
Edward Menez #crackpot #racist #pratt #conspiracy henrymakow.com

Have you ever seen water cling to a concave surface?

Have you ever looked at the stars with a zoom camera like the Nikon P-900?

There are a lot of questions regarding our lives here on Earth, but none is more fundamental than asking exactly where we live.

Is it a planet? Or do we live under a firmament, as mentioned in the Bible?

Often the first question is: Why would we be lied to about this?

It's the same reason we've been lied to about taking vaccines for an invented "covid" virus.

The satanic Jews have decided it's better you believe anything they tell you, rather than see the truth for yourself. It is better, according to them, that you believe that a Big Bang fortuitously created everything that exists out of nothing, and that you are a freak of nature, derived from fish walking on land and turning into monkeys, and then "evolving" into human beings. You are nothing but a speck of dust in the gigantic universe, evolved by chance, and with no purpose in the world but to accumulate money and self-grandeur.

But doesn't that eliminate God from our lives? That is clearly the satanic Jews' purpose.
In the end, it is up to the reader or investigator to attempt to erase the brainwashing of the satanic Jews and reconfigure his or her worldview to the world's established science prior to 500 years ago, when every culture in the world believed in a flat earth with a firmament. It's Copernicus and Galileo and Newton, all Freemasons that we have been taught to idolize, who have been written into science lore as the Satanic Jews' revenge upon us all.

Satan's greatest deception was to make us believe that he doesn't exist. Yet God's greatest truth is that He created everything. Satan can only deceive--he can not create. We only have to look up at the sky (preferably with a Nikon P-900) to see that God created everything that exists. The sun revolves around the Earth; the Earth does not move; and the sun, moon, and stars are all lights attached to the Firmament.

Peter Hitchens #sexist #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut henrymakow.com

Last Tuesday the British Army halted 'all non-essential and non-operational activity' for the six hours between 10am and 4pm.

This was 'to consider and reflect on the British Army's current culture and approach to inclusion and to set out how it will seek to improve both'.

I have not yet been able to get much information on how this went, though I am told that a fair few serving solders of the more old-fashioned type were more than a little embarrassed.

Likewise, you may have thought of Nato, as I once did, as a stern conservative military alliance, guarding the world against armed Communism.

Did you know that Nato now has an 'Office of the Gender Advisor', just as MI6 flies the Rainbow Flag (above) of the LGBTQ movement?

Nato is, in fact, the army of the sexual revolution, as it showed in its failed mission in Afghanistan. (Above, German soldiers march with Nato's flag on February 9)
So it was, and I recall very well the bleak barracks and bases on the German plain which kept us safe from the USSR.

But did you know that Nato now has an 'Office of the Gender Advisor', just as MI6 flies the Rainbow Flag of the LGBTQ movement?

Current efforts to get us all to like Ukraine (in reality a fiercely nationalist country with a macho culture not unlike Russia's) involve staged pictures of female soldiers in snowy trenches.

Nato is, in fact, the army of the sexual revolution, as it showed in its failed mission in Afghanistan.

Ever since the Blair creature ushered a fake crowd into Downing Street in 1997, Labour activists waving Union Jacks they despised, people have been manipulating genuine patriots into accepting or even supporting changes they would once have loathed. The amazing thing is that it has worked.

Almost nothing is now what you think it is, or what it used to be.

The school to which you happily send your children is in many cases a propaganda college, in which they are taught the new creed of equality and diversity.

Henry Makow PhD #conspiracy #racist #wingnut #quack #magick henrymakow.com


The mass media is responsible for spreading this coronahoax. Therefore it is significant that in April a senior CBC reporter Don Pittis actually referenced this satanic dogma: "COVID-19 may be the catalyst -- not the cause -- of a painful but useful economic transformation. Retailers go broke, property and oil fall but maybe the economic pain will speed beneficial changes."

"According to the theory of creative destruction derived by Austrian economist Joseph Schumpeter in 1942 from ideas proposed by Karl Marx, economic and technological progress demands that businesses must die and industries and paradigms must be swept away to make room for new ones."

Karl Marx, the father of Communism, was a Cabalist and a Satanist. "Creative destruction" is the same satanist rationale they use for starting devastating wars. Clearly the hidden agenda behind the #scamdemic is social and economic change. Thanks to Satanists controlling the banking system, society is under relentless satanic attack, and is satanically possessed.
"Creative Destruction" explains why humanity is cursed by never-ending catastrophes. These are engineered by the Illuminati to attack and destroy anything that smacks of the healthy divine order -- spiritual or natural.

Call it illuminism, secularism, Luciferianism, humanism, paganism or the occult: It's all Kabbalah.

Modern Western civilization has no moral legitimacy (and no future) because it is based on a rebellion against God, who represents the path of our spiritual development.

Humanity had been hijacked by psychopaths intent on destroying the "old order" and building a bizarre, solipsistic, violent, depraved dystopia in its place.

Henry Makow PhD #sexist #racist #wingnut #conspiracy henrymakow.com

Makow- Will Femininity Make a Comeback?

Femininity is based on a woman making husband, children and home her first priority.

Her self-sacrifice is the way that love comes into the world. We love people who love us.

Heterosexuality is based on the female surrender of worldly power in exchange for male power expressed as love.

So the Satanists taught women to seek power instead of love.

They taught women their value lies in their sex appeal. They are porn stars instead of wives and mothers.

They squander their most fertile years, when they are irresistible, pursuing careers instead of families only to be left high-and-dry later.

Men have been brainwashed by sex and are incapable of seeing women realistically as human beings.

Will the Cabalists responsible for sabotaging Western society be made to pay?

These are the same people behind the covid scam. Everything they do is destroy all that is wholesome healthy and good.
Feminism's Marxist principles of "equality" do not apply to loving heterosexual relationships and are in fact toxic. Heterosexual marriage is based on the exchange of female worldly power for male power expressed as love. Equal power neuters both sexes.

Our leaders are accomplices to this monstrous hoax. Behind them are the private central bankers who print our currency in the form of a debt to them. They need a world government so no country can default on it. They need a dictatorship so the people cannot end this scam. They need to stunt our natural development by fostering gender confusion so we can be controlled.

Feminism was organized by the US Communist Party, the CIA and the elite media, all instruments of the central bankers. It is funded by the Rockefeller Foundation. The purpose is to undermine society and deliver it to Communism.

Henry Makow PhD #conspiracy #sexist #racist #homophobia #wingnut henrymakow.com

After destroying Christmas, Masonic Jews moved on to the annual celebration of heterosexuality, Valentine's Day.

The Vagina Monologues (1996) has been performed on Valentine's Day thousands of times in 77 countries
to draw attention to "violence against women" . How perfectly romantic.

The "play" itself is porn designed to induct sex-starved women into lesbianism.

Women use hand mirrors to inspect their genitals. Lesbian paedophilia is condoned.

Hyped as "a beautiful liberating experience...a celebration of women," this Masonic Jewish agitprop has done more to vulgarize and degrade womanhood, than even PLAYBOY magazine.

Mankind has been inducted into the Illuminati (Cabalist) sex cult which is behind Judaism, Communism, Zionism, Liberalism, Socialism & Feminism. "Progressive" means progress to death.

Satanism is a sexual and material race-to-the-bottom. Feminism teaches women to reject family and serve the system instead.

First, Jews and Freemasons were initiated, and through them, humanity as a whole.

We are under relentless occult attack by Organized Judaism and Freemasonry. (Satanism)

(Disclaimer- Not all Jews are Communists, and unless they stand up soon, they may end up taking the blame for those who are.)

Henry Makow PhD #wingnut #racist #conspiracy henrymakow.com

The Hegelian Dialectic

Thesis - Fake pandemic. Deadly gene therapy causing millions of deaths and injuries. Destruction of democracy and human rights.

Antithesis -- Confidence in government and all social institutions is totally destroyed. Led by courageous truckers, people revolt. Chaos. Supply chain issues. Violence.

Synthesis - Globalists restore social order. A handful of covid patsies are punished. Relieved, humanity accepts world government.

I'm not saying the trucker movement is false opposition. I've never been so proud of my fellow Canadians and urge everyone to get behind the truckers. Certainly the rank and file are sincere. Nevertheless, we should be aware that the trucker uprising may be part of an Hegelian dialectic. Frankly I don't care. False opposition is better than none at all.
Stopping satanist psychopaths from enslaving and exterminating humanity is never false opposition. They must be stopped at all costs.

We just need to ensure that the alternative is not globalism wearing a different mask.

All resistance to Communism is linked to Zionism. (Why they never define COVID in terms of the Masonic Jewish Conspiracy to dispossess, depopulate and enslave humanity. Covid is just the latest in this ancient vendetta against God and man.)

And Zionism is linked to Communism. It's a Masonic Jewish tag team.

Henry Makow PhD/Jake Sandberg #racist #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy henrymakow.com

(Superbowl half-time shows and knee-taking
are dedicated to the Cabalist Jewish God, Satan)

Why Does the NFL Genuflect to Satan?

Because most of the owners
are bloodsucking Cabalist Jews

Commie Jews are destroying professional sport, and everything else.
"The NFL owners are a fascinating bunch really. Family businesses essentially, they're mostly all-white, male, of course rich and GOP-friendly -- but beyond the homogeneity, each has its own uniquely American story."

Uniquely American? These fuckers are all subversive Cabalist Jews.

Socialists? They're Communists!

And Communists are gangsters!
Out of 147 teams in the five major North American pro sports leagues, 46 are owned by people who identify as Jews or who have a Jewish parent. That's more than 30% - including nearly half of all NBA owners.
How about the BLM kneeling and social justice proselytizing in the NFL?

Making these "social justice" statements and promoting political positions has no place in sports.

But if the owners are all "socialists" in one big club (Satanic Judaism) they can all agree to do that and get away with it.
Is there no sport sacred anymore? This is what happens when the Satanists begin their Great Reset.

Henry Makow PhD #conspiracy #racist #wingnut #quack henrymakow.com

Connect the dots.

All the talk of "systemic racism" disguises a diabolical Cabalist Jewish race war against people of European origin.

1) In a sensational interview, Dr. Lee Merritt claims the "vaccines" are racial bio weapons. She says they do not harm Ashkenazi Jews. Are all these Israelis crisis actors? Is this site a Mossad psy op? Or more likely, are assimilated Israeli Jews also the target? Israel seems to engaging in the covid charade with the best.

2. CRT- Critical Race Theory is based on the assumption that people of European heritage have no right to be a majority anywhere. This is called "white supremacism." In fact, CRT is organized and funded by Organized Jewry. Jews have a homeland in Israel but whites are considered Jewish rivals, and are being displaced and dispossessed.

3 Diversity. Multiculturalism. Organized Jewry is replacing whites with racial minorities who will owe allegiance to them. Message: It's not OK to be white. This is real racism.

4. Black Lives Matter. The George Floyd psyop. Stoking Black - White racial conflict. "Bail reform." Making looting legal. Not enforcing the rule of law. Hiring Antifa thugs to intimidate patriots.

5. Illegal migration. It's possible that males will be drafted into the military and used against patriots.

6. Miscegenation is encouraged and normalized in commercials and entertainment. These ads do not appear in Israel.

7. Cancel culture. Whether it's statues or curriculum, European heritage is being erased. "Whites" are blamed for Western imperialism and the slave trade which are essentially Cabalist in nature.

8. Art, education and culture have been replaced by Jewish (Communist) agitprop. "Wokeness" is Communist Jewish political correctness and mind control. Academic freedom has been destroyed.

9. The "vaccines" interfere with menstruation and may render women sterile.

When you connect the dots, the picture that emerges is that of a vicious ongoing one-sided race war.

Henry Makow PhD #crackpot #conspiracy #racist #wingnut #homophobia henrymakow.com

Justine's father was actually Fidel Castro. In 1968, Russian defector Igor Gouzenko warned that Trudeau "would become another Castro and turn Canada into another Cuba."

Fidelito's cuckold "father" Pierre Elliot Trudeau (1919-2000) was Canadian Prime Minister from 1968-1979 and 1980-1984. His file was destroyed because he was a Communist (Illuminati) agent. Most "leaders" are Freemasons. The goal of Freemasonry is Rothschild (Cabalist Jewish, i.e. Satanic) world tyranny, i.e. Communism or "globalism." Communism is monopoly (i.e. banker controlled) capitalism. Trudeau took the first steps toward normalizing homosexuality and making European Canadians a minority, i.e. "multiculturalism." Castro's son is following in Trudeau's footsteps.

The Illuminati are sexual deviants. They abuse their own children as part of the brainwashing process. There is a suggestion that this happened to Justine.

In her book, TRANCE-FORMATION OF AMERICA (1995) MK-ULTRA survivor Cathy O'Brien stated that many world leaders, including Pierre Trudeau and Brian Mulroney, are pedophiles. She met them in the course of her life as a sex slave trained (with her young daughter) to service high-profile politicians. Other sources support Cathy O'Brien's allegations.

margie.jpg(Margaret Trudeau's face says it all)

Pierre's 1968 marriage to Margaret was "arranged" by the military. The couple was programmed with LSD at a remote farm in British Columbia.
This might explain why Margaret was passed around to Fidel Castro.
it looks like a duck, and walks and talks like a duck, it's a duck.

Henry Makow PhD #crackpot #racist #conspiracy #wingnut henrymakow.com

When the BBC asked Joker writer-director Todd Phillips, a Jew whose real name is Bunzie, if he believed in God, he replied:

"Personally I don't. But I believe there's a higher power, a collective energy in people that you might say is God". This is the Jewish Egregore.

The goyim simply cannot comprehend that Organized Jewry's goal is the destruction of civilization. Think world wars, revolutions, depressions, gender dysfunction, CRT, BLM, multiculturalism, migration and "sexual liberation." They call this "creative destruction."

Why? The Organized Jewish egregore thinks it is God and humanity should serve it. This is the rationale behind 6uild 6ack 6etter. Needless to say, this puts innocent Jews in jeopardy. We will be scapegoats and "burnt offerings."

The vaccine mandates, travel restrictions and lockdowns are all designed to achieve this diabolical goal.

"Joker" is a sick and sordid tale of a man's descent into madness, murder and mayhem which, thanks to Jewish hype, grossed over a billion dollars. It was released in Oct. 2019, five months before the beginning of the plandemic.

In the article below, Jeffrey Tucker explains how Joker exemplified the ideology of "Destructionism" and foreshadowed the Communist-Jewish plandemic.

"'Destructionism" says that the sole purpose of action in one's life should be to tear down what others have created, including the liberties and lives of others...The ideology of destructionism enables a person to rationalize that evil is at least somehow preparing the ground for some better state of society in the future'" but this is bullshit.

Destructionism is pure Satanism and the only people who will benefit are Cabalist Jews and their go'fers. The Joker is more evidence, if we needed it, that Hollywood today is Satanist (Masonic) Jewish garbage and filth.

"Antisemitism" is simply facing reality; humanity is satanically possessed by Jewish Cabalism. The sooner we focus on this, the sooner we can save civilization.

Henry Makow PhD #racist #conspiracy #magick henrymakow.com

Elite Jews created the Jewish God as their "egregore." They think they are God. This is the essence of Satanism.

According to Wikipedia, "egregore" is an occult concept representing a "thought form" or "collective group mind", an autonomous psychic entity made up of, and influencing, the thoughts of a group of people. An egregore is born when a group of people concentrate with emotion on a single goal or objective. The emotional aspect is crucial; simply thinking about a goal does not have the same effect. The emotion and intent must be strong, focused and sustained.

Does the "egregore" explain the mysterious affinity, coordination and energy manifested by Illuminati (Satanist) Jews and their goyim (Freemason) partners?

Henry Makow PhD/NH #racist #conspiracy #wingnut henrymakow.com

"Is David Icke obfuscating?

It's the reptilians! It's a mind virus!
It's not the Rothschilds." I asked.

NH replied--

This is the question, IMO: has David Icke been "turned"? And the answer is "yes" but probably not overtly. That is, he probably has not been recruited explicitly, but people have been sent to gas-light the living shit out of him and he soaks up their proffered nonsense like a sponge - and believes most of it: things like aliens from another dimension feeding on our negative emotions - and shape-shifting Draco reptilians running the show on Earth.

I know people who knew David from the get-go and used to help get him new venues when the Jews would have his venues cancelled at the last minute in Vancouver - and David would stay in their home rather than a hotel. But now he shows up at the Queen E. Theatre/Auditorium in Vancouver where all the "elites" hold their speaking (brain-washing) engagements and stays in the best hotels. In short, David is short on brains, has a big ego, loves to hear himself talk and believes his own conclusions, no matter how implausible. I think he means well but is like the idiot cousin that you hide in the back room when you have visitors you are trying to impress.
Go to any Canadian library and look up "conspiracy theory". You will find almost all of David Icke's stupid books and practically nothing else other than a thick Rothschild hagiography and a few odds and inconsequential sods. In other words, the "illuminati" absolutely love David Icke - they adore him.
You could never ever invent a better propaganda shield than David Icke no matter how hard you tried; and sadly, my friends that know him are now mad at me 'cuz I unwisely told them he and Alex Jones are full of shit. Jones actually hits a "home run" once in a while and does some good. But I would rather get a root canal than hear David Icke blather on about "vibrations", Ayahuasca, reptilians and whatever other nonsense pops into his fevered "unconsciousness".

"Diane, a Seattle mother" #quack #conspiracy #wingnut henrymakow.com

I have been following this site for over 10 years and it changed my life. I am a former health care consultant, now a teacher in my latter career years. I have teenage sons and live in the Pacific Northwest, USA.

Please turn your Righteous Anger into momentum for the Positive!
Every day--all over the world--little children struggle to breathe for the entire school day. What is wrong with a society that allows this? They cannot run and play at recess without struggling to breathe! Why are there not health tests being done on their oxygen saturation levels during the day. This has got to be harming their health! What are the long term effects!?

We are surely under some kind of hypnosis or spell, not to be defending our children's rights! Are we that afraid of a mostly-harmless virus. It is worth it to deprive little children the right to breathe air? What is worth that?
Shunned from my neighbors and colleagues: WORTH IT!

I was kicked out of the teacher's union Facebook page for posting evidence about the effectiveness of masks. (BTW, I no longer belong to the Union.)

Even a few months ago, I was walking around upset that my neighbors, and my colleagues--and even my own children--were expressing negative feelings and even shunning me for expressing my opinions about what occurring. One neighbor won't allow her children (whom I love) to even walk on my sidewalk because of my views. These children practically lived at my house in years past. Now I realize I was a coward for being upset about what others feel. Its worth it for us to speak up. We are planting a seed. Now a few of my colleagues and neighbors are coming around to the truth. They are hearing it from other places as well and its starting to grow. Let's keep it up!


Henry Makow PhD #conspiracy #racist #homophobia #sexist #transphobia #wingnut #fundie henrymakow.com

"Did you enjoy the Holiday Concert?" the school principal asked my friend.

"Yes, but why didn't you call it a Christmas Concert?'

"Oh I can't. The Superintendent said the concert must be inclusive of all the diverse cultures in the school. We are not allowed to mention Christmas, Christ, or Jesus."

This humiliating scene was replayed millions of times this Christmas season. Some Christian groups even boycotted retailers who dropped the word Christmas from their advertising. Celebrating the central Christian holiday, and even saying "Merry Christmas" has become a political act.

Why has this happened? The answer isn't pretty. The world financial elite wants to eradicate Christianity. Their forerunners crucified Christ. Christianity gives everyone a piece of the pie and elitists want it all for themselves.
According to Christianity, all human beings were created in God's image, i.e. Divine Truth resides in every soul. Accordingly, God loves everyone equally and human life is sacred. Our birthright is to know God by following Christ's teachings.

On the other hand, the New World Order wants to corrupt and debase humanity and snuff out any spark of Divinity. They want to allot us "human rights" (which they determine) instead of acknowledging our God given rights. You see, animals are better to herd and cull.
In our society however, some people are in George Orwell's words, "more equal than others." "Diversity" is a devious ploy to subjugate the Christian majority. Christians have to take a back seat to 1.5% of Jews for whom Chanukah is an insignificant holiday that doesn't even fall on December 25 half of the time. (I won't mention "Kwanza" since most Blacks are Christian.)

To degrade humanity, the elite has to dynamite the four pillars of human identity: race, religion, nation and family. Just as it promotes homosexuality and fe-manism to undermine family, it uses Jewish holidays to destroy Christianity.
No one objects except the foreign-based central bankers and the monolithic occult (i.e. Masonic) political and cultural establishment that they employ.

Mike Stone #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy henrymakow.com


Beyonce Knowles has all the earmarks of a satanist. She wears Baphomet-adorned shirts and rings; she flashes one-eye 666 sign of the satanist Illuminati; she campaigned for and supported the man who calls himself Obama and Hillary Clinton. Like both of them, Beyonce lives a life of hypocrisy and fraud (witness her lip-syncing performances and her alleged fake pregnancy).

Beyonce also seems to dabble in demonic possession, such as her Super Bowl halftime performance in which she laid down in the middle of a pentagram and appeared to be taken over by some kind of satanic spirit. You can view the actual transformation she went through as the demonic entity, which appears to be masculine, entered her body.

Beyonce's music represents a rejection of God and is intended to drag thousands of souls to eternal damnation. Unless she returns to God and rejects her former life, Beyonce appears headed straight to hell. (Note: Beyonce could be under Monarch mind control and unable to deprogram herself. If that's the case, God could have mercy on her soul.)


Jay Z has even more earmarks of being a satanist than Beyonce. However, unlike his wife, he displays no signs of being under mind control and appears to have chosen the path to darkness of his own free will.

Jay Z is a follower of satanist Alistair Crowley, and Crowley's motto: Do What Thou Wilt. If Beyonce is under mind control, Jay Z might be her handler.

Tom Hanks just might be the most anti-God, anti-Christian name on this list. Through movies like Angels & Demons, Hanks mocks and disgraces the Catholic Church, and attempts to spread disinformation about secret societies. Have no doubt, unless he repents, which appears highly unlikely, Hanks is headed for eternal damnation. It will be a hell of his own making.

Henry Makow PhD #conspiracy #racist #wingnut #fundie henrymakow.com

Will covid bring us together or drive us apart?

It can bring us together because it has exposed our common enemy -- the satanist Masonic-Jewish world banking cartel.

The covid psy-op has destroyed the matrix in which we have lived for our whole lives.

The banking cartel has bribed everyone promoting this scam to betray the public trust.

All social institutions have been discredited. Especially government, medicine, the mass media, entertainment, the justice system and law enforcement, the church and the military.

The enemy is not racial or sexual minorities or Liberal dupes. The central bankers organize and fund them to undermine society. The enemy is the central banking cartel and its agents - Freemasonry and Organized Jewry, including Communism and Zionism.

The central bankers belong to a satanic cult -- Cabalism -- that has been sabotaging humanity for hundreds, if not thousands of years. Their goal is to destroy civilization so they can rebuild a world that serves their greed and depravity.
The bankers have banished God from public discourse because God is the competition. They taught us God is Dead. They promoted existentialism.
They are liars and deceivers. We believed them.

God is Love. God is Perfection. God is a dimension in which spiritual ideals like beauty, truth and justice are self evident.

Satanists are waging war with God by turning these ideals upside down. Ugly is beautiful; lies are truth; sick is healthy etc.

But God is a lot bigger than the Rothschilds and their cabal of miscreants. God will triumph.

How can we resist?

1. Don't let them divide us.
2. Mortify ourselves to the temptations of this world and serve God with all our Being.
3. Celebrate Christmas this year with a gusto unseen in decades!

Play Christmas carols until the Satanists are running for the exits, holding their ears!

Henry Makow PhD #racist #wingnut #quack #conspiracy henrymakow.com

"Antisemitism" is growing as the covid scam is correctly identified with Organized Jewry, Freemasonry and Communism.
No one can justify genocide, but the stigma attached to this term is devious mind control. Antisemitism is legitimate resistance to the pernicious agenda of organized Jewry and Freemasonry, i.e. the NWO.

This agenda is to re-engineer, dispossess and enslave humanity by destroying the four legs of human identity: race, religion (God), nationalism and family (gender.) Covid gene therapy takes this process to the next level.

Most Jews and non-Jews are unaware that since antiquity Jews consistently have been reviled for good reason.

Jews are in a state of wilful denial. They don't realize that Judaism is governed by Cabala which is Satanism. The essence of Judaism is to take God's place, destroy Christianity and dispossess non-Jews, exemplified by Communism which rabbis equate with Judaism. First, Jews were possessed by Cabalism; then society as a whole, thanks to Freemasonry. We are witnessing constant Communist (Satanist) attacks on society, in the Democratic (Communist) Party platform, and now in the COVID hoax.

I am considered an antisemite. In fact, I am a witness to God (Truth.) I have earned more goodwill for Jews than most other Jews. Pretty good for an "anti-Semite!" I prove not all Jews are party to the sinister agenda of organized Jewry and show that Freemasons (non-Jewish Satanists) are equally culpable.

Like its spawn Freemasonry, Judaism is a secret society. Only the initiated know the true agenda. The rest are deceived and manipulated. Uninitiated Jews must oppose the NWO, or become its scapegoats. The Illuminati are responsible for the Jewish holocaust and will not hesitate to throw uninitiated Jews, like my family, under the bus again.

Henry Makow PhD #conspiracy #quack #wingnut #racist #sexist #transphobia henrymakow.com

Society reminds me of a man who tries to cash a sizable cheque upon which his future depends.

The bank returns the cheque - "This account has been closed."

The man keeps flipping over the bum cheque as if endless contemplation somehow would make it redeemable.
The cheque represents our Birthright. The bankers are foreclosing.

The "globalists" don't just want to dispossess us. They want to sicken, imprison and exterminate us.


Trusting? Naive? Innocent? Credulous?


Stupid? Cowardly?

How did he get this way?

He never learned real history. Real history is the story of how a satanic cult, Cabalism (Organized Jewry and Freemasonry) has sought to subvert civilization and enslave or exterminate humanity. This is behind all major wars, depressions and "pandemics."

People who know real history immediately recognized covid for what it is - a pretext to impose unpopular social and economic change (i.e. Communism) on humanity. The same is true of "climate change."

But those ignorant of real history bought the lies expounded by the Masonic mass media, medical profession, politicians and professors.
The Satanists are not even hiding their evil intent any more. Joe Biden boasts of having the most effective vote rigging organization in the world. He keep caressing children in public. Twitter now is allowing 85% of adverse reaction news. They are not hiding how they planned and rehearsed this in advance.
The Christian God of Life (Love) has been replaced by the Cabalist God of Death (Hate.)

The education system has taught unthinking obedience. The people have been dumbed down and addicted to porn. Sex has degraded all human relations.

They've been taught gender dysphoria and "inclusiveness" instead of truth.
They don't know how to research and think independently. Their lives have been mired in trivia.

They simply can't face the harsh reality. They and their children have been declared redundant.

Henry Makow PhD #racist #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut henrymakow.com

It doesn't take a genius to recognize that Talmudic behavior is the real cause of Anti-Semitism.

But the implications are far more serious. Meyer Amschel Rothschild was a Talmudist. This satanic hatred of humanity, and Christianity in particular, is driving the covid vaccines. There is a direct line between the Crucifixion of Christ, who represented the God of Love, 9-11 and the New World Order in terms of the degradation of humanity through fake pandemic, war and depression. If this logic is correct, humanity's fate is to be crucified like Christ or otherwise slaughtered or enslaved.
The New World Order imperils humanity and assimilated Jews. As conditions deteriorate, anti-Semitism may become rampant. Jews must recognize that Judaism is not a religion but a conspiracy against humanity. It is also a conspiracy against Jews, whose security is endangered by its secret agenda. Zionism, Communism, Socialism, Liberalism, Neo Conservatism, Feminism are all deceitful means to establish the Masonic/Talmudic/Cabalistic central bankers in a thinly veiled "world government" tyranny.

Society has been brainwashed to reject the Protocols of the Elders of Zion which explains the methodology in detail. This document is not anti-Semitic; it is Satanic. I first recognized it was authentic when the author celebrated that a "cold and forlorn" mood had taken hold of Europe's cities. This is something no "forger" would think of.

Assimilated Jews need to dis-associate from organized Jewry and reinvent themselves as a people, recognizing how, like other peoples, they have been deceived and exploited by their so-called leaders. Like Stephen Bloom, many assimilated Jews have a strong sense of truth, justice and God's bountifulness, and must join their Christian neighbors in putting America back on track.

Mike Stone #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut henrymakow.com

Like me, you've probably never heard of Ally Carter, but you've certainly heard a lot about everything she has to say: Freemason cops, MK Ultra, underground tunnels, satanic ritual child abuse, Hollywood elites raping children, and it only goes on from there.

In this 25 minute long video, Carter, 27, tells Stew Peters about her time as a sex slave to the elite.

Of being transported via underground tunnels from Universal Studios and the Getty Museum in Los Angeles to parties where she met and "serviced" Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Steven Perry, John Travolta (I thought he was gay), Beyonce, and many others.

Donald Trump? Carter says Trump is the only celebrity/political figure she never saw.
MK Ultra is real," Carter says.

Apparently, there are "millions" of more children just like her undergoing the same abuse. All those kids that go missing every year? This is where they end up. Some have their limbs chopped off to prevent them from running away. Others are murdered after being raped and then have their organs sold to hospitals. Still others have their blood drained, which Carter says is used as some sort of fountain of youth.
Carter corroborates what others have long said about child trafficking, underground tunnels and MK Ultra sex slaves. It is mind control programming. It is all about control. "It's like someone has the remote to someone's life."

Cathy O'Brien said much of the same in her book "Transformation of America", the most disturbing book I've ever read. But reading about it on the internet or in a book is quite different than hearing it straight from the mouth of someone who was actually trapped in that world.

Why didn't Carter tell the cops, you ask? She did, only in her words, "They're all complicit. They're all customers.

Mike Stone #wingnut #quack #racist #homophobia #fundie henrymakow.com

I got my last haircut today. Not knowing if I'll ever be allowed inside a barber shop or hair salon ever again, I told the woman to cut it short.

Starting Monday in my city, Los Angeles, purebloods--those who have not submitted to the jab--will not be allowed to enter restaurants (except for pickups), bars, gyms, barber shops, hair salons, and probably a few other places I'm forgetting.

I don't want to rain on your parade, but I assure you, it is coming your way. As California goes, so goes the country.
In the same way that Europe was used as a testing ground for an invasion of illegal aliens before it kicked off here, Australia is the testing ground for what the virus hoax pushers have planned for America and the rest of the world.

In case you didn't know, children are being literally torn from their parents' arms and force vaccinated in Australia, and plans are well underway for purebloods to be hauled away to concentration camps. If you don't think that's coming here, I have some beach front property down in Florida I'd like to talk to you about.
In the old days, people could escape Communist countries by coming here. But now we're a Communist country. There's literally nowhere in the world that I know of where anyone can escape to. There might be some countries a little slower to get onboard with what's planned, but it's all coming eventually no matter where we live. When the hoax-pushers control the economy of nearly every country in the world, there's literally no escape.

Oh, and by the way, they're coming for the kids next.

The San Francisco gay men's choir wants to sodomize your children and the hoax-pushers want to sacrifice them to the beast.

My advice, as always, is to get your spiritual life in order and do it quickly.

Purge everyone and everything from your life that is in any way supportive of the hoax.

Hunker down. It's going to be a rough ride.

Gary D Barnett/Henry Makow Phd #conspiracy #racist #wingnut henrymakow.com

Reply from Gary D Barnett

I do very much appreciate your re-posting my articles on your site, as I think those of us that seek to tell the truth and educate others of the grand conspiracy to control all is of vital importance, and the more exposure the better.

With that said, you have mischaracterized me completely, and for reasons that not only do I not understand and disagree with entirely, but with which I would never agree. Your criticism relies only on the notion that Jews are the sole reason and entity responsible for all the world's ills, and that I do not agree with this belief. While I respect your opinion, I find this to be incorrect, especially since I have been researching and writing about the horrors of all systems of power and control (government and private) for well over two decades. To base everything only on Jews is shortsighted in my opinion.
You are correct in that I do not lay all blame at the feet of any single culture, government, religion, or societal group, and to do so blinds any individual seeking to understand all the evil that exists on this planet, in every area of the world, by every type and nationality of the ruling 'elite.' I do firmly believe that a very small group of people at the very top are in control, but that this group is made up of many more than just Masonic Jews.
My reply

"Your criticism relies only on the notion that Jews are the sole reason and entity responsible for all the world's ills, and that I do not agree with this belief."

Thanks Gary for mis-characterizing me

Clearly you have never read my work. I always refer to "Jews and Freemasons" who are gentile Satanists and the instrument of the satanist Jewish central bankers. The central bankers are Cabalist Jews. They control money and gentiles with it. Also I make clear that it is satanist Jews who are the enemies of assimilated Jews like myself. Why don't you do some research beginning with my site? You ARE part of the problem Gary.

Ken Adachi #crackpot #quack #wingnut #conspiracy henrymakow.com

I still find it hard to believe that so many people continue to take this genocidal Bio-weapon when there is such a MOUNTAIN of irrefutable evidence on the internet from scores of prestigious and honest professionals in medicine and science who are explaining - with microscopic photos, dark field live-blood analysis, Spectrophotometric analysis, etc. - WHY you should NEVER consider injecting these high tech poisons into your body.
I've been posting articles on my website since 2007 talking about the nearly MIRACULOUS ability of a simple oxidizing molecule called "Chlorine Dioxide" to destroy and disable just about EVERY pathogenic organism, parasite, bacteria, virus, fungus, mold, and toxin that is harmful to humans and animals; while at the SAME time is COMPLETELY harmless and benign towards normal tissue in both humans or animals. This SAME molecule is likely the BEST antidote in EXISTENCE to COMPLETELY cure the infection called Covid-19 (within 48 hours) AND to help mitigate and unwind the damage being inflicted upon millions of unsuspecting people who have taken the poison-laden Covid Death Jab.
If everyone in the world had MMS and CDS Water in their homes, there would be NO NEED to visit a doctor or clinic or hospital (which today are the NEW Killing Fields of Eugenics, Inc.), because you could address just about EVERY health problem YOURSELF at home using this simple disinfectant molecule - which is completely harmless to humans and animals. No one has EVER died from taking MMS or CDS, despite unrelenting propaganda/smear campaigns by MSM and government liars to convince you that it's both DANGEROUS and a threat to your life - when NOTHING could be further from the truth. Learn about Chlorine Dioxide and start USING it and DISCOVER the TRUTH for yourself.

Mike Yeadon #conspiracy #quack #wingnut henrymakow.com

Phase 4: Install Apartheid and the QR code. (June 2021-October 2021)
> - Voluntarily plan for shortages.
> - Impose the vaccination pass (QR code) to reward the vaccinated, punish the resistant.
> - Create an Apartheid of the privileged against the others.
> - Take away the right to work or study from non-vaxx.
> - Withdraw basic services to the non-vaxx.
> - Impose PCR payment tests on non-vaxx.
> Result, First stage of digital control, impoverishment of opponents

Phase 5: Establish chaos and Martial law. (November 2021-March 2022)
> - Exploit the shortage of goods and food.
> - Cause the paralysis of the real economy and the closure of factories and shops.
> - Let unemployment explode.
> - Apply a third dose to the vaxx (boosters).
> - Take up the murder of the living old men.
> - Impose compulsory vaccination for all.
> - Amplify the myth of variants, the efficacy of the vaccine and the immunity of the herd.
> - Demonize the anti-vaxx and hold them responsible for the dead.
> - Arrest opposition leaders.
> - Impose digital identity on everyone (QR code): Birth certificate, identity document, passport, driving license, health insurance card ...
> - Establish martial law to defeat the opposition.
> Result, Second stage of digital control. Imprisonment or removal of opponents.

Phase 6: Cancel the debts and dematerialize the money. (March 2022-September 2022)

> - Trigger the economic, financial and stock market collapse, the bankruptcy of the banks.
> - To rescue the losses of the banks in the accounts of their clients.
> - Activate the «Great Reset».
> - De-materialize money.
> - Cancel debts and loans.
> - Impose the digital portfolio. (Digital Wallet)
> - Seize properties and land.
> - Ban all global medicines.
> - Confirm the obligation to vaccinate semi-annually or annually.
> - Impose food rationing and a diet based on the Codex Alimentarius.
> Result, Third stage of digital control. Extension of the N.O.M. to the whole planet.

(Novus Ordo Mass, New Order.)

Henry Makow PhD #racist #conspiracy #quack henrymakow.com

The goyim have been brainwashed to believe that Jews are innocent victims of gentile persecution and bigotry.

They are not told that Jews are the victim of other Jews -- the Sabbatean (Illuminati) Jews or Cabalists who use them as pawns, human shields and satanic sacrifices.

"Anti Semitism is indispensable to us for the management of our lesser brethren," say the Protocols of the Elders of Zion (9-2) a "forgery" that reads like the blueprint of the New World Order unfolding today.

Zionists and Communist Jews are Sabbbatean Jews or satanists. They hate Torah Jews and have conspired against them for more than 300 years. I am tired of hearing that some Jews are wonderful human beings. These are not the Sabbateans.

The Holocaust is the finest example of Sabbateans sacrificing other Jews to achieve their goal of a Jewish state, the future capital of their dystopian New World Order. Thus, Zionists have no compunction about sacrificing Israelis to the covid GMO "vaccine" especially if it makes people think "covid" is not a Jewish plot.

The Illuminati consist of Sabbatean Jews and their Gentile Freemason flunkies. Sabbateans are chameleons taking on the identity of their targets, destroying them from within.

Ordinary Jews are the scapegoats for their Satanist brothers who are imposing madness on humanity. Do these Jewish dupes deserve this fate? Yes because they have been indifferent to what Organized Jewry (Sabbateans) is doing in their name.

Zionist bankers funded the Nazi Party. It is an outrage that Israel claims to represent Jews and accuses its opponents of "anti-Semitism."

This may explain why Zionists are poisoning Jews with vaccines in Israel today.

There is an unrecognized schism in the Jewish people, where heretics (Sabbateans) have exterminated the mainstream and taken control of the remnant through Zionism and Communism. Yet, due to the anti Semitism organized by them, Jews mistakenly cling to their leadership. They are being crucified like everyone else.

Henry Makow PhD/E. Michael Jones #conspiracy #racist #sexist #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #fundie henrymakow.com

In "A Goy Guide to World History" Part 4, a handful of thinkers describe how satanist Jews (Communists) have systematically attacked and dismantled the Christian social fabric.

These Jews were taught that this is necessary to prevent anti-Semitism, which they were told is irrational and a mental illness.

In the 45 minute documentary, E. Michael Jones, editor of Culturewars, explains how Satanism inverts truth. Evil is good. False is true. Sick is healthy. Thus Jews (Organized Jewry) who hate Gentiles are the "persecuted victims" while Gentiles who defend themselves are "haters" and mentally ill. Homosexuality is healthy while the nuclear family is sick.

Jones, the author of a dozen books, explains that Western Civilization is built on the belief in Logos, i.e. the Moral Order, God.

Logos uses Ethos (Will) to restrain and guide Pathos (Passions.)

Satanist Jews interpret any restraint on lust as Christian. In fact, Jones explains that, as the terms imply, Western Civilization is based on this Greek principle.

Take away Logos and Ethos, and Pathos runs amuck. You have Satanism i.e. Cabalist Judaism. "Do as thou wilt shall be the whole of the law." This is the Jewish Revolutionary Spirit which Jones believes will destroy society.
As satanic possession, Communism takes many forms. When it failed to mobilize the worker to revolt, it morphed into feminism and mobilized women. Communist Jews promoted sexual "liberation" and "LGT rights" to undermine gender, marriage and family. They promoted multiculturalism and mass migration to undermine race and culture. Satanist Jews always find a fissure to pack a stick of dynamite. Blow up Syria and inundate Europe for example. Civilization must fail so their hegemony will succeed.

Pablo #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #fundie henrymakow.com

Having worked in different aspects of law enforcement and intelligence for 47 years, I can state unequivocally that this campaign is unnatural and inhumanly so, in that not a single whistle blower or defector, out of approx 3 or 4 thousand people at a minimum estimate, that have intimate and detailed inside knowledge, has come forward with the inside narrative concerning the ostensible genocide, being carried out in almost every country in the world. i.e. where so called vaccination programs have taken place.

This is beyond cognitive dissonance, Stockholm syndrome, programming, hypnosis, other forms of mind control and propaganda / deception / influence ops, bribery & corruption and other effects of plain fear and psychoses).

A money trail is apparent but that is not proof of what ostensibly is intentional genocide. Nor is speculating about eugenics and depopulation or genocide penned in books by some of the genocidal architects, only circumstantial evidence which alone would not even make a charge, let alone get to court.

Not a single insider defector. Nothing has ever been kept that secret without defectors in world history ... so I look at the occult and theological. Certainly, there is circumstantial, photographic evidence of satanism, most notably Britain's preeminent banking family.
Cyrus Parsa, left, holds firmly that the vaccine nano tech replicates and gets inside almost every cell in the body, takes over and then eliminates in its original form a part of the brain which in the natural human brain area , is in some theological circles attributed to be the primary area made in God's image in the human body. He then claims that with the interface and operating system constructed inside the body by virtue of the "vaccine", the soul is removed and a vacuum left, which facilitates an alien-demonic entity to be downloaded into the body, which it then controls. Some Quantum physics is involved as is indicted in his court-filed case.


Mike Stone #conspiracy #quack #wingnut #fundie #elitist henrymakow.com

Like frogs being slow-boiled in a pot, Americans are oblivious to their own impending destruction. The only difference is the frogs are smarter. Turn up the heat too fast and the frog will catch on and hop right out of the pot. Americans have had the heat turned up scorching hot for the last two years, yet they remain utterly clueless.

The girl at the bank asks me how I am. I tell her, "I'm okay, under the circumstances."

"What circumstances?" she asks. "The virus hoax," I say.

She stares back at me with vacant eyes. I've seen that look a million times over the last year. The fluoride stare, delivered over a face diaper.

"You know it's all fake, right?" I say.

She gives a little laugh and lowers her head. Our conversation is over. She finishes processing my deposit and I leave.
The sidewalks swarm with hundreds of people wearing a submission diaper. There's a high school down the street and I observe girls cruising boys, and boys cruising girls. The ones who aren't cruising are glued to their phones. The adults scurry to and from work. The homeless lie in their tents. People in LA and across America are going about their business as if nothing is different, nothing has changed as long as they wear a mask and take two jabs. No one knows the truth and no one wants to know.

Americans are not only oblivious to their own destruction, they're actually complicit in it. That's the irony. The entire hoax would stop instantly if everyone just took off their mask. But they won't do it. They'd rather submit to slavery, lose limbs to amputation or lose their lives from blood clots, they'd rather condemn their souls to hell, than face reality. They're oblivious to their own destruction.

Al Thompson #conspiracy #quack #fundie #wingnut henrymakow.com

My take on this is that the medical profession is a Satanic cult and the purpose of "medical" care is to kill as many people as possible while looking as if they are there to help. The purpose of satanism is to destroy mankind and everything that is good. There is a reason why they put the symbol of the snake on their organization logos. That's your warning as they have to disclose who they are. I suggest that the reader go on the reviews of popular websites such as Yelp.com; then go to hospitals, and then read the reviews. There you'll see mostly bad reviews. The problem is that hospitals are being paid by the government and insurance companies. There doesn't seem to be much quality control.

I was with a group of people talking about the hospital and one of them was an MD. She looked up and said: "Don't go to the hospital; they will kill you." See? They are telling you who they are and what they are about.

A hospital is like going into hell. I have another friend who has been in the hospital for over 30 days and he told me yesterday that all of the things I told him about the medical industry is much worse that what I described. He's 81 years old and went in for what he thought was a heart problem. He contracted Covid and now has pneumonia. They've also put him on a morphine drip just like my other friend who died almost 2 years ago.
Whether these hospitals are understaffed is not important in my opinion because they are corrupted businesses. My guess is that more people will live because of this and I think a new medical system could arise that is much better than what we have now.

Mike Stone #wingnut #quack #elitist #fundie henrymakow.com

Idiots come in all shapes and sizes and judging people by looks alone can be deceiving. Some idiots appear outwardly friendly, some don't. Sometimes the person you least suspect of idiocy turns out to be the biggest idiot of all.

In current time America, you could make the case that anyone wearing a face diaper is an idiot and I wouldn't argue with you. Although, I would suggest exceptions be made for children, teenagers, and even those in their early-mid twenties. They've been duped and lied to by their parents and their teachers and many of them honestly don't know any better. Certainly anyone over the age of thirty and wearing a face diaper has earned the label idiot.
An idiot's opinion on any subject is often a word-for-word regurgitation of the last television news show they watched. If you ask their opinion about something that hasn't been covered on television, you'll likely be met with a fluoride stare.
Idiots occupy two extremes when it comes to education. They're either uneducated without a high school diploma or highly educated with a college degree. The former group is comprised of welfare mothers, non-working males, and generally anyone who depends on the government dole to survive, while the latter group tend to be white collar professionals.
Idiots have a blind faith in authority, yet almost all of them are irreligious. The few that aren't irreligious are what I call CINOs--Catholics in Name Only. They've been brainwashed to accept the post Vatican II counterfeit church and its line of wicked antipopes. They call themselves Christian, but their actions are decidedly anti-Christian.

I used to feel sorry for idiots and occasionally I still do. When I see children and teens being forced to wear masks and know that very soon they will be forced to submit to the beast by taking the jab, it breaks my heart. I wish I could help them, but there's only so much I can do. Especially when their parents are idiots.

Henry Makow, PhD #racist #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut henrymakow.com

World wars were Gentile genocides designed to replace a God of Love (Christianity) with a God of Hate (Cabalist Judaism.) This is the essence of the New World Order.

As the covid hoax demonstrates, mankind is controlled by a satanic cult, the Illuminati, led by Cabalist Jewish bankers and their Freemason flunkies. In past world wars, the puppet "leaders" on both sides were Freemasons who colluded to destroy Europe and Christian Western civilization.
In "All the King's Men," (1988) Robert Marshall demonstrates that, in WW2, SOE agents, the cream of the young generation, were betrayed and marked for liquidation.

World War Two was a charade, just like Covid. The war was not between the Allies and the Axis but rather between the Illuminati and humanity. The war was a pretext to destroy the genetic elite: the natural leaders, the patriots and the idealists. It was a genocide of the Best, who in future might resist their plans for Luciferian one-world government.
War is orchestrated by the Illuminati. Using their agents in politics and the media, it is conjured by Black magicians to degrade, demoralize and destroy humanity.

War is a satanic orgy where good people are sacrificed to evil people, who feed on their souls. Millions of patriots respond to the call to "defend freedom" and die for nothing.

Based on this record, we must not underestimate the depravity of the Illuminati bankers, and the measures they will undertake to enslave humanity. Knowing what we do about these demons, how can we doubt they were behind 9-11 and countless other atrocities, some quite recent?

Society is stricken by cancer which threatens to be fatal unless it is soon addressed.

Henry Makow, PhD #conspiracy #sexist #racist #fundie henrymakow.com

When I was a teenager in the 1960's, society still believed that sex was something reserved for marriage.

Around that time, we were bombarded with propaganda that taught that prohibiting extramarital sex was prudish and life-denying. This was part of a larger Communist social engineering program designed to destroy the institution of marriage. The pendulum now has swung to this satanist extreme where anonymous extramarital sex (hooking up, fuck-buddy, booty call) has been normalized. "Partying" is essentially pairing up for anonymous sex.
More than anything, healthy heterosexual women want to be loved by a man, their husband. They want to his Goddess. They want to be possessed by him.

During intercourse, most women's faces become very beautiful, as if nature has blessed this act. Sex is obviously a rite of marriage as a man cannot really "make love" to a woman he doesn't know or love. Anonymous sex really is masturbating.
The Masonic Jewish (Illuminati) mass media is full of propaganda about women who have been betrayed and exploited by men. This is expected from Satanists dedicated to destroying marriage and enslaving humanity. But marriage has withstood the test of time because men and women know instinctively that it is based on mutual dependence. 
The Illuminati have taught women to seek power instead of love. Seek career not family. "Men are oppressors." Since masculinity is defined by power, the effect is to neuter both sexes. As a consequence, many women can't give themselves to a man. That's what love is. That's what makes a man love a woman. 

I see these forlorn "independent" women everywhere, some obese, many with pet dogs, some carving out a relationship with another woman. They ate the apple, the poisonous communist satanist apple.  

Thanks to communist brainwashing, they will never know the joy and fulfillment of marital love and sex as God and nature intended.

Henry Makow, PhD #conspiracy #racist #wingnut #homophobia henrymakow.com

In the last few years, banks have become increasingly active in pushing the globalist agenda. For example, my bank is all for "diversity" --homosexuality and im-migration. (It is rare to find a male white teller at a Canadian bank who is not a homosexual.) Similarly, most corporations sing from the same globalist songbook.

Banks are all franchises of the Rothschild world central banking system, much like some MacDonald's stores are independently owned. But banks all depend on the central bank for "money." That's why banks and the corporations dependent on them promote bizarre agendas like gender dysfunction, family breakdown, gun control, miscegenation and minority status for Caucasians.
Who owns this franchise? This system of accounts? Who adds or subtracts credit?

Who decides who gets to play?

A syndicate of mostly cabalist (Masonic) Jewish banking families led by the Rothschilds.

Unfortunately, these Cabalists are Satanists. They are determined to protect and extend this banking monopoly to a monopoly over everything -- real wealth, political power, knowledge, media, education, culture, religion, law etc. They want to own us and our children as well. (We are collateral on the national debt.) This is the essence of Communism and New World Order which is largely in place.
The "Deep State" is the secret network dedicated to protecting the fraudulent banking system and advancing its satanic agenda. Most of the players belong to Freemasonry or Organized Jewry. Intelligence agencies like the CIA, Mossad, and MI-6, the police and the army are the bankers' enforcers. Mass surveillance (the NSA etc.) ensures that nobody gets any ideas.

Everyone -- MDs, cops, politicians, journalists -- is controlled by money. Our feckless ancestors gave our national credit cards to people who want to destroy us, This, in a nutshell, is the key to understanding the covid hoax.

Mike Stone #wingnut #quack #sexist #homophobia #transphobia henrymakow.com

Who knew that muscleman Arnold Schwarzenegger would turn out to be the biggest pussy in the world, hiding behind a face diaper and crying like a baby about those who refuse to follow the hoax?

Who knew that Bruce Springsteen, hero of the blue collar workingman, would turn out to be a scum-sucking shill for the vaxx and a supporter of Hillary and Obama?

Who knew that Sean Penn, laughably lauded as the greatest actor of his generation, would whine like a little girl and run away from the set of his latest movie until everyone in the cast and crew was jabbed?

Who knew that Olympic gold medalist Bruce Jenner would turn out to be a crossdressing freak?

Who knew that Tom Cruise would turn out to be a pussified shill for the vaxx?

Who knew that Tom Brady would turn out to shill the stolen election and crack jokes about it?

At various times, these were the most desired men on the planet. Envied as perfect specimens of masculinity ... admired by millions. And they all turned out to be pussies.

It's said that crisis reveals character. You're sure seeing that right here.

And it's not just the people listed above. It's everyone in the public eye. Don't tell me about an actor or actress you admire or anyone in the public eye and claim, "They're different."

They're not different. They're all pussies and cowards.
If you're a young person reading this, don't look to sports stars, politicians, musicians, entertainers or actors as role models. Especially actors. I've met many of them. They're all gay. Even the ones you don't think are gay are gay.

Don't look to anyone outside of your father and a handful of Saints as role models for anything, and if your father wears a mask I wouldn't be so quick to idolize him either.

Mike Stone #wingnut #quack #conspiracy #elitist henrymakow.com

Like reanimated corpses, my neighbors have been brought back to life by demonic possession.

Like traditional zombies, they are capable of movement, but not rational thought. So they walk the streets, wearing face masks to protect themselves from an imaginary virus. Try explaining to them how their entire life is now being manipulated by a illusion and they flee in terror.

On more than one occasion they have seen me walking mask-less down the sidewalk in their direction. They respond by stepping ten yards sideways, out into the street, to avoid catching a deadly disease from me.

At least twice a week I strike up a conversation with one of these zombie strangers. I steer the talk to the virus hoax and watch their reaction. If they haven't already fled, I offer them a paper or pamphlet to read, something that provides solid evidence that the whole thing is a hoax. 99.9% of the time they refuse to take it.
That is something I never understand. If someone offers me information, I take it. People at the metro station hand out Communist newspapers. I always take one. If someone - anyone - has better information than me, I want to know about it.
It gets kind of frustrating after awhile. I have a tendency to want to help people. No matter how down and destitute they are, I just want to help. Maybe it's a Good Samaritan complex, I don't know. But to see so many people in need of so much help and they don't even know it, can be heartbreaking at times.

I feel especially bad for the children. I see them being led around by their parents all over my neighborhood. The poor kids are masked and can barely breathe. Heartbreaking.

Mike Stone #crackpot #quack #wingnut #fundie henrymakow.com

Have you taken the COVID-19 vaccination? Are you concerned about the vaccine's side effects? Are you worried about shedding from people who have taken the COVID-19 vaccine?

You're not alone. There are millions of more people just like you. Unlike the many gloom-and-doomers out there, I do not subscribe to the theory that all is lost, that the ill effects of the jab or from shedding are irreversible, a burden one must carry.
Nobody knows what in the vaccine is killing people or causing them to become ill, or what is in the shedding that is creating miscarriages and more illness.

However, whatever it is can be summed up in one word: toxicity. And the way to remove toxicity from the body is the same no matter what the source.

Dr. Max Gerson, a Jewish physician who left Germany for New York in the 1930s, was a medical genius who discovered a way to reverse cancer through a program of juicing and coffee enemas.

Dr. Gerson's use of coffee enemas to cleanse the liver is dismissed by the ignorant, but it has a long and successful track record of medical application dating back to World War I, when it was used in place of morphine. Coffee enemas are universally acknowledged as the greatest pain relief medication in the world, and a wonderful treatment for depression.
With that in mind, the first thing I would do, and I do it every day as a preventive measure, is drink lots and lots of organic vegetable juice. It's the first step in any healing program, and cucumber juice is one of my secret weapons in combating the effects of shedding.

In closing, and I would be remiss if I didn't mention this, if I were suffering from illness - or even if I weren't - I would embrace traditional (pre-Vatican II) Catholicism. I recommend traditional Catholicism because it is necessary for salvation and also because the Catholic Church is the only religion in the world with a long history of documented miracles. And a miracle of healing might be just what you need.

Rich Loomis #wingnut #conspiracy #quack henrymakow.com

Hey diddle, diddle
The cat and the fiddle,
The cow jumped over the moon

Dear officials at the CDC and FDA and FBI and CIA and INTERPOL and WEF and IMF and UN and governors and mayors and city councils:

With regard to the above poetic protocol, as of tomorrow, Aug 1, 2021, you are directed. ordered, decreed, charged, bidden, and demanded to publicly exemplify/perform the above concluding sentence of the old children's fable.

That is, you are instructed by citizen "mandate" to hold a collective press conference on national TV wherein and whereby at least ONE representative from each of the named agencies shall assemble themselves together on camera, at twelve o'clock noon and shall then jointly - JUMP OVER THE MOON.

Yes, you read that right. Jump over the moon - or ELSE!

For well over a year now our so-called "leaders" have been indiscriminately ordering citizens around like animals, DEMANDING compliance with their "invented" and convoluted fairy tales
Yes, we can almost hear your objections in advance: "But . . but . . even if we COULD jump over the moon . . the long, 240,000 mile accelerating FALL back to earth would have us re-enter the atmosphere at such speed that, if we did not incinerate ourselves into incandescent molecules, we would subsequently impact the surface so violently as to end up as nothing more than red mush and mist, smeared over a half acre! How can you ask us to participate in a program ending with our own near-certain DEATH?

In answer we reply: Rest assured, dear politicians/banksters/globalists and other assorted treasonous elements now posing this question . . we are indeed VERY familiar with your concerns and objections, having LIVED (and died) on a planetary scale under similarly-lethal notions for at least two weeks now (oops, scratch that original "projection" -- it's now been nearly a YEAR and a half!) so if WE can do it -- why not you?? Is not "turn-around" FAIR PLAY?

Henry Makow, PhD #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #racist henrymakow.com

David Livingstone has convinced me that Left and Right are both part of a Cabalist (Freemason) world control grid.

The goal is a spoof religion called "Discordianism" - the worship of chaos: "Nothing is true and everything is permitted." People don't know what to believe.

Out of this chaos, Cabalists build their New World Order.

Livingstone says the Book of Revelation is their Blueprint. It is not Prophesy but a plan they intend to implement. So are the novels 1984 and Brave New World

He says the Book of Revelations was written in 400 AD and is Gnostic.

We are familiar with Communism on the Left. Not so much with Synarchism on the Right. Most conservatives and nationalists, he says, are not Christians but occultists who use Christianity as a Trojan Horse. The contrived conflict between Communism and this "Fascist International" feeds "Discordianism."

Livingstone lists White Russians, Alfred Rosenberg, Donald Trump, Alex Jones, Rene Guenon, Julius Evola, Borris Brazol, Henry Ford, Alexander Duggin and Neocon founder Leo Strauss as Synarchists. Others include the "Moral Majority," Paul Manafort, Lee Atwater, Arthur J Finklestein, Netanyahu, Roy Cohn, Norman Vincent Peale, the "Family," American Jewish League vs Communism, The John Birch Society, Willis Carto, the Liberty Lobby, Billy Graham, Bernard Baruch, the National Review, Knights of Malta. He says Barry Goldwater was Jewish and Jews created the KKK.
If anything, this reveals that despite his insights into the Illuminati dialectic, Livingstone is a Communist. He thinks that rigged elections, illegal mass migration, defund the police, critical race theory, "white supremacism," big-tech censorship, cancel culture, gender dysphoria etc. are all fascist strategies to discredit Jews and not Communist Jewish stratagems to destroy Western Civilization. He can't see that the Democrats are Communists and he probably thinks COVID is real.
David Livingstone was a friend, so I hate to say, "Go to Hell."

Mike Stone #quack #conspiracy #wingnut henrymakow.com

Is it time to avoid vaccinated people like the plague?

That's the sad but necessary question I'm forced to ask.

Two months ago, I made the mistake of ordering food from a restaurant where the entire staff was vaccinated. I felt ill for two days afterwards and then a bump developed on my head that is still there.


Today, I sat next to a girl on a bus. I don't know for sure that she was vaccinated, but she was wearing two masks.

Seriously, she actually had two masks, one on top of the other.

What are the odds of anyone that stupid not being vaccinated? Anyway, that was five hours ago and I've had a headache ever since.


Numerous reports detail women suffering miscarriages after coming in contact with vaccinated people. Others have reported feeling ill, as I did. This is a hundred times worse then second-hand smoke.
We know that none of the higher-ups pushing the hoax have been vaccinated. Now I'm wondering if all those internment camps we've heard about are really planned for the vaxxed.

What about the unfortunate masses who took the jab in good faith? What about children and teens who were bullied into taking the jab by their parents and teachers?

Unlike others, I do not believe that all hope is lost for someone who has taken the jab. We know that every illness, every disease, every form of physical distress in existence can be healed through natural methods. Nobody with a brain in their head disputes that. Therefore, why should this be the lone exception? It's illogical to assume it is.

Reducing and eliminating the detrimental effects of the jab will likely require a cleansing of the entire system. No time like the present to start.

Dr. Max Gerson was a renowned German doctor known for reversing cancer in terminal patients through a program of juicing and coffee enemas. If I were suffering from the ill effects of any type of vaccine, I would begin investigating his work and then go from there.

Henry Makow, PhD #conspiracy #racist #wingnut henrymakow.com

As an ethnic Jew, it's painful to say that, IMHO,
the essence of Judaism & Organized Jewry is to enslave the goyim and establish a Satanic dispensation on earth. This is the inspiration behind central banks, covid & the Communist (Satanic) New World Order.
Most Jews are dupes and would deny it, just as most goyim would deny that most "leaders" in every field are crass opportunists who advance this age-old plot to rob humanity of its Divine birthright.

There will be no return to "normal." They say this themselves, although the MSM doesn't report it. Don't let "antisemite" mind control deter you from confronting this ugly truth.
Communism was/is simply a mask for the confiscation of Gentile wealth. The same applies to Zionism, a mask for the theft of Palestinian property.

Disclaimer: Why do I, a Jew, expose this information? Because this is not who I am, nor who my family or Jews I know, are. I am the inventor of Scruples, a game based on 1200 moral dilemmas. God is the Moral Order. All human beings have souls capable of hearing the voice of God. Our Duty is to discern God's Will and Obey. You must be good to feel good.

However, the Masonic Jewish bankers and their Masonic flunkies are engaged in this vile plot to dispossess humanity. It begins with the spirit --morality and truth-- and ends in some planetary gulag or nuclear conflagration. I could remain quiet but I believe we were put on earth to serve and praise God. I sound this alarm as an act of love for Jews and non-Jews alike

Glen Muise #crackpot #wingnut #quack #racist #conspiracy henrymakow.com

Our national blood bank refused to test for antibodies. Why? Because, as my MD told me , it is influenza A and B, a mix that is why it is a flu.

It changes every year and last year they called the flu you know what. I had the flu , it was a flu. my dr. knew, but the lab would not test for simple antibodies, unless I was vaxxed.

I know why. A lab from university of Toronto was going to test for my antibodies and guess what, they refused unless I was jabbed. Does anyone see the deception and the fact if you are jabbed you are no longer human, you belong to the evil one. You volunteered, took the mark.

First will be the immune compromised, like the elderly, diabetics, late term cancer and heart disease. This will cull the herd in the first round, you see half of the experiment was saline to trick people, oh i feel fine, then they get the real deal.

Oh-my do ranchers ever love their cattle (goyim.) You are now a possession of the WHO, and your federal gov't; you already were registered at birth now they have your DNA, mixed with their patented MNRA.

Oh, did I mention the 5G kill switch that's why you have graphene oxide making you magnetic, forgot about that eh?

They didn't. Look at the 5G nodes being rolled out. Look at all the street lights now LED with cameras and sensors.

They will know how you feel. Yes, you will emanate signals, and they have the down-and-out switch.

The process is this, the spike things they put in you when activated will deprive you of oxygen. They know it will do this after the jab.

If you jabbed your kids, you will definitely not get a pass for being stupid. Saint Peter has a antibody test at the Golden Gates. Gates. lol. Stick you poison up your arse,he says, with a type of prophecy.

Henry Makow, PhD #wingnut #racist #dunning-kruger #fundie #homophobia #transphobia henrymakow.com

The mind is a prison where the soul is tortured by thoughts. (Our feelings correspond to our thoughts. If we don't manage our thoughts, they will.)
Lately, the Satanists have launched a sexist and racist attack on white men implying that all whites males are crazed mass killers. Since when do the actions of a handful of misfits, groomed by the Deep State, condemn hundreds of millions of people? Are all Jews to blame for the actions of the Rothschilds?

The political and cultural climate is toxic because we are under constant occult attack. It's easy to have negative thoughts. Negative thoughts lead to depression. This actually may be their plan.
The Illuminati fabricate reality. Consider the JFK-RFK-MLK assassinations, 9-11, Boston Marathon and Sandy Hook. They determine reality simply by lying. They created ISIS and are responsible for war crimes as bad as any in history.

They program our minds to adopt self-destructive behavior.

Teachers can no longer refer to children as "boys" and "girls." Children are encouraged to change their gender and experiment with homosexuality. Women are taught that being a wife and mother is "oppressive" and promiscuity is "empowering." Men are taught to seek sex and not love. Society is governed by depravity & nonsense.

The mind unmoored from the Moral Order, (i.e. the soul) is malleable indeed! By soul, I am including intuition and instinct.

We experience our programming rather than reality. For example, Hollywood presents romance and sex as panaceas and we actually experience them as such...until the illusion dispels like a morning fog. The Cabalists love hypnotizing us with their "magic."

By themselves, our minds have no anchor in truth. The mental world is a house-of-mirrors.

CR #wingnut #racist #transphobia #homophobia #conspiracy henrymakow.com

The times are changing in Canada under Justin Trudeau. What was once a peaceful, prosperous, and stable nation will soon be unrecognizable if we continue on the current trajectory.

Not only has Trudeau and his Liberal party pushed for the normalization of a variety of deviant sexual practices, the lockdowns and restrictions in response to covid have decimated small business across the country and left many people dependent on government benefits.
With Fidel Castro's bastard son as our prime minister, It should come as little surprise w that much of what is happening bears a strong resemblance to events that took place during China's cultural revolution.
The other issue that doesn't fit with this is the immigration agenda. Trudeau is bringing in hundreds of thousands of immigrants each year. Aside from the fact that this additional population is eventually going to require more indigenous-owned lands to live on, it has been my observation that Natives, generally speaking, are not particularly fond of immigrants. For them, the white man was bad enough, more hostile foreigners are not wanted. These appear to be conflicting agendas, but there must be an underling plan.

Is this part of a plan to force the general population into large cities, leaving rural areas to the Natives?
Trudeau has said that "diversity is our strength", which makes very little sense unless the objective is to divide society in as many ways as possible.
If we can't change course then soon Canada will become a multi-cultural, sexually confused version of communist China.

Mike Stone #homophobia #sexist #conspiracy #wingnut henrymakow.com

It's official. The NFL has gone homo.

Its latest commercial has come out and said "FOOTBALL IS GAY. IT'S LESBIAN. IT'S FOR EVERYONE."

It's nothing I'm exaggerating or making up. They're boldly bragging about it.

I can't say I'm surprised. After watching the NFL, and every other professional sports league, embrace Communism, rioting and looting last summer, watching it go full homo only seems natural.

There was a time when sports provided a healthy outlet for boys. Playing sports meant being outside in the sunlight; exercising, learning about teamwork and staying out of trouble. Those who didn't play sports stayed inside and were brainwashed by the boob tube. (Which probably explains our country's current state more than anything. All those nerds who didn't play sports are now running the nation.)
It's one thing for sodomites to commit mortal sin in the privacy of their own homes. Now they're shilling hard to indoctrinate innocent children into their depraved world. The old line is true: misery loves company. There's nothing a person going to hell wants more than to drag others down to hell with them.

As I've said in the past, I constantly overestimate the intelligence level of the American people. I would think the league's embrace of sexual deviancy would be the last straw for Ma and Pa America, and yet I just know there will be plenty of cucks drooling over football this fall. You know the kind I'm talking about: pathetically fat men, wearing team jerseys and mindlessly screaming from the stands.

I hate to be crude, but they remind of the type of man that fantasizes about his wife or girlfriend getting gangbanged. That's the level of pussyfication and self-loathing I'm talking about.

Henry Makow, PhD #conspiracy #wingnut #racist #homophobia #crackpot henrymakow.com

Monday we explained Canada's gratuitous lockdown by showing that Justine's father was actually Fidel Castro.

His cuckold "father"
Pierre Elliot Trudeau (1919-2000) was Canadian Prime Minister
from 1968-1979 and 1980-1984. His file was destroyed because he was a Communist (Illuminati) agent. Most "leaders" are Freemasons. The goal of Freemasonry is Rothschild (Cabalist Jewish, i.e. Satanic) world tyranny, i.e. Communism or "globalism." Communism is monopoly (i.e. banker controlled) capitalism. Trudeau took the first steps toward normalizing homosexuality and making European Canadians a minority, i.e. "multiculturalism." Castro's son is following in Trudeau's footsteps.

The Illuminati are sexual deviants. They abuse their own children as part of the brainwashing process. There is a suggestion that this happened to Justine.

In her book, TRANCE-FORMATION OF AMERICA (1995) MK-ULTRA survivor Cathy O'Brien stated that many world leaders, including Pierre Trudeau and Brian Mulroney, are pedophiles. She met them in the course of her life as a sex slave trained (with her young daughter) to service high-profile politicians. Other sources support Cathy O'Brien's allegations.

Pierre's 1968 marriage to Margaret was "arranged" by the military. The couple was programmed with LSD at a remote farm in British Columbia.
This might explain why Margaret was passed around to Fidel Castro.

In a suicide note, Castro's son Fidelito said Justine was his half-brother, and complained that Fidel compared him unfavorably. Fidelito had a half-dozen other half-brothers and sisters.

If it looks like a duck, and walks and talks like a duck, it's a duck.

J.B. #conspiracy #wingnut #fundie henrymakow.com

The entire truth movement is false opposition.

To suppose that the Elite did not anticipate the truth movement is to suppose that they had no plan for this demographic, and stand helpless and slack-jawed while the movement undermines their plans...

The movement was permitted - planned - because they knew that the vast majority of humans are totally unconcerned about matters of principle - only direct threats can rouse them.

And then they can easily be diverted. Waking the Sheep was never a possibility.

Or that Ron Paul makes satanic hand signs or that his wife and daughters are in free-masonic organizations. And Rand Paul showed his colors by pushing for austerity on the poor and helpless.

Some patriot! The banks rape us and now it's time to trim the fat and kill the poor - many of whom are the most sensitive individuals in the society who don't happen to be well adjusted to slavery.

I gotta hand it to the dark ones. They are way more clever than so called people of truth who more times than not settle for idol worship over painful reality.

I am not provocative for personal reasons or to divide. Rather it seems that the best and the brightest in society have been duped by a ruthless enemy of greater cunning and intelligence than is generally suspected and the movement needs a wake-up call.

The Illuminati are not bumbling fools who act without intelligent planning. A one world government that was widely despised would not have staying power in the long run.

A permanent scientific dictatorship would need to be something the people were manipulated to ask for. Hence, the concept of the straw-man bankster police state.

A Marcher #crackpot #quack #conspiracy #wingnut henrymakow.com

Building on last week's findings, two Spanish researchers believe that the "secret nanoparticles" found in covid vaccines are nanotubes of graphene oxide.

The Andalusian biostatistician Ricardo Delgado who hosts an online program called La Quinta Columna. (the fifth row) and his partner Dr. Jose Luis Sevillano (a family doctor) analyzed the undeniable magnetic phenomenon present in most vaccinated people.

They found that graphene oxide nano particles are actually compatible with neurons and other brain cells. Nanotubes of grapheneoxide search the synapses and attach to them.

Graphene nanoparticles were excitable through frequencies-generating behavioral changes in the subjects. To be more exact: graphene nanoparticles find resonance in the frequency of 41,6 GHz microwaves of the 5G technology.

Subjects inoculated with graphene oxide nanoparticles can be manipulated mentally by tuning into different frequencies inside the 5G ranges. They can feel, think and see feelings, thoughts or things that don't actually exist. They could develop fake memories or delete real existing memories.

Even without a fully-enabled 5G net, people have reported they feel strange after taking the jab. Other studies say graphene nanoparticles are responsible for covid associated symptoms and blood clots.
The scientists maintain that the global vaccination program is an excuse to cage mankind in a dangerous covert global transhumanism program that will end in a catastrophe for the human race.

5G is supposed to be fully enabled in July-August 2021. In order to stop the whole inoculation program, they call the people who suffer from this magnetic disorder to report it to doctors and health authorities.

Projecting The Projection Award

Amanda Vollmer ND #conspiracy #wingnut #quack henrymakow.com

"I'm gearing my message toward those who are not been swept up by the psychological operation that's been underway, not just this year with the plandemik, but also for years and years building to this moment in time to help you feel better about the fact that people have slowly had their minds altered over decades, really decades.

The deeply mind controlled are locked inside of themselves to the point where if they see anything - other information that doesn't fit with the narrative they have been sold, all they have is to delete you or mock you...these people are like in a mental asylum. They might look like they are functioning, running their jobs, having children, they are going through the motions but they are mentally very very sick people. They will project this onto you and say that you are crazy and you are mentally ill. This is classically what happens with narcissists and people with severe personality disorders."
"These duds are going along with tyrannical behaviours of corrupt institutions that have been long held by essentially "Free" Masons" and those above "Free" Masons and they don't even know what that is.... This is how lost and gone these empty shells are, and it's very very sad but unfortunately, they have had many opportunities to awaken and many opportunities to learn something else along the way,.... these individuals chose to remain ignorant...as if they were saving life itself. Do you see how demented they are? how they are so warped in their thinking? They are literally jumping off a cliff.... and squealing with glee as if they are saving all of us. This is how mentally ill these people are.."

Mike Stone #conspiracy #wingnut #ufo #fundie henrymakow.com

"Do you believe in UFOs?"

My answer is always: "Yes, I believe they're real, but they're not from outer space."

The late researcher John Judge called UFOs "Unidentified Fascist Observatories."
When you think about it, an alien invasion might be something that's been planned for a long time. Look at all the science fiction books, movies and television shows about ETs, flying saucers, and hostile aliens. Look at all the fake science reports about the possibility of intelligent life on other planets and movies like Contact. If enough people were duped into believing an alien invasion, they could be manipulated into doing anything. Men would be conned into obeying the aliens. Women would be conned into breeding with them. People with no religious knowledge or backbone would be sucked right into the whole hoax.

If someone had suggested a fake alien invasion two years ago, I would have told them that despite my low opinion of the intelligence level of the average American, even I wouldn't think they're that stupid. But that was two years. Today I believe many, if not most, Americans are that stupid. I believe millions of people would fall for such an outlandish scheme.

Maybe I'm reading too much into it. If we're not seeing the early stages of a fake invasion, then perhaps my research into the demonic aspect of UFOs is playing out. As a nation and as a world, we've sunk so far down into sin and satanism, that perhaps these recent sightings are merely a manifestation of that. The more we engage in sin, the more these transports from hell make themselves visible. That's even scarier than a fake invasion.

What do you think? Do you believe in UFOs?

Steven Fishman #conspiracy #wingnut #quack henrymakow.com


Respiratory Problems and Acute Respiratory Distress; Chronic Fatigue and Flu-like Symptoms; Chronic Headaches and Allergies; Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain; Mental and Emotional Problems; Immune System Depletion; Mysterious, Debilitating and Uncurable Health Problems.

It is known that more and more people are developing strange chronic type conditions which are generally unresponsive to standard medical care, as well as to herbal treatment, due to internal toxic changes in the body. Chemtrails are also affecting the life or bio-energy, resulting in severe fatigue and weakening.


But the worst part of this is that Chemtrails may contain Messenger RNA Bombs that spread massive cytokine storms of spike proteins on our crops, onto farm animals which we eat, into our water supply, and in our lungs, as part of the Global Genocide Depopulation Event. The idea behind this is to prevent the UNVACCINATED from avoiding the lethal effects of the Experimental Eugenics Bioweapon

FEMA Camps all over the United States are empty but are being prepared to house the UNVACCINATED as "COVID TERRORISTS." Don't think for a moment that FEMA Camps are five-star hotels. These are not summer camps where you can go fishing or kayaking. They are concentration camps that any Depopulation Dictator would be proud of. You will listen to re-education propaganda 24/7 at full decibel deafening volume while you are starved to death on Chemtrail Soup.

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