
JustThinkAboutIt #fundie amazon.com

This is simple. To believe in evolution without any supernatural power involved you have to believe in everything coming from nothing. And after you have been able to answer that first question which is impossible as EVERYTHING that is actually OBSERVED in this world is made from something. Then you have to ask after life came from nothingness from the matter that came from nothing how it survived a huge explosion making the universe. Not to mention that then randomly 80% or more of the world suddenly has an urge to believe in something they cant see or contact with (according to you that its not there). There should be no urge for that. There should be no wright and wrong. There should be no punishment. There should be no laws. There should be no fear of anything.

A Customer #racist amazon.com

I started out wanting to know what could possess and entire race of people to participate in the most atrocious (sp) crime against humanity -- the four hundred year african slave trade--- I found the answer in "Yurugu". As it turns out, it makes perfect sense how europeans could participate in the slave trade for that many years without "batting an eye". It's in their blood, it's in their hearts, it's in their minds; it's in their souls (even though they think "souls" don't exist). "Yurugu" for me has confirmed many of the discomforts I have experienced as a person of African descent in dealing with europeans. The part of the book that I thought was signficant is where Dr. Ani describes and discusses the "bi-polar" affects of european culture and thought. European's inability to view the whole and their interconnectedness with the whole of humanity and their spiritually accounts for the chaos we are experiencing in these times. She confirms for many of us what we have known for years. This work is very powerful! A must read for every African of the diaspora!

J.C. Davidson #racist amazon.com


The comment left by Old Anthropologist is a good reflection of academia today.Academia as well as the media is controlled by a particular race of people that is bent on the dis-empowerment,displacement and destruction of the White race,particularly the White male.One of the primary tools for this strategy is using Africans to lower the standards,dilute the gene pool and displace White workers.As race chaos increases,Old Anthropologists race has risen to positions of power throughout the United States and turned the country into a slave plantation and police state for Whites while having made it a play ground and welfare state for non-Whites at the expense of Whites.This tribe of Old Anthropologists was run out of over 100 European countries because of their behaviors and flooded into America,but not before they killed 60 million White Christian Russians during the Bolshevik Revolution.Once in America they immediately went for the jugular of their host country and have been purveyors of porn,gambling,syndicalism,usury,perversion of law and academia and truth,drugs and once in government have made America a warmonger nation.While White Americans were dying in unnecessary wars,Old Anthropologists race began taking over whole swaths of industry and today they own banking,Hollywood,TV,the music industry and so many other.This is why Industry has been moved overseas and the people who print our money got a 23 trillion dollar bail-out,forever chaining America to a debt owed to robber European privately owned cartel bankers known in America as The Federal Reserve System.Hopefully your White child is not being tutored into self hatred and disregard for his or her White heritage by this genetic "serpent".

Richard D. Fuerle #racist amazon.com

Hi, R.D. Fuerle here. I am not going to reply to all the criticisms of my book, some of which are for assertions I don't think I made, but I just wanted to clarify a few points. In Chapter 23, I try to make the case that man evolved from a Eurasian ape, not an African ape. The only connection between the human lineage and Africans is that very early Eurasian man migrated into Africa and interbreed with an African ape, producing hybrids. Subsequent migrations by more evolved Eurasians into Africa and interbreeding with the hybrids there brought more Eurasian alleles in to Africa. Several times I say that man never left Africa except as slaves.
As to sibling incest, I am not advocating it and find it repulsive, but the scientific case for it being genetically harmful in the absence of deleterious recessive alleles (DRAs) is weak or non-existent. The only reason this comes up is that those who advocate race mixing argue that it is genetically beneficial since it is far away from inbreeding, which they believe is inherently harmful.
By the way, I know there are errors in the book and I appreciate those who have brought them to my attention. I have corrected the ones I am aware of in the free internet version and will try to publish a corrected hard copy in a few years. RDF

john thames "scholar1" #conspiracy amazon.com

[Review of Red Republicans and Lincoln's Marxists: Marxism in the Civil War by Walter Kennedy and Al Benson]

This by no means comprehensive survey of forgotten influences demonstrates that Communism came to America from the Jewish inspired revolutions of 1848 by way of the Republican Party. The revolutions of 1848 were heavily Jewish inspired in all countries. In France, Adolf Crimeux and Michael Godschau, the finance minister, were the leaders. In Bohemia, Rabbi Hirsch and the father of Louis Brandeis were the promoters. In Austria, Joseph Goldmark and Adolf Fischof led the revolution. Louis Kossuth's Hungarian revolution was top heavy with Jews demanding emancipation. On and on it went.

These German and principally Jewish Marxists fled to America where they became the founders and leaders of the Republican Party in 1855. The Jacobi brothers from Germany founded the first American Communist Party in New York about this time. August Biondi, a Hungarian-Jewish refugee, became the chief aide to general John C. Fremont in California.Carl Schurz, a refugee from the German 1848 revolution, became Republican Senator from Missouri. Many Civil War generals for the Union were 1848 refugees. The general Blinker, whose name became synonymous with pillaging, is one example. Anyone who reads this excellent volume will discover many further illustrations of Jewish Marxism fleeing 1848 Europe and becoming devoted servants of the American republic. Not an insubstantial number became American diplomats serving as envoys to such places as Japan. It almost inclines one to think that a certain international influence was at work.

At any rate, get the book and read it. It may not sell you the thesis of the Protocols of Zion but it will get you thinking.

Scott #fundie amazon.com

Dear Atheists: How do atoms obtain their fuel?

All atoms throughout the universe require power to maintain their action and motion and to maintain their consistency. This power is specific, regulated, and precisely measured. If everything in the universe came into existence by itself from nothing, then, according to humanist thinking, it only makes sense that all of this power continues to come from nothing...I don't think so.

Anything that exists requires some sort of power source to fuel its locomotion and existence. I've yet to see anything that doesn't get it's power from something else so it only makes sense that the incalculable power of the universe has to be provided by something or someone else. I think the notion that the massive power of the universe is somehow upheld by nothing requires an inordinate amount of blind faith. There is an old saying in Colossians 1:17 that says, "And he is before all things, and by him all things consist".

Joe G #racist amazon.com

[In response to a review of 'The Culture of Critique: An Evolutionary Analysis of Jewish Involvement in Twentieth-Century Intellectual and Political Movements' titled 'For fans of David Irving and David Duke']

Thanks for the typical Jew review. The author says things Jews don't like, so he's labeled a White Supremicist Anti Semite Hater Neo Nazi Who Wants to Kill Six Million Jews. I've noticed Jews have no problem slandering anyone or any group that dares cross them. It doesn't matter that this book is factual, it makes Jews look bad. Now that people are finding out the Holocaust Story is a bunch of BS, Jews are having a harder time intimidating people who reveal unflattering facts about them with the Anti Semite label. Here's a very Anti Semitic but factual website Jews don't like, "Holocaust Denial Videos".

Joseff Amador #fundie amazon.com

It is clear that God hated Esau. Paul uses this example to say that Esau was a vessel of wrath prepared for destruction. Salvation and damnation are both things that exist to glorify God. You must embrace the God of the Bible, not the God of comfortable emotions. (that's an idol) Don't view God with sticky, romantic sentimentality, or view him with our fallen emotions.

We must think rightly about God, and to do that we must believe what the Bible says about him, even if sometimes it's a bitter pill to swallow. How comfortable we are about God's attributes and actions does not determine whether or not something is true. The Bible does, regardless how we feel about it. This is why Paul tells us to renew our mind, and conform it to the word of God, rather than vice versa.

Finally, a poster above is correct. You cannot separate the sin from the sinner. It is impossible for God to love the sinner but hate the sin. Sin is not an external thing that only exists on the surface level of who is a sinner is, but it penetrates to the core and defines who the sinner is. God does not throw sin into hell, he throws sinners into hell. God does not view sin as a desperate thing from the sinner (unless that person is saved, of course).

Jonathan Edwards is 100% correct. In hell, God will abhor you. The Bible tells us that God Himself describes his wrath being poured out by saying he will crush you under his feet until your blood splatters and stains all of His clothes. (Isa 63:3) If you cannot worship this God, then you are not worshiping the One True God, the God of the bible, but an idol. A god of your own making, a god in your own image.

Don't throw away God's holiness, righteouss, and wrath and justice against sin for the sake of His love. You must embrace and accept both attributes, or else you have a half-god, a false god.

Anne Young #fundie amazon.com

I don't think that Atheist's say things that are stupid, but I would question the use of the Breath that God breathed into them as, well, not exactly brilliant. I promise that I am not hating on anyone, you were made beautifully and I'm not allowed to judge and I don't even want to, but can I ask a simple question? Have you ever been overwhelmed with Love? If you have, then hasn't God, who is love, overwhelmed you? If you Love anyone...you God them. Love is God, and you are worthy of Love and I know, that you love someone with all your heart. Help the people that you have been helping and be honest like you have been and the difference that you make in the world will be...beautiful. If you love...

Peter Overton #fundie amazon.com

The fact you read so many books written by clever means you have to be right! I have spoken to many people about this who are far greater in aptitude than you are! Bacteria and disease are not Evolution. They are symbiotic and need us to survive that is not what you think. Disease is mutated cells!Mutated cells is not what we are.

Evolution is new information, adaptation not.

You have prived nothing, you have presented some weak arguments that suggest we came from a hairy creature.

That is right suggestion, suggestion is strong like the ancient astronaut theory.

Right so you know my life poorly formed or you assume? Assume I guess that seems to be what your good at. Go talk to your husband about E=mc2 and al that boring crap. I will enjoy life while I have it. I go on correct information.

Angel #fundie amazon.com

***Angel says: Those equations are for a particle at rest E = mc2

Yet, moving particles or all things that move have kinetic energy.

K = 1/2 mv² (K = kinetic energy, v = velocity m = mass).

KE= mc2 - m0c2

With that in mind for a moving particle or object, Einstein's formula becomes:

E = mc^2 + K

Further, Einstein did not believe in a personal God. Had he realized Jesus, the personal God, was in fact the savior and the Holy Spirit was the source of light in the creation, Einstein would have made the connection that the sacred name of YHWH, the Tetragrammaton was fulfilled by Jesus as well.

E = mc^2 + K

E = Energy (God) the Father
m =mass (Jesus Christ) the Son
c = speed of light (Holy Spirit) the Mother
K = Kinetic Energy (Holy Ghost) the resurrected Christ

Fullfilling the sacred name YHWH or Tetragrammaton

Y = God the Father
H = Jesus the Son
W = Holy Spirit the Mother
H = Holy Ghost, the resurrected Jesus

Perhaps this is why Einstein was unable to make the connection to the Tetragrammaton.

As well, the speed of light squared may in fact be the speed of the light that is referred to as "The Holy Spirit," who lit the world during the creation, prior to the formation of the sun.

The Holy Spirit may, in fact, be the speed of light squared.

Angel #fundie amazon.com

I've altered my view.

When you visit the beach for the purpose tanning in the sun, you allow the sun's rays to beam down on the front of your body, and before you burn too much, you turn 180 degrees and the process is repeated on the back of your body.

With that 2-step process in mind, the blood images on the shroud were deposited with radiation hitting the shroud during the resurrection process and that was responsible for the transfer of the blood image onto the cloth.

Jesus' body was emitting light during the resurrection. After the frontal image was produced by His blood, He turned once and the dorsal image was produced, in the same manner. Blood appeared on both sides of the cloth on the outermost fibrils, but did not seep through the entire cloth.

Or Jesus was using the light from the sun, as a source of radiant energy.

I find it would be difficult for, as an example, the sun's radiant light to hit both the front and back of the body of Jesus simultaneously, but Dr. Piczek stated His body was the source of emitted energy, and I, as well thought of this process initially (emission of light, not levitation).

Yet, since the stone was rolled away from the tomb and the soldiers who were on guard were basically unconscious, my feeling is Jesus harnessed the light of the sun to initiate the resurrection process.

Therefore, I propose a two-step reaction involving a levitation. If Jesus is able to levitate, as Dr. Piczek has proposed, He is able to turn once, as well.

The front of His body is subjected to a beam of light from the sun and the frontal image is transferred onto the shroud cloth.

At that point, Jesus turns once, slowly, and the back of his body is submitted to the beam of sunlight and the dorsal image appears on the back of the shroud cloth.

In this manner Jesus is controlling how much energy in the form of photons, as example, is hitting His body.

So, it would be equivalent to your turning over from front to back when you're in the process of receiving a sunburn in the tanning process. You alone control how much light your body is receiving.

In this manner, only the uppermost fibrils on both the back and front of the cloth would be colored with His blood.

And voilà, we have the image on the shroud. Yeah!

This would be what you would call magic, Rachel.

Angel #fundie amazon.com

[Can't you see how convoluted this explanation is? You're beginning with your conclusion and working backwards, which is the method used by a believer and not a scientist.]

I am stating my conclusion to you, and working backwards. When I thought of this process, I worked forward in a step-wise manner.

All pieces of the puzzle must be carefully examined if you are initially given a completed puzzle.

As an example, Einstein may have been working on Energy and he may have calculated the product of mc^2 first.

Knowing the product and knowing the weight of the matter he was working with, Einstein may have calculated backwards to find "what value" times that amount of matter would give him that amount of Energy.

Therefore, working backwards, Einstein may have played around with the equation until he found speed of light squared was the missing link.

Or Einstein may have known the speed of light, but that value did not work in his equation. Einstein, therefore, may have doubled the speed of light and that didn't work either, and as a result of a few failures, he may have ultimately squared the speed of light. Once Einstein squared the speed of light that solved his problem. Einstein easily could have worked backwards.

Having the value for the speed of light squared, Einstein then would have been able to show E = mc^2.

Yet, Einstein may have found his formula by working either forward or backward.

Peter Overton #fundie amazon.com

essentially tho you are saying we once a different species yes? You may have as much discussion as yuou wish. In the end there is no transition of one species to another.

There is one experiemt to prove evolution.

A peice of bateria has to be monitor for a few millenia. That little it has to change into a new vessel. If this can not be done then evolution can not be proved.
Adaptation is not evolution and adds no credit to the theory.

I have a good book I want you to read please.

It is here on Amazong called "Evolution is stupid"
please read this. You have to forget all your intelligence, humble yourself, then read this book and re-evaluate. There is nothing to understand with evolution, the facts that back it yes need understanding but these do not credit evolution.

I understand evolution very well! I have heard all the arguments and t all makes brilliant sense! My conclusion! Not possible, defies natural laws.

Angel #fundie amazon.com

Brian, you state you are comfortable stating "I don't know," and you really don't concerning the Almighty, yet if you do not believe in God, and that's your call, you lack peripheral vision, as well as logic.

You are probably unaware through a lack of observation that certain flowering plants bloom at certain times to feed the various animals. Some flower for the bird's consumption, some for the rabbit, some for the chipmunk and some for the squirrels. Man did not create this natural phenomenon...or have you noticed?

Peter Overton #fundie amazon.com

[The reviewer gives the book Why Evolution Is True one star]

I am reading through reviews on this and it seems much like many of the reviewers have been washed by the theory of evolution; Just like creationists get washed by religion. I have been thinking about evolution and how insulting and stupid it sounds. I was just talking to a man who told me we are related to a Salamander and a Titaalik. We are ancestor to a common Ape with Apes. Many of these analogies are made. The Evolutionists believe all this is fact and reality. They are so incredibly blinded by this idea written with in fossils. Common sense and reasoning has been completely abandoned. I am astounded by these Scientists. If you sit back and just look at what they say, trying to proof this Evolution exists; it is completely senseless. It resembles smart babble. It is mind numbing. It defies our intelligence. It eradicates ones ability to think for them self. It is so dumb buying this book would waste my money. I could buy and eat an egg, I think I will do that yes....


I have not read this book. I have watched the man do an interview on why Evolution is true. So I have seen him in the flesh. I saw his body language and his persona. He came across as hollow and snide. I had no choice I had to give a star. [Emphasis added]
I have not dismissed the author I have dismissed the concept of Evolution. It is unfortunate the Author has touched on that subject.

Brad Watson #fundie amazon.com

[There is simply too much from this post to quote all of it. Please see the full thing.]

The anti-GOD antichrists atheists on this forum are probably too blind to 'acts of GOD' to recognize GOD's intervention with me - His Christ - yesterday. Therefore, I ask for volunteers for a sci-religious experiment to prove GOD/nature and I - their Christ - can produce a natural disaster for your neighborhood. Are there any?

Brad Watson, Miami #fundie amazon.com

There are countless examples from history of proof that there is a GOD. I'll briefly give just one...

The War of 1812 continued into 1814. In August of that year, the British sailed up the Chesapeake and marched on Washington, DC. They met very little resistance as they entered the US Capitol. On August 24, the then unopposed British set fire to several Federal buildings including the White House! The next day, while the fires still raged, suddenly a hurricane passed over the Capitol and some claim to have even seen a tornado come down Pennsylvania Avenue towards the British! Not only was the White House fire and others put out by this great storm, the incredibly strong winds reportedly tossed British cannons into the air killing some soldiers and wounding others! When the storm was over, the British regulars and officers were so spooked by what had just happened, that they retreated - unopposed - to their ships and sailed off. (Google it.)

The path to hell is on my bookshelf

Rather interesting read too

Etienne, William Bobbitt & brandon delozier #fundie amazon.com

Etienne: Yes if witty words were responsible for creating an objective universe then Hitchens would be god. But witty words and subtle phraseology is simply a mechanism satan uses to deceive the unscientific [evolutionists], irrational and gullible amongst us. Or should I rather say the God haters around us who would rather live for self than God, those who would rather choose sin than to surrender!
Hitchens, Hawking, Dawkins and the other 150 reviewers understands nothing about the nature of philosophy or reality. And how can this Christian make such a bold or objectively true statement? Because the atheist has no final authority in the universe concerning all matters of faith and practice, He can only borrow presuppositions from the Christian worldview to make his own irrational and satanic worldview seem more plausible. Thus every atheist is a thief as well.
Has any atheist refuted Dr Craigs moral argument for the existence of God. Dr William Lane Craig makes a spectacle out of atheism and atheists. Every atheist is also deep down inside a believer in God; he merely suppresses that objective fact in unrighteousness as God states in His Word, the King James Bible.
Presently every atheist is portable only because he can use the legs God gave him, he can only reason because God has given him a mind to reason with, but things will drastically change in the next life! There, in absolute blackness, he will be stationary, suffering the wrath of God for all of eternity. What a deal. And who said atheism doesn't have something positive to offer its religious followers!

William: Good luck when you stand before the God our father!
Your non belief however nicely spoken is wrong, wasted education. I believe you have already had your time before our God. I am sorry for those who do not believe !

brandon: Go to church. God is watching you. Buying this book is a direct path to Hell. Don't waste your time or money. Test the scientific evidence, pray to God and you will be saved.

Doctor Michael J Olivieri #fundie amazon.com

MaryAnn H. says:
Yes, there is a woman (unless she has already died) waiting in a hospital to die with her unborn, badly malformed fetus who can not have a legal abortion. The doctors all concur that the fetus can not survive but they are prohibited from aborting it to save her life. So all these fine religious folks will stand around proclaiming "god's will" and watch her die.
They said the same thing about Helen Keller who has enriched the lives of so many--ever hear of her? Nah. You probably emigrated from Nazi Europe & thought she was euthenasized. Also, that lady can take a short ambulance ride to another meat market where they'll make dog food out of the baby.

goblue #fundie amazon.com

Please present the evidence that inorganic molecules chemically evolved into DNA - oh and include evidence of where the information within DNA came from and what journal article you have that demonstrates evidentially how "nature" does the selection and sequencing entropy word to get from base pairs to DNA with the information intact.

Amar #fundie amazon.com

Precisely. Every one of our quotodian existence comes with its angst. Any belief or disbelief should address the ways and means of doing that. Theism, however flawed, does it. Atheism is a big ZERO in this.

Gaylen #fundie amazon.com

Intelligent design isn't a Science.

Oh really. So it is not important to find out what spirits are? It is not important to understand what life really is? It is not important to find out who created DNA? Things that can't be explained should not be researched?

Anthony L. #fundie amazon.com

Everyone is NOT an atheist. There is only one, true God. All others are fake, delusions. Not believing in something that does not exist is not atheism.

I am the LORD your God, and I only shalt thou serve.

Brad Watson, Miami #fundie amazon.com

YHWH(64=Y25+H8+W23+H8) / the Grand Architect of the Universe (G.A.O.T.U.[64]) uses the elegant(64) mathematical model of GOD=7_4 or FOD=6_4 to planit.

The PlanEt Nestor is our 'next-door neighbors'. Humans have a nest or colony there. Google: Planet Nestor and 'coincidentally', some guy named Nestor has started a comic book called that!


Non-coincidental synchronic reaction: 5/21/13 16:25 "Miller 64, Miller 64!" ad, "It's not just a number, it represents a man..." - ad, "careful though, that kind of power can go to your head" - Progressive ad on ESPN 2

crbrown #fundie amazon.com

What I see here is simply an overly used anger driven "list" of reasons that are supposed to make followers of Christ feel like fools for believing what they believe. And if they feel foolish, or as the author's say many times "stupid", then they will end their foolish system of belief.

If that were the case, Christianity would end as he says. Unfortunately, he is missing one vital point, Christians do not just believe in an idea, or even a collection of ideas. They believe in a personal God, one that they communicate with. And yes, to make the foolishness even more foolish, He talks back to them! Debating the legitimacy of the idea with people who already "know" God will fall on deaf ears. True Christians do not "choose" Christianity out of a list of viable options based on how logical it is, but realize that God has chosen all. The very basis of faith in Christ is based on the understanding that man's logic is already flawed. Unlike what the author thinks, most Christians are very aware of 1 Corinthians 2:12-14:

Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may know the things freely given to us by God, which things we also speak, not in words taught by human wisdom, but in those taught by the Spirit, combining spiritual thoughts with spiritual words.
But a natural man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually appraised.

If there is anything that upsets an atheist, it is this understanding. You cannot argue or reason against it. A list of "logical" reasons will not move a true Christian away from His faith. The only thing that will move a Christian away from His faith is if Gods (Spirit) no longer speaks to his heart in the depths of his soul. Those that are convinced of these arguments and moved away from their faith do not know God personally and have placed their faith in the "ideas" of Christianity, not in Christ, so they are easily drawn away by "natural reasoning".

The authors also fail to realize that conversion comes when God speaks to the heart first, then a "change of heart" occurs, and everything radically becomes different. Christianity no longer looks foolish, but becomes their very own salvation. Hence 1 Corinthians 1:18:

[ The Wisdom of God ] For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.

Nice try, but not dead yet...

James Arjuna #fundie amazon.com

Evodelusionism is the religion of atheists, sex addicts, murderers, Monsanto, big pharma, socialists, communists, liberals, whores, and perverts...basically all those who are destroying all life on earth like evolution.

You think you are a scientist, but you are just the spokesperson for the most disgusting religion that has ever plagued humanity.

There are three absolutes in the DNA RNA process that cannot be overcome by evolution. Therefore evolution is a myth.

1/ RNA cannot make DNA without DNA to produce the original coding. They are simultaneously needed to produce eukaryotic life. There is no physical evidence of any RNA only creature making DNA.

2/ It is impossible for the human immune system to evolve when the pathogens that destroy digest human cells already existed before the first "human" cell.
It is impossible for any of the original life forms to exist based on this. The creatures needed to be built having an integrated immune system to deal with all pathogens and even radiation from sunlight that causes cancer cells that need to be destroyed.
Cancer is an immune deficiency disease.
Here is a video of how cancer cells are supposed to be destroyed by the immune system.

3/ DNA only shows genetic degradation and nothing else. Science does not operate differently in the past than now. Science has no magic in it.

Every year 30.4 million people die from Evodelusionism and immorality.

Rober O adair #fundie amazon.com

From a Christian perspective, logical thinking is intrinsically connected to the ultimate reality of God and His nature. Thus in a profound sense "The real is rational and the rational is real." This also explains why Classical Humanists were able to reason from the facts of nature to the existence of God as in Aristotle's Cosmological argument, which is irrefutable. The work of the Holy Spirit is still necessary to effect salvation by changing the hearts of unbelievers, but there is a great deal that fallen man can understand if he wants to. The Classical Humanists seriously wanted to know the truth and learned a great deal, evolutionists are are, for the most part, foaming at the mouth fanatics incapable of rational thinking as witnessed by the fact that there are no logical arguments for evolution, it's all blind faith.

Daniel J. Haggerty #fundie amazon.com

(a review of a book that claimed Christianity invented Freedom and Science that is so filled with errors its laughable)

The first paragraph alone is worth the price of this book. The paragraph clearly states the question that every educated person must frequently ask himself, but avoids discussing in public, i.e., why did other societies not advance as did the West? I have never seen an adequate treatment of this question.

Recently "Guns, Germs and Steel" by Jared Diamond claimed that geographic determinism is the dominant factor controlling cultural development. While one of the most interesting and entertaining books I have read in years, GG&S fails to convince, most notably in the case of China, the progress of which Diamond says was severly attenuated due to "Beaureaucratic" reasons. This is an insuffiecient answer. As Stark would say, the question needs to be asked, why did the beaureaucracy do this?

(As I have always wondered, why did the Chinese invent gunpowder, but not develop guns or cannon?, paper but not the printing press, books and a system of libraries?)

If readers can set aside our culturally sanctioned prejudices against Christianity and especially Catholicism, and approach the book with an open mind, they will be immediately captivated as I was from the first few sentences. Truly one of the most illuminating and rewarding books I have ever read.

Saint and sinner #fundie amazon.com

The above atheist is obviously quite ignorant about the difference between vicious circularity and simply being consistent. Both are circular reasoning. However as Van Til pointed out, only the Theist's worldview (in the classical sense which would include Divine Revelation) a) does not self-destruct (internally inconsistent with itself), b) is not destructive of epistemology (it destroys the possibility of knowledge), or c) is not arbitrary (based on the universalizing of a particular experience or speculative metaphysics).

Atheism usually fails (a) when it is in the non-nihilist form since universal and immutable ethical laws are only possible with a omnipresent, omnipotent, and immutable Being who can reward or punish all men according to their deeds. (Indeed, all non-Theistic worldviews fail this test.)

Atheism fails (b) since it places the origin of man's cognitive faculties in an impersonal, non-teleological, stochastic process of neo-Darwinian evolution which means that man's faculties are survival oriented and not necessarily truth oriented. In fact, the degree to which they are truth oriented is probably zero or inscrutable at best. This would undermine or destroy the possibility of warranted true belief. (Indeed, all non-Theistic worldviews fail this test since they place the origin of mind in a non-teleological, impersonal universe.)

Atheism fails (c) since one cannot logically derive a universal from a particular experience, and one has no epistemic warrant for believing in a universal based on philosophical speculation. In order to have epistemic warrant to believe in a certain universal, one must possess complete knowledge of the universe and how all particulars of the universe relate to each other. For this to be the case, one must be omniscient OR have this universal revealed to him by an omniscient Being. This necessitates propositional Divine Revelation. (Of course, all non-Theistic worldviews fail this test since they lack propositional Divine Revelation.)

Thus, the greatest proof that God exists is that without Him, everything would be absurd.

Vann R. Duggins #fundie amazon.com

So we are all here (In theory) by accident?
Is the earth an accident?
Is the internet an accident?
Is this Blog an accident?

So if there is not a creator would not everything have to be an accident? How to calculate the odds that the words on this blog were an accident of the big bang.

A Customer #conspiracy amazon.com

WAKE UP! This is a lousy movie!,

This review is from: It's a Wonderful Life [VHS] (VHS Tape)
This movie never won any awards. It was so bad that the studio could hardly give it away when they first puit it on tape, then they let it be colorized just so they could sell SOME copies of it, and suddenly the big war cry from the Hollywood liberals was -- "OOH! Save a classic black and white film!" Baloney! No one liked this movie when it was made. No one liked it the 1950s. No one liked it in the 1960s. No one liked it in the 1970s. No one liked it in the 1980s, then SUDDENLY! -- it's an American classic. NOT! It's Communist propaganda about the "evils" of American free enterprise from a guy who made a lot of pinko films but never thought HE should have to live like this "common man" he kept making pictures about.

Christopher Haynes #fundie amazon.com

Creationists, our point is this:
By the standards of science, the "Law of Supernatural Abiogenisis" is the "established" science:

here is the law:
"In the absence of devince intervention, life cannot exist in a bounded and initally lifeless system."
We dont say this law has been proved.
Indeed, Scientific Laws cant be proved.
The Conservation of Energy. That cant be proved.

We only say this:
A law like the Conservation of Energy becomes established science, when all efforts to falsify it have failed.
Since Proof is imposible in Science, Failure to Disprove (Failure to falsify) is the standard used throughout science.
Its the standard that makes the Law of Conservation of Energy, which cant be proved, the established science.

Thus the Law of Supernatural Abiogenis is established science, by the standards of science.
It is in principle falsifiable.
To falsiy it, do this: Demonstrate Naturalisitic Abiogenisis.
Just what our Atheist friends assure us is possible.
They need to. For them its a mortal issue. If the Law of Naturalistic Abiogeneis is correct, Atheism itself must be false.

But too bad. All efforts to falsify it have failed.
An international effort, of 100 years, involving the worlds top gurus, including several Nobel Prize winners.

The Law of Conservation of Energy
Never falsified = Established Science

Law of Supernatural Abiogenisis
Never falsified = Established Science
Why not?

Brad Watson, Miami #fundie amazon.com

The "7 Seals" are 'beyond Einstein theories' that symbolically lock the "book/scroll" prophesied in the Bible's last book: The Revelation 5:1-10:10. This 74-page booklet is entitled 'There Are No Coincidences - there is synchronism'. The seals/theories are on its cover along with some very symbolic artwork that satisfies the prophecy in the Qur'an 75:6, "When shall be the 'Day of Resurrection'? When the eye is dazzled, and the moon is eclipsed, and the sun and moon are brought together."

The "7 seals"/theories are known as follows including short descriptions...

Seal #1: The Conglomerate of Nonparallel-Universes Theory (Universe Creation Theory)
"In the beginning"... This theory explains what happened before the Big Bang and what will happen after this universe's possible demise billions of years into the future. The Guardin' of Eden story took place c. 4,000 BC through extraterrestrial intervention with the 'God guy' cloning himself to produce Adam, then again to produce Eve. (Humans existed elsewhere & Earth is 4.55 billion-years-old.) The near future should bring confirmation of ETs and their history with global cultures. Advanced technology and wormholes (Einstein-Rosen bridges) should eventually provide interuniversal travel. Note: It appears that this universe creation theory is now accepted by over 50% of astrophysicists.

Kimberly Weninger #conspiracy amazon.com

[In an Amazon review of "Deadly Choices: How the Anti-Vaccine Movement Threatens Us All".]

As an alternative health person; I find this book to be an outrage; that the public needs to know the facts about vaccines and that this author is one of the most uninformed; even dangerous men to the health of America.
I can understand his attitude; brainwashing is a rampant problem in our medical society but to take our FREEDOMS away is socialism; plain and simple.
You wanna shoot yourself and your kids and grandkids up with thousands of poisons; be my guest. But I for one will be the first person in a very very long line of people that will stop you from making your dreams of a vaccinated world a reality.

W. Pope #fundie amazon.com

You made a mistake in logic. You say that "God" cannot be proven or disproven. This is a contradiction in terms. If God cannot be disproven, then He is proven. If He cannot be proven, then He is disproven. You can't have both. You must first define what God is before you can analytically prove his existence. God is defined as the "first being." Now we have to define what a "being" is. A being is an entity, and an entity is an autonamous functioning system that percieves, contemplates, chooses, and acts. We are beings, and if you don't believe that there is no reason to discuss further.
Since only beings act, then the first nature must be a being. To start at the first nature, you must start at nothing. Nothing does not exist. It is like the point. The point is an idea, but can't be drawn or decribed except as a beginning. So nothing is not, therefore life is. This is the beginning of the 0-10 fundamental principles which progress into the concept-reality progression. This is what half of my book 2016 The Final Revelation is about, so I'm not going to explain the whole thing here. The famous numbers of the Bible, being mainly 3, 7, 12, 33, 40, 70, and 72 are understood by this progression.

W. Pope #fundie amazon.com

2016 The Final Revelation

There has always been proof of God. However, the Deity cannot be detected by physics, since He does not belong to the laws of physics. But He is proven by Truth. There are at present 9 proofs I can think of concerning the entity we call God. This is abbreviated:
1. elemental logic - we ourselves are proof of God, since nothing creates what it has not the power to create.
2. the nature of humans to conceive of eternal values.
3. the nature of humans to worship a god of some nature.
4. the nature of humans to develop a religion around the god.
5. the creation living creatures, showing design enginuity and amazing genius.
6. the nature of humans to wear clothing. Animals will not wear clothes, but humans always do, beginning at the fall of Adam.
7. the nature of humans to speak not only sounds, but words, and the words are formed in "primary sequence" or "equation" format. (subject, verb, indirect object, preposition, and direct object)
8. the nature of the universe
always to be initiated by choice. Physical things are generated, and form does not exist primarily even in abstract. It is only thought to be acted upon.
9. the nature of humans to either accept of reject the Gospel. Throughout history, people have recognized their sin, repented and believed the message of Christ. Why does this happen? If there is no sin, why have many people rejected evil for good.

There is a book that discusses these concepts entitled "2016 The Final Revelation." It is very enlightening.

M. Cat #fundie amazon.com

"Actually, the existance of God has been proven, by the lack of evidence that he does not exist. Science falls flat on it's face trying to disprove God. It's not guilty until proven innocent, it's innocent until proven guilty. Therefore the burden of proof MUST lie with the atheist."

leigh #fundie amazon.com

Ask a nurse about watching an unbeliever die, there are some horrific accounts of famous atheists screaming about the fire and burning, during the last hours of their lives. I don't believe this is a desirable way to die, even if there was no afterlife as you suppose. Doing the right thing and looking out for your neighbour is a lifestyle most people adapt anyway, so why is it such a stretch to worship God as Creator?

Pat Goltz #fundie amazon.com

[comment on book "A Charter On Negative Liberties"]

Morality is a concrete thing. It doesn't vary with the whims of a society. If we acknowledge that rights are granted by God (Declaration of Independence), then the same God has cast morality in stone. It is written on the heart of every human being. Furthermore, morality and worship are two entirely different things. God gave us free will, but He also gave us government to curb destructive behavior. See Romans 13.

A Muslim has a right to go to a mosque on Friday and worship there. He has no right to impose Shari'a law on the nation. Observe the distinction. Shari'a law is a moral system. It is not God's morality because of the egregious and unjust penalties it imposes. And it is not a form of worship. Our notion of liberty is founded in the Judeo-Christian consensus. Hindus see nothing wrong with taking a young girl to a temple and forcing her to become a prostitute. We know this is an egregious violation of that child's rights, and we do not permit that here. Morality is something very specific, and the mere fact that some people do not understand clearly what it is, or choose to ignore their own consciences doesn't mean that we don't have a duty to maintain the very fabric of society upon which our freedoms are based.

The organic law which the Founders left us is most CERTAINLY FULL of morality. The very idea of stating that rights come from the Creator is a moral statement. If we can ignore morality when it comes to harmful activity, then we undermine the very basis of our freedoms. I believe you have not thought through the implications of what you wrote, and I am challenging you to do so.

God dictates morality, not the federal government or any other government. When a government attempts to contravene God's moral law, that's dictating morality, even IF it appears it is granting freedom. Licentiousness enslaves on the most basic level. A licentious nation cannot maintain freedom.

James J #fundie amazon.com

It is sad to think that people object good things in life. Chick-Fil-A is standing and trying to keep people out of hell. Somehow people don't get it that when it is in their best interest they just reject it. So sad !

MarSch7 #fundie amazon.com

Look around you, Bubba. See the flowers, animals, skies, etc. Do you think they came out of boiling sludge? If that's the case, and the fittest survived. I wonder how that would work. Would a slimey fish crawl out the water, say I need legs, and just grow them? Or somehow mutate, and there they are, and that mutation is passed down? Tell me how they decided to develop into male and female - that must have been interesting - Who decided who gets the eggs? Who decided to have the babies grow inside them, and which ones to lay in eggs? Who decided that they eyeball placement would give us 3D vision and show the vision upside down inside our brains, but cause our brains to become able to decipher it?

THAT's what sounds so far out to me. How did something come from nothing? Who designed it? It's like saying drop a watch on an airfield and wait - it'll then evolve into an airplane over millions of years... "

J. Rigney #fundie amazon.com

1. Atheists know nothing about what they don't know, and they feel guilty enough to accuse those who know what atheists do not know. This only reveals a limited mind of not only atheists, but the atheistic scientists whose knowledge is limited to studying limited matter. Both seem to monopolize their own blogs with accusations and guilt mongering.
2. I suggest that believers in God give up meddling in the blogs of small mind atheists. There is just no room other than room enough for matter. The deceiver has put them here to waste our time to get on with the work of preparing for the completion of the Original Plan that God had in His mind before He created.
3. Atheists are, after all, and from the beginning, broods of the deceiver. Why bother with them? They are wasting God's time, which makes them very happy. That is their happiness in life.

R.K. Jones #fundie amazon.com

[review on the book, "Holy Bullies and Headless Monsters"]

Just more Lies and homosexual propaganda from someone trying to justify an immoral sexual practice. I guess bestiality and sex with minors will be the next abhorrent behaviors to be championed the next group of fascists waiting in the wings for their chance. You say you want everyone treated equally but you hate God, Christians and everything they stand for. The so called LGBTQ community is the most prejudiced, selfish, and radical group I have ever seen.

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