
ImGaySlayerandHero #fundie deviantart.com

I'm disgusted by this. And I do not understand how there can be love between two people of the same sex.
I don't think that's right, because I'm just listening to my orientation. Well, I'm heterosexual. So that means I don't have to respect the LGBT community.

silent-sid #homophobia #fundie deviantart.com

the G-Deviants are not as clear as black and white, they are created in many ways, some are due to genetics (God knows what their parents did to damage the DNA), and some due to social conditioning or some distorting damage to their family. but regardless of the method that created them, they still have that freedom that God gave them to choose their lives, as well as nature to guide them in case they did not hear the words of God in Christianity. (or had religion removed from the education system because some horrible person was a huge bigot against faith that doesn't align with his own believes).
God is aware of those G-Deviants and their issues. that is why he is very patient with them and endlessly send them signs and hints that are meant to lead them back to him. some of those signals are painful or include suffering, and some of them are gentle or come through speech on earth. but none of those signals or signs or messages comes from authoritarian tyrants! that was NOT the freedom that God designed for humans. in fact, it is one of the biggest sins that a human can ever commit, controlling or conducting other humans to do wrong things that lead to harm and suffering and obviously strip those humans of their inherent freedom.

empathicdesign #wingnut deviantart.com

The DeviantART Administration doesn't like the idea of Biden losing to Trump in this prolonged election, which is why they deleted one of my journals and cited an ambiguous excuse lacking any detail as to why it was removed.

Now, did the know that the leftist/ Democrat mind set is "I don't care if I am wrong, I don't care if you are right, I don't care if my position hurts you, I don't care if my position hurts me, I will continue to support my position no matter what happens and I don't care about consequences of suffering".
There is no sense of right or wrong, there is no morality, there is no humanity home.
How these people are allow in the streets and not locked up in a mental home or executed, that's a mystery.


Phracker #racist #psycho deviantart.com

Yeah, time to start triggering people again.

Just to be clear, no I don't think the Holocaust was justified, because I know that the Bible is a bunch of fictional horseshit that never actually happened. But most Zionists do believe in the literal truth of the Bible. And incidentally, the same book they use to justify saying that Israel-Palestine belongs to the Jews and only the Jews also tells stories of Jews exterminating those they saw as inferior. So yeah, they were doing it to other people long before anyone tried to do it to them, according to the Bible, which Zionists believe.

Phracker #wingnut deviantart.com

"Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed. Everything else is public relations."
-- George Orwell

Just thought now would be a good time to post this, since the MSM is talking about the Charlottesville "Massacre" of one year prior. Meanwhile, the actual massacre that occurred in Gaza a mere four months prior has not been talked about at all, at least not from what I have seen.

Also, I think this may be the first political deviation of mine to trigger both the left and the right.

ultramanzenith #wingnut deviantart.com

Ever since Hunter decided to become center-left, his views have skewed more and more. He hardly tackled any far-left issues, except when it suited him; He stated that Biden won the first presidential debate while not even commenting on the second debate; Is against Trump's move to ban intersectionality from federally-backed institutions; Outright denies voter fraud by citing biased sources and decries anyone else who even suspects voter fraud as conspiratorial at best, "coping" at worst. And I think that's the most telling, his outright dismissal of any sort of notion that the election could have been rigged.

Now here's the thing: I do not like Joe Biden at all. I see him as a puppet for the deep state and democratic party and their collective interests. However, if people actually voted for him fair and square, I would have accepted it. My faith in humanity would have dropped substantially to the point of near-suicide, but still would have accepted it. Why I won't here is because:

A. The political left, radicals, and "never-Trumpers" were screaming for four years that Trump was illegitimate, and were scheming for at least that long to remove him.

B. Special interest groups, some of them foreign, interfering in our political systems for their own gain.

C. Trump's popularity was on the rise right up to the apparent end with blacks, latinos, and lgbt+, then suddenly lost everything without warning.

D. Encouraged voters to vote in person and on time, as opposed to mail-in voting, and evidence of voter fraud is growing even now.

Fortunately, Trump is challenging this, and of course the MSM, Hunter included, is saying that it's baseless, which of course means that there's something there that they don't want us to see. Let's see where this takes us, shall we?

shizuru-minamino #wingnut #fundie deviantart.com

You guys are so hellbent on unseating Donald Trump and Mike Pence, that you don't see whats really at stake. You aren't just voting against the GOP. Kamala Harris and Joe Biden are also against someone else, They're hiding in a basement and refusing to speak to reporters and not wanting any debates. Big Reason, they're agaisnt God. They're so crazy for your votes and after winning them, they want to ban God from us. they are anti-Christians. No wonder Joe Biden couldn’t remember who created him. He’s lied so much, I doubt he believes in God. Jesus Christ died for our sins and saved us. Kamala Harris wants us to forget all about that, probably saying God is a lie. She’s using Joe to gain power. She’s after power and money. It’s never truly about what’s good for us, she’s got no interest in even you Democrat supporters. She just wants your votes. That’s it. In her offer, she says "I'll give you free stuff, national healthcare, lots of incintives. all you gotta do is vote for Joe and me." We christians have heard this empty promise before. It’s famous. It’s been around for 1000s of years. Who said it? God’s enemy. Satan. He promised Jesus the exact same thing. He was brushed off by our Lord, But now, over 2000 years later, it’s the same old stale empty promise. Now, it’s coming out of her mouth. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are doing all they can, surrounded by their liberal media blankets and fake news, to do nothing but trashing Trump for your faithful ears to hear. They’re too afraid to come out and face him. That means they don’t want exposure. They can’t have that. They sit in a basement, same way Satan just sits in hell, and sweet-talk your leftist ears in their brainwashing. All the while planning to make Jesus illegal for us.

EmpathicDesign #wingnut deviantart.com

What a catastrophe. We all know that if the Dems win it will be a tainted, forged victory that doesn't reflect the desires of the American people. Nearly 200,000 votes have turned up in support of Biden with not a single Trump vote, and that votes are being denied entry into their local voting offices, and that the results that were steadily showing a Trump victory virtually ceased almost entirely, only for Biden to start jumping ahead, and some districts are recording more votes than there are voters.

Only though forgery and fraud can the Dems win, and they know this, Americans know this even I who lives in Australia knows this.

Win or lose, trump should take this fraud to the supreme courts, and yes he rightfully should complain of fraud. He and his voters are not being treated fairly, and if you cannot win fairly, you do not deserve to win at all.


Shawntheimmortal942 #sexist #wingnut #racist deviantart.com

Who am I kidding? The media took their report about Trump being peed on seriously so why not shoot yourself in the foot some more!? I think there’s some foot left, just throwing millions of dollars at it! A fucking gamergate movie? Seriously? Anita and Zoey are so desperate for attention since most people are paying attention to COVID, the election, BLM and ANTIFA rioting so they want a slice of the victim pie and they’ll falsely accuse ANYONE of sexual assault to do it like the strong women they are! Get ready fandango and any other movie streaming sites, you’re gonna be busy changing the rating system again and deleting negative reviews-I mean...”review bombers”.

CrystalTheCoyote7 #fundie #homophobia deviantart.com

They have turned what had
good storytelling to trash....
They decided to reduce Blake
and Yang to what they want...
They decided to reduce them
to a list of preferences...

Genesis 1:27: so God
created Man in His own
Image; in the image of
God He created him;
male and female He
created them.

....1 don't know if I
can continue to
watch this show...
Not when it is
spreading the wrong

There is ONE God! RWBY
has TWO!

Isaiah 46:6: Thus saith
the LORD the King of
Israel, and his redeemer
the LORD of hosts; I am
the first, and I am the
last; and besides me
there is no God.

RWBY says that death is rest, but it is not... After it is
judgement... Those who do not come to Christ will be
separated from God due to their sins against Him...

Ezekiel 18:23: Have I any pleasure at all that the
wicked should die? saith the Lord GOD: and not that
he should return from his ways, and live?

Hebrews 4: Q 6:
3. For we which have believed do enter into rest, as
He said, As I have sworn in my wrath, if they shall
enter into my rest: although the works were finished
from the foundation of the world. 4. For He spake in a
certain place of the seventh day on this wise, And
God did rest on the seventh day from all His works. 5.
And in this place again, If they shall enter into my
rest. 6. Seeing therefore it remaineth that some must
enter therein, and they to whom it was first preached
entered not in because of unbelief.
Hebrews 9:27-28

27. And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but
after this the judgement: 28. So Christ was once
offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that
look for Him shall he appear the second time without
sin unto salvation.

And I started to like RWBY during the summer of
Dang you, Volume 6... You ruined the show for me
and another Christian...
....3 Strikes and you are out...
With a heavy heart, I may as well not watch you

Shawntheimmortal942 #sexist #racist #wingnut deviantart.com

The crazies just don’t want to acknowledge minorities who support Trump and now we have an actual white savior telling a black man he’s black...like that’s suppose to mean 50 cent or any minorities have no choice in who they want to be president! It’s just like how the crazies don’t want to talk about lesbians or bisexual women who like female video game characters dressing sexy, oh but that’s just “what aboutism”, right? The crazies are a hive mind! Seriously, ask any of these crazies what they think about black people who support Trump? They’ll say “Oh, they’re not educated enough” or “Oh, they have internalized racism” or “Oh, they’re just coons and bootlickers who aren’t really black!” You just can’t make this up! I’m sure the crazies can explain this video below.

boobooAmber #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #psycho deviantart.com

I desperately wish the population of Muslims to grow, America has failed to overcome these Transgenders and ABSOLUTE FAGGOTS, I believe It's time we now all as a congregation turn to the Muslims, they never let us down when It comes to absolutely murdering LGBTS with the work of stone and rope. OF COURSE, do not be to angered at me for suggesting the population of Muslim's grow! It's In God's great hands to blow them to hell with his almighty nostril. What has Inspired me to speak out about the fall of America was a LGBT flag spotted on a church door. We have to hire these absolute sand negros to take that to Jesus.

psiandco #homophobia #wingnut deviantart.com

(due to the post being too long, I had to shorten it up a bit)
Love is not love, and Sex is not love.
Some words have had their dictionary meanings perverted since the 80's.
Namely the words Love, Marriage and Sex.
Love is not the state of being sexually attracted to someone. No.
That is not love, sexual attraction is lust.
Love is the feeling of a bond a person can share with another living being, yet unlike other sentiments - Love has to be consensual and mutual!
Love is nurtured and grows over time, the bond becomes stronger.
Marriage is the institution that takes two human adults who are in "Love", one man, one woman, and declares them a new "family". Marriage is intended to be a life long bond, and serves the purpose of creating children and providing for their care until that care is no longer needed.

Now, I want you to understand why sex is not love.
Sex specifically is the act to produce offspring. Humans have two genders and only two. Any claim of something different is a lie and justification for depravity. To produce offspring it takes one man and one woman to perform the act of sex.
Any manipulation of the genitals to achieve orgasm or sexual release, that does not produce children is in fact a form of masturbation. it doesn't matter who, how many, or what you do it with. You are a sexual deviant if your efforts to produce an orgasm can never produce children.
Consensual masturbation is not "sex", and neither is it "love".
Twisting language and creating terminology, "look at it this way" arguments and other efforts to justify perversions needs to be stopped.

JonFreeman #wingnut deviantart.com

Liberals typically don't understand the difference between fact and fiction, as well as results and intent.

In media, "the man who knew too little" is a popular trope since watching someone succeed despite ineptitude is amusing. In reality, idiots never prosper unless they are puppets. Idiots can't organize something for longer than a month on their own.

The typical Trump Derangement Syndrome perspective of Trump highlights this disconnect from reality. Questioning TDS victims results in a merry go round...

Liberal "He's a big doo doo head!"
"He accomplished [any of a number of things]"
Liberal "It's because of his master plan"
"But you said that he's -
Liberal "The biggest dumb dumb of all time! With a 3rd grade reading level! "
"But... master plan?"
Liberal "He's evil! "
"Because he's a stupid pants"
Liberal "Now you get it"
"I regret talking to you"


BLM promises peace
Despite having an icon that is literally a clenched fist
And despite every city being on fire
But the fictional promise is what's important!

Or how socialism isn't communism


psiandco #conspiracy #wingnut #pratt deviantart.com

(from the same guy that made this, this is a reply to a comment that he now flagged debunking his anti-mask bullcrap.)
in the united states, the only people dying from the C-19 are in retirement homes and prisons...
places where one can't refuse "mystery-shot-X". Yes, I am saying that the cv-19 dead are either false reporting by hospitals (*to get money, natch) or intentionally murdered...
...By the way, the cdc released a "corrected estimate" of those who have died from covid-19, Not 250,000... nope try less than 6% of that.
do the Democrats kill people to keep their secrets?
just ask Seth Rich, Vince Foster, and over one hundred others on the KILLARY KLINTON BODY COUNT.
Ask sandy hook residents why all, and I mean ALL, home loans and mortgages were paid off simultaneously (on the same day).

Do some damn research for your self.

psiandco #conspiracy #wingnut #pratt deviantart.com

(picture of a woman with a badly photoshopped mask calling 911, the text says "my mask won't work unless everybody else wears one!")
Dear Karen,
the W.H.O. and the C.D.C. have both changed their stances to;

I'll never forget a "news blurb" I heard, but never found ever again:
"Democrats are delighted with the success of their Milgram experiment".
incase you don't know, the Milgram experiment was to see if people could be
forced to murder someone with only the demands of an authority figure.

Wearing masks? isn't about a PLANDEMIC, or a pan(DEM)ic, aka DEM PANIC.
its about taking your rights away, its about stealing your freedom.


psiandco #wingnut #homophobia deviantart.com

NORMAL PEOPLE do not walk up to a group of strangers and have to announce the 5' w's of how they masturbate! Why do you even remotely feel it is okay?
Let me give you a few corrected dictionary definitions;
*Love:* is NOT sexual attraction. If sexual attraction is love, then rapists and child molesters are only expressing their "love".
*Sex:* is the one and only act that can produce offspring. For humans, that is ONE MAN, and ONE WOMAN, doing the act of Sex trying to make a baby. That is sex.
*Masturbation:* is any manipulation of genitalia to produce an orgasm. Therefore, anything other than trying to make a baby *IS* masturbation; no matter how, who, how many, what, or why - you do.
That should clear some things up. "oh, Some people are talking at the water cooler... I need to go and tell them how I masturbate!"
*GET FUCKING BENT!* That's wrong, you know its wrong, and you should not do that. Whatever floats your boat, is NONE OF MY BUSINESS; If you feel that you have to tell me - I have every right to tell you why you are WRONG!

Do you remember the 80's when homosexuality fought to be come legal? You all said, "We aren't after straights. We aren't after children." Well, well, here we are. Gay porn is about raping straights. LGBT are in the schools, LGBT are in the public libraries, and you are invading every hobby and game children enjoy. You are pushing children under the age of 16 to be solely concerned with what you call "SEX" and your PERVERTED views on "Gender". So, here we are...
LGBT is LGBTP, the P being "PEDOPHILIA" after all.

EmpathicDesign #wingnut #psycho deviantart.com

See what I did there in the title? ;)

So, it has come to my attention just how ugly leftists are. And I mean that in every literal way possible.
They're physically unattractive, when they talk it's always a few octaves louder than required when presenting a point, they always look like they drank raw lemon juice just before they speak and it's as though they have mastered the usage of every other vital function but the ones that matter i.e they know how to talk, but their ears are used conditionally, they know how to think but feelings entangle into their thoughts and do not separate before coming out their mouths.

Oh, and they support criminal activity i.e AntiFa, BLM and illegal immigration, and they protect pedophiles, rapists and murderers. They also historically supported slavery and condemned its abolition.

Why are these people not being lined up at the execution range en mas and by the truck loads? There will be absolutely no negative repercussions for getting rid of these monsters; evil is not meant to be condemned or imprisoned, it's mean to be destroyed entirely from reality. Duh.


amanda2324 #fundie #homophobia deviantart.com

(they are talking about this article)

"We can’t expect non-believers to live by Christian morals."

False. We can in fact expect non-believers to live by Christian morals. God's Word and Law are objective moral values. We have every place to expect even non-believers to live under such things. They are not just good for us, but good for everyone. The thing is that you can give reasons for His laws and morals being beneficial without just resorting to "because God said so." Those who seek to justify allowing sins to be legally and socially seen as okay are doing only that. God's Word is Truth, His Law is Moral. Human laws are to subscribe to His laws. Yes, we can choose not to. But it is WRONG to intentionally choose not to live by His laws.

"This is Not God's Nation"

Not a valid response. Whether it's God's Nation or not is irrelevant. Because it can be. Just because someone claims it isn't doesn't mean it isn't. Furthermore, if it actually isn't, then we should make it be God's Nation. Christians are NOT to back down from doing God's Will just because it's "not God's nation." That is not a good excuse.

"God doesn't honor a marriage license."

Yes, He does. A marriage license is a symbol of a promise. He will honor those that are made between consenting, unrelated adults of the opposite sex. And condemn those that are outside of True Marriage - His creation and ideal for the union between two unique humans that He created.

NightcrawlerCyp #homophobia deviantart.com

Homosexuality is a mental disorder caused generally by a combination of hormonal imbalance and traumatic experiences. And just as leukemia is an DISEASE. It can be treated in most cases via hormonal treatments and psychological counseling. But instead yeah lets call it normal and be proud of it!

Silent-Sid #wingnut #fundie deviantart.com

Woke Far Left ( claim to be Liberal ) : " I know I'm right ! ... because the Main Stream Media Said so! "
Democrat : " I know I'm right ! ... because the my Democrat Friends Said so! "
Atheist : " I know I'm right ! ... because Atheist Books Said so! "
LGBTQ Freak : " I know I'm right ! ... because Gay Democrat funded institution Fag Doctors Said so! "
Muslim : " I know I'm right ! ... because the Quran Said so! "

notice a Pattern here ?!?!

Christian Me : " I know I Could be right ! ... because everyone else screwed up Royally ! "

AmbassadorHerald #fundie deviantart.com

( It the same person who believes from DA who this https://www.deviantart.com/ambassadorherald/journal/Killer-Orca-227596207?comment=1%3A227596207%3A1394129034#killerwhales)
Good for you! We all have those areas where we’d rather God not set that rule, but we must be willing to submit anyways. This is a good choice on your part! I hope, and wish, other Christians could do the same.

Well, if it were up to me, I’d grab a gun, say a rifle, and shoot it myself! I’ve never used a gun before of any kind, though I think I’ve held a few once or twice. So I would probably be a bad shot and fall over from the back-force, but I am darn angry at this decision. Plus I’d no doubt be taken to court for breaking the law, mas well as being sued, and be sent to prison.

Thank you!

Zheyno #conspiracy #racist deviantart.com

(Submitter note: tried to reply to him one last time and turns out he blocked me)

Drivanmoffitt: Now you're just putting words in my mouth, I did not, in any way, suggest that at all, now who's stereotyping?

besides I'm really starting to think that you're either a Neo-Nazi or a White Nationalists

also... 'ancestors tradition'? what do you mean by that? Chrisanity or the old, long extinct religions of Pre-Christian Europe

Zheyno: Oh great, you‘re starting to use ad hominem. You’re not worth my time, you just whine and kvetch about the state promoted boogeymen, while it’s obvious the incompetent state can’t even maintain legitimacy when it cannot hold to its end of the social contract of protecting its people from the thugs they unleash on them.

A state that lets their people become obese, addicted to drugs, has awful healthcare, promotes degeneracy, has barely any representation for the working class, lies to the people, doesn’t promote art nor architecture, doesn’t repair its infrastructure, abandons its rural areas to become ghost towns, hesitates to prevent crime in urban areas, doesn’t have a common sense of purpose besides promoting more consumerism, etc.

This is a System that I Oppose and consequently, don’t hold find their Moral Authority to be Legitimate. I have nothing left to say to you.

Zheyno #conspiracy #racist deviantart.com

Most people who complain haven’t even read the book, much like atheists, who jump on the bandwagon of being cool by attacking religion, rather than participating in their ancestors traditions.

Plus, if you haven’t read the book, you have no credibility on calling it poor, when you‘re just repeating the opinion of the elites, similar to the repeat of the ridiculous justification of burning down ordinary people’s businesses who have nothing to do with police procedures.

It’s hard to take you seriously, when you do “Though X and Y are similar, X is bad, because I was told to think X is bad, and Y is good because I was told Y is good.”

Shawntheimmortal942 #conspiracy deviantart.com

Hmmmmmmmm~watch your back, Joe! Harris and the DNC are gonna Epstein your ass!

Kamala Harris: Joe Biden killed himself because of Trump and his supporters picking on him but there is a possibility this is part of Trump’s body count...but that’s just a conspiracy theory that we don’t want to push*wink wink*

shizuru-minamino #wingnut #fundie deviantart.com

The reason Joe Biden has dementia is God gave him that as part one of his wrath. Now, we're seeing these two for what they really are. Evil beings of this world. All they want is total destruction of America. They want evil to reign and for all of us to be put through Hell. No, we can't stand for this! WE CAN'T LET THEM WIN! THIS IS PURE EVIL AT IT'S LOWEST! THIS IS SATAN'S CHILDREN WE'RE LOOKING AT! THIS IS WHAT EVIL LOOKS LIKE! THEY LIE! THEY CONFUSE! THEY CONTROL! THEY WANT TO BRING ABOUT THE END OF OUR COUNTRY! THEY WANT US TO ALL DIE! THEY WANT DEATH FOR ALL! THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT ANYONE ELSE BUT THEMSELVES!



kittykins-pi #conspiracy #crackpot deviantart.com

This is silly. The so-called "gas chambers" were delousing showers. Lice are known to carry typhoid fever, which is a huge problem in war and was a huge problem during the Second World War. This is why they had the prisoners remove their clothes and why they had their hair cut. After all, why would the Nazis bother doing that if they were just going to kill and bury/cremate them anyway?

And here's the kicker: If Auschwitz was really a "death camp", then why did the Nazis bother moving Anne Frank and her sister to Bergen-Belsen, which was one of the normal concentration camps according to holocaust lore and where they died of typhus?

Always hear everyone's position, no matter how "evil" you may believe them to be. And don't get emotional, either. Be logical and reasonable in all things. Do not mock them or scoff at even ridiculous claims, for truth is stranger than fiction, and it is always possible that you are wrong.

Zheyno #conspiracy #racist #wingnut deviantart.com

(Submitter note: had an agreement with this guy over The Turner Dairies, basically the second testament of Neo-Nazis and White Nationalists every, before I realize that the dude's a White Nationalist, I wanted to provide context but kept saying it was too long)

Zheyno: I doubt Oklahoma City Bombing had any to do with the book and more out of revenge for the Waco Massacre. And plus this line you’re drawing includes stories such as “V for Vendetta”…

Zheyno: It might have been Feds planting evidence trying to deter attention away from Waco. These are the same people who have, time and time again played dirty to advance an neoliberal capitalist agenda.
Besides McVeigh's anger for the government came from how he was treated in the military and after, not from overtly racial reasons….

Zheyno: Even if it is the case, then religious books would carry the same stigma of promoting “evil”. But they don’t, unless being labeled so by a state or state backed institution.
If one cannot draw a line without making exceptions, then should be no line. For artistic expression differs from one individual to another and can only be appreciated through self-discovery….

Zheyno: The President of America is often labeled a nazi, yet he isn’t behaving like described. Could that term be open to interpretation as well?…

Zheyno: Because it’s a well written book that does something different than the clique norm. Modern art is boring, repetitive, and doesn’t satisfy me, so I like to try new things to keep me from falling into depression….

Zheyno: Have you read the opening pages? It describes a world much like 2020, racial tensions to such a high degree, where ordinary people who wish to be left alone, are treated the same way as those groups they wish to persecute.
I think it‘s brilliant writing, for it speaks of a scenario that people think too extreme like other dystopian novels, yet much like the movie “Joker” the radicalization of such characters into aggressors, feels so interesting when given context on what motivates humans to take such a dark path.

Novuso #conspiracy #racist deviantart.com

You know that you live under a tyrannical regime if the mere opening of your month can send you to prison for years. This was no slap on the wrist. Usula Haverbeck will likely die in prison unless justice is restored and she is set free.

Resist, question all official narratives and research the the truth. Spread the word and let people know what is going on.

They would not be able to get away with what they do presently if they did not control past narratives. For over 70 years all they have had to do to silence their opposition is blow the antisemitism dog whistle and call those who opposed their plans Nazis. Don't like bankers controlling the world and printing money out of thin air well then you must be an antisemite. Hitler also complained about international bankers so you must also be a Nazi. Don't like your nation being flooded with immigrants well that is "wrong think" that could lead to the next holocaust. Thus the opposition falls into line or else is marginalized to the fringes of society branded as a Jew hater.

Nixwerld #wingnut #racist #sexist deviantart.com

If I had a Twitter account, which I'm glad I don't, I would instantly DEMAND the peanut gallery on the mainstream and social media to cancel me for being "offensive" to their politically correct narrative.

Go right ahead, Twitter. Call me racist, sexist, homophobic, misogynist, transphobic, white supremacist, boomer or whatever. I don't care about YOU PEOPLE. Most of you are proud woke femmunists who hate everything, and your political correctness are depressing individuals, I'd be happy to compare the BLM movement to Jim Crow and Kristallnacht. Because as a wise old man once said, those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

Rangertamer #conspiracy deviantart.com

Really? Ok. You talk about Hitler and nazis. What was nazi germany doing at that time? It was invading country after country in Europe to protect their homeland, starting with Poland. They started doing this with this two events: The Gleiwitz Incident.[link] and the Reichtach FIre: [link]
Both incidents were at first blamed on an enemy and were the excuses for the Nazi Germany's campaign. These are called false flag attacks.
It seems you have been propagandized by the media that is sponsored and advertised entirely by the war industry and you have not seen many things, for example, look up Prescott Bush and BCCI and you will find out that this George Bush relative was busted for laundering money for the nazis. You don't know where Bin Laden came from. He was originally a known CIA asset known as Tim Osman and was protected by the government. This is in Dan Radder's own words:[link]
As for hurting the feelings of the victims that day you do not know that they are seeking a new investigation.

Ad that was aired by the relatives of victims of Sept 11.

You reply to me insulting me and you don't even know what Orwellian is. It refers to 1984, a police state where all people are afraid of the government and believe every lie they say.

Nixwerld #wingnut #racist #sexist #transphobia deviantart.com

SJWs, they're all a bunch of social media addicted queefbags if you ask me. If the film industry wants to survive through the COVID-19 pandemic and economic crisis, and if they want to keep that theatrical window going, they should restructure their own brands, lay off many of those social media influencers, stop relying on China for their profit, stop remaking or rebooting practically everything, enough with the gender-swapping and female empowerment, stop forcing "diversity/representation" on everything, and so forth. It's people like them who appropriate racism and abuse and intolerance towards one another, and bankrupt the police so that they could kill people they don't like and all other sorts of things. That's what you'd get in Donald Trump's America. And Disney, they should stop with the live-action remakes, and sell off all the IPs which they acquired through Bob Iger as a CEO, they can't afford to own a competing major film studio like 20th Century (Fox) Studios at this point.

Absolutely. The studio execs in corporate Hollywood need to learn their lesson. I believe in the theory of "Go Woke, Go Broke", insulting and guilt-shaming your audience into thinking they're all a bunch of racists and hypocrites does NOT earn you money or respect, it makes the situation even worse, and it turns people off from watching your shows.

On the subject of Disney, they have already become far too big and powerful over the past severeal years. If they want to earn more trust and respect from their target demographic, they should sell of most, if not, all of the companies they acquired under Bob Iger, excluding Pixar. They should stop with the live-action remakes of popular animated films, and not only revive the Touchstone Pictures brand for more adult themed movies but also sell of 21st Century Fox and its affiliates to some other company while they're at it.

JonFreeman #wingnut #racist deviantart.com

so ... in case you weren't aware ... several higher education learning centers (particularly more left-leaning) have opted to created black-only dorms and other such events.

naturally they're labeling with such flair as "unique to allow People of Color to speak with others directly about their own unique challenges and relate to one another"
but it's still voluntary segregation.
and now we have the natural other side of the coin forming https://www.nationalreview.com/news/university-of-michigan-dearborn-holds-whites-only-virtual-cafe-event/

an equal, but separate, event for Non-POCs.

Of course ...

Because this makes subscribers of Social Justice look bad ... they'll defend it tooth and nail.
but it's still segregation. Only difference this time is that blacks and minorities are buying into it.

COLT731 #wingnut #racist deviantart.com

(A text picture that reads the following)

White Europeans have the right to have a place that they can call home as much as Africans have as their home, Asians have Asia as their home, Arabs have Arabia and Hispanics have Latin-America. If you think that white European don’t deserve a place then you are a racist and a bigot.

If you are crying and calling me racist all I can say is Voi voi ja kättä housuun.

WOLF97777777 #wingnut #racist deviantart.com

As of we all know, recently over the years there have been people in western europe receiving visits from the police and even facing jail time for posts on the internet that were deemed offensive or unpopular. Events such as this have become a common occurrence for white european citizens ranging from a variety of German, British, French and Swedish. The posts mostly consisted of questioning mass immigration and criticizing a certain religion online. Do I believe this is justified? No. The people should be allowed to have their opinions without worrying about the police showing up at their doorstep moments later, this is essentially thought control at it's finest and it goes against the citizens right to free speech. However I do believe terroristic threats should be monitored and those giving out threats on the internet should get a visit if they really seem legit, but offensive jokes that are completely harmless should not be a crime and the same thing goes for the 40 something year old boomer who likes to post asking if a certain religion is peaceful. Because asking questions and criticizing something is not a form of violence.

WOLF97777777 #sexist #wingnut deviantart.com

I'm just gonna make this journal short. I think the thought of killing a baby because you irresponsibly got knocked up with a guy is disgusting. It's a selfish practice that takes the life away from a newly developing human because you don't want to take the responsibility to take care of it or at least give the baby up for adoption. And don't get me started with "but muh rape" excuse, at least try finding the baby a home first before you decide to kill it. I think it's disgusting that you'd want to take a life after yours had nearly been taken by a rapist. Seriously fuck abortion! It's just a selfish excuse for woman to be irresponsible whores.

WOLF97777777 #wingnut deviantart.com

Hello there! Are you a leftist that can't debate properly with an opposing party member? Well we've got some tips for you! Just follow this list of instructions and you'll be owning those evil far righters like butter.
Step 1: Just call your opposer a nazi or a racist

Step 2: Get right in their face and bang a fucking drum in front of them, be careful they may strike back with a deadly smirk.

Step 3: Shut down all their social media accounts and deny them from having a platform to speak on. You can even go the extra mile and find out where they work, getting them fired so those nazis can starve on the streets

Step 4: Dig into your enemy's past and look for anything they said that could sound racist to you, and use those tweets against them to ruin their careers.

Step 5: If you're anywhere close to debating range, just throw a fucking milkshake at your enemy and then claim you were just expressing your opinion when you got called out for it.

There you go! These are all the steps you need to become a left wing master debater. Now get out there and pwn those evil racists.

WOLF97777777 #racist deviantart.com

To any whites/caucasians or whatever else you call it who feel skeptical about their skin colour or bloodline, don't let others bring you down! Whether it's from self loathing pro white genocide leftists or just people who hate whites in general. Be proud of who you are! Never be ashamed to love your own race and skin colour, don't have fear of being called racist for expressing pro white values. Those who shut people down with the racist card are anti white racist bigots that want to see the white race dwindle in their numbers resulting in our nations and bloodline to dissapear. Just ignore those individuals and erase your white guilt! There's only so many of us fellow whites in this current generation, so many turning against one another to join along side the anti western cultural marxists. I encourage other pro whites to have more white children, I know it's not an easy step to take but once a small minority starts and others follow through, the sooner our white population will grow. After all whites have built and contributed to the modern world and I do not wish to see that dissapear along with my fellow white brothers and sisters. I don't know when I'll start a family of my own in the long road ahead. But I have faith in others who are currently having more white children. The better we keep the white birthrates up, the sooner our white aryan race will flourish for centuries to come.

Hunny-Wulf #homophobia #fundie deviantart.com

God did not intend for homosexuality to be in this world. He did not intend for a man to lie with a man. He create Adam and Eve. Not Adam and Steve.

I believe homosexuals are not going to heaven. They will be going to hell for their sins. Along with everyone else who acts like it is okay to be homosexual.

Homosexual couples cannot produce children. Where will our babies come from! A man and a woman were meant to be together and they can produce offspring.

You are all betraying god by this. Just stop.


Why is it that others can state their opinion on how it is so right and such, but as soon as some, (I) have an opposite opinion, it is suddenly bashed upon? Both my opinion and the opinion that it is right are opinions. And I'm told to keep my opinion to myself? If you're going to tell me that, tell that to the ones who say it's right then, too. :shrug:


Disabled comments.


enabled comments again. release the kraken

Shawntheimmortal942 #racist #crackpot #conspiracy #pratt #wingnut #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

And people say these colleges aren’t snowflake hug boxes! So the college of Michigan made these VR cafes or actual cafes and separate white People from minorities...MLK is spinning in his grave so hard that he’s having a beyblade battle with Malcom X! Surprisingly they apologized after people got pissed and unsurprisingly their apology SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKS! https://umdearborn.edu/offices/external-relations/key-issues/virtual-cafes-september-9-2020 Here are the highlights!


Yeah, soooooooooo~much love for “non-POC”, huh? This college needed to protect minorities from “educating” white people on how to be an “ally” or not racist, hm? So again, white people are all racist so they need a space to hate themselves. Also how do you harm someone to educate you!? Are there bullies slamming students against lockers and saying “Hey! Teach me how to be an ally! TEACH ME TO NOT BE RACIST! NOW!” Fucking hell! Millions of steps forward but these crazies just. Keep. pulling us a trillion steps back and again they‘re so open with how much they hate white people and consider them racist just because they’re white! The funny thing is that this has happened before at Harvard in 2017!


Now to be fair this was organized by black students...but you gotta imagine what if it was for white excellence and white brilliance...it wouldn’t happen hell the students that would even suggest it would’ve been expelled, demonized and blasted on social media AND THERE’S NO FUCKING WAY YOU CAN SAY I’M WRONG. INCLUSION! THROUGH EXCLUSION! SOCIAL JUSTICE WARRIORS! HOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

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