
Hate, fear, prejudice against the other 1.84467440737e+19 genders

Tainted Slav #wingnut #dunning-kruger #enbyphobia #transphobia #psycho doomer.boards.net

Unlike the "stunning and brave" caste of XYZ challenged degenerates I don't have to lie to myself that IF I do A, B and C my life will miracously get better because I will be a new man, somehow. No, it will not get better, and this "new" will be jast a sick, wicked masquerade gone too far. Yeah sure call me transphobic because of this but I spell what's essentially and realistically true. Ignore or deny, it will not change the actual state of things. That's first.Second, whatever you like it or not but:1. There always will be people that are homophobic, mainly because homoseuality is against their life staples and the ways of their social mentality compass (like in my case although I know some gays IRL, even worked with a bunch and can confirm they were whining spoiled brats)2. There always will be people that are transphobic because no healthy people would suggest to themselves "boy oh boy, I don't think it was fair that I was born X instead of Y!". That's just a demonstration of illness to them, again because of transgenderism is against their life staples and the ways of their social mentality compass. I wouldn't have been so harsh on these petty meatsacks if I was not aware of what kind of crimes the trans people do perform mostly (spoiler: rape, and not only of full legal age human beings) and what utterly atrocious agenda they push. Do you really want me to believe that 5 year old Bobby would understand the context of gender dysphoria and feel himself to be actually trans? No, he can't, he's just a goddamn KID, he don't know shit neither should to, according to his age. BUT THEY (trans) WANT HIM TO, DUH. Also google "egg hatching" term in trans "language" for get better understanding why am I so highly negative of this kind of human beings.3. Politics, like it or not were always a part of communities, nor necessarily IRL ones though. The desire to get rid of this shit from your hugbox is understandable and goood and shit, but, like I said, people are retarded and they WILL bring politics in either way. It's just how it always works.4. Can't say much on wordsalads, we all have moments of skitzo, that's not something that can't happen to anyone of us. 40oz with this thread or Kontra's mumbling regarding DBP48' negrating are the most obvious examples.

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #wingnut #transphobia #enbyphobia #homophobia nowtheendbegins.com

Brad Pitt going from being the ultimate macho man in ‘Fight Club’ to sashaying down the red carpet wearing a woman’s skirt is a long, long way to fall, and that’s exactly what’s happening to America right now.

The Roman Empire once ruled the world, till they openly embraced the LGBTQIA+ Movement of their day, and fell to the ground with a deafening thud. Same for the Greek empire that also ruled the world, right up to the moment that society openly embraced what God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for. Today in 2022, America rules the world stage with the greatest military, the strongest economy, and we are now embracing what brought down the Romans and the Greeks. Will we survive? Not if the Bible is true. Welcome to Brad Pitt wearing a skirt on the red carpet.

“Thus saith the LORD of hosts; In those days it shall come to pass, that ten men shall take hold out of all languages of the nations, even shall take hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew, saying, We will go with you: for we have heard that God is with you.” Zechariah 8:23 (KJB)

I understand that in the Old Testament days, clothing styles were different, and your King James Bible has a number of verses about men wearing skirts, but guess what? They weren’t wearing women’s skirts, they were wearing men’s skirts, like a kilt if you’re Scottish. But that’s not what Brad Pitt was wearing, he was dressed in women’s clothing from head to toe, and he looked ridiculous. I am glad I fled Hollywood and the acting world shortly after I got saved, and there is nothing that could entice me to go back. So thank you, Brad Pitt in a dress, for reminding why I left, I will pray your soul gets saved before your time on this planet is through. You won’t like what comes next.

Russ Winter #wingnut #racist #sexist #homophobia #transphobia #enbyphobia #elitist winterwatch.net

The Method Against Social Justice Warriors

No. 1: Drop all social graces with them. That may be hard, but remember Social Justice Warriors take advantage of good manners and put no value on them anyway. Our objective is to trigger them via harsh criticism and ridicule — not threats or violence, in case that’s unclear. For example, the ultimate insult or trigger to a female Social Justice Warrior third- or fourth-wave feminist is the word “cunt.” That’s a bit over the top for me, so I’m mostly going with “bitch.” Absolutely refuse to engage in sex with Social Justice Warriors or Pervert Justice Warriors.

For non-cucked men, never ever trash talk femininity, but rather defend heterosexual women passionately. Winter Watch addressed this in our old Milo Yiannopoulos article. (((Milo))) was a problem because he as a homosexual trashed women generally. Keeping such women out of harm’s way is the mark of manhood. Also, do not use racial slurs. This is about individual behaviors and culture wars only. The term “dindu” is only descriptive of behavior and thus appropriate.

No. 2: Show no sensitivity toward Social Justice Warriors. Insult them matter of factly. If they show marginal or metro-sexual gender identification, insult their appearance (“there is a new thing going around, it’s called soap”). If they are over-the-top Social Justice Warrior homosexuals or transgenders, never use the contrived newspeak term “gay” or LGBT. In fact, avoid their shadow language. Let them know that you are armor proof to their accusations.
No.4: Knock the Social Justice Warriors unearned trophies and “specialness” badges off the shelf by telling them they have little of value or intelligence to offer anyone.

No. 5: Demonstrate thumbs up, support and accolades to the anti-Social Justice Warrior movement. Older generations need to wake up and get engaged. So do decent folks in the black community. Offer carrots and sticks and encouragement to repressed normies. Godspeed.

dasho #wingnut #homophobia #enbyphobia #transphobia #dunning-kruger doomworld.com

[Mr. Freeze]
LOL m8 I hate to tell you this but one half of the USA's political spectrum is explicitly anti-democracy and pro-censorship against anyone not sharing their views. Handing control over Twitter/Facebook et al to the GOP every few election cycles would be an absolute disaster. You think it's hard for LGBT folks to exist on social media now? Try having Trump/DeSantis/Abbott at the executive helm and outright striking those pages/accounts from existence out of some faux concern for "the children" or "treating mental illness."

This has to be one of the most absurd statements in this thread. I would argue that this is the easiest time in the history of social media for LGBT folks to exist.

EDIT: If you need to experiment, make a Twitter account, post something like "gender is immutable", and see what happens.

Infernal #homophobia #transphobia #enbyphobia kiwifarms.net

The thing is, Chris [McGee] seems to be just trying to avoid controversy and exist in the lgbt community and move on with his sad pathetic life, because most people have either forgotten or stopped caring about him long ago, even the twitter troons and fags who prided themselves in putting Chris on blast before, I guess because there are bigger accounts to cancel, there was never much return in terms of clout for going after a nobody like Chris, and performative "community safety" activism only exists to gain clout and prove they're the "acceptable" fags when in reality they're just as degenerate as Chris, they just are better about not getting outed like Chris's dumb ass. Despite efforts to inform people about his name change by some of the original callout people, the rebrand worked.

I think what may have helped Chris fly under the radar is he's so far kept his nose clean since the last major incident. (I certainly haven't seen anything about a new grooming attempt on a minor and not just regular old simping for fictional characters that even the lgbt weirdos who called him out are even guilty of themselves.) He hasn't talked about Harry at all, or even about the harassment he supposedly receives from people like us or "antis" other than extremely vague stuff that doesn't bring up the accusations. He just whines about being bad at competitive games, He's trying in vain to get enough average viewers to make affiliate on Twitch, and is now simping hard for this bad undertale-clone he's been playing. (I hate Undertale with a passion for the damage it's done to the gaming medium by onboarding a bunch of cringe lgbt bullshit into games, but this Omori game somehow manages to be worse from what little i've seen of it, It's WAY more pretentious than most of Toby Fox's shit, and I guess it clicked with Chris because it's total shota bait,)

He's just like any other twitter transtrander now. It's kinda silly how easy cancel culture let him off the hook so easily.

Dissident Mama #wingnut #transphobia #sexist #homophobia #enbyphobia #dunning-kruger #pratt dissidentmama.net

Mama had carefully sat me down and explained that substituting a plural pronoun in place of a singular was unacceptable, unclear, and grammatically incorrect. “He” and “she” were the singular forms and ought to be used when appropriate; “they” must be reserved for the third person plural.

Moreover, said she, the widespread adoption of the singular “they” marked a dangerous fundamental shift in the English language, one motivated by the sloppy thinking of modern feminists, whose insistence upon being inoffensive (or, rather, upon their being unoffended), was slowly destroying the clarity and preciseness of our spoken and written word. Why I was correcting my friends’ grammar, I do not know. Perhaps I was showing off. Perhaps I was genuinely concerned for them and thought that by proselytizing them I could do my part to help reverse the slow degradation of the English language. It might have been a little of both.
Redefining words is a clever means of changing the way people think. The Soviets used this to great effect. So has the modern homosexual movement – just consider their appropriation of the word “gay.” They have chosen a moniker for themselves which intellectually distances their chosen sexual identity from the acts and desires which define that identity while simultaneously associating themselves inextricably with the concept of happiness, fulfillment, and gaiety, using the older meaning of the word for their own purposes even as they redefine it. It was a brilliant linguistic coup. So was the singular “they.”

Manhood and womanhood are rooted in the created order. We tend to conceive of them as being defined by certain roles, but those roles are merely a natural outgrowth of God’s created design. The roles He has ordained are congruent with our being as male and female, man and woman. Such is the Biblical understanding, though it is quite clearly not the understanding of mainstream America, or even of most churches.

DarkVikingMistress #dunning-kruger #enbyphobia archive.ph

SJWs mess with the basic biological facts of nature, and try to spread misinformation about the biological facts of nature. Why? Because I believe through what I've researched, that being non-cisgender is a thing and it is not a bad thing either, but it is a RARE thing, and most people who are genderqueer, non-binary etc have had at least hints of their unique condition when they are children, know at a young age, or have at least a seed of doubt in their mind before they discover their true identity. But these SJWs...ugh these SJWs, they work to delegitimize the state of being non-binary by saying that they've suddenly seen the light and realised they've always been trans, even though beforehand they may have been completely comfortable as a cisgender male. These people are turning "transgender" into a trend. It's not right, it's not just. How are transgenders ever going to get more rights with these trenders fucking all their legitimacy up for them?

--SJWs scare me with the prospect of having to legalise all their genders and sexualities (I believe if this trend grows it could be a thing) just because their feelings will get hurt if they can't be called a "sparklekin" or "autismkin"...will I be discriminated against as a cisgender woman in the future, because my gender isn't cool anymore? Will I have to really call people "autismself" when it offends me that they're turning autism into a gender (I am autistic) will they hate me for having the mental illness they always wanted?

David Gyull #transphobia #enbyphobia #elitist archive.ph

Oh no, sex-obsessed, mentally ill, entitled narcissists that pretend to care about and participate in various hobbies solely for attention are upset because a book features a line of pre-existing information that they would have long since known about had they had any genuine interest in the hobby!

They at least pretend to want female Space Marines (and not, say, male Sisters of Battle), and are more than willing to outright ignore the aforementioned all female faction that are already very similar to Space Marines, and project their bigotry, intolerance, and ignorance onto everyone that dares point out how stupid and wrong they are.

Would you be surprised that RagnarokAngel (or is it Sword?) is a pronouning pretender? He's not the only one of course:

Of course a pretender is envious of women. Not even real women, but plastic minis. Why do these guys hate art so much? Assuming he's not talking stats, Sisters of Battle have penitent engines/mortifiers, mostly naked chicks wielding two-handed chainswords, a missile-launching tank organ, their tanks have more bling (and I like them more than the hovering primaris rehashes), and they have the Triumph of Saint Katherine.

I'm curious: why not just say that your marines are women? You already play pretend with your gender, so why not go the extra meter with your minis? Maybe you can win a few games, accusing anyone that disagrees with your delusions of being whatever you consider to be a transphobe? Might be a necessary handicap, especially if just under half your army ends up attempting to cancel themselves before the game starts.

Pronouner and a self-proclaimed infiltrator. Two reasons to dismiss his unoriginal opinions that he plagiarized from someone else.

No, of course not. Because it's not about being happy. It's about control, and pressuring a company into bending the knee. Of course that still won't make them happy. There's always something else to pretend to be upset about. Hopefully Games Workshop isn't dumb enough to fall for the grift (seriously, just ignore the whiners and they'll invariably get distracted by some other triviality).

Babylon Bee #transphobia #dunning-kruger #enbyphobia #conspiracy archive.ph

Teachers Who Insist They're Not Teaching Your Kid About Sex Also Weirdly Outraged By Ban On Teaching Your Kid About Sex

ORLANDO, FL—On July 1st, teachers throughout Florida will no longer be permitted to encourage discussions about sex with children in grades kindergarten through grade 3. Florida teachers have been adamant that they've never encouraged such discussions in their classrooms but they are weirdly outraged that they will no longer be able to.

"I have never once told a boy they are really a girl, or a girl they are really nothing, or a man that they should be comfortable loving children. Not once. BUT IT'S OUTRAGEOUS THAT I CAN'T," said Ms. Feilershiek, a kindergarten teacher at Chickasaw Elementary, while picketing in front of her school instead of teaching children.

One third-grade teacher, Mx. Pat Frumouge (ze/zir), had begun teaching zeir students about LGBTQ culture full-time ahead of the July 1st deadline.

"Look, I don't groom any kids. But I have to constantly explain why I look like a porcelain fish-being," ze said, visibly shaken. "This law is going to erase me as an individual. My sexual identity and favorite kinks are my entire identity... if I can't share that with children—which I don't—then I don't know what I'm going to do. Teach math?"

Children at Chickasaw Elementary School are reportedly failing at math and science but excelling at peer-pressuring other children to switch genders at will. Teachers insist the kids are doing that on their own, however.

According to sources, teachers are preparing for the next year by abandoning all subjects entirely in favor of full-time LGBTQ lectures to make up for the fact they won't be able to indoctrinate children next year—even though they don't do that.

CRABGRABBER #transphobia #enbyphobia repolitics.com

Trannies creep me out. I don't want to live in a world where trannies are normalized.

I don't care about gay people, because they're not affecting me. If two faggots want to marry each other it's no concern of mine. But trannies are pretty much saying that you have to accept that they are women even if they have dicks, which I could never do. They also say that if a straight guy doesn't want to fuck a tranny, that's evil and the same as racism. So basically the tranny groups are promoting rape.

Sandman #conspiracy #elitist #enbyphobia #homophobia #sexist youtube.com

Demi Lovato Gets Sexier Everyday - MGTOW

Singers deciding to be fat non-binary clown world shows. This is what happens when you go woke at the same time you hit the wall. She's 30 now and the music industry is brutal for women. The audience moves on to more attractive women that are prettier, younger and more fertile.

30 year old guys no longer find them as attractive as they once did, so instead such musicians embrace their inner butch to get those bucks.

Her new number of subscribers is falling but the views just keep going up and up. That's suspicious and it makes me believe that she's part of some sort of woke agenda and that's why she's being pushed by big platforms, the idea is that very attractive women with high SMV should be willing to reduce it. Feminists like this because they see it as a way to punish men when women don't live up to so-called "patriarchal beauty standards", most of us don't care though, all we do is find younger female musicians to listen to that are still feminine. There's always women willing to exploit their tits for clicks.

I was going through my twitter feed the other day and there was a woman complaining that three of the girls in her daughter's class were actually transitioning and on male hormones, and that one kid was non-binary. This is part of the whole transhumanism agenda. In order to break down what it means to be human, our overlords need to first break down gender by saying that there are more genders than flavors of baskin robbins and then eventually the push would be to make all of us non-binary.

I believe Lovato is exploiting this for her own financial gain and probably doesn't understand the insidious nature of what's going on.

I'm in the process of reinventing myself in this "sigma sphere", a term I just coined. I'mm trying to covertly carry over MGTOW philosophy to the most productive and desirable men in our society and I'm coining phrases like "relationships and marriage are kryptonite for your mind" and "kryptonite for your grind." I believe in sigma because I realized I have had all the characteristics of it my entire life, so it's a natural fit for me, but to fully self-actualize as a sigma you need to embrace being single.

Betsey McCaughey #transphobia #enbyphobia #homophobia #biphobia #dunning-kruger #conspiracy nypost.com

Gender dysphoria — a rare medical condition that makes people feel mismatched with their sexual anatomy — occurs in about 0.6 percent of the adult population, according to the UCLA School of Law’s Williams Institute. Anyone afflicted should be treated with kindness and offered medical help.

It first appears in childhood, but with so few children affected, the curriculum should not be distorted for everyone. Elementary-school teachers are putting words on the blackboard like “nonbinary” and “transgender” even before kids have learned multiplication.

But Maine’s Department of Education reports that between 13 percent and 18 percent of public high-school students say they’re “lesbian, gay, bisexual or unsure” of their sexual identity. It’s no wonder when the curriculum programs them to doubt their identity. In school it’s cool to be anything but heterosexual.

Maine requires public-school teachers to explore the achievements of LGBTQ+ individuals, not just in health class but also in history and social studies. That’s indoctrination since teachers are not asked to do the same for the celibate, for example.

Various Commenters #transphobia #enbyphobia ovarit.com

'I don't want facial hair': Transgender girl, eight, has sleepless nights about growing up as a boy | UK News | Sky News

( hmimperialtortie )
Learn to shave like every other bloke does, kid.

( Lipsy )
Shit, girl... learn to shave like lots of Women with PCOS do!

of course I rlly shouldn't point out things like this that might make their specific choices of first-world problems seem less unique and special and totally individual—especially not with Most Special Of All Non-Binary type people, who have already been genocided an average of 5.2 times each. Such a bad habit SMDH

( VestalVirgin)
Or learn to shave like lots of women who don't even have PCOS but the wrong kind of genes do.

I grew up thinking that in exchange for having to deal with periods, I at least wouldn't have to shave.

Yeah, well. That was a rude awakening in my early twenties. Unlike this boy, I didn't even have time to get used to the idea.

( XX_Power )
No it's way easier to sterilize him and cut off his dick.

( hmimperialtortie )
Ain’t that the truth.

femlez34 & Califasauros #transphobia #enbyphobia ovarit.com

RE: What is the response people are looking for when they say they are “non binary”?

( femlez34 )
I think women say it thinking it's a magical spell to prevent people from treating them like women, aka sexually harassing them, talking over them in the work place, etc. It doesn't work though, everyone can see that they're female. Even within the trans community there is so much sexism directed at non-binary women and TIFs from TIMs, who have the gall to suggest these women have "male privilege".

To me as a lesbian, it's a signal that I don't want to date or befriend this woman because I can't stand all the drama that comes with it. Half of them want to be called lesbians while the other half are outraged if you call them one, and they refuse to give you any clues on this stuff, you're expected to be psychic. Many of them now aren't even androgynous or gender non-conforming. They're women who are all dolled up with tons of makeup and high heels, acting outraged that anyone calls them "she" or "ma'am". Then you have TIMs on the other side throwing a public fit if someone doesn't see their wonky eyeliner and assume that they want to be called "she" (see gamestop trans). Which is it?!?

As for your last question, no it has nothing to do with being "bi". "Bi" is an abbreviation for "bisexual". Anyone can be a bisexual, and many non-binary people are not bisexual, a lot of them are straight or gay. Sometimes the straight or bi ones call themselves "queer" instead, because you have to admit to having a gender yourself to use straight or gay.

( Califasauros )
This makes a lot of sense. For girls and women trying to escape societal expectations of what it means to be a woman (including, and perhaps, most importantly, what it means to be a woman in extreme online porn made by men for men), taking on a non-binary identity is a step not quite as drastic as taking on the identity of a trans man. Of course, there are those enbies who are quite extreme...those who have smoothing surgeries to make genitalia less prominent, those who have surgeries to remove nipples as well as breasts, but I think their numbers are still very small.

itsnotaboutewe , BogHag & La_Terfa #transphobia #enbyphobia #dunning-kruger #ableism ovarit.com

RE: Or maybe, just maybe, autistic people are 3x-6x more likely to be sucked into the trans cult...

( itsnotaboutewe )
Do boys who identify as NB ever do this or is it only females who feel the need to destroy their bodies to look sexless? A masculine-looking chest with small, flat nipples is a bit of a giveaway that they are male but I've never seen a male showing off his huge scar across his nippleless chest. Maybe, just maybe, they should do a bit of research on the way non-binary people are treated differently on the basis of their observed sex?

( BogHag )
I've seen a few male Nullo, but they're more interested in removing genitals. Not quite the same. There are some men though who want to remove their nipples to be extirely sexless.

I don't know how you see something like that and not immediately think childhood sexual trauma.

( La_Terfa )
It's literally only the females who are pushed into getting horrific surgeries within the transgender movement. They all poison themselves with wrong sex hormones, but the vast majority of TIMs keep their dicks, for example. On the other hand, to be a "trans man" you need to at least butcher your healthy breasts.

spacykate #ableist #enbyphobia ovarit.com

San Francisco's Bay to Breakers, known for its zany inclusivity, refuses to give awards to nonbinary runners

This is entirely ridiculous, this is a bunch of nobodies pretending that they're the same as the men's and women's elite runner category. Its like giving the retarded kid a BS award so they can stand on the podium too.

Lady Checkmate #fundie #enbyphobia #transphobia disqus.com

Lady Checkmate's headline: "First American Legally Recognized as 'Non-Binary' Reclaims Birth Sex, Disavows Trans Ideology as 'Fraud'"

First American Legally Recognized as 'Non-Binary' Reclaims Birth Sex, Disavows Trans Ideology as 'Fraud'

'Harmful Gender Ideologies Are Ruining Lives, Causing Deaths, and Contributing to the Sterilization and Mutilation of Gender-Confused Children'

(Link goes here: https://www.christiandailyreporter.com/)

Don't forget to RECOMMEND. Lets get the Truth out so that Light may shine bright in this dark place and Jesus Christ may be glorified. Even if the discussion is closed, please still RECOMMEND.

Mick Williams:
We'll never see this on ABC, NBC, et al. You can bet your life savings.

Lady Checkmate:
Nah. This story doesn't fit their agenda.

Unknown writer & Elizabeth Johnston #homophobia #enbyphobia mommyunderground.com

The Latest LGBT TV Show Is So Outrageous It Will Leave Your Head Spinning

The LGBT community has hijacked the entertainment industry and filled the airwaves with their warped agenda.

From homosexual marriage, to “transgender” couples, it’s no wonder more and more Americans are saying “no thanks” to cable TV.

But this latest show introduces a character that takes it even further.

In fact, as this show reveals there’s no telling just how far the LGBT community will go to shock America and attempt to make their way of life “mainstream.”

Instead of introducing a transsexual, or another homosexual couple, Showtime decided to introduce its first gender “non-binary” character.

The LGBT community deems a “non-binary” person as one who doesn’t identify with either gender.

Determined to strip away any sense of decency, Showtime pushes the envelope and introduces this bizarre character to the world.

CBN reported:

“Dillon uses singular they pronouns and her role on the show is the first gender non-binary character on American television.

The move is seen as a huge step forward for LGBTQ inclusion and representation in pop culture.

But Elizabeth Johnston, also known as the ‘Activist Mommy’, says Showtime’s decision to cast a non-binary character is all part of the LGBTQ’s plan to normalize it.

“This is an LGBT agenda that is being pushed on our nation,” Johnston said in an interview with CBN News. “Truth and science and facts matter and just because someone says that two plus one equals five that doesn’t make it true.

There’s something called facts and truth and the truth of it is we are born xy or xx or we have a biological or psychological pathology and what we’re seeing with gender dysphoria is pathological and it is not normal and we’re being asked to embrace it as normal and celebrate it.”

Elizabeth Johnston nailed it.

Just because the LGBT community refuses to “see gender”, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

People with gender dysphoria need help, mental counseling, not exposure to the world to promote their way of life, which will further confuse those who already struggle.

The biggest lie of all is the LGBT community wants to “live a quiet life in peace.”

Nothing could be further from the truth.

As Mommy Underground previously reported, they have a record of sneaking their perverted agenda into shows that target children.

But while the LGBT community thinks they have power, they’re forgetting one thing – if people decide to boycott these shows and refuse to watch them, it will help stop the spread of their twisted agenda.

After all, networks are ultimately about ratings.

If conservatives can show network officials they will no longer pay nor subscribe to such filth, perhaps things can change.

And if not, parents must refuse to let their children watch these shows.

What are your thoughts on the new “non-binary” character?

How do you prevent your family from watching shows like these?

Tell us your thoughts in the comments below.

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