
superstport #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

[Thread title: "ToE = Dumb and Dumber"]

Quoting Sir Fred Doyle: "No matter how large the environment one considers, life cannot have had a random beginning. Troops of monkeys thundering away at random on typewriters could not produce the works of Shakespeare, for the practical reason that the whole observable universe is not large enough to contain the necessary monkey hordes, the necessary typewriters, and certainly not the waste paper baskets required for the deposition of wrong attempts. The same is true for living material."

Do you evos get this logic? He's talking about the origin of life, but the random origin of a new body part is no different, at least in theory: If there are 10s of thousands of different pieces of anatomy in humans, for every 1 selectable part that arose in the right place at the right time, there must be literally thousands (or more like millions) of misfits for which selection would have to dispense with....either that or we should be seeing all sorts of weirdo, massively-freakish animals walking/swimming/crawling around.

[Then he/she rambles into the sunset with the "eye argument"]

David JB #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

This confuses "creation" with a plant growing. The plants were already in existance prior to this, the verse simply states they hadn't sprouted. Second, you'll note in the description above it completely ignores the fact that plants were created prior to the sun, moon and stars. Plants: Day 3. Sun, Moon, stars: Day 4.

carico #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

So if atheists want to be treated as intelligent adults, then they need to start speaking from knowledge rather than ignorance. They also need to stop making foolish & contradictory statements with no proof for them.That's a sure way to look foolish. Otherwise, there are
only 3 options when dealing with atheists:

1) Coddle them like children in elementary school

2) Tell them their contradictions are not contradictions & that they are smart, rational people for making contradictory statements

3) Treat them as intelligent adults who are lying through their teeth

4) Ignore them all together.

Jewpiter #conspiracy christiandiscussionforums.org

Kosovo-Afganistan, as a Cash cow, for the US, will always remain a Fairytale. US government is creator of phony conspiracies, in order to create an appearance of conspiracy, discarded by "democracy". So people of the US, who are the only ones who can "question" US government, can see how their government is bounded by "democracy". Extremely simple game, you create "Watergate", few patsies are "taken care of", and people love US government, because It is so righteous.

carmmary #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

You being an atheist have no right to use anything from the Bible to either comment on or have any kind of reaction to - since you dont believe in the author of it - God - so therefore you have given up your right to have an opinion about it. And you cannot declare it is "ridiculous" or any such a thing. And you cannot interpret it since you reject it and its author - God. You being an athiest do have the right to comment on something you would know about - secular humanistic documents. But God's Word, no, sorry, you are not even worthy to comment on God's sacred book.

Coadie #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

Teaching Darwinism is teaching sorcery. As a scientist, darwinism is a tumor growing on a legit field. It is fading. the hard core atheists are clinging and desparate. Piltdown man is dead. It discovered the psychopathology in the darwinian movement.

Dreidel1913 #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

I think you've got it backwards. Atheism is a religion which is trying to pull the wool over our eyes by pretending its doctrines are affirmed by evolution, thus giving us the FALSE illusion that Atheism = Science. In this endevour, they seek to monopolize evolution as their own, which is completely arbitrary.

Supersport #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

15.) The theory of evolution is supported almost completely by atheists...and atheists don't have just a great track record for telling the truth. Lying comes natural for them, as they don't believe in The 10 Commandments and see nothing wrong with lying, cheating, stealing, murdering, etc....because, hey, we're all just dumb machines that operate by random chemicals bouncing into each other. To them, (or many of them) telling lies and killing Christians is a good thing because they hate Christians and wish we were dead.

Supersport #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

I'm also coming to the conclusion -- through my own "science-less" investigation -- that cancer is not actually a "disease" at all. Sounds weird, but tumors are actually the body's defense mechanism that kicks into gear to surround the cells that are out of control. The formation of a tumor is actually a self-defense mechanism designed to control the spread of the problem...therefore when science cuts tumors out of people, they are actually causing the cancer to spread!

Trinidad & Tobago #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

Name me one bad thing President George Bush has done while in office. You can't name any. Many democrats and liberals were so angry with him getting into office not once ,but twice because they know that the Republican Canidate was divinely inspired. They do not have God on their side, and they are sour and bitter over it.

Lightwave #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

Dinosaurs didn't eat meat. They ate plants the Creator provided for them, no doubt in a form, texture and consistency befitting their tooth structure.

I reject your claim that the dinosaurs went extinct before mankind appeared.

This is mythology with no basis in fact, and assumes veracity of highly flawed dating methods.

For as many evolution-mongers as you say support the dating methods as accurate, there are as many evolution-mongers who say they are not.

The conclusion is that they cancel each other out (as usual) and we are back to interpretation of rocks and bones that cannot speak for themselves.

Ever seen a dinosaur eat meat? (I don't think so)

Lots of animals have "menacing teeth" but are not carnivores - carnivory is the exception in the animal kingdom..

lightwave #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

the resurrection is the most historically verifiable event of all human history.

Historians deny this at the risk of their own credibility - even unbelievers do not deny it.

You can say it never happened, fine. It would be like saying we never landed on the Moon, or that WWII never happened.

scarlets79 #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

[when informed that modern day 'living fossils' feature many differences to their actual fossil counterparts such as modern day crocodiles having different leg structure when compared to their ancient ancestors.]

they're still sharks, crocodiles... that's how you can identify them. Think about it.

jael #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

Obama is the Anti-Christ
He is uniting people behind a false image of hope. He is an expert orator who says he will solve problems but he doesn't tell us how.

He is a Judas Goat that speaks against the war in Iraq and Iran yet recommends the invasion of Pakistan.

He will run with Hilary the Great Whore upon his back as his partner.

He will speak peace, but their will be no peace.

The people on the ships will sit on the ocean and witness the middle-east burn.

A great earth-quake will strike Jerusalem destroying the Dome of the Rock. Israel will try to rebuild the Temple. Syria, Jordan, Saudi-Arabia and Kuwait and the other countries of the Middle-east will attack Israel.

All Armeggedon will break loose.

I suggest the following motto for Obama.

A vote for Obama will be a vote for the Second Coming of Christ!

Uberbeliever #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

[This ENTIRE thread is an overload of stupid!]

What is evolution? It's a religious cult. The same religion that fueled the Panet of the Apes type fantasy. Evos are hopeful that this "scientific" process will eventually take place, making chimps grow smarter to eventually use as servants.

The biggest problem I have with their religion is that this process would take a very, very long time to take place. Probably millions. Life would have no time for this, as existence has been here for roughly 6,000 years (give or take a few). It simply could not have happened.

supersport #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

[In your view, what makes the two strands of the double-helix come together?]

same thing that causes heart cells to become heart cells and liver cells to become liver cells and pancreas cells to become pancreas cells soon after the moment of conception ------- it's called the mystery of life.

["Mystery of life", eh? Those of us with a some education in basic biology and chemistry call it "hydrogen bonds".]

[That would be grade 11 highschool biology, the class I am currently taking. I guess you never made it that far huh sport?]

tell me more about -- and give me a picture of exactly what this is....also what makes these do what they do?...and don't you dare resort to ignorance.

supersport #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

so when the government tells people to slip on a shirt, slap on some sunscreen and slip on a hat, what part of that scenario includes getting sun? Also, why was that one researcher asked to RESIGN for his assertion that people aren't getting enough sun? This is what makes me nausiated about science. It's not necessarily that they're wrong, it's that there is an underground current that I believe secretly is pulling for people (especially colored people) to die....(after, of course, science takes their life savings out of their bank accounts and out of their insurance company.) Medical science -- specifically biotech -- is nothing but a seedy, shady, corrupt operation that needs to be stopped.

Scarlets79 #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

The atheists could sense that the world was turning back to religion, so they got desperate and unleashed Dawkins, Hitchens and others.

They were outraged when evangelical Christians came out and voted Bush in twice. I wish the Brits cared as much for our leaders' faiths and morals as a voting criteria.

supersport #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

...but if these dinos are only a few thousand years old, then any and all other so-called "old" creatures must not be old at all. This means any and all radiometric dating must be flawed and the whole old-earth paradigm slides down the pipes of the intellectual toilet where it belongs with all the other excrement.

supersport #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org


I hope this movie is big. If so, it might just open up the eyes of some of the masses who've been completely and totally dumbed down by the scientific community. If there's one thing ToE can't stand, it's an informed, educated public....a public that knows the whole story -- both sides -- not just one. As this documentary reveals, there's a very good reason why darwinists are so hostile towards creationists and IDists.....but I won't spoil it here....it's in the clip.

Supersport #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

earth to Mark....science very rarely admits its wrong....about anything. Scientists don't like showing up their comrads.....it's a little game they play: "I won't step on your toes if you don't step on mine." And your little challenge, the way it is worded, is virtually impossible to beat because the way science generally dates rocks is by the fossils they find in them. Therefore, there is almost no way to prove circular reasoning because re-dating a fossil has nothing to do with the dating of the rock -- it's all about assumptions made on the date of the fossil. I'm sure fossils are redated all the time -- but it's not because the rock changed or that they misdated the rock because of the rock it was in ------ they just simply re-date the fossil whenever they want, plain and simple.

supersport #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

[supersport demonstrates that he always does his research]

So Derwood, who doesn't believe the mind can accomplish anything -- at least his can't because he doesn't believe he has one that can accomplish anything constructive -- how exactly does the placebo effect work....you know, where your thoughts and belief's cure disease? do you believe in such a thing, or do you just play the denial game with that too? And if you don't play the denial game, what exactly is this MECHANISM for the placebo effect. If you care to answer that you will have your answer as to what the MECHANISM is for the mind generating new, adaptive physical traits....you know, that "mechanism" that science is chicken to test? I would suggest whatever strange entity is responsible for the placebo effect is the same strange entity responsible for new, adaptive physical traits in organisms.


Supersport #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

...I believe evolutionary science is full of intellectual chickens. This type of experiment should have been conducted thousands of times by now -- maybe millions of times in the past 100 years. Yet, not even ONCE has it been. And you know why??? -- it's because what we are dealing with is pure evil. Darwinism is the root of all evil and these individuals are not only afraid of the truth, but they react badly to it. They are afraid of experiments that might overthrow their precious kook Darwinian roadside bomb, mental parasite, circus-monkey of a theory...

darknights #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

are there any changes that could affect in the weight of the earth getting heavier? within a decade or so earths population has exploded and births exceed the number of deaths. given that over 10 billion people are born each year, and lets say that 7 billion die a year thats about 3 billion a year.(these are very rough and only for discussion) 3 billion times 10 years of course is 30. so if we say each person on average is about 150 lbs. thats 4500 billion lbs. (4.5 trillion i thinklbs) extra weight every decade added to the earth. has anyone looked at the affects?

[Apparently he never got it, despite patient explanations...]

scarlets79 #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

Evolution: Doctrine of death
As we’ve discussed previously, evolution is a foundation for the humanist/atheist religions.
The Christian worldview presents a doctrine of life, with death an unwelcome intrusion due to sin. Death will be with us from Adam’s sin until the Day of Judgement.

The atheist/humanist/heathen/materialist worldview, based on evolution theories, present a doctrine of eternal death. Death always has been, is, and always will be. Death is part of the mechanism of creation via evolution. Death of the unborn is considered a positive thing for society. The tragedy for the atheist worldview is that it is a doctrine of death but with no explanation for death. This doctrine has been confirmed as doctrine of death by the blood of 150,000,000 people who have died due to atheist governments in the failed atheist 20th century. Death, death, death.

Doctrine of life offers life for eternity.
Doctrine of death offers hell for eternity.
You choose your destiny. No appeals. Blaming others won’t wash. Blaming scientific ideas won’t wash. The only thing that washes the sins away is the precious blood of Jesus Christ.

supersport #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

[supersport explains the fossil record]

But anyway, as I said, evolutionists -- the geniuses they are -- equate size with how primitive a creature is. For years darwinists claimed that horses started out as a tiny dog-sized creature and then as they became more evolved -- ie..more complex -- they grew larger. Likewise they say the rat and the human had a common ancestor -- which obviously was a smallish rodent-type human. It was only as this creature became more evolved/complex that it grew in size. (Gotta love this logic, don't you?)

But let's move on to the geologic column: The basic story when it comes to fossils in the geologic column is that the lower strata is older than the higher stratas. And since the geologic column supposedly represents millions of years of Earth's history, then obviously the fossils in each of the layers must be the same age as the layer in which they are found. But what evolutionists like to point out is the progression from the most "simple" (ie...small) organisms, such as bacteria and worms -- to the most complex (ie..large) organisms -- such as vertebrates and mammals.

So, what they've evidently found in the fossil record is a progression from the small to the large, starting from the lower levels and working upwards.

So how do mixed nuts work into this? Glad you asked.

My wife bought a large can of mixed nuts the other day and I've been indulging in them. Of course, like most cans of mixed nuts, the ratio of peanuts to other nuts such as almonds, cashews and pecans is out of whack -- with far too many peanuts. As a result I noticed that shaking the can has a way of bringing the larger nuts to the top.


Interestingly, it's this concept that seems quite plausible in regards to the geologic column; whenever the earth moves or the crust shifts or trembles, it could very well be that the smaller organisms (ie.."primitive") fall through the cracks and find themselves in lower strata more easily than larger organisms might. Same concept when water flows down through the earth: it's certainly more likely to drag smaller/"primitive" fossils downward than it is to drag larger fossils.

This might explain why single-celled organisms find their way to the lowest levels, followed by trilobites fish, crabs, snails, birds, small mammals, etc. This could give the impression of a neatly-sorted geologic column, no?

Why have I never heard this explanation from evolutionists?

kkll4ever #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

[A dear friend of mine has just lost his partner of 30 years. His grief is indistinguishable from the grief of a bereaved heterosexual person in the same circumstances. Shall I tell him not to grieve, that he can easily find another outlet for his sex drive?]

And what is your point? But he felt grief, his grief make homosexuality a justified sin.

People grieve for the lost of dead animals just a much. Grief/human emotion is not how you discern the righteousness of God. Simply pick up the Bible and read it. God's righteousness in contained therein and cannot be found any other place. God's righteousness is not in man.

revdaneeidson #fundie #sexist #homophobia christiandiscussionforums.org

The girly boy pansie he she sissy feminine softy man disease prevents pervert homos from seeing God has commanded his children to judge the wicked. The she he whorish lezbos and the girly men homosexuals teach the false doctrines I addressed in a previous post. This underscores my point. I posted the verses below in a previous post under this thread but yet still, the girly boy men and the he she manly lezbos still refuse to accept the whole counsel of God's word. Jesus called the lot of them "dogs" in Revelation 22:15. It is an accurate description because dogs eat their own fecal piles and the fecal piles of other dogs, have intercourse with young puppies, roll around in filth, driven by lust and mate in packs and hump even many other male dogs in large groups, and are driven to wallow in vile trash. It is no accident God chose the animal, the "dog", to describe the lifestyle of homosexuals.

Simple_Mind #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

Other "advantages" of being an atheist
There is no objective moral right and wrong so you can:

1) Rape women and laugh about it to your friends

2) Kill children just for the fun of it

3) Have sex with animals

4) Kill millions of people because they are a different race or are religious

5) Lie

6) Cheat

7) Steal

8) Murder

9) Kill babies and call it abortion and dehumanize those being killed

10) Cheat on your wife and abandon your own children

If atheism is true and there is no objective right or wrong then the above actions can never be wrong; they can only be a personal opinion of a person, culture or society. If there is no God, then there is no justice for those killed and no consequences.

darknights #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

Just when you think somebody's cornered the market for dumbest post ever...

earths weight growing?
are there any changes that could affect in the weight of the earth getting heavier? within a decade or so earths population has exploded and births exceed the number of deaths. given that over 10 billion people are born each year, and lets say that 7 billion die a year thats about 3 billion a year.(these are very rough and only for discussion) 3 billion times 10 years of course is 30. so if we say each person on average is about 150 lbs. thats 4500 billion lbs. (4.5 trillion i thinklbs) extra weight every decade added to the earth. has anyone looked at the affects?

Am #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

I was told recently here that a quote of mine was FSDT material. So I went over there and sure enought I have a few quotes of mine. They seemed silly, I admit, and even I can laugh at myself sometimes. Actually it was fun to see.

However, when I looked at the comments I was horrified. Some of the most vile, disgusting, vulgar, obscene, and hateful things were said to me. In addition it said if you want to make a comment check this box if you are a human. Not only did they decide to give me a label of a fundie, but they decide that fundies are not humans.

All they do is spit out venenous hate that states things such as fundies should die and shouldnt be alive.

Isnt this a crime? Isn't this covered under cyberstalking or hate crime laws? They are a racist hate group that even encompasses whoever THEY decide to stick a label of fundie on!

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