Donald Trump

Lady Checkmate #fundie

Lady Checkmate's headline: "Yet Another Judge Decides to Reinterpret the Law and Attack the POTUS: DC court bars Trump from reversing transgender troops policy"

(Fox News story follows)

A federal judge on Monday barred President Donald Trump's administration from proceeding with plans to exclude transgender people from military service.

U.S. District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly ruled that the transgender service members who had sued over Trump's policy were likely to win their lawsuit. She directed a return to the situation that existed before Trump announced his new policy this summer, saying the administration had provided no solid evidence for why a ban should be implemented.

Trump had ordered a reinstatement of the longstanding policy that barred transgender individuals from joining the military; service members who were revealed to be transgender were subject to discharge. Under President Barack Obama, that policy was changed last year to allow transgender people to serve openly.

The Trump administration may appeal Kollar-Kotelly's decision, but for now, the proposed ban remains unenforceable under Kollar-Kotelly's preliminary injunction.

"We disagree with the court's ruling and are currently evaluating the next steps," said Justice Department spokesman Lauren Ehrsam.

She reiterated the department's view that the lawsuit was premature because the Pentagon was still in the process of reviewing how the transgender policy might evolve.

One of the attorneys handling the lawsuit, Shannon Minter of the National Center for Lesbian Rights, said the ruling was an enormous relief to his clients.

Don't forget to RECOMMEND. Lets get the Truth out so that Light may shine bright in this dark place and Jesus Christ may be glorified. Even if the discussion is closed, please still RECOMMEND.

Paul Joseph Watson #conspiracy

Koch-Soros Insiders Attempt to Take Over Trump Campaign

Establishment in last ditch effort to co-opt New York billionaire

A major effort is underway to co-opt the Donald Trump campaign by infiltrating it with Koch brothers/George Soros-linked operatives, inside sources have exclusively told

Yesterday it was revealed that Steven Mnuchin would become the Trump campaign’s national finance chair. Mnuchin was an Investment Professional with Soros Fund Management LLC and spent 17 years at Goldman Sachs. He also has innumerable other affiliations with establishment financial institutions and corporations.

A press release was posted on the official Trump campaign website today confirming that appointment.

Questions are swirling as to whether the move was engineered by Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, who himself has close ties with and has worked for the Koch brothers, having overseen the New Hampshire chapter of Americans for Prosperity, the advocacy group founded by the Koch brothers.

Although Lewandowski may not be directly responsible for the infiltration, he could be being used as a dupe by Mnuchin and others as part of a move to either take control of the Trump campaign or contrive a media narrative that Trump has sold out to the establishment.

Mountain Woman #conspiracy

Blatant Treason - CIA Takeover Of United States - Constitution Dead!

Have you asked yourself how it is that Obama and the Liberals seem to be committing blatant treason by trying to overthrow President Trump? I have, and I want to know how they are getting away with it.

This is the definition of treason: [link to]
Under Article III, Section 3, of the Constitution, any person who levies war against the United States has committed treason within the meaning of the Constitution.

Treason is punishable by death. If a death sentence is not imposed, defendants face a minimum penalty of five years in prison and a $10,000 fine (18 U.S.C.A. § 2381). A person who is convicted of treason may not hold federal office at any time thereafter.

Why is it our Constitution is no longer the law of the US? It started after 9/11. Since 9/11, the government has ceaselessly violated our constitutional rights. Consider how privacy worked before 9/11 and how it works now in Post-Constitutional America.

In Post-Constitutional America, the old words that once defined our democracy are twisted in new ways, not discarded. Previously unreasonable searches become reasonable ones under new government interpretations of the Fourth Amendment. Traditional tools of law, like subpoenas and warrants, continue to exist even as they morph into monstrous new forms.

Americans are told (and often believe) that they retain rights they no longer have. In pre-constitutional America the colonists knew that they were under the king’s thumb. In totalitarian states of the last century like the Soviet Union, people dealt with their lack of rights and privacy with grim humor and subtle protest. However, in America, ever exceptional, citizens passively watch their rights disappear in the service of dark ends, largely without protest and often while still celebrating a land that no longer exists.

[link to]

Enter the outsider as president. Donald Trump has condemned the spying and leaking, as he is a victim of it. His White House staff was shaken by what the spies did with what they learned from a former Trump aide.

Trump's former national security adviser, retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, himself a former military spy, spoke to the Russian ambassador to the United States in December via telephone in Trump Tower. It was a benign conversation. He knew it was being monitored, as he is a former monitor of such communications. But he mistakenly thought that those who were monitoring him were patriots as he is. They were not.

They violated federal law by revealing in part what Flynn had said, and they did so in a manner to embarrass and infuriate Trump. But they got away with it.

Why would they do this? Perhaps because they feared Flynn's being in the White House, since he knows the power and depth of the deep state. Perhaps because they believe that their judgment of the foreign dangers America faces is superior to the president's. Perhaps because they hate and fear the outsider in the White House.

Whatever the reason does not matter so much to me, as the fact they are doing all of these things, breaking Federal Law and getting away with it.

How? They are getting away with it, because the Deep State/CIA/Shadow Government is now the law of the land...not the Constitution. They tore that up when they took over. That is why Mueller is getting away with investigating Trump when there is no evidence to do so.

That is why Obama formed a group within his new home in Washington committed to overthrowing Trump. We now are under the control of the CIA/Deep State. They are one in the same. It is about time we face it.

Mark Dent #fundie

During the interview which naturally took place in front of an all-female audience, Michelle made the following observations about men.

Men should simply be better if they want to help women achieve gender equality. Be better at everything. Be better fathers. Good lord, just being good fathers who love your daughters and are providing a solid example of what it means to be a good man in the world, showing them what it feels like to be loved.

A woman with a powerful voice and a very public platform decides it is her right to sit in judgment upon the male gender and tell them how they can be better men and better fathers. She even feels the need to tell fathers to love their daughters. It is breathtakingly arrogant and deeply offensive. I know that the “flip the genders” test is by now old hat, but it remains the single best way to make people reflect upon the incredibly different way in which the public responds to what men and women have to say about each other.

Imagine if you will, that Donald Trump held a rally or did an interview with a male journalist who was so enamored with him that he would be willing to lick his boots should he ask him to do so. Imagine this interview is taking place in front of an all-male audience.

The interviewer asks Trump if he has any advice for the women of America.

Trump responds: “Be better mothers. Good lord, just being good mothers who love your sons and are providing a solid example of what it means to be a woman in the world.”

Of course, these words are spoken to the accompanying applause and cheers of the all-male audience.

There is nothing in Michelle Obama’s words that one could call hateful (not yet.) But the sheer arrogance and prejudice are clearly evident to any objective observer. Now, if Mr. Trump has spoken the words I just quoted the media would crucify him. Even people in his camp would have thrown their hands up in dismay at his stupidity and chauvinism.

Can you believe it? This buffoon has the effrontery to lecture the women of America and tell them how to be better women-him, a man! What a fat, sexist pig! He has cost himself the women’s vote if indeed he had any to begin with. How can this woman hating pig even be running for President? There would be street marches and breathless, orgasmic editorials by the salivating left and head shaking condemnation from the right.

Here we have the First Lady, on stage with the most famous, influential and richest female in America and the only reaction to these words were positive. I am yet to hear one word of condemnation.

The words became far more poisonous as the interview continued, but the audience and Oprah remained as enthusiastic and supportive as ever.

Obama told Winfrey that it’s sad that her experience of never being physically abused by a man is a “rare reality.”

Just pause and read those words again. Can you believe it? The First Lady just said that the vast majority of men in America physically abuse their wives and partners. This is the only inference one can make when she states it is a “rare reality” for a woman never to experience physical abuse in a relationship with a man.

Public condemnation, criticism, raised eyebrows- zero. Again, not even a mild rebuke from a conservative journalist or politician. Nothing.

Let’s flip it again.

Trump says to his all-male audience. “I am fortunate enough to have been in a relationship where I have never been nagged or been used as an ATM, but this is a rare reality for men in America.”

The campaign would end there. There is every possibility his very life could be in danger. The media would eviscerate him, and his friends would apologize on his behalf and beg forgiveness from the women of America.

And surely being called nag is preferable to being branded a woman basher.

Nevertheless, as much as Trump has trampled on many politically correct conventions, if he attacked the whole female gender he would be finished. As it is, if he calls one nasty, abusive, obese woman a “pig” this apparently can be taken to mean he hates all women.


Hillary is able to call Trump a sexist, racist, homophobe to his face and Trump knows that if he responds with the same slurs ( even with ample factual evidence to support him), the public would condemn him and call him a bully and misogynist. How liberating is it to be a female politician debating a male in 2016, knowing your opponent fights you with both hands tied behind his back and his tongue tethered? Is it any wonder Hillary smirked so smugly throughout the first debate?

Chaon #conspiracy

Notes from an 'alternate universe': Aliens from Sirius and the US presidential election (the big picture)

A few days ago I posted the following on my thread (see below), as I thought it was important enough to share.

Some basics:

0 7 years ago, an entity from another world began to communicate through me by posting on this forum as user "Chaol"
0 I discovered this only a couple of years ago, after which time I began looking into all of the posts that I (as "Chaol") had made
0 After reading all of the posts and trying to understand the material I came up with a new kind of science, 'Quantum Metaphysics' that illustrates the information that Chaol explained through me
0 The science in the book is not a science at all, but a new way of thinking. I have asked several actual quantum theorists if they could disprove the theory, but the two that responded were unable to. (They are also unwilling to make public statements about it, so I consider this part mostly irrelevant.)
0 After thinking Chaol was a part of my subconscious, a few days ago I discovered that Chaol was actually a entity from another world
0 Chaol doesn't have a message for humanity, per se. She seems to only want me to spread the information in order to bridge my world and hers.
0 I have been spending time in Chaol's world (although Chaol calls it 'the dreamworld' it is also an actual physical place. Though Chaol travels using both body and mind.)
0 A few days ago I happened to ask her about the future and discovered a number of things. The following is one part of that that I think is rather important. (The information itself is necessarily distorted through my own lens of perspective, but I've been working to make it as 'accurate', or relative, as possible.)

none of the following is true...

A group of beings from the Sirius star system are planning to make themselves known to us in November in order to prevent the possibility of losing their ability to communicate with their home world. They have been physically here on Earth since 2011, and have been observing our world along with other nearby worlds for a very, very long time. For reasons that will concern us far more than would concern them, the future of humanity is at stake.

Our history with these beings goes back to the dawn of humanity, when they found ways to inter-breed with certain types of animals native to Earth. (I'm not too familiar with Zecharia Sitchin or Erich von Daniken's work but perhaps some clues could be found in that direction.)

Getting Sirius

This group (whose name I did not find out) have come to prevent us from using advanced nuclear weapons. But it is not because they 'care' about humanity or our civilization, per se. We are left to our own devices, but not when those devices disrupt other worlds it seems. A nuclear war on Earth using our latest nuclear weapon technology would pollute the solar system with a tremendous amount of geomagnetically induced current, which interfers with the electromagnetic fields they use to communicate with their world from their nearby base.

Chaol is not aligned with this group but does have some knowledge of their whereabouts and what they are up to, and has shown me some of this because I thought to ask what the future is like.

The US government (along with others) have known of their presence since 2011 and has contingency plans with other major governments in case of an "alien invasion". From what I can see there isn't the sligtest possibility of an alien invasion (as there would be no need) but the Sirius beings know that war and defense is our natural response. General Douglas MacArthur - in a 1955 speech - said that the next (world) war will be interplanetary. It is no coincidence that Donald Trump continues to bring his name up. I think there are a number of others in the US and around the world who are aware of the Sirius presence and believe it to be an immediate threat to their own well-being.

The US government has been preparing for inter-planetary war since before Roswell. (Indeed, the craft at Roswell was their own. Their 'clever' cover story got out of hand.) But again, there is no possibility of war with these beings. Our technologies are exceedingly primitive in comparison and Earth has nothing of any value to them. That doesn't stop certain powerful interests that use proxies in government, media, and every corner of society from thinking otherwise. The names that you read about and think are pulling the strings ("the powers that be") are themselves proxies of people whose names you've never heard of. They believe that -- long ago -- the beings from Sirius gave control of Earth to them, the 'chosen ones' (which they didn't).

(By the way.. the "reptilian" conspiracy is not too far off from reality. There are no human-looking reptile beings from other worlds but there are people that use their primitive, reptilian brain (the oldest part of the human brain, that we have the Sirians to thank for). This part of the brain very easily connects with the more emotion-based right hemisphere. I believe that people that see some humans as reptiles are subconsciously picking up on the other person's heightened use of their primitive brain.)

The Sirians do plan, however, to render not only our nuclear weaponry inert but also our massive particle colliders (CERN, LHC, etc) one of which is a secret attempt to build a portal to Sirius. Further, their plan is to completely disable the mechanisms that those devices rely on -- which means the tremendous logistics and resources that are used to support them -- in order to prevent us from developing the same types of devices in future. THIS is the part that affects us most.

So what now?

The pace of things has increased as governments around the world have stepped up their plans (and made new ones) in response to the 2011 Sirius arrival. I don't know what will happen next, but I do know that the Sirius group wants to shift the nuclear drums of war towards cooperation to defend against an extra-terrestrial threat that doesn't exist.

Scenario 1 seems to be a "Cold War" type scenario with two groups of countries developing nuclear weapons to use against each other. Although it seems highly unlikely that any would seriously consider deploying such weapons, the very existence of such weapons is a threat to the Sirius group.

Scenario 2 (desired by the Sirius group) is where they make themselves known, peacefully. Regardless of their benevolence, this would set off a cooperation between governments to shift resources to developing different kinds of weapons that will not interfere with their communications. People would generally see their presence as peaceful and interesting whereas -- behind closed doors -- governments would be frantically developing defensive measures.

They are planning to reveal themselves in the middle of November or December at the latest. There are some other events playing out on the world stage that dictates the need for their timeline, as we might see soon enough.

Various conservatives #fundie

Paul Ryan beard? To look more Muslim friendly or to hide his face?
@marklevinshow yes all that crap about paul Ryan? How could people think anything else. His Muslim beard a dead set give away.weak as piss
Traitor Paul Ryan now sporting a Muslim beard. Easy to see how him, Boehner and Obama always got on together
Paul Ryan calls for Donald Trump to step down over Moslem comments, then muslim sympathizer Paul Ryan grows a Muslim beard. PATHETIC
Paul Ryan fits right in with Obama in his New Muslim Beard. The GOP are Obama's Puppets. We need Trump who can kick their Ass.

DennisTate #fundie

I firmly believe the prophecy that Messiah Yeshua - Jesus is going to give
President Donald Trump eight years in office.......
but the flavour of his opposition can make his administration much
more effective in actually working out the plans that G-d has for America, Israel, all of America's allies,
and even for the Islamic world at this time.

Jeff Popick #fundie

[These are the lyrics to a song performed by the USA Freedom Kids at a Donald Trump rally.]

Are you serious?
Apologies for freedom, I can't handle this.
When freedom rings, answer the call!
On your feet, stand up tall!
Freedom's on our shoulders, USA!
Enemies of freedom face the music, c'mon boys, take them down
President Donald Trump knows how to make America great
Deal from strength or get crushed every time

Dave Daubenmire #fundie

The election of 2016 will go down in history as a watershed moment in the battle for Western Civilization. Against all odds the most anti-Christian Party in the history of American was jettisoned from their perch of power. The miraculous election of Donald Trump did not happen without the intervention of Almighty God.

We can argue all day as to whether his election was a blessing or a curse but no matter which side of the goal line you stand you cannot deny the Supernatural intervention. Donald Trump was God’s foot-in-the-door to the anti-Christ Clinton’s and their criminal enterprise with their machinations designed to heave the final shovel of dirt on this once Christian American Republic.

It is my belief that very few Christians understand how close we were to the criminalization of Christianity and the overthrow of Western Civilization. The fact that you think what I just said was hyperbole shows just how blind you were to the sword of Damocles swaying over our necks.

I believe in the very depths of my being that Almighty God has given us a temporary and final reprieve from the outpouring of His terrible wrath. Could it be that in His wrath he has remembered mercy?

Michael Savage #fundie

The day after his interview with Donald Trump, Michael Savage hailed the GOP presidential candidate for vowing to employ torture methods even worse than waterboarding.

The conservative radio host cited Trump’s vow to go after CNN commentator Fareed Zakaria, calling him a “double agent” and a “Mata Hari,” a reference to the Dutch dancer who was executed for spying for Germany during World War I.

Zakaria recently said that just as “the main cause of the rise of extremism in the world of Islam has been the cowardice of Muslim moderates who, for decades, chose not to condemn bad ideas and ugly rhetoric,” Trump too has gained popularity as a result of Republicans refusing to condemn the “forces of anti-intellectualism, obstructionism, and population” within the conservative movement.

But Savage didn’t seem to mind the comparison: “I’ve studied homeopathy, like cures like, Mr. Zachariah [sic]. And the only way we are going to defeat your friends in that world of Islamic extremism, if they are your friends, a fact that I wouldn’t know, the only way to defeat them is like cures like. We need an extremist to defeat them or we’re dead. We are dead in the water unless we defeat them. There’s only one thing those vermin understand and that’s worse behavior than their own.”

Prophetise #fundie

Today I received a word from the Spirit, I learned that Donald Trump and Milo Yiannopoulos are the Two Witnesses from Revelation. The perfect Love between them is a picture of the love between Daddy (Abba/the Father) and Jesus Christ the Son.

Donald, the President, is like God the Father who is King and Lord of all creation.

Milo is the suffering servant, he was stripped of his job and reputation just like Jesus was stripped of his clothes and crucified for our sins.

Together they have been speaking truth to power and challenging the reign of the evil one. Let us reach out our hands and pray for them as they do heaven's work in these last days.

Anonymous Trump supporters #racist

Erin Schrode, a 25-year-old Jewish activist who hopes to become the youngest representative in U.S. Congress, says she has been targeted with a torrent of anti-Semitic online abuse.

In a Facebook post published overnight Sunday she quoted some of the messages she received:

"Everyone knows it's TIME for America's first evil retarded teen cunt Congress kike!"

"Fire up the oven!"

"All would laugh with glee as they gang raped her and then bashed her bagel eating brains in."

Another message she received, quoted by Buzzfeed News, reads: “Get out of my country, kike. Get to Israel where you belong. That or the oven. Take your pick.”

Schrode, a Democrat running in California's second congressional district, said the online campaign was coordinated with the Daily Stormer, a neo-Nazi blog that has endorsed Donald Trump. She said her cell phone number, email address and social media handle were posted there by commentators.

"I woke up yesterday and today to hundreds of such vile messages," she said, noting she notified law enforcement agencies.

"This unspeakable vitriol goes far beyond anti-Semitism," she added. "It is not merely an attack on me or on one people, but rather an attack on any individual or group who is targeted because of faith, race, nationality, gender, ability, orientation or other arbitrary classification."

There is “more and more anti-Semitism this election cycle," Schrode told BuzzFeed News.

This is not the first time that Trump supporters are being accused of anti-Semitic online abuse. Trump supporters directed anti-Semitic vitriol recently against journalists who have been critical of the Republican candidate. Two of them were New York Times editor Jonathan Weisman and GQ writer Julia Ioffe.

Weisman, who called out anti-Semitism in the ranks of Trump supporters on Twitter, was sadly immediately vindicated, when he was inundated with a flood of bigoted tweets from purported fans of the presumptive Republican nominee. 

Julia Ioffe, a regular contributor for the New York Times Magazine and a columnist at Foreign Policy, was bombarded by hateful tweets, phone calls and emails, seemingly from Trump supporters, over a profile of Trump's wife Melania that was published.

The online assault came after the Daily Stormer urged followers to “go ahead and send her [Ioffe] a tweet and let her know what you think of her dirty kike trickery.”

Donald Trump #fundie

Trump on Obamacare: "Losers" Are Chuck Schumer And Nancy Pelosi, "Let It Explode"

President Trump makes a statement after the health care reform bill he supported was pulled ahead of a vote in the House. He said that speaking politically, things couldn't be better for him.

Trump thanksed Paul Ryan for his hard work and noted that Democratic Leaders Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer were the "losers" of the whole affair.

"I've been saying for a year and a half that the best thing we could do --politically speaking-- is to let Obamacare explode, it is exploding right now, many states have big problems. Almost all states have big problems," the president said.

"So Obamacare is exploding, with no Democrat support we couldn't quite get there, we were just a few votes short, in terms of getting our bill passed. A lot of people don't realize how good our bill was because they were viewing Phase One. Phase Two, which was mostly the signings of Sec. Price... and you add Phase Three, which I think we would have gotten, it became a great bill... but that is okay."

"I think what will happen is Obamacare, will, unfortunately, explode. It is going to have a bad year. Last year you had over 100% increases in various places... Many places 50-60-70%... This year should be much worse for Obamacare," he added.

"What would be good, is if the Democrats, when it explodes, got together and worked with us and got a real health care bill. I would be totally open to it and I think it is going to happen. I think the losers are Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, because now they own Obamacare, 100% own it. It is not a Republican healthcare, it is not anything but a Democrat healthcare, and they have Obamacare for a little while longer," he said. "This is not our bill, this is their bill."

"I want to thank Paul Ryan," the president said. "He worked very, very hard. Tom Price and Mike Pence... everybody worked hard. I worked as a team player, and would love to have seen it pass."

"We learned a lot about loyalty, we learned about the bill process, we learned a lot of arcane rules in obviously both the Senate and the House, so for me it has been a very interesting experience."

Rick Tyler #racist

Rick Tyler, an independent Congressional candidate for Tennessee’s 3rd district, is facing a boycott of his restaurant business after he advertised his candidacy with racist billboard messages like “Make America White Again.”

In a Facebook post on Tuesday, Tennessee resident Amy Hines Woody expressed her outrage by posting a photo of the “Make America White Again” sign, WTVC reported.

“This disgusting bunch of bigotry was erected about 20 minutes from our house,” she wrote, noting that Tyler owned Whitewater Grill in Ocoee. “Please, if you are the decent and loving people I know you to be, boycott this business.”

A Web address on the billboard redirects to Tyler’s campaign website, which explains that the candidate chose a sign that “is difficult to ignore and its message comes across as authoritative and influential.”

Tyler also suggests that his billboard is based on Donald Trump’s “Make America Great Again” slogan.

“Of great significance, as well, is the reality of the Trump phenomenon and the manner in which he has loosened up the overall spectrum of political discourse,” he noted. “The Make America White Again billboard advertisement will cut to the very core and marrow of what plagues us as a nation.”

A second sign used words from Dr. Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech along with an illustration of the Confederate flag surrounding the White House.

Tyler said that he planned to put up other billboards, including “Fight federal tyranny / Stop the Muslim invasion” and “Mamas, don’t let your babies grow up to be miscegenators.”

The candidate told WRCB-TV that he did not hate people of color, but wanted to return to a “1960s, Ozzie and Harriet, Leave it to Beaver time when there were no break-ins; no violent crime; no mass immigration.”

But after the Kiwanis of Ocoee and others joined the boycott of Tyler’s restaurant, the “Make American White Again” billboard mysteriously disappeared.

“THE SIGN IS OFFICIALLY DOWN!!!” Amy Hines Woody reported in a Facebook update. “Never should have been there in the first place, but at least it’s gone.”

It was not immediately clear if Tyler had completely abandoned his “billboard strategy.”

Wayne Allyn Root #fundie

Yesterday, Wayne Allyn Root, a Donald Trump-worshiping sycophant and all-around conspiracy theorist, appeared on Jesse Lee Peterson's radio program to declare that Trump's presidential campaign is a message from God that "it's time for a war president."

"I think we need a war president and I think God sent us someone named Donald Trump," Root said. "I think he's perfect for this election. We needed someone who is a bit coarse and foul-mouthed and vicious and fights with a gun in a gunfight, not with a knife in a gun fight."

"I think he's the right guy at that right time," he continued, "and I get very mad when Christians try and tell me that they're not going to vote for him because he's just too coarse and too foul and too vicious and he says offensive things. When you read the Bible, I read tons of vengeful things, I read tons of war and death and people being punished by God. God is not always nice; this God takes vengeance when he's mad at you and he sends really vicious people when you need them."

"We're in a war to save America, I think from the devil, I think from the Antichrist, I think from a biblical prophecy that someone is going to take down this country and it's pretty clear to me it's happening right now," Root concluded.

altcentrism & Consider_the_Horses #transphobia


I fucking hate Contrapoints

- Average looking guy turned tranny suddenly gets tinder dates (incel theory confirmed, clown world confirmed)

- Claims to be against incels because of their obsession about looks, get expensive plastic surgery to fix his appearance

- Woke "socialist" that wants capitalism gone but his entire existence is based on consumerism (top tier make up, plastic surgery, expensive props, useless items to decorate the house, flashy clothes, etc)

- Pretends to be anti capitalism to steal the patreon money from his retarded leftie fans, while benefiting more from the system than Donald Trump.

- In his early 20s, a lover of classical music, literature and philosophy (judging by the old YT channel.) After becoming a tranny, entire existence is defined by that. No more interests, just sex, make up, beauty vlogs, and LGBT shit.

Fuck Contrapoints

I hate capitalism and fancy the shit out of her so honestly i'm torn.

You "fancy" the make up and camera angles, in real life """"""she"""""""" is 6'2 with the shoulders of a NFL player.

Well to be very honest, I do believe that there are individuals who really feel like the other gender (studies have shown that trans men and women do have similar brain structures to their cisgender peers, so it isnt just "delusion"), and doesnt harm me to refer to contrapoints as she/her, so I do it out of common respect.

That being said, you are absolutely right that she uses heavy makeup, camera angles and FACIAL SURGERY (jfl at thinking facial features do no matter, she immediatly becomes a hypocrite when she talks about incels) to potray herself as attractive or some kind of sex symbol, which is incredibly disingenious (or however the hell you spell that word).

"Dysphoria" exists in everyone. I have dysphoria about not being a 9.5/10 Chad, having a full beard, muscles, an 8 inch dick, etc. Instagram models with millions of followers photoshop their pictures out of insecurity. Everyone "feels" in a certain way, it's not a reason to change reality to accommodate their delusions. We don't treat schizophrenic patients by hiring actors to justify their visions; we tell them the visions aren't real.

The differences in brain structures are not associated with their mental delusions, but with their sexuality:

Untreated MtFs and FtMs who have an early onset of their gender dysphoria and are sexually oriented to persons of their natal sex show a distinctive brain morphology


Claims to be against incels because of their obsession about looks, get expensive plastic surgery to fix his appearance

This is honestly one of the weirdest contradictions in their whole narrative. Their plastic surgery to change the shape of their jaws and noses and whatnot is nothing else but a change of appearance, too!? Also, it changes one's appearance to look more stereotypically feminine. But if gender is just a social construct and stereotypical femininity just a product of "toxic masculinity" anyway ... than why do they fight so fanatically for the right to have their cosmetic operations covered by healthcare? According to that logic, women with manjaws and big noses should also get plastic surgeries ... and incels could also get operations, just in order to make them look more masculine.

The Rev. William H. Grimes #fundie

Daniel Roem (often incorrectly referred to as "Danica" by the lamestream media) is a far-left Democrat Party supporter who lied his way to a seat in the Virginia House of Delegates. On November 7, 2017, the people of Virginia's 13th District were either duped or readily voted for a man who is dressed like a woman to represent them in their state legislature. Either way, this is a sign of severe mental deficiency on the part of those living in this district.

Roem is ready to push homosexual and transsexual "rights" in the State of Virginia, even though the Papist dominated Supreme Court gave them their sinful "marriages" and Kenyan national Barry Soetoro and RINO Donald Trump have already given them more "rights" than they deserve. They already had a right to marry someone of the opposite sex, to work, to rent, and all of that just like any other American, but people like Roem have been particularly insistent upon pushing their perversions on hardworking everyday true Christian Americans. ELCA Lutherans, Episcopalians, and other no-doctrine "Christians" have even championed this mentally ill sexual deviant taking office, in effect spitting on the cross Christ died for them on while claiming to believe in the Gospel.

"And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left. Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left. Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come. But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up. Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh. Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath made ruler over his household, to give them meat in due season?"- Matthew 24:39-45

"Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come." - Matthew 24:42

"This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away."- 2 Timothy 3

Omarosa #fundie

Every critic, every detractor, will have to bow down to President Trump. It’s everyone who’s ever doubted Donald, who ever disagreed, who ever challenged him. It is the ultimate revenge to become the most powerful man in the universe.

Nextrush #fundie

I have watched this pretense of conservatism play out in the GOP all my life.

Donald Trump was elected to change that by "draining the swamp" of corrupt business as usual Republicans who put business and banking interests ahead of the national interest.

His supporters love the POTUS and want him to take action that is real and meaningful and sacrificial to reverse the decline of this country.

Steve Bannon said when he spoke at Roy Moore's rally last week that to get to the Democrats we first have to get past the Republicans.

They must be replaced en masse and if that can't happen politics isn't going to Make America Great Again.

The Left-Progressive-Liberals are conned by the Democrats too because they are bought and paid for by the business and banking elites as well.

I read on Facebook a post the other day that said "Republicans aren't conservative and Democrats aren't liberal".

That guy gets it and more of us need to get it.

Mack Major #fundie

If you don't know by now that this upcoming election is more of a spiritual battle than it is a political one, you'd better wake up!

Apparently a group of witches and pagans have joined forces to exert "mental power and influence" over Donald Trump, in order to cause him to quit the election early. This was reported in several newspapers in England, including the UK Telegraph. *Link is in the comment section.

These witches and pagans from the World Ad-Hoc Association of Witches have pledged to “exert mental influence” on the upcoming debate which, it claims, will force the billionaire to quit the race.

Apparently Christians have been praying because they tried this at the last debate: which failed miserably. Trump clearly came away the winner in that debate. But then the --> allegations <-- about sexual assault began immediately after that.

And while folks are focusing on these accusers who keep getting treasured front-page treatment from the media without any verification of their authenticity, the greater news story about Hillary's bribing of federal agents and other chicanery taking place under her watch is going largely unreported.

The Bible told us as believers to WATCH and PRAY. And as a Christian you really must ask yourself:

What is it about this guy (Donald Trump) that is so threatening to LGBT groups and now WITCHES and PAGANS that they have all joined forces to stop his election to the Presidency? And why haven't they targeted Hillary Clinton or any of the other candidates the same way? Are you comfortable with that???

It's been stirring in my spirit since I started paying attention to this election cycle that something 'out of the norm' is up. You can feel it in the air. This has become bigger than just a battle between two candidates: it seems we now have a battle between two opposing spiritual powers as well.

I'm not claiming Trump is a Christian. But he does have conservative Christians backing up his candidacy. Nor am I claiming Hillary's a witch. But it does look suspicious whenever witches, gays and pagans join forces to condemn one candidate - while at the same time propping up another.

Something is clearly up here.

Keep your eyes sharp, and be in prayer that God's choice for candidate and the right future appointments make it into office. Most of all be sure to get out and vote yourself.

Unless it doesn't concern you that witches and warlocks are joining up to influence the election the way they want it to go.

RalphTheCat #fundie

(On Donald Trump's idea to target the families of ISIS members)

We lose when we have these contorted rules of engagement. I would rather kill a thousand family members as collateral damage as I would have a single American soldier killed.
When have we triumphed ? Mass bombings in Germany during WW2 - Dresden comes to mind. Hiroshima, Nagasaki.
Yeah, you may pizz the fighters off but they will get over that when they are killed.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy

Since 2002 when I began my online ministry, I have learned that the whole left/right paradigm (Democrat/Republican) is a New World Order (NWO) Luciferian hoax. America's political system has been hi-jacked and rigged. In fact, our whole federal government has been hi-jacked by criminals. Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney saw this truth many years ago...

Alex Jones was great in the early days, but sadly has succumbed, for whatever reasons (money, he's tired, pressure, or a little of all the above) to join the Republican platform and support Trump.

Here are some informative articles that I have written...

When I saw photos of Donald Trump playing golf with the criminal Clintons, I knew he couldn't be trusted. Trump's father was a big kingpin in New York real-estate and politics, and so was his son. Trump is controlled by the Wall Street banks, as was President Barack Obama, who hired at least 37 former Goldman Sachs employees to work in the White House...

In summary, Satan is the god of this world. He uses the love of money to control the world. The Rothschild family control America through the international banks, the Federal Reserve, Wall Street, which explains why they have taken control over the White House.

I think Commander William Guy Carr (1895-1959) explained it best, who said that it's not about Freemasons, Catholics or Zionist Jews who control everything; but rather, these groups all fall under the LUCIFERIANS who do control everything...

The Bible confirms this in Ephesians 6:12, teaching us that we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but “against the rulers of the darkness of this world.” So, in my humble Christian opinion, Mr. Trump is bought and paid for by the Luciferian elite (aka, the Illuminati). They are careful to remain hidden behind the scenes, and to blame everything on departing U.S. Presidents, so as to keep us fooled all the time. President Trump is setting the stage for the next U.S. president. I actually heard Trump say that he WILL be president for two terms. We'll see.

The next Democrat president will make Mr. Obama look like a Sunday School teacher, taking our nation to new moral lows never imaged. We're already at Sodom's level, and we're headed much lower! The national news has been filled lately with incest, pedophilia and every perversion imaginable, and it's only going to get a lot worse, by design, which is what the Luciferian elite have been working so hard to create through perverse music videos, filthy internet, raunchy Hollywood films, satanic Walt Disney and the entire ungodly media. I read last week about a 46 year old woman (in Oklahoma I think it was) who married her 26 year old daughter. Another man in his 40's impregnated his biological daughter in her early 20's, and she's bragging about it on the internet in North Carolina. This stuff is where we are headed next legally! The Antichrist is called “the man of sin,” and to be well received, the world must stoop to new moral lows.

Carol Brown #fundie

[Hyperlinks in original article]

Should the United States take in (even more) Syrian refugees?


And here’s why.

We have already committed to accepting thousands of Syrians over the course of the next five years. So the decision to bring Syrians to our country is not one merely being debated, it is, regrettably, already well underway. (It is regrettable to have to say “regrettably” when talking about this, but Muslims pose a unique threat to free people everywhere.)


Numbers aside, the issue of Syrian refugees must be put into a larger context. (And, just for the record, the word refugees really should be put in quotes, as will be explained later.)

First, everyone must ask why so many Islamic nations are refusing these refugees.


No doubt this fear of importing terrorists is sincere, if not also ironic coming from countries that enforce Sharia law. But there is likely another factor at play, which is hijrah, the Islamic doctrine of immigration whereby societies are overwhelmed with Muslims such that Muslims become the dominant force. Immigration jihad.


And then there is the matter of so much hysteria over Syrian refugees when Christians persecuted in Iraq and elsewhere in the Middle East have been refused entry to the United States. Where has been our outrage and where has been the world’s commitment to make sure they are given safe haven in the West? (See here, here, here, and here.)

Of course we know the sickening and tragic answer to that question. We are living in an age when Christianity is demonized and Islam is elevated, thanks to the leftist/Islamic agenda along with a hefty dose of cowardice and ignorance on the part of those who passively sit on the sidelines.


Here’s a snapshot of the top six GOP candidates (according to the latest RCP averages) stand on Syrian refugees:

When Donald Trump was asked whether the United States should accept some of the Syrian refugees, he said, “possibly, yes.”

Wrong. The answer must be an unequivocal “no, and here’s why.”

Marco Rubio expressed interest in accepting more Syrians if we could have a vetting process that would assure no terrorists got through.

Wrong. Of course we don’t want terrorists entering the United States, but this issue is about more than terrorists. It’s also about increasing Muslim immigration. (Not to mention the near impossibility of ensuring that no terrorists get through.)


We must close our borders to Syrians and all Muslims who want to live in the United States. There’s no room at the inn. We’re all filled up with mega mosques and Muslim schools that teach hate; with Muslim Brotherhood front groups, lawfare, and creeping Sharia. With beheadings and honor killings. And prison converts. And terror training camps. And deadly acts of jihad.

Fading Light #racist

For quite a while here, I have been saying something that I think some of you suppose I say only for morale purposes: We are going to win this war.

It's not just for morale purposes. We really are going to win this.

Right now, the Jews and their leftist minions are pulling out every last stop they have to try to shut down Donald Trump. The SPLC has just added his campaign to their "Hate™ Watch" list. The freaking White House just used official air time to lie about the legality of his campaign statements. Every last media libtard is gunning for him because they know he has nearly everyone who isn't evil or insane supporting him. And he announced his stance on banning Muslim immigration and it nearly DOUBLED his lead in New Hampshire.

Whether he's really on our side or not is irrelevant to the point. The point is this: Look how many people are rallying behind him, and things haven't even gotten all that bad yet in this country.

The Satanic Jewbags have NO EFFING CLUE what they are setting themselves up for. They really, truly, IDIOTICALLY believe that banning a few phrases and buying a few money-whores in Congress and making a few movies will give them control over the populace, and how long has it taken all of that to start coming unraveled at the edges? Times get hard and nobody has any more patience for this endless leftist bullcrap!

We really are going to win, gang. Hang on a little bit longer. Maybe he's lying. Maybe they'll shoot him. Sad in either case, but it doesn't matter with respect to the movement and our future: They will not be able to stop this process from happening a thousand times more strongly when the nation gets a little worse.

Provoking the White race is the most monumentally moronic thing anyone could ever do, and the Noses are doing it all over the planet at the same time.

When it really matters, our people WILL fight, and we will win.

You may now go back to your previous activities.

Pat Robertson #fundie

TV preacher Pat Robertson says the massacre in Las Vegas was caused by lack of respect for President Donald Trump, protests during the national anthem and the country having no “vision of God.”

“There is profound disrespect for our president, all across this nation they say terrible things about him,” the televangelist and former presidential candidate said on “The 700 Club” on Monday. “It’s in the news, it’s in other places.”

Robertson went on:

“There is disrespect now for our national anthem, disrespect for our veterans, disrespect for the institutions of our government, disrespect for the court system. All the way up and down the line, disrespect.”

He also blamed the lack of “biblical authority” and “some controlling authority in our society.”

“When there is no vision of God, the people run amok,” he said in the clip, posted online by Right Wing Watch. “And we have taken from the American people the vision of God, the whole idea of reward and punishment, an ultimate judge of all our actions, we’ve taken that away. When there is no vision of God, the people run amok.”

Graeystone #conspiracy

Say you are Kathy Griffin and you did what she did with the Bloody Head of Trump. What would your next action be after 'apologizing'? Would you take a long hard look in the mirror and do some serious thinking about what kind of person you are? Would you realize you may need some kind of mental and/or spiritual help and seek out a psychiatrist and/or pastor? Would you just plain shut up and eat the Humble Pie that's just been handed to you?

Or would you continues to flap your gums against the wind by blaming others for your own screw up that you knew was a bad idea in the first place while pretending to be the actual victim in all of this?

Kathy Griffin chose the second paragraph. Now she's blaming Donald Trump even though the harshest thing he said in his Tweet was that it was sick. Melena was more harsh than Donald.

Kathy is now complaining about 'specific death threats'. . .um, name me one celebrity in any ranking of A-D that never received some kind of death threat? I'm sure Kathy has had her share of death threats(and for those who are doing it now I hope the cops do find you!) so complaining about them now as if its a first time thing or not realizing that being in the public eye, whether in a positive manner or negative manner, will lead to them.

She's also whining about the Secret Service investigating her as if that's a bad thing. IT'S THEIR JOB TO INVESTIGATE THIS SORT OF THING! Did Kathy actually think that the Secret Service wouldn't investigate something like this?

What's even worse is that Kathy is acting like she's being persecuted. She claims Trump using the power of the government broke her. Um. . .the only thing the government is doing is preforming a Secret Service investigation. Its not like she is a member of a Republican and/or Conservative Non-Profit Group that is refused a Non-Profit Status by the IRS or are forced to choose between their First Amendment Rights and Non-Profit Status.

If anything Kathy is a Red Head Bitter Spoiled Brat In Adult Body Version Of Hillary Clinton. Instead of being humbled or learning whatever lessons that needed to be learned, Kathy, just like Hillary, blames everyone else for her screw up instead of the person she sees every time she looks into a mirror.

Lady Checkmate #fundie

Lady Checkmate's headline: "Trump’s Border Wall Could Pay for Itself by Cutting Welfare to Illegal Immigrants"

With President Donald Trump set to visit San Diego on Tuesday to inspect the eight border wall prototypes that have been built, a new study has found that the controversial barrier could cover its own cost.
According to the Center for Immigration Studies, the $18 billion wall will pay for itself by curbing the importation of crime, drugs and illegal immigrants who tend to go on the federal dole.

Hispanics make up less than a quarter of all welfare recipients in the US. This sounds like an excuse to pull funding from social programs.
Total welfare cost: $158.2 billion
Military: $886 billion

Lady Checkmate:
Hi Worriedforthefuture. Please stop race-baiting. We're discussing illegal aliens AND "Trump’s Border Wall Could Pay for Itself by Cutting Welfare to Illegal Immigrants", not "Hispanics" AND fyi, illegal aliens come in ALL races and ethnicities (not just one). Again, Please stop race-baiting.
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For your convenience:

Carrie Prejean #fundie

(about Donald Trump)

His passion, his boldness, his courageousness, his fearlessness, his honesty, his heart of gold, his enthusiasm, his loyalty, his love for this Country, and for the American people, is why I support this man. He will be the one who puts #Americafirst I am honored to be a part of history, I am proud to have been involved in setting the record straight against the lies and dishonesty within the liberal Media.

CuckedByTRUMP #fundie

The left is a cult that can only survive by cutting off information.

I was reading an askreddit thread about people who have left a cult "What was your oh**** moment?" If you go read that thread over there you will see one thing in common in all the cults. You are not allowed to think differently and to stop you from thinking differently they shut off all information from the outside. The left does exactly this. They are trying to silence conservatives to keep information away from their followers in the cult. If you think any unapproved thoughts you will be shunned from the group.

The left is a cult.

Edit: I went to sleep and came back. This post blew up. I am glad people see what the left really is. Also I saw a comment about how it is ironic to post this in a sub that censors leftists. What a ridiculous contradiction. We are on a completely leftist platform that censors right leaning subs, has special rules for our sub only, and removes gun subreddits. We are literally in the belly of the beast and you cult members want to come in to every single thread and try to brainwash us with your cult crap. Sorry but we are turning away the door knockers. We are here to try and save the people you are brainwashing. We are trying to pull people out of your cult. No we don't need to hear your 5000th anti-Trump post for the day here. You have a thousands subs to discuss that on. We have one. You have even taken over conservative subs in the past. If you want to argue your point of view go to askthe_donald. We have a dedicated sub for discussion.

Fun fact: Democrats also are far more likely to have mental health issues.

Fun fact: People in cults also are far more likely to have mental health issues.

Thus, cults can be seen as an organized group or a solitary person whose purpose is to dominate cult members by using psychological manipulation and pressure strategies.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy

[On Donald Trump 'backtracking' on climate change.]

They got to Don.

He was already shaken by his meeting with Obama, but it was Kissinger who really laid down the Law.

Expect more betrayals and don't feel too bad about it. After all, Trump's a human being who wants to stay alive and keep his loved ones, too.

The alien overlords are harsh masters.

Andrea X #fundie

A retreat offering meditation, yoga and reflection has attracted headlines all over the world for banning white people and men from attending.

The Women of Color Healing Retreat, held in the southeast Costa Rican city of Puerto Viejo, is designed as a sanctuary from the "racist ideology" of the US, and to connect African-Americans "to nature and themselves".

Founder Satya X says the retreat's goal is to have a week of healing and community building, which involves "enriching women-centred" workshops, hiking, swimming, meditating and self-care practices.

But the retreat founder's denial of Caucasian and male attendees has garnered the most attention, following a recent video report by Vice News.

In the footage, retreat runner Andrea X says she feels as though white people are "everywhere".

"I feel white people shouldn't even have passports," she said. "I have no tips for white people, let us have our space.

"Let us have our room and [you] hang out with other white people - you've done enough damage."

Andrea X says the ultimate goal of the retreat is to create a "community of black people" living in the central American nation.

She denied that idea could be viewed as motivated by the same hatred as white people who want segregation from blacks.

"It has nothing to do with [anyone else]. This is about us healing our community."

In another part of the video, retreat-goers said they would struggle to be as open and honest if, white people had been allowed to attend.

For many, the presidency of Donald Trump had pushed them to travel to go on the retreat.

Michael Todd Birkl #racist

According to Washington, D.C.’s WJLA news station, Birkl was arrested for leaving a note on the door of a church in Dumfries, Virginia last month that read “Now THATS WHiTE POWER, DAY of THe Rope IS Coming [sic].” Along with the epithet were clippings from KKK pamphlets, a photo of a Confederate flag and a cutout from a TIME magazine cover illustration of President Donald Trump in a white klan hood.

LeoWindhorse #fundie

(Marjan Ehsassi is American by choice -- and, until recently, was fiercely proud of it...But now she is discovering, painfully, that the feeling isn't reciprocal. Though non-practicing, she is Muslim-born, and she is shaken by Donald Trump's talk of forcing Muslim Americans to register and banning Muslims from entering the United States.)

boo-hoo , cry me a river ....

Totally renounce islam , accept Christ , and then you can stay

Jim Bakker #fundie

Last week, televangelist Jim Bakker listed several “signs of the Last Days,” which he said includes not only people blaspheming God but also those who are “blaspheming a president who wants to do good.”

Bakker said that many people want have “blasphemed” Donald Trump, who Bakker described as a righteous man who wants to “help us not bring drugs into our country,” “stop murderers and rapists” and “literally to bring America back to a place where your kids can still walk the streets around your house at night.”

Poupic #fundie

Expecting the Chief Islamist in Washington not to help the main Islamic state supporting Islamic terror? On what planet were you born? Kerry is just doing what his boss told him to do. To prevent a Barack Hussein 2 from being elected President first Impeach! Impeach! And then vote for Trump.

I just finished re-reading John Glubb's "A short history of the Arab people." Their history is the history of Islam and all it contains is this one overthrew this one and this one overthrew that one. Sabers and blood and very little else is this history. Sharia anyone?
The fear of the truth sayer, Mr. Donald Trump is overwhelming to the point that it is an obsession with Barack Hussein 2, Hilary. The more she attacks him for talking straight the more she show herself to be a cold fish that can’t be trusted. She had Ambassador Stevens and 3 other Americans to be slaughtered by Islamic terror. Yet she claimed that a video was the cause of their demise. Then to make her point she uttered these unforgettable worlds: “What difference does it make?” I would love the parents and family of those American slaughtered because of her to be present while she repeats her “What difference does it make?” Plenty! Lady! 4 Americans lost their life because you put them in an Islamic terror infested Benghazi defenseless. Your finger on the nuclear button? Not on our life you care nothing about! You having national secrets? Having Huma Abedin for Chief of state knowing full well that she is the daughter of leaders of The Muslim Brotherhood you called “Moderate?” How did you get her approved? How did you get your server approved? You didn’t? You just did it? And you expect us to vote for a careless, cold fish like you? Yuck! I will vote for Mr. Donald Trump who always says the truth and has no fear not to be not politically correct like and Barack Hussein ruled on all of us. $300,000 for one speech! Can we see the text of that speech to see how it can’t be regarded as some sort of purchase of your future behavior? How many Yuck’s are there for all to see about you, Madame? See you gone in November!

So Politically Correct he could easily be part of Barack Hussein 2, Hilary. Mu8slis are scapegoats? Islamic terror doesn’t exist it is only “militants?” That is the way the current administration wants you to see the 9/11 Islamic terrorists, the recent California slaughter of co workers? The correct and honest way to look at the situation in Europe with the Paris slaughters, The Cologne rapes, the Sweden rapes, the no go area’s in Europe's capitals: “...Until they figure out what to DO.” This is not phobia. A phobia is based on just fear of something that never happen. Islamic terror is real. “The Muslim Brotherhood is not “moderate” the way Barack Hussein wants you to believe. It is the parent of all Islamic terror world wide.

Kenneth Copeland and officials at Fort Jackson #fundie

'Christian extremist' Kenneth Copeland's Ft Jackson appearances sparks protests
Tuesday, January 30th 2018, 9:31 pm EST
Tuesday, January 30th 2018, 10:00 pm EST
By Tanita Gaither, Digital Content Manager


Both military and veteran groups are protesting a well-known' televangelist's appearance at a prayer breakfast on Fort Jackson this week.

A number of veterans and military groups - including the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, the Forum on Military Chaplaincy, Vote Vets - have called for Fort Jackson to rescind the invitation from televangelist Kenneth Copeland. A petition has also started making the same request.

The prayer breakfast is scheduled for Thursday, Feb. 1.

Copeland - a member of President Donald Trump's faith advisory board - and longtime television preacher whose headquarters is in Fort Worth, TX, has made a number of claims in the past stating that the Bible says soldiers should not suffer or claim to suffer from a post-traumatic stress disorder.
In one 2013 sermon, the self-described "Christian extremist" cites Numbers 32: 20-22 as the verse to back his claim. The passage reads:

Then Moses said to them: “If you do this thing, if you arm yourselves before the Lord for the war, and all your armed men cross over the Jordan before the Lord until He has driven out His enemies from before Him, and the land is subdued before the Lord, then afterward you may return and be blameless before the Lord and before Israel; and this land shall be your possession before the Lord."

"Any of you suffering from PTSD I want you to listen to me right now," Copeland said in 2013. "You get rid of that right now. You don't take drugs to get rid of it, it doesn't take psychology - that promise right there [points to Bible] will get rid of it."

In a letter to Fort Jackson Commander Maj. Gen. John P. Johnson, MRFF President and Founder Mikey Weinstein asked that given PTSD is a recognized mental health disorder, why would Copeland even be allowed to be on post.

"If you trivialize PTSD, you trivialize the members of the military that have this very serious disease. Is he going to claim next that you can't have [a] traumatic brain injury? Is he going to say at Fort Jackson that PTSD doesn't exist?"

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, an estimated 3.6 percent of U.S. adults had PTSD in from 2016 to 2017. People who battle PTSD are not just veterans and soldiers - PTSD can occur when a person survives any traumatic event, such as a physical assault, car accident, or natural disaster.

AndrewA #fundie

Obama had a different agenda and a different way of running things.

This style of turnover is more common in a building project or a company where you bring in people to fulfill a purpose and then replace them with someone else once that objective has been met. For a person like Donald Trump this is how he always did things. Bring a person in to fulfill a purpose once objective is met person leaves and you bring in someone to handle the next thing. If person A takes to long and objective is delayed replace them with someone else who will do it.

Understanding the man helps to better understand why he was picked for the role he is in.

A good example is Mosses he spent 40 years as a prince of Egypt learning how to be a leader. Then he went into exile for 40 years in the Sinai learning about the locals where all the watering holes where as a shepherd and essentially how to live as a nomad in the very area he would be leading the Israelite through in exodus.

He was 80 years old when he came back to Egypt to gather God's people back to the holy land. He spent the first half of his life learning to be a leader and the 2nd half learning about how to live in the wilderness of the Sinai he then spent another 40 years leading the Israelis through that wilderness. the first 80 years of his life helped shape him to be the man God wanted to lead his people to the promised land.

True2God #fundie

There have been these women accusing Donald Trump of sexual assult. If Donald Trump is guilty and it was such a horrible experience, I would find it very bizzare that there were no consequences for Trump. No getting arrested, no being forced to make things right with his victims, nothing. Even though most people take the side of a women claiming to be sexually assulted.

Women lie about sexual assult a lot more than people think. Trump most likely did NOT sexually assult those women. He doesn't seem like the type. I'd be shocked if he did it and IF he did it, it wasn't as bad as people think. I won't say sexual assult is okay but it's not as bad as people think.

About one of those women, Trump said, "She would not be my first choice." I'm not saying these women were ugly but at the same time are these women the sexiest, most desirable women in the world? What do these women have that the women Trump has been with don't have?

Some people claim Trump admitted to sexual assult in 2005. No he didn't! He said "they let you do it". They let him do it! He didn't threaten them with a gun or in any other way. And again, look at the women Trump has been with. What he said in 2005 was rude but people are blowing it out of proportion.

no name given #fundie

Nostradamus predictions for 2017: Terrifying forewarnings of 16th century prophet revealed
Nostradamus prophecies have baffled experts down the ages with their astonishing accuracy - and as n 2017 dawns we look at what the fabled sooth sayer has in store for us this year.

Michel de Nostredame was a 16th century French philosopher who, according to followers, has predicted many historical events including 9/11, the rise of Hitler and Donald Trump’s presidential victory.

After a year full of surprises and political upsets, believers have looked once again to Nostradamus’ writings to try to predict what the new year will bring.

Look through the photo gallery at the top of this story to find out what Nostradamus’ followers believe could happen around the world in 2017.

On the world stage, China could make bold moves to cure the “economic imbalance” in the world with far-reaching effects, according to believers.

Italy could face financial hardship with rising unemployment and loans making it the “epicentre” of a fresh eurozone crisis.

The country looks set to experience economic turmoil and a deepening banking crisis in the wake the Italian referendum result and Matteo Renzi’s decision to resign.

The “current superpower”, believed to be a reference to the US, is expected to become increasingly ungovernable and incompetent in the year that Mr Trump enters office.

Another prophecy is said to predict a new truce between Russia and Ukraine, which will be opposed by the US but embraced by the EU.

In Latin America, Governments are forecast to move away from left-wing policies, which will help set the stage for potential civil unrest.

The most terrifying of the alleged prophecies is a “Hot War” over global warming and diminishing resources, with the greatest threats said to be biological warfare and terrorism.

In terms of technology, Nostradamus predicted that cloud computing would simply become known as computing, solar power would become more widespread, and commercial space travel would take off with orbital flights around the Earth.

Welderhelp #racist

Yes. In the U.K. and many other European nations, racism is a criminal offense, with possible custodial sentences. Meanwhile, Islamic "refugee" rapists are given a slap on the wrist or no punishment at all. We are living in very strange times that very few of us thought were possible.

Imagine getting in a time machine and explaining to your 1990 self that in the year 2017, there are 57 genders, a homosexual crossdressing man is woman of the year, Muslims blow up the World Trade Center, then adult Muslims would invade Germany and Sweden posing as child refugees and speaking out against it will get you thrown in jail, health insurance is more than a mortgage payment, white people are considered the devil himself, and Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton to replace a black cryptomuslim named Barack Obama as president of the United States.

Imagine what your 1990 self would think?

Donald Trump #fundie

(Bolding from the original quote)

BAIER: Mr. Trump, just yesterday, almost 100 foreign policy experts signed on to an open letter refusing to support you, saying your embracing expansive use of torture is inexcusable. General Michael Hayden, former CIA director, NSA director, and other experts have said that when you asked the U.S. military to carry out some of your campaign promises, specifically targeting terrorists' families, and also the use of interrogation methods more extreme than waterboarding, the military will refuse because they've been trained to turn down and refuse illegal orders.

So what would you do, as commander-in-chief, if the U.S. military refused to carry out those orders?

TRUMP: They won't refuse. They're not going to refuse me. Believe me.

BAIER: But they're illegal.

TRUMP: Let me just tell you, you look at the Middle East. They're chopping off heads. They're chopping off the heads of Christians and anybody else that happens to be in the way. They're drowning people in steel cages. And he -- now we're talking about waterboarding.

This really started with Ted, a question was asked of Ted last -- two debates ago about waterboarding. And Ted was, you know, having a hard time with that question, to be totally honest with you. They then came to me, what do you think of waterboarding? I said it's fine. And if we want to go stronger, I'd go stronger, too, because, frankly...


... that's the way I feel. Can you imagine -- can you imagine these people, these animals over in the Middle East, that chop off heads, sitting around talking and seeing that we're having a hard problem with waterboarding? We should go for waterboarding and we should go tougher than waterboarding. That's my opinion.

BAIER: But targeting terrorists' families?


TRUMP: And -- and -- and -- I'm a leader. I'm a leader. I've always been a leader. I've never had any problem leading people. If I say do it, they're going to do it. That's what leadership is all about.

Al Baldasaro #fundie

A New Hampshire state representative who advises Donald Trump on veterans’ issues called Tuesday for Hillary Clinton to be “put in the firing line and shot for treason” for her handling of the Benghazi terror attack.

Appearing on WRKO radio from the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, state Representative Al Baldasaro, a Londonderry Republican, called the presumptive Democratic nominee “a piece of garbage.”

Baldasaro likened Clinton to Jane Fonda, the actress who famously visited Hanoi as part of her opposition to the Vietnam War.

“She is a disgrace . . . for the lies that she told those mothers about their children that got killed over there in Benghazi,” Baldasaro said of Clinton. “She dropped the ball on over 400 e-mails requesting backup security. Something’s wrong there.”

“This whole thing disgusts me,” Baldasaro said. “Hillary Clinton should be put in the firing line and shot for treason.”

The retired Marine first sergeant, who has scolded the political media for what he called unfair coverage of Trump, has been an outspoken supporter of the GOP nominee since before his home state’s first-in-the-nation primary in February.

Asked Wednesday in a telephone interview if he stood by his comments, Baldasaro replied, “Without a doubt.”

“When you take classified information on a server that deals with where our State Department, Special Forces, CIA, whatever in other countries, that’s a death sentence for those people if that information gets in the hands of other countries or the terrorists,” he said. “As far as I’m concerned, that’s information for the enemy. In the military, shot, firing squad. So I stand by what I said.”

In the Constitution, treason is defined as “levying war against [the United States], or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.”

Baldasaro added, “Freedom of speech is a beautiful thing. I spoke my mind about how I feel. She’s not above the law. Any other State Department employee or veteran did the same thing, they’d be in jail.”

Jeanice Barcelo #conspiracy



You make the call!

Pictures on the left are General George Patton. Pictures on the right are President Donald J. Trump. Does anyone else see the resemblance? I do believe we have a case of reincarnation here. Keep in mind that General Patton fought against the German people in World War 2. Toward the end of the war, he said that the U.S. fought the wrong side and that the German people were the only good people left in Europe. Not surprisingly, the psychopath that some refer to as "Ike the kike" Eisenhower promptly had General Patton killed. To learn more about Eisenhower, see below.

Lucky thing for us, times have changed and the energy of The Good is reclaiming the Earth (with our help of course!). So Donald Trump will not be killed. Instead, any creature that makes an attempt on his life will be promptly exposed and executed.

So sayeth Jeanice!

Jeremiah Johnson #fundie


Greetings, due to the incredibly high volume of accusations, suspicion, and hate that I have received in the last 24 hours from folks around the USA regarding the recent article I wrote that was published in Charisma Magazine, I want to bring clarity to a few false and misguided statements people are making toward what was prophesied. Also, I will not attempt to defend myself here, I will leave that up to the Lord Jesus now and when I stand before Him and give an account for every word I've spoken. The goal of this post is to strictly help those who read the article and have questions and what largely appears to be a gross misinterpretation of what was published.

What the article does NOT say:

1. Donald Trump will be the next US President.
2. Donald Trump will be the GOP nominee.
3. That I (Jeremiah Johnson) personally support and endorse Donald Trump's personal moral decisions or anything he has publicly said regarding politics (including the past).
4. Donald Trump is a devout Christian and His life aligns with biblical principles.

What the article does say:

1. Donald Trump is going to be used by God as a trumpet in America to expose darkness and perversion.
2. Christians must look past/through his bantering and listen for the truth that God is going to make known through him.
3. God can use anyone He chooses to fulfill His purposes and plans in the earth. Nebuchadnezzar, Cyrus, the Jews who crucified Jesus, or Donald Trump among many.

After reading through about 1,000 pieces of mail in the last 24 hours, here is my conclusion:

Some Christians appear to be absolutely infuriated at the thought or prophetic word that God is going to use Donald Trump as a Trumpet to expose darkness and bring truth because of His moral background and political views. Perhaps God not being limited, subjected, and dependent to who human beings think He should use for His glory reveals their own issues with God, not a prophetic word.

I, like many of you, was shocked by the word I received regarding Donald Trump. Trust me when I say it was given with fear and trembling. Again, I am not called to prophesy what I think or what my opinion is. I simply deliver the word of the Lord and encourage the saints to test and judge what has been spoken.

I will publicly repent to the body of Christ if what was prophesied does not come to pass.

I pray that what has been written here will help bring clarity to any viewers or listeners that had questions or possibly misunderstood what was written. God bless you and let's continue to keep our ears and eyes open to what the Spirit is saying in this hour.


Jeremiah Johnson

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