
Scott Lively #fundie youtube.com

I haven’t really done any deep analysis of this but, having Kamala Harris sort of being the heir apparent to the failing Joe Biden, all of the biblical references to the Whore of Babylon and the Jezebel that plays such a huge, huge role in the Last Days prophecy, all sort of rise to the surface. Considering her background, how she got to where she is, not hiding it, just the implications of that.
The Antichrist is whoever the demon Satan is in possession of at any given time. And I think that more than anyone, Obama actually fits the Antichrist model today. I’m not saying that he is for sure, but he more than anyone else that I’ve ever seen does fit the model.

Connor Murphy #fundie #crackpot #dunning-kruger #god-complex youtube.com

The Kingdom of Heaven is an internal state, I would like to say a mental state, but it’s more of a realization that goes even beyond the mind that actually leads to this mental state. The kingdom of heaven is the truth. The Kingdom of Heaven is the realization of the truth. The kingdom of heaven is enlightenment. The kingdom of heaven is love. All those are synonymous - the kingdom of heaven is the universe itself.

The kingdom of heaven is you.

The kingdom of heaven is the lack of ignorance that once plagued you. I am residing in the Kingdom of Heaven because I know the truth - the truth of your true nature. The truth that we are not living in a physical material world.

But that we are living in a world made of mind, that we are the creator of this world. That we are God.

Connor Murphy #crackpot #magick #god-complex #fundie youtube.com

I'd like to start off with the concept of the holy trinity the father the son and the holy spirit I want to look at this concept from the perspective of a dream.

Why well i think we can all admit that we are the god of our dreams it's our mind that's creating the entire dreams. we are the creator. So pretend that you're dreaming right now - now what is the father well the father is the dream itself

and the dreamer see the dreamer is not separate from the dream the father is the real you the father is the mind that is creating the entire dream what is the son well the son is the aperture through which you experience the dream for most of us when we dream we are experiencing the dream as a dream human.

so that's the son the avatar that experiences the dream now does that mean that that
is the true you in the dream well no of course the true you is the mind that is imagining the entire dream the human form is just a temporary experience of the dream. What is the holy spirit?
Well the holy spirit is the truth the truth of what the dream actually is.

it's the connection between the father and the son the holy spirit.

Generation Zed #ufo #conspiracy youtube.com

Operation CRAC: Harvesting ET livers to power the sacred books that ripple our dimension.

So, let’s start from the very beginning. When we talk about sacred books and all this, what are we referring to? We are referring to something called the fourteen sacred books that essentially hold a lot of cosmic knowledge; not all, but a lot of cosmic knowledge as it pertains to this timeline. Now there’s different types of knowledge that can be held within the quantum realm: we have the Akashic Records, which is a bit more of a spiritual thing, but, again, we notice from things like Project Looking Glass and what-have-you that the Vatican has devices where they could see into the past of certain events that occurred within a particular location when they pointed the device at a specific location. And that is using the Akashic Records within the quantum realm to act as a sort of database in memory that is stored in a dimension other than this one that can provide illustrations of what occurred. Right?

Now, why is this important? This is important because, along with the fusion cell, something that I did an episode on a few weeks ago within the CIA, the fusion cell partly relies on the 14 sacred books in order to continue a sort of cosmic fluid timeline, but also, it ripples the timeline using modern military technology and other things in order to create a more peaceful future for the elites.

Now, what powers these books? That’s the ultimate question. Extraterrestrial livers. Human livers can power it as well, but it’s kind of like when you’re charging your iPhone or your Android with a very shitty, half-assed charger you just bought from the local gas station compared to charging your phone with the charger that it actually came with when you bought the phone. Okay, that’s the best way I could probably describe it.

Various Commenters #conspiracy #racist #wingnut youtube.com

RE: Nigel Farage: Why the EU are nasty and vindictive.

(Drew Blood)
When you lose your cash cow it makes feeding and housing all of Africa difficult!

(Rob Munro)
Bringing in the voters to keep in power permanently! USA is doing it with the South Americans, they currently only need around 17 million more voters on their side to stay in the Whitehouse. I read that probably around 23 million will probably be the amount they'll have due to Biden not deporting illegals anymore as he has sent a notice to Immigration Control in his first few days and also he is potentially giving amnesty to the ones already living in the USA! Scary times!

(Jake Curtis)
the USA is Northern Mexico soon

Brenden Dilley #wingnut youtube.com

Many are disappointed that [Trump] was not anywhere near as authoritarian as we hoped he would be. You wanted him to rule with an iron fist. Many of us had believed that he would do that, including myself at times. I thought he might do some things that would be outside the norms of governance, and instead, you ended up with probably the least authoritarian president I’ve ever seen.

I have never seen somebody avoid the overt use of power more so than Donald J. Trump. He was not authoritarian at all. Would not abuse his powers. So much so that when he was leaving, he didn’t even put out any pardons for himself or his family, like most other prior fucking presidents do.

He was the worst dictator we’ve ever had, by far. He just couldn’t bring himself to do it. He was heavily, heavily respectful of states’ rights. He was heavily respectful of the rule of law. So much so that he wouldn’t fire the special prosecutor knowing it was a sham witch hunt because he wanted to be fully exonerated. And he was. Even though he held those powers, he just would not abuse the position. And his legacy is gonna be one of those things where you won’t even recognize the brilliance of his administration until you suffer at the hands of the next one.

The Rantings of a Madman #elitist #wingnut youtube.com

No mommy state yet "social safety net".... You realize this is the same thing right? It's like saying a car is different than a sedan... nah pretty much the same thing. You can split hairs all day, but it's basically the same thing just different specifics.

How about none of that thank you. I've had to work my entire adult life to not have to be a part of any of these programs because where I am from it's shameful to be reliant on these systems, and I know many who can't function without them. The fault most of the time I see it, is on two things. 1 the government takes too much from them making them have to get on these programs where they otherwise wouldn't have to. or 2 They have no budgeting skills and waste way more than they should. In the first case I pity them and call for the government to steal less from us all. In the second I am loud and adamant that I shouldn't have money stolen from me to fund them when they are at fault. Of the people I know on food stamps about 7 out of 10 of them fall into the second category, so the majority by far. I've tried to help a few and always been met with, you don't know what it is like..... I lived off of minimum wage had a home, had food, had a car, and had enough to live on, I also smoked a pack a day and had enough to smoke weed every single day. This was off of a $7.25 minimum wage. How? Why? It's called a budget and it is basic life skill oh SO MANY lack. They buy what they do not need then expect the tax payer to fund their needs when they have wasted money that could've gone to it, while the average working person gets enough money taken out in taxes each month to pay for everything they would eat in that month. I'm more than willing to have a talk about getting that 3 out of 10 the help they need, but those other 7 can go fuck themselves and starve in a ditch because they are leeches surviving off of my hard work and the generosity of big government who is basically buying their votes with my money.

Big Chief #wingnut #racist youtube.com

Big Chief (in response to the comment - “Trump didn’t do shit he set us back”)
“Clearly you don’t have a 401k. Or earnings.”

*Commenter says Trump belongs in prison*

Big Chief
Last thing you want to do is put President Trump on trial

*Commenters replies to ask why not as he deserves to be in prison*

Big Chief
The courts rejected him for months. By all means let him plead his case.

*In response to commenter scolding him for only being concerned with money*

Big Chief
Where did Trump touch you? How exactly did he change your life. Should be easy for you to articulate.

Big Chief’s profile picture is a Nazi Parade

Various Commenters #conspiracy #crackpot #quack #psycho youtube.com

Various Commenters on a conspiracy video - “The Simpsons Election Day 2020 Predictive Programming”, Uploaded by EndTimesTV

Who’s here after the Capitol Riots

(Abeselsome Alene)
Does anyone ever have the feeling that these aren’t predictions but plans 🤔

It’s all written in the Bible

@Grey Alien this is the final decade. The age of grace aka church age is soon coming to an end.Jesus christ is coming back for the rapture(this decade) dont get left behind from rapture to face great tribulation coming to earth. America will be nuked and invaded by russia and china in near future to usher in new world order. Nwo beast system led by antichrist obama and false prophet pope francis ready to take over after rapture. Dont believe the coming massive deception of alien abduction explanation for rapture from obama. Fema concentration camps will be activated around the world post rapture. Refuse coming vaccine and rfid chip implant aka mark of beast at all costs.

Its easy, until january 20th TRUMP will expose that there was Voter froud. After that the deepstate and the democrats will start riots and looting again and try to take out trump. Thats why simpsond predicted trump to be dead. The show just startet guys.

*follow-up comment*

@Robbi Shiflett they will blame trump for the riots, the media and the left will blame it on him, just like they blame everything on him what they actually do. They will say : look what trump did, he is the reason for the riots cause he won the court with illegal proof and the people rioting cause they dont want to have him in the white house.
Even if joe biden gonna fall from the steps to the podium they will probibly say, look thats because of trump😂😂

(flc lp)
@25BUlleTs5 damn this was happened today the so called trump supporters(ANTIFA DRESSED UP USING TRUMP'S paraphernalia) stormed the capitol wtf

Pastor Greg Locke #wingnut #conspiracy youtube.com

I’m here to tell you there’s a group of elites that run this nation, a bunch of globalists that run the world, and their money runs it. It is nothing more than a satanic death cult. And the clearest thing I’ve ever seen in my life was when Mitch McConnell gets off track, he turns around and the guy behind him gives him the Illuminati hand signal of authoritarianism to make sure he stays on track, just to remind that sucker, “We’re still in control, we’re still paying your bills, and you do anything against what we say and we’ll make sure nobody finds your body, Jimmy Hoffa.”

It is happening. Satanism has infiltrated the highest positions in the land. Child sex-trafficking has infiltrated the highest positions in the land. Pedophilia, child-sacrifice—not just abortion, I mean the whole deal—it is everywhere, and we are not paying attention. … We watched plain as day those people give the hand signal to make sure he stays on track.

John Guandolo #wingnut #psycho youtube.com

From my perspective of where we are in this war, I’m amazed at the restraint patriots are still showing, especially after an unarmed veteran of the Air Force of 14 years, a female, was shot in the face by a Capitol Police officer.

I liken this to the Boston Massacre. This is the 2021 Boston Massacre. And I think in in the history of what’s happening right now, this is a turning point. This is a point when patriots realized the U.S. Senate, run by Republicans, has turned around to patriots and flipped them the bird again for the 50th time in a row. And they go on TV and stand in the well of the Senate and condemn patriots and tell us we’re the problem.

This is a banana republic, and the people either will or will not take back the republic. I don’t see any other way out than a real armed counter-revolution to this hostile revolution that’s taking place, primarily driven by the communists.

This is where we are. I don’t know what the future holds, but it’s gonna be ugly to turn this around. And it is going to get much, much more ugly. And the fact that we conservatives—I’m getting emails and texts from conservatives telling me how appalled they are at what happened at the Capitol yesterday. Screw you! Screw you if you say that because what happened at Capitol [Wednesday] was incredibly restrained. From my perspective—I was there, I watched it, I was in and amongst it—it is amazing to me that patriots haven’t strung up these traitors already with the amount of evidence on the table of what they’re doing.

Rudy Giuliani #conspiracy #wingnut youtube.com

Senator Tuberville? Or I should say Coach Tuberville. This is Rudy Giuliani, the president's lawyer. I'm calling you because I want to discuss with you how they're trying to rush this hearing and how we need you, our Republican friends, to try to just slow it down so we can get these legislatures to get more information to you. And I know they're reconvening at 8 tonight, but it… the only strategy we can follow is to object to numerous states and raise issues so that we get ourselves into tomorrow, ideally until the end of tomorrow.

I know McConnell is doing everything he can to rush it, which is kind of a kick in the head because it's one thing to oppose us, it's another thing not to give us a fair opportunity to contest it. And he wants to try to get it down to only three states that we contest. But there are 10 states that we contest, not three. So if you could object to every state and, along with a congressman, get a hearing for every state, I know we would delay you a lot, but it would give us the opportunity to get the legislators who are very, very close to pulling their vote, particularly after what McConnell did today. It angered them, because they have written letters asking that you guys adjourn and send them back the questionable ones and they'll fix them up.

Cloudy NS #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy #psycho #crackpot #psycho youtube.com

Jim Carrey has always been one of them. He just likes to mess with the audiences because he knows they're idiots. Jim cut a ladys hair in the Jimmy Kimmel show. He said he cut it in the form of his hand, because it symbolizes the control he has over his fans. Jim is a very satanic person and he loves to make fools out of people he will tell you a bit of truth and then mix it with comedy and lies to cause confusion. That's why we have so many people that think he's a good guy trying to expose the elite. Which is far from the truth. All of the people in hollywood are Satanic. You don't to get to be a celebrity without an initiation.

It’s Someone #crackpot #fundie #conspiracy #psycho #wingnut youtube.com

yep it is true... those that truly rule the world are reptilians, Evil people, Prince of the Power of The Air / Satan himself🤦🏻‍♀️ this world may seem like sunshine and roses but if you look at it from a spiritual perspective it is a prison for our mind & soul. ( we too have a reptilian side of our brain due to being mixed with other beings throughout history)
And now they came up with this Covid PLANdemic agenda... it is not about the virus and the vaccine is not for our safety. They are pushing the Great Reset. Don’t take the vaccine it will change our DNA, it has hydrogen, Luciferase in it ( Doesn’t that sound like Lucifer’s Race to u ?) because that’s exactly what they want to do... they want to wipe out God’s children from this world. This vaccine is somehow related to The Mark of The Beat that is mentioned in The Revelation Chapter of the Bible. Without it we won’t be able to buy or sell, it will either be in our foreheads or right arm. ( could be a chip, quantum dots tattoo, Digital ID..all I’m trying to say is.. if they try to connect us biologically to any sort of AI ( which in fact they are) then right there and then it will be the end of the human race)
The good thing is .. this means The Rapture is getting near.. it is when those that are born again in Christ are snatched away in a twinkling of an eye and taken Home before the Tribulation period happens on the entire world as a second chance for people to repent. They will come up with lies like it was an alien abduction or they may give other lies/ explanation on how people disappeared. Those that will be left behind will either take The Mark and follow this Satanic system or Die for the truth. The problem is if they take the Mark then there will not be redemption.

JK Belle #fundie #crackpot #conspiracy #magick #mammon #psycho #wingnut youtube.com

Lol! Why do you think he’s had such a “mental breakdown?” For starters he’s the high satanic preset of the Hollywood coven #1 and then on top of that you can CLEARLY SEE all the “sacrifices”
He’s made (his younger girlfriend as just one of many)
AND he’s just become more and more DEMONICALLY POSSESSED “willingly” over the years! He’s a MJAOR handler in Hollywood. Hollywood ITSELF is the most satanic secret society “coven” there is! This is why they are surrounded by death and scandal CONSTANTLY!

Magestic #crackpot #conspiracy #magick #psycho #quack #wingnut youtube.com

He's actually laying it all out in the open, the secrets of life, the secrets that have been suppressed purposefully. He's doing it in the form of comedy, because it's the only way to get it out, without bringing the wrath of the control system down on him. Unfortunately everyone thought it was comedy, but all these years later with so many waking up it's shocking too see he was trying to help us all so long ago. It just goes too show how indoctrinated into the system we really were/are.

Pax Humana #fundie #conspiracy youtube.com


the oldest meme is probably the bible. everyone had their own interpretation and continued to share different versions of it. and just like a good meme it started wars, toppled cities, and gave us some good laughs along the way.

people that think that the Holy Scriptures are merely a set of memes are why the Coronavirus exists.

Stephen Cockett #crackpot #racist youtube.com

Mugabe re-named the country 'zimbabwe' after the ancient ruins at zimbabwe - because he said that they were the remains of a vast African Empire. When the archaeologists examined those ruins, however, they discovered that they were NOT part of any ancient civilization at all - but the remains of a 1200 year old islamic_slave fort. Mugabe named the country after a detention centre built by the arabs to round up local African victims.

Not that I am saying you're wrong but I beg a source or piece of information backing that.

it was a hard copy report - archaeological paper. I did not see it on the internet. I don't think the archaeologists realised the significance they just reported the facts. A lot of archaeology is becoming political now when it contradicts leftist narratives. Like the Early human remains (European) in the Americas that pre-date all the 'indians' that crossed the Bering straits from Asia much later.

My uncle Ron ran the Kariba dam for many years in the Rhodesia days. He was horrified to learn that Mugabe was having it taught in schools that the local people there built and maintained the dam!

What lies are these 😂😂😂. The great Zimbabwe ruins were part of the Mutapa empire and there are even accounts of it from the 1st European settlers we came into contact with. Islamic or Arabic influence is easy to see and you can mostly see it along the East African coast while the existence of similar stone forts is spread out throughout out Southern Zim. Don't just believe whatever white supremacy lies you are told 😂

this is what we are up against.

DickDickstein #wingnut #pratt youtube.com

(submitter’s note: this was in the midst of a reply thread on a LegalEagle video)

(Original commenter: "COUNT THE VOTES"
- A crowd outside a vote counting location, inside which election officials were counting votes)

Love how this take is so completely inaccurate. Same way the media tried to make the new mail-in ballots for this election to being interchangeable with absentee ballots. Same way they don't distinguish between legal and illegal votes. Same way they consider illegal immigrants and legal immigrants as a unit to use for arguments on immigration.

This one is completely misleading too because the take is LEGAL votes. Bot of the arguments are for the same purpose. "STpop the count" was to wait until they are validated, and the other is to count legal votes.

MSM twisted the meaning into something else, and it's not making me optimistic that enough people have learned to find reputable news, and not opinion analysis, or complete disregard for facts as truth by twisting the context enough to create a completely different meaning.

Unnamed anti-lockdown demonstrator #conspiracy #wingnut youtube.com

EXT: An anti-lockdown demonstration. The photographer is face to face with a demonstrator with very obvious collagen injections who is wearing a ‘Trump 2020′ T-shirt and holding a megaphone and two small dogs, one of whom is wearing a ‘Keep America Great’ hat.

OFF-CAMERA: Say it again!

DEMONSTRATOR: I don’t give a shit…

OFF-CAMERA: Say it again!

DEMONSTRATOR: You’re disgusting. You’re a New World odour - Order, Satanist. That’s right. You’re a New World Order S - And you guys are all for it. You are.

OTHER DEMONSTRATOR: I had three jobs, they’re all gone. I’m jobless, unemployed…

OFF-CAMERA: What has that got to do with me being [inaudible]?

DEMONSTRATOR (fake-smiling): I wasn’t even talking to you, but yeah, I’ll talk to you. Yeah I wasn’t talking to you but I will. What are you, a guy or a girl?

OFF-CAMERA: [inaudible]

DEMONSTRATOR: And I’m going to tell you something else. You’re a Nazi and you’re brainwashed by MKUltra.

OTHER DEMONSTRATOR: We’re not here for that. We just want the state to open back up, so we can get our lives back…

DEMONSTRATOR: Yeah, that’s all we want, so something wrong, with not wanting to have a lockdown? Is there something wrong with wanting freedom?

OFF-CAMERA: Get some more injections…

DEMONSTRATOR: I actually haven’t, but thank you, never even in my mouth. Yeah you’re sick. You can sit home and get tattoos. You’re such a [inaudible] piece of shit. I bet you kill babies and eat them. I bet you had an abortion this morning! Disgusting.

Eric Peterson #fundie youtube.com

(Now they seem to have a reason as in less suffering, but we don’t try to lower our numbers to have less suffering.)

I don't care for the continued existence of ecosystems in and
of itself. I care about the individuals within said system(s).

Mario Murillo #fundie #wingnut youtube.com

I will never believe that Joe Biden is the president of the United States. I will never accept that. Why am I opposing what’s going on in the Democratic Party, and in the high tech, and in legacy media, and all of it? Because it’s the right thing to do. It’s the only thing my conscience will let me do. And there is a kind of a serenity inside of me about the fact that I know now that I’m on God’s side on this issue and he’s on my side on this issue, and that’s all that matters.

Greg Stephens and Mark T. Barclay #fundie youtube.com

[concerning Dominion Voting Systems, whose machines have been accused of deleting Trump votes]

Greg Stephens: Barclay, I hear Dominion software, it makes me angry because the believer was given dominion, and... how dare they use that to steal an election? That name — something rises up in me, this whole Dominion software thing, there in Michigan.

Mark T. Barclay: 99%... 99% of anybody who uses the word “Dominion” is Christianity. And, again — this is just how I see it, guys, and I think I see it right. I mean, I don’t want to sound arrogant, but look — They’re stealing Christianity and everything important that’s us. It’s called Anti-Christ. They steal Christmas from us. It turns into Santa Claus and flying reindeer, etc. They steal Easter from us and it’s a bunny with eggs... and this word “dominion.” That’s our word. That’s a Bible word. It’s almost like, how dare you even use it in this context?

And then, if you look into Dominion — you know, I’m not an IT guy, but I’m not deaf, dumb, blind, and stupid either — you look into this software, and what it does, and how easily it can be manipulated. And by the way, who’s manipulating it and who’s governing it? This is Anti-Christ, anti-America, anti-justice, anti-fairness — and it’s being proven! And so they need to do something about it, like maybe just get rid of it.

StartTakingNotes #sexist youtube.com

(Context: Talking about a show about female vigilantes fighting rapists. It sparked a lot of rage and moralizing from incels)

Sarah A: sigh look, how many vigilante superhero shows/movies/comics exist? you don't see people getting up in arms over those shows; they're able to disengage and recognize it for what it is - fiction. Why does the fact that the crimes in this show are sex crimes bother so many people? Is it because it hits too close to home???

StartTakingNotes: the differance is most superheroes fight supervillans in the act of causing harm, not chasing down and stabbing people that were accused of rape. Some mental gymnastics going on in this comments section lmao

Sarah A: so is rape not 'causing harm'? also, due to its very nature, rape is harder to catch in the act and even after it's over most victims do not get the justice they deserve, often getting blamed themselves. this is an important topic that needs to be addressed in a show like this because of its prevalence in the real world. you don't have literal supervillains going around in real life, but women are raped on a daily basis. that's why a show like this is so deeply satisfying to watch.

StartTakingNotes: I didn't say rape wasn't causing harm, don't put words in my mouth. I said supervillans in the ACT of causing harm like robbing a bank, planting bombs, trying to take over the city/world etc, and superheros are too busy handling that to break there moral code and go stab rape suspects. Also most supervillans are leagues above the local law enforcement, requiring hero's to take them down. Point is your analogy is invalid. Rape is a crime that takes place usually over a few minutes then becomes a he said/she said scenario afterward, and due to burden of proof, it's up to the accuser to prove the crime. it's not a perfect system, but it's better than the alternative. This show is the alternative, where people are accused of a heinous act, then get savagely beaten without a trial long after the act in question. The women portrayed in the show are lawless thugs.

George Pearsons #fundie #wingnut youtube.com

Behold, the ballots of the laborers who have voted in this election that have been kept back by fraud cry out. And the cries of them which have voted are entered into the Lord of the armies of the host of Heaven. So not only are the voters crying out, not only are we raising our voices over this corruption and this fraud, but the ballots are doing the same thing.

There are mail-in ballots. Some people in some places receive four or five of those, and they used four and five of those. Let’s say that they got four in the mail and they sent the four in, there’s three of them that are crying out, “Wrong! This is wrong. This is not right. This is deception.” It’s crying out. There are others through software that votes have changed, you better believe those ballots are crying out, “This is a lie. This is not right. This is not right.” All the way down the line, even to people who have died and gone to Heaven. … Especially if those people were born again, they’re in Heaven right now and they’re crying out. They’re crying out against the injustice of this. You cannot come against the Lord of the Sabbath, the Lord of angel armies. Angels have been dispatched; they are out there. That is why that voice is crying out. It is not just the people. It is the ballot itself.

Dr. Jennifer Rivera #fundie youtube.com

(discussing the differences between human and ape skulls)

...We also can look at the nasal bone right here. God designed humans very specifically, with this nasal bone, because He knew, because of sin, we’d be wearing glasses and contacts, right? So this helps hold our glasses. Primates have no need to wear glasses, so they were not created with that bone there.

Lori Alexander #fundie youtube.com

A 15 month is not too young to spank. It’s the perfect time to begin actually. The sooner you begin, the quicker they learn to obey. Pain must be associated with sin so they will sin no more (well, not as much any ways). Use a wooden spoon on his upper thigh when he is disobeying you and say “no” to him. Yes, it will be hard at first but know that you are teaching him self-control with is a gift you are giving to him.

Chris Reed #fundie #wingnut youtube.com

Father, I thank you for President Donald Trump. That he has stood for pro-life, that he has stood for the life of babies and that he has stood with your nation Israel and that he has stood to help the economy of the United States and reforming trade deals and guarding our borders Lord, from child trafficking and human trafficking.

We just believe, Lord, what you have spoken to me and to others, that you who holds the key of David has the authority to determine, to declare who the true ruler is ... David declared Solomon to be the true king and we are declaring in the name of Yeshua HaMashiach, the Lord Jesus Christ, that you will declare Donald Trump to remain the President of the United States, that his crown–that no man can take that office, no man can take that crown.

And Lord, I’m praying for strength and vitality and the joy of the Lord, to come to your church that maybe feels weary or feels like backpedaling or backtracking. Lord, we are declaring in the name of Jesus for a release of supernatural grace and joy and expectation that your hand is upon your church and upon our president, and that the open door in Philadelphia is exposing the lies of election fraud and voter fraud. And we declare in Jesus name and we come into agreement [praying in tongues] that your hand is going to return and overturn the results that we are hearing from the media. And you are the kingmaker! You are the one that holds the key of David! And we put this in your hands and we hold fast to your Word, the Word of your prophets. In Jesus Christ’s name, Hallelujah.

Mark Taylor #fundie #wingnut youtube.com

Let me tell you something: every Christian, every pastor out there that voted for Joe Biden last night, you have brought a curse upon yourself and your family, your children, and your children’s children down to the third and fourth generation, and you need to repent.”

You cannot call yourself a Christian and call yourself a Democrat and vote for Biden. You are implementing the dark agenda. Satan’s agenda. The kingdom of darkness. You are not supporting the kingdom of God. And if you cannot see that, if you do not repent, judgment will fall upon you, I believe, and your family and your children’s children down the third and fourth generation.

Maria G Trejo #fundie youtube.com


Michele Bachmann #fundie #wingnut youtube.com

I ask, Oh God, that you would take your iron rod and I ask that you would smash the clay jar of deceit in America, smash the clay jar of delusion in the United States of America. Smash the delusion, Father, of Joe Biden as our President. He is not.

Would you take your iron rod and smash the strong delusion that Nancy Pelosi does have her House of Representatives, we don’t know that. Smash it, in Jesus name. Smash, Lord, the takeover of the Senate by Chuck Schumer. Lord, smash it with your iron rod. I ask, Oh God, that you would take your iron rod.

Mark Taylor #fundie #wingnut youtube.com

Let me tell you something. Every Christian, every pastor out there that voted for Joe Biden last night, you have brought a curse upon yourself and your family, your children, and your children’s children down to the third and fourth generation, and you need to repent.

You cannot call yourself a Christian and call yourself a [Democrat] and vote for Biden. You are implementing the dark agenda. Satan’s agenda. The kingdom of darkness. You are not supporting the kingdom of God. And if you cannot see that, if you do not repent, judgment will fall upon you, I believe, and your family and your children’s children down the third and fourth generation.

Shady Oak Ministries #fundie #homophobia youtube.com

Video description: "Today's study will explain how Odin exemplified the LGBT lifestyle down to the letter...literally."

Closing statement: "We can also talk about Freya's many affairs, as well as prostituting herself to dwarves for jewelry. We can talk about Thor's unfaithfulness to Sif and vice versa. Loki's behaviour is self explanatory, but this is the paragon for the use of your sexuality. Wherever you go in the Norse pantheon, since he was responsible for forming man from trees with Vili and Vé  his brother, they are the example of how their designs are used. And in that example we have a man who has transformed into a woman - transgender - in order to lay with other men - so qualify him as gay - to preform magic taught to him by his wife - suggesting bisexuality - through whom he has sided the race of the Aesir - meaning if he was a woman at any point he'd be a combination of lesbian and strait.

With all that being said, this would certainly be a God who was popular with the LGBT community. But understand that in the Norse culture, and affirmed by the writings of gramaticists, and the history of the Danes, these traits describing your God are traits you should be ashamed of in the context they were written in. And in today's culture, we are not too far gone where rape can be justified along side these things. Especially, as well as adultery in certain situations, but understand these are the reasons why you need to know all these things.  Your God matters, because you are trying to become like them. 

And even if you celebrate the LGBT lifestyle, that Odin himself pursued to the fullest, be aware this includes being a rapist and a casual adulterer. I don't believe anyone should use this person as an example for how they use their sexuality. If you want a god who not only designed our sexual function, but also had the self control to not be ruled by it, I would recommend Jesus Christ."

Terri Pearsons #fundie youtube.com

You [God] are giving our administration legal strategies. You frustrated the enemy. You caused them to turn on themselves. You caused them to reveal their hands. You caused their plots to be exposed. You caused their plans to be exposed. You caused those who worked evil and inequity to be exposed. And you sent the host of the angel armies, and you cooperated, Lord, from Heaven with your armies in the Earth. In Jesus’ name, we thank you that Heaven and Earth are working together. Thy will be done! Thy will be done. Thy will be done! Thy will be done! Thy will be done!

Lord, we don’t just look to the presidency. We’re asking you to straighten out every Senate race, straighten out every House race, straighten out every governorship, straighten out every state legislature, straighten out every mayoral election, straighten out every city council. Straighten ’em out. Straighten ’em out. Straighten ’em out. Expose it all. Expose it all. Expose it all, Lord.

And Lord, if it be your will and if it be necessary, another election, another voting day. Whatever it takes under your kingdom, oh God, to bring it all in line, bring it all in line, bring it all in line with the will of God. For we claim righteousness in the White House, righteousness in the House of Representatives, and righteousness in the Senate, and righteousness in every state, in Jesus’ name.

Sophisticated As Hell Award

Curt Landry #fundie #wingnut youtube.com

(Claiming to be speaking on God’s behalf)

Son of man, do you think that I am going to allow my prophets who prophesied Trump’s second term and prophesied all this goodness coming to this nation to be mocked by a mass media manipulation? The Lord says, “No, I shall not. For my namesake, I shall protect my word, I shall protect my people, I shall protect my prophets from this evil destruction. For I shall pull back the veil and I shall reveal that which is done in darkness. For they who shift the votes and move the boxes around, those who raised the dead and the dead vote, I will expose them says the Lord. For they may be tricky men, but they shall not trick me,” says the Lord.

And the Lord says, “Son of Man, prophesy onto Wisconsin, that it will go red for Trump. Prophesy onto Michigan that it will go red for Trump. Prophesy onto Pennsylvania that it goes red for Trump. Prophesy onto North Carolina that it goes red for Trump. Prophesy onto Georgia that it goes red for Trump. Prophesy onto to Nevada that it goes red for Trump. Prophesy for recounts in places where the corruption is there. Prophesy that the media will cancel the assignment to call the election.”

Kat Kerr #fundie #wingnut youtube.com

concerning her previous “prophecies” that Trump would win in a landslide, which is clearly not going to happen]

If you will remember, one of the things [God] had me say was that Trump would win by a landslide. In their human mind, they already put together what they think that means. But many times, as we know in the word or even just from experience ourselves—especially as a prophet—that doesn’t ever mean what man thinks that means.

The thing [God] kept saying to me this morning, “When you begin to feel the ground move, [it] means the landslide of exposure is about to begin”. And then he said, “It will all start with one phone call.” Those who have been perpetrating the lie—they’ve been paid to commit lies or stealing or cheating—will begin to get very nervous. They’re actually already nervous. And let me tell you, conviction is going to come upon some of them in the lower levels; that’s what he meant about the landslide, the smaller rocks move first, which pulls the bigger ones down. And that’s what he meant when he said, “Trump will win by a landslide.” So, there you go. That’s the difference between revelation and what man in their head thinks that means.

Terri Parsons #fundie #wingnut youtube.com

We take hold of every seat, Lord, that you assigned. Lord, somehow we are asking you to move that to a majority for righteousness... And I’m asking you to strip Nancy Pelosi of her position there and reduce that majority to a minority, in the name of Jesus. We ask you, and we agree together and declare that the House [of Representatives] becomes a majority of righteous representation.

Lord, whatever it takes to bring that to pass, we lay hold of a majority. In the name of Jesus, we take it. You said whatsoever we asked for; that’s ours to ask for. That’s ours to ask for. That belongs to us. So, we take it. We take that House for a righteous majority.

Lord, we asked for 220 seats, righteous voting seats, in the name of Jesus. No less than 220 righteous voting seats. We call it.

I’m calling for some party switchers in Jesus’s name. I want you to get a list of every Democrat representative in the House and call them out and pray for them by name. We pray for their salvation. Some of them may be saved. Well, if they are, they need to wake up because saved people don’t kill babies. Saved people read their Bibles.

I call you in now. We call you in because the love of God, if you want to keep your job, you got to come to the Lord. I claim the House. I claim the House. We take the House. We take the House. We take the House. We take the House. We take the big house. We’re taking the big house. In the name of Jesus, we’re taking the big house, the White House.

Kat Kerr #fundie #crackpot youtube.com

...by the way, they have sports in Heaven because those people have gifts. But every sport is played for one person, and the winner in any of these sports are always Jesus Christ.

And I’m even going to share this before we go — I was taken to a football game in Heaven...Anyway, he took me to this this football game that somebody was playing. These teams of people who were football players who had a gift for playing it. But you can join in! You can join in these teams and play.

But there were three scoreboards and these teams are so, uh, focused — is a light word… — to win these sports, because when they would score, it would go to their scoreboard — that team — but then it would go up to Jesus’! Jesus had his own scoreboard, and everybody’s points, no matter who made them, they were trying to make more points for Jesus! This is how they do sports in Heaven. They all went to Jesus Christ.

And so it’s a different way to play, but the intensity and excitement is still there. All the angels, their guardian angels, are in the stands doing the wave. It’s crazy to think!

Kat Kerr #fundie #wingnut #crackpot youtube.com

(On what God supposedly told her would happen if Trump was re-elected)

...[God] did tell me this: There’d be five new energy sources that we don’t even have right now... This is something for our lifetime. These cures for diseases. Cancer will not exist. I really believe they’ve already found the cure... There’s new inventions coming. Once we step into this continued season of Trump, and even the next years after that, it will increase... Trump is gonna push through, get a lot done, but those coming after him, like Pence and others, great men of God, will get things done much faster because Trump was here because he did what God told him to do, and there will be inventions we never even dreamed of having that will make life less expensive for us, that will be available to people everywhere...

Robin Bullock #fundie #conspiracy #wingnut youtube.com

When Hillary Clinton was running for president, shirts were made, “I’m With Her”. Well, now the Book of Revelation talks about Jezebel, and Bill and Hillary Clinton’s life is perfectly paralleled with Ahab and Jezebel. That’s who they are. And I mean, perfectly parallel.

When they started putting shirts, “I’m With Her”, the Lord showed me in the Book of Revelation, he said, “I will make a bed, and those who commit fornication with her, they will go into great tribulation.” Then it says, “I will kill her children with death.” This means a pestilence or a plague. So, when they voted for Hillary Clinton—I’m just being bold right here and telling you something—when they voted for this, the champion of abortion herself, when they voted for this, it brought the coronavirus. That’s where it came from.

Sid Roth #fundie youtube.com

A prophet told me just a couple of days ago that God showed him there would be two November surprises. And the first surprise is the young, white liberals that you think hate President Trump are going to vote for him in droves, just not tell anyone because they don’t like to get shot or attacked or anything.

Shady Oak Ministries #fundie #homophobia youtube.com

Nick Nui: I will now recite all the pagan shrines Jesus destroyed: ... I will now recite all the witches He burned at the stake: ... I will now recite all the gay people He yelled at: ... I will now recite all the nations He subdued with military force: ...  Religion is defined by its God, not by it's followers. If Jesus wouldn't do it, we shouldn't either.
Shady Oak Ministries: Just a note that for some reason YouTube isn't letting me see or reply to your comment on the Through the Bible Summary of Leviticus. To respond here, just remember that having an attraction or tendency towards a particular body type is very different than a lifestyle or activism centered around it. We all struggle with sexuality in one form or another. It's not just an issue of being heterosexual or not. People who are attracted to the same sex are just as in need of a Savior as I am when I struggle with an improper heart and attitude towards those of a different sex. If Jesus isn't their authority on what life ought to be, then I am not going to expect them to live like it. The Christians that do are either immature or uninformed about scripture. The Christians that compromise the authority of God's word over what sin is and isn't, as well as political groups that seek to criminalize our ability to share the gospel are a problem that needs to be confronted and debated like the Bible tells us to. But be very careful when you let the TV and YouTube activists set a narrative for you that homosexuals are somehow this persecuted minority being targeted and persecuted exclusively by Christians. If they want to talk about Islam, that's perfectly fine. But there's a lie going around that centers around this false assumption. The behavior of certain Christians defines their religion. Our marching orders are to show people living for anything less than Jesus to know there is a better option and that they need saving from the ultimate consequences of their sin. If they reject that, then we let them go like God ultimately will.

Donald Trump #conspiracy #dunning-kruger youtube.com

You know in Germany, if you have a bad heart and you’re ready to die or if you have cancer and you’re going to be dying soon, and you catch COVID, that happens we mark it down to COVID. You know our doctors get more money if somebody dies from COVID, you know that, right?

I mean, our doctors are very smart people. So what they do is they say is, 'you know sorry everybody dies of COVID’. But in Germany and other places, if you have a heart attack or you have cancer, you’re terminally ill, you catch COVID, they say you died of cancer, you died of a heart attack. With us, when in doubt, choose COVID. It’s true, no it’s true. No, they’ll say, Oh it’s terrible what he said, but it’s true. It’s like $2,000 more. So you get more money. This could only happen to us.

Viper TV - FILMS #crackpot youtube.com

Hidden in Plain Sight Series | Ancient Civilizations Documentary Box-set | Mysterious Monuments

There has long been a fascination in Britain with the world of ancient Egypt. ... by some of the world's most flamboyant archaeologists, they make an irresistible package. ... of Egyptian material technology than of any other ancient civilisation. ... Pyramid building would have been impossible without strong ...

This evidence of advanced ancient technology defies belief, it has been ... this documentary offers proof our ancestors were more than advanced than we can ... wooden rollers, and soft metal tools to construct these marvels of engineering and ...

[Submitter’s note: Ellipses in original]

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