I've seen many people putting journal entries together to denounce the horrible attacks committed by Jihadists
in the heart of Paris. These are terrible events but one thing that people don't seems to realize is that all of this
mess has been the result of our own governmental weakness and cowardice towards opposition.
I am not simply saying that our current governments are traitors because they let their own people die, when
they clearly knew who they were bringing in. No, I am clearly saying that our current traitor governments have
deliberately sponsored, armed and trained these extremist group in order to have an excuse and justify total war
against the middle-Eastern people. This is all part of the greater Israel project, a well known and documented
messianic plan to please the phantasms of a handful of psychopathic lobbyist Jews!
Let's look at this from a more distant point of view. False flag attacks have been used throughout history.
1) Some of the most renown examples are of course the sinking of the RMS Lusitania, organized and used as an
excuse to drag the neutral people of the U.S.A. into a war which they didn't want, during the first world war.
2) Pearl Harbor, where the Jewish controlled government of the U.S.A. openly provoked and dishonored the
Japanese government by freezing their commercial assets, in violation of the international rights. They sponsored
Nationalist China, the enemy of Japan during the war. They basically did everything they could to force this
attack on Pearl Harbor. The day of the attack they literally let the Japanese execute their assault, claiming they
didn't know or thought it were American planes...
3) There was also the Vietnam war which was instigated by Henry Kissinger, yet again a Jewish Zionist elitist psychopath.
He is also a great optimist of the concept of the "New World Order" The excuse was the incident of the Gulf of Tonkin.
4) The Lavon affair to blame terrorist attacks committed against American and British-owned civilian targets.
This was to justify a full out war against Egypt and permit Israel to grow it's stolen share of lands.
5) Another time when the Jews try to blame Egypt was the famous "day Israel attacked America".
6) Of course one of the biggest and most well know false flag attacks of them all is 9/11. I believe more than enough people
have proven this to be an inside job and there is very strong evidence that the Mossad, the Israeli secret services were
behind it. This is a rather good conference made by professionals, showing how strong the evidence is that the U.S.A. set
up this plot. This justified full out war against "terror" upon helpless countries who don't even know us namely, Afghanistan,
Irak, Libya, Lebanon, Syria today, Iran tomorrow and ultimately wipe out the whole of the middle-East in order for Israel to grow.
Are the Charlie Hebdo attack and the new Paris attack any different? Do people truly believe that our governments didn't
know what kind of people they were bringing in? This is highly unlikely. As the below deviation shows, it was already known
that we were bringing in "terrorists", some of whom are soldiers from ISIS/Islamic state/Daech. Heaving these information,
our governments should have refused them the access of our lands and yet they did quiet the opposite. They tried their
best to make us feel guilty about a poor little Syrian child who drowned on some unknown shore.
If there is something that we have learned from these false flag attack is that our "democratic" governments will not hesitate
the least to send us all to the slaughter if we refuse to accept their planned wars. They will always use their media
propaganda to manipulate the people towards self-destruction and misery. On question must be asked; Who profits of this
crime? Is it Muslims who benefit from it? Is it the Aryan Europeans? Obviously claiming so is ridiculous. There is only one actor
on the scene who benefits from it, and that is Israel.
The greater Israel project has never been a secret. It was thought by the Zionists who find their roots in Theodor Herzl's
vision of a messianic promised land. They tried to get it by the Ottoman Empire before the first world war. They then made
a pact through the Rothschilds with England which became the Balfour declaration. This led inevitably to the second world war.
The Jewish Zionists obtained Palestine and started to commit ethnic cleansing against the native population. These Jews
knew that if they don't rapidly grow their country in size they would never be self-sufficient to continue to exist. That is why
they are pushing these war agenda's in Western countries but the problem is that they need a good excuse in order to ruin
our countries through war for their interests. Their tactic is very simple. Subordinate our Aryan European interest by their
own and the only way to do this is by provoking such "terrorist" atrocities upon us. Yesterday they promoted the idea that
multi-culturalism and multi-ethnicism were a great chance for us and today they promote the idea that these same people
who THEY brought over here are the biggest evil of all times? It looks like we are so seriously gullible and manipulable that
we change our minds to whatever new propaganda they throw at us.
Today I will be a prophet.
I claim that they first tried to manipulate public opinion with the Charlie Hebdo attack. These Jews saw it didn't work and
now they are simply trying harder and bigger. If this time also, we do not fall into this trap, then I openly prophetize that
there will be yet another, much bigger attack! They will continue until they get the sheep folk to obey their Zionist desires!
The Jewish media has started to make it's disgusting propaganda to brainwash the masses. They try to confuse ISIS terror
with the Palestinian defenses. Do you notice the sentences "Je suis Charlie", "Je suis Juif" ("I am Charlie", "I am Jewish") at
0:46? They are so obviously trying to manipulate us that it becomes insulting to us. They like to play the game where they
pretend to be the same as us when those same people are clearly the ones who brought this upon us! If these migrants are
terrorists then why have these Jews done everything they could to bring them to our lands?!
There is only on possible explanation.
There is only one clear solution that everybody is too afraid to speak of. We must overthrow these governments of traitors
who vow allegiance to a foreign nation, a foreign race, a foreign religion and who works against our own interests.
Then we need to send many of these migrants back from where they came even if they are born here, there is no excuse.
If we had been more self-conscious we would never had let any migrants in and we would not have to live this through.
One day this will have to be done otherwise this will mean the destruction of our people and with it, the destruction of our
civilization, culture and morals. Let's just not be fooled by a simple facade. We must act, yes! But we must not attack the
wrong enemy. Our true enemy isn't thousands of kilometers away in the middle-East! Our true enemy is within our midst.
Well be to you all,
Hail victory,
Der Himmelstern