
Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

Prophet Not Welcome in His Hometown

The Jacksonsville Jaquars are one of the worst teams in the NFL, racking up horrific records of 2-14, 4-12, and 3-13, in 2012, 2013, and 2014, respectively. Yet they have been adamant in not giving hometown hero Tim Tebow a chance to quarterback the club, despite how Tebow has been given opportunities by better teams and despite how he led the Denver Broncos to playoff success.

The Bible predicts this odd phenomenon in Matthew 13:57, Mark 6:4, and Luke 4:24. For example, Mark 6:4 quotes Jesus as stating:[4]

“A prophet is not without honor, except in his hometown and among his relatives and in his own household."

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

Liberal claptrap is expensive: "the average college student at a public school spends about $1,200 a year on textbooks," a cost that has increased by 82% over the last decade alone. The Bible is free online, and more beneficial. [Emphasis original]

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

Tebow has been repeatedly excluded by the NFL despite playing far better than what is needed to make a team. The most plausible explanation for this is the increasingly pro-homosexual, and thus anti-Christian bias of the league in its attempts to appease the liberal media.

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

The Bible is a superb roadmap to future scientific discoveries. Unfortunately, Bible deniers, including many atheists and evolutionists, refuse to read the Bible, and their irrational closed-mindedness against the Bible obstructs the advancement of science. [Emphasis original]

Andrew Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

Mass murder suspect Dylann Roof apparently spent much of his time playing video games, as his dad was reportedly "trying to get his son to be productive, to stop playing as many video games and stay employed." But most of the media avoid mentioning the video game connection to the heinous crime.

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

Racist atheism is a particularly venomous form of atheism that can be extremely destructive both to the adherent and to those around him.

Hitler and Stalin were racist atheists who seized power and then slaughtered millions of people. Yet rather than acknowledge how morally evil racist atheism is, atheism refuses to condemn it as an affront to God.

Several, though not all, of the young mass murderers of the 21st century may have been influenced by racist atheism, and committed crimes based on it.

Jpatt #fundie conservapedia.com

You'll notice the progression of monkeys below the progression of liberal man. The box represents life in the present times. You'll notice liberal man began as a monkey. Over time, liberal monkey man walks on two feet. Liberal man sheds his monkey days and grows into the present day man. The liberal future holds that man adapts over time, almost a more sleek, lean frame. Clearly it appears that the brain is growing during this period. As well, a wing bone emerges from his backside. Also, you'll notice the absence of the monkey below future liberal man. In the future, all beasts have become extinct due to overpopulation of the human species. The last progression of the liberal man, millions of years into the liberal future, wings and feathers. Man evolves into flight to escape, to flee other mankind so as not to become food. So, you believe in Evolution?!? Tell me another funny story

Andy Schlafly, Ken DeMyer, Karajou, and others #fundie conservapedia.com

[From "Mystery: Why do non-conservatives exist?"]

Statistical Analysis


-20%: did not hear about conservative principles until after they made up their mind and, perhaps due to pervasive societal bias, refuse to reconsider

-10%: genuinely lack of desire to find the truth, and instead desire attention, praise by liberal teachers, getting along by going along, and not standing up to liberal bullies

-10%: refuse to forgive themselves and let go of their past mistakes and image

-10%: believe myths created around government programs like the "New Deal" that liberal policies create jobs instead of destroying them and depriving people of liberty through government control.

-10%: fooled by the demonizing of conservatives and mistakenly feel that conservative benefits are available only to those who are from an intact family or privileged background

-10%: refuse to rise above their personal temptations, often self-destructive, and hate conservatives who criticize their self-indulgent behavior

-10%: feel that they deserve to make more money than they do, as in public school teachers and university professors, and refuse to rise above self-interest

-10%: harbor a grudge against a conservative, typically a parent but sometimes an ex-spouse, and refuse to forgive or rise above the animosity

-5%: like an anarchist, genuinely want to believe in and propagate destructive ideas

-5%: are susceptible to marketing and suggestion to an overlarge degree.

What Triggers Reconsideration of Liberal Beliefs?

What triggers reconsideration of liberal beliefs? Here are some estimates:

-25%: raising or teaching children, and realizing how destructive liberal values are to many of them

-15%: a religious conversion followed by taking the Bible to heart

-10%: a loss of a loved one that resulted from accepting or promoting liberal values, as in losing a loved one to crime caused by pornography, drug addiction, gambling, etc.

-10%: a new friendship with someone who is conservative, and realizing how much good flows from the conservative values[1]

-10%: simply by maturing and seeing liberalism's impact around them, and realizing what they were taught as youth was wrong

-5%: a desire to learn the truth, and a dislike for those who mislead

-5%: a genuine divine experience that can not be explained.

-5%: using conservative values to overcome an addiction, and then realizing the benefits of conservative values in many other ways

-5%: taking a truthful course in economics, or learning it in the workforce[2]

-10%: other.

Cultural indoctrination

Brainwashing and deceit:

-They pride themselves on doing well in school or reading the newspaper, can't accept that what they were taught was incorrect or biased.

-Dangerous professors who impose their opinions upon vulnerable youth.

-Television programs posing as comedies, such as South Park, Family Guy, and The Simpsons, which inject liberal beliefs and mock conservative values

-Exposed to incorrect liberal ideas throughout education. Standard American kindergartens up to the fourth grade. Wastes the potential of most children—does not expose them to foreign languages and other learning tasks their minds are obviously and mysteriously suited for. All helping to make them think they need liberal man-made structures that in fact limit their potential in a self-defeating sort of cycle.

-Indoctrination by liberal churches which have a disproportionate focus on biblical passages that appear to support liberal positions, eg. the adulteress story, the disciples holding everything in common, etc.

-A blind obsession to be famous, act and imitate the ways of their famous idols, to absorb their ideals as their own.

-Failure to realize that modern science and modern wealth are the result of historical processes set into motion by God-fearing Christian Conservatives like Blaise Pascal, Robert Boyle, Isaac Newton, and James Maxwell. (When the obvious importance of Christianity to these scientific figures' everyday lives comes up in an academic situation, dangerous professors—liberal historians and liberal scientists—have been known to label it as "some mental disorder".)

-Elementary through high school textbooks having appalling and reprehensible omissions on the basic facts of American life (religion, marriage, politics, and business)[3]

-For decades Universities have discriminated against hiring conservatives, especially social conservatives and religious believers.[4] This has resulted in most college graduates being exposed to liberals prejudiced against conservatives and conservative thought. These graduates become the teachers and other professionals who are unwitting soldiers in liberalism's battle against a Christian Reformed, Roman-Catholic/Anglican/Orthodox, obedient-to-God reality.

No exposure:

-Current fashions in American professional behavior make expressions of Christian faith awkward in the workaday world.

-Increasing zone of publicly funded anti-religious fanaticism (e.g., no school-sponsored prayer)

-Spectacle of entertainment industry (e.g., movies and T.V.) cuts into traditionally popular Christian church social activities

-Most universities and hospitals have forgotten or have been forced to deny (to get various grants and even retirement benefits for their professors) their religious roots. Catholic affiliated institutions remain one of the few exceptions (few or possibly no other body of Christians can make legitimate claims of offering modern Pastoral care as the Roman Catholic church)

Peer Pressure:

-They have liberal friends, and want their approval or acceptance.

-They live in a predominantly liberal state or community and fear rejection from said community.

Systemic bias:

-Some people are inherently irrational, and are thus driven to liberal ideology.

-Their job and salary, such as working for public schools, depends on keeping conservatives out of power.

-Media bias acts to caricature conservatism, making it seem unpalatable, conditioning people to reject its teachings.

-Schools reward politically correct, liberal answers on tests.

-Negative focusing by the media highlights personal flaws of conservatives, driving people to choose to identify with liberals rather than be categorized with those traits.

Liberal characteristics

Poor abstract thinking:

-They have trouble understanding some of the slightly abstract concepts in conservatism, such as "more guns, less crime," and "less taxes, more revenue."

-They are more comfortable discussing simple issues like race and poverty than complex issues like globalism.

-Intellectual myopia - failure to heed the long-term consequences of ideological positions that seem beneficial in the short term.

-Stereotyping: They knew a conservative whom they disliked for some reason, and tar all others with the same brush.

-Ignorance: politics isn't a priority for some people. Without any wish to learn to think for themselves, some liberals don't bother to think through what's right, and just go with what's "cool."


-They made up their mind before hearing conservative principles, and will not reconsider their views.

-They have something criticized by conservatives in their personal background, and feel compelled to defend it rather than let it go.

-Slavish adherence to the ideals of liberal parents


-Non-conservatives demonstrate just how prone mankind is to arrogance.

-An admiration for historical figures whom liberals claim were liberals.

-A desire for large government inculcated by personal weakness and reluctance to take personal responsibility.

-Impressionable individuals buying into Bush derangement syndrome, and reacting with emotion rather than reason.

-Reliance on charisma: Charismatic leaders trading on image, rather than experience, can dupe the unsuspecting.

Self-destructive or contrarian behavior:

-Some choose to do what is irrational.
-Use of mind-altering drugs, which encourages one to become a liberal to reconcile the cognitive dissonance, or dulls mental acuity resulting in mindless conformity.

-Sexual experimentation to make up for lack of self-esteem, often with multiple partners, with partners of the same gender, or in public places

-Unthinking rebellion against conservative parents.

-Determined to prove their "independence of mind" by denying authority

Ken DeMyer and Others #fundie conservapedia.com

[From "Greatest Conservative Movies", some of the more notable examples]

Animal Farm (1999) Not Rated: Live-action film adaptation of the conservative text of the same name from George Orwell and of the 1945 original.
Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) PG-13 Contains messages of patriotism, perseverance and standing up to evil dictators. The film's protagonist Steve Rogers is also arguably the most conservative superhero of the Avengers universe. Last film produced by Marvel Studios before it's takeover by liberal parent Disney.

Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) PG-13: Film about a hero who believes in the principles that the United States was founded on and is unwilling to see them be destroyed. The filmmakers based the villains of this film on the NSA and the Obama administration.
The Incredibles (2004) PG: The world's superheroes are forced to give up their heroics and go into hiding after Mr. Incredible saves a suicidal man as well as a derailed train from a bridge destroyed by one of his enemies (who ironically got away with it), causing the populace to turns on superheroes and lawyers to sue them.
The film celebrates the importance of the family unit; Elastigirl fails at parenting when her husband, Mr. Incredible, neglects to help her raise their children; a traditional family of superheroes is portrayed as the saviors of society, whose importance and presence has been unfairly suppressed. In addition, Mr. Incredible was also shown in the beginning to take marriage seriously, immediately heading over to the wedding when he realizes he may be running late, and doing various crime-stopping when he has time before it.

The movie also contains the conservative idea that recognition should be based on merit rather than on unsubstantiated expectations of equality. The villain, Syndrome, out of sheer jealousy, attempts to kill off real superheroes so that he use technology to pretend to be one, later planning to sell his gadgets so that everyone in the world can be super. "And when everyone is super," he explains, "no one will be." When Mr. Incredible is asked to attend his son's fifth-grade graduation, he criticizes society for "celebrating mediocrity" instead of those who are "genuinely exceptional."
Pinocchio (1940) G :A kindhearted craftsman wishes for his own son, a blue fairy (resembling the Blessed Virgin Mary) grants his wish and turns one of his wooden puppets into a real boy. The boy learns about "moral values", and must escape the bad boys who have"hollywood values" and as a result are turned in donkeys (may represent democrats in pop culture).
Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (2011) PG-13: Unlike the rest of the movies in the series which were pure entertainment, this movie has some good Christian messages and a Christian missionary is presented in a positive light. The climax of the movie presents a very important message too; Only God can grant eternal life, not this pagan waters. Men, destroy this profane temple!
World Trade Center (2006)PG-13: Highlights the bravery of NYC's firemen and police in 9/11

Andrew Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

Brandon Bostian was the 32-year-old Amtrak train engineer (driver) who was at the controls on May 12, 2015, when his northbound train accelerated sharply just prior to entering a curve at more than double the speed limit.[1] The train then derailed, killing eight people and injuring more than 200; four days after the crash, 17 passengers continued to be hospitalized.[2] Bostian himself was treated for injuries and released by a hospital the same day of the crash.
Bostian has been a homosexual activist in support of same-sex marriage, which may explain the media support for him after the crash. Bostian was quoted in 2012 as saying:[3]
“It’s kind of insulting to have to beg people for my right to marry. I feel like we shouldn’t even have to have this fight. ”
After the derailment, Bostian told investigators that he could not recall any of the facts surrounding the crash, although on the same day as the crash he did subsequently edit his Facebook profile to darken his image, and also spoke with a friend. Bostian was an expert on trains, with one friend saying he was "obsessed" with them.[4]
When Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter criticized Bostian, not by name, for the reckless speed, the media and the NTSB lashed back at ... Nutter. The media then published stories from friends of Bostian who praised him. The NTSB claimed that Bostian was "extremely cooperative" with the investigation, even though he asserted that he could not recall the circumstances of the crash. Mayor Nutter properly dismissed the theory, promoted by the media, than an unidentified flying object such as a rock may have caused the crash.[5]

Prior Public Statements about Trains
Bostian had publicly criticized the government for not installing technology on trains to prevent the same type of crash in which he participated. When asked about the curious fact that Bostian had made such comments, the lead investigator for the NTSB showed no interested in their evidentiary value.
Bostian retained an attorney quickly after the crash, and Bostian has not appeared in the media himself to explain the excessive speeding and his role in it.

Media Bias
As of six days after the massive crash, Wikipedia still lacked a substantive entry for Brandon Bostian. Meanwhile the liberal Daily Beast ran a headline claiming "How Congress Caused the Amtrak Crash."[6]

An attorney for several of the victims was more candid:[7]
“The conduct of the engineer is both unfathomable and unconscionable. ”

Secondary Education
In 2001, Bostian graduated from Bartlett High School, a public school in Tennessee.[4]

TerryH #conspiracy conservapedia.com

Another German homeschooling family faces prison for trying to educate their children as they see fit. Why, fifty years after victory over the Nazis, does this Nazi-era law stay on the books? And will Barack Obama sign an EO making that the law here?

TerryH #fundie conservapedia.com

Enceladus has figured prominently in the scientific literature over the last three months. Question: how could a moon stay hot enough to spew ice into space, be billions of years old? Answer: it can't. It owes its existence to the same event that gave us the Great Flood.

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

Atheistic science is an approach to science that clings to atheistic views of the universe and life, at the complete exclusion of Biblical scientific foreknowledge and non-materialistic phenomena. The hallmark of atheistic science is how it clings to materialistic theories and rejects logic and experimental observations that contradict the atheistic theories.

Examples of absurd beliefs of atheistic scientists:

* that remarkable migration by butterflies and birds can somehow be explained by magnetism
* that there are many "multiple universes" that simultaneously exist
* that time travel can occur through wormholes in the universe
* that intelligent extraterrestrial life exists outside of Earth
* that massive "black holes" exist in tiny spaces, from which not even light can escape
* that unseen "dark matter" permeates the universe
* that the universe is really comprised elastic strings

Conservapedia #fundie conservapedia.com

10 symptoms of Conservapedia obsessive compulsive disorder

Symptoms of Conservapedia obsessive compulsive disorder include, but are not limited to:

1. Feelings of intense anger, hatred, shame and humiliation associated with having one's worldview or aspects of one's worldview publicly shown to be in error. Among COCD suffers these three feelings often spiral out of control and often reinforce each other. Western atheists who have doubts about atheism and evolution are the most frequent suffers of COCD. In addition, gullible liberals who had fervently believed that Barack Obama and the "stimulus package" would bring about "hope and change" to the United States and to the world are more likely to be afflicted with COCD.

2. You fly into a fury when atheism is associated with clowns or when it is pointed out that the Richard Dawkins and the atheist community most certainly lacks machismo. In addition, you become very irate when the subjects of atheism and obesity, atheism and mass murder, atheism and suicide and atheism and deception are raised. Of course, the bitten dog yelps the loudest.

3. Spending long periods watching or meticulously pouring over the Conservapedia recent edit summary. Individuals afflicted with COCD often review Conservapedia's recent edit summary more than many Conservapedia administrators. Individuals with Severe Conservapedia obsessive compulsive disorder vigorously reject the heliocentrism and geocentrism astronomical models of the universe and argue that Conservapedia's recent changes log is the true center of the universe.

4. Begrudging conservative homeschoolers and conservative children at large to have a fun page provided for them that spoofs evolutionism.

5. Excessive preoccupation with discussing Conservapedia which often involves discussing the most trifling of details. Often this leads to having dreams about Conservapedia at night.

6. Obsessing over the total web page views of Conservapedia

7. Engaging in endless speculation concerning various administrators and editors of Conservapedia.

8. Repeated and frequent proclamations that Conservapedia's death is imminent or that it has died already (The reports of Conservapedia's imminent death or death are greatly exaggerated by liberal atheists. Liberal atheists can't bear for the world to see Conservapedia's atheism and evolution articles as they detail the many deceptions and foolishness associated with atheism).

9. Feelings of anger and resentment when the many medical maladies associated with homosexuality are pointed out through the medical literature.

10. Being upset that you have various trigger words and phrases that remind you of Conservapedia such as: machismo, autumn foliage, bunny hole, Keynesian economics, cowardice, clown, obesity, exercise science, bariatric science, kitty, nerd, summo wrestling, and Olé! Olé! Olé!.

Conservapedia #fundie conservapedia.com

Test Your Open-mindedness

1. Do you resist admitting the possibility that a conservative approach to education is far more effective for students than a liberal one?
2. If it were proven to your satisfaction that some idea you've been using to bolster a political argument was false, would you keep using that idea in your argument?
3. Do you resist admitting that something you accepted for over a decade is, in fact, completely false?
4. Do you resist the possibility that Hollywood values result in significant harm for those who believe in them, and to innocent bystanders?
5. Do you think it is impossible that increased gun ownership reduces the rate of crime?
6. When President Ronald Reagan told Mr. Gorbachev to tear down the Berlin Wall, would you have thought that it was politically impossible for the Berlin Wall to be torn down?
7. Did you think, or still think, that the Strategic Defense Initiative ("Star Wars") is impossible?
8. Do you think that it is impossible that the Shroud of Turin is authentic?
9. Do you think that there must be a purely material-based explanation (such as magnetism) for remarkable homing and migration behavior of birds and butterflies?
10. Do you think that it is impossible for the speed of light to have been different in the past?
11. Do you think that it is impossible to measure openmindedness?
12. Do you think that evolution must have occurred?
13. Do you think that is impossible for the power of 2 in Newtonian gravity, whereby the gravitational force is proportional to 1/r2, to be more precise with an exponent that is slightly different from 2, such as a gravitational force proportional to 1/r2.00000001?
14. Do you resist admitting that some things taught to you in school are completely false, and even known to be false by some responsible for the material?
15. Do you deny that some widely required theories of science, such as the theory of evolution, may actually impede the progress of science?
16. Do you deny that the imposition of socialism and same-sex marriage on a nation could harm its competitiveness at international events like the Olympics?
17. Do you refuse to consider the possibility that "experts" may not have all the answers, and that the best of the public may have valuable insights to which experts are blind?
18. Do you think that if you read parts of the Bible years ago as a child, you can claim to "have read the Bible" and that you have no reason to read it regularly now?
19. Do you believe that because the Earth's orbit and rotation are what they are now, they are guaranteed to remain stable for billions of years?
20. Do you refuse to consider the possibility that Hebrews might have been authored by Jesus?

The above questions can be asked, and one's closed-mindedness can be scored based on how often they answered "yes" above. Answering more than half as "yes" reflects acute closed-mindedness.

Ed Poor #fundie conservapedia.com

George Orwell, whose real name was Eric Arthur Blair (June 25, 1903 - January 21, 1950), was a leading and open-minded English writer, essayist and journalist who became critical of his ideological allies on the left. He hated imperialism[1] and grew increasingly conservative, adopting and raising a child and becoming a member of the Church of England.[2] The tension between the conservative Orwell grew to become, and the democratic socialist he still allowed others to view him as, may account for some of his interesting word inventions like "doublethink". Because of his liberal past, Orwell's increasingly conservative writings were accepted and praised by the clueless liberal intelligentsia.

TheAmericanRedoubt #wingnut conservapedia.com

The 'Most liberal American cities' are so-called "progressive" cities in the United States that are usually are in Blue states / unfree states.

These most leftist cities typically have even more draconian Nanny state local laws in addition to the onerous liberal state laws in support of the progressive police state, especially support for Gun free zones, Gun control and ammunition control, along with the Homosexual agenda (see San Francisco values), and illegal immigration "sanctuary" and tend to follow Hollywood values in terms of drugs and other liberal values.

Liberal Cities Generally Found in "Unfree States"

Almost all of the liberal cities, with the exception of Austin, Texas, are found in the the Blue state liberal Democrat "death spiral" Nanny states / progressive Police states. "The East Coast and West Coast (Left Coast) had the most liberal states including Vermont, Massachusetts, Delaware, New York, Hawaii, Oregon, Washington, Maine, California and New Jersey." [1]

Phil Reiff, Director of the liberal Bay Area Center for Voting Research says, "While there are a few liberal cities without large African American populations, these wind up being the exceptions. The list of Americas most liberal cities is dominated by cities with large African American populations that are concentrated in the Northeast, Midwest and California."[2]

Americas Most Liberal Cities (in descending order)
1. Detroit, Michigan - see Bankruptcy
2. Gary, Indiana
3. Berkeley, California - see Professor values
4. Washington, D.C.
5. Oakland, California - see Black Panthers
6. Inglewood, California
7. Newark, New Jersey
8. Cambridge, Massachusetts - see Professor values
9. San Francisco, California - see San Francisco values
10. Flint, Michigan - see Michael Moore
11. Cleveland, Ohio - see Dennis Kucinich
12. Hartford, Connecticut
13. Paterson, New Jersey
14. Baltimore, Maryland
15. New Haven, Connecticut
16. Seattle, Washington - see Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer of liberal Microsoft
17. Chicago, Illinois - see Obama and Rahm Emanuel
18. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
19. Birmingham, Alabama
20. St. Louis, Missouri - see Ferguson, Missouri Michael Brown
21. New York City, New York - see Michael Bloomberg
22. Providence, Rhode Island
23. Minneapolis, Minnesota
24. Boston, Massachusetts
25. Buffalo, New York
26. Madison, Wisconsin - see Professor values
27. Austin, Texas
28. Hollywood, California - see Hollywood values
29. Los Angeles, California
30. Portland, Oregon

Conservapedia #fundie conservapedia.com

10 telltale signs you are on your way to becoming a lonely atheist nerd

1. When you are at your girlfriend's house, you cannot stop scowling at her mother's pictures of Jesus. Please see: The atheist and evolutionist helpline.

2. You own more pocket protectors than shirts.

3. You tell your girlfriend that she is merely a result of blind random natural forces and there is nothing particularly special about her. Of course, this lets her know that you are an insensitive liar and she starts crying (see: Atheism and deception and Atheism and social intelligence).

4. American atheists are significantly less likely to get married than the general population and atheism is significantly less appealing to women. When you had problems finding a wife, you refused to consider the possibility that you could be the problem and instead blamed it on womankind.

5. You spend countless hours arguing with your girlfriend on the true definition of atheism and insist you are not diluting the definition of atheism given in most encyclopedias of philosophy.

6. You fly into an uncontrollable rage when your girlfriend brings up Shockofgod's question.

7. After your last girlfriend dumped you, you reminded yourself that you still have a lot of atheist subscribers at your YouTube atheism channel and your Reddit atheist friend list is quite large. In addition, your mother no longer believes you are going to get married.

8. You try to convince every woman you meet to visit atheists' websites. You do this because you are mad at Conservapedia for pointing out that the web traffic tracking companies Alexa and Quantcast indicate that a majority of web visitors to prominent atheists' websites are males (Please see: Atheism appears to be significantly less appealing to women).

9. You think Richard Dawkins has machismo or try to debate Conservapedians on the true definition of the word machismo despite the definitions the Merriam Webster dictionary offers.
See Atheism and marriageability !!!

10. Your girlfriend tells you that there needs to be better communication between you two so you buy her a Star Trek USB Communicator that will allow you two to "Stay connected Starfleet style" via Skype and IM programs. You also suggest that you and your girlfriend work on Wikipedia articles together.

Attention male atheists! Nerds obviously have a significantly less likelihood of marrying. Lo and behold, as noted earlier, American atheists are significantly less likely to get married than the general population. Click HERE to read more about atheist male nerds.

Conservapedia #fundie conservapedia.com

Conservative terms, expressing conservative insights, originate at a faster rate and with higher quality than liberal terms do. Conservative triumph over liberalism is thus inevitable.

Each year the English language develops about a thousand new words. The King James Version of the Bible contains only about 8,000 different words; many good words have developed since.

Powerful new conservative terms have grown at a geometric rate, roughly doubling every century. For each new conservative term originating in the 1600s,there are two new terms originating in the 1700s, four new terms in the 1800s, and eight new terms in the 1900s, for a pattern of "1-2-4-8". This suggests that the future will be increasingly conservative.

DavidE #homophobia #wingnut #fundie #pratt conservapedia.com

Homosexual logic is the "logic" used to justify the Homosexual Agenda. Like liberal logic generally, homosexual logic relies on statements that appear to be logical but that are actually rife with logical fallacies. Examples include:
Calling things the opposite of what they are, e.g., justifying their special rights as just another form of equal protection.
Improperly shifting the burden of proof by asserting that homosexuality must be understood as not a choice until it is conclusively shown to be one.
Slippery slope arguments in which they argue that repression of homosexuality will lead to a series of bad results that actually will not follow or that have nothing to do with homosexuality.
Cherry-picking only those parts of the Bible that suit their purposes, while arguing that any parts of Scripture that are inconvenient to them need to be "interpreted" correctly or were "nailed to the Cross," or that just by mentioning them, you are "twisting" them in some unspecified way.
Taking it for granted that any book with a pro-homosexual slant must be true, rather than critically assessing whether that book is credible.
Appealing to majority will, but only when it suits them; switching back and forth between "This is what the people want" and "America is a republic, not a democracy."
Demanding that their own interpretation (or misinterpretation) of the Bible be made binding on everyone, despite the establishment clause.
Demanding limited government, but only when it suits them, while supporting government oppression of anyone they don't like.
Claiming to be persecuted when in reality it is they who are doing the persecuting.

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

A logical fallacy is an error in logical reasoning. While the common usage of the word fallacy would include any error in reasoning, in logic a fallacy is defined as a particularly deceptive argument which seems correct, but upon further examination is found to be incorrect.[1] The maker of such an argument, however, need not be aware of its fallacious nature.


Logical fallacies are the beloved debating tactic of liberals; for this reason, it is not advised to debate them unless you have to, as you will only end up frustrated when one of them inevitably claims global warming is true because Al Gore said so.

Conservative #fundie conservapedia.com

Atheism and marriageability
3 things many women don't like

Spiders, snakes and atheism! Most women do not like atheism! Like the serpent in the Garden of Eden, atheists are often deceptive (Please see atheism and deception).
In 2003, the inept atheist organization American Atheists picked a big hairy spider as the mascot of atheism in order to soften the image of atheism. American women's reaction? Eeww!
Meanwhile, pictures of the baby Jesus, pictures of Jesus holding lambs and pictures of Jesus surrounded by little children continue to melt women's hearts.
3 things many women love

1. Jesus
2. Many American women love their kind and generous God fearing husbands who tend to give more to charity than the typical American atheist.
3. God's creation the pony

Conservative #fundie conservapedia.com

[I removed the following section:

In debates with atheists, the popular YouTube video maker Shockofgod often asks atheists, "Is God evil?". Invariably, so-called atheists quickly say yes. Then Shockofgod informs the "atheist" that they admitted that God exists. Shockofgod also declares that he never heard anyone accuse leprechauns of being evil.

My reasoning, as stated in the edit summary, was "leprechauns aren't evil, but Voldemort is, and he doesn't exist", the point being that something doesn't need to exist for you to describe it. Why, then, was my edit undone?]

Voldemort cannot be evil because he doesn't exist. "Nothing" cannot be evil. The fictional character Voldemort can only be portrayed as evil.

By the way, if a main justification for your worldview is the "leprechaun objection", it is time to abandon your worldview. Atheism is madness!

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

Faith and Science

Faith and logic are essential ingredients of real science and an informed understanding the world.

Faith, a Christian concept, accepts truth without requiring visible proof.

Logic guides the faculty of human reason to determine the truth. However, liberal logic may appear logical, but is actually nonsensical.

Science is based on observation in determining the truth. However, in recent years, science has become increasingly atheistic,[1] rejecting God and his works in explanations of the world and all of human experience. Instead readily embracing pseudo or junk science such as evolution, relativity, global warming and much of cosmology and geology based on a time frame which predates creation. Consequently the rigid logic of creation science is gaining in importance, enabling intelligent people to distinguish real science from atheistic secular junk science.

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

Atheistic science is riddled with self-contradictions. A few examples are:

• atheistic science denies the existence of the unseen, while simultaneously admitting that the entire universe began from the unseen.
• atheistic science promotes the implausible existence of black holes with a religious fervor. Disproved by quantum mechanics, black holes have been discredited most recently by Stephen Hawking, but atheistic science soldiers on in denial of basic logic.
• atheistic science has no plausible theory for the origin of the Moon, and the lunar landing disproved all of its prior theories.

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

Atheistic science predicts that earthquakes will be correlated with fault lines. That is simply not true, as many recent earthquakes (Napa Valley, Japan, etc.) have demonstrated. It would be fine if atheistic science admitted it doesn't know, but instead it claims it does know, but it is wrong.

Atheistic science also fails to explain the many examples of beauty in nature, including the blood moon.

Biblical scientific foreknowledge, meanwhile, is spectacular in its success.

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

The spectacular "blood moon" visible early Wednesday morning is not something atheists can explain, but Joel 2:31 in the Bible talks about the extraordinary phenomenon. What, "educated" atheists don't even know that there is a Book of Joel in the Bible??

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

"Atheistic science" is descriptive term for science that clings to materialistic explanations at the complete exclusion of biblical insights and phenomena not explainable by materialism. There may be Christians who pursue atheistic science as a way of getting a degree or putting food on the table.

The circular statement that "if there is a 6.0 earthquake in Napa, then it is on an active fault line" is not illuminating. A good theory, which goes beyond atheistic science, is needed to predict and explain earthquakes better.

TerryH #fundie conservapedia.com

Has Russia confirmed the Great Flood? Their cosmonauts might have found sea plankton on the outside hull and window of the International Space Station. How else did those sea plankton get there, except from the breakout of the Fountains of the Great Deep?

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

Conservapedia proven right, again: the nation that rejects same-sex marriage and stands up against the homosexual agenda wins the World Cup. Germany did not lose a game the entire tournament, even though its opponents often had more talented players.

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

[In Conservapedia's article on 'Scientist']

A scientist is someone who practices science. Scientists who have tenure at universities, however, are often liberal atheists, as faculties today are hostile to people like Isaac Newton or Louis Pasteur who were inspired by their faith.

Conservative #fundie conservapedia.com

The coward in the liberal and atheistic state of Oregon was clearly afraid to step out of the bedroom.[23] And he could have showed the cat who is boss without injuring the cat simply by means of a commanding voice or smacking him around with some pillows if need be. But the 911 recording clearly shows, like many liberal men, he lacked a commanding voice! The cat definitely knew who was boss in that household and who was the biggest pussy. The cat was the boss in that household and the liberal "man" was the biggest pussy in that household!

Furthermore, he told the lady 911 operator that he was the woman's boyfriend. It came as no surprise that he was merely the woman's boyfriend and not her husband. And what real man calls a woman for help to protect himself, a woman, a child and the household dog against a common house cat!

And of course the cat was fat because liberals and/or atheists are often too indulgent and permissive their pets and often in regards to themselves. See: Atheism and obesity and Lesbianism and obesity. And in too many cases, when liberals and atheists do "love" their pets, it is an altogether inappropriate form of faux love and merely lust. See: Liberalism and bestiality and Atheism and bestiality.

Conservapedia #fundie conservapedia.com

Conservapedia proven right, again: Stephen Hawking admits that black holes do not exist, as Conservapedia suggested back in 2012 in Counterexamples to Relativity. [63] Was Hawking's "biggest blunder" not listening to Conservapedia sooner?

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

[Under Essay: Best New Conservative Words]

New Term: uncertainty principle

Origin date: 1929

Comments: an underlying chaos (uncertainty) at the atomic level in the physical world after the Fall of man, which renders a perpetual motion machine and life beyond 120 years impossible

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

Ladies and gentlemen, FOX News is now a liberal news channel:

"The Fox News Channel heavily promotes RINO Backers -- commentators who may appear to be conservative but side with RINOs just when it matters most. Examples include Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, Karl Rove, and Rush Limbaugh, who savaged Todd Akin for making a pro-life statement pointing out that pregnancy from rape is rare due to feminine biology. The Fox News Channel gave Karl Rove a platform to raise money against pro-life Republican candidates.
Even center-right pundit Sarah Palin is too conservative for Fox News Channel, as when it canceled some of her interviews at a key political moment in August 2012,[1] and then refused to renew her contract. And Fox News believes that the former guatemalan president Efraín Ríos Montt was a dictator.[2]"

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