Donald Trump

51:50 #conspiracy

Donald Trump is right - We are at war with Islam

God warned on March 25th, 2015 - 5:16am that not only is America at war with Islam; but also with Aliens. (Demons)


Dream: At war with Aliens; At war with Islam

I dreamed I was up on a hill, looking down. I was talking to a woman with a baby in a stroller. All of a sudden, she asks: "Who are those guys? Looks like very tall "Mormons." I looked down and there were ships; hovering above the earth; they were shooting buildings and blowing them up. There were tall Soldiers in space suits; shooting people. Then, our AIR FORCE is there and there is a massive dog fight in the sky. A little stand alone computer; and all in one typed computer flies in a ship up into space. There is a large space ship. It has a large square entrance in the bottom of the ship. It flies in and then, it's looking around. It's kind of like a robot. A hand plugs it into the ships computer system and it scans all. I saw it's little face become downcast, when it learns the truth about the plans of the Aliens.

The ship looked like this:

IMAGE ( [link to] )

Then, the scene changes. I'm talking to a three star Army General. We're talking about how hard it is to get rank. I learn, through him that a 3 man group of soldiers goes behind the lines, into Iran. I then am talking to a Presidential Official and I say to her: "Why don't you tell the truth? We're not against Iran or any Country. We're at war with Islam."

I then woke up.

March 25th, 2015 - 5:16am

- See more at: [link to]

You guys can one star this thread all you want, but JEHOVAH is trying to tell you something.

Wake up!

But America is too stupid to wake up.

It spits in God's face.
Casts His law behind its back.
Let's His word drop to the ground.

Yet, He still has a stretched out arm.

But one day His mercy will be at an end.

And then where will you be?

One star? You should give me a medal for caring.

Donald Trump #fundie

In denial, Donald? Trump insists 'we are winning' as he rejects 'phony' polls conducted by the 'disgusting media'

A defiant Donald Trump blamed his campaign struggles on 'phony polls' from the 'disgusting' media on Monday, fighting to energize his most loyal supporters as his path to the presidency shrinks.

With just 14 days until the election, the Republican nominee campaigned in battleground Florida as his team conceded publicly as well as privately that crucial Pennsylvania may be slipping away to Democrat Hillary Clinton.

That would leave him only a razor-thin pathway to the 270 electoral votes needed to win the White House on November 8.

Despite continued difficulties with women and minorities, Trump refuses to soften his message in the campaign's final days to broaden his coalition.

Yet he offered an optimistic front in the midst of a three-day tour through Florida as thousands began voting there in person.

'I believe we're actually winning,' Trump declared during a round table discussion with farmers gathered next to a local pumpkin patch.

A day after suggesting the First Amendment to the Constitution may give journalists too much freedom, he insisted that the media are promoting biased polls to discourage his supporters from voting.

'The media isn't just against me. They're against all of you,' Trump told cheering supporters later in St. Augustine. 'They're against what we represent.'

In more bad news for Trump, a new poll shows young voters turning to Clinton now that the race has settled down to two main candidates.


The former secretary of state campaigned alongside New Hampshire Gov. Maggie Hassan, who is running for the Senate, and Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren, who was merciless as she seized on recent revelations of Trump's predatory sexual language and several allegations of sexual assault.

'He thinks that because he has a mouth full of Tic Tacs, he can force himself on any woman within groping distance,' Warren charged. 'I've got news for you Donald: Women have had it with guys like you.'

Trump has denied all the recent allegations, and he addressed a new one Monday in an interview with WGIR radio in New Hampshire.

He called the accusations 'total fiction' and lashed out at former adult film performer Jessica Drake, who said Saturday that he had grabbed and kissed her without permission and offered her money to visit his hotel room a decade ago.

'One said, 'He grabbed me on the arm.' And she's a porn star,' Trump said. He added, 'Oh, I'm sure she's never been grabbed before.'

With Election Day two weeks away, Trump's electoral map looks bleak.

Michele Bachmann #fundie

While speaking last week on the Last Days radio program “Understanding the Times with Jan Markell,” former GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann linked political advocacy on the left with the rise of the Antichrist.

Bachmann said that Donald Trump’s opponents, much like the people who built the Tower of Babel, are rebelling against God to bring about “the creation of a manmade, one-world system. And scripture tells us that in the End Times, that is what Antichrist will be, he will be a part of a one-world system.”

“There are people who reject Judeo-Christian truth and instead want to insert and usurp control of all of our lives with a global, economic and political government,” she said.

David J. Stewart #fundie

Trump committed adultery in 1990 and publicly stated that, “ADULTERY IS NOT A SIN!” What a wicked man! Trump boasted publickly that, “IT WAS THE BEST SEX I'VE EVER HAD!” This headline ran for 28 days in the local New York Times. You can see all of this and the entire story of Trump's rise to fame and wealth in this documentary. When Mr. Trump stands before God at The Great White Throne of Judgment, he won't be so cocky, smug, rebellious and haughty concerning his evil deeds. I am not judging Donald Trump, for the Holy Bible condemns all of us as guilty, dirty, undeserving, sinners in God's sight. I'm just pointing out that Mr. Trump is defiant against God and brags about his sins. The churches have no business supporting a flip-flopping whoremonger who boasts about his recklessness with people's lives and ungodly sins. Clearly, Trump has never repented (i.e., changed his mind) toward sin, Christ and the Gospel. Trump is not saved. No man who denies that he is a sinner is saved (1st John 1:8-10).

The reason why Hillary Clinton was deliberately selected to run against Donald Trump was so that America's Christians, churches and conservatives would be overly grateful to have Trump instead of a Lucifer-worshipping, drug-trafficking, lesbian bimbo, like Hillary! All across the United States, Christians in the churches are saying, “Thank God for Donald Trump,” and they're all breathing a deep sigh of relief. But that was the whole plan! It was all staged. YOU'VE BEEN MANIPULATED SHEEPLE, AGAIN!!! In reality, the churches are thanking God for a whoremonger who brags about having the best sex of his life while committing adultery, and 26-years-later prides himself in never having asked God to forgive him for anything. Wow, what a heathen individual.

The purpose of my article is not to bash Trump; but rather, to hopefully open your eyes not to be deceived by Trump's election to office. Trump is not going to be a Savior. Remember, President Ronald Reagan (aka, “Rainbow Ronnie” for his known homosexual deathstyle, both in California and The White House) used the very same slogan while running for office... “WE'RE GOING TO MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!” While pulling the wool over the eyes of gullible Americans, millions of manufacturing jobs left the country during the Reagan administration. As former U.S. President, Ronald Reagan is guilty of treason and war crimes! Reagan knew about the billions-of-dollars in cocaine being trafficked through Mena, Arkansas (while Bill Clinton was governor), but as a coward he let Colonel Oliver North take the heat. These are not American heroes, they are traitors!!!

David J. Stewart #conspiracy

Something is very wrong with Donald Trump. Just days before the 2016 Presidential election, the FBI and NYPD went public with evidence that Hillary was involved in child sex crimes, child exploitation, perjury and kidnapping. Then they mysteriously decided not to prosecute her? What an obvious ploy to sway the election! Yet, Mr. Trump praised Hillary when he won the election. What kind of man praises a known satanist and child predator? Please watch the following shocking documentary about the Clinton's sex perversion and satanism. What Is The Illuminati? - Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8.

I hesitated to make any predictions, because it was really difficult for me to decide who would win. Albeit, I had my leanings toward Trump for two reasons: 1) The last time a Democrat was elected as U.S. President after a two term Democrat was in the year 1836; and 2) Historically, Republicans and Democrats always rotate back n' forth, so it was time for another Republican President. Check out how hilarious Hillary's supporters became upon hearing that she lost the election, crying like babies. Good, they lost their dyke lesbian fascist queen of Hell. Still, I think Mr. Trump is a slick deception, who ultimately will further the agendas of the Luciferian elite who are behind the satanic New World Order (NWO).

Pastor Jimenez rightfully exposes Mr. Trump as being covetous, vulgar and proud. Pastor Roger Jimenez Preaches About Why Donald Trump Is A Wolf In Sheep's Clothing!!! AMEN BROTHER JIMENEZ!!! It is obvious to me that Hillary Clinton was deliberately placed in competition with Donald Trump, so that nearly every Christian and evangelical in the United States would be overly thankful to have Trump as their leader instead of the likes of a devil like Hillary Clinton. Voting for the lesser of two evils sends a clear message to the Luciferian elite that they can continue to give us horrible candidates, because we'll vote for them every time, just as long as one is a little better than the other guy! If they give us Adolf Hitler and Jeffrey Dahmer, America's churches will vote for Adolf Hitler! The Clintons are known murderers, drug-traffickers, sex perverts, liars, opportunists, child predators and satanists!

Bill O'Reilly #racist

Bill O’Reilly questioned Donald Trump’s ability to provide jobs in African-American communities during an interview on Monday by painting black Americans as being ill-equipped for the labor force.

“How are you going to get jobs for them?” O’Reilly asked. “Many of them are ill-educated and have tattoos on their foreheads, and I hate to be generalized about it but it’s true. If you look at all the educational statistics, how are you going to give jobs to people who aren’t qualified for jobs?”

“We’re gonna bring jobs back,” Trump responded. “We’re gonna have Apple computers made in this country.”

“But you have to have skills to make Apple computers,” O’Reilly said.

“We will get the skills and we will develop the skills,” Trump insisted. “We have an incredible population and they don’t have the jobs.”

DownvoteWarden #fundie

The proof already spoke for itself. You can continue to deny it if you like. Democrats are well known for their anti-science stances (global warming, 47 genders etc).

Only about 10% of rural Oklahoma voted for anyone but Donald Trump. He is exceedingly popular there and only growing in popularity.

Tumblr chicks and leftist soyboys get triggered. Exceptionally well educated conservative manly men like me don't get triggered. You look ridiculous to suggest otherwise, not that that seems to bother you.

This conversation is over. Good day!

Donald Kidd #fundie

"Donald Trump is telling the truth and people don't always like that," said Donald Kidd, a 73-year-old retired pipe welder from Mobile. "He is like George Wallace, he told the truth. It is the same thing."

stukov #fundie

[Comment on article critical of Cardinal Dolan's distaste for Donald Trump's remarks at Al Smith dinner]

Oh America, what has happened to you?! I can't imagine what Saint Paul will say to you, what kind of letter will be the letter to the Church of America, written by Saint Paul's own hands? What will the Lord, our Lord, will say to you, that offers Himself everyday, in body and soul, in your altars? Have you changed Christ for what?! Just for some coins in your pocket like the worst of traitors? Have you noticed the innocent blood in your hands?! Could you buy your soul with it?! Do you know that you too are suppose to be the bride, the beautiful bride of Our Lord, redeemed with His own Blood? Why do you prefer to wallow in hideous sins within the comfort of your cowardice?! Do you know you are selling the Lord to get Him crucified again?! How much more innocent blood will be spilled? You were suppose to say at the wedding: Yes My God, I love You with all my heart, my mind and my soul. But you are shouting Barrabas! Why are you running like the pigs to the cliff?!

Cliff Kincaid #fundie

Obama's Muslim Identity

An ordinary citizen who identified President Barack Obama as a Muslim at a Donald Trump town hall meeting in New Hampshire showed that media brainwashing on the subject has been futile. The people understand that Obama asserts he is a Christian, but they just aren't buying it. Obama has done too many things to benefit Muslims to convince people that he is not one of them.

The latest example was extending an invitation to a Muslim student [Ahmed Mohamed] to come to the White House after he was detained for possessing what appeared to be a bomb. It turned out to be a clock that looked like a bomb.

Naturally, the Obama White House treated this as a case of so-called Islamophobia, when pictures of the device demonstrated that the care should have been taken and law enforcement should have been called. Obama refuses to identify Islamic terrorism as Islamic terrorism, but is quick to jump to conclusions about the supposedly anti-Islamic nature of the American people. This is the mark of someone who is either strongly sympathetic to Islam, or a Muslim himself.

Anonymous Coward #fundie

There will be no *impeachment* of DJT, God has already written the script.

If you don't see manifest destiny playing out before your eyes, dare I call it a modern miracle, you are blind. If you don't hear a calling from a higher place, you are deaf.

A man who wasn't supposed to beat a single person in the primary but beat 17, a man who wasn't supposed to beat a honed and polished career politician, but did.

He now sits as leader of the free world, and you think some worthless little liberal pukes, not that different than the dog shit that gets stuck to bottom of your shoe, is going to stop him? Really?

Never bet against Donald J Trump, never. You're betting against God's preordained plan.

So it be written, so it be done.


Donald J. Trump was the 'Chosen One', albeit somewhat unwilling like Noah, but chosen nonetheless.

various saudis #fundie

Saudi Arabia investigates video of woman in miniskirt

17 July 2017

The authorities in Saudi Arabia are investigating a young woman who posted a video of herself wearing a miniskirt and crop-top in public.

The woman, a model called "Khulood", shared the clip of her walking around a historic fort in Ushayqir.

The footage sparked a heated debate on social media, with some calling for her arrest for breaking the conservative Muslim country's strict dress code.

Other Saudis came to the woman's defence, praising her "bravery".

Women in Saudi Arabia must wear loose-fitting, full-length robes known as "abayas" in public, as well as a headscarf if they are Muslim. They are also banned from driving and are separated from unrelated men.

In the video initially shared on Snapchat over the weekend, Khulood is seen walking along an empty street in a fort at Ushayqir Heritage Village, about 155km (96 miles) north of the capital Riyadh, in Najd province.

Najd is one of the most conservative regions in Saudi Arabia. It was where the founder of Wahhabism - the austere form of Sunni Islam that is practised by the Saudi royal family and religious establishment - was born in the late 18th Century.

The video was quickly picked up by Saudis on Twitter, where opinion was divided between those who believe Khulood should be punished and others who insisted she should be allowed to wear what she wanted.

Journalist Khaled Zidan wrote: "The return of the Haia [religious police] here is a must."

Another user argued: "We should respect the laws of the country. In France, the niqab [face-covering veil] is banned and women are fined if they wear it. In Saudi Arabia, wearing abayas and modest clothing is part of the kingdom's laws."

The writer and philosopher, Wael al-Gassim, said he was "shocked to see those angry, scary tweets".

"I thought she had bombed or killed somebody. The story turned out to be about her skirt, which they did not like. I am wondering how Vision 2030 can succeed if she is arrested," he added, referring to the reform programme unveiled last year by Saudi Arabia's newly-appointed 31-year-old Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

Media captionIn April, Saudi women's rights campaigners filmed themselves walking silently in protest against driving restrictions

Some defended Khulood by noting that US President Donald Trump's wife, Melania, and daughter, Ivanka, had chosen not to wear abayas or headscarves during a visit to Saudi Arabia in May.

Fatima al-Issa wrote: "If she was a foreigner, they would sing about the beauty of her waist and the enchantment of her eyes... But because she is Saudi they are calling for her arrest."

On Monday, the Okaz newspaper reported that officials in Ushayqir had called on the provincial governor and police to take action against the woman.

The religious police, the Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice, meanwhile wrote on Twitter that it had been made aware of the video and was in contact with the relevant authorities.

youareallsheep #conspiracy

Zionists Using Donald Trump to Fix Another Election

Like a turd that won't flush, Donald Trump is back again to serve his Illuminati Jewish masters. This time around, his role is to win the GOP nomination and throw the election to Hillary Clinton, the Illuminati bankers' preferred candidate.

If this seems farfetched, consider that Trump is allegedly leading the other GOP candidates by a large margin. He catapulted into the lead by pretending to champion ordinary Americans who are fed up with illegal immigration. Calling Mexicans "rapists" is a little extreme but he needed to get attention fast.

The Illuminati Jewish bankers have a long history of manipulating US Presidential elections. An obvious example is when they dusted off Theodore Roosevelt in 1912 to split the Republican vote, defeat Taft and elect their pawn Woodrow Wilson.

In 1940, they got a Democrat, Wendell Wilkie, to run for the Republicans, and ensured FDR's reelection, and US entry into World War Two.

In 1992 election, they elected Bill Clinton by running Ross Perot in order to split the Republican vote. If Perot hadn't run, Bush Sr. would have been re-elected. (Apparently, he had angered the Zionists by referring to their control of Capitol Hill.) Perot got 20 million votes. Clinton got 45 million and Bush got 39 million.

Trump was drafted to run in 2012 but they decided he wasn't needed. Then as now, Trump tailored his position to co-opt the opposition. He is "Christian, pro-life, anti gay marriage and so for the death penalty especially for terrorists."

"I'm a Protestant, I'm a Presbyterian," "And you know I've had a good relationship with the church over the years. I think religion is a wonderful thing. I think my religion is a wonderful religion."

He attends church "as much as I can. Always on Christmas. Always on Easter. And when there's a major occasion. And during the Sundays. I'm a Sunday church person. I'll go when I can." Now, there's conviction.

His real loyalty is to Mother Israel. Recently he said, "there has never been a greater enemy to Israel than Barack Obama. It's incredible the way he treats them, the way he's speaking to them. I think he treats our known enemies much better."

Other stories linked there provide the flavour of Trump's relation to Israel:

Trump's daughter Ivanka converted to Judaism in 2008 before marrying Jewish real estate developer Jared Kushner. Last year, Kushner was part of a group that bought Israeli insurer Phoenix for $500 million.

We can thank Brother Nathaniel in 2011 for alerting us to the hokey nature of the
Trump campaign and the fact that his David Axelrod (aka "handler") is another Illuminati Jew by the name of Michael Cohen. He is a Trump advisor again in 2015 saying Trump speaks for the "silent majority."

img-bs-bottom---alexander-trump-advisor_142917540849.jpgCohen? supported Obama in 2008, but has "grown disappointed with the president, so much so that he now describes himself as 'offended' by the administration's agenda. America, Cohen said, has become a "third-world nation," echoing words that have become a familiar refrain of Trump's.

Michael joined The Trump Organization in 2006 following a career as a private attorney and "personal advisor to some of the world's wealthiest individuals."

Last summer, Cohen rented a Hampton's mansion for one month for $150,000 without even looking at it. He sued the owner for $500,000 because it was in disrepair.

Another Trump backer is Stewart Rahr, an Illuminati Jewish billionaire, who made his fortune as a pharmaceutical distributor. He is the 183rd richest man in America (139 of the top 400 are Jewish) and one of the 400 richest men in the world. (Trump isn't in the top 400.)

If Americans think Trump and his backers are going to change anything, I have some real estate in Florida .... His role is to take a fall.

Politics is a charade put on by the Illuminati. Their mass media puts lipstick on this pig.

We don't realize how we are totally manipulated. Our political, economic and cultural lives are psy ops.

Bible Word Study #fundie

This dream began with a brief scene playing out where Trump was in a public restroom (all white tiles, walls, and floor) and staring at himself in the mirror. He was next to the mirror and sink which were closest to the exit, and his demeanor reminded me as if he were being filmed (like a reality show).

The scene now changes and I'm with Trump, and we're inside something like this large, somewhat dim warehouse building which reminded me of a cross between a flea market and a department store.

PRESIDENT TRUMP: A "burnt event" is coming.

I was beside Trump when he said this line, and I perceived that I was either his Vice President or close advisor.

And upon hearing him say that, I was immediately alarmed over the fact that he, somehow, knew about the "fiery kickoff event" prophesied of by servants of the Lord such as Jeff Byerly and others (i.e. more than one servant is prophesying of this event).

Next thing I know, I'm now separated from Trump and am near the entrance of this dim warehouse with his wife, Melania. As I proceed to walk with her, she then briefly walks away from me and off to my left. I recall her wearing something similar to the Calvin Klein outfit that she wore at the U.N. Assembly.

In response, I yell out something like, "Melania-san! Mattemashou"

In Japanese (if I spelled the hiragana out correctly), this phrase appears to primarily translate into the command "let's wait!". However, my intention was to get her to come back and follow me, as we looked for President Trump.

She then follows , as we walk further along and come across Trump and some others sitting at the end of this narrow, wooden table that is oval-shaped. I take an empty seat directly across from Trump, while Melania seats herself down next to Trump, on his right.

(At this point, I then stared closely at Melania's face, from across the table. While she's attractive in real life -- her face here was white-pale and even somewhat ghastly, as her lifeless eyes were fixed and staring off-ward; as if she, herself, was not consciously present...)

I then say the following words, near-verbatim, to Trump:

ME: Sir, what do you know about the "fiery kickoff event"?

This was his near-verbatim response to me:

PRESIDENT TRUMP: Do you know how corrupt the Department of Education is?!

PRESIDENT TRUMP: (continues speaking...)

I cannot recall what he said further to me, but I do generally remember that Trump did go into more detail about government corruption -- and by his tone, it was like he was justifying the results that this event would bring.

After finishing, he was very stern as he said something to me like "Are you with me, or not?"

In response...and dejected at the words that he spoken...I then quietly agreed with him.

/end entry

One other detail: before having this dream, I recall briefly being awake and being in a genuine period of prayer for Trump's salvation...and even weeping a little over him.


- Trump in the public restroom

I believe this signifies how Trump is being watched -- even in his most private settings (being as the restroom that he was preparing in was a public one). To me, he behaved as though cameras were rolling on him, as he was checking himself in the mirror and preparing for whatever he was about to do.

- Large, dim interior warehouse building

I believe the setting of this dim building represented the secret nature of what was going on.

- Trump's statement of a "burnt event"

...for one, I'm curious at Trump's wording, in using the term "burnt" over the term "fiery" that has been repeated in multiple prophetic words given by the Lord. It would seem, though,to match up with how Trump uses more simplistic vocabulary; when either tweeting, or giving speeches.

- Melania's pale-white, ghoulish face, with spaced-out, lifeless eyes

...This could, possibly, symbolize a kind of high-level mind control on Melania. In the past, I've read about such things as "MK Ultra", and wouldn't be surprised at something similar being used on Trump's wife ( that she wouldn't go public with this info?).

- Narrow wooden, and oval-shaped, table

In addition to the large, dim warehouse, I believe that this may have represented just how secret this agenda of Trump's was, amongst his closest advisors.

- Trump's mentioning of the Department of Education

This may indicate how the Dept. of Education is, indeed, corrupt, in the sheer manner of mind control unleashed upon our young children. That is to say, from even an early age, our children are diligently fed lies in our government controlled schools, ranging from: Big Bang Theory, Theory of Evolution, false versions of history, LGBT abominations, etc. Therefore, I believe that this gives further reason to speculate on Donald Trump's motives (from his remark in my dream).

- Trump's justifying tone, regarding the "burnt event"

I believe I've read, in other prophetic words, that Trump, at this point has entrenched himself within the "swamp" of corruption within our government. Lord knows how much he's been exposed to, spiritually. Therefore, he could possibly have a hand in all this before it working his "art of the deal" in the process.

- - - - - - -

Lord of Lords and Kings of Kings, I plead Your precious, eternal covenant blood (Revelation 12:11) over this entry, this website, and for all folks that visit. Please, in this dire hour, draw many (both saved and lost) to Your warnings; whether You direct them here or to Your other servants. Please wrestle with them as You wrestled with Jacob over the urgency of this hour, and the truths of Your Word and Your modern-day words, which do not contradict the Scriptures. And in acknowledgement of Romans 7:21, I bind every wicked spirit in assignment against this website (Luke 10:19), and cancel every wicked plan against this website in the spirit realm, in Your mighty Name of names.

Thank You Lord, an all glory to You. Amen.

christian #fundie

GOD has lifted up *The Donald* as the LAST TRUMP before the destruction comes!

Has GOD lifted the Donald up as such a time as this.
to call out:

The Poison of Liberalism
The Poison of Political Correctness
The Poison of Lawlessness
The Poison of Godlessness

The name Donald is a Scottish baby name. In Scottish the meaning of the name Donald is: Great chief, world mighty. From the Gaelic Domhnall.

Trumpets are warnings from GOD...

Is Donald Trump the Last Warning the 7th Trumpet?

Donald Trump will become the Trumpet of Prophecy..

Isaiah prophesied of Cyrus and speaks as a mouthpiece of the Lord when he declared, “I have even called you by your name [Cyrus]; I have named you, though you have not known Me. I am the Lord and there is no other; there is no God besides Me.
I strengthen you, though you have not known Me, so that they may know from the rising of the sun and from the west that there is no one besides Me. I am the Lord, and there is no other” (Is. 45:4-6).

What a powerful and profound prophetic declaration to a man who did not know or serve the Lord! Could God not use the wicked and ungodly to bring about His plans and purposes thousands of years ago and can He not still do the same thing again, especially in the midst of the crisis that we find America in today?

[link to (secure)]

NeoMatrix #fundie

What is hilarious about this is that Donald Trump actually kinda has a point here. Most military servicemen are right-wing fanatics who love Trump and would follow his orders without question, even if they were blatantly illegal. I could see the majority of them gladly torturing innocents if he told them too.

And that's what makes Trump so scary.

(Later Post)

You think that they'd care? Right-wingers and Christians never really cared about the Constitution, despite how much they blabber on about it. It's a scrap of paper to be discarded when it becomes inconvenient.

Do you seriously think that a right-wing US serviceman would think twice if he got the chance to murder an innocent Hispanic or Muslim person? Of course not. He would be drooling at the chance to shoot dem libruhls and sand niggas.

Pithom #fundie

“There are people who think women shouldn’t vote, that their brains are not as rational as men’s”

-Both of these are arguable. Donald Trump (a great guy) was liked by women much less than Jeb Bush (Jeb Bush) before the primaries started. That’s a big piece of evidence in favor of the “women shouldn’t vote” argument, although this and previous election cycles have suggested to me that old people shouldn’t vote (more likely to support Hillary, Romney, over Sanders, Paul) and educated people (more likely to support Rubio over Trump) shouldn’t vote, either. The last especially makes a lot of sense. Most of politics isn’t actually evaluating positions, but status-signaling. There is no prima facie reason the right to vote shouldn’t be restricted to just the few capable of exercising it.

Donald Trump #fundie

I have no doubt that, if the attack on Dr. Ford was as bad as she says, charges would have been immediately filed with local Law Enforcement Authorities by either her or her loving parents. I ask that she bring those filings forward so that we can learn date, time, and place!

Michael Savage #fundie

I have a dream, I have a real dream, that Donald Trump wins. Oh, do I have a dream. I have a dream that when Donald Trump wins, the new Justice Department goes after the ACLU. I have a dream that all the Marvins and the Glorias and all their ill-gotten gains will be seized by the government and they will either run for the hills or be thrown in the slammer. I have a dream that when Donald Trump becomes president, George Soros finds that there’s not a country on earth that he can hide in because he is hated around the world for what he has done to every currency on the planet. I have a dream.

Michael Snyder #fundie

Yesterday, Religious Right pundit Michael Snyder unveiled “a list of 100 things liberals hate about America,” warning that if liberals get their way, “the country that you and I love so much today will be gone forever.”

The list of things liberals hate about America includes big trucks, big cheeseburgers, Jesus, Israel and Dolly Parton.

The U.S. Constitution
Big Trucks
Free Markets
Wealthy People
Economic Prosperity
The Rule of Law
Traditional Values
The American Flag
The Founding Fathers
Limited Government
Religious Freedom
Private Schools
Christian Schools
Ronald Reagan
Donald Trump
Mike Pence
Country Music
Rush Limbaugh
The Tea Party
Lower Taxes
Old-Fashioned Light Bulbs
The Bible
The Christian Faith
The Drudge Report
John Wayne
Alex Jones
Big Cheeseburgers
Clint Eastwood
The Army
The Navy
The Marines
The Air Force
Ron Paul
Rand Paul
Flag Pins
Chuck Norris
Bottled Water
George Washington
The 1st Amendment
The 2nd Amendment
The 10th Amendment
The Pledge of Allegiance
Fried Food
Muscle Cars
Charlie Daniels
Dolly Parton
Duck Dynasty
Johnny Cash
Sarah Palin
Sean Hannity
Barbie Dolls
Ted Cruz
Fiscal Sanity
Charlton Heston
Benjamin Netanyahu
The Coal Industry
National Sovereignty
National Borders
Uncle Sam
The Washington Redskins
Small Businesses
Harley-Davidson Motorcycles
Military Veterans
The Phrase “Islamic Terror”
Big Families
The Bible Belt
The Creation Museum
The 10 Commandments
Anyone That Is Pro-Life
Anyone Who Disagrees With Them
Hard Work
The Truth
The American People

Alex Jones #conspiracy

Far-right conspiracy theorist Alex Jones has said that Donald Trump is being "covertly drugged" with small amounts of sedative in his drinks.

In a video posted to his website, the radio presenter said the US president had been fed tranquilisers for around two months and they were making his speech slur.

Mr Jones cited sources close to the President, but he did not provide any evidence for the claim.

“It's known that most presidents end up getting drugged," he said. "Small dosages of sedatives till they build it up. Trump's such a bull he hasn't fully understood it yet.”

“But I've talked to people, multiple ones, and they believe that they are putting a slow sedative that they're building up that's also addictive in his Diet Cokes and in his iced tea and that the president by six or seven at night is basically slurring his words and is drugged."

He added: "Now I’m risking my life, by the way, tell you all this. I was physically sick before I went on air."

Mr Jones then claimed: "They drug presidents because the power structure wants a puppet". He said that Mr Trump should have his blood tested by a trusted doctor.

Donald Trump and Bryan Fischer #fundie

Yesterday, Donald Trump told Fox Business Channel that he would “ absolutely” support shutting down mosques in America in order to fight ISIS, so naturally American Family Radio’s Bryan Fischer came to the Republican presidential candidate’s defense today, repeating his frequent assertion that the First Amendment applies only to Christians.

“So the question is, can you close down a mosque in the United States of America given the First Amendment and its guarantee of the free exercise of religion,” Fischer said, “and the answer is that you absolutely can. Yes, Donald, yes, Virginia, we can constitutionally close down mosques in the United States of America.”

This is, he explained, because “the only religious tradition that is being explicitly and expressly protected in the First Amendment is the free exercise of the Christian religion.”

Anonymous Coward #fundie

Donald Trump may be the anti-Christ.

After his rise to the top of world political power Trump may end up serving 3 terms. After his first term millions of Christians will suddenly disappear. They will have been taken to heaven secretly by Christ before the start of the tribulation.

Then Trump will rebuild the Jewish temple in Jerusalem as part of a 7 year peace treaty between Israel and the rest of the world. Then after 3 1/2 Years Trump will go to the Jewish Temple and put a high tech statue of himself in that can speak. Trump will declare himself God and say that all people must worship him or they can't buy or sell. You all will have to get the mark of Trump. That mark is 666.

Then all the nations will have a falling out and world war 3 will start. All nations will meet for one final battle in Israel. During that battle Christ will return to put down Trump and the devil. Christ will judge the world.

If you don't know Jesus Christ then read the gospels. Find out who he is. If you're meant to be saved then you will respond to the truth. If not the light you received makes you worse off than most people in history who never had it. Bye.

Hawaii GOP #fundie

Republican lawmakers in Hawaii have reportedly booted state Rep. Beth Fukumoto (R) out of her position as House Minority Leader because she participated in the Women’s March against President Donald Trump.

Fukumoto told KHON that she was bullied by her colleagues and is now considering switching parties.

“The Republican Party is getting increasingly hostile to different opinions,” she explained. “If you followed what happened at the state convention (in May 2016), I got booed for about 10 minutes straight for raising concerns about President Trump, then nominee Trump, and the way he treated women and minorities in many of his remarks. I, at the time, had said this is not, this should not reflect our party.”

Fukumoto said she “repeated those sentiments at the Women’s March last week.”

“And since then, there have been many calls for my resignation, and my caucus members have raised concerns about whether or not that means I’m a Republican, whether or not that means I’m fit for leadership, whether or not that means I should even be an elected official.”

In an address on the state House floor, Fukumoto revealed that Republicans had asked her to agree to never criticize Trump again.

“They told me they would keep me in this position if I would commit to not disagreeing with our president for the remainder of his term. Mr. Speaker, I’m being removed because I refused to make that commitment, because I believe it’s our job as Americans and as leaders in this body to criticize power when power is wrong.”

State Rep. Bob McDermott (R) argued that Fukumoto’s first responsibility was to the party.

“You are speaking not for yourself anymore,” he said. “It is a high-level responsibility.”

Fukumoto sent letters to her constituents this week asking for feedback before making the jump to the Democratic Party.

“When I was re-elected in November, I was elected as a Republican, and I want to honor my community’s choice by consulting them before any decision is made,” she said in a statement. “As I articulated in my letter, I encourage my constituents to contact me with input and provide feedback. I was elected by the people of Mililani, and I am here to represent them.”

Mr. Conservative #fundie

Trump Just Gave Michelle Obama The WORST News Ever

There was nothing Michelle Obama was more proud of from her time as First Lady than her “strides” in the area of nutrition as she tried to combat obesity in America. That’s why it came as bad news to her on Tuesday when Donald Trump’s Food and Drug Administration made a huge announcement that takes a major shot at her legacy.

The Washington Post reported that the FDA just announced an indefinite delay in the launch of Nutrition Fact labels that were intended to help Americans eat more healthy. These labels had been championed by Michelle, and they aimed to add a special line for “added sugars” and emphasize calorie content in large, bold text.
These labels were scheduled to be rolled out in July 2018, with a one-year extension for smaller manufacturers, but this announcement has pushed this back indefinitely.

This isn’t the first time the Trump administration has attacked Michelle’s nutrition plans. The FDA previously pushed back rules that would have required calorie counts on restaurant menus. One week later, Trump’s Department of Agriculture loosened the requirements of Michelle’s infamous school lunch plan for the amount of whole grain allowed in meals.
“After careful consideration,” the FDA said in it’s latest announcement, “the FDA determined that additional time would provide manufacturers covered by the rule with necessary guidance from FDA, and would help them be able to complete and print updated nutrition facts panels.”
SHARE this story if you agree Michelle’s flimflam contributions as First Lady are not worthy of keeping around!

Elvis is King #fundie

Trump has pledged to eradicate the menace that is pornography, and has stated that it ruins American families. Lust has ruined this great nation, and hopefully he also makes godless seductress heathens like the vile liberal Taylor Swift put some clothes on.

Economically, Trump will allow the American economy to grow without all of these burdensome regulations like the communist plot of ObamaCare that forces people to buy subpar health insurance and is a trojan horse for such vile policies as Crazy Bernie's single payer garbage.

Trump, I believe, will show the sound judgement to create the best foreign policy ever seen in this nation, because he values security over whiny liberal pleas of political correctness.

Centrally, the border wall must be built regardless of whether Mexico is going to foot the bill. The border is wide open and drugs, criminals, rapists, thieves, murderers, and even terrorists can sneak in to the United States due to the lack of border security and you simply cannot have a country without borders.

Hopefully, you will come to your senses and vote Donald J. Trump in November so that America can be a safe, God fearing nation that is righteous and not obsessed with sex, homosexuality, "equality" and "fairness," and all of this other politically correct drivel.

Briarwood Presbyterian Church #fundie

Donald Trump’s election didn’t just empower the alt-right troops with their #MAGA hats and Pepe the Frog avatars. The religious right is also more quietly making moves to consolidate power on a state and local level, aided by Trump’s promises to appoint conservative-friendly judges and to strike down legal limits on church-based politicking.

But even in the current environment, it’s startling to learn that the Alabama legislature is considering a bill to give a Birmingham-based church its own police force. The bill, SB 193, would specifically authorize the Briarwood Presbyterian Church, which has more than 4,000 members, to hire its own police force that would be “invested with all of the powers of law enforcement officers in this state.”

“The sole purpose of this proposed legislation is to provide a safe environment for the church, its members, students and guests,” the church said in a memo sent to Salon after requests for comment. The memo also mentions the Sandy Hook shooting, claiming that they need “qualified first responders” in case such a thing would happen to them.

This particular church does not sit in some kind of lawless territory without access to the same law enforcement services available to other Alabama citizens. As NBC News notes, the church is serviced by the sheriff’s departments in both Jefferson County and Shelby County.

“This proposed legislation seems like a clear violation of church-state separation, and a clear violation of the Constitution,” said Alex Luchenitser, the associate director of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, in a phone call. “Government bodies must not delegate official power to religious entities.”


Briarwood Presbyterian Church presents its request as a security measure, but, as Luchenitser notes, the church is already allowed by law to hire private security guards if it wishes. He worried that police who are invested with state powers but ultimately answerable to the religious institution that hired them could lead to all sorts of legal problems.

Having police that work directly for a church, he argued, could lead those police to feel they are there to “enforce the religious beliefs of this particular church.”

It’s not an idle concern. As Luchenitser noted, religious conservatives have gotten creative in recent years, in search of extra-governmental power to force obedience to their religious edicts on as many people as they can grab.

“The Christian right is pushing to allow businesses to discriminate against customers based on religious beliefs,” he pointed out, noting the various lawsuits from Christians who disapprove of legal same-sex marriage and are trying to carve out special rights to discriminate against couples whom the law no longer discriminates against.


Digging around the website for Briarwood Presbyterian Church reveals an authoritarian, theocratic bent. The pastor, Harry Reeder, puts out a regular podcast where he frequently defends Donald Trump and pushes back against the concept of secularism.

“There is no sacred-secular split in life,” Reeder argued in a March 21 podcast. “Everything in life comes under the sovereign claims of Christ.”

“That judgment if not by Divine edict is inevitable by Divinely ordained consequences for those who engage in high-handed rebellion against God’s law,” Reeder wrote in a blog post responding to the Supreme Court decision that legalized same-sex marriage across the country. “Those nations who knowingly break God’s law will inevitably be broken by God’s law.”


But but but #conspiracy

Did you ever notice the YUGE, the overwhelming amount of DISTRACTIONS that Hollywood creates around Donald Trump????

Of course I assume you didn't buy the "they are against him and he's against them" horseshit not even for one second.

Having said that, every single week, when it's not every single day, there's always somebody from the sheepletainment industry creating a massive distraction around Trump, always when one of the endless holes of his counterfeit presidency is exposed.

Cue Meryl Streep, Alec Baldwin, Kathy Griffin, Rosie O'Donnell, Snoop Dogg, Johnny Depp and the list goes on and on and on....

Everybody out to distract the sheep and divert everybody's attention from Trump's closet skeletons.

Add to that the massive reverse psyop of MSM, gubmint-run forums and actors with radio shows playing conspiracy theorists, to trick you into thinking that he's against them and they are against him.

Gone in T minus....

I almost forgot that actor Luis Guzman or one of his cousins who played "El Chapo".

Be HONEST, assuming you are not a paid Trump-bot, and tell me it doesn't feel as if all these celebrities come out from time to time to create the illusion that he's a martyr, a victim and the billionaire anti-hero fighting the system, while his minions secretly give continuity to the same satanic agenda pushed by Obama, Bush, and everybody else before.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy

U.S. Presidents are no longer elected, but appointed. Albeit, the hidden powers that be have to make the public still think the slaves are in control, hence, Jeb Bush quitting. All the powers that be need to do to get their man (or lesbian woman) in office, is to have the puppet mainstream newsmedia, religious right, and Hollywood promote and idolize a certain candidate. The fact that the newsmedia hasn't been plugging Jeb Bush at all is clear evidence that the Illuminati never intended for him to win in the first place. I had thought they were going to plug him after the primaries, but now it is clear they never intended for him to win. The money spent didn't come out of Jeb Bush's pocket. The CIA likely funds all that.

The newsmedia are really pushing Donald Trump, and he seems a sure win, doesn't it?

The last time a Democratic U.S. President followed a two-term Democrat like Barack Obama was in the year 1836! This is why I am skeptical about Hillary Clinton winning the election (although I know the Illuminati would love to see her in The White House again). Remember, Hillary becoming U.S. President effectively puts Bill Clinton (the Mena drug kingpin) back into The White House! What a sick thought! Hillary is establishment (an insider), and a criminal at large, so the powers that be can't lose either way. If they get Hillary into office, they maintain control. If Cruz wins, his wife is a Wall Street insider. Donald Trump won't get elected unless he is a Clinton operative and secretly sworn to the agendas of the architects of the New World Order. Kennedy tried to do away with the Federal Reserve System. Kennedy warned a California college class about a secret society takeover of The White House. Ten days later Kennedy was dead with flowers on his grave. The Wall Street secret police, aka, the CIA, assassinated him.

Donald trump won't return foreign jobs to America as he is promising. That would drastically strip U.S. corporations of profits, having to pay much higher American salaries. That's why I knew Congressman Rand Paul was full of bologna when he announced his run for U.S. President. He promised to bring foreign jobs home and use the money to repair the dilapidated inner cities of America. That sounds like a fictitious fairytale. Trump sounds too good to be true. Donald Trump is interesting. I love how he carries himself, a man's man kind of guy. He's already won the hearts of the religious right. I like that he's a businessman, not a Hollywood moviestar like Ronald Reagan, or a draft dodger like Bill Clinton. I have to admit, I like Trump myself. However, Mr. Trump (like Rand Paul) is making the same kind of unrealistic promises that any thinking American has to doubt. Yes, changes are possible, but not when Freemasons and Wall Street criminals control The White House and the federal government. Trump is personal friends and golfing buddies with the Clintons, and the Clintons are criminals above the law. Remember, Mr. Obama was super popular and nearly everyone loved him too, but look at how he has betrayed the American people and done extensive damage to our nation, bringing in Communism, same-sex marriage, racking-up massive national debt, and doing everything to confiscate our guns (so that we cannot defend ourselves and enforce our Bill Of Rights). Trump, if he wins, may turn out to be another Arnold Schwarzenegger, who betrayed the voters and citizens of California, bankrupting the state. I am mainly leery of Donald Trump because he is receiving full support from the mainstream newsmedia, which speaks volumes.

Did I mention that the Illuminati Jewish bankers have a long history of manipulating U.S. Presidential elections?!!! It would seem likely that Donald Trump is being used in a elaborate ploy to divide and conquer Americans!

Whoever is appointed as our next U.S. Commander-and-thief, God is still on His throne and is in ultimate sovereign control.

Bruce #conspiracy

When Donald Trump decided to recant the birther movement by saying that Barack Obama was born in America, he confirmed once again that he has realigned himself with the Illuminati. Now, it doesn't matter who gets elected anymore. At one point, we had hope. Trump had gone rogue and was shattering the established order. Today, he is giving ground everywhere including areas which were sacred. Recanting the birther movement was a slap in the face to all of his supporters. We knew that Obama wasn't qualified for the presidency, but no one had the guts to blow the whistle. That made Trump somewhat of a hero to us, especially when he knocked the Bush family out of politics once and for all.

Since the Donald has sold out his devoted followers, we are going to speak honestly about someone very special to him, his wife Melania. We haven't said much about her despite having a great deal of material from our sources (people are saying...). However, we need to put this out there and let everybody know that Melania is no ordinary Eastern European immigrant but rather an Illuminati sex slave bought and paid for in gold.

The Illuminati's most powerful members crave comfort women by the dozens, and they desperately need these encounters to be discreet. In other words, American and Western European girls will not suffice. The risk is too great that one will blow the whistle and reveal too much. On the other hand, women from Eastern Europe are a far better alternative. They grew up poor and in great need of opportunities. That is where the Illuminati comes in. The order dispatches its agents throughout the European countryside scouting for vulnerable yet attractive women. Once found, the women receive invitations to Paris or some other metro area to audition as "models". After a day in the salons and boutiques, they are brought to a meet and greet with Illuminati members. Those that agree to perform sexual acts are granted the next opportunity, Those that do not are cut and sent home. For the women that are selected, the Illuminati whisks them away while providing their families with gold and hard currency, enough to start over in a developed country.

Our source in New York reported that Melania was one of these women and that Donald Trump had selected her. At first, she was to reside in a New York penthouse and be on call for sex whenever the Donald wanted it. She could spend the rest of her time doing what she wanted as long as it did not involve sex with another man or woman. Eventually, Donald found himself increasingly attached to Melania or just really pleasured (these women are also judged on their sexual abilities). Our New York source indicated that it had to do more with the pleasure part for Trump. And in a shocking turn of events, he married his comfort girl. The Illuminati became flabbergasted at this. Illuminati members took women for wives who also had been initiated into the order, not whores bought in the Eastern European backwoods.

Russian consumer watchdog and Russian news outlets #conspiracy

Russia’s state consumer watchdog has warned that fidget spinners could be harmfully addictive, after state TV said the toys could make people susceptible to the messages of the political opposition.

The watchdog said it had noted “the aggressive promotion of so-called spinners around children and teenagers” and was aware of concern from parents and teachers.

It said it would ask scientists to “study the effects of the influence of spinners on children’s health, including possible negative consequences”.

The announcement, accompanied by warnings not to buy spinners on the street and to check them for chemical smells, came after fearmongering over the toys on state television.

A show called Virus on Rossiya 24 television on 12 July called spinners an “instrument for zombifying” and a “form of hypnosis”.

Spinners “often have a negative effect on the psyche and make a person susceptible to manipulation”, the presenter warned.

“Possibly it is not by chance that they have started selling spinners” at opposition rallies, he added.

The Life News pro-Kremlin news site on Tuesday ran a feature on “Seven tragedies that happened to children because of spinners”, including a six-year-old boy who got one stuck on his finger.

The move to check spinners prompted plenty of ridicule.

“How would you check this? Make 1,000 children play with 1,000 spinners for 1,000 hours and then make them write a test?” wrote the video blogger and comedian Yury Khovansky on Twitter.

The toys first became popular in the US this spring before hitting Europe. They have been banned at some schools in the US, France and Britain.

Donald Trump’s son Barron was photographed playing with one last month as he descended the steps of Air Force One.

Donald Trump #fundie

So much Fake News is being reported. They don’t even try to get it right, or correct it when they are wrong. They promote the Fake Book of a mentally deranged author, who knowingly writes false information. The Mainstream Media is crazed that WE won the election!

"Donald Trump" #conspiracy

The Entire US Electorate Are "Crisis Actors" In The 2016 Election False Flag To get Hillary Clinton Elected.

Yes he is throwing it. There is no way in HELL that you can alienate 90% of the electorate unless it is intentional.

But the fact that Trump is working for the democrats is not the story really.

The real story is how ALL of you are being used as Crisis Actors in this False Flag to get the candidate elected that will continue the Bush era Neo Con agenda that Obama continued as if Bush never left office.

You are looking everywhere for Crisis actors, everywhere except in the mirror. No wonder Bush was laughing and dancing at the executed Policemen's funeral.

He could barely contain his laughter.

Trump is in on it,The democrats are in on it. We are all in on it as Crisis Actors and we don't even know it.

We all must look fucking hilarious.

EPA #fundie

EPA chemical review would exclude millions of tons of toxins


BILLINGS, Mont. (AP) - Spurred by the chemical industry, President Donald Trump's administration is retreating from a congressionally mandated review of some of the most dangerous chemicals in public use: millions of tons of asbestos, flame retardants and other toxins in homes, offices and industrial plants across the United States.

Instead of following President Barack Obama's proposal to look at chemicals already in widespread use that result in some of the most common exposures, the new administration wants to limit the review to products still being manufactured and entering the marketplace.

For asbestos, that means gauging the risks from just a few hundred tons of the material imported annually while excluding almost all of the estimated 8.9 million tons (8.1 million metric tons) of asbestos-containing products that the U.S. Geological Survey said entered the marketplace between 1970 and 2016.

Lawmakers say the review was intended to be the first step toward enacting new regulations needed to protect the public. But critics - including health workers, consumer advocates, members of Congress and environmental groups - contend ignoring products already in use undermines that goal.

The administration's stance is the latest example of Trump siding with industry. In this case, firefighters and construction workers say the move jeopardizes their health.

Both groups risk harm from asbestos because of its historical popularity in construction materials ranging from roofing and flooring tiles to insulation used in tens of millions of homes. Most of the insulation came from a mine in a Montana town that's been declared a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Superfund site and where hundreds of people have died from asbestos exposure.

"Hundreds of thousands of firefighters are going to be affected by this. It is by far the biggest hazard we have out there," said Patrick Morrison, assistant general president for health and safety at the International Association of Fire Fighters. "My God, these are not just firefighters at risk. There are people that live in these structures and don't know the danger of asbestos."

Asbestos fibers can become deadly when disturbed in a fire or during remodeling, lodging in the lungs and causing problems including mesothelioma, a form of cancer. The material's dangers have long been recognized. But a 1989 attempt to ban most asbestos products was overturned by a federal court, and it remains in widespread use.

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health analyzed cancer-related deaths among 30,000 firefighters from Chicago, Philadelphia and San Francisco. The 2015 study concluded firefighters contract mesothelioma at twice the rate of other U.S. residents.

Firefighters also face exposure to flame retardants included in the EPA's review that are used in furniture and other products.

"I believe the chemical industry is killing firefighters," said Tony Stefani, a former San Francisco fireman who retired in 2003 after 28 years when diagnosed with cancer he believes resulted from exposure to chemicals in the pending review.

Stefani said he was one of five in his station to contract cancer in a short period. Three later died, while Stefani had a kidney removed and endured a year of treatment before being declared cancer-free.

"When I entered the department in the early 70s, our biggest fear was dying in the line of duty or succumbing to a heart attack," he said. "Those were the biggest killers, not cancer. But we work in a hazardous-materials situation every time we have a fire now."

Mesothelioma caused or contributed to more than 45,000 deaths nationwide between 1999 and 2015, according to a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study in March. The number of people dying annually from the disease increased about 5 percent during that time.

Congress ordered the EPA review last year to gauge risks of asbestos and nine other highly toxic substances and find better ways to manage them for public safety.

In one of its last acts under Obama, the EPA said in January it would judge the chemicals "in a comprehensive way" based on their "known, intended and reasonably foreseen uses."

Under Trump, the agency has aligned with the chemical industry, which sought to narrow the review's scope. The EPA now says it will focus only on toxins still being manufactured and entering commerce. It won't consider whether new handling and disposal rules are needed for "legacy," or previously existing, materials.

"EPA considers that such purposes generally fall outside of the circumstances Congress intended EPA to consider," said EPA spokeswoman Enesta Jones, adding the agency lacks authority to regulate noncommercial uses of the chemicals.

One of the law's co-authors, New Mexico Democratic Sen. Tom Udall, disputes that Congress wanted to limit the review.

"It doesn't matter whether the dangerous substance is no longer being manufactured; if people are still being exposed, then there is still a risk," Udall told The Associated Press. "Ignoring these circumstances would openly violate the letter and the underlying purpose of the law."

Rep. Frank Pallone of New York, ranking Democrat on the House Energy and Commerce Committee, said the EPA was deferring to the chemical industry's wishes at the expense of public health.

Democrats and public health advocates have criticized EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt for hiring two people - Nancy Beck, the agency's deputy assistant administrator for chemical safety, and Liz Bowman, its associate administrator for public affairs - who formerly worked for the American Chemistry Council, the industry's lobbying arm.

The council pushed back against the Obama administration's interpretation of the law, urging the EPA's new leadership to narrow its review. The Trump administration did that in June.

"Did we get everything we wanted? No. But we certainly agree the (Trump) administration put forth a reasonable final rule," said council vice president Michael Walls. Broadening the review, he added, would send the EPA "down a rabbit hole chasing after illusory risks."

The politically influential National Association of Homebuilders, which represents the residential construction industry, fears broadly interpreting the new law would lead to burdensome regulations that are unnecessary because it says asbestos disposal rules already are adequate.

Many of those regulations are based on a 1994 Occupational Safety and Health Administration finding that materials had to contain at least 1 percent asbestos to qualify for regulation. But public health experts say the 1 percent threshold is arbitrary.

"It's bad medicine, and it's harmful," said Michael Harbut, an internal medicine professor at Detroit's Wayne State University and medical adviser to an insulation workers' union.

"There's still a lot of asbestos out there," said Harbut, who helped establish criteria used by physicians to diagnose and treat asbestos-related diseases. "It's still legal, it's still deadly, and it's going to be a problem for decades to come."

Donald Trump #racist

Washington (CNN) - As he continues to mull a presidential bid, or say he is mulling a presidential bid, business mogul Donald Trump is lamenting the fact President Obama appears to have locked up the black vote.

"I have a great relationship with the blacks," Trump told Albany's Talk Radio 1300 Thursday. "I've always had a great relationship with the blacks."

But Trump says it's a "very sad thing" such a high percentage of that demographic supports President Obama, for reasons, he believes, that are largely influenced by race. The discussion was spawned by a recent poll of New York voters that found 95 percent of black voters there approve of the president's job performance. The same poll found that the president's overall approval rating in New York stands at 54 percent.

"Look at Hillary Clinton," the reality television star continued in reference to the 2008 Democratic presidential primary race. "Hillary Clinton did so much for the black population, so much and got very few votes."

"Look, I tell it like it is," he added. "Then you hear a political reporter go on and say, 'It had nothing to do with race.' But how come she got such a tiny piece of the vote. It's a very sad thing."

Sarah Palin #conspiracy

On Friday, the former Alaskan governor and 2008 vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin congratulated the “smart Brits,” likening the June referendum to the Declaration of Independence. After all, as she noted in a Facebook post, the citizens of the United Kingdom may have avoided nothing less than the end of the world.?Palin, a Donald Trump supporter, applauded the Leave voters for outfoxing “globalists” who would bring about an “apocalyptic One World Government,” she wrote on Facebook. That is because the European Union, in her words, is a “One World Government mini-me.”

gzusfreke #fundie

Donald Trump, Bill Gates, and Warren Buffet could all give millions to charities, but if they didn't do it because of their faith in Jesus, it's just sin. My down and dirty explanation: anytime someone operates independently of God, all they do is sin to God.

Lady Checkmate #fundie

Lady Checkmate's headline: "Why Do Sinners Become Irate When Sin Is Addressed And Appropriately Labeled As Sin?"


President Donald Trump tapped Sam Clovis as his pick to lead the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Research, Education and Economics division. Pending Senate confirmation, Clovis would oversee scientific research at the agency. Now, the alt-left is targeting, attacking and persecuting Mr. Clovis because he stands against sin and has spoken out against it. I think they are also afraid that the false-science the alt-left has been promoting will be exposed as false science that is limited in scope and biased in favor of sin to appease those on the far left. There science is at best their best guesses and not 100% fact.

My vote is for Mr. Clovis. It's getting to the point that each fake news report should be taken with a grain of salt and f not ignored, immediately rebutted with Truth.

God bless.

Don't forget to RECOMMEND. Lets get the Truth out so that Light may shine bright in this dark place and Jesus Christ may be glorified.Even if the discussion is closed, please still RECOMMEND.

Rohan Patel #fundie

It's no longer the 1970s, it's now 2017. If you wanted to immigrate, you should have done it when there was a severe shortage back in the 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, or 1990s. You deserve no protections here ESPECIALLY when OUR H1-B visa you come here on is purposefully used to pay a lower salary and not because you're any more accomplished (9 times out of 10 you're not). Want to prosper? Stay in India. Narendra Modi has an 'India First' mentality, just like Donald Trump has an 'America First' mentality. If an IT professional from India wishes to come, that's fine. But we'll never treat you like you were born here. We'll continue to laugh and point behind your back and we'll ridicule you until you're miserable and you'll want to leave.

Donald Trump #fundie

The United States will have "absolutely no choice" but to close down some mosques where "some bad things are happening," Donald Trump said in a recent interview, explaining his rationale for doing so.

"Nobody wants to say this and nobody wants to shut down religious institutions or anything, but you know, you understand it. A lot of people understand it. We’re going to have no choice," the Republican presidential said in an interview from Trump Tower on Fox News' "Hannity" on Tuesday night.

Those remarks go further than Trump did on Monday, when he said he would "strongly consider" closing mosques as part of a response to last Friday's terrorist attacks in Paris that killed more than 130 and injured hundreds more.

Asked to explain his shifting position by Sean Hannity, Trump remarked that things are "happening a lot faster than anybody understands."

"There’s absolutely no choice. Some really bad things are happening and they're happening fast," he said, taking a dig at President Barack Obama's response to the attacks. "Certainly a lot faster than our president understands because he doesn't understand anything. He doesn't get it. Refuses to even call it by its correct name," which Trump termed "radical Islam."

Jerry Falwell, Jr. #racist

[On Donald Trump's birtherism]

He was brave enough to say something that was so politically incorrect. I had no idea where Obama was born or if he had a birth certificate; I didn’t have an opinion on that. But just the fact that he was bold enough to challenge Obama on something like that, because you didn’t see the press challenging Obama much. And so that impressed me that he was bold enough to do it.

beatles123 #fundie

He [Donald Trump] can't work with people who will not work with HIM. If he made a declaration that people must wear pants. there would be people walking around naked in DC purely because it was he who demanded it. Common sense be damned. That isn't his fault. Washington wants one direction and refuses any other.

FarOutlier #fundie

I've been looking into polls. wow.what crap we are being fed. If you have the time and stomach you could look into either the Monmouth or Quinnipiac polls in detail. The ABC poll looks honest in contrast UNTIL it gets to Hillary v Trump. At that point you are suppose to suspend your belief system and just bite the hook.
Rubio is a MSM fool. They are scared to death of Cruz and even more so of Trump. They pray every night to a God they do not believe in that they do not have to face The Donald. He gives them the finger and laughs as they foam at the mouth and their heads explode.

Patricia Godwin #fundie

In her interview with CNN's KFile, Godwin echoed the other attendees' sentiments about the Constitution, saying that it was Moore's understanding of the nation's founding text that led her to support his current campaign for Senate. She added that there hasn't been a Constitution since President Barack Obama was elected, saying, "It's been a theoretical document rolled up on the shelf of the archives just like President Davis said that Abraham Lincoln did to it."

"I want people like Mitch McConnell and the NRA and CNN and Donald Trump to stay out of our business down here," Godwin said. "That's the problem. You Yankees, you have done nothing but stick your freakin' nose in our business down here in the South. We don't want you down here in the South, don't you understand that? I would love to see every Yankee go back to Massachusetts and to New York City, you know it?"

Bryan Fischer #fundie

[On Donald Trump's call for a total ban on Muslim immigration to the United States:]

Two questions must be asked. Are such bans constitutional? And more importantly, are such bans biblical?


There is no constitutional right, of course, to immigrate to the United States. It is a privilege, not a right. And we the people have given to Congress authority to set parameters for immigration for our protection, our cultural unity, and our national security.

So while it may not be politically correct or politically feasible to implement Trump's proposed ban, it is not unconstitutional. It is a political and cultural question, not a constitutional one.

For those of us who are evangelicals, there is a second question, which is of greater importance than the first. We not only want to know if an immigration ban is constitutional, we want to know if it is biblical. Did God himself ever impose such an immigration ban?

The answer is yes. With the fledgling nation on the edge of the promised land, God instituted a permanent ban ("forever") on immigration into Israel from two nations, Ammon and Moab.


Ammonites and Edomites were not allowed to immigrate because of their historic animosity toward the people of God and their commitment to weaken them and defeat them. Where such conditions exist today, a similar ban on foreign immigration would have biblical precedent.

Now obviously exceptions could be made and were made on a limited basis. Ruth, for instance, was allowed to immigrate into Israel from Moab. Ruth rejected the ancient hostility of her people toward Israel and embraced its culture and its God. “Your people shall be my people, and your God my God” (Ruth 1:17). In other words, she happily assimilated in every way, included in religious matters, to her newly adopted nation.

She was not only welcomed, but found a place in the line of descent that led to the birth of the Savior of the world.

The bottom line: a ban on immigration from nations which have demonstrated abiding hostility toward the United States is both constitutionally permissible and biblically permissible.

jamesalbright #fundie

Jesus revealed to me and sent me to tell His people that the USA is the fulfillment of Babylon the great and I have one thing to say, if the steady stream of lies that hear flow out of the mouths of most of the Black Christians in the USA in support of Obama and about Donald Trump is an indication of the plagues that the Bible says they will receive for participating in the sins of the Communist Democratic Party, I am certain that they are going to receive many of them. There are many Black Christians who have to stop telling lies about Obama and Donald Trump and get on God's side about what is taking place in America.
Rev 18:4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, "Come out of her, my people, that you may not participate in her sins and that you may not receive of her plagues;

SmellyGringo #fundie

(On Donald Trump's idea to target the families of ISIS members)

I love it, he has no holds barred approach toward Terrorists, Let's dip the bullets in pigs blood just to make sure they can't get there virgins

Jeremiah Johnson #fundie

Prophecy: Donald Trump Shall Become the Trumpet

In His great wisdom throughout the course of human history, God has chosen not only to fulfill His plans and purposes through men and women who have yielded to the sound of His voice, but He has also chosen to accomplish His will through men and women who have ignored and rebelled against Him. One such man was King Cyrus mentioned in Isaiah 45.

Isaiah prophesied of Cyrus and speaks as a mouthpiece of the Lord when he declared, "I have even called you by your name [Cyrus]; I have named you, though you have not known Me. I am the Lord and there is no other; there is no God besides Me.
I strengthen you, though you have not known Me, so that they may know from the rising of the sun and from the west that there is no one besides Me. I am the Lord, and there is no other" (Is. 45:4-6).

What a powerful and profound prophetic declaration to a man who did not know or serve the Lord! Could God not use the wicked and ungodly to bring about His plans and purposes thousands of years ago and can He not still do the same thing again, especially in the midst of the crisis that we find America in today?

I was in a time of prayer several weeks ago when God began to speak to me concerning the destiny of Donald Trump in America. The Holy Spirit spoke to me and said, "Trump shall become My trumpet to the American people, for he possesses qualities that are even hard to find in My people these days. Trump does not fear man nor will he allow deception and lies to go unnoticed. I am going to use him to expose darkness and perversion in America like never before, but you must understand that he is like a bull in a china closet. Many will want to throw him away because he will disturb their sense of peace and tranquility, but you must listen through the bantering to discover the truth that I will speak through him. I will use the wealth that I have given him to expose and launch investigations searching for the truth. Just as I raised up Cyrus to fulfill My purposes and plans, so have I raised up Trump to fulfill my purposes and plans prior to the 2016 election. You must listen to the trumpet very closely for he will sound the alarm and many will be blessed because of his compassion and mercy. Though many see the outward pride and arrogance, I have given him the tender heart of a father that wants to lend a helping hand to the poor and the needy, to the foreigner and the stranger."

As the body of Christ, we must keep our ears and eyes open as we continue to move toward the 2016 elections in the United States. I believe that God is not only going to use the prayers of the saints to bring about His plans and purposes, but He is even going to use those who do not know Him. What a great comfort and source of encouragement we have in the wisdom of God in this hour.

Just as Job declared to God in Job 42:2, "I know that You can do everything, and that no thought can be withheld from You." Let's begin to pray in faith, knowing that God can do all things and that no purpose of His in the 2016 elections can be thwarted!

RetroSpriteResources #fundie

Great Leader has delivered a message for all of us, there have been recent record low temperatures and thus global warming is impossible. Donald Trump can not only debunk what a team of "scientists" have been claiming for years in an instant, but also do it in just one sentence. And people say I'm ridiculous for saying we're all lowly compared to him. The man can solve problems scientists couldn't solve for years in an instant and explain them in most simple ways possible, meaning that he is literally the 21st century Albert Einstein.

Feel free to praise him for his greatness.

I think we should take this as a valuable lesson and stop trying to think for ourselves. Donald Trump is far superior to us and thus will always make a smarter decision on every problem. Why is it that everyone keeps trying to come up with something better than the highest man in the world with such confidence? That should be seen as treason because the whole point of leaders is to do the thinking for everyone else.

You want to know what's happening in the world? Follow Great Leader's Twitter. He will update you with every event in the world in just a few words. Everyone else drags out the simple truth to make themselves sound smart, but these are the same dumb people who thought global warming was real. Real intelligence isn't dragging things out, it's simplifying them. Remember that before you make any more claims against Great Leader that should be seen as treason.

Peace! Make America great again!

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