Ever since Hunter decided to become center-left, his views have skewed more and more. He hardly tackled any far-left issues, except when it suited him; He stated that Biden won the first presidential debate while not even commenting on the second debate; Is against Trump's move to ban intersectionality from federally-backed institutions; Outright denies voter fraud by citing biased sources and decries anyone else who even suspects voter fraud as conspiratorial at best, "coping" at worst. And I think that's the most telling, his outright dismissal of any sort of notion that the election could have been rigged.
Now here's the thing: I do not like Joe Biden at all. I see him as a puppet for the deep state and democratic party and their collective interests. However, if people actually voted for him fair and square, I would have accepted it. My faith in humanity would have dropped substantially to the point of near-suicide, but still would have accepted it. Why I won't here is because:
A. The political left, radicals, and "never-Trumpers" were screaming for four years that Trump was illegitimate, and were scheming for at least that long to remove him.
B. Special interest groups, some of them foreign, interfering in our political systems for their own gain.
C. Trump's popularity was on the rise right up to the apparent end with blacks, latinos, and lgbt+, then suddenly lost everything without warning.
D. Encouraged voters to vote in person and on time, as opposed to mail-in voting, and evidence of voter fraud is growing even now.
Fortunately, Trump is challenging this, and of course the MSM, Hunter included, is saying that it's baseless, which of course means that there's something there that they don't want us to see. Let's see where this takes us, shall we?