harold MacMichael, the High Commissioner of the British Mandate of Palestine, this same year.

Interestingly he also masterminds another successful assassination this year against the United Nations representative in the Middle East, Count Folke Bernadotte who, although he had secured the release of 21,000 prisoners from German camps during World War II, was seen by Yitzak Shamir and his terrorist collaborators as an anti-Zionist.

In Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, two further Rothschild world banks are created. The International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the World Bank.

1945: The end of the Second World War. It is reported that I.G. Farben plants were specifically not targeted in the bombing raids on Germany. Interestingly at the end of the war, they were found to have only sustained 15% damage.

The tribunals held at the end of the Second World War, to investigate Nazi War Crimes, censored any materials recording Western assistance to Hitler.

The Rothschilds take a giant step towards their goal of world domination when the second, "League of Nations," called the, "United Nations," was approved this year.

Read more: [link]

Kajm #wingnut deviantart.com

30 years later Maldives stand as tall as ever.

After alerting the world in September 1988 that the Maldive islands of the Indian Ocean would be submerged by rising seas in less than three decades – due to the so-called first effects of man-made global warming – officials of the United Nations and associated climatologists are scratching their heads that the island chain is still there.
A report derived from government officials’ predictions shocked the world 30 years ago, warning that the tropical paradise archipelago would soon suffer the same fate as the lost city of Atlantis.

“A gradual rise in average sea level is threatening to completely cover this Indian Ocean nation of 1196 small islands within the next 30 years,” the Agence France-Presse (AFP) reported in September 1988.

Scare tactics or numbers gone wrong?

Kajm #wingnut #conspiracy deviantart.com

Ghebreyesu's malfeasance goes back to early January, after China had already been covering up COVID-19 for at least a month. WHO had consistently parroted Chinese propaganda from that time forward. This timeline is helpful in explaining the China-WHO nexus.

How WHO & Tedros "led" the global effort against Coronavirus before it became a pandemic

Dec 31: 27 cases of pneumonia w/ unknown causes reported in Wuhan
China; "no evidence for human-to-human (h2h) transmission"
Jan 5: WHO; "no evidence of h2h discovered" , "does not recommend travel to China"
Jan 12: WHO; "no clear evidence for h2h"
Jan 14: WHO; "limited h2h" -> "maybe limited h2h" -> "no evidence for h2h"
Jan 15: WHO; "maybe limited h2h"
Jan 17: WHO; "does not recommend quarantine"
Jan 19: WHO; "no clear evidence for sustained h2h"
Jan 21: WHO; "maybe h2h"
Jan 23: WHO; "no evidence for h2h outside China"
Jan 27: WHO; "raise alert level"
Jan 28: WHO; "discourage repatriation from China"
"We have strong confidence for China's keeping control"
Jan 30: WHO; "till now, we have not seen deaths reported outside China, for which China deserves our gratitude and respect. China's transparency is protecting the world"
Feb 3: WHO; " there is no need to restrict travel in order to slow down the spread of the virus"
Mar 12: WHO; "this is a pandemic"
" WHO has been in full response mode"
"We have called for countries to take urgent and aggressive action"
"Deeply concerned by world leaders inaction"

Original and Explanation may be found HERE https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2020/04/as_whos_leader_makes_threats_about_body_bags_trump_pulls_funds.html
This timeline of WHO events shall also be appended to the Trump Response Timeline.

Kajm #wingnut deviantart.com

I remember my sister's boyfriend talking about how the Coronavirus was killing less then it was doing now two months ago. My father did believe in the worst case scenario, though I believed that it was someonewhat exagerrated but believed that it was going to go away in a couple of monts. As I live in the countryside I thought I was most safe from the Virus. I knew a football friend who believed the sooner the lockdown the better and I was definately agreeing on the grounds that mortality rates were increasing. Now my boss has sent me home and claimed it was for two weeks, which I knew deep down was going to be longer then this. Thank goodness I'm still being given my wages. My football games are also cancelled, which means I can't do any litterpicking.

As for the articles, reading the headlines is easy, the dates are difficult but they claim to date from January to February. I'm trying to find some of these articles without any success. Instead, I find some articles that showcase the virus taking lives on some of these dates and others declaring the Coronavirus a national emergency. Which comes to two conclusions, either they were deleted, hoping the readers won't notice or they weren't even written by these news sources. If it's the former, it would be helpful if there was a physical newpaper containing these articles. You can't hack a newspaper.

Daily Beast is the only one who's article does exist.

I have found this from Medscape but I can't read beyond the first paragraph without subscribing:

World Econominc forum:

I did find an article from The Bulwark, though its clear they're not in favour of Trump:

There was an article from Buisness Insider saying that Snopes has been overwhelmed by multiple stories in regards to Coronavirus in terms of whats fact and whats fiction.

As for my country, Boris Johnson claimed that we could contain the pandemic in three months. Now he's been tested positive for the virus. I guess Irony likes a bit of black comedy. One of the Royal family members Prince Charles has been tested positive a well and I also know that we are demanding that we stay indoors.

What's especially aggrivating is I'm seeing on Youtube various videos proclaiming the Virus as a hoax and ploy to strip people of their rights. I'm not exagerting when I say anti-vaccine advocates are trying to downplay the virus by portraying it as a media hoax implying Big Pharma are interested is stealing our money. This is especially infuriating because its clear they're putting lives at risk. I won't link unless you ask.

Not only that, I'm very annoyed about how Jair Bolsonaro is treating the Coronavirus, he called it a "media trick", no worse then "the flu".

Mind you my sources are from the Guardian, so I decided to check on the other side I checked Newsmax and I'm still convinced he's not taking it seriously.

I can't find anything American Thinker

Redstate? My first result speaks for itself:

As for anything recent?:


So while articles like the Guardian, Financial Times, Reuters are all screaming at Jair Bolsonaro about what is clearly a flippent response on the virus, these conservative news articles are being quiet about it. I wonder why?

As for Iran. I remember hearing they've lost three military advisers to the coronavirus. I can't find the article right now but they're definitely not handling it well:

They seem to be think it's a biological weapon:

uki--uki #conspiracy deviantart.com

Who was Karl Marx?



'Heinrich Karl Marx (Moses Mordecai Marx Levy, 1818-83) was born of wealthy parents (his father was a lawyer), and much of his personal life has never been revealed. Professor M. Mtchedlov, Vice-Director of the Marx Institute, said that there were 100 volumes in his collection, but only thirteen have ever been reprinted for the public. When he was six, his family converted to Christianity, and although he was once a believer in God, after attending the Universities of Bonn and Berlin, Marx wrote that he wanted to avenge himself “against the One who rules above.” He joined the Satanist Church run by Joana Southcott, who was said to be in contact with the demon Shiloh. His early writings mentioned the name “Oulanem,” which was a ritualistic name for Satan. A friend of Marx wrote in 1841, that “Marx calls the Christian religion one of the most immoral of religions.” His published attacks against the German government caused him to be ejected from the country.

He received a Doctorate in Philosophy in 1841, but was turned down for a teaching position, because of his revolutionary activities. In 1843, he studied Economics in Paris, where he learned about French communism. Again he was expelled for revolutionary activities. In 1844, he wrote the book A World Without Jews even though he was Jewish. In 1845, he moved to Brussels, where, with German philosopher, Friedrich Engels (the son of a wealthy textile manufacturer, 1820-95), who he met in Paris in 1844, they reorganized the Communist League.


Nathan Rothschild had given Marx two checks for several thousand pounds to finance the cause of Socialism. The checks were put on display in the British Museum, after Lord Lionel Walter Rothschild, a trustee, had willed his museum and library to them.'

Read more: http://wakeupfromyourslumber.com/george-slam-dunk-tenets-memoirs-reviewed/

Marx, Engels, Lenin?

'...innocent hero Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (alias “Richter” alias “Lenin”)
We go back to a time before the Russian Revolution, back to Mother Russia in the days before Ulyanov, one of the greatest enemies of the working class ever, poked his bald reptilian head into the world. Vladimir Ulyanov certainly didn’t come from a working-class background as his modern day acolytes try to pretend. His mother came from a wealthy land-owning family of Jewish and Swedish descent. His grandfather on his mother’s side, Srul Moishevich Blank, changed his name to “Aleksandr Dmitrievich” and ditched Judaism for Christianity in order to further his medical career. This clearly worked as he rose from being an ordinary doctor, on his way up the ladder becoming a police district doctor and eventually registering himself as a member of the nobility. The Left tried for years to claim that his grandfather on his father’s side was a serf, but this is a lie. Nikolai Vasilievich was in fact a town-dwelling tailor at a time when only quite wealthy people could live in a town. To find a single working class member of Ulyanov’s family you would have to go all the way back to his great-grandfather, a serf who bought his Asiatic wife. This explains Ulyanov’s Mongolian features.

All Ulyanov’s other ancestors came from wealthy families, not just Jewish, Russian and Swedish but also German. One of his German cousins was Field Marshal Model, also known as the “Fürher’s Fireman,” but for some strange reason Communists don’t like to mention this illustrious direct relative. Ulyanov’s parents were both rich, high-ranking landowners. As well as owning hundreds of acres of land in various huge estates, they also owned serfs – oppressed and exploited workers to give them their proper “Marxist” title.'

Read more: http://heretical.com/miscellx/melenin.html

See: Lenin Stalin Trotsky,Leon,Communism Moses Hess

'Max Warburg funded Lenin and his revolutionaries. Jacob Schiff gave a known $20 million to Lenin. J.P. Morgan & Co. helped finance the Bolshevik revolution. Alfred de Rothschild also helped finance the Bolsheviks. Bloodlines of the Illuminati 11. Rothschild

Karl Marx, Lenin and Trotsky, all Jewish Freemasons, were essentially dysfunctional losers who were employed by the Illuminist bankers to hoodwink the masses. Lenin for example had been an unsuccessful lawyer who had only six cases in which he defended shoplifters. He lost them all. A week later he gave up the law to become a highly paid revolutionary. Lenin declared: "Peace means quite simply the domination of Communism over the entire world." His reign of terror caused nine million deaths but you never see him compared to Hitler. The secret police, the Cheka, dominated by Jews, published the names of 1.7 million people they murdered in 1918-1919, including 300,000 priests. "A river of blood flowed through Russia," Lina writes. "According to official Soviet Reports, 1,695,904 people were executed from January 1921 to April 1922. Among these victims were bishops, professors, doctors, officers, policemen, lawyers, civil servants, writers...Their crime was 'anti social thinking' " Did Rothschild Write The Protocols of Zion ? By Henry Makow Ph.D (September 21, 2003)'

Read more: www.whale.to/c/karl_marx.html

tough-turtle-dragon #dunning-kruger #conspiracy deviantart.com

I’m seeing that a lot panic is going about and people are going crazy about this Corona/COV-19

Y’all really need to calm the hell down. People just going crazy.

I’m willing to bet no one on here has seen a corona virus patient with there own eyes. And I’m not talking about the news.

Have you seen an actual patient? Let me know if you have. You’ll hear about it but you never will see one.

I used to be a panicky person, and worry a lot about stuff like this. But after realizing shit and starting to see things come to light for what they are, I’m no longer bothered. All the government is doing is putting fear in you. It’s a cover up only to keep fuck with your head and mind. Why do you think they keep blasting it your face?

You are not going to catch a virus. And I strongly believe that if you taking care of yourself and not worried about all this other shit going on to distract you from doing so.

Don’t be in my comments talking about “wElL aCCoRdInG tO—” Head ass.

You can’t believe everything you read/see/watch because it’s a lot of false information these people that control everything don’t want you to know.

humans are the most dumbest creatures on here. Notice how foolish we act all the time.

Now If you going around wearing mask/gloves and doing all this weird shit because of this, you might be the one to get sick. Because all you doing is trying to bring that shit to existence. It’s like you asking for it to happen.
Don’t glorify trying to suffer. I notice a lot of people tend to do that. It’s not good for you.

Again do not panic over this fear pandemic. Though I would advise you that you prepare and get what you need. Because they already trying to shut everything down if you haven’t noticed, because they want you to be boxed in.

They gonna shut down stores and many businesses as possible because they want to put everything online. And it’s gonna make people lose a lot of jobs.

But you can’t worry about that because that’s out of your control. Just focus on yourself and do whatever you need to, in order to help you do so. Because the bullshit is coming.

Can’t nobody save you or take care of you like you do.

Not this government and these puppet presidents-which don’t give a shit about you at all by the way. I don’t care who you support either. They all work together from how I see things.

Not even family or friends can save you.

You have to save yourself. Do some research on shit. Really ask questions because not everything is what you think it is.

Now if I offend anyone I’m sorry, but I also don’t care. I don’t have time for confused and salty people right now.

Wake up.

chinook-the-orca #wingnut deviantart.com

(Submitter note: got this comment just recently and one of my remarks led to me looking on in pure skepticism)

drivanmoffitt: I could tell, yeah, consumers have a right to have a quality product but the same can't be said of the current direction Star Wars is going as the fanbase is relatively split on this, half likes the direction Star Wars is going and the other half don't, its' a toss up (Submitter note: made in December 13th of 2019)

chinook-the-orca: Well THAT comment didn't age well.

drivanmoffitt: Hits not that old also how has it not aged well? (submitter note: DID NOT check the date of this comment nor proof read)

chinook-the-orca: So far as I can tell: there's almost nobody who liked the Ruse of Soy-Woker:
- People like me who have hated all of Disney-wars so far hated it because it's more of the same witha ll the same problems as before.
- People who told us how we were "literal Nazis" for not liking Disney-wars hate it because it "tries to please fans"
- What few "It's Star Wars and I like it" fans were left don't particularly like it because it ruins Anakin and Luke's character arcs in service of Rey the Maryiest Sue in the universe
- The weird Rey-lo shipper cult who were about the only people who liked THAT weird romance angle hate it because their emo boy band crush died
- People who loved The Last Jedi (those strange alien lifeforms) HATE ROS because it walks back some of RIan Johnson's more agregious brain-farts
- And most of the critics hate it for the same reason: that it doesn't piss on the fans as much as TLJ and they spent 2 years bending over backwards to tell us all how great it was and how brilliant they were for "getting" it.

In short: a movie written by a talent-less hack and his corporate oversight committee successfully made a film for nobody.

drivanmoffitt: right... I honestly don't take you serious when you use the term 'soy-woker', at all, that's the sort of crap that the Alt-Right uses along with their bullshit meme of 'go woke go broke'

chinook-the-orca: And I'm entirely sick of idiots diving behind the "you're Alt-right!" defense whenever I level any criticism at all at Disney-wars; the very term is so over-applied as to be meaningless... for the record; I'm left of center and have been my entire life. So shove it up your backside.

Ohhhhh noooooo! Some rando on the internet doesn't take me seriously! Where will I get my NOTHING!

"Get woke go broke" is a truism; because NOBODY likes being preached at in their entertainment, deal with it.

dreamfires #wingnut #quack #conspiracy deviantart.com

Government sponsored health care that is meaningful? Are you kidding? Not one soul in the US government has the foggiest notion of how to effectively apply the concept. I watch in many ways a world gone mad...literally.
All health care as currently envisioned by government is doomed to failure as it is built on premises promoting profit, not potency. They say the stakes could not be higher, that health care costs the economy more than anything else (I thought supporting Israel with gazillions of dollars while the US has crumbling roads costs us more?). But if the stakes are so high, why not get this right once and for all? Imagine the US setting an excellent example for all to follow. People debate passionately socialist vs. capitalist models, while leaving the most important arguments--namely, naturopathic versus allopathic medicine--wholly ignored.
Why? This is just a sick money grab. The pharmaceuticals pay off politicians, financing their campaigns. So guess what? The politicians will help insure health care costs are nuts on drugs. The main elements of cost are all wacko: insurance; drugs; doctors; and big science. US Health Care is now an applauded criminal enterprise. Last I checked, extortion was a crime. And that is what this is. Demand money from the healthy to pay for the less healthy, or punish them if they refuse. Never mind asking them for their best ideas…GIVE US YOUR DAMN MONEY—WE KNOW BETTER THAN YOU DO WHAT MUST BE DONE! Right. Insurance? My knowledge is my insurance. I have often said all that insurance insures is that you pay for insurance. For years I watched a richer friend of mine spend at least $50,000 on doctors. Me? Nothing. I have been healthier. I have learned nutrition, detox, acupressure and more. Anyone can, no matter what they say. The best innovators in these areas have been erased from the school system, though their truths remain. Drugs? Not needed. Too many side effects, not the least of which is suicide and school shootings. Cost a fortune--all for no reason. I scoffed recently watching this naltrexone situation. Naltrexone was developed by DuPont long ago. It blocks brain receptors, preventing addiction. So why have you not heard of it? It was too good. Rehab clinics would go out of business. Too much profit lost, so no go. Only allow garbage on the market. But now naltrexone is out on the market again. Why? To stop obesity. Really? And they mix it with a screwup drug with bad side effects? Brilliant! But now they are actually considering spilling the beans and having naltrexone help addicts. Why? All the opioid addiction. Guess after zillions of corpses someone is thinking maybe now we can cash in? Wonderful people in this world.
What is big science? That is when you ignore urine, saliva and hair analysis and do whopper chem tests, x rays, PET scans, tossing in MRIs and other junk to help your doctor buy a yacht.
The biggest costs in health care are problems like heart disease, cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer's--and all of these could be wiped out with the slightest effort. Cost mere hundreds of dollars, sometimes less if you are really good. There are about twenty different ways it can be done...but Congress remains silent. Never mind that Gerson testified about nutrition beating cancer before Congress decades ago...no one knows a blessed thing. Never mind that Thompson could testify that vaccine stats are bogus, and that Valentine, Doyle, Bystrianik and others proved vaccines did nothing positive in history--improved water and sanitation deserve all the credit. Just keep killing people--especially blacks, and pocket the change.
Western medicine is a special form of genocide. Why? Because unlike other forms of genocide, the public cheers it on. More than that, if you try to educate someone about vaccines, for example, they will flip out on you. Some even go so far as to insist your unvaccinated kids could sicken the vaccinated ones. But you know what? THE OPPOSITE IS TRUE! Hopefully more will watch VAXXED and read writings like those of Heckenlively in Inoculated.
Even when people sound like they mean well, they are often way off. For years people asked me why I was not shouting about gluten woes. So why did I not jump on the bandwagon and be cool? Because I have learned my lessons, that’s why. Trust nature. I have said it many times: Nature is often slandered by the ignorant and later exonerated by the wise. People insist they cannot drink milk—but give them raw milk from healthy cows—no problem. And now people are squawking about gluten. Yet I just read an article claiming a woman dug more deeply, and guess what she found? People in Europe eat wheat and its gluten and are just fine! How about that? So what was the problem? Roundup. What is Roundup? A freaking pesticide the agrobusinesses love to dump on wheat before harvest. There you go! It is a lesson man is just too stupid to learn. Sling those pesticides and herbicides! Who gives a rat’s ass? What is a little lead, arsenic or mercury? Who cares if it ends up in breast milk? What are you bitching about? You got cheap food, right? Not like we can do any better, right?
Oops! As always, we could have done better. Way better. Julius Hensel showed us exactly how BEFORE THE END OF THE 1800S! When he was silenced, it was a death sentence for millions, not to mention the sheer pitiful plunge in quality of life. All you had to do was grind rock to powder (granite was best) and nourish the soil. That’s it. No need for pesticides, or herbicides. Not even manure (pathogens grow in crap, geniuses!) was needed. We all would have been stronger, healthier, happier. But they squashed Hensel and favored Liebig. Why? Anyone can crush rock and sell it cheap. But sell NPK (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) in industrial forms, and you can just sit back and rake in the profits. Never mind the obvious fact that if NPK was as great as its advocates brag, the plants would not need herbicides and pesticides. But they do. The three minerals make plants big, not healthy.
Drugs cannot work with nature. You cannot combine methods. Why not? Because drugs are asinine. Take drugs and they beat up on each other… and then they beat up on your liver, and then on the nutrients in your foods. Many nutrients cannot be absorbed when a person goes on drugs.
Trying to get people shaken out of their arrogance and their brainless celebrations of man’s technology is apparently futile. They now tout genetic engineering. This is also doomed. Create the perfect genes and set your creatures loose in an environment of poisoned air, water and soil and guess what? Everything dies. Every time.
But harmonize with nature, mineralize the plants and positive builds on positive. Poverty and famine disappear. Disease vanishes. Visit my website, polytope.www1.50megs.com and check out the recommended reading. See for yourself. The mainstream media and government sure as hell are not going to tell you anything comprehensive.
Vaccine spread autism is now so insane that in the next decades one in two people may be out of their minds. One in two!
Stop going to town halls and yelling at others to fix your life. Empower yourself and you will be far better off.
Learn while you have the chance.
A mind truly is a terrible thing to waste….

wolfblade111 #conspiracy deviantart.com


All That for Faster Cellphones....FanFuckingTastic.

Random Person: Could you please stop posting stuff like this it's scaring me.

Hate to break it to you but the world is far more terrifying than you think it is even with the Pandemic we're going through right now and People need to be informed somehow. Not that enough people care. Half of you are content to hide your heads in your own assholes and hide from what's right in front of you rather than face it and maybe find something to do about it.

We live in a world where the fights been taken out of the Dog...If so, Then we deserve to suffer for being so utterly weak and stupid.

OnlyTheGhosts #conspiracy deviantart.com

Always read further for context. Nitpicking pedantically to dismiss the entirety of a written article on the basis of one statement being taken out of context is not only irrational, it's dishonest. That's exactly what you just did.

By the way, Jews do control most of the media. That's a fact of ownership; most of the richest, most powerful men who own the largest media corporations in Western nations also happen to be Jews. There is no doubt that today's mainstream corporate media has a high Jewish ownership.

Gerald Levin, CEO and Director of AOL Time Warner. Michael Eisner, Chairman and CEO of the Walt Disney Company. Edgar Bronfman, Sr., Chairman of Seagram Company Ltd. Edgar Bronfman, Jr, President and CEO of Seagram Company Ltd and head of Universal Studios. Sumner Redstone, Chairman and CEO of Viacom, Inc. Dennis Dammerman, Vice Chairman of General Electric. Peter Chernin, President and Co-COO of News Corporation Limited. Rupert Murdoch of News Ltd, owner Fox TV, New York Post, London Times, News of the World. The most powerful single owner of media in the United States is Rupert Murdoch. Murdoch also funds quite a few of the right-wing Jewish publications and organizations that he does not own, gaining influence thereby. MORTIMER ZUCKERMAN, owner of NY Daily News, US News & World Report. LESLIE MOONVES, president of CBS television. JONATHAN MILLER, chair and CEO of AOL division of AOL-Time-Warner. NEIL SHAPIRO, president of NBC News. JEFF GASPIN, Executive Vice-President, Programming, NBC. DAVID WESTIN, president of ABC News. SUMNER REDSTONE, CEO of Viacom, “world’s biggest media giant” (Economist, 11/23/2) owns Viacom cable, CBS and MTVs all over the world, Blockbuster video rentals and Black Entertainment TV. MEL KARMAZIN, president of CBS.... I could go on and on, there are so many... --- These Jewish men collectively control the vast majority of the mainstream corporate media in the USA, including over 95% control of news and entertainment media. This is clearly an unfair, intentional, monopolization as Jews only account for a tiny fraction of the population.

Your pretence that this is the same as saying "you yourself automatically control the media if you decide to be a jew..." is outright illogical and insane. I think you must believe the rest of the world to be as dumb as you want them to be.

What is "physically impossible" supposed to mean in your self-serving definition? Logically and scientifically it means one thing, but ideologically and in propaganda many events are claimed to be "physically impossible" that are in fact very possible and well within the within accepted scientific consensus about what is possible in our understanding of physics. I've seen many defenders of the official lies from authority claiming something to be "physically impossible" simply because it goes against their "official" propaganda line - and basically, they insult the intelligence of everyone else when they do so.

Those four blatantly dishonest arguments of yours do tell everyone else exactly what you are here for. I noticed that most of your "art" is just screenshots; wow, really showing skill and creativity there. It's just the sort of activity expected of a paid troll pretending to "fit-in" - because they joined as part of THEIR JOB. You appear to be nothing more than another troll pushing an illogical, ideology-based and faith-based agenda. Goodbye troll.

Kajm #wingnut deviantart.com

(a collage of news articles relating to the outbreak)

The Democrats and the MSM (but I Repeat Repeat Repeat myself) have been shrieking for weeks that they were 'all over' the Wuhan Virus; that they were hyperventilating warning about it since early January, and Trump was ignoring it.

They are liars. And anyone paying attention Knows this.

Trump activated the CDC on January 7th, one week after China Finally admitted they had a virus problem, nearly TWO MONTHS after it broke out. What were the Democrats and the MSM doing? The FAUX 'impeachment.'

Trump correctly banned flights from China on January 31st- same day as Italy btw- while the Democrats and the MSM shrieked about impeachment.

Trump spoke briefly about taking action against the virus during his February 5th SOTU- while Democrats and the MSM shrieked about impeachement.

I could go on at length, but Intelligent people already know what I am laying out here. And the small minds here on DA, don't give a fuck.

Above image was found on Twitter.

Kajm #wingnut deviantart.com

(a collage of news articles relating to the outbreak)

The Democrats and the MSM (but I Repeat Repeat Repeat myself) have been shrieking for weeks that they were 'all over' the Wuhan Virus; that they were hyperventilating warning about it since early January, and Trump was ignoring it.

They are liars. And anyone paying attention Knows this.

Trump activated the CDC on January 7th, one week after China Finally admitted they had a virus problem, nearly TWO MONTHS after it broke out. What were the Democrats and the MSM doing? The FAUX 'impeachment.'

Trump correctly banned flights from China on January 31st- same day as Italy btw- while the Democrats and the MSM shrieked about impeachment.

Trump spoke briefly about taking action against the virus during his February 5th SOTU- while Democrats and the MSM shrieked about impeachement.

I could go on at length, but Intelligent people already know what I am laying out here. And the small minds here on DA, don't give a fuck.

Above image was found on Twitter.

SmashleyAshley #conspiracy deviantart.com

Here's the thing about the 5g and why it has some credibility. 5g weakens the immune system and, surprise surprise, Wuhan was the first city in the world to go full 5g.

Not many people are aware of this, Iran too has spent millions going from 3g to full 5g with their Holy City of Qom being pretty much fully 5g capable.

And, last, but not least, Italy had some crazy bidding war a year or two ago about who would build their 5g network.

I'm not saying that 5g created the virus, but I am saying that it weakened the collective population's immune system and allowed for this CV to take off. Once it infected enough people, it mutated to become strong enough to infect pretty much anyone. Also, 5g is supposedly available in Northern California and New York. I've heard Seattle might have 5g too.

Food for thought.

IrishBecky #wingnut deviantart.com

I know I might lose watchers and deviantart friends over this, but these past couple days, I have felt so pissed off at all the Liberals who have been raising hell because of Trump winning. Burning people's property, beating up Trump supporters, pretty much throwing temper tantrums because their candidate lost like a bunch of immature, spoiled children.
You know what? I didn't like it when Obama was elected, but other Conservatives and I didn't throw temper tantrums and raise hell when he was. And Liberals have the nerve to say that they are the side of PEACE!?
I am not singling out every Liberal out there. I don't mind that you are disappointed and sad because of your loss, you have the right to be, but I'm just fed up with the ones who are causing so much drama and damage, and spreading so much hatred.
Anyway, I think everyone who is upset about the election should just get over it and move on. I also think that people should give Donald Trump a chance. It's like GOSH, he's not even in Office yet and already people are behaving like the world is going to end or something. I believe that he is going to make this Country great and prosperous again. I don't care what people think of me, I was very relieved when he won. My and fellow Christians' prayers have been answered. My sister and I even had dreams that he won right before the election ended. I highly doubt our country is now "doomed". I think things are going to get better.

OnlyTheGhosts #conspiracy deviantart.com

A terrible corona virus pandemic is destroying the world economy, stock markets crash, people are dying first in tiny numbers then the death toll explodes.

Today's news? No - Welcome to Event2O1 which was held in October 2019. In November, only the next month, just "coincidentally", according to genetic analysis, the original Wuhan Flu begins to spread.






Nature seems to just by "coincidence" create exact, identical, genetic sequence inserts from HIV (cause of AIDS), in a corona virus that's totally unrelated to HIV. Those who pretend that completely different viruses - different species of viruses at that - from India, Kenya, and the USA flew to China to have sexy fun times with the SARS corona virus (which is not even the same species). This rather like claiming that 4 rabbits from countries thousands of kilometres away from each other decided to have an orgy with a buffalo in China.


The above research paper from a team of Indian scientists was forced by political pressure to be retracted when President Trump visited India. (Not saying Trump was involved at all, by the way, but the timing implies that the Indian government didn't want such inconvenient data more widely known).

A very curious virus that's astonishingly unique, and whose "relatives" in bats were only "coincidentally" recently discovered.


Which is more fascinating still because it was published in Nature (the world's oldest and most respected peer reviewed scientific journal) that a team of scientists deliberately engineered a SARS virus corona virus from bats - to be more infectious in humans. I AM NOT KIDDING!

The Wuhan Flu is unstable, rapidly mutating, dividing into multiple strains already

That's a problem with viruses. Out in the wild, unlike those studied in a lab, out in the natural world viruses will mutate, they change, they become quickly uncontrolled and turn into something unintended and perhaps more frightening and dangerous and a lot more worrying.

OnlyTheGhosts #conspiracy deviantart.com

OnlyTheGhosts: Just a curious little thing that many people aren't aware of, because they don't pay attention;

The Stux virus was detected in Fukushima on computers there about 3 days before the big quake. On the day of the quake and tsunami, NONE of the emergency safety systems functioned as designed - engineers had to do everything manually. The Stux virus certainly didn't cause the quake, but it was likely the main culprit as a contributing factor for those systems failures that confused the technicians, and the Stux virus was created by the USA and Israel.

Genny-Raskin: Riiight. Because Israel is obviously hates Japan. Wait what?

You also tend to forget that Israel always the first country to offer humanitarian help during such disasters, including to our "enemies". And sends people to help people who were trapped from ruined homes and houses. Doctors to heal the wounded and the sick, medication, food and supplies and etc.

You know, not every hacker that creates some kind of shit: does it for his/her own country or represents it. They usually do this for their own amusement.
Also there is no way you could possibly predict an earthquake for more than 24 hours prior. So it was just an unlucky coincidence, if it even happened.
And also, even if there was a virus, then how does it makes the physical structural damage? Oh right, It was an earthquake.

You know, you can find thousands of reasons to hate someone. You can find justifications for these reasons. You can believe in them with all of your heart. But all these - don't make them true.
I'd suggest finding a new hobby, which does not include hate, prejudice and conspiration theories.

Have a nice week.
I deem this conversation over.

OnlyTheGhosts: You really are dumb. Read and educate yourself, twit.




Stux spread worldwide, out of control, to other nuclear facilities using the same type of systems. Fukushima was one of those places.

I never said a damn fucking thing about predicting any quakes 24 hours before - that's just your silly shit.

However, the virus infecting the computers and disrupting the safety systems was most likely a contributing factor to the Fukushima nuclear disaster, making the radiation and fallout a WHOLE LOT WORSE - whether intentional or not.

By the way, it may also have escaped your limited attention span that back in 2011, just before the Stuxnet worm was discovered in Fukushima computer systems, that the Japanese government pissed-off those nutty Zionists in Israel by recognising and dealing in polite, friendly, properly diplomatic, and humane manner with the Palestinians - unlike apartheid Israel with it's policy of terrorising thousands of Palestinians by slaughtering them with a trumped up "war" every couple of years for the past six decades.

You can take your craziness and paranoia elsewhere. Fuck off, idiot. You're blocked because you react like a moron with knee-jerk stupid defence of Israel, which is a fucked-up racist warmongering loony nation anyway - - - instead of treating FACTS and LOGIC and REALITY with the respect that a sane, intelligent person should.

EmpathicDesign #homophobia deviantart.com

(for information, this comment was posted on a stamp spreading awareness about the nightclub pulse shooting and this dude came and started saying that they felt sorry for the victims of the pulse nightclub's families and not them because they "chose an unpure lifestyle and should've expected to be killed for it" and started comparing homosexuality to pedophilia)

And homosexuals are just straight people who like the opposite gender.
Uh uh, you can't have your cake and eat it too. It's not black or white. It is both, no exceptions.

I know it was made, and my sympathy goes to the families and the heterosexuals, not the homosexuals; this was always going to happen and it WILL get worse unless these people change their ways. Homosexuality has no place in reality and thankfully cannot reproduce.

Being themselves you say.
That must mean that everything i do is "straight person".
By your logic and many cracked minds alike yours, being gay is "who" you are and "yourself". Because apparently, the many small and big experiences that go into making people who they are are irrelevant unless the person comes to terms to what gender they want to f*ck.
Right. You are your sexuality and nothing else. Humanity has accepted that point, you have made it loudly and proudly clear.
As if the smut, sluts and nude parading around in your mardi gras has not made it proudly and loud enough.

Here is me being me. Sexuality aside. I don't expect homosexuals to argue without their genitals interfering.

darkbulb121,TheStarlightPrincess #conspiracy deviantart.com

darkbulb121: Yeah it sucks just like that over here in the U.S. Uncle Trump is greasing our asses for 5G. Over here in the US they're doing a 5G stealth installation under cover of Corona school closings.
Keep fighting the good fight sister.
TheStarlightPrincess: https://youtu.be/zFN5LUaqxOAbecome again when they return if there's antennas, towers there... I know, somehow the antenna/mast installers just don't seem to ever get sick and keep going and installing new base stations, no matter what, while the rest of the country is pretty much in chaos, hmm...

I must say a special thank you, I just had a very bad feeling when I went to bed yesterday for our government is about to take harder measures to restrict public movement, and it sometimes seems as though our words just reach the deaf ears. However, today morning I woke up not wanting to wake up to the cruel reality for the dream seemed better, but I forced myself out of bed anyhow remembering my mission, and reading your words brought new hope and strength in me. And I went and bought some street chalk and used that in several places to share the information, for we're short on leaflet copies and public copying places like libraries have been closed. And by writing on teh street I actually met a person who was well-informed about the world's wickedness in the first place and having similar ideologies and I got to tell her about the facebook group and share more info. So, thank you for your encouraging words, you truly made my day! We shall never give up, 'cause: https://www.deviantart.com/thestarlightprincess/art/You-Can-Watch-Us-Mock-Us-screenshot-829043392 !

TheStarlightPrincess #conspiracy deviantart.com

Thank you so much for sharing the valuable message! :tighthug: Especially the video in the end, heart-wreaking true!

Dear people, for your life's and health's sake wake up to this day and join us to do our everything to get those ugly masts and antennas carelessly installed everywhere to be removed, and the satellites' launches be cancelled and the existing just launched satellites with the newest technology be destroyed or put into disorder! All this to cease the ELECTRIFICATION OF THE EARTH, and specifically its speed, and to also stop those technologies from altering THE EARTH'S MAGNETOSPHERE that affects all of us, we can change the course of the world when we so want and decide to do, and it's not about organisations, the change is within every individual and that alone has tremendous power beyond physically visible results. As much as a physical 'fight' this is also a mental one. Let's all do our all, and change from the inside and banish the old that no longer belongs, to invite the new, energies of higher vibration, trying to root onto and manifest this planet. Thank you. :heart:


Kajm #wingnut deviantart.com

Early election prediction, two scenarios:

Enough people fall for the LIES of the MSM to make it a close election. Trump still wins. Damnedocrats and MSM shriek about 'fraud' and 'corruption' and 'suppression of votes' for the next four years, as the US Continues to grow Upwards.


Enough people #WalkAway from the Damnedocrats that Trump wins IN A LANDSLIDE. Damnedocrats and MSM shriek about 'fraud' and 'corruption' and 'voter suppression' for the next four years, as the US Continues to grow Upwards. With the extra added bonus that SJW bullshit / Cancel Culture et al, Bites the dust.***

I'll settle for something closer to the second scenario.

*** - either way, expect extended rounds of Leftist Violence across the country, as Trump takes the vow for another four years.

LaWalkiria, DepressedNazi #conspiracy deviantart.com

I don't know what to think. Was it real? It certainly seems not. But I still like to think they had in mind a Final Solution. Jews are parasites. In order to us Aryans thrive we should get rid of all threats to our civilization. Don't ask me how, where or when, but it has to happen. Let me show you an example: Spain was populated by the Visigoths (I'm Spanish). In the year 711 the Jews we had previously sent away came back bringing an army of their Semitic friends the Moors to conquer our lands. We fought back for 7 centuries in the Reconquest. Men died everyday for us. In 1492 we finally won the Struggle. We killed or sent away all Moors and Jews, and we set strict antibloodmixture-laws. If my ancestors hadn't killed the invaders, I wouldn't be here. So sometimes it is necessary to be brutal if that will save our Race.
Sorry for the long comment!

DepressedNazi: Nah it's fine. I agree that something has to be done about it. There is a reason why ((they)) got exiled from so many nations, it was never for no reason. They are considered to be the most presecuted race and there is a reason for that. The FS however never happened - look at the link to the website I put there and see for yourself. I can also personally send you photoshoped images proving furthermore if you still aren't convinced, or possibly upload them.

DepressedNazi: *persecuted I mean lol. And to add. The FS is just a trick they pull to try and get sympathy from people they've even admitted it. To victimise themselves shout out holocaust again and again and argue that they were persecuted by hundreds of countries for absolutely no reason. Our ancestors knew of these 'people' and their tricks they even had fairy tales characters depicting them (goblins) our ancestors were not as stupid as people think but modern Europeans certainly are! Most of us have become extremely gullible and blind.

OnlyTheGhosts #conspiracy deviantart.com

GMOs are an experiment being carried out by unscrupulous, greedy, sociopathic lunatics who irresponsibly endanger the entire ecology. Animals experience birth defects, intestinal problems and sterility. What they do to people is being denied by the maniacs who fund and profit from the production of GMOs, and there has been a long campaign to silence all research that shows how insanely risky these products are to human health.

At least 38 nations, including Russia, Italy, Venezuela, Scotland and Austria have banned them.

If you love GMOs, then you are very sadly either ignorant or part of the problem.

Since there are paid trolls on this site who would flock to defend their corporate interests, bad luck you lying little shills, I'm not going to provide you with a platform to waste my time upon. The stuff is pure poison and harmful to human life. It should be banned worldwide.

Kajm #wingnut deviantart.com

COVID Crisis is not working for Democrats

But a funny thing appears to be taking shape. According to two polls taken this week, Trump is enjoying a small but statistically significant bump up in his public approval. The Harris Poll conducted two samples a few days apart earlier this week, and noted an improvement in Trump's public standing from the first to the second "wave." Here's the relevant slide from the Harris Poll report:


Trump: Overall and Situational Approval
Wave 1 Wave 2
Foreign affairs49%52%

DAGAIZM #quack deviantart.com

I think all that idea of vaccination for flu is an invasion on humans!
If already do it,why they didn't think about attacking the main part of the virus imediately?

We have natural plants that take care very effectively off eny tipe of flu every year for milions of years!!!
Have You ever heared of GARLIC and SAGE,THYMUS,ONION,GINGER and HONEY?
Try these things and You will never even think of going to get Yourself pinched with someone elses virus!!!,cause that what it is - vaccination is injecting bit of the sickness in to Your sisteme and hoping that the body will be able to cope with it,but if not,than You just get extra sick!
I'm angry with the people,who are to lazy to carry a coat with them to not get cold,or they are to ashamed to eat row garlic,cause of the smell, to bussy to make an infusion /herbal tea from sage with thyme and mint or ginger, sweeten with honey which is ANTYSEPTIC!
They just go get a shot with sickness in it and go to them work to spread it around!!!

I didn't vaccinate my children at all for any of those sicnesses,that most of them are still alive only thanks to this vaccinations,kept alive artifitially in laboratories!

One more thing is that natural remedies are repressed by doctors for centuries! Bussines is bussines! If the people heal them selfs with garlic and sage than the doctors won't make any money on that!!! What You think,why there was the whole "whitch hunt"?! - That was the begining of medicinal industry! That instead of healing people,make sure,they will come back for more,so the income of the doctors will be asecured life long! Them life,not Yours,Yours dus not matter to them!

der-himmelstern #conspiracy #racist deviantart.com

I've seen many people putting journal entries together to denounce the horrible attacks committed by Jihadists
in the heart of Paris. These are terrible events but one thing that people don't seems to realize is that all of this
mess has been the result of our own governmental weakness and cowardice towards opposition.

I am not simply saying that our current governments are traitors because they let their own people die, when
they clearly knew who they were bringing in. No, I am clearly saying that our current traitor governments have
deliberately sponsored, armed and trained these extremist group in order to have an excuse and justify total war
against the middle-Eastern people. This is all part of the greater Israel project, a well known and documented
messianic plan to please the phantasms of a handful of psychopathic lobbyist Jews!

Let's look at this from a more distant point of view. False flag attacks have been used throughout history.

1) Some of the most renown examples are of course the sinking of the RMS Lusitania, organized and used as an
excuse to drag the neutral people of the U.S.A. into a war which they didn't want, during the first world war.

2) Pearl Harbor, where the Jewish controlled government of the U.S.A. openly provoked and dishonored the
Japanese government by freezing their commercial assets, in violation of the international rights. They sponsored
Nationalist China, the enemy of Japan during the war. They basically did everything they could to force this
attack on Pearl Harbor. The day of the attack they literally let the Japanese execute their assault, claiming they
didn't know or thought it were American planes...


3) There was also the Vietnam war which was instigated by Henry Kissinger, yet again a Jewish Zionist elitist psychopath.
He is also a great optimist of the concept of the "New World Order" The excuse was the incident of the Gulf of Tonkin.


4) The Lavon affair to blame terrorist attacks committed against American and British-owned civilian targets.
This was to justify a full out war against Egypt and permit Israel to grow it's stolen share of lands.

5) Another time when the Jews try to blame Egypt was the famous "day Israel attacked America".

6) Of course one of the biggest and most well know false flag attacks of them all is 9/11. I believe more than enough people
have proven this to be an inside job and there is very strong evidence that the Mossad, the Israeli secret services were
behind it. This is a rather good conference made by professionals, showing how strong the evidence is that the U.S.A. set
up this plot. This justified full out war against "terror" upon helpless countries who don't even know us namely, Afghanistan,
Irak, Libya, Lebanon, Syria today, Iran tomorrow and ultimately wipe out the whole of the middle-East in order for Israel to grow.

Are the Charlie Hebdo attack and the new Paris attack any different? Do people truly believe that our governments didn't
know what kind of people they were bringing in? This is highly unlikely. As the below deviation shows, it was already known
that we were bringing in "terrorists", some of whom are soldiers from ISIS/Islamic state/Daech. Heaving these information,
our governments should have refused them the access of our lands and yet they did quiet the opposite. They tried their
best to make us feel guilty about a poor little Syrian child who drowned on some unknown shore.

If there is something that we have learned from these false flag attack is that our "democratic" governments will not hesitate
the least to send us all to the slaughter if we refuse to accept their planned wars. They will always use their media
propaganda to manipulate the people towards self-destruction and misery. On question must be asked; Who profits of this
crime? Is it Muslims who benefit from it? Is it the Aryan Europeans? Obviously claiming so is ridiculous. There is only one actor
on the scene who benefits from it, and that is Israel.

The greater Israel project has never been a secret. It was thought by the Zionists who find their roots in Theodor Herzl's
vision of a messianic promised land. They tried to get it by the Ottoman Empire before the first world war. They then made
a pact through the Rothschilds with England which became the Balfour declaration. This led inevitably to the second world war.

The Jewish Zionists obtained Palestine and started to commit ethnic cleansing against the native population. These Jews
knew that if they don't rapidly grow their country in size they would never be self-sufficient to continue to exist. That is why
they are pushing these war agenda's in Western countries but the problem is that they need a good excuse in order to ruin
our countries through war for their interests. Their tactic is very simple. Subordinate our Aryan European interest by their
own and the only way to do this is by provoking such "terrorist" atrocities upon us. Yesterday they promoted the idea that
multi-culturalism and multi-ethnicism were a great chance for us and today they promote the idea that these same people
who THEY brought over here are the biggest evil of all times? It looks like we are so seriously gullible and manipulable that
we change our minds to whatever new propaganda they throw at us.

Today I will be a prophet.
I claim that they first tried to manipulate public opinion with the Charlie Hebdo attack. These Jews saw it didn't work and
now they are simply trying harder and bigger. If this time also, we do not fall into this trap, then I openly prophetize that
there will be yet another, much bigger attack! They will continue until they get the sheep folk to obey their Zionist desires!

The Jewish media has started to make it's disgusting propaganda to brainwash the masses. They try to confuse ISIS terror
with the Palestinian defenses. Do you notice the sentences "Je suis Charlie", "Je suis Juif" ("I am Charlie", "I am Jewish") at
0:46? They are so obviously trying to manipulate us that it becomes insulting to us. They like to play the game where they
pretend to be the same as us when those same people are clearly the ones who brought this upon us! If these migrants are
terrorists then why have these Jews done everything they could to bring them to our lands?!
There is only on possible explanation.

There is only one clear solution that everybody is too afraid to speak of. We must overthrow these governments of traitors
who vow allegiance to a foreign nation, a foreign race, a foreign religion and who works against our own interests.
Then we need to send many of these migrants back from where they came even if they are born here, there is no excuse.
If we had been more self-conscious we would never had let any migrants in and we would not have to live this through.
One day this will have to be done otherwise this will mean the destruction of our people and with it, the destruction of our
civilization, culture and morals. Let's just not be fooled by a simple facade. We must act, yes! But we must not attack the
wrong enemy. Our true enemy isn't thousands of kilometers away in the middle-East! Our true enemy is within our midst.

Well be to you all,
Hail victory,

Der Himmelstern

Novuso #ableist deviantart.com

Why is Eugenics considered a bad thing? Shouldn't we want to breed out negative traits within the human species so future generations don't have to suffer the same diseases and disabilities we have now. What if it were possible to breed humans into a perfected state with healthy bodies and high IQs. Imagine a world with no mental illnesses or children born with debilitating disabilities. These things simply wouldn't exist if had a proper Eugenics program.

Almost every developed western country practiced Eugenics in the late 19th and early 20th centuries to great positive effect. It was a common practice for doctors to sterilize patients with hereditary diseases and especially the mentally ill. Many criminals were sterilized along with vagabonds and the indigent poor. This was still being practiced in Switzerland upto the 1970s. As a result of the sterilization program Switzerland virtually eliminated all poverty and social ills. Yet the morals of the 21st century tell us this is wrong.

Eugenics fell out of favor with the general public as an overreaction to events in WW2. However, we need to have a serious discussion over whether that was the right decision. Part of the reason there is a mental health crisis going on these days people with mental illnesses are breeding again and passing on their anti-social and violent tendencies. What do the mass shootings in America and the stabbing epidemic in London have in common. It is mental illnesses running rampant. What is clear is that drugs do not work. Do people really want to live in society where this is normal. I certainly don't.


Agricultural Eugenics has been growing by leaps and bounds. Crop yields are ten fold what they were 100 years ago. Famines are largely a thing of the past. Look at the difference between the fruits and vegetables of our ancestors and what we have available now. This should not be seen as a bad thing.

There human equivalent to this and it is called Eugenics. Instead of improving the the human genetic stock has crashed.

OnlyTheGhosts #conspiracy #pratt deviantart.com

The vaccinated often aren't protected by the vaccines they've been told are going to protect them. Measles vaccine protection is NOT lifelong. It has a very high rate of failure. It doesn't seem to work at all, despite government officials encouraging more vaccinations with more of the same crap that didn't work in the first place;

“An outbreak of measles occurred in a high school with a documented vaccination level of 98 per cent.”

“Vaccination coverage for the population was 99%. Incomplete vaccination coverage is not a valid explanation for the Quebec City measles outbreak. ”

“The epidemiology of measles in Cape Town has thus changed as evinced in this epidemic, with an increase in the number of cases occurring in older, previously vaccinated children.”

This is probably why....

Former Merck virologists confess: Stephen Krahling and Joan Wlochowski, both say the Merck company engaged in all the following:

Merck knowingly falsified its mumps vaccine test results to fabricate a “95% efficacy rate.” In order to do this, Merck spiked the blood test with animal antibodies in order to artificially inflate the appearance of immune system antibodies.

Merck then used the falsified trial results to swindle the U.S. government out of “hundreds of millions of dollars for a vaccine that does not provide adequate immunization.”

Merck’s vaccine fraud has actually contributed to the continuation of mumps across America, causing more children to become infected with mumps.

Merck used its false claims of “95 percent effectiveness” to monopolize the vaccine market and eliminate possible competitors.

The Merck vaccine fraud has been going on since the late 1990’s, say the Merck virologists.

Testing of Merck’s vaccine was never done against “real-world” mumps viruses in the wild. Instead, test results were simply falsified to achieve the desired outcome.

"At all times relevant to this action, Merck has breached its express warranties with

regards to the Mumps Vaccine because the Mumps Vaccine does not have the 95%

efficacy rate represented by Merck, in violation of state express warranty laws including:

(all fifty US states are listed here on docket)."

(Fifth Cause of Action - Unjust Enrichment; p. 58)

(i) falsifying data in order to represent, and then falsely
representing that its Mumps Vaccine is 95% effective in package inserts, government
applications, during recent outbreaks and through the IAC; and (ii) actively concealing
the true, substantially lower efficacy of its Mumps Vaccine by destroying evidence of
falsified data, lying to an FDA representative, attempting to buy the silence and
cooperation of its staff by offering financial incentives, and threatening one thenemployee,
Relator Stephen Krahling, with jail if he reported the fraud to the FDA."

"Over the past decade, Merck's fraudulent scheme to misrepresent the efficacy of its

mumps vaccine has cost the U.S. hundreds of millions of dollars through the

government's annual purchases of the vaccine under the National Vaccine Program


onlytheghosts #quack #conspiracy #pratt deviantart.com

[For context, this is the comment he is replying to.]

TranscriptIn the 1800, people had an average lifespan of 30 years and one out of three children died before their 3rd birthday. Now the average lifespan around the world is 72.2 years, even with poor nations falling short of first world standards by a major degree. What happened? Medicine went from a collection of random notions about certain herbs being good for this and that and crude surgery in dirt and grime and came into it's own as a scientific study. Vaccinations are one of the most effective tools against myriad diseases preventing it before it became an issue.

As for Autism, consider, for example, Diogenes. A renowned Greek Philosopher who lived two millennia before the first Vaccine was given. He lived in a wine barrel and thought in a way which was counter to the way a lot of people did, but often had a logical frame of reference. His response to Alexander the Great praising him and offering him anything he wanted was "get out of my sunlight". This is the sort of behavior displayed by those with Autism. Dr Temple Grandin has argued that without autistic people we'd still be living in caves.

"Big Pharma" is an idiotic boogeyman.

Yeah, right, and MAGIC IS REAL TOO. Your snake-oil pushing crap lies about history. The Measles vaccine wasn't even on the market and yet MEASLES DEATH RATES WERE ALREADY GOING DOWN!!!!


You completely ignore the role of sanitation, clean water access, better housing, better nutrition,...

The-Daily-Foreskin #conspiracy #racist deviantart.com

Here are some FACTS that would be illegal to publish in Germany (why to they make it illegal to dispute it other than BECAUSE THE HOLOCAUST IS AN EASILY DISPROVED LIE):
In fact, all available evidence suggests a consistent policy of enforced evacuation and deportation, throughout the Nazi era. The Germans wanted a Reich free of Jews, and thus they corralled them into camps, and then systematically evacuated them to the Eastern regions. Yes, many would die in the process; a regrettable loss. But this is ethnic cleansing, not genocide—something the Israelis are eminently familiar with.

To argue for mass killing, Hart relies almost entirely on ten entries from the Goebbels diary. Unfortunately he has a very superficial knowledge of this subject. Had he done even a bit of research, he would have found my on-line article, “Goebbels on the Jews” (www.inconvenienthistory.com).

There I examine 132 separate entries, covering the final nine years of his life. Roughly 90% refer only to evacuation and deportation. There is not one entry on industrial mass killings, not one entry on gas chambers, not one entry on Auschwitz. Even in the most damning cases, Goebbels uses ambiguous wording such as Vernichtung and Ausrottung, which refer simply to complete elimination or removal; neither term entails killing.

In fact only a single entry, in March 1945, refers explicitly to the killing of Jews—which is unexplainable, if his policy was indeed one of mass murder. He had no reason to cover up the truth in his own private diary.

Hart’s one other bit of evidence, Himmler’s well-known Posen speech of 1943, explicitly equates deportation with Ausrottung, or “extermination.” The full phrase is, “I am now thinking of the evacuation of the Jews, the Ausrottung [‘extermination’] of the Jewish people. … it is in our program: deactivation [Ausschaltung] of the Jews…” It was their presence and their power that was to be eliminated.

Regarding the gas chambers, very little can be determined from the Jewish Auschwitz survivors, even ones we trust. What, after all, did they see? Jews forcibly sent to the camp, under appalling wartime conditions. Families separated, never to meet again. People dying from typhus, dysentery, and other diseases. Cans of deadly Zyklon poison (for fumigation of lice). Dead bodies. Corpses being burned in crematoria. But all these things are completely comprehensible—and in fact expected—in a wartime concentration camp. None of this entails mass murder in gas chambers.

What none of the survivors have seen is 2,000 live Jews forced into an underground chamber, Zyklon pellets dumped on their heads, and then 2,000 dead bodies hauled out. And the fact that no one has seen this strongly suggests that it never happened.

Independently, it is an utterly ludicrous way to kill masses of people: packing victims into an underground room with military-like precision, dumping cyanide pellets on them (that continue to out-gas for two or three hours), and then gingerly hauling out dead body after dead body without killing yourself or your worker-slaves. And the job’s not done yet: now load four or five dead bodies at a time on a small freight elevator, to send them up two floors to the crematoria ovens, where it takes one full hour to incinerate one body—hardly the streamlined industrial killing operation that we’ve been sold.

Furthermore, few (including Hart) realize that Zyklon was the alleged murder weapon for ‘only’ one million Jews; another two million were allegedly killed in carbon monoxide gas chambers, primarily at Treblinka and Belzec. Unfortunately this is yet an even more ridiculous scheme: to pump engine exhaust into a sealed, airtight room packed with people. The alleged diesel engines put out far too little CO gas to be effective, and in any case one cannot pump exhaust gas into a sealed space. For that matter, with an airtight room available, one has only to shut the door and wait 30 minutes—and all would suffocate! The entire gassing scheme collapses into absurdity.

As to the third point, that the “6 million” figure might be a considerable exaggeration, Hart simply says, “so what!” In fact, the best revisionist estimates suggest that perhaps 500,000 Jews died during the war years—a staggering 90% reduction from the claimed number. Well—so what? Historical accuracy, for one; when speaking of the “greatest crime in the history of humanity,” we should at least get our numbers straight. Secondly, this would reduce the Jewish death toll to barely 1% of the total war dead, turning it into a mere footnote of history.

But most importantly, it makes starkly clear the degree to which the world has been bamboozled by the international Jewish Lobby. The sheer fact that large portions of the public and academia have been cowed into accepting a patently false storyline—one that serves only to benefit a small Jewish minority—is beyond reprehensible. It is criminal; and the criminals ought to be called to account.

OnlyTheGhosts #racist #conspiracy deviantart.com

morOns (no "A" in moron)

FaScist (not FacSist, the "S" is in the wrong place.

AmericanDreaming, does get silly/ignorant with his hating-Muslims crap, he's just out of touch about what's really going on with Zionist manipulation of American Christians over the past 100 years, but on other stuff he's been waking up and improving for awhile. He doesn't appear aware yet that the reasons Jews were kicked out of over a 100 countries in the past 2000 years had more to do with the actions of Jewish crooked elites ruining it for everyone else, and that hatred usually founded on rational responses to unethical, nasty, crooked behaviour by the group that's being kicked out. They weren't kicked out of those nations for no reason at all. The reason there are only 15 million Jews isn't just because they get kicked out of countries so often historically, get massacred occasionally when they piss everyone off, but because they've got real difficulties finding - and keeping spouses who actually want to have kids with them.

Babs9 #conspiracy #quack deviantart.com

That's cause autism didn't exist before 1943. Kenner who found the original 14?. search all data and even toured countries looking for others to fit the diagnosis and found none. Aspergers was diagnosed before 1990 but wasn't included in the spectrum until then. Still didn't account for the rise, neither did MR or similar diagnosis'. The MMR was only implicated because of the media. Wakefields study wasn't even about vaccines and the danish study used to "debunk" the vaccine autism link was not only done by Thorsen who is in the top 5 most wanted for stealing millions but the study only look at a single vaccine with no unvaccinated control groups. Autism is more common in certain races because of vaccinations. Let me explain; certain races who immigrate here are require to get the full range of vaccines in one go. That's alot for the body to handle, some of them also had received additional vaccines in their own country. They are more susceptible because they aren't used to "western society". A good example are a group of people who used to give small amounts of poison to their children over time so they would be used to it and could survive alot of toxic intake. The same is with races who are used to western medicine and the toxic environment they have been living in for generations, while others have gone generations without injections and this bombardment is very hard on their system. There is also the RH factor to consider. Those of other descent usually have a -RH factor and require the rhogam shot during pregnancy which is currently not mercury free. You really do have to take the mothers pregnancy and history into account to find the cause. Though vaccination is by no means the only cause it is the biggest. With our fluoride intake being more for children who are formula(aluminum) fed, this increases the numbers even more.

This has a pretty decent list of studies and the organization has been one of most helpful for parents looking for treatment of internal issues associated with autism instead of being dismissed by doctors


Another good fact to know is why boys are 4 times more likely than girls to get autism. Testosterone. Girls who have autism, when tested, have higher testosterone levels.

Though there are many tests that can be done to determine the cause of ones autism, the heavy metal and opiate urine tests should be top of the list since they are the most common factors amongst those with autism

Kajm #wingnut deviantart.com

Trump Admin's swift efforts worked well.
'Only Israel and Australia imposed travel moratoriums as soon as the U.S. did. No European countries acted as quickly to suspend travel, and Canada still doesn’t have a travel ban in place.
Italy and the Czech Republic now have restrictions on direct flights from China, and France has suspended issuing new visas to Chinese. But, as Trump noted on Wednesday night, other European Union countries had few travel restrictions in place, even by the end of February.

Germany only requires that people traveling from China fill out (https://www.deviantart.com/users/outgoing?https://www.thelocal.de/20200304/how-does-the-coronavirus-outbreak-affect-travel-to-and-from-germany) “cards giving information on their flight and stating where they will be staying for the 30 days following landing, as well as where they stayed in China, people they were in contact with and their current health status.” As of the morning of March 11th, the Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 case tracker showed that Germany had over 50 percent more confirmed cases (https://www.deviantart.com/users/outgoing?https://www.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6) than the U.S. – equivalent to an infection rate six times greater than our own.
The U.K. government tells travelers from the Hubei province of China, where COVID-19 originated, that they should voluntarily “Go home or to your destination and then self isolate.” (https://www.deviantart.com/users/outgoing?https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/covid-19-specified-countries-and-areas/covid-19-specified-countries-and-areas-with-implications-for-returning-travellers-or-visitors-arriving-in-the-uk) For those traveling from the rest of China, “Travellers do not need to undertake any special measures, but if they develop symptoms they should self-isolate and call NHS 111.” The U.K. has a per capita rate of infection that is almost twice the rate in the U.S.

France, Netherlands, and Spain, with few if any restrictions on travel, have confirmed infection rates that are respectively 8, 7, and 12 times higher. Switzerland’s rate is 23 times higher.

Of course, some countries are testing more thoroughly than others to see who has the disease. A better measure of the true level of infection might be reported death rates, although this data is still not wholly reliable. All of the above European countries, except for Germany, have higher per capita death rates than does the U.S. France and Spain have rates that are 6 and 9 times higher than the U.S. rate. Switzerland’s is four times higher.

Italy’s death rate is by far the worst, with a rate 118 times higher than the rate in the U.S.

It isn’t clear how much of the lower U.S. rate can be attributed to the Trump administration’s quick actions and bucking of WHO recommendations regarding travel, but our overall policy seems to be working relatively well. Our infection and death rates seem to be much lower than those of most other large, similar countries.'



I do admit to being a bit puzzled by shutting down air travel between the EU and the US, but not with the UK. The one thing which stands out in my mind there, is that the US could offer help to the EU Through England... a buffer zone, if you will.

This is going to be a bad year world-wide. I just hope the people of the US don't allow the 'TRUMP'S FAULT!' drumbeat by the MSM / Democrats / Leftists (but I repeat repeat repeat myself) convince them to vote in an absolute Disaster in place of Trump in November.

onlytheghosts #quack #conspiracy deviantart.com

Of course Feliciadaily is likely a paid-troll (ZERO devs! OMG!) who ignores that the CDC got exposed as an agency well given over to fraud and corrupt connections with the pharmaceutical industry years ago, just as the FDA was. The World Health Organization was equally exposed years ago as lying outright about nearly everything they're involved in, again due to their ties to the pharmaceutical industry.


grazemasque #conspiracy deviantart.com

Fight Climate Change? BAN WATER NOW!

Greenhouse Gas 1, water vapour. Zero water save planet.
Greenhouse Gas 2, carbon dioxide. Zero carbon save planet. (406 parts per million by volume.)
Greenhouse Gas 3, methane. Zero methane save planet. (a few parts per BBBillion by volume.)
And worst part is: methane decays naturally to become CO2 and water. AAAAAGGHHH!!!!!


"Without your helmet, Dave, you're going to find that rather difficult."

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