Yes, but how do you account for the Rainbow Dragon Hexagonal Tempest Shift? I'm fairly cerain that you'll need to reencode you Enki DNA overlays to account for the transhyperphasic phenomena that induces in the red wave machinery, unless you you know how to work with green wave machinery, but we all know that's too dangerous for mere mortals to deal with. My cousin's chakras were entangled with a Quantum sapphic metronome heartbreak reactor for 18 eons once after she got to close to one of those! We had to realign her divine feminine lunar Christos jewels. BTW, say hi to Blue Rainbow Solar Reisha Dragon for me. We were BFFs in high school. I always told her that you needed more colors than blue to have a rainbow, but whatever, I'm not going to tell a Solar Reisha Dragon how to color herself.