EXT: An anti-lockdown demonstration. The photographer is face to face with a demonstrator with very obvious collagen injections who is wearing a ‘Trump 2020′ T-shirt and holding a megaphone and two small dogs, one of whom is wearing a ‘Keep America Great’ hat.
OFF-CAMERA: Say it again!
DEMONSTRATOR: I don’t give a shit…
OFF-CAMERA: Say it again!
DEMONSTRATOR: You’re disgusting. You’re a New World odour - Order, Satanist. That’s right. You’re a New World Order S - And you guys are all for it. You are.
OTHER DEMONSTRATOR: I had three jobs, they’re all gone. I’m jobless, unemployed…
OFF-CAMERA: What has that got to do with me being [inaudible]?
DEMONSTRATOR (fake-smiling): I wasn’t even talking to you, but yeah, I’ll talk to you. Yeah I wasn’t talking to you but I will. What are you, a guy or a girl?
OFF-CAMERA: [inaudible]
DEMONSTRATOR: And I’m going to tell you something else. You’re a Nazi and you’re brainwashed by MKUltra.
OTHER DEMONSTRATOR: We’re not here for that. We just want the state to open back up, so we can get our lives back…
DEMONSTRATOR: Yeah, that’s all we want, so something wrong, with not wanting to have a lockdown? Is there something wrong with wanting freedom?
OFF-CAMERA: Get some more injections…
DEMONSTRATOR: I actually haven’t, but thank you, never even in my mouth. Yeah you’re sick. You can sit home and get tattoos. You’re such a [inaudible] piece of shit. I bet you kill babies and eat them. I bet you had an abortion this morning! Disgusting.