
Simonetta #racist amren.com

After given the matter some thought, I've come to the conclusion that the best way to deal with the fact that the USA holds 10% of the Mexican population living illegally within its borders is to simply take 10% of the Mexican nation's land and create a new country known as the Republic of El Norte Mexico. This would be all the land and cities within 100-200 miles South of the current border. In this new republic, whose treasury, military, other federal offices would be run by the United States, there wouldn't be US IRS income taxes, but neither would there be any welfare services paid for by the people of the USA or Mexico.

All the "Latinos" currently living illegally in the USA would become citizens of this new republic, as would all the people who were illegal immigrants and only became US citizens as a result the TWO previous mass amnesties. And all their children regardless of where they were born. Suddenly la republica del Nuevo Norte Mexico is one of the biggest countries in Latin America with about 30-40 million citizens.

Anyone caught living illegally in the USA would be deported to La Republica ( del Nuevo Norte Mexico). So what if you're Chinese, or Afghan, or Polish: you're now Nueve Mexicano.

Volkmar Weiss #wingnut #sexist #racist amren.com

IQ Studies Behind the Iron Curtain

Volkmar Weiss is a German geneticist and historian.

Grégoire Canlorbe: The creative and cognitive potential in Western industrialized countries appears to be declining as monarchy and warlike aristocracy gave way to bourgeois democracy and the establishment of a pro-immigration welfare state. How does this fit into the population cycle driving human history?

Volkmar Weiss: In 1891, Prussia enacted its first progressive tax. Low-income earners with children were exempt. On this day, the breeding of stupidity began. In the entire history of mankind up to that point, the survival of children depended on the economic success of parents. If parents were incapable, they could not or would not marry; any children they might have had poor chances for survival. Democracy brought progressive taxation, the welfare state, and incentives for the have-nots to have children.

Couples limit the number of children if they fear their children cannot maintain the parents’ social status. Since entry into the upper classes is more limited than places into the lower classes, birth control begins in the upper class. It is a response to the fear that one’s children will lose in social competition. The ruling class started birth control in the last third of the 19th century, and the middle classes — salaried employees and skilled workers — started having fewer children after the turn of the century. The number of children in the upper and middle classes was limited in order to protect them from downward mobility. When this became apparent around 1900, Francis Galton predicted the drop in general IQ levels, which has since taken place.

Also, millions of foreigners with a mean IQ below 100 are pushing into Europe, and democracy seems to us like a warm late summer evening. We know this beautiful evening will be followed by cold and stormy days, from which we cannot escape.

Grégoire Canlorbe: Do you think there are race differences in attitudes towards death?

Volkmar Weiss: I do not know, but the whole world seems to be stricken by irrational panic and fear of death.

Grégoire Canlorbe: Thank you for your time. Is there anything you would like to add?

Volkmar Weiss: If it had not been for the Christian Drosten group in Berlin that developed the test for Covid-19 and made it available to China in January 2020, there would not be a single statistic on the spread of the new virus. Not one. A somewhat puzzling flu-like epidemic would have spread around the world, as has happened a hundred times before. Each time, thousands, even millions of people — mostly old people — died, and were not treated separately in the mortality statistics the following years.

That could be the same this time; nothing more. What is taking place is an anxiety- and media-driven infection of common sense, which is no longer able to balance costs and risks. This inability to balance costs and risks is unchanged since the time of Adam and Eve.

Now, the enforcement of the human right to die in an intensive-care bed is our most important goal. Everything is subordinate to this. The problem is not a new virus, but the inability of mass society to deal with it.

Sigurd #racist #wingnut amren.com

Thank you for a most in-depth, astoundingly enlightening article which tackles the very core of the issue of Latino/Hispanics in this country. It certainly was a knockout for the faint sympathy I may have had for some of the more compelling stories of "DACA dreamer" types..

A very interesting by product of your analysis was regarding a peripheral issue with broad implications, dual citizenship. As you state, reclaiming one's citizenship of birth "gives the lie to their oath of naturalization, in which they swore “absolutely and entirely [to] renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state or sovereignty.”

Isn't it interesting that there can be "dual citizen" Americans? I believe this subject is begging for a little (or a lot) of historical analysis & commentary. How could this have come to pass? How can this be allowed to continue to exist? (Well, maybe I'm not that surprised in light of the bizarro world we live in..)

Missy #racist amren.com

16 Sept is about Mexicans, not Hispanics.

There is one thing to keep in mind about Mexico, they are patriotic. The 16 Sept. holiday is called Fiestas Patrias and it is all about patriotism. It is similar to our Armistice Day back in the 50's. School children are let out to attend speeches by various people much is made about National pride. It lasts a whole week. It is a big deal. One other thing, Mexicans make good soldiers. Also, Mexico is male dominated, they are almost immune to PC.

Look at it from their perspective. They look north and see a thoroughly corrupt, decadent, weak, drug soaked, female dominated society ripe for the fall and they are tempted.

They think anglo's welfare programs and open borders is indication that anglos are stupid and weak. Economic opportunists.

Most whites will read this and dismiss it. I think the problem is whites feel invincible. Mexicans are a joke. Rome can never fall. I think whites are caught in an illusion of safety, security and don't understand that empires always fall.

...Hispanics feel the demographic wind in their sails, and routinely boast about their increasing power. They take it for granted that it is only a matter of time before they push aside the old “Anglo” power structure....

South Americans come to the US for a better life but due to a lower IQ or pride, just can't grasp that removing anglos from the US will result in the end of the US as a 1st world nation. Maybe it's more about winning than the results. That was certainly the case for Zimbabwe.

One thing to note, a Hispanic US would not tolerate the US blacks.

Missy.....Whites do no think of themselves as invincible, but they do have a character flaw. They simply cannot be moved to react in the way one would expect until the threat is credible. Once a threat is credible, whites will utterly destroy their enemies to the extent humanly possible. But unless and until that threat is credible, they are not going to strike until the iron is hot.
Blacks in the USA are one out of eight of the population and a disproportionate number of them are children and women. They will never be a credible threat. Hispanics are 16 percent of the population and only half are citizens....and a disproportionate number of them are children and women. Likewise, they are not a threat and there seems to be no possibility of black and Hispanic being on the same side. They really dislike each other.

Not to mention, something like 50% of black males is in or has been in prison. It's just ridiculous if you look at the demographics of the prison populations, why this is being tolerated. The threat South Americans present is voting, disrupting our elections, because I read some states are attempting to allow illegals to vote.

I agree whites do not perceive a threat. But I notice a white tendency to move away from the diversity as a solution.

a multiracial individual #sexist #racist #elitist amren.com

RE: The American Renaissance Guide to Women, Sex, and Family

Male prefer pretty, young, curvacious, loyal, kind and supportive women.

Women prefer tall, handsome, low body fat, hardworking, kind, ambitious men with resources.

No amount of leftist propaganda is going to change that reality. In general, people are sympathic to the mate preferences of their gender and hostile to the mate preferences of the opposite gender. The exception of course being people that highly embody those preferences. Instead of complaining about those preferences people would be more happy if they tried to get as close to those preferences as possible.

High IQ leftists in the 1960s had their fun, avoided pregnancy, and eventually got married. Pushing this ethos on the rest of the population caused problems for low IQ people who are not able to successfully employ contraception.

That is tragic, but we cannot, and should not return to pre 1960s puritanical views about sex. Instead family planning needs to be cognitively tailored to the woman in question. Smart girls get the pill, dumb girls get the implant. But that will not be accepted by leftists.

Perhaps they would be able to accept a more universal solution. Every girl should get the contraceptive arm implant when she turns 12, and it should be replaced when necessary until she consciously decides that she wants children, preferably within the confines of marriage.

So the right wing religious puritans are wrong, and the leftists that think that low IQ people can practice contraception are also wrong. (Again)

That is a terrible idea. The pill is not this harmless wonder drug that stops you from getting pregnant. It can actually mess up your hormones so bad, that it can make you infertile. So much for deciding to have children later. Even worse, those hormones get flushed down the toilet and never get filtered back out of our water supply (either because they can't or it's too expensive to do so).

I see people using "Puritan" as a way to describe prudes, but this is completely wrong. Their name has nothing to do with their sexual proclivities, but their interpretation of the Bible. Puritans were all about having sex, as much as both parties want. The only stipulation is that you have to be married first.

There is a cost for everything.

A very, tiny percentage of girls who receive Gardasil die, but we still do it because more women would die of cervical cancer if we did not.

Also I invite you to ponder all the misery that single motherhood contributes to.

It's called "gain some morals and don't have sex until marriage". Wow, single motherhood solved. Leftists furious.

This is why your side is immoral.

This is why you lose.

This is why you deserve to lose.

”Every girl should get the contraceptive arm implant when she turns 12”

But teaching girls to have higher standards for themselves and wait until marriage is puritanical and wrong?

You must understand. The desert dwelling tribesmen that made up those laws were getting married right at the onset of puberty that is why they made sense at that time.

Lars Bloomqvist #racist amren.com

What It’s Like to “Teach” Blacks

This is part of our continuing series of accounts by readers of how they shed the illusions of liberalism and became race realists.

Since the 1980s, I have worked as a teacher in various capacities: high schools, state universities, community colleges; as a substitute and full-time. Below are a few highlights that show what having black students — and liberal administrators — is really like.

High School, Physical Science

Though ostensibly a class for ninth graders, this South Central Los Angeles classroom was mostly black seniors. But even that was theoretical: of 27 enrolled students, average class attendance was ten. Grade inflation was pandemic in this school, and I was in the principal’s doghouse for giving out Ds and Fs to excess. If I had been able to give entirely truthful grades, less than ten percent of my students would have gotten a C or higher. I realized the situation was even more pitiful than I had previously thought when one day I stumbled across some old textbooks published in the 1960s — they made the textbook I was using look like something designed for an elementary school.

State University, Astronomy Lab

In 1993, I had a young black woman in my class whose mother taught at the same university’s school of education. This student showed up for the first two classes, then disappeared until the last lab, when she turned in all her labs at once. This nearly guaranteed that she had copied the labs from a student who had actually participated in them, so I gave her an F. She then demanded a meeting with me. When we met to discuss her grade, her clothes looked like they had been painted on and it was clear she was trying to seduce me. That ploy ended when it became clear I wouldn’t budge. After the meeting, she filed a formal complaint to the university administration. I decided to not fight, and issued her a courtesy C to get her off my back.

Community College, Astronomy

One of the main projects of this class was to draw a map of the constellations. I had given the same assignment to students from another college, so showed my current class some of their work as an example. At some point when my back was turned, the only three black students in the class stole one of these examples, put their names on it, and later turned it in to me — otherwise unaltered — as their own work. I failed all three of them, which infuriated the administration’s ombudsperson, but that time I held my ground.

Public High School, Algebra 1

In January 2001, I received a black transfer student who had special permission to go to the restroom anytime he wanted because of some vague medical condition. The student would go to the restroom immediately after class started and then return just before it ended. When I checked his file for the note, I found a one-page document full of grammatical errors — almost certainly a fake, but I knew the administration wouldn’t look into it. This student also invariably wore his pants so far below his waist that most of his buttocks was exposed — a violation of dress code. Every day for three weeks I would tell him to pull his pants up and put on a belt. Each time he would ignore me, so each time, I sent him to the school’s dean with a write-up for defiance. This ended when I received a letter from the student’s father threatening to sue me, and the school began an internal investigation of my alleged “racial harassment.” After nine months of “investigation,” I was exonerated of any wrongdoing.

At the start of the next school year, one of the administrators who had headed that investigation became school principal. He wasted no time in dubbing me “incompetent” and firing me. This left the school with no AP computer science or physics teacher, but I believe my termination was part of an “out of court” settlement with the man who had threatened to sue.

And Finally

Today I live in an apartment building in a desert town. The southern half is white and the northern half is black. It didn’t take me long to notice the high number of brief 1-2 minute “visits” happening in the northern half, so I began taking notes and writing down license plate numbers. One day, somebody noticed I was doing this, and these incredibly short “visits” dropped to nearly zero. The blacks involved in these visits are now trying to intimidate me. Stray pieces of garbage and junk are thrown at my unit’s windows and walls at night. Sometimes they even set-off firecrackers to scare me. I receive vague verbal threats on occasion as well. But I have no intention of backing down: the sheriff’s department will be getting all my documentation quite soon.

Benjamin Villaroel, Alabanese and Garrido #racist amren.com

The White World’s Southernmost Front

The great question of the 20th century was whether freedom could survive the onslaught of totalitarianism. The great question of this century is whether the white world can survive the rising tide of color. Europeans in every corner of the world are facing this reality, and slowly rising to meet the challenge.

Though often overlooked, the whites of Latin America’s Southern Cone — Uruguay, Argentina, and Chile — are no exception. They too are now developing the politics of “white blowback” in the face of mass immigration, and forming civic and political groups to ensure a future for themselves and their posterity.

This is an interview with Alabanese and Garrido, leaders of the Chilean group National Identitarian Force (Fuerza Nacional-Identitaria in Spanish, “FNI” for short). I conducted the interview in Spanish in June 2019, and translated it myself, and have added explanations in brackets and English-language hyperlinks for clarification. All emphasis was added by the FNI.

BV: What does the future hold for the whites of the Southern Cone?

FNI: Capitalism and the free market can be a double-edged sword for whites who lack ethnic and racial awareness. On the one hand, capitalism helps keep the colonial caste system in place, which lets whites live decent and stable lives. On the other hand, economic well-being invites mass immigration by the indigent and the non-white.

In time, democracy will lose legitimacy, especially in diverse countries (such as Chile). It will be overwhelmed by identity politics, which at some point will begin to put pressure on the white oligarchies that run the system.

So long as socialism doesn’t make headway, republicanism (aligned with the West) can serve as a buffer for the Southern Cone’s socio-political stability. This will passively contribute (since it isn’t racially conscious) to the material well-being of our white populations. Racially aware whites will continue to be a minority, as the process of this group’s ethnogenesis is only just beginning. We will continue to eschew political participation and instead focus on the cultural battle that must be waged in order to awaken the forces of racial identity and awareness.

#racist amren.com

I met a beautiful African woman. She was kind and smart. She was elegant. She was simultaneously frugal and generous. We dated, and in time, married. For a time, things were good: We were carefree and silly, danced and rode our bicycles together regularly. But at this point, we have spent more time angry at each other than we ever did happy. The fights are terrible. She screams at me relentlessly and at times I simply cannot take it anymore and flee my own home. There have even been times, I am ashamed to, that things have gotten physical too.

I used to believe that it was the strain of our careers that had taken its toll on our marriage, and that if we could take time off from work and have some quality time together, somehow someway, things would get better. However, we have tried this, and nothing ever changes. We only manage brief moments of happiness that give us just enough hope to keep trying. I find myself haunted by something my wife says in her times of quiet despair: “We are just too different”. A thousand times she has said this, and a thousand times I have brushed it aside as inconsequential. But even so, the question lingers within me, filling me with doubt.

Further worsening everything is the current political situation in America. Ever since the election of Donald Trump in 2016, and the frenzied anti-white media overdrive that followed, my white identity has come to matter to me more and more. I am proud to be white. I do not wish harm upon any race, but I believe white people have the right to exist, and have the right to proclaim a homeland. My poor wife has, to her horror, noticed this change in my worldview, and it is now yet another pressure point on our already strained marriage.

It would be dishonest and cowardly of me to blame my marital discord entirely on racial matters. I have not been a perfect husband and she and I have many problems unrelated to race. But more and more often I ask myself: Is she right? Are we just too different? And are these differences biological — and more importantly — can they be overcome for the sake of our marriage and the love we still have for one another? Would it have been better to have persevered through my periods of crushing loneliness and only dated within my own race? Would it be better to separate now and save ourselves future heartache?

Caesarius #racist #wingnut amren.com

See another ungrateful Indian. Read how she did everything to stay in the US because she did not want to be raped in India, and at the end of the article, she then pulls the race card saying she is concerned for POCs and LGBTQ-alphabet people.

Sorry. I can't stand to look at it. Dot Indians act like they are Native Americans when they are not delusional enough to claim to be white. They are NEITHER. They should not be allowed to set one foot on this continent. Same goes for the Somalis and the Muslims. For this outrage and nation wrecking, Whites are not the only ones to blame: Blacks descendants of slaves) and Chicanos (Latinos with roots in the former Mexican Northwest now the American Southwest, the ones with no Negro genes) are ALSO to blame. I have heard a few of them complaining about the invaders getting everything for free while they have to work and pay taxes or even losing their jobs to the invaders but the truth is that most of them are as brainwashed as most Whites and they are also unable to get their people to unite to defend this nation. The truth of this article ticks me off so much that I am not about to let them off the hook either. They are well aware that they too are failing to defend this nation. I have never been to Hawaii but if this is going on in Hawaii as well I blame the Native Hawaiians too.

Mathematics: Isaac Newton, Gottfried Leibniz, Leonhard Euler. I have barely scratched the surface.

You mentioned that whites discovered and populated Australia, plus New Zealand. There is a spot in southern New Zealand that is precisely opposite London, England on the earth. What does it say about the races that the orientals - all of the oriental peoples - were situated far far closer to Australia and New Zealand than Germanic Europe is, and yet they never went to either place and settled it - instead that was done by northwestern Europeans from as far away as one could be. Ditto the Indians and (laughably) the negroes of eastern Africa. Our race has displayed a dynamism that towers above all other races. The greatest possible curse is miscegenation that dilutes away the marvelous traits that made what our race has accomplished possible.

The races most emphatically are not equal.

Agree. That is why I will say it again for all those who have no problem with legal immigration and want them to learn to speak English. The more English that they learn the more entitled they become. Once they speak English, they think that they are entitled to everything including white mates. Integration Equals Miscegenation.

SANDMAN XIV quoting Ben Klassen #racist amren.com

It has been the White Race who has been the world builder, the makers of cities and commerce and continents. It is the White Man who is the sole builder of civilizations. It was he who built the Egyptian civilization, the great unsurpassed Roman civilization, the Greek civilization of beauty and culture, and who, after having been dealt a serious blow by a new Semitic religion, wallowed through the Dark Ages, finally extricated himself, and then built the great European civilization.

These European White Men, then, with civilization in their blood and in their destiny, crossed the Atlantic and set up a new civilization on a bleak and rock bound coast. It was the White Men who drove north to Alaska and west to California; the men who opened up the tropics and subdued the Arctics; the men who mastered the African Veldts; the men who peopled Australia and seized the gates of the world at Suez, Gibraltar and Panama.

It was the White Race who produced men like Columbus who crossed the unknown Atlantic; men like Magellan who first circumnavigated the globe; men like Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Rembrandt, Velazquez, Bernini, Rubens, Raphael and thousands of other geniuses who created beautiful and exquisite productions in the fields of sculpture and painting; geniuses like Beethoven, Bach, Wagner and Verdi who created beautiful music; men like James Watt who invented the steam engine; men like Daimler who invented and built the reciprocating internal combustion engine; production geniuses like Henry Ford, inventors like Thomas Edison; such a prodigal genius as Nikola Tesla in the field of physics and electricity; literary geniuses like Shakespeare, Goethe and thousands of others, untold geniuses in the fields of mathematics, in the fields of chemistry and physics.

It was the White Man who spanned the continents of the world with railroads and super highways and electrical power lines. It was the White Man who created the miraculous world of electronics, ushering in the telephone, the radio and television. It was the White Race, who in a combined burst of energy and genius sent rockets to the moon and planted the feet of the White Man on extra-terrestrial territory in the last decade.

The brilliant accomplishments of the White Race are endless and rapidly expanding even as this is being written. All one has to do is leaf through the pages of an encyclopedia to appreciate the magnificent legacy of achievements wrought by the White Race through the centuries.

What other race can even come close to this remarkable record of creativity, achievement and productivity? The answer is none. None whatsoever. None can even come close. In contrast, the black man of Africa never so much as even invented the wheel.

Jane Moss #racist amren.com

Motherhood Changed the Way I See Race

Like most people of my generation, I was raised to believe in “equality” above all else. The adage, “all men are created equal” always appealed to my innate sense of fairness and justice — and skin color always seemed like a silly reason to mistreat someone. I held on to these beliefs as long as I lived in the 98 percent white community I was brought up in, a place where crime was almost unheard of and everyone worked together to better the community. It was only when I started to experience the world outside of that environment that my perspective on the importance of race began to change.

Many of you are likely familiar with the horror stories told by white teachers who work in “urban” schools — American Renaissance has published plenty of them. As one of those teachers, I can tell you it’s all true — we are the canaries in the demographic coal mine. I have witnessed every sickening example of the consequences of low IQ, affirmative action, multicultural bureaucracy, low impulse control, black culture, and victimization of white students you can imagine. My experience with all of that certainly colored — no pun intended — my awakening to the dangers whites, as a people, face. But there was another, more important, factor: Over the past 20 years I have raised the most reviled creature on the planet — a healthy white male, my son.

It was only after he was born that I began to fully notice the relentless propaganda of the mainstream media, and how it promotes miscegenation and presents men like my son as bumbling weak fools. I saw how our people’s history is appropriated and manipulated in arts and entertainment, and how our nation’s heroes are twisted and discredited — their monuments torn down and replaced. I’ve shopped for children’s books and been unable to find one with a protagonist who was a positive example of a white male. I’ve filled out countless college and scholarship applications only to find that opportunities for white males are reduced or blocked entirely — regardless of his good grades and impressive test scores. Each one of these things, combined with my experiences at work, pushed me toward the truth about which race is truly disenfranchised and oppressed in our country. It was a realization that fully awoke the protective mothering instincts inside me.

Then one day, I stumbled across an American Renaissance video and heard the quiet, reasonable, practical, and polite voice of Jared Taylor. He wasn’t wearing a hood. He wasn’t a skinhead or a jack-booted thug. He was a gentleman, a rational, intelligent, gentleman sharing factual information. I was intrigued and began to learn more about what race realists had to say. I was “red-pilled” in no time. Now I consciously work towards uplifting and supporting our people and our civilization in whatever way I can. Whether through financial support, reaching out a helping hand to young white men in need, purchasing books from pro-white authors, or just standing between the leftist machine and the lone white male student at work: I make the extra effort to be there. I look forward to the day when I retire and no longer have to do this in the shadows.

Jane Moss #racist amren.com

Hispanics are not the only new group in my school. There is also a modest population of Muslim “refugees” from the Middle East. Muslim students are better behaved and more academically adept than the illegals from Central and South America, and generally stick to themselves. They are far from perfect, though. From time to time you can overhear them talking in sympathetic tones about Islamic Fundamentalists, and how white girls are fun to have sex with, but should never be considered as a possibility for a girlfriend or a wife.

Racial tensions are always high at my school, and sometimes they explode. Not too long ago, the school caught wind of a group of black students planning a food fight after they advertised the event on Snapchat. In response, security was beefed up and announcements were made warning students not to participate in it or face consequences. This made no difference whatsoever. The battle was kicked off by a black teenager who threw a full can of soda at a school police officer, knocking her out cold. He high-fived his black friends when she hit the floor.

As food began flying through the air in every direction and fist-fights broke out, the nearly 1,500 students in the cafeteria spilled out into the hallways and then out of the building. En route, a substitute teacher was knocked down and trampled, earning her a broken leg. In my wing of the building, the one white security guard and I sent the students who were trying to escape the violence — most of them white — into my classroom to hide. Order was only restored when the SWAT team arrived.

The “outrage culture” the school is steeped in makes everything worse. Black teenagers are well versed in their victimhood status, and accusations of “racism” are never ending. If you are older and white, students assume the worst of you and go out of their way to disrupt your classes and say outrageous things about white people in order to provoke you. They are always trying to make you lose your cool and say something inappropriate — all while the students have the camera on their phones at the ready, waiting to document you at your worst. They are well aware that all it takes is one slip up to end a career.

Even earnest liberals sometimes end up being victims of politically correct sensitivity. At another school I worked in, a principal presented district test scores broken down by race to the school staff. The difference between whites and blacks was enormous, and he told us that we needed to work together to come up with innovative strategies to close this achievement gap. He was passionate, motivated, and really believed that if we just taught the right way, we could close this “unfair” and “racist” difference in average test scores. A black staffer then got in touch with the local NAACP, accusing the principal of racism simply for having acknowledged the gap, and the well-meaning principal was forced into retirement.

Affirmative action and “diversity” are both enforced in two ways: 1) Officially, by the administration and its policies. 2) Informally, through violence and chaos — either threatened or carried out — by the black students. For example, administrators tell teachers that every social media post, photo, video, brochure, etc. tied to the school must have non-white students in it. But when something accidentally doesn’t, it isn’t necessarily those administrators who dole out the punishment.

Recently, the school newspaper had a cover photo of our lacrosse team. The students in the photograph were all white. Since there were no black students in the picture, the newspaper was dubbed “so white,” and blacks used this as an excuse to misbehave for the entire day. In class, if the artwork or historical period being studied involves lots of whites, the black students act up in outrage until the class becomes unteachable, thereby incentivizing you to focus on “black” topics as much as possible.

Worst of all is the leniency black students are given in all disciplinary measures. The administrators are desperate to even out the statistics that show how much more frequently blacks are suspended and expelled relative to whites — or even Hispanics. The result is that black students are often given slaps on the wrist for heinous acts, while whites face lengthy suspensions for minor infractions. Moreover, if you write-up a black student or call his parents, friends of the troublemaker, in what they see as an act of solidarity, sometimes punish you for having done this by bursting into your classroom and causing a scene.

Black children seemed to be trained to deny responsibility for their actions from a very early age, even when caught in the act. I’ve seen children as young as five yelling, “I di’n’t do nuffin” as they were being carted off to the principal’s office. They know nothing is expected of them and act accordingly. They are hypnotized by their phones, spending most of the day on them trying to become social media starlets. None of them ever bring their own school supplies, knowing they will get them for free from either the school or the naively generous white moms who donate them.

A concerted pushback against all of this madness could, in theory, be brought about by a group of experienced, dedicated teachers and staff. But racial preferences in hiring make creating such a group impossible. My district has minority recruiting fairs even as they make huge layoffs. They’ll take just about anyone if they are brown. The current assistant principal, for example, sometimes seems like she’s functionally illiterate — her assistants have to help her write official documents. But since she isn’t white, she receives nothing but praise and accolades to go with her hefty salary.

The small number of whites who attend my school have it the worst. They get attacked, robbed, and verbally berated on a regular basis by their “peers.” Many white students suffer from anxiety and self-esteem issues, leading to problems with drugs and self-harm. Given the anti-white bias in the teaching curriculum — which is steadily getting worse — it isn’t hard to understand why this is happening. Some parents manage to be oblivious to it all or turn a blind eye to it. More often, they’re just too poor to move to a district where their children aren’t subjected to this type of violence and degradation.

Our society denies the role of race in schools. All dissent is met with accusations of racism, public shunning, and the threat of financial ruin. But doing nothing means whites must condemn their own flesh and blood to the nightmare I’ve described — and we have a duty to protect the future for our children.

Jane Moss #racist amren.com

I began teaching 20 years ago at a majority-black public middle school. The behavior of the black students was so outrageous, it bordered on unbelievable. Their respect for authority and teachers was less than nothing. They would pull my hair to see if it was real, sometimes standing around me playing with my hair like animals performing grooming rituals. Other times, they would push their faces into my abdomen, take a deep breath, and comment on the way I smelled. I’ve even had students tell me they could smell my “coochie” and shove their hand between my legs from behind.

Their attempts to get me fired were relentless. Students would rock back and forth in their chairs screeching angry monkey sounds in an attempt to trick me into saying the word “monkey” so they could accuse me of racism and end my career. The same tactic was in play when they said “nigger” over and over again. If I asked them to stop saying “that word,” they would reply “what word?” hoping I would repeat it. Of course, they had no real issue with profanity. One of their strategies to break the morale of teachers was to leave little pieces of paper all around the room with only the word “bitch” written on them.

Violence was constant as well. I could list dozens if not hundreds of fights and random acts of brutality. Here are just a few.

Once, a new Haitian student who spoke no English was lured into an unmonitored hallway by three American blacks who then beat her unconscious. They slammed her head against a concrete stairwell repeatedly, fracturing her skull and one of her eye sockets, leaving her with partial, but permanent, vision loss.

Another time, a black girl picked up a chair and swung it into her black friend’s head simply because she “wanted to know what it felt like” to do so.

Perhaps worst of all was the time I saw a group of blacks drag a small white boy into a storage closet, with scissors at his throat the whole time. I nearly lost my job because I used a curse word in order to gain control of the situation, while the scissor-wielding thugs faced no consequences whatsoever. Although the administration was unhappy with my behavior that day, it impressed my students. My quick intervention and harsh language was met with cheers and applause because it was so striking to see a white teacher act so fiercely and decisively. Some students commented that what I had done to save the white boy was “so ghetto,” because I managed to be the dominant figure in the situation. On this occasion, they meant “ghetto” as a compliment. It doesn’t always carry a good connotation, though — the bastardization of my ancestors’ language is fluid.

The victimization of whites by blacks is especially bad in middle schools because black children reach puberty earlier than their white peers, and are therefore much larger. Prepubescent white children generally adopt one or more of these three survival strategies:

Remain small, invisible, and compliant. Try not to speak or be seen. This works fairly well as long as they are willing to periodically do classwork for blacks and not quibble when blacks “repossess” their property. Surrendering candy, sparkly pencils, fidget spinners, and the like are all common ways of paying the informal “white tax” that blacks enforce.

Adopt ebonics and behave in a desperate and exaggerated ghetto style to try to and fit in.

Deny their whiteness. Regularly find ways of announcing that they aren’t really white because they are Italian, or Jewish, or Spanish, or anything else that could possibly be construed as non-white.

These strategies do help, but not that much. In the end, all white students are made to suffer by their non-white counterparts — especially the small and quiet ones.

My proudest accomplishment was helping Michael, an upper-middle-class white boy, escape that middle school. He was only there in the first place because his family had recently moved to the area and enrolled him in the local public school without realizing what that would entail for their son. He was a model student. Every day he would sit quietly doing his assignments, periodically sighing as the rest of the class fought, bickered, yelled, cussed, vandalized, and cat-called one another. One day, I sat down next to him and told him: “Go home and tell your parents to put you in private school, you don’t belong here.” His parents did so almost immediately — I’m so grateful they listened to me and had enough money to do something about it.

Looking back over my career as a teacher, the most striking change I have seen is the demographic one. The high school I teach at now used to be predominantly black, with small numbers of the other races. Now it is only about half black, with a swelling Hispanic population. As I sit at my desk reviewing student data, I see that one of my Latin American students has turned twenty. Carlos is a full grown man, but he is attending public school as a tenth grader to evade immigration enforcement. His presence is welcomed and even celebrated by the school administration and sanctioned by district officials in this large sanctuary city inside a sanctuary state. This high school is fairly large — with over 2,000 students — and there are two others about as big nearby, meaning that Carlos is not the only illegal alien taking advantage of the fact that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) does not raid schools.

Roughly 40 percent of the student population is now composed of “English language learners.” Many of these students are illegals who seem to have been bussed in by some sort of underground network. Most of them arrived in the past two years. Their families receive city services such as welfare, food stamps, and Section 8 Housing. At school, they get free breakfast and lunch and are given backpacks filled with food to take home over the weekend, along with “reproductive services,” psychologists, social workers, and specialized teachers to help them learn in their own language — all free of charge. The adults — parents or otherwise — get free evening classes in the same school to teach them English and how to find resources within the community.

In return for the generosity of the community, the school now has Hispanic students lining the halls making out — and sometimes doing much more than that. The girls all want to get pregnant, and their culture cheers them on, regardless of their age or marital status. The boys carry knives and sell drugs, the stench of marijuana is ever-present in the hallways — which is where Hispanic students spend most of their time, as opposed to the classrooms they should be seated in. They refuse to speak English, claiming not to understand when told to go to class, and cussing out teachers in Spanish whenever they feel like it. Some even try to threaten teachers to get passing grades, making comments such as, “Do you like your car? I need an A.”

Other students rarely attend school but stay formally enrolled so they can be considered “DREAMers.” Their presence on the roster keeps other pupils from enrolling in a class they may need in order to graduate. Plenty of students openly state that they are only in school to get money and benefits, and to eventually take back the country that white people stole from them. Unsurprisingly, all but a few refuse to stand for the pledge of allegiance.

CTON #racist amren.com

The question is how to make people proud of their White heritage.

If our people need someone to tell them to be proud and not hate themselves, what's the point? really? The other groups don't hate themselves nor could all the propaganda in the world convince them to.

Whites are the ONLY race which hates themselves. [Obviously, not all Whites, but waaaaay too many.]

However, most nonwhites do not bash their ancestors like whites do. (never heard blacks rip on Malcolm X, never heard Mexicans rip on Pancho Villa, never heard Chinese rip on their ancestors, etc). most nonwhites do not say "Hey, our neighborhood is 'too mexican/too black/too arab/too chinese." Nonwhite women defend their nonwhite men and demand their nonwhite men be proud of their race. Nonwhites do not try to ruin anothher nonwhite person's life for being 'racist' or hating white people. Nonwhites do not spend their free time or money helping out whites. Nonwhites, if they felt attacked as a race, would unite against whatever threat it was unlike whites who go "i'm not racist, I'm human, I dont see color, i'm better than my ancestors, blah blah blah"

I especially see this self-hatred when I was at college recently. My classmates were mostly all whites and I would hear them rip on whites for 'white privilege' I heard whites openly praise Malcolm X (who called us devils) I heard these whites praise the whites being killed in South Africa. I heard these whites make anti-white comments even when the discussion at hand had nothing at all to do with race. It's almost as if black militants have possessed a great many whites in America and Western Europe. I heard white professors openly say to Hispanics in our classroom "let's speak spanish so we can make fun of these white people" I have seen whites, when a black is around, making self-degrading anti white comments like "we white men can't dance"

The only whites I can attest who are proud of being white, proud of their ancestors are Eastern Europeans, Southern Europeans (italians, greeks). Maybe Irish and Scottish are proud of who they are, but that might be to jump on how 'oppressive' the British Empire was. I dunno. But yes, this level of self-hatred among whites is shocking, disappointing at the same time. If their survival instincts have not kicked in by now, they won't.

How do we expect to save the West when the majority of young whites hate themselves and do not care about preserving what our ancestors built? I say America and Western Europe, maybe espect for Austria or Denmark or Norway, are done for.

CTON #racist #sexist amren.com

”It's all a game to them. DNA/Ancestry/Origin is just a fun thing to observe on the side to her. She isn't well educated on any historical matter (especially about her homeland). She doesn't want to look like a brown/black. She doesn't want to live around them, eat their ethnic food (their truly ethnic food -- not the europeanized versions), adopt their culture, practice their religion, or live in their lands. She just wants to have ~10% or so 'exotic' DNA so she can brag about it.

She is truly privileged beyond belief and is ungrateful to her ancestors which toiled for her privilege.”

I've come around to the belief that the female of the species is not terribly aware -- not aware of being privileged (and therefore vulnerable), not aware of danger, or even great danger. My guess is that evolutionarily speaking that was always the man's job -- big picture awareness. Which is not to say she isn't aware of immediate danger. She may well have that awareness in a heightened sense. Her children. That's why and that's her concern.

But the gathering storm? Folly to expect her to notice it, never mind give it a thought.

That's something I do not understand with these white women who spout this liberal and anti white stuff. Women, especially attractive-looking women, are good at spotting men who are predators and who might mean danger to them or their children. That being said, it strikes me as odd how these same white women will welcome open borders and not being alarmed when a flood of mostly young male 'refugees' came pouring into the West. Look at them holding up those 'welcome refugees' signs.

The fact of the matter is that if it weren't for white men, she wouldn't enjoy any of the rights that she thinks are just natural rights that are just part of her existence. If all white men disappeared tonight, pretty young white women like her would go to the highest bidder who would do whatever he felt like doing to her, whenever he felt like doing it. And she would have no say in the matter.

She would end up as the property of some wealthy Arab Sheikh, some African warlord or some Mexican drug cartel.

I told some white liberal women in my class that. I said "it's in predominately Western countries in the West where women can vote and have rights. These are non-existent in the other parts of the world."

CTON #racist amren.com

Probably the most amusing part about whites full of self-hatred (to me, at least) is how much non-whites are disgusted by them as well, and how those full of self-hate are somehow incapable of seeing this.

No one likes a traitor, though everyone is happy to take advantage of them for self-gain.

The nonwhites know these self-hating whites, underneath all the "I'm ashamed of my white privilege/my ancestors/slavery blah blah blah", prefer to live around whites and send their kids to school with majority white schools. These nonwhites see them as traitors and weak people. I have even heard nonwhites tell me they have more respect for whites who openly say they are proud to be white/openly making explicit racial remarks than they are these apologetic and self hating whites.

I just hope that, as America/Western Europe, get worse and worse that Eastern European nations do not let these leftists and liberals in. They will just bring the same liberal, naive, anti-white mindset with them and destroy Eastern Europe as they did when they fled California and are now turning Texas, Arizona, Colorado, etc, all blue now.

Yikes. I went to college for years and I only had three annoying incidents.

1) Was an idiot english professor who said 'ron paul hates black people.'
2) Another was a history professor who thought arabs invented caravels. Couldn't stop laughing, she knew nothing about the subject she taught.
3) The last was a scene in a government class where a mexican kid tried to talk about how evil conquistadors were. I made a comment about mesoamerican ritual sacrifice and he shut up pretty quick.

lol, that reminds me when I had to do a report on European influence in Latin America. I brought up the fact that Germans brought beer and breweries to Mexico in the 1800s, along with the fact Germans went to Mexico then and did the following: created the train system in Mexico, brought improved agriculture techniques, universities, etc. Even this Hispanic was impressed at what I told them. it was honestly the whites around us that made these anti-white comments. I really can't believe the self hatred that whites have. I have never seen anything like this among nonwhites. honestly, never have.

Asmodeous Rex #racist amren.com

RE: Biden’s VP Pick Isn’t the Biggest Issue for Latino Activists

If it hadn't been for Reagan amnesty, and the fact that an anchor baby turns 18 every 30 seconds, we wouldn't havrr to worry about the hispanic vote.

That's truly magical, isn't it? Every thirty seconds an "anchor baby" turns 18. I'm simply amazed by all of this. Just think, when José crossed the southern border without inspection, he was a vile, evil, fat, short, stupid, ugly, "low IQ" dwarf who was already into all kinds of bad things, like drug-selling, child molestation, rape, drunk-driving, tax-cheating. etc,etc. He then visited the local Jujuman who turned him into a tall, dark and handsome Latin lover like those old Hollywood types like Ricardo Montalban and Cesar Romero. José even changed his name to Buddy Loverman. He became full of vim, vigor and vitality. He then met Lola and Lupita who just couldn't resist his charms and now he is the father of several anchor babies while racking in tons of money.

CTON #racist amren.com

RE: Video: ANC and Mainstream Media Are South Africa’s Problems, Not Whites – Unathi Kwaza

The Candace Owens of South Africa. She has no sway except to convince gullible Whites that the there is a pot of gold at the end of the Rainbow Nation, when actually it's a big soup pot waiting to boil your bones.

This is what I've noticed about 'conservative' blacks. They say and do things that their conservative white base is terrified to say or do and get paid well for doing that while the liberal blacks make money agitating against whites. These gullible conservative whites think these 'conservative' blacks are on their side. They are so naive.

It's like that with whites. Liberal whites are not 'down' with helping out blacks or nonwhites. They say that to save face as many liberal whites don't live anywhere near black and nonwhite areas. In the end, your race trumps your politics.

Speaking of Candace Owens, didn't she support affirmative action and have a doxxing website? Could be wrong, but that's what I've heard.

SINCERITY.net #racist #conspiracy #crackpot #sexist amren.com

RE: After 274 Years, Princeton Will Have Its First Black Valedictorian

AA degree. "Financial engineering and operation research'. Someone who plans a robbery rather than just barging in with a gun.

Financial engineering and operation research is real logic and math. Something is wrong there. He is fairly black, not a octoroon, he is not from the Nigerian Ibo tribe. How can he surpass East Asians and Jews with median IQ of 105 or 115? His population’s median IQ is 85, he would need to be 4 STD from the mean to be on the top of Princeton.

I smell something wrong. Of course, he is quite intelligent. He was prepped by non-stop remedial teachers, or he repeated the year on purpose, something. Or they gave him lenient grades. I hope Vdare, Steve Sailer, someone does some research on the hidden details.

Who cares, since everyone knows it's a decision based purely on race?

How. If he is the top of his class, that is not a direct quota result. They must fiddle all of his test results, or coach him non-stup. Maybe he audited the class last year to now be repeating it. There must be a large scale manipulation. It is not like passing someone with a 50 percentile SAT into Princeton.

He may be the school’s first top-grad, but like everyone else, he seems determined to move us closer and closer to slavery. That’s how ‘negroes’ do it, I guess.

First black “she”is still to come. It is a male, looking clearly black,

Gregory Hood, Paul Kersey, and Henry Wolff #racist amren.com

The Great Replacement: Minneapolis

Minneapolis, Minnesota, was almost entirely white until 1980. However, in the last few decades, large numbers of non-whites came to the city, especially immigrants from Somalia. Now, the idyllic city created by settlers and pioneers is a center for black crime and Islamic terrorist recruitment.

The city’s story began when the United States Army built Fort Snelling after the War of 1812 to guard American settlers. The most famous non-white inhabitant of Fort Snelling was Dred Scott, whose efforts to escape slavery led to the Supreme Court’s ruling in Dred Scott v. Sandford. Chief Justice Roger Taney wrote that blacks were not citizens and “are not included, and were not intended to be included, under the world ‘citizens’ in the Constitution, and can therefore claim none of rights and privileges which that instrument provides for and secures to citizens of the United States.”

After more settlers came, several local settlements combined. Adolf Hoeffler, a German who visited the area in 1852, predicted it would eventually become “an extensive manufacturing town, and depot of all the future productions of the extreme Upper Mississippi.” Minneapolis was ideally placed for milling flour, not just manufacturing. Its name means “water city.” From 1870 to 1890, Minneapolis grew from 13,000 people to almost 165,000. Almost everyone was white.

Many city leaders wanted to keep it that way. “Restrictive covenants” to keep neighborhoods white were used from 1910 until 1950. The fascist Silver Legion or “Silver Shirts” had a presence in the city in the 1930s. Blacks were simply not a significant presence in the city for most of its history, so ethnic tension was between Jews and gentiles, not blacks and whites. Some help-wanted ads even said, “Gentile preferred.” Minneapolis was a critical battleground for the Progressive movement. The Minnesota Farmer-Labor Party didn’t unite with the Democrats until 1944, and the quasi-socialist MFLP was able to elect candidates such as Minneapolis mayor Thomas Latimer. Class and ideology — not race — dominated city politics.

Non-whites started coming to the city in large numbers in the 1970s and 1980s. By 1990, the city was more than 20 percent non-white. Some migrants may have been tempted by Minnesota’s generous welfare programs. However, there was also a deliberate effort by churches and refugee settlement organizations to bring them. Corporations also wanted cheap labor, such as the meat packers who hired Somalis.


A graph showing the white population of Minneapolis falling from 99% a century ago to 60% today.

Organizations such as Lutheran Social Services, Catholic Charities, and World Relief Minnesota have worked with the State Department to settle foreign “refugees.” Many such organizations are essentially funded by the federal government, and have a clear financial interest to importing migrants. Without government, there would not be nearly so much resettlement.

In 2004, Minnesota was the number-one destination for foreign refugees on a per-capita basis. The Hmong began arriving in large numbers after the fall of South Vietnam in 1975. Their numbers are a good example of how military intervention brings foreigners. Beginning with 60 “refugees” in 1976, the Twin Cities region (Minneapolis and St. Paul) eventually “attracted the largest Hmong population in the country.” There are now more than 66,000, which means the area is the largest urban Hmong population in the world. Minneapolis now has Hmong gangs, which occasionally re-enact their tribal conflicts on American streets.

Hispanics have also come. The percentage of Hispanics almost quintupled from 1990 to 2010, rising from 2.14 percent to 10.47 percent.

There is a huge Somali population in Minneapolis: over 125,000. One area is called “Little Mogadishu” and is plagued by gangs. An estimated 23 men from the Twin Cities have joined the Islamic terrorist group al-Shabab since 2007. NPR did a series on “The Somali-Minneapolis Terrorist Axis” in 2009, chronicling many cases of Somali “teens” joining militant groups through an underground recruiting network.

The city accommodates Muslims. Somali businesses are permitted to stay open after regular closing hours during Ramadan. During the current pandemic, the Islamic call-to-prayer sounds in the Cedar-Riverside neighborhood.

Violent crime is overwhelmingly black, but it sometimes spills out of black areas. In 2019, pipe-wielding Somali “youths” attacked people waiting for public transportation. That same year, black mobs attacked citizens, stealing cell phones and valuables. The police claimed that “race has nothing to do with it.”

The pandemic has not stopped the shootings. Someone killed a black “aspiring musician” outside his home on April 9. Less than two weeks later, someone killed Kevin Beasley, the grandson of “veteran peace and civil rights activist Spike Moss.” Mr. Moss called the deaths of young black men “our epidemic before the epidemic.” Beasley had a criminal record and was shot at a “house party,” though Minnesota has been under a “stay-at-home” order since March 25. Earlier this month, someone shot a city councilman’s car full of holes. Last Monday, there was a “rolling gun battle” between people in two cars, resulting in “grave” injuries for a young woman.

Still, majority white Minneapolis is considered a great city – a “miracle,” according to one Atlantic article in 2015. Success has not spread to non-whites. In a remarkable response to the “miracle” article, “Minneapolis’s White Lie,” The Atlantic’s Jessica Nickrand painstakingly listed the racial disparities in Minneapolis. Rates of poverty and educational failure are so high, she compared Minneapolis to Detroit.

Most of the article sounds like something I would write: She cites Minneapolis’s affordable living cost, robust job market, and good schools, calling it “the American Dream.” Of course, she adds, “60 years ago, so was Detroit.” The Twin Cities’ decline may “just come later” because it’s on the same course.


Her conclusion lost me. “For Minneapolis to remain successful,” she wrote, “the progressive policies of the 1960s and 1970s must evolve to reflect the changing population, prioritizing affordable housing, neighborhood integration, and investment in public education and health services.” That, she says, would be the real “miracle.”

Jessica Nickrand rejects the obvious explanation that Detroit collapsed because whites fled. The same is happening to Minneapolis. The programs Miss Nickrand wants haven’t fixed racial disparities in the past and won’t now. “Little Mogadishu” will just get bigger. The miracle we need is whites recognizing what is happening. If that happens, we can stop subsidizing our dispossession.

Ann Eilbeck #racist amren.com

I Used to Support Bernie Sanders — Now I’m a Race Realist

I am one of the few who has managed to slip away from the mainstream view of race. More than anything else, what led me to go “right” when everyone around me went “left” was my experience in liberalism’s epicenter: the university system. Superficially, college is where you go to get a formal education — and where you learn how to live with complete strangers for the first time. But for me, it was more than that. It was where I became disabused of the utopian ideas I had always believed.

When I arrived on campus, I discovered that all three of my roommates were Chinese exchange students who barely spoke English. They hung together and I felt like an outsider in my own dorm room. They put calendars on our communal fridge written in Mandarin and stared at me whenever I walked into the common area, pausing their conversation just because of the presence of a white girl. I felt like a horrible person for being upset about it. I had just campaigned for Bernie Sanders the summer before enrolling. I was liberal. I grew up in a conservative area and had imagined that college would be a wonderful place, complete with plenty of likeminded liberals and that famous strength: diversity. I didn’t want my parents to fight my battles, so I decided to ask the school myself about getting assigned a new room. They said I was being discriminatory and took no action. I felt ashamed — like a good white liberal should. My parents wanted to push the matter, but I didn’t let them. Instead I lied and said the situation had gotten better.

The rest of my college experience was filled with similar frustrations: group projects where I couldn’t effectively communicate with my partners, LGBTQ people being nasty if I asked what a “fury” was, students getting angry with me because I accidentally said “Columbus Day.” It was on campus that, for the first time ever, I was physically harassed. A black man who felt that I gave him a rude, or “bratty” look, pushed me into a street — apparently I wasn’t allowed to share a sidewalk with him. Two Asian men saw what happened but just looked away. The person who called the cops was a white guy who, thankfully, saw it happen from where he was seated in a nearby café. That was the first, but not the last, time “diversity” placed me in physical danger.

The price of multiculturalism kept rearing its head in other ways, too. If I didn’t smile at non-whites, they immediately didn’t like me. I worked in retail and was routinely berated by Hispanic women telling me to learn Spanish. To boot, they would often trash the fitting rooms and make comments about me being “too pale” or “not curvy.” Things like that kept happening. Still, I tried hard to excuse it all, always telling myself, “It’s just the individual.” I wanted to be above it all, but for the first time in my life, I couldn’t ignore race like I had always done before. I felt constantly intimidated, and there was a clear pattern as to why.

I was a typical young woman: I went to college like we’re all told to do, talked to people politely, and spent my free time shopping for cute clothes and old books. But after four years in higher education, I came to realize how important race truly is. The experiences I had didn’t make me hate any race — I really don’t think I’m a “racist.” They were just the start of my journey into understanding how much I love my people and how I feel robbed of the America we’re supposed to have, the America that my ancestors fought for in the Revolutionary War. I don’t think I will ever understand why I’m hateful for wanting my country to remain the same, but the people eagerly awaiting the end of America’s white majority are not.

Jason R. Harvey #racist amren.com

Race in the French Foreign Legion

My journey to race realism is a long and winding one. I was born in the coastal town of Bangor, North Wales, and grew up near Snowdonia National Park. It’s a region defined by its natural beauty: forests, lakes, lush green fields, and of course: the spectacular view of Mount Snowdon’s perennially snow covered peak. It is also a very white region. I can’t remember ever seeing a “person of color” when I lived there.

Our family was eventually forced to move south, to England, in order to find work. It was there that I first encountered other races, mostly South Asians. In school, whites and Asians barely interacted at all. The Asians weren’t mean, and us whites did not hate them — the two groups were simply indifferent to each other. At the time, there was no forced socializing or “awareness raising.” In my teens, I lacked guidance and role models, and fell in with the wrong crowd. This led me to commit a crime that landed me in prison for six months at the age of 16. It was there that I learned about “black culture.” It was amazing to see just how many blacks there were in prison, given their tiny share of the national population.

The first thing I noticed about blacks was how tribal they are. They seemed to instinctively recognize each other as members of an extended family, and would always take the side of a fellow black over a non-black. Unfortunately, I caught the attention of a 28-year old Nigerian, who had lied about his age to get into the much laxer young offenders institute. Our disparity in age and strength gave me little chance of beating him in any physical confrontation, so I got robbed and beat up a few times. This seemed to be par for the course for the British prison system’s white minority.

Once I was released from prison, I amended my thuggish ways and became determined to make something of myself. So, I set off for France with the aim of enlisting in the French Foreign Legion (FFL), as I thought the military would make a man out of me. Little did I know that this part of my life would force me to confront the reality of race once again.

The FFL has members from all over the world, and although the French government would have you believe the ranks are unified in a colorblind adopted “French-ness,” this is not the case. Without a doubt, the FFL is the most racially tense environment I have ever been in. During working hours, everyone must speak French. The penalty for getting caught speaking anything else is a beating, followed by hours of scrubbing, and then having to write a report about your behavior in flawless French. But once the officers who doled out these punishments were out of sight, everyone would fracture off into what were known colloquially as ‘“mafias” — cliques centered around a shared race or nationality — and speak in their mother tongue.

Racial and national heritage were dividing lines in every aspect of life in the FFL. The base in Aubagne, near Marseille, was Arab and everyone knew that Americans, Englishmen, and most especially, Jews were treated horribly there. I entered the parachute regiment (2REP), which was roughly 70 percent Russian. The rest consisted mostly of Eastern Europeans with a spattering of Westerners and sundries. The Russian influence was so strong that sometimes (when the officers were not around) orders were given in Russian, and you would have to ask a “comrade” to translate for you. The mere mention of the 2REP was enough to send shivers down the spines of non-whites. Early on, I noticed black officers warning newcomers to stay away from the 2REP at all costs — they all took that advice. Race matters in the French Foreign Legion, and it matters outside of it.

The FFL is somewhere between a microcosm of, and a warning to, the West. Many people believe that if we simply force people to integrate and punish those who don’t get with the program, we will soon all join hands to sing and dance in harmony. All society needs to do is deny racial differences, and in a generation or two — once the old white people are dead — we will experience the ecstatic bliss of a “post-racial” utopia. This is a fantasy that goes against human nature in much the same way communism does.

Forcing people of different races together in an attempt to make them forget their identities and feel as though we are all just members of the human race is doomed to failure. This strategy most often does the opposite: it wakes people up to the stark reality of innate differences. The people behind this agenda will only ever create a never ending “cold war” between the races. And that’s true in and out of the FFL.

John Engelman #racist amren.com

Seeing the Light, Darkly

My parents taught me not to hate blacks. I still try not to. Sometimes, certain blacks make that difficult for me. I am ambivalent about the black race. I recommend ambivalence. It prevents fanaticism. I never attended a school where blacks made up more than five percent of the student body. That gave me an unrealistically benign opinion of the black race. I supported the civil rights movement as a child, a teenager, and a young adult. Although I did not sympathize with the black riots that happened between 1964 to 1968, they did not anger me either. In retrospect, they should have.

During the riots that followed the murder of Martin Luther King, Jr in 1968, I took the wrong exit off the freeway that circles Washington, DC and ended up in Anacostia, the blackest, poorest, and most dangerous part of the city. I could smell the smoke from the stores that had been looted and burned. I could see blacks staring angrily at me. I was lost, and couldn’t find the freeway. The car I was driving was on the fritz and I was terrified. Fortunately, I found a platoon of soldiers who had been sent to quell the riot. I got good directions from the lieutenant and drove home.

But I have had good experiences with blacks as well. At Howard University, there was a black English professor I befriended. He would invite me to parties at his apartment, which I always happily attended. I was usually the only white person, and there were never any problems with that. One day I found out that Prof. Johnson was learning ancient Greek. He showed me some Greek from a Loeb Classics book, and read aloud from it, translating as he went, word for word. I asked him, “You are already fluent in French and German. Why are you learning a language as difficult as ancient Greek?” He answered, “I want to show those white boys what I can do.” If Prof. Johnson was typical of black men, there would be no racial problems.

My path towards race realism began in September of 1971, when I read an article by Professor Richard Herrnstein of Harvard in the Atlantic entitled “IQ.” In it, he made the case for cognitive differences being profound, genetic, and racial. I found the article depressing and disturbing, but convincing. The New Left organization, the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), held a convention at Harvard the next spring with the expressed purpose of getting Professors Herrnstein and Arthur Jensen of Berkeley fired for their research on intelligence. This disturbed me even more than Professor Herrnstein’s article. Until then, I had seen the right as the offender against intellectual freedom with loyalty oaths, witch hunts, and black lists. Although SDS soon ceased to exist, a precedent for suppressing hereditarianism and race realism had been set. The fact that hereditarians and race realists were suppressed rather than rationally refuted inclined me to think the hereditarians and the race realists were right.

Today I live on the edge of the black ghetto in one of the most dangerous cities in the United States. Since moving here, I have been mugged six times, twice on the same night, when I was nearly murdered. Blacks did it every time. Don’t tell me to move. I can’t afford to. Two of the muggings were fairly typical: while walking home, “youths” threw me to the ground, and stole the money in my wallet before I could respond.

The third time was on the grounds of my apartment complex. The black mugger was larger, stronger, and younger than I am. This time I tried to resist, but to no avail. He kept punching me in the face yelling, “Where’s the money?” He beat me up worse than Trayvon Martin beat up George Zimmerman. I had black eyes for a week, and my left eye was bloodshot for just as long. I am fortunate I did lose my sight in that eye.

A year later, I was attacked by two blacks as I walked home from a neighborhood tavern one evening. They stole everything I had. Dazed, I walked back to the bar hoping to find help, but they had already closed and the door was locked. Then two more blacks attacked me. When they realized I had nothing left to steal, they got angry and began to beat me. Luckily, the bartender, a black woman, drove by on her way home from work and saw what was happening. She stopped her car, and put an end to the beating at the risk of her own life, then took me home.

Two Sundays later, two blacks attacked me as I walked to a drug store. By then, I had started carrying pepper foam with me for self-defense. I used it for the first time on these two attackers, but unfortunately, the stream of foam I shot at them was too thin, and they blocked it with their hands, so I was mugged all the same.

My repeated victimization at the hands of blacks caused me to start discussing the sensitive topic of race and crime. One liberal woman I spoke to about this suggested I read Tim Wise’s essay “The Color of Deception: Race, Crime and Sloppy Social Science.” This was an effort to refute the American Renaissance report, “The Color of Crime.” In his essay, Mr. Wise argued that the problem of black crime is exaggerated. He did not convince me. “The Color of Crime” did convince me. I have been reading American Renaissance ever since. I know now just how much scientific evidence there is that backs up what I have learned on my own: the races are intrinsically different in the qualities necessary for civilization: intelligence, obedience to the law, and monogamy. Unfortunately, and as Jared Taylor has said, race is an area where the more one ignores scientific evidence, the more enlightened one is said to be.

In addition to knowledge about genetics and heredity, I have acquired some street smarts. I never needed to take any precautions when I lived with whites, or poor Vietnamese war refugees — but living near blacks requires readiness. I now have a larger canister of pepper spray with a range of nine feet. A mugger cannot block it, and I have it with me every time I leave my apartment. It has served me well. The first time I used it was when a black man asked me for money. When I took out my wallet to give him some, he grabbed for the wallet itself. I sprayed him in the face, and got home with all my possessions still on my person. On another occasion, a black man grabbed me as I walked home. I took out my pepper spray. He let me go. Most recently was when I was walking past two blacks and one told me menacingly, “Give me your money.” When I took out my pepper spray, he shouted, “He’s got pepper spray. Leave him alone!”

I have known too many blacks I liked to dislike the entire race. I have had too many experiences with black crime to have any illusions about them. You could say I have led an exciting life. I would rather watch it on television.

Robert Hampton #racist #psycho amren.com

‘Conservatives’ Make Fools of Themselves over Arbery Shooting

We don’t need a trial. The two white men who shot Ahmaud Arbery are murderers. Just ask some of America’s leading conservative pundits.
We don’t know all the facts — and as Jared Taylor has pointed out, some are exculpatory — but that doesn’t stop Democrats and mainstream media from assuring us that George and Travis McMichaels are guilty. Many “conservatives” agree.

Daily Wire writer Matt Walsh tweeted this on Wednesday: “The man was going for a jog and three white guys chased him down and shot him dead. The murderers still haven’t been arrested. Outrageous. This is clearcut first degree murder and the killers should all get lethal injections.”
He later confessed it was a stupid tweet, but Mr. Walsh loves to pound his chest about bad white people. After the El Paso shooting, he said white nationalists are complicit in terrorism. His boss Ben Shapiro said the white shooters deserve murder charges and tweeted out three articles that said the same thing. All three were from “conservatives.”

One was from Never Trumper David French. He said the white men’s actions were like a lynching:

It’s also worth remembering that the long and evil history of American lynchings features countless examples of young black men hunted and killed by white gangs who claimed their victims had committed crimes. While we don’t yet know the full details about the McMichaels’ motives, their actions speak loudly enough. When white men grab guns and mount up to pursue and seize an unarmed black man in the street, they stand in the shoes of lynch mobs past.

The other articles Mr. Shapiro shared were similar. National Review writer David Harasanyi said it was murder, and Arbery was right to attack the McMichaels. HotAir pundit Allahpundit said the state must punish the McMichaels to send a message against “vigilantism.”

New York Post opinion editor Sohrab Ahmari said the shooting “harks back to some of America’s oldest and ugliest racial traditions.” He added that “the newly released footage resembles a scene from the 19th century, when sadly, it’s 2020: a pair of white men on a white pickup truck harassing a black jogger on a deserted Georgia road.”

American Conservative senior editor Rod Dreher wrote a post called, “Ahmaud Arbery, Just A Runner.” “Arbery was unarmed,” he said. “Of course. The white men claim they were trying to make a citizen’s arrest of a burglary suspect. Arbery himself was no suspect — but he was black.” Mr. Dreher added that he heard “a middle-class, Christian African-American woman” was afraid to move her family to a white community in the South:

They have been warned by sympathetic sources not to do it, because the white people who live in that community do not want blacks living there, and will enforce that violently. The friend looks at white men protesting with guns because they want to get a haircut during Covidtide, and thinks about how her family might not be able to move into a certain neighborhood because her husband and older sons might have to worry about being shot by angry white men.

This is insane, and unjust. But this is life for a lot of black people in America. We should not forget that.

This is foolishness. If a white community kept out blacks through violence, it would be the biggest story in the country, if not the world. If such a place did exist, Mr. Dreher should compare its crime figures to those of a nearby black community. He would probably find that the white community was much safer.

National Review writer Michael Brendan Dougherty tweeted: “Yeah my stomach was turning all afternoon yesterday after watching this.”

Rand Paul’s chief strategist Doug Stafford demanded his “fellow white Americans” watch this “lynching.” He says not enough whites are “demanding justice.” Conservatives should know better than to rush to judgment, let alone “demand” it. Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown should have taught them to wait for the facts. Why aren’t they waiting? Because there’s practically nothing “conservatives” crave more than expiation from the charge of “racism.” They jump at the first chance to join the lynch mob.

That’s why conservatives wax righteous over cases like this but are silent when blacks kill whites. Will these virtue queens demand justice for the white mail carrier killed by a black in Indianapolis?

In Brunswick, Georgia, where Ahmaud Arbery was shot, a black murdered a 13-month-old white baby in his stroller in 2013. Will any of these people even mention this case? No chance. Conservatives thrive on praise from liberals, and they don’t get it for telling the truth.

Jared Taylor #racist #psycho amren.com

Ahmaud Arbery: The Next Trayvon Martin?

Get ready for another massive national convulsion over race. It will be just like Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, and Freddie Gray. This time, the dead black man is Ahmaud Arbery, age 25. The whites who shot him are Gregory McMichael, age 64, and his son, Travis McMichael, 34.

There is no presumption of innocence. Joe Biden tweeted that “Ahmaud Arbery was killed in cold blood.” Elizabeth Warren says that what happened is “sickening.” Ilhan Omar is quite sure that Arbery “was lynched. Killed in cold blood simply for being a Black man in America.” Kamala Harris tweeted that the killing “sickens me to my core.” The president of the Georgia NAACP says, “The modern-day lynching of Mr. Arbery is yet another reminder of the vile and wicked racism that persists in parts of our country.” Even National Review just ran an article called, “The Murder of Ahmaud Arbery.”

The two white men’s addresses are now splashed across the internet and, as this lad notes, “Street gets its revenge always. This guy and his son gone be dead soon enough. And I’ll gladly praise that day.”

So, what happened? Unlike previous celebrated “modern lynchings,” at least some of the police findings are public. Their lives may be ruined, but there is good reason to think that what Gregory and Travis McMichael did was perfectly legal.

The father, Gregory McMichael, is a former police officer and investigator for the district attorney. He lived close to a new building under construction where there had been break-ins and trespassing. Mr. McMichael had reportedly seen surveillance video of a black man trespassing. He says that on February 23, he saw a black man — who turned out to be Arbery — “hauling ass” down the street, and thought he looked like the man in the video. He and his son armed themselves and followed in a pickup truck, hoping to hold him until the police came. A friend named Bryan William followed in a second vehicle and took cellphone video. The McMichaels drove ahead of Arbery and stopped in the street.

What happened next is on this short video, and is consistent with what the McMichaels told police. They shouted at Arbery to stop because they wanted to talk to him. They say Arbery ran around the pickup and attacked Travis, the younger McMichael, who was holding a shotgun. There were three shotgun blasts as Travis and Arbery struggled for the weapon, and Arbery died at the scene.

The video recently became public, and proves that people can see the same images and see things that are completely different. George Barnhill, a Georgia DA who investigated the killing, has written a public letter summarizing his findings. He wrote that the three white men “were following, in ‘hot pursuit’, a burglary suspect, with solid first hand probable cause, in their neighborhood, and asking/telling him to stop. . . . to stop and hold this criminal suspect until law enforcement arrived.” He added, “Under Georgia Law this is perfectly legal.” He also noted that the McMichaels were legally armed. There may be other reasons besides the surveillance video to think the McMichaels had “first-hand probable cause,” but details are not yet available.

Mr. Barnhill, whose investigation included an autopsy report, reconstructed the struggle between Travel McMichael and Arbery as follows:

The 1st shot is through Arbery’s right hand palm which is consistent with him grabbing and pulling the shotgun at the barrel tip, the 2nd and 3rd wounds are consistent with the struggle for the shotgun as depicted in the video . . . . Given the fact Arbery initiated the fight, at the point Arbery grabbed the shotgun, under Georgia Law, McMichael was allowed to use deadly force to protect himself. Just as importantly, while we know McMichael had his finger on the trigger, we do not know who caused the firings. Arbery would only had to pull the shotgun approximately 1/16th to 1/8th of one inch to fire the weapon himself and in the height of an altercation this is entirely possible. Arbery’s mental health records & prior convictions help explain his apparent aggressive nature and his possible thought pattern to attack an armed man.

Arbery appears to have had a shoplifting conviction and to have brought a gun to a school illegally and resisted arrest, but it’s not clear what Mr. Barnhill meant by “mental health records.” The DA concluded that he saw no reason to arrest the men, adding that it would be up to a grand jury to hand down an indictment.

A black lawyer named Lee Merritt, who is representing the Arbery family, watched the same video and reached a different conclusion: “Mr. Arbery was pursued by three white men that targeted him solely because of his race and murdered him without justification. . . . [T]hese men must be taken into custody pending their indictment.”

DA Barnhill has recused himself from the investigation because of previous law-enforcement work with Gregory McMichael. The outside prosecutor now assigned to the case, Tom Durden, says he will take the case to the grand jury as soon as the Georgia courts end their virus shutdown. The Georgia Bureau of Investigation will also investigate.

What will happen next? Let us not forget that blacks rioted in Ferguson, Missouri, when a grand jury refused to indict the white officer, Darren Wilson, who shot Michael Brown. I think therefore it is a near certainly that Gregory and Travis McMichael will be charged with murder. They can’t risk a plea bargain because in a superheated case like this, even admitting to involuntary manslaughter will mean years in jail.

A trial could be as sensational as the Trayvon Martin case — and could turn out the same. To get a conviction, the prosecutor will have to prove guilt “beyond a reasonable doubt.” Based on the facts as they appear now — and under current Georgia law — that may not be easy. There could be another spectacular acquittal that brings howls of fury and dismay.

Whatever happens, there are many ironies here. First, all the people who are calling this a “lynching” and are screaming for punishment are, themselves, acting like a lynch mob. As now-recused DA Barnhill wrote to journalists, “People need to let the American criminal justice system work. After it is completed all of the facts and evidence will be available for the public to review.” There is no chance of that.

Second, people who hate white people — and especially white police — will trumpet this as yet another example of “open season on black men,” as if white police officers and private citizens are on the prowl for innocent black men to shoot. This is foolishness, but the media — as they are in this case — promote it tirelessly. It takes an inquiring mind to discover that a black person is nearly 30 times more likely to attack a white person than vice versa, and that police killings of blacks account for about 0.6 percent of all homicides of blacks, justified or not. Recent studies find that white officers are no more likely than black officers to shoot black suspects.

Ahmaud Arbery probably didn’t know these facts. All this reckless talk of “open season” could very well have convinced him that he would be shot no matter what he did. Instead of stopping to talk, he appears to have charged a man with a shotgun. He would surely be alive today if he had not attacked.

But the facts don’t matter; all that matters is a chance to accuse whites of racism, and many whites get just as wild a thrill out of this as blacks.

Third, Gregory and Travis McMichael have just learned what “white privilege” means. It is only because they are white and the dead man is black that the whole world knows their names. I suspect that most of the people who see this video as proof of first-degree murder would see it as justifiable self defense if this were not one of those rare acts of white-on-black violence that we are supposed to think are so common.

A society that promotes the notion of “white privilege” is admitting the opposite: Whites will always be scrutinized for “racism,” will never get the benefit of the doubt, will always be assumed guilty, and will always be held to higher and even impossible standards.

Controversies like this are inevitable when whites and blacks try to live together. Life in a multiracial society is always full of tension and conflict. In “white supremacist” America, “white privilege” means contempt and persecution. And it will get only worse.

Various Commenters #racist #sexist amren.com

RE: Black Rule: Stories from the New South Africa, 2011-2015


South Africa is in freefall. There is nothing that can save it now. Whites can save themselves only by segregating from the negro. If I were the leader of 1 million well armed white men, this negro worship would end. I would hold TV networks responsible for what they broadcast. If they air something that enflames the negro, I would shut them down. In a white homeland, negroes would be forbidden. This is the only way now.

Sweden has passed the Congo and is nipping at the heels of South Africa for rape capital of the world. Why? Because white women have more political power in Sweden than anywhere else in the world. There is no point to a white homeland - literally not worth the moving costs - if women are still allowed to vote, sit on juries, and hold political office. They will simply import Africans and Arabs to rape and murder.

The feminist white woman is the architect of the destruction of the Western world. Still vindictive, shrill, irrational after 50 years and show no signs of wanting to protect it. They have sided with every grievance group against the white hetero male. They show no sign of growing up sadly.

It's simply evolution. It's not something they can avoid. The same behavior is displayed by all sexually dimorphic mammals.

Think of the life cycle of a lion. A male lion will find a mate and have several cubs. The female is always on the lookout for aggressive males outside of her pride. She will entice any that she finds to come and fight her male. If the outsider male wins, he will kill her cubs and mate with her right then and there. The father lion always gathers up the bodies of his dead cubs and lays down beside them to slowly die of blood loss and infection while the mother of those cubs mates with the male who killed them.

When you hear of the Rotherham and Malmo rape gangs, as well as how white women defend them, understand that no words can sway a lioness to fight to save her children. Women are no different. They cannot be convinced.

Repeal the 19th. Repeal the Fifth Reform.


Your analogy is made even more powerful by the fact that the male allows the female to do this: he allows her to sabotage his pride, and risk the death of his children. It's the same in the West today: females only get away with this because the men allow them to. I suspect that, if lions have the mental capacity to think this far, the defeated male lion doesn't resist and kill the subversive female because he believes that it's simply the way things are in the world. Western men are the same: they don't understand that there was a time when women didn't have as much as they do now, and that the problems which exist now were more unimaginable than fantasies then.

I'm not advocating for killing women, but you get the point.

(Robert Kelly)

Sky News went to a township near Johannesburg to do our own impromptu survey asking men whether they had ever forced a woman to have sex. . .

In total, 28 out of the 38 that answered said they had raped a woman, and many even explained how and why. [Sky News, September 19, 2013]

And white men are accused of being the paragon of rapists and sex fiends by feminists everywhere. The only reason why women have rights is because white men have made it possible. If white men disappeared tonight and white women were left at the tender mercies of black and brown men, the above would be the result.

Left to their own devices, I don't think black and brown men see anything wrong with forcing themselves on a woman. To them, rape would only be wrong if another man raped a woman that "belonged" to him and even then, that's because of property rights not because he thinks rape is wrong.


I know we shouldn't judge a book by its cover but look at those pictures above. Or look at the pictures of any of the blacks who have murdered young White people. The White young men and women are beautiful, the blacks not just beastly but clearly unevolved. They are not us. They are not our evolutionary, moral or intellectual equals. How did the charade of equality ever take such a foothold? How could so many White people be convinced of such an absurd idea?

Great Post - I really think their hatred of us and the unspeakable violence directed at us is precisely this - pathological envy or jealousy of our (relative) beauty and we must be destroyed, no matter how successful the black person is, he or she has pretty much told whites they despise them. Their natural enemy is the mirror and we can never make that right. The contrived bravado, arrogance, third - person references, huge gold chains, "grills", speech and dress codes, even the way they hold a glock, screams animus and insecurity.

And that is why, I am sure, so many black women go over the top with hair coloring, make-up, hair styles and clothes. They know they can never look like us no matter how much they repaint the old barn.

(Vir magnus)

In recent years, the white race has been portrayed to be the utmost perpetrators of racism, injustice, misogyny, homophobia, brutality, and genocide; they bring nothing but destruction. If this is all accurate, then one can only assume that South Africa would benefit considerably from the transfer of white power to black power within their government. Contrary to the fallacies that liberal professors convey into the minds of our youth, the complete opposite was true.
No one will discuss the fact that South Africa is now the headquarters of rape and HIV, that "94%" of murderers face no punishment. And that this trend worsens as the white population decreases.
This should come as no surprise, given that the average IQ of Africa as a whole stands at less than 70. It wouldn't have taken a rocket scientist to predict a rapid decline in the standard of living of South Africans post Apartheid.

I am curious to know if Robin Diangelo's anti white conceptions would change if she were to take a two year trip to Nyanga, South Africa. Perhaps gang rape would be enough to change her mentality.

(Frank Jones)

A more grotesque outcome one can scarcely imagine. Apartheid was a more humane and eminently more sensible system of governance.

Michael Rat Fink #racist amren.com

RE: Biden Pressed to Choose a Black Woman as His Running Mate

Oh joy. Identity politics. What white person would vote for more of this lunacy? It’s all so tiresome.

I bet whites will show up in droves to vote for some dimwitted pygmy meat sack as long as they can support the cult of diversity.

wokewhite #racist #psycho amren.com

I used to think there would be a point at which whites would unite and push back hard. We know that when, not if but when Biden picks one of these black women as his Veep running mate all criticism of her, of anything she says, will be loudly denounced as racist. Which is to say no criticism of her will be allowed. It will be the end of debate in the Republic. Will that be enough? Will that be the breaking point for whites? I'd like to say yes, I'm pretty sure the answer is no. I guess the answer is that demoralization finally takes.

how is it racism when you criticize a non human? the sooner we dehumanize non humans the easier it will be to destroy the ni---rs credibility. That is the secret to bringing anything down

Scott Kuehl #racist amren.com

This woman is a psychotic who belongs in a lunatic asylum, as do millions of other guilt-ridden, masochistic, and self-hating white left-liberals. The nature of her insanity is one of degree as opposed to substance. But they control almost everything, and will soon control everything.

A "racist" is any white (since only whites can be "racist") who criticizes and/or tells the truth about the lies and delusions of white-hating Negro politicians, activists, demagogues/ and intellectuals/ pseudo-intellectuals, black criminality, especially black-on-white violence, average black intelligence, life in Haiti, the nations of sub-Saharan African, and black-majority U.S. cities, etc.; the criminality and violence of Mestizos and pure "indios" from Mexico and Central American, free-lance and gang-related, "Hispanic"/"Latino" culture, etc.; the nature of Islam and acts of Muslim terrorism, the epidemic of rapes and gang-rapes of women and girls in the UK and Western Europe, etc. "White supremacy," "racism," "nativism," "islamophobia," etc. are synonymous with honesty, realism, sanity, and the desire of whites to survive and not to dispossessed, persecuted, and worse.

The only way not to be vilified as a "racist" is to lie or be silent and, even then, you'll be vilified as a "racist" since all whites are "racists" no matter what they do or say.

RaySist27 & Roger Cliftonville-Acton #racist amren.com

RE: A 21-Year-Old American Boxer Likened to Floyd Mayweather Said He’d ‘Never Let a White Boy’ Beat Him


Blacks are pure, naturally born racists. They are so racist they don’t even know it, like a fish doesn’t know it’s wet. This was basically a veiled threat to all white men. He can say things like this and everything is fine, but Kyle Larson’s career is virtually over.

(Roger Cliftonville-Acton)

Telling how he see's it as White vs Black, not Ukrainian vs American.

I noted the same thing about "Brit" Anthony Joshua vs "American" Andy Ruiz.

Joshua has a big tattoo of africa on his arm to remind us of how British he is, and Ruiz informed us before he stepped into the ring 'im fighting for my mexican heritage"

These africans and mestizos are just as British or American as you or I though.

Sanford Perlitz #racist amren.com

Total sucks. My adopted sister is Cree Indian. She has a '60s Scoop' lawsuit pending against the Canadian government, complaining that my parents somehow stole her heritage. Her biological parents were dead from drinking too much when she was adopted. We saved her with a good life; my elderly mother is saddened. Cree are vile creatures.

Love One Another M #racist amren.com

RE: A 21-Year-Old American Boxer Likened to Floyd Mayweather Said He’d ‘Never Let a White Boy’ Beat Him

The only chance negros have against whites is physical sport. Any competition that requires brains, no negroes to be found in the top even middle rankings.
For example in chess, the best negroes rank in the world:

Carlsson, Pontus ranks # 1,332
Simutowe, Amon ranks # 1,781
Ashley, Maurice ranks # 1,967

They are absolutely not even close to having a chance of climbing into the top 100 best chess players in the world!
The negro brain is by genetics underpowered compared to the brain of the white man.
The clock of evolution of the negro brain has been stopped or on hold for hundreds of thousands of years, very likely 300K-500K years.

The very best of the negro chess players have ZERO chance of winning against the best white chess players. To help you understand it better if you don't know the game of chess, what are the chances of a tennis player ranked world #1,000 winning a match against Djokovich, Federer, Nadal etc best tennis players??? (only if the player comes injured, but that does not count anyway, since even a kid can beat a tennis player who can't walk.)

It would be too easy for a chess champion to say "I'll never let a black player defeat me", because everyone knows it's impossible, because there are none at that level.

Imagine the uproar in the media if a top white chess player says that?
He may well be banned in playing chess tournaments in the west.

Negroes are allowed to get away with their blatant and open racism against whites.

Various Commenters #racist amren.com

RE: Video: SA Lockdown Day 32 I Situation in the Afrikaner town of Orania

(David Reyher)

Negroes are huffing feces to get high, eating magic albinos as healthfood and banging virgins to cure AIDS.

Whites cooperate to produce more food than they need during a pandemic.

They got together and decided negroes should run the country. Geniuses all.


What I love about the Afrikaners, Orania... they could restart the entire white race just from there alone. It only takes one small group of whites to get it right this time. The next time, they will not use other races as cheap labor and it will be instilled in their genetics, people who love to farm and do their own work. From this small group of 2000 could be the next wave of 30% of Earth's population, permanently! While the the whites everywhere else in the world are becoming racial minorities in their own countries, these people are getting stronger because they made a decision about who they are and what they want for their future. They could repopulate Europe after it falls to 3rd world ruin. The world around them will fall to chaos, they will be organized and strong. No more Romes, no more globalism.

And I hope the San people of southern Africa do the same, find a way to isolate, survive and thrive. They too were nearly destroyed by the blacks.

(Roger Cliftonville-Acton)

" It only takes one small group of whites to get it right this time. "

Amish are way ahead of you there...

the Amish are one of the fastest growing populations in the world – and new research indicates that in 215 years, their numbers could be greater than the current population of the United States (327.2 million).

One thing that I note about the Amish, is that there seem to be zero calls for them to ensure the 'correct' non white representation despite them being completely white. Its like as ZOG realizes the Amish only work for themselves, or any work they do for the non-amish will be manual and thus of limited taxable value...their labour is at pre-industrial rates of productivity and well...the big city finance parasites cant steal what isnt there. That and their repudiation of the Televitz means its difficult to brainwash them into not reproducing/multiplying themselves.

Gregory Hood #racist amren.com

Norwegian Girl Disappointed to Discover She’s ‘So White’

“White” has become an “all-purpose insult.” If something is too white, there’s something wrong.

Cornelia Grismo is a young Norwegian woman with about 202,000 subscribers on YouTube. She is a vegan and mostly talks about travel, fitness, and health. Recently, she posted a video called “How NORWEIGIAN Am I Really? DNA Test Results.” She begins by explaining that her relatives researched her family tree, and she is supposedly descended from royalty.

At 5:25, she reads the results, showing she’s mostly from Scandinavia, along with some Irish, Scottish, and Welsh blood. “I’m so white,” she says laughing, and rolling her eyes. “I couldn’t have been more white. No! I had hoped for Asian, African.” “I couldn’t have been more boring than that,” she adds.

Comments were overwhelmingly negative. Her fans were disgusted that she seemed ashamed to be white. There were about 8,600 dislikes compared to about 1,100 likes.

Miss Grimsmo, visibly shaken, responded on April 20 by “addressing the situation.” On the brink of tears, she said she had been receiving threats. She said she had just been was “trying to be funny” and hoped her DNA would show a “cool surprise.”

So it would be cool to discover that her ancestors miscegenated? Somehow, this doesn’t work for Hispanics or blacks. It’s not a “cool surprise” to discover they are whiter than they thought. It’s potentially career threatening.

HamburgerToday2019 #racist #psycho amren.com

(Note: This is in reaction to the still ongoing backlash following the murder of Stephen Lawrence)

RE: A National Festival of Guilt

Given the nature of things in this world, Lawrence was probably killed because he was not a very nice person and his being non-White just added to his irritation. As every fake hate crime should have taught every White by now, the 'crime' is merely an excuse to demonize and degrade Whites and to provide cover for non-Whites attacking Whites in vastly disproportionate numbers.

“Probably killed
because he wasn’t a very nice person?”


There Are some a-hole white folks around, see Antifa.

Don't care. White people are my people. If they do wrong against Whites, then the Whites need to deal with them. If Whites do wrong against non-Whites, Whites should defend them and, if necessary, shelter them. This is how every other non-White group works.

There is no 'moral equivalency' between races, because there is no legitimate morality at all between races.

White solidarity is the priority.

Despicable "ethical system."

Why? Because it's not 'universal'? Or because it seeks to restore White interests to the center for White people's decision-making? On what grounds would you call it 'despicable' that we could both agree on? Racial animus from non-Whites and anti-Whites have brought an end to 'rational discourse'. Don't try to sell the White man on 'ethics' when the rest of the races operate on pure racial self-interest. Welcome to the Thunderdome.

It is despicable when other groups do it as well.

Identity should never supersede fairness or decency.

'Should' is a luxury Whites no longer have. We must deal in 'what is'. And 'what is' is ethnic chauvinism wins the day. The most intolerant, the most intractable wins. Liberalism is dead. It committed suicide by subjugating the White Race that created and sustained it. I, for one, am glad she's dead. Now Whites can grow up and stop coddling non-Whites and anti-Whites.

Question Diversity #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Some Democrats Are Bothered Nominee Is an Older White Man

More whites than blacks or Hispanics claim to be bothered.

About seven-in-ten black (72%) and Hispanic (70%) Democrats say they are not bothered the likely nominee is a white man in his 70s. By comparison, white Democrats are divided on this question: 49% say they are bothered and 51% say they are not.

Then there was this from last week. Not stated in this telling, but the research broke it down by sex, and it found that white extremely liberal women are significantly more mentally ill than white extremely liberal men, but even white extremely liberal men were significantly more mentally ill than all the other race/sex/politics category.

Overall, I think, the main reason why everyone else but white moderate liberals and white extreme liberals have roughly the same mental illness rate, while white moderate liberals and white extreme liberals are much higher, is that current year left-of-center ideology is constituted such that white people who ascend to it must necessarily actively and overtly and consciously operate against their own actual or perceived racial interests. Non-white liberals (moderate or extreme) aren't so mentally ill, because they're operating in their own racial interests. I think if you brain scanned white extreme liberals and compared them to parents who murder their own children, you'd see just about the same thing going on.


Hubert Collins #racist amren.com

Five Foreign Films for American White Advocates

American Renaissance has always covered the issues from a global perspective, because white survival is a global matter. Therefore, there are lessons for us not just in foreign news stories, but in foreign art too. Here are five excellent international films for white Americans.

City of God (Brazil)

Sometimes referred to as “another America,” Brazil is, like the US, a violent multi-racial democracy in the New World. City of God mercilessly depicts the barbarous chaos of South America’s biggest country. It’s a warning. Available from YouTube.

Princess Mononoke (Japan)

This film is one of the best dramatizations of the eternal conflict between “progress” and natural order. Its absence from every movie list put out by Conservatism Inc. is a reminder not only of their lack of imagination, but that their worship of free enterprise puts them on the side of this movie’s villains, not the protectors of the old Gods. Available from YouTube.

Die Nibelungen (Germany)

Although Metropolis is better known, Die Nibelungen is Fritz Lang’s masterpiece. It is a sprawling epic drawn from classic European folklore and myths, and a reminder that silent films are still as watchable as ever. Available from Kino Lorber.

Brazil (UK)

There are a number of worthwhile films about totalitarianism (e.g. Alphaville, THX 1138, Gattaca, The Lives of Others), but 35 years after its release, Brazil is still the best. It has all the necessary ingredients: realism and fantasy, humor and emotion, violence and drama. Available from the Criterion Collection.

Uncle Kruger (Germany)

This is a Third Reich production, so it’s no surprise that you can’t find it on YouTube. The film is about the wise but doomed South African President Paul Kruger as he takes on the British Empire during the lead up to the Second Boer War and during the the struggle itself. Uncle Kruger never mentions Jews, has no beaming crowds of Germans or long pans across fascistic architecture. Stylistically, it’s like a Classic Hollywood epic, but it’s about an often neglected story of white fratricide. Available from International Historic Films.

Frank Jones #racist amren.com

RE: African Community Targeted in China Virus Crackdown

China needs diversity. I think Somalians will enjoy the climate and the cuisine more than what exists in Minnesota and Maine. They are all "People of Color" so should have an instant and deep connection. Let's make it happen.

Well short of sending planes flying over China and parachute dropping them or firing them ballistically into China from a big cannon; I don't see how it can be done. The Chinese clearly don't want them and don't have need for them. I don't think China is about to buy in to the "Diversity [with low IQ Blacks] is Our Greatest Strength" mantra either.

We didn't "buy in" either. Were the Chinese looking for a communist system? I would say no, however, these ideologies, and diversity is our social ideology as strong as the ideology in any communist system, are imposed from the top. We just haven't done enough to resist the plans of the elites.

Ship the Hondurans, Mexicans, Brazilians and Venezuelans there while we are at it.

Well it's all trade, right? You send millions of useless masks, we send millions of useless blacks and Latins.

Jon Know #racist amren.com

RE: Protesters Call for ICE to Release Detainees Because of Coronavirus

Naturally, a group calling itself "Trans Queer Pueblo" should have a lot of pull in a healthy and free society. Yes, the sarcasm drips rapidly into the toilet once called the USA.

Burrito-brain Maxima Guerrero calls on ICE to release illegal aliens.

Of course she does.

So...is she going to be opening the doors to her Trans Queer Pueblo? Hahaha!

Send them back home to Sinaloa. Maybe they can convince their familia y amigos in the cartels to stop with the cocaine, weed and beheadings for a while, and start making hydroxychloroquine.

Ladies and gentleman, the above is how you deal with people like this. I say this as a Hispanic.

As an American.

I respect your culture very much. Thank you for all that you have given the world.


Gregory Hood, Henry Wolff, and Paul Kersey #racist amren.com

The Great Replacement: New York City

This is the third in a series about the continuing disappearance of whites from American cities (see our earlier entries for Birmingham and Washington, D.C.). Many people still pretend that The Great Replacement is a myth or a conspiracy theory, but the graphs that accompany each article in this series prove them wrong. Every city has a different story but all have seen a dramatic replacement of whites by minorities.

It’s hard to believe that until 1980, New York City was overwhelmingly white — and it was traditionally conservative. Even during the Ellis Island period, it was a white city except for black Harlem. After the 1965 Immigration Act, the city turned multiracial and declined. Though it recovered in the 1990s and early 21st century, the white population is still declining, and the city is now a bastion of the far left.

New York started as New Amsterdam, a Dutch settlement seized by the English and renamed in 1664. The British controlled it for the entire period of the Revolutionary War; it was a loyalist stronghold. New York abstained in the critical independence vote on July 2, 1776. After the war, it was the headquarters for Andrew Hamilton and High Federalism. During the Civil War, many New Yorkers, especially working-class whites, sympathized with the Confederacy. Many blacks fled the city after the 1863 Draft Riots, and by 1865, there were fewer than 10,000 blacks left.

More than 12 million immigrants came through Ellis Island from 1892 to 1954. Almost all were white, though many were Italian, Eastern European, Jewish, or otherwise different from the Northern Europeans who founded the United States. This stopped after the 1924 Immigration Act, championed by Representative Albert Johnson. “It has become necessary that the United States cease to become an asylum,” he said. Today, the official House of Representatives website calls the bill a “legislative expression of the xenophobia, particularly towards eastern and southern European immigrants, that swept America in the decade of the 1920s.”

Of course, it wasn’t just migration from white nations that worried Americans. In 1910, central Harlem was about 10 percent black. By 1930, it was 70 percent black. By 1950, it was about 98 percent black, and Harlem was the center of American black cultural and intellectual life. It was also heavily leftist, with figures such as poet Langston Hughes and singer Paul Robeson supporting the Soviet Union and Joseph Stalin. In 1964, the Harlem race riot, which began after an off-duty police officer shot a black teenager, was the first major race riot of the decade.

However, Harlem was the exception, and the city stayed overwhelmingly white until after the 1965 Immigration Act, which opened the country to non-white countries. President Lyndon Johnson signed the bill on (Statue of) Liberty Island, with Ellis Island visible across the water. He claimed the bill would “strengthen us in a hundred unseen ways.” It didn’t.

After 1965, the Hispanic population grew and became more diverse. In the 1970s, Puerto Ricans were about 70 percent of Hispanics in the city, but now they are now less than a third. NYC’s Asian population has increased by 30 percent between 2000 and 2010.

When New York first started becoming heavily non-white, it entered a time of troubles, immortalized in films like 1976’s Taxi Driver. Many Americans remember the “Bronx is burning” incident, when a fire blazed just a few blocks away from Yankee Stadium during the World Series. Looting and violence during the 1977 power blackout showed that the city had almost no social capital. The filth and danger of 1970s became almost legendary. The 1992 AmRen article “The Late Great City of New York” paints a harrowing picture of the city at its worst.

But New York came back. Under mayors Rudy Giuliani and Michel Bloomberg, strict policing greatly reduced crime. Times Square, once a haven for peep shows and porn theatres, proudly hosts some of the most prestigious stores in the world. Scholar Heather MacDonald claimed in 2000 that the New York City Police Department was the “best urban police force” in the country. The city still has relatively low crime rates. Gentrification is transforming many neighborhoods, even Harlem.

Sadly, there’s trouble coming. Staten Island is the city’s one conservative and mostly white borough. Every other borough is majority non-white. Under far-left mayor Bill de Blasio, crime is increasing. Nonwhites have humiliated police by dumping water on them and vandalizing patrol cars. The coronavirus epidemic has hit New York state and city harder than any other region. When businesses shut down, burglars went to work.

New York city did not collapse when it lost its white majority. However, its revitalization was dependent on cutting the crime rate and stopping graffiti and public degeneracy. The current mayor, Bill de Blasio, has famously turned his back on the police. The city DA decided in 2018 to stop prosecuting subway turnstile hoppers, and in late 2019, there were unruly demonstrations calling for “No more cops” in the subway. Some of the old signs of collapse are back. Even the feared and hated squeegee men, whose elimination under Mayor Giuliani was widely seen as a crucial step back from the brink, have returned under the new mayor. Eliminating cash bail for many crimes means there are more criminals on the street.

These are changes that drive out the middle class, and for the first time in over a decade, the city is losing population (except for majority-white Staten Island.) Anyone who lived through New York City’s darkest days knows that civilization is fragile. Those days could come back.

John Doe #racist amren.com

The Despair of Being Mixed-Race

"It is not a virtue to have a 'multifaceted identity' — it is a burden."

I am a 27-year old mixed race man of German and Iranian heritage. My father was an all-American man from Ohio. He fell in love with my mother, who had fled Iran in 1979 during the Iranian Revolution. Iranians are often considered “white.” They assimilate very well into the United States, and value education and hard work. I never put “Asian” down for race when I’m filling out paperwork — especially since I’m half European anyway. For all my life, I’ve considered myself white.

My childhood was a happy one. We were an upper-middle class family: my mother studied accounting and became a savvy businesswoman, eventually becoming the CEO of a non-profit — a perfect example of an immigrant coming to America and becoming successful. She eventually made more money than my father, who was an electrical engineer. We lived near a tight-knit community of Iranians, and my grandmother — who played a big role in raising me — taught me bits and pieces of Farsi. At school I had two sets of friends, one white and one Iranian. Lunchtime seating arrangements were voluntarily segregated by — as is the way of things — and I would go back and forth between my two friend groups.

The problems with my split identity were clear by the time I was ten. Although I hung out with both groups, I was never really “one of them” in either case. The Iranian kids spoke fluent Farsi as I’d mumble in primitive, broken farsi mixed with English. The white kids were generally nice, but after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, there was always a certain distance between us. Not many ten-year olds know the difference between Sunni and Shia Muslims, I’m afraid.

As a teenager I spent a lot of time on the Internet, reading about politics, religion, and race. At the time, I spent a great deal of time thinking about religion. My mother wanted me to be a “good Muslim boy.” My father was rather apathetic about religion, but grew up in a Christian household. I was both torn between the two, and attracted to neither. What worried me was that both religions had one thing in common: each claimed that those who worship another God will be sent to hell. This scared me, but I eventually found the atheist community on YouTube, became a non-believer, and finally found peace and clarity on the topic of spirituality.

In the ensuing years, “identity politics” became more and more widely discussed. Initially, I scoffed at the whole thing. I was mixed and everything was fine. I took pride in my enlightened opinions. I touted my identity as multifaceted and complex. Race was irrelevant. I called myself liberal. I said I was immune to racism.

But none of that posturing does much to explain my experiences in school — or in my romantic life. Just as I switch back and forth between white and Iranian friends, I switch back and forth between white and Iranian girlfriends. I’ve had a fair number of flings and short term relationships, but never had a truly deep connection with any of them. None have had a background even similar to mine. Ideally I’d like to date a half-German half-Iranian woman, but statistically speaking, that’s not very likely. Moreover, most Iranian-American women my age want a fully white man. There are family pressures that further complicate things too. My maternal grandmother has asked me if I liked Iranian or American girls more . . . and it’s obvious what answer she is hoping for.

I was reminded of all of these issues recently, when I attended a friend’s wedding in Samarkand, Uzbekistan. It was a wonderful place, but it reminded me of what I don’t have in America. Its culture is very traditional and family oriented. I stayed at the home of the groom’s parents, and they treated me like family. The sacredness undergirding the traditions and cultures was apparent and inspiring. Uzbekistan’s homogeneity makes for an extremely friendly environment: complete strangers in the street speak to each other as if they were close friends. There is a strong sense of nationalism and pride in everything, as if the whole country was one big family. I could sense a level of flow and unity that was unimaginable in the United States. I asked myself, “Why don’t I feel this in my own country?”

The answer lies in my “multifaceted and complex” identity. It is, in fact, excessively multifaceted and complex. It keeps me from having strong roots. Too much complexity only leads to despair. Where is my sense of family? Where is my sense of brotherhood? Who is my woman? Who is my God? In my case, the answers to these existential questions are so multifaceted that they end up being spread too thin, leaving me rudderless. To pretend that race does not impact identity is a falsehood. Race is real and the evidence speaks for itself. It is not a virtue to have a “multifaceted identity” — it is a burden. This makes miscegenation a crime, one that bestows the tragedy of a conflicted identity on those who follow.

Bruce Snow #racist amren.com

Nothing Matters More than White Survival

I am a 22-year-old American man born to a Hispanic mother and a white father. Because of their busy work schedule, my maternal grandfather, a Korean War veteran, played a large role in raising me. He refused to teach me Spanish, believing that only English should be spoken in the country he was born in, taught me to love my country, and hated being called a “Mexican-American,” saying he was just American.

He was my main role model as a child, and I adopted his views. This was not received well by many Hispanics I went to school with. They accused me of “acting white” and sometimes even claimed I wasn’t really half Hispanic, regardless of my skin-tone. As I got older, that teasing often morphed into debates, with me always staking out a colorblind nationalist position. But the more I paid attention to current events, the more I came to realize I was an exceptional case. Most Hispanics had no interest in preserving any form of Western civilization. And in California, where I lived at the time, everyone avoided Hispanic neighborhoods because they were invariably dangerous, dirty, and unwelcoming. The only decent neighborhoods I saw were the white ones — and they were steadily being pushed out and replaced.

My racial awakening was further pushed along when I went on a vacation to Iceland with two friends. I loved the place. The people were kind and genuine, the streets were safe to walk at night, and many of its citizens still had pride in — and identified with — their nation. That has not been the case in America for some time. Iceland was also cleaner, and not near as commercialized as any part of the US I had ever been to.

A few months later, I got a job working at a warehouse in my hometown. There were many Hispanic employees there — of questionable legal status — and they immediately came to view me as a traitor. Though these Hispanics mostly ignored their non-Hispanic white colleagues, since I didn’t have blond hair or blue eyes, they expected me to speak Spanish, just as they did. When they discovered I only knew English, they openly mocked me for it, and apparently made me the butt of many jokes when they talked amongst themselves. I quit in disgust. But the experience made me realize just how important race is: I had felt more at home halfway across the Atlantic in Iceland, surrounded by tall, blue-eyed, blond Europeans, than I did at that warehouse not two miles from my own house.

Those whites — constantly demonized in media and the academy — were more accepting of me than the angry, spiteful, and racist Mexicans who lived in my own small city. Unfortunately, this goes a long way in explaining why whites are dying out, but Latin Americans aren’t. With my mixed ancestry, there will always be people who don’t think of me as white, but there’s no doubt that I am not nearly Mexican enough for Hispanics to ever accept me as one of them. I support a white Europe and a white America. I was raised in the USA and I am proud of it. I care deeply about the survival of the West and its people, and believe that all people who feel the same must set aside their differences about taxation, liberalism, and the like. White survival must be our highest priority.

Chris Roberts #wingnut #racist amren.com

Can Hispanics, Asians, and White Progressives Launch a Socialist Insurgency in the Western United States?

If not now, soon.

The fight for the Democrat presidential nomination is all but over. Joe Biden’s coalition of blacks, white suburbanites, and old people gave him one crushing victory after another, and — barring an act of God — he will face President Donald Trump in the general election. Senator Bernie Sanders failed to mount much resistance to Mr.. Biden nationally, but the democratic socialist’s successes in the West mean trouble for that region’s centrist Democrats. Mr. Sanders won the California primary and the Nevada caucus because of strong support from Hispanics and Asians in both states, neither of which had enough white moderates or blacks to stop him.

White advocates have long warned that America’s forthcoming non-white majority will end conservatism and destroy the Republican Party, but what is happening is more complex. Within the Democrat Party, a divide is forming along racial lines. There is a moderate wing backed by blacks and certain whites, particularly old people and suburbanites. Then there is a more leftist, or even socialist wing of younger and urban whites and non-black minorities. Mr. Sanders has twice demonstrated that the socialist wing can’t win at the national level — but it can win locally.

Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a good example. In 2018, with the backing of the Democratic Socialists of America, she launched a primary challenge against Joseph Crowley, a moderate white Democrat, in New York’s 14th Congressional district. Its racial makeup is 11 percent black, 16 percent Asian, 18 percent white, and 50 percent Hispanic. That makes it solidly blue (Hillary Clinton won it in 2016 with 76 percent of the vote), but it also means no black/white alliance backing a moderate can stop a progressive who attracts Hispanics and Asians. Two years ago, Mr. Crowley complained, “I couldn’t help being born white” and lost to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez by 15 points.

A similar election took place in California. Due to the Republican Party’s weakness and the state’s unusual election laws, in 2018, Senator Dianne Feinstein faced only one opponent in her bid for reelection: fellow Democrat Kevin de León, a progressive Hispanic. Though very few Americans would consider Mrs. Feinstein a “moderate,” her challenger ran to her left, claiming she didn’t oppose President Trump vigorously enough. He lost to her by less than ten points — 54.2 percent to 45.8 percent — and exit polls show that this race was similar to California’s primary:

Incumbents are very hard to beat; they win reelection at least 80 percent of the time. Mr. de León was running against a widely known figure who first won her Senate seat in 1992. You need a lot of money and staff to run against such an entrenched candidate, especially in a state of nearly 40 million people. Furthermore, as the more centrist of the two, Mrs. Feinstein presumably had the support of Republican voters in the general election. Even against all those obstacles, Mr. de León won with Hispanics — his own people and the state’s largest racial group — and lost most dramatically with blacks, the state’s smallest group. He also did better than Mrs. Feinstein’s last three Republican challengers, who won 37.5 percent of the vote in 2012, 35.0 percent in 2006, and 36.6 percent in 2000.

This November, another very prominent “moderate” white California incumbent will be tested against a younger, left-wing, non-white challenger. Nancy Pelosi is defending her seat against Shahid Buttar, a Pakistani democratic socialist. Her district covers most of San Francisco: 6 percent black, 15 percent Hispanic, 33 percent Asian, and 44 percent white. In other words, she has a good chance, but she’ll have to fight to win.

America’s Southwest will see more candidates like Mr. Buttar. Our nation’s rising tide of color is not uniform, and has plenty of internal divisions. That blacks are ending up in political coalitions at odds with Asians and Hispanics is an interesting development. But more important, far-left non-whites are increasingly challenging liberal whites. This should be a warning to those whites that this country is changing, and that no matter how enlightened they think they are, they’ll still be on the losing side in a non-white America.

Ron Liebermann #conspiracy #racist amren.com

This is very interesting. For those who don't know, the Governor of Virginia declared that no more than ten people may gather in a Church. It's a total ban against assembly. The question to be answered is how long the ban will remain in effect. There are two possible reasons for limiting the number of people who may gather at a Church. The first is legitimate: the Governor may feel that he's acting in the best interests of society. The second possible reason is that the government plans to implement some kind of "economic recovery" program, which requires that people admit strangers into their home. For example, moving black people out of the ghetto, and then placing them in the suburbs. If something like this happens, then there will naturally be resistance. And of course, the natural place for people to meet would be the Church. So that must not be allowed to happen.

Various Commenters #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: What the Virus Means for Us


This whole affair has exposed every ridiculous idea treasured by liberals (redundant, I know) as so much frivolous, boutique intellectualizing over nothing that really matters. When we have to get serious about something, no one has the time or desire to argue about who can use which bathroom, if men have periods, how everything is racist, how borders are a social construct and a million other things. Liberals are utterly useless when they're not completely destructive.


The Left is dishonest, need to be exposed as dishonest, immoral, in need of SINCERITY (.net).
Oh Miracle, Merkel suddenly can close the German border. But what is worse, only for legal citizens. The right to Asylum must never be infringed upon, thus Covid infected refugees are admitted if the say "Asylum" at the border. Furthermore, there seems to be a secret airlift and busing of unchecked refugees from Lesbos Greece and other places. Of course without SINCERITY, without clearly and openly telling the voter what they are doing. All the above truths stem from parliamentary freedom of information requests by the AfD party.

(Gabby Mouse)

It really was dumb getting rid of monarchies, kings preserved their countries for thousands of years to the best of their ability. Some of them died fighting invaders. A couple of centuries of 'democracy' and we're going down the tubes.

A monarch generally has "pride of ownership" if, indeed, he has powers he can exercise, a pride that doesn't exist for politicians. But we are beyond that, the future is republics with universal suffrage where the least intelligent and productive pick the leaders or various forms of dictatorship.

Well, the right kind of dictatorship could evolve into some kind of monarchy, too.

(Hubert Cumberdale)

Good luck being a young white man seeking a career after this. Forced workplace diversity is one of the fine print clauses which was passed. The elites KNOW that one of the most effective ways they can terminate opposition to their agendas is to deny white men an income by any means.


Young, unemployed white men might become a serious problem later on. They tend to become angry and then seek "non-approved" ideological alternatives. To the extent that corporate big-shots care about anything except the bottom line, they ought to care about this. It doesn't matter how much money you have; you can't buy your way out of a lynch mob, and you can't take the money with you.


They have been kicking white men out of manual labor the last 30 years! That's why so many white men have gotten on drugs. The elites have undercut all the manual labor white men with shoddy hispanic work!!

It's also making it incredibly difficult to instill younger white men with an elbow-grease work ethic because Hispanic migration has literally taken over just about every lawn, landscaping, house painting type job imaginable all over the country.

They are even taking over the Chick-fil-A jobs now which was the best possible fast food place a white teenager could work (by virtue of having far higher order clientele)

Out in my area, whites rarely get hired at any fast food/service jobs because hispanics are the hiring managers now and keep those jobs for their hispanic family and hispanic friends. The few whites that are lucky enough to get hired face reverse discrimination on the job. The hispanics make the job atmosphere unbearable for the whites

Ambrose Kane #wingnut amren.com

RE: Is It Time for Secession?

YES, we desperately need a secession. How much more obvious does it have to be that multicultural societies don't work and produce nothing but conflict? We need an amicable divorce. Unfortunately, we all know that the Left would never allow it under peaceful terms. They have a long history of murdering those who socially and politically differ from them.

Also, Leftists are determined to destroy this country and themselves. They're too stupid for their own good, and we cannot afford to follow their lead. We must separate from them as well, or at least that's what any sane secessionist movement would do when seeking to establish a new nation.

How this sort of thing would work out in practice is anyone's guess. I admit it's easier said than done, and I doubt any new nation that emerged from a secessionist movement would not make a host of mistakes at first. Still, I think it's the right direction that we should pursue.

Time will tell.

Jared Taylor #racist #wingnut amren.com

Is It Time for Secession?

Are the United States ripe for partition? Francis Herbert Buckley, a lawyer and academic who has taught at McGill and is now at George Mason School of Law, thinks they are. “In all the ways that matter, save for the naked force of the law, we are already divided into two nations just as much as in 1861,” he writes. “The contempt for opponents, the Twitter mobs, online shaming and no-platforming, the growing tolerance of violence — it all suggests we would be happier in separate countries.”

It’s a great step forward that a separatist can find a respectable publisher — even if it claims to sell “books for smart conservatives.” American Secession reports that there is a lot of support for separation and offers good reasons for it but, alas, only hints at the most compelling reason.

Prof. Buckley makes much of a 2018 poll that found fully 39 percent of Americans — including 42 percent of Democrats — wanted to secede. Presumably there would have been fewer secessionist Democrats under President Obama. Another 2018 poll found that 31 percent of Americans thought there would be a civil war within the next five years. I don’t take these numbers very seriously; wild talk is cheap. But I think Prof. Buckley is right to underline a recent Gallup finding that only 44 percent of Americans would be wiling to fight for their country. Surely, he is correct to say that far fewer would fight to stop an American state from seceding.

Many people think that 700,000 dead Civil War soldiers settled the question of secession, but Prof. Buckley disagrees. He argues that the Framers clearly thought the states had the right to secede. James Madison believed any attempt to keep states in by force would be wrong and “would look more like a declaration of war.” Virginia joined the United States with the express proviso that it had the right to bolt. New England states that didn’t like the War of 1812 didn’t debate the legality of secession; only whether to do it.

Abolitionist William Lloyd Garrison thought the slave-holding states should be expelled if they didn’t have the grace to leave, and wanted to hold a national Disunion Convention to expel then. On July 4, 1854, he told an Independence Day crowd that because the Constitution implicitly recognized slavery, it was “a covenant with death and an agreement with hell.” He then burned a copy, saying “So perish all compromises with tyranny!”

James Buchanan, who was president when the Southern states began to leave, believed they should not be forced to stay:

The fact is that our union rests upon public opinion, and can never be cemented by the blood of its citizens shed in civil war. If it cannot live in the affections of the people, it must one day parish.

Before South Carolina hotheads fired on Fort Sumter, even Abraham Lincoln wavered: “Would the marching of an army into South Carolina . . . without the consent of her people, and in hostility against them, be coercion or invasion? I very frankly say, I think it would be invasion.”

Prof. Buckley reminds us that even now, there is one way to leave that everyone would agree is legal. The Founders believed the federal government would never give up power voluntarily — they were right — and that’s why they wrote Article V of the Constitution. It lets the states bypass the federal government to amend or even abolish the Constitution. If 34 state legislatures agree, there will be a constitutional convention at which anything goes. If 38 states then ratify the changes, that’s the new constitution — which could recognize secession or even sanction a partition. “Secession cannot be unconstitutional,” writes Prof. Buckley, “when there’s a constitutional way of making it happen, through a constitutional convention.”

I don’t think any of that would be necessary, because the federal government wouldn’t today invade a seceding state. As I wrote nine years ago, Americans don’t have the stomach to slaughter fellow Americans just to keep their corpses within the union. If a state wanted to make a serious go of it — especially for “progressive” reasons — the coast is clear, and as Prof. Buckley notes, these days, it is lefties who promote secession.

One of the best-known breakaway movements is in California, and Mr. Trump’s 2016 victory gave it a boost. The state already has legal marijuana despite federal drug laws and it loves illegal immigrants. The “Calexit” movement is run by people who think: “California loses billions of dollars every day [in federal taxes] supporting states whose people hate us and our culture. Let’s keep our taxes in California and invest in our people first.” Prof. Buckley notes that this sounds like “California first” or even “make California great again” and almost implies an anti-conservative immigration policy. The point is, many Californians hate Donald Trump and want out.

Vermont is so full of goofy liberals it has Bernie Sanders for a senator; it has also long been a nest of secessionists.

The Cascadia movement would make an independent country out of Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia and would, as Prof. Buckley puts it “unite people with the same kinds of ideas about the environment, Starbucks and yoga.” If the President gets a second term, Prof. Buckley can imagine Democrats calling for resistance in the streets.

They already have. The manager of a Red Hen restaurant proudly refused service to White House press secretary Sarah Sanders, and a woman jostled and screamed at White House counselor Kellyanne Conway. Black congresswoman Maxine Waters then urged Democrats to mob and humiliate any Trump cabinet members they saw in public.

This is all part of the nastiness Prof. Buckley says is a sign of irreconcilable differences. Examples he cites are a 2017 article in Foreign Policy — not normally a crackpot magazine — claiming that “for the first time in America’s history, a Nazi sympathizer occupied the Oval Office.” Prof. Buckley also remembers that when Michelle Obama said that “when they [our opponents] go low we go high,” Attorney General Eric Holder corrected her: “No, no, when they go low, we kick them.” When Republican Senator Rand Paul was attacked and suffered six broken ribs and lung damage, MSNBC host Kasie Hunt laughingly said it was one of her “favorite stories.” Reporters routinely write vile stories about Republicans that would have got them fired in more civil times, but the point of today’s journalism is, in Prof. Buckley’s words, to let readers “feast on their hatreds.”

The last go at secession didn’t end well, and perhaps because he was born in Canada, Prof. Buckley understands something about it most Americans don’t: The further we get from the Civil War, the more we are supposed to revile the Confederates. The people who were actually trying to kill each other became friends. President Grant invited Robert E. Lee for a visit to the White House, and on the 50th anniversary of Pickett’s charge, veterans from both sides met on Cemetery Ridge and embraced each other. There was a popular television series, The Grey Ghost, in which Confederates were the heroes, and, as Prof. Buckley writes, “From their defeat, white southerners were permitted to retain some measure of dignity in the memory of their battlefield heroes.” Not anymore. Anything Confederate or even Southern is worse than leprosy, and “if millions of people in one section of the country are told they’re presumptively evil, and that the presumption really can’t be rebutted, they’re going to wonder if they belong somewhere else.”

But as Prof. Buckley recognizes, there is an even more testy divide: “Now the divisions are broader than North versus South. It’s liberals versus conservative and especially progressives versus Trump supporters.” “In our politics,” he adds, “we are already two nations.” One likely split would be to hive off the two coasts and leave the middle, making three countries.

That would make smaller countries, but Prof. Buckley says they would be better countries. He makes much of the fact that the people who claim to be the happiest in the world live in small countries (he ignores the fact that they live in white countries). They have governments that are close to the people and if they are homogenous, they have a sense of community. One disadvantage of big countries is that they spend more than they need to on weapons. America, China, and Russia don’t need anything like all the firepower they have, but their leaders like being able to swagger around the globe. Prof. Buckley thinks their citizens may not care. In the United States, it is the 700 to 1,000 defense-industry lobbyists — about two per congressman — who keep the defense budget fat.

The military-industrial complex is a good example of the dangers of size. Prof. Buckley argues that big countries have a lot of corruption because their governments spend huge sums people love to divert. He makes an interesting point: The kinds of political corruption that are actually illegal — bribery, extortion, mail fraud, vote-buying — are the least of our problems. Campaign contributions and lobbying are far worse, and are perfectly legal. After they leave office, about half of all congressmen become lobbyists, and make much more than they ever did as “public servants.” While they’re in office, they vote on bills with an eye to pleasing their future paymasters.

Prof. Buckley does note one clear advantage of size: free trade. Imagine, he writes, what it was like under the Articles of Confederation, with states taxing goods from other states. However, this problem could be solved through a common market of the kind that has enriched Europe.

Prof. Buckley recognizes that outright secession is unlikely, despite its advantages, so he proposes a middle ground: home rule. States would make all their own laws but leave foreign policy to the feds. All the hot issues — same-sex marriage, gun rights, abortion, public prayer, drug laws — would be thrashed out locally. If Americans were free to move to whatever state suited them, everyone could find a place to be happy.

This, is of course, was what the Founders wanted, and until the 20th century, and the federal government touched most people only when they went to the post office. Now, as Prof. Buckley points out, the feds want to run our lives for us. They are helped by a Supreme Court that has become the final arbiter of tough problems and forces the same solutions on every state. Federalism was supposed to be a compromise to get the best of both small and large government, but a ruthlessly centralizing United States is destroying all the advantages of smallness.

Home rule would be much better than what we have now. American Secession is fine as far as it goes, but it doesn’t go far enough. Prof. Buckley does note that “diversity” is not an advantage for a country, but I don’t remember a single occurrence of the word “race.” Prof. Buckley admits that at one time the country was coherent — British and Protestant — “but if we were ever that, we’re certainly not that today.” He goes on: “Our constitution has been justly admired, but it was made for a citizenry very different from the angry Americans of today.” And on: “The constitution was designed for another country, one in which people agreed on fundamental principles, and that’s not today’s America.”

What happened to yesterday’s America? Prof. Buckley gives us a hint with one of his diagnoses of why the country is splitting apart politically: “With their identity politics, the Democrats have become the intersectional party of racial and sexual minorities, of immigrants and feminists.” This is certainly true, but Prof. Buckley fails to note that the most bitter and enduring fault line is race. Instead, he trots out nonsense: “Other countries have their common cultures or religions. What America has is an idea that constitutes our identity as Americans, and that idea is liberalism in the classical sense.” The Founders would have been astounded to be told that they were starting a country with an identity that was nothing but an idea.

Prof. Buckley also argues that no secession movement would repeal civil rights laws or follow racial contours. That might be true for goofy-liberal secessionists in California or Vermont, but a split along current political-party lines, would be implicitly racial. As the partition was worked out, the racial divide might even become explicit.

It is strange that conservatives are so unwilling to recognize the importance of race while liberals, in their perverse way, are often obsessed with it. Still, this book is progress. Anyone who recognizes that people are better off separate — for whatever reason — is preparing the way for the kind of racial separation that many whites yearn for.

IstvanIN #racist amren.com

RE: Long Walk to Freedom: Xenophobia Continues Against African Migrants in Johannesburg South Africa

DeKlerk was a fool not to go for an Afrikaner state. The Zulus would have gone along if it meant their own kingdom. Let the Bantus and the "English" have their rainbow mess.

Gregory Hood #racist amren.com

Could ‘The Turk’ Reunite Europe?

Back in 2017, European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker said Hungary and Poland’s opposition to mass migration would have caused the EU to reject them if they weren’t already member states. An investigation that same year found Angela Merkel had violated German law when she opened the borders to migrants, but she still claimed she would do nothing differently. French president Emmanuel Macron criticized the Italian government in 2018 for not accepting an “NGO” boat loaded with refugees.

Many European leaders like the positive press they get for supporting immigration, but they usually don’t want migrants settling in their countries. Angela Merkel wants them settled in a “fairer” way, which means she wants them spread around because they are burden. President Macron’s France dumped refugees in Italy. Former Italian deputy prime minister Salvini said Italy must not be the “refugee camp of Brussels, Paris, Berlin.” European leaders want to spread the cost of immigration.

The obvious solution would be a collective effort to stop the flow. Instead, Europeans keep trying to dump unwanted migrants on each other — until now. Turkey may be forcing Europeans finally to take a common stand.

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan recently said he was opening the borders with Europe and encouraging millions of people to go. He says he might stop if the EU gives him political and economic benefits. He now says Greece’s attempts to control migrants were “no different” than what the Nazis did.

President Erdogan is showing the world that “refugees” are a weapon for use against enemies. While Time, the New York Times, Jacobin, and CNN try to build sympathy for migrants, Greeks have had enough. Their country has sent troops to the border and is using tear gas and water cannon on migrants. Civilian patrols are helping nab anyone who gets through. The head of the Greek Orthodox Church went to the border to bless the guards. In a joint effort, Greece and Bulgaria flooded the Evros River — a natural boundary with Turkey — to stop infiltrators.

European leaders must stop migrants or be embarrassed by doing the bidding of an Islamic authoritarian. And they are finally showing some backbone. Austrian chancellor Sebastian Kurz said he was “grateful that Greece and the Greek government are protecting the Greek and European borders.” Current European Commission head Ursula von der Leyen called Greece a “European shield.” The EU is sending more money.

Talks between the EU and Turkey that were supposed the solve the crisis broke down yesterday, and President Erdogan left without participating in a joint press conference. For now, the EU hasn’t surrendered to blackmail, and even Angela Merkel says Turkey’s behavior is “unacceptable.”

Not long ago, it seemed that Turkey could become an EU member. Boris Johnson supported the plan. Today, now-Prime Minister Boris Johnson is leading the United Kingdom out of the EU and Turkish membership is out of the question. It makes more sense to expel Turkey from NATO than to bring it into European institutions.

“The Turk” has always been a foe to Europe. We should thank President Erdogan for reminding us. Turkish police are diving migrants into Europe. Turkish nationalist gangs are reportedly forcing non-Turks out of the country. Mr. Erdogan has shown the world migrants are a burden and a threat, and has embarrassed EU leaders into standing with Greece. He then has the gall to accuse Greece, a country occupied by the Third Reich, of Nazi tactics. Journalists lobbying for more migration will have a hard time justifying such cynicism.

American Renaissance annually “honors” a White Renegade of the Year — the white person who did us the most damage. Perhaps we need to start naming the Most Useful PoC of the Year. President Erdogan has my vote, so far. He’s making our arguments for us. We couldn’t have done it any better.

Gregory Hood #wingnut #racist amren.com

What Next for the Democratic Socialists of America?

“I want to firebomb the White House,” said leftist activist Sythan Pok, “and you can quote me on that.” Politico did so in a respectful article about the “young left.” If someone said this at an American Renaissance conference, I’d predict swift federal action, and in-depth investigations about who to blame for “radicalization.” However, one of the nice things about being on the hard Left is that you never have to say you’re sorry. It also means you can keep organizing, agitating, and building power without much media or government scrutiny.

Bernie Sanders’s once surging campaign collapsed because the moderate wing of the party threw its weight behind Joe Biden, and Senator Sanders tried to appeal to woke non-whites instead of white workers. However, like the prediction that Texas will eventually go blue, this “political revolution” hasn’t been prevented, just delayed. It will take a different form than the one Mr. Sanders expected.

The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) has grown 10-fold since 2016, according to organizer Kristin Porter. Just a few years ago, MAGA events around the country attracted white advocates, paleoconservatives, and traditional conservatives. These groups are weaker today. Conservatism Inc. tolerates far fewer nationalists within its ranks than it used to. Socialist groups are stronger than ever and already have many elected officials.

Many young socialists are driven by race and cultural issues. Mr. Pok says he was “the only brown kid in Utah.” (Unfortunately, this is not true, especially because the Mormon Church supports non-white immigration.) Another leftist organizer, Hunter Quaffman, says he is “queer.” Nikki Velamakanni says young people, “especially young people of color,” have a socialist vision for America. Another socialist says that though Senator Sanders probably won’t win, he’ll be “just as excited on behalf of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez when she runs for president.” These young activists clearly think in terms of race.

Senator Sanders started a movement, but he won’t finish it. He lacks the toughness to fight like a real revolutionary. He also promotes broad programs that would theoretically benefit white working class people. Non-whites would gain relatively less. I’m not a socialist. I doubt such programs would work, especially with open borders and a majority non-white population. However, whites are already subsidizing non-whites. We already have a sort of racial socialism.

What’s coming next will not be Senator Sanders’ “democratic socialism,” but the racial socialism of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, and Rashida Tlaib. The Green New Deal, a supposedly universal program, has set-asides for non-whites. Miss Tlaib and others support reparations. The last DSA conference was extremely “woke,” with outraged delegates on the floor protesting “gendered language.” Senator Sanders, for most of his career, defended broad social programs and disdained identity politics. After him, democratic socialism will be driven by racial grievances.

In the short term, socialists will blame the Democratic National Convention (DNC), the media, and establishment candidates for consolidating behind Joe Biden. One Bernie Sanders campaign organizer has already promised Milwaukee “will burn” if Bernie Sanders doesn’t get the nomination. My colleague Chris Roberts predicts at least some “radicalized” leftists will conclude there is no political solution and will turn to violence, as the Weather Underground did.

My response is that this has already happened, and almost no one noticed. A Sanders supporter shot Congressman Steve Scalise in 2017. Willem Van Spronsen used an unregistered AR-15 to attack an ICE facility, but the normally anti-gun media barely covered the story. The Trump Administration has not gone after antifa groups, leftist gun groups, or radical political movements even after attacks on government personnel and property. Instead, the FBI is arresting Trump supporters, such as those in the Rise Against Movement.

Still, it is a good thing Bernie Sanders did not win the Democrat nomination. He was the last candidate who could sell socialism to working-class whites. His non-white replacements are ethnic chieftains and media mascots, not leaders of a mass movement.

The DSA organizes freely. Socialist podcasts can raise money on Patreon while white advocates have a hard time keeping a credit card processor or a bank account. According to Jack London’s The Iron Heel and Noam Chomsky’s theories about power, the corporate press should be supporting reactionaries. Instead, it gives self-avowed communists generally favorable media coverage as they post almost whatever they want on social media, raise money, sell merchandise, and host podcasts.

There will be Bernie maniacs. There might be violence or some demonstrations at the DNC, assuming the coronavirus doesn’t cancel it. That won’t discredit the socialists, who are in a much stronger position than white advocates. We don’t have legal and financial protection, nor can we openly organize without a tremendous fight.

Conservatives shouldn’t be complacent. Just as demographic change eventually dooms conservatism, it also dooms capitalism. The difference between a President Sanders and a President Ocasio-Cortez is that she would think in terms of race rather than class. It would be South Africa style “socialism,” or redistribution of wealth on racial, not class grounds.

Some white leftists may become racially conscious when the new socialist movement casts them out. Others may claim to be non-white or queer, or use some other way to avoid being associated with whites and the historic American nation. The new socialist movement will be a tribal hodgepodge, unified by its contempt for traditional American history and culture. These new socialists will have plentiful resources. They will be dangerous foes.

However, there’s also an opportunity. There is still a political opening for nationalist policies that will help American workers, defend national sovereignty, and advance white interests. The coronavirus outbreak is more evidence that America needs sovereignty and independence, not more globalism and mass immigration. The Republican Party can still become the “workers party” President Trump promised during the 2016 campaign, even if he didn’t complete the transformation.

Whites, “left” or “right,” must unite to fight for our interests. This campaign has already shown white “Bernie Bros” what the DNC thinks of them. While some leftists will drift into bitterness or even violence, far more will join our ranks. The “libertarian to alt-right” pipeline is dry, but I think the “Bernie Bro to Dissident Right” pipeline is about to open up for business.

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